
dtchenrgreening: / Riddell: if and when the 64-bit plugin is final, only then can Canonical redistribute it from partner.00:00
rgreeningRiddell: any idea on proper wat to add QSql to CMakeLists.txt?00:16
Riddellrgreening: -lQtSql  is good with me00:17
rgreeninghow though? Im not a cmake guru00:18
Riddellthere'll be a linking line in there00:19
rgreeningtarget_link_libraries Riddell00:20
rgreeningthat one00:21
seeleRiddell: oh, another kickoff tweak: click tab instead of hover tab unless people are strongly opposed00:36
JontheEchidnaIt's already click-by-default, iirc00:38
JontheEchidnabut only for the default kickoff. Add a new one and it has plasma-type defaults00:38
seeleJontheEchidna: we made it click by default, upstream is hover00:38
=== txwikinger is now known as Guest31757
seelewhatever is in jaunty atm hasn't been fixed00:38
=== txwikinger_ is now known as txwikinger
* rgreening is getting bogged down in Kpackagekit, packagekit-qt, libpackagkit, packagekit, aptDBBusBackend, etc...00:40
rgreeningtxwikinger: how are your TODO items :) https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo00:41
rgreeningI'll run and hide now00:41
txwikingerrgreening: I am working on getting it into KCM00:42
seelergreening: that's the price for going to uds and volunteering to work on it :)00:42
* txwikinger wasn't at UDS00:42
rgreeningseele: yup. Never realized how insane it is :)00:42
txwikingerand I got volunteered :p00:43
rgreeningseele: and getting the "right" knid of help when you need it is not easy00:43
rgreeningI'm treading water in a whirlpool00:43
txwikingerseele.. Did you do a specification of the enhancements for userconfig?00:44
txwikingerrgreening: Well.. lots of red stati :D00:46
seeletxwikinger: no.. i wanted to but the people i was trying to work with didnt get their part done00:48
txwikingerseele: hehe00:48
txwikingerWell.. I will try to get it in as it is.. I had already fixed the existing bugs anyway00:49
rgreeningtxwikinger: cool. Im missing those bits00:49
txwikingerwell.. When I did it I wasn't Kubuntu member yet.. so the source code is under my user name00:50
txwikingerand someone kicked me to apply to be member :D00:50
rgreeningQSql is really getting on my nerves!!!!!!!!! grrr00:53
rgreeningQSqlQuery::value: not positioned on a valid record00:53
rgreeningWhich key is supposed to be the Meta Key for Compositing effects?01:02
JontheEchidnaThe Windows (tm) key01:03
rgreeningJontheEchidna: doesn't work here01:03
rgreeningI get garbage for that key01:03
ghostcubeJontheEchidna, call it super key so you dont need to tm it rofl01:04
rgreeningJontheEchidna: you use yahoo for im at all?01:10
JontheEchidnanot really, no01:10
DaSkreechI'm apparently in the top 15% users of Yahoo01:10
rgreeningDaSkreech: does it work for kopete ?>01:15
rgreeningunder Jaunty01:15
DaSkreechJaunty? No clue01:15
DaSkreechI'm in KDE 4.2 on Ibex is there that much difference between the two?01:16
ScottKRiddell: I just noticed that the kde4bindings source package in Jaunty needs to be removed.  Do you want a bug on that?01:17
rgreeningDaSkreech: and does it work? I can't connect here01:18
DaSkreechWorks fine here01:22
rgreeningYa, I got it working now, I put the email address in and not the name only01:23
DaSkreechhmm I think I have name only but whatever works01:24
colomarcu all, gn801:24
DaSkreechIs Koffice still at loggerheads with KDE4 ?02:03
JontheEchidnaugh, still gotta backport the latest beta that fixes koffice02:04
* JontheEchidna probably wont' be able to do that until after Feature Freeze, though02:05
rgreeningQSQL HE7702:06
* vorian things rgreening needs some drugs02:06
rgreeningyus. pleze02:07
rgreeningI am hating QSql....02:07
rgreeningtrying to connect to the stupid app-install desktop cache file so I can make kpackagkit simple for the masses. Its giving me a mass hemmorage02:07
ScottKrgreening: QSql: At least it makes Git look easy.02:08
rgreeningI've rebuilt kpackagekit > 100 times today02:08
vorianthat sounds not fun02:11
rgreeningnot at all02:15
rgreeningdimmit all to he77 QSqlQuery::exec: database not open02:16
ScottKSo much for that plan.02:43
ScottKRiddell: Sorry about the FTBFS spam in your inbox.02:44
ScottKvorian: Looks like my upload kde4libs last idea is a no go.02:45
vorianScottK: oh?02:45
ScottKApparently it only depwaits the i386.02:45
ScottKIsn't that obscene.02:46
vorianyes, very much so02:46
vorianoh well02:46
ScottKSo basically it only works where you don't need it.02:46
vorianScottK: just think, in a month(ish) you will have a helper for FTBFS02:47
ScottKI hope so.02:47
ScottKGetting on the tech board schedule can take a while.02:47
vorianI noticed02:48
vorianWith their published schedule, i may not be available until the end of March anyways02:48
ScottKhttp://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ is pretty much a thing of beauty when it comes to powerpc now.02:49
JontheEchidnaScottK: got time to take a look at bug 296433?02:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296433 in ktorrent "[jaunty] ktorrent changes in Debian require merging" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29643302:57
JontheEchidnaoh, almost forgot the debdiff from debian to the merge03:00
macohey i think i have a bug03:00
ScottKThat'd be handy.03:00
macoi have powerdevil set to suspend my laptop if i shut the lid on battery power03:00
ScottKHeya maco.  Bugs we got.  It's fixes we're short on.03:01
macoif i manually hit suspend in the kmenu and then i shut the lid before it finishes suspending, when i resume, i have to resume twice03:01
JontheEchidnadebdiff attached03:01
ScottKJontheEchidna: I've got a couple of other things I need to look at first.  If I get through that and I'm neither to tired nor too drunk, I'll look.03:01
JontheEchidnahehe, thanks03:02
ScottKmaco: I think you should file that.03:02
ScottKJontheEchidna: Have you seen ^^^ before?03:02
macoScottK: well i wanted to see if anyone else could reproduce first03:02
JontheEchidnausually it's the other way around, with you never having to enter your password on resume or whatever03:02
macowell i do want it to make me enter my password. screen lock = good03:03
macobut itll resume, and as soon as it resumes, itll suspend. and then i have to hit the spacebar again to tell it to re-resume03:03
JontheEchidnabut the bug reports are usually about it not asking for your password or not suspending at all, but never suspending twice03:03
macothough whether it locks screen or not *does* depend on which method of invoking suspend i use, i think03:04
* JontheEchidna got a lot done today03:05
macoso would that be powerdevil, acpi-support, or...?03:05
JontheEchidnapowerdevil. Might as well report upstream directly since we'd just have to forward it from Launchpad anyways03:06
* JontheEchidna decides to call it a night and watch Doctor Who03:06
macoJontheEchidna: wow03:07
macoum...that's what dtchen's doing right now03:07
JontheEchidna... seriously? lol03:07
macohe just bought The Five Doctors. and he's not letting me watch because i have homework03:07
JontheEchidnaI'm watching the first part of the 2-episode finale of the 2006 season03:08
JontheEchidnaI have been having a hard time *ahem*... acquiring the second season of the original series ;-)03:08
* JontheEchidna leaves it at that03:08
maco2006 would be...rose goes away?03:09
macooh! "this is not a war. this is pest control!"03:09
JontheEchidnayeah, I think one of these two epsiodes is when she leaves03:09
maco"5 million cybermen? easy. one doctor? now you're scared"03:09
JontheEchidnaanyway, g'night peeps03:10
macopgraner says im actually hitting a gnome hal issue03:11
macook so we know what my fingers are used to typing that has a o in the middle...03:11
ScottKThat's good to know (both that it's known and it's HAL)03:30
macoits also Fix Released ;)03:35
macoapparently both gnome-power-manager and powerdevil need to be modified along with hal. only g-p-m and hal have been though03:35
rgreeningJontheEchidna: ^^03:40
rgreeningsarcasm :)03:41
ubottuKDE bug 184586 in powerdevil-daemon "System suspends twice if lid closed before suspend-to-ram selected from menu completes" [Normal,Unconfirmed]03:41
macoScottK: ^03:41
macoWOAH ubottu knows about not-LP bugs?03:41
ScottKWell there you go.03:42
rgreeningI am so about to give up on kpackagekit03:42
DaSkreechWhat is it not doing?03:43
rgreeningIt not what its not doing.. Its what I cant get it to do03:43
rgreeningIm trying to add a qsql query and it keeps balking03:44
DaSkreechThat's annoying03:48
DaSkreechnixternal: Did you hear the clip?04:11
txwikingerrgreening: Isn't kpackagekit supposed to replace adept?04:12
seelemaco: justin wasn having weird problems with suspending too. although his had to do with whether the screen locked in the right order or not04:13
seelehmm.. should have read the entire backlog first04:13
macoseele: i have lock issues to04:14
macoif i close lid, it locks. if i use the menu, it doesn't.04:14
macothough that "locks after resuming" thing was a graphical-artifact problem, fixed a couple weeks ago in jaunty, i think04:15
macoer like where you resume and see the deskop then go to use it and then it locks04:15
macoseele: by the way, there's someone in #ubuntu-women going "wait, i can count 'this is hard to use' as a bug too??"04:18
macoexplained the concept of a usability bug04:20
macolike, just because it works doesnt mean its right04:20
txwikingerI thought the system-config-printer-kde app works now in systemsettings04:25
rgreeningI hate myself05:07
rgreeningI spent all day messing around with QSql on what I thought was a populated db and getting no results and errors. Turns out the db is empty!05:08
macothat sounds like an easy mistake05:20
rgreeningmaco: well, I thought that was the issue. So I created a new db. added some data. Still got the same stupid errorzzzzzzzzzzz05:22
rgreeningQSql docs sux05:22
macoso you're saying some programmers create things and then don't write proper documentation for it? i'm shocked.05:27
dtchentech writers command a lot of money05:32
maco-_- that was a joke05:33
rgreeningomg, I got it working!06:00
rgreeningthat's like 10 hrs of my life gone forever06:00
rgreeningQSql is confusing06:11
rgreeningopen this, check that, but first really check you connected. And then, if you think you connected test again.06:12
rgreeningonly then, you need to test ofr fail and try again.06:12
rgreeningomg so many checks06:12
rgreeningI'd swear I was writing lisp (cdr (cdr (car list( a,a,a,))))06:14
macoi just witnessed something very broken on jaunty kubuntu06:57
macodtchen's screeen was locked. his cat stepped on the part of the keyboard where the arrows and shift keys are. the black background behind the lock disappeared so the lock password box was sitting on top of the fully-visible desktop. the lock password box then closed on its own.06:58
clau30hi. when will the amarok package w/ the wikipedia fix be available?09:33
Riddellclau30: never heard of it, got a bug number?09:38
markeyRiddell: we sent a patch on our amarok-packagers list, for the wikipedia browser borkage10:00
markeythis also affects, btw, I think10:00
markeyit's because we screen-scrape, and wikipedia changed some element on the site10:01
markeythey still don't offer a proper API :/10:01
markeypatch is a one-liner10:01
markeyI can paste it somewhere, if you wish10:01
clau30thanks markey :)10:03
Riddellmarkey: hmm, I can't seem to find it10:04
markeyno problem, lemme look it up10:04
markeyRiddell: this is for amarok 1.x: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=91775010:05
markeyRiddell: and this for 2.x: http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=92006610:06
Riddellmarkey: fix uploaded10:26
markeyRiddell: thanks dude :)10:30
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
Nightroseseele: EgS: Sput: when clicking on quassel's tray icon while it is open but not focused makes it go to system tray - i think it should become focused instead10:48
Nightroseseele: EgS: Sput: amarok and ktorrent do it that way already10:48
Nightrosekopete does the same as quassel10:48
Nightrosethat inconsistency is kinda annoying10:48
Sputwell kmail does the same too10:50
Sputso I'd call it pretty consistent10:50
Nightrosewell amarok and ktorrent do it differently and the right way imho ;-)10:51
Nightrosebut i'd like to hear seele's opinion on that10:51
* Sput wonders if we have HIG for that10:51
* jussi01 waves10:55
seeleNightrose: there was a whole big thread on what the default action of a service icon should be12:09
seeleNightrose: add it to the usability meeting page and maybe we'll fix it on saturday :)12:09
Nightroseseele: i am not sure i can attend the meeting yet12:09
seeleah.. well add it to the list anyway :)12:10
Nightroseseele: done12:22
seeleNightrose: thanks12:37
a|wenRiddell: do you need to do something special when packaging kde4 apps with regards to translations; or is kde4.mk handling that automagically?13:56
ScottKa|wen: kde4.mk should handle it fine.13:57
a|wenScottK: thx ... that was what i hoped for13:58
Riddellyes, kde4.mk should do the making of .pot files14:00
a|wenhmm, all those icons is kind of a mess ... what do we do when they have icons with the same name in /usr/share/icons/hicolor/... ?14:00
a|wenwho wins the right of the icon name ... and do we have any way of detecting icon clashes with other packages?14:02
Riddella|wen: in general icons shouldn't go into hicolor14:03
Riddellthey should go into oxygen or whatever theme they come from14:03
a|wenRiddell: i see ... but seems that neither kile nor dolphin are following that one completely :/14:04
Riddell"/usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/actions/preview.png"  hmm, that's not right14:05
Riddella|wen: I take it kile has one with the same name?14:05
a|wenRiddell: exactly14:06
Riddella|wen: this is a KDE 4 kile?14:07
a|wenRiddell: it is the kde4 kile to be ... but afaik only bug fixing should be remaining14:08
Riddella|wen: just don't install the icon then and it'll use the one from dolphin14:08
Riddellwe can get upstream to fix it in the future14:09
a|wenRiddell: okay, good ... but in general neither of the packages should have that file, right?14:09
Riddella|wen: right14:10
* smarter waves14:10
Riddellthey should either be installed globally as oxygen icons or in /usr/share/apps/kde4/<app>14:11
Riddellshtylman: I merged your KApplication change to ubiquity trunk14:11
a|wenokay, thanks for enlightening me14:12
Riddellshtylman: "from PartitionsBarKde import *" i don't see the source for that14:13
Riddellrgreening: do you think we should get qt 4.5 in before feature freeze?14:13
shtylmanRiddell: yea, I am migrating to new partition bar display so its not there yet14:15
shtylmanRiddell: should be committed before the end of the day14:15
shtylmanthe bars are a closer match to the gtk interface14:15
shtylmanthere were also some timezine map changes, those should be in there14:16
Riddellshtylman: sweet, let me know when it's good to try out14:19
LureRiddell: why kde4 in /usr/share/apps/kde4/<app> ?14:23
* Lure is just trying to resolve digikam icon mess14:23
LureRiddell: why kde4 in /usr/share/apps/kde4/<app> ?14:25
* Lure is just trying to resolve digikam icon mess14:25
rgreeningRiddell: I think we need to be prepared for a FFE14:25
LureRiddell: can you comment on this http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/digikam-devel/2009-February/026587.html as it seems you know about icons? ;-)14:25
rgreeningRiddell: the palsma team has some work/cleanup to do and Im guessing that'll be 4.2.114:25
* Lure remembers that Riddell drove mass-rename of oxygen in early kde 414:25
rgreeningand 4.2.1 will be qt4.5.0 compat14:26
rgreeningand possibly a requirement14:26
* JontheEchidna doubts it'd be required14:28
JontheEchidnain #plasma or on the plasma-devel ml they said to mind not to use Qt 4.5 features in the 4.2 branch14:28
JontheEchidnaBut I'd say go for it!14:29
Riddell4.5 won't be required for KDE 4.2 but it will help (makes things faster) and it will be required for e.g. KOffice14:29
RiddellLure: @commit both Digikam and Showfoto icon also to Oxygen (trunk and14:29
Riddellbranches/4.2 to get it in 4.2.1 and newer"14:29
RiddellLure: I disagree with that, app icons should be distributed with the app (and installed to hicolour)14:30
RiddellLure: apps should either install their own icons to /usr/share/kde4/apps/<app> or install to /usr/share/icons/oxygen and be very careful that they don't overlap icon names from other apps14:32
rgreeningRiddell: I've got commit rights to packagekit.org now.14:32
rgreeningoh my14:32
Riddellrgreening: elite!14:32
rgreeningRiddell: well, I guess it helps ot work with upstream :)14:33
rgreeningso now I can help influence things in a more user friendly way14:33
Riddellrgreening: if I want to get qt 4.5 uploaded, what's the package I should start from?14:33
rgreeningRiddell: however, I think I'll need a FFE for the Kpackagekit changes....14:34
rgreeningRiddell: don't use my qt4.5 build (yet). there are some issues I have in packaging.14:34
rgreeninggive me a couple of hours to go over it again and I'll upload a new one14:34
Riddellrgreening: ok but don't let me distract you from kpackagekit if you're making progress with that :)14:35
Riddellrdieter: do you really think sesame is buildable from source?  have you tried?  that build system is nuts14:35
rdieterRiddell: it *is* nuts, but I've been told by our java folk that it is possible, with a lot of pain and suffering.14:36
Riddellrdieter: but the build system downloads > 100 binary .jar files14:37
* JontheEchidna really hopes the Virtuoso soprano backend is ready in soprano 2.314:37
rdieteruh huh, java blows, no argument.  we've got many/most of them in fedora already... but a lot of remaining work to do.14:37
Riddellrdieter: to build it in a free software way you'd need to package everyone of those, then hack the sesame build system to use the packaged version14:37
rgreeningRiddell: np. I will likely need a FFE though. I cannot see getting the pieces together fro the 19th... just so you are prepared14:37
Riddellrgreening: I think I might look favourably on your FFE request :)14:38
rgreeningRiddell: ok. ty14:38
rdieterRiddell: us distro folk need to gang-up and picket/protest (shrug, too late for kde-4.2.0, what's done is done)14:38
Riddellrdieter: binary blobs in KDE SVN should never be acceptable, I'm amending the licencing policy to make that clear.  I've no idea why mandriva and suse have accepted them into their distro14:41
rdieterRiddell: +114:42
LureRiddell: digikam has own icons here: /usr/share/kde4/apps/digikam/icons/hicolor15:19
LureRiddell: so oxygen looking icons should go to /usr/share/kde4/apps/digikam/icons/oxygen ?15:19
LureRiddell: or you suggest to drop hicolor/oxygen dir alltogether15:19
LureRiddell: re app icons: what if user is using tango theme which does not have icon for digikam? there should be some fallback15:20
rgreeningRiddell: myself and Richard Hugues just hashed out an Application Installer Framework to be a new common base for all distros to be able to support an Applications view via packagekit.15:22
* Lure hates this irc drops... :-(((15:22
Riddellrgreening: gosh15:33
Riddellrgreening: using app-install-data?15:33
rgreeningRiddell: not entirely sure. I think we may be able ot make it disappear15:34
rgreeningRiddell: we'll have a sqlite db with appropriate details15:34
Riddellrgreening: well it'll need to get the list of selected applications from somewhere, and app-install data includes icons and translations, which are pretty friendly things to have15:35
Riddellthat has to be populated somehow15:35
rgreeningRiddell: yeah, I think a new package will be built to supercede this one but contain similar details.15:35
rgreeningRiddell: still hashing out the general specification. Then it comes down to implementation.15:36
rgreeningRiddell: or there may be opportunity to merge....15:36
a|wenhmm, has anyone else had problems with kde4.mk and single-binary source packages?16:04
JontheEchidnanope, most of all the universe plasmoids are single-binary16:06
a|wenstrange ... it builds to debian/<pkg-name> but dh_install looks in debian/tmp16:06
a|wenwhen i specify DEB_DH_INSTALL_SOURCEDIR = debian/<pkg-name> it tries to dh_install twice16:07
yuriywhat do you guys think of having a knetworkmanager hugday to go along and coincide with the nm-applet one?16:07
yuriy(hooray for break)16:07
Riddella|wen: if it's a single binary you don't need a .install file16:08
Riddella|wen: it'll just install to debian/<pkg-name> so no further copying needed16:08
a|wenRiddell: oh, can i specify a "don't install this file" somewhere then?16:08
Riddellyuriy: knetworkmanager isn't on the CD any more, and plasma-widget-network-manager has plenty of bugs but upstream is aware of htem16:08
JontheEchidnawhat are we going to do with knetworkmanager bugs now that we have the plasma widget?16:09
Riddella|wen: probably easist to just rm the file in a custom debian/rule16:09
RiddellJontheEchidna: close them! :)16:09
JontheEchidnaCome to think of it, we should probably close most of the Qt3 bugs that definitely are upstream issues16:09
JontheEchidnasuch as crashes16:10
a|wenokay, thought it was better using a .install file then ... but i'll just go with the rm16:10
ScottKJontheEchidna: Close them wontfix?16:15
* JontheEchidna was thinking that16:15
ScottKI think that's reasonable.16:15
JontheEchidnaEspecially since Qt stopped work on Qt3 a long time ago16:17
ScottKRiddell: In addition to pkg-kde-tools (which I suggest we don't backport quite yet), we need libmsn-dev libkexiv2-7-dev libphonon-dev in intrepid-backports.16:26
a|wenScottK: what are we preparing to backport?16:27
Riddellwe have to have pkg-kde-tools in backports, the 4.2 packages all use it16:28
ScottKa|wen: kde 4.2.016:28
ScottKRiddell: OK.  Maybe it just hadn't built yet.  A number of packages hit depwait for the lack.16:28
a|wenScottK: oh, are we sure about that ... it is indeed more crashy than all of 4.1.[2-4]16:28
ScottKa|wen: It's backports ....16:29
a|wenScottK: still ... many have backports enabled as "standard"16:30
a|wenis it a replacement for kubuntu-experimental? or what should the gain be?16:31
ScottKa|wen: Sure.  Well talk to Riddell.16:31
ScottKIt is.16:31
mariusbdHi I'm trying to rebuild gwenview from source, as I would like to change some things in the source. My problem is with how to exactly build the package for gwenview. If I do a apt-get source gwenview, I get the source for the full kdegraphics set and if I try to rebuild that It gives me an error. So my question is: how do I 'just' compile gwenview and create a deb from it16:31
mariusbdI'm on kubuntu intrepid btw16:31
ScottKmariusbd: You don't.16:31
ScottKIt's part of kdegraphics and so you need to build the whole thing.16:32
mariusbdok so that is not such a problem apart from that taking much more time.16:32
mariusbdso what is the correv16:32
a|wenScottK / Riddell: i was trying to figure out what we were achieving to gain from backporting 4.2.0?16:32
mariusbdsorry, so what is the correct way of building it 'dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b' gives an error for me16:33
ScottKWhat error?16:33
mariusbdhmm something kicked me off apparently. Did you get my last question?16:34
Riddella|wen: that's where it belongs, it's stable (by upstreams definition) software and we want users to be able to get it16:34
ScottKmariusbd:  What error?16:34
mariusbdhang on I'm rebuilding now.16:36
a|wenRiddell: i suppose we want a subset of the users to get it for broader testing ... and there is quite a difference between the stability .0 and the .2/3/4 versions from upstream in any case16:36
mariusbdis dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b -j5 the correct line to do it?16:36
mariusbdI have a 4 core cpu16:36
* Riddell uses debuild16:37
ScottKmariusbd: I doubt the -j5 will have a happy ending.16:37
mariusbdcp: cannot stat `debian/tmp//usr/lib/libkolourpaint_lgpl.so.4.1.0': No such file or directory16:37
a|wenRiddell: the question is if backports is too wide a subset ... (some people think that even the ppa+promotion is too wide)16:39
* markey waits for "the return of the apache logger"16:40
markeynew action film16:40
markeythat could happen tonight16:40
markeyif harald finds some time, he told me this morning16:40
markeycause I still couldn't figure out my package building foo16:40
ScottKmariusbd: Try it without the -j516:40
Riddella|wen: it's exactly what backports is intended for, access to the latest upstream versions16:41
markeyand I got his phone number, so I could also call him16:41
Riddellmariusbd: maybe the version number changed or you miss a dependency it needs, you can rm debian/kolourpaint4.install if you don't care about that package and use  debuild -nc  to restart without rebuilding everything16:42
mariusbdScottK yea I was already trying that, it takes 4 times as long you know ;P16:42
rgreeningRiddell: ok, so I thin,k we are going to merge some stuff into app-install-data. I need glatzor to discuss this with. Then we implement a BE Application Filter in packagekit that talks to a db of cached desktop stuff from app-install-data. The FE then would apply the Application filter and all is well :)16:42
ScottKmariusbd: Yes, but I don't think the KDE packages support parallel builds.16:43
mariusbdRiddell: debuild is run withou options initially right?16:43
rgreeningglatzor: ping. we need to chat when you have time.16:44
RiddellScottK: you should go to akademy, those fifty node icecream clusters with make -j50 are always fun :)16:44
Riddellmariusbd: I don't use any16:44
a|wenRiddell: that's right, but pushing 4.2.0 is a somewhat larger scale than normally ... i'm just a bit split about if it is the best thing to do16:44
rgreeningRiddell: FYI - <hughsie> rgreening, glatzor: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/packagekit/plain/docs/app-install-v1.draft16:44
rgreeningRiddell: I would appreciate any feedback on that as we are planning on meeting again to discuss further.16:46
mariusbdRiddell: the -nc lets me compile over without cleaning right? so that will probably keep my code/compile/try cycle a bit shorter.16:47
mariusbdaany other tips to speed that cycle up?16:47
mariusbdhmm shame, still getting cp: cannot stat `debian/tmp//usr/lib/libkolourpaint_lgpl.so.4.1.0': No such file or directory even without -j5 and with using debuild16:48
Riddellmariusbd: you can also run  dh_install --sourcedir=debian/tmp --list-missing  to check that the .install files match up to what exists16:48
Riddellmariusbd: look in debian/tmp//usr/lib/ and see what exists16:48
Riddellthen either fix kolourpaint.install or just remove it if you don't care about it16:49
mariusbdthe dh_install gives me the same error16:49
mariusbdah I do have libkolourpaint_lgpl.so.4.2.016:49
mariusbdinstead of  libkolourpaint_lgpl.so.4.1.016:50
mariusbdchanged that in debian/kolourpaint4.install lets see if that works16:51
ScottKmariusbd: Then you're trying to mix KDE 4.1 and 4.2 stuff and that's definitely not supported.16:52
mariusbdScottK I'm not trying to mix anything, that mention to libkolourpaint_lgpl.so.4.1.0 is part of a file that is in the extracted and unchanged 'debian/kolourpaint4.install' file16:53
rgreeningRiddell: how does KDE convert the Categories in a desktop file to the catergories shown in the KMenu16:53
Riddellrgreening: by following the XDG menu spec, files are in /usr/share/desktop-directories/  and /etc/xdg/menus/kde-applications.menu16:54
ScottKmariusbd: libkolourpaint_lgpl.so.4.2.0 is KDE4.2 and you've got the KDE 4.1 package you're trying to build.16:54
mariusbdo in fact I just realize that I'm running kde4.2 on intrepid using the ppa experimental16:55
rgreeningglatzor: I think we could add a build script to the existing app-install-data to build the db at build time. That should be simple with the draft spec.16:55
mariusbdso I could be mixing up things16:55
rgreeningRiddell: ty.16:55
davmor2Riddell: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/309482 looks like it's kwin.16:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 309482 in xserver-xorg-video-nv "jaunty: Kubuntu OEM enduser setup fails with black screen (nv driver fails)" [Undecided,Incomplete]16:56
mariusbdhmm aparently I forgot to add the deb-src line for that ppa repo. Starting over, hang on... stupid me17:01
mariusbdhow do I stop it from failing on debsign?17:12
Riddellmariusbd: -us -uc, but if it gets to debsign that's fine, it's the last thing and failing to sign isn't a problem if you don't need to upload it17:13
a|wenanyone wants to tryout kile kde4 version? https://launchpad.net/~andreas-wenning/+archive/ppa17:21
a|wen... or will arrive after building17:21
a|wenRiddell: i'm not entirely sure if we want the kile snapshot. just my 5 minute test revealed a few minor problems; and it keeps crashing on exit ... but maybe someone else wants to test out and come with an opinion17:24
ScottKa|wen: I think if you're willing to sign up for the package bug reports and push stuff upstream, if it basically works, we should do it.17:25
rgreeningis the multiple notification problem being addressed?17:26
Riddellrgreening: what problem is that?17:28
a|wenScottK: i'm already receiving bugmail for the package; and i seem to be able to write/compile/preview, so basic works17:28
ScottKExcellent.  Then I'd say go for it.17:28
a|wensounds reasonable ... maybe i should try to get contact to the maintainer as well17:31
mariusbdOk so the build now succeeds, I'm going to try to change the code and compile that17:32
mariusbdthank you for helping out so far!17:32
JontheEchidnamariusbd: here's a tip, if the modifications fail you can fix it, then do a debuild -us -uc -nc to rebuild it without having to redo the whole thing17:35
JontheEchidna-nc is the no-clean option, which prevents it from doing a make-clean17:35
rgreeningRiddell: well, I download a file and I am getting two notifiy boxes. I have 4 IM services defined, and when one contact comes online via one IM service, I get 4 notifications for it. Kope MSN goes offline, and I get double notification.17:36
rgreeningany one else seeing that?17:36
rgreeningthis is a fairly fresh install with only updates applied and nothing freakish17:36
JontheEchidnacould be bug 32718317:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327183 in kdebase-workspace "plasma notification applet displays duplicate notifications" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32718317:37
a|wenrgreening: i had it on my intrepid+kde4 at some point (at least double download, kopete did it right); but it disappeared a little time ago17:37
mariusbdJontheEchidna: yea Riddell said that before, but thank you for the tip!17:37
rgreeningI'm going to do my updates and reboot.17:38
TscheesyScottK: do you know more? Is the daily Build for lpia-Architecture comming into http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/ports/daily-live/current/ ?? and if - when about approx.?17:46
a|wenScottK: is there an easy way to make a -dbg package from the kde4 module as well?17:48
ScottKTscheesy: I've asked.  AFAIK there is no decision yet.17:52
ScottKa|wen: Just add the -dbg to debian/control and the rest is magic.17:52
a|wenoh, über cool ... thx, will try :)17:52
TscheesyScottK:  ok.. gona take a look regulary then - thanks17:52
JontheEchidnaA wild apachelogger appears!18:02
* a|wen waves to apachelogger18:02
* ScottK waves to apachelogger too.18:04
* apachelogger hugs Riddell, JontheEchidna, a|wen, ScottK and everyone else18:23
* a|wen adds the first patch to the kile package, and starts writing a mail for upstream18:25
Mamarokapachelogger: joined your fanclub today :)18:25
Tm_Tapachelogger: not me I hope18:26
* Tm_T is happy about her lack of information what is going on18:26
apacheloggerTm_T: of course not :P18:26
apacheloggerMamarok: \o/ *uberhug*18:26
Riddellapachelogger: how's the new job?18:30
apacheloggerRiddell: exhausting ... but fun :)18:30
apacheloggergetting up at 6am is just too painful18:31
Riddellwe're all very proud of you for not taking the kill people option18:31
Tm_Tso apachelogger is doing civilservice or kind?18:32
apacheloggerTm_T: aye, geriatric care18:33
Riddellcivilian service18:34
* Tm_T was on guerilla forces in her youth18:34
apacheloggerRiddell: it is difficult ;-) but I cam to understand that one way or another the result of life is always the same anyway ;-)18:34
Tm_Tor what is the proper term, anyway18:35
Tm_Tunarmed I was, ofcourse (:18:35
Riddellnot much of a gurilla force if its unarmed18:38
Tm_Twell, I was unarmed, not the rest18:38
Tm_TI did have personal weapon, but I never used it18:39
apacheloggerRiddell: anyway, in austria the killing people is not really happening ... well unless someone thinkins attacking austria might be a good idea, which would highly insane itself ... so the only use case of our army is assistance after natural disasters, and even of those we don't have a whole lot18:40
Tm_Tapachelogger: my home is ~100 km from Russian border, and it's ~50 years since they came over last time18:41
apacheloggerTm_T: one would think russia is big enough as it is ;-)18:42
* ScottK can imagine that border might make one a bit nervous these days.18:42
Tm_Tapachelogger: tell that to Stalin =)18:42
ScottKapachelogger: One might be wrong ...18:42
Tm_TScottK: last time they got military aircraft breaking our border last summer18:42
jussi01oooh, its an apachelogger :D18:44
* jussi01 waves18:45
* Nightrose hugs apachelogger18:49
* apachelogger hugs jussi01 and Nightrose18:52
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rgreeningdoes Kopete have webcam now? I know the driver is working and I can see the webcam in kopete, just no way to activate it within a chat (using WLM)18:53
rgreeningI think WLM doesn't support send/view webcam.18:58
rgreeningdam. libmsn 4.0 is still missing that, that's why... oh well19:09
MamarokI have a packaging issue, could somebody help me?19:12
MamarokI want to add the backports to the pbuilder, logged in with sudo pbuilder login –save-after-login19:14
Mamarokchanged the sources list, then apt-get update, exit, sudo pbuilder update19:14
=== blizzzekski is now known as blizzz
Mamarokbut when I log back in, the backports line in the sources.list is gone and I still have the old cmake version19:15
ScottKThat should work.19:21
jussi01Mamarok: dont you add components into the pbuilderrc file? or am I way out of it and they have changed it. (Havent touched that stuff for ages)19:24
Mamarokjussi01: no, I didn't touch the pbuilderrc19:29
jussi01Mamarok: I serious dont remeber exactly, Im guessing its best to ask that in #ubuntu-motu19:31
davmor2Guys I've made up an .img file of a usb live boot in I386 for netbooks.  Acer Aspire One tested.   The only issue is wifi which needs a reboot.  You need at least 2 gig of space on a pendrive.  Image available from http://www.davmor2.co.uk/kubnb-i386.img just use sudo dd if=kubnb-i386.img of=/dev/sdb1  Fingers Crossed it should work fine19:32
Mamarokjussi01: well, I removed the *.tgz from /var/cche pbuilder and recreated a new pbuilder19:32
jussi01Mamarok: and that fixed it?19:33
ScottK-desktoprgreening: See davmor2's post ^^^19:33
Mamarokwell, building now, we will see...19:33
ScottK-desktopTscheesy: You too ^^^19:34
jussi01Mamarok: my memory goes like this: edit the /etc/pbuilderrc file, then "sudo pbuilder update --override-config" BUT, thats just my memory from a good while back.19:35
Tscheesydavmor2: ; ScottK-desktop : nice19:35
markeyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:                                                                                 pbuilder-satisfydepends-dummy: Depends: amarok-libmysqlclient-dev which is a virtual package.19:36
markeyis the current error we get after redoing the pbuilder blah19:36
Mamarokok, now I have a pbuilder-blabla-dummy package that is to remove, where do I find that?19:36
apacheloggermarkey: you need to install the package as described in AW.pdf19:36
* markey looks19:36
Mamarokapachelogger: the package is installed19:37
markeyapachelogger: you mean this one:19:37
markeydpkg -i amarok-libmysqlclient-dev*deb19:37
apacheloggerwell, and the stuff before and after ;-)19:37
davmor2Tscheesy: I've tried it my end and it seems to be fine coping back and forth let me know if you have an issues and I'll ping people with more knowledge to fix it :)19:37
Mamarokapachelogger: did everything, believe me, where does this dummy package comes from?19:38
Mamarokor better, where is it so I can remove it?19:38
apacheloggerMamarok: from pbuilder it is just used to resolve the deps ... nevermind the dummy19:38
apacheloggerjust ensure the deps can be resolved :P19:38
* markey will so totally script all this foo in ruby, once this works19:38
markeyI never want to deal with this again19:39
markeythe 90s are calling, they want their debian package building back19:39
Mamarokapachelogger: I give up, did this a bazillion times, I seriously consider going to a distro with rpm, far easier to build19:39
Tscheesydavmor2: first to size a 2 GB partition on a stick.. i've only larger or smaller ones.. is it vFat? then i coul'd it place in front of something different..19:39
Mamarokwhy does this have to be so complicated?19:40
markeynvm, priority is now to get it done19:40
markeythen we script it, and start shooting people19:40
MamarokI'm sure there is an easier way, nobody ever did some helpful scripts for that?19:40
davmor2Tscheesy: mine was a 1.8 gig partition on a 4 gig drive.  dd will overwrite whatever is there.  So you'll be better off making a copy of whats on there and then you can transfer it back after19:41
Tscheesyone coul let free space on the stick and fill up the Rest with a Partition i think19:42
apacheloggerMamarok: debuild -us -uc19:43
davmor2Tscheesy: The usb booting thing is a bit temperamental feel free to try it by all means :)19:44
Tscheesydavmor2: ;) - download-time-to-go: 6.5h  :o19:45
markeyok here goes: €50 for the person who solves this mess for me until tomorrow19:45
markeypreferrably with a solution that I can repeat myself19:46
markeyI'm fed up.19:46
davmor2Tscheesy: Yes sorry not the fastest upload :( and it is nearly 2 gig19:46
markeytime is money, and during that time I'm losing with freaking package building I could do actual work19:46
davmor2Right my good deed is done so I'm off now19:46
Tscheesydavmor2: easy.. perhaps Canonical is faster with the Release of a new dail-live-build ?19:47
rgreeningapachelogger: hellllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooo!19:48
Quintasanhi everyone19:48
rgreeninghey Quintasan19:50
Mamarokapachelogger: btw, both repo lines I added to the sources.list in the pbuilder have disappeared19:55
Mamarokso somewhere I have missed something, but it's really getting over my head19:56
Mamarokapachelogger: you sure there's not something missing in the AW.pdf?19:56
apacheloggerquite much so20:00
apacheloggerMamarok: just run debuild -us -uc in the actual source tree for now20:00
apacheloggerit will build a deb outside pbuilder20:00
apacheloggerI wouldn't use that as a long-term option though20:00
Quintasan9.04 will include pulse?20:01
Mamarokapachelogger: well, I get new errors with that :(20:02
Mamarokmarkey: could you past the errors plz?20:03
markeydebuild: fatal error at line 1329:20:03
markeydpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -D -us -uc failed20:03
apacheloggermarkey: before that20:03
markeydpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies: amarok-libmysqlclient-dev20:04
markeydpkg-buildpackage: warning: Build dependencies/conflicts unsatisfied; aborting.20:04
Mamarokapachelogger: did you read what I said above? the two repo lines are gone again!20:04
apacheloggermarkey: install that package20:04
apacheloggerand amarok-libmysqlclient20:04
apacheloggerMamarok: that doesn't affect debuild20:04
Mamarokapachelogger: I *did* install it FYI20:04
markeyiDunno (TM)20:05
markeyMamarok handled it all20:06
markeyshe knows more about ubuntu foo than me20:06
Riddellsudo pbuilder login --save-after-login20:08
Riddellneeds two -- ^^20:08
Riddellof course you only need pbuilder if you want to check that the package is suitable for a build server, if you just want some packages to ues yourself compiling on the normal filesystem is fine20:10
MamarokRiddell: I'm pretty sure I did type it correctly, according to my bash history20:10
RiddellMamarok: when you log out of the pbuilder does it say "-> creating base tarball [/var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz]" ?20:11
markeywe need a *.deb package20:11
MamarokRiddell: yes it did20:11
Mamarokanyway, I nuked the whole var/cache/pbuilder and try again from the beginning20:11
Riddellmarkey: doesn't sound like it needs pbuilder to me, just run debulid20:12
a|wenis this statement valid in a changelog: (LP: #272837, #181228) or should it be slipt up?20:12
markeyRiddell: well, nice to hear, and how do I do this?20:12
Riddellmarkey: in the source run  debuild20:12
Riddellmarkey: it should build20:12
Riddellif it has build-depends that need installed it'll moan and you can install them20:13
markeyok, will try20:13
JontheEchidnaa|wen: I believe each bug closed needs to have its own (LP: #)20:13
JontheEchidnaor else it won't work20:13
a|wenJontheEchidna: okay ... i'll go the secure way then :)20:14
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: nah20:14
apacheloggera|wen: correct syntax that is20:14
JontheEchidnahmm, well at least I got that info from somebody else, which makes it totally not my fault :P20:15
JontheEchidnaAny core-dev around that could look in to sponsoring bug 296433?20:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296433 in ktorrent "[jaunty] ktorrent changes in Debian require merging" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29643320:15
a|wenapachelogger: yay :)20:15
markeyRiddell: well, so far it seems to build ...20:20
Quintasanhmm I can't get to the partitioning screen in ubiquity, it scans for file systems but it doesn't show up :S20:45
a|wena new kile with greatly improved packaging avaible in https://launchpad.net/~andreas-wenning/+archive/ppa after building ...20:47
a|wenScottK: i'm just going to check that that it works and see if there is more bugs to close while at it; I will have a debdiff sometime tomorrow20:48
Quintasanhttp://imagebin.ca/view/39e9GWLf.html  <-- it looks like this20:48
a|wenScottK: i've sent a nice mail to upstream kile-devel list (including a patch) ... the list seems fairly active, so should be good20:50
RiddellQuintasan: check in /var/log/installer/*20:52
QuintasanRiddell: I've tried, it had problems with my ntfs partition.20:53
Quintasanby the way, anyone here running ext4?20:53
ScottKrgreening_: ^^ You are, aren't you?20:54
mariusbdRiddell: , ScottK & JontheEchidna thank you all, it worked, my source has been adapted and my gwenview now allows crop with 16/9 ratio and selects this by default if I crop a picture. Now I can make my wintersport pictures into nicely cut images for my background and TV20:56
mariusbd(and as a bonus I now understand a lot more about how packages and sources work :P)20:57
a|weng'night people ... see you all tomorrow21:09
seeleRiddell: check out lemma's links in #kde-devel at 16:0721:19
seelemaco: is chuck frain on irc21:25
macoseele: uh...*shrug* i've never talked to him on here21:25
macoseele: has kmail always failed to properly reconnect to imap after a network interruption, or is this special jaunty stuff?21:26
seelemaco: no, imap has always been a problem21:32
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RiddellScottK: all this giving back isn't going to work, it's going to take too long for everything to compile with the build priority of 022:18
ScottKRiddell: I agree.  I didn't expect the fails.22:19
RiddellI should start uploading ~intrepid2 just to raise the build priority22:19
NCommanderRiddell, ping22:19
ScottKRiddell: That or get a buildd admin to do it.22:19
RiddellNCommander: I appear to be active in this channel :)22:19
NCommanderRiddell, I have a patch for packagekit to fix it on ARM and ports22:20
Riddellglatzor: ^^22:20
Riddellactually I can probably submit it too if I remember where it goes22:20
glatzorHello Riddell22:21
ScottKRiddell: Alternatively just let it sit for a bit and I can do retries when the bulidd's are caught up.22:22
NCommanderRiddell, can you merge? (you have write access to that branch)22:23
RiddellNCommander: yes if you remind me which branch it is22:23
NCommanderRiddell, lp:~packagekit/packagekit/ubuntu-packagekit22:24
RiddellScottK: at a build score of zero it can take a good 24 hours to build, that means it'll take forever with our chain of build dependencies22:24
ScottKRiddell: Last weekend it would have been a snap.22:25
ScottKI suspect after FF things will catch up and it'll be doable.22:25
Riddellmeh, we should have just copied over from the PPA22:25
NCommanderRiddell, can you copy binaries from a PPA?22:26
RiddellNCommander: yes22:26
NCommanderI'll upload packagekit to our P3A, and then once/when it builds, ping you to copy the binaries over :-)22:26
* NCommander runs22:26
glatzorNCommander, could you point me please to your patches?22:27
Riddellit's not generally a wise idea because of the risk of missing some important binary or some build-depends differing between archives22:27
NCommanderRiddell, oh, nm22:27
NCommanderglatzor, its a one liner to unplug Werror22:27
NCommanderglatzor, I'm posting a bazaar branch22:27
glatzorNCommander, it is more than a one liner, since this would require to rebuild the configure script22:28
NCommanderglatzor, ok, a source oneliner, and a autogen patch :-P22:28
NCommandergkiagia, lp:~mcasadevall/packagekit/werror-disabler22:33
glatzorNCommander, why do we get the warning? is it a gcc issue on arm?22:43
NCommanderglatzor, GCC complains that it needs to change the size of the variables to meet with alignment. The same thing happens on sparc and ia6422:43
JontheEchidnammm, konvi-kde4  has the bookmark menu in the right position now22:54
Tm_Tastromme: no22:54
* astromme boggles at Tm_T's speed22:54
Tm_Twhat speed?22:54
ScottKBTW, Quassel 0.4 is released.  I'm working on the package now.22:54
astrommewas that a no to "no there are no Qt 4.5 packages for jaunty"?22:54
astrommeOh, it was just funny, as I entered the channel you reply to me22:55
Tm_Tastromme: no, it was just random "no" to make you jump back and forth channels (;)22:55
Riddellastromme: there might be some in rgreening's PPA https://edge.launchpad.net/~roderick-greening/+archive/ppa22:57
Riddelldunno what state22:57
astrommeRiddell: I'll hold off for a while then. Is Kubuntu still considering 4.5 for Jaunty?22:57
ScottKRiddell: It does look like things are starting to catch up.  The backlog is all Universe stuff currently.22:58
Riddellastromme: yes, I'll probably slip it in in the next day or two22:59
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: did not work, I will have another look at it tomorrow23:00
astrommeRiddell: Cool. Looking forwards to it. I've been using 4.5 for a while on my desktop, which doesn't run kubuntu, but I would love to have it on my laptop for testing =)23:00
NCommanderRiddell && glatzor I successfully test built my proposed changes, and I've queued up a test build on ARM and all ports architectures ...23:04
JontheEchidnaanybody up for a quick revu? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=520523:04
Riddellrgreening: astromme here wants to know the state of your qt 4.5 packages23:08
* astromme perks up23:09
rgreeningshould have something uploaded by tomorrow. I am diffing against fabo's debian build.23:10
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RiddellJontheEchidna: advocated.  one typo and one upstream bug noted23:15
JontheEchidnaRiddell: thx23:16
glatzorNCommander, I opened a merge request for your branch23:16
NCommanderglatzor, thank you23:17
glatzorNCommander, the autogen patch is completely unreadable and therefor cannot be accpeted23:18
NCommanderglatzor, er, that's usually how running autoreconf does, and that's why that patch exists ...23:18
glatzorNCommander, it is better to upload a changed source tarball or to run autogen during build time23:19
NCommanderglatzor, with respect, I disagree ...23:19
NCommanderThat can cause a hell of a lot more issues then you realize.23:19
NCommanderRiddell, do you know what packages need rescoring help?23:26
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ buildd admin that can rescore ....23:27
ScottKRiddell: Quassel 0.4.0 is uploaded, so that can be marked "Done" for Feature Freeze.23:28
ScottKNCommander: It starts with pkg-kde-tools23:29
Riddellpkg-kde-tools is done23:30
ScottKRiddell: It needs New done to it.23:30
RiddellNCommander: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/phonon/4:4.3.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1  and  https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/akonadi/1.1.1-0ubuntu2~intrepid223:30
RiddellScottK: it was Newed ages ago but it went into universe http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/p/pkg-kde-tools/23:31
NCommanderthey're already scored to 0 ...23:31
NCommander(or phonon is)23:31
RiddellScottK: I seem to mind you saying main and universe don't matter for backports but I've moved them to main now just incase23:32
ScottKRiddell: OK.  In theory they don't, but it's happened that it did before.23:32
RiddellNCommander: mm hmm, we'd like them scored a little higher so there's a chance it'll build this century23:32
NCommanderOh wait23:32
ScottKRiddell: OK, well LP is foobar then because it still shows them as new.23:33
ScottKRiddell: The second copy still shows up in the New queue too https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+queue23:35
ScottKRiddell: Accept/Reject/Leave it be because who knows WTF will happen?23:36
NCommanderglatzor, having a patch with the autoconf changes is how the desktop team do it, and repacking isn't an option.23:42
RiddellScottK: is ACCEPTED now23:47

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