
MTecknologyThere's a spelling error on help.lp.net00:03
thumperMTecknology: or take the tour from https://launchpad.net00:03
thumperMTecknology: which is?00:03
MTecknologysuite of tools that help ;; s/help/helps/00:03
thumperno, the do help00:04
thumperthey don't helps00:04
MTecknologyI was thinking of suite, not tools00:04
maxbMez: not exactly an API, but: wget -O- -q http://ppa.launchpad.net/maxb/ppa/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/Release.gpg  | gpg --list-packets | sed -nr 's/.* keyid //p'00:26
maxbthen wget -O- -q "http://keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371/pks/lookup?search=0x$keyid&op=get"00:29
spmMTecknology: (re paper) you could probably also google around for any reports of mark's talks on launchpad. they tends to have his thoughts on what/where/why etc.00:57
MTecknologyHow do I drop a blueprint?02:29
persiaMTecknology, You mean, indicate that you don't care anymore?02:31
MTecknologypersia: no, I want them gone02:33
MTecknologywe got two somehow that should be bug reports and are entirely irrelivant to us02:33
persiaI don't think you can do that.  I think "Obsolete" and "Superseded" are the closed to "gone" tha blueprints get.02:35
MTecknologypersia: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/loco-drupal/+spec/blue-screen-of-life02:36
MTecknologyI'll be right back, we're going to run to the library quick02:36
MTecknologypersia: is there anything you can do about those?02:44
persiaMTecknology, Me?  No.  I'm just a user.02:45
MTecknologyerr - a rubber ducky can do *02:45
persiaNo idea.02:45
MTecknologyUrsinha: hi02:48
MTecknologyUrsinha: got a minute?02:49
UrsinhaMTecknology, I'll pass the message tomorrow, because mrevell is sleeping now :)02:49
Ursinhain person, I mean, because already forwarded to him02:49
Ursinhayour mail, that is02:49
UrsinhaMTecknology, what can I do for you? :)02:49
MTecknologyand thanks02:49
MTecknologyUrsinha: I imagine you guys don't have much downtime, so I can see where he might prefer to wait a week to do it02:50
UrsinhaMTecknology, I'm pretty sure he'll return to you tomorrow with an answer :)02:51
* Ursinha pokes spm and hides02:51
spmUrsinha: howdy, how may I assist today? :-)02:52
Ursinhaspm, do you have little time to delete two blueprints?02:52
Ursinhaspm, https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/6128202:53
spmUrsinha: not atm, but will reassign to losa's so one of us will get it in the next day or so02:53
Ursinhaspm, thanks :)02:53
MTecknologyspm: Ursinha: thanks :)02:53
UrsinhaMTecknology, usually you just file a request on answers and the person on CHR day will take care the day next02:54
MTecknologyUrsinha: sorry, I've been on a rampage lately and bugging people in here a lot. I'm slowing down so I'll settle back to waiting for people to get to it :)02:55
UrsinhaMTecknology, just telling you how it works, so you can be sure it'll be accomplished anyway02:56
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pooliespm, is it just me or are downloads from the librarian really slow today?04:44
poolielike eg http://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/1.12/1.12rc1/+download/bzr-1.12rc1-2.win32-py2.5.exe04:44
spmpoolie: 4,443,533    683K/s   in 9.2s04:45
spmflat out as far as my adsl goes. ?04:45
poolieiow "just me"04:45
spmpoolie: is it possible your PC has been infected by a virus/trojan and turned you into a zombie? :-P04:46
pooliequite possible04:47
spmpoolie: you're a 'node customer: try downloading a test file from their mirror: wget http://mirror.internode.on.net/pub/test/10meg.test04:47
spmthat should eliminate any pacific/atlantic crossing issues. and focus on the syd<->adl link(s)04:48
poolieyes i was just trying an iso from them04:48
poolieabout 250kB/s04:48
poolieso kinda slow but not like 27kB04:48
spmare you adsl1 or 2+?04:48
spmI know telstra was killing those on RIM's to a max of 3mb/s - but you can't get 2+ via a RIM. so that ain't it....04:49
spmpoolie: mtr? is that showing slower than usual links for you?04:50
poolieit looks reasonable04:51
poolieabout 16ms to their router, 170ms to San Jose, and 350ms to London04:52
pooliethat's what's strange04:52
poolieshould probably reset my router :/04:53
spmI hate to suggest that. but it might help....04:53
spmjust sounds too much alt-clt-del'ish. :-(04:53
spmfailing that, try snarfing a download via tcpdump/wireshark. have a squiz in tcptrace/xplot and see if you're getting full tcp windows or something?04:54
spmpoolie: any joy?05:16
pooliei'm going to restart my pc05:16
poolieabout 50% because it might help and 50% because their support desk will ask me to05:16
spmactually - you haven't go tthat magic tcp slowdown stuff enabled have you? that you use for bzr testing? Going for the long shot here...05:18
pooliehee hee05:18
pooliepretty sure not05:18
spmcool :-) thought I'd ask the obvious, just in case :-D05:18
pooliewhy yes, the gun _was_ pointing at my foot05:19
poolieactually no.05:19
pooliespm, no good :/05:29
pooliealso, not your problem :)05:29
spmpoolie: may be relevant: "16:28:41] <-> great, optus cable break again" - near coff's apparently05:31
pooliei did check their status site and i don't see anything very relevant05:32
pooliemaybe it's Stephen Conroy's fault05:32
spmeverything else digital is05:32
=== MTecknology is now known as mteck-mobile
Mezmaxb: might be able to play with that07:39
keithcuI have a basic bazaar question. Can I ask it here?07:55
thumperkeithcu: sure, or you can ask in #bzr08:03
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
kallepersson*Hey. I'm failing to check out a branch from launchpad09:26
kalleperssonIs it down or something?09:26
svenxi've had problems for several days.. but thought it was just the project that was failing (squid3)09:27
kalleperssontrying to run bzr branch lp:do but nothing happens09:27
kalleperssonvery annoying.09:28
beunokallepersson, there's ni problem with codehosting09:33
beunowhat's the error?09:33
kalleperssonbeuno: there is no error. run bzr branch lp:do just never finishes.09:35
kalleperssonand it has worked before09:35
kalleperssonbeuno: does it work for you?09:35
beunokallepersson, try:   bzr branch lp:do -Dhpss09:35
beunoand look in:  ~/.bzr.log09:35
beunoit will tell you exactly what it's doing09:35
kalleperssonokay, thx.09:35
beunokallepersson, pastebin the relevant bits of the file, and I can try and help09:36
beunowhat version of bzr are you running?09:37
beunokallepersson, do you have a shared repository?09:38
kalleperssonhuh? I'm only trying to check out a branch09:38
kalleperssonno, I don't09:38
beunook, good, less things to think about  :)09:38
beunowhat is .bzr.log saying?09:39
kalleperssonat the moment it's doing a lot of09:39
kallepersson102.667  RemoteSSHTransport.readv 3 offsets => 1 coalesced => 1 requests (1)09:39
kallepersson102.668  hpss call w/readv: 'readv', '/~do-core/do/trunk/.bzr/repository/packs/0eab7911ca7b40aef205f456ea068c04.pack'09:39
kalleperssonand by lots I mean that's what it has been doing since i ran the command09:39
beunoso it's downloading09:39
kalleperssonbut it's never been this slow09:39
beunoit branched in 32 seconds here09:40
beuno46 seconds actually  :)09:40
kalleperssonSo it works for you. Good09:40
kalleperssonstill not finished for me, 5+ minutes now09:40
beunoyeah, maybe your ISP is just misbehaving?09:41
kalleperssonbut launchpad.net is working09:41
kalleperssonah, now it shows some status at least09:41
kalleperssonCopying Revision texts 1/509:41
kalleperssonExtremely slow, but as long as it moves I'm fine09:42
bigjoolssounds like you're lacking a local repo09:42
kalleperssonThanks for your help09:42
kalleperssona local repo of the thing I'm checking out? yeah, I am09:42
kalleperssonWould that speed things up?09:42
bigjoolsoh *yes* :)09:42
kalleperssonGood good09:42
bigjoolsbzr --init-repo09:42
bigjoolswell, see the help first, there's options09:43
bigjoolserm bzr init-repo --1.6 should be enough09:44
bigjoolsthen it will use stacking, which makes it very quick09:44
kallepersson thx09:45
bigjoolsnp, let us know how you get on09:45
kalleperssonstill awfully slow but I guess it will be done sooner or later :)09:45
beunokallepersson, do a "bzr info -v" for me in the dir you're branching in09:47
beuno(as in, in the dir you're runing bzr branch...)09:47
kallepersson  shared repository: .09:48
kallepersson       control: Meta directory format 109:48
kallepersson    repository: Packs 5 (adds stacking support, requires bzr 1.6)09:48
kalleperssonCreate working tree for new branches inside the repository.09:48
kallepersson         0 revisions09:48
kalleperssonOw, sorry for pasting so many lines.09:48
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beunokallepersson, si you are using a shared repo  :)09:56
kalleperssonyes, I added that since bigjools suggesed that09:56
kalleperssonanyway, gonna try later09:57
kalleperssonthx for help09:57
CBro2007guys I was wondering how I get a SSH key pair on my Mac?10:06
CBro2007are there instructions on how to do this for Mac OSX?10:06
beunoCBro2007, same instructions as for Linux I think10:09
beunoverterok may know10:09
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
rockstarCBro2007, in the terminal, it's the exact same method as Linux.10:48
LaibschCan some of the devs please enlighten me as to the motivation for this annoying change to check for the file name of a changes file in an upload to a PPA? -> bug 31564311:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315643 in soyuz "PPA upload fails silently if .changes filename is misformed" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31564311:58
Laibschand question 5158311:58
cprovLaibsch: well, the motivation is correctness, isn't it?12:05
cprovLaibsch: is there any use case for uploading filenames in other formats ?12:05
cprovLaibsch: 'reusing bash history commands' ? I don't think it's legitimate.12:09
LaibschWhy not?12:15
LaibschVery legitimate use case12:15
LaibschAnd what is incorrect in tmp.changes?12:16
LaibschIt's about the content that I sign12:16
Laibschnot the filename12:16
LaibschWhere exactly is that correctness defined?  RFC?  Debian policy?12:17
LaibschThere is no such thing12:17
Laibschquite simply put12:17
cprovLaibsch: I'm sorry, but your are wrong. Who would benefit of downloading 10 tmp.changes files ?12:19
LaibschWho downloads the .changes files?12:20
LaibschI download dsc files12:20
LaibschOr .deb files12:20
Laibschorig.tar.gz files12:20
Laibschdiff.gz files12:21
Laibschyou say "you are wrong", "bash history is not a legitimate use case", I still wait for *real* arguments from your side12:22
* Laibsch wouldn't even know where the .changes files are stored12:22
* Laibsch goes to look12:22
Laibschfound it, yet never used it12:23
cprovLaibsch: that's you, you are not the only LP user.12:23
LaibschWell, I never implied this12:24
cprovLaibsch: note that you have to convince us that meaningful changesfile names are *not* beneficial12:24
LaibschYou demand a use case from me12:24
LaibschI demand a use case from you12:24
cprovLaibsch: right, understood12:25
LaibschThat is what arguing (and finding the best solution) is about12:25
Laibschwait a minute, you say you won't change unless I can prove that meaningful .changes filenames are detrimental?12:25
LaibschInteresting trick12:26
cprovLaibsch: ehe, it's not tricky, it's correct12:26
LaibschBTW, who corrected the filenames for the situations where I used tmp.changes?12:26
LaibschAll the filenames in my PPA seem to be correct12:26
cprovLaibsch: you only change if what you have is broken or if what is purposed is better.12:27
LaibschYet, I am sure I uploaded quite a few tmp.changes12:27
Laibschwell, you made the change from accepting tmp.changes to silently rejecting (which is still unfixed)12:27
cprovLaibsch: maybe you don't, but I can look for the upload logs12:27
LaibschI am demanding why that is necessary and you turn around and say that I need to convince you that you won't change unless I can prove that meaningful .changes filenames are detrimental.  that is a trick in arguing12:28
Laibschdemanding to know12:28
LaibschI'm talking about the first change12:28
LaibschYou switch to talk about the second change12:28
Laibsch-> rhetorical trick12:29
Laibschcprov: IYO, how should the "upload from other distributions" work in a meaningful way?12:29
cprovLaibsch: because that's the only thing that matters ;) how the system is and what you are suggesting to change.12:29
* Laibsch can only think this is to save the uploader some work12:29
Laibschcprov: I'm still waiting for your ex-post reason to change and why that was so necessary to break a valid use case12:30
Laibsch"correctness" is not defined anywhere12:30
cprovLaibsch: okay, and I said that's not a sufficient argument for forcing users to download meaningless filenames from the UI.12:30
LaibschAnd I have not yet heard anything else12:31
maxbcprov: Are changes downloadable?12:31
Laibschsee, maxb did not know, either12:31
maxbI thought they specifically needed to not be downloadable12:31
Laibschgets better all the time12:31
Laibschjust an example12:31
maxbbecause if you can obtain someone's signed .changes, you can possibly forge an upload to somewhere else12:32
cprovmaxb: signatures are striped in upload time12:32
maxbLaibsch: Whilst I sympathize to some extent with your point of view, I think you're being excessively confrontational to the point of damaging your own argument12:32
LaibschI'm trying to really argue12:33
Laibschnot be confrontational12:33
LaibschBut I'm really mad about this change12:33
Laibschand IRC does not convey so many things12:33
LaibschJust text12:33
LaibschAnd I dont feel I can type fast enough ;-)12:33
bigjoolsseems to me like you are ;)12:33
cprovLaibsch: but we can always 'try harder', right ? :)12:34
LaibschLike everything technical, one is never fast enough ;-)12:34
james_wLaibsch: what command do you have in your bash history to repeat?12:34
Laibschalright, if you give me some way to extract the information needed without changing the command line every time, I'm happy (you should still fix the silent ignore, soon, cost me quite a few times of "wth?")12:35
* Laibsch looks at dpkg-parsechangelog for help12:35
maxbSo, I think its fair to say that the root problem is that all the standard tools adhere to a strict format, but it's not written down in policy, so it's left open for interpretation whether it *should* be strictly checked?12:35
cprovmaxb: on your point about about hiding changesfiles. It would make debug of extra tags a nightmare.12:36
maxbextra tags?12:36
Laibschjames_w: I'm trying to document best practice of "upload from other distro" in https://answers.launchpad.net/soyuz/+question/5158312:36
cprovmaxb: Launchpad-Closes, for instance12:36
james_wLaibsch: do you often dput from outside the unpacked source package you are uploading?12:36
cprovmaxb: I'm not too keen about it, just saying it would be hard if the files were not visible to users.12:37
james_wLaibsch: read "man dput"12:37
maxbNo, I agree, making signature-stripped changes visible is the best option12:37
Laibschmaxb: what tool outside of LP is checking for .changes filenames?12:37
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james_wLaibsch: oh, no, it's not in the man page, sorry12:38
maxbLaibsch: What tool outside your shell fragment is generating non-standard ,changes filenames?12:38
Laibschmaxb: tmp.changes12:38
cprovLaibsch: they don't check, but they do generate standard filenames.12:38
Laibschcprov: Tell me the command to generate a .changes file with appropriate filename and we're all done12:39
LaibschI mean , that is my problem12:39
cprovLaibsch: debuild12:39
Laibschdoesn't help12:39
maxbI think the real question that needs solving is - how did the person who wrote the feature described here: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Using%20packages%20from%20other%20distributions anticipate you getting the .changes?12:39
Laibschonly 99%12:39
james_wLaibsch: I always use debuild to do exactly this12:40
Laibschjames_w: I did, too12:40
Laibschuntil this one day when I filed an invalid bug12:40
maxbLaibsch: Didn't I write you a mkchanges script last time we were discussing this?12:40
LaibschI'll get you the number in a minute12:40
Laibschmaxb: Not sure, I raised the point numerous times, it was never solved12:40
james_wLaibsch: also, changestool from reprepro might interest you12:41
Laibschbug 27639112:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 276391 in saxonb "FTBFS: "You must specify a valid JAVA_HOME or JAVACMD!"" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27639112:41
Laibschthat is the case where debuild will not work12:41
maxbcprov: Do you happen to know how the "forced suite upload" feature of PPAs is supposed to be used?12:42
cprovmaxb: over pristine changesfiles from debian, for instance12:43
maxbYes... but how do you obtain those?12:43
cprovmaxb: requires re-signing12:43
maxbI don't think Debian publishes signature-stripped changesfiles like LP does12:44
cprovmaxb: mostly target for people who uploaded stuff for debian12:44
maxbright, so it's really for people uploading directly to debian, only12:44
cprovmaxb: so they don't necessarily have to create a new debian/changelog entry for upload the same debian source to their PPA12:44
Laibschjames_w: I'm not sure what you are getting at wrt changestool12:45
james_wLaibsch: given a source package it can generate you a changes file I believe12:45
james_wwithout unpacking it at all perhaps12:45
* Laibsch studies manpage diligently12:45
maxbchangestools creates a very skeletal changes file, and won't pick the right filename for it automatically12:45
Laibschjames_w: yes, could be.12:47
Laibschoh, seems like maxb tested, but came out negative12:47
LaibschI was going along the line of "manipulte existing .changes" file12:47
Laibschbut that brings us back to the problem you already raised of "where to get Debian changes files"12:48
maxb<maxb> http://paste.ubuntu.com/119192/12:48
maxbscript. prewritten. works.12:48
LaibschFurther, while this will mostly be about recompiling Debian packages, there will be other cases12:49
* Laibsch gone multitasking, overloaded12:49
LaibschI remember that script12:49
Laibschrememberred, even12:49
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: abentley | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
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affluxhi there. I'm the owner of a branch of a project and so I registered a team for the separated PPA and code branch. Now I'd like to have a mailinglist for my users, so that a.) non-team members can send mail to it (moderated), b.) anyone can subscribe to the list. Is that currently possible with LPs mailinglists?15:24
andrea-bsafflux: yes, if with "anyone can subscribe" you mean "any launchpad user can subscribe"15:25
affluxandrea-bs: do the subscribers have to be in the team then?15:26
andrea-bsafflux: currently yes15:26
affluxandrea-bs: then that's not what I want. It would mean that my users would have r/w access on the PPA and the code branch.15:27
andrea-bsafflux: you can create a separate team for the users15:27
affluxor should I rather create a -dev and a -users team for a one-developer and at most 20 users?15:27
andrea-bsafflux: at the moment you can only create a -users team or wait for bug #194126 to be fixed15:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 194126 in launchpad-registry "Let people lurk on mailing lists" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19412615:29
affluxif that's okay with the LP guys, I'll do that ;)15:30
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mizipzor_i want to branch a project, take the source and continue working in a completely new direction... is it that what launchpads branch tool is created to do? or is it better to just create a new project and commit every source file again as an initial commit?18:19
=== bac_lunch is now known as bac
MTecknologyjoey: ping19:03
MTecknologybac: you bac from lunch?19:03
MTecknologyWhere are al the awesome people in the world? I feel like I've been put on a national mental ignore :(19:05
MTecknologymizipzor_: did you get an answer?19:08
bachi MTecknology19:08
MTecknologybac: how's it going?19:08
MTecknologybac: Do you know if joey or mrevell are around at all?19:08
joeyI'm here...sorry on phone concentrating.19:09
MTecknologyjoey: just pong me when you get a chance?19:09
MTecknologymrevell seems to have disappeared from the world entirely :P19:10
bacMTecknology: it's pretty late in the UK about now so i suspect matthew is gone until tomorrow19:10
MTecknologymizipzor_: That's a good use of the LP tools, Just create a new branch under the same project.19:10
bacMTecknology: was there something i can help you with?19:10
MTecknologymizipzor_: you can call the initial merge w/e you want, I'd call it just <- that though19:11
MTecknologybac: sorry, I just saw your nick change and wanted to say hi. It's joey and mrevell that I need to annoy19:11
postalchrisWhy do I get "same version already has published binaries in the destination archive" when I try to copy and re-build a package from Intrepid to Jaunty? There is no package with the same version for Jaunty in my PPA.19:17
bacMTecknology: ah, ok.  i'm sure joey will be with you when he gets a spare moment.19:17
MTecknologyAll the busy you people take on makes me want to apply for a job when I get out of college19:18
joeyabentley, see postalchris Q ^^19:40
joeyMTecknology, if you want to type in here or PM that's fine. I'm on back to back calls until 5:30pm EST19:40
MTecknologyjoey: I just never got that email19:41
joeyMTecknology, ok. I did speak with him via email earlier.  Maybe if you send a follow-up to him he'll reply back.  Otherwise I can ask him directly to email you.19:43
MTecknologyjoey: is he right around you?19:43
joeyMTecknology, no he's in the UK19:43
joeyMTecknology, I'm in Colorado :-D19:43
MTecknologyok, i can ping him19:44
MTecknologyjoey: what about those suggestions you had for me for project management?19:46
joeyMTecknology, you can ask him about it as well. I told him that I told you that I was talking with hIm.19:46
MTecknologyIs mrevell still alive?19:53
abentleyMTecknology: He is on UTC, I believe.  It's 7:58 pm for him.19:58
MTecknologyI tried getting him when it was 15:00 his time19:59
abentleypostalchris: Sorry, I don't know much about PPAs, but I'll try to get someone who does.20:00
abentleypostalchris: I don't think anyone's available right now.  Can you ask a Question on launchpad?20:03
postalchrisabentley, sure.20:05
postalchrisabentley: what's the right project/product to ask the Question in?20:06
abentleypostalchris: Launchpad20:06
abentleyOr Soyuz20:06
postalchrishttps://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/50883 implies this is a known issue20:10
joeyMTecknology, he's here...20:13
joeyMTecknology, he just is in the UK.20:13
wgrantpostalchris: The archive contains more than one distroseries.20:15
MTecknologyjoey: I've been trying to contact him in channel, skype, and email - never any answer :P20:15
wgrantThe message doesn't say anything about Jaunty.20:15
MTecknologyI suppose he'll get to me when he wants to20:15
postalchriswgrant: I don't think I understand20:16
wgrantpostalchris: Both source and binary versions must be unique within an archive.20:16
wgrantYour PPA is an archive.20:16
wgrantIf you copy only the source from one series to another, it would have to generate another set of binaries with the same version number. That can't work.20:17
postalchrisTwiddling the version number and re-uploading (as suggested in 50883, above) seems to work...20:17
postalchriswgrant: So launchpad can't copy-and-rebuild within the same PPA?20:17
wgrantpostalchris: It's nothing to do with Launchpad; it's how Debian archives work.20:17
joeyMTecknology, you can catch him on here early in your morning.20:18
wgrantI generally upload to Hardy and then copy with binaries to Intrepid and Jaunty.20:18
wgrantBut some things need recompiling, in which case I'll upload a ~8.04, ~8.10, ~9.04, etc.20:18
postalchriswgrant: It has to do with Launchpad insofar as Launchpad is giving me a perplexing error message after letting me try to do something it can't do.20:18
wgrantpostalchris: It has to let you try, because copying without binaries is a fine thing to do when copying between archives.20:19
postalchriswgrant: I disagree. The selection for "rebuild" could be grayed-out when "This PPA" is selected.20:20
wgrantPerhaps some JS could be used.20:20
wgrantBut what is confusing about the error message?20:20
* wgrant disappears.20:23
MTeck-mobilejoey, about what time?20:23
postalchriswgrant: your average PPA user is not necessarily a Debian sysadmin. None of the other 140 people in the room could answer the question before you showed up!20:23
MTeck-mobileassmuing they read it20:24
LaibschNot sure about what is being discussed here20:26
LaibschNot being able to copy and recompile in the same PPA between series A and B?20:26
LaibschIn that case, I ran into that issue once and could not quite figure out why LP would not let me do it.20:27
LaibschSince I was copying from hardy to intrepid IIRC, I figured I wouldn't see any lib linking issues and just copied with binaries20:27
LaibschI was a bit uneasy about it, though20:27
LaibschMy 2¢20:27
Laibschpostalchris: Was that what you were talking about?20:28
postalchrisLaibsch: That's exactly the issue. I've filed a bug against this behavior: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/33071120:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 330711 in launchpad "Unhelpful error message on copy-and-rebuild: "same version already has published binaries in the destination archive"" [Undecided,New]20:37
LaibschI agree this can be difficult to comprehend20:38
Laibschalthough it is a minor issue, I think20:38
postalchrisLaibsch: Minor and really, easily fixable20:40
wgrantLaibsch: It explicitly asks you whether you want to copy the binaries.20:43
* wgrant is gone again20:43
joeyMTecknology, he's off for dinner around 9:30am MST20:43
Laibschyes, wgrant?20:43
LaibschI did not want to copy them20:43
Laibschso I declined20:43
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MTecknologyjoey: what is MST?20:45
joeyMTecknology, mountain time20:46
joeyMTecknology, or 11:30 eastern if that fits better for you20:46
MTecknologyMST is -7?20:46
MTecknologyI'm CST20:47
jmillikinIs there a way to push a branch for an existing project, without using that project's stacked branch? I would like to push a branch for Banshee, but since mine is created using bzr-svn it doesn't stack with the existing trunk.21:09
beunojmillikin, if you use --overwrite21:10
beunoi won't stack21:10
beunoor it21:11
jmillikinStill gives me the error, and states "Using default stacking branch /~vcs-imports/banshee/main"21:12
beunodon't believe it21:12
beunowhat error is that?21:12
jmillikinbzr: ERROR: RemoteRepository(...) is not compatible with KnitPackRepository(...) different rich-root support21:13
* beuno calls in jml21:14
beunojml, hi. This gentlemen here has an interesting problem for you21:15
jmillikinFull error output at http://pastebin.ca/134044521:15
jmlyeah, I see.21:15
jmlHas Bazaar still not grown an option for "don't stack"?21:15
jmillikinIf so, I can't find it.21:15
jmillikinI am using version 1.12, from the Ubuntu PPA21:15
jmlpoolie: ^^21:16
jmljmillikin: I'm just trying to figure out a workaround21:16
jmljmillikin: ok. let's try this.21:17
jmljmillikin: bzr init lp:~jmillikin/banshee/trunk; bzr push !$21:18
jmillikinThe init seemed to work, but push printed the same error.21:20
jmljmillikin: ok.21:21
* jml pokes21:21
jmillikinAh! If I push with --stacked-on to the same repository, it says "Ignoring request for a stacked branch as repository already exists at the destination location.", but works anyway21:21
jmljmillikin: ooh, clever.21:22
jmillikinAt least, it's preceded to copying content texts now21:22
jmljmillikin: that sounds like it's working21:22
jmljmillikin: if pain persists, ping me.21:22
jmillikinWill do, thanks.21:23
pooliejml, no there is no option at present21:24
pooliei didn't realize that launchpad's suggestion of stacking was so strong21:24
pooliereally we need --no-stacked and a reconfigure option21:24
jmlpoolie: no-stacked would definitely be a good start.21:25
jmillikinAlternatively, when checking for a stacked branch, perhaps (repo-format, first-revid) could be sent, for finding an appropriate source? I assume there's some sort of logic in Launchpad itself for determining whether a trunk repo is usable.21:28
pooliethat's a good idea too21:28
poolieit should probably just not stack rather than giving an error21:28
AnMasterwhy doesn't the translation feature allow me to license under same license as the project?21:35
AnMasterI even suspect you can't legally license translations for a GPL software as BSD21:35
AnMasterhas anyone investigated this?21:36
henningeAnMaster: Yes we have ;)21:36
henningeAnMaster: BSD is fully GPL compatible.21:36
AnMasterhenninge, so if a project declare it's translations to be GPL, how can you legally convert it to BSD21:36
AnMastersure BSD -> GPL is ok21:36
AnMasterbut GPL -> BSD is not21:36
henningeyou're right there.21:37
henningebut that is not what is happening21:37
AnMasterhenninge, what about already translated strings then?21:37
AnMasterwhen the project is added to launchpad21:37
henningethey keep their license21:37
henningethe BSD is only for translaitons done in launchpad.21:37
AnMasterhenninge, and what if you want to keep same license as the project?21:37
AnMasterThere is no way I'm going to translate with a different license21:37
AnMasterthan that of the project21:37
henningeWell, that is where the BSD compatiblity comes in.21:38
AnMasterhenninge, also since the translation is a derivative work of the English, GPL licensed text, making the translation under BSD would be a GPL violation21:38
AnMasterif you disagree, please explain your reasoning21:38
henningeTranslations done in launchpad as such are under BSD but you can bundle them with your project under a different license.21:39
AnMasterhenninge, "henninge, also since the translation is a derivative work of the English, GPL licensed text, making the translation under BSD would be a GPL violation" <-- now what about that...21:39
henningeASIK they are not deemed derivative of the english text21:39
AnMasterhenninge, according to who?21:39
henningeI'd have to look that up / ask others ... ;)21:40
AnMasterhenninge, at least if it is a longer translated text, like a lot of background story of an open source game (which is what I wanted to translate) it would be derivative.21:40
AnMasterIf you translate a book, doesn't the original author still have copyright?21:40
AnMastersure it may not apply to "File" or "Save" or such. But to longer texts like "One day, Tux was out walking when <events that start the game happens, fills about a page>"21:41
AnMasterhenninge, and I know at least two games that have such in their gettext files. One is on launchpad21:42
* henninge looks something up21:42
AnMasterand I argue that it is a GPL violation21:42
henningeAnMaster: OK, I found this for the moment: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/LicensingFAQ21:44
* AnMaster looks21:44
henningeAnMaster: but I am not sure if that touches your situation.21:44
henningeIt was written at the time when we introduced BSD licensing.21:45
henningeMy understanding would be that "translations" are licensed under BSD, that is the pairing of an English and a translated text.21:46
AnMasterhenninge, so you argue you could translate Harry Potter to for example Spanish or something, claim the translation is BSD licensed and then upload it on a website?21:47
AnMasterit seems the logical conclusion of what you just said21:47
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
henningeSo if somebody used the translation of a text in a different program it would be because that program contains the same original English text - which would then still be under a different license (which may have been violated).21:47
AnMasterhenninge, However I doubt the author would like it.21:47
henningeAnMaster: Admittedly, I am on a shaky foundation here and would like to get back to you when I have solid information.21:49
AnMasterhenninge, that doesn't really answer the question I just asked. Because sure it depends on how it is used. But there is another issue, and that is that you host translations under a license that doesn't match the original. Which if it was allowed would allow re-licensing any book and or such21:49
henningeAnMaster: I see you point and I don't have the answer right now.21:49
AnMasterhenninge, well I'm not likely to hang around all the time in this channel, so I guess you can contact me using the first email at https://launchpad.net/~anmaster21:50
AnMasterif that is public21:50
AnMasterno idea21:50
henningeAnMaster: I just checked that ... ;)21:50
AnMasterhenninge, well I guess you are an admin or something and could see it anywya21:51
AnMasterhm I seem to have lots of openids I never use these days21:51
AnMasterlaunchpad too21:51
henningeAnMaster: It is not public but other Launchpad users can see it.21:51
* AnMaster never use openid21:51
AnMasternow it there was a way to connect these openids to each other..21:51
AnMasterlike a key ring or something :D21:52
AnMaster(yes I was sarcastic...)21:52
AnMaster<henninge> AnMaster: It is not public but other Launchpad users can see it. <-- err22:21
AnMasterI have "    Hide my email addresses from other Launchpad users" checked22:21
henningeAnMaster: I just checked and logged in with a test account I have - no address visible.22:22
AnMasteryes as long as the staff can see it when they answer the question I had :)22:23
henningeAnMaster: I don't have general admin powers but as a LP developer I get to see a little more, I guess.22:23
henningeAnMaster: btw you should set your location to somewhere in Stockholm, or something similar general but sensible.22:25
henningeas long as it is unset anybody can set it - where ever they like ... ;)22:26
AnMasterhenninge, err what?22:26
AnMasterwhy can anyone set it22:26
AnMasterI don't want to set my location at all22:26
AnMasterI want to not have that info on launchpad22:26
henningeput it on Antartica then, although that defeats the purpose22:26
AnMasterwell I'm going to do that22:26
henningeIt is a little gimmick that helps teams to see where everybody is spread out.22:27
AnMasterhenninge, also Stockholm/Europe is the timezone for the entire Sweden22:27
henningeHey, mine is "Berlin" although that is 300 km away from me ...22:28
AnMasterinteresting, I was able to move the marker to way outside the map22:28
AnMastercheck now22:28
AnMasterit is like double the map width outside the map22:28
AnMastererr, 1.5*map height rather22:29
AnMasterhenninge, is that supposed to work?22:29
henningeI am not sure.22:29
henningeI have seen that it can be moved around in strange ways ...22:30
henningegoogle code ... :-/22:30
henningeAnMaster: but you did something, the map is completely gone from your profile now.22:30
AnMasterhenninge, I clicked "hide location info"22:31
henningeand the timezone, too.22:31
henningeAh, it's as easy as that ...22:31
AnMasterhenninge, was on the map page22:31
AnMasterhenninge, still I moved it outside the mpa22:31
AnMastercould take a screenshot22:31
AnMasterhenninge, http://omploader.org/vMTlncg22:34
AnMasterhenninge, :)22:35
henningeAnMaster: That does look funny. :)22:35
AnMasterhenninge, and buggy22:35
henningeAnMaster: I have seen the map moved that way but not the marker.22:35
henningeWell, it could mean "outer space" ... ;)22:36
AnMasterhenninge, btw I used to commit to bzr using a email address on a domain that is no longer valid, is there any way I can get launchpad to credit me for these commits?22:36
henningeReally, it is missing a star map there ...22:36
henningedon't know22:36
AnMasterhenninge, I'm talking about maybe 500+ commits22:37
AnMasterat least22:37
AnMasterprobably around 100022:37
henningeYou could file an answers request (a question) with launchpad-registry about that.22:38
AnMasterhm ok22:38
AnMasterhenninge, anyway I see you at least finally fixed the long standing bug of showing ubuntuwiki as some sort of contact info... Even for FreeBSD users like me22:38
henningeIf those uploads can be linked to you in some way, I am sure it could be hacked somehow...22:38
AnMasterhenninge, well they were on anmaster@envbot.org instead of a similar address. Also I'm the sole developer on those projects22:39
henningeYeah, we have been trying to untangle Ubuntu and Launchpad.22:39
AnMasteryeah I couldn't afford the domain... Students sometimes can't22:39
* AnMaster is a student yes22:39
henningedon't know what to say "I am sorry" or "Lucky you" ;)22:40
AnMasterhenninge, hey the page https://launchpad.net/~anmaster/+editwikinames still use "Example: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/",  I suggest replacing that with the Gentoo Wiki ;P22:41
AnMasterwhy not, it would definitely untangle you from ubuntu, like making the ubuntu guys angry at you probably.22:42
henningeThat would take it a bit too far.22:42
henningeI guess ... ;)22:43
AnMasterhenninge, hm why do you use different navigation bars on different pages22:43
AnMasterlike the top black one at22:43
AnMasterand one on the side at: https://launchpad.net/~anmaster/+editircnicknames22:43
AnMasterit seems a bit inconsistent?22:43
henningeThe UI is in a transient state from what I understand.22:43
AnMasterin a good design, the navigation bar would be a separate component22:44
AnMasterso you would replace it in one place... and it would update everywhere22:44
AnMasteror do you mean it is hard coded in each page or something!?22:44
henningeThe side menus (coloured components) will be going away, the gray menu bars are the new style.22:45
henningeNo, but page groups.22:45
AnMasterhenninge, so why that just replacing a global class NotTopButTheOneBelowNavigationBar: or something (yes I guess you use python, no I haven't heard of PEP 8, and even if I had I wouldn't remember it since I mostly code in C)22:46
henningeBut that is something I had little to do with so far.22:46
henningeI have only been working on Launchpad since September...22:47
henningeYes, it is Python.22:47
henningeand Zope.22:47
AnMasterhenninge, hm did it finally go open source yet or=22:48
AnMasterI guess not22:49
AnMaster"There are no branches for Launchpad itself in Launchpad."22:49
domasdamn, when I see bzr looping in 'GC_*' functions, I guess I should just kill it ;-)22:49
AnMasterdomas, sounds like a python bug to me22:50
domasor bazaar, or both22:50
AnMasterso I guess you should get a backtrace and report a bug22:50
* domas kicks ddebs22:50
AnMasterdomas, does bazaar use C modules?22:50
AnMasterif not: python, if yes: trickier22:50
henningeAnMaster: https://dev.launchpad.net/OpenSourcing22:51
* AnMaster has actually worked more with the python C API than with python itself22:51
AnMasterhenninge, "Soyuz and Codehosting", just wondering, what do they do?22:51
maxbSoyuz is the "buildds and archive management" bit22:52
henningeAnMaster: buildes, ppas, hosted branches22:52
AnMasterhenninge, hosted branches as in those on launchpad? Well I guess without that launchpad is pretty much crippled22:53
domasAnMaster: maybe it is just bazaar not behaving nicely on 500MB repo22:54
AnMasterdomas, well I guess that would make sense. Makes me wonder why on earth anyone use bzr for anything that large. I guess it is images or such?22:54
domasAnMaster: mysql22:55
AnMasterdomas, I see. Hm...22:55
* AnMaster uses PostgreSQL anyway22:56
AnMasterbut I guess that too would have a huge repo22:56
AnMasterI always wanted something like that "shallow branch" thing that git has... in bzr22:56
domasI run 'bzr log -v'22:56
domasit goes for ~700MB of memory :)22:57
maxbIs that 1.12, or earlier?22:58
AnMasterdomas, bug22:58
AnMasterwait 1.12? Wasn't 1.9 released like um 1-2 months ago?22:58
domasmaxb: 1.12 on my side22:58
maxbbzr releases monthly22:58
maxbso, 3 months22:58
AnMaster...and ads a new repo format bi-monthly22:58
maxbwell.... it's hard to begrudge them playing with new formats, when the basic format is compatible right back to 0.9222:59
AnMasterI wish they could settle for one... I mean I still use pack-0.92 because last I looked it was default...22:59
AnMasterit confuses users23:00
domasdefault doesn't work that well once you have people with 500MB trees that get cloned branched merged etc :)23:00
domasand you have hundreds of trees based on same knits23:00
AnMasterdomas, so which format is best?23:00
domasnewest! :)23:00
domasI'd pick the one that would work now :))23:00
AnMastererr, I need backward compatibility23:00
AnMasterto like 1.5 or so23:01
AnMasterwhy not at least mark most of them as of interest only to developers?23:01
domasI'd love if bazaar would be multithreaded!23:02
AnMasterI mean, I remember back when bzr added the knit format23:02
abentleyAnMaster: 1.6 provides a valuable new feature.  1.9 provides improved speed.23:02
domaswould run this thing on fat box :)23:02
AnMasterdomas, I'd love that it doesn't have a lot of threading overhead on my old single-core CPU :)23:02
AnMasterwhich is the best I have23:02
AnMastera Sempron 3300+23:02
AnMasterabentley, what was that "valuable new feature"?23:03
abentleyAnMaster: Stacking.23:03
AnMasterabentley, proper GPG signed revisions?23:03
AnMasteroh no...23:03
maxb`bzr help current-formats`23:03
AnMasterabentley, what do I use stacking for?23:03
domasabentley: which format does 'bzr log -v' fastest on huge repos? :)23:03
maxbthere are only three formats (and a rich-root variant of each) that are advertised as interesting23:04
maxbSo in a way, most of them *are* marked as of interest only to developers23:04
AnMastermaxb, I always looked at bzr help init-repo23:04
AnMasterwhere there are a lot more listed23:04
abentleyAnMaster: Avoiding having to push up the whole history every time to push a new branch to Launchpad.23:04
AnMastermaxb, that one says "See also: branch, checkout, init, repositories", but doesn't mention "current-formats"23:04
AnMasterabentley, does this only work for launchpad or also for other ones?23:05
AnMasterabentley, also "Avoiding having to push up the whole history"... what about bzr init-repo23:05
AnMasterdoesn't it solve that?23:05
domasAnMaster: locally, not on bzr-side23:05
abentleyAnMaster: It works for anything that's got it set up.  It works locally too.23:06
domasAnMaster: the problem was that people would pull repo from ~userA and upload it to ~userB23:06
abentleyinit-repo is fine for a single user, but doesn't work well when the branches are owned by different people.23:06
domasAnMaster: before 1.6 it was pain23:06
AnMasterah, that is why the repos should be per-project23:06
AnMasternot per-user23:06
domasthat wouldn't be distributed :)23:06
AnMasterdomas, hm? it would just require a major redesign of launchpad23:07
domasargh. 'bzr log' : 24556 root      20   0  550m 479m 3244 R  100 12.1   7:42.86 bzr23:07
AnMasterbut it works quite ok for my setup23:07
AnMasterdoko, remove it?23:07
AnMasterand symlink to /dev/null23:07
AnMasterworks for me23:07
abentleyAnMaster: That would mean giving users write access to each others repos.23:08
AnMasterabentley, hm... wouldn't bzraccess handle that? I mean you can have shared svn repos without clobbering23:08
abentleyAnMaster: No, bzraccess does not handle that.23:09
AnMasterso I guess it is just a case of making it possible to add revision files, but not remove or change other users' files23:09
AnMasterlike group writable directory, user writable files23:09
AnMaster(I fail to see why that wouldn't work)23:09
abentleyAnMaster: If you're trying to economize by only having one repo, for a bunch of users, it necessarily follows that you have multiple users writing to the same repo.23:09
AnMasterabentley, correct23:09
AnMasterabentley, but is each revision stored in a separate file?23:10
abentleyAnMaster: No.23:10
AnMasterthen it is indeed more complex23:10
AnMasterabentley, btw I can I push fron 1.9 repo to a 0.92 repo?23:11
AnMasteroh also what is rich-root good for? And subtree?23:11
abentleyAnMaster: Yes, you can push from 1.9 to 0.92.  AFAIK, you can push from 1.9 to knit, and possibly weave.23:12
AnMasterthe oldest I used was metaweave :)23:13
abentleyAnMaster: rich-root is required by bzr-svn.  You should only use it if you're using bzr-svn.23:13
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abentleyAnMaster: subtree enables the experimental Nested Trees feature.  You should only use it for experimenting.23:14
AnMasterok, so what *is* rich-root then? I mean, bzr-svn uses it, but what is it actually23:14
AnMastersvn:foo attributes or what?23:14
domashehehe, http://p.defau.lt/?p7tmQch8XRJa01AS_QTf1Q23:14
domasit spends quite some time walking dictionaries23:15
AnMasterdomas, that output is from?23:15
abentleyAnMaster: It is a format in which the same data is stored about the tree root as any other subdirectory, and in which the default file-id is randomly generated.23:15
domasAnMaster: oprofile23:15
AnMasterabentley, aha23:15
AnMaster    (native) A working-tree format that supports views and content23:15
AnMaster    filtering.23:15
AnMastersounds cool23:15
AnMasterbut whyat is content filtering in this context?23:15
AnMasteror views. I guess this means I can do CREATE VIEW foo AS SELECT revid,logentry FROM revisions; or something similar23:16
AnMasterthat is all "views" mean to me23:16
abentleyAnMaster: Things like native line-endings and CVS tokens.23:16
AnMasterreally docs need to get better23:16
AnMasterabentley, ah finally!23:17
maxbHmm... it's not possible to comment on a bug at the same time as adding a tag, is it?23:17
AnMasterabentley, now all I'm missing is cherrypicking like darcs :)23:17
abentleyAnMaster: Docs for a preview feature that hasn't even landed?  I think that is unlikely.23:17
AnMasternot like that will ever be added I guess23:18
=== abentley changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: - | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
abentleyAnMaster: Like Darcs?  Not likely.  Darcs is a very different concept from other VCSes.  Like Arch?  Quite likely.  Just needs someone to work on it.23:19
jmillikinjml: I am now trying to init another remote branch, stacked on my first branch, and receive the "ERROR ... is not compatible with ... different rich-root support" again. I cannot find any way to override the stacking branch in "bzr init"23:19
AnMasterabentley, haven't used arch so no idea23:19
jmljmillikin: I wouldn't use init there.23:22
jmljmillikin: instead 'bzr push --stacked-on FIRST-BRANCH'23:22
=== jml changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Help contact: jml | launchpad-users@lists.launchpad.net
jmillikinjml: if I try that, I receive the error: Source format does not support stacking, using format: '1.6.1-rich-root'23:23
jmillikinI am using bzr init --1.9-rich-root, however.23:23
jmljmillikin: can you please pastebin 'bzr info -v FIRST-BRANCH' and 'bzr info -v SECOND-BRANCH'?23:24
jmljmillikin: ok, can you please do 'bzr info lp:~jmillikin/banshee/trunk' and also pastebin the output of the push --stacked-on command I gave earlier?23:27
jmljmillikin: thanks23:32
jmljmillikin: can you try that last command, but to a different URL, like lp:~jmillikin/banshee/test-stacking or something?23:33
jmljmillikin: fwiw, you are doing two interesting things here. 1. is using Launchpad with non-default stacking, 2. is stacking bzr-svn bugs.23:34
jmillikinWould you like me to let it upload?23:34
jmljmillikin: what does the output say?23:35
jmillikinsource format does not support stacking, yada yada23:35
jmillikinSame as the pastebin. lp:~jmillikin/banshee/lp-test-stacking23:35
jelmerfwiw, stacking support in bzr-svn is experimental23:35
jmljelmer: that's good to know.23:36
jelmerthere is a warning but it was accidently disabled between 0.4.x and 0.4.1723:36
jmillikinOnce I branch from an svn repo, isn't the result simply a normal bzr branch?23:36
jelmerjml, it *should* work and I'm not aware of any problems, but it's not well-tested23:36
jmillikinI assume this would apply to a branch created entirely in bzr with --1.9--rich-root also23:36
jmljmillikin: branches from svn aren't quite normal bzr branches23:37
jmljmillikin: jelmer can explain in much more detail than I though ;)23:37
jmillikinjml: finished uploading to https://code.launchpad.net/~jmillikin/banshee/lp-test-stacking . It seems to have created a --1.6-rich-root repository instead.23:37
jmljmillikin: that should be ok23:38
* jml takes a look23:38
jmljmillikin: that looks fine to me.23:39
* jml keeps poking23:39
jmillikinBut it's not stacked, right? So trying to push it will require uploading all revisions.23:40
jmljmillikin: well, stacked or not, once a branch is up there, only new revisions get pushed23:41
jmljmillikin: but if it uploaded in that short a time, I'd stay it's stacked23:41
jmillikinI mean that if I were to push another bugfix branch, it would require pushing all revisions.23:41
jmlparticularly since https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jmillikin/banshee/lp-test-stacking says it's stacked too23:41
jmillikinI thought stacking was added in packs 6?23:42
lifelessjmillikin: --1.6 flavour formats stack23:42
jmillikinOh, very nice. Was it simply not adopted until post-1.6 then, even though the repository format could support it?23:43
jmlgosh we need to work on our non-default stacking story23:43
lifelessjmillikin: we made further improvements, and the ability to autostack23:44
lifelessjmillikin: the version marker on the repository format is just a sequence number23:46
jmljmillikin: ok, so lp-test-stacking is *definitely* stacked23:50
jmillikinjml: Thanks for the confirmation :)23:50
jmljmillikin: and if you push up any other branches in the same way, they'll be stacked too.23:50
jmljmillikin: but you should use the http:// branch url, not the bzr+ssh one23:50
jmillikinTrying the http:// URL prints the error: ERROR: Server sent an unexpected error: ('error', 'Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required)')23:51
jmljmillikin: is this pushing to a new branch or to an existing one?23:53
jml(you don't need any of the stacking options for pushing to an existing branch)23:53
jmillikinAn existing one. Do I have to recreate the branch to change the stacking URL?23:54
jmljmillikin: not sure, I've never tried to do it using bzr command-line options :)23:54
jmljmillikin: I was just saying with future branches that you push up23:54
RainCTArr.. An upload to Ubuntu is hanging at 68154k/68155k, is there some magic way to fix this? :P23:54
jmlRainCT: excellent question!23:54
maxbSo if you stack a branch via bzr+ssh, what happens when someone tries to branch from it using http?23:57
jmlmaxb: that's a good question.23:59

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