
rippspwnguin: how do I do that withing the installer?00:01
burnermanual partitioning and don't format the partition you designate with the mount point /home00:03
burnercd /home/burner/Upload00:24
burnerinteresting... seems dolphin spams the channel when I use the terminal part of it and switch folders ;)00:25
SiDianyone under xubuntu jaunty here ?00:48
charlie-tcaI'm using 64-bit jaunty since alpha201:01
SiDiWhat the hell happened to the menu ? Oo01:11
SiDii gotta launch xfce-setting-show manually and cant find the menu editor01:11
IenorandEquality, make a stand!!: echo "alias woman='man' >> ~/.bashrc01:12
SiDii never read any womanual of my life, Ienorand :)01:13
SiDiAny idea how i can get the breathe icons ?01:16
SiDii want a tarball with all the files :( don't know how to use that bzr thingy01:16
SiDiw/e, dl'ing bzr :)01:16
charlie-tcaSiDi: you mean Applications menu went away?01:22
charlie-tcaThat was about Jaunty alpha4 release.01:22
SiDiWell, the "Xfce parameters" window in the menu01:22
SiDiits gone01:22
SiDiand i don't see the menu editor anywhere01:23
SiDicurrently updating my packages tho01:23
charlie-tcaYou have to look through all the selections. In 4.6, everything got changed01:23
SiDii don't see those new notification things tho01:24
SiDibut the os boots slightly faster :)01:24
charlie-tcaYou can always go to #xfce and ask them. They will know01:25
charlie-tcaOr give xubuntu a day or two and see if it gets in there. Some of the items are still in work01:26
SiDiyeh i'll just wait01:26
SiDianyways just having a look01:26
SiDiomg update failed :( 260 mb to download again01:27
SiDithe last alpha i tested was more stable :p01:27
SiDimy xfce panels crashed too01:27
SiDiand i cant use shortcuts to launch a terminal :p01:27
SiDibrb ;D01:27
SiDioh noes... they removed ctrl + alt + backspace01:28
SiDirebooted via shell + gdm restart01:32
SiDialt+F2 wouldnt answer either :p01:33
SiDiand when i logged back half of my conf was dead :)01:33
charlie-tcaLooks like your install is very unstable. What happened to it?01:33
SiDijust did it an hour ago01:34
SiDiit ran well01:34
SiDithe alpha3 was getting my motherboard uber crazy tho so there is a progress01:34
SiDi(intrepid is perfectly stable - everything works out of the box !)01:34
charlie-tcaYeah, alpha3 was unstable.01:34
SiDialpha3 scared me01:35
SiDithe motherboard was bipping till i shut the system down, continuously01:35
charlie-tcaof course, I have lost the panels and menus once or twice. and had to update through the tty a couple of times, too01:35
SiDiwell i knew what to expect :)01:35
SiDibut its not stable enough for university work (and diablo 2 lans) yet :P01:36
charlie-tcaYou think alpha3 scared you? you should have been here, with an installation that kept closing the windows I was working in01:36
SiDiwell when its hardware related, its scary yeh01:37
SiDirebooting, brb :)01:37
SiDiback :)01:43
SiDiGoing bed, good night charlie-tca01:52
legodudethe virtualbox kernel rebuild fails, any ideas?01:59
jpedroza1I just ran into a new issue with +1 and my laptop. I was at 91% battery and it said that there was no battery remaining and shut down.03:03
hanasakiwhat is th command that shows all th hardwar ?03:18
macoVolkodav: dmesg?03:38
macoi think they were looking for lshw03:39
TuTUXGanyone got songbird working on 64 bit??03:42
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DanaGAnyone happen to know if the radeon driver with the 2.6.29 kernel supports KMS?03:50
DanaGI know Jaunty won't have 2.6.29, but I can always compile my own.03:50
RAOFI _think_ the answer is 'yes', but you can always just build the modules from drm master, anyway.03:52
Amaranthlast i heard only intwl got merged because the radeon one uses ttm03:54
RAOFOh, yeah.  That's right.04:12
DanaGI'm wondering when radeon will get it, then.04:14
rippsI'm going to upgrade to Jaunty now. Anything I should know before I do it?04:14
DanaG(it's more of a curiosity than a "want it to come sooner" thing).04:14
RAOFI've heard .30 or .31 bandied about.04:18
DanaGCan't say I know what the current version is, actually.04:18
DanaGTimespan would be more helpful. =þ  Thanks.04:19
rippsIs EXA more stable with Xserver 1.6?04:27
DanaGLovely quit message there.04:30
RAOFripps: Has it been unstable?  It's (generally) a bit faster with 1.6, yes.04:34
rippsI tend to get freezing with my radeon driver with exa04:34
rippsRAOF: *04:34
RAOFripps: But I think that pretty much all EXA crashes are the driver's fault (I've not had any problems with nouveau, for example), and so the Xserver version doesn't have much to do with it.04:34
rippsSo, things shouldn't change much :/04:35
RAOFPretty much.04:35
RAOFAt least you don't have an Intel card :(04:36
* DanaG has RV635.04:36
rippsI'm thinking of getting an nvidia card, but my system is so old that I just need to upgrade the whole thing. (Unfortunately, I don't have any money to do so)04:37
DanaGTry looking at OEM systems.04:37
DanaGWell, at least for me, if I had to go desktop again, I'd get an OEM one, rather than building my own.04:37
DanaGGoing OEM gets you one big thing: warranty all from one place.04:37
rippsStill doesn't solve the lack of money issue :(04:39
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DanaGOh yeah, I hope the radeon driver gets better power management.06:18
DanaGThat's actually a bigger deal to me than the lack of 3D support.06:18
DanaG... because drawing 30 watts on battery is Not Cool.06:18
DanaGheh, no matter how many times I try changing my theme, I always come back to my orange Nodoka-based theme.06:31
DanaG... sometimes with slight tweaking of that orange color.06:32
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bullgard4Does Jaunty presently show a GNOME menu item System > Control Center?08:12
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anderskbullgard4: no, not for me.08:18
bullgard4andersk: Thank you for your information.08:19
nite_johnboymuch new on the home front ? will there be support for ati- hdmi video support??09:33
Q-FUNKwhenever I click on the calendar applet, the whole gnome panel goes into freeze and the applet cannot be closed.  is there any known workaround?10:07
RAOF_Q-FUNK: 'killall gnome-panel'10:09
Q-FUNKRAOF_: how would I issue the command, without a terminal open?10:09
RAOF_By using gnome-do, of course!10:09
RAOF_Alternatively, from a VT.10:10
Q-FUNKyou mean Alt-F2 ?10:10
RAOF_Ctrl+Alt-F1; log in, killall gnome-panel10:10
RAOF_No, I mean gnome-do.  Check it out :)10:10
Q-FUNKit did something nasty to gtk210:11
Q-FUNKnow, all apps have blank window conetnet10:11
RAOF_All white?  Using nvidia, and compiz?10:13
RAOF_All _new_ windows actually have contents? :)10:13
Q-FUNKusing intel and compiz10:14
Q-FUNKyes, white10:14
Q-FUNKit came back after switchign back and forth between vcons and X10:14
Q-FUNKis the issue with the time/date/calendar issue already known?10:17
rippshHheEelLlpPp!!!   mMmyYy   kKkeEeyYybBboOoaARaRdDRd   iIisSs   bBbrRroOokKkeEenNn10:47
rippsiIimMm   nNOnOotTt   dDdoOoiIinNngGg   tThHiIthisSs10:48
fderipps: what did you do before this started happening?10:49
rippsjJjuUusStTst   uUupPpgGgrRraAadDdeEedDd10:49
cwillumissed one10:50
fderipps: perhaps try looking in System > Preferences > Keyboard if you're using Gnome, and see if anything looks strange?10:50
cwillusStTst should be sSstTt10:50
fderipps: I am fully upgraded, and see nothing like that.10:51
fdecwillu: shouldn't assume he's making it up... I've seen similar things before10:51
rippseEevVveEerRryYytThHthiIinNngGg   nNnoOorRrmMmaAalLl   iIinNn   >>>kKkeEeyYybBObOoaAarRrdDd10:51
SiDiripps, indeed10:51
fderipps: does it still happen if you hit ctrl + alt + f1 and type on a regular terminal?10:52
rippscCcoOonNnsSsoOolLleEe   nNnoOotTt   eEefFffFfeEecCctTteEedDd10:52
SiDiripps, then "sudo apt-get install irssi", and then "irssi", then "/server irc.freenode.net" then "/join #ubuntu"10:53
fderipps: all X apps are though?10:53
fdedpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg-input-kbd or xserver-xorg-input-evdev might fix it after a restart of X?10:54
fde(not sure if Ubuntu is still using -input-kbd?)10:55
SiDii think he was fooling us :/10:58
rippsI FIXED IT!10:58
rippsI had a "AllowEmptyInput" "True" in my xorg.conf10:59
fdeOh, speaking of, what is that new GUI tool for configuring options of Xorg?11:00
fdeNo... its something like XorgConfigEditor-gtk ... it might not be in the repos yet though, idk11:06
cwillunot displayconfig-gtk either presumably11:25
fdecrdlb: yeah that12:08
maxbAnyone else getting spurious conffile prompting re checkbox?12:13
hggdhmaxb, yay12:21
fdemaxb: it asked two questions, yes... just hit 'y' and enter...12:26
maxbMy point being that it should not have asked12:26
fdemaxb: something in the configs changed, but unless you manually edited something, always hit y12:26
fdemaxb: why not? you'd rather it replace your customizations?12:26
maxbfde: I do understand the concept of conffiles quite thoroughly12:26
maxbI'm pointing out that I believe there's a bug in the package maintainer scripts causes false prompting12:27
* fde would by thoroughly annoyed if apt went around randomly removing his conffile edits12:27
fdemaxb: no12:27
maxbfde would also be thoroughly annoyed if apt prompted him every time a conffile he had not edited, changed12:28
fdemaxb: remove ucf then?12:28
fde(or maybe there is a way to set it to always override if the file hasn't changed? I haven't delved into it)12:29
cwillubut why is it asking if the file hasn't changed?12:29
fdeIt definitely has changed... but its due to a change in the packages default rather than user configuration...12:30
fdeI guess its mostly to say "do you like the old way, or would you like this new way?"12:31
cwilluI meant the original file12:31
fdeThe file changed between the two package versions12:31
cwilluthe installed /etc file hasn't been modified by the user, so installing the next config file without complaints would seem to be appropriate, at least to me12:32
hggdhmaxb, I agree. The checkbox config I had was the one installed originally by the package. I did not change it in any way, and I still got asked for12:32
cwilluI really don't need to be informed about how the line breaking in some explanatory comments in a config file has been updated, thanks12:33
idorock89ppl who r using jaunty can anyone pls tell whether the buggy archive mounter has been fixed? in intrepid if i mount isos using it then the files all have a ;1 after their names and this renders13:02
idorock89them completely useless . pls anyone on the latest release can confirm what is the situation in jaunty? as this is a really annoying bug13:03
idorock89and makes iso usage really very painful13:03
cwilluwow, it's a good thing I didn't just spend time trying to duplicate his problem13:06
maxbI was rather surprised at lunch today to discover our canteen has started stocking "Ubuntu Cola"13:35
TuTUXGwhere r u?13:36
maxbWell, as in Fairtrade13:40
fdecwillu: well, if you did, you could at least file bugs14:18
cwillufde, wasn't able to dupe it on my intrepid box, and I'm not in front of my jaunty machine right now14:19
cwillumore specifically, I get nautilus crashes on intrepid, which is probably due to some other muckery I did on gvfs14:19
cwilluI do recall something about that though, I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a bug filed already14:20
jpedrozaIs there any way to install nvidia-glx-180 and nvidia-glx-180-dev without removing the entire xorg server?14:42
BUGabundoguud afternoon everyone14:44
BUGabundois hibernate broken again?14:44
maxbjpedroza: This should not be a problem if you are using current jaunty14:44
BUGabundo  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  > Gostava de falar contigo sobre os Hands-on, quando é que podes?14:44
BUGabundoFeb 17 01:18:07 blubug kernel: [15077.963758] s2disk[16798]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000000000 sp 00007fff2ae66fd8 error 14 in s2disk[400000+8000]14:45
jpedrozamaxb: What should I be looking for in my apt repositories, because when I try and add nvidia it wants to remove my xorg.14:45
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)14:45
BUGabundowhere is the rest14:46
BUGabundojpedroza: that's is now fix14:46
BUGabundofor a long time14:46
BUGabundobah maxb ^^14:46
maxbjpedroza: Be sure you've updated and upgraded to latest of what you've got installed already (using a mirror you're sure is up to date), and then try again to install nvidia14:47
jpedrozamaxb: I have run apt-get update and upgrade many times, without luck. My apt sources.list is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119228/14:49
jpedrozamaxb: All coming from us.archive.ubuntu.com14:49
maxbjpedroza: you appear to be using intrepid14:50
BUGabundojpedroza: run update-manager -d14:50
jpedrozamaxb: see line 56 jaunty main universe14:50
BUGabundojpedroza: don't mix branchs14:50
maxbjpedroza: Mixing distributions is NOT SUPPORTED (capitals intentional)14:51
BUGabundoit can and will lead to disaster14:51
maxbAlso, nvidia 180 is available in intrepid-backports14:51
BUGabundoI once forgot a line while distupgrading14:51
maxbor intrepid-updates14:51
BUGabundoand in a few weeks most of my apt cache was wacked14:51
jpedrozamaxb: update-namager command not found. I am under kubuntu.14:51
maxbintrepid-something, anyway14:51
BUGabundojpedroza: run update-manager -d14:51
maxband you have hardy-backports as well14:51
BUGabundoit should be cross WM14:52
maxbjpedroza: Do *nothing* until you've made your sources.list sane14:52
BUGabundoor do-release-upgrade14:52
jpedrozamaxb: So what do I need to remove?14:52
BUGabundomaxb: UM will upgrade his repos14:52
BUGabundoif not, then it's a bug on UM14:52
maxbBUGabundo: well, yeah, but I'm not convinced he ought to be on jaunty! :-)14:53
jpedrozaBUGabundo: update-manager: command not found14:53
BUGabundoahh ok maxb14:53
BUGabundoI was under the idea jpedroza wanted to be on jaunty14:53
jpedrozamaxb: If my apt sources are fragged, it is because of the update process to Jaunty. I performed the dist upgrade as outlined at kubuntu.org14:54
maxberm, really? Well, yes, they're pretty nonsensical14:54
jpedrozamaxb: I had assumed that it would remove the old repos, like a good upgrade...14:55
maxbupdate-manager does14:55
maxbDon't know about kubuntu14:55
X-722jaunty stable enough to use for a main desktop machine?14:59
Teknoit's truth15:00
BUGabundosomeone who asks that and then leaves SHOULD NOT be usign it anyway15:00
savvasDon't be so absolute :) I believe that sometimes, whining results in massive hysteria and usually in bug fixing :P15:03
savvasI mean the whining of such people15:03
* fde thinks the topic of this channel should be "if you have to ask, don't install development software" ... nothing more, nothing less...15:08
* BUGabundo nods and agrees with fde15:08
BUGabundostill we should mention that stable versions get their help on #ubuntu15:09
fde"If you have to ask, go back to #ubuntu" ?  :P15:09
savvasthat sort of insults the interest of new users15:10
fde(that's what I was going to say first anyways, but it looked kinda rude)15:10
jpedrozayes, because heaven forbid anyone should want to learn more than they know about pre-repease FOSS software and operating systems.15:10
BUGabundosavvas: if they are so unsure, they should only test betas15:10
BUGabundoI know the more the merrier15:10
BUGabundobut then we get15:10
fdesavvas: Not entirely sure that's a bad thing... obviously if they are that interested, they ought to know what this channel is about.15:11
savvaswell, I wouldn't suggest to test it as a main desktop operating system, but perhaps as a virtual machine15:11
BUGabundousers complaining it empty their drive, when they choose the wrong option15:11
BUGabundosavvas: if user is going to run VM, then they don't ask this15:11
savvastrue, but "If you have to ask..." means "If you have to ask any questions regarding anything" :)15:13
savvasah, I won't debate about it, everyone has their own opinion15:13
BUGabundoI'll help any new or previous users anyway15:14
BUGabundospent yesterday afternoon debuging an laptop15:14
BUGabundoand it seems it will take today too15:14
fdesavvas: well, pretty much, if its not related to confirming bugs and the like, why is it even in here? this isn't really about user support.15:14
savvasI can't disagree to that15:16
BUGabundois there a channel for wubi?15:39
BUGabundoola dyf16:15
dyfhi BUGabundo16:16
dyfafter the latest update, my computer went too slow16:16
dyfi'm running fluxbox16:16
dyfeverything takes forever to respond16:17
dyfi also reported this bug and someone replied to it https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-180/+bug/32444316:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 324443 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-180 "black screen when switching to a virtual terminal with nvidia-180 " [Undecided,Incomplete]16:18
dyfi don't know what the "nv" driver is or where to get it16:18
BUGabundodyf: simply disable proprietary driver from nvidia16:22
BUGabundonot sure if flubox has something like hardward drivers on System meny16:23
dyfit doesn't but i can get it16:24
BUGabundodo it16:24
BUGabundoor just run dpgk --reconfigure -phigh xorg.xserve16:25
dyfi have a few updates downloading.. i'll do it once they're done16:26
dyffew updates = 86 package updates16:26
dyfthey release dozens every single day16:26
* maxb raises an eyebrow at the i386 build queue16:27
maxb617 builds waiting in queue16:27
fdeBUGabundo: dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ...16:29
dyfis that the same as disabling it from the restricted drivers manager?16:29
BUGabundowhat ever16:29
BUGabundotyping from head16:29
BUGabundoI just use the reconvery console option XFIX16:29
BUGabundoyes dyf16:29
dyfok cool16:30
fdeBUGabundo: you make is sound like I wasn't going from memory?  :P16:30
fdeI still haven't bothered to use the recovery tool... cuz the only thing I'd need it for it can't do - restoring sudo screwups16:30
BUGabundodunno.... were you ?16:31
Adysi set Alt+F1 to run a terminal in keyboard shortcuts.. was working well until some update a couple of days ago, and now it constantly just opens the gnome-panel application meny16:36
Adysmenu even16:36
Adystried setting it again, anything.. not working, any idea?16:36
BUGabundoAdys: can you check the shortcuts?16:39
BUGabundoare you using compiz or metacity?16:39
Adysdoesnt work on either16:39
Adyscompiz atm though, and yeah i checked the shortcuts16:40
BUGabundo'cause compiz has it own set of shortcuts16:40
Adysyeah but Ive always opened a terminal with alt-f1 even with compiz16:40
BUGabundoon gnome alt-f1 is set to the menu16:41
Adysyeah by default16:42
Adysbut thats set in the keyboard shortcuts16:42
BUGabundofor metacity16:42
dyfAdys: install tilda ;)16:43
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unixdawgok jaunty on this laptop kicks ass17:23
unixdawgI love it and I use to hate linux17:23
TuTUXGwhat laptop?17:24
dyfunixdawg hats linux.. wtf?17:25
unixdawgi am a bsd guy at heart17:26
unixdawgbut jaunty makes using linux fun17:26
dyfhow so?17:26
unixdawgdell Latitude cpx 65017:26
unixdawgin a min17:28
unixdawgsorry wrong win17:28
unixdawgbut jaunty runs smooth on this laptop17:29
tretleis jaunty going to be switching to packagekit any time soon?17:30
fosco__don't think so17:36
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TuTUXGkernel bump17:44
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tretledoes anyone else have a problem with fonts being extremely large, I changed them so that they are smaller but the xchat chat window did not seem to update with the changes so I have horribly large text :(18:08
Amaranthtretle: It's because we're actually paying attention to your screen's DPI now18:08
macotretle: for once, ubuntu finally uses your sceen's physical dpi instead of forcing 96dpi on everybody18:08
tretlewell I dont like it18:09
Amaranthmaco: Although we forced 96 dpi before because some screens didn't report the right thing18:09
AmaranthThey probably still don't but the drivers handle it a bit better and we don't care anymore :P18:09
macoAmaranth: right...some screens still report the wrong size18:09
macoAmaranth: well, and we ough to fix the drivers :P18:09
AmaranthIt's not up to the drivers18:10
tretlethe text is freakishly large, sorta makes it pointless having a 1080i 15" laptop screen18:10
macoalso, the thing where font sizes change all wrong and inconsistently between different apps is a problem on gnome18:10
tretleI have good eye sight and like small text :D18:10
AmaranthWindows doesn't honor your screen's DPI so some screens don't have a working method of getting it18:10
Amaranthtretle: So make the font size smaller18:10
tretleI did but xchat doesnt listen18:10
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macosome apps try to force a certain font size and ignore what you set in gnome :(  even some gnome apps18:11
macofile a bug on xchat for being stupid and not listening to gnome18:11
tretleand I spend alot of time in irc so its annoying having large text18:11
macodoes xchat have a font size setting built-in too?18:11
macoi thought xchat had like a billion settings18:11
BUGabundotretle: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/32451818:11
BUGabundoand a few others18:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 324518 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "Overly large fonts (dup-of: 325868)" [Undecided,New]18:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 325868 in xorg-server "huge fonts" [Medium,Triaged]18:12
BUGabundoalso its on the release note18:12
Amaranthmaco: X-Chat has it's own setting, yes18:12
tretleI have an ati card18:12
AmaranthI know xchat-gnome has an option to use the GNOME settings but I dunno about xchat18:12
Amaranthtretle: Notice the bug is for xorg-server18:13
AmaranthAlthough it really isn't a bug18:13
tretlealso not able to view video cause gstreamer keeps crashing?18:13
tretleand lastly, are the new volume controls going to come back at some point?18:14
macothe new volume control was a regression, effectively18:14
BUGabundotretle: NO18:14
macosince it didnt allow adjusting individual channels like the old one, and it required pulseaudio18:14
BUGabundosome canonical client didn't like it, and asked Desktop team to remove it18:15
tretlelol, couldnt they just fix it?18:15
maconot in time18:15
macothe ball's been kicked back up to gnome18:15
macoprobably with a note to not remove so many features at once :P18:16
AmaranthBUGabundo: I'm guessing Dell :P18:16
tretleso hopefully jaunty+1 will include packagekit, volume control and new upstart replacement?18:16
BUGabundotretle: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/32586818:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 325868 in xorg-server "huge fonts" [Medium,Triaged]18:16
Amaranthupstart replacement?18:16
Amaranthnothing is replacing upstart18:16
BUGabundoAmaranth: no idea. ask audio guys or desktop team18:16
macotretle: jaunty includes kpackagekit18:16
tretlenot for gnome18:16
BUGabundotretle: see if there are specs for it, if not, open new ones18:16
tretlekde has made the move already18:16
macowe've actually got *both* kpackagekit and adept in kubuntu right now18:17
macoi think they're still indecisive...18:17
Amaranthpackagekit is still a regression from what we have now in ubuntu18:17
tretledont agree there18:17
tretleit makes developers jobs easier18:17
macoAmaranth: really? why?18:17
Amaranthlast time I checked it wasn't as nice as gnome-app-install and didn't support all apt/dpkg features needed18:18
tretlecodec installation without the need for app specific code is brilliant, also new plugins like the anjuta project manager one will be great.18:18
Amaranthand to work as effectively as gnome-app-install it seems to need a modification to packages18:18
Amaranthor at least to package metadata18:18
maxbSo, why does synaptic want to install python3, but aptitude not? :-/18:45
maxbIt's a little discomforting when what you get as a result of an update depends on which tool you use18:46
TuTUXGshould check update-manager18:47
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tretlegetting an error trying to install gstreamer-bad-multiverse18:56
tretle Depends: libmjpegtools0c2a (>=1:1.8.0) but it is not installable18:56
tretle Depends: libx264-59 (>=1:0.svn20080408) but it is not installable18:56
TuTUXGtretle, u need to install libx264-59 from intrepid's repo18:57
tretleim running jaunty18:57
TuTUXGi know18:58
TuTUXGthat's the workaround for that bug18:58
AmaranthIt just needs to be rebuilt18:58
TuTUXGstill a bug18:59
AmaranthSure, but this is a fairly common thing in a development period18:59
Amaranthapt-get -b source gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse would most likely fix it too :P19:00
tretlestill getting tall itan error trying to ins19:03
tretle[19:03] <tretle> still getting tall itan error trying to ins19:04
tretleDepends: libmjpegtools0c2a (>=1:1.8.0) but it is not installabl19:04
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billybigriggerhi all20:51
billybigriggerif i go ahead and install alpha4 will i be able to dist-upgrade to alpha5 to do i have to reinstall via cd/dvd?20:51
siegiebillybigrigger: no, just upgrade.20:54
billybigriggerhave been trying debian etch and the "new" lenny the last couple weeks, lol what a joke, i love using apps that are behind the times haha, enough debian on my desktop20:56
billybigriggercan't even get OO 3.0 without using experimental repos20:56
billybigriggerdont know why i even tried to go back to debian20:56
Amaranthlenny is like hardy wrt software versions20:57
billybigriggerlenny = gey20:57
Amaranthbillybigrigger: Please try to act like an adult20:57
billybigriggercdimage is slooooow...is there another mirror i can grab 9.04 from?20:57
billybigriggerAmaranth, roger20:58
Amaranthafaik alphas are not mirrored20:58
billybigriggerthat sucks, i have an x86 9.04 server cd here...wish i didnt have to download a 64bit cd21:00
siegiebillybigrigger: if you want to use debian and up to date software, try testing  or unstable21:02
AmaranthI'd say testing is close to Ubuntu levels of stability but in a rolling release style21:04
Amaranthunstable is like always using ubuntu+1 :)21:04
tretleIm having video issues with jaunty, it refuses to play videos(crashing totem). When i try installing any multiverse gstreamer packages they also fail.21:05
macotesting right now should be insane21:06
macolenny just dropped21:06
syockitwait, which is more unstable, testing or unstable?21:12
TuTUXGtesting i guess21:13
maxbuhm no21:16
maxbsyockit: unstable is more unstable21:17
maxbThe reason why testing is especially turbulent right now is because it has *just* unfrozen21:17
maxbhence anything which was blocked from migrating into testing by the freeze will have done so all at once21:18
geniimaxb: Ah, I just read the explanantions off the main Debian page now, which makes it clearr21:20
syockitah, that means unstable is the rolling release?21:21
billybigriggerim installing 9.04 amd6422:07
billybigriggeri get to the parition page22:07
billybigriggerits detecting my 500gb storage disk as sda22:07
billybigriggerand my 200gb OS disk (the one i want to install to) as sdb22:07
billybigriggeris there anyway i can have my OS hdd sda and my storage disk sdb? so switch the device names around?22:08
billybigriggeri could always unplug the 500gb storage disk for the install, but thats kinda not what im looking for22:08
macobillybigrigger: why does it matter what the device names are...?22:14
billybigriggerjust easier to remember sda is my / and sdb is my storage device22:15
billybigriggeralways have setup my machines like that22:15
TheInfinitybillybigrigger: plug off your storage device?22:15
billybigriggeralready unplugged it22:15
billybigriggerjust a pain in the ass having to open the case to do something simple22:16
billybigriggerhalf way done installing already :P lol thanks for the quick replies :P22:16
fujimitsueog is acting up22:23
fujimitsuthere was a compiz crash that didnt do anything (?) from nontechnical point22:24
billybigriggerwhich mirror does apt scan on install?22:25
billybigriggerim stuck here @ 82 percent22:25
billybigriggerbeen sitting here long enough for the screen to go black22:25
fujimitsuupdate took a little longer than usual for me today22:26
CosmiChaosdoes anyone got nested paging working in vbox 2.1.4 for in jaunty? :(22:33
billybigriggerwow 412 packages updated22:41
billybigrigger330mb of updates w00t22:41
fujimitsui updated yesterday and it still was over 100 updates22:43
billybigriggeri just did a fresh install today22:43
fujimitsuto be expected22:44
billybigriggerglad i have a decent connection, 1300kb/sec aint bad for 412 pkgs :P22:44
billybigriggercouldnt imaging updating on 56k or dsl22:44
billybigriggerooooh its zingin now, 1800k/sec22:44
billybigriggernow time to see how long it takes to crunch out 412 updates :P22:46
billybigriggerhmm thats wierd22:47
billybigriggeri unplugged my 500gb sata storage drive from my desktop on install22:48
billybigriggeri installed 9.04 to sda (200gb ide disk), now i was hoping when i plugged the sata drive back in, that it would be named sdb, but its sda, and my / is sdb22:48
billybigriggerdoes ubuntu give priority or something to sata disks?22:48
maxbIt's entirely possible that the kernel scans the sata bus before the pata bus22:51
maxb(conjecture, I'm not an expert)22:51
billybigriggermust be something in the new 2.6.27+ kernel22:52
billybigriggeri just had debian lenny running on this machine earlier today and i had it the way i wanted, i installed on the PATA as hda, and installed the SATA drive later as sda, and iirc lenny come withs 2.6.2622:53
billybigriggerdid anyone else have a problem updating the package 'checkbox'??\22:58
billybigriggermy update has been stuck here on configuring checkbox for the last ~5 mins22:58
billybigriggerdoing nothing22:58
billybigriggerand im stuck in 800x600 so i cant scroll down and see whats goin on22:58
ianm_hey just wanted to report a fun fact: on Jaunty with the plug-and-play wacom support, yesterday we successfully used *4* wacom tablets concurrently on one laptop22:58
ianm_billybigrigger: you may be able to hold Alt and drag the window around22:59
billybigriggeri can scroll down far enough to see What would you like to do about it? Your options are:23:00
billybigriggeri cant see the options23:00
ianm_try Alt-dragging23:00
billybigriggerthere we are23:00
billybigriggerianm_, thnkx23:00
billybigriggerhmm, what should i do? install package maintainer's version or keep currently-installed version?  its saying something about ucf was run from a maintainer script that uses debconf, but the script did not pass --debconf-ok to ucf, the maintainer script should be fixed to not stop debconf before calling ucf, and pass it this parameter. for now ucf will revert to using old-style non debconf prompting...23:02
billybigriggerplease inform the package maintainer about this problem23:02
billybigriggerand then my options...23:02
billybigriggershould i go ahead and update or keep the currently installed package?23:03
ianm_I usually update / use new version, then deal with any problems later ;)23:03
billybigriggerhow do i notify the maintainer of checkbox checkbox-gtk?23:04
billybigriggeremail him/her?23:04
billybigriggerbetter yet, how do i find out WHO the maintainer is23:04
* DanaG wishes radeon had some power management support... because draining 30 watsts from battery is Not Good.23:05
DanaGIn fact, I'd dare guess that it can actually wear out the battery prematurely.23:06
* billybigrigger diggs the quick bootup time in 9.0423:07
DanaG37 seconds for me.  Spiffy.23:08
billybigriggerwhat hardware?23:09
DanaGHP EliteBook 8530w.23:09
DanaGI have lots of stuff installed, though.23:09
billybigriggerhp so intel core 2 duo23:09
DanaG4 gigs DDR2-800.23:10
billybigriggerrestricted drivers needs a restart, will time this one :P\23:10
DanaGhard drive is 250GB Seagate 7200RPM.23:10
billybigriggeri just built this desktop, amd x2 2.6ghz, 2gb ddr2-800 kingston, seagate 200gb pata and 500gb sata, booting ubuntu from the pata disk though :(23:11
* billybigrigger needs a stop watch23:11
DanaGCPU is 2.4GHz.23:11
FFForeverhow do i remove the alt + click shortcut?23:13
billybigriggerfrom shutdown to back to logged into gnome23:14
billybigriggernot bad23:14
DanaGI'm on ext4.23:14
DanaGI have backups, so the possible risk of data loss doesn't bother me too much.23:14
billybigriggeryou notice many/any differences?23:14
DanaGIt seems to help the booting.23:14
DanaGNot much else changes, subjectively.23:14
* billybigrigger LOVES ubuntu's rendering...23:15
DanaGFont rendering is awesome.23:15
billybigriggeri just came from debian etch and lenny for the last couple of weeks23:15
DanaGWith subpixel rendering.23:15
DanaGAnd on a 147DPI display -- sweetness.23:15
billybigriggerjust updated drivers and this looks amazing compared to debian23:16
billybigriggeri just have a 3 year old LG 19" LCD23:16
billybigriggernothing fancy23:16
* DanaG is on ATI video (by choice, to save power and because I like the ATI Windows drivers better than the NV windows drivers).23:16
billybigriggernot even using dvi-d23:16
Volkodavanybody has multiple instances of xfdesktop loading at startup eating up memory in xfce 4.6 ?23:16
DanaGWant custom resolution on NV in Vista?  Good luck... it makes you test it, and then invariably fails.23:16
DanaGWant custom resolution on ATI?  No problem: just find the DALNonstandardModesBCD key.23:17
billybigriggerhow is ati coming along in linux drivers?23:17
FFForeverno one?23:17
billybigriggerFFForever, what is the alt-click shortcut?23:17
FFForeverbillybigrigger, it moves the current focused window....23:18
DanaGfglrx is broken for me even on Intrepid, oddly enough.23:18
crdlbFFForever: system -> preferences -> windows23:18
DanaGRadeon works better than nv or nouveau ever have for me (on old hardware where I had to use it), but lacks 3D support and power-management support.23:18
DanaGI don't mind the lack of 3D... but having it drain 30 watts on battery is bad.23:20
DanaGBad for the battery run-time... and bad for its health, too.23:20
billybigriggermy battery doesn't seem to run for too long in ubuntu 8.1023:22
billybigriggerhp pavillion dv900023:23
DanaGI'd tweaked my system with a custom laptop-mode-tools package (the Ubuntu one is broken).23:23
billybigriggerahh much better23:26
* DanaG wonders what Jaunty+1 will be called.23:26
DanaGoh yeah, random: HP netbook theme: www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/screenshot-glassybleu.png23:27
DanaGMy theme: www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/screenshot-orange.png23:27
billybigriggeri like that netbook theme, the first one23:28
billybigriggerwhat window border theme is it using?23:28
* billybigrigger is searching ubuntu-art.org for some good stuff right now23:28
DanaGIt's on Canonical's HP repo.23:28
DanaGYou have to add the deb-src lines to sources.list, and then apt-get source the packages.23:28
billybigriggerooh, thats the default theme?23:29
DanaGFrom their MIE netbook, yes.23:29
DanaGTake only the deb-src lines, though.23:30
billybigriggeri dont have a netbook23:30
billybigrigger17" pavillionm23:30
billybigriggerwhats the package name for compiz config? like theme manager23:31
billybigriggerman this is confusing, whats the difference between compiz and emerald?23:32
billybigriggerboth are part of compiz or emerald is something totally different?23:33
DanaGEmerald is only a window decorator -- the thingy that draws the borders.23:33
DanaGIf you don't use emerald, it uses the Metacity border theme.23:33
billybigriggerso for "the best looking" desktop, compiz+emerald23:33
DanaGI prefer without emerald, actually.23:33
DanaGBecause Emerald draws itself separately, it's a royal pain to find matching themes.23:33
DanaGUgh, laptop using 36 watts on battery.  That's lame.23:34
billybigriggermakes sense23:34
DanaGOn battery in Windows is 19 watts.23:34
SwedeMikehmm... so, the past 6-10 days or so, after I wake up my Thinkpad X200 after suspend, I'm logged out and at the gdm screen. it doesn't happen all the time, just sometimes. Anyone else seeing this?23:35
SwedeMikeit's like doing ctrl-alt-backspace23:36
SwedeMikelast says "gone - no logout" in my session23:36
* DanaG goes off now. Will be back later.23:37
DanaGAt least Radeon does suspend.  Nouveau and NV don't -- or at least, not reliably.23:37
billybigriggerDanaG, lazer23:37
* DanaG ducks23:37
DanaGOOps, can't dodge light.23:37
billybigriggerk, lemme rephrase so your not hitting the deck23:38
* DanaG hits sleep button and wonders when Freenode will notice.23:38
ian1are there any (debug?) settings when running Jaunty Alpha that would make things run slower?23:47
billybigriggerwas just about to ask how to install OO.org 323:51
billybigriggeralready installed by default23:51
* billybigrigger sits on his Debian 5.0 "Lenny" install disk, then snaps it in half23:51
SwedeMikedebian and ubuntu complements each other. I wouldn't want either to stop doing what they're doing.23:52
billybigriggeryes but im sick of trying to run newer versions of apps on debian's old ass23:53
billybigriggerlike wine, OO, anything reallly23:53
billybigriggerdebian calls them expiremental, or unstable packages, and they are about 2 years behind everything23:53
billybigriggerjust not what im used to23:53
SwedeMikebillybigrigger: well, then you should obviously run ubuntu and keep upgrading.23:54
SwedeMikebillybigrigger: which is the good thing about debian vs ubuntu, you can choose what works best23:55
SwedeMikeI run debian on my servers and ubuntu on my laptops.23:55
billybigriggerSwedeMike, i tried running debian etch and lenny both on this new desktop i built for the last couple of weeks23:56
SwedeMikebillybigrigger: and it's not true debian is 2 years behind on everything, lenny is 3-9 months back in most aspects, and you can always choose backports repository to keep recent23:56
billybigriggeras a home server, with ftp, apapche, mysql, php, wordpress...just some stuff to play around with23:56
billybigriggeri can do all the same things, with newer software on ubuntu23:56
Voltron_Anyone notice VERY poor network performance while running Jaunty?23:56
billybigriggeretch was released in 07, lenny 09, 2 years apart between releases...not what im looking for...mind you every 6 months for ubuntu is kinda a pain in the arse too...23:57
billybigriggerVoltron, not yet..23:57
billybigriggereverything seems snappy here, in all aspects23:57
SwedeMikebillybigrigger: yes, if that's what you're after, then ubuntu us what you want.23:58
SwedeMikebillybigrigger: I know people who achieve the same by running debian unstable23:58
Voltron_What is a good IRC client for ubuntu? I am using Quassel and it kind of sucks23:58
Voltron_What does everyone else use?23:58
billybigriggernot xchat-gnome, but xchat23:58
RAOFVoltron_: irssi is pretty good, particularly if you've got a server somewhere you can ssh into.23:59
SwedeMikeirssi is the only way to go if you're serious about irc23:59
RAOFVoltron_: Since my server went up in smoke, I've been using smuxi, which is pretty nice.23:59
Voltron_What do you mean? I have a server in my basement that I can ssh into...23:59
SwedeMikeI have 330 windows in my irssi, I know others who have 500+23:59
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help.23:59

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