
* lool waves08:04
loolHi rwhitby08:04
loolrwhitby: So I think Oliver answered most questions; there are two things I'd like to get back to08:19
loolrwhitby: The first one is on sponsoring hardware, that's great!  We usually planned to buy hardware (slugs) for ourselves a couple of weeks ago for our sprint, but a luggage with 2 of them was lost and when we soldered serial consoles on the other 3, one didn't work08:21
loolSo NCommander has his own NSLU2 with a non-working serial console, and NCommander and ogra received "Canonical" slugs with serial console08:22
* NCommander hasn't even tried to plug in either slug yet since I got home08:22
loolrwhitby: So more hardware is welcome (the mobile team at canonical is NCommander, StevenK, persia, davidm, ogra and myself); however we might not spend as much time on the NSLU2 once d-i works and Ubuntu runs decently on it -- we have a lot of other boards to enable08:23
loolrwhitby: Concerning changes such as a recovery sshd (I think you mentionned dropbear), this would be welcome!  we don't have big plans to work on this because this is quite specific to headless devices and our main mid-term target boards have a display; however we would love helping you or other people achieving this in Ubuntu; usually this starts by a "blueprint" where you spec the idea, this usually gets discussed at UDS, then you write the ...08:25
lool... details of the implementation steps in the spec, and proceed to implementation over the next cycle08:26
loolrwhitby: Some people here are confortable with initramfs and the associated Debian/Ubuntu tools, and I'm sure will be happy to help if someone is interested in implementing that08:27
=== rabeeh_ is now known as rabeeh
rwhitbylool: saw your comments in my bouncer backlog - thanks for the details.  I'll follow up on the hardware donation question on email.23:36

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