
plarsjoin #ubuntu-testing00:19
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ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases15:34
* mathiaz waves16:00
mathiazlet's get the server team meeting started16:01
MootBotMeeting started at 10:01. The chair is mathiaz.16:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:01
mathiazonce everyone stopped dancing we can proceed to today's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting16:01
mathiazLast week minutes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2009021016:02
mathiaz[TOPIC] Update ServerGuide for Jaunty16:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Update ServerGuide for Jaunty16:03
mathiazsommer: how is doc.ubuntu.com going?16:03
sommermathiaz: well, most of the new sections are done16:04
sommermathiaz: and most of the bugs are fixed16:04
sommersome reviews would be cool :)16:04
sommermathiaz: I did have a question about the OpenLDAP DIT?16:05
mathiazsommer: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyServerGuide lists all the sections that needs review16:05
mathiazsommer: what's your question about the DIT?16:06
sommermathiaz: is it going to be part of the slapd package?  or I guess how is the base going to be setup?16:06
mathiazsommer: for jaunty nothing changes16:06
sommermathiaz: because I think it should simplify the ldap section16:07
mathiazsommer: I'll try to get a new upstream version of openldap uploaded before FF16:07
sommermathiaz: oh, I thought there was going to be something16:07
mathiazsommer: well - nothing more than what was already there16:07
mathiazsommer: ie a very basic tree structure.16:07
sommermathiaz: I see, that works... answers my question, thanks16:08
mathiazsommer: great. Anything else apart asking for reviews of the new sections?16:09
sommermathiaz: nope, that should be it16:09
mathiazsommer: oh - is doc.ubuntu.com up-to-date?16:10
sommermathiaz: ah, I don't think it is yet, but I did hear back from mdke and he's working on it16:10
mathiazsommer: ok great.16:10
mathiazlet's move on.16:10
mathiaz[TOPIC] Postfix and Dovecot integration16:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Postfix and Dovecot integration16:11
ivoksright on time :)16:11
mathiazivoks: good work on that one.16:11
ivoksmathiaz: it's not done yet :)16:11
mathiazivoks: there are still some things to be fixed16:11
ivoksmathiaz: we have one bug and couple of issues16:11
mathiazA post on the ubuntuserver blog has been published: http://ubuntuserver.wordpress.com/2009/02/13/an-improved-mail-server-stack-in-jaunty-dovecot-and-postfix-integration/16:11
ivoksi've prepared a debdiff, but i would like a review on it, since this is my first binary-indep package16:11
mathiazlamont: ScottK: do you have comments on the new dovecot-postfix package?16:12
ScottKmathiaz: I haven't had a chance to really look at it.16:12
ivoksdon't, untill new version is uploaded :)16:12
mathiazivoks: attach it to a bug, and subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsor to ask for sponsorship16:12
ivokswill do16:13
mathiazivoks: apart from testing is there anything else to be done on this topic for jaunty?16:13
ivoksnot really16:14
ivoksthere are plans for jaunty+1, but that's another story16:14
ivokssince we are in FF16:14
mathiazivoks: sure - where are these plan kept?16:14
ivoksnowhere atm16:14
mathiazivoks: is there a wiki page somehwere?16:14
ivoksnot yet16:14
ivoksbasicaly, integrating amavis with these two16:15
ivoksand myabe having a 'supported' webmail infrastructure16:15
mathiazivoks: ok - it may be worth creating a wiki page under w.u.c/ServerTeam/MailServer16:15
ivoksgood idea16:16
mathiazivoks: as a braindump page to keep track of interesting ideas16:16
mathiazivoks: just bullet points - the interesting ideas can then be turned into specs for the next cycle16:16
mathiaz[ACTION] ivoks to create a wiki page for ideas about improving the mail server task16:17
MootBotACTION received:  ivoks to create a wiki page for ideas about improving the mail server task16:17
mathiazivoks: ScottK: anything else to report in the mail server area for Jaunty?16:17
ivoksit will rock.16:17
ScottKIt might be worth a mention that dkim-milter now uses unbound for DNS.16:18
ScottKUnbound is a relatively new DNS library that supports DNSSEC.16:19
ScottKAlso just as a warning, clamav 0.95 is due out soon.16:19
ScottKIt, of course, breaks all the rdepends.16:19
mathiazScottK: hare you blogged about it? IIRC I saw something mentioning about it16:20
mathiazScottK: it may have been in the changelog though.16:20
ScottKThey promised though that this is the one true interface redesign and they won't have to do it again.16:20
ScottKThey've never promised this before.16:20
ScottKSo expect some post-FF fun with this one.16:20
mathiazScottK: ok - we'll see how things will turn out.16:20
mathiazanything else to add on this front?16:21
ScottKIn related news clamav 0.94.2 is now available in hardy-backports16:21
ScottKWe're about ready to push it to dapper-backports too.16:21
ScottKThat's it.16:21
mathiazScottK: great - thanks for the good work!16:21
mathiazivoks: ^^ !16:21
mathiaz[TOPIC] Power management16:21
MootBotNew Topic:  Power management16:21
mathiazkirkland: anything new on this front?16:21
mathiazok - kirkland seems to have lost power16:24
mathiazlet's move on16:24
mathiaz[TOPIC] virtualization16:24
MootBotNew Topic:  virtualization16:24
mathiazsoren: what's new there?16:24
sorenLots of stuff going on. We've got a very fresh kvm, libvirt, virt-manager (currently uninstallable due to old virtinst... working on it)..16:25
soren...I'm working on some updates for VMBuilder. Among the new things is support for VMWare ESXi.16:25
soren..I hope to manage to rework a few things that need some love before FF. One thing I'd like to do is to make it able to build for multiple hypervisors in the same run.16:25
sorenAlso, we've been pushing a lot of cloud computing stuff.16:26
sorenA month ago (or thereabouts), I uploaded OpenNebula, and we're currently working hard to get Eucalyptus uploaded before FeatureFreeze.16:26
mathiazsoren: are there plans to blog about all this new things?16:27
sorenEucalyptus has a lot of Java dependencies, so it has been a bit of a rough ride, but upstream is very happy to work with us and are making excellent progress.16:27
sorenmathiaz: Just after featurefreeze, yes.16:27
mathiazsoren: or give an overview about all these new things?16:27
sorenI want people to test all of this much more, so I'll be posting about clever ways you can use OpenNebula for testing (I'd like to work with you on that).16:28
mathiazsoren: awesome - we'll have to wait for next week to get all details then:)16:28
sorenI've been a bit hesitant to blog about Eucalyptus, since it's still vapourware.16:28
sorenBut eucalyptus is in the archive now..16:28
sorenMost of it's build-dependencies are, too, so we're inches away from a usable package :)16:29
sorenKoon is doing fantastic work on the Java dependencies.16:29
* soren hugs Koon16:29
sorens/it's/its/ a few lines ago..16:29
sorenHmm... I think that's all for now. I'll be blogging about stuff as it becomes available.16:30
* ivoks claps16:30
mathiazsoren: awesome. Thanks for giving this short status update.16:31
sommersoren: should we have info in the serverguide about the cloud stuff, or is it mainly ec2 at this point?16:31
kirklandmathiaz: sorry, my network dropped;  back now16:32
sorensommer: We definitely should.16:33
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zulwe cant mention the ec2-ami-tools in the eucalpytus stuff though16:33
sorensommer: Things should be stabilizing enough within the next week for it to actually make sense to start writing docs for it :)16:33
sommersoren: sounds good, I'll be patient16:34
mathiazok - let's move on then16:35
sommerzul: gotcha, we'll just make it generic16:35
mathiazsince we'll have to wait for FF to get a good overview of the new virtualization features in jaunty :)16:35
mathiaz[TOPIC] Power management16:35
MootBotNew Topic:  Power management16:35
mathiazkirkland: now that you're back - any news on this front?16:35
kirklandmathiaz: i have pwrkap and powerman are two new packages, added to the archive today16:36
kirklandmathiaz: powernowd has been added to the server seed, to enable cpu freq scaling by default on ubuntu servers16:36
kirklandmathiaz: pm-utils and ethtool have been added to the server-ship seed, which are what's needed for suspend/hibernate and resume by WoL16:37
kirklandmathiaz: as well as wakeonlan, promoted to main, and on the server-ship seed16:37
kirklandmathiaz: i need to write up some instructions on how to test this16:37
kirklandmathiaz: i'm interested in feedback on hardware where suspend/hibernate can be verified as working16:37
kirklandmathiaz: hw which is *not* working, i'm interested in that too... but we probably won't focus on fixing those until next cycle16:38
mathiazkirkland: great - so the current plan for jaunty is to have powernowd installed by default and all the other suspend/hibernate components available from the cd?16:38
kirklandmathiaz: correct16:38
kirklandmathiaz: suspend is really cool, btw.16:38
kirklandmathiaz: for my home network, i created a ssh wrapper, which pings first to see if alive16:39
kirklandmathiaz: if not, sends a wakeonlan, waits 3 seconds, and ssh's again16:39
kirklandmathiaz: my machines wake from suspend when i need them :-)16:39
kirklandmathiaz: and it only takes about 3 seconds for them to wake up which is lot faster than ~60seconds to boot16:39
kirklandmathiaz: i put a power meter on them too16:40
mathiazkirkland: awesome!16:40
kirklandmathiaz: running, they're about 50W-80W (depending on cpu freq, load, hd, cd, etc)16:40
kirklandmathiaz: suspended, they're at about 11w16:40
mathiazkirkland: that seems like a good topic for a blog post16:41
mathiazkirkland: a good use case for supsend/resume for servers16:41
kirklandmathiaz: cool, will do.16:41
mathiaz[ACTION] kirkland to blog about using suspend/resume for servers16:42
MootBotACTION received:  kirkland to blog about using suspend/resume for servers16:42
nealmcbubuntu - saving energy and the climate!16:42
BrazenI don't suspend, but I do set hdparm to power down the harddrives...16:42
ivoksmy server doesn't do suspend :(16:43
mathiazivoks: did you report it to kirkland ?16:43
ivokskirkland: fix it16:43
ivoksmathiaz: just did :)16:43
kirklandivoks: let me set up a wiki page to track this16:44
mathiazkirkland: how do you keep track which hw is works/doesn't?16:44
kirklandivoks: i'll ping you to fill in your info16:44
ivokskirkland: sure16:44
kirklandmathiaz: i'm going to do it by wiki, for starters16:44
mathiazkirkland: ok - one wiki page seems a good place to start.16:44
kirklandmathiaz: i'll link off of the laptop suspend page16:44
mathiazkirkland: ah ok - there is a suspend page for laptop already.16:45
ivoksanother way of waking up server is IPMI16:45
BrazenThere's also multi-core power savings: 'echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/sched_mc_power_savings'16:45
ivoksany chance to see ipmitool in main?16:45
Brazenand laptop-mode, which I do use on my server: 'echo 5 > /proc/sys/vm/laptop_mode'16:45
kirklandivoks: i'm not too familiar with ipmi16:46
ivoksdell servers support ipmi; i'm not sure about wake on lan16:46
mathiazivoks: ipmitools aren't part of openipmi?16:46
ivoksmathiaz: no, ipmitool can use openipmi, but doesn't depend on it (it can use real hardware)16:46
mathiazapparently no16:46
ivoksopenipmi is just support for ipmi on local machine16:47
mathiazivoks: does ipmitool provide cmd lines that openipmi can't?16:47
ivoksipmitool can be used to connect to other machines16:47
ivoksmathiaz: yes; serial over lan, for example16:47
mathiaznijaba: would ipmitool be useful in main?16:48
ivokswith openipmi you can't do anything outside local machine16:48
ivoksthey don't exclude each other16:48
nijabamathiaz: i would definitely think so16:48
mathiazok - we can always move ipmitool to main after FF16:49
mathiazto get started, a MainInclusionReport has to be written16:49
ivoksright, but it's not being developed for 2 years :/16:49
mathiazivoks: hm - right.16:50
mathiazivoks: if upstream is not very active it may not be worth16:50
mathiazivoks: and we can't really do anything about it :/16:50
ivokssorry, my bad16:50
ivoksthere are new releases16:50
MootBotLINK received:  http://sourceforge.net/projects/ipmitool/16:50
mathiazivoks: anyway - we can always think about it after FF16:50
mathiaz[TOPIC] Open Discussion16:51
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion16:51
mathiazanything else to add?16:51
sommermathiaz: there was that reply about an Ubuntu Directory Service16:52
mathiazsommer: right - I was going to reply to point out to the ubuntu-directory@ ml list and LP team16:53
sommerah, that works :)16:53
mathiazsommer: and also mention that we're about to enter FF so now is not the most appropriate time to start a discussion for jaunty16:53
sommertrue... I didn't have anything else16:55
mathiazok - let's move on to the last item on the agenda:16:56
mathiaz[TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time16:57
MootBotNew Topic:  Agree on next meeting date and time16:57
mathiaznext week, same time, same place?16:57
mathiazok - then.16:59
mathiazsee you all next week, same time, same place16:59
mathiazget ready for FF and make jaunty rock!16:59
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:59.16:59
nijabathanks for hosting mathiaz16:59
sommerlater all17:00
* smb_tp settles down17:01
pgranerHello All! Time for the kernel team meeting17:01
MootBotMeeting started at 11:01. The chair is pgraner.17:01
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:01
* rtg_ waves17:01
* apw phases in ...17:01
* lieb here17:02
* amitk arriveth17:02
pgraner[TOPIC] Security & bugfix kernels17:02
MootBotNew Topic:  Security & bugfix kernels17:02
smb_tpGreg keeps me busy.17:02
pgranerIntrepid ....17:02
pgranersmb_tp: how are we looking?17:02
smb_tpAnyhow, for Intrepid I am done with .17 and try to get this uploaded next day before Greg comes with .1817:03
pgranersmb_tp: when do we hit the 4 month cutoff for Intrepid?17:03
smb_tpEnd of this month17:04
smb_tpI'd say.17:04
pgranersmb_tp: ok, so .18 might not make it then...?17:04
* rtg_ agrees17:04
apwi think we mooted by beta freeze17:04
smb_tpNot completely no. Depends on the time scale17:04
pgranersmb_tp: how does Hardy look?17:04
smb_tpAlso near upload. I added a few things including some xen patches and the vmware tsc updates17:05
smb_tpSo this time both hardy and intrepid will bump abi17:05
ckingsorry, running late17:05
smb_tpIntrepid again17:05
smb_tpUnfortunately I am still fighting to catch the Aspire bug on Hardy, but this will have to get in after that. Actually by the nature of it it might just resolve itself17:06
pgranerAnythings else for this topic?17:06
pgraner[TOPIC] Jaunty17:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Jaunty17:07
pgranerReminder Feature Freeze is the 19th (this week)17:07
pgranerI'd like to do a quick rundown of the big features to see where we are:17:08
pgranerlieb: kerneloops & crashdump?17:08
liebhave to test running non-root.  no one else does that config.17:08
liebcrashdump, its a bigger problem req updates to 3 packages17:09
liebturns out the kexec kernel also oom panics17:09
pgranerlieb: status of MIR?17:10
apwhow big is the 'crash dump window' by default?17:10
liebpgraner, awaiting my test results +debdiff17:10
liebapw, I'd have to check.17:11
pgranerlieb: we are coming down to the wire, we need to get this locked up ASAP. This should be your #1 priority17:11
pgranerlieb: do you need help?17:11
liebit is.  the kexec stuff will probably not make it due to too many packages17:11
liebthe kerneloops stuff should be settled today once I do web sumit testting to confirm17:12
pgranerlieb: what packages specifically needs to be updated?17:12
liebno more code, just re-working the debian package to ubuntu (init scripts) cuz they don't do it either17:13
pgranerlieb: is that something we can get the foundations team to help with?17:13
liebwrt kerneloops, just the one.  wrt kexec, the kernel (or whatever configs the kdump image), makedump17:13
liebcrash, and (possibly) kexec-tools17:13
liebpgraner, maybe but what is really needed is per the uds topic, these tools/daemons need closer proj mgmt coupling w/ the kernel17:14
liebI mentioned that at the sprint but I haven't had time to compose the web page yet17:15
apwwe arn't going to change the coupling at this late stage in the jaunty cycle i don't recon17:15
pgranerlieb: I'm having a hard time understanding why this is so difficult, we can take this offline\17:15
liebapw, that is true.17:15
liebpgraner, ok17:15
pgranerapw: how are we on suspend/resume?17:16
apwwe are starting to get some real user reports now17:16
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apwi am monitoring those separatly from the normal bugs17:16
apwand trying to get some feedback to every one17:17
apwthere is a bunch of people who are reporting things because apport17:17
apwwoke up, but who don't really know what it means.  not sure17:17
apwhow we will handle the ones where they arn't capable of helping us yet17:17
pgranerdid you notice an uptick once it hit planet.ubuntu?17:17
apwwas that what it wa17:17
apwwas, i am also seeing people sliding over to jaunty17:18
apwin general and triggering the reports17:18
apwso far its about 5 a day17:18
pgranergood deal17:18
apwi'll have a better feel by the end of the week17:18
apwwe have done some more work on the apport support17:18
apwto get more information from the users system without needing17:18
apwto talk to them, and also helping make the reports easier to sift17:19
pgranerapw: great for next week can you give us a rundown of what the prob look like and how many etc...?17:19
apwogasawara, i should note that the bugs now have apport-kerneloops, resume and _one_of_ suspend or hibernate now17:19
apwpgraner, sure thing, most right now are getting a cut-n-paste response17:19
ogasawaraapw:  good, that'll make searching easier17:19
apwas they have 0 information on what they were doing.  whenwe have interacted with a few17:19
apwmore we'll know better17:20
pgranerapw: ack, good deal17:20
ckingapw, you capturing hibernate issues - i thought it was just suspend/resume?17:20
apwthe testing stuff is just suspend, but the apport stuff detects both17:20
apwand differentiates them in the bugs as reported (now)17:20
pgranerapw: one more... vanilla kernel builds... what the status, and how are we on ppa hosting?17:20
apwi am seeing an uptick in those reports17:20
apwvanilla builds are now up to date, latest of each tree is built17:21
rtg_we never planned to PPA host them.17:21
apwin the ~apw version on kernel.  the old one on people now points there17:21
pgranerrtg_: sabdfl wants them in a ppa17:21
apwrtg is now testing the more official kernel-ppa user for them17:21
pgranerrtg_: for the ease of end user testing17:21
apwi haven't had time to test loading them into a PPA yet17:21
apwbut the thought there was to see if we could keep just the latest of each in a PPA17:22
apwnot try anything clever to get them all in17:22
rtg_apw: in order to do so, we have to upload a source package17:22
apwbut that is not started yet17:22
apwrtg_ yeah, but with the lpia experience under my belt, i think i know waht needs twiddling17:22
apwto get at least one of each into a ppa.  anyhow, we committed to trying it and i have that on my todo17:23
apwhope to be able to report on that next week17:23
rtg_its the package namig thats gonna be  PITA17:23
apwyes.  i think as long as we only keep the latest per release17:23
apwie a .24 in hardy, a .27 in intrepid and a .28 in jaunty17:23
apwthen we may be able to shove them all into a ppa17:23
apwbeyond that, you know what you are doing and can install a .deb17:24
apwfrom the kernel-ppa web site17:24
apwas i say its got to be investigated, and it may be17:24
apw'to do that we need these 3 things from a PPA please'17:24
apwso it may be a KK think17:25
rtg_apw: we're also gonna have to get some storage exceptions. these kernels start to eat a lot of space17:26
pgraner[TOPIC] Jaunty Bugs17:26
MootBotNew Topic:  Jaunty Bugs17:26
pgranerogasawara: what are the top ones this week?17:26
apwrtg_, yeah speacially as we have had to keep the source17:26
ogasawaraso the majority are from previous weeks . . .17:26
ogasawarafrom last week bug 326891, bug 255886, and bug 323256 - all got feedback17:27
apwwe didn't make much dent in the previous 2 weeks worth which dropped week-117:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326891 in linux " kernel breaks r8169 support for rtl8102e" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32689117:27
ubottuBug 255886 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/255886 is private17:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323256 in linux "2.6.27-11 Intel Ethernet e100e Remains active after shutdown" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32325617:27
smb_tpThe e1000e is looked after by inter and can be worked around17:28
smb_tpintel, even17:28
ogasawarathere are some older ones marked as High:17:29
ogasawarabug 32313417:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323134 in linux "oopses with sr0 in armel versatile image" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32313417:29
ogasawaraogra confirmed though that if he disabled CONFIG_BLK_DEV_SR oops went away17:29
pgranerogasawara: are we tagging the arm bugs differently?17:29
ogasawarapgraner: I haven't been but can start17:30
apwi do think it would helpful to have them marked17:30
pgranerogasawara: amitk would that help you?17:30
ograogasawara, thats fixed partially, amitk made it a module  ... though now it oopses if the module is loaded17:30
ograso i think we need to drop it completely17:30
amitkpgraner: yes it would help to have arm bugs tagged separately17:30
amitkogra: noted17:31
apwogasawara, could we colour them different or something for background17:31
ogasawaraapw: yup, am planning on coloring regressions already, so would be a similar change17:31
apwalways one step ahead of me17:31
amitkor editing the summary to add [arm]?17:31
ogasawaraamitk: I'll edit the summary/title and tag them "arm"17:32
amitkogasawara: thanks17:32
ogasawaralisting just a few other bugs . . . bug 322879 is another 2.6.27-11 regression17:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 322879 in linux "Verizon CDMA card no longer works" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32287917:32
ograamitk, you shouldnt say [noted] .... you should say ogra you goddamn slacker, get your ass up and write that in the bug :P17:32
ogasawaraalong with bug 319840 (hardy regression)17:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319840 in linux "Kernel panic when attempting to netboot hardy 20090119 on HP Proliant ML350 G5" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31984017:33
amitkogra: whatever you said ^^^^17:33
pgranerogasawara: are the bugs assigned to individuals are still with kernel-team?17:34
apwi wonder if there is milage to keeping the regressions in a new list with the this weeks ones, or always keep them on 'this week'17:34
apwso they don't slide down and get lost17:34
apwkeeping them on 'this week regardless of week might work nicly17:34
pgranerapw: good point17:35
ogasawarapgraner: bugs are no longer assigned to kernel-team, and is currently the devs responsibility to take ownership (is assign it to themselves)17:35
ogasawaraapw: I was thinking it would be better to pull regressions out into their own section17:35
* pgraner passes on ogasawara's reminder to take ownership of the ones she put out today :-)17:35
apwogasawara, that would work just as well as long its at the top17:35
apwthey are the most important bugs for smb_tp and his kin17:36
* ogasawara nods17:36
* smb_tp agrees17:36
pgranerogasawara: Anything else on bugs?17:36
ogasawarapgraner: there are few other high ones but I want to get them to test latest Jaunty first.  I'll raise them in next weeks meeting if necessary.17:36
pgranerogasawara: ack, thanks17:37
pgranerMoving on then17:37
pgranerSince sconklin is out today we will skip LPIA, if anyone has questions or issues take it to the list pls...17:37
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pgraneramitk: armel ... how goes it?17:37
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pgraner[TOPIC] armel17:38
MootBotNew Topic:  armel17:38
amitkversatile and iop4xx (slug) are now working17:38
amitkogra beat me into fixing the kernels for both17:38
pgraneramitk, ogra: do we have instructions for loading the image up anywhere? I have a few slugs I could test17:38
amitkI've left iop32x and orion5x flavours as 'don't cares' for now since there isn't a whole lot of community17:39
pgraneramitk: ACK17:39
amitkpgraner: ogra is doing final testing now and should write up a wiki page soon17:39
amitkthat's it from me17:39
pgranerogra: let me know when you have it done :-)17:40
pgraneramitk: great thanks17:40
pgraner [TOPIC] Open discussion17:40
pgraner[TOPIC] Open discussion17:40
MootBotNew Topic:  Open discussion17:40
rtg_CRDA will start appearing with the latest linux-meta upload. Everyone should whine if their wireless croaks.17:40
pgranerrtg_: brace for impact :-)17:40
rtg_no, bend over and spread 'em17:40
ograpgraner, prob is that OOM kicks in midway through the installer17:41
pgranerogra: ouch17:41
ograthe kernels boot though, but iÄm still trying to determine how to make d-i work in 30M17:41
rtg_ogra: use less memory.17:41
ograor how debian even does it17:41
ogrartg_, :P17:42
pgranerogra: just put it on a diet17:42
pgranerAnything else?17:42
pgranerI'll take the silence as a no... in that case...17:42
pgranerapw: both rtg & I will be traveling next Tues can you run the meeting?17:43
pgraner[ACTION]apw to run next meeting17:43
MootBotACTION received: apw to run next meeting17:43
pgranerIn that case same day, time & channel next week.17:44
pgranerThanks everyone!17:44
apwtll then17:44
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:44.17:44
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