
directhexpersia, um........... only a little bit?00:00
_16aR_hi REVU people ! I got one 2D physics game engine to be reviewed : http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/box2d , thank you :)00:00
persiadirecthex, What's up?00:00
directhexpersia, i need to Depends: on a /usr/bin/javac of some kind00:01
persiaRight.  I'll answer that in the original forum, if such a package exists.00:02
directhexpersia, monodevelop-java needs a java compiler, to run javac with. - how sane does the dep on http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/monodevelop-java look to you?00:04
* persia experiences network skew00:05
* directhex emits a gravametric pulse00:05
binarymutantis there an Ubuntu Ruby packaging team?00:05
binarymutantlike pkg-ruby-extras in Debian00:06
directhexbinarymutant, if there is, tell them how awesome ironruby is. it's like ikvm, but for ruby!00:06
persiadirecthex, Only issue is that openjdk doesn't match.00:06
binarymutantdirecthex, whats ikvm?00:06
directhexbinarymutant, a really space-efficient openjdk!00:06
binarymutant.NET ruby? sounds...odd00:07
directhexmoreso than .net Scheme?00:08
binarymutantabout the same to me :P00:08
binarymutantdirecthex, is it .NET metaprogramming ruby? or the other way around00:09
directhexbinarymutant, it's ruby language on .net runtime, with interop into other .net libs & apps00:09
binarymutantdefinitely not my thing :/00:10
persiabinarymutant, Don't worry about it.  Ruby is portable.  Write however you want, and directhex will probably run it in CLR (as with most other languages).00:15
directhexpersia, let me show you ironlisp.....00:15
directhexpersia, oh, and brainfuck.net00:16
directhexcan write some soap web services with it...00:16
ajmitchdirecthex: did you see the thing about ironpython loading cpython extensions?00:17
directhexajmitch, yes, "ironclad". it's on my radar, but isn't a jaunty task00:18
ajmitchobviously not, with FF this close00:18
ajmitchand that it's mostly for windows at the moment00:19
directhexis it? i honestly hadn't looked in detail00:20
ajmitch"Ironclad works with IronPython 2 and targets CPython 2.5 on 32-bit Windows; efforts to support other platforms are underway. "00:21
directhexwe can't even run ipy2 without backported fixes (or mono 2.2), so...00:21
ajmitchmaybe by jaunty+1 FF00:21
directhexi don't think we've discussed goals as a team for summertime00:22
directhexonce monodevelop 2 is resolved, the next priority is bringing all the work done over the past few months into unstable, post-lenny - but that particular goal isn't relevant to jaunty00:22
ajmitchstill fairly important00:23
ajmitchare you currently in NM?00:23
directhexno. seems like 2 years of delays for no tangible benefit. i'm happy with "debian shadowy puppetmaster" status for now00:26
ajmitchI guess if it works for you00:26
directhexhanska is, though. he's one of the other nice pkg-mono people00:26
ajmitchespecially as there are team members who can quickly upload00:26
* ajmitch hasn't really been using mono stuff enough recently to justify rejoining the team00:27
ajmitchthough my main desktop at work runs sid :)00:28
kirklandcan anyone explain what the .PHONY target in a rules file actually does?00:34
kirklandandersk: thx00:34
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AdamDHi need some help with my copyright file, I am packaging a cross compiler based on binutils-2.19, I get a patch from cvs from the cross compilers website and that is the same license as binutils, do I need to in the files section list the modified files from the patch to show who wrote the cross compiler part then the rest is part of binutils?01:14
AdamDHhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete reading that is X-Comment: a correct tag as I cannot find it any one in the documentation at http://wiki.debian.org/Proposals/CopyrightFormat02:02
RAOFX-* means "extended", IE: "I've made this one up".02:04
RAOFThere are no X- tags in the format itself, but you can make them up if you feel you need to (I've used X-Repacked-Reason before)02:05
StevenKRAOF: That's hideous!02:06
RAOFX-Music-Listened-To: Yo La Tengo ♪ You can have it all ♫.02:07
RAOFThat's an important part of every debian/copyright file!02:07
persiaRAOF, Now, implement libcopyright in such a way that it processes that, pulls an .ogg from somewhere and pushes through ogg123 in the background whenever the file is checked.02:11
RAOFpersia: We'd need a couple of years of wrangling about the precise format of the Music-Lisened-To field before I could feel confident implementing it in libcopyright :P02:12
persiaRAOF, It's your implementation.  Embrace and Extend!02:12
persiaIf someone doesn't like it, they can write their own libcopyright.02:12
AdamDHthanks guys, X can allow me to add a comment to the copyright file to explain what is happening?02:14
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bitbuzterhow should i create a patch to be used on debian/patches?02:38
bitbuztera diff of the orig and new dirs?02:38
persiabitbuzter, Run what-patch in the source directory to discover the patch system.02:39
persiaIf it's dpatch or CDBS, you can use dpatch-edit-patch or cdbs-edit-patch to automate the patch creation.02:39
persiaIf it's quilt, you can use quilt to manage the patch creation.02:40
persiaIf it's not one of those, ask again.02:40
bitbuzterits cdbs.. im trying with cdbs-edit-patch now02:45
bitbuzterthanks for the tips!02:45
persiabitbuzter, Thanks for working on a patch to fix a package.  With your help, Ubuntu will be better :02:46
Davedancan I make an ubuntu package without a source package with dh_make ?03:07
persiaDavedan, What is your end goal?03:09
Davedanpersia: the package should put two simple python scripts ( /usr/share/<pkgname>/ ), a file under /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ and a config file that will hold the user mail which will be entered duiring the install03:10
Davedanpersia: looks interesting. I'm reading it. thanks03:15
persiaSo, the short answer is "No", but it's not hard to create the source package, and then create the Ubuntu package.03:16
Davedanpersia: so I don't understand what is a source package. I thought that in my case I have only a binary, or maybe they are the same03:18
nhandlerpersia: Would your example package on that wiki page even be accepted? I would think the fact that upstream just put the properly licensed copy of the file on pastebin would cause issues03:20
persianhandler, Well, see, upstream was creating the source during the lesson, and didn't have time to register a project on LP.03:20
nhandlerlol persia03:21
persiaAnyway, I mostly trust upstream.  I've spent a lot of time going over code by that author, and while there are a fair number of mistakes, it's nothing I wouldn't have done.03:21
persiaActually, that document could do with a refresh, to use the new copyright format, debhelper 7, etc.03:22
persiaAnd yes, to have a proper upstream project registered, with a proper downloadable tarball, and a watch file.03:23
persiaMight even benefit from a better script :)03:23
ScottKpersia: Actually I have concerns about pushing the new copyright format too hard on new contributors.03:32
ScottKI think it's subtantially more complex to write and raises the barrier to contribution.03:33
ScottKRequiring it has no basis in policy.03:33
persiaWell, for simple things, it's no more complex to write, and for complex things, the other format is almost always done wrong anyway, but I see your point.03:36
jacobScottK: do you mean the RFC 2822 / email format? if so then I sure agree.03:36
persiaDo you object to it being offered as an option?03:36
ScottKjacob: Yes.03:36
jacobI've gotten used to the format now and am comfortable writing it, but there seems to be a lot of boilerplate for simple tasks.03:37
ScottKpersia: I don't object to it being offered as an option, but I think it should clearly be an alternative.03:37
ScottKThat and it's just flat out got more things to be wrong.03:37
persiaI'm not sure there are more things to be wrong, if we're picky about debian/copyright.  LucidFox wrote a number of fairly interesting old-format ones for ugly sources.  I'm happy to be clear that it's very much an alternative, and not the primary recommendation.03:38
ScottKpersia: It has additional structural requirements.03:39
ScottKThere aren't any things you must write in the old format that don't also apply to the new one.03:40
ScottKSo it's got to have additional ways to screw up.03:40
persiaOK.  I can see that.03:41
persiaI guess I just haven't encountered it because every one of the new format ones I've reviewed looked good enough, and was human parseable.  If the goal of machine parsability is ever reached, I suspect many would break.03:41
anakronHI all03:42
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
anakronhow you can apply a debdiff?03:53
anakronsudo patch -p1 < ../file.debdiff03:53
anakronthat's the way03:53
nhandleranakron: Don't use sudo03:54
anakronand where i must do it03:54
nhandlerAnd that command should be run from within the foo-X.Y directory03:54
nhandler(assuming the patch is in the parent directory003:54
anakronappears an error03:54
anakroncan't find file to patch at input line 403:54
nhandlerWhat is the error?03:54
anakronand i can patch03:55
anakroncan't find file to patch at input line 1303:55
anakronPerhaps you used the wrong -p or --strip option?03:55
nhandlerAre you sure the patch is meant to be applied to that version of the source?03:55
anakronwhen i try to patch03:55
anakroni create this debdiff03:55
anakronfrom the same version03:55
nhandlerHow did you create the debdiff?03:55
anakronin the same way that wiki says03:56
nhandlerAnd is this an Ubuntu->Ubuntu debdiff or a Debian->Ubuntu debdiff?03:56
anakronubuntu debdiff03:56
anakronfrom source03:56
nhandlerSo this is a debdiff from an older Ubuntu version to a newer Ubuntu version? And you are attempting to apply it to the older version to make sure it works?03:57
anakroni make some changes in the source03:58
anakronthe same source03:58
anakronand now im testing my debdiff file03:58
anakronbut it seems that i make some "lines changes"03:58
nhandlerYou are trying to apply the debdiff to a clean/unchanged copy of the old source, correct?03:58
anakronIts added correctly T-T04:02
Davedanto be able to create a package do I need tar.gz and orig.tar.gz files or two folders or both?04:06
persiaYou need the orig.tar.gz, and an unpacked folder.  The tar.gz or second folder are entirely optional.04:09
persia(well, technically, if you have the second folder, you don't need the orig.tar.gz, but that requires passing interesting arguments to the package build scripts)04:09
Davedanand the orig.tar.gz should be outside of the package-version folder04:12
DavedanI forgot to add a quetion mark ? :)04:12
Davedando I need to care about permissions or do it all under my user and not sudo?04:13
persiaAll under your user.04:14
DavedanI have to go. I apreciate your help.04:18
anakroncan you check a bug? i test it applying my debdiff and runs ok04:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 315725 in slingshot "Menu launcher not created when Slingshot installed." [Wishlist,Confirmed]04:22
anakronor other motu that can review it04:23
* nhandler goes to look04:23
anakronok thanks04:23
fabrice_spHi. When the last uploader of a package is not a MOTU, is there a way to know who really uploaded it? (Bug #329830)04:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329830 in reprepro "[merge request]Please merge reprepro 3.8.2-1 from Debian unstable" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32983004:23
fabrice_sp(just wanted to know who sponsored it)04:24
nhandleranakron: Just as a heads up, the MOTU Reviewers Team is dead. You will want to subscribe, not assign, ubuntu-universe-sponsors or ubuntu-main-sponsors to your bugs04:24
nhandlerfabrice_sp: One second, I'll find it04:24
anakronsorry, i knew it but i forgot it04:24
fabrice_spthanks :-)04:25
nhandlerfabrice_sp: james_w uploaded it: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/jaunty-changes/2009-February/005210.html04:27
nhandler(Look at the Signed-By field)04:27
fabrice_spnhandler, I can see it. Thanks! (as I'm willing to apply to U-C-D, I'm actively looking for my sponsors, to have their feeling). Thanks again!04:29
nhandlerYou're welcome fabrice_sp04:29
fabrice_sp(feedback, I mean)04:29
nhandleranakron: It doesn't look like you did anything about the .desktop file. You just added an icon04:30
anakroni move his installation04:31
anakronfrom /usr/share/games/applications to /usr/share/applications04:31
* nhandler just noticed that04:31
nhandleranakron: Why is the patch you submitted to Debian different than the Ubuntu one?04:32
anakronbecause that one was an old one04:33
anakroni must send the new one04:33
nhandleranakron: Since we currently sync the package from Debian, I do not feel it is worth introducing a delta for this small patch. I think it would be better to submit the patch upstream and wait for the Debian Maintainer to apply it.04:34
nhandlerI'll add a comment saying this on the bug04:35
anakronill send a mail to debian maintainer with the debdiff04:36
persiaAlso, since Debian and Ubuntu have a common, and well-integrated Games team, it doesn't make sense to introduce Ubuntu-specific deltas in games (especially now that squeeze is open), unless there's some reason we can't use what's in the alioth SVN.04:36
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dholbachgood morning06:08
MilyardoGood Morning06:27
MilyardoI'm somewhat new to debian packaging, and I'm trying to package a peice of non-free proprietary software, of which I only have the binary. I've looked at dholbach's screencast on youtube, but I'm not sure how'd they apply here06:28
dholbachMilyardo: if you just have some kind of blob that needs to be installed somewhere, take a look at dh_install and maybe a simple package like ubuntu-artwork06:32
Milyardodholbach: I'm reading the dh_install man page now, not exactly sure how it would help, could you elaborate?06:37
dholbachMilyardo: you basically put a debian/install file (or debian/<package>.install file if you have more than one binary packages) in there and describe what goes where by putting something like this in there:06:38
dholbachsource_directory/some_file                usr/share/something06:39
dholbachsome_other_directory                usr/lib/bla06:39
dholbachand dh_install will take care of it06:39
dholbach(if there's no real "build process" going on)06:39
persiaAh, there it is.  "pq" is an example of a proprietary (windows even) application packaged for Ubuntu (you can get it with apt-get source pq).  It nicely demonstrates how to drop in a prebuilt binary while using the packaging infrastructure to assist with integration and helper files.06:41
Milyardohrrmmm... my binary is distrbuted in the form a .run file, is there a debhelper tool to extract its contents into one directory?06:42
Milyardooh wait nevermind06:42
MilyardoI guess I could use chroot couldn't I?06:42
dholbachMilyardo: what happens if the .run file is executed? is that the application itself or does it do some "installation" of sorts?06:43
MilyardoIt does the installation of the game06:44
dholbachMilyardo: then I'd run the .run script during the build process of the package, it uses fakeroot itself06:45
dholbachyou might just need to adapt a few paths06:46
MilyardoI'm sorry, now I'm even more confused ._.06:48
dholbachthe package build process wraps around the build process of the project itself (ie: "./configure && make && sudo make install" in a 'typical' C+autoconf scenario)06:50
dholbachyou seem to have a froblicator.run script, comparable to "sudo make install" -- just a few files are put somewhere06:51
dholbachbut instead of installing all files into / properly, things get installed into build_dir/debian/tmp or some such and get put into the resulting .deb package afterwards06:52
dholbacheven more confused? :)06:53
Milyardonope :)06:54
dholbachgood, I hoped I made a bit of sense :)06:54
Milyardookay so far the only thing I have, is my project directory in ~/workspace/project and the .run installer inside of it at ~/workspace/project/installer.run06:56
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
MilyardoThe first I'd do would be to use dh_make to create the debian directory and all of the file insides inside of it, then strip it down to only the files I need06:57
dholbachsounds good06:58
Milyardo:) great, I'm going to do that now then06:59
didrocksmorning o/06:59
MilyardoOkay dh_make told me it could not find a tar.gz, but that is to be expected correct? Should I speficy the .run file as an alternate with -f instead then?07:04
MilyardoGood Morning didrocks07:04
didrockshi Milyardo07:04
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fabrice_sp'morning didrocks and dholbach !07:07
dholbachhi fabrice_sp07:07
didrockshey fabrice_sp!07:07
Milyardoor should I put the .run file into a tarball?07:13
persiaPut the .run file in the tarball, and call it an orig.tar.gz.  Document that you did this in debian/README.source07:14
Milyardowill do07:14
CaesarHi, is there a way to tell when a package was uploaded to gutsy-backports?07:15
persiaCaesar, You can look at the LP entry.  Which package?07:16
Caesarpersia: puppet07:16
Caesarpersia: thanks07:17
persiaYeah.  Just scroll down and it has the publication date.07:17
MilyardoI'm baffled as to why dh_make cannot findmy tarball07:34
arahello all! is tomboy package broken for you guys in Jaunty?07:36
MilyardoI remade the tarball no luck still07:51
slytherindirecthex: ping07:53
directhexslytherin, pong, but i'm about to catch a bus. back in ~3008:21
slytherindirecthex: ok, talk to you later08:22
TheMusoAnyone around who can change my status on revu from contributor to MOTU?08:22
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directhexactually, bugger, i have things i need to sort here first08:26
directhexwhat's up?08:26
slytherindirecthex: yesterday I did dist-upgrade on jaunty. It upgraded f-spot but removed tomboy and bunch of -cil packages. Thought you would like to know.08:28
araslytherin: that happened to me as well08:29
geserslytherin: there is a gnome-sharp transition going on and tomboy is in progress08:30
gesersee bug 31451608:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314516 in tangerine "gnome-sharp2 transition" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31451608:32
jms_slytherin: sorry, you'll have to repeat anything from the last few minutes. my office pc decided now was a brilliant time to implode. and it's also my irc gateway.08:34
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slytherinjms_: never mind, I got my answers. I was checking why tomboy got removed on dist-upgrade yesterday on a jaunty installation.08:36
jms_i wish my office pc hadn't died08:39
jms_there it goes08:44
slytherinpersia: just FYI ... I have uploaded libnb-platform-java today, packages are in new queue now.08:48
petskiAnyone so kind to sponsor the upload of the debdiff attached to #77980 ?08:51
slytherinbug 7798008:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 77980 in mtop "mtop failed to install (wrong/no password)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7798008:53
petskiThe bug is there since early 2007, would be cool to have it fixed in jaunty :)08:55
jms_hm, it now seems to be booting at ~1mhz09:06
directhexi'm back, baby!09:09
sistpoty|workhi folks09:47
sistpoty|workStevenK: would you like to act as motu-release delegate for MID and netbook?09:52
Juli_slytherin: Hi, I've just came back. Thank you a lot for libnb-platform-java. Have you had any problem with this package?09:53
slytherinJuli_: yes, it took lot of time to build on my ibook. :-)10:00
Juli_slytherin: oh yes, this is a problem:) but netbeans takes even more time:)10:01
slytherinJuli_: I will build ide on my PC. but I will have to free some space in home folder for that.10:02
directhextry building OOo you moaners10:02
Juli_slytherin: hope it is not too difficult for you... for me my home folder is the holy of holies:)10:04
slytherindirecthex: I tried once. Didn't know it needed 5+ GB of space to build. :-)10:04
directhexslytherin, and 8-10 hours on a fast system10:04
slytherinJuli_: How much is the source download?10:05
Juli_slytherin: let me see10:06
slytherinJuli_: and does it have build dep on libnb-platform-java?10:06
Juli_slytherin: yes it has10:06
slytherinJuli_: then we will have to wait for the packages to clear NEW queue anyway.10:07
slytherinJuli_: in any case, I am in office right now, so I won't be building the ide package.10:07
* directhex awaits a lib clearing NEW, hopes it happens pretty sharpish so he can sign off on the mono 2.0 app transition as complete10:08
Juli_slytherin: yes I understand. just tell me if you need any help from me:)10:08
Juli_slytherin: unpacked netbeans sources is about 239 MB10:08
slytherinthat is huge. :-)10:09
Juli_slytherin: but orig.tar.gz is just 35 MB:)10:09
slytherinJuli_: By the way, may I know the reason why you wanted to have version in libnb-platform-java package name?10:10
Juli_slytherin: there was a big correspondence half a year ago...10:11
slytherinJuli_: yes, persia told me that. But I was too sleepy to actually ask him any links to the conversation.10:12
Juli_slytherin:  I'm afraid there is no access outside to this conversation10:13
Juli_slytherin: as far as I remember This is requirement for platform to have multiple platform versions on one system10:14
slytherinJuli_: but then why the 'Conflicts' between different version. How can you install different versions if you have conflicts10:15
Juli_slytherin:  persia said that for most libraries, there is only one source package, and the binary names are changed when there is an incompatible ABI change10:15
Juli_slytherin:  and everybody decided it is ok to have one source package but still change names10:16
slytherinJuli_: but then does the conflict make sense? those packages can not be installed in parallel.10:17
Juli_slytherin: why? actually Conflicts are in libnb-platform-devel-java only10:18
slytherinJuli_: ahh, right. my mistake10:19
Juli_slytherin: and as far as i remember visualvm depends on platform810:20
slytherinJuli_: so will we need to rebuild visualvm?10:20
Juli_slytherin: i think I should ask doko about that10:21
slytherinJuli_: just FYI ... I made a small change in watch file to deal with weird upstream version.10:21
Juli_slytherin: i'll write him right now to be sure everything will be ok with visualvm10:21
Juli_slytherin: ok, thanks. It is a good chance for me to improve my packaging skills - by the example of your:)10:23
StevenKsistpoty|work: Hmm. I could be convinced10:25
sistpoty|workStevenK: excellent!10:25
sistpoty|workthanks StevenK10:25
StevenKI said I could be convinced, not yes :-P10:26
slytherindoes anyone know why do we have backport bugs in u-u-s? We have a separate backport team don't we?10:26
* sistpoty|work tries to convince StevenK10:27
sistpoty|workStevenK: please, please, with sugar on the top ;)10:30
StevenKsistpoty|work: Heh, okay10:32
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sistpoty|workStevenK: thanks :)10:38
sistpoty|workbtw.: any archive-admin around who knows why sabnzdplus was rejected? maybe ScottK?10:45
Laneyit was? :(10:46
sistpoty|workyep, got the reject mail (as uploader) yesterday10:47
Laneysistpoty|work: probably best -> devel10:47
Laney(does the mail not say why?)10:48
sistpoty|workLaney: no, that's why I'm asking :)10:49
jcfpsistpoty|work: apparently Apache and GPL-2 can't live together10:53
sistpoty|workjcfp: ah, eww...10:54
jcfpsistpoty|work: did a repack, has been reuploaded already10:55
sistpoty|workjcfp: ah, good :)10:56
jcfpwhich reminds me - still have to poke upstream about that10:56
sistpoty|workjcfp: also about the generated javascript thingies...10:56
jcfpsistpoty|work: should they include the stuff in the tarball, or is having the javascript "non-packed" in a public repository good enough (their own, or further upstream)?10:59
jcfpcause I know they're gonna say it's for saving bandwidth etc, hard to argue with :)10:59
sistpoty|workjcfp: I'm not entirely sure actually in regards to ubuntu guidelines... from a legal POV it's nothing to worry, since the original source is BSD licensed11:00
jcfpsiretart: yeah, found a discussion on some debian mailing list, lots of argument about whether the packed js should be considered sources or not11:01
LaneyI have gpg set up to auth with gpg-agent using pinentry-gtk2, but now it fails when called over SSH remotely. How can I get the two to live in harmony?11:02
sistpoty|workjcfp: ah, what was the outcome?11:02
jcfpsistpoty|work: opinions differed, some thinking it is as long as function names are kept (rather than replaced by a(), b() etc) and that a simple script allows to get back an easier to read file, others argued the source should be the preferred format for making mods, saying that it wasn't11:04
jcfp(in their case, the stuff was under gpl so it really did matter)11:05
sistpoty|workah, k11:05
morgsjames_w: ping11:05
jcfpsistpoty|work: appears I bookmarked it http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2009/01/msg00584.html11:06
james_whey morgs11:09
morgshi james_w, thanks for looking at my tickets11:09
morgsjames_w: Here's what happened: to get the directory structure used previously I had to repack the tarballs11:09
morgsjames_w: The upstream tar.bz2 has Read-63/foo but the orig.tar.gz has sugar-read-activity-63/Read.activity/foo11:10
slytherinhey, an off topic question. Does anyone know what is exact license for bugzila? I am not able to find any information at http://www.bugzilla.org/about/11:11
james_wmorgs: ah11:11
morgsjames_w: is that a problem? Should I change the packaging?11:12
james_wmorgs: if you repack the tarball then you should use a suffix to the version number to indicate that11:12
james_wmorgs: is it required to repack?11:12
morgsIf I changed more in debian/ then it wouldn't be required - although upstream has tar.bz2 so recompressing at least is required11:13
loic-mIs there a way to tell tar to unpack a tarball in a certain directory instead of at the directory it's run in?11:26
Laneytar -C /foo11:27
hmgHello ubuntu people - sorry if I'm asking Questions you'll probably get to read over and over - but I'm stuck in the workflow of contributing packages to ubuntu (to be released in "universe") - I'm not ubuntu proof and I've just created my launchpad account - so I'v got no experience - sorry for that. My problem: I've uploaded our tar.gz files we've build and optimized for ubuntu 9.04. I've used the upload functions of launchpad you may find th11:27
directhexjcfp, isn't javascript often whitespace-purched to save bandwidth?11:27
directhexhmg, your irc client cut you off.11:28
hmgping (am I alive?)11:29
hmgok - the short version: https://code.launchpad.net/x2go/trunk/2.99 -> wrong place for rfp?11:29
loic-mthx a lot Laney11:30
jcfpdirecthex: I suppose so, fafaik all the sabnbzdplus authors did was take an off-the-shelf-without-tabs-and-spaces js file directly from the plotkit project.11:30
jcfpdirecthex: but then again, one could also strip newlines (also fairly common), or go even further and "shorten" var and function names.11:31
loic-mhmg: not an expert, but at least I can tell you your tar.gz shouldn't contain a debian folder11:31
jcfpdirecthex: and then the question rises whether and/or when is it still source code... even if there's no intention to obfuscate anything11:32
loic-mhmg: make tar.gz without debian folder, then debian folder is created during packaging (will be in the diff.gz11:32
hmgloic-m: the debian folder contains our install scripts like postinstall11:33
directhexjcfp, perhaps your JS IDE should make "verbose" whitespace for editing, but save minimally? :)11:33
directhexjcfp, at that point, if such a thing exists, surely "obfuscated" JS *is* legit?11:34
hmgloic-m: without them a user will have a lot of things to do to get the server running11:34
hmgloic-m: but thank you for youf advice - i'll keep them in another place11:34
loic-mhmg: AFAIU distribution packagers (Debian, Ubuntu) would have to remove the debian folder before packaging11:37
jcfpdirecthex: some claim one could easily regain pleasantly readable code even from code that has everything stripped (but nothing intentionally obfuscated), which comes down to the same thing as having some IDE do that automatically11:38
loic-mhmg: so not having a debian folder in the upstream tarball simplify the packager's life11:38
loic-mhmg: if upstream tarball need to be repackaged, that means somebody has to write a get-orig-source rule, which can be painful11:39
ScottKjcfp: That's rather irrelevant, since we require source to be in its preferred form for modification.11:39
ScottKloic-m: It isn't required to remove an upstream debian dir, but generally they cause more problems than they solve.11:40
jcfpScottK: the slighty packed js could be the preferred form for mods, with an ide behaving like in directhex's example11:43
directhexdoes such a thing exist? dunno11:43
loic-mScottK: I didn't know, thanks for the correction11:43
jcfpno idea, I stay away as far as I can from touching js, but it doesn't seem inconceivable.11:44
LaneyI guess the idea is to compress the readable source file at build-time11:45
Laneymuch like compilation11:45
directhexyay conjecture :)11:48
* Laney rolls pies11:48
loic-mIs there a way to tell tar to archive a subdirectory without including in the archive the parent directory - say I want to archive repack/foo-version but don't want the "repack" path inside the archive ?11:49
loic-mThanks again Laney. You should have written tar's man page ;)11:50
Laneyloic-m: I just needed to read it ;)11:50
loic-mLaney: I read it, but I never get the meaning of the options right11:51
directhexis acking a sync request a MOTU job?11:51
directhexno, wait, crap, main. core-dev11:51
directhexsigh, stupid main11:51
Laneywhoever can upload11:51
directhexif it was in universe i'd poke you viciously, but the core devs look busy. i'll be good & leave i to the u-m-s gods11:55
LaneyI'm sure super seb would love to ack it11:56
Laneyif it fixes f-spotness11:56
petskiAnyone so kind to sponsor the upload of the debdiff attached to bug 77980 ?11:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 77980 in mtop "mtop failed to install (wrong/no password)" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7798011:59
loic-mWhen writting get-orig-source target, the resulting orig.tar.gz should be two directories above debian -=same directory uscan puts the files in)?12:00
Laneyloic-m: It should be in the current directoyr12:00
loic-mwhich is the directory parent to foo-version/ ?12:03
slytherinloic-m: I prefer it to be in same directory as where uscan puts files.12:13
loic-mslytherin: that should be ok then. I'm putting it in the directory above foo-version/, which is where uscan puts its files12:15
loic-mbefore I submit the diff.gz to Launchpad, can MOTU review my xvidcore get-orig-target rule at http://paste.ubuntu.com/119175/ and the copyright at http://paste.ubuntu.com/119172/ ?12:16
loic-m(I checked the get-orig-source rule works as expected)12:17
loic-m...and possibly check I didn't mess up the changelog ;) : http://paste.ubuntu.com/119179/12:23
incorrecti am trying to package up openldap 2.4.14 and i am puzzled why my openldap_2.4.14.orig.tar.gz isn't being decompressed into debian/build12:26
directhexerm... debian/build?12:28
incorrecthang on something is totally screwed12:29
Laneyslytherin, loic-m: Policy says that get-orig-source should leave the resulting file in the current directory12:49
slytherinLaney: really? Till now I haven't seen any get-orig-source designed that way.12:49
* Laney shrugs12:49
directhexDktrKranz, are you on jaunty? i could build a fixed mono-addins package for my ppa, so you can try monodevelop 2. if you like. and if it helps grease the wheels of slightly-missing-FF-but-its-so-awesome-lets-let-it-in-anyway12:52
directhexespecially since md2 might be delayed by a few days due to the debian kde team12:54
morgsjames_w: got a moment? I'm having a problem installing files into the right places.13:03
DktrKranzdirecthex: yes, I use jaunty13:12
directhexDktrKranz, let me yank the debian m-a package then & dput it13:13
DktrKranzdirecthex: I won't be able to test it until this evening, so you can delay it if you have more urgent tasks13:14
directhexDktrKranz, nothing i'm going to get done in the next 45 mins13:15
DktrKranzanyway, gnome# transition is almost done! \O/13:16
directhexDktrKranz, yay! and the problem children with their gnome panel nonsense?13:17
DktrKranzonly three packages were affected13:17
directhextomboy being the high-profile one13:17
DktrKranzand patch to fix them is already upstream, so I think Debian would have a easy transition too13:18
DktrKranz(unless there are hidden ABI changes)13:18
DktrKranzdirecthex: in yesterday meeting, we went long and overlapped with another meeting, so I haven't the chance to discuss about it13:19
directhexDktrKranz, i know, i read the log :/13:19
DktrKranzI think you should file a bug about monodevelop upgrade and subscribe motu-release for preliminary review13:20
directhexDktrKranz, in my brief tinkering though, MD2 seems lovely, once the bugged mono-addins is updated13:20
DktrKranzMy mono fanboy is learning Python :)13:21
DktrKranzbut he will try MD2 as well13:21
DktrKranzHe had issues with previous alpha versions, though13:21
directhexhow should i title this bug?13:21
DktrKranz"Monodevelop: road to 2.0" (or the correct version)13:24
loic-mLaney: DPM says "This target may be invoked in any directory" so if i want to leave the orig.tar.gz in the same directory uscan leaves the tar, I just have to invoke it in that same dir (above foo-version/, same dir the .dsc ar produced in) no?13:36
directhexDktrKranz, k.13:37
loic-mor doesn "current directory" means debian, debian/.. or something else?13:37
Laneyloic-m: Right. But anyone else may also invoke it where they feel13:38
loic-moh, it means that...13:39
loic-mright, I've got to modify my get-orig-target then...13:40
loic-mLaney: any package you worked on where I can use the get-orig-source as an exemple?13:40
maxbDoes the DPM explain where you are supposed to leave the tar?13:42
maxbrelative to the package, or relative to the invocation wd?13:42
loic-mmaxb: "in the current directory" see http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/ch-source.html13:43
directhexDktrKranz, bug 33051913:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330519 in monodevelop "The road to Monodevelop 2.0" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33051913:43
sistpoty|workdirecthex: do you have an estimate how many packages will need to be touched to reach the end of the road?13:44
directhexsistpoty|work, beyond the mono-addins sync (which will help other things)? monodevelop itself plus five or six plugins13:45
sistpoty|workdirecthex: ah, k, so no effect on other packages besides these?13:45
directhexsistpoty|work, indeed. it's pretty self-contained13:45
sistpoty|workdirecthex: :)13:46
directhexsistpoty|work, give it a punt, it's in my PPA13:46
sistpoty|workdirecthex: sorry, won't be able to test it until this weekend or so :/13:46
maxbdebian/rules presumes, gnu make, right? so you can do locating the DEBIAN_DIR in pure make expansions $(dir $(firstword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))   - no need for shell13:47
directhexsistpoty|work, our attention is being diverted in debian since post-lenny, a lot of teams we've been interoperating with in experimental need us in place in unstable (e.g. kde team for kdebindings). so i hope to get monodevelop-database done this afternoon. hopefully13:50
sistpoty|workah, I see13:51
directhexsistpoty|work, i think hitting FF is... optimistic. but not unexpected - http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com/msg04950.html13:52
sistpoty|workdirecthex: I guess if upstream is aware of our release schedule and offering help to get 2.0 into jaunty, I don't see too big problems with being late13:52
directhexsistpoty|work, i've been badgering them since november. like a badger!13:53
directhexunless the gnome team move immediately in debian too, then it'll need to be merged not synced, for gnome# 2.2413:54
james_whello morgs, back now13:54
* Panarchy says Hi13:54
PanarchyInterested in getting into the packaging of different tools for Ubuntu13:55
PanarchyIs this the right place to ask questions?13:55
directhexPanarchy, yes, and the usual response is "start wiuth bug fixes and/or upstream version updates"13:55
directhexand don't overreach. you don't know enough to package the kernel yet13:56
PanarchyNope, I know what tools I would like to package13:56
Panarchy(about 120)13:56
PanarchyCan I please have a recommendation of a tool (haven't tried checkinstall yet, so don't know if it can do this) that can create .deb's from source code (./configure, make, make install/checkinstall) but which can also allow me to put in my name (as Maintainer) and a Description?13:56
sistpoty|workPanarchy: you're asking exactly for dpkg :)13:58
PanarchySince I have so many packages I would like to install, I want to make it as 'easy' as possible for me to do what needs to be done: Packaging the tool into a .deb | Having a description | Including that I am maintainer | Including version number. Can I please have a recommendation?13:58
directhexPanarchy, checkinstall is a big red "no chance" sign as far as official archive inclusion goes13:58
Panarchysistopy|work: dpkg-dev? :P13:59
Panarchydirecthex: But can checkinstall do what I would like done?13:59
sistpoty|workPanarchy: there are lot's of stacks that lay above dpkg, (e.g. debhelper or cdbs)... but some tasks are still manual work like e.g. writing manpages or checking copyright13:59
PanarchyI don't need to worry about copyright or anything... dunno how manpages work though13:59
directhexPanarchy, depends. do you want your stuff to ever appear in the ubuntu archive?13:59
PanarchyNot sure14:00
PanarchyWant to make these 120 packages first, then decide14:00
PanarchyMight make my own repostiory and put it on launchpad. Haven't decided yet14:00
directhex120 packages from 120 source tarballs?14:00
Panarchywell tar, tar.gz, .gz & .zip (think there was a .rar as well)14:01
PanarchyIs there an Ubuntu-Motu part of the ubuntuforums?14:01
directhexthe archive only understands .tar.gz. repacking will be needed.14:01
PanarchyAs I could better rephrase myself there14:01
Panarchydirecthex: Don't mind!14:01
PanarchyIs there an Ubuntu-Motu part of the ubuntuforums?14:02
james_wmorgs: and shouldn't read depend on the fixed version of evince? :-)14:02
sistpoty|workPanarchy: are all these things written by yourself?14:02
Panarchysistpoty|work: Nup!14:03
sistpoty|workPanarchy: ah, k... (because then I'd just use a common build system and a script to turn these into packages)14:03
PanarchyShould I ask it on the forum here: Ubuntu Forums > The Ubuntu Forum Community  > Other Community Discussions  > Development & Programming  > Repositories & Backports14:03
sistpoty|workPanarchy: but then if you want to publish these things, you *must* worry about copyright :P14:04
PanarchyWell, it's 1AM here, I'd quickly like to post my question on the ubuntuforums, then go to sleep14:04
Panarchyplease tell me where to post a (more detailed, better set out) question on the forums about packaging14:05
sistpoty|workPanarchy: you're more likely to hit MOTUs either right here or on the mailing list <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com> than in the forums14:05
luisbgis there a guide somewhere to package a python app with cdbs? I can't find it :(14:05
kirklandpersia: thanks for the package review14:05
kirklandpersia: i'm struggling with the Launchpad syntax for the debian/watch file for14:05
kirklandpersia: http://launchpad.net/screenbin/screenbin/1.1/+download/screenbin_1.1.orig.tar.gz14:05
kirklandpersia: this doesn't seem to work:14:06
Panarchywhat's the work for requirements14:06
kirklandpersia: looks like some confusion with (a) two version bits in the string, (b) doesn't like the "+" in +download (tried escaping it)14:07
petskikirkland; try to do this (.+?)14:07
petskikirkland, the questionmark tells the re-handler to be "ungreedy"14:07
kirklandpetski: hmm, lots of noise, then uscan ends with:   no matching hrefs for watch line14:08
kirkland  http://launchpad.net/screenbin/screenbin/(.+?)/+download/screenbin_(.+?).orig.tar.gz14:08
sistpoty|workkirkland: I'm not entirely sure if uscan can actcually have wildcards for http pathes in the first place14:10
kirklandsistpoty|work: it can...  i have it working elsewhere14:10
kirklandsistpoty|work: but not with launchpad14:11
sistpoty|workkirkland: oh, nice14:11
sistpoty|workkirkland: maybe LP disallows to list the directory where the wildcard is?14:11
kirklandsistpoty|work: yeah, i think it has something to do with the +download14:11
kirklandsistpoty|work: i think that's some sort of a cgi action, rather than a real directory14:12
sistpoty|workkirkland: right, I guess that might screw it14:12
* kirkland applies his old web terminology to launchpad's newfangled web technology14:12
kirklandokay, no worries, i'm going to skip the watchfile for now14:12
kirklandit's really low priority14:13
sven777would a MOTU be so kind as to review my package?  Thanks in advance!  http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/lmalinux14:13
PanarchyOkay, posted it on the Debian forums and the Ubuntu forums14:13
PanarchyI've written two topics, on two different forums | Here: http://forums.debian.net/viewtopic.php?t=35836 and here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1072332 | Please try and reply to one of them, telling me your advice on the subject (Creating .deb packages, quickly, including description, dependencies, version number, tool name & maintainers name") Thanks in advance!14:15
petskikirkland, I looked into the source code of uscan and for http it needs an page containing the URL to the .tar.gz (or whatever). http://launchpad.net/screenbin/screenbin/1.1/+download/ gives 40414:20
kirklandpetski: agreed14:21
kirklandpetski: i saw the same thing (404 for +download)14:21
petskikirkland, somebody made a "hack" in uscan for SourceForge packages: http://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php14:21
petskikirkland, you could do something simular for LP14:22
slytherinpetski: simply https://edge.launchpad.net/screenbin/screenbin/1.1 will work14:25
kirklandslytherin: it chases a bunch of links on that page14:26
kirklandslytherin: and thinks that "+subscribe" is the latest version :-)14:26
maxbwhat's the point of a watchfile pointed at a pinned version, though?14:27
slytherinkirkland: tried this - https://edge.launchpad.net/screenbin/screenbin/1.1 .*screenbin_([\d\.]*).orig.tar.gz ??14:27
kirklandslytherin: lemme try14:27
kirklandsladen: oh, wait, the first 1.1 needs to be variable too14:28
mneptokmagic, fear, and superstition. this is the Curse Of The Mekons.14:28
slytherinkirkland: how about using this url instead - https://edge.launchpad.net/screenbin/+download :-D14:29
slytherinkirkland: this should work - https://edge.launchpad.net/screenbin/+download *screenbin_([\d\.]*).orig.tar.gz14:30
kirklandNested quantifiers in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/^(?:(?:https://edge.launchpad.net)?\/screenbin\/\+download)?* <-- HERE screenbin_([\d\.]*).orig.tar.gz$/ at /usr/bin/uscan line 889, <WATCH> line 6.14:31
slytherinkirkland: here is a working version - http://paste.ubuntu.com/119223/14:38
* kirkland tries14:38
kirklandslytherin: that looks better14:38
kirklandslytherin: thanks, man :-)14:39
bddebianHeya gang15:06
sistpoty|workhi bddebian15:10
bddebianHeya ScottK, sistpoty|work15:11
AndrewGeeHey all. Any MOTUs available to review my package, gpxviewer? It's an application that allows users to look at GPS traces files in GPX format. Thanks :) http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=gpxviewer15:12
LaneyAndrewGee: Not reviewed, but have you considered licensing your packaging as GPL3+ too?15:20
AndrewGeeLaney: I think I did that.15:21
Laneyit is gpl3 only15:21
AndrewGeeHow would I specify 3+ ?15:22
Laney"GPL-3 or later"15:22
Laneyor so15:22
AndrewGeeOk. Will do :) Thanks Laney.15:23
jcfpif an author says some code is licensed under GPL, without specifying which version(s), how should I read that? "all versions"?15:30
Laneyjcfp: I think I saw someone say that assumes GPL1, but take that with a truckload of salt15:31
jcfpLaney: even if that author's staement is made recently, i.e. no chance that is was made when only GPL v1 existed?15:32
Laneyit's best to avoid ambiguity in these situations anyway15:32
jcfpI know, I know.... but still this must be fairly common15:32
Laneysomeone could still intentionally use GPL1 if they wanted15:33
Laneylook on debian-legal to see if it's come up before15:33
incorrectpacking is a really pain in the ass,15:34
Laneyhow so15:34
incorrectwell i am packaging up openldap 2.4.1415:34
incorrectit needs more up to date libs, and loads of other stuff15:35
incorrecti was lazy and took the debian dir from the intrepid release and modified it15:36
ScottKSince Perl is still licensed GPL 1+ or Artistic, GPL 1 does come up.15:36
ScottKIf in doubt, I'd ask.15:37
jcfpScottK: I'll try - but in case of no response, what to assume? No version = any?15:38
ScottKI'm not sure.15:39
jcfpno precendent?15:39
ScottKNot that I'm familiar with.  I'm sure there is one.15:41
jcfpCouldn't find one myself either; guess I'll have to try mailing the author (again)15:42
luisbgso I've dput a package to revu and my ppa (half an hour ago) and it doesnt show in any of them :(15:44
maxbluisbg: Regarding PPA, be very sure that your .changes file was properly named, properly signed, and the signing key known to Launchpad. If it doesn't manage to process the .changes, it doesn't know who did the upload, so silently drops it15:49
luisbgmaxb, gpg: Good signature from ... freemix_0.2_source.changes: done. ... Successfully uploaded packages.15:51
dholbachhiya luisbg!15:52
luisbgdholbach, hey dholbach :)15:52
luisbghow are things going?15:52
dholbachvery good, very good - how are you?15:52
maxbluisbg: And the key is definitely known to launchpad?15:52
luisbgdholbach, good good :) finally some sun in Ireland15:52
* dholbach hugs luisbg15:53
maxbIf so, head over to #launchpad, and maybe one of the admins can dig around in its guts and find why it ate your upload.15:53
* luisbg grabs dholbach's ass since he has the chance :P feels like valkan beats15:54
luisbgmaxb, going to check if its the same GPG key as launchpad has15:54
luisbgmaxb, but revu shouldn't have that problem, right?15:54
maxbluisbg: For REVU, you need to have logged into REVU's web interface at least once before uploading15:55
maxbAnd I think the same thing about keys applies there too15:55
luisbgmaxb, I logged in before uploading15:56
luisbgdholbach, how was having everybody at Berlin? stress of the host got to you?15:56
luisbgmaxb, thanks for the awesome help15:56
dholbachluisbg: it's all good here - cold but beautiful, lots of snow15:56
luisbgdholbach, I'm trying to push freemix before feature release hits us :P15:57
dholbachI should have taken the camera with me today, when I was taking the dog out15:57
dholbachluisbg: NICE15:58
luisbgthe only two things that make 0.2 a beta15:58
luisbgare intrepid/hardy related (pygobject 2.16 and gstreamer bug recently fixed)15:59
luisbgso it is ready for massive use by videogeeks in jaunty \m/15:59
DktrKranzdirecthex: thanks, I'll try it out this eve16:07
slytherinember: Do you have any idea how is brasero-nautilus integration supposed to work?16:11
sistpoty|workslangasek: do you plan to make an announcement for feature freeze? I'd have a list of motu-release delegates for you ;)16:15
slangaseksistpoty|work: yes - please feed me your list16:17
sistpoty|workslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119275/16:18
slytherinslomo: Do you have any objection if I work on sync/merge of libdvdread/libdvdnav from Debian unstable?16:18
* sistpoty|work hopes he got all names written correctly *g*16:19
slomoslytherin: no16:19
emberslytherin left click on a file used by brasero (eg iso)16:24
emberyou should have two, one from ncb and other from brasero16:24
slytherinember: But ncd is removed, right?16:25
emberslytherin not yet, but brasero will replace ncb16:25
slytherinember: oh, since I didn't see any 'CD/DVD Creator' menu in nautilus (Go menu) I thought ncb was removed.16:27
slytherinDoes anyone have any idea why is python3.0-minimal is being pulled every time I try to dist-upgrade a jaunty installation?16:32
sistpoty|workslytherin: maybe it's Essential:Yes?16:32
slytherinsistpoty|work: I don't understand.16:33
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
sistpoty|workslytherin: apt-cache show python3.0-minimal | grep Essential16:33
sistpoty|workslytherin: if that's not the case, I'd check the rdepends of python3.0-minimal16:33
slytherinsistpoty|work: python3-minimal is essential16:34
sistpoty|workslytherin: then that's the reason it's pulled in ;)16:34
slytherinand I wonder why, the package is in universe16:34
sistpoty|workslytherin: maybe it still needs to get promoted to main? (or the essential:yes thingy is a bug)16:35
ScottKThat's a bug.16:36
ScottKdoko: ^^^^16:36
slytherinconsidering python3 is so new, none of the packages use it and it brings backward compatibility, I don't think it will get promoted so soon.16:36
james_wIt may have been a copy/paste issue from the python 2 packaging16:38
james_wfile a bug in the issue16:38
ScottKNo, it's not planned to.16:38
ScottKThat's why I say it's a bug.16:38
slytherinok. I will file a bug16:40
slytherina bug 273359 was already filed and fixed in intrepid. Should I reopen it?16:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 273359 in python3-defaults "python3-minimal is listed as Essential: yes" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27335916:44
ScottKI'd file a new one.16:45
luisbgmaxb, revu keeps ignoring my dputs and I have my gpg key in my launchpad account, I'm sure because my ppa saw the dput16:46
slytherinScottK: done. bug 33061316:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330613 in python3-defaults "python3-minimal should not have 'Essential' set to yes" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33061316:49
sistpoty|workluisbg: first reviewer feedback from the rejected queue: freemix is a native package, intended?16:49
sistpoty|work(I'll take a look why revu doesn't like it)16:49
luisbgsistpoty|work, I dont understand completetly16:52
sistpoty|workluisbg: there's no .orig.tar.gz/.diff.gz for the package, only a .tar.gz (which makes it a native package)16:53
sistpoty|workluisbg: but that's not the reason why revu rejected your package, it says, it cannot find your key :/16:53
luisbgsistpoty|work, it is a native package... I coded the app myself, and build the package from my source branch, should I include a tarball?16:54
luisbgsistpoty|work, maybe revu hasnt updated the key from launchpad yet16:55
sistpoty|workluisbg: yes, please include a tarball... makes work for derivatives much easier :)16:55
LaserJocksistpoty|work: is there a wiki page on motu-release delegation?16:56
sistpoty|workluisbg: well, last keyring sync from lp was 1 and a half hours ago (not too sure though, how I can trigger it by hand)16:56
sistpoty|workLaserJock: nope16:56
luisbgsistpoty|work, so I will have to wait for the next sync16:56
* sistpoty|work looks through crontab entries16:57
ScottKsistpoty|work: Since you're our library expert....  Would you please take a look at the gpgme1.0 merge and tell me if you think we should take that change for Jaunty?16:57
sistpoty|workScottK: got a link?16:57
ScottKsistpoty|work: Sure.  Just a moment.16:57
LaserJockso how does motu-release know what packages to delegate?16:57
slytherinluisbg: did you ever log in to revu before uploading the package?16:58
ScottKsistpoty|work: http://merges.ubuntu.com/g/gpgme1.0/REPORT http://packages.debian.org/changelogs/pool/main/g/gpgme1.0/current/changelog16:58
luisbgslytherin, yeap :)16:59
ScottKLaserJock: It's mostly up to the judgement of the delgatee.  Your catagory is a bit fuzzy, so I'd say whatever you're confortable with.16:59
luisbgslytherin, "Logged in as luisbg"16:59
slytherinluisbg: And you are signing the package with same key as the one in launchpad, right?17:00
LaserJockScottK: the only stuff we're likely to be messing with is Sugar17:01
ScottKLaserJock: OK.  I'm comfortable with you deciding what is in scope for your delgation. If in doubt, feel free to ask.17:02
LaserJockk, np17:02
luisbgslytherin, yes17:03
luisbgI am17:03
sistpoty|workScottK: gpgme merge looks sane to me17:05
ScottKsistpoty|work: Care to do it?17:06
ScottKI will if you won't?17:06
sistpoty|workScottK: sorry, can't upload at work, and I guess I won't come around until this weekend17:06
ScottKOK.  Thanks.17:07
Riddellmr_pouit: sion renamed to errr.. gigolo?17:11
cpscottihey, when packing a python app, can external libraries (e.g. diacanvas or amara) go inside the package? Amara isn't in the repositories and diacanvas repository version is incompatible with the one I need...17:12
RiddellI'm surprised that hasn't caused large numbers of flame wars17:12
Riddellcpscotti: that seems very bad practice, duplication of code should be avoided17:13
cpscottiI see17:13
cpscottibut what to do when that code isn't in the repositories.. (even though it is oss)17:13
LaserJockwell, you could package that up to17:14
LaserJockmore work, but you help out a lot of people17:14
LaserJockso the next person who comes along doesn't have to worry about it17:14
cpscottiwell.. I was expecting something like that.. but.. doesn't hurt asking..17:14
LaserJockbut you may not want to invest that much time, perhaps somebody else could do it?17:15
LaserJockI'm working on untangeling a package now that shipped external libraries inside17:15
LaserJockit's not fun to go back later either :-)17:15
cpscottihow are you shipping those libraries?17:16
cpscotti.so ?17:16
LaserJockwell, in my case it's PHP so it just does a copy of the .php files17:17
cpscottiI see17:17
cpscottiway better17:17
LaserJockyou would *not* get just shipping .so files through the archive admins17:17
LaserJockif you're gonna ship an external library you need to ship the source and build it17:18
cpscottide repositorie's daemons would build my .so then?17:18
cpscottithanks LaserJock17:19
incorrectarg, stupid libtool upgrade17:19
jdong*cry* firefox-3.1 PPA segfaults like no other today :)17:23
luisbgcan somebody check this http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/freemix for me please? would be very happy :)17:44
* james_w takes a look17:49
james_wluisbg: there are some things to fix in http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/freemix-0902171842/lintian17:49
luisbgjames_w, thanks!17:49
luisbgits the first time I package a python app17:50
* luisbg goes to fix the lintian warnings17:50
james_wdo you need to build-depend on python-dev ?17:51
james_wthat's usually only needed for python extensions17:51
james_w"Ubuntu Studio Controls is a free live video performance tool."17:52
james_wshould be fixed, but the long description should be fleshed out some17:52
luisbgjames_w, :) will do17:53
mr_pouitRiddell: yes... (apparently all started upstream with a joke, and finally the dev kept this name...)17:53
james_was you license under "GPL v2 or later" then just point to "/usr/share/.../GPL" rather than GPL-217:53
james_w"# Add an alternative for aterm"17:54
james_walso, do you need an alternative, is there more than one freemix?17:54
james_wyou don't need to include "include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/simple-patchsys.mk" in debian/rules17:55
luisbgjames_w, wow... keeping me busy here LOL17:56
luisbgcatching up17:56
james_wW: freemix: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/freemix17:57
james_wW: freemix: maintainer-script-ignores-errors postinst17:57
james_wW: freemix: maintainer-script-ignores-errors prerm17:57
james_wW: freemix: desktop-entry-invalid-category Multimedia /usr/share/applications/freemix.desktop17:57
james_wE: freemix: description-starts-with-package-name17:57
james_wW: freemix: description-synopsis-might-not-be-phrased-properly17:57
james_wthat's on the binary package17:57
james_wI can explain any if you don't understand17:57
james_wother than that it looks pretty good :-)17:59
luisbgfixed all the lintian18:00
sistpoty|workjames_w: btw.: some people prefer that GPL-2+ points to /u/s/c-l/GPL-2 (as the very new lintian --pedantic shows this as message)18:00
luisbgW: freemix: binary-without-manpage usr/bin/freemix18:00
luisbgdo I need a manpage?18:00
luisbgeven for a gui app?18:00
james_wit's nice to have one18:00
james_wit can be minimal18:01
james_wsistpoty|work: ORLY?18:01
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ScottKsistpoty|work: Anything marked pedantic is safe to  ignore I think.18:01
* luisbg goes and finds a minimal man page to use as source of inspiration18:01
james_wit was a little overly-picky of me anyway18:01
sistpoty|workjames_w: iirc it complains if the license points to a symlink, but only if used with the --pedantic parameter (as some people also prefer to have it point to a symlink ;))18:02
pochusistpoty|work, james_w: it's not even pedantic, will show with lintian -I18:03
sistpoty|workah... well, it was a week ago or so when I checked *g*18:04
sistpoty|workanyway /me calls it a day now and heads home18:04
pochulater sistpoty|work18:05
luisbgjames_w, other than the man I fixed everything18:05
luisbgjames_w, any package I could get a minimal man page from the top of your head?18:06
* Amaranth always thought the man page requirement was a bit too strict18:06
AmaranthSome apps don't have any command line arguments and don't run outside of X18:06
LaserJockI think /u/s/c-l/GPL-2 is GPL2+ isn't it?18:06
james_wluisbg: not off the top of my head, it won't stop me advocating anyway18:07
james_wLaserJock: the + is external to the license18:07
AmaranthThe + is in your per-file header18:07
luisbgjames_w, thanks a lot18:08
luisbgwill be dput'ing soon :)18:08
luisbgdouble checking stuff18:08
luisbgok, did the dput -f18:10
LaserJockAmaranth: and the man page should say as such ;-)18:10
LaserJockI thought the text of the license (at least the "how to apply it" bit) was GPLv2+ by default18:11
LaserJockthat was my point anyway18:11
luisbgany REVU administrators in the channel? my put might be in rejected queue again :(18:19
luisbgthere seams to be a problem with my gpg key18:20
pochuRainCT: ^18:27
slytherinJuli_: around?18:32
DavedanI'm trying to follow the tutorial on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/School/PackagingWithoutCompiling18:33
Davedanbut get an error that the script can't be found under debian/tmp/scriptname18:33
DavedanI have a file debian/install with:18:34
Davedanscriptname /usr/share/packagename18:34
Davedanwhere do I need to put files to be placed when the package is installed?18:34
slytherinDavedan: what is the location of scriptname currently?18:35
Davedanin the root folder of the package: package-0.1/scriptname18:35
Davedancp: cannot stat 'debian/tmp/scriptname': No suce file or directory18:36
kpircAnybody here who could help me get my 'modglue' package advocated? I'm almost 100% there (see the REVU page).18:36
Davedandh_install: command returned error code 25618:36
slytherinDavedan: can you paste complete error on pastebin?18:37
Davedanyes. a sec18:38
Davedan slytherin: http://dpaste.com/121789/18:41
Davedandebian/install http://dpaste.com/121791/18:42
RainCTluisbg: hi18:42
luisbgRainCT, hello :)18:43
Davedandebian/control http://dpaste.com/121793/18:44
RainCTluisbg: which upload is it?18:44
luisbgRainCT, freemix... an update after a few suggested changes18:44
RainCTluisbg: Uhm.. There's no rejected upload for it on REVU18:45
luisbgRainCT, want me to dput again?18:45
slytherinDavedan: it is hard to say why you are getting the error without taking a look at sources. By the way, remove the first / from /usr/share/mypkg in debian/install file18:46
RainCTluisbg: yes please18:46
fabrice_spjames_w, about Bug #330392. I had to add that dependency because the package FTBFS18:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330392 in tellico "[merge request]Please merge tellico 1.3.5-1 (universe) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33039218:46
luisbgRainCT, "Successfully uploaded packages."18:46
james_wfabrice_sp: ok, please talk to the Kubuntu team about the merge then18:47
RainCTluisbg: still not here :/18:47
luisbgRainCT, this one is the charm... I'm sure18:48
luisbgdid it again18:48
slytherinRainCT: Just wanted to say thanks for all the improvements to revu. You rock. :-)18:48
sladenls -l18:49
RainCTluisbg: Err.. No luck.  What command are you using to upload it?18:49
Davedan slytherin: I removed the /    . Thanks I'll keep trying to find the error.18:50
luisbgRainCT, dput -f revu ../freemix_0.2_source.changes18:50
RainCTslytherin: Thanks, I'm happy you like them :).18:50
RainCTluisbg: I really don't know... There are other uploads incoming, but yours isn't visible anywhere :S18:53
luisbgI get this:18:54
luisbgPackage includes an .orig.tar.gz file although the debian revision suggests18:54
luisbgthat it might not be required. Multiple uploads of the .orig.tar.gz may be18:54
luisbgrejected by the upload queue management software.18:54
RainCTthen the version number is wrong :P18:54
RainCTbut this is no reason for it to fail18:54
RainCTcan you paste the full output?18:55
luisbgRainCT, sure, give me a quick sec18:56
sladenRainCT: I'm just poked 3x openbve-* to revu, does it take a while for them to appear?18:57
RainCTsladen: up to 3 minutes18:57
RainCTsladen: yours got rejected18:57
luisbgRainCT, http://dpaste.com/121800/18:57
sladenRainCT: oh, any idea why?18:57
RainCTsladen: I've just processed them again and it seems like all openbve- were accepted now.18:58
sladenRainCT: it's been ages since I packaged anything from scratch (rather than pacakge-slashing), figureud I should get some comment18:59
RainCTluisbg: dput's output looks fine. Uhm.. Do you have this package on a PPA?19:01
sladenRainCT: oops, I pressed the little icon at the side "Archive" and it makde one disapepar19:01
RainCTsladen: look for it at the archived section and you'll have an unarchive button there19:01
RainCTluisbg: err. now there are 2 uploads on revu19:02
RainCTthe cronjob must have gotten it before I looked19:02
luisbgRainCT, :S19:02
luisbgso from none to double :P19:02
sladenright people anyone want to tear my package apart of using 102 image-in-usr-lib lintian overrides19:04
ScottKsladen: So why did you do that?19:05
sladenScottK: it's a cross-platform mono app, so I've stuff the .exe in /usr/lib/openbve/ and the icons that the GUI uses internally below that;19:07
sladenScottK: so I can move them to /usr/share if I either (a) carry a diff  (b) pursuade the upstream author to except the changes19:08
sladenScottK: so game data I think I'll place in /usr/share/openbve/... by default; although suggestions welcomed19:09
_16aR_I got one 2D physics game engine uploaded : http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/box2d . Can I get some REVU on it, please ? :)19:09
RainCTsladen: either option sounds better than having data files in /usr/lib19:09
luisbgjames_w, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=5184 thanks!19:10
slytherin_16aR_: At this point I am sure most of the MOTUs are busy updating/fixing important packages before feature freeze.19:10
RainCTluisbg: have you seen the Warnings / Notices?19:10
luisbgRainCT, yes... one is because version=x expects a full integer19:11
luisbgI have version=0.219:11
sladenRainCT: okay.  wht about the non-images; move them too?19:12
RainCTluisbg: the description should also be rewamped, adding more info about what it actually does (and the "powered by" part can be removed altogether)19:12
luisbgRainCT, ok, doing so, thanks!19:12
RainCTsladen: what are they? data files should go to /usr/share too, .exe files are fine in /usr/lib19:12
sladenI was really hoping to keep /usr/share/openbve 'clean' for the multiple train and multiple route packages to drop their contents into19:12
maxbluisbg: your version number error is because the version does not contain a hyphen19:13
maxbluisbg: You should be using 0.2-0ubuntu119:13
sladennod.  What's the general system for game data "expansion addons"19:13
_16aR_slytherin: Yes, you may be right :)19:14
_16aR_but I still can get peer review from REVU people not MOTU :)19:14
RainCTsladen: where do such addons come from?19:14
bdmurraysiretart: I was going to add some package bug guidelines for xine-lib and ffmpeg similar to what is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses.  Does that work for you?19:15
RainCTsladen: and where does the game expect them to be?19:15
slytherin_16aR_: revu people? You think there is separate team reviewing packages on revu?19:15
maxbluisbg: You should definitely fix all the big red ! warnings, otherwise the initial reaction of any reviewer is to focus on those and not look deeper19:15
LaserJockslytherin: I think _16aR_ meant that non-MOTUs could be reviewing still while MOTU are busy19:16
RainCTslytherin: what LaserJock said. There are actually a few of non-MOTUs who review packages19:16
luisbgmaxb, thanks, doing so19:17
fabrice_sp_I do from time to time :-)19:17
* RainCT hugs fabrice_sp_ :)19:17
luisbgmaxb, do I need to create a launchpad bug just to close it?19:17
* fabrice_sp_ hugs back RainCT :-)19:17
maxbluisbg: I agree that's a bit silly. Still, it's probably worth doing just to get rid of the big red !19:18
RainCTluisbg: that's actually the first thing you should do BEFORE starting packaging something, to avoid that someone else might do the same19:18
luisbgRainCT, I should be aware if anybody else is packaging it... its my project :P19:19
AdamDHin control and Description can I have blank lines if indentiated by a space and a .?19:19
RainCTluisbg: (about the second lintian warning, it's XSBC-Original-Maintainer, nor just Original-Maintainer)19:19
luisbgRainCT, cool, thanks!19:20
RainCTluisbg: heheh. Well, packagers don't always poke upstream before packaging something19:20
_16aR_RainCT: I do this too19:20
slytherinRainCT: LaserJock: I misunderstood.19:20
_16aR_But I got no new upload after my comments ^^19:20
RainCTslytherin: thought so :)19:20
luisbgRainCT, I have that already... :S19:20
luisbgRainCT, XSBC-Original-Maintainer: Luis de Bethencourt <luisbg@ubuntu.com>19:20
LaserJockwhy wouldn't he just use Maintainer?19:21
RainCTluisbg: not sure what lintian wants then :P19:21
luisbgRainCT, heh19:21
maxbLaserJock: the maintainer of everything in ubuntu is MOTU or core-dev19:22
LaserJocknot necessarily19:22
RainCTmaxb: I think LaserJock knwos this :). If you have an @ubuntu.com you are allowed to set yourself as Maintainer, though.19:22
LaserJockhowever, since the purpose of XSBC-Original-Maintainer is to distinguish derived packages, I don't see why any package from REVU should set it19:23
maxbIsn't that a bit at odd with the "everything is team maintained" philosophy that gets espoused frequently?19:23
LaserJockthe responsible team should be in Maintainer19:23
* RainCT thinks it would be a good idea for people reviewing packages to say so here in order that bored MOTUs (uhm.. I doubt those exist, but well :P) can check that the comments are sane and move the package to needs-work if there are enough complaints (or perhaps even get motivated to do a full review themselves)19:23
LaserJockunless there is a specific reason otherwise19:24
LaserJockMaintainer is not used as a locking mechanism as in Debian19:24
LaserJockbut a "this is who I can go to about this package"19:24
LaserJocksince by definition we know that anybody in ~ubuntu-dev can upload it19:24
LaserJockanyway, that's a longstanding pet-peeve of mine, but that shouldn't deter people from using current standard procedures ;-)19:25
maxbXSBC-Original-Maintainer does seem a bit pointless/wrong for originally-for-ubuntu packages, yeah19:26
ScottK-desktopIt's not required.19:26
LaserJockthe distinction would actually be useful19:26
RainCTLaserJock: it's basically a way for the packager to have his name somewhere19:27
LaserJockthose packages not derived from Debian/some other upstream would clearly be packages not setting XSBC-Original-Maintainer19:27
LaserJockRainCT: why not in Maintainer?19:27
RainCTLaserJock: because not everyone has an @ubuntu.com19:27
kpircI need a reviewer for my 'modglue' package currently on REVU. Any takers?19:27
RainCTLaserJock: the Maintainer *must* have an @ubuntu.com19:27
LaserJockRainCT: why?19:28
ScottK-desktopLaserJock: It's in the DebianMaintainerSpec19:28
pochuLaserJock: otherwise dpkg complains I think19:28
pochuif it has ubuntu in the version number19:28
RainCTLaserJock: because it's policy, and there are tools that complain19:28
ScottK-desktopIt will complain, but not die.19:28
LaserJockright, a bad spec implementation is no reason to stand in the way of progress ;-)19:28
ScottK-desktopIf I do an Ubuntu upload of a package I maintain in Debian, I do not change the maintainer19:29
ScottK-desktop... which is technically incorrect, but oh well.19:29
RainCTLaserJock: another reason, we don't know how involved non-Ubuntu Members are19:29
LaserJockRainCT: so? at least we'd know who to track down :-)19:29
RainCTLaserJock: they may leave and ignore people sending them mails19:29
LaserJocklike many MOTU are any better? ;-)19:30
LaserJockit would allow us to have a MIA system19:30
RainCT.. so if the maintainer is MOTU we are sure any mails will get somewhere19:30
pochupeople shouldn't mail maintainers19:30
pochuthey should use bug trackers19:30
LaserJockand better track the health of the package19:30
RainCTpochu: that's also true :)19:30
LaserJockpochu: quite often that's not the case19:30
LaserJockwe wouldn't have mailing lists if that was the case19:31
pochunot true19:31
RainCTLaserJock: raise the point (allowing maintainers without @ubuntu.com and whatever) on ubuntu-devel and I'll probably second it :P19:31
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ScottK-desktopstgraber: You might mention to the person that updated unbound that by stripping the revisions off the symbols file they've now created a permanent diff with Debian unless they can get Debian to do that too.19:36
luisbgRainCT, the red errors in the page are the ones I had when I did the first dput... its not updating to show the new things... for example I changed the description to something longer and it is showing the original one :(19:37
RainCTluisbg: because you are using the URL for the previous upload, probably19:37
RainCTluisbg: which page are you looking at?19:38
luisbgRainCT, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=519219:38
RainCTluisbg: arr.. you've uploaded the same as before19:39
RainCTluisbg: forgot to debuild? :)19:39
luisbgRainCT, I wonder why am I failing so much today :(19:40
RainCThey mok0_ :)19:41
LaserJockluisbg: well, I was gonna say maybe it was a case of the Mondays. $DAY_OF_WEEK FAIL on my part ;-)19:42
luisbgonly has the launchpad bug thing19:43
* RainCT tells luisbg that there's something called capitalisation *g*19:45
luisbgRainCT, LOL19:46
luisbgI have the dumb. I cant brain19:46
RainCTuhm.. if a package needs LUA to build, should I depend on liblua5.1-dev or liblua5.1-0-dev?19:54
luisbgmuch prettier19:55
luisbgRainCT, ^19:55
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RainCTluisbg: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/revu1-incoming/freemix-0902172054/freemix_0.2-0ubuntu1.diff19:56
RainCTluisbg: look at the bottom. all that shouldn't be in the .diff.gzz19:56
luisbgvery true19:57
luisbgwell spotted :P19:57
ScottK-desktopjames_w: One other case to consider for your Debian Import Spec: Klamav was initially packaged independently in Debian and Ubuntu (Ubuntu first, but I don't think that matters).  When I adopted the package in Debian I used the Ubuntu package as a basis and kept the Ubuntu debian/changelog.19:58
ScottK-desktopI'm not sure how that one will work out ....19:59
james_wScottK-desktop: how would you expect it to work out?20:00
RainCTargh.. now that is was starting to think "after all, maybe quilt is not that bad" it goes and starts doing weird stuff with my patches :P20:01
siretartbdmurray: they sound pretty similar to what I proposed in the past. Thanks for adding them, they sound pretty useful20:01
siretartbdmurray: now just get seb128 to actually obey them! :-)20:01
ScottK-desktopjames_w: I'm not entirely sure, but I guess I'd expect it to show the Ubuntu and Debian history separtely and then a merge.20:01
james_wScottK-desktop: it will have two independent lines of development, then one day Debian will merge Ubuntu and both will carry on, diverged, but with same content20:01
james_w(assuming you synced back)20:02
james_wperfect then :-)20:02
ScottK-desktopI did, eventually20:02
james_wthough if you did all that in one Debian release it won't look like that20:02
james_wit would just start Debian from Ubuntu, as it doesn't know about the previous Debian uploads20:02
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ScottK-desktopActually it's slightly more complex as I used the Debian history in the first merged upload and then had a different sponsor who told me to switch it.20:03
ScottK-desktopLooking back from the current changelog though has the Ubuntu history in it.20:03
james_wit would do something sensible I hope20:03
_16aR_RainCT: I think you should depends on liblua5.1-dev20:04
james_wcan't tell you exactly what right now :-)20:04
ScottK-desktopjames_w: OK.  Just thought I mention it as it seemed perhaps a slightly different case.20:04
RainCT_16aR_: thanks20:04
_16aR_RainCT: since liblua5.1 contains the soname in his name, there are no chances of API changes20:05
_16aR_if liblua5.1-0-dev become libluad5.1-1-dev, tha API wouldn't have change, so it should work the same20:06
_16aR_I think that's how I would have done it20:06
luisbgRainCT, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=5198 only debian/ stuff in diff :)20:06
RainCTluisbg: great :)20:06
luisbgRainCT, thanks a million for the help! :)20:06
RainCTno problem20:07
bdmurraysiretart: they show up when reporters are filing bugs about those specific packages20:08
siretartbdmurray: excellent.20:09
siretartbdmurray: I was jokingly referring to the fact that many users experience crashes in the nautilus indexer, which produce an apport crash.20:09
quadrisprohi guys20:09
luisbgjames_w, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=5198 sorry I'm annoying, just want to get it in before feature freeze :)20:09
quadrisproRainCT: do you have a moment for taking a loot at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/theorur?20:10
siretartbdmurray: later then it turns out that the crash is actually in ffmpeg-gstreamer's invocation of libavcodec, which makes seb128 reassign the bug to ffmpeg20:10
RainCTquadrispro: sorry, trying to finish a package update myself :)20:10
siretartbdmurray: which is in almost all cases useless, because people often have no idea or just don't want to attach their videos/pictures/pr0n? to the bug20:11
james_wScottK-desktop: thanks, but it's a case that falls out naturally.20:11
james_wluisbg: dinner comes before feature freeze :-)20:12
luisbgjames_w, LOL!20:13
luisbgRainCT, no nice comment in the package page? :P20:15
* RainCT tells luisbg the same as to quadrispro :)20:15
luisbgahhh sorry sorry :(20:16
luisbgdidnt saw that20:16
Davedanhow do I prompt a user for his mail and create a /etc/packagename.conf file during package installation?20:20
kirklandanyone out there interested in merging LTP?20:23
kirklandi received a request to do so today, but I don't really have time to mess with it20:24
kirklandi won't lie....  it's a messy merge (by my standards)  :-)20:24
* ajmitch sees a lot of Cs20:25
RainCTwoo.. glest built \o/20:26
RainCTnow if I got the quilt patches to not do weird stuff..20:28
fabrice_sp_kirkland, won't it be easier to do an upgrade of the Ubuntu package instead of a merge? The base version is not the same...20:30
kirklandfabrice_sp_: sure, but the Ubuntu changes need to be examined, and determined if they still apply20:31
anderskCan I get a MOTU to sponsor (what is now) a quick sync request?  bug 29512720:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 295127 in libpar-perl "libpar-perl won't install on intrepid due to libfile-temp-perl (>= 0.05) dependency" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29512720:31
anderskOops, wrong bug20:31
anderskbug 30311220:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303112 in openafs "Please sync openafs 1.4.8.dfsg1-1 from unstable, for Jaunty kernel 2.6.28 support" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30311220:31
kirklandfabrice_sp_: i tried to straight build the debian package in ubuntu, and that didn't succeed immediately20:31
kirklandfabrice_sp_: i'm swamped and didn't have time to troubleshoot it ;-)20:32
fabrice_sp_kirkland, that would have been my first approach, yeas20:32
fabrice_sp_a bit too close from FF, I fear20:32
mrooneykirkland: hey Dustin :) Did you have any thoughts on where/when to ship the python API? ecryptfs-utils, or as a separate package which it recommends?20:33
fabrice_sp_kirkland, I'll see if I can do something20:34
* fabrice_sp_ building ltp20:34
kirklandfabrice_sp_: thanks20:34
kirklandmrooney: howdy20:34
kirklandmrooney: part of ecryptfs-utils would be easiest, i think20:35
kirklandmrooney: just a new binary package there20:35
kirklandmrooney: ecryptfs-utils is already in main, etc.20:35
kirklandmrooney: that should be most straightforward20:35
kirklandmrooney: we need to get that in ASAP, though20:35
kirklandmrooney: thursday is FF20:35
RainCT(btw, I'll probably not be around tomorrow)20:37
mrooneykirkland: yeah, it doesn't seem like any UI stuff will land in Jaunty alas, but at least having that API there will be a good step I feel20:37
kirklandmrooney: bummer20:37
kirklandmrooney: okay20:37
kirklandmrooney: well, yeah, let's get the api in20:37
mrooneykirkland: also I think adding a function which migrates a directory would be cool to add. so you say API.migrateDir("~/.mozilla") and it moves that to your ~/Private and symlinks it back20:38
mrooneythen it would be trivial for apps which typically use private information to offer to do this for you via a menu or something20:38
kirklandmrooney: that's still a very difficult operation20:41
kirklandmrooney: i'm working with the kernel guys to get some support from them for a live migration mechanism20:41
kirklandmrooney: very difficult to do in a way that we can guarantee success20:42
mrooneykirkland: ahh, is it? I know migrating to an encrypted home is hard, but I thought copying over a directory to an already setup Private was easy20:42
kpircI'm looking for a MOTU who can be the 2nd advocate for my modglue package on REVU. Any takers?20:42
Davedanhow do I prompt a user for his mail and store it during package install?20:42
cpscottidoes anyone there knows why package libdiacanvas2-1 ( http://packages.ubuntu.com/gutsy/libs/libdiacanvas2-1 ) is not available anymore? (I can't find it on hardy nor intrepid repositories)20:42
mrooneykirkland: (should we move this over to -devel?)20:43
kirklandmrooney: right, that is simpler20:43
mrooneykirkland: yeah, that is what I was proposing, a one-liner API call to move a directory into ~/Private and symlink it back20:44
__ironanybody needs a programmer ?20:44
__ironc, cpp or java ?20:44
RainCTDavedan: with debconf20:45
kirklandmrooney: hmm, i find that's less necessary now that we have encrypted home directory support20:45
mrooneykirkland: anyway I will try to get you an ecryptfs-utils patch by tonight or tomorrow, and I'll try to hack up ecryptfs-gui to at least work as a separate System->Prefs entry and see if there is interest for that in Jaunty20:45
RainCTcpscotti: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/diacanvas220:46
RainCTcpscotti: Deleted in hardy-release on 2008-03-29  (Reason: (From Debian) RoM; no longer needed)20:46
RainCT(RoM = Requested by the Maintainer, iirc)20:46
RainCThey __iron20:46
DavedanRainCT: when do I use debconf and when a /etc/package.confg file?20:47
RainCT__iron: I'd suggest looking for some project you are interested in and trying to get involved there20:47
RainCTDavedan: debconf is an interface to ask questions on install time. you can then get the results and write them to a config file20:47
kirklandmrooney: cheers20:47
RainCTDavedan: however, asking stuff at install is usually a bad idea.. can't it be avoided?20:47
kirklandmrooney: it would be nice if you branched lp:ecryptfs20:47
kirklandmrooney: and sent a merge proposal in Launchpad20:48
DavedanRainCT: thanks. I saw it is involved with a db and that what confused me.20:48
ironhi RainCT20:49
Davedan RainCT: I need the to store the user's email somewhere. Is there a better way to do it?20:49
RainCTiron: hi20:50
irondo you need someone ?20:50
RainCT>> iron: I'd suggest looking for some project you are interested in and trying to get involved there20:50
=== murdok is now known as pablog
RainCTiron: or if you want to start something by yourself you can have a look at open blueprints or at brainstorm20:51
ScottK__iron: I'll need some C help probably next week.20:51
ironi need a team and a support20:51
ScottKWhat do you mean?20:51
ironScottK: maybe i can help you20:52
RainCTScottK: planning anything nice? :)20:52
ScottK__iron: Perhaps.  There is a new clamav version coming out very soon that will break all the libclamav rdepends.20:52
ScottKSince it'll be after Feature Freeze, we probably can't wait for upstreams to port everthing to the new API.20:53
ScottKSo there are at least a handful of packages that will need some serious love to work with the new version.20:53
ironclamav pretty nice20:55
ScottKSo once we have a reasonably complete snapshot available, I'll need some help.20:56
ScottKI expect that this week or next.20:56
ironi will idle in this channel20:56
ironif you want i sent you my emailaddress20:57
mrooneykirkland: ahh yes thanks that is a better workflow, I'll do that20:57
kirklandmrooney: np20:57
ScottK__iron: You can pm it to me if you want.21:01
ironScottK: sec pm21:02
maxbWhat's special about python3-minimal that apt wants to install it even though I can't find any dependencies that would account for that?21:09
ScottKIt's set essential yes.21:10
ScottKThere's a bug already21:10
maxboh, I was looking hard at Priority, and thinking "optional"? nothing special there21:11
ironRainCT: you do you any projects they needs some help ?21:12
ScottKEssential isn't a priority21:12
maxbYeah, I just wasn't thinking clearly and didn't even look for Essential since the Priority wasn't anything special21:13
maxbinteresting that aptitude doesn't seem to care about Essential21:13
maxbinsofar as installing new essential packages, anyway21:13
RainCTiron: Right now, no. Do you know Python, though?21:16
RainCTif somehow a file got magically deleted but another program still has it open, how can I recover it?21:29
RAOFRainCT: Save it in the program that has it open? :)21:30
RainCTRAOF: it's scp :P21:30
RAOFAh.  Problem :).21:31
ajmitchthere are evil ways of dabbling with /proc/$pid/fds21:31
RAOFCreating a hardlink to one of those?21:31
ajmitchsomething like that, or using cat, I can't remember what I read about it21:31
* ajmitch has never tried it21:31
RainCTInvalid cross-device link21:32
RainCTdoesn't /proc have it's own filesystem?21:32
ajmitchyes, so hardlinks won't work21:33
RainCTeven funnier, the file in proc is in fact a symlink to the file21:33
neversfeldeI get an error while building krename 3.9.2 http://pastebin.ca/1340473 Can someone give me a hint how to solve this?21:35
kpircIs there a MOTU here willing to help me with my computer algebra package 'cadabra' on REVU?21:36
JontheEchidnaneversfelde: is this a kde3 app? I remember having similar trouble with konversation21:47
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: no, it is the new KDE 4 version21:48
JontheEchidnathe .gmo files are generated during build time iirc21:48
RainCTI guess Ubuntu's archive handles debian/control files with contrib/ and non-free/ in the section fine?21:49
JontheEchidnaif you run debuild -S -sa does it complain about direct modifications to the source?21:49
JontheEchidnaMost likely krename is not deleting the .gmo files on make clean21:50
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: nope, does not complain21:51
JontheEchidnaWhen this happened with Konversation I added this to debian/rules and it stopped failing:21:52
neversfeldeJontheEchidna: thanks, I will try it21:53
DavedanI'm using dh_make to create a package template. I've created a debian/template file and a /debain/config file in order to use debconf but I don't see the question when I'm installing the app21:53
maxbDavedan: template*s*, right?21:54
Davedan maxb: yes debian/templates but when I try: dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc and then sudo debi I don't see the question21:56
maxbDid you remember to use dh_installdebconf in your debian/rules ?21:56
Davedanno. how do I use it?21:57
Davedanin my debian/rules I only have include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.m21:58
maxbcdbs is magical in ways I've never bothered to learn21:58
Davedanwhat do you mean?21:58
maxbAs in, I do not know how much the use of cdbs automates for you21:59
DavedanI do see "dh_installdebconf -pmypkg" when building the package22:00
maxbmanpage of dh_installdebconf suggests  your files must be called mypkg.templates, mypkg.config22:01
maxbthough apparently looking at the source, the bare names should work22:03
maxbIf you feel like posting your source package somewhere, I'll see if I can offer any advice22:04
Davedanmaxb: thanks, that'll be great22:04
DavedanI've tried changing the name but it doesn't work22:04
Davedanmaxb: where can I post mypkg.tar.gz ?22:15
maxbif you don't have anywhere you can put it for me to download, I could PM you my email address22:15
Davedanmaxb: I'll find somewhere, a sec22:16
Davedanmaxb: http://cid-fc2d3fb8537c2a34.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/mypkg|_0.1-1.tar.gz22:25
Davedanmaxb: http://cid-fc2d3fb8537c2a34.skydrive.live.com/self.aspx/Public/mypkg-0.1.orig.tar.gz22:26
Davedanmaxb: the second one is empty just to let the build work22:26
maxberm? that's not right22:28
Davedanmaxb: erm?22:29
maxb" the second one is empty just to let the build work"22:29
azeemDavedan: a source packages consists of the .orig.tar.gz (from upstream), plus a .diff.gz with the Ubuntu changes (mostly the debian/ directory) and a .dsc control file22:30
maxbAlternatively, there's the concept of a "native" package. This contains just a .tar.gz and a .dsc22:31
maxbNote: no .orig.22:31
maxbA "native" package has no hyphen character in its version22:31
azeemit's not very useful to highlight native packages in most cases, IMO22:32
maxbExcept if someone is making a package to hold a custom script of their own :-)22:32
Davedansorry but I don't understand22:33
DavedanI do understand that the native package should hold usefull info in it but I just created an empty one for testing22:33
DavedanI don't understand the comment about hyphen character22:34
maxbI do not believe the orig.tar.gz you have at the moment serves any useful purpose22:34
maxbThere are two kinds of package: ones using an orig.tar.gz and a diff.gz, and ones which have no diff, only a tar.gz22:35
maxbThey are distinguished primarily on whether their version number contains a "-" character separating the upstream version from the packaging revision, or not22:35
Davedan maxb: it doesn't server anything. I created it when "dh_make -c gpl -s -b" complinaed that it is missing22:36
maxbDavedan: unfortunately you created it with slightly the wrong name, however: it would need a _ not a - in it22:36
maxbanyway, to go back to the original problem, the issue is that you don't have the required postinst22:37
Davedanmaxb: ok. now I get it.22:37
Davedanmaxb: I thought that the posinst is required only for processing of the debconf22:38
maxbSee "man dh_installdebconf"22:39
maxbthe last paragraph of the main section22:39
maxbFor more explanation on *why* you have to do this, read the start of the HACKS section of "man debconf-devel"22:41
Davedan maxb: thanks. reading22:42
maxbDavedan: so, adding the necessary line in postinst makes things work, but then the package fails to install, because db_input returns 30, signifying that my importance threshold makes me only be asked high-priority questions during initial configuration22:46
Davedan maxb: I'm trying that22:49
nhandlermok0: Why did you change all of the guides on the wiki to *only* talk about the new machine-readable debian/copyright file? There is no policy that requires this style, and the old format is still widely used. I can understand adding additional examples that use the newer style, but why did you remove the older examples?22:49
Davedan maxb: works :) thank you so much22:53
ScottKnhandler: If you reverted that, I would stand behind it.  It's really out of line IMO.22:54
Davedan maxb: now I need to get back, read and understand more22:54
nhandlerscottk: I plan to do that once I talk to mok0 (I also need to find the correct revision to revert to).22:55
quadrisprohi guys23:03
quadrisproanyone could give an opinion on this? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/theorur23:03
luisbgany MOTU has 2 minutes to look at a package in revu that has no errors anymore?23:05
* RainCT uploads glest 3.2.1 to Jaunty :)23:18

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