
asacfta: just push00:00
asacfta: double check that debian/copyright is accurate00:00
ftais it pretty simple00:00
asacfta: i got a bunch of rejections on extensions for that00:00
ftait is00:00
asacbecause i was not hard enough including all info00:01
asacits important to say "who packaged it when and how the tarball was downloaded"00:01
asacalso it needs a clear (c) XXXX line and then  a license boilerplate snippet together with the filename for GPL00:01
ftayep, that part i'm familiar with now00:02
asacfta: me not ... but looks good00:02
asacthen just push. we have a bunch of new archive admins00:03
asacthey probably want to be picky ;)00:03
asaclets see00:03
asacat least we should get quick processing00:03
ftai think i should say somewhere it's rev239, to be fair00:06
fta  * Initial release: 0.8 (as of lp:gwibber/1.0 #239)00:09
asacshould be ok00:09
ftaok, closing with http://paste.ubuntu.com/118972/00:10
ftaat last00:12
ftajcastro, ^^ NEW: gwibber_0.8-0ubuntu1.dsc00:20
asacfta: i think james_w can review this now too00:21
asacOK OFF00:22
asaccu tomorrow00:23
ftawhy are you not part of it?00:24
Who_fta: Are you there? I have a quick question about the FF 3.2 build. I've just tried to turn off extension compatibility and it causes FF(3.2) not to start. Are you aware of this? Do you want more info?01:44
Who_that is, extension compatibility checking :)01:45
asacfta: i am not part of -archive admin team because i already have enough to do ;)09:05
asacand you are supposed to not process those that might be of special interest for you anyway afaik09:05
asacfta: bug 30539409:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 305394 in fontconfig "No subpixel smoothing" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30539409:37
asacdo you know how it should be according upstream?09:38
asacif so we should just do it i think and see how the world hates or loves us09:38
ftaasac, as i said many times, i dropped one rules file locally09:43
asacfta: which one?09:44
asacfta: afair you said you saw regressions in whatever you tried09:45
ftabut i'm living with them now09:46
ftai don't remember which file i dropped, here is my /etc/fonts/conf.d/ : http://paste.ubuntu.com/119154/09:46
asacfta: what regressions do you see?09:47
ftanon gtk apps09:47
asacfta: do those use fontconfig directly?09:47
ftai'm no expert in fonts :(09:49
gnomefreakis there a blog app that handles wordpress?10:38
[reed]wordpress is a blog app...10:40
[reed]oh, you mean a gui app?10:40
asacfta: yeah. saw build failures. Tomorrow is cut-off for feature stuff10:44
asacwhich will allow me to do my real work again10:45
asacfta: seems its just patch shuffeling10:45
gnomefreaki need gtk app that i can use to post to my wordpress account i use that for planet ubuntu10:46
asacgnomefreak: no clue ;) ... doesnt something like that exist?10:46
gnomefreakdrivel doesnt support wordpress :(10:46
asacgnomefreak: gnome-blog - GNOME applet to post to weblog entries10:47
gnomefreakasac: i hope so i would hate to change blogs. i hate livejornel but maybe ill end up back there10:47
asacalso tomboy-blogposter - Tomboy addin for posting notes to a blog10:47
asacgnomefreak: ^^ ;)10:47
gnomefreakasac: waiting for updates to finish before i can find out10:47
gnomefreak!info movabletype-opensource10:59
ubottumovabletype-opensource (source: movabletype-opensource): A well-known blogging engine. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2~rc4-1 (intrepid), package size 2872 kB, installed size 13588 kB10:59
gnomefreaknot helpfull11:00
asacmconnor: see msg ;)11:38
gnomefreakis it just me or is FF3.2 crashing but stays open?11:55
fta2gnomefreak, it's mozilla bug 473629, aka bug 31948013:20
ubottuMozilla bug 473629 in jemalloc "crash on exit in glibc memalign with jemalloc statically linked" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47362913:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319480 in firefox "firefox-3.1 crashed with SIGSEGV in memalign()" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31948013:20
gnomefreakfta2: the closing unexpctedly?13:29
fta2<gnomefreak> is it just me or is FF3.2 crashing but stays open?13:30
gnomefreakfta2: the bug above that you filed upstream say when you exit the browser. Mine happens while browser is open (not during exit)13:31
fta2is it when you  click on an url in another app?13:32
gnomefreakfta2: i dont think so but i will see whne it does it again. I dont see any one thing that causes it but i will find out today.13:33
fta2for me, it's always when i click on a link to open it in a tab of the existing browser. but that's still on exit()13:35
gnomefreakok breakfast im going to leave it open to see if it happens when it is running13:35
gnomefreakfta2: i think it is when closing tab. either that or scrolling14:26
gnomefreakfta2: the crash doesnt mention jemalloc14:33
gnomefreakyep its closing tab or scrolling i'm thinking closign tab14:37
BUGabundoasac: is that new intel connman any good?15:19
asacBUGabundo: depends on the level of features you want. its in NM ppa if you want to test ;)15:20
BUGabundoalready have it15:21
BUGabundosaw it in NEW queue yesterday15:21
BUGabundoand then read about it on the desktop meeting log15:21
BUGabundoalso gonna test the modem manager PPA15:21
BUGabundodo you want extra testers on that?15:21
BUGabundoI have a few loco users you can test it15:22
BUGabundoppl that are always having 3G dongles probs15:22
jcastroasac: do you have a network manager team or do you handle all the bugs yourself?15:28
gnomefreakasac: did you get a chance to look at 1.1.14 (although not really needed) but it should be pushed soon since its security fix. plus im tired of explaining this to people15:29
BUGabundojcastro: I think he does it all alone15:29
gnomefreakok coffee and smoke.15:29
asacjcastro: we have a network-manager team, but in the end it boils down to me trying to find urgent issues and fix them or getting upstream discussions15:32
asacjcastro: so technically the team is currently just me15:32
asacjcastro: https://edge.launchpad.net/~network-manager/+members15:33
BUGabundoI guess I could join and then give an helping hand15:33
BUGabundoat least I would learn a bit more about it15:33
jcastroasac: ok, that'll work, thanks!15:34
asacjcastro: what will work?15:34
BUGabundoasac: feel free to aprove me15:34
asacBUGabundo: feel free to help on bugs.15:34
jcastroI need to fill in the bug contact field15:34
jcastroasac: do you guys do the applet too?15:34
BUGabundosubscribing to bugs too15:34
asacBUGabundo: the team is just a vehicle to grant access to branches and ppa uploads15:34
BUGabundono need for that right now15:35
asaci dont think you need that unless you start doing branch work now ;)15:35
BUGabundoLP is a bit confusing at times15:35
BUGabundoalready joined the bug list15:35
asacjcastro: i am doing that too yes15:35
BUGabundodoing the same for answers15:35
asacjcastro: the other members of that team are more or less inactive ;)15:35
asacBUGabundo: great! ;)15:35
BUGabundoasac: remember that laptop sis based I mentioned yesterday?15:38
asacBUGabundo: ah good thing would be to go through incomplete bugs and see if the folks gave the info they needed ;)15:38
BUGabundoI triaged the bug to 32 vs 64 bits15:38
asacBUGabundo: yeah. i remember15:38
jcastroasac: https://edge.launchpad.net/network-manager/+bugsupervisor15:38
jcastrocan you apply yourself? It won't let me assign you15:38
jcastroer, apply the tea15:38
jcastrom to that I mean15:38
BUGabundoasac: 1st ill have to do the same MY OWN bugs eheheh15:38
asacjcastro: whats the difference of supervisor vs. driver?15:38
BUGabundo300+ plus opened (new, incomplete, triage)15:39
asacjcastro: so what will happen now that i am supervisor?15:39
jcastroit's just the contact in case someone wants to find out who is responsible for bugs15:40
jcastroand since it's the nm team anyway ...15:41
asacjcastro: hmm so should i rather set "network-manager" team as supervisor?15:41
asacok let me fix that ;)15:42
asacjcastro: doing same for -applet15:42
asacjcastro: where would someone find that info? i dont see it on project front page15:43
jcastroon the bugs page for the project15:43
asacok just found it ... thanks15:43
BUGabundoasac: I can't install modemmanager15:47
BUGabundoit won't show up on my system15:47
asacBUGabundo: why would it?15:47
BUGabundobut I have the ppa on sources.list and added the gpg key15:47
asacBUGabundo: of modemmanager?15:47
asacBUGabundo: its probably because there is no biuld for jaunty ;)15:48
asaconly hardy15:48
asacand even that i wouldnt suggest to install15:48
asacoh intrepid has a build too as it seems15:48
BUGabundothen why is there a jaunty repo?15:48
BUGabundoto confuser users?15:48
asacBUGabundo: maybe ;)15:49
TomJaegerHi, are we going to see a fix for bug #217908 before feature freeze?16:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 217908 in xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd "Pixellated Images in Firefox/Opera due to incorrect EXTEND_PAD implementation in several video drivers" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21790816:03
asacTomJaeger: hmm ... is that related to EXA or something? or everywhere?16:04
TomJaegerfirefox uses nearest-neighbor interpolation due to performance bugs that have now been fixed16:05
TomJaeger(well, sort of, except for the fact that the cairo patch is there but not actually enabled)16:05
BUGabundoasac: http://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=5579331616:14
BUGabundoseems a lot users have nm probs with that sis191 card16:14
BUGabundois that a kernel/driver prob?16:14
TomJaegerasac, xulrunner patches are attached to comment #69 (probably missing final newlines) and comment #7516:17
asacTomJaeger: any clue what upstream plans to do ?16:18
asacTomJaeger: is there a way to detect whether cairo is patched or not?16:19
asace.g. if it has the performance bug, can we fallback16:19
TomJaegerupstream uses their own copy of cairo16:19
TomJaegercairo doesn't advertise whether it uses client-side fallbacks16:20
TomJaegervlad has stated that he's fine with distributions enabling EXTEND_PAD if the drivers are fixed16:20
TomJaegerWith a patched cairo, we can be sure that the performance bug doesn't occur (it's not that bad anyway, but noticable)16:22
asacTomJaeger: see, we have performance problems with firefox since 3.0 beta5 went into hardy16:23
asacTomJaeger: i feel reluctant do do anthing that could have impact for any user using any driver16:23
asacand afaik, driver situation is not a black and white16:24
asaca few drivers are probably fixed. the others are not fixed.16:24
TomJaegerThe performance bug is not in the drivers. This was a client-side workaround that cairo was using that really hurt.16:25
TomJaeger(Copying an image from the server, rescaling it, and sending it back over the wire)16:25
asacTomJaeger: ok16:26
TomJaegerif there are any broken drivers left (I've checked all the open source ones, and the binary ones seem okay, too), we get slightly incorrect rendering on upscaled images16:26
asacTomJaeger: i dont understand your patch16:27
asacit removes the .dpatch and adds it to 00list16:27
asacTomJaeger: also consider to be a bit more verbose about that change. in changelog. the bug is long enough to justify putting more info in the patch imo16:28
TomJaegerthe change was already supposed to be in cairo.  Bryce uploaded it, but it turns out I don't understand dpatch.16:30
TomJaegerIt added the patch twice and didn't automatically add it to 00list, that's why the amended patch looks so funny16:30
jcastrofta2: which packaging where you using for the submitted package? I guess the problem is in debian/copyright16:30
asacTomJaeger: i would think that you should ask bryce to fix his own mess16:31
TomJaegeryes, of course.16:32
TomJaegerThis is about the two xulrunner patches.16:32
TomJaegerasac, so yeah, I'm sure Bryce will update the cairo package.  The question is: How do you feel about the xulrunner patches?16:48
asacTomJaeger: we need an upstream bug for the patches16:49
asaci think you took them from one.16:49
asacbut i need them to get permission from mozilla to actually use that16:50
asacbecause it touches rendering engine16:50
TomJaegerThis is the upstream report: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=42217916:51
ubottuMozilla bug 422179 in GFX: Thebes "Implement Bug 381661 (bilinear filtering of upscaled images) for Linux" [Normal,New]16:51
TomJaegerThere's no explicit patch there, but it's a one-line patch, so it's clear to everyone how the patch would look like16:51
TomJaegerWhat is the procedure for getting permission from mozilla?16:57
asacTomJaeger: i have to ask for it17:00
asacTomJaeger: if vlad says its the right thing its probably a good sign17:01
asacbut since he made that conditionally on whether all drivers are fixed we need to ensure that all drivers are fixed ;)17:01
TomJaegerWell, I went through the source of every single open-source driver that we're shipping17:03
TomJaeger(including ones like i128 that probably nobody is using)17:03
TomJaegerI don't have any nvidia/ati hardware, but at least as far as this test is concerned: http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/xorg/2008-February/032973.html17:05
TomJaegerboth closed-source drivers fall back to software, so we'll get correct rendering17:06
BUGabundoasac: ping17:20
BUGabundohow can I force NM or Ubuntu to user JUST IPv4 ?17:20
BUGabundoI'm thinking that part of this bug, is because we have here (on some sub nets) IPv6 active17:21
asacTomJaeger: correct rendering, but performance will suck ?17:24
TomJaegerasac, no, server-side workarounds are fast enough to not be noticable17:25
asacTomJaeger:  a list of drivers you have checked would be helpful17:26
asace.g. ati - fully support17:26
asacintel - server-side workaround17:26
asacin that stiyl17:26
TomJaegerlike this? http://lists.cairographics.org/archives/cairo/2009-January/016342.html17:28
TomJaegersince then, we've gotton hardware support for ati and openchrome has been fixed.17:28
TomJaegerI've purposefully disabled hardware acceleration on my intel card for a while and I couldn't notice a difference17:28
TomJaegerOf course, none of this has any impact in case that no upscaled images are displayed.17:30
TomJaegerasac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/217908/comments/9417:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 217908 in xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd "Pixellated Images in Firefox/Opera due to incorrect EXTEND_PAD implementation in several video drivers" [Medium,Fix released]17:38
asacTomJaeger: i will be out for an hour or too17:39
asacwe have time to look into this after FeatureFreeze if you can wait for a day or too17:39
asacfrom what i see it makes sense17:39
asacand i guess we will try this17:39
asacbut no guarntees17:40
TomJaegerokay, thanks for your time17:40
TomJaegerhave to leave now17:42
BUGabundofta: it seems that medibuntu also has GE 518:38
BUGabundobut they did not renamed old 4.3 package18:38
BUGabundoso now I have 2 4.3 and 2 5.x18:39
rzrhi asac , just pushed a branch before going on vacations hope it helps18:51
ftaBUGabundo, hm? do you mean they have fixed the installer too?18:55
BUGabundolet me launch it18:55
ftawe just provide an installer18:56
BUGabundoGoogle Earth - data files18:56
BUGabundojust DATA18:56
ftawhat is that?18:56
BUGabundo Depends: googleearth-4.2  but it is not installable or18:56
BUGabundo googleearth-4.3  but it is not installable18:56
BUGabundobroken depency on medibuntu repo18:57
ftaii  googleearth                                5.0.11337.1968+                          Google Earth, a 3D map/planet viewer18:58
ftaii  googleearth-package                                           utility to automatically build a Debian pack18:58
ftathe 2nd creates the 1st18:58
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy googleearth18:59
BUGabundo  Installed: (none)18:59
BUGabundo  Candidate: 4.3.7284.3916-0medibuntu318:59
BUGabundo  Version table:18:59
BUGabundo     4.3.7284.3916-0medibuntu3 018:59
BUGabundo        500 http://fr.packages.medibuntu.org jaunty/non-free Packages18:59
BUGabundothere's a colision18:59
BUGabundobetween your package and mediubuntu18:59
ftashould not19:00
BUGabundoI'll see it later or tomorrow19:00
ftamine should replace yours19:00
BUGabundogotta move or will lose the train19:00
ftai wanted to update universe19:00
BUGabundosee you later19:01
ftawell.. sigh19:01
asacfta: upload19:04
asacif you want someting new in19:04
asacbut i guess google earth is kinda non free19:04
ftait's just the installer, not the non-free blob19:09
asacfta: do we have that in the archive yet?19:09
ftabut the desktop icon is gone, the previous installer pointed to a png in the lib dir, it's gone, and i don't find a good substitute in there19:10
fta!info googleearth-installer19:10
ubottuPackage googleearth-installer does not exist in intrepid19:10
fta!info googleearth-packager19:10
ubottuPackage googleearth-packager does not exist in intrepid19:10
fta!info googleearth-package19:10
ubottugoogleearth-package (source: googleearth-package): utility to automatically build a Debian package of Google Earth. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.5.4 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 64 kB19:10
asacfta: ah ok. so just pump new version up if its just a versoin bump19:10
asacyeah you can upload there19:11
ftai'd like to provide an icon, not sure how yet19:11
fta133 upgraded, 9 newly installed, 0 to remove and 2 not upgraded.19:15
ftaNeed to get 325MB/325MB of archives.19:15
ftaAfter this operation, 203MB of additional disk space will be used.19:15
ftaehh? 203M more?19:15
ftaThe following NEW packages will be installed:19:15
fta  libntfs-3g49 linux-headers-2.6.28-8 linux-headers-2.6.28-8-generic linux-image-2.6.28-8-generic linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-8-generic python3-minimal python3.0 python3.0-minimal19:15
fta  wireless-crda19:15
ftabooohh, python 3.0 and a new kernel19:16
fta-minimal, lol19:16
=== asac_ is now known as asac
jcastrofta: we should be good with gwibber now?19:34
jcastroI don't know what seb means by this BSD code?19:34
ftajcastro, some themes are using bsd19:35
ftajcastro, /usr/share/gwibber/ui/themes/funkatron/README:Spaz is distributed under the BSD license and is available for download19:35
jcastrofta: don't you just mention the BSD license in debian/copyright?19:36
ftayes, but COPYING should also say themes may differ or something19:37
ftaie, not everything is GPLv219:37
jcastrook, what do I tell him to do, add a thing to COPYING?19:38
ftajcastro, let's ask seb19:42
ftajsut did19:42
jcastrofta: greg is pushing an update debian/copyright he tells me19:42
ftaok, but it's still not enough, BSD is used to it should be mentioned, i can take care of that19:45
jcastrofta: it says Spaz is distributed under the bsd, that's the client where the theme came from.19:50
jcastrothe readme says Spaz is BSD licensed, it's not talking about the theme19:50
jcastrobut whatever19:50
ftajcastro, you're right, but it's not clear if a work "based on the design" of something inherits the license of that something... depends on what "based on" means.. copy the code, or just get inspiration from.20:15
jcastrough I hate licensing20:22
ftahm, greg just killed the branch my bot is using to daily build gwibber20:36
ftait means no more dailies :(20:36
ftastopping the bot then, too bad20:40
jcastrofta: dude I thought we were using "debian" not "packaging"20:48
jcastroI asked him to deprecate it so we would have just one packaging branch20:48
ftajcastro, i already said that by design, my bot can only track native projects and branches mergeable by bzr bd, i.e., containing debian/*. The other packaging branch is flat, so i can't using without redesigning my bot20:52
ftaand i don't have time to do that20:52
jcastrolet me undo it then20:53
fta-using+use it20:53
jcastrook fixed20:55
jcastroI've made a note on the whiteboard what it's for21:04
jcastrosorry about the confusion21:04
ftaasac, here is what i meant this morning about fontconfig regression: http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/gearth.png21:08
asacfta: the navigating oceans thing looks strange21:09
ftaasac, it's not really visible in the screenshot but the menu and the option dialog are almost unreadable here, and of course, the text in the tips21:09
asacthe rest ok21:09
ftanot here21:10
ftathe tips text is using Arial21:10
ftabut it's even uglier with all other fonts21:10
ftait's using Qt21:10
LnsAre any of you aware of any multi-user sqlite db (for FF3 primarily) editors? As in, being able to push sql to multiple databases in ~/.mozilla such as a homepage setting?21:23
LnsI've seen the sqlite-manager addon but it looks like single db only21:23
LnsAlso, it seems that in 3.0.6, you can edit ~/.mozilla/.../prefs.js to modify their homepage. Is this a sane way to do it outside of sqlite? If so, I'm going to be whipping up a small script to do this on a group-based membership basis (all users in group XYZ will have homepage 123.com)21:28
asacLns: hmm not sure21:32
asacLns: i would think that you can just use any database editor21:32
asacLns: problem is that the DBs are set to exclusive mode21:32
Lnsasac: exclusive mode? As in you shouldn't/can't edit it if it's in use?21:33
asacLns: yes. thats probably why a firefox addon makes sense21:38
asacbecause only then you can access your own DB21:38
LnsWhat are the downfalls of not setting exclusive mode on these dbs? Wondering what the reasoning was21:39
asacLns: there were talks about making places et al a dbus service .. but that sounds really linux specific so i doubt it will happen at some point21:39
asacLns: afaik it was 15-20% performance boost21:39
asacwhich is much needed given that ext3 is really bad anyway21:40
Lnsasac: Is there a practical way to 'unset' exclusive mode, given the caveat of the performance degradation?21:40
asacLns: from outsid?21:41
asacLns: i would think it takes code changes to not do that21:41
asacfrom insid21:41
asacbut maybe there are some hacks to do that from outside21:42
asacbut i would think no21:42
asacbetter check with sqlite devs21:42
Lnsasac: i'm just trying to see if there's any practical way to configure/hack all users' sqlite FF dbs so they can be managed centrally21:42
Lnsand still work like they should :)21:42
Lnsi know we had this conv. a while back..just revisiting it as i keep getting requests for things like this21:43
Lnsand editing the DBs directly instead of trying to do some crazy workaround would probably be ideal21:43
asacLns: what are you doing again (affiliation)? sorry if i forgot21:46
Lnsasac: I administrate a small school district's Linux/LTSP networks (7 schools) and the on-site techs want the ability to change aspects of Firefox for all / selected users such as bookmarks, homepage, etc.21:47
Lns< 3.x was easy since you had bookmarks.html and other simple config files to parse..but now it's a whole new ball of wax21:48
asacLns: right now iremember21:49
asacLns: did your issues resolve? i think we had a fix (7dev/rdanom)21:49
Lnsasac: yes, with the fta ppa it fixed it very well :)21:49
asacLns: i thought it landed upstream21:50
asacdoesnt 3.0.6 work oob?21:50
Lnsi wouldn't be able to tell you, that came out almost right after i'd installed the PPA pkgs, so.. heh21:50
asacLns: you are now using PPA?21:50
Lnsjust for that one package update, yes..then disabled it21:51
asacLns: please check that. i think its fixed so you can track security properly again21:51
Lnsok, cool21:51
asacfta: did gwibber get the push yet?21:55
asacfta: its not in the queue21:56
asacwhat happened?21:56
ftayes, LGPL vs GPL, plus some obscure BSD README21:58
asacfta: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-archive/2009-February/024963.html21:58
ftai know21:58
asacfta: ok. you think you can address that and talk to seb when uploaded?21:58
asactomorrow is hte last day i thinki21:58
ftai didn't write the initial d/copyright, i just fixed the syntax a while ago to please lintian21:59
asacfta: i didnt say its your fault ;)21:59
ftayes, sure. the GPL part is fixed already, i'm still unsure about what to do with the BSD part21:59
asacfta: so i learned today that they run licensecheck -R --copyright .21:59
ftamaybe there's nothing to do22:00
asaclook at the output and just list them below the other license22:00
ftaoh, let me try that22:00
asacfta: what they want is that you list all files with different license below the main licesne block22:00
asacso like:22:00
asacOther Licenses:22:01
ftahave a look at this22:01
asacFiles licensed under LGPL 2.0 (or later):22:01
asac file1, file2, file322:01
asac See: /usr/share/common-licenses/LGPL22:02
asacsame for other licenses22:02
asacand if the license is not in common-licenses you need to paste it completely instead of the See:22:02
ftathat i know22:02
asacalso as it seems you need to list all copyright holders ... you can see that with the licensecheck thing22:02
asacso in the beggining of copyright:22:03
asac * (c) 2008  Super mario, All rights reserved22:03
asac * (c) 2009  super man, ...22:03
asacnot sure who is copyright owner of gwibber22:03
ftahm, interesting... http://paste.ubuntu.com/119409/22:04
asacfta: yeah. seems those files one has to look at individually22:05
ftalet me re-run that on the tarball only22:05
asacfta: just re-ran it ... looked the same22:05
asacfta: i guess seb looked at all files individually then22:05
asac(thats usually what archive admins should do=)22:06
ftajcastro, ^^22:11
asacfta: look in all files22:11
jcastrofta: ok so he needs to fix all those files?22:13
ftanot necessarily, COPYING says by default, it's GPL, but the other non GPL needs to be clarified.22:15
ftaI see 4 files needing clarification22:15
asacjcastro: there are a bunch of files without license boilerplate22:15
jcastroI see the pastebin22:16
asacprobably pretty much the list that has UNKNOWN22:16
asacjcastro: yeah. i wasnt sure if its a parse problem or if its really "no license"22:16
ftaasac, i don't think it's necessary to update all those files.22:17
asacfta: its not, but it would be good22:17
ftabut well, if it is done, it's good22:17
asacits just annoying without license22:17
asaclike: ./gwibber/swp.py22:18
asacthats MIT license22:18
asacdid the licensecheck digest that?22:18
asacseems it didnt22:18
asaclooked at a bunch of .py files in /usr/share22:20
asacseems python is kind of explictly not using license boilerplates22:20
asaclet me check further22:20
asacso i dont care ... its just cumbersome to document for archive admins then22:21
asaclook at all files ... if there is nothing, just file it as "same as default COPYING"22:21
asacand if its not, explicitly list it22:21
asacfta: so add the BSD and the MIT and maybe take a quick look at all files22:23
asacto see if there is something22:23
asacthen its fine22:23
ftahm, LOCALEDIR = "/usr/local/share/locale"22:25
fta# Set this way as in setup.cfg we have prefix=/usr/local22:25
ftabut not anymore once packaged as a deb22:26
ftaasac, did you try the locales?22:26
asacfta: os tjat gwibber?22:26
asacfta: lets fix that after FF ;)22:27
ftahm, MIT is not in /usr/share/common-licenses22:37
ftaasac, what about this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/119418/22:40
fta(without the typo)22:41
asacfta: did you take the mit license from the website referred to in the file22:45
asacfta: for me it looks better than i could have done it ;)22:50
asacfta:  * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)22:51
asaci s there a MIT_LICENSE.txt in the tarball=?22:51
asacremove that reference then22:51
asacsame for GPT-LICENSE22:52
asacfta: you can say "see blow"22:52
asacbelow ;)22:52
asacbellow -> blow -> below ;)22:52
asac(just noticed the bellow in that copyright file)22:52
ftayep, that was the typo from above22:53
ftaok, re-pushing then..22:54
ftaasac, what should i do the missing google earth dekstop logo?23:07
asacfta: how did that disappear?23:09
ftait was: Icon=/usr/lib/googleearth/resources/googleearth-icon.png23:09
ftabut this file is gone now, and there's nothing similar in the upstream package23:09
ftanothing suitable for a desktop icon23:10
ftajust a small 16x16 earth23:10
asachow did it look like?23:13
asaccant we produce something similar?23:14
ftai think it was like that: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_FJIwg2jbUP4/SQ0ZG9ZK3FI/AAAAAAAAA-w/UqTG6zcWXao/s200/google_earth_logo.png23:14
ftabut i can't find it anywhere on a google site. the packager could have fetched it from there23:15
asacfta: is that an official google earth icon?23:16
asac(sorry ... didnt really use it)23:16
ftai think it was, at least for for a while23:16
ftaasac, this one was not, for sure: http://lh5.ggpht.com/rajputro/RhVQR9T06QI/AAAAAAAAAUQ/OlsSVjhIE0U/s800/google_new_logo.jpg23:17
asaci guess a bunch of folks would find that offensive23:18
rzrit's even double offensive23:20
asacfunny. i always thought that we (debian) had hot-babe in the archive23:20
asacbut seems it was really removed at some point23:20
asacactually thought those that felt offended didnt win23:20
asaci remember lengthy rants about that in debian ;)23:20
rzrasac: did you get my notice about FB?23:21
rzrasac: it's late but...23:21
ftamaybe i can fetch this tiny one: http://www.google.com/educators/edu_products_earth.html23:21
ftaor this one: http://www.google.com/intl/en_uk/mobile/apple/earth/23:22
asacrzr: no. just repaste please23:25
asacfta: cant you make the installer package fetch the file?23:25
rzrhi asac , just pushed a branch before going on vacations hope it helps23:25
asacfta: probably safer legal wise if the installer packages needs internet access anyways23:26
ftaasac, sure, that's what i want, i don't want to bundle the icon in the packaging23:26
asacfta: well. then take any ;)23:26
ftahm, both are gif23:26
asacrzr: let me check my mail23:27
asacrzr: what branch is itt? didnt get any merge request or so23:28
rzrlemme check23:28
asacfta: http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_FJIwg2jbUP4/SQ0ZG9ZK3FI/AAAAAAAAA-w/UqTG6zcWXao/s200/google_earth_logo.png23:29
asacthats a png?23:29
asacor is that extension a hoax?23:29
ftabut the url looks weak, and unofficial23:30
asacyeah ;)23:30
asacfta: maybe you can find it on imageshack.us or something ;)23:31
asacfta: if nothing helps, just use the sucky 10x10 image and fix that after FF ;)23:33
rzrasac: is that the right way to propose merging ? or did i miss some LP tricks ?23:39
asacrzr: thanks. a bit strange that i didnt get a mail .. did you rquest merge today?23:39
rzryes couple of hours ago23:40
asacrzr: yes seems right. one question though. what date do you choose?23:40
asacfor the cvs up?23:40
asaci mean how did you find that date?23:40
rzrcvs up -D23:40
rzron the webpage23:40
asacyeah i know that ;) ... is that  a release?23:40
asacrzr: so they dont tag?23:40
asacok. messy upstream23:40
rzrhave to check tough23:41
rzryes that's messy23:41
rzrthey use to add 'a' suffix too23:41
rzron 'pre-release'23:41
asacdont understand that23:41
asacthats ok for the version23:41
asacyou have to emake 1.1.1~a out of it23:41
asaci assume you mean the version used in install.rdf23:41
rzryea i use the version in install.rdf23:42
rzrand add the ~snapshot to make sure23:42
rzrlet me explain23:43
rzr1 is release23:43
rzrthen 2a23:43
rzr2a again ...23:43
asacrzr: your commit message for revision 17 is not perfect. ... but ok ;)23:43
rzrthen 223:43
rzrthat's what I had to use epoc23:43
asacrzr: you should really use ~a23:44
asacfor 2a23:44
rzri do23:44
asacthat will always be correct23:44
asace.g. 1.1.2a1 == 1.1.2~a123:44
rzrbut 2a comes before 223:44
asacoh so they release 2, 2a, 2b ... in that order?23:44
asacgive me an xample then ;) (i guess i missed something)23:45
rzr1a , 1a , 1, 2a, 2 ,  etc23:45
asacok so you had:23:45
rzrme : 1a~snapshot1 , 1a~snapshot2 , 1:1 , 2a~snapshot1 , ...23:46
asacand then you had problems using 1.3.11~snapshot23:46
asaci see. so yes. you should have used 11~a~snapshot23:46
rzrme : 1a~snapshot1 , 1a~snapshot2 , 1:1~snapshot1 , 2a~snapshot1 , ...23:46
asacor 11~a+snapshot23:46
rzri used epoc instead23:46
asacthats bad23:47
asacepochs shouldnt be used deliberately23:47
rzris 11~a+snapshot beter ?23:47
rzrlet me commit it again23:47
asacso what is in the archive right now?23:47
rzrok ?23:47
asacso what do we package here? 1.3.11 final?23:48
rzrcurrent one is : 1.3.11a~snapshot20081113-0ubuntu123:48
asacwhy do we have ~snapshot at all there? because we dont know for sure its really final? (e.g. no tag)?23:48
rzr1.3.11~snapshot will overide current one ?23:48
asacrzr: so is it 1.3.11 final now or not ;)?23:49
rzri need the snapshot info since i use using cvs -D23:49
rzrit is23:49
asacbut in general it should be final23:49
asacso next version will be 1.3.12 ?23:49
* rzr gives some relaxing ball to asac23:50
asacrzr: use 1.3.11f now ... and say in changelog which date you took the snapshot23:51
rzrall we need is a version higher than 1.3.11a~snapshot20081113-0ubuntu1, that starts with 1.3.1123:51
asacrzr: next will be 1.3.12~a+snapshotXXXXXX23:51
asacso you can do a final 1.3.12-0ubuntu1 ;)23:51
asacso 1.3.11f-0ubuntu123:52
rzrok makes sense23:52
asaci checked23:52
asacdpkg --compare-versions 1.1.12f lt 1.1.13 && echo asd23:52
rzri dont like this 'f' :)23:52
asacwhich works23:52
asacrzr: well. its better than an epoch23:52
asacbest we can do now23:52
rzri trust you23:52
rzrcan't we keep the ~snapshot info even for f version ?23:53
asacrzr: could you pleaes check if there is a tag?23:54
asacif so i woul dreally prefer to release that instead of a snapshot23:54
asacfor jaunty23:54
rzrbecause i am sure the guy ommit to change the version in install.rdf23:54
asacrzr: in that case you could still use 1.3.11f+cvs2008090123:55
rzrlet me check if it's tagged again23:55
asacrzr: use cvs status -v SOMEFILE to see all tags23:55
asacbut i guess you know that23:55
rzrwhy: +cvs is better than ~snapshot ?23:55
asacrzr: you said you wanted to use ~snapshot even though it was final release because you wanted to use snapshot in case they forget to bump version ininstall.rdf23:56
asacso i suggested to use +XXXX23:56
asac+cvs or +snapshot23:56
rzrbtw no usable tag : http://rzr.online.fr/q/tag23:57
asacrzr: ok ... sigh23:59
asacrzr: feel free to use snapshot then23:59

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