
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
tritiumjrib: I see bruenig is back in #ubuntu04:28
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth
Amaranthbug 32416805:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 324168 in do "Remove need for plugin repository" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32416805:24
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, MTecknology said: !karma is <reply>Proof that karma is not a direct reflection of your contribution to the community. https://edge.launchpad.net/~sabdfl/+karma05:55
nickrudI do like bullgard406:23
ubottuThe operation succeeded.07:01
ikoniatomaw: note for you - maria the geekpanties bot controller was on freenode earlier using c-98-198-208-86.hsd1.tx.comcast.net08:33
elkylet me guess. i dont really want to know?09:23
* Myrtti goes to make coffee since she can't talk sense into a head of a Muggle.09:41
* Myrtti looks at her coffee mug.10:17
Myrttihmmm. clots.10:17
* elky huggles Myrtti :)10:43
Myrttitopyli: how often do you experience lag issues at Kapsi?11:55
Myrttibecause I'm getting angry with this11:55
topyliMyrtti: hmm i do sometimes11:56
Myrttifor me it's daily, just now had a lag of 101 or something11:56
topyliuse a proxy!11:56
Myrttiyou know better than that11:56
topylii do?11:56
Myrttilag is lag even if there is no proxy in between11:57
Myrttiproxy just makes it invisible between me and the proxy11:57
topylimuch less annoying though11:57
Tm_TMyrtti: no lag here whatsoever11:57
MyrttiTm_T: and you use ipv6?11:57
Tm_TMyrtti: I do, but not in freenode11:58
Myrttitopyli: how about you?11:58
topylino ipv6 here11:58
Myrttiso it might be an issue of ipv611:58
Myrttieither on freenode or kapsi11:58
Tm_Tmight be11:59
MyrttiI suspect kapsi11:59
Tm_TMyrtti: I'd say freenode11:59
* Myrtti goes to poke11:59
Tm_TMyrtti: because in ircnet ipv6 has no issues at all11:59
MyrttiI don't think I'm even on any channels in ircnet12:01
Myrttijust realized12:01
* ikonia has got his hands on panarchy's disro12:20
ubottuIn #ubuntu, fde said: !torrent is also Hey, you guys should replace "Azureus" with "Vuze" here as they changed their name.12:20
ikoniaI have a funny feeling the md5's of super ubuntu and panarchy's distro are going to be identical12:21
Myrttisuper ubuntu?12:24
Myrttido I want to know12:24
Myrttido I want to know what this does? http://ubuntu-tweak.com/downloads12:31
Myrttilolhelp. [Lag: 54.88] 12:33
jussi01Myrtti: definate no! :D12:36
Myrttiand again12:38
jussi01yay for lovely people in #u ...12:47
MyrttiI give up13:14
Myrttithis lag makes my head explode13:14
bazhangthat sucks13:14
ikoniacan I get a second person to read this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6748897#post674889714:44
ikoniatoo harsh ?14:44
ikoniaor clear that I'm trying to be objective 14:44
bazhangmore than fair14:45
ikoniajdong: or Pricey would be appriciated as they are forum moderators14:45
bazhangconsidering the way he has acted on irc14:46
ikoniaI've just spend - 15 minutes trying to explain this to him in IRC in pm, he said "ok" spammed ##linux and #debian, made a forum post, then spammed ##linux and #debian with the forum posts that he's just started cross-posting14:46
ikoniahence why I said something on the forum 14:47
jdongikonia: I think it's a good post, the only part I'd possibly take objection to is "your coming across on all the medias I read from you (forums/irc) as a pain, "15:03
jdongconsider revising that to be a bit less confrontational15:03
jdongotherwise it's a great post IMO15:03
Jack_SparrowI wnet to write a quick little program in Kbasic..  Worked easy, vb6 codes worked well. compiled fine.. Wow, that was easy.. then I looked at the overhead of the bin..  75 meg15:06
* genii-around brews a fresh pot of coffee15:15
Jack_Sparrowgenii-around I would expect your mugs any time.. they went email.  BUt I did use an old box that my nephew used for training his DEA drug dog.. that shouldnt be an issue..15:17
genii-aroundJack_Sparrow: Yay!15:18
Jack_SparrowNot sure how long email form here would take15:18
Jack_Sparrowlong mail from15:19
Tm_Tbah, spammer on the loose15:19
Tm_T!staff | spammer on the loose n=nnscript@
ubottuspammer on the loose n=nnscript@ Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)15:24
ubottuSlart called the ops in #ubuntu (kalle)15:32
* mneptok got it15:34
mneptokand now am playing with my prey in -ot15:34
Myrtti/msg #ubuntu-offtopic kalle: moikka. please don't make us Finns look like asses :-(15:35
Myrttican I say that?15:36
MyrttiI rilly want to15:36
* mneptok bakes Myrtti a pie filled with arctic fieldberries and pure hatred15:37
genii-aroundMyrtti: That didn't seem to be well-received15:37
MyrttiTm_T: heads up at -fi15:39
Myrttitopyli: ^15:39
ikoniajdong: updated, thanks15:57
* nickrud wonders if panarchy is going to start feeling stalked16:22
MyrttiFruzen on #freenode16:28
Tm_TMyrtti: heads up for what?16:29
Myrttifor "kalle"16:29
Tm_Tah, haven't shown himself yet16:29
Myrtti@bansearch Fruzen16:29
ubottuNo matches found for fruzen!n=frozen@bzq-79-176-68-36.red.bezeqint.net in any channel16:29
Tm_TMyrtti: will follow the situation, thanks dear16:30
Myrttiand again, when I ask Fruzen to produce the lsb_release -a, he goes mute16:33
nickrudyou can be sneakier; tell him he has a repo problem (obviously true) and ask him to pastebin his sources16:35
Tm_Tnickrud: won't do that I'm sure16:36
nickrudget him to ignore several useful troubleshooting techniques, then you've got some grounds to truly 'call him out'16:38
ikoniaMyrtti: he's had warnings from my/pici - enough16:38
mneptokikonia: you're so *macho*16:39
* mneptok swoons16:39
ikoniamneptok: you want me16:39
ikoniaI know it16:39
* nickrud moves up a stair or two16:39
ikonianickrud: come back nickrud plenty to go around16:39
mneptokthe Atlantic may as well be an ocean of my tears that separates us.16:39
nickrudah, to heck with it, time to get the keys and go to work. Sometimes work comes at just the right time16:39
ikoniamneptok: a stream like that won't hold me back16:40
* Myrtti needs chocolate16:40
Myrttiand milk16:40
topyliMyrtti: WHAT FEATURE don't you like?16:42
Tm_Ttopyli: prolly autoawayreply16:42
Tm_Tor similar16:42
topylidoes it once, times out. i find it a sane policy :\16:42
* Myrtti doesn't really care right now16:43
ikoniahello Twitch 16:47
Twitchhi am i in trouble again?16:47
ikonia@bansearch 16:47
ubottu(bansearch <nick|hostmask> [<channel>]) -- Search bans database for a ban on <nick|hostmask>, if <channel> is not given search all channel bans.16:47
ikonia@bansearch twitch16:48
ubottuMatch: twitch!*@*!#ubuntu-ops by ikonia in #ubuntu on Feb 13 2009 16:35:37 (ID: 9974)16:48
Fruzenhelp me please install C COMPILER16:48
ikoniaFruzen: please wait a moment16:48
FruzenI canr run ./configure16:48
ikoniaFruzen: please wait a moment16:48
ikoniaTwitch: apologies, I thought that ban had been removed16:48
ikoniaTwitch: one moment16:48
ikoniaTwitch: ban removed you can now leave this channel and enter ubuntu, apologies for the mistake16:49
TwitchIt's okay.16:49
ikoniaTwitch: super, enjoy, 16:49
Myrttiikonia: I didn't remove it since I didn't actually see the quit message16:50
ikoniaMyrtti: all sorted now, so lets see16:50
ikoniaTwitch: you're welcome to leave this channel and join #ubuntu now16:51
ikoniaTwitch: do you understand ?16:51
Twitchsorry i couldn't figure it out but i got it thank you.16:52
ikoniaTwitch: great, have a good day 16:52
ikoniaFruzen: now I need to speak to you 16:52
ikoniaFruzen: how many times have people told you a.) have to resolve your problem b.) where to get support for your modified ubuntu distro 16:53
Fruzenso u dont want to help me..16:54
ikoniano, thats not what I said16:54
Fruzenis that a big problem to ask for help16:54
ikoniaFruzen: many people have explained how to resolve your problem and help you setup an IRC server16:54
Fruzenman I dont want JUST IRC Server16:54
FruzenI need a lot of softwares16:54
ikoniaFruzen: many people have also explained that you'd be better off contacting your hosting provider to get support as they have modified your ubuntu 6.10 release16:55
Fruzenlike PsyBNC Anope and other16:55
ikoniaFruzen: yes, and pretty much all the software you want does not need compiling16:55
ikoniaFruzen: most of it is all ready built for you in the ubuntu software repo's as you've been told many times16:55
Fruzentell me the cmd that when can I find them16:55
ikoniaFruzen: you've been told 10 - 15 times easy16:56
Myrttiaptitude search softwarename16:56
ikoniaapt-cache will search16:56
ikoniaFruzen: but as I've said your running a modified version on a hosted platform, that is EOL anywawy, I suggest you contact your hosting provider to request an update and gain support 16:56
ikoniaFruzen: does that make sense to you ?16:57
ikoniaor do you understand what has been said clearly16:57
Myrttiit would really help if you'd actually answer to the people who are trying to help you, Fruzen 16:58
ikoniaFruzen: ok - I think we'll leave it there, as this is the normal routine for you17:00
ikoniago quiet when you are not getting the answers you want17:00
ikoniaFruzen: if you could leave the channel, you're welcome to come back if you feel like discussig this 17:00
ikoniadiscussing sorry17:01
Fruzenikonia, thanks anyway.17:01
ikoniano problem17:01
FruzenBut anyway, I think C Compiler is very essential to be build 17:02
ikoniaFruzen: ok, bye then17:02
MyrttiFruzen: a) run sudo aptitude update b) use aptitude to search packages c) when searching for help, be responsive17:02
ikoniaMyrtti: he's been given the exact command - 5 - 10 times 17:03
ikoniaMyrtti: hence why I'm not entertaining this any more17:03
Myrttiikonia: I know, this is just the first time I've seen him actually actively look at a channel17:03
Myrttiikonia: final attempt etc.17:03
Myrttianyway, I'm off to make spaghetti17:03
ikoniaFruzen: if there is nothing else, please leave the channel17:07
ikoniaFruzen: please respond17:14
* genii sips17:15
ikoniaMyrtti: remove ban - the user got klined17:55
Myrttiikonia: you beat me to it17:55
ikoniaahh you know17:55
=== bluesmoke_ is now known as Amaranth
jussi01can anyone here get to http://www.x-plane.com/ ??18:05
mneptokjussi01: you want the flight sim?18:10
mneptokif so, that's http://www.x-plane.org/18:10
mneptok(which works)18:10
Amaranthjussi01: it did finally load18:11
Amaranthperhaps it got slashdotted18:11
Amaranthwait, that's a paid app18:11
Amaranthare they taking X-Plane and selling it on there or something?18:11
guntbertHi, I have a proposal to change the factoid Hi18:13
guntbertHi! Welcome to the ubuntu-support-channel. Please read the topic (type /topic) and ask your question all in one line without pressing <enter> in between. If someone knows the answer they will most likely answer :)18:13
guntbertit seems more informative than the present one18:14
Flannelwhat, don't even stick around to discuss?18:14
geniiApparently not18:15
jussi01Amaranth: yeah, its working now18:16
jussi01ikonia: ping (pm)18:31
jussi01hrm, anyone hae thoughts on this?19:04
jussi01prince_jammys: hi, what can we help you with today?19:05
prince_jammysi'm here by mistake19:05
* genii makes more coffee19:16
jdongugh I want coffee...19:37
mneptoknot until you finish your Soylent Green, dear.19:39
* genii feeds jdong a Soylent Green chocolate chip cookie and a coffee19:42
* jussi01 is currently installing all 70gb of x-plane... :D19:45
Myrttiyou're sick19:46
jussi01how do you figure that?19:46
MyrttiI haven't got that much space on my laptop :-/19:47
jussi01Myrtti: scenery... excellent scenery... for the whole world19:47
jussi01except a few random oceans...19:47
Myrttiwhatever floats your boat, I guess19:47
MyrttiI'll just keep on playin' this multiuser notepad.19:47
Myrttialso, omg. Barilla's ricotta pasta sauce is sssssoooooo nommy.19:48
jussi01Myrtti: x-plane is know to be one of the best simulators in the world...19:48
Myrttijussi01: I'm happy the day I can play Rollercoaster Tycoon.19:49
Myrttithat's my kind of simulator.19:49
mneptoki know a GREAT free flight simulator19:53
mneptokoh ... wait.  that's a "fright stimulator"19:53
Myrttimneptok: put that chest hair away19:54
Myrttibutton up, dear19:54
jussi01mneptok: thats just wrong...19:54
jussi01woot... dvd 3 of 6...19:55
* Myrtti shakes head19:55
mneptokMyrtti: it's spray-on chest hair. i was trying to make you find me swarthy and intriguing. :/20:12
Myrttieh. latest kernel update or something broke my freaking webcam!20:43
topylimneptok: just another day at the office eh20:45
topyliyay amber's adventure is now on planet ubuntu users20:49
geniiMyrtti: Probably one of those drivers that needs to be rebuilt every time kernel changes20:59
ikoniaMyrtti: kernel update causes pain on my laptop21:02
guntbertdid you look at my proposal for changing the factoid Hi ??21:07
mneptokguntbert: to .... ?21:07
ikoniaI personally haven't seen it21:07
guntbertI sent it a few hours ago but had to leave suddenly, I'll post it again21:08
mneptokguntbert: usually a request to change something is accompanied by a slight indication of what the person wants changed ;)21:08
mneptok13:11 -!- guntbert [n=re@vie-nas-ge-0-2.onenet.at] has joined #ubuntu-ops21:08
mneptok13:12 < guntbert> Hi, I have a proposal to change the factoid Hi21:08
mneptok13:12 < guntbert> Hi! Welcome to the ubuntu-support-channel. Please read the topic (type /topic) and ask your question all in one line without pressing  <enter> in between. If someone knows the answer they will most likely answer :)21:08
mneptok13:13 < guntbert> it seems more informative than the present one21:08
mneptok13:13 -!- guntbert [n=re@vie-nas-ge-0-2.onenet.at] has left #ubuntu-ops ["Never look down on someone unless you're helping them up."]21:08
mneptokthere you go21:08
mneptokwhat's the action item there?21:08
geniimneptok: I just also PMd it to Ikonia21:08
guntbertmneptok: Action item? bear with me, my 1st language is german :)21:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about h121:09
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu-ops!21:09
ikoniato be honest, I see the hi factoid as pointless spam - so I'd rather not add more to it21:10
ikoniaif you need a bot to say hi, there is a poblem21:10
guntbertikonia: it was about Hi in #ubuntu, not in ops :)21:10
ikoniayes I know21:10
mneptokguntbert: was ist die Änderung, die Sie gebildet wünschen? oder schätzen wir? ;)21:10
ikoniamy comment still stand21:10
guntbertmneptok: at the moment hi is "Hi! Welcome to ubottu" and I want to change it so that a newcomer gets a hint waht the channel is about21:12
mneptokguntbert: ach so. try !#ubuntu21:12
guntbertbecause there are so many who don't recognize it as a support channel21:13
ikoniait's just noise21:13
ikoniaI'd rather it was dropped21:13
Myrttiguntbert: and !hi shouldn't be given to the people who don't recognise it as such21:13
Myrttiguntbert: for them there's !offtopic !ask !anyone etc.21:14
guntbertmneptok: !#ubuntu doesn't work, try21:14
guntbertMyrtti: my point was: many are entering saying "hi, how is everybody...", and most get the the factoid 'Hi', so it *could do something useful, but I can see ikonia's point clearly21:15
guntbertif !#ubuntu did not give "Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com", it would be ok off course too21:17
Myrtti[23:17] [freenode] -ChanServ(ChanServ@services.)- [#ubuntu] Welcome to #ubuntu!  Please read the channel topic and consider spending some time on the  FAQ mentioned there - This channel is officially logged at  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/21:17
guntbertMyrtti: but that is not what I get from the factoid !#ubuntu :/21:19
Myrttiguntbert: that's what you get when joining the channel21:19
Myrttiyou're suggesting that we should spam every newcomer on the channel with !hi...21:19
guntbertMyrtti: no, that would be senseless, I guess we forget it, maybe you can get the bot to deliver a similar message for !#ubuntu21:21
guntbertthanx for your work - keep it up :)21:22
Myrttisee... easypeasy21:23
geniiThat fellow has an interesting exit line21:27
ikoniaMyrtti: load the cannon in ot21:38
MyrttiI am21:38
* jussi01 ->> bed21:42
ubottujtaji called the ops in #ubuntu (th__)21:58
ikoniaMyrtti: what was he doing ?22:05
ikoniaMyrtti: I couldn't get jtaji to respond22:05
Myrtticheck your lastlog22:05
MyrttiI'm not going to paste the url here22:05
ikoniaooh well done22:06
ikoniathat didn't show up 22:06
ikoniawhen I first did last, must have scrolled22:06
ikoniaeyeballs on grant-a in OT22:39
MyrttiI feel so proud of myself. I just did a deb package of scratch.22:58
Myrttifor amd64.22:58
MyrttiI feel like a winner.22:58
* Tm_T huggles Myrtti the winner22:58
* genii brews some celebratory coffee22:59
ikoniajdong: grant splills more nonsense for you in -ot23:09
ikoniaenjoy :D23:09
jdongikonia: whee *glad he's not in there*23:09
ikoniaclaiming to run compiz-fusion with fluxbox and kwin23:09
ikonianow back tracking fast that he never "did" it just remembers it being done :)23:10
ikoniastandard script23:10
MyrttiX-D http://www.flickr.com/photos/duncansample/3288267005/23:15
ikonianice hawt23:16
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:32
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:32
ubottuIn ubottu, redvamp128 said: Who is ubottu23:38
Meztesting something23:39
Mez!foo-test is www.foo.com/23:39
ubottuI'll remember that, Mez23:39
Mez!foo-test =~ s/\//\/ foo/23:40
ubottuToo many (or not enough) delimiters23:40
Mez!forget foo-test23:40
ubottuI'll forget that, Mez23:40
redvamp128what is the command to get the creator page of ubottu23:41
redvamp128it said something like angry hawk or something unique like that23:41
ubottuIn ubottu, redvamp128 said: !who is ubottu23:42
redvamp128sorry for the double post23:42
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:53
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:53
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:57
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:57

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