
evarlastanyone use remote syslog and have the "very slow syslog" problem?00:58
Tigermuss-=[ QUESTION ]=- I have a server with need to install an OS that can be run on IA64. I can only find Hardly in this version, do you guys know if there is a 8.10 version to be run on AI64? -=[ QUESTION ]=-01:45
sommernot 100% sure, but will amd64 run on ia64?01:46
* jmedina preferes to run hardy on servers01:48
Tigermussnope, its a different architechture... what confuses me is that there is a doc for installation 8.10 on IA64 but no download for it01:48
Tigermussjmedina, okai, so should just get the hardy one and go ahead?01:48
jmedinaTigermuss: I prefere hardy because is LTS, I dont want to upgrade every six months and see what happens, I prefer something stable01:50
Tigermussahh i see01:50
sommerheh, I like adventure01:50
jmedinaTigermuss: xeon cpus?01:50
TigermussItanium 201:51
jmedinanever installed on Itanium01:51
Tigermusswell the IA64 should be for that kind of system01:52
jmedinaI see no intrepid for IA6401:53
jmedinathere is for hardy01:53
Tigermussyes i saw that too, but i found this https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/installation-guide/ia64/pr01.html01:53
jmedinaTigermuss: HP systems?01:55
Tigermussyes rx260001:55
TigermussHP Integrity rx260001:55
jmedinaTigermuss: any reason to use intrepid?01:56
Tigermussnope, just testet with that prior to getting this machine, but didn01:56
Tigermusslook into if the iso actuly was availble01:56
Tigermussjust read it was supported01:57
jmedinaTigermuss: looks that the guide it is just a copy of x86 guide02:05
jmedinathere is no ia64 specific information02:06
Tigermussyes there is https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/installation-guide/ia64/ch05s01.html02:06
Tigermussdont know that many others that have EFI bootmanager02:06
Tigermussbut i think its a copy of the manual for hardy, just changed the refferce to hardy to intrepid02:08
jmedinaTigermuss: well everything points to haryd :D02:13
Tigermusshave downloaded it and way ahead on installing it ;)02:14
Tigermussjmedina: what ftpd what you suggest for ubuntu?02:22
sommervsftpd is quite good02:24
Tigermusseasy to configurate?02:25
sommeryeppers, the latest serverguide has pretty good coverage02:27
sommerwell for jaunty anyway :)02:27
Tigermussim pretty new to linux... so something like sudo apt-get vsftpd should do it right?02:28
sommeryep, then depending on what you want to ftp, anoymous download is enabled by default, but ftp to home directories is easy to configure02:29
Tigermussonly want to home dirs02:29
sommerquite simple... see /etc/vsftpd.conf02:30
sommeronce you have it installed, if you have further questions should be able to find an answer here02:31
sommeror in the man pages :)02:31
Tigermussokai just a simple one, howdo i restart the vsftpd ?02:32
sommer/etc/init.d/vsftpd restart02:32
sommer/etc/init.d/service_name is pretty standard for linux02:33
Tigermussthank you, it should work now i will test ;)02:33
Tigermusshmm have disable the anonymos thing, but can still login with anonymous02:34
sommeryou set anonymous_enable=NO ? and restarted vsftpd?02:38
Tigermussmy bad, i just commented it out, witch dont do anything, just changed it to NO and works like a charm ;)02:38
sommerheh ya, since the default is to allow download it needs to be set02:39
Tigermussi figured out hehe ;)02:40
sommerbut it downloads from the ftp user's home directory so if there02:40
sommer's nothing there it shouldn't be a big problem02:40
sommerbut better to disable if not needed :)02:40
Tigermussdont want anyone in thats no intended for it ;)02:41
infomomohello users :D03:21
infomomodo we have solution to update ubuntu-server ?03:23
infomomowhat is it :D03:27
sommersudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade03:27
infomomothats what i did :D03:27
infomomoLOL :D03:27
infomomolatest kernel for server is 2.6.27-7-server03:28
infomomouname -r03:28
sommersounds about right03:28
infomomoam running it in vmware03:29
infomomolearning the ropes03:29
Tigermusssommer, have you any experience with gaming servers?03:37
infomomomy buddy runs WoW server03:38
sommerno not too much... played around with l4d a while back. but nothing serious03:38
infomomoP4 1 Gb ram, 30 users03:38
infomomono lag :D03:38
steelcityjimis jmarsden around03:39
Tigermusswell i have to setup an AAO server... but everytime i try to run ./server-bin XXXXXX i just say "-bash: ./sever-bin: no such file or directory"... and i have chmod +ux03:40
Tigermusschmod u+x*03:41
steelcityjimis sudo useradd XXX  # my command for adding a user03:41
Tigermusssommer / infomomo any suggestions?03:47
infomomoam not linux guru03:48
Tigermussokai, bummer :/03:49
twbuseradd is a low-level command; I recommend you use adduser instead.03:51
steelcityjimdoes useradd give access to everything?03:51
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steelcityjimor adduser I should say03:52
hadsaccess to?03:52
steelcityjimor it just adds and then I have to set the permissions?03:53
tsrkhow do I install cgi for apache?03:54
Tigermusseverytime i try to run ./server-bin XXXXXX i just say "-bash: ./sever-bin: no such file or directory"... and i have chmod u+x server-bin.... any suggestions??03:56
hadsCheck your spelling :)03:57
Tigermussjust here i spelled it wrong04:00
foomanshoethink anyone could entertain a question with Ubuntu server and Samba04:59
ScottKYour odds go up if you ask the question.05:02
owhEntertain, you mean with drinks and music?05:02
foomanshoelol, sorry just read the whole topic "just ask"05:02
foomanshoeI have my samba server up and running05:02
foomanshoeI have a user account that works05:02
foomanshoeand it's setup to allow guests as well05:03
owhworks in samba, or works in linux?05:03
owhCarry on...05:03
foomanshoei want guests to just have read writes and my user to have read/write05:03
foomanshoeI can't seem to find a straight answer via google, maybe i'm reading over it.05:04
owhUh, do you mean: "i want guests to just have read *rights* and my user to have read/write"05:05
foomanshoeyes, sorry i've been on my computer to long05:05
jmedinafoomanshoe: use "write lists"05:06
owhfoomanshoe: Well, the guest user for samba is a user too. In fact you can just map the user to a linux user and assign privileges accordingly. Not only that, you can set privileges for a samba user within smb.conf IIRC.05:06
jmedinafoomanshoe: allow guest access "guest ok = yes" and then grant write acccess to some users o a group using "wirte list = user1, user2, @group"05:08
foomanshoetrying now05:08
Tigermussanyone have a suggestion to how i install Xen on a Ubuntu 8.04 IA64?05:12
foomanshoejmedina: thank you it worked like a charm05:14
foomanshoeowh: I'm going to start reading about setting guest up as a user and controlling read/write via folder permissions05:14
jmedinaTigermuss: isn't packaged?05:14
foomanshoethank you for the help everyone05:15
Tigermussjmedina: well when i try to do apt-get install ubuntu-xen-server it sais the package isn't there, but when i search for it is there, but only as amd and x8605:16
owhWell, at least it's not lying then :)05:16
jmedinaI'm not sure if is supported upstream05:16
Tigermusscould someone please guide me through this, cause i cant seem to use ANY make command05:21
owhTigermuss: Given the time of the day, I would either wait another six hours or so at least - until soren is back, otherwise, send an email to ubuntu-server and he'll pick it up there.05:23
Tigermussthank you, i'll do that ;)05:23
foomanshoeafter I change my port in ssh_config and restart ssh, I'm getting connection refused (ssh is still running on 22 however my ssh command is now defaulting to the changed port number) any ideals on fixing this?06:46
foomanshoeI figured it out I'm going to bed. I was editing ssh_config and neeed to be editing sshd_config. Thanks for the previous help, night06:57
sorenTigermuss: To the best of my knowledge, we don't offer Xen on IA64. We definitely don't support it (since ia64 isn't a supported platform, but one of the community ports).08:29
mpathyHi there.. Somebody knows how I get already recieved mails trough my new sieve (that also the older mails get sorted in the right subfolders)?08:58
ScixGood morning from norway :)09:42
ScixI followd this guide to setup autofs-ldap https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutofsLDAP, but when i try to start autofs I'm getting this error: no automount maps defined.09:43
ScixI aslo configured /etc/default/autofs to use LDAP09:44
ScixIs it something spesial regarding to Ubuntu 8.10 and the new way of configuring OpenLDAP?09:55
sorenScix: Not sure. I don't use autofs myself.10:02
Scixsoren: What do you use? If any ... )10:03
sorenScix: Nothing like that :)10:08
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incorrectI have a suggestion,  why isn't the default logrotate set to use dates rather than 1,2,3 etc ?10:11
gate_keeper_hi guys, is it possible to setup dhcp load-balancing or failover with more then 2 servers?10:17
henkjanjust configure 3 dhcp to handout the same dhcppool10:17
henkjanclient asks for an ipadress. all servers will reply. client acks the first. all servers will register the broadcasted ack from the client10:18
henkjan works like a charm10:19
gate_keeper_i see10:20
gate_keeper_probably will work with this setup10:20
henkjangate_keeper_: you don't need to configure dhcpd.failover10:22
gate_keeper_u mean without it, i can't add more then 2 servers10:24
gate_keeper_anyways if 1 of them goes down, other one will accept the clients requests10:24
gate_keeper_after reboot10:25
gate_keeper_there are some balancing options in dhcp.failover .. :/10:26
Tigermusssoren: Hi there, i was asked earlier to talk to you about Ubuntu Server for ia64.... Do you have any experience in installing Xen or simular for this processor specific system?10:46
sorenTigermuss: And i responded 3 hours ago :)11:12
soren08:30:12 < soren> Tigermuss: To the best of my knowledge, we don't offer Xen on IA64. We definitely don't support it (since ia64 isn't a supported platform, but one of the  community ports).11:12
sorenTigermuss: I've never worked with IA64 myself. I do happen to know, though, that kvm runs on ia64. You need to compile it yourself from git, though.11:13
Kamping_KaiserI thought Xen was x86 only?11:14
Kamping_Kaiserhm. guess ia64 does x86 emulation11:14
sorenKamping_Kaiser: No, Xen isn't x86 only.11:15
sorenThere's ports to at least ARM and ia64 as well. I have no idea about the state of them, but I know that some work has been put into it.11:16
Kamping_KaiserI might have another look at it then11:16
Kamping_Kaiserthanks for the info11:16
* Kamping_Kaiser wonders if it works on alpha yet11:16
sorenNo idea. I don't know if it *works* on ia64 or arm.11:18
Kamping_Kaiserhehe, yeap. the 'its not intel' problem11:18
sorenia64 is Intel :)11:21
sorendon't tell anyone I said this, but I'm not even sure I'd say it works on x86 :)11:22
Kamping_Kaiserproblem with having alpha/sparc/ia32 (with a possible addition of an amd64) as your options for buildds is you /need/ virtualisation that works on all, or no virtualisation :/11:23
TigermussSoren: sooorry, didn't see it through all the join/disconnect ;)11:32
TigermussSoren: do you have any suggestion to what i should install as OS to get some virtulisation running? ;)11:32
sorenTigermuss: On IA64?11:34
soren11:13:31 < soren> Tigermuss: I've never worked with IA64 myself. I do happen to know, though, that kvm runs on ia64. You need to compile it yourself from git, though.11:35
TigermussSoren: yeas on IA64.... i got so for with the Xen wiki http://wiki.xensource.com/xenwiki/XenIA64/HowTo but there are some compile errors and can't get EFI bootmanager to load elilo with the right settings... i might just end up with a Windows 2008 box instead, just trying to get arround it11:37
SmokeyDhey people. I want to give multiple people sftp access to my server, but restrict them to their home folder and also restrict them to sftp only, no ssh access. I want everyone to have different home folders and accounts. Anyone have recommendations on which approach to take?11:37
Kamping_Kaisertry libpam-chroot11:38
Kamping_Kaiserthere might even be libpam- ssh specific stuff too11:38
sorenSmokeyD: scponly - Restricts the commands available to scp- and sftp-users11:42
sorenSmokeyD: oh, sorry, I misread your question.11:42
SmokeyDsoren: if I understood right, scponly is nice if you want to have just one account, but not for multiple users right?11:43
sorenSmokeyD: I believe it's meant to restrict people from logging in over ssh, but still have scp and sftp access.11:43
soren...but it doesn't do anything to restrict people to their home directories, I think.11:45
sorenTigermuss: I don't know how to express it any clearer.. I would try with kvm on IA64.11:45
sorenNot Xen.11:45
sorenKVM. It's a different hypervisor.11:46
SmokeyDsoren: yes ok, but is it aimed at doing that once for one account, or for multiple users.11:46
SmokeyDsoren: their own website says: "A typical usage of scponly is in creating a semi-public account not unlike the concept of anonymous login for ftp.11:46
sorenSmokeyD: You create a user (or 27) and set their shell to scponly.11:46
soren...and then they can't do anything but scp and sftp.11:47
TigermussSoren, i reading on it right now, but kvm for ia64 i still a port, and the sourceforge site is rather "spammed", so cant really fint what i want ;)11:47
sorenTigermuss: Xen of ia64 isn't considered a port?11:47
soren"Xen on ia64", I mean.11:48
TigermussSoren: as far as i can read here.. http://kvm.qumranet.com/kvmwiki/ia64_list?highlight=%28Category+ia64%2911:48
sorenSmokeyD: If you want to use it for a shared account, that's up to you. scponly doesn't care, AFAICT.11:48
TigermussSoren: From denmark?11:48
TigermussSoren: okai, any rules in here about it should be in english? ;)11:49
sorenYes :)11:49
sorenLess so in #ubuntu-dk. :)11:49
DelphiWorldhi ubuntu server community12:19
DelphiWorldplease: ho to connect to internet using a PPP Dialer ?12:19
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SmokeyDDelphiWorld: search on google.12:28
SmokeyDDelphiWorld: first hit: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=1&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ubuntugeek.com%2Fsetting-up-dial-up-connection-in-ubuntu.html&ei=RK2aSeSdJI-Y-gbzj_z6CA&usg=AFQjCNG_mbB6tHz2L8KkT958wrceWB-hCw&sig2=99-gdMEyFbjelgI_4JQgsw12:28
PecisDarbsanyone knows if it is possible to use EVMS volume as root partition on Ubuntu Server 8.04?12:29
PecisDarbsit means initrd should contain evms tools12:30
DelphiWorldubottu: adsl12:32
ubottuSetting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE12:32
PecisDarbsubottu: evms12:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about evms12:34
PecisDarbsubottu: EVMS12:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about EVMS12:34
ScixI have a autofs-ldap problem on my new servers. Could anyone help me with this one? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107222812:35
rozillahow do i add a static route? i'm got an 8.04 firewall server with an internal IP of 172.20.* and one of the clients on that LAN serves as a firewall server for a subnet (10.20.*). i can ssh in and out of 10.20.*, in can lookup, but i can't ping a 172.20. addr from inside the 10.20. subnet. and i can't access the web from the 10.20.12:38
rozillai'm using firehol, squid and powerdns12:38
DelphiWorldplease any screen reader for the command line interface ?12:40
sorenDelphiWorld: Screen reader? You mean for blind people?12:40
DelphiWorldsoren: yes, exactly12:41
DelphiWorldsoren: any solution ?12:41
sorenDelphiWorld: No idea.12:42
sorenDelphiWorld: You could ask TheMuso. He tends to know these kinds of things.12:42
sorenDelphiWorld: He's in Australia, so he's probably asleep right now, though.12:42
Kamping_Kaiserunless hes hacking late, but it is a weeknight :)12:43
DelphiWorldplease try to help my friends about ubuntu server accessibility12:43
dmacnuttDelphiWorld: i found a thread that might have some ideas12:46
dmacnuttDelphiWorld: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2008-December/168334.html12:47
dmacnuttsomething to do with redirecting the serial console and pushing that out to the reader12:47
DelphiWorlddmacnutt: thanks12:49
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waver_soren are you there?13:32
bigbrovarScix: replied your thread13:34
waver_Sun Fire X4150 Server (Intel) is a certified server by Ubuntu13:35
waver_I did a test on 6 servers and it hangs without any reason13:35
waver_Someone should update the page because there's something wrong between the new Intel CPU 5450 and motherboard/memory. I send back one server to SUN to do some more debug13:36
ivokshi there :)13:38
henkjanwaver_: ask Jeeves__ here. Maybe he has experience with that machine (but he's mostly an AMD fan :) )13:40
Jeeves__intel sucks13:40
Jeeves__we only do the 4140, 4240 and other amd boxes13:40
=== Jeeves__ is now known as Jeeves_
waver_The install is ok, everything was ok related to Ubuntu. But the machine hangs without doing any stress ;)13:41
waver_Jeeves_>  I have an 4140 and work fine13:41
waver_Ah no13:41
waver_there's a problem with nvidia chipset :P13:41
waver_Forcedepth driver13:41
waver_but it's not a big problem until now13:42
ivoksserver with nvidia chipset?13:42
waver_too many iterations (6) in nv_nic_irq.13:42
ivokswho produces servers like that?13:42
waver_Yep 414013:42
ivokslike... sun? dell? hp?13:42
Jeeves_ivoks: Not much wrong with that chipset13:42
waver_Yoiu tell me that you test the 414013:43
Jeeves_ivoks: Almost all Sun's carry that chipset13:43
waver_it's a sun machin13:43
waver_As you can see on my test, it has a nvidia chipset13:43
waver_And I choose the 4150 because it's not a nvidia chipset for the network13:43
waver_But 6 servers down after 5 min ;)13:44
waver_SUN is on a bad situation. He's looking this case13:44
ivoksi didn't like desktops with nvidia chipset, i can't imagine having a server with nvidia chipset13:45
ivoksbut, that's me, i could be wrong, maybe it's the best chipset in the world13:45
waver_I want only to inform that like it's mentioned on the ubuntu page. This server should not be certified until sun provide a fix13:45
waver_I will go to do some more test. I can't imagine that there's no log for the error from the OS or from the ILOM.13:47
waver_I will install Solaris to see if I can reproduce this bug13:47
waver_see u folks13:47
domaswver_: it is forcedeth problem13:50
domaswaver_: it is mentioned in product notes13:50
domasproduct notes say, either do 'pci=nomsi' boot option13:50
domasor increase interrupt count13:50
domas(what is done on newer linux kernels, 2.6.27 or so)13:50
domasI just upgraded kernels, and see no crashes atm13:51
domasI've been hanging around with that problem for few months here13:51
domasuntil I took sun server's product manual13:51
domasand it explained the issue :)13:51
* domas points to http://docs.sun.com/source/820-2396-14/OSIssues.html#50589754_4853313:52
sorenwaver_: Which version of Ubuntu did you try?13:54
waver_soren>  Ubuntu 8.04.213:56
waver_I have one server with the last BIOS/SP firmware that handle my stress test13:57
waver_The 5 servers with same version of firmware die immediatly after some minute13:57
waver_domas>  thanks for the info13:58
waver_domas> I will try this. I'm runing 2.6.24-21-server on this X4140. Next time when I restart it I will try this boot option13:59
domaswaver_: I have bunch of fully loaded X4240s that all hit this issue13:59
domasit helped me though I still had hangs13:59
domasI just use kernels now13:59
waver_domas>  sorry14:00
domasthough my workloads were filling GE, and doing >150MB/s i/o14:01
waver_but i just check cat /etc/modprobe.d/options14:01
waver_and i have this option :P14:01
waver_And still get this error message14:01
incorrectI am building a server with an encrypted partition,  the problem is that there is no remote management so when the system boots it waits for the encryption key to be typed in,14:01
waver_# forcedeth14:01
waver_options forcedeth max_interrupt_work=2014:01
domasstrange that you hit stalls then14:01
incorrectI would like to allow the system to boot but not try and unlock the disk14:01
domasdo it like I did, just get vanilla kernel, copy in ubuntu config, make-kpkg, and deploy new deb14:01
domaswaver_: I'm not sure how much pci=nomsi helps14:02
domaswaver: btw, did you do mkinitrd after you added that to /etc/modprobe.d/options? :)14:02
ivoksincorrect: add sshd to initramfs14:02
ivoksincorrect: you can't boot system wihtout reading the disk14:02
waver_domas>  I think so14:03
incorrectivoks, its only a partition, not /14:03
ivoksincorrect: then add noauto to /etc/fstab14:03
domaswaver_: anyway, I didn't have much of crashing with 2.6.28, just one machine bailed out, but probably because of different reasons, got some MCEs logged there14:03
incorrectivoks, that doesn't stop the system from trying to unlock the disk14:03
domaswaver_: did I say how much I hate computers? :)14:03
waver_domas>  this server is using a heavy I/O AoE so ...14:04
domaswaver_: AoE? :) Area of Effect?14:04
waver_15:04:04 up 79 days14:04
waver_RX bytes:803069421206 (747.9 GB)14:04
waver_TX bytes:3545757532192 (3.2 TB)14:04
domaswaver: the problem is when you have heavy disk i/o + heavy network i/o14:04
waver_AoE: Ata over ethernet14:04
domashaha, you can see I play wow sometimes ;-)14:04
uvirtbotwaver_: Error: "^" is not a valid command.14:05
domasdamn, ata over ethernet14:05
domaswhere the heck is world going14:05
domaswaver: well, now that you didn't restart for 79 days, I'd call that stable! :)14:05
domasI was hitting the problem whenever was filling gigabit interfaces :)14:05
waver_Yes but I don't force all the traffic to this server :o14:06
domasthough your stats don't show heavy i/o14:06
ivoksincorrect: i never used that feature of ubuntu-server, so i don't know all the details, but you could take a look at the service that asks for password14:06
domasthats just half a meg a second14:06
ivoksincorrect: and, if possible, configure it or disable it's auto-start14:07
incorrectah! you can put a timeout14:07
domaswaver: 20 days here, and it is quite idle server:           RX bytes:1745411503284 (1.5 TB)  TX bytes:2052170952643 (1.8 TB)14:07
waver_domas>  because it's only a failover server when the first one is overloaded ^^14:07
domaswhat the heck do you do with ata over ethernet?14:07
waver_cache and db ^^14:08
domasI don't need AoE for my DBs14:08
waver_I test a lot of DAS/NAS/SAN from dell but a NAS with AoE it's really the paradise ^^14:10
waver_Even for me it's fast than a Fiber SAN14:10
domasI just use internal disks ;-)14:10
domasX4240s with 16 disks each \o/14:10
Jeeves_domas: The 7110 is cool too14:10
waver_I can't do this14:11
domasJeeves_: you can't run your software on 7xxx'ies14:11
domasJeeves_: 7110 is same chassis as 424014:11
waver_I need a redundancy. So other machin can mount the disk and continue the job14:11
domasI guess it was built on top of 425014:11
ivokswaver_: use drbd14:11
domasuse replication!14:11
domasmeh, have to resolve one drbd issue14:12
ivoksor, even better, take care of that on application level14:12
waver_domas>  I test it. replication = problem14:12
waver_You don't read about this company doing replication of db ^^14:12
waver_that lost everything lol14:12
domaswhich one?14:12
domashow would that happen?14:12
ivokssomeone wrote DELETE *14:13
ivoksSAN won't help you there either14:13
domaswell, shared disks don't guard you with that14:13
ivoksnothint will14:13
domasivoks: I have a method14:13
domasivoks: delayed replication ;-)14:13
ivoksdomas: or backups :D14:14
domas(or snapshots)14:14
Jeeves_domas: I know. We just got ourselves two 7110's14:14
domasbut delayed replication is win, because it can take you five minutes to catch up with an hour of changes14:14
domasJeeves_: yay! :)14:14
ivoksdomas: so, you delay for how long?14:14
domasivoks: an hour14:14
ivoksdomas: what about if master cracks? you loose everything created in last hour14:14
sorenwaver_: Is there a bug report open about the bug you're experiencing with those Sun boxes?14:15
domasivoks: no, you have binlogs on slave14:15
domasivoks: our masters have >5 slaves each :)14:15
ivoksdomas: thehe14:15
waver_soren>  not yet. I need some confirmation from SUN14:15
waver_And I want to know who do this certification about the X415014:16
domasJeeves_: my dayjob is sun :)14:16
waver_And wich processor is it14:16
ivoksdomas: one for redundancy and other with delayed replication?14:16
domasivoks: mostly for read scaling14:16
ivoksof course14:16
domasit comes packed with redundancy and such too, of course14:16
domaswe used to run RAID0 db masters for years14:16
waver_domas>  sorry, the article was deleted I think14:16
domaswhitebox hardware14:16
domasthats one of top10 sites =)14:17
ivoksdomas: which one?14:17
domasJeeves_: are you shouting at your disks too? :)14:19
Jeeves_domas: Not anymore :)14:19
domasit is most popular thing to do at 7xxx's14:19
domasafter Brendan's video14:20
bangkyJeeves_: you're the same Jeeves_ running the opensource mirrors?14:20
domasmy personal server hit some ubuntu software raid bug14:20
domasit tries resyncing, then crashes at 99.9%14:20
Jeeves_bangky: some, ues14:20
ivoksyou asked about that yesterday14:21
bangkyJeeves_: ic, cool14:21
domashe's the guy in logo of ask.com!14:21
domasoh no, he got laid off after rebranding!14:21
bangkydomas: erps..14:22
domasthe sad dotcom age story =)14:22
domasso, for all the people who run DRBD, do you run heartbeat in v1 or v2 mode? :)14:25
incorrectI need to include cryptsetup in my initrd14:29
ivoksdomas: i run rhcs14:30
ivokstake care...14:34
SmokeyDhey people. I am trying to get scponly to work with a chroot jail (/usr/sbin/scponlyc as shell). Each user get's his/her own chroot jail. scponlyc is setuid root and I think all necessary libraries are in the chroot jail. After logging in though, gftp hangs.14:56
SmokeyDThis is what auth.log says: http://pastie.org/39170914:56
SmokeyDah, I found a proper debugging way, not with gftp but using scp14:59
SmokeyDnow I see quite some things are still amiss :)15:00
Faust-Canyone have issues w/ ocsinventory-server?15:43
Faust-Cseems the install scripts are messed up15:43
Faust-Cit doesnt properly pull deps nor configure mysql15:43
ivoksmathiaz: ping16:09
mathiazivoks: hi16:09
ivoksmathiaz: for start; how are you? :)16:09
mathiazivoks: FYI: server team meeting in #ubuntu-meeting16:09
ivoksoh, right16:09
mathiazivoks: doing great! and you?16:09
ivoksdoing fine...16:10
kajeWhen a cronjob for a user runs, what scripts are run beforehand to set up the environment? (e.g. bashrc, profile, etc...)16:56
ivokskirkland: need an intro into ipmi?17:00
kirklandivoks: sure17:00
ivoksipmi is just a protocol between client software and system's BMC17:00
ivoksBMC are usually hardware independet network cards which operate even when computer is offline17:01
ivoksso, you can connect to it, power on the machine, and get your self a serial interface to the machine17:01
ivoksyou can enter bios, just as you are sitting in front of it17:02
ivoksthere are three specifivations; impi1 impi1.5 and ipmi217:02
ivoksipmi2 supports SOL (serial over lan)17:02
ivokswhile 1 doesn't17:02
ivoks1.5 is a bridge between those two and depending on hardware, you can even get sol on those17:02
ivoksdell's BMC cards support IPMI17:03
ivoksintel also, supermicro too17:03
ivoksi'm not sure about hp and sun17:03
kirklandivoks: ibm does17:03
kirklandivoks: the bladecenters, anyway17:03
ivoksprobably, it's the most common interface to bmc17:04
ivoksnow, openipmi is just in kernel support for linux, so that one can use openipmi interface with ipmitool, to control system settings (boot order, sensor data, etc...)17:04
ivoksbut ipmitool can also connect over wire to other servers (this doesn't have anything to do with openipmi)17:05
ivoksthat's it :) short intro :D17:05
uvirtbotNew bug: #330626 in samba (main) "9.04 Jaunty Samba 2:3.3.0-3ubuntu2 fails to start on update " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33062617:21
ballI missed the meeting. :-/17:25
jamesrflaso you guys have a meeting 16:00 in #ubuntu-meeting17:49
jamesrflatranslated into 4PM eastern time17:49
sommer16:00 utc, 11:00 am eastern time17:51
jamesrflaman I missed it and the only day that I would be able to attend17:52
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incorrectI've got a few custom debs i need to distribute,  is there an easy way to build my own repository?20:32
domasincorrect: just put it in a launchpad ppa ;-)20:33
domasbut generally, yes20:33
incorrectdomas, i doubt anyone would want my debs20:33
domashold on20:33
incorrecti just packaged openldap 2.4.14,  it doesn't give 100% desired results20:34
mathiazincorrect: are you building 2.4.14 with gnutls or openssl?20:34
domasincorrect: lemmie share APT script for you20:35
incorrecti didn't update gnutls20:35
domasincorrect: this is what we use to build APT repos, it is a bit overweight for what you need I guess :)20:36
madhatter1Hey everyone, Im running ubuntu server 8.10 and have an external HDD (NTFS) connected. The mount seems to work just fine, but sometimes it just says I cannot connect to the device.. Restarting then remounting the drive fixes it every time, but I dont want to have to reboot every time the drive has the issues. Is there a command to perhaps ntfs-3g services or a service that deals with talking to that drive?20:38
domasincorrect: you can try 'reprepo'20:41
incorrectfalcon looks good20:44
incorrectthat seems what i need20:44
ScottKincorrect: FYI, falcon is broken with django 1.0, so you'll need to make sure you have (IIRC) 0.96.20:47
ScottKPatches welcome.20:48
madhatter1Hey everyone, Im running ubuntu server 8.10 and have an external HDD (NTFS) connected. The mount seems to work just fine, but sometimes it just says I cannot connect to the device.. Restarting then remounting the drive fixes it every time, but I dont want to have to reboot every time the drive has the issues. Is there a command to perhaps ntfs-3g services or a service that deals with talking to that drive?21:15
rfshi everyone, i have a little question21:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:27
rfsif u could help i will be very happy21:28
rfsok, soory21:28
rfswhat is ubuntu server 8.04.2 versions root pass, icouldt't install the system21:28
Nafallodoesn't have one21:28
rfsbut when booted starts gnome and when i try to do something asks root passx, i tried root:root but it didn't work21:30
Nafallono. it asks for your password21:30
jahorrfs: are you shure that it asks for root password ? in ubu there is one basic user with sudo privileges.21:31
jahoras Nafallo says... yust try password for your nonroot user21:31
rfsi didn't mentioned, i didnt install the system yet, only booted from iso in a virtual mach21:32
Faust-Canyone have linux servers/workstations in a Windows environment21:32
Faust-Cim in the planning stages of migrating to a domain and wonder what would be the best approach to make sure my linux servers dont get 'left behind'21:33
rfsim so sorry for inconvenience, it's all my fault, sorry again21:37
uvirtbotNew bug: #281882 in openssh (main) "ssh hangs in initial handshaking when using IPv6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28188221:41
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)23:14
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geniiOdd that !apache seems to just link to generalised LAMP factoid23:17
ubottuSecurity Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server23:18
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).23:18
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support23:19
Voltronhow can i add mod_security to my apache installation on ubuntu?23:42
ScottKVoltron: What release are you running?23:44
VoltronHardy Heron desktop edition but with no GUI or anything23:44
ScottKMod security got removed from Debian/Ubuntu repositories due to licensing problems.  These just got fixed.  I don't recall if Hardy still had it or not.23:45
Voltronohhh ok23:45
geniiScottK: Apt-cache search on my 8.04 box shows not there23:46
Voltronso if its fixed now, what repo will it be in?23:46
maxbrmadison libapache2-mod-security only finds anything in dapper23:46
maxbdid it come back with a different source package name?23:47
ScottKStill needs New23:47
VoltronSo I need to wait until Jaunty comes out to use mod_security?23:51
ScottKOr ask for a backport23:52
ScottK!backports > Voltron23:52
ubottuVoltron, please see my private message23:52
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging23:54
Voltron_Jaunty seems to give me VERY poor network performance on my laptop23:55

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