
Xenocide21anyone know if there is a software way to increase fan speed?00:04
dark_abyss0I cant get a mp3s to play can I get some help?00:24
G-Bluntedhey i had that problem too00:28
G-Bluntedlook for the extra codec package in synaptic00:28
G-Bluntedfilter for "codec" or "extracodec"00:28
G-Bluntedhavn't tried it yet tho, so plz tell me if that works for you :)00:29
kereshow do you install xubuntu inside of a windows install without booting from the CD? this laptop is said to not boot from a CD.00:48
G-Bluntedcd work?00:53
charlie-tcaUse wubi?01:00
Moodkeres: get to bios and change boot order01:11
=== danielm_ is now known as danielm
keresI'm following this tutorial on how to install linux without burning a CD, and i need to get vmlinuz and initrd.gz off my xubuntu CD. these files are not in d:/isolinux where they are supposed to be inside of ubuntu02:40
keresis there an equivelant to these on xubuntu?02:41
keresnevermind, got it02:42
zoredachenot sure where they are on the filesystem, but they are there somewhere02:42
=== Sinister` is now known as Sinister
kereswhen installing xubuntu on a crappy laptop i get to the first dialog window, the mouse cursor changes depending on where it is in the dialog but the dialog is completely empty04:02
rockokeres you there ?04:18
rockowhat does this mean any body "Have you ever been bonded?"04:18
rockowhat is BONDED ?04:18
corey__what's the install requirements (disk, memory, processor) for xubuntu?04:39
Moodwhat do you have?04:41
corey__I'll be installing on a CF card04:44
corey__memory and processor isn't an issue, was just curious04:45
rockowhat is a CF card corey__ ?04:45
corey__rocko, CF stands for Compact Flash.04:46
rockoI see04:46
rockowhat does that offer ?04:46
corey__it offers a flash based disk for decreased access times and no moving parts04:47
rockoI see04:48
rockoyou mean for you to be able to put in a solid state memory hard drive corey__04:49
corey__I hear around that debian would require about 1 gig for installation?04:49
corey__rocko, yes my server uses a CF slot to boot from and I wish to keep xubuntu on it but I'm not sure of the required disk size to fit the installation04:50
rockoI am not sure it depends on if you want gui or not corey__04:54
rockoyou could do a net install with debian and just select what you want04:54
corey__yes that is most likely what will happen. I'll assume a 1gb card will suffice04:55
jkoltnerQuestion: How do I go about adding one of the programs on the regular application menu as an icon on a panel?  I just want to add "Terminal," but right-clicking the panel and selecting "Add New Item" doesn't show "Terminal" is an avaialble item.05:47
jkoltnerQuestion: How do I go about adding one of the programs on the regular application menu as an icon on a panel?  I just want to add "Terminal," but right-clicking the panel and selecting "Add New Item" doesn't show "Terminal" is an avaialble item.05:53
=== SlowWitted30647 is now known as aniiena
owen1I use vaio with 1.33GHz (with xubuntu). my CPU reaches 100% everytime a page load on FF3. is it normal?06:10
jkoltnerIf you're using a high-speed (DSL/cable modem) connection, then I'd say yes, it is -- I have an Atom-based (1.6GHz) PC, and it does the same thing.06:12
owen1jkoltner: dsl, wireless.06:13
forcesowen1, if you see a page with flash, yes06:13
owen1jkoltner: forces : i think it's every page. i need to test more.06:14
jkoltnerowen1: You might try to find some "mostly text" pages to make the page really easy to render06:14
forcesowen1, test www.debian.org06:14
forcesjust HTML and CSS06:14
owen1i used to have xp on this computer for a year, and i don't remember any issues.06:15
* forces #sleep06:16
jkoltnerPegging your CPU while a page loads isn't usually a problem -- the rest of the system will keep multitasking while the page is loading, and if anything, multitasking works better under Linux than under Windows.06:17
jkoltnerGranted, that might be little comfort for you.06:17
owen1but i have to wait 2 seconds just to be able to type anything. how do i know it's not a virus?06:18
jkoltnerTry booting from a live CD or USB memory stick?06:19
owen1forces: even on debian's site, the cpu reached 100%06:19
forcesthat's not a virus06:22
forcesthis isn't windows06:22
forcesI think you can limit your CPU06:22
forceslimit firefox*06:22
forcesI don't remember, but If you search you will find it06:23
owen1ok. i'll google for it.06:24
owen1is it possible to replace the cpu?06:53
jkoltnerI'm guessing you're using a laptop there, Owen1?  In that case it's rarely possible to do so.06:53
jkoltner(Few laptops have socketed CPUs, although this isn't 100% the case.)06:53
owen1jkoltner: true. it's a vaio laptop06:54
owen1jkoltner: i wonder how much cpu i need to make my cpu calm down while browsing.06:54
jkoltnerI'd suggest Googling the specific model that it is, along with, e.g., "cpu upgrade" and check the results...06:55
jkoltnerPerhaps you can convince a few friends with faster laptops to let you boot a live CD?06:55
jkoltnerI have an Atom 1.6GHz netbook that pegs the CPU, but also a AMD Turion 2 2.4GHz CPU that is generally never hitting 100%, but that doesn't say much because the AMD is probably at least 4x faster overall than the Atom.06:57
jkoltnerI've got to get going... good luck!06:57
R1cochetdoes xubuntu have a disk defrag tool?08:11
_Pete_defragging is filesystem specific not xubuntu specific08:12
R1cochetok so is there a tool to defrag a drive?08:12
_Pete_I am not sure if you even need one depends on the filesystem you use08:13
R1cochetim using ext3 for nix but i have 2 other drives that are ntfs08:13
_Pete_according to goole there seems to be http://wiki.linux-ntfs.org/doku.php?id=ntfsdefrag08:16
_Pete_but that doesnt exists :)08:16
=== worms_ is now known as worms
myownserverCan someone here tell me what the advantage is to using Xubuntu over other Ubuntu distros?09:41
rockoit uses Xfce 4 instead of kde or gnome myownserver09:54
rockoinstalling xfce on ubuntu or kubuntu will leave you will a lot of gnome and kde programs to remove if you are not going to use those desktop environments any more myownserver09:55
jxanderhow could i make xfce forget running applications, so it won't start multiple instances of apps when i log in next time?10:05
jxanderany idea?10:11
knomejxander, 1: close *any* apps you don't want to run on login.10:16
knomejxander, 2: log out an uncheck the "save session for future login" box10:16
knomei mean... 2: do not uncheck, but log out :P10:16
knome3: log in10:16
knome4: next time you log out, uncheck the box10:16
jxanderoh... lol... so I should remove the entries from autostarted apps, right?10:20
Myrttimmmm no10:21
jxanderi'm confused... so i should save a session and then disable next time save ses for future logins?10:24
knomeyes, save session with no apps running10:24
jxanderknome: thanks... i'll do that... now, back to snow shoveling... have a nice day!10:27
knomejxander, you too.10:27
Steve_hi all - i am a first time xubuntu user - what would you recommend for the easyest way to get windows network browsing accomplished? - thanks10:37
durtSteve_: If your still here, there is a tool under Applications -> System Tools called Shared Folders that will help you setup windows file sharing (cifs/smb/Samba), but you need a separate app to "browse" a network Thunar currently does not have that ability, but by all accounts will in Jaunty. I suggest pyneighbourhood for that or search synaptic for others.10:51
Steve_ok great10:55
Steve_I have set up the folder in shared folders10:56
Steve_and have pyneighborhood installed, which i am running as root, I can see the shared directory ion my windows box but that is as far as I can get10:56
Steve_it sayd failed to mount10:57
Steve_the mount folder is a writable folder, any ideas why it wouldnt mount?10:57
durthave you created the folder? does it exist?10:59
Steve_yeah its in home/myusername/11:00
durtgenerally in unix/linux the term is directory (dir), not folder (windows term) or in cases like this it's a 'mount point', root might not have privlegdes to your home dir.11:01
Steve_yeah, i really need to start speaking less windows-y :)11:02
Steve_ill try running it not in root11:03
R1cochetis gajim like pidgin in that pidgin can connect to multiple messenger servers at the same time?11:03
Steve_it returned the following [: 2: /home/myusername/.pyNeighborhood: unexpected operator11:08
Steve_mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/myusername/.pyNeighborhood': File exists11:08
TheSheepR1cochet: gajim can only connect to jabber services, but there may be gateways to other services on your server11:09
durtSteve_: Whoa, stay away from .pyNeighborhood, just mkdir /home/<username>/public or some such.11:11
rockoFREE AS IN FREEDOM http://www.inatux.com/gnu11:16
TheSheeprocko: are you spamming?11:17
_Pete_so freedom cost only $274.99 (without monitor)11:17
rockono TheSheep11:18
rockoyou do not understand do you _Pete_11:18
TheSheeprocko: then how would you call it?11:18
rockoinforming you11:19
knomerocko, nobody asked for that11:19
rockowith an alternative to the proprietary ubuntu os11:19
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!11:19
TheSheeprocko: this is a support channel, please go to #xubuntu-offtopic for unrelated chatter11:19
Steve_yes! that worked perfectly durt, thanks very much for the help, I appreciate the help, this is my second go at linux, the first being some 10 years ago, people so helpful back than11:20
Steve_* people not so11:21
TheSheepSteve_: you must have tried debian ;)11:21
durtConsidering the state of linux dev back then I doubt something like ubuntu would be possible.11:22
Steve_is there any particular reason all this stuff isnt all turned on and installed by default? it is just to strip it down as much as possible?11:22
durtSteve_: a lot of people would never touch windows networking with a 60' pole. :-)11:24
rockodebian rules11:24
rockoyou should also try out sidux11:24
TheSheepSteve_: there are many reasons, depending on which stuff you mean. samba browsing requires some manual setup, samba shares are nto enabled to discourage using it, codecs are not installed because they are illegal in some countries, etc.11:24
rockosidux is a good alternative to distros packages with debian sid like ubuntu11:25
rockoit is vanilla does not really add any thing to it like the other distros like it so it works smoother11:25
rockogoing to switch to it soon11:26
Steve_yeah, i understand that they wouldnt want to encourage using windows netwokring, but it sure would help bridge the gap for people like myself who, if they werent from an irc background, would maybe have given up already :)11:26
rockowhy do you want to use windows networking Steve_ ?11:27
rockoyou mean like SMB?11:27
Steve_thats what all of the other boxes are configured to and use11:27
Steve_this is the only linux on the network11:27
Steve_will slowely move them all over once i get good at it11:28
Steve_again, many thanks for the help durt11:33
pwcq_is it safe to update to xfce4.6 on xubuntu 8.10?12:24
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Jaunty. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.12:24
TheSheephmm... not what I meant12:25
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/12:25
TheSheephere :)12:25
pwcq_TheSheep: I mean I know it's not finished version, but does it depend on some additional libraries (like hal) which could make the whole system unstable?12:25
TheSheepit can make your xfce unstable12:27
pwcq_TheSheep: I can deal with that, the only thing that I'm afraid is that it will pull some unstable versions of core libraries12:30
TheSheeplike libxfce4gui?12:32
TheSheeppwcq_: what's 'core'?12:33
pwcq_TheSheep: xserver, gdm, cups daemon, hal...12:36
pwcq_I guess xfce depends on this packages12:37
pwcq_ohh... the most important: gtk libs12:37
pwcq_TheSheep: btw, does it work for you? ;)12:40
TheSheeppwcq_: patially12:42
TheSheeppwcq_: ut I'm on jaunty now12:42
knomedoes it usually drop the R-letters?12:42
* TheSheep <-- practicing touchtyping :/12:43
pwcq_inkscape-svn 20701-1  Last Updated: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 11:10:57 +000013:13
pwcq_sorry, wrong channel13:13
=== ark_titan is now known as titan-ark
Pres-GasHey all13:42
titan-arkPres-Gas, hey :)13:52
Pres-GasNice dancin' cody-somerville.14:06
Pres-Gasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand another crisis averted!14:07
Mizzy^anyone around?14:31
Pres-GasHello, Mizzy^14:32
Mizzy^I was wondering if there was an easy way to toggle between enabling/disabling the gui environment in xubuntu?14:34
Mizzy^Sorry my terminology is probably off there, I am not very good with this stuff.14:34
TheSheepalt+ctrl+f1 / alt+ctrl+f714:34
Mizzy^i mean at bootup14:36
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/14:37
Mizzy^so, that doesn't look particularly easy14:39
Mizzy^I was hoping there was just a setting somewhere14:39
Pres-GasI see a script that looks to emulate inittab in /etc/event.d that is where the upstart files are located14:44
Mizzy^sorry that is all way over my head14:45
TheSheepPres-Gas: well, you can do /etc/init.d/gdm stop   or  start14:45
TheSheepMizzy^: ^14:46
Pres-GasYeah, TheSheep, isn't there a way to issue runlevel in grub?  It is excaping me at the moment.14:46
* Pres-Gas RTFM's14:46
TheSheepPres-Gas: yeah, just put a number as the boot option14:47
TheSheepPres-Gas: but ubuntu has all runlevels, except special ones, equal, debian-style14:48
TheSheepof course you can change that14:48
Pres-GasYeah, but that should cover the one off "I really want console this time, but GUI by defalult".14:49
Pres-GasMizzy^, why are you wanting to get the console occasionally?14:49
Pres-GasThat may help TheSheep and I narrow your options down14:49
Mizzy^it is running on a pretty old computer and the GUI environment tends to make things run slower because it uses CPU time14:50
Mizzy^it is a computer that sits away from my desk and I just remote into it with VNC14:51
Mizzy^it was set up to auto login, and when it starts up it automatically runs something called 'x eleven vnc'14:51
TheSheepMizzy^: if you don't mind logging in text mode each time, you can disable gdm altogether and just start startxfce4 when you want gui14:52
Pres-GasAre you accessing it on a lan (your home/work) or outside (coffeeshop)?14:52
Mizzy^it is a home network14:53
Pres-GasDo you ever want to access it ouside of home, Mizzy^?14:53
Mizzy^i think if it just booted into text mode, but auto logged-in and ran that vnc thing and I could still connect in text mode, that would be good.  then i could just start up the gui if i wanted to14:54
Mizzy^no i dont think i would need to at this time14:54
Pres-Gasubottu, tell Mizzy^ about vnc14:55
ubottuMizzy^, please see my private message14:55
Pres-GasThe link there you should bookmark in case you want to access it from the outside, Mizzy^14:55
Mizzy^i see it mentioned something about freenx too.. someone told me about that and i looked at it but i think it was pretty complicated to set it up14:56
Pres-GasIt has gotten better, but yeah, you need to read up14:57
_Pete_Mizzy^: for me it worked by just installing the .deb packages14:57
Mizzy^So is it possible to continue what I'm doing now but boot into the text mode instead?15:00
Mizzy^i guess everyone disappeared15:31
Pres-GasNope, just at our day jobs or lurking, shake the jar by just asking a question and the fireflies will light up...15:32
Pres-GasJust don't shake too hard15:33
Mizzy^haha I am at my job too15:33
Mizzy^ I'm just not clear on if this is going to work, or how to do it.  I want to be able to start up in text mode, and automatically run the vnc thing, so I can remote in.15:34
Mizzy^someone mentioned something about 'startxfce4' manually each time, which I think would work ok15:34
Pres-GasYeah, there is a way to kill off gdm (Gnome Display Manager)15:39
Mizzy^i thought it was 'xfce' and not gnome?15:40
MyrttiMizzy^: xfce uses gdm15:41
Myrttiwell, xubuntu uses gdm15:41
Mizzy^I guess I'm not familiar with what that is :\15:41
Pres-GasThe short version, Mizzy^ is that you will need to install the package called !sysv-rc-conf, read up on how to use it, and edit rc2 (the default runlevel) to not start !gdm15:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sysv-rc-conf15:46
* Pres-Gas shakes fist at ubottu.15:46
Mizzy^Why is everything named so obscurly?15:47
Pres-GasMyrtti or TheSheep, does my short version sound good or you all have better options?15:47
Mizzy^There should just be a dang checkbox in the settings :-\15:49
Pres-GasMizzy^, you are a genius!!! I forgot about Services.  If you go to the main menu and then go to System, you should see an app called Services15:51
Pres-GasOpen it up and unlock it...then you should be able to uncheck gdm.15:52
* Pres-Gas is too in love with the commandline and forgot that there was a GUI option for this.15:52
Mizzy^I am definitely not a genius when it comes to this linux stuff :|16:03
Mizzy^Ok I will try to uncheck GDM in there today.16:03
Mizzy^Then when I boot up... what happens?16:03
Pres-Gasyou should just get a text login prompt16:04
Mizzy^that is an issue16:05
Pres-GasEverything else should go fine...now this autologin thing you have going, Mizzy^, describe that a bit more16:05
Pres-Gasbefore you totally dive in16:05
Mizzy^ok so right now it does auto login16:05
Mizzy^so the desktop just comes up16:05
Mizzy^then, under settings, there is an entry for the vnc thing to run on startup16:06
Mizzy^so basically, without logging in, vnc wouldn't start16:06
Mizzy^and I wouldn't be able to connect16:06
Pres-GasWhat is the thing called under Settings?16:09
Mizzy^oh boy I don't remember for sure16:10
charlie-tcalogin window16:10
Mizzy^I remember that.. you click on the Applications thing in the top left16:10
Mizzy^and it's the first option down..16:10
Mizzy^then the little panel pops up and there's an option in there for things to auto run on startup16:10
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, I dont' think so, but maybe.  Mizzy^ did someone help you set this up?16:13
charlie-tcaSounds like auto-start in settings manager16:13
Mizzy^yes that sounds like it16:13
Mizzy^it is a big long command for "x11vnc"16:13
Mizzy^it has parameters or whatever to make it so there's a password and stuff16:14
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, that command would have to be set somewhere else, eh?16:14
charlie-tcaYou can set it up in autostarted apps, using the add button and writing a one-line script16:15
Pres-Gascharlie-tca, but Mizzy^ wants to get rid of the GUI upon occasion.16:16
charlie-tcayet be able to autologin to the desktop at other times?16:17
Pres-GasMizzy^, I would seriously go with the documentation ubottu provided or talk to the person who set you up...If you want to be independent on this, read up on vnc a bit, though.16:18
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX16:18
Pres-GasThe documentation is pretty good, really it is16:18
charlie-tcaHard to change what someone else decided to try16:19
Pres-GasYeah, there may be things that you don't know your helper set up that we would accidentally break, Mizzy^.16:19
Mizzy^I know what vnc is, I use it regularly on windows machines16:21
Mizzy^I know how he set it up, I was right there. :)16:21
Mizzy^He put the x11vnc line in the auto start section16:21
_Pete_Mizzy^: I just tried, with freenx you can use remote desktop even the X is not running on the remote machine16:28
_Pete_wouldn't that solve your problem?16:28
ubottuFreeNX is advanced remote desktop technology. For more information and install instructions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeNX16:31
adyei have a problem......... my screen resolution is only 800 X 600? any idea how i can resolve the issue16:31
adyei installed the lastest xubuntu 8.1016:31
charlie-tcaadye: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/Resolution16:32
adyeok TY16:33
Pres-Gasubottu, tell adye about resolution16:33
ubottuadye, please see my private message16:33
Mizzy^yes FreeNX might work16:38
Mizzy^I am not overly confident in my abilities to get it installed, but I will try16:39
Mizzy^can you use that apt-get thingy?16:39
Pres-GasJust take your time and make copies of files the instructions tell you to edit, Mizzy^16:39
Pres-Gasapt-get or aptitude or synaptic16:39
adyehi im back16:39
adyemy computer freeze with your command16:40
adyei need easy command..for setting my resolution 1024 X780  ?16:41
adyeanyone know one command for do that16:41
adyemy computer is laptop a20 satellite16:41
TheSheepadye: xrandr16:42
adyeok ty16:42
adyei got16:42
adyeScreen 0: minimum 320 x 240, current 800 x 600, maximum 800 x 60016:43
adyedefault connected 800x600+0+0 0mm x 0mm16:43
adye   800x600        60.0*    56.016:43
adye   640x480        60.016:43
adye   400x300        60.0     56.016:43
adye   320x240        60.016:43
Pres-GasTheSheep, I had ubottu tell adye about !resolution. Must not have seen that there was a link to what you were talking about...RTFM....RTFM.16:44
adyehi im back16:44
Pres-Gasadye, there was a link to a wiki page...read up on that16:45
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:45
TheSheepadye: xrandr takes parameters, you can see what they are with xrandr --help and read more about them with 'man xrandr'16:45
TheSheepadye: one of the functions lets you change the resolution16:45
TheSheepadye: also, please read that page on the wiki16:46
adyeso what i should do..use xrandry^16:46
adyeor try to restart x16:46
TheSheepadye: it has some more helpful advices16:46
TheSheepI think restarting shouldn't be necessary16:47
adyeook thesheep..any way to setting auto   ?16:48
adyeto my resolution16:48
TheSheepxrandr --auto16:48
adyeok ty16:48
adye i will try that16:48
TheSheepbut your problem might be that your graphics card driver thnks that your monitor can't handle larger resolutions16:49
adyeoook thesheep.where i can update my driver card ?any idea16:49
TheSheepadye: if you go to system->hardware drivers, it will tell you if you use any special drivers16:50
TheSheepand let you enable them if not16:50
adyeis it normal16:50
adyei dont see system16:50
TheSheepin the menu16:50
TheSheepapplications->system->hardware drivers16:51
adyemy driver for my graphic card.is not there16:52
TheSheepwhat does 'lspci | grep VGA' say?16:52
TheSheepin terminal16:52
TheSheepit's a single line, you can paste it here :)16:53
Mizzy^Ok, I will look into this FreeNX thing.16:53
adye01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Trident Microsystems CyberBlade XPAi1 (rev 82)16:53
TheSheepthat card doesn't need any special drivers, it should just work16:55
adyethesheep..my computer is laptop toshiba a2016:56
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
TheSheepadye: somobody had the same problem http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?action=printpage;topic=3099842.016:57
adyeok ty and is it resolve one the forum16:57
TheSheepadye: he replaced his /etc/X11/xorg.conf file with the one he posted there16:59
TheSheepadye: you can edit yours with 'sudo mousepad /etc/xorg.conf'16:59
TheSheepadye: 'sudo mousepad /etc/X11//xorg.conf'16:59
adyeok the sheep17:02
adyewhat i should edit in  my17:02
TheSheepadye: he posted his on that forum, just replace it17:04
adyeok i willl try that17:05
adyeok i saved17:06
adyei wiill try to rebboot ^ ? can i know without reboot17:07
TheSheepnow close all your apps and restart X by pressing alt+ctrl+backspace17:07
TheSheepyou will have to relogin17:07
adyeim back17:09
adyemy resolution 1080....working17:09
adyei have another question...17:09
adyei cannot find the samba gui..or add new samba folder17:10
adyein xubuntu17:10
TheSheepapplications->system->shared folders17:10
adyeok ty sheep..im so beginner17:11
TheSheepno problem, we are here to help17:11
adyethe sheep..whats difference between ubuntu and uxbuntu  ?17:12
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:14
adyei tried...shared folder..and i clicked install..after,  add are still in grey17:15
TheSheepadye: try 'unlock'17:15
adyewhere i can enter the full smb path17:16
adyethesheep..i dont want share..  i want use smb client.for access to my shares17:18
adyeon another microsoft computer17:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mount.cifs17:18
* Pres-Gas continues to shake fist at ubottu17:19
ubottufusesmb is a tool that allows easy access to shared folders (smb) on a network.  Links with more info: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FuseSmb17:19
TheSheepadye: short answer is that xubuntu can't do it by itself, long answer is taht you can do it with FUSE17:19
TheSheepadye: ut it requires some setup17:20
adyeok thesheep.. can you give a little guidance..im newbie ?17:20
adyewhere i should go to install fuse17:20
steve``apt-get install fusesmb17:21
adyeok after17:22
Pres-GasA thorough reading of this should also help out: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28047317:22
adyeany gui17:24
adyefor fuse17:24
adye ?17:24
zoredachenot really17:27
steve``when i was messing around with it, kde's file manager could browse fuse shares17:28
steve``been a while though17:28
adyeok steven.. im not use kde..17:29
adyethe default desktop with xubuntu17:29
rockowhat is FUSE?17:29
ubottuFUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_in_Userspace for more on FUSE.  Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here:  http://fuse.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/FileSystems17:29
steve``iirc, i created a mountpoint like /network, and fuse made a virtual mount like workgroup/pc/share under that17:30
geniiThere any way to make the activity icon of the cursor display on top of inactive windows when something is loading? snotify flag int he menu xml doesn't seem to be it...17:30
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steve``where do i specify which dhcp client should be used?17:43
zoredachesteve``: why do you have more then one?17:44
steve``i don't (yet)17:44
steve``i want to replace dhclient with dhcpcd17:44
steve``but dhclient is a dependency of ubuntu-minimal17:45
steve``so i'd have both installed17:45
Pres-GasYou shoud be able to uninstall ubuntu-minimal with no ill effects...it is a metapackage...17:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu-minimal17:46
zoredacheit your interfaces you could define a 'manual' interface, and then use a command like 'up dhcpcd' to start the other client...17:47
zoredachewhat does dhcpcd give you that dhclient doesn't?17:48
steve``that's what i used before17:49
steve``and have a bunch of stuff for it already17:49
atarihow can i find out which script gives me a maintenance needed on bootup?18:29
atariGive root password for maintenance18:29
atari(or type Control-D to continue):18:29
atarii get that every single bootup18:29
zoredachedoes it tell you you need to run fsck before you see that message?18:30
zoredachethe file /etc/defaults/rcS has en entry 'sulogin' if that is yes, it will force that prompt every bootup18:30
zoredachewell anyway, the script that actually does it is /etc/init.d/checkroot.sh18:32
atarii just enabled the debug option for sh18:32
atarii hope to get more informations...18:32
zoredachebut it usually only prompts you if you have some form of error reloated to a filesystem18:32
zoredachedo you have anything that isn't working in your fstab?18:33
atari/dev/hda1       /       ext2    defaults,noatime,rw     0       018:33
atariand proc + tmpfs18:33
atarithats alright ;)18:35
atariits an alix board with a CF card as hdd18:36
Moodwhat wifi managers do you guys use? i just use the default networkmanager, which doesn't seem to auto connect to an encrypted network18:37
Pres-GasMood, there is wicd and NetworkManager.  Can you connect at all to the encrypted networks?18:40
MoodPres-Gas: yes, I can connect. but if it disconnects, it does not auto-reconnect. i haven't tried wicd yet. but is networkmanager supposed to auto-connect once dropped?18:40
Pres-GasIt should18:41
MoodPres-Gas: "it should" = networkmanager should auto-reconnect after dropping?18:41
zoredacheMood: it does for me...  Though I have problems at work, but I think it is because we have 5 APs, and something doesn't like roaming18:41
Moodhave either you guys edited /etc/network/interfaces?18:42
zoredacheI have edited it hundreds if times for systems, never for anything wifi related though18:43
Moodi.e. manually put in your encryption settings into /etc/network/interfaces18:43
jxanderi can't see any progress bars when copying something from my memory stick to my desktop, but if I copy something to the stick i see a progress bar. any ideas? :-s18:44
Moodzoredache: my /etc/network/interfaces only has the default "auto lo // iface lo inet loopback"18:44
Pres-GasEditing the interfaces file can stomp on NetworkManager18:44
Pres-GasI do not think NetworkManager utilizes /ete/network/interfaces18:45
MoodDoes anyone know if NetworkManager is a daemon process that auto checks for dropped connections?18:45
MoodIf not, that explains why it doesn't reconnect18:45
Pres-GasMood, you using 8.10 (intrepid)?18:47
MoodPres-Gas: yes, 8.10 w/ all updates18:47
Pres-Gashttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager0.7 Mood18:49
MoodPres-Gas: doesn't help :-( it's too generic18:54
Moodcould it be my network SSID is not broadcast?18:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bug29579619:02
Pres-GasMood, this may be a confirmed bug with hidden SSID: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/29579619:04
MoodPres-Gas: yes i saw that bug report page -- but there's some confusion to bug status/workarounds/whether it's a real bug or not19:06
Pres-GasIf you look at the top, it says it is confirmed19:06
MoodPres-Gas: :-) that it is recognized. :-( that it is a bug19:07
Pres-Gasyeah, I hear ya19:07
MoodPres-Gas: well, if it were micro$soft, their response would be: "Oh, that's not a BUG.. it's a FEATURE!"19:10
zoredachewhy don't you broadcast your ssid?  all you do is make your network less reliable... it doesn't add any security to your network19:11
Moodzoredache: what do you mean? if i don't broadcast it, how can people try connecting to it? it seems more secure19:12
Moodzoredache: i guess my question would be: can people see my network if i don't broadcast my SSID?19:12
zoredachebecause every packet trasmited includes it19:12
zoredacheyes, all they have to do, is see you actually using your network19:13
Moodhmm.... disturbing...19:13
Mooddo sniffers scan for hidden SSID?19:13
zoredachenot really.  the SSID is not a security mechanism.. if you want security use wpa19:13
Pres-GasM$ uses security by obscurity19:14
zoredachethey watch for traffic, if someone is using networks, they can detect it19:14
Moodhmm...... more disturbing by the minute....19:14
Moodunfortunately i have to use WEP for my 2 router bridge/repeater to work19:15
Moodi'd prefer to use WPA but my routers don't support that for bridging19:15
zoredacheyou could always use no security, and thet setup some ipsec between your hosts19:15
Moodso i thought hiding my SSID was one more "poor man's" security... but evidently it is useless19:15
zoredacheof course that would be a bit more complex19:15
zoredacheMood: check this out http://blogs.zdnet.com/Ou/?p=45419:16
Moodheh... MAC filtering: guilty19:16
Mooduse static IP addresses: guilty19:17
MoodSSID hiding: guilty19:17
ladanzhi guys!19:23
ladanzsomehow i cant install subversion19:24
ladanzcause there are some dependencies missing19:24
ladanzcan anybody tell me why?19:24
zoredachehow are you trying to install?  what dependancies are missing?19:24
ladanzi tried over apt-get and it said 'subversion' has no install candidate19:26
TheSheep!info subversion19:27
ubottusubversion (source: subversion): Advanced version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.5.1dfsg1-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 332 kB, installed size 4124 kB19:27
ladanzand i tried over synaptic to install rapidsvn (and others) and there were missing dependencies all the way19:27
TheSheepladanz: make sure you have the main repository enabled in software sources19:27
ladanzi check19:27
ladanzis it the first checkbox in synaptic? the one which says something about canocial?19:29
ladanzthat seems to fixed the problem....19:30
ladanzsomehow i probably unchecked that one time19:31
ladanzthanks again, and have a good day!19:32
atarircS.d is before runlevel 2, isnt it?19:50
Pres-Gasatari, linux will tend to use only the runlevel it is told to run...I think BSDs and Solaris will run scripts from each runlevel up to the runlevel you want19:52
atariStarting portmap daemon....19:52
atariGive root password for maintenance19:52
atari(or type Control-D to continue):19:52
atariINIT: Entering runlevel: 219:52
atarii'm searching the script which causes that19:52
Pres-GasSo, it will not traverse the directories19:53
zoredacheatari: yes, rcS.d is ran first19:56
Pres-Gaszoredache, okay, now I am confused...I thought that was typical init behavior ... Then I look at /etc/event.d/rc-default and I see in it "start on stopped rcS"20:10
Pres-GasNow, WTF does that mean20:10
* Pres-Gas will need to get his head wrapped around upstart a bit more.20:11
zoredacheI don't know what that means..... I do know that all the 'single user' scripts in /etc/rcS.d are executed first before changing to whatever the user has defined as the normal runlevel20:16
Pres-GasOOOOKay, start on stopped rcS means that the rc-default job will start after rcS, so rcS.d is run first...20:16
Pres-GasI love being wrong...love learning things20:16
zoredachewell it is somewhat obvious that stuff in rcS.d is run.  It is the only place where networking, firewalling, disk mounting, etc is done20:17
zoredachebut I algree that 'start on stopped rcS' line really could use a comment20:18
Pres-Gaszoredache, true dat20:19
adyei have a p4 computer 2.8ghz..is it normal.. just run system monitor ,ressources   ,consume around 20% CPU21:35
yojimbo-sanMy XFCE desktop won't login; pauses at "starting the desktop manager". There are 50 gnome-power-manager, 52 update-notifier and 237 jockey-gtk processes running!! killing them doesn't seem to help, reboots don't help, deleting ~/.gnome* didn't help ... what can I do next??22:35
Myrttiyojimbo-san: you could try hmmm...22:39
Myrttiyojimbo-san: you could delete .config/xfce4-session? or rename it22:39
yojimbo-sanMyrtti: ooh, that helped :-) let me check the machine state now ...22:42
yojimbo-sanlooks good. I didn't look in .config when trying to identify stuff to delete :-)22:43

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