
thorwildashua: i'm happy to see one of backgrounds used, but please add a reference ;)13:00
dashuathorwil: Added :)13:49
thorwilcool, ty13:50
dashuaNp, sorry about that.13:50
_MMA_dashua: I like your theme, but I have 1 /general/ rant. :) Why are so many of the themes lately 1 step from monotone? :) And that drab light gray? :) I do think there are some limitations that tend to push us that way but we could do so much more. Even with existing tech.13:52
dashuaI just tried a generic colorscheme.  Do you suggest something lighter? More vibrant?13:54
_MMA_dashua: Like I said, "general rant". I'm not suggesting a new design direction for you. :)13:55
_MMA_dashua: Though they get flack for being "slow" I'm going to look into a all pixmap theme. On modern systems (last 2 years) pixmap should be just fine.13:57
darkmatterlol... slow my butt. by the way. pixmap will run smooth as silk on old systems as well (like, p2 450 old). a few microseconds performance difference isn't 'slow'13:59
_MMA_darkmatter: You *always* had the uber-nerds complaining about the few "microseconds" ;)14:00
_MMA_I've never had issue myself.14:01
dashuaI'm using almost all of the murrine SVN options currently available, absent rgba patches.14:01
dashuaI'll try some different options and I'm always up for suggestions.14:02
darkmatter_MMA_: if by 'uber-nerds' you mean 'idiotic newbs with over-inflated and deluded opinions of themselves and the importance of their psychological defects' then I fully agree14:02
dashuaI like murrine because it seems very fast to me and you can get a lot done with minimal code.14:02
dashuaThe hybrid, light / dark themes, are also very popular, but can be difficult to create.14:04
_MMA_dashua: Yeah, Murrine has been good that way. I just feel the only way to really do something different is with pixmap.14:04
_MMA_dashua: Yeah. I use Dust alot. Along with the Studio theme.14:04
dashua_MMA_: Yeah, for sure.  You're pretty much limited to the engine with Murrine.14:04
dashuaI made Dust with Nodoka but it seems a little slow to me.  The murrine version is the one I use most.14:05
dashuaI was trying to come up with a balance between glaringly bright to something more subdued and warm for a somewhat lighter theme.14:06
_MMA_dashua: I'm gonna try the new theme on my desktop with Breathe in a few mins. (gotta start some laundry) :)14:07
darkmatterof course, because application developers are complete idiots that have no common sense for how to PROPERLY use widgets, you also lose themability with a proper theme, as to properly theme the crap we call a toolkit basically requires application specific rc files for a lot of cases, as well as a few custom images etc. royal pita. so basically a consistent interface = mac themability (read 'none', at least not at an 'easy' level)14:08
dashuaNice.  Breathe is what's setting a majority of the warmth for me with the gtkrc bringing in the balance.14:08
dashuaI guess it should be the other way around =/14:09
dashuadarkmatter: Apparently, they are working these issues out with GNOME 3.014:10
_MMA_darkmatter: You're just beating a dead horse there. I've had people send patches to upstreams to fix things we've found because of the dark Studio theme. I don't think 1 of them has been applied.14:10
dashuaWe'll see,14:10
darkmatter_MMA_: indeed14:10
darkmatter_MMA_: I've consistently themed my desktop before. it took about 2 megs of data and several .desktop edits to override the default gtkrc. Trust me, if you really want to see just how much gtk is abused try pixmap, as it's lacking the dirty hacks used to 'ignore' crappy coding decisions ;)14:14
_MMA_I'm sure I'll find out this year (later in the year) as I plan to do a new Studio theme in pixmap.14:16
darkmatterthere's more than a few glaring (IMHO) issues within gnome itself, but the real problems start with third party apps (obviously) and since a ton of what the average distro ships is third party or distro specific, you tend to get 'eep' as an initial result with anything other than hacky engines. The point being, engines shouldn't _have_ hacks to work around crap. if an app (native gtk flavor). if a developer can't properly use the tool14:23
darkmatterthere are exceptions of course. (non gtk apps trying to blend in)14:24
thorwili guess it's a similar situation as with html/css. no browser and no theme engine should ever have started with including workarounds14:35
Cimitretle: did you see macslow's surprise?16:08
tretlebeen waiting though16:09
Cimii'm on windows16:12
Cimiand I use fedora16:12
tretlewell it hasnt hit jaunty's repos yet16:12
tretleinterested to see what its liek16:13
tretleliek - like16:13
tretlethink its part of ubuntu-desktop which is being held back for some reason16:16
tretlecimi - just forced the installation of ubuntu-desktop and the new notifications work, looks pretty.. tested with rhythmbox thus far16:36
tretlethough banshee is not compatible with the new notifications16:41
dashuaPretty cool17:29
dashuaWorking sporadically though17:32
dashuaAudio notifications work, nothing with wifi17:32
_MMA_Nice. The changes should hit Studio in the next day or so.17:33
dashuai just installed sudo apt-get install evolution-indicator indicator-applet alsdorf libgnomepanel2.24-cil indicator-messages17:35
dashuaSeemed to work17:35
dashuaI'm running compiz from git so ubuntu-desktop is no good, but that'll work fine17:35
_MMA_dashua: Damn. The power option icons are not applied in the same way they used to be. :(19:27
dashuaYeah, I just noticed19:28
dashuaPulled and rebuilt and nothing19:28
_MMA_No no. I didnt upload yet.19:28
_MMA_Just working locally.19:28
dashuaI was trying to view the changes in launchpad, but Epiphany kept crashing on me19:29
_MMA_dashua: If you look at the Human theme for instance, in apps, they have images for the options but they arent used.19:29
dashuaYeah, I'm looking through .33 now19:30
_MMA_And the "switch users" image comes from "system-users". Whicj is used for many things where our button would look weird.19:31
_MMA_"Hibernate" uses a drive icon.19:32
dashuaThese look new or were never used19:32
dashuaNotification icons19:32
dashuaMaybe that's for the new system19:32
_MMA_Grab rev.12 of debian-packaging. It's according to FD guidelines but I'm gonna look into what I can do to make things consistent on the dialogs. "Reboot" uses the "Refresh" icon for instance.19:34
_MMA_If I could figure out if they are using the actual image or a symlink I might be able to work something out. Though, anything that uses it might be screwed.19:35
_MMA_dashua: I'm also getting a Intrepid/Jaunty inconsistency. The logout/shutdown icons show in the menu and on the dialogs. In Jaunty they only show in the menu.19:40
_MMA_dashua: This /could/ be a difference in the 'icon-naming-utils' package.19:41
dashuaShould FUSA have a log out icon or shut down?19:42
dashuaThey all seem to have taken.19:43
dashuaFast User Switcher Applet19:43
dashuaIn the upper right corner19:43
_MMA_Oh. I don't have that. I dont know. Screenshot?19:43
dashuaSure, it's installed by default19:44
dashuaOne sec19:44
_MMA_Not on Studio, so I never see it.19:45
_MMA_ATM, the set only uses links generated but the naming-utils package.19:45
_MMA_dashua: The applet at the far right?19:46
_MMA_Seems fine to me.Should it be something else?19:46
dashuaIt was the shut down icon there before19:47
dashuaMaybe they changed something around19:47
dashuaFor the applet19:47
_MMA_Since I'm doing nothing outside of FD spec, it comes down to the app.19:47
* _MMA_ shrugs.19:47
_MMA_And I can see it using the Logout image there. Make sense.19:48
dashuaYeah, that's fine19:48
_MMA_Since you're not shutting down with it right?19:49
dashuaHuman's log out was the red icon19:49
_MMA_So what about the dialogs?19:49
_MMA_Do the icons appear on them?19:50
dashuaIt's fine.  I thought something was switched.19:50
_MMA_I'm gonna have to pull it and build on my laptop.19:51
dashuaLogout dialog is still the green running man19:51
dashuaShutdown is there, no suspend19:51
dashuaHibernate looks pixellated19:51
_MMA_Yeah see. Its the new image in Intrepid. Somethings changed.19:51
_MMA_I wonder how I can figure out what images the apps are referencing short of pulling the source.19:53
_MMA_(and without messin' with the set)19:53
dashuaThese dialogs are not complete on Jaunty it seems.  They are not pulling in the theme.19:54
_MMA_dashua: If you look, I actually can't apply *any* theme to them.19:55
_MMA_Outside of GNOME that is.19:55
dashuaYeah, it's not even taking Clearlooks19:56
dashuaThink it still needs some work19:56
_MMA_dashua: Yep. Ok. Seems like something out of my control.19:58
dashuaYeah, for now until this is fixed.19:58
dashuaI haven't checked for a bug report yet.19:58
_MMA_Man that makes me bummed.19:58
_MMA_Ok. Well, time to update the wiki.19:59
dashuaPower option icons look good, better on lighter theme actually20:00
dashuaYou missed the outline on darker themes20:00
_MMA_Man that fade between wallpaper changes needs to be set faster.20:02
dashuaIt's pretty fast, about a second20:03
savvaslooks good here as well20:04
_MMA_dashua: Since it's CPU-driven, maybe it's me. Though, I never thought I'd see the day when a 1.3ghz CPU wasn't enough to gracefully fade a wallpaper.20:05
_MMA_It kinda steps here.20:06
dashuaHa yeah.20:06
_MMA_tick, tick, tick.20:06
dashuaThat is really nice.20:07
_MMA_Not too shabby. :)20:07
lucazadedashua how do you get that notification style?20:08
dashuaJust landed in Jaunty.20:09
lucazade:) tnx20:09
dashuaIt's their new system.20:09
lucazadelet me update jaunty ..20:09
lucazadealsdorf what a name!20:19
dashuaIt's going to change to notify-osd, alsdorf look like docs20:20
dashuaI think20:20
dashuaEvolution just worked, nice20:21
lucazadeseems pretty.. i'm using jaunty under vbox20:21
dashuaYeah, it's pretty.20:23
lucazadecompiled alsdorf on intrepid.. nice with composite activated20:29
_MMA_Compiz *still* doesn't work here on Intel.20:30
Cimitretle: are the notifications with buttons as before or the thing posted by shuttleworth?20:33
lucazadethe one posted by mark20:34
lucazadeonly passive, no interaction20:35
Cimianother reason not to install ubuntu :)20:38
lucazadefar better than notification daemon, if it was a difficult thing20:39
tretletut tut tut :D20:39
Cimilucazade: i prefer the notification daemon20:39
tretleI personally prefer how android handles notifications20:39
lucazade'80 style20:39
Cimibuttons are important and they are used in a lot of ways20:39
Cimithey could have themed notification-daemon instead rewriting their usage20:40
Cimithis patch will be ubuntu-only since it doesn't work on a lot of applications (packagekit,  system updaters, rhythmbox, banshee, lastfm, gnome-do...<)20:41
tretleit will be gone in gnome 3.0 anyway most likely20:41
tretlecimi it works on rhythmbox20:41
tretleand gnome do20:41
tretlethat I have tested20:41
Cimiyes, but how about action buttons?20:41
tretlethere are none20:41
Cimiwhen "a new plugin is avaible, upgrade now"20:42
Cimithere are20:42
Cimimaybe on ubuntu they were removed20:42
tretlenot for rhythmbox20:42
Cimithat's why I think those notifications are not good20:42
_MMA_In the end, Celeste hit the nail on the head. Too bad well-though-out, educated analysis often falls on deaf ears around here. http://weblog.obso1337.org/2009/response-to-the-proposed-canonical-notification-system/20:42
Cimitretle: iirc rhythmbox has "skip this song"20:42
tretleand as for do the notifications I have seen thus far, twitter plugin etc all seem to work20:43
tretlecimi I think your thinking of banshee, I never noticed buttons on the rhythmbox notifications20:43
CimiI'm sure packagekit has20:43
tretlethough they might have been patched like you say20:43
Cimiand maybe banshee or lastfm20:43
Cimii have "skip this song"20:44
Cimior similar20:44
lucazadei like a lot the translucency effect, really useful during work20:44
tretleubuntu doesnt currently use packagekit as default in jaunty20:44
Cimitretle: this is not a reason to break it20:44
tretlesometimes things need a breaking20:44
tretlethough I agree in this case it didnt need a breaking20:45
tretlebut its still nice20:45
Cimitretle: they could have themed the previous system20:46
CimiI just don't understand why we should have those useless blobs20:46
tretleuseless blobs?20:46
tretleto notify you i presume20:47
Cimiif they don't have actions, why we should have a desktop full of those blobs?20:47
tretlewhich was the original intent of the previous system before it was butchered20:47
Cimicimi /stops rant20:47
tretlemuch like the notification tray, instead of just fixing the tasks applet20:48
Cimiscreenshot anyway?20:50
tretlehmmm... didnt notice it now handles the sound too20:51
tretlelucazade - have you been able to have multiple notifications stacked like in marks blog post?20:52
Cimino shadows?20:53
lucazadeno, i tried with the mail notification20:53
lucazadeonly one20:53
Cimii don't like them without the shadows20:53
lucazade1°C .. how is cold!!20:57
lucazadei can't figure out how alsdorf autostart in the session21:15
tretlestacking notifications also seems to work21:30
Cimi Johan Says: 22:15
CimiFebruary 18th, 2009 at 11:05 pm   The new notifications look nice. But I’m, well, less than enthusiastic, about notifications with actions having turned into ordinary dialog boxes that have to be dismissed manually.   22:15
Cimioh that's is really bad22:16
Cimidialogs as in windows xp22:16
tretlethats a gtk# bug22:18
tretleyour very judgmental of others work when u haven't even used it yet22:19
tretleby the way did u go to the gtk hackfest?22:20
Cimitretle: it's not a gtk bug22:23
Cimitretle: the new notifications don't handle actions22:23
Cimiso they translate action notifications into dialogs22:24
tretleboo hoo22:25
tretleactions were overused and as a result were taken out22:26
_MMA_I can cay this. we're gonna remove it from Ubuntu Studio. I already see sever areas where I don't like it.22:27
tretlesee what uv done cimi22:34
CimiI'm proud of it22:36
Cimicause I don't like those notifications22:37
_MMA_Trust me. Cimi doesn't influence me at all.22:38
Cimi_MMA_: grrr22:38

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