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andresmujicadholbach: ping03:09
andresmujicahmm his not here..03:10
persiaTry again in about three hours.03:10
andresmujicaanyone knows if the 5-a-day is out of the repos?03:10
persiaIt's early there yet.03:10
andresmujicayepp. you're right that's the other side of the world :)03:10
andresmujicaohh, nop my mistake it's still there..03:14
jbuncheris there anyone in here that can help me "Confirm" a bug I reported on launchpad, where intel wireless seems unable to connect to hidden SSID on hardy kernel 2.6.24-23? (2.6.24-22 is fine)03:20
jbuncherHere is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/32743103:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 327431 in linux "iwl3945 cannot connect to hidden ssid WPA enterprise with Hardy 2.6.24-23 - Regression" [Undecided,New]03:30
vocxjbuncher, how do you produce those formated strings with Problem type, Architecture, etc. in the bug report?03:32
jbuncheryou mean the stuff at the bottom of the bugreport?  I ran "ubuntu-bug -p linux".  I assume the -p stands for "package" and "linux" tells it what package to file it under.  It then goes through apport or something and attaches that info at the end of the bugreport.03:35
jbuncherI found out about that through https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies03:35
jbunchervocx:  I don't suppose you have intel wireless and a wireless network you can not broadcast the ssid on with hardy kernel 2.6.24-23 in order to confirm the bug?03:38
vocxjbuncher, nope sorry.   But do you have a working TV card? Maybe you can help me03:39
jbunchervocx:  yes, a PVR 150, but that's running *dapper*, so I don't think it's likely to be of help to anyone at this point :)03:39
vocxjbuncher, wow, you only use LTS releases?03:40
jbunchervocx:  well, I just take a while to upgrade.  I was running gutsy for a long time on my laptop before upgrading to hardy (I use my laptop and desktop for research, so they *have* to work, so I do a lot of testing before undertaking the upgrade).  And as for dapper, that's running on a 700MHz Athlon with 384 MB of ram running myth, and I just dunno if it will be able to handle hardy :)03:42
jbuncher*loves you always*03:44
vocxjbuncher, at least install xawtv and tvtime, totem-gstreamer or totem-xine03:44
jbuncher god damn03:44
jbuncherwell that was in the wrong window03:44
vocxthanks I guess03:44
jbuncherthat was definitely intended for my pidgin window, not xchat03:44
jbunchervocx:  You want me to install xawtv and tvtime on my dapper machine with the tv card?03:45
vocxI know xawtv is probably going disappear soon, but I still think it's good when you can't watch TV with anything else03:46
jbuncherah, for if/when I upgrade03:47
jbuncherI think my plan is to wipe it and install mythbuntu, should be a bit lighter-weight than a full hardy install.03:47
jbuncherthat or buy some new (mid-low range) hardware once I don't have a car payment!03:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 275275 in tvtime "tvtime no kill after directly close gnome-terminal" [Medium,Triaged]03:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 319049 in xawtv "[Ubuntu 8.10] scantv looks for /dev/vbi instead of /dev/vbi0" [Undecided,New]03:49
vocxjbuncher, This one is probably the most serious, scroll to the bottom, it doesn't matter if you don't have fglrx, just follow my the instructions there https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tvtime/+bug/21013203:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 210132 in tvtime "[hardy] tvtime won't show anything with fglrx" [Undecided,Confirmed]03:52
lajjrhello everyone.03:53
thewrathhey lajjr03:54
jbunchervocx:  does this need to be run on the machine with the tv card?03:54
lajjrhi thewrath03:54
thewrathdiscussed in here is bugs for server and desktop?03:55
vocxjbuncher, yes03:55
lajjrgood what bugs have come up yet?03:55
lajjrany eing talked about?03:56
vocxlajjr, do you have a working TV card?03:56
lajjrI have a tv card. and the code so far is only reversed engineered code.03:57
thewrathlajjr: not seen any yet03:57
thewrathwill hopefully find some bugs soon03:58
thewrathi just joined the beta/alpha testing, etc03:58
lajjryes it works but errors just have isolate them to make a stable package.03:58
vocxlajjr, mmm... what do you mean? Does it work or not? What chipset?03:58
lajjrhp ec68003:59
vocxjbuncher, you mentioned research, do you use latex, texlive? I'm using 8.10, and apparently some hyphenation patterns don't work.04:00
lajjrwell it works with a error on select channel04:00
thewrathpersia: the issue i talked to you about the wpa2 enterprise wireless is an issue USA wide04:00
thewrathwell i sent that to someoen else but i thought i would mentiont hat in here04:01
jbunchervocx:  yeah, I use latex and texlive.  I haven't had the chance to test a lot on 8.10 yet.  Do you have a link to a discussion of hte issue?04:01
vocxlajjr, try bugs #210132 #319049 #27527504:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 210132 in tvtime "[hardy] tvtime won't show anything with fglrx" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21013204:02
persiathewrath, I really don't know anything about wireless, wireless encryption schemes, or use of wireless in the US, and am really not the best person to address that.  Look for a bug in LP, or maybe someone else already knows about the bug, or maybe there's a workaround.04:02
vocxjbuncher, this is from debian, http://www.mail-archive.com/debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org/msg533438.html   let me get another link04:02
thewrathokay persia i meant to address that to the room04:03
thewrathi just copied what i sent you earlier04:03
persiaNo worries :)04:03
thewrathso persia  got to the first wiki site?04:04
persiatype "/topic" and use the links there.04:04
thewraththat is what i was using04:05
thewrathi just wnated to confirm it04:05
jbunchervocx:  I get errors when trying to run tvtime on dapper, but they're not what you're looking for, it can't change the permissions on ~/.tvtime/tvtime.xml04:05
jbuncherthewrath:  what wireless issue are you talking about?04:05
thewrath8.10 not connecting to wpa2 enterprise04:06
thewrathencrypted wireless networks04:06
jbuncherthewrath:  for all wireless chipsets?  is the ssid hidden?04:07
thewrathbeen told issue with network manager04:07
thewrathall chipsets and no the ssid is not hidden04:07
jbuncherthewrath:  ah ok.  I'm having an issue with hidden ssid wpa enterprise and intel chipsets on latest hardy kernel (-23).  -22 is fine so I don't hink this issue is network manager related.  I'm trying to find someone to help confirm the bug.04:08
lajjrvocx: I will look into those bugs to but my code is ripped from the exe for the driver.04:09
thewrathwell jbuncher i am going to go to bed here soon so you going to be on tomorrow morning?04:09
thewrathi am in USA EST04:09
thewrathso i will be at work about 9am tomorrow04:09
jbuncherthewrath:  I should be, I'll try to get on after I take my car in.04:10
vocxlajjr, so you are really using a reverse-engineered driver? What's with that?04:11
thewrathjust got my oil changed today then went on a 130 mile round trip ride lol04:11
jbuncherthewrath:  nice, I need to get a dent worked out that happened over christmas.04:11
lajjryeah it works with my card I have. I can get the channel watch for awhile then when I switch it errors. I have to debug it.04:13
vocxjbuncher, here is a more clear description of the problem with hyphenation https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/texlive-base/+bug/24082304:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 240823 in texlive-base "UKenglish hyphenation patterns don't work with babel" [Undecided,New]04:15
vocxjbuncher, you may also try installing texlive-lang-spanish and using \usepackage[english,spanish]{babel}04:15
vocxjbuncher, at least hyphenations worked in 7.10, since I was using it a month ago, then I fresh installed this 8.1004:16
jbunchervocx:  Thanks for the info, though I don't use languages other than english, so I might be spared having to deal with that bug.  Hopefully they fix it soon though.04:16
vocxjbuncher, it's very simple, you just have to install the language pack, use babel, and it will mark an error saying that it will default to english, no need to write a single word in the foreign language04:18
jbuncherah ok04:18
jbunchervocx:  On my hardy install, I don't get errors when using babel as you suggested.04:24
jbunchervocx:  so it may be relegated to intrepid04:24
vocxjbuncher, yes, seems like a bug concerning Texlive2008 as described in the bug report04:25
lajjris anyone on here an admin from ubuntu bug control??04:28
* lajjr is going to kick some code around.04:32
Laibschmaxb: I think I understand now.  You are a script guru!06:31
dholbachgood morning06:43
Ryan52how do you mark  a bug as forwarded to an upstream bug tracker?07:31
Ryan52meh, /me writes it in a comment07:33
persiaRyan52, You add a bug task.  Which bug?07:35
Ryan52bug 33052707:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330527 in gstm "Support for OneTimePassword logins (wish)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33052707:36
Ryan52oh, lp figured it out for me.07:37
Ryan52(I think)07:37
persiaYou mean the "Remote Bug watches" portlet?07:38
persiaUnfortunately, that doesn't show up in the "Fixed Elsewhere" search.07:38
persiaSo, the way that it's documented to do it is to use the "Also affects Project" button, and assign a bug to the gtsm project.07:39
persiaThen, add your tracker URL to track that task.07:39
Ryan52I tried that...tho there's no gstm project.07:39
persiaWell, you could register it: just note that it uses sourceforge for code and bugs.07:40
Ryan52o, ok, thanks.07:40
persiaPersonally, I liked the remote bug watches because they were easier, but it's nice to be able to start a new development cycle with a quick search for all the bugs already fixed somewhere else, and pull in the fixes.07:41
Ryan52okie doke. in this case upstream won't ever fix this bug, so it's fine :D07:42
Ryan52well, that's my assumption at least, but ya ;)07:42
persiaDoesn't really matter: having the link works both ways.07:42
persiaBecause there's both tasks, if someone fixes it in Ubuntu, they are reminded to send the patch to the upstream bug as well.07:43
Ryan52ah, cool.07:44
ElbrusAs I am in the process of adopting nedit in debian I am trying to figure out bug 309163. But I am no programmer, so what should I do (or learn) to be able to debug. I can not reproduce the bug.11:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 309163 in nedit "Open File dialog fails with inexplicable "Please select a file to open" error" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30916311:43
ElbrusBasically: what should I ask the reporter?11:44
jeromegI used to be a member of ubuntu-bugcontrol14:16
jeromegbut my membership expired a few monthes ago14:16
jeromegcould someone add me again ?14:16
pedro_jeromeg: hey, what's your launchpad id?14:19
jeromegpedro_: jerome-guelfucci14:19
pedro_jeromeg: looking, give me a min14:19
jeromegthank you !14:19
pedro_jeromeg: done, enjoy ;-)14:24
jeromegpedro_: thanks a lot14:24
pedro_you're welcome, thanks for helping14:24
* jeromeg will be able to set bugs as triged again :)14:25
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tuxmaniacbddebian: mooo14:47
thewrathjbuncher: you there14:59
jbuncherthewrath:  Yes, but I have to head out for about an hour.14:59
thewrathoh ok15:01
thewrathyou still having issues?15:01
thewrathwith hidden SSIDs?15:01
jbuncherthewrath: yes, with intel wireless, wpa enterprise, and 2.6.24-2315:01
jbuncherI'm going to try to hide the ssid on my home router today to see if the problem exists with wpa personal15:02
jbuncherthewrath:  Back15:58
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jbuncherthewrath: hmm, it seems that I can access hidden ssid wpa-psk networks, but not hidden ssid wpa enterprise networks16:35
jbuncheris there anyone in here that can help me "Confirm" a bug I reported on launchpad, where intel wireless seems unable to connect to hidden SSID on hardy kernel 2.6.24-23? (2.6.24-22 is fine)16:38
jbuncherHere is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/32743116:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 327431 in linux "iwl3945 cannot connect to hidden ssid WPA enterprise with Hardy 2.6.24-23 - Regression" [Undecided,New]16:38
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Laibschmaxb: I reworked your script a bit, it encompasses all steps now and can work both with local and remote dsc files: http://rafb.net/p/FUuRLK76.html19:23
Laibschhttp://ubuntu.csie.ntu.edu.tw is listed as a mirror in Asia, yet it does not even have a DNS entry.  Who is the person to inform?19:31
=== asac_ is now known as asac
Laibsch http://apt.nc.hcc.edu.tw seems to have problems, too19:37
jbuncheris there anyone in here that can help me "Confirm" a bug I reported on launchpad, where intel wireless seems unable to connect to hidden SSID on hardy kernel 2.6.24-23? (2.6.24-22 is fine)19:40
jbuncherHere is the bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/32743119:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 327431 in linux "iwl3945 cannot connect to hidden ssid WPA enterprise with Hardy 2.6.24-23 - Regression" [Undecided,New]19:40
persiaLaibsch, file a bug, and subscribe ~ubuntu-mirror-admins19:53
Laibschmost of the Asian mirrors seem to be in a sorry state, actually19:55
huayraasac if you are there I would like to know if the nm-applet from your PPA is the same version in Jaunty daily20:46
huayrathat way interested bug hunters can test the newest packaged code (2009-02-13)20:48
huayraand if it's not the same version as in your PPA, we just make people aware of the existence of a nm PPA for Jaunty ;)20:48
huayraas Dan suggested in the list, it would be cool if we, ubuntu hugers, at least have the option to help test the newest code available in tomorrows hug day20:50
huayraI'll be hunging around here if anyone has a comment20:50
asachuayra: what version is on jaunty daily CD?21:01
asachuayra: we have 0.7.1~  ... in jaunty now21:01
asacthe PPA is not more recent for jaunty21:01
asacmaybe for intrepid21:01
asacbut not more recent for jaunty there21:01
huayrathanks asac, so if you make an upgrade previous to the hug day on jaunty you will have the most recent code available (13th of February in the PPA)?21:04
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asachuayra: no. the most recent code is already there21:35
asacPPA has nothing new for jaunty21:35
huayraok, got it21:40
huayrathanks asac21:41
huayrayou are always so helpful :)21:41
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joumetalI am able to reproduce bug 331264. However startx is working.22:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331264 in ubuntu "Unable to log in "greeter application is crashing"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33126422:19
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