
=== _[PUPPETS]Gonzo is now known as [PUPPETS]Gonzo
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pittifta: didn't see the entire conversation, but BSD is short enough that it's usually just pasted verbatim into the actual source files07:01
pittibonjour huats08:42
huatsbonjour pitti08:43
Tm_Tpäivää lapsikullat08:55
didrockshey pitti :)08:57
didrockslool: around?08:57
looldidrocks: yes09:04
didrockslool: I saw that you strike one day with "Xvfb failed to start": http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2008/09/26/%23ubuntu-x.txt09:05
didrockslool: was it a Xvfb error, or a package one?09:05
didrocks(away for a meeting, will read backlog)09:07
looldidrocks: There were a bunch of different issues09:08
huatsah ?09:11
huatssorry ww09:11
pittibonjour seb12809:20
huatshello seb12809:20
jeromegseb128: regarding the abiword upgrade, I sent a mail to the two debian maintainers to share some fixes and to know their plans but I got no reply yet09:21
jeromegand hello (sorry...)09:21
seb128jeromeg: ok, no problem, we have ubuntu changes and can't sync directly anyway so we can as well use a different tarball09:23
looldidrocks: Some issues can be worked around or fixed in packages, others were more relevant for the xvfb package09:28
seb128lool: do you think you will have time this week or next week to do the pygobject pygtk updates in debian? or should I give those updates to ubuntu contributors for now and we will sync later whenever debian does those?09:32
seb128or maybe pochu is interested to do the debian updates? ;-)09:32
seb128huats: lut ;-) do you still have updates on your todolist?09:32
loolseb128: if someone can do them, that's best09:32
huatsseb128: hey09:33
huatsI am a bit working on anjuta and libgdl09:33
huatsbut it seems to be ok (or almost)09:33
loolI have them in my TODO, but I had urgent stuff to do first (whenever I need to respin glibc on armel it takes > 6 hours to build on buildds and an infinite amount of time here   :-/)09:33
seb128huats: ok do those09:34
seb128lool: ok noted09:34
seb128session restart brb09:34
huatslool: if I finish quickly I'll try to help you09:35
loolhuats: Thanks09:36
seb128ok, GNOME 2.25.91 almost uptodate now09:37
jeromegseb128: if you have some time, would you mind having a look at gigolo and xfce4-notifyd in NEW ?09:42
jeromeggigolo is just a rename, it replaces sion which was already in universe09:43
pittiping? just got a freenode notice about brokenness09:56
pittiseems it's back09:58
seb128pochu: hi10:10
didrockslool: really ? I saw that seb128 (hi !) had the same issue and was waiting for Xvfb to be fixed10:10
pochumoins seb12810:10
seb128pochu: want to do the pygobject and pygtk stable updates for gtk so we can sync the new versions?10:10
seb128didrocks: what issue?10:11
didrocksseb128: I get now a "Xvfb failed to start" on gnome-python-extras10:11
looldidrocks: Which issue in particular?  As I said there are multiple ones10:11
looldidrocks: Did you look into the error log?10:11
didrockslool: let me copy/paste it10:11
pochuseb128: I'm busy with uni work and have a grave bug in the bts due to my share-mime-info triggers patch, so not sure I'll have time10:12
pochuseb128: if I can I'll work on it10:12
seb128ok thanks10:12
loolHmm I don't find the construct I had to look into xvfb errors10:12
didrockslool, seb128 : http://paste.ubuntu.com/119613/10:13
lool  * Use xvfb-run's -e to help debugging recurring issues under xvfb-run.10:13
loolseb128: Hmm did you drop that when merging in 2.13.0-2ubuntu1?10:14
seb128didrocks: the build error is not due to xvfb apprently though10:14
didrocksseb128: hum?10:15
seb128didrocks: the issue seems to be that the tarball doesn't ship the htmls10:15
seb128didrocks: and we don't build those10:15
seb128didrocks: reading you short log, the xvfb error is ignored but the dh_install breaks10:15
seb128I'm just guessting about the html10:16
loolseb128: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/19987724/pygtk_2.13.0-0ubuntu8_2.13.0-2ubuntu1.diff.gz => drops -e debian/xvfb-$*-dbg.log from xvfb-run   :-/10:16
didrocksseb128: oh, you should be right.10:16
loolActually it drops all my changes for fatal testsuite failures10:16
seb128lool: sorry I though you applied all your changes to the debian version must have overlooked this one10:17
seb128that package should really be in sync on debian10:17
loolI had not, I did these in a hurry before $deadline and didn't have time to port them to Debian10:17
seb128ok, I'll review that a bit later10:18
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seb128you're welcome, sorry for the quick sync, I've been a bit lazy the debian changelog suggested pochu applied all the ubuntu changes to debian10:21
seb128but you probably did those extra changes after that10:21
seb128didrocks: I'm always right ;-)10:21
didrocksseb128: I don't doubt on that :-)10:22
didrocksseb128: so, let's have a look why those files aren't there10:22
seb128didrocks: usually that's upstream who didn't enable the configure option when making the tarball10:23
seb128didrocks: workaound is to build them during the package build10:23
didrocksseb128: so, I have to had an extra option like --enable-docs (cf configure) in debian/rules?10:24
seb128didrocks: right, and open an upstream bug to ask them to distribute html documentation in the next tarball10:25
didrocksseb128: distribute documentation in the tarball is a best practice?10:25
didrocksseb128: any other idea? building with --enable-docs does not seem to add any additionnal doc (even if I have during the build: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119630/)10:51
seb128didrocks: usually the option is --enable-gtk-doc and requires a gtk-doc-tools build-depends10:55
seb128I've to for lunch now10:55
seb128didrocks: evince update for you if you want to do it btw11:29
jeromegseb128: thanks for the upload of abiword11:44
jeromeg(if it's you)11:44
seb128jeromeg: you're welcome11:44
seb128yes it's me, you can look to the signed-by indication in the upload email11:44
seb128or on the changes list11:45
jeromegseb128: ok11:45
didrocksseb128: I'm on it11:54
didrocksseb128: I still have the same erorr :/11:55
didrocksseb128: maybe, the wiser is to redo the merge, upload it (it built) and then try again to update the package11:56
didrocksit was not an easy merge and I spent a lot of time on it... but well :/11:56
seb128didrocks: let me look after lunch11:56
didrocksseb128: ok, I revert my last changes have will upload you the source package somewhere11:57
ftaseb128, pitti: about the license issue with gwibber, i reviewed all the files manually and fixed it yesterday, it's in NEW again: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=gwibber11:59
pittifta: thanks; who reviewed it last time? it should be done by the same person, since (s)he will still know about the previous version11:59
ftapitti, seb did12:00
didrocksseb128: have a good lunch, btw :)12:00
asacanyone else lost ability to paste/copy in gnome-terminal?12:37
asac(using key shortcuts)12:38
seb128hum, irc.gnome.org doesn't work for me now12:39
asacseb128: i am still in #epiphany ;)12:41
seb128asac: I guess it's working but I can't connect12:41
seb128or I've a dns issue12:41
asacseb128: sorry for that. i had that yesterday for 3 hours12:42
asacno dns answers12:42
kenvandinegood morning all!13:10
pittihey kenvandine13:23
* kenvandine is trying to update his jaunty box... but getting partial upgrades available13:23
dholbachseb128 not here?13:34
james_w* seb128 has quit ("Ex-Chat")13:34
soren13:26:20 *** seb128 n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128 has quit ["Ex-Chat"]13:34
sorenjames_w: snap13:34
sorendholbach: (utc timestamp)13:34
dholbachhggdh: I guess he'll be back in a bit13:35
kenvandinehey dholbach13:35
hggdhdholbach, yes.13:35
dholbachhey kenvandine!13:35
dholbachwelcome kenvandine! :)13:35
hggdhdholbach, I will need 40 min offline to walk to my current contract, and will login from there again13:35
dholbachhggdh: excellent13:36
dholbachsee you in a bit then13:36
* dholbach needs to walk the dog13:36
andreasnMacSlow, ??13:37
MacSlowandreasn, hey there13:37
MacSlowandreasn, found the "surprise" yet? :)13:37
andreasnI'm not running Jaunty yet13:38
andreasnso this means I'll have to wait until April?13:38
andreasnnew notifications or something like that?13:38
MacSlowandreasn, either that or some virtual-machine thing13:38
MacSlowandreasn, you're very very close :)13:39
kenvandinei haven't gotten them on my jaunty box yet... only getting partial updates13:39
MacSlowhey kenvandine13:39
* kenvandine needs to learn hot to work around that stuff :)13:39
kenvandinehey MacSlow13:39
kenvandinei do have all that stuff installed on my foresight box... looks pretty nice13:39
kenvandinebut hit some bugs13:40
kenvandinelike notifications from gwibber and pidgin require i click a button for them to go away13:40
MacSlowkenvandine, packages landed on my jaunty-driven laptop and netbook ... sofar I've been spared with any package-update grief13:40
andreasnI think the removal of actions-idea is kind of cool, people are going to be so angry about that. I want that upstream too.13:40
andreasnmaybe I like angry people, especially on OSNew13:41
MacSlowkenvandine, those still use actions ... a feature we discourage for work-flow reasons13:41
kenvandineok... so we need to convince them to change?13:41
* kenvandine will create a patch for gwibber... i am sick of getting flooded with bubbles that won't go away :)13:42
james_wkenvandine: there are some patches in launchpad for other apps that may be good for inspiration. They check the caps of the server before adding actions to notifications, as the spec states they should.13:44
MacSlowandreasn, no icons in notificatoins and click-through is so nice ... I wonder how I would live without that for so long :)13:44
james_wthough last time I looked gwibber didn't use libnotify, making that slightly harder13:44
kenvandineoh right... he hates libnotify13:45
andreasnMacSlow, oh, no icons at all? good13:45
MacSlowandreasn, well icons can be in a notification too13:47
MacSlowandreasn, remember the mockup-movie on marks blog ... there are icons13:48
andreasnright, but only where it make sense I assume13:49
* MacSlow feels guilty for not having written C and python examples yet to demonstrate how to "use" the new stuff13:49
MacSlownot that it is so much different from what was there before13:49
MacSlowit's rather apps should not use :)13:49
MacSlowandreasn, correct13:49
pittihey rickspencer313:55
kenvandinehey rickspencer313:56
davmor2Guys I just noticed something with Jaunty.  If you go to open syslog and select open with running down the list there are at leat 4 mentions of disc burner should they all be there?14:07
jeromegseb128: I used to be in ubuntu-bugcontrol but it expired, could you possibly add me again to that team ?14:08
pedro_hey hey, could somebody look at bug 330931 , later?14:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330931 in gnome-spell "Obsolete, remove from main and ubuntu-desktop" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33093114:09
pittipedro_: doing...14:13
pedro_pitti: great, thanks you14:13
didrocksseb128: evince seems ok. I will test install this evening on my laptop. If you have other packages to update, you're welcome :)14:13
didrocksaway for a meeting, bbl14:14
seb128didrocks: ok, totem is to update too if you want14:15
seb128jeromeg: ask on #ubuntu-bugs?14:15
pittihm, just got new langpacks for jaunty (well, the first ones really) through apt, but it still has evo 2.2414:16
pittiArneGoetje says they aren't in the import queue14:16
jeromegseb128: ok14:16
pittiArneGoetje: weird, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/22768435/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.evolution_2.25.91-0ubuntu1_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz looks okay to me (tarball built, with 174 files)14:17
emberseb128: is there any free update?14:17
emberok thanks.14:18
seb128you're welcome14:18
ArneGoetjepitti: seems there is something wrong with the templates... /me is investigating14:20
ArneGoetjepitti: fixed. should be exported with the next jaunty delta export14:40
pittiArneGoetje: cool thank you!14:40
didrocksseb128: ok, I handle totem. Spinus ask me by mail to handle the pigdin merge and he will work on easier things first14:48
seb128didrocks: ok good, the update is non trivial and he seemed to have difficulties with some of the changes, I recommended him starting on easier updates14:49
didrocksseb128: ok :) non trivial but I can still handle it, you think? ;-)14:49
hggdhdholbach, seb128 is back14:50
hggdhseb128, this is in regard to  bug 31760214:51
dholbachseb128: hggdh and I were talking about bug 317602 - future of libpst that is needed by the new evolution-plugins or something14:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317602 in libpst "Please upgrade libpst from upstream at www.five-ten-sg.com/libpst" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31760214:51
dholbachseb128: seems that Debian is the original upstream that stopped working on it and the one above is the fork14:51
seb128dholbach: yeah, I wanted to look at that and evolution-mapi for a while14:52
seb128but I don't manage to catch up with GNOME updates, dx work, sponsoring at the moment, or not enough to switch to those14:52
seb128yeah, I know about that, hggdh explained me the differences, etc14:52
dholbachseb128: so what would you reckon we do there?14:53
dholbachseb128: I'm happy mentoring hggdh to get it packaged properly14:53
dholbachI just wasn't sure how to proceed14:53
seb128me neither14:53
* hggdh humbly bows to the masters14:53
seb128my gut feeling would be to:14:53
dholbachpackage from scratch and have it separately? :-)14:53
seb128- open the request to update to this version in the debian bts, could be useful to have their opinion or let they know what ubuntu wants to do14:53
tedgbryce: How does X multiseat work?  I've never heard of this: bug 32691614:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326916 in fast-user-switch-applet "Fast-user-switch-applet doesn't work with multiseat" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32691614:54
dholbachdebian bug 51290914:54
ubottuDebian bug 512909 in libpst "Please upgrade to libpst fork at http://www.five-ten-sg.com/libpst" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/51290914:54
hggdhseb128, I did open it14:54
seb128ok, good start14:54
seb128sending a mail to ubuntu-devel would probably be useful14:54
seb128just to know if somebody has an objection to switch to the upstream version14:54
hggdhbut, of course, I am not sure I used the correct magic words there -- never had opened a debian bug before14:54
seb128but if I understand it correctly the debian version is a command line tool only?14:55
seb128does the new version has a compatible comment?14:55
seb128comment -> command14:55
dholbachhggdh: does the evolution-plugins thing link to the new libpst? or how does it work?14:55
hggdhyes. The new version has the same utilities as the old, plus the library14:56
hggdhdholbach, it uses the shared library produced by the build14:56
seb128ok, so just do the update then14:56
dholbachand split out the library14:56
seb128I just mean don't bother keeping the debian version14:56
seb128the new one has a lib + compatible binary14:57
seb128just do an update using the new tarball and building the binary and new binaries for the library14:57
seb128ie classic packaging lib for it14:57
hggdhalso, the new one's command-line utilities work with Outlook 2007, and Debian's does not14:57
dholbachhggdh: OK... in that case, I'd say: remove the strange upstream from the tarball, re-use the current Debian stuff, add the "library split", send the patch to that Debian bug too and just go ahead with it14:58
dholbachthat way we're good neighbours and there should be little to complain about if the world has moved on is using something else than the aged Debian version :)14:58
hggdhdholbach, so... no CDBS14:58
seb128dholbach: I would not mind packaging it as a new source14:59
dholbachseb128: hm?14:59
seb128I mean redoing the packaging14:59
seb128using the same name14:59
thewrathhey all14:59
seb128since it basically changed upstream, download location, copyright, etc14:59
thewrathis anyone having issues with Ubuntu 8.10 not connecting to wireless networks that have wpa2 enterprise encryptino?14:59
dholbachseb128: the new upstream includes dh-make-crazy-packaging - I just said: remove all that, re-use the Debian one15:00
seb128it might be easier to package the new code from scratch using cdbs and tweaking about packaging which is made for something else15:00
dholbachbut if hggdh wants CDBS, I don't object :)15:00
dholbachthewrath: did you try #ubuntu?15:00
seb128works for me, whatever you want packaging wise as long as it builds the binary and lib ;-)15:00
dholbachhggdh: maybe we can manage to send two separate patches - one with the split and one with the CDBS-ification :)15:01
thewrathdholbach: well this was the desktop area so i thought i would check here15:01
hggdhdholbach, I will then start working with a standard dh_make right now, and then we will see. I will also add a get-orig-source15:01
hggdhthank you, dholbach and seb12815:02
dholbachhggdh: let me know if I can help15:02
hggdhdholbach, of course ;-) I *will* need help15:03
hggdhI will start on it this evening, after leaving my contract for the day15:03
dholbachthanks a bunch, hggdh15:04
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thewrathhello all!15:14
didrocksseb128: you know what? the new evince introduce GTK_DOC_CHECK(1.11) :)15:17
didrocksseb128: gtk-doc-tools is at 1.10-1ubuntu1, can I update it?15:18
seb128didrocks: yes, look if debian has the new version first maybe though?15:18
didrocksof course15:18
didrocksseb128: yes, they have. I will see if a merge is needed or if we can simply sync15:19
brycetedg: one computer, many keyboard+mouse+display sets15:46
brycetedg: http://linuxgazette.net/124/smith.html15:46
tedgbryce: Who manages all that?  GDM?15:48
brycetedg: yep15:50
brycetedg: might require some additional gdm configuration though; dunno if it just works out of the box15:50
tedgbryce: Okay, I'm curious why it seems to break fast-user switching.  It seems that if GDM can do it, it should support that also.15:51
tedgbryce: Anyway, that confirms it's not my bug :)15:52
seb128whoever was getting the clock applet hang it would be nice if you could tell if you still get the issue after upgrading to the current e-d-s version and restarting your session16:00
seb128pitti: ^16:37
seb128pitti: no hurry just try during the week and let me know if you still get a hang16:38
pittiseb128: current as on archive.u.c. or "just uploaded"?16:38
seb128pitti: uploaded this morning so it should be available, 2.25.91-0ubuntu216:38
pittiah, I have that16:39
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pittiseb128: rock, it's working again16:39
seb128pitti: you had the crash every time?16:39
seb128or the hang16:39
pittiseb128: yes, every time16:39
seb128thanks for confirming16:39
pittiseb128: now I dont' see my google cals in either evo nor the panel, though16:39
pittiseb128: could you please give a review over the gnome-stracciatella pacakge and dbus sections of https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Jaunty/StracciatellaSession ?16:40
pittiseb128: if that looks okay to you, I'd start with implementing those, so that we only need to care about the MI indicator after FF (or drop it entirely)16:41
seb128pitti: I did read it while you were on the phone, looks good to me, I expect the applet case to not be trivial though16:41
pittiseb128: neither do I, short of a jaunty specific gnome-panel hack16:42
pittibut since that's fairly independent of the other two, I can already start and get it through NE16:42
seb128pitti: make the applet display nothing ...16:42
pittior that16:42
seb128pitti: it will still be running though16:42
pittiseb128: not such a big concern, though, IMHO16:42
looldidrocks: Hmm what was your gtk-doc-tools issue?16:44
didrockslool: not really an issue, but I am wondering about the utility of using b-d and b-d-i for gtk-doctools16:44
didrockslool: as there is only one binary package with architecture: All16:44
looldidrocks: Would there be a new Architecture: any package, it would be useful16:45
loolBut right, in theory you could have all in Build-Depends and it would work16:45
didrockslool: if the package(s) "Architecture: any" does not use dependencies in b-d-i target, that's right?16:46
loolIf you don't need the b-d-i bdeps to build the binary-indep binaries16:46
loolerr binary-arch16:47
didrockslool: ok, we agree :) let me check the last debian version to see if slangasek's changes have been taken16:47
didrocksoh crap: http://packages.debian.org/source/unstable/gtk-doc16:48
didrocksseems to be general (http://packages.debian.org/sid/gtk-doc-tools)16:48
didrockslool: was the change Ubuntu specific only for you (cf https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk-doc)16:50
didrocksthe resolution of b-d from dpkg-dev16:50
didrocks(and I do not understand exactly the trick too)16:50
didrocksmaking A | B force the order of dpkg-dev to calculate build dependencies? (so, here, we use an non-existing A)16:51
looldidrocks: Sorry I don't understand what you're asking16:59
didrockslool: there was a diff between debian and ubuntu described in changelog https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk-doc. I don't understand exactly what was wrong and if ubuntu only was touched by it. It's about b-d resolution17:01
tedgseb128: I think the FUSA bugs are now under control.17:01
seb128tedg: good work, thanks!17:02
seb128tedg: see, do that once a month and everything is good ;-)17:02
looldidrocks: Right, so I suspect the control fields get sorted by dpkg-dev unless you use or-ed deps17:07
pittirickspencer3: does https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/Jaunty/StracciatellaSession match what you remember?17:23
asacseb128: can you look at fta's fixed gwibber in +queue? (you processed it yesterday)17:31
seb128asac: is there really urgent, I'm fighting GNOME updates and dx review and really in a hurry17:31
asacseb128: not sure. just because of FF17:31
asacseb128: i dont mind if you do that tomorrow or so17:31
asacnot sure what the exact FF rules are for NEW17:32
seb128asac: usually the rule is "things uploaded before the freeze will be accepted"17:32
asacok cool17:32
asaclets hope there is no more rejection then ;)17:32
seb128what is gwibber btw?17:32
seb128ie, what does it do17:32
asacseb128: gtk frontend for twitter and other services like that17:33
seb128you plan to get that in main for jaunty?17:33
asacseb128: no. just because upstream was really cooperative in getting stuff fixed for jaunty17:33
seb128ok, I can grant desktop expection for universe17:33
asacseb128: thanks. then i am happy :)17:33
seb128that's lower priority than dx work and GNOME right now17:33
seb128but I will get it into jaunty17:33
asacwasnt sure if its in your yard. but if it is thats no problem17:34
seb128don't worry, I will get to it when I'm doing fighting fires for the desktop freeze tomorrow ;-)17:34
* asac hugs seb128 .... and sends more energy for gnome and dx stuff17:35
* seb128 hugs asac17:35
didrockslool: ok, thx :)18:01
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pittiseb128: can I harrass you about reviewing https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/stracciatella-session ?20:27
pittiseb128: it's not top priority, we can get it approved tomorrow as well20:27
seb128pitti: I'm just back from sport and was about to eat something, in 15 minutes would be ok?20:27
seb128pitti: ok, will do it after dinner20:27
pittiseb128: as I said, only second priority; please do have some dinner first20:28
pittitedg: btw, bug 283278 is still relevant, right? I guess we should get that uploaded ASAP, too?20:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283278 in gnome-panel "When FUSA applet has shutdown/logout items are duplicated in "System" menu" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28327820:28
tedgpitti: Yes, I e-mailed upstream about the patch with no response -- I guess it's perfect :)20:35
tedgpitti: I'll put it in their tracker.20:35
looldidrocks: Perhaps you could check with slangasek what we could merge in Debian to have equal bdeps in Debian and Ubuntu20:35
pittitedg: oh, thanks; I actually meant "to ubuntu", but if upstream fusa has this functionality as well, it'll also make sense in the upstream panel indeed20:36
tedgpitti: I was meaning more of the registering and signaling parts.  But the new FUSA applet from upstream has the status stuff, not sure about the login/logout.20:37
pittitedg: yeah, the general facility should go upstream; I guess that's hard to port to new releases; I'll see how well it applies to the current panel20:37
tedg(apparently there are no screenshots of Fedora rawhide on the net, I was looking a week or so ago.  Weird)20:37
mclasentedg: just get a live cd and run it ?20:38
mclasenthats what I do when I want to see some detail in jaunty...20:38
tedgmclasen: Yeah, but Google doesn't do that for me... yet... :)  I will, I just haven't gotten to it yet.20:38
* tedg is figuring there is no way he could have LESS time after Feature Freeze :)20:39
Davedan1I have a default ubuntu-desktop. Do I need to install emacs22 or emacs22-gtk?20:46
dobeywhichever one you prefer to use20:46
dobey-gtk will have matching widget styles for the menus/scrollbar though20:47
dobeyand emacs22 itself will not20:47
didrockslool: I did that :)20:47
didrockslool: he told me to check the b-d in the .dsc and it's similar, the patch is no more needed20:48
didrocksI filed a sync request bug #33120120:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331201 in gtk-doc "Please sync gtk-doc 1.11-3 (main) from debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33120120:49
didrocksseb128: if you can Ack it, I will be maybe able to testbuild totem tomorrow :)20:50
seb128didrocks: you can also testbuild this debian package locally and then testbuild your upgrade? ;-)20:51
Davedan1dobey: thanks20:51
didrocksseb128: yep, that's true. I testbuild the debian package, but didn't make it available to pbuilder for Totem20:51
didrocksseb128: I will do that tomorrow, time to go to bed. For once, I can sleep earlier :)20:52
didrocksgood night/day everyone :)20:55
seb128didrocks: 'night20:55
didrocksseb128: thanks, you too20:55
mvogood night didrocks20:59
seb128pitti: ok, looking at the spec now21:21
mnemoseb128: this bug says "commited" for "ubuntu desktop".. does that mean it will come through synaptic at the next upload? --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+2.0/+bug/32158021:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 321580 in gtk+2.0 "totem play/pause tooltips appears in the top left corner of the screen" [Low,Fix committed]21:24
mnemo(otherwise I can start working on a debdiff for it)21:24
seb128mnemo: yes, I uploaded 2.15.4 today which was rolled this week and should have this change21:25
mnemogreat work and thanks21:25
seb128pitti: approved, the changes described are good for jaunty, do we want to use the same spec to write notes about jaunty+n, autostart desktop changes, etc?21:26
seb128mnemo: you're welcome21:26
pittiseb128: I'd rather have a Krelease/StracciatellaSession21:27
seb128pitti: ok21:27
seb128what I though21:27
seb128pitti: do we need to disable the upstream evolution plugin by default now? I can do that if we want21:28
pittiseb128: merci21:28
pittiseb128: I'd check with DX, but I guess "yes" (we should check $GDMSESSION, though)21:28
seb128pitti: gconf settings are not dynamic21:29
seb128we either add the plugin to the not-enable list21:29
pittiseb128: ah, you mean just generally disable, not just for the non-stracciatella session21:29
pittiwell, *shrug* I don't personally care for the plugin21:30
seb128or we add code to disable it on the default session rather than changing the key21:30
seb128pitti: well, it's sending notification and making an icon flash in the notification area, doesn't that conflict with the message indicator?21:30
pittiseb128: yes, for the default session it will conflict21:30
seb128ok, so we need to disable it by some way21:31
pittiideally evo-indicate could trigger its disabling, but I'm not sure whether that's possible21:31
seb128none of the dx team guys are around right now, I'll ask them later21:32
* pitti commits GDMSESSION testing to notify-osd21:35
pittiugh, fastest discuss-draft-approve-implement cycle ever..21:37
pittihm, while I'm doing another upload, I'd like to fix that arm FTBFS21:37
pittiah, and asac has a bug fix, too21:39
asacpitti: is hte ~ubuntu-desktop branch something one can commit to?21:40
asacpitti: btw, why not a orig + diff.gz?21:40
pittiasac: you should be able to, yes; but I think I'll just commit it to trunk and merge from there21:40
asaci first edited stuff in apt-get source and then found that there is no diff.gz ;)21:40
pittiasac: alsdorf was, but dx didn't release a tarball yet; it will eventually, though21:40
asacok. branch just looked odd that way ;)21:40
pittiit is21:41
asacbzr bd --native didnt work btw21:41
pittiwelcome to FF rush style :/21:41
asacthats ok. i could bzr diff ;)21:41
pittiasac: so, I trust that you tested the patch thoroughly? I can't replicate the bug21:42
pittiasac: committed to trunk21:43
asacpitti: i had a bunch of things hidden and couldnt reproduce with this patch.21:54
asacif its wrong we can backout.21:54
pittiasac: thanks21:54
* pitti fixes arm FTBFS21:54
seb128pitti: which one?21:54
seb128pitti: notify-osd?21:54
pittiseb128: notify-osd21:54
seb128pitti: remove -Werror?21:54
pittijust pushed to trunk and merged to ubuntu21:55
pittiseb128: no, fix it properly :)21:55
seb128make dist should not set -Werror on21:55
pittiif stuff works with -Werror, the by all means continue to be tidy :)21:55
seb128I told dbarth today21:55
seb128well, then gcc change and starts being picky about some things21:55
seb128or you have warning about non real issues21:55
pittiit was a silly issue, sure21:55
seb128usually GNOME don't set Werror for tarball21:56
seb128which makes sense21:56
asacpitti: is trunk public?21:56
pittiasac: probably not yet21:57
pittiI guess they'll fix that after FF21:57
pittiseb128: are you currently munging gnome-panel?22:13
vuntzpitti: I will come knock on the door of anybody munging gnome-panel. It should be handled with respect22:14
* pitti grabs the white velvet gloves22:14
seb128pitti: not while vuntz is looking, are you crazy? ;-)22:15
* pitti is in a crazy mood today22:16
vuntzpitti: you're always in a (good) crazy mood!22:16
pittivuntz: while I still have my asbestos pants on, did you happen to see the proposal in bug 283278?22:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 283278 in gnome-panel "When FUSA applet has shutdown/logout items are duplicated in "System" menu" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28327822:16
pittivuntz: it proposes (and has a patch for) removing the system menu shutdown/log out entries when fusa is enabled22:17
pittiseb128: better to get the flames before uploading :)22:17
seb128pitti: do it22:20
vuntzis this some patch tedg wrote at some point?22:20
vuntzI seem to remember something like that22:20
seb128pitti: it's early enough to get feedback now22:20
seb128vuntz: yes but that was just before intrepid and we didn't want to try a such change just then22:20
pittivuntz: it is22:21
vuntzI have no big thought about it22:22
pittivuntz: the large part is infrastructure to allow hooking into applet changes, and a small part to install such a hook for fusa22:22
vuntzI just remember that the patch is a bit hacky22:22
tjaaltonis there any way to disable entries from the fusa-applet? Don't want my users to shut down / reboot the machines22:23
seb128vuntz: btw since you are there, is there a way to tell gnome-panel "don't load this applet for this session"?22:23
seb128vuntz: or to make it not display the "do you want to reload" dialog if something exit?22:23
vuntzseb128: nope22:24
seb128vuntz: ok, what I though22:24
seb128thanks anyway22:24
pittivuntz: out of interest, if an applet exits with 0, why does it still display the dialog?22:24
seb128tjaalton: it should only list available actions no, you can do that from gnome-session?22:24
vuntzpitti: that's bonobo. The panel doesn't know about the exit status22:24
pittiis that by design, or didn't that case come up so far?22:24
pittivuntz: I see; merci22:24
seb128vuntz: btw did the gnome-session discussion lead somewhere for the nautilus autorestart case?22:25
seb128vuntz: and did lucas sent you his work?22:25
vuntzseb128: it lead to "vuntz: feel free to fix eggsmclient the way you want"22:26
vuntzdidn't see lucasr recently22:27
* seb128 hugs vuntz22:27
seb128vuntz: you have so many things to do22:28
tjaaltonseb128: there's some magic that decides what's available for a user?22:29
chrisccoulsontjaalton - you can stop users from shutting down your machine by playing with policykit22:31
tjaaltonchrisccoulson: ok thanks, will check it out22:32
seb128tjaalton: what chrisccoulson said22:32
chrisccoulsonby default, you have to be on the active console to shut down the machine anyway, but you could restrict that further by blocking users22:33
chrisccoulsonpolkit-gnome-authorization is not working in jaunty though, so it makes it difficult for adjusting the policy22:34
seb128urg, how come?22:34
chrisccoulsonit doesn't display an authentication prompt when you want to apply the changes. it just seems to do nothing at the moment22:35
chrisccoulsonthere's a bug report somewhere22:35
chrisccoulson1 second22:35
chrisccoulsonbug 32892122:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328921 in policykit-gnome "PolicyKit Implicit and Explicit Authorisations Not Being Applied" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32892122:35
chrisccoulsonthe errors i mention in the bug report seem to be a red herring actually22:37
seb128chrisccoulson: worth trying using the gtk update uploaded some hours ago the changelog mentionned fixing compatibility issue for polkit-gnome22:37
chrisccoulsoni'm trying to check which version i'm running but my machine is running like treacle at the moment22:39
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm only running 2.15.3 at the moment. i'll try again once 2.15.4 appears22:42
seb128chrisccoulson: it should be available or do you use a mirror which has not synced yet?22:42
chrisccoulsoni should probably do an apt-get update really ;)22:43
chrisccoulsoni still the same problem with the new gtk version22:49
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure it's a policykit-gnome issue really, as that hasn't changed recently.22:50
seb128chrisccoulson: the gtk NEWS entry suggest the gtkaction changes created the issue22:50
seb128chrisccoulson: mclasen might now about the details if that's a gtk issue22:51
mclaseni'd rather see chris try 2.15.4 first22:51
chrisccoulsonmclasen - i tried 2.15.4 now22:52
chrisccoulsonsame issue22:52
seb128chrisccoulson: "new gtk version" means 2.15.4 right?22:52
mclasenin that case, file a bug22:52
chrisccoulsoni can get the authentication dialog to show from other applications that just call polkit_gnome_auth. but polkit-gnome-authorization seems to use a helper (polkit-set-default-helper). i suppose the next step would be to make sure that the helper actually works22:53
mclasenit seems to work fine here22:54
seb128chrisccoulson: do you still get the gtktoggle warning you listed on the bug?22:56
chrisccoulsoni don't see that anymore. but i still the second critical message22:57
seb128chrisccoulson: you can try to get the intrepid gtk deb, dpkg-deb -x it somewhat and LD_PRELOAD or equivalent to use this gtk version to run polkit-gnome-authorization and see if that makes a difference22:58
chrisccoulsoni'll try that in a VM in a bit22:59
seb128chrisccoulson: why a vm?23:00
seb128chrisccoulson: unpacking a deb in a directory should not break anything23:00
chrisccoulsonah, i see. yeah, i can try that quite easily23:01
seb128chrisccoulson: just do LD_LIBRARY_PATH=unpacklibdir polkit-gnome-authorization23:02
seb128chrisccoulson: you can use ldd to verify it uses the correct version23:02
chrisccoulsonit works with the old gtk version23:09
seb128chrisccoulson: ok, so it's a gtk bug, can you open it on bugzilla.gnome.org if there is no bug about that already there?23:10
chrisccoulsoni'll do that now23:10
seb128chrisccoulson: I've sponsored your tracker fix btw, thank you for the work you do on desktop bugs and upgrades ;-)23:11
chrisccoulsonyou're welcome. thanks for sponsoring my work too:)23:11
seb128chrisccoulson: not sure now but are you motu yet?23:13
chrisccoulsonnot yet. i'm not even a contributing developer yet23:14
seb128why do you mean by that?23:15
seb128why -> what23:15
seb128you are doing good work and probably worked on enough bugs and upgrades to apply as contributor23:16
chrisccoulsoni'm not a member of universe-contributors - that's what i meant ;)23:16
seb128you mean universe contributor right?23:16
seb128yeah, just got it23:16
seb128you should apply to be one ;-)23:16
pochu_asac: just fixed the liferea actions in notifications bug upstream23:19
chrisccoulsonit's on my list of things to do :) i just haven't really document my contributions anywhere really though - my wiki page is quite empty at the moment and needs some work23:19
pochu_asac: bug 32860623:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328606 in liferea "liferea shouldn't use notifications with actions" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32860623:19
=== pochu_ is now known as pochu
asacpochu: great23:48
asacpochu: how unhappy/happy was upstream about those notifications getting dumped here?23:50
pochuI haven't tested with 1.4... there's also a pending update to 1.4.24 btw23:50
pochuasac: sorry? :)23:50
pochuah, quite fine23:51
pochuexcept for me not checking for "caps != NULL" before entering the for loop ;-)23:52
pochuI think it shouldn't be hard to get most patches upstream23:54
pochuwith good explanations, people will see them as fixes (as they are)23:55
asacfor things as unintrusive as action capability checking es23:55

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