
=== m4v is now known as kubot
=== kubot is now known as m4v
=== cr4z3d_ is now known as cr4z3d
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
sorenHow do I go about changing my mask from ubuntu/member/shawarma to ubuntu/member/soren? I changed my username on Launchpad a long time ago, but didn't think to change it here, too.10:44
jussi01soren: Just need to find one of our staffers to do it for you, Nalioth, Pricey or I think elky can request it also.11:03
elkysoren, you shouldnt need one of us. just find a nearby staffer. get them to PM or ping me if they want to be pedantic.11:04
sorenAnd how do I know who are staffers?11:05
elkysoren, join #freenode, and look for the people who are voiced.11:06
sorenelky: Thanks11:07
* Netcowboy is away: [ Probably not there , leave your messages ]12:16
NafalloNetcowboy: please turn off your public away scripts.12:25
dookie2000caI'd like to get a cloak please12:32
Myrttidookie2000ca: are you an ubuntu member?12:33
dookie2000cayes, I am12:33
Myrtticould you give your launchpad page url12:33
Myrttidookie2000ca, please read all the steps in http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup and make sure you've completed them, after which a cloak can be set up for you.12:33
dookie2000caI've got the nick registration steps completed already :)12:34
Myrttiall of them?12:34
Myrttijust checking12:34
dookie2000caall 712:34
jpdsYou're not an Ubuntu Member.12:34
jpds!member | dookie2000ca, please see this page12:34
ubottudookie2000ca, please see this page: Want to become an Ubuntu member? Look at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember12:34
dookie2000caah, gotcha.  thanks!12:36
Myrttiyou can still apply for a unaffiliated cloak at #freenode12:36
dookie2000cathanks again :)12:37
ubot2In #ubuntu-se, hateball said: !sudo is <reply>  I Ubuntu kör man "sudo" framför ett kommando för att köra det med förhöjda behörigheter. Skulle man ändå måste vara *tvungen* att köra som root, så är det "sudo -i" som gäller.13:06
Nafallojpds: /j #ubuntu-se13:09
=== McPeter is now known as Axan
=== Axan is now known as McPeter
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat

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