
asacrzr: do they only release .xpis on amo or also source tarbvalls for flashblock?00:03
rzrok back00:07
rzrno tarball00:07
rzrxpi more00:07
rzri make snapshots on new xpi actually00:08
rzrso to finish this release will be : 1.3.11f~snapshot20090206-0ubuntu1 , next one 1.3.12~a+snapshot... ok ?00:08
rzrand after 1.3.12+snapshot for final as you said00:09
asacrzr: yeah00:10
rzr\o/ we did it00:10
asacrzr: no the final not00:10
asaci just ment in case they go on and keep 1.3.11 in install.rdf00:10
asacyou can use 1.3.11f+snapshotxxxxx00:10
asacuntil thy go to 1.3.12a00:10
asacgood ;)00:10
rzrthat was the idea00:11
asacthats right then.00:11
asacgreat ;)00:11
rzrit's the same for other ext ?00:11
asacrzr: if you ask for how to project the versions in install.rdf to upstream versions, yes00:11
asace.g. 1a == 1~a00:11
asacrzr: i just hope that we dont need this snapshot thing ;)00:12
rzri do too00:14
rzrok, done, death to epoc !00:15
rzryou can test it on http://www.newlc.com/en/nitdroid-demo-gnulinux-android-nokia-n770-000:17
asacrzr: what i dont understand is ... why are we at 1.5.1100:18
asacerr 1.3.1100:18
asacwhile admo is at 1.5.800:18
rzrok that's an other story00:19
rzrthere are 2 branches00:19
rzr1.3 and 1.500:19
rzr1.3 works on all mozilla products00:19
rzr1.5 was only for FF3 , IICR00:19
rzrbut he merged back in 1.300:20
rzr2009-02-05: Flashblock 1.5.8 released for Firefox 1.5 to Firefox 3.2a (trunk), Netscape Navigator 9, Flock, and Intel Midbrowser.00:21
rzr2009-02-5: Flashblock 1.3.11 released for Firefox 1.0 to 3.2a, Mozilla Suite 1.7.x, Seamonkey 1.0a to 2.0a3, Netscape 7 to 9.0, and Flock.00:21
rzrseamonkey is used in debian00:21
rzriceape actually00:21
rzrso i prefered 1.3 branch00:22
rzrdo you ?00:22
rzrthe branches are evolving in parallel00:23
rzrasac: does ubuntu support intel midbrowser ?00:23
jdonghey guys, I have a places.sqlite that causes Firefox to segfault in sqlite00:24
asacrzr: yes. we still have that00:26
asacjdong: how does the backtrace look like?00:26
jdongasac: I guess I should find some debugging symbols. With limited info something memcpy ;-)00:26
rzrasac: is it ok ? can i sleep now ?00:26
* jdong awards himself nondescript duh backtrace of the day award00:27
asacrzr: i would think so (havent tested)00:27
=== rzr is now known as rZr
rZrtoo late :)00:28
asacyeah. ok00:28
rZrthx for all your time for mentoring us00:28
asacat some point we should think about 1.3 vs. 1.500:28
asacbut good for now00:28
rZrfile a bug :)00:28
asacrZr: welcome00:29
jdonganyone have the -dbg repo on hand?00:29
jdonghard to find with a broken firefox profile loaded ;-)00:29
asacjdong: ddebs.ubuntu.com00:29
jdongthere we go00:29
jdongyikes only available for 3.0.3?00:30
jdong*tries -updates/-security*00:31
asacjdong: sorry. for jaunty it should be available00:31
asac-updates/-secruity dont have dbgsym unfortunately00:31
asacwhich is why we started to ship old -dbg package snow for the 3.2 and 3.1 branches00:32
asacfta: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsdorf00:32
asacalready have that?00:32
asachmm seems its not built ;)00:33
jdongasac: would a 3.0.3 trace do any good?00:33
asacjdong: why not. if its reproducible ther it should be similar00:33
asacjdong: remember to get xul and ffox and the sqlite lib (if we use ystem sqlite there )00:33
ftaasac, are the 3.0/1.9.head branches in sync, i could daily build those too00:34
jdongwow that's a new one, sqlite segfaulted....00:34
jdongerr gdb rather.00:34
asacfta: they are in sync ... just with final tag versoin00:35
asacif you can build snapshots on top of that it should work00:35
asacjdong: gdb crashed?00:35
asacthats not good00:35
jdonglol indeed :)00:36
ftadtchen, since ~test1, each time i reboot, no sound until i kill p-a and restart it00:38
asaci386      674 builds waiting in queue00:38
jdongwell this time let's let apport do it.00:38
asacwhats going on with our i386 builders00:38
ftaasac, what is alsdorf?00:38
asacno other architectures have such a huge backlog00:39
asacnext one has 10000:39
asacfta: new notification thing00:39
asacalso there is now "libindicate"00:39
jdong#9  0x00007f6db64199c0 in sqlite3_step () from /usr/lib/libsqlite3.so.000:40
jdonga bunch of ??'s in sqlite3.so.000:40
jdong#3  0x00007f6db833c0fe in memcpy () from /lib/libc.so.600:40
jdongthen that.00:40
asacat least i think00:40
asacjdong: you need symbols for sqlite00:40
asacand libc00:40
asacif you want00:40
jdongok libc debugsyms are too much work but here's to trying sqlite3....00:42
jdongmemcpy () from /lib/libc.so.600:44
jdongfillInCell (pPage=<value optimized out>,00:44
jdongbalance_nonroot (pPage=0x3c66180) at sqlite3.c:3524700:44
jdongbalance (pPage=0x431950d, insert=0)00:44
jdongsqlite3BtreeInsert (pCur=0x43159d0, pKey=0x4315b38,00:44
jdongdoes that make any more sense?00:44
asacjdong: yes. please paste the complete one00:44
asacalso a ldd /usr/lib/xulrunner-1.9*/libxul.so | grep sqlite00:44
jdongasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119459/00:46
* asac updates his ffox 1.8 branch :/00:47
jdongasac: here's a copy of the original sqlite: http://jdong.mit.edu/~jdong/crashy_places.sqlite00:47
jdongif it helps00:47
jdongan integrity check on it spews quite some errors00:48
jdongI dumped and restored it to get back to working order; nothing seems horribly broken.00:48
jdongI don't recall doing anything odd to the system (i.e. bad shutdowns, SIGKILLS, etc)00:48
asacjdong: i think that having those integrity checks might be helpful00:50
asacfor an upstream report00:50
jdongalso a dump-restore error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119463/00:52
jdongI think ironically the same thing happened on my other system using the 3.1 PPA00:53
jdong(this system has been running regular 3.0)00:53
jdongbut at any rate, it seems to be a case where firefox should fail a bit more gracefully than *poof* ;-)00:55
jdongand not even Safe Mode escapes this00:55
asacjdong: well. from what i can see its really sqlite that crashes00:56
asacfirefox does nothing00:56
asacbut passing a select into it00:56
asacin pretty much the same way it always does00:56
asace.g. http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla/source/storage/src/mozStorageConnection.cpp#32500:56
asacsince the arguments are always NULL this should always crash or its a sqlite prob00:57
jdongwell even if it were a sqlite problem I think there should be better crash-recovery handling than an infinite-crash-loop00:57
jdongI have no idea how novice users are supposed to know to run an integrity check on *.sqlite00:57
jdongbut yeah I do agree with you that it seems to be a sqlite bug00:58
asacjdong: well. its really a busted state00:59
asacits like saying we can do better when harddisk crashes system all the time ;)01:00
jdongyeah this is one of those "isn't ever supposed to happen" things :)01:00
asacshit happens ;)01:00
jdongnow the real question is... is this exploitable? ;-)01:00
jdongthe fact that it dies in memcpy doesn't give that warm and fuzzy feeling01:01
asaci mean i wouldnt say that a house is never supposed to burn down01:01
asacits unfortunate, its hazardous ;)01:01
asacbut it exists01:01
asacjdong: libc symbols would tell more01:02
jdongindeed, but there is sorta an employed-upper-middle-class for coping with that ;-)01:02
asace.g. is it a null deref01:02
asacor aaccess to freed mem01:02
jdongmmh, unfortunately I don't have a jaunty setup here to test it on.01:02
asaclibc has -dbg packages01:02
jdongI'm guessing injecting that places.sqlite I uploaded to any firefox profile should do the same evil, right?01:02
asactry them01:02
asacnot sure01:02
jdonghow risky is it to downgrade libc6? :)01:02
asacmaybe its fixed on jaunty ;)01:02
asacat least the sqlite3_exec function had a 6K lines offset in the version i have here01:03
asace.g. 63000 vs 69000 here01:03
asacits really amazing that file is 102K lines long ;)01:03
asacdo they concatenate that for release ?01:04
asaci am pretty sure that gnomefreak would test that file01:05
ftaasac, should i push prism? it has the addon now01:05
ftabut it's a snapshot01:05
asacfta: i think its your decision ;)01:06
asaci would think that having the extension would be nice01:06
asacif you think its too snappy then well ;)01:06
asacfta: how long is the final ahead?01:07
asacwhat would you think?01:07
ftanothing planed afaik01:07
asacfta: so the branch is more or less in maintenance mode?01:07
asacwhere is the prism branch :(01:08
ftai remember some issues with older profiles after the upgrade from our old version to a fresh one01:08
asachell ... why dont they put everything in hg01:08
asacdont see it01:09
asacso no clue01:09
asacsigh ... webrunneer ;)01:10
asacso no tags ;)01:10
ftablame mfinkle ;)01:10
asaci would say that you probably know what you do01:11
asacalso i assume that you read bugmail for prism01:11
asacso there is an incentive to not upload crap ;)01:11
asacand if there is really something bad to fix in this upload -> plenty of time left to fix01:12
ftai'm using it for google reader and to listen to some radio stations01:12
ftaworks for me01:12
asacbetter than nothing ;)01:12
asacmaybe when more users rely on it (maybe when this is an extension) it would make sense to do some testplan01:12
asace.g. to test the most important features for regressoins01:12
asacbut not now ;)01:12
asacfta: question is if we want to upload it to debian before someone else diverges us from pustream01:13
[reed]don't cross the streams!01:13
asacfta: if you wnat that let me know01:13
asac[reed]: sometimes i think it feels like i cross the ocean every day - :)01:14
ftai remember some bugs where users were asking for better integration with the desktop, prism-gmail as default mailer, etc.. funny.01:15
jdong(a) finish this homework due tomorrow at noon (b) set up a Jaunty virtual machine.....01:15
asacbut i guess you dont say "stream" for river01:15
jdongthe hard decisions in life.01:15
asacwhich is a synonym in germany ;)01:15
[reed]asac: I'm referring to Ghostbusters.01:15
asac[reed]: yeah :)01:15
[reed]and downstream/upstream :)01:15
asac[reed]: have you been alive when ghostbusters came out :-P ?01:15
fta!info gigolo01:16
ubottuPackage gigolo does not exist in intrepid01:16
fta!info gigolo jaunty01:16
ubottuPackage gigolo does not exist in jaunty01:16
asaci remember seeing that in cinema and i was really young ;) ... just wonder how young (cant remember)01:16
[reed]I was born in 88, so no :)01:17
asacthats like 7 then01:17
asacwhich was kind of an achievement. i think the movie was rated 12+ ;) (ridiculous if i compare it with todays 12+ films)01:17
ftalol "Down 14% in popularity this week"01:18
ftaNominated for 2 Oscars01:18
asacgood stuff ;)01:18
asacheh after so many years it suddenly becomes unpopular?01:18
asacor was there a hype last two weeks that now ceases01:18
ftaBudget $30,000,00001:20
ftaGross revenue $291,632,12401:20
asacthat would help me01:20
asacbut i am sure its just that i am not brave enough to invest 30.000.000  ;)01:20
ftadass ist eine grosse revenue ! indeed01:20
asacdas ist ein großer Umsatz ;)01:21
ftai can't do the ”01:21
asac" ?01:21
asacfta: double ss in first word is wrong01:21
ftaand my german is dusty01:21
asacthe "dass" is used used to start some kind of sentence ;)01:22
asacnot sure how its called01:22
asacbut not as a pronomen01:22
ftayes, i remember now01:22
asacand Revenue is Umsatz ... which is male gender so its "ein" not "eine" (female)01:22
asacbut good anyway ;)01:22
ftasorry, try french to compare ;)01:23
asaci would have to sweat hard to do that in french ;)01:23
asacil est revenue gigantes ;)01:23
ftaeh, not so bad01:24
asacmore mixes from spain ;)01:24
asaci doubt one says grande01:24
asacfor quantities01:24
asacif i would be more awake i should know the word ;)01:24
asacbut well01:25
ftac'est un revenu gigantesque, but i would say énorme instead of gigantesque01:25
asacyeah enorme ... sounds much better01:25
asacits also a german word : enorm (pretty huge)01:25
asacenourmous ;)01:26
asacyeah ;)01:26
asacgood that all three languages are related01:26
asacchinese would look different ;)01:26
asacfta: do you have any issues that should be resolved for final 0.7.1 NM?01:27
ftaall the duplicates in the applet01:28
asacyeah. thats really annoying01:28
asacits kernel or hal though01:28
asackeybuk said at least its not udev ;)01:28
asaci hope its hal01:28
ftaand i wouldn't mind connection time / volume, somehow01:28
asacthats a feature01:29
asaci don think there will be any features on 0.7 branch01:29
asactoo few resoures01:29
ftaand a way to force me to enter my pin01:29
asactrunk gets bluetooth, and better modem support now01:29
asacfta: hmm ... unlocking?01:29
asacor normal pin entry01:29
asaci really think that the unlocking stuff is proprietary ... but i can ask again01:30
ftawhen i switch between two SIMs with different PINs01:30
asacfta: ah01:30
ftabut using the same usb key01:30
asacfta: if you can capture a serial log of the one with wrong pin i can look01:30
asacactually i get asked for pin if connect fails for a few times (not sure when though)01:31
ftawell, i don't want to lock those SIMs, especially the 2nd, i don't have the PUK01:31
asacfta: in general the feature should be there ... the modem is supposed to give an error on CPIN01:31
asachmm ... too bad. i dont have two SIMs01:31
asacprobably should get another01:32
ftaI pay for the 1st, the 2nd is from/for work01:33
ftaI should really get a 2nd key, swapping the SIMs is not ideal01:34
asacfta: why not use the work all the time ;)01:36
asacsounds cheaper :)01:36
asacstupid hint i know01:37
* asac spins 1.8.1 branch build so he can happily work on security backports tomorrow 01:38
ftait's use vs abuse.. i got it to reach my company through the vpn when i'm away from my office, and only from my corporate laptop. it occurs i can also use it to have internet in my own laptop (not the other one).01:40
ftaand of course, i can't connect to my vpn with my own laptop (running ubuntu)01:41
[reed]asac: mozilla bug 478901 will most likely require backporting to 2.0.0.x and maybe 1.5.0.x depending on what you all still support01:42
ubottuError: Error getting Mozilla bug #478901: NotPermitted01:43
asachmm dont have it on my list yet as it seems01:43
asacso hasnt landed for
[reed]not yet01:44
[reed]we're respinning just for this01:44
asac[reed]: yeah. so it hasnt landed yet or is fixed keyword missing01:44
asaconce fixed is ther eit would end up in my backport list01:45
[reed]hasn't landed yet... just came in a few hours ago ;)01:45
asacor not so good01:45
asaci will talk to our security team about that too01:45
[reed]I cc'd jdstrand since you both have the actual package and firefox's copy to fix ;)01:48
asacreally grat01:51
asacnow i just need the tarball in that bug (seems its not yet out)01:51
asacbut i guess jamie has it too01:51
asaci would hope ;)01:51
asacfta: what you can do for your pin problem is to define two broadband connections01:58
asacand set the pin the in connection editor01:58
asacthen use the right one01:58
asacof course not perfect as it needs some thinking, but well01:58
* asac startts ffox 2 ;)02:09
asacalways files good :)02:09
asacso ... at lesat it still works ;)02:10
* asac yawns08:51
gnomefreakcan anyone give me a clue how to add a "remove all" to the tool bar so i dont have to use feeds>delete all. in liferea10:29
fta2i wonder why googleearth-package doesn't work like the flashplugin-nonfree, ie, auto fetch the blog on install, instead of requiring the user to run make-googleearth-package manually and install the deb produced13:51
asacfta: running a command is even safer license wise13:58
fta2most users won't know how to proceed. they install the packager, go to the menu, find nothing, complain, give up and fetch the blob directly from google, ending up with stuff in /usr/local and in /opt14:02
asacfta: you could add a menu entry "Google Earth Installer" ... which then becomes a real menu entry after runnig it14:04
asacfta: what happens on upgrades? just nothing?14:05
fta2imho, that's bad14:05
asacof course. have you tried to contact whoever did that?14:05
asacmaybe there are legal issues14:06
fta2we get that from debian, the packaging branch is in bzr on a private server14:06
asacas usual14:44
asacprivate VCS branches become quite popular now that there is distributed approach14:44
BUGabundogood afternoon dear dev15:17
BUGabundoasac: the connman UI is pretty ugly15:17
asacBUGabundo: indeed ;)16:09
asacBUGabundo: have you tried it for wired?/wireless?16:10
BUGabundoand so far I don't see it adding anything new16:10
asacnobody said that16:10
BUGabundoits ON, but what does it do ?16:10
asacBUGabundo: read my blog post ;)16:10
BUGabundo  16:10
* BUGabundo looks16:11
asacfta: are you unblocked on gwibber?17:28
asacfta: ok. so seb will do it17:35
asaceven if its after FF17:35
BUGabundo1its not a vital app, and should not break anything17:36
asacsure. its already up anyway17:36
BUGabundo1(other then webkit dependc in some extreme case17:36
asacits just that archive admins need to push it through17:36
BUGabundo1new notifications show lots of popups17:43
asacBUGabundo1: thtas how it is ;)17:44
asacBUGabundo1: apps need to be fixed to honour notification capabilities17:45
asacBUGabundo1: for gwibber you need the new gwibber ;17:45
asacBUGabundo1: for network-manager i will fix this tomorrow17:45
BUGabundo1it uses lib notify17:45
asacnot my responsibility to fix that17:46
asacthoguht i would use libindicate now17:46
BUGabundo1I know17:46
BUGabundo1filing bug now17:46
BUGabundo1that is if I can get to FF17:46
asacBUGabundo1: about what?17:47
asacBUGabundo1: the dialogs are dealt with ... at least for main apps17:47
BUGabundo1I want to be notified when pidgin gets fixed17:47
BUGabundo1I'll have to remove the notify until then17:48
asacBUGabundo1: for me the dialogs were annyoing, but ok17:50
asaconce in a while i just close all that accumulated17:51
BUGabundo1but I also loose the ballons17:52
BUGabundo1asac: (05:54:34 PM) elb: this whole thing should be handled by libasshattery if you ask me17:56
BUGabundo1(05:58:45 PM) elb: what's up with libindicate18:01
BUGabundo1(05:58:54 PM) elb: pure NIH, or is there some unfixable problem with notify18:01
BUGabundo1(05:59:07 PM) elb: or do I even want to know18:01
asaclibindicate is for a different purpose18:01
asacits for content full message indication18:01
asacthe idea is that message indiciation has different properties to notifications18:02
BUGabundo1asac: can you jump in on #pidgin ?18:02
asacfor instance, 95% of actions that make sense in notifications are for conversation messages (email, irc) ... so the message indicator should be a bit more stateful18:03
asacBUGabundo1: no. i am really not here to defend anything ;) ... thats up to the team that does that18:03
BUGabundo1ok ok18:03
BUGabundo1they are just curious18:03
asaci can only repeat the reasoning as far as i understood it18:03
BUGabundo1and you have much more knowlage then me18:03
asacBUGabundo1: i think there will be explanation posted somewhere18:03
asacits just that feature freeze made it necessary to get this up now18:04
BUGabundo1I get that18:04
BUGabundo1and now we wait for every other app to pach18:04
asacsure. but my knowledge is also imperfect and not complete/speculative to some degree18:04
BUGabundo1eheh k3b uses it18:04
BUGabundo1I see the ballon up there18:04
BUGabundo1how is in charge of it then?18:04
BUGabundo1maybe s/he has the time to give us a bit more on the rational18:05
BUGabundo1and code18:05
asacnoatifications without actions should work18:05
jcastroasac: ssorry I've been doing other stuff all day, what's up with gwibber?18:27
asacjcastro: all fine18:28
asacjcastro: will go in after FF ... seb promissed18:28
jcastrohe must be behind this week or something,18:28
jcastrogood thing they got another person!18:28
asacjcastro: well. dx dumped a shitload off work ;)18:52
asacor not dumped ... whatever you prefer ;)18:52
jcastroI know what you mean, heh18:54
* gnomefreak between meetins atm also wondering why this fucking window wont close18:58
asacgnomefreak: which app?18:58
gnomefreakgnome about me18:59
gnomefreaki killed it would have rather it close using close or the x18:59
asacas long as it worked ;)19:03
gnomefreaki dont know if it does i just wanted to see what it was19:05
gnomefreak701.11 sounds more like an audio cd than a movie19:12
=== asac_ is now known as asac
gnomefreak!info flashplugin-nonfree intrepid20:14
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 18 kB, installed size 164 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)20:14
gnomefreakbe back i need a smoke. my next meeting is starrting soon :(20:17
ftaasac, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=gwibber20:24
asacfta: yes. read what i wrote above ;)20:30
asacor read what seb said ;)20:30
asacin -desktop20:30
ftayep, just to confirm it's still not in20:30
asacseb said he wont have time today20:31
asaci am currently thinking if there is anything to upload before ff20:31
ftatb3 would have been nice but it's broken, so no way20:32
ftaeverything else i do, i don't mind20:33
asacmiro2 would have been great20:33
ftawell, google earth seems ok20:33
ftamiro2 is in, iirc20:33
asaca bit unfortunatel that there was confusion20:33
asacfta: did you do it?20:33
fta!info miro2 jaunty20:34
fta!info miro jaunty20:34
ubottuPackage miro2 does not exist in jaunty20:34
ubottumiro (source: miro): GTK+ based RSS video aggregator. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1967 kB, installed size 7584 kB20:34
ftabug 32826120:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328261 in miro "Please merge miro 2.0-1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32826120:34
ftait's been a while since i last used miro20:35
ftait was too slow for me20:35
fta>30s before the 1st window shows up20:36
asacyeah. more like something to keep open all the time20:38
ftaasac, FIREFOX_3_0_7_BUILD120:58
ftatoo bad we're broken20:58
asacfta: thats the fate of an app with a bad builddsystem21:02
asacFF is soon there21:02
asacand then we can focus on the important stuff again21:02
ftawell, i tried to fix it but ended up to square one.21:03
ftawhy is googleearth-package ignoring my arch deps??21:20
ftaDepends: wget | curl, dpkg-dev, fakeroot, bzip2, file, x11-common, ia32-libs [amd64 ia64], lib32nss-mdns [amd64 ia64]21:21
ftaDepends: wget | curl, dpkg-dev, fakeroot, bzip2, file, x11-common21:21
ftaoh, Architecture: all21:21
ftai guess i have no choice but move to any21:22
ftaarchive.ubuntu.com is slow today21:26
fta1.5Mbps :(21:27
asacfta: does google earth work on ohter archs than i386 and amd64?21:36
asacfta: if not, just use those two archs21:36
asacArchitecture: i386 amd6421:36
asacor ,21:37
asacjust try ;)21:37
asacoh lpia works probably too21:37
asachmm ... but not that sure now ;)21:37
ftaia64 apparently21:37
asacso google distributes a ia64 blob?21:37
asaci doubt that21:38
asacthen its just i386 and amd64 and maybe lpia21:38
ftaia32-libs [amd64 ia64] comes from debian. i added the lib32nss-mdns [amd64 ia64] required to make ge 5.0 work21:38
asacwhy ia64?21:39
asacis ia32-libs available on ia64?21:39
ftai don't know, i just copied what was already there for ia32-libs as it's similar (32libs on 64b platforms), yet, i have no way to test ia6421:40
ftaasac, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107347821:47
ftai want bug 328932 fixed, it's trivial21:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 328932 in libsdl1.2 "X11 driver not configured with OpenGL" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32893221:50
ftahttp://launchpadlibrarian.net/22828241/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-lpia.googleearth-package_0.5.4.1~0ubuntu1~fta3_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ??21:52
=== stevel_ is now known as stevel
Lnsfta: FYI I still see nspr 4.7.1+1.9-0ubuntu0.8.04.5 in Hardy23:56
Lnsthat's w/backports enabled23:57

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