
keesVoltron_: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#Packages00:01
Voltron_thank you00:01
maxbHmm, that SecurityTeam/FAQ is silent about the issue of -security packages sometimes being based on previous -updates ones00:26
keesmaxb: it's a young document.  :)00:26
maxbfair enough :-)00:26
maxbI just noted it was very detailed in all other aspects of explaining the pockets00:27
steelcityjimcan anyone explain groups, and user access im having a problem with access for users01:06
geniisteelcityjim: Somewhat joomla-oriented but still informative article relating to user/group permissions etc: http://joomlapanel.com/joomla-article/55-unix-file-permissions-explanation.html01:29
tsrkI'm running a server that's also a desktop but the problem is when users log in locally (through the GUI) they get special permissions (like non-root mounting).  How can I fix this?02:12
maxbtsrk: some of that sort of thing is configurable in System > Administration > Authorizations02:40
tsrkmaxb, well, what i was hoping is that there's a way to only allow them to do what they could do with a remote shell login02:40
tsrkwhat is letting them do the extra stuff anyway?02:40
maxbI'm not 100% sure how it works, I think it involves dbus02:42
tsrkmaxb, what's "active console"?02:43
maxbwell, console is local, I'm guessing active relates to fast-user-switching02:44
tsrkso does that mean the local gnome login?02:45
tsrkwhat if i was running the minimal server installation02:45
tsrkwould the console be able to mount and unmount etc?02:45
maxba minimal server installation probably wouldn't even *have* a desktop environment at all02:46
tsrkso it wouldn't have whatever is managing this stuff?02:46
tsrki probably shouldn't even worry about this02:47
tsrkanyone who has local access to my machine could just grab my external HD anyway02:47
ScottKThe non-root mounting (IIRC) comes from being in the plugdev group.03:09
geniiOr possibly from "users" option in fstab03:12
geniiScottK: You seem to get around, I see you in a lot of channels :)03:13
tsrkI noticed my machines getting sudo updates today... what was that fixing?05:15
ScottKtsrk: There's a security announcement mailing list you can subscribe too (or you can get it RSS from ubuntu-nl).05:19
tsrk:O really?05:19
tsrki'll look for that05:19
keestsrk: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/05:48
* ScottK waves to kees.05:48
keesheya ScottK!05:48
tsrkah, kees, thanks, explained it perfectly :D05:53
tsrkwasn't a problem for my server anyway05:54
tsrkWow, am i the only one who asks questions in here?06:07
tsrkanyway, I have more...06:07
tsrkon my server I installed ubuntu desktop edition, and now want to remove all the graphical stuff (i don't even have a display attached).  How would I go about doing so?06:07
ScottKtsrk: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop06:08
ScottKThen autoremove should take care of the rest.06:08
tsrkScottK, nope :(06:13
tsrkdidn't work06:13
tsrk(nothing to autoremove after removing ubuntu-desktop)06:13
ScottKOdd.  Dunno an easy way then.06:13
tsrkok :/06:13
tsrkhow bout a way to at least disable it so it doesn't waste cpu etc?06:13
ScottKRemoved xorg-server would get most of it.06:14
tsrki don't have a package called xorg-server06:15
tsrki have xorg, but nothing depends on it like i'd expect it to06:15
ScottKHow about xserver-xorg-core06:23
ScottKxorg-server is the source package name.  Sorry.06:24
Asad2005I have a server with a software raid of 6 disks. What would be the best way to monitor the status of raid ? I have set up a cron job to cat /proc/mdstat and check for unsued devices is this enough ?06:29
jtajiAsad2005: mdadm can email you, but a cron job is a good addition in case mdadm dies06:30
Asad2005jtaji, I dont have send mail set up and not planing to do it I just want to email a local user on same my LAN. Is it possible with mdadm06:35
keestsrk: I would actually recommend  sudo apt-get purge ...    instead of "remove"07:21
keesthen   sudo apt-get autoremove --purge07:21
tsrkkees, why?07:21
keestsrk: that way it will take all the config files and system users with it.07:22
tsrkbut autoremove isn't removing them anyway :S07:22
kees("remove --purge" == "purge")07:22
keesautoremove will only work after you remove the thing that brought it in (in this case "ubuntu-desktop")07:22
tsrki did that07:22
keesor at least, it should.  :(07:22
tsrki've had this problem before (installing kubuntu-desktop onto my ubuntu-desktop machine)07:23
tsrkit's something about those packages07:23
tsrki think it's not dependencies but it's something else07:23
keesyeah, I haven't really spent too much time understanding those relationships.07:23
tsrki ended up finding my logs of installing all the kubuntu packages and uninstalling them all specifically07:23
keesall I know is that 'autoremove' has been better than nothing.  :)07:23
tsrkwe shouldn't have to, that's the point of apt right? :P07:23
tsrkgenerally autoremove works for me07:24
* kees nods07:24
keeseek, past bedtime.  *wave*07:24
tsrkthanks for the help :)07:24
keessure thing! cya07:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #329606 in mythtv (multiverse) "Mythweb shows only a blank page (dup-of: 329053)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32960607:46
Scixhow can i use autofs-ldap to mount a directory, inside a users home?07:58
AnRkeyi am working on a preseeded pxe network install setup. What do i need to add to the preseed file in order to get the default ubuntu desktop installed08:52
AnRkeyI am using the 8.04.2 alternate as a base cd08:52
ScixYou will need this: tasksel tasksel/first multiselect standard, ubuntu-desktop08:54
ScixAnRkey: I'm been working on the same system for some months now08:56
AnRkeyScix, add that in as a d-i to the preseed?08:57
AnRkeyahh, no... ok i see how it goes08:57
Scixno, just as i posted it :)08:57
AnRkeythere is a similar line in the example08:58
AnRkeyScix, thanks08:58
ivokser... nothing? :)08:59
ivokswhen you don't add anything, it installs desktop08:59
ivokstrouble is if you want server :)08:59
AnRkeyahh i c09:00
AnRkeyso leave that bit out then?09:00
ivoksdefault is ok, like this:09:00
AnRkeyi want to remaster a cd with all the software in and have the complete thing install09:00
ivoksso, that's not pxe09:00
ivoksare you remastering CD or doing PXE install?09:01
* ball is confused09:02
AnRkeyremastering the iso then extracting to my we server as the repo09:02
AnRkeyweb server09:02
ivoksi haven't remastered CD in years, so i'm rusty in that area09:03
ivoksbut the link i pasted is a great start for pxe09:03
AnRkeyivoks, done all that already but nice to add to my notes09:04
AnRkeyScix, how can i install all the extra packages that i added to my iso, or will they install automatically once they are part of the alternate image?09:04
ivoksthey won't install automaticaly09:04
AnRkeycan i add a package list?09:05
AnRkeyivoks, didn't think they would09:05
AnRkeynot from what i have seen this morning09:05
ivoksisn't there an application for remastering CDs?09:05
Scixduse d-i pkgsel/include string <package>09:05
AnRkeyScix, shweet! thanks09:06
AnRkeyScix, gonna build them in to the iso and then call for them to be installed from the preseed09:07
ballIf I want to be able to netboot X terminals from an Ubuntu Server, should I go for the alternate install CD?09:07
ScixAnRkey: If the package isn't on the CD, it will check the repos set with d-i mirror/*09:09
AnRkeyScix, ok cool09:09
AnRkeyScix, will this work? d-i pkgsel/include string multiselect thunderbird, openssh-server, build-essential09:09
Scixbut i have only tested this with PXE and a local ubuntu mirror09:09
AnRkeyScix, i am almost there :) gonna write up a howto when i am done09:10
ScixI don't know about thunderbird. if its something that you have to configure during install, you have to use thunderbild foo/bar value09:10
Scixset DEB_CONFIG=developer in the boot parameters. Then you can se everything thats asked for. it's logged to syslog during install09:11
Scixse my blog: http://www.sovetid.com/node/309:12
AnRkeythanks again Scix09:12
AnRkeyScix, ho can i find out exactly what is being installed by a standard ubuntu 8.04 desktop install?09:29
ScixI don't know, but maby this could be a start? http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/ubuntu-desktop09:30
=== nijaba` is now known as nijaba
AnRkeyScix, so if i install the ubuntu-desktop virtual package then i should be ok?09:32
Scixyes :)09:32
AnRkeyScix, how to you add the preseed.cfg to your default file?10:16
AnRkeyhow do...10:17
Scixdefault? Like pxe default file?10:17
AnRkeymine is not using the preseed file and i think my syntax is wrong. yes the pxe default file10:17
Scix10 sec. Just find a pastebin :)10:19
Scixlike this http://paste.ubuntu.com/119616/10:19
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Scixpreseed/url=http://address/file.cfg :)10:20
ScixAnRkey: this shows all :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/119617/10:22
AnRkeyScix, i see it's grabbing the preseed file now but it still asks questions10:27
AnRkeyso i think my preseed file has problems in it10:27
ScixanRkay: Have you set preseed/interactive=true? If so, the installer will ask every question even if you have set them10:29
Scixit aslo asks, if the preseed file don't have the answer10:30
AnRkeyok cool10:30
AnRkeydoes it keep asking after it finds a value that is not set? or does it continue with the answers it has?10:31
AnRkeyyeah, just got an error about the preseed file being corrupt10:31
AnRkeyit's a start :)10:31
AnRkeydid you use the debian preseed example file?10:33
Scixyes, that and a lot of testing and tailing the syslog file during install10:34
AnRkeyhaha, have not used dcc in ages10:35
AnRkeywow, thanks Scix! this is a much cleaner file to read10:37
AnRkeyhow did you find the locale names?10:37
Scixfound them when reading syslog during a installation with the debuging options i talked about earlier10:38
AnRkeyahh, it starts making sense :P10:39
Scixi did not set them in the preseed file, so the installation asked for them, and loged it :)10:39
AnRkeyso i could answer all the questions and see what is being done10:39
Scixyes :)10:39
AnRkeyshweet, bbl10:40
incorrectduring boot i don't enter in my cyrpto fs password,  the problem is then the system fails to boot and there seems to be a forced check on every device in fstab10:41
AnRkeyScix, client or server syslog that stores the install logs?10:46
Scixclient :)10:48
AnRkeyu :) quite a bit u know :P10:49
incorrecti want to copy my sudo config, can i simply scp sudoers or do i need to visudo on all machines?11:34
yann2I wouldnt scp11:36
yann2you would be at risk of having wrong permissions11:36
yann2wrong permissions on sudoers would prevent you to set these permissions back again11:36
yann2or be sure to have a correct umask11:36
incorrecti have a way to get in if i can't sudo11:39
AnRkeyhi decembre11:48
yann2incorrect > so, you can, just be sure that the file once copied has proper ownerships and perms11:48
decembreis there apache2 specialists here ?11:48
AnRkeyScix, how can i export and save the log from the installer?11:49
decembreI would like to know the difference in forcelanguagepriority between prefer and fallback ?11:49
incorrectyann2, i was more worried that visudo does more than just edit a file11:49
yann2not really11:50
yann2just checks for syntax before saving I think :)11:50
ScixAnRkey: Yes! After the installation you have to install debconf-utils or something like that, and then run this as sudo https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/installation-guide/i386/preseed-contents.html#preseed-other11:55
AnRkeyScix, thanks11:56
Scixthen you wil get a file with everything that happend duing the installation11:56
Scixanrkey: you can also copy the syslog file from the installastion onto the target after installation by adding this to your preseed file d-i preseed/late_command string cp /etc/log/syslog /target/syslog.copy.txt or something like that :)11:58
AnRkeythen i can use the debconf-utils on it later?11:58
AnRkeyoh boy does this take forever or what? each time i wanna test something it's a new install :(11:59
Scixanrkay: you can just read the file with what every texteditor you like :)12:00
AnRkeyScix, this job is going to save my client 250,000 ZAR (about 24,360 USD)12:24
AnRkeyMS thugs have been phoning him for a "self audit" and then he gets a call from a MS gold partner that offers to do the audit for him12:25
AnRkeyso this job is his answer :)12:26
Scixnice :) I'm u12:26
Scix*pulling this system up for 5 schools in norway :)12:27
Scixi just have a major autofs-ldap problem left :(12:27
AnRkeyi love automating pxe os installs, did a big RIS setup for the city of london academy12:27
AnRkeyman i wish i could help u there, haha12:28
AnRkeysoz :)12:28
ivoksfor ~?12:36
Scixivoks, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107222812:38
Scixthe problem is that autofs wont find the maps :(12:40
ivokslet's see12:41
ivoksnever tried that :)12:43
ivoksdidn't knew that's even possible12:44
Scixthats ok. nobody else know either :P12:45
Scixiv'e been googeling for 2 weeks now...12:46
ivoksiiuc, this is an exension for autofs12:46
ivoksright, it depends on autofs12:46
ivoksso, you need to have autofs configured12:46
* ivoks is installing autofs-lda12:47
Scixyes, have done so. I've told autofs to look for maps in ldap, but it just wont work12:47
ivoksScix: what's in auto.master.ldap?12:48
ivokser... auto.master12:49
Scixnothing. LDAP is suposed to take over for that file i think12:49
ivoksthere's only autofs service12:49
ivoksso, you have to configure it12:50
ivoks /usr/share/doc/autofs-ldap/examples12:50
ivoksthere's auto.master.ldap file12:50
Scixaa nice. tanks, i'll try that12:51
ivoksyou've included automount scheme in slapd?12:52
ivoksand you've added automount: ldap to /etc/nsswitch.conf?12:53
ivoksand set up LDAPURI and LDAPBASE in /etc/default/autofs?12:53
Scixjupp, wish by the way is written LDAP_URI and SEARCH_BASE according to the man pages12:54
ivoksi'm reading README file in docs12:55
ivoksand checking README.Debian would be wise too :)12:55
Scixi managed to start autofs :)12:56
Scixafter i added the ldap stuff in auto.master12:57
ivoksso, it's working now?12:57
Scixtesting the client now12:57
Scixno, it didn't mount12:59
dmacnuttare you using keys?13:00
Scixi have a server identical to the one in the example :)13:01
ScixautomountInformation in a automount object13:02
Scixwith the same CN as the user13:02
dmacnuttwhat version of autofs?13:04
ivoksScix: check the logs13:05
ivoksScix: that's the first thing you should do13:05
Scixyes, syslog tellst nothing13:06
dmacnutti could never get v4 to work for me, had to compile and switch to v513:06
dmacnuttbut it seems 8.10 has v5 in the repos13:06
dmacnutti will spit out my slapd automount stuff13:07
Scixyes, i didn't install it because i read some where that it was some testing version13:07
dmacnutttry and parse the important bits13:07
Scixi'm greping for automount13:07
Scixdid a "sudo cat /var/log/* | grep automount". found nothing13:09
Scixon the client13:09
Scixnothing on autofs either13:09
ivoksand slapd logs on server?13:09
ivoksdid slapd notice connection at all?13:10
ivoksput log_level in slapd.conf to 204813:11
ivoksor 25613:11
* ivoks discovered IF statement in MySQL today13:15
ivokswould someone be so kind and review one proposed diff for dovecot? :)13:23
AnRkeyScix, did you use debconf-utils to cleanup the output of log file some how or what?13:37
Scixno, i just ran those comands, and i recived a text file of everything that happend during installation13:40
AnRkeyi have the 8mb syslog file and i see the answers being done13:43
AnRkeyit's just soooo much to go through13:43
Scixsearch :)13:43
Scixif you tail -f /var/log/syslog during a installation where you have set preseed/interactive=true it's easier to se just the itneresting things that happends when a question is asked13:45
AnRkeyScix, i don't know what i would have done without you mate14:46
AnRkeythanks a stack! :D14:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #331046 in samba (main) "samba panic or segfault" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33104615:05
profanephobiaCan I boot and customize a thin client image using Gnome window manager?16:27
dmacnuttyou want the clients to boot with gnome?16:35
dmacnuttso add it to your image16:35
profanephobiaok i was just making sure that was possible thank you16:36
dmacnuttprobaly be sluggish16:37
dmacnuttbetter off with something a little lighter16:37
dmacnuttxfce maybe16:37
profanephobiai might just use xmonad16:37
=== LHC is now known as LH[
=== jmarsden_ is now known as jmarsden|work
dkulchenkoHere's my story: I created 2 LVM PVs, put about 50GB of data on to them (this is all on a Live CD), then at some point Firefox froze, and I had to reboot. I boot back in, reinstall lvm2, it detects the volume group, but complains about not being able to find a physical volume by xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx UUID, which does not match any of the drives I have. It wasn't letting me mount anything, but was detecting the names of the LVs18:08
dkulchenko fine, so I used pvcreate to restore metadata with a forced UUID. Then, I get back my LVs, but they are reporting 0B free, and do not seem to have a filesystem on them! I don't have backup metadata, because I didn't know about it until I rebooted and lost it. What can I do to restore my data?18:08
=== undefmesh is now known as undef
_rubenyou put data on lvs, not pvs18:18
uvirtbotNew bug: #234302 in ipmitool (universe) "ipmitool console session crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23430218:26
dkulchenko_ruben: i know. i didn't say that i put data on pvs18:30
bdubncHey guys, I am having a serious problem.  I am trying to configure a mainpine IQ express 8 port on Ubuntu 8.04.2 server.  For some reason the server will find the card, but not configure any com ports.  I have done everything that mainpine suggested, even called there tech support.  No Help.  Anyone who has worked with this please let me know!18:31
dkulchenkoanyone? i don't have backups and I need to recover this18:42
krunk-|workI need to upgrade mys erver, I'm following this tutorial: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:49
krunk-|workupdate-manager-core is installed, but this file does not exist: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades18:50
krunk-|workshoudl I just create it?18:50
bdubncI am assuming no one has used the mainpine IQ express card with Ubuntu18:51
bn43hi is anyone using smstools here? I've assigned a script with belonging to root to the eventhandler and its not executing - I'm thinking its a rights issue18:52
krunk-|workwell, I went ahead and created the file. the upgrade fails. it would seem that the problem is the same that led me to upgrade: none of the package servers exist anymore. 404 not found18:54
sommerkrunk-|work: what release are you running?18:55
krunk-|workif you'd like I can post the main upgrade log18:55
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sommerkrunk-|work: feisty is end of life, so I'm 100% sure how you'll need to upgrade, may have to be from CDROM18:56
krunk-|workyou mean "I'm *not* 100% sure?"18:57
krunk-|workthis is a live server, how risky is this?18:58
sommerwoops yes, that's what I meant18:58
krunk-|workso it's not as simple as changing the repository url's?18:58
sommerkrunk-|work: not sure I've never tried it... may be others have though18:58
henkjankrunk-|work: ubuntu has an mirror with al old releases18:59
bn43hi is anyone using smstools here? I've assigned a script with belonging to root to the eventhandler and its not executing - I'm thinking its a rights issue18:59
krunk-|workit's times like these that I appreciate debian's conservative upgrading hehe. . . course there are many other times I loathe it :P19:00
sommerkrunk-|work: ya, but that's kind of what the LTS releases are fore :)19:01
NuclearSquidI'm looking at turning an ubuntu server into a NAS box with iSCSI --- is this easy to do with ubuntu?19:03
sommerLong Term Support... released every two years, 3 years of desktop support and 5 for server19:04
krunk-|workshould of used that I guess hehe19:04
bn43hi is anyone using smstools here? I've assigned a script with belonging to root to the eventhandler and its not executing - I'm thinking its a rights issue19:06
krunk-|workk, I see the mapping between the old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu sources to us.ubuntu.com/ubuntu, but I also have some security sources: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu19:06
sommerbn43: not me19:08
=== Gargoyle is now known as Gargoyle|away
bn43:-( heart skippted a beat when I got a direct response - thought there was an answer....:-)19:10
krunk-|workok, this post seems to be a walk through. but am I crazy or is he giving sources to edgey...which is not feisty?19:15
bdubncOk, do I need to install the linux-restricted drivers for the mainpine board to work?19:18
speckzHi! I hope someone can help me. I'm not sure what this is called so I could not search for it. I need to configure an Ubuntu server to send email from local LAN (different subnets) without having users on the LAN provide login credentials. Is it possible to configure sendmail or whatever  you might recommend to send mail based on an IP,  IPs,  and/or IP ranges?19:20
thewrathso as a relay agent?19:23
speckzI guess, not sure what it would be called. :)19:23
thewrathi have mail on my local computer sent out to real e-mail addresses19:24
speckzI'd like to disable logins(username and password) and have the server accept all email from said IP(s).19:24
thewraththe only login creditials is for the smtp client that everyone would use19:25
krunk-|workok, so if I get the most recent install disk, will it wipe and install or not?19:25
ScottKspeckz: That's a standard configuration for Postfix.19:28
speckzSo what is this called? email relaying?19:33
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krunk-|workI've updated my sources.list to the old-releases, but apt-get update still tries to pull from others like this19:33
krunk-|workErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports/main/debian-installer Packages19:33
krunk-|workcould it be getting these from somewhere else?19:33
krunk-|workok, it's coming from this file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/prerequists-sources.list19:41
krunk-|workwhich the updater overwrites when I run do-release-upgrade, how do prevent it from overwriting it?19:41
ScottKspeckz: If you install postfix, pick the option called Internet Site.19:47
krunk-|workthis is pretty annoying. it refuses to use the new servers19:48
krunk-|workor the uh, old-release servers19:48
ScottKspeckz: It will ask you for local networks, add your list of ip addresses there.19:48
speckzScottK, anything else?19:57
ScottKThat should be it.19:57
lamontkrunk-|work: if you have no *.archive.ubuntu.com lines, then it does something of the form: ZOMG I CAN'T FIND ANY REAL MIRRORS, USE Y(OURS?19:59
lamontand you say 'yes'19:59
lamontfor bonus points, if you're going from the last old-releases release to the first archive.u.c release, then that prompt is your opportunity to go edit the sources.list before saying yes, to s/old-releases/archive/g20:00
* Faust-C wonders how to use serial ports20:00
speckzScottK: Thanks!20:00
* lamont considers saying "with serial cables, of course", but decides not to20:00
Nafallolamont: consider we use them with Cat5e ;-)20:01
lamontFaust-C: various things out there for talking to them - minicom20:01
lamontNafallo: feh20:01
lamontNafallo: still a DB9 most of the time, though20:01
lamontso, s/cables/connectors/20:01
lamontnow, where is that trout.20:01
Nafallolamont: yes. in one end :-)20:01
Faust-Clamont, yeah but idk how to actually 'use' them20:02
lamontyeah - PrairieNOC has a Cyclades, too20:02
Nafallolamont: (except for the strange ones) ;-)20:02
Faust-Clike im using cutecom to connect to a OLD cisco router20:02
Faust-Cand idk wtf to do next20:02
lamontFaust-C: that's beyond the scope of where I can comfortably help20:02
NafalloFaust-C: set the correct speed and get a prompt? :-)20:02
Faust-CNafallo, oic, thats what im trying to figure out20:03
Faust-Clamont, ty btw20:03
Faust-Cgoogle ftw20:05
Faust-CNafallo, the whole 'speed' thing helped20:05
NafalloFaust-C: yes20:05
krunk-|worklamont: it doesn't prompt me, it just glibbly overwrites the prerequists-sources.list file and fails20:07
lamontkrunk-|work: paste your sources.list to paste.ubuntu.com or so, pls?20:08
krunk-|workbut it's the /etc/sources.list.d/prerequists-sources.list that it seems to write the new source to and than fail on sync'ing20:10
krunk-|workthe issue is listed on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeProblems20:10
krunk-|workbut the solution doesn't work (e.g. placing the old-releases ip in /etc/hosts mapped to us.archive.ubuntu.org20:10
bdubncHey guys, I have to apply 2 kernel patches to get my mainpine card to work.  What is the easiest way to patch my kernel in Ubuntu.  Thanks!20:14
jtaji!kernel | bdubnc20:16
ubottubdubnc: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages20:16
bdubncthanks ubottu20:18
bdubncOk I read that information, but it really doesn't tell me what todo20:21
CarlFK"apt-get install mysql-server" config/postinst script  prompts for an admin pw - how can I script that?  (seed the value or ignore it and config the thing later - just want it to not require user input)20:39
krunk-|worklamont: see anything?21:02
lamontkrunk-|work: sorry - got dragged into a couple things before getting dragged out the door for a couple hours in ~ -2 minutes21:16
krunk-|worklamont: no problem21:51
redspireHey, anyone know how to reinstall pam / reset the module definitions?22:00
bacaci|workany chance that there is going to be an apt repository containing libapache2-mod-mono2 for use with mono-apache-server2?22:00
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ivoksgrrr... why didn't we merge libapache-mod-security? grrr...22:05
ivoksthey added exception to the license, so it's ok to ship binary22:05
ivoksok, for jaunty+1 :)22:06
ajmitchivoks: you've still got a few minutes to do so, right?22:08
bacaci|workI'm not dot net... and I don't really know what the error means.. so I think mod_mono2 might fix it? worth compiling, if available even?22:09
ivoksajmitch: yeah, i do22:10
ajmitchivoks: how'd you go with dovecot?22:10
ivoksajmitch: i'm waiting for a review22:10
ivoksajmitch: bug 32987822:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 329878 in dovecot "dovecot-postfix is Architecture: any" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32987822:10
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krunk-|workI miss good 'ole apt-get update; apt-get dist-upgrade22:16
ajmitchivoks: I'll take a look at some point, if someone else doesn't upload it first22:20
ivoksajmitch: oh, thanks22:20
* ajmitch may as well try & be a little bit useful for a change :)22:21
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ivoksall mod-sec's build deps are in main22:23
ivoksthat's awsome22:23
krunk-|worknot having any way to upgrade feisty really sucks22:28
krunk-|workthe do-release-upgrade ignores my sources.list and overwrites teh sources.list.d/prerequis-sources22:30
krunk-|workwith servers that don't exist22:30
krunk-|workso I can't upgrade without, I assume, wiping the server and reinstalling from scatch22:31
ivoksfeisty was 7.04?22:34
ivokswell, gutsy is still supported22:35
ivoksso, you should be able to upgrade with do-release-upgrade22:36
krunk-|workbut I can't update to gutsy either >.<22:36
krunk-|workdo-release-upgrade keeps overwriting /etc/apt/sources.list.d/prerequists-sources.list with non-existent servers22:37
krunk-|workthen failing22:37
sorenWhich non-existent servers?22:37
ivokswhich non-existing server?22:37
krunk-|workus.archive.ubuntu.org feisty22:37
krunk-|workI'll pastie22:38
krunk-|workFailed http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports/main/debian-installer Packages22:38
krunk-|workit gets that from the prerequists file, no matter what I put in there (e.g. the old-release source) it overwrites it with this repository22:39
ivoksand what do you have in prerequists-sources.list?22:39
krunk-|workI put deb http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-backports main/debian-installer22:40
krunk-|workthen it overwrites that with the above22:40
ivoksthen remove that, remove the fail22:40
ivoksand then try22:40
krunk-|workjust delete the prequisites file all together?22:41
ivoksmove it somewhere else22:41
ivokslike ~22:41
ivokswhere did you get that file from anyway?22:43
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krunk-|workrecretes it22:43
krunk-|workpart of default isntall22:43
ivoksi've never seen that file22:44
krunk-|workdo-release-upgrade simply recreates the prerequisites file with faulty server info and proceeds to epic fail22:44
krunk-|workhold on, I even found a bug report reference to it in the official ubuntu site22:44
Doonzhow do i force a rescan of of hard disks?22:44
ivokskrunk-|work: i've found bug reports22:46
krunk-|workah cool22:47
krunk-|workyeah, it's not user created22:47
ivoksheh... and a workaround :)22:47
krunk-|workoh yeah?22:48
kansan__if i want to enable third party folks to FTP into my box at port 21.... do i need to do anything other than ensure that the port is open on the firewall?  [ubuntu hardy]22:48
* krunk-|work listens attentively22:48
ivoksput this in your /etc/hosts:22:48
ivoks91.189.88.40 us.archive.ubuntu.com22:48
krunk-|workoh that one, yeah. I tried. didn't work. let me try that ip though, I gave 35 a shot22:50
ivoksah, different IP won't help :/22:50
krunk-|workI had this in there: us.archive.ubuntu.com22:50
krunk-|workwhich maps to the old-release server22:50
ivoksyou don't need old-release22:51
ivoksyou need archive.ubuntu.com22:51
ivoksor... hm..22:51
krunk-|workhow do you flush cache?22:51
krunk-|workdns cache22:52
redspireAnyone know how I can reinstall pam?22:52
maxbSwitching to old-releases by putting wrong info in /etc/hosts is surely not the right way to do it22:52
ivokskrunk-|work: you are runing dns?22:53
krunk-|worknah, but most systems build a local cache. nslookup isn't mapping the right ip despite it being in /etc/hosts22:53
ivoksnslookup looks at DNS22:53
krunk-|workmaxb: any ideas on how to work around this bug so I can upgrade to gutsy?22:54
ivokskrunk-|work: don't check with nslookup, just run do-release-upgrade22:55
krunk-|workmaybe if I write protect the sources file with chattr22:55
Deepsnslookup ignores what you have in /etc/hosts:        nslookup - query Internet name servers interactively22:56
ivoksunfortunatly, our 'host' does the same :(22:56
ivoksignores /etc/nsswitch.conf22:56
Deepsbind9-host does, i didnt think normal 'host' did22:56
ivokswell, we ship bind9-host22:56
Deepssince intrepid/jaunty?22:56
maxbkrunk-|work: hmm.. that's likely to break the upgrade further on22:57
ivoksDeeps: even in hardy, iirc22:57
ivoksDeeps: maybe since the first version :)22:57
krunk-|workI was thinking I could for the initial sync, than remove it...but it didn't like that22:57
Deepsivoks: not in hardy 8.04 at least, the sendmail bug i hit was only caused because i installed bind9-host22:58
mathiazcoffeedude: FYI - I've just uploaded krb5 with the likewise-open-gssapi patch22:58
ivoksDeeps: host is in universe, bind9-host is in main22:58
krunk-|workdamnit, this is lame22:58
Deepsivoks: bizarre22:59
mathiazcoffeedude: I'm also about to upload openldap 2.4.14 which already has the likewise-openldap-gssapi in it.22:59
krunk-|workoh well, the server does it's job. I guess it'll just never get upgraded >.<22:59
ivoksDeeps: we should consider moving to 'real' host for jaunty+122:59
maxbkrunk-|work: I would do it by editing the prerequists file before running the installer23:00
krunk-|workmaxb: it overwrites23:00
maxbI mean, edit the copy *in* the installer program23:00
ivokskrunk-|work: have you tried with the ip i told you?23:00
maxbivoks: but if he does that, how's the upgrader going to get the *gutsy* files23:00
krunk-|workmaxb: that was the first thing I tried23:00
krunk-|workivoks: the .40, yes23:00
krunk-|workmaxb: hm, I'll have to hunt it down. it's in one of the python modules23:00
maxbkrunk-|work: I don't think so. I just got gutsy.tar.gz off the mirrors, it's a plain file23:01
ivoksmaxb: the ip was from archive.ubuntu.com23:01
krunk-|workmaxb: alright, so you're saying just manually download the gutsy.tar.gz file and...?23:02
ivokskrunk-|work: that's server?23:02
ivokslots of services?23:02
ivoksi would just sed feisty with gutsy and run update, dist-upgrade23:03
ivoksi could be bumpy, but you would get there in the end23:03
krunk-|workthat would be the debian way, but doesn't this break ubuntu23:03
maxbIt can do - or rather, it can miss important steps in the upgrade23:03
maxbkrunk-|work: I would get gutsy.tar.gz, unpack it, edit the embedded sources.list, and run ./gutsy23:04
ivokskrunk-|work: do-release-upgrade does dist-upgrade + some other stuff23:04
NuclearSquidi'm thinking about doing a software raid array, has anyone done this with ubuntu server? it look like it should take 10 minutes23:04
maxbkrunk-|work: Do be aware I've never tested this, though :-)23:04
ivoksNuclearSquid: yes, all the time23:04
krunk-|workoh lord, final last words23:04
NuclearSquidivoks: Have you used serial ATA?23:05
ivoksNuclearSquid: sata? yes, all the time23:05
NuclearSquidivoks: It says on the old how-to that you can only do raid5 with software -- but it's from 200323:06
NuclearSquidcan it do 6 now?23:06
NuclearSquidivoks: is the tool you use mdadm?23:06
ivoks6? depends on the version23:06
ivoksjaunty can do 623:06
ivokshardy can also do 623:07
pjsturgeonhi. at the moment i have to type sudo dhclient eth1 every time i boot my server. how do i get ethernet running by itself?23:07
NuclearSquiddoing dist-upgrade right now23:07
ivokspjsturgeon: add auto eth1 in /etc/network/interfaces23:07
NuclearSquidI had 7.1023:07
ivokspjsturgeon: and under that line, add iface eth1 inet dhcp23:08
NuclearSquidI love apt23:08
ivoksNuclearSquid: do-release-upgrade is right way23:08
pjsturgeonahh im an idiot. i had the line auth eth1223:09
pjsturgeoneth1 even23:09
NuclearSquidI upgrade via SSH23:10
* NuclearSquid is badass23:10
ivoksso, we are now freezed? :)23:11
sorenivoks: UTC, mate. UTC.23:12
sorenStill 46 minutes to go.23:12
NuclearSquidivoks: thx for that release tip, never done it before -- working great23:13
ivokshttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive - doesn't look promissing for mod-security :D23:13
techsupporthow do i change the user's password ?23:28
kansanhow do i change the home directory for a given user?23:28
ivokstechsupport: passwd23:29
ivokskansan: usermod -d23:29
redspireWell, if anyone wonders -- pam-auth-update and dkpg-reconfigure didn't help, so I ended up copying the pam config files from another Ibex server to the faulty one.  The one time I don't make confi file backups... :)23:29
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orudiesorry for the nick change ivoks23:29
ivokskansan: usermod -d new_dir username23:29
ivokskansan: oh, and don't forge moving old directory to the new one23:32
ajmitchivoks: ok, from what I can see dovecot looks reasonable, will upload23:32
ivokskansan: example: usermod -d /home/test newaccount; mv /home/newaccount /home/test23:32
ivoksajmitch: yay! maybe -i would be better than -pdovecot-postfix?23:32
ajmitchmost likely, but not a blocker for now23:33
ivoksajmitch: right, if there would be new indep packages, i'll fix it23:33
ivoksajmitch: thank you!23:34
* ajmitch needs faster upstream DSL23:34
ivokskansan: forget; sorry' it's almost 1AM and i'm loosing the fight against the keyboard23:35
ivokskansan: there's also usermod -m -d /home/test newaccount (whichi will move the home dir for you :)23:36
krunk-|workwhere can I get a list of arch x86_64 sources for gutsy? for my sources.list?23:36
ivokskansan: it's the same as i38623:37
ivokskrunk-|work: it's the same as i38623:37
ivokstime to stop typing...23:37
krunk-|workI'm getting afew failed sources, mind pastie'ing your sources.list?23:38
ajmitchivoks: did you get the libapache-mod-security sync requested?23:39
ivoksbug 33128423:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 331284 in ubuntu "Please sync libapache-mod-security 2.5.6-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33128423:39
ajmitchhopefully it won't need an FF exception for being processed after the freeze23:40
ivokslet's hope so23:40
ajmitchotherwise it's time to bug your friendly server team representative for release duties23:40
ivokskrunk-|work: what's failing?23:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #277556 in open-vm-tools (multiverse) "should build kernel modules with dkms" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27755623:42
ivokskrunk-|work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119860/ (replace hardy with gutsy)23:44
krunk-|workcool, thanks ivoks looks good23:45
* krunk-|work crosses fingers23:49
maxbhm? libapache-mod-security is synced and in binary NEW23:49
ivoksoh, right23:51
ivokscouple of hours ago :)23:51
ajmitchthat's rather useful23:52
ivoksinvalidating my request...23:52
maxbI think everyone must be rushing in uploads before FF, the buildds are swamped :-)23:53
ivoksyep, there will be tons of updates tomorrow :)23:55
krunk-|workivoks: and that's for server right?23:56
krunk-|workthe sources?23:56
ivokskrunk-|work: sources.list is the same for all supported archs and all supported variants23:57
ivokskrunk-|work: so, with same sources.list you can get kubuntu amd64 and ubuntu-server i38623:57
krunk-|workthought so, I got an error though23:57
krunk-|workErrno architecture (x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi- does not match executable architecture (x86_64-linux-gnu-thread-multi-2.6.24-15-server) at /usr/local/share/perl/5.8.8/Errno.pm line 11.23:57
ivoks2.6.15 isn't feisty kernel23:58
ivoksthat's dapper23:58
ivoksand 2.6.24 isn't gutsy23:58
krunk-|workI just added those sources and upgraded23:58
ivoksi told you to replace hardy with gutsy23:59
krunk-|workI did23:59
krunk-|worknot a hardy in there23:59

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