
_dbd_l12KyMc1985: for PPC there used to be Yellow-Dog linux too iirc00:00
Flamittor_why is hlm aways login is it a bot or human?00:00
_dbd_l12KyMc1985: which off course is not ubuntu ;-)00:00
notwist!ask | jdmnynja00:00
ubottujdmnynja: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:00
JufisIs there way to configure specific applications to have specific effects? I'd like to my text editor to roll down from the top, but all other applications to appear normally00:00
hlmFlamittor_, I am human00:00
nightrid3rjdmnynja tell more about your problem, then someone might be able to help00:01
kingsleyHow easy or hard is it to reduce the desktop's resolution from 1600 by 1200 with version 8.04?00:01
devon has anyone seen a problem where the mouse ceases to register clicks in 8.10? cursor still moves when I move the mouse, just does not pass clicks through to the window below the mouse cursor.00:01
bpat1434I installed inkscape via apt-get and when I go to run it, it errors out complaining about libMagick++.so.10.  Anyone had this issue in 8.10?00:01
ubottuFlamittor_, please see my private message00:01
kingsleydevon: If I were you, I might try a different mouse.00:01
Flamittor_what linux distro do you guys think is the best?00:01
jdmnynjaI am trying to install Ubuntu as my stand alone operating system, but everytime that I get to step 4 out of 7 at the partioning phase, it doesn't show up any harddrives to partition or work with. I want to completely destroy windows and run ubuntu.00:01
_dbd_l12Flamittor_: what do you think ? In an ubuntu channel ?00:02
devonkingsley: I have a mouse and a touchpad, clicks cease to register on either one, so I don't think it's hardware00:02
fdeFlamittor_: you don't suppose the answer will be rather biased perhaps in this channel?00:02
bpat1434_dbd_l12, I was gonna suggest windoze... ;)00:02
nightrid3rFlamittor_ being an ubuntu channel i guess everyone will go for fedora :p00:02
notwistjdmnynja: the problem might be a sata controller driver or something. i had that problem once00:02
redvamp128kingsley:  either system- preferences- screen resolution if using xorg- or for nvidia = sudo nvidia-settings - and if ati you would have to ask someone with an ati card00:02
kingsleydevon: I agree.00:02
devonkingsley: it's probably this damn macbook hardware00:02
Flamittor_why are you always on hlm00:02
notwistjdmnynja: is it a laptop?00:02
jdmnynjano, it is a desktop.00:03
hlmFlamittor_, to support Ubuntu!00:03
petllamaFlamittor_, are you a troll?00:03
kingsleydevon: Perhaps X's log file holds a useful diagnostic message.00:03
notwistpetllama: im pretty sure he is00:03
notwistjdmnynja: the HDD works otherwise but ubuntu install cant find it?00:03
neurobuntudoes anybody here have experience setting up Raid 1 in 8.04?00:03
devonkingsley: good idea, thanks.  Not sure why I didn't look at that before00:03
jdmnynjanotwist, correct, the HDD works but Ubuntu installer cannot seem to detect it.00:04
nightrid3rjdmnynja sata HD00:04
notwistjdmnynja: can you see the hdd in the bios? have you checked with a live cd and looked in the /dev/ folder+00:04
jdmnynjaI'm not sure about these things, let me check.00:05
neurobuntuI've been trying to setup Raid 1 in 8.04 and all the instructions on line say to select RAID instead of EXT3 during the Partitioning step of the installation but I can't find anywhere to select RAID, it isn't on the options of way so use the disk.... Does anybody know what I could be doing wrong?00:05
stealth_tty1is ubuntu native with .deb or .rpm files? I think its deb00:05
prince_jammysstealth_tty1: deb00:05
kingsleyredvamp128: The computer is using nVidia's driver. Is my understanding correct then, that I must use "sudo nvidia-settings" to reduced the desktop's resolution, and that system-> preferences-> screen resolution will not work?00:05
TheLastDodoIt's deb, yeah.00:05
stealth_tty1prince_jammys: thanks :)00:05
nightrid3rstealth_tty1 deb00:05
notwiststealth_tty1: deb00:05
stealth_tty1lol, thanks guys00:05
neurobuntustealth_tty1, .deb (deb is for debian, rpm is red hat package manager)00:05
jdmnynjaOkay, notwist and nightrid3r, my HDD is IDE and yes I can see it in my boot window.00:05
prince_jammysi disagree. it's deb00:05
redvamp128kingsley:  With nvidia you have to use sudo nvidia-settings to make the changes permenant.00:06
notwistjdmnynja: can you see it in the /dev/ folder when you boot with a live cd?00:06
petllamaim thinking about moving from ubuntu 8.10 to debian to try it out00:06
notwistjdmnynja: /dev/ holds all devices so you should look for a "hda" or something00:06
jdmnynjayea, i have three hda's.00:06
spiritedHi I am having problems playing DVD on both VLC media player and Movie Player are there drivers I need to download and install for that?00:07
notwistjdmnynja: then thats probably three partitions on your harddisk, correct?00:07
neurobuntuspirited, do you have libdvdcss?00:07
bastid_raZor!dvd > spirited00:07
ubottuspirited, please see my private message00:07
jdmnynjanotwist: correct, i have a C: E: and F: drive.00:07
redvamp128kingsley:  the other one is only if you are using the default xorg- but for nvidia =   sudo nvidia-settings should bring up a window to then choose screen resolution.00:07
alpha7Is there a wait to turn off a fan inside the motherboard in ubuntu? or control?? with commands/program00:07
notwistjdmnynja: so if you have nothing on those that you care about, i suggest you start up gparted and delete the partitions00:07
kingsleyredvamp128: Do you happen to know how reliable "sudo nvidia-settings" is for reducing screen resolution?00:07
Dai_jeez, I thought I'd never get back on...00:08
jdmnynjanotwist: I tried loading gparted through the liveboot but it didn't do anything. only option it gave me was unmount.00:08
bpat1434I installed inkscape via apt-get and when I go to run it, it errors out complaining about libMagick++.so.10.  Anyone had this issue in 8.10?00:08
nightrid3ralpha7 its not recommended to turn off fans, your system might overheat00:08
notwistjdmnynja: you can unmount them, or rather, you have to probably, if youre gonna delete them00:08
Dai_So how can I access the windows file system under wubi install of Ubuntu00:09
notwistDai_: /host/00:09
spiritedneurobuntu: not sure how to tell if I have libdvdcss, this problems happens with new release dvds I buy.00:09
jdmnynjanotwist: wouldn't unmounting them just make the liveboot CD not recognize them?00:09
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notwistjdmnynja: no, you mount them because you want to use them, write/read to/from them00:09
notwistjdmnynja: if you unmount them they're still there00:09
jdmnynjanotwist: but will that enable the installer to format them and install ubuntu?00:10
notwistjdmnynja: so unmount them, go into gparted and delete everything so you get a "clean" drive, and then try to install00:10
notwistjdmnynja: thats my bet00:10
jdmnynjanotwist: all right, I am going to load it up and test it out. if I don't return soon it worked! thanks.00:10
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redvamp128kingsley:  it is very reliable -- I have used it to change mine from time to time. It is what is used when you install nvidia-glx-XXX --(xxx=whatever version you have)00:10
notwistjdmnynja: im going to bed so good luck :)00:10
Dai_notwist you're freakin' awesome. :D I'd hug you if I could.00:11
jdmnynjanotwist: thanks00:11
spiritedI used the Synaptic Package Manager to install VLC: I assumed it would install eerything I needed.00:11
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Dai_redvamp128, it's brandon_ and I got the thing working00:11
Dai_thanks for the help00:11
notwistDai_: haha, no problem00:11
nightrid3r!mp3 | spirited00:11
ubottuspirited: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:11
prince_jammysspirited: you need to add the medibuntu repository to get libdvdcss00:12
redvamp128bpat1434:  Here is the link to your Libmajic Ubuntu -- Package Search Results -- libMagick++ <http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=+libMagick%2B%2B&amp;searchon=names&amp;suite=all&amp;section=all>00:12
Dai_Now if someone would like to help by telling me how to install a sound card...00:12
spiritedubottu: ok very well... let me read.00:12
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:12
Dai_particularly a creative x-fi xtremegamer.00:12
prince_jammysspirited: you have a problem playing mp3s or dvds?00:12
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spiritedprince: just dvds00:13
bpat1434redvamp128, I already have the libs installed (well, so aptitude says)00:13
redvamp128Dai_:  you left in a hurry but Vista uses that BCD and it is a pain sometimes.00:13
spiritedprince: reading about libcss00:14
Dai_redvamp128: Yeah I know...I used BCD and went through lengths to reinstall ubuntu under wubi.00:14
prince_jammysspirited: you need to install libdvdcss2 , which you can do by adding the medibuntu repository00:14
prince_jammys!medibuntu > spirited00:14
ubottuspirited, please see my private message00:14
redvamp128bpat1434:  so theoretically it should run -- but you said it was missing that particular package so I found it00:15
deanhow do I use the intel framebuffer intelfb00:15
spiritedthank you I am getting all this and reading.00:15
deanI tried adding video=intelfb to the grub options00:15
Dai_redvamp128: would you know how to install a creative sound card to the system?00:15
awkfuI just installed streamtuner. When I tune in to a shoutcast channel it pulls up audacious-->then nothing happens. Youtube works fine. Any ideas?00:15
deanbut i get "video mode must be programmed at boot time"00:16
alpha7nightrid3r i mean other kind of fans00:16
redvamp128Dai_:  hold on I think I still have the link to the page on troubleshooting00:16
bpat1434redvamp128, well, that's what inkscape is complaining about... just wondering where it is, because locate can't find it either. but aptitude says it's installed00:16
alpha7nightrid3r i have at least 4 fans00:16
kingsleyWhich keys let the user step through the various desktop resolutions specified in Xwindows' configuration file?00:16
redvamp128Dai_:  lspci and let me know what card it says00:16
redvamp128bpat1434:  you could try installing from the deb file it is possible you have a lower version installed00:16
bpat1434redvamp128, I have a newer version...00:17
Dai_Creative Labs SB X-Fi redvamp12800:17
bpat1434redvamp128, 7:
redvamp128bpat1434:  it expects the earlier version-- If this were windows I could get a version lie to fix that00:18
KemrinHOkay, this may be the wrong room, but I'm in Ubuntu wanting to link my Supybot I just installed to my Pidgin. What shoud I do?00:18
redvamp128!sound | Dai_:00:18
ubottuDai_:: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP300:18
redvamp128Dai_: if none of that works I know a few other things to try00:19
Dai_There's a linux driver available on the creative support website redvamp12800:19
bpat1434redvamp128, now it's complaining about libWand... I'm thinking this is a lost cause....00:20
rstyhow do i format an external hard drive?00:20
bpat1434rsty mkfs ?00:20
rstyif my drive is @ /media/disk00:21
bpat1434sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sd?00:21
rstyhow would i format it in mkfs00:21
bpat1434first unmount it00:21
redvamp128bpat1434:  Here is packages site -- it has a good search function -- Ubuntu -- Ubuntu Packages Search <http://packages.ubuntu.com/>  Though I can't see how apt-get didn't give you errors installing00:21
plaziawhat can you do if say you play a game that runs in full screen... like I dunno.. alien-arena then the game segfaults and your back in Xorg as normal. but you have no mouse control what do you do?00:22
PlzCan someone please tell me how to update Ubuntu to 9.04 Alpha?00:22
nickrud_!jaunty | Plz00:23
ubottuPlz: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.00:23
nickrud_plazia, clt-alt-backspace?00:24
plazianickrud, yeah but I dont' wanna lose everythign in this x-session00:24
nickrud_plazia, which restarts X, by the way00:24
plaziaI guess that's what I'm gonna have to do as a last resort...00:24
nickrud_plazia, you can navigate through your apps and save as needed. I've never seen a way to reset the mouse00:25
plazianickrud, x-restart it is then :) thanks matey00:25
spiritedok trying this out.00:26
woody86can anyone do me a huge favor? I removed 'gnome-splash' from my 'Sessions' and want to put it back it how it was. Can anyone paste the command for it from System>Prefs>Sessions??00:27
corinthI have some video files that I want to change so they show up under TV shows instead of under uncategorized. How can I do that?00:27
corinth*in Elisa00:27
lols?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 000:27
sub_zenith?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 000:27
jj_galvezwoody86: /usr/lib/gnome-session/helpers/gnome-session-splash00:27
woody86jj_galvez, TY very much :)00:28
AetolusHey, just wondering if anybody's able to help me with this problem - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1072691   -- Thanks :)00:28
_tulio_123can someone help with a python class?00:31
spiritedok I first tried libdvdread3 then tried to play a DVD, then I used spm and installed ubuntu-restricted-extras and tried to play a DVD with no success <-- do I have to restart or something?00:31
trem?ADCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 000:31
Voltron_I am using irssi now. it's not too bad, but the poor network performance on Jaunty makes it almost unbearable to type00:31
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bruenig!offtopic | palomer00:32
ubottupalomer: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:32
palomerwhat does the TIME+ column in top represent?00:32
palomerbruenig, hmm??00:32
rwwpalomer: CPU time, I think00:33
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islanso I downloaded the flashplugin_nonfree thing and enjoyed watching some videos, only now it doesn't work anymore00:35
bruenigislan: and what have you done00:35
rwwislan: If you're asking for help on getting it working again, more information than "it doesn't work" is probably necessary =/00:36
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H4z3Hey guys, what's the best way to upgrade perl to 5.10?00:37
islanbruenig: I think I did all my updates, it was a fresh install00:37
spiritedI am not doing something right. Installing those libs did not allow me to play DVDs. Should I restart?00:37
islanbruenig: I just found one forum that advises me to try to manually reinstall it00:37
rwwH4z3: What version of Ubuntu are you using?00:37
H4z3rww: 8.0400:38
DaiHmm, nothing in that article seems to help00:38
redvamp128Dai:  any luck00:39
_VIM_spirited: i doubt restarting will help, unless you're refering to Windows, have you tried installing ubuntu-restricted-extras?00:40
roger_is there anyway on this live cd i can find out hardware information like hd controllers and such00:40
Dairedvamp128: Nope..I didn't see anything of help there00:40
redvamp128Dai:  got a link to that driver page?00:41
Dairedvamp128: Yeah, let me check it out. One sec00:41
islanhmm, now I can play youtube videos, but not daily show videos ... hmmm...00:41
redvamp128Sorry about the leave and return-- but after hours of text -- pidgin just crawls when scolling.00:41
H4z3rww: Any ideas?00:42
Dairedvamp128: http://opensource.creative.com/soundcard.html this is the site, but keep in mind I have an xtremegamer00:42
rwwH4z3: Hardy only has 5.8, and won't be getting an official upgrade because stable releases don't get major version upgrades. I don't see a backports request for perl, so it's not going to be in hardy-backports any time soon (you could file a request yourself...). And it's not on getdeb, as far as I can see.00:43
ubottuIf new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging00:43
_VIM_!latest | H4z300:43
ubottuH4z3: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.00:43
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
_VIM_stability ftw00:43
redvamp128Dai:  I am trying to find the .gz so that I can read the readme00:43
spiritedNope restarting did not help.00:43
yoyonedroger_: try lshw00:44
H4z3_VIM_, rww; thanks00:44
lacitcarphi - learning the basics.  I've created a new user and set the password. su [newuser] authenticates but doesn't seem to have an effect - whoami still returns the previous user. am I misunderstanding something?00:44
spiritedCan anyone else help with this DVD problem?00:44
redvamp128Dai:  which card was it again-- I had to clear out pidgin00:44
rwwH4z3: Basically, file a backport request ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports#How%20to%20request%20new%20packages ) or upgrade to Intrepid =/00:44
_VIM_lol spirited restarting is a windows thing :P   very seldom will linux need a restart00:44
KenBW22is there a way to make my camera show up as mass storage when it doesnt by default?00:44
roger_yoyoned, ok 1 sec i'll try that, thnx00:44
Dairedvamp128: It's part of the X-Fi Series. The xtremegamer.00:44
spirited_VIM_: Sorry I'm came from windows, this is all new to me.:)00:44
_VIM_!medibuntu | spirited (try this) and also try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras00:45
ubottuspirited (try this) and also try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:45
roger_yoyoned, thnx dude00:45
yoyonedroger_: np00:46
spiritedGuys it says they are already installed.00:46
_VIM_spirited: medibuntu too?00:46
roger_is there a way to find out what drivers this live cd uses to run with00:46
redvamp128Dai:  xifi extreme gamers series I can't seem to find00:46
j2quinnhi, i am trying to install ubuntu from usb. However, when it comes to installation it cannot mount the cdrom? The real question is that it should be installing from usb not trying to install from the cdrom.00:46
spiritedDo I need to download/install a dvd player to use those packages?00:46
redvamp128Dai:  pm?00:46
_VIM_spirited: what player are you using?00:46
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs00:46
Dairedvamp128: yeah, please. Um...>.>; how..to do that00:46
_VIM_VLC seems to be the most popular spirited00:47
spiritedNo I dont think I have installed medibuntu.00:47
Crayboffumm, is it possible to edit Sessions manually?00:47
_VIM_might want to do that then00:47
redvamp128Dai:  you should see a window open with my name00:47
jribCrayboff: sure, create desktop files yourself00:47
Anacranomspirited,  sudo apt-get install vlc00:48
spiritedmedia player and VLC is what Im using.00:48
redvamp128Dai:  or if using xchat-- should see my name listed to the left00:48
Crayboffjrib, what do you mean? I want to stop amarok from starting up at boot, but I can't find it in the Sessions gui thing00:48
_VIM_spirited: ok well once medibuntu repos are enabled, try vlc again00:48
jribCrayboff: how did you make it start up at boot/00:48
fearfulAnyone know why audacious is automatically sticky on Xubuntu its really annoying00:48
spiritedOk looking for instructions on how to install medibuntu, brb00:49
islanadobe flash doesn't support 64-bit architecture?00:49
_VIM_spirited: it's in that link00:49
_VIM_!medibuntu > spirited00:49
ubottuspirited, please see my private message00:49
abcits suports 64 bit architecture.00:49
rwwislan: flashplugin-nonfree works fine on 64-bit for me00:49
Crayboffjrib: umm not really sure what you mean, but I installed ubuntu via wubi00:49
=== rww_ is now known as rww
lolololololololo?DCC SEND "ff???f??????????????" 0 0 000:50
jribCrayboff: how did you make amark start up automatically?00:50
fearfulAnyone know how to remove a window from unsticky on startup xubuntu?00:50
Crayboffjrib: oh, I thought I made a Session for amarok, but it's not there anymore00:50
aLeSDhi all00:51
jribCrayboff: are you using GNOME?00:51
Crayboffjrib: yes00:51
leonardoaltdid anyone already have problems with boost??00:51
jribCrayboff: what version of ubuntu?00:51
spirited_VIM_: sorry please post that link again.00:51
Crayboffjrib: intrepid00:51
_VIM_!medibuntu > spirited00:51
ubottuspirited, please see my private message00:51
H4z3Is it worth upgrading to 8.10, or should I stick with 8.04? If anyone cares, can't seem to find anything listing major differences00:52
spiritedreading now.00:52
willie_can anyone help in open office00:52
jribCrayboff: what is in ~/.config/autostart/?00:52
willie_no takers?00:53
jj_galvezwillie_: ask your question00:53
fearfulAnyone know how to take off automatically sticky windows on xubuntu, everytime I open one it is sticky i don't want this, just one app tho00:53
Crayboffjrib: how do i get there?00:53
jribCrayboff: ls ~/.config/autostart/  in a terminal00:54
willie_office base don't work i get an Error 100000:54
mahesh1986Have a nice day for all --I am mahesh for India I am using Windows XP and Ubuntu OS in the Partitions of C,D,E,F,G and also with the partitions of /boot, /home, "/" (root) partitions and my problem is my windows is infected by the virus i want to for mate the c: drive and install the Windows Xp bu when i boot for the CD it will allow to boot the CD and when click the to and continue to the installation for the CD but when initialization of the system har00:54
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Crayboffjrib: it's not there00:54
rudolfcan u say me how to change the background color of gedit?00:54
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jribCrayboff: what was your output?00:54
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j2quinnno one with usb ubuntu installstion experience?00:55
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willie_won't open up a table00:55
willie_i get The driver class 'org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver' could not be loaded00:56
Crayboffjrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119464/00:56
jj_galvezwillie_: sounds like its loading the wrong version of java or can't find the correct class file00:57
rwwwillie_: try installing the package "openoffice.org-java"00:58
jribCrayboff: do you think awn would startup programs automatically?  Otherwise check ~/.gnomerc ~/.xprofile, things like this00:58
rwwwillie_: sorry, openoffice.org-java-common00:59
jj_galvezwillie_: have you seen this:  http://www.oooforum.org/forum/viewtopic.phtml?t=6321700:59
mahesh1986Have a nice day for all --I am mahesh for India I am using Windows XP and Ubuntu OS in the Partitions of C,D,E,F,G and also with the partitions of /boot, /home, "/" (root) partitions and my problem is my windows is infected by the virus i want to for mate the c: drive and install the Windows Xp bu when i boot for the CD it will allow to boot the CD and when click the to and continue to the installation for the CD but when initialization of the system 00:59
spiritedThanks guys.00:59
spiritedI book marked that for my other friends who I'll convert to Ubuntu.:P01:00
Crayboffjrib, awn doesn't i'll check those others though01:00
jj_galvezwillie_: try adding the class that they mention in that post to your class path for OO and see if that helps01:00
spiritedThis was important to me cause I just have a computer and no tv, so I use my computer for total entertainment.01:00
IenorandI got a very odd message from freenode, what could be the cause? (I did not write anything in #ubuntu at time of incident):http://www.mibbit.com/pb/2OEwzR01:00
jribCrayboff: try « grep amarok ~/.* » if you are desperate01:00
randommmhi guys, I installed 8.10 x64 desktop on a serperate hard disk and ubuntu 'broke' my bios raid by installing grub on one of the disks - any idea how i can avoid this?01:00
rwwIenorand: ask in #freenode, not here01:01
IenorandOn another note, where does gnome-display properties save its settings?01:01
Anacranomspirited,  have you looked into MythTV ?01:01
mahesh1986Have a nice day for all --I am mahesh for India I am using Windows XP and Ubuntu OS in the Partitions of C,D,E,F,G and also with the partitions of /boot, /home, "/" (root) partitions and my problem is my windows is infected by the virus i want to for mate the c: drive and install the Windows Xp bu when i boot for the CD it will allow to boot the CD and when click the to and continue to the installation for the CD but when initialization of the system 01:02
spiritedAnacranom: No I have not.01:02
rww!repeat > mahesh198601:02
ubottumahesh1986, please see my private message01:02
Anacranomspirited, might be a good google session for you then ;-)01:02
spiriteddoing it now.01:02
MindVirusCan someone recommend a good GUI that encodes audio/video?01:03
mahesh1986yhanls for all01:04
CaneToadMy intrepid X server works but is fairly frequently dying with a segmentation fault, and yet the stack backtrace is useless.....what's the best way to get an X server with debug symbols?01:04
Crayboffjrib, i'm not really sure what you mean. this is what was the output when I put it in terminal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119466/01:04
randommmMindVirus: I use handbrake01:04
MindVirusrandommm, handbrake?01:04
Anacranomspirited,  its in the repos so its easy to get, i think, sudo apt-get install mythtv01:04
rwwCaneToad: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash01:04
MindVirusrandommm, it's not in the repos.01:05
Anacranomspirited , if it is what you want01:05
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randommmyou can download binaries off their site01:05
spiritedYah looking at its features trying to figure out exactly what it IS.01:05
MindVirusrandommm, I'd much rather not.01:05
randommmits a pretty well known front end to all the usual oss encoders01:06
spideymanne1 pleez im ready to slashup im having resolution problems after a reinstall ?01:06
mahesh1986On e tip from me We want to keep your Ubuntu or any other linux to safe for Internet use the FIRESTARTER when we on the internet01:06
MindVirusrandommm, I'd rather use something in the repos.01:06
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randommmI don't know what to suggest then :)01:06
woltermy sister can't browse my computer from her windows machine, help?01:06
wolterI have a shared folder01:06
spiritedhow do you see your system specs using ubuntu? like what hardware you have etc...?01:07
_VIM_spirited: you got that DVD working now?01:07
redvamp128sprited: dmesg01:07
spirited_VIM_: Yes I do thank you!:)01:07
rwwspirited: lshw, lspci, lsusb01:07
semanticpchow do i change the settings for my shell ??? i use tcsh01:07
_VIM_spirited: anytime :D01:07
spideymanati drivers having conflicts01:07
Anacranomspirited , i'm about to log and this gets into the realm of OT-Off Topic, but there's a guy on my channel that uses it a lot, if interested , join us in #seaphor, g'night all for now01:08
geniispirited: The lshw is most detailed results01:08
randommmif I use the 'guided, use entire disk' option with the gui installer, how come grub is installed on a different disk? and how do I stop this?01:08
spiritedredvamp128, and rww: not the command line way but is there something with a GUI that lists it all?01:08
yns88is there a way for me to have both the grub menu and the windows 7 bootloader functional?01:08
spiritedNight thanks Anacranom01:09
semanticpcyns88:  why would you need two bootloaders ???01:09
wolterdoes ubuntu have a native file sharing service?01:09
wolteror even linux has to use samba?01:09
yns88because windows 7 won't load without its bootloader01:09
yns88and ubuntu won't load without grub01:09
nightrid3rwolter nfs01:09
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redvamp128spirited:  not really none that I have found- I personally like dmesg but the lshw needs to be ran as sudo though.01:09
Crayboffanyone else know how to stop amarok from auto starting?01:10
wolternightrid3r, oh.. could you help me with samba? my sister can't get into my server/laptop01:10
yns88Crayboff: go into system->prefs->sessions01:10
yns88it might be in there01:10
nightrid3rwolter can she see your share01:10
rwwredvamp128: it doesn't /need/ to be run with sudo. it just gives you more information that way.01:11
semanticpcyns88:  does grub list windows 7 ??01:11
wolternightrid3r, if you mean my computer, yes, but when she double-clicks my computer on her network browser, she gets an error saying that she cannot access my computer?01:11
wolteri mean .01:11
yns88semanticpc: yes, but when I choose it windows gives an error saying it cannot find the boot menu01:11
trevor__Hi there... I need a little postfix help.01:11
rwwspirited: lshw-gtk is a GUI version of lshw. There's also a gnome- package I always forget the name of01:11
spideymanne1 pleez im ready to slashup im having resolution problems after a reinstall of 8.10?01:12
meshuggahhi there01:12
yns88since when I installed grub it overwrote the windows menu01:12
meshuggahany speech recognition software for ubuntu/debian?01:12
nightrid3rwolter set security to user that might help01:12
ExAstrisHi all.01:12
meshuggahhi ExAstris01:12
yns88hi rvgeelen01:12
yns88bye rvgeelen01:12
nightrid3rwolter did you add users and password to the samba01:12
wolternightrid3r, it is in user01:13
semanticpcyns88:  try reinstalling the grub .... i haven't tried Windows 7 .... i have had issues with Vista and XP ....this might help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103599901:13
wolternightrid3r, but i guess she doesn't even get prompted for a password01:13
spideymana 32" lcd is fugly at 800 x 600 lol01:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gates01:13
Dillizaron 7.04 there was system->preference->hardware info now on 8.04 i cant find it where is it ????01:13
ExAstrisI have a question... for some time now, and I understand this is not an uncommon problem, I have been unable to play sound through more then one application on Ubuntu at a time. It seems like whenever an app 'grabs' the sound card by playing a sound, it will not relinguish it to other apps that need it, so for example if Pidgin wants sound, Firefox can't have it, and WINE can't have it. This is quite annoying, since it's r01:13
ExAstriseally hard to find the app to close to get back sound. Any suggestions?01:13
rvgeelenhi freaks and geeks :-)01:14
trevor__I'm working on a new Intrepid install, i'm new to Ubuntu but have been using Slackware for the past 13 years... I managed to get mail working great with postfix, everything looked awesome, then decided to reboot just to make sure any changes I might have made survived the reboot... after I came back up no mail is sent to the server... It *looks* like port 25 is being blocked to the outside world, but I have a hard time believing my ISP01:14
rvgeelenhaving problems with Azureus01:14
nightrid3rwolter strange it should ask for user/pass01:14
rvgeelenmysterious firewall01:14
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wildbathello! is there is prorgram i can use to debug a script ?01:14
yns88semanticpc: it seems that many people in that thread have the same problem as me, thanks01:14
rvgeelensure my firewallbox AND router are forwarding01:14
rvgeelenand iptables are A-okay....01:14
wolternightrid3r, well, i think it doesn't... let me see..01:15
unopwildbat, what kind of script?01:15
evonmy computer says "vesamenu.c32: attempted DOS system call" when I try to boot from my ubuntu CD01:15
trevor__yikes.. gonna try to find a postfix specific forum...01:15
evoncan anyone help please01:15
Dillizaron 7.04 there was system->preference->hardware info now on 8.04 i cant find it where is it ????01:15
wolternightrid3r, could it be the "encrypt passwords" option?01:15
nightrid3rwolter check the samba logs see if you find anything in there01:16
Ienorandwhere does gnome-display properties save its settings?01:16
nightrid3rwolter that has to be on for Win98 and higher01:16
semanticpccan any one tell me how to find the .profile or .login file for my tcsh01:16
Crayboffyns88: it's not there01:16
Dillizarsemanticpc, ctrl+h01:16
unopsemanticpc,  it's at /home/$USER/.profile01:17
unopsemanticpc, or simply.  ~/.profile01:17
semanticpcyea but i dont find it there01:17
TimothyA2how does one zip a directory in cli?01:17
unopsemanticpc, you can create one then - it's not always present01:17
wolternightrid3r, ok, which are the samba logs? also, i saw there is a --no-pass option on smbclient --help. I don't know how to set it though01:17
jribCrayboff: check /usr/share/gnome/autostart/ and /usr/share/autostart/01:17
evon"vesamenu.c32: attempted DOS system call" when i boot from the CD can anyone help me please?01:18
nightrid3rwolter lemme check01:18
unopTimothyA2,  unzip a .zip file you mean?01:18
velkoTimothyA2, tar cvzf myarchive.tar.gz mydirectory01:18
yns88Crayboff: depending on your IDE, the programs that were running when you shut down will start again on startup01:18
TimothyA2nevermind, had the order wrong01:18
shumbahi everyone, BEAGLE, how do i make it list as many files as i want so i dont have to click on next button all the time?01:18
Crayboffyns88: i quit it before shutdown01:18
yns88I don't know then01:18
semanticpcunop: do you know any sample setting for VI or VIM  ??01:19
Dillizaron 7.04 there was system->preference->hardware info now on 8.04 i cant find it where is it ????01:19
nightrid3rwolter /var/log/samba/*.log01:19
yns88Dillizar: it's in system->administration01:19
Gumbyhi all, are there any people here that create debs?  I am trying to figure out how to add to a deb, the ability to ask the end user if a specific file should be overwritten by the package maintaners version or to leave the current version.  Does anyone know how to do this?01:19
Dillizaryns88, nope not there01:19
geniiTimothyA2: zip -r zipname /directory/path/to/recursively/zip01:20
unopsemanticpc, plenty out there.   http://tinyurl.com/d5z4kg01:20
wildbatunop, just a shell script01:20
yns88oh hardware info, not drivers, sorry01:20
rvgeelenanyone with expierence using Azureus01:20
yns88Dillizar: what are you trying to look up?01:20
unopwildbat,   if it's a bash script.   bash -x /path/to/file.   if it's a POSIX shell script.  sh -x /path/to/file01:20
wolternightrid3r, well, besides not having *.log files, but log.* files instead, there are like a million and I don't know what would be an abnormality01:21
redvamp128evon:  it appears to be that the livecd can't boot with your video (though only found that answer from a fedora forum) but if you are trying to install there is a command line option to install.01:21
Dillizaryns88, there was a window i can find all the graphic cards drivers just i want to check smt01:21
unopwildbat, it depend on the type of script.  head -n 1 /path/to/file  # should give you an indication.01:21
fearfulShouldn't xubuntu be using less RAM then ubuntu?01:21
randommmif I use the 'guided, use entire disk' option with the gui installer on a disk, how come grub is installed on a different drive (breaking my ich9 raid boot)? and how do I stop this?01:21
yns88the graphics cards drivers is in system->administration->hardware drivers01:21
nightrid3rwolter do you have a linux account for every user in samba01:21
wolternightrid3r, i have just one account01:22
hajmolaanyone have any experience with USB devices in virtualbox? I installed it but under devices, they're all greyed out01:22
evonredvamp128: it did not give me an option to use command line. that same message just keeps repeating over and over again01:22
Uplinki need help with bitpim, anyone?01:22
velkohajmola, usb does not work in the ose edition of virtual box01:22
hajmolavelko, i dont' have the OSE version installed01:23
velkohajmola, have you installed the guest additions?01:23
hajmolavelko, no... do I need to?01:23
redvamp128evon:  Though they say download the alternate cd - burn it then boot with that and type cli - just make sure you are connected to the internet (it downloads the ubuntu files from the web) but will bypass the error you are getting.01:24
evon<redvamp128> it did not give me an option to use command line. that same message01:24
velkohajmola, boot your guest os and don't maximize it's window. in the menu you'll find an entry "install guest additions01:24
hajmolaah, ok01:24
Crayboffjrib: i checked them, the only things i found in /usr/share/autostart/ was kab2kabc, Tracker, Wicd Network Manager Tray01:24
Crayboffjrib: there is nothing about sessions which I could find01:24
redvamp128evon:  In 2 of the fedora forums -- they say that error is that the live cd can't configure your video card to boot itself.01:24
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hajmolavelko, after I install guest additions, any other tricks?01:25
evonredvamp128: so when it gives me that message then type CLI?01:25
meshuggahany speech recognition software for ubuntu/debian?01:25
velkohajmola, none that i know of :-)01:25
redvamp128evon:  you have to download the alternate cd01:25
redvamp128!alternate cd01:25
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent01:25
hajmolavelko, thanks i'll try it out01:25
Crayboffjrib: and it's not in /urs/share/gnome/autostart01:25
evonoh i c01:25
jribCrayboff: create a new user.  Does amarok still start automatically?01:25
Crayboffjrib, i have another user, i'll test it, brb01:26
evonredvamp128: I will try it out01:26
nightrid3rwolter i'm installing samba to see what might be the problem01:26
hajmolavelko, they're still greyed out01:27
doodhow do I set ttyusb0 and give it a com port number?01:27
velkohajmola, sorry, i can't help you with more ideas01:27
hajmolavelko, thanks anywyas01:27
doodI have a usb to serial converter that is set on /dev/ttyusb0 and I need to make recognized as a com port... How can I do this?01:28
logjonintrepid is reading my 360 controller as a mouse01:29
randommmdoes the 8.10 desktop installer allow me to choose where to install grub?01:29
nickrudrandommm, no01:29
jribnickrud: it doesn't?  Isn't there "advanced settings" at the end or something similar?01:30
wolternightrid3r, thanks so much01:30
randommmi only tried the "guided use entire disk" option and it didn't was just checking I didn't have the option if I partioned manually01:30
tsuna27hi i want to install ubuntu on a partion on my sony viao laptop using the text based installer anyting I need to do before I start01:30
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randommmI should use the alternative cd if I want this option?01:31
nickrudjrib, I don't remember seeing it; if it does it's a new thing for me. I probably need to start playing with 9.04. I haven't used broken stuff enough recently (only way I learn)01:31
randommm(or disconnect my raid :)01:31
tsuna27and how do I noe if I can use the 64bit01:31
Sw3RvEhow do i enable wifi-radar for Xfce?01:31
noonwhat do I do to get later repos instead of stable/tested ones?01:31
noonamarok is 1.4  but latest stable is
num1fngcould someone please point me to a site were I could get old ATI drivers for linux01:31
nightrid3rwolter ok i seem to have the same problem here, can see computer but no shares show up01:32
wolternightrid3r, you mean, you can enter the computer from the network browser?01:33
nightrid3rwolter yes01:33
wolternightrid3r, oh, well.. i can't even enter the computer.01:33
woltercould you send me your /etc/samba/smb.conf ?01:34
nightrid3rwolter its the standard one when you install samba01:34
wolternightrid3r, yeah but, i don't know what could i have changed in mine... if i deleted the smb.conf, would samba create another one?01:35
nightrid3rwolter no it wont01:35
Crayboffjrib, no it doesn't when I switch to a different user01:35
Sw3RvEcan anyone help me install wifi radar on Xubuntu01:36
jribCrayboff: then start renaming folders (start with ~/.gnome) and see what happens01:36
nightrid3rwolter you can find a copy of the original in /usr/share/samba01:36
Crayboffjrib, ummm what?01:36
noonhow do I get the latest version of amarok ( without manually compiling the file myself? the repos have 1.401:36
daifunaiugh, I keep getting dc'd..-.-;01:37
jribCrayboff: we don't know where the setting is.  So rename a folder that might contain the setting and log out and back in.  If amarok doesn't start up, then you've narrowed down your search to that folder.  Understand?01:37
Crayboffjrib: yes, but wouldn't doing this potentially screw something up?01:37
jribCrayboff: no, you'd rename it back after you test...01:38
rvgeelenport problems with Azureus under Ubuntu 8.10 anyone?01:38
rvgeelenmaybe a link01:38
Crayboffjrib, i'd just figure that some things needed to start on start up and them not starting up would screw up the comp01:38
rvgeelenI've done all the forwarding and opening of iptables01:38
rvgeelenstill it says firewalled01:38
jribCrayboff: your user starts with an empty home basically01:39
rvgeelenI have been working on it for HOURS01:39
noonhow do I get the latest version of amarok ( without manually compiling the file myself? the repos have 1.401:39
Crayboffjrib, ah, so I should just choose random folders and rename them?01:39
jribCrayboff: not random, choose likely culprits01:39
Voltron_When I run wireshark(as root), I get a bunch of References to "BelkinIn_4d" One of my neighbors has a wireless access point named Belkin something or other01:40
TKE94849Hola, ¿alguien puede ayudarme con un problema de configuración de compiz?01:40
Craybofflike /usr/share/gnome/autostart/?01:40
Voltron_Is my system trying to connect to that network? could that be why my internet on my laptop is so slow?01:40
jribCrayboff: that's not in your home01:40
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:42
rvgeelenazureus anyone?01:42
Voltron_the protocol for the connections is SSL for that random connection01:42
syockiti wonder if it was es01:42
Crayboffjrib:apparently slashes are not allowed in filenames01:42
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jribCrayboff: correct01:42
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jamesrflahow do I change mysql password in Ubuntu?01:42
Crayboffjrib: so I shouldn't rename it with ~/.gnome ?01:43
syockitjrib: what about \/ ?01:43
SmackPotati have a ghost  pop up when i go to secure sites. it also pops up in gimp. it remains visible for a few seconds then disappears  but retains focus. is some one messing with me. comments sugestions please01:43
jribCrayboff: huh?01:43
SmackPotatits a window with a edit box01:43
Crayboffjrib: didn't you tell me i had to rename it with ~/.gnome?01:43
Crayboffjrib: aah, you wanna just tell me exactly what to do01:44
syockitCrayboff: but that should work01:44
jribsyockit: no (i think)01:44
sanjudVoltron_ -> trying to connect? you know the tcp handshake protocols right?01:44
jribCrayboff: ~ means /home/USERNAME01:44
Crayboffjrib, alright, i am comfused now. do I rename the file "~/.gnome"01:45
screamCan I get rid of the old kernel?  http://pastebin.com/d1950023901:45
jribCrayboff: do you understand what ~/.gnome is?01:45
IenorandIf I'm doing a script for running at login and only want affected user to be able to execute it, should I change its group to user's group (1000) and have executability for root and group only?01:45
Crayboffjrib: i thought i did, apparently not01:46
jribCrayboff: ok.  Do you understand what ~ is?01:46
syockitCrayboff: in terminal it would be like " cd ~; mv .gnome .gnomeold " you know01:46
Crayboffi think i get it01:46
syockitCrayboff: try going to terminal, type " cd ~ " and press tab. you'll see what jrib meant01:46
sanjudscream -> yes you may01:47
SmackPotatpart ii how would i find a file anyfile if i knew it had the string *paypal.com*01:47
Scuniziscream: sure.. after boot go to synaptic and search for kernel you'll see the ones that have a lower number are the one(s) that you want to uninstall.. tag them and hit apply.. the listings in grub will automatically be removed.01:47
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syockitSmackPotat: is that in the filename?01:47
sanjudSmackPotat -> judicious use of grep01:47
SmackPotatno im just guessing i have a nasty file on my system01:48
SmackPotatok thanks01:48
syockitSmackPotat: may you can ' ps aux | less ' and look for weird processes01:48
jribCrayboff: by the way, I probably meant ~/.gnome201:48
SmackPotati wouldnt know a weird process01:49
Crayboffalright, now i feel retarded. what does the results from cd ~ mean, syockit, jrib01:49
SmackPotatbut ill try01:49
ScuniziCrayboff: ~ is a shortcut for the location "/home/<username>01:49
colin_sCan someone help me with mounting an external hard drive?01:50
Crayboffah, so how does that help me?01:50
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daedrarunning /etc/rc.d/wicd start reports a successful start of the daemon, but a quick look at services   ps aux|grep wicd   shows it's not.../01:50
daedraany reason why the program finishes initialising correctly, but then just dies after a second?01:50
skelcolin_s: sure01:50
syockitCrayboff: if for example your home directory is /home/blargh, typing cd ~ and pressing tab results in cd /home/blargh01:50
skelcolin_s: what filesystem?01:50
colin_si don't know. i am going to guess ntfs01:50
colin_subuntu won't recognize it at all01:51
martin__is the reflector international :38344---01:51
usserSmackPotat, you can try find: find / *paypal.com*01:51
skelcolin_s: is it usb or firewire? eitherway its probably a scsi driver type of device01:51
colin_sit doesn't show up in fdisk -l01:51
usserSmackPotat, err find / -name *paypal.com* -print01:51
skelcolin_s: do you know the device name?01:51
martin__and doo your sure co01:51
colin_sUSB SimpleTech Simple Drive Deluxe01:51
Crayboffalright, syockit01:51
syockitcolin_s: does it come up in dmesg?01:51
skelcolin_s: I would do dmesg | grep sd?01:51
BugeyeDhi all. what is the correct method for disabling gdm on startup?01:52
colin_s[ 2076.768375] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdf] Sense Key : No Sense [current]01:52
colin_s[ 2076.768381] sd 15:0:0:0: [sdf] Add. Sense: No additional sense information01:52
AngryElfin debian I apt-get build-dep mplayer x264 and then built x264 and then mplayer from source and installed them -- if I then apt-get autoremove all those excess packages mplayer gives me a linking error01:52
colin_sover and over again01:52
Crayboffah, ok i get cd ~, thank you wikipedia01:53
AngryElfis there any way to avoid that?01:53
bonhofferanyone know why firefox crashes in ubuntu (a lot)01:53
martin__`grep --help that's now CQ01:53
daedrarunning /etc/rc.d/wicd start reports a successful start of the daemon, but a quick look at services   ps aux|grep wicd   shows it's not.../01:53
daedraany reason why the program finishes initialising correctly, but then just dies after a second?01:53
geniiBugeyeD: use update-rc.d command is the proper way01:53
BugeyeDgenii: perfect, thanks for pointing me in the right direction!01:53
daedraany reason why the program finishes initialising correctly, but then just dies after a second?/01:53
daedradoes anyone even use wicd?01:53
syockitcolin_s: when you detach and reattach, is would that be the last line in the dmesg?01:53
geniiBugeyeD: np01:53
daedrasorry about the repost im using a small keyboard01:54
skelcolin_s: hmm do this, tail -f /var/log/dmesg and unplug it from usb and plug it back in01:54
daedramy fingers go eee as I use my eeepc01:54
syockitCrayboff: cool I didn't know you can find that in wikipedia!01:54
martin__any one chk that ! http://www.sc.ehu.es/sbweb/fisica/elecmagnet/induccion/autoinduccion/autoinduccion.htm01:54
skelmartin__: loads for me01:55
Crayboffsyockit: ya, "cd (command)" soo you or jrib wanna tell me how to proceed?01:55
syockitdaedra: sudo invoke-rc.d wicd start . then use wicd-client or something01:55
duxbarakhi, i installed 2 new OS's on a new second sata hard drive, but when i added them to the grub list running off ubuntu on the first hard drive, it says 'disk does not exist' when i select the new OS's on the second hard drive01:55
syockitCrayboff: err, what was the problem? I came in at ~ discussion01:56
syockitcolin_s: pastebin!!!01:56
noonhow do I tell which version my libgpod is at?01:58
noonsudo apt-get install ligbpod just says "up to date"01:58
kikokosi have a simple question :P i've just installed samba...and i really dont know how to browse catalogs on second machine by amarok01:58
Crayboffsyockit: alright, i can't figure out why amarok keeps starting at boot. it only happens in this user account. there is nothing in sessions saying it should start up. so jrib suggested that I rename things ~/.gnome, which now I understand to be "/usr/boff/SOMEFILENAME.gnome", and restart my computer to see what's causing it by process of elimination i think that's everything01:58
n8tuserfduxbarak-> you may have to add them to device.map01:58
syockitnoon: dpkg -l libgpod01:58
dekushrubwhen I use the 173 nvidia driver my computer tends to get really hot and run a bit slower, however when I us the 177 driver my computer has excessive fan noise, any suggestions?01:58
duxbarakn8tuserf-> how do i do that?01:59
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
kikokosi've set up smb.conf but i cannot find way for browse something01:59
syockitCrayboff: so what have you tried so far? although i really don't recommend renaming gnome for that01:59
n8tuserfduxbarak-> post your /etc/boot/menu.lst and /etc/boot/device.map01:59
Crayboffsyockit, i haven't tried anything yet01:59
duxbarakn8tuserf-> here? or in pastebin?02:00
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
n8tuserfduxbarak-> in pastebin02:00
noonsyockit: thanks :)02:00
rwwCrayboff: ~/.gnome = /home/boff/.gnome/02:00
Crayboffah ok02:00
rwwassuming boff is your username02:00
syockitCrayboff: do you have session save enabled?02:01
rwwand you should be able to just log out and log back in; would be quicker than restarting =/02:01
Crayboffso I should be naming files such as "core.971, core.4011", etc. as ".gnome"?02:01
Crayboffsyockit, no plus i always quit the app02:01
alex_what is this? (<unknown>:1757): Gtk-CRITICAL **: gtk_paint_box: assertion `style->depth == gdk_drawable_get_depth (window)' failed02:01
duxbarakn8tuserf-> um, i'm kinda new to irc, how do i do that?02:02
yurikshow can I acess the compiz settings?02:02
kleanchapI am using BackTrack distro which is based on Ubuntu.  How do I do system updates on Ubuntu?  Is there a command for updates?02:02
Crayboffyuriks: under preferences, i think02:02
n8tuserf!pastebin  | duxbarak02:02
ubottuduxbarak: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:02
mustanggdoes apt provide a mechanism for reporting version of a specified package?02:03
n8tuserfduxbarak-> oops, i have to leave for now, maybe someone else can assist you02:03
yuriksCrayboff: I imagined so too, but there's nothin compiz related there (except Appearance, where I can select the three pre-defined configuration schemes)02:03
Crayboffyuriks, umm are you sure it's installed?02:03
yuriksCrayboff: yeah, I have all the effects and stuff =P (like the stupid wobbly windows I want to turn off ;)02:04
alex_why does my xterm not recognize the tab feature02:04
alex_when i try to run something with ./02:04
Crayboffyuriks: well  did you actually install it?02:04
adrenalynHow do you install Java JRE on ubuntu?02:04
daedra_/etc/rc.d/wicd start. Reports success. ps aux|grep wicd. nothing. Help?02:04
yuriksCrayboff: oh, no, it comes pre-installed02:04
daedra_/etc/rc.d/wicd start. Reports success. ps aux|grep wicd. nothing. Help?02:04
=== aprilhare is now known as darth_aprilhare
yuriksCrayboff: I'll look around in synaptic02:05
Crayboffoh, hmm it wasn't there when i first started02:05
jj_galvezyuriks: install the compiz-settings-manager02:05
adrenalynHow do you install Java JRE on ubuntu?02:05
jj_galvezyuriks: I think thats what you are looking for, that will let you turn on and off anything within compiz02:05
DigitalcheffeI keep getting an error : unable to resolve host itlearning localhost /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start02:06
syockitCrayboff: no actually grib wanted you to rename .gnome to something else so that you'll start with a fresh gnome, to check if it'd gnome problem02:06
yuriksjj_galvez: thanks, why doesn't that stuff come with the system by default? O_o02:06
kleanchapHow do you do system updates in Ubuntu?02:06
jj_galvezyuriks: who knows, but I agree it should be installed by default02:06
yuriksyup, sure enough I had to install it02:06
yuriksCrayboff: you weren't that much off ;) I HAD to install something02:07
daedra_/etc/rc.d/wicd start. Reports success. ps aux|grep wicd. nothing. Help?02:07
adrenalynkleanchap: there should be a little arrow in the top right corner, an arrow pointing down, just right click and hit check for updates02:07
=== elementz_ is now known as elementz
Crayboffyuriks: :)02:07
duxbarakn8tuserf-> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11947702:07
daedra_/etc/rc.d/wicd start. Reports success. ps aux|grep wicd. nothing. Help?02:07
=== darth_aprilhare is now known as aprilhare
adrenalyn How do you install Java JRE on ubuntu?02:08
duxbarakn8tuserf-> there was no /boot/device.map02:08
syockitdaedra_: did you try what i said?02:08
duxbarakn8tuserf-> oh, looking in wrong spot, hold on02:08
assmongerhi guys. how do make syslog start with -r when i /etc/init.d/syslog it?02:08
daedra_syockit: what did you say?02:08
syockitdaedra_: sudo invoke-rc.d wicd start02:08
Crayboffsyockit: umm is it a hidden file or something, cause I can't find any .gnome and I don't know how to view hidden files or do i have to be root to see it?02:09
adrenalynHow do you install Java JRE on ubuntu?02:09
syockitdaedra_: then start wicd-client or something02:09
assmongeri guess /etc/default/syslogd should do it02:09
syockitCrayboff: yes it's hidden02:09
duxbarakn8tuserf-> yeah, there is no file named that02:09
daedra_syockit: what is invoke?02:09
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
syockitCrayboff: in terminal, you use ' ls -a ' to view hidden files as well. in file browser, pressing ctrl-h should toggle it02:10
daedra_syockit: I don't seem to have it02:10
syockitdaedra_: invoke-rc.d runs the script inside /etc/init.d/02:10
syockitdaedra_: invoke-rc.d02:10
=== daedra_ is now known as daedra
Digitalcheffehow do i fix a host name problem: sudo: unable to resolve host itlearning localhost /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start02:11
DigitalcheffeServerName localhost02:11
adrenalynHow do you install Java JRE on ubuntu?02:11
Crayboffjrib: did you want me to rename .gnome2 or .gnome?02:11
jribCrayboff: both02:11
_VIM_!java | adrenalyn02:11
ubottuadrenalyn: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository02:11
KemrinH2_VIM_: Error: "java" is not a valid command.02:11
KemrinH2Title: Java - Community Ubuntu Documentation (at help.ubuntu.com)02:11
Crayboffjrib: one at a time, or can i do it both at the same time?02:11
p0l0na1sE`hello, i created a usb flash drive for ubuntu and am trying to run it in windows XP02:11
p0l0na1sE`i am in windows XP awardBIOS setup utility, and i have the following optins under Boot Device Priority02:11
adrenalyn_VIM_: Thanks!02:11
jribCrayboff: either02:11
Crayboffjrib: alright, i'll try gnome202:12
jj_galvezadrenalyn: its in the prepositories, I thin if you install ubuntu-restricted-extras that should git it for you02:12
jribCrayboff: you shouldn't do this if you don't understand why we ar edoing it though02:12
p0l0na1sE`under "removable device": "Legacy Floppy", "LS120", "ZIP", "ATAPI MO", "USB FDD", "USB ZIP"02:12
spaceBARbarianhey i am using the ubuntu live cd, and trying to run command as superuser, what do i put as the password when i run "su" ?02:12
p0l0na1sE`which do i choose ?02:12
looteranything for ubuntu that rivals linux?  I'm in need of something at the moment that will blank a dvd without burning anything else  to it first02:12
syockitCrayboff: rather than renaming .gnome, I suggest you read http://bobbyallen.wordpress.com/2007/01/14/how-to-add-and-remove-users-in-ubuntu/ to add a new user, login to that user and check02:12
KemrinH2Title: How to add and remove users in Ubuntu. « Bobby Allen (at bobbyallen.wordpress.com)02:12
KemrinH2`Title: How to add and remove users in Ubuntu. « Bobby Allen (at bobbyallen.wordpress.com)02:12
looteri mean nero02:12
mustangghow can I verify application version with apt/titude etc..?02:12
SkinnYPuPI've got a program that wants a java virtual machine , however i see several in synaptic. Any suggestions on what package to install? http://www.geogebra.org/download/install.htm#linux02:12
KemrinH2Title: GeoGebra (InstallAnywhere Web Installer) (at www.geogebra.org)02:12
KemrinH2`Title: GeoGebra (InstallAnywhere Web Installer) (at www.geogebra.org)02:12
KemrinHEck, that's where you took off to02:12
tsrkI'm running a server that's also a desktop but the problem is when users log in locally (through the GUI) they get special permissions (like non-root mounting).  How can I fix this?02:12
looterno  one picked that up huh?  lol02:12
KemrinHDoes anyone know anything about supybots?02:12
duxbarakspaceBARbarian-> just press enter, no password02:13
logjonis it strange to have a program freeze to where it can't even be killed through terminal?02:13
_VIM_KemrinH2: you better disable that in here02:13
KemrinH2_VIM_: Error: "you" is not a valid command.02:13
spaceBARbarianduxbarak: it says authentication failure when i do that02:13
KemrinHI could use help, and the people in the Supybot room are ignoring me02:13
KemrinH@! shutup02:13
KemrinH2KemrinH: Error: "!" is not a valid command.02:13
KemrinH2`KemrinH: Error: "!" is not a valid command.02:13
jj_galvezlogjon: yes, but it does happen sometimes02:13
looterbest burning software for Ubuntu???02:13
KemrinHlooter Gnomebaker02:13
duxbarakspaceBARbarian: oh, that's right, use 'sudo' before every command, su isn't possible02:13
_VIM_looter: k3b02:14
spaceBARbarianduxbarak: so using sudo is same as superuser ?02:14
KemrinH@ hello02:14
KemrinH2`KemrinH: Error: "hello" is not a valid command.02:14
KemrinH2KemrinH: Error: "hello" is not a valid command.02:14
KemrinHWhy are there two of them?02:14
KemrinH@ help02:14
KemrinH2KemrinH: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.02:14
KemrinH2`KemrinH: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.02:14
KemrinH@ list02:15
KemrinH2KemrinH: Admin, Alias, Channel, Config, Dict, Games, Herald, Insult, Internet, Karma, Later, Math, Misc, MoobotFactoids, News, NickCapture, Nickometer, Note, Owner, Plugin, Quote, QuoteGrabs, RSS, Relay, Reply, Seen, User, Utilities, and Web02:15
KemrinH2`KemrinH: Admin, Alias, Channel, Config, Dict, Games, Herald, Insult, Internet, Karma, Later, Math, Misc, MoobotFactoids, News, NickCapture, Nickometer, Note, Owner, Plugin, Quote, QuoteGrabs, RSS, Relay, Reply, Seen, User, Utilities, and Web02:15
_VIM_KemrinH2: you need to disable that bot02:15
KemrinH2_VIM_: Error: "you" is not a valid command.02:15
FloodBot1KemrinH2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:15
KemrinH2FloodBot1: Error: "Please" is not a valid command.02:15
KemrinH2`Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at paste.ubuntu.com)02:15
ag90spaceBARbarian, using sudo is *almost* the same as superuser. Its basically executing a command as superuser.02:15
DigitalcheffeI keep getting an error : unable to resolve host itlearning localhost /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start02:15
ag90spaceBARbarian, sudo stands for "super user do"02:15
KemrinH_VIM_ How? I closed his terminal02:15
ScuniziA little off the beaten bath.. How do I get mutt to play an audio attachment in mp3 format?02:15
_VIM_donno, im not familiar with supybot's really02:16
madagascar27HI i need major help I installed ubuntu with wubi but it messed up, and now during start up It shows vista and ubuntu how can I delete the ubuntu partion02:16
ubottuvista is a recent version of Microsoft Windows. Discussion on Windows related topics is available in ##windows. General issues on moving from Windows to Ubuntu is convered in the wiki guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwitchingToUbuntu/FromWindows02:16
KemrinH2madagascar27: Error: "vista" is not a valid command.02:16
KemrinH2`madagascar27: Error: "vista" is not a valid command.02:16
KemrinH2Title: Switching to Ubuntu from Windows - Community Ubuntu Documentation (at help.ubuntu.com)02:16
KemrinH2`Title: Switching to Ubuntu from Windows - Community Ubuntu Documentation (at help.ubuntu.com)02:16
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:17
KemrinH2`adrenalyn: Error: "commands" is not a valid command.02:17
KemrinH2adrenalyn: Error: "commands" is not a valid command.02:17
KemrinH2`Title: Using The Terminal - Community Ubuntu Documentation (at help.ubuntu.com)02:17
KemrinH2Title: Using The Terminal - Community Ubuntu Documentation (at help.ubuntu.com)02:17
FloodBot1KemrinH2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:17
KemrinH2FloodBot1: Error: "Please" is not a valid command.02:17
KemrinH2`Title: Ubuntu Pastebin (at paste.ubuntu.com)02:17
KemrinH@ Shut up robot!!02:17
KemrinH2KemrinH: Error: "Shut" is not a valid command.02:17
KemrinH2`KemrinH: Error: "Shut" is not a valid command.02:17
DigitalcheffeI keep getting an error : unable to resolve host itlearning localhost /etc/init.d/hostname.sh start02:17
KemrinHSomeone help, how do I get them to stop being... alive?02:18
KemrinHer... I need to kill their proccess, which one is it!?102:18
Digitalcheffe omg02:18
duxbarakn8tuserf ? you still with me?02:18
syockitKemrinH: do ps aux | grep <that script you started>02:18
Digitalcheffei know this is a simple fix . but im a newbie02:19
jspMythhelp! i accidentally just deleted all of my windows partitions :( , how do i get them back ( i managed to save a detailed print of the old partition table)02:19
ScuniziA little off the beaten path.. How do I get mutt to play an audio attachment in mp3 format?02:19
_VIM_KemrinH: try sudo killall -9 supybot02:19
KemrinH^_^ Got 'em. Thanks02:19
ScunizijspMyth: good luck.. looks like either you're 100% ubuntu or you'll have to reinstall ubuntu02:19
_VIM_what was the solution KemrinH ?02:20
ScunizijspMyth: that is reinstall windows.02:20
jspMythScunizi: i am on ubuntu live cd02:20
ScunizijspMyth: installing?02:20
KemrinH_VIM_ I opened the process manager and scrolled down to "supybot"02:20
jspMythScunizi: no i was trying to move a partition but i wrote a new table by mistake02:20
madagascar27HI i need major help I installed ubuntu with wubi but it messed up, and now during start up It shows vista and ubuntu how can I delete the ubuntu partion02:20
KemrinHIt was there 3 times, and I shut each down02:20
ScunizijspMyth: if you actually committed the move then it's done02:21
_VIM_KemrinH: ok, :)02:21
jspMythScunizi: this is what happened, i opened fdisk thru the live CD, wanted to move a partition, but accidentaly wrote a new blank table02:21
Crayboffjrib: didn't work, it just created another .gnome2 which doesn't have as manythings as the original .gnome2 which i renamed to .bnome202:21
duxbarakmadagascar27 : redo MBR with windows install cd, then format the partition with ubuntu02:21
jspMythScunizi: i have a list of all my old paritions, cant i just write them back exactly using fdisk ?02:21
Crayboffjrib: should I delete the new .gnome2 and change.bnome2 back to .gnome2?02:22
SpankyDCC SEND %*^%*&%*&^*&^*&^*&^*&02:22
billybigriggerjspMyth, well as long as you didn't hit ok, or forward to next page and it didnt write it you should be ok02:22
billybigriggerjspMyth, you might be able to reset your computer and start over...02:22
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
jspMythbillybigrigger: i did write it ( using the w key)02:22
billybigriggersomeone correct me if im wrong ^^^^^02:22
madagascar27duxbarak: whats MBR02:22
duxbarakmaster boot record02:22
billybigriggerjspMyth, sorry, i didn't see your in fdisk, i assumed graphical installer02:22
Peroxyde?DCC SEND "ff???f??????????????" 0 0 002:22
madagascar27duxbarak: also ubuntu does not work02:22
jspMythbillybigrigger: no i was doing fdisk because gparted wont work for some reason02:23
madagascar27duxbarak: I want to delelte its name from coming up on the multiboot screen02:23
billybigriggerjspMyth, livecd installer didnt work for you?02:23
jspMythbillybigrigger: basically my hd has an empty table but all the data should still be there right ?02:23
yoyoned2jspMyth: use the gparted livecd02:23
oobethe angle on my printer is a bit off tilt does anyone know what that is called or how to fix it02:23
KemrinHDoes anyone know how to get Supybot to function as a Pidgin addon? The people in Pidgin sent me to supybot, and the people in supybot ignored me02:23
jspMythokay guys basically i have a HD with no partition table but all my data, is there any way i can get it back02:24
billybigriggerjspMyth, well, yes...data should still be there as long as the table wasnt saved/written02:24
jspMythbillybigrigger: i accidentally deleted the table and it saved too02:24
Crayboffjrib: should I? syockit? should I?02:24
jribjspMyth: testdisk (but I must go now)02:24
kleanchapIf someone answered, then I missed it.  So I will ask again, How do you do system updates in Ubuntu?02:24
jspMythbillybigrigger: i am in fdisk right now and it shows 0 partitions on the device02:24
duxbarakmadagascar27: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/91952902:24
billybigriggerjspMyth, well if you deleted the table, then restart your computer, you have nothing to loose now...if on restart your data is there well then you got back more than you hoped :P02:25
kleanchapon command-line02:25
jribCrayboff: yes, and proceed to ~/.gconf/ maybe?02:25
yoyoned2jspMyth:  if you can recreate the partition table exacty like it was, it  will work02:25
billybigriggerjspMyth, i would restart, but someone else here might have a solution02:25
jribkleanchap: click on the red triangle in the notification area02:25
KemrinHkleanchap sudo apt-get update02:25
oobekleanchap, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:25
jspMythyoyoned2: what about the MFT wouldnt that be all messed up ?02:25
jrib!apt > kleanchap02:25
ubottukleanchap, please see my private message02:25
billybigriggerjspMyth, hard to say...im not at your computer to see how far you went so...either restart or keep asking for advice here02:25
Crayboffjrib, alright, so what I should do is 1) rename the .bnome2 to .gnome2 2) do the thing with .gnome 3) do it with .gconf   ??02:25
exodus_mshmm, what is   /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0 -br -audit 0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -nolisten tcp vt7   it seems to eat up a lot of my cpu running at 50% sometimes02:25
oobekleanchap, my answer was best ignore the others :P02:26
jribCrayboff: sure.  Or do more.  We're kind of shooting in the dark here02:26
jspMythbillybigrigger: yeah i think i will try restart and see whats the deal, i have the old table information saved02:26
jribCrayboff: maybe grep -R amarok ~/.*   is smarter02:26
Crayboffjrib: do that in the terminal?02:26
billybigriggerjspMyth, you on 2 computers? or you irc'ing on the computer that you fubar'd?02:26
jspMythbillybigrigger: only one laptop, i am IRCing off ubuntu live cd02:27
jribCrayboff: sure, I have to go now though02:27
Crayboffjrib: what do i do if i find the file?02:27
syockitCrayboff: if you want to do that you must not be logged in or else your old .gnome will be overwritten02:27
jribCrayboff: depends on file02:28
Crayboffjrib: should I be doing the grep thing with sudo?02:28
jribCrayboff: shouldn't be needed02:28
Crayboffjrib: and how long would it take?02:28
luckyoneis there a way I can skip the gdm login screen and automatically login as me?02:28
redvamp128jspMyth:  Not sure how good the tools are-- but www.ultimatebootcd.com has some tools for data recovery on the cd.02:28
Priceyluckyone: system > administration > login window02:29
Priceylycidas: look at the security tab02:29
luckyonePricey: if I can't get there, how do I do it from the shell?02:29
billybigriggerjspMyth, well come back and let us know :P02:29
exodus_mshow can I find information on a process running in htop02:30
KemrinHDoes anyone know how to get Supybot to function as a Pidgin addon? The people in Pidgin sent me to supybot, and the people in supybot ignored me02:30
Crayboffjrib: before you leave, what would grep -R amarok ~/.* tell me?02:31
PriceyKemrinH: pidgin doesn't have addons. supybot connects directly to irc, not through another program.02:31
irhax4u?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 002:32
jspMythbillybigrigger: it cant boot anymore, says no bootable devices found02:32
billybigriggerjspMyth, hmmm fdisk might be able to fix the mbr02:33
MoTecnuke it from orbit.. it's you're only hope.02:33
billybigriggerjspMyth, fdisk /mbr02:33
TaylorHello everyone! Can anyone help me with something?02:33
syockitif not specific to ubuntu, you can try asking02:33
syockitno guarantees02:33
KemrinHPricey Right, but I was hoping there was a way to have it connect to Pidgin and interact with anyone who messages. If that's not possible, do you know of any Pidgin based bots?02:33
jspMythbillybigrigger: it says unable to open /mbr02:34
KemrinHTaylor, please do not ask to ask a question ^_^02:34
=== qwerty is now known as Guest22401
billybigriggerjspMyth, fixmbr?02:34
PriceyKemrinH: you want a bot to connect to a network like aim?02:34
billybigriggerjspMyth, sorry havent had to do this in a few years, cant remember the command02:34
jspMythbilly that wont work02:34
TaylorOkay. thanks. Well I have an _OLD_ PC that had windows 98 on it. I wiped that. So now I just have a PC lying around. I would like to install ubuntu, howerver; I cant put from CD(no cd BIOS support) Is there some type of 'boot disk' I can use?02:35
jspMythyou need to specify a partition where u fix the boot record02:35
billybigriggerjspMyth, your positive fdisk /mbr doesnt work?02:35
jspMythi think ill just write a new table with the old settings02:35
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
KemrinHPricey Basically I want a bot that doesn't connect to any network, but just deals with the messages Pidgin gets, independent of network02:35
Crayboffjrib: ok it finished, what do i do with this?02:36
billybigriggerjspMyth, http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/02:36
PriceyKemrinH: probably against their ToS. I'd check that out first.02:36
ellareaI did ls -l on a directory and found some files were having this permission: -rw-------@02:36
billybigriggerjspMyth, fix your mbr with your live cd02:36
AquinaI stated a question in #xubuntu but didn't receive much input so I repeat it in here. Hopefully some experts in here can help me with it...02:36
ellareaI did ls -l on a directory and found some files were having this permission: -rw-------@, why is there a @ in the end, how do I remove it?02:36
Aquina"A general question about "sysv-rc-conf". It's more or less for usage with Red Hat systems but also widely used on Debian/Ubuntu. What do you think about it (also in comparison with BUM and the default XFCE service control)?"02:36
KemrinHPricey But one that works on AIM and YAHOO would do if oyu know of one... Against who's terms of service?02:36
KemrinHPricey Pidgins?02:36
elementzmy system starts to act really strange. it suddenly freezes, and won't accept any user input anymore! only thing i can do is hit the powerswitch.02:36
billybigriggerjspMyth, its a short simple tutorial by the looks of it, 3 or 4 commands maybe02:36
PriceyKemrinH: I'd guess connecting automated bot things could easily be against yahoo or aim's ToS.02:36
syockitAquina: umm can you bring those to offtopic02:37
jspMythbillybigrigger: that wont work unless i create partition02:37
KemrinHPricey Maybe... not sure. I don't really care though considering the volume of bots they already have swarming their networks harassing people. I just want something to respond when people message me but I'm away, in a way slightly more in depth than an Autoreply02:38
elementznow, which logs should i check? under /var/log/messages ? or which will be the one that could help me? and what should i grep for? already grepped for 'error' but nothing really found under any logfile02:38
jspMythbillybigrigger: currently the disk has no partition table, it looks as if it has 100gb of free space02:38
billybigriggerjspMyth, ahh02:38
kholerabbiI've had this problem for a version of ubuntu or two but I've just sort of ignored it. So it's not so important but any help would be aprreciated.. Basically my volume/sound bar only goes on full and completely unfull and just wavers back and forth as you drag it until you let it go whence it goes straight to full..??02:38
KemrinHSomething I could just program to send X message when Y message is received02:38
billybigriggerjspMyth, well create a new table with the same settings as your old one? maybe data's there?02:38
Crayboffjrib: i'm going to try more of the renaming stuff02:38
billybigriggerjspMyth, i dont know what to tell you anymore02:38
Aquinasyockit, I don't know "where" offtopic is, but I have a general Problem with administrating my services on my Ubuntu server and Xubuntu clients. This is a support request.02:39
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
jspMythDoes anyone know of an application that can help me rebuild a partition table ?02:39
KemrinHPricey Something I could just program to send X message when Y message is received02:39
progenitushow do i compile the kernel modules for nvidia 180.25 drivers?02:40
billybigriggerprogenitus, those instructions are on nvidia.com's site i believe02:40
jspMythDoes anyone know of an application that can help me rebuild a partition table ?02:42
nothxchat 흑백모드로 바꾸기 빡씨군요..02:42
_VIM_!cn | noth02:43
ubottunoth: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:43
jspMythDoes anyone know of an application that can help me rebuild a partition table ?02:44
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit02:45
b3z3rk3rwow.. nice split!02:45
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PhillipAdoes anyone have ubuntu intrepid and blender installed and networkmanager-applet running right now?02:46
nightrid3rnot as nice a split as one would expect02:46
PhillipAneed help confirming a bug as non-video-driver-specific02:46
jspMythDoes anyone know of an application that can help me rebuild a partition table ?02:47
PhillipAJade: you do?02:47
Jadei'm looking to speak to someone who currently has 8.10 on their dell mini 902:47
PhillipAjspMyth: are you talking about a corrupt table?02:48
meshuggahprout et prout02:48
shoterboyxErm is this the help and support channel for ubuntu?02:48
meshuggahshoterboyx, yes02:48
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
shoterboyxcan i ask a question?02:48
syockit!ask | shoterboyx02:49
ubottushoterboyx: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:49
KemrinH2syockit: Error: "ask" is not a valid command.02:49
syockitKemrinH: I thought you killed the bot?02:49
geniiKemrinH: Please stop inflicting your supybots on us02:49
jspMythDoes anyone know of an application that can help me rebuild a partition table ?02:49
PhillipAjspMyth: are you talking about a corrupt table?02:49
meshuggahask dammit02:49
jspMythPhillipA: no accidentally deleted whole table :(02:49
KemrinHI was twinking the config and I guess I didn't twink hard enough02:49
jspMythPhillipA: i think i got something to, its called TESTDISK02:50
syockitKemrinH: *tweak02:50
KemrinHsyockit Yes.02:50
shoterboyxok......when i m using VM to try ubuntu....i press try ubuntu and when it when to a black screen, lots of sentence came out and the last line end like this end trace 4eaa2a86a8e2da2202:50
KemrinHI thought it might end up here so I came back in case it did.02:50
PhillipAmmm... a rescue disk and, say, fdisk if you are really awesome or maybe even DOS "fdisk /mbr" should do02:50
meshuggahshoterboyx, dont try ubuntu this way02:50
KemrinHBut it wasn't supposed to, if it'd worked like I hoped02:50
_VIM_twinking? you must play Anarchy Online02:50
Scunizishoterboyx: which vm?02:50
shoterboyxthen how should i try?02:50
meshuggahshoterboyx, partition your hd give it 10 gig02:51
shoterboyxwindow virtual pc 200702:51
meshuggahshoterboyx, and install ubuntu this way02:51
fearfulshorterboyx: Run it on the LiveCD and just click test02:51
meshuggahshoterboyx, it is the better02:51
shoterboyxwill i still get the end trace error?02:51
Scunizishoterboyx: arg.. you could probably do it easy in virtual box or vmware server .. but not win virt pc02:51
syockitmeshuggah: he wantsto try first02:51
redvamp128shoterboyx:  If you want to try is as a vm you should probably use the alternate cd for the install (I have heard success with that using MSVPC) you just let it boot type cli and ubuntu should install.02:51
jspMythPhillipA: testdisk recognized all my deleted partitions and i wrote them back, time to try a boot :)02:52
KemrinHCross your fingers, it might be about to appear again...02:52
PhillipAjspMyth: ok, glad it apparently worked :D02:52
redvamp128shoterboyx:  and also give it 256mb and 6gig drive02:52
Scunizishoterboyx: just boot to the live cd.. it won't effect your HD.. little slow that way but it works.02:52
meshuggahsyockit, it is this way i tried ubuntu02:52
shoterboyxredvamp123: i not very sure what u are talking about can u say more clearly pls??02:52
_VIM_!u | shoterboyx02:52
ubottushoterboyx: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..02:52
KemrinHWell, that's enough of that silliness I guess. I have no idea how to retarget it02:52
redvamp128!alternate cd | shoterboyx:02:53
ubottushoterboyx:: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent02:53
KemrinHAni1 wanna sii mii type lik this?02:53
dbansalhello, does anyone here have experience with wmii or xmonad?02:53
shoterboyxscunizi: u mean go to bios and change to boot from disc then use the ubuntu disc?02:53
_VIM_shoterboyx: i guess you can't read either :/02:54
ImSadserver irc.rizon.net02:54
gluxonHello, can I get some help?02:54
=== gluxon is now known as Guest27139
ImSadyee yee02:54
dbansalhello, does anyone here have experience with wmii or xmonad?02:54
PhillipA!ask | gluxon02:54
shoterboyx_VIM_: sorry guys02:54
ubottugluxon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:54
fearfulgluxon: Shoot02:54
meshuggahsyockit, it is this way that i tried debian too, but he screwed my bootmanager02:54
dbansalhello, does anyone here have experience with wmii or xmonad?02:55
shoterboyx sorry for my bad i will write in correct english02:55
Guest27139OKay, How Do I switch moniters in ubuntu?02:55
syockitmeshuggah: well, that's how I got to ubuntu, but musn't assume everyone's daredevil02:55
Guest27139Wow, it's packed in here.02:55
Guest27139Anyway, one of my moniters is cracked...02:55
jspMythPhillipA: So ubuntu is recognizing all my partitions now all the data is there too, but i cant boot windows, it says BOOTMGR is missing02:56
Guest27139I can only see part of the top, so it was hard getting here.02:56
cyberjorgehi there, any recommendation for good image backup for ubuntu?02:56
hlmhow do I remove a startup script from init.d?02:56
meshuggahanyone know a speech recognition software for linux or an old viavoice somewhere02:56
jspMythPhillipA: bad part is that i dont have a windows CD ( and also i was using windows 7)02:56
cyberjorgei am thinking, acronis true image02:56
soreauGuest27139: Which video driver are you using?02:56
_VIM_cyberjorge: try clonezilla02:56
PhillipAjspMyth: stand by02:56
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meshuggah372 on debian channel / 1326 on ubuntu02:57
_VIM_cyberjorge: or maybe fog. although i have not tried that one yet...02:57
somebodywhoneedsI don't know what video drivers have to do with this but....02:57
cyberjorgethanks _VIM_ is this something that you install and boot with ubuntu with option to sechdule?02:57
PhillipAjspMyth: try to get your hands on a dos boot floppy, i can't seem to find an image online02:58
Jax24Hey everyone... just got a Dell netbook running Heron... and I can't get the switch users function to work, if I try to switch users it just goes to a black screen and then a password prompt for the last person using the computer?02:58
redvamp128PhillipA:  www.bootdisk.com02:58
somebodywhoneedsI've got two moniters, one that's cracked and one that's working ine02:58
cyberjorge_VIM_: which works best? i'm kinda out of time to test which works02:58
PhillipAjspMyth: then try to get a modern version of MS fdisk02:58
dbansalhello, does anyone here have experience with wmii or xmonad?02:58
PhillipAjspMyth: someone told me bootdisk.com02:58
_VIM_cyberjorge clonzilla is a live CD if im not mistaking02:58
somebodywhoneedsMy computer doesn't support the one that's working fine... but I can plug that moniter in the one that's broken.02:58
_VIM_or it's own distro02:59
hlmhow do I remove something I added with update-rc.d?02:59
_VIM_it's not part of ubuntu02:59
somebodywhoneedsSo I just need to switch moniters...02:59
cyberjorgei understand, just asking how it works..02:59
somebodywhoneedsHow do I do that?02:59
=== root is now known as Guest23346
PhillipAhlm: update-rc.d -f [name] remove02:59
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_VIM_cyberjorge: well like i said, i have have not tried fog yet,,, so you get to be the test rat ;)02:59
hlmthankyou PhillipA02:59
_VIM_let me know how it goes lol02:59
=== impulse__ is now known as progenitus1
cyberjorgehmmm... ok03:00
PhillipAso, anybody have blender installed on their ubuntu system?03:00
soreausomebodywhoneeds: You're rambling. You've already stated your problem. Depending on which graphics driver you use there are different ways to switch monitors. Now again, which graphics driver are you using?03:00
cyberjorgebut i don't wanna risk my backup, i'll probably go for a more used one03:00
Crayboff*sigh* jrib, syockit, changing those three didn't work03:00
jspMythPhillipA: someone on #windows suggested i install ubuntu and hope that grub will pick up the win7 loader03:00
Xeohow do i change the menu bar color for the active window?03:00
syockitCrayboff: changing what? let me check logs03:00
PhillipAjspMyth: "pick up?"03:01
_2jspMyth you use linux ?03:01
fearfulI wanted to remove xubuntu-desktop I did sudo apt-get purge xubuntu-desktop but there is still some apps that where installed that stayed in my GNOME menus how can I remove them?03:01
jspMythPhillipA: normally if u install windows 7 and install grub it will let you load the windows 7 boot loader from grub03:01
jspMyth_2:  i am using ubuntu live cd, trying to recover my win7 installation03:01
cyberjorge_VIM_: with clonezilla, are you able to migrate a complete image to different with minimal hardware changes, say harddisk and some components but same board?03:01
PhillipAjspMyth: but that's assuming it's on the windows partition in the first place03:02
PhillipAif it *can't find* it you might need to restore it03:02
_2jspMyth you don't have to install linux to use grub.  you should look into the "super_grub_cd"03:02
_VIM_cyberjorge: yeah, Clonezilla can be dangerous..as I'm sure the others can be too, if not handled with care... Now if you just want a backup of stuff without an image, try sbackup03:02
syockitCrayboff: umm what did you do? you renamed your .gnome, huh?03:02
_2jspMyth just web search those three words.03:02
fearfulHow can I remove the xubuntu apps that were installed, like 'xfce4 app finder'03:03
cyberjorgeno _VIM_ i need a full image backup of os and settings so i won't have to reinstall over and over again03:03
komohi, how can i get in a greek chat?03:03
_VIM_yeah Clonezilla then03:03
_2!puregnome > fearful03:03
ubottufearful, please see my private message03:03
jspMyth_2: i dont have anything except a live USB of ubuntu (which i am on)03:03
_2!purekde > fearful03:04
_VIM_!backup | cyberjorge  (try these sites)...03:04
ubottucyberjorge  (try these sites)...: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning03:04
cyberjorgeespecially i just finished with my ultimate ubuntu setup after so many failures :D03:04
komohi, how can i get in a greek chat?03:04
nightrid3r!gr | komo03:04
ubottukomo: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes03:04
_2jspMyth you can use that to install grub,   just select a safe place for the stage# files  and install grub normally03:04
Crayboffsyockit: i renamed .gnome, .gnome2, .gconf03:04
fearful_2: How about for xfce4 thats KDE03:04
syockitCrayboff: that was outside gnome when you did it?03:05
=== logan is now known as logan34234
_2fearful not sure.  is there not a link on the page ?   i thought it had a link for other flavours03:05
_VIM_cyberjorge: sorry to just throw websites at you from ubottu but, at least that way you'll actually accomplish the task... :)03:05
Crayboffsyockit: what do you mean by that?03:05
syockitCrayboff: were you logged in?03:05
Crayboffsyockit: yes03:05
Xeo(10:08:48 PM) Xeo: how do i change the menu bar color for the active window?03:05
fearful_2: Sorry didn't see the link I'll look into it03:05
obxyikes i forgot how big this room was.03:05
jspMythPhillipA: i think ill just use that ms-sys program now03:06
nightrid3rkomo /join #ubuntu-gr03:06
syockitCrayboff: if you do from desktop, rename .gnome, log out, it will create new .gnome automatically03:06
syockitCrayboff: that's why I didn't recommend renaming gnome03:06
PhillipAjspMyth: it's "fdisk /mbr" it will erase grub but will restore the win boot image03:06
logan34234does anyone know of any music handling programs for mp3 players? Like it will let me manage my collection, decide what gets put on my mp3 player, automatically get album covers/correct tag data?03:06
chupyi have a simple question de envyng nvidia drivers are the privative drivers??? and the best or latest?03:06
Crayboffsyockit: ya figured that out, well oops. i deleted the new .gnome and replaced it with the original03:06
syockitCrayboff: try adding a user, log in as that user and see if it affects the new user or not03:06
chupy* i have a simple question the envyng nvidia drivers are the privative drivers??? and the best or latest?03:06
cyberjorge_VIM_: no problem at all, i'm learning from, i don't know actually there's a command to make a complete image untill you threw me there.. LOL :D03:06
jspMythPhillipA: i am trying to follow this link that you sent me before http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/03:06
fearful_2: Nothing for xfce4.03:06
Crayboffsyockit: why would that do anything differently?03:07
syockitCrayboff: or if you know how to start/stop gdm, you can try that rename thing again03:07
_VIM_cyberjorge: haha well let me know how it goes :)03:07
bartekHi there, I have a bash script I want to install and the install instructions say "source into .bashrc under line [...]" what does it mean to source something into .bashrc ? Never heard this phrase before. Something tells me it means COPY AND PASTE though :)03:07
_2fearful you can wildcard apt   something like  "sudo apt-get remove 'xfce*'"  but that wont really get everything.  it will generate a nice list though.03:07
josh__Hey Gang. I need a wireless guru. Got an AR242x card in this laptop that just refuses to play well with others. Who should I 'ping' for help?03:07
syockitCrayboff: no, it's just to confirm whether amarok only affects you or other users as well03:07
Crayboffsyockit: amarok doesn't auto start in a new user, if that's what your asking and i don't know what start/stop gdm is03:07
logan34234Does anyone know any linux programs for managing my music collection and moving files to an mp3 player?03:07
_2fearful or even "xf*"03:07
IndyGunFreakjosh__: what have you done to get the device working?03:07
syockitCrayboff: okay, so it only affects you...03:08
cyberjorge_VIM_: sure buddy! anyway have an idea for a software to make an ubuntu machine act as a wifi server where you can generate accounts for a user then expire at a given time or at logout03:08
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
jspMythanyone know a linux program that can write the VISTA MBR ?03:08
josh__IndyGunFreak, installed, booted, updated, iwlist s & iwconfig    no devices other then eth0 are showing att  (8.04)03:08
kitchejspMyth: no linux program can03:09
fearful_2: Nice thanks, didn't know you can wildcard apt-get :p03:09
syockitCrayboff: this is amarok 1/2? does amarok have its own "Launch at start up" option in its preference?03:09
IndyGunFreakjosh__: 32 or 64bit?03:09
nightrid3rcyberjorge wifidog ?03:09
josh__IndyGunFreak, 32bit03:09
jspMythkitche: are you sure, i found a couple that can write the winXP MBR, but not vista03:09
_VIM_cyberjorge: hmm no sorry03:09
IndyGunFreakjosh__: are you on it now?. like does it have non-wireless internet access?03:09
logan34234does anyone know of any programs for managing my music collection on linux?03:09
_2fearful you should really look into deborphan  and debfoster too.   they really help with things like that.03:09
cyberjorgehmmm.. nightrid3r let me try that03:10
cyberjorgethanks guys for the help03:10
nightrid3rlogan34234 amarok03:10
kitchejspMyth: I never even heard of a linux program writing a windows xp mbr before03:10
fearful_2: Alright thanks again.03:10
jspMythkitche: http://www.arsgeek.com/2008/01/15/how-to-fix-your-windows-mbr-with-an-ubuntu-livecd/03:10
superfly__hey sexy ladies03:10
_2!info debfoster > fearful03:10
josh__IndyGunFreak, yes sir. running via wired eth now. IndyGunFreak and you can talk at almost any level with me. i03:10
ubottudebfoster (source: debfoster): Install only wanted Debian packages. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-1 (intrepid), package size 35 kB, installed size 212 kB03:10
Crayboffsyockit, i looked through it's preferences and can't find anything of the sort. i looked a couple times. is it possible i missed it, ya i guess. it's v1.4.103:10
josh__IndyGunFreak, yes sir. running via wired eth now. IndyGunFreak and you can talk at almost any level with me. i've been playing with comps and *nix for a bit now.03:10
IndyGunFreakjosh__: ok, and you are using 8.10, right?03:11
superfly__hey sexy ladies03:11
logan34234I'm looking for somethig that can move music to my MP3 player, i dont think amarok has that support03:11
logan34234I'm looking for the linux equivilent of winamp03:11
Scunizilogan34234: what kind of mp3 player?03:11
crh0872yeah xmms03:11
logan34234A Sandisk Sansa Fuze03:12
logan34234it claims to be linux compatible, on the box03:12
carbineAnyone here good with intel graphics in Ubuntu?03:12
logan34234also research showed it to be the most linux compatible03:12
syockitCrayboff: this is a wild guess but: does .kde exist?03:12
IndyGunFreakjosh__: are you using 8.10?..03:12
Scunizilogan34234: I have a Sansa 2 or something like that and amorak and rhythmbox work03:12
josh__IndyGunFreak, negative. 8.0403:12
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository03:12
IndyGunFreakjosh__: thats why...03:12
josh__IndyGunFreak, don't care for KDE4.(hex)03:12
kitchejspMyth: ah ms-sys yeah but I still have never heard of a linux program able to do it, but then again I won't trust a different operating system to write another operating system mbr03:13
Crayboffsyockit: yes it does03:13
josh__IndyGunFreak, yer kidding, right?03:13
IndyGunFreakjosh__: not at all.03:13
adrenalyndoes anyone know how to configure Java to let me play runescape?03:13
somebodywhoneedsPlease look at that.03:13
* carbine is trying to run WoW within Wine using an intel chipset with onboard graphics. =x03:13
josh__IndyGunFreak, i can't get this card running in oot-four?03:13
IndyGunFreakjosh__: i have that device on 3 different machines03:13
IndyGunFreakjosh__: you can... its just kind of a pain03:13
=== elementz_ is now known as elementz
syockitCrayboff: wow thats curious. check .kde/Autostart (if I remember correctly)03:13
IndyGunFreakjosh__: i do no, ndiswrapper won't work,03:13
josh__IndyGunFreak, fire the links over, please.03:14
jbuncherIs anyone in here with intel wireless having trouble accessing hidden SSID networks with hardy kernel 2.6.24-23?03:14
IndyGunFreakjosh__: problem is, most of the links are dead, it requires a patched version of madwifi, for 8.04.. lemme see if i still have the files saved03:14
Crayboffsyockit: you're talking about ~/.kde/ right?03:14
syockitCrayboff: yes03:14
ladiesman264so where are all the chicks03:15
Crayboffsyockit: the only files in it are cache-boff-laptop, share, socket-boff-laptop, and tmp-boff-laptop03:15
josh__IndyGunFreak, no. no ndiswrapper. if that is the case, i'll get xubuntu (8.10) and use it.  The only reason I'm not on 8.10 now is the KDE kha-kha.03:15
ladiesman264i heard the internet has some03:15
Jax24Hey everyone... running Heron on a Dell netbook but I can't switch users... if i try to switch to a different user i just get a black screen and then a password prompt for the last user logged inh03:15
adrenalynHow do you configure JRE Java to run the applet in the browser such as the game RuneSCape03:15
Scunizi!ot | ladiesman26403:15
ubottuladiesman264: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:15
IndyGunFreakjosh__: just use normal ubuntu, unless you just like xfce.. gnome works just fine..03:15
josh__IndyGunFreak, cool. tanx, dawg. I'm gonna step out and take a puff. Back in three.03:15
IndyGunFreakjosh__: ok, i'll try to find these files and see if i can help you wiht it.03:15
ladiesman264see thats the thing i met ubuntu in a bar last night she was so pretty03:16
ladiesman264is she her03:16
adrenalynHow do you configure JRE Java to run the applet in the browser such as the game RuneSCape03:16
josh__IndyGunFreak, we will NOT have that conversation. (imo:  the only place for any Gnome is on the front lawn of a rich dudes house).03:16
spideymanI cant get rtorrent to work since i upgraded to 8.1003:16
IndyGunFreakjosh__: lol, ok03:16
adrenalynHow do you configure JRE Java to run the applet in the browser such as the game RuneSCape03:17
Scunizi!patients | adrenalyn03:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patients03:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:17
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines03:17
adrenalynsry but noone wants to answer me, so i thot id bump the question03:18
PhillipAadrenalyn: sun-java6-plugin03:18
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
josh__IndyGunFreak, change of direction for a bit....    Is there anyway to update to 8.10 and KEEP KDE3.x ?03:18
adrenalyncan i get that thru Add/Remove?03:18
Scuniziadrenalyn: give it a little time.. if they know the answer they'll get back to you..03:18
adrenalynor should i install thru terminal or something?03:18
PhillipAno, go to Synaptic Package Manager03:18
josh__IndyGunFreak, I don't mind updating, if I can keep a WORKING copy of KDE on here.03:18
adrenalynhow do i get to that?03:18
IndyGunFreakjosh__: honestly, i dont' know... but i have the files you need for 8.04.. if you want to join me in #indygunfreak  i';ll rapidshare them to you and tell you how to do it.03:18
PhillipAor just type sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin03:18
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
syockitCrayboff: hold on I'm trying to recall...03:19
megaJuiceanyone know anything about graphic drivers?03:21
syockitCrayboff: wow, it's already almost 2 hours you're on this. btw what was the result of that find thing?03:21
fearful_2: debophran had a lot of list that I didn't know whether to keep or remove so I just stuck with the xfce* wildcard I don't think it removed all but it helped thanks again.03:21
Crayboffsyockit, what find thing?03:21
grkblood13hey, any1 know of a web browser based remote hosting site?03:21
grkblood13so some1 can see what im doing to their computer reomotely03:21
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
spideymanmegaJuice im dealing with mine allday ATI03:21
PhillipA!vnc | grkblood1303:21
ubottugrkblood13: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX03:21
Crayboffoh the grep? syockit, didn't pastebin it o_O03:22
grkblood13PhillipA, i want to use something web broswer based03:22
grkblood13im going to be connecting to a windows box from ubuntu03:22
geniigrkblood13: So if I understand: They are not near their computer but wish to visit a website whre they can see their desktop and what you are currently doing to it as you are remotely logged in from some third location?03:23
Scunizigrkblood13: vnc works fine.. and the other will be able to watch.. windows typically had RDP installed already and you just hook to it.03:23
Crayboffsyockit: would you like me to do it again?03:23
megaJuicespideyman: I tried to install an ATI card, but gave up and am trying to go back to my original "Generic Driver". But I didn't back it up, and now I think I'm screwed.03:23
jbuncheranyone know what the sudo update is about in hardy?03:23
syockitCrayboff: yes i do, but I'd like the grep to be case-insensitive03:24
grkblood13i want to log in to their box remotely but i still want them to be able to see what im doign to their pc03:24
spideymanmegaJuice give me a sec ill get you a link03:24
grkblood13so i would log in through a web browser03:24
syockitCrayboff: add -i flag to grep when you do it03:24
Crayboffya just figured that03:24
grkblood13and they would see that mouse move03:24
megaJuicespideyman: awesome, thank you03:24
Crayboffi installed the pastebinit command, how do i use that again?03:24
crh0872grkblood13 are you talking about VNC?03:25
PhillipAtry http://danielwebb.us/software/vnc/03:25
grkblood13im not toalkign about anythign specific03:25
crh0872sounds like you want VNC though03:25
sebsebsebgrkblood13: I just joined,  you want someone to remote connect your computer?03:25
syockitCrayboff: pastebinit <filename>03:26
spideymanmegajuice http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Intrepid_Installation_Guide#Installation_Guide_for_Ubuntu_Intrepid_.28v_8.10.2903:26
Crayboffwell that doesn't help here, does it, syockit03:26
grkblood13i want to remote connect to theirs03:26
syockitCrayboff: if it's something that outputs to standard output, <process> | pastebinit03:26
grkblood13through a web browser03:26
grkblood13i know hteres a prog that does it03:26
Crayboffsyockit: i did that, but it got pissy at me03:27
grkblood13i jsut cant remember it03:27
megaJuicespideyman: I'm looking at it now03:27
sebsebsebPhillipA: Java VNC's yeah.  I tunnel  VNC properly over SSH :)03:27
Crayboffsyockit: so i just ran grep -R amarok ~/.* -i and will copy paste it in if i can03:27
geniigrkblood13: If they are in front of their computer when you use a program like VNC or FreeNX or RDP or whatever, they will see you moving the mouse. You won't need some intermediate webpage thing03:27
syockitCrayboff: no, output to file03:27
grkblood13do they need to install anything?03:27
spideymanmegajuice im finally tripple booting on a 32" lcd sweet03:27
syockitCrayboff: grep -R amarok ~/.* -i > result.file03:27
sebsebsebgrkblood13: you want someone to remote connect your computer?03:28
PhillipAgrkblood13: just the vnc client, which is trivial to install, there are even java applets for it03:28
syockitCrayboff: that'll give you the file, and also pastebinit result.file afterwards03:28
sebsebsebPhillipA: VNC on it's own is not secure03:28
geniigrkblood13: VNC does have a java based interface on the hosting machine, it's likely what you are thinking of03:28
Crayboffsyockit: is that the exact command? and where will it be saved to? do i have to specify it?03:28
PhillipAsebsebseb: i don't think he's worried about security03:28
jspMythPhillipA: if i run bootsect.exe -fixmbr in wine do you think that will work ?03:28
sebsebsebPhillipA: well  now days if I vnc someone,  I will make sure I do it securely03:29
sebsebseband that's been a while03:29
jspMythor does wine does wine do everything virtually ?03:29
PhillipAjspMyth: ooh, wine, wouldn't try that... linux will restrict you from accessing the mbr03:29
PhillipAotherwise linux would be vulnerable to the simplest mbr worm03:29
sebsebsebjspMyth: yeah  that won't work03:29
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
jspMythPhillipA: thought so, i guess i am gonna go try and find a vista bootable dvd03:29
jspMythPhillipA: thanks for the help03:30
jbuncherjspMyth:  what is the issue?03:30
PhillipAjspMyth: no problem03:30
sebsebsebjspMyth: you can probably fix without the DVD03:30
jspMythjbuncher: need to fix the vista bootloader without a DVD03:30
jspMythjbuncher: all i have is ubuntu on flash drive03:30
sebsebsebjspMyth: you can fix wtih out DVD I am pretty sure03:30
sebsebsebwhat was the  program called hummmmm03:30
jspMythsebsebseb: has to be a linux program, i know easyBCD does it but thats for windows only03:31
megaJuicespideyman: yeah i've looked at that probably 100 times. I need to get the driver for my generic card that I have.03:31
jbuncherjspMyth:  what is wrong with the vista bootloader?03:31
syockitCrayboff: grep -iR amarok ~/.* > result.file ; pastebinit result.file03:31
grkblood13ok, i think im looking for something similiar to gotomypc.com03:31
sebsebsebjspMyth: yep  easyBCD I was thinking of03:32
spideymanmegajuice worked for my onboard ati03:32
jspMythjbuncher: i think it was overwritten when i recovered my deleted partitions with testdisk03:32
sebsebsebgrkblood13: showmypc.com03:32
grkblood13thats it!03:32
grkblood13thank you03:32
sebsebsebgrkblood13: fine if your remote connecting someone on Windows,  once they have the program for it,  but  Linux  I don't know about that03:32
Crayboffalright, its put in the terminal and going, syockit03:32
jspMythsebsebseb: yeah what i need is a linux version of easyBCD03:32
sebsebsebgrkblood13: I think maybe Linux can only view other computers with that03:32
megaJuicespideyman: yeah I tried to install it, it didn't work, I got pissed off, and I put my old card back in.03:32
jbuncherjspMyth: ah ok.  Sorry, I don't think I can help.  Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions though.03:33
redvamp128PhillipA:  do you think this will work for him? Windows Vista Recovery Disc Download — The NeoSmart Files <http://neosmart.net/blog/2008/windows-vista-recovery-disc-download/>03:33
spideymanmegajuice I know the feeling03:33
sebsebsebgrkblood13: what do you want to do with remote connecting software?03:33
grkblood13:( maybe that wasnt it03:33
jspMythjbuncher: no problem, well off to find a vista dvd :)03:33
PhillipAredvamp128: if it is genuine microsoft, it should work for him03:33
grkblood13the service i was thinking of is free03:33
megaJuicespideyman: what card do you have?03:33
spideymanmegajuice it took me all day to get my 32" lcd working03:33
sebsebsebgrkblood13: that one is free03:33
spideymanmegajuice onboard radeon express 200 nothing fancy03:34
sebsebsebgrkblood13: setting up your own VNC server that is  encrypted, becasue it uses SSH, is not that hard really03:34
sebsebsebgrkblood13: then  people can securely remote connect you, or you securely remote connect them03:34
idrishi do any of u know what i can use as a msn on ubuntu03:34
megaJuicespideyman: I've been trying for 3 days. I have a Radeon 955003:34
sebsebsebidris: of course you got a few options03:34
tom243so what programs aren't taken over by Big brother?03:35
sebsebsebidris: Pidgin  is  the default for instant messaging networks and IRC, but that lacks features for MSN,  and so you will want to get these03:35
ubuntu_help, my hard disk suddenly thinks its full03:35
ubuntu_but its not03:35
sebsebsebidris: AMSN and Kmess03:35
tom243and how do I remove programs that are?03:35
spideymanmegajuice its not easy brother but i think i seen something about your card on that site03:35
idristhank u all03:35
sebsebsebidris: also there's a  program called Mercury Messenger that uses Java,  and  can be good depends,  that you might want to try out later on03:35
megaJuicespideyman: probably, I'm gonna keep looking03:36
sebsebsebidris: ,but  AMSN or Kmess should be fine03:36
idriscan i download amsn from mozilla firefox03:36
spideymanmegajuice ATI is a bitch in IBEX03:36
sebsebsebidris:  yes, but  you  can install programs like that much easier in Ubuntu03:36
O__ohi how come i have invalid hostname message when bootup ubuntu ?03:37
spideymanmegajuice are you 32 or 64 bit03:37
sebsebsebidris: either use the  Synaptic package manager,  or open the terminal and run:   sudo apt-get install amsn kmess03:37
megaJuicespideyman: 3203:37
redvamp128idris:  why not use apt-get or synaptic package manger?03:37
idrishow can i open it from run where do i click03:37
spideymanmegajuice im 64 I had to install the 32 first03:37
red__happy days03:37
this_justy_guyO__o: Is this when you get to Gnome?  (The Graphical part)03:37
sebsebsebidris: the terminal is the quickest option03:38
geniiO__o: Probably you tried to set a name with some illegal character in it like a space, or !@#$%^&*()   or so on03:38
idrishow do i do it03:38
O__oi use O_o as hostname03:38
sebsebsebidris: applications assessories terminal03:38
ScuniziO__o: your /etc/hosts might not have   localhost .. listed03:38
O__omaybe "_" not valid?03:38
geniiO__o: That would be my first guess03:38
this_justy_guyThat's it.  The _ is invalid03:38
idristhen what03:38
O__oso is there any damage?03:39
underdog7can someone tell me why i cannot install KPDF in ubuntu?  it doesn't appear in the repositories anywhere.03:39
O__oif i use O_o?03:39
sebsebsebidris:  run this command:  sudo apt-get install amsn kmess03:39
geniiO__o: Use a dash instead of an underbar03:39
Scuniziunderdog7: do you want a pdf reader? or editor?03:39
this_justy_guyO__o: You hostname has to be a valid hostname (ie in the sense of domain names.)03:39
underdog7Scunizi, i would like a good reader -- it seems the consensus is KPDF.  do you disagree?03:40
idrisi cant how plz help03:40
Adman65anyway to use podcast links that link to the itunes store?03:40
O__oso _ = invalid, what else?03:40
fearfulunderdog7: Why don't you use adobe's reader03:40
Scuniziunderdog7: I use evince all the time. and for editing pdfedit.. I'm not really sure what consitiutes a "good" reader03:40
sebsebsebidris: ok hang on03:40
sebsebsebidris:  i'll private message you03:41
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
hlmhow do I end a program that was started in terminal?03:41
Scunizifearful: adobe's reader is heavy..03:41
masebsebseb  --03:41
this_justy_guyO__o:   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hostname03:41
sebsebsebma: what?03:41
Troy1Can someone give me aURL for instruction for dual boot xp & ubuntu,I have 2 separate HD , i noticed when you use the installing tool off live CD it wants to install Unbuntu on Hd that Windows is on, Is there a manual way of installing o second HD and if so i would info that may be posted somewheres already03:41
O__othis_justy_guy, thx :)03:41
inertialanyone use vinagre much? is there any way to make it not disconnect other people when you connect?03:41
sebsebsebhlm:  by closing it or  killall programname or xkill and then click on that program03:41
fearfulScunizi: If you can hold it it does the job pretty well :p03:41
mawhat kind of name is that?03:41
sebsebsebma: what kind of name is ma?03:41
underdog7Scunizi, i definitely don't want evince -- kpdf is better.  can you tell me how to install kpdf on ubuntu?03:41
mais what language?03:41
sebsebsebma:  could have had a better name, but  I have used that one for  years03:42
sebsebsebma:  my name is Sebastian and so Seb is the knickname03:42
Scuniziunderdog7: if it's available sudo apt-get install kpdf.. but I"m curious.. what makes kpdf better?03:42
hlmsebsebseb, I dont think you understand, its a WUI client03:42
Crayboffsyockit: status update: grep seems to have stalled at "grep: /home/boff/./.dbus: Permission denied"03:42
O__oso to modify hostname where do i do that i forgot03:42
sebsebsebhlm: a what client?03:42
hlmweb user interface03:42
spideymanmegajuice this is probably stupid but have you tried that envy program03:42
O__oi have to modify 2 files right?03:42
sebsebsebhlm: didn't know that? got a link??03:43
rww!hostname | O__o03:43
ubottuO__o: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab03:43
redvamp128kpdf I think he has to enable multiverse before it will show up in synaptic03:43
jbuncherunderdog7:  I can't say I use kpdf that much, but I like the font rendering in evince a lot better (though I think it's not as nice for loading ebooks and such)03:43
syockitCrayboff: i don't think it stalled03:43
maseb means - humankind03:43
syockitCrayboff: it's just telling you one of the files failed to be grepped03:43
hlmsebsebseb, its metasploit im trying to end03:43
Scunizijbuncher: underdog7 how 'bout xpdf?03:43
sebsebsebhlm: what?03:43
chupycan anyone help me to search for 32 bit original nvidia driver for GeForce 7150M / nForce 630M for linux in the official we page aren provided03:44
syockitCrayboff: until you get the prompt again, stay tuned03:44
redvamp128underdog7:  I think before it will show up- you have to goto software sources and enable the multiverse.03:44
sebsebsebidris: see my pm.    there should be another tab in your irc program that opended up with my name, click on it03:44
hlmsebsebseb, im trying to end msfweb (metasploit framework WUI)03:44
Scunizichupy: you want to download the latest for that card?03:44
NFischerHI evrbdy.. how do i record the wav audio out?03:44
chupyyes the official to compile it03:44
O__ohostname orz doesnt change it03:44
O__owhy's that?03:44
Scunizichupy: hang on..03:45
hlmhow do I end a program that was opened in a terminal, that has no GUI?03:45
Crayboffalright, syockit03:45
chupyScunizi: ok thanks---03:45
O__ois it because my original hostname isnt valid therefore hostname command doesnt work?03:45
redvamp128hlm:  goto system- administration- system monitor- then process tab and find it in the list-- then right click choose kill task03:45
NFischerhlm ctrl+c03:45
Crayboffsyockit: just that it's been staying there for quite some time now, is why i bring it up03:45
hlmredvamp128, its not in the list03:45
hlmNFischer, I closed the window on accident :-(03:46
redvamp128what application? hlm03:46
fservedoes that radio work on audacious or xmms? http://mauro.yi.org:8000/listen.pls03:46
th3raid0rOkay, where do I go for jaunty talk?03:46
NFischerhlm then its closed03:46
hlmredvamp128, metasploit framework web gui03:46
_VIM_#ubuntu+1 th3raid0r03:46
hlmNFischer, explain how I can still use it then...03:46
NFischerhlm start it again?03:46
hlmNFischer, I cant, because the port is already in use03:46
Scunizichupy: http://www.nvidia.com/object/unix.html03:47
redvamp128hlm:  is it still open on your desktop ?03:47
NFischerhlm which port? whats that program?03:47
O__oguys i cant bring up terminal....03:47
hlmredvamp128, no03:47
rdeshpandehey all03:47
rdeshpandeanyone set up ubuntu on their macbook pro?03:47
hlmNFischer, metasploit.com 5555 (in reverse order)03:47
hlmfive 5's*03:48
NFischerhlm you shouldn use those kindo things03:48
hlmNFischer, I need to test my network somehow03:48
NFischerhlm sure03:48
syockitCrayboff: hmm, probably grepping the whole thing was a bad idea? btw, can you open another terminal? and do: tail -F result.file03:48
Troy1Can someone give me aURL for instruction for dual boot xp & ubuntu,I have 2 separate HD , i noticed when you use the installing tool off live CD it wants to install Unbuntu on Hd that Windows is on, Is there a manual way of installing o second HD and if so i would info that may be posted somewheres already03:48
Scunizi!dual | Troy103:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dual03:48
Crayboffsyockit: tail -F is the command?03:48
L3TumI'm trying to get my mouse working in ubuntu. It quit working in Fedora right before I installed ubuntu. I've tried changing the mouse, didn't work. I checked the serial ports in BIOS, and they are enabled. I have no problem with the keyboard. It could possibly have something to do with an ethernet card I have installed, although it didn't happen immediately after I installed it, but the next day. Can anyone help me?03:48
hlmNFischer, if you think thats bad I would hate to see your reaction to thepiratebay.org03:48
Scunizi!dualboot | Troy103:49
ubottuTroy1: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:49
syockitCrayboff: ah sorry, tail -f03:49
BorgirHi there! I'm having some issues with Busybox. Can you guys give me a help?03:49
syockitCrayboff: tail -f result.file03:49
underdog7redvamp128, i think i have the multiverse repository enabled, but it still shows that it can't be installed -- says there is no candidate03:49
Crayboffya, got it, you want me to pastebin it?03:49
NFischerBorgir jsut state your Q03:50
Troy1those links are for dual boot on same HD03:50
Pengu1Troy, what are you trying to install Ubuntu on?03:50
Pengu1And external driver?03:50
Troy1i hve no problems installing a dual boot on same HD03:50
spideymanTroy1 boot from cd 1st and make the drive ext filesystem then the installer should see it03:50
chupyScunizi: thanks03:50
redvamp128underdog7:  It seems as if it is not available for Ibex or Intrepid.. but if you want it I can link you to the .deb from packages for hardy (kpdf)03:50
Troy1iI just cant get it 2 install to my slave drive properly03:51
Scunizichupy: np.. have you installed those before? do you know all the steps?03:51
Pengu1Is it an external drive?03:51
Troy1i have tried manualtoo, but i recieve a message that it missing a Root03:51
underdog7revdvamp128, thanks, much appreciated!03:51
syockitCrayboff: no, pastebin the result.file when grep's finished. I just want you to monitor what tail gives03:51
L3TumTroy1, Is the second hd an external or internal?03:51
redvamp128underdog7:  Ubuntu -- Details of package kpdf in hardy <http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/kpdf>03:52
adrockDoes anybody know any channels where people trae books?03:52
redvamp128underdog7:  the links to the download site are at the bottom.03:52
ScuniziTroy1: if you had issues with manually doing it and an error.. it's probably 'cause grub was put on the wrong drive.  simply reinstall grub correctly03:52
chupymmm my drivers are the nforce drivers Scunizi03:52
RussMgrkblood13, Sorry, just scrolling through my history, saw you asking about a free remote desktop solution that would work cross platform - I have bookmarked "wizhelp" (www.wizhelp.com) to try out, it's supposed to do that. Haven't gotten around to it myself, but it might be useful.03:52
Troy1i have windows on Master setting for Hd and Linux is setup as slave03:52
Scunizichupy: which version card? U.S. number?03:53
Troy1i cannot get my HD to work as Cable select for some reason03:53
Crayboffsyockit: alright, umm now the tail is completely spazzing out it keeps repeating somethingl like file:/home/boff../home/boff" over and over again as if it were having fun with Ctrl+V03:53
underdog7redvamp128, thanks.  much appreciated.  why do you think i can't install it though?  i've never had that problem before in previous versions of ubuntu03:53
epaulhello everyone..03:53
Troy1i get NTDLR message03:53
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
epaulI am trying to use IPMITOOl..03:53
redvamp128underdog7:  because there is no intrepid or ibex version (8.10) in that repository03:53
epaulbut while executing, it gives some error03:53
ubuntu_i wiped out windows vista from other hard drive and it also erased my bootloader...now what do i do to recover?03:54
syockitCrayboff: yes, it will output anything new added to the file. I told you to do this just to assure you that grep is running03:54
Scuniziubuntu_: reinstall03:54
chupyScunizi how do i get that??03:54
epaullike get device ID command failed03:54
chupyGeForce 7150M / nForce 630M03:54
ubuntu_um no, i know there is a fix to this03:54
L3TumCan anyone help me troubleshoot my mouse problem please? I've tried changing to a different mouse obviously, and I've checked BIOS, ports are enabled. I don't THINK it is a driver problem because it quit working before I installed ubuntu.03:54
Troy1I can boot Ubuntu by changing which Hd to boot from in Bios, but thats kinda a annoying process03:54
Crayboffsyockit: luckily i don't have epilepsy, or this tail would set it off, can i stop it? it's making my cpu go up to 9003:54
Scunizichupy: an.. gforce 7150.. use the 180.29 card03:54
sebsebsebubuntu_: Grub can be re installed03:55
sebsebsebthat's the Ubuntu boot loader03:55
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:55
chupyScunizi ok well thanks...03:55
idrissebsebseb r u here03:55
Pengu1ubuntu_: which bootloader are you trying to install? Ubuntu or Windows?03:55
sebsebsebidris: yes03:55
Scunizichupy: that driver will work well.. I use it for my 8200 geforce03:55
Pengu1That can be done in the Live CD03:56
akiowhat is the package that monitors services and restarts/stops them if unresponsive?03:56
Troy1 rather not use grub if possible, because if windows becomes corrupt i am stuck redoing everything03:56
ubuntu_i am on livecd now03:56
syockitCrayboff: um okay. wait, it's spouting *that* much?03:56
chupyScunizi thanks :) its for overclocking03:56
Pengu1Ubuntu, one moment let me get a link for you.03:56
redvamp128Troy1:  Wingrub WinGrub and Ubuntu <http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p9.html>03:56
sebsebsebidris: talk in PM03:56
Pengu1follow those instructions, Ubuntu_03:56
redvamp128Troy1:  but you have to be in windows to use/configure it.03:56
Pengu1it should restore grub.03:57
BorgirI have win and ubuntu in my computer. Last week I deleted the win partition and I have also changed the hdd boot order (firstly I was booting with an IDE HDD and now with a SATA HDD). The problem is grub disappeared, and when I use the live cd, every option (except the mem test) leads to the busybox command line. How can I fix this situation?03:57
underdog7redvamp128, thanks.  i'll give this a try.03:57
syockitCrayboff: sadly no03:57
redvamp128Troy1:  It basically -- uses the boot.ini to point to the wingrub to then load linux -- keeping your mbr intact.03:57
Troy1ok lookng at page you sen redvamp03:57
ScuniziBorgir: do you have a new motherboard too?03:57
Crayboffsyockit: ya. you know when you were younger and played on Word, you wanted to make the largest number you could so you copypasted a bunch of zeros after a 1? and kept pressing the ctrl+V cause it went by fast? well that's what tail -f is doing right now03:57
BorgirIt's the same motherboard.03:58
syockitCrayboff: ctrl-c that tail03:58
Crayboffsyockit: wait. joke? or do you want me to copy it?03:59
Troy1you see my freind has a dual boot and he chose which OS to boot from by F8 option, and 2 separate HD03:59
ScuniziBorgir: when you get to the first screen on the live cd hit F6 and remove quiet splash .. that way you can watch the load process and see what the error is.03:59
sedaghatfarhi i used wubi to make a partion but not i deleted it, but it says i still has 10gb used in the partion how can i get that space back03:59
syockitCrayboff: okay I've determined this method a failure, as it would produce a superbly large file03:59
evoncan anyone tell me how to get ubuntu to mount partitions automatically? For example my windows partitions?03:59
syockitCrayboff: and impossible to pastebin03:59
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap03:59
* syockit sighs03:59
G-Bluntedhow do i figure out what sound device my OS is using?03:59
Crayboffsyockit: didn't happen when i did it before03:59
Crayboffsyockit: well i didn't do tail before04:00
G-Bluntedcause my OS plays sounds but i can't configure amsn to output to my /dev/audio or /dev/dsp04:00
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions04:00
syockitCrayboff: wait, before-> means grep finished completely?04:00
Crayboffsyockit: yes04:00
evonubottu: you talkin to me?04:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:00
syockitCrayboff: what is grep doing now?04:00
syockitevon: it is a bot, automated04:00
Troy1ok loks like i have some reading to do04:01
evon? what kind of bot is that?04:01
BorgirScunizi.. Ok! I'm going to try it now.04:01
Pengu1evon, aren't partitions mounted automatically by default?04:01
evonit reads what we write and responds?04:01
Pengu1mine are.04:01
Troy1wil wubi work for installing to a second HD04:01
ScuniziBorgir: do you know how.. correctly?04:01
Troy1appears to be an easier method for newbie's like me04:01
Crayboffsyockit: now it's hanging out at "grep: /home/boff/../boff/.mozilla/firefox/j4d3th5q.default/lock: no such directory" got one thing farther than it was before, i think04:01
syockitevon: it reads certain commands started with the exclamation mark, ! .04:01
redvamp128Troy1:  Using that wingrub will make the mbr still be windows based.04:02
evonPengul: they are not mounted until i try to access it with nautilus but I want it to mount on boot04:02
underdog7can someone tell me where i set file associations?04:02
redvamp128underdog7:  find the file you want to set-- then right click choose properties then open with tab choose the program.04:02
Troy1my freind has a dual boot without Grub04:02
Troy1how did he do it04:02
Crayboffsyockit: ya it's one thing after it paused at before04:02
Pengu1Troy1, he probably used Wubi04:03
syockitCrayboff: as you can see, grep tries to output any line in a file that contains the word we give. but for non-text files, one line could be veeeeeeery long04:03
evoncan anyone tell me how to get ubuntu to mount partitions automatically? For example my windows partitions?04:03
redvamp128Troy either that or he used wingrub.04:03
syockitCrayboff: that's why I think this won't work04:03
Xeohow do i access shared files on my windows pc from ubuntu?  I've tried smb:///
Xeoand it's not working04:03
jribevon: install and run ntfs-config04:03
NFischerunderdog7 you mean links?04:03
underdog7redvamp128, but i don't want to have to go through that process.  i want it automatic association.04:03
Troy1wingrub kinda sound like grub04:03
Troy1but it's ok04:03
Crayboffsyockit: well it just did work before, so that's why i'm confused04:03
NFischerevon fstab04:03
underdog7NFischer, sorry, i'm sure i know what you mean04:03
Troy1thanks again redvamp your a helpful04:03
redvamp128Troy1:  basically it is but runs on windows parition--04:03
epaulI got some error while using ipmitool04:04
NFischerevon sudo gedit etc/fstab/04:04
epaulplease help me04:04
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
* Crayboff is starting to hate tail04:04
syockitCrayboff: probably the -i flag makes it run slower, or results in more results04:04
NFischerunderdog what do you want to do?04:04
hlmhow do I end an invisible process?04:04
redvamp128Troy1:  but unlike standard grub it does not overwrite the mbr-- basically it uses the boot.ini file to link to the windgrub to then boot your linux04:04
Crayboffah, syockit would you like me to continue tail and grep?04:04
syockitCrayboff: then can you ctrl-c the grep and repeat without i. that is: grep -R instead of grep -iR04:04
BorgirScunizi.. I will look for "quiet splash" in the line that appears when pressing F6. Then delete those 2 words?04:04
evonNFischer: i don't know how to edit fstab. that file is confusing to me04:04
redvamp128Troy1:  but you have to be in windows to configure it /edit the boot.ini04:04
ScuniziBorgir: yes04:05
BorgirOk.. brb04:05
NFischerevon you have to do some work on your own... http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html04:05
Troy1honestly i am feel i will screw that wingrub process up04:05
NFischerevon please try gogole first04:05
Troy1playing with HD s scary for me04:05
Troy1i just speant all last night getting my windows all back to normal04:05
underdog7NFischer, i would like to associate a certain program with a certain type of file, such that i don't have to right click on the file and choose what program i want -- i want it automatic.04:05
RussMhlm, "invisible"?04:06
Troy1even though i do like linux04:06
wolterhow do i get my computer (192.168.1.xxx) recognized as http://wolter-laptop on any network i connect to?04:06
CrayboffTroy1: it works for me, well i used wubi to install04:06
evonNFischer: i did otherwise I would not be here. I don't understand how to input lines into the fstab. I'm also trying to mount another linux partion as well. not just windows. I don't want to have to go through nautilus everytime i want something mounted04:06
Pengu1underdog, right click the file, hit properties, then hit 'open with' and hit close. it will associate with that program from then on.04:06
hlmRussM, it was started in a terminal, its no in sysmon and I closed the terminal and its still running04:06
NFischerunderdog7 ah i see... right clock > properties > open with04:06
Troy1yeah wubi looks like an easier method for newbie like me04:06
RussMhlm, If you open another terminal, and type "ps -elf", do you see it there?04:07
Troy1all the chain load and map and Hd) stuff gets confusing for me04:07
CrayboffTroy1: it is,seeing how i'm a newbie myself, but it's caused some problems for me04:07
underdog7ahh, thanks NFischer.  that's actually what redvamp128 was telling me.  thanks to you both.  much appreciated.04:07
Crayboffaaa, syockit you said i can't close tail, right?04:07
syockitCrayboff: yes you can04:08
Troy1oh how did wubi fail for you04:08
syockitCrayboff: ctrl-c it04:08
hlmRussM, I cant decipher what that is saying04:08
Pengu1the only downside to Wubi is the inability to hibernate04:08
Crayboffsyockit: umm i closed it before you said ctrl-c it04:08
illumin8Guys i borked my grub install on my ubuntu partion when i installed fedora 10 to another partion, is there a way to fix it from the live install?04:08
syockitCrayboff: okay then04:08
RussMhlm, What process is it? It's possible it started some other process, so it is showing up under a different name.04:08
=== NeT_DeMoN_ is now known as NeT_DeMoN
sebsebsebwubi I woudn't recommend it04:08
Pengu1You want to restore grub, illumin8?04:08
sebsebsebwubit is for noobs that can't partition04:08
sebsebsebpartitions are the best04:09
Troy1Hibernate, meaning just during installion process ?04:09
illumin8I want to have grub be my primary bootloader yes04:09
danbhfiveillumin8: does fedora use grub? or lilo?04:09
Troy1not sure what they meant by that  ?04:09
Pengu1illumin8: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22435104:09
hlmRussM, will you promise to continue to help me?04:09
sebsebsebdanbhfive: hardly any distros use lilo04:09
sebsebsebdanbhfive: by default04:09
sebsebsebso Grub04:09
Crayboffsyockit: i got back like 30% of my cpu by closing it :)04:09
Pengu1Troy1, hibernate is a feature that saves your ram to your hard drive, so when you reboot your desktop is exactly as you'd left it04:09
danbhfivesebsebseb: hehe, ok04:09
hlmRussM, its metasploit framework web UI04:09
sebsebseband  Fedora Core 2 and 4 were my first Linux distros, and yes they used Grub04:10
madagascar27when you delete a partition where does the disk space go to04:10
woltermadagascar27, unallocated04:10
madagascar27wolter: ?04:10
RussMhlm, Well, I've never run metasploit, so unfortunately that doesn't give me any insight.04:10
danbhfiveillumin8: is it that ubuntu is just not listed in the grub menu?04:10
syockitCrayboff: have you restarted the grep?04:10
Scunizimadagascar27: unassigned and unavailable until you reassign it04:10
sebsebsebmadagascar27: if you just delete a partition it is really still there,  untill being overwritten, it's just not in the partition table04:10
wolterto wherever it was, but it has nothing, nor is it formatted.04:10
Pengu1The disk space is cleared, madagascar27, e.g., 'unallocated'04:10
Troy1not quite sre what you meant by that04:10
Troy1 hibernate is a feature that saves your ram to your hard drive, so when you reboot your desktop is exactly as you'd left it04:11
madagascar27how can i take that parition and add the space to an existing spot04:11
sebsebsebwolter: oh it's you04:11
Crayboffsyockit: didn't know you wanted me to restart it04:11
Troy1swap space ?04:11
Pengu1Troy1, if your were running a program or watching a video, you could reboot and the program would still be running.04:11
Crayboffsyockit: i'll do it, you want it without the -i, right?04:11
illumin8Im sorry if im not responding to your messages, they appear bright yellow to me so very hard to read. What happend was i have 7 Oses installed on the machine, recently i put fedora 10 in and it failed to load the other Oses on boot, so I would prefer to use Ubuntu's since its most reliable04:11
wolterhttp://<computer name>.local04:11
sebsebsebwolter:  the one from my MSN?04:11
wolterhey sebsebseb04:11
FloodBot2wolter: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:11
idrishow can i get amsn on ubuntu04:11
sebsebsebdon't use wubi04:11
illumin8I did what that post said, so hopefully that will resolve it. Brb :)04:12
sebsebsebidris: I already told you the command way04:12
nishshanka_hi all04:12
woltersebsebseb,  i setup ftp server and everyone on network can access it by entering ftp://wolter-laptop.local/ =DD04:12
Troy1my windows does not have the option04:12
Scuniziillumin8: you need to learn how to use vmware or virtual box.. much easier to install and delete an OS for testing playing etc04:12
woltershut up, FloodBot204:12
syockitCrayboff: yes please04:12
sebsebsebidris:  you should read up about Ubuntu04:12
madagascar27how can i take that parition and add the space to an existing spot04:12
RussMhlm, I see from wiki that metasploit framework is a ruby app... you might try killing all ruby stuff...04:12
Troy1soeant appear like anything imprtant to me04:12
Pengu1Troy1, no, windows does not have that option.04:12
Crayboffalright, started it, syockit04:12
woltersebsebseb, i had to do nothing =D that's the greatest thing..04:12
sebsebsebidris:  http://www.ubuntuguide.org04:12
Troy1i can live without that04:12
nishshanka_please response me any one who doing application with lighttpd04:12
redvamp128idris:  sudo apt-get install amsn04:13
sebsebsebwolter: yep Ubuntu is good for setting up servers04:13
Pengu1Madagascar27, you can resize partitions with gparted04:13
hlmRussM, what should I look for in system monitor?04:13
sebsebsebredvamp128: I already told him, but he can't seem to use the terminal even04:13
RussMhlm, try "ps -elf | grep ruby" and see if you get back anything.04:13
woltersebsebseb, good? AWESOME04:13
madagascar27pengul: where do i find gparted04:13
wolterthats way better than samba, for file sharing..04:13
woltersamba is dead for me...04:13
sebsebsebredvamp128: even told him he has to press enter and put in his Ubuntu password after running the command04:13
wolterftp should be the universal way of sharing04:13
hlmRussM, I found it now, thankyou04:14
sebsebsebwolter: oh you can help someone04:14
Pengu1madagascar27, system > administration > partition editor04:14
hlmand I now understand how to ready it04:14
redvamp128sebesebseb: I think I even told them to look in the synaptic package manger04:14
wolterthe only bad thing is that you cannot limit whether its read-only or read-n-write04:14
hlmRussM, how do I kill one of these processes?04:14
madagascar27pengul: thanks04:14
wolterbut i need to use read and write, so even better04:14
Pengu1Resizing partitions takes a long time.04:14
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:14
illumin8Whoever sent me the link to restore grub on my ubuntu partion thank you, i couldnt read your name from the live cd04:14
RussMhlm, the first number in the ps output line should be the pid, you can "kill -9 thatnumber"04:15
RussMhlm, or, if you don't have any other ruby stuff running, try pkill ruby04:15
redvamp128hlm:  I know the simple way to kill it-- just ctl-alt-backspace then log back in and the process should be stopped04:15
Pengu1illumin8, that was me. you're welcome.04:15
hlmredvamp128, no thanks, I dont want to restore all my running apps04:15
illumin8One final question, Since i installed other oses on the system after the install of ubuntu, how can i update ubuntus grub so it registers those new installs?04:15
illumin8Pengu1, Thank you very much :)04:15
hlmRussM, would it work if I did a pkill $app?04:15
qcjnhi, about "back in time", when the back up is made, after to retrive the file, do i just have to re-copy from where there saved ??04:16
Pengu1They aren't there automatically, illumin8? Listed under 'other os's'?04:16
nishshanka_hi again please connect with me some one who working with lighttpd web server04:16
RussMhlm, It should, pkill just runs a match against the process list. Be careful of unexpected matches, though.04:16
illumin8Pengu1, no, im missing an install of fedora and one other04:17
hlmRussM, its a pretty hard match, itll be 'msf'04:17
hlmRussM, I tried kill -9 PID and it didnt kill it04:17
Pengu1I'm not sure how to edit the file that detects them, I'm not much of an advanced user myself.04:17
RussMhlm, msf should be pretty unique, try pkill -9 msf04:18
kyledrwhat's win32codecs called? i can't find it in the package manager04:18
world_citizenhow can I reinstall firefox?04:18
hlmRussM, I dont think that command is being found... its instantly returning me04:18
madagascar27im on the ubuntu alt installer and up to the partion part and it has been over 10 mins and the loadbar did not move past 0%04:18
illumin8Pengu1, Currently i have Ubuntu, crunchbang (8.10), fedora, debian 5.0, and one other i cant remember.. all installed on seperate partions but using the same swap. 2 of them were installed post ubuntu 8.04 install.04:19
kyledrnevermind i just found it...04:19
harpreetanyone ever used hylaFAX?04:19
redvamp128!codecs | kyledr04:19
ubottukyledr: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:19
spideymankyledr try the perfectbuntu script04:19
Pengu1madagascar27, it takes a long time to rezise partitions. let it go for a while.04:19
geniinishshanka_: If you're certain your issue is with lighthttpd post your tech support question on their board at http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/lighttpd/boards04:19
Quontrex_Ashimimadagascar27: on a known good hard drive?04:19
illumin8Pengu1, so it doesnt have the new ones on ubuntus grub i assume04:19
RussMhlm, gotta take the dogs out. brb04:19
NFischerworld_citizen, synaptic, mark for reinstall04:19
madagascar27pengul: how long04:19
hlmRussM, okay04:19
world_citizenNFisher: thanks04:19
Pengu1illumin8: I'm not sure how to fix that04:19
Troy1thanks everyone04:19
kyledrspideyman: not seeing that in the package manager04:19
harpreetPengu1: fix what?04:20
Troy1to tried to attempt this tonight04:20
madagascar27Quontrex_Ashimi: yes a sony viao core 2 duo all that jazz04:20
illumin8Pengu1, would reinstalling grub do the trick?04:20
Pengu1madagascar27: it shouldn't take more than an hour. but more than 15 minutes.04:20
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
spideymankyledr google it  its a script04:20
madagascar27pengul: okay thx04:20
redvamp128kyledr:  it won't be there-- it is part of mediabuntu -- and the pages that ubottu linked you to will tell you how to install it04:20
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
Quontrex_Ashimimadagascar27: doing a clean install or resize?04:20
Pengu1illumin8: I doubt it, since that's what you just did.04:20
Angelus_DelapsusAnyone in here familar with Kubuntu?04:20
redvamp128!codecs| kyledr:04:20
ubottukyledr:: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:20
madagascar27Quontrex_Ashimi: i am making a partition?04:20
harpreetAngelus_Delapsus: Yes04:21
Pengu1madagascar27: I thought your were rezising? or adding to your existing partition?04:21
Quontrex_Ashimimadagascar27: and the hard disk drive in the machine has worked for you before?04:21
Flannel!anyone | Angelus_Delapsus04:21
ubottuAngelus_Delapsus: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?04:21
FlannelAngelus_Delapsus: Also, You might have more luck in #kubuntu04:21
Angelus_DelapsusThen, Harp: I just logged in and all the sudden Plasma crashed (signal 11)04:21
madagascar27Quontrex_Ashimi: yep04:21
looteranyone else get a high pitch cackling sound  using intrepid ibex?04:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pid04:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about processes04:21
harpreetAngelus_Delapsus: It is a bug, you may report that, what version are you running?04:21
DVA5912Whats a free alternative to Adobe Fireworks?04:22
Pengu1looter, that's probably a hardware problem04:22
kc8pxyi just helped a friend install 8.04.2 64-bit, and also trying to help him transition from windows.  a particular applet he runs often does not work right under ubuntu. how do i start helping him fix it?04:22
Quontrex_Ashimimadagascar27: I would strongly suggest getting the disk diagnostic for that model hard drive04:22
harpreetAngelus_Delapsus: unfortunately plama isn't highly reliable04:22
Angelus_DelapsusHonestly, on any other occassion I would be able to riddle that info off for you. But for some reason, I can't remember04:22
madagascar27Quontrex_Ashimi: how04:22
Pengu1kc8pxy, it'd help if we knew what app it was.04:23
looteryou think?  what do you suggest I do?  I don't have any problems on my vista install...04:23
Quontrex_Ashimimadagascar27: know the brand and model of the disk?04:23
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Pengu1looter, is it installed on a different hard drive?04:23
redvamp128kyledr:  also see this guide How to Install win32 codec - Ubuntu Forums <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60754>04:23
harpreetAngelus_Delapsus: when did you install it? Do you have anything else running on system?04:23
Pengu1is it an external drive?04:23
BorgirScunizi.. it's hard to tell.. so much lines.. The hanlers are: ata_interrupt ... [libate] and disabling IRQ #2104:23
madagascar27Quontrex_Ashimi: total newb its a sony viao all i noe04:23
Pengu1looter, is it external?04:23
Crayboffcraaaapp, syockit, my laptop froze, i had to force shut it down, i was just trying to open flock04:23
syockitCrayboff: aaawwwww04:24
Quontrex_Ashimimadagascar27: well you need to know the model and brand name of the hard drive INSIDE the sony box04:24
Pengu1well I suppose it's just the drive.04:24
Angelus_DelapsusHarp: Installed the latest version from kubuntu source... Litterally clicked the "Latest Version" download. :) And no, nothing else is on it. I uninstalled windows when I installed Linux (An action I took extreme pride in doing, btw)04:24
Crayboffsyockit: i'll start grep again04:24
kc8pxyPengu1:  it's a chat..  let me get the applet name.04:24
Quontrex_AshimiCrayboff: sounds like its flocked04:24
syockitCrayboff: but really I don't think you can find the root cause with grep04:24
looterhmm...well i just formatted this drivewhich previously had xp on it again with no issues04:24
syockitCrayboff: it's unfeasible, as it goes through binary (non-text) files as well04:24
Pengu1looter, I'm not sure why ubuntu would make a sound and xp wouldn't.04:25
bullgard4What does  "-- MARK --" mean as in http://rafb.net/p/cK16mD15.html?04:25
harpreetAngelus_Delapsus: you ever used ubuntu? you may consider using gnome and kde both at the same time, incase of a problem, your data will always be safe04:25
Angelus_DelapsusHarp: I read about that option, but I can't find it honestly. It was one of the main reasons I decided to switch to Kubuntu.04:26
Quontrex_Ashimiand ALWAYS put your /home on a seperate partition04:26
Angelus_DelapsusThat and it just runs better.04:26
CrayboffQuontrex_Ashimi: my entire computer and any electronic thing i come in contact with finds a way to flock itself04:26
syockitCrayboff: why don't you just find files with filename containing amarok instead? do this: find ~ | grep -i amarok04:26
Quontrex_AshimiCrayboff: I know the feeling04:26
Crayboffalright, i'll try, syockit04:26
syockitCrayboff: sorry, repeat that with " > result.file" added04:26
jbunchersyockit:  would running "locate amarok" be faster?04:26
Angelus_DelapsusSyo isn't that normally ~/ , or somewhere in ther?04:26
RussMhlm, back. any luck?04:27
syockitjbuncher: yeah forgot locate04:27
syockitCrayboff: use locate instead04:27
hlmRussM, no, the command kill isnt found and no luck with pkill04:27
Quontrex_Ashimicould use find / -name amarok04:27
jbunchersyockit:  just making sure my search habits aren't bad :)04:27
spideymanfrostwire wont close after upgrade04:27
harpreetAngelus_Delapsus: if you installed kubuntu, the possiblity is you only have kde not gnome, but when you restart your system you will see option of starting kde or gnome, if not, you;'ll have to install gnome04:27
RussMhlm, can you pastebin the output of "ps -elf | grep ruby"?04:27
Crayboffmake up your mind, syockit, "locate ~ | grep -i amarok > result.file "   ?04:27
Angelus_DelapsusHarpreet: Can I do that when my GUI isn't even starting?04:28
syockitCrayboff: locate amarok | pastebinit04:28
Angelus_Delapsusor do it through "sudo apt-get install"?04:28
Crayboffsyockit: is it sudo?04:28
kyledrredvamp128: thanks, nice tip. i found something i thought was it, but it wasn't. i needed ubuntu-restricted-extras04:28
hlmRussM, its two lines... want me to send via pm?04:28
syockitCrayboff: no04:28
redvamp128spideyman:  you have to uninstall and reinstall the later version - I saw that one about a week ago-- from someone who upgraded from hardy to intrepid (that fixed her issue)04:28
Crayboffalright, i put it in, lets see what happens04:28
Crayboffsyockit: http://pastebin.com/f62ea2c4b04:28
syockitjbuncher: it's just that I do not trust my system has up to date updatedb, that's why i keep forgetting locate04:29
madagascar271/2 an hr and no progress on the partition what can i do to stop it, alt instaler ubuntu 8.1004:29
spideymanredvamp128 thanx04:29
redvamp128kyledr:  here is another guide to installing w32 How to Install win32 codec - Ubuntu Forums <http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60754>04:29
hlmRussM, http://paste.ubuntu.com/119511/04:29
harpreetAngelus_Delapsus: you may try package manager, oh its called apt package manager and search for gnome there04:29
Quontrex_Ashimimadagascar27: turn it off04:29
Crayboffwhen i go off to college next year, my roommate better be an ubuntu expert04:29
redvamp128spideyman:  now you have to unistall current version then install the version that is for the upgraded one04:29
kyledrredvamp128: thanks.. my current trouble is that apt-get instlal w32codecs won't work, says it's referenced by another package but no installation candidate is avail04:29
lavrenI have this smoothwall box, no cdrom drive. It has ftp access to the rest of my network -- what is the most straight forward way to get ubuntu onto it --04:29
Quontrex_Ashimimadagascar27: open the box, get make and model of the hard disk drive and come back with that info04:29
jbunchersyockit, I think there's a cron job that runs it pretty often, but sometimes I just run it manually after I move a ton of stuff around04:29
redvamp128kyledr:  Intrepid or Juanty?04:30
kyledrredvamp128: intrepid04:30
RussMhlm, OK, I think the problem is that you're running the pkill as you, and the process is owned by root.04:30
kyledrredvamp128: isn't that second link the same as the first?04:30
hlmso I should 'sudo pkill -9 4' ?04:30
RussMhlm, "sudo pkill -9 msf" should do it.04:30
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redvamp128kyledr:  or just download the .deb from mediabuntu Medibuntu -- Details of release intrepid <http://packages.medibuntu.org/intrepid/index.html>04:31
syockitCrayboff: let's try this: uninstall amarok (do not purge/completely remove), log out, log in again, install amarok again, and then try relogin04:31
hlmRussM, no, that didnt work04:31
Crayboffalright, syockit04:31
Crayboffapt-get remove, right?04:31
redvamp128kyledr:  look at the bottom of that page04:31
Pengu1anyone know of any progress on Zune in Ubuntu?04:32
jaxx2kdeHow do I mount partition automatically on start up, using a script?04:32
syockitCrayboff: yes04:32
jaxx2kdeor otherwise04:32
BorgirIs it possible to edit grub file using the busybox command line?04:32
hlmRussM, woops, I fixed it ;-)04:33
kc8pxyPengu1: www.addonchat.com hosts the applet.04:33
Crayboffsyockit: alright, brb04:33
NFischerjaxx2kde, sudo gedit etc/fstab04:33
RussMhlm, What happened?04:33
redvamp128kyledr:  did you get my last link to this Medibuntu -- Details of package w32codecs in hardy <http://packages.medibuntu.org/hardy/w32codecs.html>04:33
illumin8whats the commaned to edit the grub.conf?04:33
kyledrredvamp128: yes. so i can't get it straight from ubuntu?04:33
harpreetjaxx2kde: you have to modify the file that contains information about paritions and set automatic mounting there to mount the file system each time the system starts04:33
hlmRussM, I accidentally forgot to put msf04:33
redvamp128kyledr:  I think you have to add mediabuntu to the repos like in the guide04:33
harpreetjaxx2kde: use gedit to modfiy it04:33
world_citizenhow can I install firefox with apget?04:34
Pengu1kc8pxy: and you're saying it doesn't work in Ubuntu?04:34
redvamp128kyledr:  or you can find it here Medibuntu -- Details of package w32codecs in intrepid <http://packages.medibuntu.org/intrepid/w32codecs.html>04:34
hlmRussM, what was that command to get the list again?04:34
NFischerworld_citizen, sudo apt-get install firefox ?04:34
jbuncherillumin8:  jsut edit /boot/grub/menu.lst with your editor of choice04:34
RussMhlm, the process list?04:34
world_citizenNFischer: thanks again04:34
hlmRussM, yes, with search04:34
redvamp128kyledr:  I think once you add mediabuntu (like in the guide that ubottu gave) it will then show up in apt and in synaptic04:35
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RussM"ps -elf" gets you the full list. Adding " | grep searchstring" filters it down.04:35
kyledrredvamp128: deb: command not found04:35
spideymankyledr use this script make it executible and run from terminal lots of options all the goodies04:35
kc8pxyPengu1:  it doesn't work on my friends 64-bit ubuntu. i have not yet confirmed with ym own 64-bit ubuntu box. works fine on my 32-bit gentoo box.04:35
jaxx2kdeharpreet, NFischer: i have /etc/fstab open.. what lines should i add04:35
redvamp128kyledr:  Pm?04:35
bullgard4What does  "-- MARK --" mean as in http://rafb.net/p/cK16mD15.html?04:35
NFischerjaxx2kde, http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html04:35
kc8pxyPengu1:  it starts the loading part,  but get stuck there.04:35
illumin8jbuncher, thank you04:36
Pengu1Did he have a 64 bit windows install before using Ubuntu?04:36
RussMhlm, See the man pages for ps and grep for more info. ("man ps" and "man grep" respectively)04:36
jaxx2kdeNFischer, thanks :)04:36
hlmRussM, I lied, its still running04:36
jhonnyboyHello everyone. Sound Problems here. I can hear sound on ubuntu, but i can't hear my system sound. Any ideas?04:36
kc8pxyPengu1:  nope..  32-bit vista04:36
Pengu1I suppose you should test it on your 64 bit. It may just not be compatible with 64 bit.04:36
madagascar27quontrex_Ashimi: did it work04:36
bullgard4jhonnyboy: Yes. Consult help.ubuntu.com04:36
kc8pxyPengu1: he's currently on the ubuntu side of a ubuntu/vista dual04:36
jhonnyboybullgard4: Thank you04:37
kc8pxyPengu1: could he use a 32-bit java?04:37
tritiumramy: stay on topic, please04:37
RussMhlm, Hmmm. Can you run that "ps -elf | grep ruby" again? I want to see if it has changed.04:37
hlmRussM, the process fails to end, im not even getting any errors :-(04:37
Pengu1I don't know how to do that in Ubuntu, but I'm sure it's possible. I would bet on that to work, though.04:38
hlmRussM, I can assure you it is exactly the same04:38
jhonnyboyI have the logitech x530 speakers and a Creative Audigy SE soundcard. I'm not getting surround sound and i only have 2 + the subwoofer out of 6 speakers working. Do you guys know of anything i can do to solve this issue?04:38
ramywhat? o dont get it. i wanan get to a irc room called zeitgeistmovement04:38
RussMhlm, OK, then the last thing I can suggest is "sudo kill -9 6451"04:38
tritiumramy: you forgot the /join in front of the channel name, in that case04:38
RussMhlm, If that doesn't do it, I'm out of suggestions.04:38
ramyohhh ty04:39
Crayboffsyockit: that did nothing04:39
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hlmRussM, thankyou, that worked!04:40
lavrenso is a netboot possible without a dhcp server? It would seem unlikely for it not to be04:40
WastelandGhostDoes anyone have problems using QT applications?04:40
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sebsebsebWastelandGhost: what kind of problems?04:41
WastelandGhostЕсть кто русскоговорящий?04:41
redvamp128!ru | WastelandGhost04:41
ubottuWastelandGhost: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke04:41
Rainium_Isotope_need some help installing a built-in cam (ubuntu, gnome/gtk)04:41
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:42
WastelandGhostI see blank spaces instead of normal letters and words in menus04:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mic04:42
Pengu1Does anyone else's openGL programs blink rapidly when run? I can't run most OpenGL programs because of this.04:42
wubrgamerplease send me a quick PM04:42
wubrgameri'm testing irssi04:42
G-BluntedHey my system is bogged down...how can i see what is taking up all my cpu/ram??04:43
sebsebsebPengu1: bad driver maybe or bad graphics card04:43
Crayboffpengul, u have ATI too?04:43
sebsebsebG-Blunted: easy04:43
Pengu1Yes, Crayboff04:43
Rainium_Isotope_i was able to install the graphics card04:43
* G-Blunted waits for it..04:43
wubrgamerubottu: hi04:43
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:43
Crayboffpengul: are you using compiz?04:43
spideymanG-Blunted type top in terminal04:43
Rainium_Isotope_o nvm04:43
ndfsckG-Blunted: system>administration>system monitor (or 'top' in console)04:43
sebsebsebG-Blunted: right click on the panel and  add the thing to it04:43
G-Bluntedok i will try04:43
Pengu1Crayboff, yeah, is that the problem?04:43
sebsebsebG-Blunted: or do what  ndfsck said04:43
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Crayboffpengul: i have the exact same problem. if you turn off all your effects it works. I have looked for an answer and haven't found anything. apparently they're going to come out with a fix a couple months from now, but that's what they said last september04:44
Pengu1Maybe Jaunty will fix it?04:45
Pengu1I was planning on getting a new card, anyway. Does this happen with all ATI's?04:45
CrayboffNo clue, i just use what dell gave me in04:45
Pengu1What card do you have?04:46
sebsebsebPengu1: no idea I use Nividia04:46
L3TumCan someone please help me get my mouse working? It quit working, I installed ubuntu, still didn't work, tried another mouse, didn't work, checked BIOS, still doesn't work04:46
Pengu1I have a Radeon x600. I think it's like a laptop card or something.04:46
CrayboffPengu1: also have no clue, whatever came in inspiron 1521, a model of laptop which they discontinued a month or so after i got it04:46
G-Bluntedwhen i login...i get this error: "User's $HOME/.dmrc file is being ignored.  This prevents the default session and language from being saved. File should be owned by user and have 644 permisions. User's $HOME directory must be owned by user and not writable by other users."  <---how can i do all this stuff it wants me to do?04:47
Pengu1Did a quick google, you have an ATI Radeon Xpress1270 HyperMemory  04:48
jhonnyboyhey guys how can we get some widgets on ubuntu? Do we need the widgetfactory?04:48
Crayboffsyockit: any revelations?04:49
L3TumCan someone tell me where to go to get my mouse problm fixed?04:49
Y-Townanyone here experiencing firefox and seamonkey crashing while surfing the web?  only started this week for me04:49
bullgard4What does  "-- MARK --" mean as in http://rafb.net/p/cK16mD15.html?04:49
Crayboffthanks, Pengu104:49
jbuncherY-Town, did you install any plugins this week?04:49
DracieY-Town, try removing .mozilla from your home folder (back it up before you do) and try again04:49
Y-Townjbuncher: none04:49
Y-TownDracie: does it with seamonkey too04:50
jbuncherG-Blunted, "chmod 644 ~/.dmrc"04:50
G-Bluntedthats it?04:50
donavanI need to make a connection between my PC and a NAS box I am building I am using WIFI right now for my internet but I want to hardwire the NAS to the PC ... I havent messed around with this ... does anyone know of a good howto on this one ... PC should be able to access the NAS and the internet but the NAS should only see the PC04:51
G-Bluntedhow do i list files in a directory and see what permissions everything has?04:51
DracieY-Town, i dunno where seamonkey puts configs04:51
jribG-Blunted: ls -l04:52
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jbuncherG-Blunted:  that command will change the permissions of the .dmrc file.  To list files in a directory and see what permissions everything has, run ls -l in the directory you're curious about04:52
CrayboffDANG IT!!! now my firefox is screwed over04:52
Crayboffi hate my life04:52
tritiumCrayboff: relax04:52
Craybofftritium, if you had my computer, you'd be getting pissed off too04:53
jbuncherCan anyone in here help confirm (or deny) that intel wireless has trouble connecting to hidden ssid networks on hardy 2.6.24-23?04:53
Y-TownI just disables java and flash and now seems to work.... something tells me there is a bug in the most recent update since I never had an issue before04:53
Crayboffanyone know how to get the bookmarks toolbar working again? it says its there but there is nothign on it and i cant move things onto it04:54
Crayboffalso my homepage turned blank04:54
L3TumAnyone willing to help me fix my mouse please?04:54
Pengu1you've tried restarting firefox, I assume?04:54
Crayboffit's going very slowly and there is no message of it doing anything in that bottom bar, nothing shows up when you click a link04:56
Crayboffand, yes, Pengul, I closed firefox and opened it like 3 times so far04:56
Draciehey guys run firefox in a terminal04:57
Draciesee what sort of warning/errors it gives04:57
FearMothHi, is there any way to check if my computer has an agp port without having physical access to it? I could shut it down and open it up, but I would rather not04:57
CrayboffDracie: how would i go about doing that?04:58
DracieCrayboff, Applications -> Accessorys -> Terminal04:59
Dracietype in firefox04:59
Crayboffdracie, alright, ya, it didn't return any feedback04:59
kc8pxyPengu1:  looks like i can confirm it on 64-bit ubuntu. 8.0404:59
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DracieI think firefox has a built in debug thingy04:59
geniiFearMoth: Look up your computers model online?04:59
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Pengu1kc8pxy, it works on 64-bit ubuntu?05:00
Crayboffaa, alright, is there any linux application which can handle ipods, ipod apps, and movies, and of course songs??05:01
kc8pxyPengu1:  goes to lunch on 64-bit ubuntu.    neet to try 64-bit gentoo to confirm it to 64 though.    32-gentoo works.   i don't have ubuntu on this lappy05:01
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pHreaksYcleCrayboff, Banshee05:01
CrayboffpHreaksYcle: it can do everything?05:02
pHreaksYclenot sure about the apps05:02
pHreaksYclewhat do you mean by apps05:02
CrayboffpHreaksYcle: for ipod touches05:02
Y-TownSo I have figured out that its shockwave flash thats creating firefox and seamonkey to crashes.   Anyone know what the possible conflicts could be with?05:03
lvlefistoi can't enable my mic with pulseaudio05:03
Crayboffsyockit: did you figure anything out, can't recall or see if you said anything05:03
spideyman<Crayboff> amorok does all that well except the movies i suggest vlc for that05:03
spideyman<Crayboff> or mplayer05:04
Pengu1kc8pxy: Well if you confirm that it works on 64-bit, I wouldn't know what to tell you. If you don't, then he'll probably have to run it in 32 bit, if possible.05:04
Pengu1either way he'd probably have to do that, I suppose.05:04
Crayboffspidey, i'll look into it, thanks05:04
Crayboffwell i'm using amarok right now but i'm having all sorts of problems with it05:05
kc8pxyanyone here versed in setting up 32-bit java on 64-bit ubuntu?05:05
spideyman<Crayboff> like what?05:05
pHreaksYcleCrayboff, my buddy had the same deal, he said banshee was like heaven lol05:05
pHreaksYcleCrayboff, Banshee def. doesn't do apps05:05
Pengu1Crayboff, are you on KDE or Gnome?05:05
ashok_hey all i'm trying to play a video in totem, fullscreen, and it looks like the totem UI is flashing through from behind the fullscreen video every now and then05:06
Crayboffpengul, gnome05:06
Pengu1Well I'd recommend Banshee or Exaile for Gnome.05:06
pHreaksYclenever heard of Exaile tho, need to check that out05:06
Pengu1Amorok is good, if you're running KDE.05:06
spideyman<Crayboff> I use amorok in gnome with no probs yet even got a 3g ipod nano workin05:06
fixmypodhey guys i have a completely bricked ipod, cant get any operating system to detect it, do u guys have any idea how to fix it05:07
ashok_anyone, weird video flashing issues running in fullscreen?05:07
Pengu1Exaile is a clone of Amorok, more or less. Written in GTK05:07
Crayboffspideyman: i mean i have other problems, like it keeps starting up at boot and i can't stop it05:07
spideyman<Crayboff> set it in start up options05:07
CrayboffCRAP, my firefox is worse off than i though, the back and forward buttons are broken05:07
ashok_@fixmypod I think you're in the wrong IRC for ipod support05:07
Crayboffspideyman: i already tried sessions05:08
spideyman<fixmypod> reinstall firmware from itunes05:08
Crayboffspideyman: it's not in there05:08
Pengu1But yeah, Banshee is good if you like the iTunes or WMP style of music sorting, Exaile is better if you're into running music from active playlists constantly.05:08
CrayboffPengu1: what about songbird?05:08
fixmypodspideyman: ubuntu doesnt even recognize the ipod, neither does any other operating system05:08
Pengu1I haven't tried it.05:08
maximewhats the difference between the splash screen and the USPLASH05:08
pHreaksYcleCrayboff, Banshee is also good if you just shuffle all of your shit all the time05:08
fixmypodspideyman: is there a way i could look in the /dev folder to manually flash the device ?05:08
Pengu1I've tried Exaile, Amorok, Banshee, Rythmbox, a few others. Banshee is my favorite.05:09
CrayboffPengu1: you try songbird, though?05:09
pHreaksYcle@Pengu1 same, it has a pretty icon too05:09
Pengu1Crayboff, No, I haven't.05:09
kyledranyone know what i have to install to get /usr/lib/win32/avisynth.dll? It's a codec for mplayer05:09
spideyman<fixmypod> youd still have to gey the firmware from apple05:09
Crayboffyou know what, I'm starting to get really pissed with my computer right now. how could firefox fail me like this?05:09
Pengu1Yeah the Exaile icon is too close to Pidgin's. I keep thinking I have IM windows open.05:09
pHreaksYclewhat in the world do you mean05:09
Elijah2I have a live cd in a Mac Pro with wireless mouse, the mouse does not work. How do I use the keyboard to get to the top bar?05:10
sheyCan someone please assist me? rmmod ath9k and sudo modprobe -r ath9k causes my system to lockup and crash. I have tried it with both the module in use, and with networking disabled completely. Can someone please tell me how to go about removing this module so I can use my linksys WiFi adapter??05:10
fixmypodspideyman: i am trying to do this : http://forums.ilounge.com/showthread.php?s=2fd6c696b3b1d492f1096f35f55d65b5&threadid=93059&highlight=fdisk05:10
Elijah2or better yet, how do i get the apple wireless mouse working with a live cd05:10
Pengu1Crayboff, have you tried reinstalling it?05:10
genii!blacklist | shey05:10
ubottushey: To blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »05:10
CrayboffPengu1: Ubuntu?05:10
spideymanim reading  !!!!05:10
Elijah2It says Alt + F1 will open applications menu but it does not05:11
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff no firefox05:11
bullgard4What is a cgroup [= control group] as in http://pastebin.com/f6033690a?05:11
=== shey is now known as m0rbid-[detached
Pengu1um, can't you just sudo remove firefox, then sudo apt-get install firefox?05:11
CrayboffpHreaksYcle: will that get rid of my addons?05:11
L3Tumcan somebody help me fix my mouse05:11
Pengu1or am I retarded.05:11
tyler_dwhats the maximum mtu size?05:11
pHreaksYcle@Pengu1 will it wipe his addons??05:11
pHreaksYcle@Pengu1 I forgot how that works05:12
Pengu1I'm actually not sure.05:12
pHreaksYcle@Pengu1 same. . .05:12
spideyman<fixmypod> what is the filesystem mac or pc05:12
Pengu1You know it could be your addons that are messing with it05:12
Pengu1try disabling all of them, crayboff.05:12
=== m0rbid-[detached is now known as shey
Crayboffwe'll find out if apt-get removes the addons too05:12
L3TumThere's like 10000 people in here and nobody can help...05:12
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff hang on05:12
Crayboffoops too late05:12
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff lol05:12
fixmypodspideyman: i am on ubuntu right now05:13
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff u cud have just backed up ur .mozilla folder in home05:13
fixmypodlive cd05:13
spideyman!xorg reconfigure05:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:13
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:13
sheyafter I alter the blacklist, I need to reboot?05:13
CrayboffpHreaksYcle: well that's assuming i didn't just pass the point of not caring about my computer05:13
spideyman<fixmypod> the ipod filesystem?05:13
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff 10-4 haha05:13
fixmypodspideyman: its HFS something05:14
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
Quontrex_AshimiCrayboff: you wouldnt be here if you had05:14
Crayboffalright, just doing apt-get remove than the apt-get install did nothing at all05:14
spideyman<fixmypod> thats mac you need a macbook to see it05:14
sheyUbuntu on a macbook rocks.05:14
tsrkI noticed my machines getting sudo updates today... what was that fixing?05:14
Pengu1Do you still have your addons, Crayboff?05:14
sheythats what I am using now.05:14
fixmypodspideyman: i tried a mac it doesnt read the ipod as a device05:14
Crayboffyes, pengul05:15
sheyGREAT support.05:15
Pengu1Try disabling all of them05:15
Crayboffi've had these addons for a long time and nothing went wrong before05:15
tritiumCrayboff: of course not.  Your settings are in your home directory, and removing/reinstalling the package won't touch those.05:15
spideyman<fixmypod> hang on05:15
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff addon updates may have changed things05:15
sheyAfter I alter the modules blacklist.. do I need to reboot??05:15
tritiumshey: no05:15
kyledrhow can i get avisynth.dll for mplayer in /usr/lib/win32/? I tried installing all the non-free codecs i could find in medibuntu and all05:16
sheytritium: then what do I do to stop that module now?05:16
tritiumshey: sudo modprobe -r <module name>05:16
spideyman<fixmypod> use this link http://people.csail.mit.edu/adonovan/hacks/ipod.html05:16
CrayboffpHreaksYcle: well that did nothing05:16
sheytritium: cant, that causes my system to lockup and crash.05:16
Pengu1Hey crayboff, does VLC, totem and mplayer blink for you? or just 3d apps?05:16
tritiumshey: which module?05:17
CrayboffPengu1: umm i can check for you, if i had any videos to play on them05:17
sheytritium:  ath9k05:17
CrayboffPengu1: i think it's a yes, though05:17
tritiumshey: that's peculiar.05:17
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff /home/urname/Examples05:17
L3TumOK I have determined my mouse problem definately has something to do with the serial port. It works just fine with usb. Anyone please?05:17
Pengu1Hm. My videos don't blink, but when I run something like xScreensaver or Google Earth it flickers contantly05:17
pHreaksYclecheck there for a movie to play05:17
fixmypodspideyman: actually i have a fat32 probably, i used it with windows, sry for the confusion05:18
tritiumL3Tum: what's the problem05:18
spideyman<fixmypod> its still a good read05:18
sheytritium: Im on a macbook 2,1; and according to forums and such, I had to compile the module myself, and now when I rmmod ath9k, the system just hangs. Theres a kernel bug with the ath9k module, it keeps dropping the connection.05:18
Crayboffyes, Pengu1 it does05:18
fixmypodspideyman: it shows using a firewire port tho, i dont know if my usb will work05:19
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff, you found a video in there?05:19
tritiumshey: I see05:19
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff good i was guessing :P05:19
L3Tumtritium, I can't get the mouse to work on my second machine running ubuntu. It quit working when I had Fedora, I installed ubuntu still doesn't work. I checked BIOS, as far as I can tell everything is right there. I tried changing to another mouse and neither work with the serial port, but when I use the usb mouse it does work05:19
sheytritium: so to get the blacklisted module to unload, I need to reboot no?05:19
Pengu1I wonder why my videos don't blink and yours do.05:19
Pengu1stupid compiz bugs.05:20
tritiumL3Tum: is the "sermouse" module loaded?05:20
pHreaksYcle@Pengu1 in my experience, it's always Compiz' fault05:20
spideyman<fixmypod> there all the same05:20
tritiumshey: sounds like it, given what you described05:20
Pengu1do you know if it's a particular compiz feature?05:20
L3Tumtritium, I don't know, how do I check that?05:20
Pengu1because I'd sacrifice wobbly windows for a fix to this crap.05:20
tritiumL3Tum: lsmod | grep sermouse05:20
spideyman<fixmypod> the 3g nanos you have to manually set the firewire id05:20
sheyL3Tum: you may wanna see if the serial port is connected INSIDE the machine. most people now disconnect it to save resources & ports.05:20
pHreaksYcle@Pengu1 its not the features, just the load on the chip05:20
nanotubePengu1: well... why not just kill compiz and use metacity? it's stable as a rock.05:20
sheytritium: thanks for your help.05:20
tritiumshey: sure.  Good luck.05:21
sheyI will try to reboot. brb.05:21
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pHreaksYcle@Pengu1 depending on how close it is, you can sometimes kill some features and be better off05:21
DracieIf I was to uprade to 9.04 alpha would I expect my nvidia drivers to stop working upon rebooting into the new kernel?05:21
pHreaksYcle@Pengu1 other times, it's a lost cause05:21
fixmypodspideyman: i went to /proc/bus/usb, the folder is empty05:21
Pengu1nanotube: much work to get that installed?05:21
tritiumDracie: yes, quite possibly05:21
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pHreaksYcle@Dracie if you upgrade to 9.04, expect nothing to work05:21
pHreaksYcle@Dracie at least not yet05:21
pHreaksYcle@Dracie rule of thumb05:21
Draciebtw has anyone recompiled a kernel and recompiled nvidia nonfree to work with it?05:22
DracieI couldn't get it to work following the wiki05:22
fixmypodspideyman: it says that /proc/bus/ieee394 should have "APPLE IPOD..." but my usb folder is just empty05:22
tritiumDracie: if you really have further questions about 9.04, /j #ubuntu+105:22
nanotubePengu1: not at all, it comes installed by default. if you just disable all desktop effects, metacity will be used instead of compiz.05:22
bullgard4What is a cgroup [= control group] as in http://pastebin.com/f6033690a?05:22
Dracietritium, ok thx05:22
Crayboffhopefully rebooting my computer will fix all my problems? oh and I have a problem during startup/shutdown05:22
Pengu1Does anyone know offhand, all the compiz features that are enabled when running 'Normal' visual effects?05:22
spideyman<fixmypod> linux is fickle with ipods it may look mounted or even transfer files but wont work05:22
DraciePengu1, get compiz config manager05:23
spideyman<fixmypod> what model ipod is it?05:23
Pengu1I have that.05:23
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fixmypodspideyman: its an ipod classic05:23
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pHreaksYcleokay, i'm an IRC noob, can someone explain to me a few things05:23
L3Tumtritium, when I type lsmod | grep sermouse it says nothing. Also, the mouse did work until started trying to configure my network card, then it quit, so I know it is connected inside05:23
fixmypodspideyman: i cant get it to show as a device in windows either05:23
pHreaksYclesuch as are there sub channels in this channel05:23
pHreaksYcleand how do i know what they are05:24
spideyman<fixmypod> try gtkpod it worked well with my shuffle05:24
tritiumL3Tum: ok, that means it's not connected.  Try "sudo modprobe sermouse" to load it.05:24
b1n42ypHreaksYcle: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FAQ05:24
Crayboffdracie, compiz config manager still requires too much from the video driver and still flashes05:24
fixmypodspideyman: k ill try that later05:24
pHreaksYcle@B1n43y muchas gracias05:24
fixmypodspideyman: tks for the help05:24
DracieCrayboff, flashes?05:24
Craybofftrying to fix the flashes is a hopeless cause until the gods make a brandnew driver05:25
Sw3RvEcan someone please help me install wifi radar on xubuntu?05:25
L3Tumtritium, still nothing. Nothing printed, and no mouse control05:25
Dracietritium, replug in your mouse and then try it05:25
tritiumL3Tum: are you in X right now?  Try restarting gdm after you've loaded the module.05:25
tritiumL3Tum: i.e., "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart"05:26
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff get another gfx card?05:26
Dracielol looks like i have been doing that wrong05:26
borgistahi, I am getting this error @ boot "can't find /init in /etc/fstab"05:26
Draciesudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart05:26
pHreaksYcle@borgista that sucks05:26
Pengu1Dracie: ATI cards make OpenGL flicker like crazy with compiz on.05:26
Crayboffyes, dracie, flashes. the ATI driver sucks balls and 3d graphics and video flashes. ironically, it doesn't happen on youtube, so flash video still works05:26
borgistayup Pengu105:26
DracieI don't know what you guys are talking about05:26
tritiumDracie: that's another way to do it.05:26
borgistapHreaksYcle: any advice?05:27
Dracie3300 HD works fine05:27
tritiumCrayboff: watch the language, please05:27
Pengu1I've been trying to fix it too, borgista05:27
Crayboffsorry, tritium, i'm pissed off right now05:27
pHreaksYcle@borgista wait for someone more experienced05:27
DracieCrayboff, youtube isn't opengl accel05:27
borgistaPengu1: so is it a  known bug?05:27
L3Tumtritium,  my screen went black and I have blinking cursor but cannot type anything, it didn't restart05:27
Crayboffi'm rebooting right now, brb05:27
tritiumCrayboff: never mind that.  This channel needs to be kept family-friendly.05:27
Crayboffi know05:27
Pengu1It's known  but not widely reported05:27
Dracieborgista, you have a seperate boot partition?05:27
Sw3RvEcan someone please help me???05:27
Pengu1I'm guessing not all Radeon cards are affected by it05:27
borgistaDracie: yes?05:27
pHreaksYcle@tritium i thought it was 13+05:28
Pengu1I have one too, Dracie05:28
tritiumL3Tum: Ctrl-Alt-F7 doesn't take you back to X?05:28
Pengu1Same problem.05:28
tritiumpHreaksYcle: no05:28
Dracieborgista,  it seems it thinks your root file system is the same partition05:28
Dracieborgista, don't worry its an easy fix05:28
borgistaDracie: yay!!!05:28
Dracieborgista, do you know what the device name is of your root filesystem?05:29
Pengu1Dracie, what problem of his in particular are you trying to fix?05:29
L3Tumtritium,  no, I can go to terminal with alt+F1 but alt+f7 or alt+ctrl+f7 just goes to blank screen05:29
borgistaroot is /dev/sda705:29
DraciePengu1, grub told his kernel to boot and root is his boot partition05:29
tritiumL3Tum: can you try to load it again?  "sudo invoke-rc.d gdm start"05:29
Pengu1Oh, I thought you were talking about the flickering. Damn.05:29
pHreaksYclei love linux05:29
Dracieborgista, ok you need to mount your boot partition somewhere and then edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst file05:29
borgistait's mounted05:30
mheathI'm trying to connect to a Wireless network. In Windows, the required security settings involve configuring it to use TKIP and MSChapV2. In Ubuntu's NetworkManager, I see MSChapV2 related options but no TKIP. What am I missing?05:30
borgistai can access it Dracie05:30
Dracieborgista, open that file05:30
L3Tumtritium,  got it back, still no mouse05:30
borgistaDracie: I've got it open.05:30
Dracieborgista, do you know how to use pastebin?05:31
tritiumL3Tum: any errors noted in /var/log/Xorg.0.log, particularly related to this issue?05:31
borgistaYes, Dracie05:31
DracieL3Tum, also run dmesg | tail05:31
Sw3RvEi need Wi-Fi help...05:31
Dracieborgista, I want to see that file real quick before i start making you edit stuff05:31
HuufartedProblem guys:  I installed a gnome theme and untarred it not realizing it would overwrite  my current settings.  Any way to roll that back?05:31
L3Tumtritium, gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log?05:31
tritiumL3Tum: you can, if you like05:32
borgistahttp://pastebin.com/d64366a5d Dracie05:32
DracieSw3RvE, whats the error on installtion?05:32
Sw3RvEi never got an error. i would like to install wifi radar. i read that i could use it on xubuntu.05:32
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borgistaDracie: /boot is /dev/sda505:33
bullgard4What is a cgroup [= control group] as in http://pastebin.com/f6033690a?05:33
HuufartedHow do I restore the default gnome theme?05:33
Draciehey borgista so the part of the line starting with kernel needs to be changed at the root=UUID=c92201a0-dc8d-4fac-9cbc-ffa60c5129ca05:33
borgistaWhat does it need to be Dracie?05:33
pHreaksYcle@Huufarted on ubuntu? or just Gnome05:34
Draciechange it to root=/dev/sda8 (or whatever your root partition is)05:34
HuufartedUbuntu's default gnome theme.05:34
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash05:34
borgistaDracie: Is that all?05:34
DracieSw3RvE, pastebin the error05:34
Dracieborgista, yes then it should work05:34
billybigriggerhaha dapper!?!?!05:34
HuufartedI untarred a theme and did not realize it would take effect immediately.05:34
borgistaOk, Dracie....I'll reboot then come back. Thanks!05:35
L3Tumtritium,  I don't see anything that looks promising in either of those05:35
Sw3RvEDracie, i never had an error. i just need help installing Wi-Fi Radar.05:35
DracieSw3RvE, isn't it in the repositories05:35
tritiumL3Tum: normally, serial mouse support is provided via the sermouse module.05:35
Sw3RvEim using Xubuntu. i searched Add/Remove and nothing came up.05:35
Crayboffrestarting my computer didn't work in fixing firefox05:35
DracieSw3RvE, go into a console05:36
pHreaksYcle@Huufarted if you mean on ubuntu, System->Preferences->Appearance and click the Human theme05:36
Pengu1Crayboff, what media player did you end up picking05:36
b1n42yHuufarted: system>preferences>appearance05:36
HuufartedpHreaksYcle, what about the default panels?  It modified the panels as well05:36
DracieSw3RvE, do apt-cache search wifi radar05:36
Draciedoes a package that your looking for come up?05:36
Crayboffpengul, i haven't put that much thought into it yet. right now i'm trying to fix my firefox05:36
pHreaksYcle@Huufarted google is your friend, let me check that really quick, i had to do it once05:36
HuufartedpHreaksYcle: changing the appearance and theme doesn't modify the panel layouts05:36
DracieCrayboff, whats wrong with it?05:37
Crayboffanyone know how to fix firefox?05:37
Sw3RvEsw3rve@sw3rve-laptop:~$ apt-cache search wifi radar05:37
Sw3RvEwifi-radar - graphical utility for managing Wi-Fi profiles05:37
Pengu1do you think it's something else doing it? or a problem with FF itself?05:37
DracieSw3RvE, sudo apt-get install wifi-radar05:37
Huufartedyeah I checked, phreaksycle, but haven't seen anything, yet.05:37
pHreaksYcle@Huufarted you have to delete that one settings folder for gnome05:37
pHreaksYcle@Huufarted gimme a sec05:37
DracieI have never had an issue with firefox in linux except on rather slow machines05:37
L3Tumtritium, alright I'll try to do some more searching on sermouse. Thanks05:37
pHreaksYcle@Dracie cool lol05:37
Pengu1Dracie he said his back and front button stopped working05:37
Sw3RvEThank you Dracie!05:37
Pengu1and his bookmarks were messed up.05:37
DracieL3Tum, did you consult the ubuntu wiki?05:37
DracieSw3RvE, no problem05:38
tritiumL3Tum: otherwise, check into your /etc/X11/xorg.conf InputDevice section.05:38
Dracietritium, that won't work unless he changes settings in hal05:38
pHreaksYcle@Huufarted Word. http://linuxfud.wordpress.com/2007/02/14/how-to-reset-ubuntugnome-settings-to-defaults-without-re-installing/05:38
Crayboffdracie, alright, when I open up firefox it gives me a blank screen and nothing in the URL bar (no about:blank). my bookmarks bar is gone, it says its there, but there is nothing in it and I can't add anything to it05:38
Sw3RvEnow will it be in Add/Remove?05:38
tritiumL3Tum: if need be, you can "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"05:38
L3Tumtrit I have done that before, and didn't see a mouse section05:38
HuufartedpHreaksYcle: oh snap05:38
pHreaksYcle@Huufarted Long story short: rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity05:39
DracieSw3RvE, i am totally not sure, you might want to look into using synaptic in System -> Administration -> Synpatic05:39
Crayboffdracie: also, I can't use the back/forward/refresh05:39
L3Tumtritium, I mean I have checked the /etc/X11/xorg.conf and no mouse section or inputdevice was in there05:39
DracieAdd/Remove only shows some packages05:39
tritiumL3Tum: ok, never mind then05:39
HuufartedI see that, pHreaksYcle05:39
DracieCrayboff, mv .firefox firefox.backup05:39
Sw3RvEwhere is that?05:39
Draciethen restart firefox05:39
L3Tumtritium, should there be one in there? I don't know how to add one05:39
tritiumL3Tum: did you follow this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto ?05:40
Sw3RvEi have System...05:40
pHreaksYcle@Huufarted okay cool. didnt want to make you read haha05:40
Crayboffwhat do you want me to do with that?05:40
DracieSystem -> Administration -> Synpatic05:40
Sw3RvEoh the package manager05:40
DracieSw3RvE, yup05:40
DracieCrayboff, your config is probably meesing you up05:40
tritiumDracie: it should work05:40
Crayboffalright, so what do you want me to do with it?05:40
Dracietritium, configs kill everything05:40
DracieCrayboff, just move it from .mozilla05:40
Dracieback it up05:40
Dracieand restart firefox05:41
Dracieanyone here use a custom kernel in ubuntu?05:41
Sw3RvEok im in Synaptic. it looks like its already applied?05:41
pHreaksYcle@Huufarted, did it work??05:41
DracieSw3RvE, Sorry I meant to just show you that way of managing packages - its more advanced than add/remove05:41
Crayboffdracie, now i can't even find it, where is it?05:42
tritiumDracie: that's such a vague response, I don't know what you are referring to05:42
DracieCrayboff, control + h if your in the file browser05:42
L3Tumtritium, I didn't see that before, I saw some similar and entered Section "InputDevice"   Identifier "Generic Mouse"  Driver "Mouse"   EndSection (on their own lines of course) but this did not help. I'll try to edit to exactly what this link says05:42
Crayboffno, no, what folder is it in?05:42
Crayboff/home/usrname/? dracie?05:42
Sw3RvEits cool. how do i use wi-fi radar now. it says Section: Networking Universe05:42
DracieCrayboff, /home/username/05:42
tritiumL3Tum: ok05:43
Sw3RvEso far the wifi thing is the only thing i dont like about xubuntu. overall i think its way better than ubuntu :)05:43
DracieSw3RvE, thats cool =]05:43
pHreaksYcle@Sw3RvE I miss certain things about GNOME when i leave05:44
DracieCrayboff, do you see the .mozilla file05:44
pHreaksYcle@Sw3RvE it makes me sad05:44
Dracieyou have to enable view hiddle files05:44
Sw3RvEso how do i run it now. i cant find it...05:44
Crayboffdracie, yes i am there05:44
DracieSw3RvE, wifi radar?05:44
rob1336i do like the gnome also05:44
Sw3RvEyes dracie. where in the world is it. lol05:44
DracieCrayboff, ok then restart firefox once you moved .mozilla out of that name05:44
pHreaksYcle@rob1336 lol good to hear, ur in the right place05:44
DracieSw3RvE, not sure probably in the Applicatoins menu05:44
Draciesorry guys but I am doing this all from memory, i am on Backtrack 3 lol05:45
Crayboffdracie, wait, do you want me to change the .mozilla name?05:45
Sw3RvEits not in there dracie. do i need to reboot or something?05:45
Crayboffohh, nvm you want me to move it out of my /home/usr05:45
DracieCrayboff, yes to something like say .mozilla-backup05:45
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DracieCrayboff, it doesn't matter just as long as if you keep it in home/username name it something else05:46
DracieSw3RvE, might be in System -> Admin05:46
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff just like drag it to the friggin desktop lol05:46
Sw3RvEThere is no Admin tab in System.05:46
tritiumSw3RvE: Administration05:47
Dracieoh yeah Xubuntu's interface is different05:47
Crayboffalright, i did drag it to the desktop05:47
Sw3RvEthey dont have that. im using Xubuntu.05:47
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DracieCrayboff, does it work now05:47
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff lol, it's back to default right? supposed to be ur settings are not where they're supposed to be05:48
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff it made a new set of config files, but you can set it back later if you want05:48
Dracieso it works?05:48
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azlonmy close, minimize and maximize buttons are on the left, how can i change them to the right?05:48
Sw3RvEi feel like elmer fudd. im never going to find this rabbit. lol05:48
CrayboffDracie: do I have to redownload all of the addons and the themes?05:48
DracieCrayboff, no you can recombine the addons i think05:49
Crayboffso like drag it over?05:49
Dracie-_- i wish i knew how05:49
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff indeed05:49
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff just find the folder with the addons in it05:49
pHreaksYclehang on, ill tell you05:49
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff probably the one that says extensions, huh?05:50
Sw3RvEi installed and upgraded open office 3.0. i didnt have this problem with that.05:50
CrayboffpHreaksYcle: well if you look in the other folder you'll find all of the info for the addons05:50
Sw3RvEi cant find wifi radar... :(05:50
DracieSw3RvE, it'll be somewhere in the menu05:50
Draciewhat about networking05:50
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Sw3RvEits not in there. thats the first place i looked.05:51
pHreaksYcle@Sw3RvE its not that we dont love you, but perhaps you'd be better off in the Xubuntu channel??05:51
Sw3RvEthey have one?05:51
tritiumSw3RvE: #xubuntu05:51
Sw3RvEoh lol05:51
pHreaksYcle@Sw3RvE i guess this means i win :P05:51
pHreaksYcle@Sw3RvE good luck05:52
Sw3RvEill try there. thanks for the help. at least its installed i think lol05:52
pHreaksYclewell that makes me feel better05:52
quentusrexHelp. Ubuntu has broke after an update...05:52
Sw3RvEgrrr its not on my Xchat list.05:52
quentusrexin particular it seems GDM broke.05:52
tritiumquentusrex: please be more specific05:53
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex explain05:53
tritiumSw3RvE: /join #xubuntu05:53
Sw3RvEwhats the command to join another chat. i used to know it.05:53
pHreaksYcle@Sw3RvE haha. . .05:53
quentusrexI boot up just fine. But when I log in, I get an error that I should contact a system admin because the Power Management Settings are not configured properly.05:53
Sw3RvEman this chat is a ghost town. no ones talking. lol05:53
Sw3RvEthe xubuntu one...05:54
quentusrexThen the gdm panels don't appear, the two applications(pidgin and thunderbird) that I have setup to auto start, start. But there isn't the title bar(with the minimize, and close boxes)05:54
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex what laptop05:54
quentusrexNone of the icons or desktop wall paper show up.05:54
quentusrexIt's a desk top...05:54
Sw3RvEhow do i add the xubuntu chat to my server list?05:55
tritiumSw3RvE: depends on your IRC client05:55
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex then ur hosed lol. BIOS and a reinstall sounds about right05:55
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex at least, that's how i would fix it.05:55
tritiumquentusrex: note that the panels are not part of gdm, actually.  gdm is simply the graphicla login manager05:55
AlyWhat do I do if Ubuntu won't allow me to download any plugins in order to get on the internet, and if practically nothing will work and it won't let me do anything because of no disk space apparently but it won't let me remove files or anything? It also won't allow me to create other accounts...I've tried recovery and everything, it won't do anything, and it's becoming so irritating.05:55
tritium!ur | pHreaksYcle05:55
ubottupHreaksYcle: Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..05:55
atom^xSw3RvE, if you want it in the menu look @ /usr/share/applications   - i think05:55
pHreaksYcle@ubottu I will fight you05:56
azlonmy close, minimize and maximize buttons are on the left, how can i change them to the right?05:56
quentusrextritium: Then it might not be GDM. Something is borked...  I can't afford to wipe and reinstall...05:56
tritiumquentusrex: that is rarely necessary05:56
pHreaksYcle!kindness | ubottu05:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kindness05:56
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pHreaksYcle@ubottu i know :P05:57
quentusrextritium: Alright, it seems I can't type any letters(they don't show up) but ctrl+alt+backspace still restarts X.05:57
pHreaksYclewired keyboard?05:57
Sw3RvE/usr/share/applications   <<<< put that in terminal?05:57
quentusrexyes, wired keyboard.05:57
pHreaksYcleafter you get logged in05:57
pHreaksYcleand replug05:57
quentusrexthe keyboard works find to login.05:57
Sw3RvEor are you referring to Xchat?05:57
tritium!enter | pHreaksYcle05:58
ubottupHreaksYcle: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!05:58
pHreaksYcle@tritium i guess this means you are a vet.05:58
tritiumquentusrex: this behavior started when?05:58
tritiumpHreaksYcle: no, but I do love animals05:58
quentusrextritium: I just rebooted an hour ago after an upgrade...05:58
quentusrextritium: I can still type. just not into thunderbird... Pidgin works still...05:59
quentusrexit's really weird...05:59
tritiumquentusrex: which release?  Which packages were upgraded?05:59
pHreaksYcle@tritium lol. i wasn't trying to be a d when i asked if it was 13+05:59
pHreaksYcle@tritium cut me a break05:59
atom^xSw3RvE, look in that dir the menu items are files that end in .desktop05:59
quentusrextritium: 8.10 and I don't remember which packages...05:59
L3Tumtritium, I have done everything on that page, and nothing has worked. Actually, the last thing on that page says to enter through until I get to the part with the mouse and it has no section for the mouse, like the mouse doesn't exist at all.05:59
quentusrextritium: I have tried dpkg-reconfigure gdm and that didn't do anything...06:00
tritiumquentusrex: I wouldn't expect that to.  Have you restarted gdm at all?  have you rebooted at all?06:00
Sw3RvEoh i see you meant in the directory06:00
quentusrexis there a different package I should reconfigure? I tried to boot into failsafe gnome, and it was still the same problem.06:00
quentusrextritium: I've rebooted about 6 times...06:01
atom^xSw3RvE, there may be one for the app you installed, just need to add it to the proper group06:01
quentusrexand ctrl+alt+backspace about a dozen times.06:01
Sw3RvEi found it.06:01
tritiumL3Tum: hmm, puzzling06:01
Sw3RvEi right clicked and clicked execute and it didnt work. i got an error.06:01
tritiumquentusrex: fair enough06:01
ScottG489Is there I way I can effectively write 2 separate commands on 1 line? Like say I want to "killall <process>" and then on the same line start it again. How would I split it up?06:01
quentusrextritium: What controls the panels, and the 'frame' for the windows?06:01
tritiumScottG489: with && in between06:02
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex gnome-panel or panels is the process i believe06:02
jtajiScottG489: cmd1 && cmd2 will only execute cmd2 if cmd1 is successfull, you might want cmd1; cmd2, which will run cmd2 regardless06:02
Sw3RvEFailed to execute child process "su-to-root" (No such file or directory).06:02
atom^xSw3RvE, you will need to edit the file, look at a similar .desktop file06:02
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex it's gnome-panel06:02
pHreaksYcle@tritium correct?06:03
AlyIt won't let me do any of the updates.06:03
Sw3RvEatom^x such as??06:03
quentusrexI've sshed into the desktop from another machine...06:03
tritiumpHreaksYcle: yes06:03
DracieSw3RvE, if you want to have something like root # just do sudo -i06:04
atom^xSw3RvE, try reading up here ->http://wiki.xfce.org/faq06:04
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex if you end gnome-panel it should restart automagically06:04
pHreaksYclekill or w/e06:04
Sw3RvEwhat section do i read?06:04
tritiumquentusrex: sounds like this problem may be affecting others, from what I'm learning06:05
quentusrexpHreaksYcle: gnome-panels isn't running06:05
Seraph787anybody know anything about USB sound cards?06:05
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex well, the obvious choice would be to start it with the command gnome-panel06:06
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex unless you have an objection to this for some reason?06:06
tritiumquentusrex: no trailing "s"06:06
Seraph787mine is spitting out "not enough bandwidth" to dmesg06:06
quentusrexsure, I'll start it manually...06:06
pHreaksYcle@Seraph787 bandwidth of sound. . . ?06:06
Seraph787I think it might have to do with thinking its a different device06:07
Melikmy sound just randomly stopped working, how can i restart my sound services?06:07
Seraph787It says "Storm HP-USB500 5.1 Headset"06:07
pHreaksYcle@Seraph787 as i know nothing of the subject, I will entertain you with a question06:07
Seraph787but its actually a cm106 sound card06:07
pHreaksYcle@Seraph787 why would you use a USB sound card06:07
Seraph787Cause it has 5.1 sound06:07
Seraph787and my laptop does not06:07
atom^xSw3RvE, dont remember right off, look for .desktop file references06:07
pHreaksYcle@Seraph787 o i c. thank you.06:07
Dracieanyone here rebuild their ubuntu kernel?06:07
tritiumpHreaksYcle: you keep causing my morse code script to decode your ". . ." as "EE"06:08
Melikmy sound just randomly stopped working, how can i get my sound working again without restarting my computer?06:08
Seraph787Melik: which sound services06:08
Seraph787you have alsa, pulse audio06:08
pHreaksYcle@tritium it's correct english :P06:08
tritiumpHreaksYcle: er, ". .", rather06:08
MelikSeraph787, honestly i dont know i did sudo /etc/init.d/pulseaudio stop and then start06:08
Sw3RvE"Setting up GDM" ???06:08
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pHreaksYcle@tritium sorry ill try to remember this06:08
tritiumpHreaksYcle: no, ellipses don't have spaces in-between06:08
Melikbut it still wont work, i think its alsa06:08
Seraph787most likely06:09
Seraph787check the system messages06:09
quentusrextritium: how do I open a terminal? is there a short cut key for that?06:09
Melikhow can i restart alsa service?06:09
quentusrexor open a terminal on a different display06:09
tritiumquentusrex: Alt-F2, then type gnome-terminal06:09
quentusrexalt-f2 does not respond.06:09
atom^xSw3RvE, look here ->http://wiki.xfce.org/tips   --under adding an application06:10
chelzhow risky is it to use debian debs, say from debian experimental, in intrepid?06:10
Sw3RvEatom^x someone in the xubuntu is helping me. if it doesnt work i'll read that and try.06:10
tritiumchelz: you should not.  Which packages do you need?06:10
quentusrextritium: Is there a way to have it open a terminal on login?06:10
Sw3RvEim editing the text file.06:10
pHreaksYcle@tritium lol Most style guides call for a space between the dots. Typesetters and page designers use something called a thin space or a non-breaking space that prevents the ellipsis points from getting spread over two lines in a document06:10
Angelus_DelapsusHow does one cd to a removeable drive in shell. Due to a crash I can't login, and i'm trying to copy all my files in my documents to my external06:11
pHreaksYcle@tritium all in good humor :P06:11
savvaschelz: try https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas first06:11
tritiumpHreaksYcle: ok, but please keep it short, or on topic06:11
chelztritium: virt-manager 0.6.1  i'm trying to get rid of some issues and i'm hoping using a later version would help06:11
pHreaksYcle@tritium what exactly does your "morse code" script do06:11
chelzsavvas: https://launchpad.net/~saispo/+archive/ppa/+build/863791 i did see this, i'm not sure how to use it though06:11
tritiumpHreaksYcle: encode and decode morse code (it's an irssi script)06:12
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Sw3RvEthanks for that link. i bookmarked it.06:12
tritiumchelz: you'd be better off pulling in the source package from jaunty, and building it on intrepid06:12
Angelus_DelapsusAll: How does one cd to a removeable drive in shell. Due to a crash I can't login, and i'm trying to copy all my files in my documents to my external06:12
pHreaksYcle@tritium that's neat. is it like a secret thing you do with some people or something?06:12
chelztritium: alright. thanks for the help. :)06:12
tritium!info virt-manager jaunty06:13
ubottuvirt-manager (source: virt-manager): desktop application for managing virtual machines. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.1-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 730 kB, installed size 4788 kB06:13
tritiumchelz: ^^06:13
tritiumpHreaksYcle: nope06:13
savvaschelz: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=virt-manager - each ppa has its own page with a description and deb repository info06:13
atom^xSw3RvE, no prob06:13
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chelzsavvas: ah, ty06:13
pHreaksYcle@tritium a novelty?06:13
tritiumpHreaksYcle: just one of the scripts that comes with irssi-scripts06:14
pHreaksYcle@tritium never heard of this irssi. google time.06:14
quentusrextritium: do you know of another way to open a terminal? alt+f2 doesn't respond...06:14
Angelus_Delapsusphreaks: ircii is the program used in terminal to use irc06:14
latitAngelus_Delapsus, mount it06:14
tritiumpHreaksYcle: ssh + screen + irssi is a very convenient combination06:14
Angelus_Delapsusmount E:06:15
Angelus_Delapsusthat sort of thing?06:15
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pHreaksYcle@quentusrex there's a way you can drop into a fullscreen one with Fsomething and another modifier key06:15
tritiumquentusrex: remind me.  You're in gnome?06:15
quentusrextritium: yes.06:16
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quentusrexhow do I list all displays from the command line?06:16
bnagydammit, apt is trying to hose my system again06:16
tritiumquentusrex: if Alt-F2 doesn't open a dialog, something else is going on as well06:16
bnagyxulrunner1.9 wouldn06:16
chelzhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~saispo/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/490669/+listing-archive-extra - why isn't the i386 link working..?06:16
bnagy't install, removed it, that somehow removed sudo06:16
pHreaksYcle@tritium you know what im talking about??06:16
chelz#  virt-manager_0.6.1-1ubuntu1~ppa1_i386.deb i mean06:16
bnagywhich is bad06:16
tritiumpHreaksYcle: Ctrl-Alt-F#, to switch to virtual console #.  Is that what you're referring to?06:17
pHreaksYcle@tritium indeed.06:17
quentusrextritium: any ideas?06:17
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex Ctrl-Alt-F2 will get you a command line, but it moves the whole screen to it06:18
Crayboffg'night all ya06:18
Crayboffthanks for all ya help06:18
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex so be sure you're set before you go06:18
savvaschelz: as I said, you should visit the ppa page, you would see the deb source http link: http://ppa.launchpad.net/saispo/ppa/ubuntu - http://ppa.launchpad.net/saispo/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/v/virt-manager/06:18
pHreaksYcle@Crayboff no problem, see ya06:18
tritiumpHreaksYcle: nothing wrong with V.C. #1, you know06:18
tritiumchelz, savvas: good to know.  I didn't realize there was a PPA for virt-manager06:19
quentusrexpHreaksYcle: I did that... but that is no more help than the ssh session...06:19
pHreaksYcle@tritium i do know haha. f2 is built into my muscle pattern better, therefore its my default06:19
chelzsavvas: ahh. ty :D06:19
tritiumThe jaunty source package is sitll an option, as well, of course.06:19
Dracie_ugh BT3 totally froze up06:19
savvastritium: it's not official, it's a personal package of someone there :P06:19
chelztritium: yeah. hoping this works though06:19
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex what are you trying to do in the command line again? i missed that part06:19
quentusrextritium: what is suppose to start after gdm?06:19
bnagyso.. anyone? how to get sudo back without sudo?06:19
tritiumsavvas: understood06:19
quentusrexpHreaksYcle: I'm trying to get a list of active displays06:19
tritiumbnagy: how did you "lose" sudo?06:20
bnagyapt hates me06:20
tritiumquentusrex: many things06:20
tritiumbnagy: serious answer, please06:20
bnagyxulrunner 1.9 wouldn't install, removed it to try and reinstall06:20
bnagysomehow that killed sudo in the process06:20
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savvasbnagy: how did you lose sudo in the first place?06:20
quibblerbnagy: i just recieved sudo as an update...try in terminal  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade06:20
bnagywhich I didn't expect :(06:20
Dexiis there an easy way to recover a deleted file? like a tool i can download?06:20
pHreaksYcle@quibbler HE CAN'T SUDO06:20
pHreaksYcle@quibbler lmao06:21
bnagyquibbler: start at the start - no sudo ;)06:21
pHreaksYcle@all we rely on sudo too much haha06:21
bnagymy greater problem is that I have corrupted package files, like often06:21
tritiumbnagy: you're suggesting you don't have "sudo" installed?  Please verify with "apt-cache policy sudo"06:21
MyrttipHreaksYcle: I don't find this funny06:21
bnagybut anyway, that comes and goes06:21
pHreaksYcle@Myrtti sorry to hear that.06:21
Dracie_woops I fail i killed my dri06:21
savvasbnagy: boot using the live cd, mount your root "/" partition, edit the etc/sudoers file in there06:21
bnagytritium: it says it's there06:22
savvasbnagy: or.. reboot your pc to the recovery option06:22
tritiumbnagy: ok, now please describe what you observe, then, in trying to use sudo06:22
tritiumbnagy: also, what version do you have?06:22
bnagyThe program 'sudo' can be found in the following packages: * sudo06:22
pHreaksYcle@bnagy sounds like failure to me.06:23
chelztritium: is there a way to install only virt-manager and its dependencies from jaunty repos but not have it try to update all the packages i already have?06:23
pHreaksYcle@Dracie what do you mean06:23
B1OSi just pressed ctrl+alt+F2 in the terminal, how do i get out lol :D06:23
Milkehhow to I apply a .patch file06:24
Dracie_pHreaksYcle: I tried to build my own kernel for a couple reasons but somehwere inthe cycle I ruined my nvidia module stuff06:24
savvasB1OS: ctrl-alt-F706:24
bnagytritium: but there's no sudo in /etc/bin or /etc/sbin06:24
tritiumchelz: that depends on the dependencies.  that's why I advised you just build it from source package06:24
tritiumbnagy: one moment, please06:24
B1OSsavvas: thanks :)06:24
chelztritium: well it has a lot of dependencies. takes a while to grab all the debs myself06:24
Dracie_man there should be a distro just designed to install other distros06:24
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pHreaksYcle@Dracie yeah that blows06:25
tritiumchelz: build dependencies?06:25
pHreaksYcle@Dracie i try to stay out of that hardcore stuff.06:25
Dracie_pHreaksYcle: yeah I'll handle it but yeah lol, etqw fails without realtime kernel support06:25
Milkehdoes anybody know how to apply a .patch file?06:25
bnagyMilkeh: man patch?06:25
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: If you haven't got it already, active screens and all their gory details can be had with: xdpyinfo06:25
chelztritium: yeah. like the versions of the ones i already have installed through intrepid repos aren't late enough06:25
savvasbnagy: I already told you what to do, reboot your computer, in the boot options choose the "ubuntu ... (recovery mode)" - you will have root privileges and do whatever necessary.06:25
tritium!patch | Milkeh06:25
ubottuMilkeh: Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results.  There are a number of ways these can be produced, but https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/HowToFix and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/PatchSystems may provide some useful guidelines.06:25
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: unable to run it, because it can't open display...06:26
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Ahhh!06:26
Milkehbnagy, I have a pidgin script that doesn't work with my version of banshee but somebody made a patch for it, I just don't know how to apply it.06:26
pHreaksYcle@tritium how do  you ever log off of this? its ADDICTING06:26
tritiumchelz: I see what you mean, looking at the depends myself06:26
|PiP|would running background processes use less memory if they are triggered by a controller action when using passenger?06:26
bnagysavvas: hm, ok - I didn't see any boot options last time, will look again properly06:26
tritiumpHreaksYcle: I don't log off (part of the advantage of screen + irssi).  I can connect from anywhere via ssh.06:26
savvasbnagy: pressing Esc while booting might help:)06:27
pHreaksYcle@tritium that's sickness. how long have you been running this show06:27
obf213firefox doesn't register pluging changes i want to use vlc plugin for wmv files and asf, so i select the pluging it but its like it doesn't register me selecting and it doesnt show up as an option06:27
tritiumpHreaksYcle: I'm not the only op, but I've been one since 200506:27
pHreaksYcle@tritium i figured you weren't god, but at least his friend06:27
pHreaksYcle@tritium good for you, hardened warrior. that's cool to help people06:28
tritiumpHreaksYcle: I'm not active all the time, I just /away when I need.06:28
B10Swheres a good place to read up on securing my ubuntu web server?06:28
quentusrextritium: do you know where I can go for help figuring out what broke? and how to fix it?06:28
tritiumquentusrex: a couple of us are looking into it now.06:29
pHreaksYcle@B10S digg. google. search for securing ubuntu server. either site should help06:29
quentusrextritium: thanks.06:29
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Are you stuck without Xorg then?06:29
Dracie_heh I messed so much stuff its almost worth to reinstall06:29
Milkehtritium, I have a pidgin script that doesn't work with my version of banshee but somebody made a patch for it, I just don't know how to apply it.06:29
pHreaksYcle@Dracie I love reinstalling06:29
MagedHi, I have a question about connecting to my site using FTP06:29
pHreaksYcle@Milkeh what script06:29
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tritiumMilkeh: patches are applied to source.  Are you recompiling it?06:29
Dracie_pHreaksYcle: its pretty nice and simple in ubuntu lolz, gentoo isn't too hard to me after awhile06:29
Dracie_btw gentoo fails - their ops banned me because my router is exploitable - losers06:30
MagedFailed to retrieve directory listing --->>>>>>>>What this error is about?06:30
axscodewhat to install to make ubuntu support squashfs mounting?06:30
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: I can get to the login screen. I can login. Thunderbird and Pidgin auto start, but they don't have any title bar(or the boxes for minimize or close) no background wall paper, no icons, no tray bar. alt+f2 doesn't start the application launcher, etc.06:30
pHreaksYcle@Dracie im a lazy user. ive never touched gentoo. only other distro ive used is puppy. on a PC without USB or ethernet06:30
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Ahhh ok... so no window decorator06:30
MilkehpHreaksYcle, MusicTracker06:30
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: I do get an error about gnome power management is no longer configured properly.06:30
Dracie_pHreaksYcle: yeah I am a nerdy nerd ^_^06:31
Milkehtritium, what do you mean b recompiling it?06:31
axscodei have a squashfs image, i wanted to mount it, what do i need to install to support squash?06:31
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: can I start the window decorator from remote ssh session?06:31
pHreaksYcle@Milkeh that's a plugin my friend. grab the newest version06:31
tritiumMilkeh: building it from source code06:31
MagedDo anyone see what I am writing??????????????06:31
Dracie_too bad musictracker doesn't work with banshee 1<06:31
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Have you tried creating a new, fresh, user profile and logging in with that? If that works, at least you know the issue is a per-profile configuration issue, not system-wide06:31
pHreaksYcle@Milkeh it DOES work with banshee06:31
Dracie_Maged: what are you writing?06:31
MilkehpHreaksYcle, I have the newest version of the plugin, I just need to apply the patch06:31
pHreaksYcle@Dracie i'm using it right now on banshee06:31
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: can you walk me through that process? from remote command line?06:31
MilkehpHreaksYcle, I read that it doesn't work with the newer versions of banshee06:31
MagedFailed to retrieve directory listing  ------->>>> what is this error about when trying to connect to my site through FTP06:32
Ienorandhow can I use basic command "find" non-verbosly, terminal?06:32
sasthai got a "Protocol error" message when i try to mount share folders in Virtual Box06:32
pHreaksYcle@Milkeh i'm using banshee 1.4.206:32
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pHreaksYcle@Milkeh works fine for me06:32
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Sure, but let me be clear; you do also have keyboard/screen access to the affected PC?06:32
Dracie_Maged: hmm i wish i could help =\ i haven't really used ftp06:32
MagedDracie_: Failed to retrieve directory listing ------->>>> what is this error about when trying to connect to my site through FTP06:32
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: yes, I do...06:32
world_citizenhow can I install java on firefox?06:32
Dracie_pHreaksYcle: using musictracker n banshee 1.4.2???06:33
Maged :(06:33
pHreaksYcle@world_citizen you dont do it thru firefox, its a package for the whole system i believe06:33
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: ok... to create a new user from the command-line: "sudo adduser testuser"06:33
sasthaHow to resolve "Protocol error",while mounting Shared folders?06:33
pHreaksYcle@Dracie yes sir06:33
Dracie_pHreaksYcle: hmm maybe my config is naughty06:33
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Restart Gnome using "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"06:33
tritiumpHreaksYcle: what client are you using, that puts the @ in front of each nick?06:33
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: And, try logging in as "testuser"06:33
Dracie_pHreaksYcle: running off the banshee dev repo?06:33
savvasworld_citizen: install package sun-java6-jre from System > Administration > Synaptic06:33
axscodei have a squashfs image, i wanted to mount it, what do i need to install to support squash?06:33
pHreaksYcle@Dracie right06:34
pHreaksYcle@Dracie at least, i think so06:34
world_citizensavvas & pHreaksYcle: thanks06:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about squashfs-tools06:34
Dracie_pHreaksYcle: hmm ok sounds like I need to revisit my stuff06:34
sasthaHow to resolve "Protocol error"?06:34
lvlefistoworld_citizen: also google around to install java plugin for mozilla06:34
pHreaksYcle@world_citizen u got it06:34
savvasworld_citizen: ah on firefox.. that's a bit tricky - I think icedtea6-plugin package is required06:34
MilkehpHreaksYcle, oh I'm using banshee 1.2.1, could this be why?06:35
Dracie_savvas: I don't htink so06:35
pHreaksYcle@Milkeh maybe. worth a shot.06:35
pHreaksYcle@world_citizen command is listed here http://www.ubuntumini.com/2008/10/reinstallng-codecs.html06:35
sasthahello anybody know,how to resolve "Protocol error" in Shared Folders?06:35
savvasDracie_: I don't know, I don't use it :)06:35
pHreaksYcle@sastha google :P also, explain your problem more06:36
Dracie_savvas: yes I don't use java much at all either06:36
pHreaksYcle@sastha also, what are you trying to do06:36
mandarI installed ubuntu 8.10. how to ‌install compiz setting manager?? i tried synaptic but compiz setting manager is not there on the list06:36
bnagysavvas: OK, booted recovery, but the root prompt doesn't seem to turn on my eth006:36
roy_hobbsI'm having trouble getting gedit's open location feature to work.  I can do this over ssh right?  What's the syntax?06:36
quentusrexrebooted the wrong computer...06:36
bnagyifup eth0 didn't seem to work...06:37
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex lol06:37
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: lol doh! :D06:37
Dracie_roy_hobbs: did you do ssh -X host ?06:37
savvasbnagy: which release are you using?06:37
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion06:37
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: I added the user, and restarted gdm same problem for both users.06:37
sasthapHreaksYcle: actually in Virtual box,Windows XP is the host and Ubuntu runs as Guest.I tried to get the Shared folders from XP to Ubuntu.06:37
savvasbnagy: have you tried "sudo /etc/init.d/networking start" ?06:37
roy_hobbsDracie_: no, i mean from within gedit06:37
pHreaksYcle@sastha do you have samba installed on ubuntu06:37
bnagysavvas: nope, never heard of that command :)06:37
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: That's good... now you know it is a system-wide issue. What Ubuntu release, machine architecture, and kernel version is it?06:37
bnagyI came from gentoo06:37
sasthapHreaksYcle: no06:37
roy_hobbsI think you can do things like sftp://user@host06:38
savvasbnagy: ok, which release are you using now?06:38
pHreaksYcle@sastha oops06:38
world_citizenah thanks everybody, installing the extras :)06:38
bnagyeasy peasy or whatever 8.1 for netbooks06:38
Dracie_roy_hobbs: ho clue sorry =[06:38
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quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: Ubuntu 8.10 Linux quentusrex-desktop 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:24:39 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux06:38
pHreaksYcle@world_citizen you like that site? i'm the editor and it makes me happy haha06:38
b0rk3dquick question06:38
b0rk3dwhy is my xvids blue?06:38
sasthapHreaksYcle: i used the command 'sudo mount -t vboxsf sharedfolder locationtosavefolder'06:38
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: What video chipset does the PC have? What driver are you using - is it a proprietary driver?06:38
vf1jHello I am trying to get my printer configured on cups and need a ppd file for my hp10, anyone know how I can get it?06:38
bnagyI mean I have heard of ... start, but I didn't have a 'networking' script previously. :) Anyway, will try that06:38
sasthapHreaksYcle: but i throws me "Protocol error"06:38
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz dual core.06:39
savvasbnagy: hm? I didn't understand - can you give me the link you got your ubuntu release from?06:39
Dracie_well time to reinstall =]06:39
axscodei have a squashfs image, i wanted to mount it, what do i need to install to support squash? <--- HELP!06:39
world_citizenpHreaksYcle: I do now, that article is a life-saver :)06:39
sasthapHreaksYcle: Can u help me?How to install SAMBA?06:39
bnagysavvas: it's a release for Asus EEE PC netbooks06:39
tritium!samba | sastha06:39
ubottusastha: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.06:39
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: VGA: 04:02.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]06:39
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bnagybut it's 8.106:39
pHreaksYcle@sastha u need samba. gimme a sec, i have an article on that too :P06:39
atom^x!ccsm > mandar06:39
ubottumandar, please see my private message06:39
sasthapHreaksYcle: k :)06:39
tritiumbnagy: that would have been useful info before.  You're not running official ubuntu?06:39
pHreaksYcle@sastha http://www.ubuntu1501.com/2008/01/quick-dirty-samba-guide.html06:39
savvasbnagy: 32-bit or 64-bit?06:39
bnagysavvas: I'd give you a link, but xulrunner is dead so firefox is dead etc etc06:39
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Great... are you (trying) to use a proprietary fglx driver ?06:39
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: I'm using the open source driver I'm pretty sure. Because the closed source ati driver doesn't support my card any more.06:39
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: okay, that might help :)06:40
bnagytritium: I don't know about official - it's just ubuntu06:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about squashfs-tools06:40
savvasbnagy: download this to someplace handy: wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/sudo/sudo_1.6.9p17-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb06:40
bnagyAFAIR it's run by the ubuntu peeps06:40
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: but I do remember seeing a fglx-modaliases package when I was upgrading...06:40
pHreaksYcle@atom^x lol how many times are ya gona try that06:40
sasthapHreaksYcle: Thanks.But do you know how to resolve this "Protocol error"?06:40
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: so that might have broke something...06:40
bnagy wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/sudo/sudo_1.6.9p17-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb06:41
U-b-u-n-t-upidgin is overlapping with another desktop and when I try to Maximize it it just shifts back and forth .... how do I get it to fit the screen?06:41
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Have you reviewed the log-files when GDM starts? /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/gdm/:0.log and /var/log/gdm/failsafe.log06:41
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pHreaksYcle@sastha how can i explain this, the protocal is SMB06:41
vf1jAnyone work with the cups website?06:41
vf1jTo configure the printer?06:41
pHreaksYcleif you dont have samba, the protocol will throw an error06:41
atom^xpHreaksYcle, 1 for squashfs and 1 for squashfs-tools06:41
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: You might be onto something with that reference to fglx - keep it in mind06:41
pHreaksYcle@atom^x o okay lol06:41
Scunizivf1j: localhost:63106:41
bnagysavvas: OK, got it06:42
savvasbnagy: it's a terminal command, execute it: wget http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/sudo/sudo_1.6.9p17-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb -O /root/sudo.deb06:42
extreme_os[Linux 2.6.27-11-generic x86_64] distro[Ubuntu "intrepid" 8.10] cpu[2 x Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2.79GHz] mem[Physical: 2.9GB, 75.7% free] disk[Total: 320.1GB, 39.9% free] video[nVidia Corporation GeForce 8500 GT] sound[EMU10K1X - Dell Sound Blaster Live!]06:42
vf1jScunizi: I do not understand06:42
extreme_why does it only see 3 gigs06:42
spreeI have an issue. I have an OOOOOLD Automatix installation. I installed Swiftweasel with it. I want to remove swiftweasel and install the new version properly. I am running Intrepid. I also need to uninstall Automatix and have no clue how to go about doing it06:42
extreme_when i have 4 in it?06:42
savvasbnagy: ah wait, no sudo.. heh06:42
bnagysavvas: yeah, sry the paste was terminal fart06:42
pHreaksYcle@extreme_ 32BIT06:42
Scunizivf1j: open firefox and use that as the address to get to Cups06:42
savvasbnagy: I trust that you know the directory it is in now, right?06:42
extreme_x86_64 is 32 bit?!06:42
bnagycan I install it in my home dir and run it?06:42
vf1jScunizi: Yes, sorry--that is the site I am on!06:42
pHreaksYcle@extreme_ lol06:43
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: the only interesting thing, and it was the last thing in the logs: AUDIT: Tue Feb 17 22:36:45 2009: 8581 X: client 4 rejected from local host ( uid=0 gid=0 pid=8635 )06:43
vf1jScunizi: There is a drop file and the HP1020 is not there06:43
extreme_wait i'm so fucking confused06:43
extreme_please explain06:43
vf1jScunizi: So it says alternately provide a ppd file06:43
extreme_errr freaking06:43
tritium!language | extreme_06:43
FloodBot2extreme_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:43
ubottuextreme_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.06:43
pHreaksYcle@extreme_ are you using 64 bit? if not, that's why06:43
savvasbnagy: ok, reboot back in recovery mode and install sudo: dpkg -i /path/to/sudo_1.6.9p17-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb06:43
bnagysavvas: yeah that was what I was about to say :P06:43
sasthai installed 'irssi' IRC chat client.Using 'sudo aptitude install irssi'.Where the installed application will reside?06:43
bnagyok l8s06:43
vf1jScunizi: HP Provides drivers, but not for the 1020, which is odd as it is a common printer06:43
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: RADEON(0): is on all the logs, so I think the driver is the open source RADEON driver...06:44
extreme_oops lol, but no pHreaksYcle as it says i'm using 64bit06:44
vf1jAnyone know how to configure a 1020 on CUPS?06:44
Scunizivf1j: try HP1000 or HP1010.. something that is close to 1020.06:44
letalissastha: irssi is a cli program06:44
vf1jScunizi: Believe me, there is nothing close06:44
pHreaksYcle@extreme_ okay, so you are using 64 bit? because there's really no confusion about it haha. you KNOW if you're using 6406:44
letalisjust type irssi at any terminal prompt06:45
vf1jScunizi: It is bizarre06:45
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: is there a way to list all packages that are installed ?06:45
quentusrexand grep for any with fglx in the title?06:45
extreme_yes i'm running 64bit06:45
vf1jMaybe I need a linux tutor06:45
tritiumquentusrex: dpkg -l06:45
savvasvf1j: execute in terminal: sudo apt-get install python-qt3; sudo hplip-setup06:45
world_citizenpHreaksYcle: I'm stuck at this?? http://xs136.xs.to/xs136/09083/screenshot713.png - I can only scroll, can't click Ok or enter, space, anything06:45
n2diyok, I've setup a test box, virgin Hardy install, it is sterile. How do I install chrootkit, and rootkit hunter, without exposing the box to the internet?06:45
sasthaletalis: YEs.i can understand.But i cant see all the messages.but in windows it will run as a separate application.Isnt it06:46
vf1jSo you are saying don't go through cups?06:46
extreme_and umm06:46
pHreaksYcle@world_citizen you need to hit left arrow or down arrow until you highlight the OK with red06:46
extreme_vf1j, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-125545.html06:46
rogermuddworld_citizen: Can you tab to "<OK>" and hit enter?06:46
pHreaksYcle@world_citizen confused the hell out of me the first time too06:46
world_citizenah yes, works! thanks06:46
world_citizenjust had to tab lol06:46
pHreaksYcle@world_citizen glad to hear this.06:47
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: yes... dpkg-query -l | grep '^i'06:47
pHreaksYcle@world_citizen as a reward for my pretty site, tell me what you're using with java06:47
extreme_ok now, why dont my system see all 4 gigs, and why is xvid play back blue?06:47
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
savvasvf1j: I'm saying to set up your printer driver properly first :)06:47
world_citizenfirefox, it's a pill to install java06:48
pHreaksYcle@extreme_ 64 if for extreme people, you should know this. perhaps the 64 bit subchannel would be more appropriate?06:48
pHreaksYcleim sure this exists06:48
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: I had the ati driver installed, but not using it. I've removed the driver....06:48
vf1jSavvas: Okay, thanks you and Extreme--thanks for the link06:49
MilkehpHreaksYcle, what version of MusicTracker are you using?06:49
L3TumI think maybe my ethernet card and mouse are conflicting, since neither of them are working. I have tried everything else I can possibly find on google about getting the mouse to work, and since the ethernet car doesn't seem to work either, it must be this. Now if someone could just tell me how to find out if they are trying to use the same i/o address or however it is I see if they are conflicting06:49
vf1jMy goals is to get the printer working end-of-week06:49
extreme_pHreaksYcle, this was a question asked, no reason to become super dickhead06:49
vf1jAim high06:49
tritiumextreme_: I've already warned you about foul language06:49
extreme_if the question was placed in the wrong channel my fault06:49
pHreaksYcle@extreme_ all in good humor my man. super dickhead i am not, and i commend you for using 64 its hard06:50
U-b-u-n-t-uany idea on how to get Pidgin to fix on one screen without overlap06:50
bullgard4Why does Gajim produce no sounds any longer? Does '~$ lsof | grep snd' show that sound output is blocked by gconf-help or mixer_app ?: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/39417306:50
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: no change.....06:50
vf1jIf I get the printer working I will then try to learn MUTT06:50
pHreaksYcle@Milkeh 0.4.806:50
IntuitiveNippleextreme_: The memory address space from 3GB to 4GB is reserved for PCI I/O Memory mapping, so unless the chipset can remap the RAM that would usually appear there, it is effectively out of bounds.06:50
tritiumpHreaksYcle: don't repeat it!06:50
n2diyok, I've setup a test box, virgin Hardy install, it is sterile. How do I install chrootkit, and rootkit hunter, without exposing the box to the internet?06:50
pHreaksYcle@tritium d h i am not :P06:50
MilkehpHreaksYcle, where did you get 0.4.8 from06:50
vf1jThanks again Extreme and good night!06:51
pHreaksYcle@Milkeh only the best. GetDeb.net06:51
vf1jI love you all!06:51
MilkehpHreaksYcle, alright thank you06:51
tritiumn2diy: if they're not on the install CD, you either have to connect to the internet to install from the repos, or grab the .deb packages from another machine, and transfer them via USB stick, or the like06:51
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: The log-files should be giving you some strong clues as to what is happening. I addition to the log-files I mentioned earlier, you should look at ~/.xsession-errors06:51
pHreaksYcle@Milkeh http://www.getdeb.net/download/3187/006:52
savvasn2diy: 1) a local apt mirror cache? 2) look for the package and its dependencies from http://packages.ubuntu.com - save them somewhere and transfer the files to the machine without internet?06:52
L3TumHow can I find out if a network card and and mouse are conflicting?06:52
world_citizenpHreaksYcle: it all works! thanks so much phreaksycle I've been having troubles with java on firefox for ages on ubuntu06:52
tritiumpHreaksYcle: please be cautious recommending non-ubuntu packages06:52
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: ** (Do:7241): CRITICAL **: gnome_desktop_item_get_localestring: assertion `item != NULL' failed06:52
n2diytritium: ok, the debs. are known to be sterile?06:52
pHreaksYcle@world_citizen no problem man, just remember the site, has all sorts of cool stuff haha06:53
=== sastha is now known as SasL
tritiumn2diy: if you grab them from the repositories, yes06:53
lstarnesn2diy: they are in the official repos and are practically guaranteed to be clean06:53
pHreaksYcle@tritium I am, getdeb is pretty trusted06:53
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: That looks to be worth researching06:53
tritiumpHreaksYcle: we don't recommend them here06:53
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: what can you find about it?06:54
SasLDid anybody resolved "Protocol error" in Virtual Box?06:54
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: You have Gnome-do installed?06:54
pHreaksYcle@tritium does this mean i'm not allowed to?06:54
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: yes I do06:54
pHreaksYcle@tritium or you wouldn't recommend that i recommend them06:54
n2diytritium: lstarnes, ok, thanks.06:54
tritiumpHreaksYcle: you can, but be prepared to help if they have trouble ;)06:54
pHreaksYcle@tritium you got it captain crunch. im always ready to help06:54
SasLpHreaksYcle: excuse.My Samba intallation is under progress.06:54
pHreaksYcle@SasL sure.06:55
bnagysavvas: OK, sudo online, now working on apt-get -f install06:55
extreme_brb smoke06:55
pHreaksYcle@extreme_ tobacco?06:55
savvasbnagy: great :)06:55
bnagylibxul-common failing to install06:55
EMPulsehey guys06:55
pHreaksYcle@extreme_ sinner.06:55
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: I've uninstalled gnome-do, that wasn't it...06:55
pHreaksYcle@extreme_ :P06:55
MartianWMy keyboard has a second \ key. I want to use it as a third level chooser. After poking around in the xkb folder I managed to work out it is 94 and <LSGT>. But how do I set it to be a third level chooser?06:55
bnagy/var/lib/dpkg/info/xulrunner-1.9.postinst: 5: /usr/bin/xulrunner-1.9: not found06:55
EMPulseCan anyone recommend a video converter that can convert videos for my Palm Centro06:55
pHreaksYcle@EMPulse Windows haha06:56
GOD2i need an aircard to work on linux06:56
bnagycan I DL just that binary from somewhere?06:56
* extreme_ hands the peace pipe to pHreaksYcle 06:56
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: No, I didn't think it could be that simple. That error you reported is to do with bad plugins though, so you may want to deal with that later06:56
n2diytritium: lstarnes, apt-get filename is the same as getting it's .deb right?06:56
EMPulsepHreaksYcle, Lol, I mean a program on Ubuntu06:56
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: :(06:56
L3Tumcan somebody tell me how I can find out if both my mouse and my network card are trying to use the same i/o address, and if so, how to fix it?06:56
pHreaksYcle@extreme thank you06:56
savvasbnagy: you have a lot of problems, the netbook remix release of ubuntu is for advanced users, not stable and not recommended - why not use intrepid 8.10 directly?06:56
tritiumn2diy: sudo apt-get install <packagename>06:56
quentusrextritium: had mentioned that it sounded like others are having a similiar problem...06:56
MilkehpHreaksYcle, thank you it's working now, I'll be sure to keep this site bookmarked06:56
pHreaksYcle@Extreme I have asthma though, so ill just have one of those brownies06:57
pHreaksYcle@Milkeh thanks man, that means a lot06:57
bnagysavvas: tried that, and the system died horribly somehow06:57
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Do you have an account on the Ubuntu bug-tracker at https://bugs.launchpad.net ?06:57
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
desilou_fernandemy word! where am i?06:57
tritiumquentusrex: yes, but I don't have much to report as of yet06:57
pHreaksYcle@forgeign name lol06:57
bnagyplus wifi camera etc hard to get working06:57
n2diytritium: no install, I'm going to put the package on a tthumb drive, and install from there, I hope.06:57
quentusrextritium: neither do I .... :(06:57
MyrttipHreaksYcle, extreme_: lets keep the offtopic somewhere else and keep this channel for support questions :-)06:57
atom^xbnagy, xubuntu wiith kernel from array.org06:57
pHreaksYcle@Myrtti I was waiting for that06:58
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MyrttipHreaksYcle: then you should know better ;-)06:58
Sergeant_Ponyis it possible to installl compiz fusion from a console?06:58
savvasbnagy: try this: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install and post the output at www.pastebin.com06:58
tritiumn2diy: from a thumb drive, you'll have to use either "sudo dpkg -i <file.deb>", or you can double-click it, and it should open gdebi, which will install it06:58
SasLpHreaksYcle: i dont find any 'shared folders' in System->Administration.I repeat i m using Virtual Box.Windows XP is my Host and Ubuntu is my Guest.Plz help me06:58
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: yes, i have an account...06:58
EMPulseCan anyone recommend a video converter that can convert videos for my Palm Centro?06:58
bnagysavvas: OK, but the first error is the one I pasted above06:58
bnagybut gimme a sec06:58
quentusrexEMPulse: VLC player...06:58
GOD2no help?06:58
n2diytritium: 10-406:58
desilou_fernandewow what a busy chat ... i should leave06:58
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Can you create a bug-report on Launchpad and attach to it a tar-gzip archive containing some log-files?06:58
extreme_Myrtti, my fault, i do that some times06:59
savvasbnagy: I'd like the full output if it's not a problem :)06:59
Myrttihello desilou_fernande06:59
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: if you give me the command that will tar-gzip all the required files, I'll upload it...06:59
bnagysavvas: ugh, actually...lemme check if I have lynx06:59
pHreaksYcle@quentusrex i see people recommend VLC for converting ETC but i never learned how to do anything like that. VLC just seems like a simple player to me06:59
=== GOD2 is now known as Luvis
Myrttidesilou_fernande: do you need help with Ubuntu?06:59
bnagyfirefox currently borked06:59
quentusrexpHreaksYcle: dig deeper06:59
desilou_fernandeno its working fine06:59
n2diydesilou_fernande: busy, a couple of hours ago there were over 1500 users here!06:59
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: tar -czf gdm-logs.tar.gz /var/log/Xorg.0.log /var/log/kern.log /var/log/gdm/:0.log ~/.xsession-errors07:00
EMPulsequentusrex, Can VLC shrink the screen? i.e. change the resolution to make it smaller?07:00
savvasbnagy: ok ignore that, give me a second to think then :)07:00
bnagysavvas: mind if I just /msg you?07:00
quentusrexEMPulse: yes, ask on the vlc channel...07:00
EMPulsequentusrex, thanks07:00
quentusrexEMPulse:  #videolan I think07:00
savvasbnagy: no, send it!07:00
spreeI have an issue. I have an OOOOOLD Automatix installation. I installed Swiftweasel with it. I want to remove swiftweasel and install the new version properly. I am running Intrepid. I also need to uninstall Automatix and have no clue how to go about doing it07:00
savvasbnagy: i mean privately :)07:00
Myrttidesilou_fernande: excellent then :-)07:01
bullgard4Why does Gajim produce no sounds any longer? Does '~$ lsof | grep snd' show that sound output is blocked by gconf-help or mixer_app ?: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/39417307:01
spreeremember Automatix? from 7.10? I still have it and i want rid of it07:01
Tom47is vbox running xp vm a cpu hog known to anyone else?07:01
Milkehwhy does my java and banshee music player not want to play sounds at the same time?07:01
Sergeant_Ponyanyone know if there is a way to activate restricted drivers thru a console?07:01
Luviscrakerjacks yo07:01
pHreaksYcle@Milkeh uh oh. sounds like one of those ubuntu sound issues07:01
spreeTom47, all the windows above 2000 will do that07:01
crackerjackzMilkeh: because one of them is locking your soundcard for some reason07:01
tritiumspree: yes, we *never* supported automatix07:02
spreeTom47, XP is better than Vista07:02
spreeTom47, resource wise anyway07:02
Milkehcrackerjackz, they lock each other out, any idea how to fix?07:02
Tom47spree oh .... did not notice it until todays 2.1.4 update07:02
spreetripps, well what do you want me to do07:02
SunnyDP@extreme-sudoer :D07:02
spreetritium, what do you want me to do07:02
Flannelspree: There's no way to remove Automatix, you have to reinstall.07:02
tritiumspree: anything you like07:02
spreewell that's just super07:02
tritiumspree: we've always strongly advised against it07:03
tritium!automatix | spree07:03
ubottuspree: Automatix is no longer developed or supported by its creators and is not recommended, supported, or needed by Ubuntu. See http://mjg59.livejournal.com/77440.html and « /msg ubottu WorksForMe »07:03
Flannelspree: that's just one of the many reasons we recommend against it.07:03
spreeTristam, yeah it would have been nice to know that before i did it, i'd never been here before07:03
quentusrexIntuitiveNipple: what should it be filed under?07:03
Luvisi'm using automatix... can't get aircard to work07:03
Sergeant_Ponyanyone know if there is a way to activate restricted drivers thru a console?07:03
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Hmmm... gdm ?07:03
crackerjackzMilkeh: i'm not familuar with banshee music player, is it java that is locking your soundcard or is it banshee locking your sound card, are you sure its not firefox locking your sound card?07:03
spreeTristam, you doing the !automatix was completely pointless, i already know, okay?07:04
Flannelspree: The Ubuntu community has been crusading against Automatix for a long time now (well, while it was still active).  But, we can't raise awareness everywhere, obviously.07:04
pHreaksYcle@spree what kind of spree?07:04
pHreaksYcle@spree candy or killing?07:04
FlannelpHreaksYcle: Please stay on topic07:04
spreeFlannel, show me where I am advocating the use of automatix07:04
Luvisso why the ubuntu team so against it?07:04
spreepHreaksYcle, why not both?07:05
Flannelspree: I never said you were.  I just said we've tried to raise awareness as much as we could.07:05
pHreaksYcle@spree because that's too funny for me to handle.07:05
joey_any idea why i would get horizontal refresh lines when watching movies?07:05
joey_but i get nothing when playing games or anything else07:05
FlannelLuvis: Because it's a bad piece of software.  The actual issues are outlined in that blog article (well, some of them).  If you'd like to discuss it further, we can take it to #ubuntu-offtopic07:06
crackerjackzLuvis: why is the ubuntu team so against what?07:06
tritiumLuvis: read above07:06
Milkehcrackerjackz, I'm sure, it's just that banshee (and every other music player) is kind of.. clashing with java. If I run a java game.. the song sits at 0:00 and java sounds play fine07:06
Milkehcrackerjackz, and if I play a song and open a java game.. no sounds come out of the java game07:06
spreeFlannel, you're like the guy who tells a guy who just got hit by a truck that he should avoid being hit by trucks07:06
crackerjackzMilkeh: you are using firefox right?07:06
pHreaksYcle@spree LMAO07:06
LuvisCrackerjackz ,automatix07:06
tritiumspree: the point was to provide you the background on the reasons why07:06
Milkehcrackerjackz, yes07:07
SasLpHreaksYcle: i dont find any 'shared folders' in System->Administration.I repeat i m using Virtual Box.Windows XP is my Host and Ubuntu is my Guest.Plz help me07:07
crackerjackzMilkeh: go to youtube.com and see if flash does the same thing to you07:07
spreetritium, i was looking forward to finding out something i don't already know. So far, i'm disappointed.07:07
crackerjackzMilkeh: i think its firefox locking your soundcard not java07:07
spreetritium, i do know this whole "impossible to remove it" thing has got to be bunk and a cop-out07:08
crackerjackzMilkeh: you only have onboard sound right?07:08
Milkehcrackerjackz, Nope I'm positive, it's java. Just double checked, doesn't do it with firefox. and youtube videos are working fine07:08
Luvisi see no blog article07:08
tritiumspree: if it were official ubuntu software in the repositories, you might have reason to complain to us07:08
Milkehcrackerjackz, Not quite sure, I know I have a realtek HD soundcard07:08
Flannelspree: If you want to manually delete lots of files, go right ahead.  There's no easy way for us to explain to you how to restore your system to a state before it was installed.07:09
spreetritium, Show me where I complained07:09
crackerjackzMilkeh: you only have one soundcard right? and the one you do have is intergrated with the motherboard right/07:09
tritiumspree: it's unfortunate you chose to install unofficial software, and now want to blame us, as if it was in some way something we did07:09
tritiumLuvis: /msg ubottu automatix, and you'll see the blog post07:10
tritiumspree: your previous two comments07:10
spreetritium, so far you've had the supposition that I am both some kind of Automatix adovcate that needs talking out of using it after the damage is done, and that I am here to whine about it. I came here for some sort of recommendation beyond what somebody at Dell tech support in India would say with Windows "Okay, we'll just reinstall your entire operating system that will fix it"07:11
n2diywhat is the apt-get syntax to DL filename to my USB drive, with is listed as /dev/sdb1?07:11
L3Tumhow can I find out which i/o address my mouse and network card are using?07:11
n2diywith/ which07:11
tritiumspree: I've had no such supposition, there's just nothing we can recommend for you07:11
Luvisthanks tritium07:11
spreeThat is a sufficient and respectable response.07:11
Milkehcrackerjackz, I would say it, I used to run both java and windows media player on windows07:12
Luvisi might have to transfer to opensuse07:12
Flannelspree: Ok, fine:  Get a vanilla install of Ubuntu, get a list of files on it (ls -lR /) install Automatix (the same version), install all of the software you installed with automatix.  Get another file listing.  Delete the differences.07:12
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
spreeFlannel thank you, that's a good idea07:12
Flannelspree: Other than that, we have no idea, since we don't deal with it.  You wouldn't call up Dell and ask them how to remove some random third party program.07:13
crackerjackzMilkeh: you only have one soundcard right?07:13
bullgard4Why does Gajim produce no sounds any longer? Does '~$ lsof | grep snd' show that sound output is blocked by gconf-help or mixer_app ?: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/39417307:13
spreeFlannel, actually yeah i would because if i were into the whole Dell thing i would pimp that warranty support out as much as possible and they would do it. :)07:13
tritiumspree: nonsense07:14
n2diywhat is the apt-get syntax to DL filename to my USB drive, which is listed as /dev/sdb1?07:14
pHreaksYcle@bullgard4 do you mean Gaim?07:14
quentusrex23IntuitiveNipple: tritium Alright. I installed kubuntu-desktop... and now I'm in the desktop...07:14
Milkehcrackerjackz, I would say so, I haven't added any extra hardware.07:14
bullgard4pHreaksYcle: No.07:14
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Does gdm still fail?07:14
spreetritium, actually you'd be amazed at what you can accomplish over the phone07:14
Flannelspree: It's extremely likely that it won't actually work.  Because the automatix repositories and such have been taken offline, and I'm sure URLs of other things have changed as well.  But sure, if you're willing to actually do that, byall means, knock yourself out.  It'll be faster, and cleaner (and you'll have fewer problems) to just reinstall (since automatix not only added files, but *modified* files)07:15
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
quentusrex23IntuitiveNipple: yes, it still fails...07:15
Flannel!away > Luvis07:15
ubottuLuvis, please see my private message07:15
tritiumspree: it's not reasonable to demand support for random, third-party, unofficial software07:15
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: narrowing things down then07:15
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Have you posted those logs?07:15
spreetritium, show me where i said i'm responsible.07:15
spreeor reasonable07:15
n2diyFlannel: is Automatix supported now?07:16
Flanneln2diy: Never.07:16
quentusrex23IntuitiveNipple: yup. they're posted...07:16
tritiumspree: drop it.07:16
Luvisdoes anyone know of anyway to get a novatel ovation broadband airmodem working on linux?07:16
fool_how should i reopen a bug ?07:16
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Have you tried doing a reinstall of gdm? (sudo apt-get --reinstall gdm)07:16
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: Give me the bug URL07:16
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crackerjackzi tried helping Luvis earlier but google only yielded two search results07:17
spreei'm irritated at the lack of enthusiasm07:17
n2diyFlannel: ok, I was off line for four monthes, so I have been suprized to see it discussed here, recently.07:17
fool_bug ?07:17
L3Tumspree,  You can't demand support for a free product anyway...if you don't like it you don't have to use it07:17
Flanneln2diy: Its been dead for a while.  I have no idea what spurred this horrible ressurection.07:17
spreei bet i can fix it i fixed everything else that wasn't working with the past 4 upgrades07:17
tritiumspree: spare us, and stay on topic, please07:17
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots07:17
n2diyFlannel: :)07:17
spreetritium, show me where i'm not on topic07:17
elpargohi, how can I turn off X and make it not reload gdm?07:18
elpargo^^^ temporally07:18
lvtyelpargo: /etc/init.d/gdm stop07:18
fool_if a bug is mark "fixed released" how can i reopen ?07:18
tritiumelpargo: sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop07:18
crackerjackztritium: do you know how to get a novatel ovation mc727 usb air modem working with ubuntu?07:18
L3TumIs there any way to find out if my mouse and network card are conflicting? And how can I fix this if they are?07:18
tritiumcrackerjackz: no, sorry07:18
crackerjackztritium: have you ever played around with cellular modems before?07:19
tritiumcrackerjackz: nope07:19
elpargoright thanks lvty, totally forgot about it :)07:19
Luvisdamn box says it supports linux..07:19
crackerjackztritium: you know any one that might know?07:19
n2diywhat is the apt-get syntax to DL filename to my USB drive, which is listed as /dev/sdb1?07:19
elpargotritium: intersting I didn't knew about that one.07:19
Daft_PunkI recently upgraded my system from hardy to intrepid, now my wireless cuts out frequently and reconnects, I am using WPA/WPA2 Personal encryption, but if I change it to WEP 128 bit encryption, it seems to be working more stable, is there a workaround or known issue with WPA/WPA2 and intrepid?07:19
Flannelspree: Again, please stay on topic.  That topic is: Ubuntu support, not badgering people doing the support.07:19
crackerjackzits actually for my friend luvis i tried helping him earlier but google only yielded two search results so i suggested that we come in here07:20
Daft_Punkis it quiet or did i get disconnected07:21
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quentusrex23IntuitiveNipple: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/33085807:21
crackerjackzyou are still alive Daft_Punk07:21
Daft_Punkcrackerjackz, oooo nice pun07:21
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bullgard4Why does Gajim produce no sounds any longer? Does '~$ lsof | grep snd' show that sound output is blocked by gconf-help or mixer_app ?: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/39417307:24
Daft_Punkbullgard4, what do you mean, any longer? since when?07:25
bullgard4Daft_Punk: Since 3 hours.07:25
Luvisall your base belong to us?07:25
FlannelLuvis: Please stay on topic.07:25
Luvissorry. i get distracted07:26
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: What's this command report: ls -l /dev/random && ls -l /dev/urandom07:26
Daft_Punk!offtopic | Luvis07:26
ubottuLuvis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:26
Daft_Punkit seems fairly dead in here right now, ill come back later to ask my support question, if someone reads it and can help please PM me :)07:28
vigoActually, what Luvis stated, was sorta on my topic. PyTube or what to download and save for replay YouTube stuff?07:28
tritiumvigo: "apt-cache search youtube" should give you a few ideas07:30
vigoThank you07:30
dellyhow to install lamp-server07:30
savvas!lamp | delly07:31
ubottudelly: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)07:31
vigotritium: in Terminal?07:31
lvtyDaft_Punk: I'd downgrade07:31
Luvisbrb guz07:31
Flanneldelly: The easiest way is to use tasksel (which is explained from that wiki page)07:31
dellyok dear i ;ll try07:31
Daft_Punklvty, I do not know if that is your attempt at humor, or just plain bad advice, but I do not appreciate it. Thanks.07:31
spreeDaft_Punk, you'll get a lot of that around here, caveat emptor07:32
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lvtyWell, I had issues with audio and wireless cards in Intrepid, it's not user error when the previous version worked (i.e. a regression)07:33
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tritiumvigo: yes07:34
Daft_Punklvty, yeah but this is support for intrepid not hardy, also, i had issues with audio too but it turns out its just a package that needed to be upgraded that wasn't...07:34
tritiumspree: drop the attitude07:34
spreetritium, I don't know what you mean. Please stay on topic.07:34
Flannelspree: Actually, being unhelpful is against the channel rules, so no, you won't.07:34
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vigotritium: Sweet! Thank you07:35
tritiumvigo: no problem :)07:35
Daft_Punk:) justice07:35
nanotubeany webcam gurus on here?07:35
SasLwhat is a .wine?07:35
IntuitiveNipplequentusrex: I've posted a response to your bug report07:35
Daft_Punktritium, i just noticed a PM spree had sent me just now, should I share it with you in private or just ignore it?07:36
lvtynanotube: usb?07:36
tritiumDaft_Punk: you may PM me07:36
nanotubelvty: yes07:36
IntuitiveNippleDaft_Punk: This is support for Hardy and Intrepid. Hardy is a Long Term Support release.07:36
Daft_PunkIntuitiveNipple, i was under the impression that since it was released that this was only intrepid support and hardy would have it's own channel, sorry.07:37
lvtyubuntu+1 is jaunty07:37
IntuitiveNippleDaft_Punk: It gets confusing :)07:37
tritiumDaft_Punk: thanks, buddy07:38
IntuitiveNippleMaybe we need an #ubuntu-1 :p07:38
FlannelDaft_Punk: #ubuntu supports all supported (and sometimes EOL stuff, particularly upgrading to non-EOL) Ubuntu versions.07:38
lvtynanotube: it's probably not in the kernel, someone else correct me if I'm wrong: http://linux-uvc.berlios.de/07:38
Daft_PunkFlannel, ok i understand now thanks07:39
nanotubelvty: well, the problem is more complex (hence request for gurus) :) webcam works just fine in cheese, but ekiga fails to see it.07:41
SasLwhat are the fundamental topics to be learnt by a beginner to Ubuntu?07:42
n2diyI need to apt-get a package, and send it to /dev/sdb1, what is the syntax to do that?07:42
lvtynanotube: do you have libpt*plugins-v4l ?07:42
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Daft_PunkSasL, probably basic terminal commands as you might need to know them sometimes, as well as how to use ROOT and why you shouldnt always be root07:42
nanotubelvty: yes07:42
FlannelSasL: Depends on where they're coming from.  The biggest is probably package management (which usually means add/remove or synaptic package manager).  And then the permissions (sudo stuff, etc)07:43
lvtynanotube: might want to run it in higher debugging level and paste that07:43
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=== lovis is now known as Luvis
nanotubelvty: done that... here let me post my ubuntuforums thread (no replies ... :( )07:43
nanotubelvty: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=672344407:44
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* Daft_Punk waves excitedly at Brack101 07:44
Brack101I'm trying to create a cron job that runs mplayer for an alarm clock.  When it triggers the mplayer process, I only get .5 seconds of sound.  anyone know what's up?07:45
Brack10144 23 * * * mplayer /home/travis/Music/alarm.mp307:45
Brack101after crontab -e07:45
lvtynanotube: can you paste the entire thing in pastie or somewhere?07:45
toshiuse alarm clock why make a cron...07:46
nanotubelvty: by entire thing you mean the whole ekiga -d 6 debug output?07:46
sasthaDaft_Punk: Thank.Any reference links available?07:47
Brack101toshi: so I can practice my linux, and be all nerdy and have to use pskill to kill my alarm clock in the morning07:47
marathonhello i have 2 pc with UBUNTU how to connect a pc to the other07:47
Brack101toshi: besides, there's no good built in alarm clock as far as I can tell07:47
sasthaFlannel: Thanks.Is package management that important?07:47
boshheadRandom tip: sudo !!   <-- This will run the last command you wrote with 'sudo' in front of it.07:47
Daft_Punksastha, sorry, references for?07:47
toshiapt-get install alarm-clock07:47
Flannelboshhead: A better method is to hit up, then hit home, then type sudo.  Otherwise you can get confused, and do the wrong command with sudo07:48
marathoni want to see the folders of the other pc but samba ask for password and when i set the right password it tells that the password is wrong07:48
lvtynanotube: yes07:48
boshheadFlannel: No, that's much less effecient :P07:48
sasthaDaft_Punk: Terminal commands? and its interesting,the sentence u said.'Y u shouldn't be ROOT all the time'. :)07:48
Flannelsastha: Package management (you don't need to know all about it, just how to use the package managers to find stuff) is how you install new software (and find new software to install)07:48
Flannelsastha: https://help.ubuntu.com/ actually covers all of the basics07:49
sasthaFlannel: Thanks07:49
Flannelboshhead: No, its not actually.  And its much safer.07:49
nanotubelvty: ok, let me generate it...07:49
boshheadFlannel: I bet you wear a helmet when going outside :)07:50
blinkoI wear a helmet when i go outside.  It's DANGEROUS out there.  On account of the plate in my head.07:51
Viking667hey. What package provides gtk-config ?07:51
nanotubelvty: here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119555/07:51
nanotubelvty: thanks for taking a look at this btw :)07:52
lvtynanotube: yw, I wish I was actually skilled at this (only had something similar with a builtin usb cam)07:53
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empirichi i want ha document/content managment system on debain machine07:53
empiricany good one any one knows?07:53
luminerdA friend has a issue with Pidgin not launching on a default install of Ubuntu. He clicks it, but it does not launch, and the icon does not appear on the bar. What should I tell him?07:54
n2diyempiric: Openoffice?07:54
empiricno no07:55
empiriccontetct managemnt07:55
rwwluminerd: open a terminal, type pidgin in it, and see what error he gets07:55
n2diyempiric: make up your mind, do you want to manage documents, or contacts, or what???07:56
luminerdI got rid of the shortcut to terminal on these machines :/ is there a key combo that will let you run terminal or something07:56
lvtynanotube: the only thing I can think of is that it's not finding the plugins. that would probably take a debugger or at least strace07:56
empiricwell primarily documents07:56
rwwluminerd: alt-f2 and type gnome-terminal07:56
n2diyempiric: nobody can answer you question, until you know what you want to do.07:57
lvtynanotube: that video0 symlink isn't pointing at a /dev/ node is it?07:57
wojtekjest ktos z polski ?07:58
n2diy! pl07:58
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl07:58
empiricn2diy i want document managemnt system any good you know?07:58
luminerdOk I'll have him do that thank you :D07:58
n2diyempiric: what is wrong with Openoffice?07:58
wojtekjak przejsc na ten serwer ? -pl07:58
nanotubelvty: you mean the one in /sys/class/video4linux ?07:59
tritiumwojtek: /j #ubuntu-pl07:59
quibblerwojtek, type  /join #ubuntu-pl07:59
empiricopen office is where i write docs if i want to pcae dosumnets on a web based system where users can have only read access to these files and admin has write access08:00
lvtynanotube: yeah, and it's not supposed to. looks like it's detecting the audio and assuming that's all there is08:00
empiricshould have version managment of docs as well08:00
rwwempiric: oh, so you mean a web-based CMS? something like drupal maybe?08:01
n2diyempiric: I "think" OO can do all that, but you would need help specific to OO for that. Try and find an OO channel?08:01
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
nanotubelvty: well, it's not pointing to /dev/video0... it's pointing at /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb1/1-1/video4linux/video008:02
lvtynanotube: the bug looks like it's in pvl2plugin's handling of that metadata08:02
Daft_Punk* Cannot join #ubuntu-offtopic (You are banned). Why was I banned?08:02
FlannelDaft_Punk: #ubuntu-ops is the place to discuss those things08:03
nanotubelvty: hrm... so what do you suggest? where does that plugin live, that is - if i upgrade to the latest ekiga (it's up to v3.x now), might that help?08:03
Daft_PunkFlannel, thank you08:03
Scixhow can i automount a share into a folder inside a users homedir, using autofs-ldap?08:04
lvtynanotube: it's pretty unlikely, and building ekiga from sources is very painful08:05
nanotubelvty: hrm... so what can i do? possible to upgrade just the pvl2plugin?08:05
nanotubelvty: pv4lplugin, that is08:06
lvtynanotube: may have to use another SIP client08:06
lvtynanotube: since hardware issues and lack of support in kernel are already ruled out08:07
nanotubelvty: can you suggest a good one i could use? one that is foss?08:07
nanotubelvty: and supports videochat08:08
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lvtynanotube: might try sip communicator08:09
lvtynanotube: of course FOSS... kind of, you need a JRE08:09
lvtynanotube: the main problem is nothing can drill through firewalls like Ekiga (and skype, which uses dirty tricks supposedly)08:11
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
nanotubelvty: hmm... well, maybe out of curiosity i might try the jaunty alpha livecd and see if ekiga3 works on it. :)08:12
lvtynanotube: there's also wengo, so you have a few applications to fall back on08:12
nanotubelvty: well, thanks for your help. i'll try these other guys and see if they can do the magic. :)08:13
lvtynanotube: yw, wish I could've done more08:14
nanotubelvty: good night :)08:14
IntuitiveNipplenanotube: Ekiga 3 seems to handle USB V4L2 video okay on Jaunty08:15
lvtynight, or morning :)08:15
nanotubeIntuitiveNipple: cool... thanks for the info.08:16
nanotubelvty: yea... more like morning indeed. :)08:16
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=== neoblaster is now known as NeoBlaster
lvtythe problem I have with ekiga is there only seems to be an alsa audio plugin08:18
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mtretinEmacs Question: I can't tell emacs to use ttf-inconsolata with my .Xresources file but I can tell it to you Monospace? Any ideas why?08:19
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
Scixcould anyone help me with a channel where someone know autofs? I realy need help08:20
n2diyHow do I DL a .deb, and put it on sdb1?08:21
world_citizenhi, how can I access SSH from terminal? I need to enter the password for my login, but I think it's asking for the server password or something? xxxxx@xxxxx:~$ ssh -l -D www.host.com 8080 usernamehere08:21
tritiumn2diy: packages.ubuntu.com08:21
n2diytritium: chrootkit isn't in the repos.08:22
tritiumn2diy: yes, I saw it earlier08:22
Flanneln2diy: I believe synaptic can generate a download script too, if you need to do more than a few.08:22
tritiumn2diy: package name is chkrootkit08:22
n2diytritium: chkrooket, ok, let me try that, thanks.08:23
xnevermoreHey. I've installed a new kernel version. Running update-grub detects the new kernel ("Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-12-generic"), but doesn't update menu.1st to include it. Whats going on here?08:24
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
optrazwhat does SRU means? i saw a lot sru specified in the ubuntu newsletter08:26
petskiSRU: Stable Release Update08:27
petskinp :)08:27
Guest33167where can i download some wallpaper08:28
jpdsGuest33167: interfacelift.com08:28
sebsebsebGuest33167: or open the synaptic package manager and search for wall paper08:29
sebsebsebjpds: thanks for the site08:30
jpdssebsebseb: It's not bad.08:30
sebsebsebjpds: also stuff like   gnome-look.org  deviantart.com08:30
jpdssebsebseb: True :)08:31
U-b-u-n-t-uhow do i stop compiz from starting on start up?08:31
B10Swhere can i find my apache logs?08:31
sebsebsebjpds: ,but  yeah it's true.  Ubuntu sucks for  default wallpapers, unlike other distros, and even Windows08:31
Guest33167thanks for teh wallpaper lins cool dudes08:32
jpdsB10S: /var/log/apache/08:32
THX^what is that a coffee stain?08:32
Daft_PunkGuest33167, www.digitalblasphemy.com has nice wallpapers too08:32
sebsebsebGuest33167: yeah  no problem,  and you can get some from the package manager as I was saying08:32
B10Sjpds: thanks08:33
sebsebsebDaft_Punk: thanks for that to08:33
sebsebsebGuest33167: make sure you see the screensavers you get in Ubuntu08:33
sebsebsebGuest33167: most of them very beautiful08:33
Guest33167what screen savers??08:33
sebsebsebGuest33167: system administration synaptic package manager   for that.    and    for the screensavers:  system preferences  screensaver08:34
Kohvihooris it possible to direct one sound card to one user and other soundcard for other user?08:35
klikklakmy mouse stops working after sdlmame or (probably) other opengl apps.  I can still move around the cursor, but it doesn't move focus and clicks don't register, what's causing this?08:35
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klikklakah, BTS <3 I found the bug08:39
bnagysavvas: you still up?08:40
bnagyhm. I'm trying to apt-get -f install and xulrunner1.9 is not installing08:41
Shay26Hello , can anyone recommend me on tool to convert video files (wmv format) to other formats such avi etc.. ?08:41
bnagy/var/lib/dpkg/info/xulrunner-1.9.postinst: 5: /usr/bin/xulrunner-1.9: not found08:41
bnagydpkg: error processing xulrunner-1.9 (--configure):08:41
Rainium_Isotope_go to cnet.com and search for converters08:42
Rainium_Isotope_youll find more than enough08:42
Rainium_Isotope_and theyre all free08:42
petskiShay26: ffmpeg08:42
Rainium_Isotope_o wait im thinking windows.. heh08:42
nikolazanyone using thunar?08:42
zubeenbnagy: try updating the repositories..  you may need to check whether your repositories are compatible at the same time08:43
bnagyzubeen: yeah just did an update, using the main repo08:43
rww!anyone | nikolaz08:44
ubottunikolaz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:44
petskiShay26: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ffmpeg (please also take notice of medibuntu, that you might find interesting)08:44
bnagyalso did dpkg reconfigure all thing08:44
Rainium_Isotope_hey i have a built-in cam on my laptop and tried to install the driver with easycam2 and everything worked out but when i tried to run it the video was not working properly, is it possible that the cam just isnt compatible?08:44
zubeenbnagy: you are on which version?08:44
nikolazrww: ok08:45
shamscan you introduce me a good tools for backing up of my file system and mysql?08:45
bnagy8.1 but it's the easy-peasy netbook ISO08:45
nikolazim using thunar fila manager and i cannot copy any document to desktop.. why08:45
bnagywhat I _think_ I want to do is get an x86 binary of that file and just copy it into usr/bin08:45
bnagycan I extract that from the package file somehow?08:46
zubeenbnagy: eh.. it aint that simple..08:46
bnagymight be :)08:46
bnagyor, alternatively, how do I look at the postinstall script and see what it's trying to do?08:47
IntuitiveNipplebnagy: Have you tried purging the package and trying again?08:47
bnagyIntuitiveNipple: yes, and it broke sudo08:47
bnagywhich was an hour gone08:47
Rainium_Isotope_hey is it possible to copy desktop files into the filesystem using gnome?08:47
IntuitiveNipplebnagy: lol... yes, I recall seeing you mention something about that earlier08:48
IntuitiveNippleRainium_Isotope_: Yes - start nautilus as root using Alt+F2 then "gksudo nautilus"08:48
bnagyso savvas had me do a dpkg --configure --all or somesuch, which finally completed08:49
bnagyand now I am kind of back at the start08:49
IntuitiveNipplebnagy: Hmmm, it sounds as if there's something gone wrong than just a few isolated package configuration issues.08:49
Rainium_Isotope_what exactly will that do?08:49
shamscan you introduce me a good tools for backing up of my file system and mysql?08:50
IntuitiveNipplebnagy: Can you give us a quick outline of what happened leading up to this?08:50
bnagynothing, really, tried to run an update, firefox was in the list08:50
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Shay26I need help please , when i playing video files (avi ,wmv) the video flickering (i replaced the player to vlc but still the same problem) i using Ubuntu intrepid 8.1008:50
IntuitiveNippleRainium_Isotope_: Run nautilus with root privileges so you have write permissions into the / file-sytem08:50
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bnagyfirefix wants xulrunner08:50
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:50
Rainium_Isotope_ahh ok thank you.08:50
bnagyso I got the error I already pasted, and the first thing I tried was remove and reinstall :P08:51
IntuitiveNipplebnagy: It sounds as if the original update was upgrading sudo - that would explain the sudo break... I think :)08:51
pvh_sa|wrkhi, i recently upgraded a machine from 8.04 to 8.10 and now when i do "sudo" it says : "sudo: pam_authenticate: Module is unknown" - any ideas?08:51
shamsquibbler: thank you08:51
bnagyIntuitiveNipple: hm.. maybe.. when I removed xulrunner it removed a lot of stuff, and xul seems to be a dependency of sudo for some reason08:52
bnagyso i figured that was what happened08:52
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IntuitiveNipplebnagy: Is it Intrepid?08:52
bnagybut anyway, sudo is fixed now, so bygones and all08:52
rwwbnagy: pretty sure xulrunner isn't a dependency of sudo =/08:52
savvasbnagy: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get -f install08:52
JackWinter__how do i see what path g++ looks for headers in ?08:53
bnagysavvas: yep, done that, same error :)08:53
IntuitiveNipplebnagy: So the update is ?08:53
n2diyHow do I protect a virgin install of Hardy from internet attacks?08:53
bnagybut the reconfigure finished :P08:53
bnagyIntuitiveNipple: yes, that's right08:53
IntuitiveNipplen2diy: It's protected by default08:53
bn43does anyone know how to reset the bios password using linux?08:54
savvasbnagy: there's another way to do this, but it's a bit extreme, that is to "sudo aptitude purge ubuntu-standard ubuntu-desktop" and install it all over again: "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop" but I can't guarantee it won't bork your system even more :\08:54
bnagyI think I'll try just putting the binary there manually first08:55
IntuitiveNipplebnagy: My inclination would that the package has somehow been corrupted in apt's archive, but because the previous version's postinst script is still available, it has removed the old version but got stuck installing the new... that would explain the missing /usr/bin/xulrunner but08:55
chu_is songbird coming to the repositories?08:55
savvasbnagy: it keeps the ubuntu-minimal, which could be the console (ctrl+alt+f1), but I can't make any promises, sorry - at least we tried :)08:55
IntuitiveNipplebnagy: The way I'd do it, I'd tell dpkg/apt that xulrunner is no longer installed, then install from the .deb package08:55
rwwbn43: Turn your computer off, unplug it, remove the CMOS battery and leave it for a few minutes.08:55
Flannelbn43: Use Linux to turn off the computer.  Open the computer case, pull out the BIOS battery.08:55
DavidTangyeDoes anyone else think that the single biggest thing outstanding that needs to work better is sound (recording, palyback over USB, speakers,mic port, whatever)?08:56
bn43its a laptop - can't get to the battery08:56
bn43rww: thats why I wanted to know if there is a tool in linux to do that08:56
kapipiWhere can I find the version of aptitude that has "Super Cow Powers"?08:56
bnagyIntuitiveNipple: OK, sounds good - how do I do that?08:57
rwwbn43: BIOS passwords aren't generally resettable from Linux (or Windows or other operating systems).08:57
rwwkapipi: There isn't one. The super cow powers thing is an inside joke.08:57
IntuitiveNipplebnagy: give me a mo... Jaunty is updating and it's just stopped the bluetooth service so lost the mouse :)08:57
hateballbn43: of course you can get to the battery in a laptop. usually under they keyboard08:57
kapipirww: awwww08:57
n2diyIntuitiveNipple: yes, and no, take a look at http://www.itsecurity.com/features/ubuntu-secure-install-resource/, I've gotten as far as installing chkrootkit, but can't figure out how to install it without exsposisg the box to the internenet?08:58
kapipirww: maybe the debian version has them then08:58
bn43hateball: thats a good tip - I'll have a look08:58
bnagyn2diy: if you have your box behind any box that  does NAT (stock adsl router) nobody can attack you directly08:59
n2diybnagy: that is what I'm trying to protect myself, and network, from.08:59
savvasn2diy: what's with the super secrecy?09:01
bnagyn2diy: what I mean is that even an insecure box will be OK if it's behind a NAt router09:01
muditi m trying to install ejabberd on my lan09:01
bnagyOK enough to DL updates anyway, just don't use a browser or any client program until you're updated09:01
n2diysavvas: security, not secercy.09:02
muditthe jabber client would connect to the server on the same machine, but not on lan !09:02
daughtreehow do i know if this ubuntu im using now is LTS or desktop ubuntu?09:02
daughtreelsb_release -a wont give me the exact detail09:03
n2diybnagy: roger that, how do I determine if I'm behind a NAT?09:03
DJonesdaughtree: which version does it say you're using09:03
Uplinkim having issues with my firefox, please help09:03
petskin2diy, download the .deb for chkrootkit and all of it's dependencies, and copy them on a USB-stick for instance09:03
bnagyn2diy: uh.. you don't know? I mean, how are you connected to the internet? Do you own the box that does the magic?09:03
muditanyone ?09:04
DJonesdaughtree: If its version 8.04, thats an LTS version, although if you've installed from the standard desktop cd, you'll have a desktop version09:04
n2diybnagy: stupid question on my part. I want to protect the box before it goes live online,  I'm connected via adsl.09:04
petskibnagy: I don't agree with your "you're safe behind NAT" theory09:04
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bnagypetski: that's your right09:05
savvasn2diy: as I previously said, http://packages.ubuntu.com and you search for the packages you want. Otherwise, head to http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=155034&package_id=172567&release_id=650418 and compile the source :)09:05
savvasn2diy: you probably have a cd-rw or a usb flash drive handy09:05
savvasn2diy: or any means to transfer .deb or .tar.gz files to the machine without internet09:06
kakasavvas: ubuntu no deb:)09:06
savvaskaka: english09:06
daughtreeDJones: somebody installed it and i dont know what installer he is using09:06
daughtree# lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 8.04.2 Release:8.04 Codename:hardy09:06
muditi m trying to install ejabberd for my lan09:06
daughtreeDJones: that is what i saw now09:06
rwwdaughtree: Hardy/8.04 is LTS, yes09:07
muditthe jabber client would connect to the server on the same machine, but not on lan !09:07
daughtreeok thanks09:07
gradinso installed ubuntu using wubi and now it takes 20 minutes to boot up my laptop09:07
gradinanybody got any ideas?09:07
gradini'm on intrepid09:07
kakawubi no good09:07
n2diysavvas: yes, that is what I've been trying to do, but I missedforgot your suggestion, let me try that.09:07
kakaonly virtuale macine09:07
kakaoh native boot09:07
FloodBot2kaka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:07
kakababita babita09:07
rwwkaka: Do you have an Ubuntu support question?09:08
gradini didn't see anything blarrinly obvious in the syslog or dmesg09:08
DJonesdaughtree: As mudit confirmed, 8.04/hardy is a LTS version09:08
savvasn2diy: ok, no problem, try http://packages.ubuntu.com/yourpackagename e.g. http://packages.ubuntu.com/rkhunter then click on your release, then look at the dependencies (clickable) or download the arch you want (click on i386 or amd64) and choose a download mirror09:08
kakarww: oasi friendchup just friendy09:08
gradinbut taking 3o mintues to boot into ubuntu is ridiculace09:08
kakarww: me frind comuniti09:08
ikoniakaka: try to keep the discussion to support releated only please09:08
kakarww: me 100% ubuntu09:09
kakaikonia: me 100% ubuntu09:09
n2diysavvas: roger, waiting for it to open up now.09:09
IntuitiveNipplegradin: Look in /var/log/kern.log and examine the log-message timestamps to see if there is a point where there is a large delay between messages... That'll usually give a clue as to the reason.09:09
ikoniakaka: you just said, please try to keep your chat to support only09:09
* savvas tries something09:09
savvas!es | kaka09:09
ubottukaka: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.09:09
kakano spek that one languaje09:10
crackerjackzkaka: what language do you speak?09:10
kakaonly portugues09:10
dim3dro1hi all09:10
ikonia!br | kaka09:10
ubottukaka: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:10
dim3dro1I have 3g pcmcia modem Option 3.6 Gt Max09:11
kakababita ba ba ba09:11
kakame only friend cumunity09:11
ikoniakaka: please stop that09:11
ikonia!pt | kaka09:11
ubottukaka: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.09:11
dim3dro1I try to use wvdial for connect09:11
dim3dro1here's my wvdial.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/119571/09:11
dim3dro1here's output from my console: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/119573/09:12
dim3dro1here's part of my syslog: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/119575/09:12
bnagyIntuitiveNipple: so.. how do I manually install from the .deb like you were saying?09:12
dim3dro1can someone help me with wvdial?09:12
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lobosome room about ubuntu but in spanish please?09:19
DJones!es | lobo09:20
Tha_Stigi have an Acer Aspire One netbook with no cdrom and i cant find my flash usb, i was wondering if it is possible to install ubuntu via external hard disk drive?09:20
ubottulobo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.09:20
lobothanks ubottu09:20
muditi m trying to make ejabberd installed on a ubuntu server work on my lan09:20
gradinIntuitiveNipple: http://pastebin.com/m3bdfa2a109:20
gradinor rather anybody http://pastebin.com/m3bdfa2a109:22
gradinanybody know why it takes 30 minutes to boot at that point?09:22
lobois lonely in #ubuntu-es no body is there...09:23
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Sarkiehi guys, i'm trying to make my ubuntu a server but its failing on this error message when no monitor is plugged in09:25
Sarkieis there a line in the xorg.conf I can edit to tell it, not to try?09:25
ikoniaSarkie: 1.) what version of ubuntu 2.) destkop or server install 3.) what arch 32/64bit 4.) what video card09:26
xnevermorehey. I've just updated my kernel, and although update-grub detects the new kernel, it won't add it to menu.1st. what could be going wrong?09:27
bnagyhow do I un-fullscreen a terminal? My cat just decided to make my terminal fullscreen :P09:27
Sarkieikonia: 8.10, desktop, 32 bit, intel based.. let me find out09:27
ikoniaxnevermore: how did you update your kernel and to what version ?09:27
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bnagyI think she stepped on one of the f keys :/09:27
bnagyahha, nm, f1109:28
bnagybad kitty!09:28
xnevermoreikonia: update-manager. to 2.6.27-12-generic09:28
gradinanybody no why ubuntu is taking 20 minutes to load?09:28
ikoniagradin: your using wubi - could be many reasons09:28
p1oooophey alll09:29
p1oooopAP's not here?09:29
xnevermoreupdate-grub reports "Found kernel: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-12-generic", then later "Updating /boot/grub/menu.lst ... done", yet the new kernel is nowhere to be found in menu.1st and doesn't appear in the menu during boot09:30
ikoniap1oooop: what's up ?09:30
b4chiphi there09:30
ikoniaxnevermore: have you only got one version of linux/ubuntu installed on this box ?09:30
p1oooopnothing, just decided to drop by while the USBpendrive s being written09:30
b4chipI'm I;m a user on a linux server and I have access throght it using ssh , how can I change mysql password?09:30
p1oooopyou know, the live USB creator09:31
smTdustquestion: I got wireless working (ath0 on an embedded box, my eth0 is working as well. I can use my laptop (to which I assign a static ip of to ssh into the embedded box. ssh works fine. however when i pull up terminal, and try to ping the eth0 port on the box from my laptop (eg ping, I get an Network Unreachable error. I have enabled ipv4 forwarding. how to i link 192.168.99.x 09:31
ikoniab4chip: mysqladmin or grant on the mysql command line09:31
ewj1976If I dual boot two linux distros and one of the installation's kernels gets updated, do I have to manually edit grub or will the distro still boot? And if so, how do I edit it (not the file, I know that, but what would change?)09:31
smTdustalso..i dont care about security since the box wont be on the internet09:31
p1oooopyou can have a guest acount09:32
ewj1976I mean, I know which file to edit, just not how to if I must.09:32
ikoniaewj1976: depends which distro has a controlling interest in menu.lst09:32
ikoniaewj1976: or if your using a shared boot partition09:32
xnevermoreikonia: well there's only one install of ubuntu, if thats what you mean. but there are a few old kernels still hanging around09:32
ewj1976I installed crunchbang then linuxmint. It's mint.09:32
ikoniaxnevermore: no other linux'es installed ?09:33
xnevermoreikonia: nope09:33
ikoniaewj1976: ok - so nothing to do with ubuntu so not supported here09:33
ikoniaxnevermore: try removing some of the old kernels, there may be a bug in that if grub has more than $X kernels it cant update with update-grub09:33
ewj1976Okay, just curious, since crunchbang IS ubuntu with a few extra things installed.09:33
ikoniaewj1976: ok - so nothing to do with ubuntu so not supported here09:33
xnevermoreikonia: just remove them through synaptic?09:34
ikoniaxnevermore: yeah09:34
p1oooopikonia: say, do you know how to use persistent mode on the live CD?09:34
p1oooopikonia: really...09:34
ikoniap1oooop: just a matter of making /home on a persistant disk09:34
spidlahi there .. I have got a problem .. I will probably not like me cause I am a OpenSUSE user :-) but I used to have Ubuntu 8.10 ... I have got a problem with Xorg / KDE 4 randomly freezing session. The error is relater to Xorg (according to a bug i have googled) ... the log says something about EQ overflowing ... the bug is in early state of resolving so I want to ask if there is any workaround09:35
spidla*You will09:35
p1oooopikonia: does it save EVERYTHING that way?09:35
ikoniap1oooop: no - just your user settings/preferences09:36
p1oooopikonia: awww... well... good enough09:36
corinthIs anyone here using harbour-launcher?09:36
Sarkieikonia: 82865G Intel Integrated09:36
spidlaany suggestions ?09:37
Uplinkwhats the command to cp dirs?09:38
p1oooopI am so jealous of some of you guys... actual domain names... :'(09:38
sky_hi any program for manipulating with video ?09:38
sky_lik windooze movie maker ? :D09:39
B10Sisnt dyndns meant to auto update your IP?09:39
JoSSeTeSERVERto auto update ip I use no-ip09:39
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo09:39
cr4z3dyes dyndns cand be used09:40
B10SJoSSeTeSERVER, i thought dyndns does it too?09:40
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ActionParsnip1could try www.no-ip.com09:40
ActionParsnip1its free09:40
sky_program for video editing pls .D09:40
cr4z3dyeah there's more than one site for it09:40
p1oooopActionParsnip1: hey AP09:40
cr4z3dsky_: kino09:41
sky_kino ?09:41
ActionParsnip1sky_: kino or avidemux, apt-cache search video edit09:41
ActionParsnip1!info kino09:41
ubottukino (source: kino): Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component main, is extra. Version 1.3.0-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 4262 kB, installed size 9484 kB09:41
sky_can i cut video ?09:41
p1oooopActionParsnip1: hows my fav contributer09:41
ActionParsnip1sky_: i have no idea, i dont use it, i only know OF it09:41
bnagyohh kay -  still can't resolve this xulrunner issue09:41
bnagyI removed it and firefox etc and I now have a clean apt-get -f install09:42
p1oooopfrizen again?09:42
ActionParsnip1bnagy: you may have to use force to uninstall at some point, I had that same issue.09:43
bnagyin the post-install for xulrunner-1.9 it looks for /usr/bin/xulrunner-$XUL-VERSION, I checked another box and that's just a symlink to ../lib/xulblahblah/xulrunner09:44
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bnagyAP: hm, I tried purge already09:45
nananuuHi I have Ubuntu 8.04 LTS I dont have any support any more yes?09:45
bnagyI tried just creating the symlink but it then dies on some missing library09:46
rwwnananuu: LTS releases are supported for three years on the desktop and five on the server, so you do still have support. Desktop support ends in April, 201109:46
nananuuoo thanks rww  :) that means I don`t need to reinstal :)09:47
rwwnananuu: If I remember correctly, the next LTS comes out in 2010, and you'll be able to upgrade directly to it from 8.04. You don't need to worry about anything until then :)09:48
bnagyActionParsnip1: is there any command to force uninstall more than apt-get remove ; apt-get purge?09:48
nananuuThat`s good rww09:49
georgeafhey guys, how can i start pulseaudio after i killed it on ubuntu 8.10 ?09:54
StuehQuadroFX Go700 (revision 1)09:57
SiDiyeh probably09:57
malakhidayo: for any of a dozen reasons, the link between freenode's servers dropped out.09:57
ActionParsnip1Stueh: awesome nvidia is massively supported :D09:57
artistxcan i configure wubi to install artistx09:57
jasonchini can have access to the internet but i got problem connecting to computers in a windows workgroup09:57
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SiDia pretty scary one yeh09:57
artistxcan i configure wubi to install artistx09:57
histodayo__: there are multiple nodes and when one drops it splits the network in to 2 pieces.09:57
ActionParsnip1jasonchin: can you ping them by name  and ip?09:57
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:57
YAA1histo: yep.. I need the User-Lockout feature (with samba on LDAP) if a user failed XX logon attempts. It seems that this problem is fixed only in 3.3.x+  . I tested Samba 3.0.x and 3.2.x on Debian etch+lenny with NO LUCK. will test samba 3.3.x on debian soon. but asking for 3.3. on ubuntu too, because ubuntu may be our next server OS maybe.09:57
ActionParsnip1Stueh: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17309:57
ActionParsnip1Stueh: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17309:57
georgeafi want to start pulseaudio again after i killed it, it's giving me 'device or resource busy' how can i start it ?09:57
artistxcan i configure wubi to install artistx09:57
dayo__malakhi histo: i see09:57
p1oooopActionParsnip1: hey... so is it sudo open /some/file/09:57
ActionParsnip1p1oooop: to do what?09:57
dayo__rww: thanks!09:57
=== Guest38286 is now known as Blue-Omega
ActionParsnip1Stueh: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17309:57
StuehHuh, that hurt09:57
StuehThanks ActionParsnip109:57
p1oooopActionParsnip1: to aoen a file with root permissions09:58
jasonchini can ping the ip address09:58
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artistxcan i configure wubi to install artistx09:58
YAA1histo: you copy ?09:58
ActionParsnip1p1oooop: if you are using a gui app like gedit, use gksudo, if its cli like nano, use sudo09:58
georgeafi want to start pulseaudio again after i killed it, it's giving me 'device or resource busy' how can i start it ?09:58
StuehActionParsnip1: not working09:58
StuehActionParsnip1: oh hold up09:58
ActionParsnip1Stueh: after thats installed run: gksudo nvidia-settings09:58
StuehActionParsnip1: helps to close other package managers09:58
StuehActionParsnip1: kk cheers09:58
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:58
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ActionParsnip1Stueh: yep, you can only have 1 package app accessing the packages at one time09:59
p1oooopActionParsnip1: ? I want to open a config file that "belongs" to root09:59
StuehActionParsnip1: can't find package, do I need to add a URL?09:59
StuehActionParsnip1: I'm on a fresh install of 8.0409:59
Crusterdayo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit09:59
p1oooop8.10 is the latest10:00
ActionParsnip1Stueh: ahhh thats why, sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx10:00
StuehActionParsnip1: Righto thank's mate10:00
ActionParsnip1p1oooop: 8.04 is LTS, 8.10 isnt10:00
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p1oooopO yea, long term support10:00
jasonchinActionParsnip1: i can ping the ip address10:00
dayo1Cruster: thanks!10:00
ActionParsnip1jasonchin: and the name?10:01
=== dayo1 is now known as dayo
georgeafpeople, i think this is an easy question, i want to start pulseaudio again after i killed it, it's giving me 'device or resource busy' how can i start it ?10:01
HemebondArgh. My volume buttons keep changing what mixer/volume control they control.10:01
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jasonchinActionParsnip1: how and where can i ping the name of network computers?10:01
StuehActionParsnip1: nvidia-glx has no installation candidate10:01
HemebondRight now the buttons are changing 4 different playback controls.10:01
ActionParsnip1Stueh: apt-cache search nvidia10:02
Stuehsays the package is not available but is reffered to by another package10:02
ActionParsnip1Stueh: can you pastebin the output please10:02
p1oooopjasonchin: well, jason... you have to find the IP of them first10:02
ActionParsnip1!paste | Stueh10:02
ubottuStueh: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:02
YAA1!info ssamba10:02
ubottuPackage ssamba does not exist in intrepid10:02
YAA1!info samba10:02
ubottusamba (source: samba): a LanManager-like file and printer server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.4 (intrepid), package size 4266 kB, installed size 11904 kB10:02
randuHello ppl, I have a problem with Ubuntu server. I rebooted and now the interfaces are being ignored (or so ubuntu claims). Thus, no network. When I try to ping, the following message comes up: WARNING: Interface is ignored: Operation not permitted \n connect: Network is unreachable. The file /etc/networking/interfaces is correctly configured (since it worked until now), static ip. Any ideas, anyone? Please? :)10:03
StuehActionParsnip1: can I pm?10:03
p1oooopjasonchin: usually 192.168.1.XXX10:03
ActionParsnip1Stueh: use the pastebin and put the link in here10:03
jasonchinActionParsnip1: i got the ip address...10:03
ActionParsnip1jasonchin: ok then if you can ping you have a logical connection. Try: smb://x.y.z.a/<share foldername>  in your file browser (replace the relevat ip address and share name)10:04
YAA1randu: had something similar. what interface-name do you use in your interfaces file ? and what available interfaces dies it shot when you do a "ifconfig -a" ??10:04
savvasStueh: what's the output of: lspci | grep VGA10:04
ActionParsnip1Stueh: if you paste to pastebin and then give the address your browser goes to we can read it all10:04
YAA1randu: ... interfaces does it show ...10:04
jasonchinActionParsnip1: but i do the ping from the network tools under System-->administration tools...Is there any other way to ping?10:04
ActionParsnip1savvas: geforce go 700 quattro10:04
randuYAA1: it shows eth0 and lo. I only have them in interfaces.10:05
ActionParsnip1jasonchin: its a command line command. ping10:05
creative83Where did the feisty repos go?10:05
ActionParsnip1do they seriously have a gui app for ping?10:05
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.10:05
ActionParsnip1creative83: feisty is dead10:05
StuehActionParsnip1: Sorry, I'm a bit slow, not used to this, and I'm still in 800x600 reso =P Anyhoo - http://paste.ubuntu.com/119611/10:06
savvasActionParsnip1: the gui ping i think it's System > Administration > Network tools10:06
mobyhello. how can I one and all the time set volume on 100%? allways when I turn on ubuntu volume is 0%.10:06
creative83ActionParsnip1: Uups.. I thought I installed LTS. So I was wrong on this I guess ;)10:06
ActionParsnip1creative83: even LTS releases die10:06
ubottuUbuntu 8.04-LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.04 - See !lts for more details.10:07
YAA1randu: dies "ifconfig -a" show you a eth0 ?? and does it have a IP Adress bound ?10:07
YAA1randu: does10:07
bnagyok, so if I can't install xulrunner-1.9, is there a way I can force install an older firefox that doesn't need it?10:07
sasthaHow to find whether the ubuntu installed by system is 32-bit version or 64-bit version?10:07
StuehActionParsnip1: Do I want xserver-xorg-video-nv and nvidia-config packages ?10:07
savvasStueh: what does this command return: lsb_release -d10:07
randuYAA1: i tried "ifconfig" and it shows: eth0 and lo. I can go back to the server room and try "ifconfig -a" if you want to. eth0 has an ip address bound.10:07
hateballsastha: uname -a10:08
savvassastha: uname -m10:08
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StuehUbuntu 8.04.210:08
ActionParsnip1Stueh: you need to enable the restricted driver repo10:08
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savvasStueh: enable the universe multiverse and restricted repositories from System > Administration > Software sources10:09
StuehActionParsnip1: maybe a stupid question ... but how do I do that? =S10:09
StuehAh cheers savvas10:09
p1oooopanyone know what the multiverse enable/disable is for?10:09
YAA1randu: hmm strange.. recheck physical network link to the switch and make sure you are root when trying ping. ping yourself first (, then your local ip, gateway a.s.o.10:09
ikoniap1oooop: enable/disable the repo10:09
ActionParsnip1Stueh: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list10:09
rww!multiverse | p1oooop10:09
ubottup1oooop: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories10:09
ActionParsnip1Stueh: find the word restricted and uncomment the lines (delete the # at the start of the line). Here is a guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine10:10
randuYAA1: allright, I will put the network cable in another computer and I will try to ping as root. I will be back to tell the results.10:10
savvasActionParsnip1: already told him, sorry I jumped in :)10:10
p1oooopikonia: ok, I was wondering cause I needed to enable that in order to install adobe falsh10:10
StuehActionParsnip1: done =)10:10
ActionParsnip1savvas: np man, its all good10:10
=== false is now known as Lincid
randuYAA1: will try to ping when cable is connected to server lol :)10:10
ActionParsnip1Stueh: ok save, close gedit10:11
ActionParsnip1Stueh: sudo apt-get update10:11
ActionParsnip1Stueh: apt-cache search nvidia10:11
ActionParsnip1Stueh: pastebin again10:11
degritI seem to have messed up my audio, could do with a hand - in particular, killing pulseaudio and force-reloading alsa has apparently failed10:11
ikoniap1oooop: it should be enabled by default10:11
StuehOh that's why I coudln't update before ... forgot sudo >.>10:11
savvasActionParsnip1: I think the hardware drivers can take it over from here10:11
ActionParsnip1savvas: yeah?10:11
ActionParsnip1savvas: i always manually do it, mind you I manually do pretty much everything10:12
=== Und is now known as Guest33708
YAA1randu: I cannot help more than this. im not aware of any new security features or internal functionality of ubuntus network scripts and stuff. if this did not helped ask here again or try to reinstall network package.10:12
YAA1l8r folks..10:12
Ethan\join #gnuplot10:12
savvasActionParsnip1: the hardware drivers do the extra setup in xorg.conf - at least with my nvidia :P10:12
_sektor \join #gnuplot10:13
ActionParsnip1savvas: oh so it runs nvidia-xconfig for you?10:13
savvasActionParsnip1: I'm not sure about hardy though10:13
StuehActionParsnip1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119612/10:13
jasonchinActionParsnip1: thanks alot...now i can get connected. I got one more problem connecting to the shared printer on this computer10:13
StuehActionParsnip1: Hrm, I'm an idiot, I pasted the update as well >.>10:14
ActionParsnip1Stueh: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings10:15
ActionParsnip1jasonchin: never done that dude, have a websearch or ask in here10:15
ActionParsnip1jasonchin: http://www.watchingthenet.com/connecting-to-shared-printers-on-windows-computers.html10:15
StuehActionParsnip1: Fantastic, d/ling and running now =)10:16
ActionParsnip1jasonchin: you will need the linux driver for the printer10:16
ActionParsnip1Stueh: cool10:16
=== Guest81326 is now known as njan
B10Show can i use the windows key/SUPER to open applications on the panel?10:17
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts10:17
StuehActionParsnip1: Was there a netsplit before? I think it crashed my Pidgin when everyone entered ... seeing there's another 1000 people in here than before10:17
jasonchinActionParsnip1: ok, i'll try looking for it on the manufacturer's site10:17
B10Snice, thanks10:17
ActionParsnip1jasonchin: it may already be supported, have a websearch round10:18
ActionParsnip1Stueh: aye it was10:18
bnagythis xulrunner this is driving me nuts10:19
StuehOoh unpacking!10:19
ActionParsnip1bnagy: can you pastebin the command you are executing as well as the resulting output10:19
StuehOoh done!10:19
ActionParsnip1Stueh: all done?10:19
bnagythe postinst scripts refers to /usr/bin/xulrunner-1.9, but that file doesn't exist and it's not listed in the .list for the package10:19
StuehActionParsnip1: Now, in JWM I would restart Xorg ... what do I need to do here? O=)10:20
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
bnagyActionParsnip1: not really, no firefox, which is the whole thing :)10:20
ActionParsnip1bnagy: create it manually with: sudo touch /usr/bin/xulrunner-1.910:20
ActionParsnip1bnagy: paste the text to a text file10:20
bnagyActionParsnip1: I did better - it's just a symlink to a file in the xulrunner lib dir, so I created it10:21
ActionParsnip1bnagy: siudo apt-get install pastebinit; pastebinit /path/to/fileyoucreated10:21
bnagybut then it barfs on a missing library10:21
ActionParsnip1Stueh: gksudo nvidia-settings10:21
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes10:22
bnagyahh.. ok I think I can do that, just command >& file?10:22
degritdoes all the audio stuff get restarted/reset if I restart X ?10:22
ActionParsnip1bnagy: can you install pastebinit?10:22
simple|eeepcthis might be an odd question, but why does the alternate cd ask me to insert the alternate cd whilst installing10:22
StuehSays I need to run nvidia-xconfig first, so I run that, but then it came up with the same error ...10:22
StuehActionParsnip1: Says I need to run nvidia-xconfig first, so I run that, but then it came up with the same error ...10:22
simple|eeepcIn the install base system step10:23
=== Seedso is now known as WillSeeds
ActionParsnip1Stueh: ok, close that lot down then run:sudo nvidia-config    then hit ctrl+alt+backspace10:23
simple|eeepcit asks for me to insert the alternate cd in the cd drive, however it locks the cd tray and the disk itself is infact the 8.10 alternate cd10:23
langoustejoin #pydza10:24
bnagyActionParsnip1: http://pastebin.com/f231b7b3a10:24
ActionParsnip1simple|eeepc: did you check the iso before burning as well as verify the cd was ok before continuing?10:24
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
simple|eeepcActionParsnip1, Iso is fine10:25
bnagyActionParsnip1: that output is with the symlink put in place manually10:25
simple|eeepcand i checked it using the cd check10:25
simple|eeepc(to be doubly sure)10:25
simple|eeepcbut yeah10:25
B10Serrr, i think i just pressed Super+m and everything has gone dark (maybe mono)??? how do i get it back to normal10:25
simple|eeepcits a very wtfy error10:25
Siliciumwhere in the Squashfs on the LiveCD is the Home environment of the Live User (Ubuntu) defined?10:25
ActionParsnip1bnagy: sudo dpkg --force-all -r xulrunner-1.9; sudo dpkg --force-all -r xulrunner-1.9-gnome-support10:25
Siliciumi want to change some user specific settings on my custom CD10:25
Siliciumhi btw :)10:26
ActionParsnip1!bootoptions | simple|eeepc10:26
ubottusimple|eeepc: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions10:26
ActionParsnip1simple|eeepc: try disabling stuff like DMA and ACPI10:26
ActionParsnip1bnagy: that will rip the apps out, no foolin10:26
bnagyActionParsnip1: ok done10:26
ActionParsnip1bnagy: ok i'd run sudo apt-get remove firefox    too10:27
bnagybut my symlink is still there...10:27
ActionParsnip1bnagy: get all the firefox stuff out10:27
B10Serrr, i think i just pressed Super+m and everything has gone dark (maybe mono)??? how do i get it back to normal10:27
bnagywill rm it10:27
ActionParsnip1bnagy: remove that manually10:27
corinthThe HP mini mie interface is sooooo nice. :-)10:27
B10Slooks like everything is inverted10:27
B10Seven web pages10:28
bnagyActionParsnip1: ok, apt-get -f install clean again10:28
ActionParsnip1binarydigit: sudo apt-get -f install; sudo apt-get clean10:28
bnagyshould I force remove firefox or just plain remove?10:28
ActionParsnip1bnagy: apt-get needs sudo10:28
Gautammy ubuntu login in dos mod and i wanna login in graphics mod10:28
ActionParsnip1bnagy: just plain remove if youo can10:29
Gautamplz help me10:29
Gautammy ubuntu login in dos mod and i wanna login in graphics mod10:29
bnagyok that's what I did ( and I just skipped the sudo part to save typing ;)10:29
ActionParsnip1Gautam: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm10:29
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=== john is now known as johnssss
ActionParsnip1Gautam: dos is a microsoft product10:29
Gautamok thanks10:29
bnagyActionParsnip1: ok, clean10:30
ActionParsnip1bnagy: ok sweet10:30
Gautamafter than10:30
ActionParsnip1bnagy: install what you wish10:30
simple|eeepcActionParsnip1, how do you disable DMA?10:30
ActionParsnip1Gautam: sudo apt-get --reinstall install gdm10:31
Gautamthis will insatll without cd10:31
bnagyActionParsnip1: HA! finally10:31
ActionParsnip1simple|eeepc: try adding: noacpi noapm nodma   to the boot options10:32
ActionParsnip1bnagy: --force-all is only used as a last ditch, it can cause system instability10:32
simple|eeepcI'm getting buffer IO errors on startup10:32
ActionParsnip1bnagy: but stubborn packages like you had need it10:32
StuehActionParsnip1: Erm, getting a message when I run nvidia-settings: "You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your x configuration file (run nvidia-config) and restart the x server10:33
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simple|eeepcthis is a machine thats run ubuntu and fedora for the last few years and run it fine10:33
ActionParsnip1simple|eeepc: i'd check your and fsck your drive10:33
B10Serrr, i think i just pressed Super+m (i think) and everything has gone dark (maybe mono)??? how do i get it back to normal10:33
simple|eeepcActionParsnip1, drives have been formatted like 6 times now10:33
simple|eeepcevery reinstall10:33
B10Slooks like everything is inverted10:33
simple|eeepcit always fails when copying fiels10:33
B10Seven web pages10:33
ActionParsnip1Stueh: can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf please10:33
bnagyActionParsnip1: thanks for the help. I like ubuntu, but some of this apt / dpkg weirdness freaks me out sometimes :)10:33
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)10:34
ActionParsnip1simple|eeepc: ok, well all I can suggest is check ram but you may need different boot options, Check around the place. You could also try disabling hardware in your bios like sound cards and the like justuntil you get installed10:34
ActionParsnip1bnagy: its just annoying10:34
simple|eeepcActionParsnip1, memtest came up clean10:35
bnagyyeah, well I was on gentoo last 5 years and that has its own set of annoyingness, so I guess it just comes with the territory10:35
simple|eeepci have a new ethernet card10:35
StuehActionParsnip1: it's at http://paste.ubuntu.com/119622/10:35
=== rww_ is now known as rww
dusty Hey guys, I am having real trouble creating an SSH Tunnel and10:36
dusty               getting it to bind to the external interface - It keeps binding10:36
dusty               to local host as you can see here:10:36
dusty               http://rafb.net/p/DZvtld77.html anyone got any idea why it is10:36
dusty               doing this ?10:36
FloodBot1dusty: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:36
ActionParsnip1Stueh: looks groovy to me10:36
Gautamthis cammand is not succesfully10:36
int256screen capturing software for ubuntu. must support capturing as video.10:36
ActionParsnip1Stueh: so does gksudo nvidia-settings    not give you a nice interface to modify settings?10:36
ActionParsnip1!recordmydesktop | int25610:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about recordmydesktop10:37
Extendi'm working to upgrade a server running feisty, anyway i'm working according to this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#Before%20you%20start , now i receive error because update-manager-core creates a file /etc/apt/sources.list.d/prerequists-sources.list contains the mirror deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-backports main/debian-installer , i manually tried to change the mirror f10:37
Extendrom us.archive.ubuntu.com to a valid one but it won't , after i start do-release-upgrade it's overwrite the file with the same US mirror, how can i solve this?10:37
ActionParsnip1!info recordmydesktop | int25610:37
ubotturecordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 52 kB, installed size 152 kB10:37
=== Cueball is now known as Cueball_
ActionParsnip1Extend: try running sudo apt-get update10:38
Extendi did before do release upgrade10:38
Ademanis there any decent way to tell if you have 2d acceleration enabled?  (like could I discover whether X.org is running with XRender and would that be a decent metric? or what?)10:38
StuehActionParsnip1: same message still10:38
ActionParsnip1B10S: have ytou tried rebooting?10:38
aniienaif I build a Live USB can I mount a NTFS drive on one computer and plug the same USB stick into another without messing things up?10:38
ActionParsnip1!hi | ohchuzi10:38
ubottuohchuzi: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!10:38
das__#Zero-Raws@irc. moeotaku. com10:38
ActionParsnip1aniiena: sure10:38
B10SActionParsnip1,  will try now10:38
das__join #Zero-Raws@irc.moeotaku.com10:38
StuehActionParsnip1: sorry it gives me a GUI but the GUI has a popup message that says what I pasted before10:39
StuehAnd then no configurable options at all10:39
ActionParsnip1aniiena: just remember to remove it properly (and not just wrench it out of the system)10:39
ubersoftHi there, anyone here to help me some stuff,10:39
aniienaSo changes are persistant, like I could use a different desktop environment from say Ubuntu/Xubuntu10:39
ubersofti need to install "SQUID with DELAY POOLS"10:39
aniienabut differences in hardware wouldn't be an issue?10:39
ActionParsnip1aniiena: they will be on the usb stick10:39
ubersoftso any one who have some hands on this stuff !!!10:39
Extendplease anyone check and help me http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/119625/10:40
ActionParsnip1aniiena: there are a lot of drivers on the install to support most10:40
aniienawould it make sense to have a bunch of different xorg.conf's premade for different LCDs/resolution?10:40
ActionParsnip1!nvidia | Stueh10:40
ubottuStueh: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:40
ActionParsnip1Stueh: try that10:40
ubersoftActionParsnip1 are you helping others ? please help me in this stuff of installing "SQUID with DELAY POOLS"10:40
StuehActionParsnip1: Righto, cheers mate10:40
ActionParsnip1aniiena: thats where you will have issues but you could make a few xorg.confs and switch manually between10:40
ubersoft! ubottu10:41
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:41
ActionParsnip1ubersoft: i have never used squid, thats why i didnt reply,10:41
aniienaSo let's say my computer that I want to run ClamAV has a nvidia driver and my friend's has an ATI card.10:41
ActionParsnip1ubersoft: there are 68 users in #squid10:41
ubersoftOk, anyone here who can tell me what to do to install squid with DELAY POOLS.10:41
aniienaWill it autodetect that settings have changed and change drivers (or prompt me to) as appropriate?10:41
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Nyad
Favoritubersoft: install quid, configure delay pools?10:42
Favoritsquid that is10:42
ActionParsnip1aniiena: then you will need both ati and nvidia drivers installed, ten 2 xorg.conf files which you will have to manually switch then restart x to get a good display10:42
ubersoftYes Favorit10:42
ActionParsnip1Favorit: no efb today :D10:42
aniienaahh ok, thanks10:42
ubersoftActually,, when we use apt-get to install squid, they just install it defauly.10:42
FavoritActionParsnip1: efb?10:42
ubersoftdefault* and no configuration takes place.10:42
bnagyubersoft: you just need to configure it10:42
Favoritubersoft: http://quark.humbug.org.au/publications/squid/aclsquid.html10:43
aniienaSo if I just want a mountable Linux to run ClamAV on10:43
ActionParsnip1Favorit: the guy yesterday on about --purge10:43
bnagygoogle 'configure squid delay pools' :P10:43
aniienawould it make more sense to go with PuppyLinux over say Ubuntu on a livecd?10:43
FavoritActionParsnip1: fde he was or so10:43
aniienaerr liveusb10:43
ActionParsnip1aniiena: yeah, the video switching in puppy is awesome imho10:43
ubersoftbnagy i have tried something else for it, i wget the file and dowloaded it in /var/tmp and then tar it...10:43
ActionParsnip1Favorit: that too ;)10:43
B1OSActionParsnip1: worked, thanks :)10:43
ubersoftthen by doing some CD. i used ./configure.10:43
FavoritActionParsnip1: well, he still didn't convince me ;)10:43
ubersoftbut it gives error...10:43
ActionParsnip1B1OS: its windowsy, but reboots can fix a lot10:44
ActionParsnip1Favorit: me neither10:44
trancefatHi All, I m trying to access the internet using my mobile phone with Bluetooth but I m stuck at a point where i must open bt-applet10:44
Favoritubersoft: don't compile squid, apt-get it10:44
bnagyubersoft: you can install it however you want, but it won't enable delay pools until you conifgure them10:44
trancefatI cant find bt-applet10:44
ubersoftconfigure: error: no acceptable cc found in $PATH10:44
trancefatALT+F2 doesnt open it10:44
ubersoftok and then...10:44
int256any screen capturing software ?.10:44
Favoritdon't compile stuff which you can install from the repo10:44
Favoritubersoft: apt-get install squid, read http://quark.humbug.org.au/publications/squid/aclsquid.html10:44
ubersoftok after getting apt-get then.10:44
ubersoftOke let me c.10:45
Iowahcint256: try your print key ;)10:45
ubottusquid is a caching proxy for the Web.  See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SquidGuard  See: http://www.squid-cache.org10:45
Favoritsomeone, shoot me in the head :)10:45
* ActionParsnip1 takes aim10:45
* Favorit dodges skillfully.10:45
int256Iowahc: its image. i want to capture sceen as video10:46
* ActionParsnip1 is using an H bomb10:46
rww!ot | Favorit, ActionParsnip110:46
ubottuFavorit, ActionParsnip1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:46
Iowahcint256: try xvidcap10:46
ActionParsnip1int256: recordmydesktop does it too10:46
Iowahcint256: istanbul also does it, its in the repos10:47
int256Iowahc: ActionParsnip1: file format ?10:47
Iowahcint256: xvidcap -> xvid i guess ;) istanbul -> i dont know10:47
Iowahcint256: istanbul -> ogg10:48
Iowahcint256: http://live.gnome.org/Istanbul10:48
Favoritmrr, what was the command to generate more locales... dpkg-reconfigure locale or so?10:48
int256Iowahc: ok10:48
=== Blaay|not is now known as Blaay
NyadHello, im in the ubuntu liveCD. how do I get ubuntu installer to see the LVM from my fedora install and allow me to install in the space that I have reserved it for10:48
ActionParsnip1int256: ogg which you can then convert10:49
int256ActionParsnip1: using ?10:49
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
int256ActionParsnip1: using which software ?10:49
ActionParsnip1int256: ffmpeg / mencoder10:49
trancefatHow can i connect to the internet using Ubuntu and mobile phone10:49
int256int256: how to use ffmpeg / mencoder10:50
Iowahcint256: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/FFmpeg10:50
int256Iowahc: ok10:51
Iowahcint256: http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/mencoder10:51
int256Iowahc: thanks10:51
Iowahcint256: np10:51
ActionParsnip1int256: they are both vastly complex but i'm sure a quick websearch will turn something up10:51
unknown_Hi, can anyone tell me how can I fix follwing error (in syslog) type=1503 audit(1234953359.139:6): operation="inode_permission" requested_mask="w::" denied_mask="w::" fsuid=0 name="/dev/ttyUSB0" pid=7863 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd"... Builtin hsdp modem doesn't want to work :/ Yesterday was ok10:52
Extendplease anyone check and help me http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/119625/10:53
int256ActionParsnip1: ok10:53
ActionParsnip1trancefat: http://piyadas-world.com/2009/01/tips-use-your-bluetooth-phone-for-internet-access-in-ubuntu/10:53
Ademananyone know how I could find isc-posix.m4 ?  I have several flavors of libisc and there are no -dev packages available that I can see... and nothing exists in /usr/lib/aclocal or /usr/lib/aclocal-1.910:54
ActionParsnip1Ademan: try apt-file10:54
trancefatActionParsnip1: thanks10:56
varlonhi, I try to forward X11 via ssh-tunnel, so, In ubuntu server I setup sshd with options: X11Forwarding yes, X11DisplayOffset 10, in local ssh-client (debian) I setup ssh_config: ForwardAgent yes, ForwardX11 yes, ForwardX11Trusted yes, and launch: ssh -X ubuntu.server, in sheel I call xterm and got: xterm:  DISPLAY is not set. why DISPLAY is not creating?10:59
varlonhi :-)10:59
Favoritvarlon: Host is not Trusted?10:59
unknown_Guys, please help me to solve this problem ;( http://pastebin.com/m1fab7751 I think its something with permission, but don't know nothing more, only that I can't connect using gsm connection11:00
varlonFavorit, I nothing do for make host trusted, what I must to do?11:00
Favoritvarlon: also, try to login using ssh -v, you'll probably see why it refuses to create display11:01
Favoritvarlon: just comment out the line ForwardX11Trusted, leave it at default11:01
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball
* Favorit :Q11:02
varlonFavorit, '-v' is realy help me. xauth was not installed, thanks11:03
licantrupHow do I know which filesystem type is one of my partitions?11:04
=== Species is now known as Species_8472
licantrupdf -T gives me fuseblk11:04
temotoHow to express *.something in   /etc/hosts?11:05
* int256 installed windows xp in virtualbox, now it shows processor speed as 7024.23 Ghz !!!11:05
ActionParsnip1licantrup: sudo fdisk -l11:06
ActionParsnip1int256: haha nice11:06
ActionParsnip1int256: does it say single core too?11:06
int256ActionParsnip1: no processor in device manager !!!11:07
lenekohi people11:07
ActionParsnip1int256: wow impressive11:07
ActionParsnip1int256: have you installed guest additions?11:07
int256ActionParsnip1: wait i will send you screenchot11:07
int256ActionParsnip1: ya11:07
ShwaiilHi ppl!11:07
ActionParsnip1int256: use tinypi / imageshack11:08
lenekoi have some ssh relative question11:08
int256ActionParsnip1: ok11:08
macrobadHi, guys! Could someone tell me why Ubuntu doesn't include OpenOffice.Org 3?11:09
ubottuWant to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add and link it from the channel.11:09
ShwaiilQ: I'm not a ubuntu user, I want to start with it, pretty soon. I would like to know, if its possible to change driver letters (from partitions), easily in Ubuntu? also, is it possible to create virtual drivers from folders, like is done in win ? Please let me know, thanks for your atention! ;D11:09
licantrupthanks ActionParsnip111:09
rwwmacrobad: It was released too close to the Intrepid release date to be properly tested, and Ubuntu releases aren't updated with major package changes after they come out. The next version, Jaunty, will have OO.org 311:10
CianticI used sshfs, can I make the desktop unmount to work? Or do I have to manually always "fusermount -u dir"11:10
macrobadShwaiil: You might be surprised to know there are no drives letters in Linux at all. :) Just try it, and ask questions afterwards. If you've never had any experience with Linux you would not be able to guess how it looks like.11:11
macrobadrww: Thanks!11:11
creative83How do I upgrade 7.04 to 7.10? do-release-pgrade  doesn't work because it can't fetch the Package lists...11:12
creative83It's a server so I have to do it with CLI11:12
int256ActionParsnip1: http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/4597/702423nf2.png11:12
Shwaiilmacrobad, thanks! Unfortunately, I use a remote power computer center, that uses win directory/folder structure. There's no way I could emulate that, right?11:13
int256ActionParsnip1: http://img228.imageshack.us/img228/6827/devicemanagerwithoutprolw7.png11:13
=== sektor is now known as slix
ActionParsnip1int256: good ol xp11:13
ActionParsnip1int256: why do you need a virtual xp?11:14
int256ActionParsnip1: to play games11:14
ActionParsnip1int256: only 2d games will work11:14
NIT[L]hello, i was wondering if someone can help me with my problem11:15
macrobadShwaiil: I am not sure what you call a "win directory/folder structure". There is a filesystem in Linux, which helps you to avoid all the hassle with drive letters. I cannot see why you should not be able to create an arbitary directory tree in Linux.11:15
chu_I bought a 500gb external, it says it only works with windows and mac os x, just plugged it in and it was detected fine :)11:15
s-tonedHow do I change the "mouse-resize-button" from middle button  to right button?11:15
ActionParsnip1!ask | NIT[L]11:15
int256ActionParsnip1: is it. but i enable 3d acceleration11:15
ubottuNIT[L]: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:15
ActionParsnip1int256: its not gonna happen11:15
ActionParsnip1int256: try it11:15
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int256ActionParsnip1: ok11:15
NIT[L]ok well, i can't get ubuntu to display in 1440x900 resolution. I have 180.29 nvidia drivers.11:16
int256can i run Windows games in ubuntu. i want to run NFS Most wanted11:16
temotoHow to express *.something in   /etc/hosts?11:16
ActionParsnip1!appdb | int25611:17
ubottuint256: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:17
macrobadShwaiil: You can think of it, as if there was a "root" drive, which included all other drives as its folders, and allowed to arbitarily create and delete those folders, as well, as rename and assign drives to them in any way you like it.11:17
int256ubottu: i tried to run it in wine. but failed11:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:18
ActionParsnip1int256: looks like its in the new 2.1 but its an experiment implementatio of opengl11:18
ActionParsnip1int256: did you check appdb to see if there are any tweaks11:18
int256ActionParsnip1: pls help11:18
ActionParsnip1int256: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=8714&iTestingId=2885311:19
ActionParsnip1int256: you could try installing in the vbox, i'm not sure its gonna fly11:20
int256ActionParsnip1: does the wine 2,1 released ?11:21
wallunitWhen I start my system alsa does not work untill i have started alsamixer the first time. How can that be?11:21
ActionParsnip1int256: i meant vbox 2.111:22
NIT[L]Anybody know how to get ubuntu to display in 1440x900. It doesnt show that resolution in the display settings.11:22
ActionParsnip1wallunit: read through: dmesg | less11:22
Sarkieedit the xorg.conf?11:22
int256ActionParsnip1: i am using vbox 2.1.211:22
NIT[L]I am new to linux so could you help please11:22
wallunitActionParsnip1: After boot or after starting alsamixer?11:22
ActionParsnip1int256: then it may work with 3d, i have my reservations but thre no harm in having a go11:22
int256ActionParsnip1: ok11:23
ActionParsnip1wallunit: whenever, just read through, its gonna be a long read but should tell you whats going on11:23
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NIT[L]Sarkie: could you help  me edit "xorg.conf" , new linux user here11:24
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: can you pastebin your current file pleasae11:25
ActionParsnip1!paste | NIT[L]11:26
ubottuNIT[L]: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)11:26
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: ah ok, 2 ticks11:26
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: or you can: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf11:27
creative83Any way to upgrade 7.04 now? It seems that do-release-upgrade don't work because it relies on non-existent repos11:27
ActionParsnip1!upgrade | creative8311:27
ubottucreative83: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes11:27
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: whats the output of lspci | grep -i vga11:27
creative83ActionParsnip1: Did check that pages. They suggest using do-release-upgrade which fails.11:27
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: you havent configured any video drivers11:27
chu_Can we add new "knowledge" to ubottu? I mean, for instance:11:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi11:28
ActionParsnip1creative83: did you run it with gksudo11:28
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 8400M GS (rev a1)11:28
Leissiso uh11:29
Leissihey again11:29
ActionParsnip1creative83: sudo aptitude install update-manager-core; sudo do-release-upgrade11:29
creative83ActionParsnip1: Nope. Its CLI (Server). But I now found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades which describes the solution for my problem.11:29
SarkieHi guys, still having this problem http://www.x.org/wiki/FAQErrorMessages#head-83b2f9b8c18db15e641ed9e0be8f9a8364001e5b. Running ubuntu 8.10, desktop, intel 5xxxx series graphics on board. When I unplug my monitor, since i want to run it as a server with VNC access?11:29
creative83ActionParsnip1: That won't work as described in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:30
ActionParsnip1creative83: and what is the output of lsb_release -c11:30
creative83ActionParsnip1: But they have a solution there11:30
rwwcreative83: Thanks for that EOLUpgrades link. I've been looking everywhere for it (we get a bunch of people with your problem).11:30
Leissithere's a linux client of a game I want to play (Dwarf Fortress, to be specific). I got a .tar.bz2 archive of it, but it wants to run in wine, even though it should run without11:30
coz_guys I noticed on intrepid recently , if for example i open search for files, go to other and the search opens it is slow as heck  any fix for this?11:30
creative83ActionParsnip1: I'm using feisty.11:30
Leissihow can I change it to run in linux instead?11:30
creative83rww: np. Was at the bottom of the UpgradeNotes Page ;)11:30
rwwcreative83: ah. I must have missed that :)11:31
moritzgeI have a server running ubuntu server. I mounted the second hd to "/home/moritz". the user "moritz" can see the files in "/home/moritz", but all the others can't.... I tried "chmod -R 777 /home/moritz", didn't work. Do I have to change the fstab options?11:31
ActionParsnip1Leissi: http://www.dwarffortresswiki.net/index.php/System_requirements11:31
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: what's the output of lsb_release -c11:32
wallunitActionParsnip1: There is nothing related to alsa or my soundcard in dmesg11:32
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: Codename:intrepid11:32
=== sdfgs is now known as johnT
ActionParsnip1wallunit: o but does the soundcard come up ok?11:32
wallunitWhat does come up means? do you refer to lspci?11:33
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-17711:33
ActionParsnip1wallunit: no, in the dmesg, does the card get an irq and get setup correctly?11:33
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: I am using 180.29 drivers by the way11:33
wallunitActionParsnip1: I don't think so, what should i grep for?11:34
ActionParsnip1wallunit: nothing, just read it down11:34
ActionParsnip1wallunit: dmesg | less11:34
InDaLivingRoomhi ActionParsnip1:)11:34
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: ok then run: gksudo nvidia-settings11:34
ActionParsnip1hi InDaLivingRoom11:34
InDaLivingRoomi have attached my multimedia pc to the hd tv and everything works just fine so far, exept movies flicker11:35
InDaLivingRoom how can i fix this?11:35
InDaLivingRoomActionParsnip1: ah opps its me, remote:D11:35
simple|eeepcInDaLivingRoom, did you install all drivers?11:35
InDaLivingRoomsimple|eeepc: yes11:35
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: does it say to run a command as root?11:36
InDaLivingRoomsimple|eeepc: its an ati 467011:36
simple|eeepcInDaLivingRoom, installed the latest ATI drivers?11:36
ActionParsnip1looks like he worked it out11:36
moritzgewhat options do i have to set in /etc/fstab for a ext3-device so that every user can read it?11:36
InDaLivingRoomsimple|eeepc: intrepid did an update of the driver and the control center11:36
simple|eeepcmoritzge, why would you want that?11:37
InDaLivingRoomsimple|eeepc: i cannot find anything newer on amd hp as 46xx series doenst seem to exist there in the driver section...11:37
ActionParsnip1moritzge: here's mine:http://pastebin.com/f5ab4f22d11:37
wallunitActionParsnip1: I have read it, but i wasn't able to find something related to the soundcard. But there is a lot of cryptic pci stuff, maybe there it is.11:38
n2diyHow do I setup a sterile box with Ubuntu?11:38
moritzgesimple|eeepc: it is my music harddrive, and all users shall have access to it11:38
ActionParsnip1moritzge: try defaults,realtime11:38
ActionParsnip1wallunit: maybe alsa isnt loading right11:38
moritzgeActionParsnip1: k11:38
ActionParsnip1moritzge: failing that try some websearching or man fstab is quite useful too11:39
ActionParsnip1moritzge: remember to create an empty folder to mount to11:39
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wallunitActionParsnip1: However after running alsamixer, it works, even though there are no new entries in dmesg.11:40
ActionParsnip1moritzge: http://www.hafenscher.net/wiki/index.php?page=Mount_USB_stick_read_and_writable_for_users may help with options too11:40
moritzgeActionParsnip1: already various options in fstab... also chmod -R 777. the owner can read it, but all other users can't ... any idea?11:40
ActionParsnip1wallunit: weird, bit of a hack but you could autorun alsa mixer to get you sorted11:40
InDaLivingRoomsimple|eeepc: err... suddenly i am not so sure anymore if i have all of the driver files installed, could you have a look at this please?  http://www.nopaste.org/p/a9hpr15v911:40
moritzgeActionParsnip1: thx for the link11:40
ActionParsnip1wallunit: try uid=100011:41
wallunitActionParsnip1: I now, that i could do it. but this is ugly.11:41
ActionParsnip1wallunit: i'd use it for now until you can work it out11:41
ActionParsnip1wallunit: you could try reinstalling alsa, or compile it11:41
n2diyHow do I setup a sterile box with Ubuntu?11:42
ActionParsnip1n2diy: whats a sterile box?11:42
n2diyActionParsnip1: one that has never been exsposed to the internet, worms, vinuses, etc...11:43
FirioHi all. I'm not using ubuntu now,but can u answer me one thing.. Wich channel on this server can I get help to set up my real infobot with mysql and all the other things that r needed for the infobot to get the infobot to work?11:43
wallunitActionParsnip1: I have already done apt-get --reinstall install alsa-base alsa-utils; dpkg-reconfigure alsa-base alsa-utils11:43
ActionParsnip1n2diy: very few of those for linux (none are wild)11:43
InDaLivingRoomcan someone pls tell me if this is all that i need to properly operate an ati card?  http://www.nopaste.org/p/a9hpr15v911:44
n2diyActionParsnip1: true, but rootkits and such are out there, but to use chkrootkit, I have to DL it from the internet, exsposing my sterile box to all the nasties that chkrootkit should guard against., or detect.11:46
oskar-hi, when my laptop goes into suspend, the display isn't turned off, while it works, when closing the lid. any hints for a solution?11:46
ActionParsnip1n2diy: then download it and burn to a cd11:46
moritzgei mounted a hd to /home/moritz. then i did "chown -R moritz /home/moritz" and "chmod -R 777 /home/moritz". now the user moritz can read it, but all the others can't.... any idea?11:46
ActionParsnip1n2diy: you can scan the file for nastys et al on the downloading system11:46
ActionParsnip1n2diy: if you arent downloading from the web why have protection11:47
Firiosecond time askedI'm not using ubuntu now,but can u answer me one thing.. Wich channel on this server can I get help to set up my real infobot with mysql and all the other things that r needed for the infobot to get the infobot to work?11:47
Geek`N`ProudFirio, try #mysql for mysql help?11:48
ActionParsnip1Firio: if you wait to ask stdin, i think h owns the ubottu bot. he may be able to advise11:48
n2diyActionParsnip1: I can't download it without exposing the box to the internet. How do I know the system doing the DL isn't compromised? I plan to download from the interenet, that is why I want a secure box to start with.11:49
Geek`N`ProudFirio, also:  http://www.missprint.org/infobot/11:49
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redspikeanyone know howto get adobe to display .pdf files right, if the font is helvetica adobe reader cant display them can i download the helvetica font in some package?11:49
ActionParsnip1n2diy: ow can you be sure of anything online11:49
oskar-moritzge, do all containing directories have correct permissions? have you looked at: ls -l /home/moritz11:49
Geek`N`Proudthey have a mailing list =]11:49
Geek`N`Proudthey may be able to help too11:49
ActionParsnip1n2diy: the data traverses a multitude of interconnection devices11:49
mhikuhow can i install php6 in apt-get?11:49
ActionParsnip1n2diy: you gotta draw the line somewhere11:49
Geek`N`Proudredspike, mstcorefonts11:49
Geek`N`Proudsomething like that11:49
Geek`N`Proudit's in the ubuntu-restricted-extras metapackage11:50
mhikuwhat do i type11:50
redspikeGeek`N`Proud: i have installed them :( but it dosen help11:50
Geek`N`Proudredspike, what about KPDF or evince?11:50
n2diyActionParsnip1: No I can't, is it too hard to put chkrootkit on the install CD, so as to avoid this issue?11:50
Geek`N`Proudthey should work better than Adobe's stuff11:50
redspikeGeek`N`Proud: dosent work in evince ether :(11:51
ActionParsnip1n2diy: ive not done it11:51
Geek`N`Proudah damn :(11:51
mhikucan someone know how to install php6 in apt-get or aptitude?11:51
ActionParsnip1mhiku: apt-cache search php611:51
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:51
Geek`N`Proudmhiku, there is no PHP6 in the standard repos11:51
msingh_is there a way to install a specific version of a package. i want gstreamer 1.0.20 and 1.0.18 is installed.11:51
InDaLivingRoomflickering movies on hdtv with ati 4670, any help appreciated:)11:52
Geek`N`Proudmsingh_, you need to make a package for that11:52
ezerhodenmsingh_: apt-pinning11:52
Geek`N`ProudUbuntu is not bleeding edge11:52
msingh_ezerhoden, i dont understand.11:52
=== InDaLivingRoom is now known as remoteCTRL
n2diyActionParsnip1: So, I'm supposed to tell my customers I "think" Ubuntu is more secure than Windows? That sells!11:52
Geek`N`Proudmsingh_, apt-pinning allows you to pin specific packages from a repo to be installed11:53
mhikuwhats the default ./configure apt-get uses so i can install php 6 in make11:53
msingh_how do i install it?11:53
ActionParsnip1n2diy: its only as secure as its config11:53
ubottupinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:53
Geek`N`Proudmhiku, ./configure --prefix=/usr should roundabout help you11:53
mhikuand i can intall php 6 successfully?11:53
remoteCTRLbazhang: good to see ya, may i adress you with a graphics problem,pls?11:53
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, Windows is secure if you configure it right11:53
mhikuthank you11:53
ActionParsnip1n2diy: so you can only really say that, I could lock down a windows box loads then leave a linux box fully uncontrolled,which is more secure now?11:54
n2diyActionParsnip1: Exactly, and I can't config Ubuntu, without exsposing it to the internet, it's a Catch-2211:54
bazhangremoteCTRL, please ask the channel :)11:54
remoteCTRLbazhang: been doing so:-/11:54
ActionParsnip1n2diy: well then you must draw your security line lower as it is currently unfeasibly high11:54
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, it's secure-by-default when it comes to network services11:54
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, only open service is avahi-daemon which ignores internet packets11:55
Geek`N`Proudand that service won't show on port scans11:55
bazhangremoteCTRL, as indalivingroom? is that you?11:55
ActionParsnip1n2diy: your security solution is hugely unrealistic. Do you have a tinfoil hat too?11:55
FirioI tried to ask in #mysql , but they don't support infobot11:55
FirioWhere shall i then try?11:55
MindSparkhi, is there any way to prevent the update manager to upgrade a package ?11:56
Geek`N`ProudFirio, http://www.missprint.org/infobot/11:56
Geek`N`Proudthey will know for sure11:56
Geek`N`Proudchances are info on setting it up is in their archives11:56
remoteCTRLbazhang: aye11:56
ActionParsnip1MindSpark: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41279111:56
MindSparkActionParsnip1, thanks11:57
bazhangremoteCTRL, with compiz or no11:57
Geek`N`ProudMindSpark, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:57
Geek`N`ProudMindSpark, check out "Package Holding"11:57
remoteCTRLbazhang: with?11:57
ActionParsnip1MindSpark: the link in that link tells you exactly11:57
remoteCTRLyou gotta be kiddin me...11:57
bazhangremoteCTRL, also which apps? totem, mplayer vlc?11:57
n2diyActionParsnip1: no, the tin foil hat was ruined in the washing machine. A Google search of Ubunty Security reveals numerous vulnerablities, I'm just trying to lock down a virgin install of Hardy, and I can't do it securely.11:57
remoteCTRLbazhang: all of them11:57
creative83Upgrade information from 7.04 to 7.10 on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades doesn't work11:57
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, what vulnerabilities?11:57
bazhangn2diy, then remaster with it in11:58
bazhang!remaster > n2diy11:58
ubottun2diy, please see my private message11:58
ActionParsnip1n2diy: there are vulnerabilities in all OSes, look at the windows list. Its massive as well11:58
EnissayIs there any apps that take care of HDD: Defragmentation, cleaning, repairing errors.....?11:58
MindSparkActionParsnip1, and Geek`N`Proud thanks ! checking'em out11:58
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ActionParsnip1n2diy: and MacOS is too11:58
creative83It still looks for  http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports which doesn't exist anymore11:58
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, most "vulnerabilities" aren't directly exploitable on a default install11:58
Favoritn2diy: googling for Ubuntu Security is about as useful as googling for "glimpses in time space continuum"11:58
ActionParsnip1n2diy: remember the awesome song. Every OS sucks by 2 dead trolls in a baggie11:58
Geek`N`Proudheck.. with exception to IGMP.. most of Windows 98 isn't directly exploitable till you yourself do something11:58
bazhangremoteCTRL, you may wish to check fusion-icon, unless you need to do 3d cube while watching movie; one click and disabled, and vice versa11:59
Firiothat site didn't help me much,Geek.. but thanks anyway11:59
remoteCTRLbazhang: you gotta be kiddn me its really gone after turning off compiz11:59
remoteCTRLbazhang: dunno how to thank you man i ben googling for hours now...11:59
marathonhello i need to search files and move them12:00
marathonis there any tools to do it12:00
p1oooophey guys12:00
marathoni used search files but i cannot move12:00
Favoritn2diy: if you don't intend to have local users on your machine and generally use a nice firewall ruleset - I wish anyone luck breaking in12:00
p1oooopgood news...12:00
bazhangcreative83, did you change repos to old-releases.ubuntu ? should be listed on gutsyupgrades within that upgrade link12:00
p1ooooppersistent works...12:00
creative83bazhang: Yes. They are old-releases now all.12:01
p1oooopyou have to use home-rw12:01
Geek`N`Proudn2diy:  you can update after install without the Internet you know12:01
Geek`N`Proudjust as a thought12:01
n2diyActionParsnip1: no, I never heard it, was B. Gates on lead vocals?12:01
bazhangcreative83, and you updated the sources.list?12:01
Favoritwhat's the point of having a server without net connection? :P12:01
ActionParsnip1n2diy: nope 2 guys, its a slate at allOSes cos they all crash and all have issues, its a chuckle12:01
p1oooopnow I can't mount usb drive which is a good sign that its working12:01
Geek`N`Proudyou can specify directories as repos in sources.list12:01
creative83bazhang: yes. I'm starting with a completely new sources.list now.12:01
giaco_how can I synchronize a local directory with an ftp folder?12:02
ActionParsnip1giaco_: i'd look into rsync12:02
remoteCTRLbazhang: i was thinking in direction refreshrate so i never thought about compiz...12:02
giaco_Acidic31, I've heard that rsync is needed on both ends12:02
bazhangremoteCTRL, glad its working now12:03
MindSparkis there a way to list all the held packages ?12:03
giaco_ActionParsnip1, *12:03
ActionParsnip1n2diy: so you get the system upgraded to the latest stuff. How does it sell a secure system. "look this system hasnt been on the web and its not been intruded. Isnt it secure"12:03
n2diyFavorit: my plan is to rescue/salvage old hardware, and put it back online. I'm paranoid about selling stuff as secure, when I'm not confident it is. But I guess I could give out free tin foil hats with each system?12:03
creative83bazhang: It fails because it can't fetch Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports/main/debian-installer But I don't have such a line in sources.list12:03
bazhangn2diy, remaster with it in.12:03
Favoritn2diy: define secure12:03
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, set it up with a basic IPTables setup12:03
ActionParsnip1MindSpark: try dpkg -l | grep <package you just held>   to see what its installed state is (left most colomn)12:03
remoteCTRLbazhang: yeah thanks once more, you made me a very happy man:D12:04
creative83bazhang: So it must takes this information from somewhere else12:04
Favoritn2diy: security of a system is 99.9% dependant on the applications/services running on it and on the user behind the keyboard12:04
MindSparkActionParsnip1, yes, but I meant listing ALL packages that are held12:04
Cherepoktalk with me)12:04
ActionParsnip1MindSpark: well oncewe know what that ONE looks like we can find the rest can't we12:04
ActionParsnip1!ask | Cherepok12:04
ubottuCherepok: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:04
n2diyFavorit: with chkrootkit, and rkhunter installed, from a local source, with a good sig.12:04
ubottuCherepok:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:04
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, do "netstat -anp" as root - it won't get p0wned right from the get-go12:05
Geek`N`Proudyou update it12:05
ActionParsnip1MindSpark: so if the 2 first chars are 'hh' (for example) we can run: dpkg -l | grep ^ll12:05
Geek`N`Proudthen add a firewall if you're paranoid12:05
ActionParsnip1MindSpark: and all the rest will be listed12:05
p1oooopActionParsnip1: guess what12:05
Favoritn2diy: having tools that allow you detect that you already were comprimised is not security :)12:05
Geek`N`Proud(there's one built-in with the GNU/Linux kernel called IPTables)12:05
ActionParsnip1p1oooop: snot?12:05
p1oooopActionParsnip1: I got persistent to work12:05
Favoritn2diy: and local source of packages is no guarantee of security, since the packages are developed by other people and can contain holes of a size of london bridge12:05
ActionParsnip1p1oooop: persistant what?12:05
MindSparkActionParsnip1, got it ! thanks again :)12:05
ActionParsnip1MindSpark: np man12:06
p1oooopActionParsnip1: turns out I needed to have the drive as home-rw12:06
Geek`N`Proudyou can install SELinux with reference policy and prevent certain uses of mprotect() (stack as write+execute)12:06
Favoritn2diy: I think your solution would be to find you peace with your level of security, and don't exaggerate on it too much :)12:06
ActionParsnip1p1oooop: funky stuff12:06
p1oooopActionParsnip1: presistent mode12:06
n2diyGeek'N' Proud, I'll have to check that out.12:06
ActionParsnip1p1oooop: oh like usb you mean?12:06
p1oooopActionParsnip1: yes, it is funky...12:06
Favoritn2diy: then again, you have grsec, selinux, rbac, whatnot if you wanna tie it up more12:06
p1oooopActionParsnip1: yup..12:06
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, also, you can make policies for AppArmor with ease.. that is included with Ubuntu12:06
Geek`N`ProudCUPS is protected by default12:06
n2diyFavorit: Yes, that is why the new box is isolateted, I know it is still sterile.12:07
p1oooopActionParsnip1: I can;t mount the drive but it blinks whileI work...12:07
p1oooopActionParsnip1: which is a good sign its working12:07
Favoritn2diy: that's paranoia :)  which is easily fixable while having box on the net12:07
ActionParsnip1p1oooop: haha thats gotta get annoying. I hope you used ext212:07
Favoritn2diy: allow outgoing connections, block ALL incoming12:07
Favoritn2diy: problem solved :)12:07
p1oooopActionParsnip1: I believe I did12:07
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, /etc/init.d/avahi-daemon stop <- you are now 100% immune to any inbound :P12:07
ActionParsnip1p1oooop: good as the journal gets hammered12:07
Geek`N`Proudunless the kernel has a flaw.. but then.. well12:08
ActionParsnip1p1oooop: compared to the rest of the data12:08
p1oooopActionParsnip1: Imma check12:08
Favoritalthough, what I always say - if you don't have paranoia it doesn't mean you're not being followed.12:08
p1oooopActionParsnip1: yup... ex212:09
ActionParsnip1p1oooop: good lad12:09
p1oooopit's mounted but not mounted at the same time12:09
p1oooopActionParsnip1: what a paradox :)12:09
ActionParsnip1afternoon D_likescookies12:10
Favoritgrrr, advanced networking diagram in visia without loadbalancer stencil... rrraaargh12:10
n2diyFavorit:  Geek 'N' Proud, ok, let me rephrase the question? If I wanted to setup a Ubuntu honeypot, how would I do it?12:10
Favoritwho knows a good diagramming application for ubuntu? :)12:10
grobda24My panels will not show after nautilus locked up and I had to forcibly exit. Will reinstalling panel restore them with my settings ?12:10
ActionParsnip1!info dia12:10
ubottudia (source: dia): Diagram editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.96.1-7ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 189 kB, installed size 548 kB12:10
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, install one of many apps designed for honeypotting12:10
* grobda24 has searched the wiki and google.12:11
Favorityeah, dia...12:11
ActionParsnip1Favorit: kolourpaint :D12:11
p1oooopanyone know a good AVR programming app for ubuntu?12:11
FavoritActionParsnip1: euh ;) wanna draw my diagram for me? 300+ servers to depict :P12:11
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, it's not that great of an idea though... Ubuntu when installed by default has only one service which can be contacted by the outside world... Avahi-Daemon12:11
AnakinI installed NVIDIA drivers in kubuntu 9.04 alfa 4 using the adept manager and after I restarted nothing happened.... if I edit xorg.conf manually the whole PC crashes when starting...12:11
Geek`N`Proudand that ignores outside packets12:11
p1oooopthat uses the kanda interface12:11
ActionParsnip1Favorit: just use clouds dude12:11
FavoritActionParsnip1: I wish i could, i wish i could :P12:12
p1oooopFavorit: use open office draw12:12
ActionParsnip1Favorit: or use clouds then define each further in a seperate document12:12
Geek`N`ProudAnakin, try using the NVIDIA Installer.. plus it's Alpha.. what would you expect12:12
p1oooopFavorit: it's an OK piece for diagrams12:12
Favoritploom: for network diagrams?12:12
AnakinGeek`N`Proud: I also installed Debian Lenny this morning and I got the same problem :)12:12
p1oooopFavorit: oh... LOL12:13
DeannaT2grobda24, i go with strg+alt+backspack back to the start, wehn my panel is away, but there is an other way to get it back12:13
p1oooopFavorit: BTW, it's a 112:13
n2diyGeek 'N' Proud what about shared memory, root ssh logins, and unrestricted su access? I've locked those down. Can't say I know what they are, but they are locked down now.12:13
Geek`N`ProudAnakin, use NVIDIA's latest drivers12:13
Geek`N`ProudSSH doesn't run by default12:13
AnakinGeek`N`Proud: will do that 10x12:13
Geek`N`Proudunrestricted su access?12:14
p1oooopbusy today12:14
Geek`N`Proudnope.. root is disabled by default12:14
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:14
D_likescookiesyea. quite a bit.12:14
Geek`N`Proudsudo allows you to elevate to root if you need to12:14
p1oooopnot as busy as AC chat but likewise12:14
grobda24DeannaT2, strg ?12:14
p1oooopa website12:14
DeannaT2ctrl. sry12:15
=== miguel is now known as Guest28598
ActionParsnip1AC are an awesome band12:15
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, you are probably looking at ancient stuff there... Ubuntu doesn't run server processes (with exception to CUPS) on a desktop install12:15
Guest28598Is there anyway to force xrandr to use 1280x800 on LVDS and VGA displays? It used to work on ubuntu 8.04 but it is not working on 8.1012:15
ikoniam1dn1ght: what about it ?12:15
p1oooopnot a tech website... it's for fish... LOL12:15
ActionParsnip1Guest28598: add the resolution to xorg.conf12:15
ikoniap1oooop: why are you posting that here ?12:15
p1oooopikonia: I was asked to12:16
ActionParsnip1oh boy12:16
D_likescookiesI asked.12:16
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, finally shared memory... shared memory is limited to the user the apps are running as12:16
ActionParsnip1ask him to format his pc12:16
ikoniagents please take the offtopic stuff to #ubuntu-offtopic12:16
D_likescookieswasn't expecting a fish site tho.12:16
=== Guest28598 is now known as mblanch
p1oooopsure action sure12:16
Geek`N`Proudn2diy, normal user cannot write to other user's shared memory12:16
* Netcowboy is away: [ Probably not there , leave your messages ]12:16
ikonia!away > Netcowboy12:16
ubottuNetcowboy, please see my private message12:16
p1oooopI don't even have a hdd12:16
ikonia!give ikonia a test12:16
* cosmo__ gives ikonia :ikonia!n=mattd@unaffiliated/ikonia PRIVMSG #ubuntu :+!give ikonia a test.12:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:16
D_likescookiessmart move.12:16
mblanchI tried to force 1280x800 on x.org conf but it didn't obbey it12:17
p1oooophow the hack am I suppose to format it?12:17
illumin8Hello, in ubuntu 8.10 i can use gparted to set labels for partitions on a drive, is there a way to do that in 8.04?12:17
Geek`N`Proudand the only corner-cases are NVIDIA drivers and VMWare Workstation which use SYSVSHM12:17
ikoniap1oooop: please stop12:17
p1oooopikonia: K...12:17
Geek`N`Proudbut those are only exploitable once you've already been owned anyway :P12:17
ActionParsnip1!label |illumin812:17
ubottuillumin8: To rename the labels of your partitions, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RenameUSBDrive.12:17
Geek`N`Proudso you're secure-by-default from all remote exploitation pretty much12:17
illumin8ActionParsnip1, Thanks yet again :)12:18
rww!enter > Geek`N`Proud12:18
ubottuGeek`N`Proud, please see my private message12:18
rww!who > Geek`N`Proud12:18
giaco_how can I synchronize a local directory  and a remote ftp folder? (without ssh)12:18
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
Geek`N`Proudsorry rww: it's been a while >.>12:18
creative83Why is apt looking for feisty-backports/main/debian-installer even it's not in the sources.list? This causes do-release-upgrade to fail...12:18
ActionParsnip1giaco_: you could mount the ftp location as a local folder12:18
Geek`N`Proud(since breezy badger.. a while!)12:18
homebrewciderhey there, I'm running Xubuntu, I have a Canon MP610 printer/scanner, printer working okay, scanner not being recognized, sane is installed, don't know what to do next12:18
ActionParsnip1creative83: run: sudo apt-get update12:18
p1oooopgiaco_: you can use the old copy and paste :D12:19
ActionParsnip1homebrewcider: canon have drivers for it on their website12:19
giaco_p1oooop, funny :-D12:19
creative83ActionParsnip1: Did that. It's looking for feisty-backports/main/debian-installer while updateing12:19
rwwcreative83: if apt-get update doesn't help, check that you don't have anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/12:19
p1oooopgiaco_: thanks...12:19
homebrewciderthey're installed but don't do sh**12:19
ikoniahomebrewcider: if you can't use language without stars - don't use it12:19
creative83rww: There we go ;) Thx12:19
p1oooopgiaco_: I think there may be a piece of software for that12:20
ikoniagiaco_: would something like rsync work ?12:20
simple|eeepci hate these really really really stupidly wierd errors12:20
homebrewciderthe drivers are installed but don't seem to do anything12:20
solexiousIve installed delugefrom a .deb, but now the new version only comes as source. I have installed from source before but not sure what if any thing different to do when upgrading from a .deb install to a source install12:21
ActionParsnip1homebrewcider: then read the guide on how to istall, and please direct your speech so names highlight12:21
simple|eeepci'm getting squashFS errors and drive io errors and random hangups12:21
simple|eeepcits deciding to just randomly fail12:21
ikoniasolexious: the whole process is totally different12:21
mblanchIs there anyway to force xrandr to use 1280x800 on LVDS and VGA displays? It is displaying 1024x768 on both displays. It used to work on ubuntu 8.04 but it is not working on 8.1012:21
giaco_ikonia, as far as I've read rsync handles local to ssh or local to rsync synchronization, and I have just ftp12:21
homebrewcider"and please direct your speech so names highlight" what does that mean?12:21
p1oooopsimple|eeepc: hmm...12:22
Geek`N`Proudhomebrewcider: to type the nickname before the message :)12:22
rwwsolexious: there will probably be a deb on the PPA at https://launchpad.net/~deluge-team/+archive/ppa in a few days12:22
ikoniagiaco_: cron job then12:22
Geek`N`Proudhomebrewcider, like this :D12:22
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode12:22
solexiousrww, yes, just hoping toinstall sooner12:22
grobda24Hello again. I tried reinstalling gnome-panel ... but I still have no panels ! HELP ! How do I restore the panels ?12:23
ActionParsnip1homebrewcider: see how i write your name at the start of each line12:24
illumin8When installing Linux on a system which is better to use for speed, ext2 or ext3?12:24
quibblergrobda24:  after reinstall did you logout and in?12:24
rwwsolexious: 1.1.3 only came out 2 or 3 days ago. If you wait a couple of days for the PPA, you'll save yourself the hassle of having to install it from source, and the potential problems and conflicts.12:24
p1oooopgiaco_: coarse you can map a it as a network drive on a windows machine12:24
ActionParsnip1homebrewcider: and see how my name highlights in your client, thats not anaccident12:24
bdenningillumin8: ext2 is faster but less robust12:24
rwwillumin8: they'll both be about the same speed. only difference between ext2 and ext3 is that ext3 is journaled.12:24
creative83rww: Arrgh. do-release update always uncomments the line I'm commenting in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/prerequists-sources.list12:24
bdenningillumin8: I would advise ext3 if you care about your data12:24
p1oooopgiaco_: then maybe rsync would work12:24
solexiousrww, was yesterday, just a bit impatient12:24
illumin8ext3 it is :)12:24
illumin8bdenning, Thanks :)12:25
DeannaT2grobda24, gnome or xfce?12:25
illumin8rww, thanks12:25
rwwsolexious: apparently. Anyway, if you decide to waste your time compiling from source, remove the deluge package completely first.12:25
giaco_p1oooop, after that, I should find a program that traces the differences between files, like rsync. Yes, that could work... let me see12:25
solexiousrww, thank you12:25
p1oooopgiaco_: maybe12:26
p1oooopgiaco_: I'm not entirely positive12:26
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rwwcreative83: that's odd. To be honest, I'd recommend just removing any lines that aren't for official Ubuntu repositories (or copy-paste them to a file somewhere and move them back later). The upgrader gets unhappy if it sees them, even if they're commented.12:26
grobda24DeannaT2, gnome12:26
creative83rww: I'll try this...12:27
DeannaT2grobda24, you can try in terminal gnome-panel, then you get a new one, then log out, with luck you have it with next start12:27
illumin8Earlier i had a problem with fedora 10 overwriting my default grub menu, some of the people online at that time didnt know how to get grub to boot it. This line will allow Fedoras boot loader to boot if placed in grub. configfile (hd0,7)/boot/grub/grub.conf12:27
creative83rww: No chance. It's rewriting the file...12:28
n2diySorry, Firefox and X-chat-Gnome bailed on me. So is this page full of BS? This is what I'm trying to do: http://www.itsecurity.com/features/ubuntu-secure-install-resource/12:28
p1oooopgiaco_: you have to go to add network place wizard on windows in order to do that12:28
illumin8Where (hdx,x) are determined by the user.12:28
giaco_p1oooop, but I've never talked about windows12:28
p1oooopLOL, really?12:29
p1oooopgiaco_: ok.... windows DOES kindasuck alot12:29
giaco_p1oooop, really, why should I ask in #ubuntu then?12:29
D_likescookiesbetter. lol12:29
CK-TECHhow to start/stop/restart ssh server12:29
creative83rww: Trying to hack it. Theres a file in the temporary directory of do-release-upgrade which contains the wrong repo...12:29
ActionParsnip1p1oooop: its got advantages, like awesome driver support12:29
Geek`N`ProudWindows is going backwards >.>12:29
p1oooopgiaco_: LOL...12:29
ActionParsnip1CK-TECH: sudo /etc/init.d/sshd restart12:30
Geek`N`ProudCK-TECH, /etc/init.d/sshd restart12:30
p1oooopActionParsnip1: I know... great driver support12:30
grobda24DeannaT2, YES ! <hugs> ... now I log out ?12:30
Andre_HHi, is it possible to get jaunty-kernel running in intrepid?12:30
giaco_ok ok, but we're not talking about why my grandfather should use windows or not, we're talking about remote ftp12:30
p1oooopgiaco_: LOL12:30
Geek`N`ProudAndre_H, yes it is: get jaunty's kernel-source package12:30
creative83rww: Yeah. It's working now. Just had to edit that file and run ./gutsy instead of do-release-upgrade12:30
Geek`N`Proudyou can use apt-pinning to keep it up to date12:30
DeannaT2grobda24, otherwise i think paneel is away when you close terminal12:30
WeeltinHello.. Q: anyone here using cacti??12:31
ActionParsnip1!jaunty | Andre_H12:31
ubottuAndre_H: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.12:31
p1oooopgiaco_: you can try connecting VIA connect to server12:31
ActionParsnip1!info cacti12:31
ubottucacti (source: cacti): Frontend to rrdtool for monitoring systems and services. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.7b-2.1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1795 kB, installed size 5064 kB12:31
Andre_HGeek`N`Proud: then just compile source-pack?12:31
Andre_HActionParsnip1: thx12:31
p1oooopgiaco_: IDK how to sync from there12:31
Mozillerohi all12:32
Geek`N`ProudAndre_H, yush! :)12:33
grobda24DeannaT2, ok, trying restart ... at least I know I can start in terminal now.12:33
DeannaT2grobda24, ok good luck12:33
illumin8ActionParsnip1, Being rather new to linux i find myself lost alot in the linux versions of commands that im accustomed to in Windows. I just wanted to inform you that I really appreciate your help over the past few days.12:34
Weeltinim in need of help.. need to update rrdtool v1.2.19) to atleast v1.2.3012:34
dukeyI have some problem with the adobe flashplayer 10 under ubuntu 8.10 64bit, the fullscreen mode doesn't work12:35
Geek`N`ProudWeeltin, you can either make your own package or nab one from +1 if there is one available12:35
CK-TECHwhy i cant open file over SSH but i can view ?12:35
Geek`N`Prouddukey, are you using 32-bit flashplayer or the 64-bit alpha flashplayer?12:36
ActionParsnip1illumin8: np man, who knows you could help me one day, it's what makes the world go round12:36
Geek`N`Proud(32-bit is the one Ubuntu uses by default)12:36
dukeyGeek`N`Proud: I tried both.12:36
Geek`N`Proudah hmmm12:36
ActionParsnip1illumin8: you can make aliases of commands if you really want but moving to a system without will blow yourr mind12:36
n2diyOK-TEO, no write permission?12:36
Geek`N`Prouddukey, that's something Adobe will need to answer I suspect12:36
Geek`N`Proudwelcome to the hell of proprietary software12:37
CK-TECHn2diy, u talk to me ? u mean chmod ?12:37
dukeyI also tried gnash and swfdec, but they dont work either12:37
WeeltinGeek`N`Proud > problem.. i a total n00b, and have no idear how to make my own package and install it over the old12:37
p1oooopGeek`N`Proud: LOL12:37
dukeygnash dont play and swfdec freezes12:37
n2diyOK-TEO, yes, maybe chmod too?12:37
Geek`N`Prouddukey, yeah the free alternatives blow at the moment too12:37
CK-TECHn2diy, i dotn know how to chmod command12:38
p1oooopGeek`N`Proud: agreeable12:38
Geek`N`ProudCK-TECH, chmod 666 <-- everyone gets write permissions but not execute permissions12:38
n2diyCK-TECH: sorry, thought the C was an O. Sounds like a permission, or, as you suggest, ownership issue.12:39
Geek`N`ProudWeeltin, in that case you could manually install a newer version  (./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install)12:39
WeeltinGeek`N`Proud, thanks.. will try..12:39
grobda24DeannaT2, yeah, thanks ... panel started :)12:40
Geek`N`ProudWeeltin, and you're not a n00b if you can compile software ;-p12:40
DeannaT2grobda24, fine :-)12:40
ttyXcan someone tall me which gstreamer plugin set do i need to play wma files in exaile?12:40
=== _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde
Geek`N`ProudttyX, you need Win32 Codecs I think12:41
ttyXI have it already and mplayer plays fine12:41
illumin8ttyX, i think wma files play in VLC player too12:41
mhikuhow can i know the existing ./configure parameters of a certain package12:41
ttyXbut i want exaile to play it12:41
Geek`N`ProudttyX, I don't think there's a gstreamer wrapper for WMA12:41
hbekelmhiku: ./configure --help12:41
mhikuthat installed by apt-get?12:41
mhikui mean12:41
Geek`N`Proudsince the use of Win32 Codecs by wrapper is questionable in terms of legality12:42
WeeltinGeek`N`Proud, i know.. "only" the second time im using linux (ubuntu) and this time it is to build a NOC12:42
ttyXok what pack is needed or mp3 then12:42
daughtreemy gawdd why am i still a virgin12:42
kikokoscould anybody help,me? I try to mount samba folder (i want to browse and play music from amarok, from another machine)12:42
kikokosand i recive this12:42
* grobda24 ... bye Ubuntees !12:42
Geek`N`ProudttyX, try sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:42
mhikui installed apache 2 right? how do i know what did just apt-get do to compile apache12:42
* p1oooop is tired12:42
ActionParsnip1!mp3 | ttyX12:42
ubottuttyX: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:42
maxagazi can't access the code http://codepad.org/qgjwO497, could someone put it on pastebin.com for me please ?12:42
Geek`N`ProudttyX, also take a look at http://www.medibuntu.org/ for *all* the multimedia codecs available12:42
mhikuhow do i know the ./configure parameters apt-get did to install a software?12:43
ttyXI wish I could install them on debian :P12:43
ActionParsnip1maxagaz: http://pastebin.com/d5f25930112:43
mhikunot ./configure --help thats the list of options12:43
sync350maxagaz: http://pastebin.com/m68ff197112:43
sync350aw, ActionParsnip1 beat me :P12:43
n2diyhiku, look at the config file?12:43
mhikuwhat is the config file12:44
maxagazActionParsnip1, sync350 : thanks a lot :)12:44
mhikuwhere can i find it12:44
=== geo is now known as geo05
n2diyhiku, probably "programname.config, or .configrc, or something similiar.12:45
tichi just installed vlc but it doesn't seem to blend with the rest of my desktop.  is there something i need to do to get it to use the desktop theme?12:45
mhikuwhere can i find that programname.config your telling, what folder, for example i installed php using apt-get, where can i find the config file to read it12:46
SarkieHi guys, I have this issue, do i need a patch as well or has it been applied? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1461112:46
n2diyhiku, locate php.config?12:46
p1oooopisn't it php.ini?12:47
mhikunothing happens12:47
ikonian2diy: php.ini12:47
hay_ig2000hi all, i want a visual keyboard program12:47
kikokosso :) anybody can look at this http://wklej.org/id/54315/ please12:47
mhikuno its not php.ini12:47
p1oooophay_ig2000: did you try accessibility12:47
mhikui need to know the parameters apt-get is using to install programs12:47
ikoniaSarkie: if you have that exact problem, then clearly the patch has not been applied or you would not have that problem12:48
p1oooophay_ig2000: nvmd12:48
ikoniasphenxes: I suspect you don't have that actual problem, rather a miss-configuration on xorg12:48
CK-TECHi cant copy network file ? anyone help?12:48
ikoniaCK-TECH: can you explain in more detail please12:48
CK-TECHikonia, i using SSH but i can connect to the pc and view but i cant copy the file12:49
mhikuwhere can i find php.config12:49
ttyXcan someone name the gui frontend that ubuntu uses for network configuration12:49
hbekelmhiku: look at debain/rules in the source pkg, it contains the configure options12:49
ikoniaCK-TECH: what is the exact command your using12:49
ikoniamhiku: /etc/php.ini12:49
p1ooooplaters guys12:49
ikoniaMiouge: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini12:49
p1oooopI need to go to sleep12:49
ikoniamhiku: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini12:49
hay_ig2000p1oooop, how to get nvmd?12:50
CK-TECHikonia, at menu  , places > connect to server > then i choose ssh and director12:50
ikoniaCK-TECH: so your trying to map a network directory over ssh12:50
p1oooophay_ig2000: NVMD? never mind12:50
ActionParsnip1CK-TECH: could use filezilla12:50
Miougeikonia, waahoo how did you get that i was working on this file ? :p12:50
=== fail is now known as Guest73349
mhikui dont need php.ini, i was telling how did apt-get do the parameters of compiling12:50
p1oooophay_ig2000: LOL, I forgot this is the ubuntu chatroom... LOL12:50
ikoniaCK-TECH: I suspect you don't have permissions to connect to that server / permissions to access the directory12:50
ikoniaMiouge: sorry12:50
mhikui need to know those parameters12:50
hay_ig2000i thought it is a program :)12:50
ikoniamhiku: don't compile your own12:51
ikoniamhiku: use the version in the repos12:51
p1oooophay_ig2000: maybe a program, not very likely tho12:51
mhikui need to install php 612:51
CK-TECHikonia, how to set the permission ?12:51
mhikuand i need to know the parameters12:51
ikoniamhiku: then you don't have the parmaeters for php512:51
p1oooophay_ig2000: if it was, it would be a very hard to find program12:51
ikoniamhiku: you want php6 - and no-one "needs" php6 yet I'm not aware of an application that requires it12:51
p1oooophay_ig2000: if you know what I mean12:51
mhikuil experiment on it12:51
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:52
hay_ig2000i heard a program named viki..12:52
mhikuwill i go there?12:52
p1ooooplemme try that12:52
ikoniamhiku: pardon ?12:52
mhikui just want to know how apt-get config parameters are12:52
marciorlsomeone has knowledge of cluster?12:52
mhikuthen i shut up12:52
ikoniamhiku: that's not how it works12:52
ActionParsnip1mhiku: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75851212:52
ikoniamhiku: apt-get is not a compiler12:52
p1oooopubottu: hi12:53
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:53
Sarkieikonia: well I was not sure if its the patch or my xorg.conf error12:53
mhikui will compile using make12:53
p1oooopubottu: thanks12:53
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)12:53
ikoniap1oooop: stop messing around, I've asked you a few times now12:53
mhikui need to know how apt-get config paramenters12:53
ikoniamhiku: apt-get is NOT a compiler12:53
mhikui know12:53
mhikui will compile using make12:53
p1oooopikonia:  mmmk, sorry12:53
ikoniamhiku: so you don't need anything form apt-get12:53
mhikubut i need to know how apt-get *do* to install softwares12:54
ikoniamhiku: you can't12:54
mhikujust to learn12:54
ikoniamhiku: it's not compiled12:54
ikoniamhiku: there is no php6 stable package12:54
ActionParsnip1mhiku: you can download a deb and extract it to see its files12:54
mhikui dont care, i just want to learn12:54
ikoniamhiku: you can only use that if the package is pre-built for y ou12:54
hay_ig2000any visual keyboard program?12:54
ActionParsnip1!info kvkbd12:55
ubottukvkbd (source: kvkbd): Virtual keyboard for KDE. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6.0-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 81 kB, installed size 252 kB12:55
Dr_willishay_ig2000,  i think theres one or 2 in the repos.. 'osk' may be the name of one.12:55
ActionParsnip1hay_ig2000: not sure in gnome, try apt-cache search keyboard | grep virt12:55
mchelenhey amygrace is spamming12:55
n2diyHow important are these suggestions?  http://www.itsecurity.com/features/ubuntu-secure-install-resource/12:55
mhikuhmm i think <ActionParsnip1> is right12:55
mhikuthank you12:55
ikoniamchelen: where ?12:55
marciorlhelp me.....12:55
marciorlmust build a cluster12:55
ikoniamarciorl: cluster of what ?12:56
abzanyone, it's possile to install KDE4.2 on Hardy? via REPO ??12:56
abzthx . .12:56
ActionParsnip1hay_ig2000: xvkbd is one solution12:56
mchelenikonia, sent me message when i joined12:56
marciorlblender 3d!!12:56
hay_ig2000ok thanks all12:56
p1oooophay_ig2000: I thin I found one http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29261112:56
keres!spam amygrace12:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spam amygrace12:56
ActionParsnip1abz: KDE 4.2 out http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.212:56
marciorlI got a great project12:56
marius_ilinahello ppl12:56
abzActionParsnip1: ping12:57
ActionParsnip1abz: huh?12:57
marius_ilinaI can't get ubuntu show the propper resolution after having connected the laptop to an external monitor12:57
abzActionParsnip1: yes i knew . .12:57
abzActionParsnip1: i have ubuntu hardy, but i want to install KDE 4.2 via repo? it's possible dude?12:58
ActionParsnip1abz: sure is12:58
ActionParsnip1i think12:58
abzActionParsnip1: wher12:58
ActionParsnip1abz: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-linux-install-kde-42/12:59
Fiftyonehowdy all i was wondering i have been using linux off and on for years but i finally made it my only os. I spent some time themeing my desktop and stuff and i loved it now i want to do something else. Im not a noob but im not a 1337 guru... Where should i go next?12:59
abzActionParsnip1: whew, i've googled for a week, and the result just 4 installing KDE4.1 . .12:59
marius_ilinait sais it's 1024 * 768 I need a greater one but I can't apply anything greater than that12:59
ActionParsnip1abz: i dont think hardy has 4.212:59
marius_ilinawhat should I do to bring my resolution back to normal?12:59
abzActionParsnip1: :(12:59
n2diyFiftyone: http://www.itsecurity.com/features/ubuntu-secure-install-resource/13:00
ActionParsnip1abz: here :D http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=636071613:00
dimebarabz: add this to your sources.list: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/project-neon/ubuntu hardy main13:00
abzmarius_ilina: what's ur vga?13:00
marius_ilinahow do I see that13:00
abzdimebar: it's not kde 4.2 dude . .13:00
dimebarabz: kde-nightly ?13:01
abzdimebar: no, i want KDE 4.213:01
D_likescookiesanyone can tell me if there's something like a webspider that downloads various types of files from a webserver for ubuntu?13:02
marius_ilinaany idea of how I can set a greater resolution than the max allowed?13:02
JackWinterhow do i repair my packaging system ?  output from pkg-config --debug: http://pastebin.com/d7c2fd48113:02
Kloonhey guys, say i dial 2 pppoe connections how do i make sure each connection gets same name everytime13:03
mhikuwhat does the name of the package of php 5?13:03
Dr_willisD_likescookies,  httptrack (i think is the right name, can do taht, wget perhaps also with the right optuions13:03
mhikuin apt-get13:03
ActionParsnip1!find php513:03
ubottuFound: libgv-php5, php5-adodb, php5-apache2-mod-bt, php5-auth-pam, php5-geoip (and 47 others)13:03
D_likescookiesty Dr_Willis gonna try it.13:03
kikokoshmm anybody of you, use amarok for play mp3 from another machine via samba?13:04
benjaminweberlighttpd does not start if I call it with /etc/init.d/lighttpd start on ubuntu intrepid :(13:04
benjaminweberno information in any logfile about errors13:04
Arjunahello, network works only for pinging cannot use firefox on port 8013:04
elvirolohi everyone13:04
benjaminweberwhat else can I check?13:04
Fiftyonen2diy basically now i have a good grasp on my linux system i know alot of commamdline i delt with all,kind of issues i really enjoied themeinf and personalizing my system now i dont know what tto learn next.13:04
n2diyFiftyone: did you check out the webpage I suggested?13:05
elviroloi'm trying to install jaunty to test it, but the prob is I don't have any blank cd's, just an external hd... so i used unetbootin to make the second partition bootable, containing the jaunty install cd, but it won't boot from it13:05
ActionParsnip1benjaminweber: in its conf file enable logging and read its logs that it creates13:05
ActionParsnip1!jaunty | elvirolo13:05
ubottuelvirolo: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.13:05
marius_ilinappl help13:06
ActionParsnip1!ask | marius_ilina13:06
ubottumarius_ilina: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lxde13:06
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels13:06
stevenHi I'm having some trouble with my filesystem, I'm unable to boot up because most of my directories in '/' have a "Stale NFS file handle", though I don't use NFS, is there any way to fix this?13:06
Dr_willis!find lxde13:06
ubottuFound: lxde, lxde-common, lxde-settings-daemon13:06
ActionParsnip1!info lxde13:06
Dr_willislxde is in the repos :) so is xfce13:06
ubottulxde (source: lxde-common): Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB13:06
int256i have a 22gb partition in my hdd. filesystem is msdos. how can i change it to NTFS13:06
Fiftyonehey will tje next lubuntu distro use the newest debian release??13:06
benjaminweberlogging is enabled, ActionParsnip113:06
Dr_willisint256,  and keep the data?13:07
int256Dr_willis: ya13:07
D_likescookiesDr_Willis no amd64 version of httptrack but ty anyway.13:07
ActionParsnip1int256: format it AFTER you copy all the data to another partition13:07
benjaminweberserver.errorlog            = "/var/log/lighttpd/error.log", the thing is that I'm working with server.chroot but that should not affect my problem?13:07
ActionParsnip1int256: you'll need something like ntfstools13:07
ActionParsnip1!info ntfstools13:07
ubottuPackage ntfstools does not exist in intrepid13:07
engemechi! Good morning!13:07
int256ActionParsnip1: no way to format without data loss13:08
ActionParsnip1int256: no as formatting will wipe the data as the structure will change13:08
Dr_willisint256,  good luck with that. I dont think its possible. partition magic MIGHT be able to do that..  but even then.. I would backup the data befor trying it.13:08
int256does a linux version of partition magic is available13:09
engemecWell...., i using 8.04 and i would like to update to 8.10. is it recommended?13:09
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Dr_willisD_likescookies,  I just installed the 64bit version here....13:09
Dr_willisD_likescookies,  Unpacking httrack (from .../httrack_3.42.3-1ubuntu1_amd64.deb) ...13:10
tuxhey im having issues streaming a .asx file with vlc player, it used to work13:10
Arjunahello, internet works only for echo reply. route is through link-local, may be problem here?13:10
Dr_willis!info  webhttrack13:10
ubottuwebhttrack (source: httrack): Copy websites to your computer, httrack with a Web interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.42.3-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 420 kB, installed size 1584 kB13:10
ActionParsnip1int256: theres gparted13:10
n2diyengemec: why, you get three years of supportwith 8.04, and only 6 months with 8.10? But you can do it if you want to.13:10
int256ActionParsnip1: ok13:10
tuxthe error is : file_.asx could not be opened because there is no associated helper application etc..13:11
Fiftyonewill the next ubuntu release use the newly released lenny debian? Also what are the advantages of ubuntu over debian if i wanted to try it out13:11
ActionParsnip1tux: open it with vlc13:11
FiftyoneOf debian ovwr ubuntu i mean13:11
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!13:12
int256ActionParsnip1: how to install gparted13:12
ActionParsnip1int256: guess13:12
n2diyFiftyone: the big advantage of Ubuntu over Debian is the 1400 user here, in this support channel.13:12
elvirolothe same problem would apply to intrepid : how do i install ubuntu from an external hd ?13:12
FiftyoneI know what debian is13:12
tuxActionParsnip1, i did if you read my first sentence above13:12
illumin8int256, sudo apt-get install gparted13:12
DIFH-icerootint256: sudo apt-get install gparted13:12
tuxActionParsnip1,  hey im having issues streaming a .asx file with vlc player, it used to work13:12
engemecn2diy: i would like to use gnome 2.24 and this is the unique solution. Do you agree?13:12
PiciFiftyone: Please read the entire factoid from ubottu13:12
tuxthe link is http://live.heanet.ie/oireachtas/dail_broadband.asx13:12
ActionParsnip1trying to teach him to fish guys, stop throwing him trout13:12
D_likescookiesDr_Willis didn't see it. O-o ty again.13:12
stevenMost of my directories in '/' have a "Stale NFS file handle", though I don't use NFS, is there any way to fix this?13:13
illumin8fair enough :)13:13
ActionParsnip1Fiftyone: if you read the factoid there is a link on the differences13:13
Lutfihi all13:13
int256ActionParsnip1: but it does to support formating to NTFS13:13
ActionParsnip1int256: if you install a few packages it does13:13
int256ActionParsnip1: which13:14
ActionParsnip1int256: sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs13:14
Fiftyoneok i know the differencea there are many places to read about it, i want to know from people who have used both13:14
n2diyengemec: sorry, no I can't agree, I only use the LTS versions of Ubuntu, so I haven't explorered 8.10, or gnome 2.24.13:14
illumin8that was so tempting ActionParsnip113:14
FiftyoneThats why i asked13:14
int256ActionParsnip1: ok13:14
the_holstar_how do i set root password?13:14
illumin8since i saw that on the page i read lol13:14
Dr_willisD_likescookies,  its spelt funny :)13:14
the_holstar_i just installed ubuntu13:14
kikokosheej itry once again, could anybody13:14
ActionParsnip1Fiftyone: ive only used ubuntu, gentoo, mandriva, puppy and DSL13:14
Picithe_holstar_: Normally you don't use sudo instead.13:14
DIFH-icerootthe_holstar_: sudo passwd   but i dont know if you want this really13:15
Pici!sudo | the_holstar_13:15
ubottuthe_holstar_: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)13:15
kikokosshow me fstab (if u use samba)?13:15
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ActionParsnip1the_holstar_: you dont13:15
ActionParsnip1!root | the_holstar_13:15
ubottuthe_holstar_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo13:15
Pici!noroot | DIFH-iceroot the_holstar_13:15
ubottuDIFH-iceroot the_holstar_: We don't support a root password so don't suggest one unless you are going to be here 24/7 to help someone who has problems as a result of having one, many thanks ;-)13:15
ActionParsnip1Pici: i am nearly here 24/7 ;)13:15
PiciActionParsnip1: Semantics :P13:15
DIFH-icerootPici: dont blame me, i was answering his question with a text which warns to use it13:15
int256ActionParsnip1: does it support formating to NTFS without data loss13:16
Arjunawtf, internet works only for pinging and nothing more. 8.0413:16
illumin8Fiftyone,  I have debian 5.0 on a seperate partition, it allow you superb controll over the system and is customized based on your options installed. But ubuntu is far more user friendly and a good place to get your bearings13:16
ActionParsnip1int256: thats what we told you, you have to backup the data first, then convert, then write back13:16
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: can you ping names and ip addresses13:16
engemecn2diy: Hum... this is my doubt. i like LTS versions and i had problems with releases versions, but.... i would like to test gnome 2.24 and not more. Thanks a lot. I'll continue using my 8.04 until 11.04.13:17
presshere_hi, i am searching a good network monitor, i need it to know who is communicating with my PC and their IP ... any suggestion?13:17
Arjunadns works and routing but only for ping13:17
Arjunai cant use apt or firefox13:17
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: can you telnet to: www.google.com 8013:17
Arjunai tried allready13:17
n2diyengemec: fine business, that is my plan too.13:17
illumin8presshere, I believe wireshark would do that.13:17
Arjunacant resolve www.google.com/8013:17
ikoniaArjuna: that's not a website13:18
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: have you configured a firewall?13:18
engemecn2diy: did you use remastersys?13:18
presshere_illumin8 thx, i will try13:18
ikoniaArjuna: www.google.com 80 - not www.google.com/8013:18
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: the port number needs a space not a /13:18
n2diyengemec: no, what is that?13:18
Arjunai know13:18
Arjunathats the output13:18
MindSparkdid anyone get php5-ffmpeg to work from the repositories ?13:18
engemecWith remastersys, you can create your recovery disk system automaticaly.13:19
engemecn2diy: With remastersys, you can create your recovery disk system automaticaly.13:19
the_holstar_$sudo passwd root would this command work?13:19
ikoniaArjuna: can you ping www.google.com13:19
Arjunathats the output : could not resolve www.google.com13:19
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
Arjunai can ping it13:19
the_holstar_to enable root`s password/13:19
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: ok so to clarify, you can ping IPs and Ping names which resolve successfully, but http traffic via firefox is no good and apt-getting is no good13:19
ikoniaArjuna: how can you ping a site you can't resolve13:19
kikokosdo anybody know something about mounting samba files?13:19
int256when ever i install any software using apt-get command it says to download JDK documentation.13:19
Arjunai can resolv only for ping13:20
illumin8the_holstar_, You should use sudo (command) instead of enableing root13:20
lecta-filshi i've a question related NDOutils any exp here?13:20
Arjunathats how it looks like here13:20
ActionParsnip1lecta-fils: ask away13:20
the_holstar_illumin8 can you type an example13:20
the_holstar_i have no clue13:20
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: are you connected to a router?13:20
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: can yo http to that ?13:20
illumin8the_holstar_, Sure, to install say Wireshark type "sudo apt-get install wireshark" in terminal minus the quotes13:20
engemecn2diy: you'll have many options. With your files, only system, system and programs..... very interesting..13:20
Picithe_holstar_: Please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo it explains how to use sudo13:21
kikokossamba, do you like samba, do you want to learn more via thinking about my problem :P ?13:21
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: then your router is funny as http traffic can flow in and out of your system freely13:21
illumin8the_holstar_, Sudo means "super user do" (to the best of my knowledge) and is basicly root13:21
n2diyengemec: hmm, haven't heard of tha before. I played with mondo, that is advertised as a backup and recovery solution, but that was a couple of years ago, and it wasn't ready for prime time.. I'll have to look into remasteringsys. I just setup a test box, so Ican play with stuff like that now.13:21
ActionParsnip1illumin8: close enough13:21
ActionParsnip1the_holstar_: if you need power use sudo or for gui apps, use gksudo13:22
ActionParsnip1the_holstar_: keeping the root account disabled makes your system massively more secure13:22
the_holstar_i am testing as a home use13:22
the_holstar_so i want to enable root13:22
ActionParsnip1the_holstar_: plus it limits the amout of apps that have root power which further protects you13:22
FloodBot1the_holstar_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:22
ArjunaActionParsnip1, funny is that on my debian box witch is connected to lan1 everything works great, on lan2 with ubuntu 8.04 i have this problem13:23
DIFH-icerootActionParsnip1: sorry for this but disable root with ssh is secure enough13:23
the_holstar_I think i am not flooding :S13:23
hateballthe_holstar_: if you *need* to be root, you can use "sudo -i"13:23
ActionParsnip1the_holstar_: as a standard user you dont need root access to browse and chat, if the account is sat accessible it makes you more vulnerable13:23
ArjunaActionParsnip1, router is firmwared with OpenWrt13:23
UbeginnerHello  i have a serious problem concerning audio13:23
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: whatever your system's gateway is is not giving the ubuntu system its requested html conent but will allow pings13:24
UbeginnerMy hardware ok tested o vista onboard13:24
UbeginnerRecnetly tried to fix it and now no sound comes...13:24
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: maybe if you use a public proxy (just to test) it may work13:24
engemecn2diy: remastersys = this is the correct name! One more time...... Thanks a lot. I'll follow your tip.13:24
ArjunaActionParsnip1, will tru13:24
ArjunaActionParsnip1, will try13:24
n2diyengemec: roger that, ty, gl.13:25
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: the fact you can http to an internal device means your browser is ok and traffic can get in and out of your system so is not an ubuntu issue13:25
Ubeginneranyone help me to manage this?13:25
n2diyActionParsnip1: , Arjuna, a DHCP issue?13:25
ErikWestrupI can't use sudo: send-mail: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: No such file or directory13:26
Arjunan2diy, i had some problems with avahi thing and so13:26
FavoritErikWestrup: your postfix installation seems to be screwed13:26
ErikWestrupWhys is this? does sudo use postfix?13:26
ArjunaArjuna, majbe if i turn off ipv6 , but dont know how to do it13:26
UbeginnerAnyone? :)13:26
ErikWestrupI can't fix it, since it won't let me sudo :S13:26
illumin8Ubeginner, Is your sound card intigrated or dedicated?13:27
Ubeginnerillumin8: onboard13:27
illumin8Ubeginner, And you say it worked fine in microsoft?13:27
rrohdeQuestion: I am using LyX 1.6.1 on Jaunty right now, and recently the highlighting text in LyX stopped working. Each time I hightlight and let go the left mouse button the highlight goes away.. any ideas on what to do?13:27
Ubeginnerillumin8: yes definetely13:27
ActionParsnip1Ubeginner: if you run lspci in terminal, what is the single line that identifies the card?13:28
illumin8!info lspci13:28
ubottuPackage lspci does not exist in intrepid13:28
ActionParsnip1illumin8: its a terminal command, try it13:29
Ubeginnerremind where to copy it for a look?13:29
illumin8got alot more than one line of feedback13:29
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:29
ActionParsnip1illumin8: true but one line will identify your soundcard13:29
ActionParsnip1illumin8: you can grep it too13:30
illumin8Ah yes. i see that. good to know command :)13:30
ActionParsnip1illumin8: lspci | grep -i vga13:30
ActionParsnip1illumin8: its great when someones h/w doesnt work, tells you what it is13:30
Favoritactually, lspci -vvv is more effective in this case13:30
illumin8Ubeginner, use pastebin and post the link here so we can see what the terminal spit out.13:30
Favoritgives a bit mor einfo13:30
Ubeginnerillumin8: i done that already :)13:30
n2diyActionParsnip1: Ubeginner, lshw is handy too.13:31
illumin8AC 97 audo controller13:31
Favoritnvidia audio was supported iirc, but I think you need nvidia native drivers yet again13:31
Ubeginnerillumin8: so whats next? :)13:31
illumin8Yep i had to install them on my system too13:31
illumin8They probably know a faster way but i believe the method is to enable nvidia support drivers by running your add remove software tool under applications13:32
A4Techhi all!13:32
A4Techpeople, i'm rum tasksel13:32
illumin8you would then get a popup that asks if you want to enable nvidia driver support (choose the recommended package)13:32
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Favoritnvidia/ati stories suck. why don't they just package their drivers into some repo's... every 2nd person who comes in here has problems installing those drivers13:32
FavoritA4Tech: congratulations! :)13:32
illumin8They update so fast is probably why13:32
Favoritillumin8: well, not like you need to re-write packaging scripts or whatnot every time you update. just build those automagically and let people apt-get those ;)13:33
Ubeginnerillumin8:it doesn give such13:33
ActionParsnip1Ubeginner: according to: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=961453  apt-get install --reinstall pulseaudio13:33
A4TechFavorit: i can't install ... Audio creation and editing suite13:33
jadamsanyone familiar with stunnel?13:33
A4TechFavorit and  2D/3D creation and editing suite13:33
illumin8reinstalling pulseaudio installs nvidia?13:33
ActionParsnip1illumin8: it makes the sound work apparently13:34
A4TechFavorit well conceived or what?13:34
Favoritjadams: pretty familiar, not an expert tho. what's the prob?13:34
UbeginnerActionParsnip1: ok ill try13:34
FavoritA4Tech: no clue to be honest :) I almost never saw linux graphical ;) /me - console maestro13:34
FavoritA4Tech: hence never used any multimedia apps13:34
Ubeginnerand after that i guess it need to be restarted?13:35
illumin8Just going to the login screen should fix it.13:35
ActionParsnip1Ubeginner: make sure you are fully updated with: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:35
illumin8After you run the sudo command that is13:35
FavoritUbeginner: not necessarily, drivers are modular.13:35
jadamsFavorit, when I run /etc/init.d/stunnel start, then do ps ax|grep stun it doesn't show up.  There's nothing in messages, or syslog, or the stunnel logs13:35
Favoritjadams: do you have any configuration for it to start with?13:36
Favoritjadams: check /etc/default/stunnel4 - by default it's in ENABLED=013:36
grobda24Hello. Back again. I don't know what kind of damage nautilus locking up caused, but now I can no longer mount my USB ext3 drive .... when I do my USB mouse becomes almost unusable (slow) and the log has entries about USB errors and "IRQ 17 is disabled". Anyone ?13:36
illumin8ActionParsnip1, I notice some people use ; and some use && to seperate commands in terminal, whats the diffirence13:36
Favoritjadams: that's what you need to tweak to start with13:36
ActionParsnip1jadams: enable logging for the app and read the logs when it fails13:36
ActionParsnip1illumin8: ; means "do this, then that" && means "do this then ONLY do that if this passes successfully"13:37
A4TechFavorit but rather how do I install these applications? I want to see that there are13:37
Favoritgrobda24: detach and reattach USB drive, with a bit of luck it will get a new IRQ13:37
FavoritA4Tech: do you know the name of the packages?13:37
illumin8ActionParsnip1, good to know, so its a if then command (&&)13:37
lucabecchettinfigurazione ora se lo reinstallo non mi ricrea la cartella i files di configurazione dentro etc13:37
FavoritA4Tech: if so, just sudo apt-get install <package>13:37
ActionParsnip1illumin8: yeah just makes sure all previos steps passed ok13:38
grobda24Favorit, hmmm ... I think I tried that, not sure ... trying again.13:38
A4TechFavorit that time and again that I do not know:)13:38
jadamsFavorit, ActionParsnip1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119671/13:38
zero_viennahi to all from cold austria :)13:38
FavoritA4Tech: dunno, man, i'm sorry :)13:38
delisaci'm italian13:38
UBeginnerSorry it didnt help13:39
A4Techeh =(13:39
Favoritjadams: well, see the last line13:39
zero_viennai have a huge problem with my audio since the last updates13:39
Favorit!it delisac13:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about it delisac13:39
jadamsFavorit, I don't know what that line means is the point...13:39
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:39
UBeginneri tryed to reinstall pulseaudio and it didnt work13:40
Favoritjadams: it means that you want it to run as an inetd-slave, i.e. it will only be invoked for services defined in inetd, and for that you need to configure it in a different way13:40
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Favoritjadams: how to configure it would depend on what you want to achieve with it13:40
ArjunaActionParsnip1, why would router not forward ubuntu box dont understand, maybe is dhcp issue13:40
jadamsFavorit, mysql master/slave replication13:40
grobda24Favorit, yeah, that did it. I rebooted and reattached numerous times ... but it does it now ? I've had this error before. Nautilus crashes and something gets out of sync until it is reset by some mysterious process. Is this a known problem ?13:41
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: possibly, check ifconfig on ubuntu and ipconfig on windows to check ips13:41
UBeginnerActionParsnip1: you mentioned before some apt-get commands to me...if its not hard for you could you remind me again?13:41
ActionParsnip1Arjuna: maybe you have a conflicting mac address13:41
Favoritgrobda24: probably irq balancing isn't working that well on your hardware. I'm not sure what the reason is exactly13:41
FavoritArjuna: what OS is your router?13:41
ActionParsnip1sudo apt-get install --reinstall pulseaudio13:41
FavoritArjuna: and it does route other machines?13:42
UBeginnerActionParsnip1:  it didnt work out for me13:42
ActionParsnip1!sound | UBeginner13:42
grobda24Favorit, IRQ balancing ? I'll look it up. It only happens after a Nautilus crash though.13:42
ubottuUBeginner: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:42
Arjunanever had a problem13:42
elpargohi, which was the command to switch between resolutions in X?13:42
Favoritgrobda24: well, something forces your drive on the same irq as your mouse and your USB bus width isn't fast enough to process both13:42
Favoritgrobda24: (from what I heard of your story, and I wasn't following from the beginning)13:43
ActionParsnip1!resolution | elpargo13:43
ubottuelpargo: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution13:43
grobda24Favorit, yes, that sounds about right :)13:43
FavoritArjuna: what do you mean not forwarding btw? you have no internet at all?13:43
elpargothanks ActionParsnip113:44
FavoritArjuna: can you ping the default gateway? If you look at "route -n", is your default gateway set correct, i.e. it's IP of owrt?13:44
n2diyelpargo: ctrl+alt +, and ctrl+alt -13:44
afeijohow can I use wget to download just *.png files in any folders in a http?]13:44
ArjunaFavorit, yea on ubuntu box i dont have interenet at all13:45
ArjunaFavorit, but on this debian box it works ok for past 2 yers13:45
ArjunaFavorit, yes everything looks ok13:45
Arjunadhcp.leases on router looks ok13:45
FloodBot1Arjuna: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:45
elpargon2diy: ahhh yes those where the ones.13:45
illumin8n2diy isnt that only in kde environments?13:45
elpargoumm n2diy it ain't working for me.13:45
FavoritArjuna: euh, that sounds weird. wireless or wired?13:45
n2diyillumin8: no, it works in gnome, but not as well as it used to. Worked fine in Dapper, but Hardy is a crap shoot.13:46
Favoriteven weirder :)13:46
arvind_khadri!enter | Arjuna13:46
ubottuArjuna: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:46
UBeginnerok i guess my alsa is working couse mplayer is playing but i cant hear anything..?13:46
serwouhello the chan13:46
arvind_khadriArjuna, broadband ? BSNL ?13:46
FavoritIf I hear salsa, I have a working ALSA! (c) urban wisdom13:47
Arjunacable, but this does not matter i think13:47
UBeginnerFavorit: help me to hear my salsa :D13:47
elpargoI'm having such a small resolution I can't even read it... I should note that I'm not running gdm/ubuntu just plain X with a custom WM13:47
arvind_khadriArjuna, maybe you need to setup the stuff manually13:47
FavoritArjuna: indeed, cable or not it doesn't matter. and if you try to traceroute somewhere on the net, like my favorite test host, where does it stop? at your router?13:48
n2diyalpargo, It doesn't work well now, compared to Dapper. Some browsers support it better than otheers. Epiphany has a zoom tool on its task bar.13:48
NIT[L]hi, i am having problems getting ubuntu to display in 1440x900 resolution. I have the latest 180.29 Nvidia drivers.13:48
FavoritNIT[L]: what is exactly the problem?13:48
FavoritNIT[L]: X doesn't start, or you don't see the resolution in the list?13:48
KemrinHHey, does anyone know where in Ubuntu the Eliza chatbot keeps its script?13:48
ArjunaFavorit, no traceroute gose through router13:48
NIT[L]Favorit: I cant see 1440x900 in the list in the Nivida x server settings13:49
illumin8elpargo, http://ubuntuswitch.blogspot.com/2008/01/create-shortcuts-to-change-desktop.html13:49
UBeginnerOk Guys thank you all it work right now but is mute bug fixed already?13:49
ArjunaFavorit, i tell u, its strangest problem ever, i can ping, nslookup the internet , but cant use firefox or apt-get13:49
FavoritArjuna: ah, so traceroute goes further than the router....13:50
erUSULArjuna: maybe you have an invalid http proxy defined13:50
ArjunaFavorit, i changed /network/interfaces file so i dont have eth0 or eth1 in13:50
ArjunaerUSUL, i dont use proxy13:51
n2diyArjuna: , Favorit, a DNS issue?13:51
Arjunan2diy, i think it has something to do with avahi and network manager13:51
NIT[L]Favorit: any suggestions as to how to get 1440x900?13:51
arvind_khadriArjuna, can you ping google?13:51
erUSULArjuna: but if by mistake it is defined somewhere apt-get and firefox can fail for that reason13:52
Arjunaarvind_khadri, yes i can ping all internet machines and even nslookup them13:52
n2diyArjuna: ok, I'm just guessing, and not really following what you folks are doing.13:52
illumin8NIT[L], your monitor supports 1440x900?13:52
NIT[L]illumin8: yes13:52
arvind_khadriArjuna, do sudo dhclient once...and then check13:52
KemrinHHey, does anyone know where in Ubuntu the Eliza chatbot keeps its script?13:52
illumin8NIT[L], do you have the nvidia restricted drivers enabled?13:52
illumin8NIT[L], assuming your using nvidia card that is :)13:53
Arjunaarvind_khadri, renewd but things are the same13:53
NIT[L]illumin8: I have installed 180.29 (and yes its nvidia)13:53
Digi1Hi got a question about system disk and size :)13:53
jadamsFavorit, I have stunnel working on the master now (enabled=1, had no idea), but now on the slave I get You should check that you have specified the pid= in you configuration file13:53
illumin8NIT[L], it should allow selection of the new screen resolution then, is it not?13:53
arvind_khadriArjuna, a weird issue....13:53
Arjunaarvind_khadri, totaly13:54
arvind_khadriArjuna, did you try googling?13:54
glitsj16NIT[L]: did you try "xrandr -s 1440x900" (or just xrandr to get a list of supported resolutions from your monitor) ?13:54
Arjunaarvind_khadri, yea13:54
NIT[L]illumin8: it allows some resolutions in the nvidia x server settings, but not 144013:54
arvind_khadriArjuna, something came up?13:54
Arjunaarvind_khadri, nope13:54
arvind_khadriArjuna, hmm... which ubuntu?13:54
Favoritwhat the hell is with my network now...13:55
NIT[L]glitsj16: Size 1440x900 not found in available modes13:55
NIT[L]my monitor is 100% 1440 x 90013:55
FavoritArjuna: hmm13:55
illumin8NIT[L], what type of monitor do you have?13:55
ArjunaFavorit, now after dhclient i got avahi:eth1 (wireless) interface up13:56
illumin8NIT[L], and grapics card if you dont mind13:56
NIT[L]illumin8: LG 19inch 16:913:56
arvind_khadriArjuna, working with other versions of Ubuntu?13:56
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: manually add it to xorg.conf13:56
NIT[L]illumin8: geforce 8400M (notebook)13:56
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: how would i do that, very new to linux13:56
FavoritArjuna: and what does apt-get say for instance?13:56
Arjunacant resolve13:56
n2diyArjuna: eth1 is wireless?13:56
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf13:57
Arjunan2diy, ye but isnt in use13:57
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: ok got it open, now how do i add my resolution?13:57
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: if you look for resolutions and add a new one to the list (make it appear as the leftmost value) it will be ok13:57
FavoritArjuna:Ok, this is just screwed, I can't do anything. what the hell is my datacenter doing13:57
Arjunan2diy, it must be some avahi, network manager, roaming issue13:57
n2diyArjuna: I thought wireless was wlanX, or something like that?13:57
Arjunan2diy, nope can be eth1 too, it is intels 2100 card13:58
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: this is what my xorg.conf looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/119677/13:58
n2diyArjuna: what does ifconfig think it is?13:58
KemrinHHey, does anyone know where in Ubuntu the Eliza chatbot keeps its script?13:58
Arjunan2diy, eth1 and avahi:eth113:58
jadamsFavorit, I have stunnel running on the master server.  Doing roughly the same thing on the slave didn't get it running, I get You should check that you have specified the pid= in you configuration file but I totally have it specified14:00
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: How would i add 1440x900 in my xorg.conf?14:01
Arjunaevery configuration i configure in network manager internet works only for pinging14:01
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo14:01
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: How would i add 1440x900 in my xorg.conf?14:01
jadamsFavorit, nevermind, it was writing to the logs finally, easy to fix14:01
NIT[L]http://paste.ubuntu.com/119677/ my xorg.conf14:02
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: you arent using any vido drivers14:02
Arjunai configured nsswitch.conf  on line hosts: files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns14:02
elpargoillumin8: awesome xrandr -s worked!14:02
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: did you install the nvidia stuff earlier via apt-get?14:02
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: I am, i installed 180.29 ;)14:02
illumin8elpargo, great, glad i could help :)14:02
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: ok thats cool, now run: gksudo nvidia-settings14:02
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: if those arent compatible you may have to install the 177 ones14:03
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: are you being told to run a command as root?14:03
MisterwhoHello there14:03
Next1I got an update notification in Hardy for Sudo.   Is this legit.14:04
ActionParsnip1!hi | Misterwho14:04
ubottuMisterwho: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:04
illumin8Next1, Yes i got one also14:04
ActionParsnip1Next1: yep got it last night14:04
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ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: then back in terminal run: sudo nvidia-xconfig14:04
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: it asked for a password14:04
MisterwhoI'm new at this channel - having trouble making my wifi card run on the latest version of Ubuntu. It has a Prism2 chipset. Anyone can direct me to some page, howto or tutorial that can help me? Thanks14:04
ActionParsnip1yes type in your login password14:04
odinsbaneHello I have been upgrading/installing some programs via source, ie using config,make,make install because they are newer versions of the programs found in the repos.  Is there a way to have apt know about them?14:04
s-tonedHow do I change the "mouse-resize-button" from middle  to right button (if at all possible)?14:05
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ActionParsnip1Next1: sudo is a program just like any other14:05
illumin8Misterwho, what version of ubuntu exaclty 8.04 or 8.10 and 32 bit or 64 bit?14:05
ActionParsnip1!mouse | s-toned14:05
ubottus-toned: Enabling extra mouse buttons: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto  - Enabling serial mouse: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SerialMouseHowto14:05
Misterwhoillumin8: 8.10 32bit14:05
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119680/14:05
dsdeizhi, let's say i would like to do an 'ls' then echo the files in a text file.. any ideas?14:05
Misterwhoillumin8: If it can be done only with the CD it would be great - the machine is nowhere near a switch14:06
arvind_khadridsdeiz, ls > file.txt14:06
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: don't sweat it, ok hit ctrl+alt+backspace and you should see the nvidia logo14:06
RedragonI find it interesting to note that primo pdf supports windows 98 but has no version available for linux.14:06
Favoritthey are finally done with screwing up their network14:06
arvind_khadriodinsbane, you cant...14:06
arvind_khadri!latest > odinsbane14:06
ubottuodinsbane, please see my private message14:06
ActionParsnip1Redragon: theres acroread for linux from adobe, or xpdf for linux14:06
dsdeizcool, tnx14:06
Pici!checkinstall > odinsbane14:07
RedragonThank you14:07
ActionParsnip1Redragon: as well as the others like kpdf14:07
ActionParsnip1Redragon: the one from adobe isnt OSS14:07
arvind_khadriActionParsnip1, OO too can read them right?14:07
ActionParsnip1arvind_khadri: not sure, i always use acroread14:07
arvind_khadriPici, can we make apt look at packages which we have compiled14:07
arvind_khadriActionParsnip1, i do use OO :) it does14:08
fabio_there is still no acroread 9 for linux...14:08
ActionParsnip1arvind_khadri: nice, I use OO but not to read pdf14:08
Piciarvind_khadri: We can sort of let dpkg know about them, but its not foolproof.14:08
ubottucheckinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!14:08
ActionParsnip1fabio_: i'm on 8.1.314:09
fabio_but there is acroread 9 for windows14:09
arvind_khadriPici, cool... is it new?14:09
fabio_try acrobat reader 9 under wine: it's faster than 8 for linux14:09
lut4rpmibbittester: hello14:09
ActionParsnip1fabio_: run it through wine, i doubt there are huge differences for a casual pdf viewer14:09
fabio_ActionParsnip1: acrobat reader 9 is a killer application14:10
ActionParsnip1fabio_: but how much ram does it use ;)14:10
juDGEYhey i got server os installed, i have 2 x 750 gig on my server, but its only picking one up, anyway of getting the other one working?14:10
Piciarvind_khadri: not at all14:10
fabio_disable all the plugins, little memory usage14:10
ActionParsnip1fabio_: not with wine bundled in as well14:11
ActionParsnip1juDGEY: do they show in sudo fdisk -l?14:11
fabio_ActionParsnip1: you have enough memory... ii suppose14:11
ActionParsnip1fabio_: i like small and punchy, if i dodnt mind bloat i'd use windows14:11
juDGEYActionParsnip1 here is the output14:12
ActionParsnip1juDGEY: do the drives detect ok in bios?14:12
arvind_khadriPici, cool...didnt know about it.14:12
fabio_ActionParsnip1: me too, but what about evince using hundreds of ram with some pdf ?14:12
KemrinHHey, does anyone know where in Ubuntu the Eliza chatbot keeps its script?14:12
shausam27how do i get amule to download faster it tells me i have  a low id h14:12
juDGEYits an off site server14:12
ActionParsnip1juDGEY: looks like 2 drives to me, sda and sdb14:12
ActionParsnip1fabio_: i dont use that so i couldnt comment14:13
fabio_ActionParsnip1: no problem but Adobe sucks14:13
tesseracterhey, i just got an update notice for sudo, is it legit?14:13
fabio_think about the flash plugin...14:13
ActionParsnip1fabio_: they make flash plugins nice though ;)14:14
fabio_think about Photoshop running only for win and mac...14:14
ActionParsnip1fabio_: im not interested in that sort of thing14:15
tesseracterfabio_, yep, i have a virtualbox XP to develop in flash. sucks.14:15
fabio_we need cleatype for linux14:18
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: it has reverted my resolution to 640x48014:18
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shausam27how do i get amule to download faster it telling me i have a low -id14:19
fabio_shausam27: no incoming connection so...14:19
knightwisehey everyone14:19
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: thats fine, run gksudo nvidia-settings14:20
RedragonJust curious...If a person wanted to learn how to do some basic progamming, where might they find a tutorial that would point them in the right direction?14:20
shausam27fabio  how do i fix it14:20
fabio_shausam27: check your ports, maybe there is a firewall rule14:21
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: ok14:21
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: it still doesnt show my res14:22
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: did you see the nvidia logo when you booted?14:23
shausam27fabio  i not sure how  to is there some where i can turn of fire wall14:23
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: I dont think so, brb lemme reboot the system. Needs a reboot for updates anyway14:23
chinmayHello, I am using mint6 based on intrepid, on installing mysql-server i got error......... pastebin........http://pastebin.com/m44b45d8314:25
s-tonedActionParsnip1: No, remapping the mouse buttons isn't that good, because it would move the clipboard-pasting from middle to right button too, which I wouldn't like.14:25
ActionParsnip1s-toned: thats all i got14:26
shausam27how do i turn off firewall or ajust it to let me down faster on amule14:27
tesseracterhey, i just got an update notice for sudo, is it legit?14:28
Favorittesseracter: yes14:28
=== filipe[AWAY] is now known as filipe
chinmayshausam27: i use firestarter.....there is an option to stop firewall there14:28
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: no logo, but the drivers are enabled14:29
test_Hello World14:29
s-tonedActionParsnip1: A patch for metacity would do the job, but I'd rather stick with the repositories. Maybe I'll kick metacity, but I don't know (yet) what to use instead.14:29
looterthere is al little circular icon in the top right hand portion of my panel, sometimes it is  green  others right now it is red  with  white lines inside it.  Whats up with that icon?14:29
ActionParsnip1s-toned: fluxbox ;)14:29
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: then nvidia-settings will allow you to configure stuff14:30
chinmayHello, I am using mint6 based on intrepid, on installing mysql-server i got error......... pastebin........http://pastebin.com/m44b45d8314:30
shausam27the amule tells me i am useing buddy as a firewal but icsn not seem to find it14:31
genii!mint | chinmay14:31
ubottuchinmay: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes,   please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in   #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate14:31
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: i just get 2 resolutions, two very small ones14:31
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: i'd try the 177 driver instead14:31
chinmayubottu: thanks14:31
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:31
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: make sure the kernel source is installed too (for the nvidia)14:31
NIT[L]ActionParsnip1: how do i do that14:32
ActionParsnip1NIT[L]: dpkg -l | grep nvidia | grep source14:32
Ryder51are the settings in compizconfig settings manager saved to a settings file?14:32
NIT[L]gonna try 177 driver14:32
Seven_Six_Twowhen I want to switch between using an rt kernel and a generic one, do the same modules get loaded each time? It seems every time I get a new kernel I have to reinstall my video driver.14:33
glitsj16Ryder51: if you have it set that way yes, i think the default is to use the gconf db14:33
Siliciumwhere is the actually used Gnome Theme saved? in the gconf?14:33
shausam27is buddy a firewall14:33
Siliciumgnome-theme as foo.theme not gtkrc14:33
looterthere is al little circular icon in the top right hand portion of my panel, sometimes it is  green  others right now it is red  with  white lines inside it.  Whats up with that icon?14:33
Dr_willisSilicium,  .theme or .themes i think14:33
Siliciumyea there is it saved14:34
shamshi, i enabled UserDir module and put one domain in sites-available and create a link in sites-enabled. but when i surf that domain apache direct me to apache2-default page. how can i fix it?14:34
hwildehello - how can I permanently disable the system beep?  I do not ever want it to beep.  Ever.14:34
Siliciumbut where is defined wich one should be used?14:34
macondoHow do I prevent a certain partition from being mounted?14:34
Siliciumhwilde: xset b off14:34
Siliciumhwilde: this in autorun14:34
Jufishwilde, you have ubuntu?14:34
hwildeSilicium, i gotta do that every boot?14:34
arvind_khadrilooter, its green where you are logged into pidgin...red when you are arent... used to shutdown the machine :D14:34
Seven_Six_Twolooter, what's it do if you click on it?14:34
Siliciumhwilde: yea, in xterm14:34
Jufishwilde, I mean compiz fusion14:34
Siliciumor automated in a xinitscript14:35
hateballhwilde: or blacklist the pcspkr module14:35
odderhello, does anybody know how to make gnome-panel display no icons?14:35
hwildeSilicium, no, across all programs, system wide14:35
looterthats really weird....14:35
hwildehateball, ahh now we are talkin14:35
diginuxhwilde: cut the speaker cord ;)14:35
macondohwilde: no, you can do system>preferences>sound14:35
Siliciumrm /dev/dsp14:35
macondohwilde: >sounds14:35
arvind_khadrimacondo, remove it from fstab14:35
looterthanks though.  I just noticed it today.  It would  make sense to as I use  pidgin alot14:35
=== elrob_ is now known as elrob
hwildemacondo, I am in system pref sounds... what there ?14:35
Jufishwilde, go to the general compiz options14:35
Jufisand uncheck "audible bell"14:35
SiliciumThe Currentyl User theme file, Where is this defined?14:35
Seven_Six_Twoodder, you should be able to remove everything that's on it14:35
macondoarvind_khadri: it's not in /etc/fstab because it's an external hdd,14:35
Siliciumin witch file?14:35
Siliciumwich database14:35
arvind_khadrilooter, welcome :)14:35
Siliciumwich xml14:35
compengiwhat picture editing opensource applications are there other than gimp?14:35
hwildeJufis, where?14:36
macondohwilde: the sounds tab, then the checkboks14:36
Favoritecho $LANG14:36
arvind_khadrimacondo, oh ok..it will be there when you insert the HDD...14:36
Jufishwilde, do you have compiz settings manager installed?14:36
hwildemacondo, yeah I unchecked speaker and it still beeps.  like here in xchat if I hit delete with no txt14:36
hateballhwilde: you could do "sudo rmmod pcspkr"14:36
hwildeJufis, I think you are off track.  thanks anyways14:36
macondohwilde: did you uncheck the play alerts and play sound?14:37
Jufishwilde, I disabled it from there and now more beeps when I hit delete in xchat with no text :)14:37
arvind_khadrihateball, ??? for what reason are you suggesting the at?14:37
macondoarvind_khadri: can I just comment them out?14:37
odderSeven_Six_Two: okay, I need to be more specific. I want the application-list applet display text only14:37
hwildeJufis, I have no options on appearance... where do you get to this setting?14:37
macondoarvind_khadri: they are not in /etc/fstab14:37
hateballarvind_khadri: if there's no need for the pcspkr14:37
arvind_khadrimacondo, you can do so only when they are inserted...fstab is realtime14:37
Seven_Six_Twocompengi, xara extreme, blender, gnupaint, kpaint, krita14:37
macondoarvind_khadri: they are mounted, and fstab doesn't show them14:37
hwildehateball, where is the blacklist ?14:38
arvind_khadrihateball, he just wants to remove the beep not the entire sound14:38
Jufishwilde, http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/08/04/replace-the-system-beep-with-a-compiz-effect/14:38
Ryder51glitsj16 : is there a way to set that profile via termi9nal14:38
arvind_khadrimacondo, just a sec.14:38
hwildemy xchat beeps at me, thunderbird beeps, all kinds of stuff is beeping.  I want the pc speaker DEAD14:38
hateballarvind_khadri: what else do you use pcspkr for? most of us have soundcards anyhow...14:38
hateballhwilde: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist14:38
arvind_khadrihateball, ok14:39
ActionParsnip1hwilde: sudo rmmod pcspkr14:39
hwildeActionParsnip1, already done :)  and blacklisted.   vnice14:39
hwildehateball, thnx14:39
hateballhwilde: Hope it helps :)14:39
glitsj16ryder51: don't know that one, I've changed mine to flat files ages ago and never looked back, #compiz might know14:40
Ryder51ow ok thanks14:40
ActionParsnip1hwilde: good lad14:40
hwildeI just got tired of going through every app preferences and trying to disable.   and couldn't find it in xchat14:40
Seven_Six_Twoodder, I don't know how you would do that. You can install a different menu applet, or a different panel app...14:40
Dr_willishwilde,  theres also 'xset b 0 0 0 ' that will kill beeps in a lot of things. :)14:40
hwildeDr_willis, not without pcspkr lol14:41
Dr_willisof couyrse it also depends on how/what is beeping14:41
* hwilde stabs pcspkr with a screwdriver14:41
hwildetake that you beeper14:41
* hwilde returns to idling before !ot 14:41
Dr_willis Ive just noticed that ubuntu does a loud BEEP when i reset/shutdown.. and simce im wearing headphones most of the time.. i REALLY notice it. :)14:42
odderSeven_Six_Two: for example?14:42
arvind_khadrimacondo, why dont you unmount it as soon as it mounts :)14:44
brunner-misesDoes the server ISO have a GUI, or is it all CLI?14:44
Seven_Six_Twoodder, xfce-panel with xfce4-xfapplet-plugin14:45
brunner-misesI'm sorry. I  got disconnected.14:45
arvind_khadrimacondo, btw you can do it by doing sudo /etc/init.d/autofs stop14:45
brunner-misesDoes the server ISO have a GUI, or is it all CLI?14:45
quibblerbrunner-mises: default cli14:45
Spanglegluppethi guys, I just upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 and Transmission won't download any torrents, just saying "data not fully available". anyone know a solution?14:45
brunner-misesquibbler: but I can install X if I want to?14:45
quibblerbrunner-mises: yes14:46
macondoarvind_khadri: does that prevent each one of the partitions from being mounted?14:46
brunner-misesI wouldn't normally, on a server, but I really need to allow someone to use a web app from the box14:46
brunner-misesquibbler: thanks so much14:46
ActionParsnip1brunner-mises: kinda makes the server install pintless though14:46
arvind_khadrimacondo, it will prevent all the partitions from being mounted...14:46
quibblerbrunner-mises: you are welcome14:46
Seven_Six_Twobrunner-mises, you could install links214:46
macondoarvind_khadri: that's not what I want, what about my main partition?14:46
arvind_khadrimacondo, as in?14:47
chinmaywhen we  install mysql-server it gives following error.......http://pastebin.com/m44b45d8314:47
macondoarvind_khadri: where the OS is installed14:47
arvind_khadrimacondo, is the OS on an external cd?14:47
arvind_khadrimacondo, sorry HDD?14:47
macondoarvind_khadri: no14:47
arvind_khadrimacondo, it will only be stopped for this session14:47
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macondoarvind_khadri: I don't what that either :)14:48
arvind_khadrimacondo, you can bring it up again... replace stop with start14:49
macondoI just want ubuntu not to mount the volumes of the external hdd upon connecting14:49
Sergeant_Ponyis there any way to activate restricited drivers thru a console?  I did upgrades last night and now my desktop is fubard.14:49
chinmaymacondo: i think that option is available in ntfs-config14:49
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ActionParsnip1macondo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20941814:50
macondochinmay: none of the partitions is ntfs, will it work anyway?14:50
chinmaymacondo: i dont think so....14:51
ActionParsnip1macondo: that guide tells you how14:51
Seven_Six_TwoSergeant_Pony, what kind of video card do you have14:51
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chinmaymacondo: is it fat14:52
arvind_khadriSpanglegluppet, its the issue with ports being closed i guess14:52
macondoActionParsnip1: thank you, but I have no such thing as "removable media" in the preferences menue14:52
tea_ovedoseHi, How do i fix the following problem "this file has been encumbered with DRM encryption it will not play in MPlayer"14:53
Sergeant_PonySeven_Six_Two: it's using nvidia14:53
Seven_Six_TwoSergeant_Pony,   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg14:53
Seven_Six_Twotea_ovedose, what kind of file is it?14:53
Spanglegluppetarvind_khadri: yeah, it's set to port 51413, which is closed. should i just change the port?14:53
arvind_khadriSpanglegluppet, same issue here... am just checking which ones are open14:54
tea_ovedoseSeven_Six_Two: RMVB14:54
Sergeant_PonySeven_Six_Two: it did upgrades last night and deactivaied restricted drivers. in turn turned off my special effects, in turn no AWN, taskbar or program bar.14:54
need_help23could some one help me with some performance problems?14:54
Spanglegluppetarvind_khadri: ah okay, so it's not just me14:54
rommeis there anyone with gtk programming experience?14:55
Seven_Six_TwoSergeant_Pony, but you get a desktop and mouse?14:55
ubottuneed_help23: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:55
ikoniaromme: load os guys in #gtk14:55
hay_ig2000what is universe and multiverse?14:55
Sergeant_PonySeven_Six_Two: I have a desktop with 2 folders and the mouse14:55
ActionParsnip1need_help23: ask them one at a time14:55
daughtreecan somebody suggest something to post the output of a command in a dialong in a live style?14:55
ActionParsnip1need_help23: start with the most pressing14:55
daughtreedailog i mean14:56
Seven_Six_TwoSergeant_Pony, can you alt+f2 and run the gnome panel app?14:56
geniidaughtree: PErhaps pastebinit14:56
daughtreedialog --title 'Message' --msgbox "`ls -la` " 20 6014:56
need_help23i get some problems entering 3d applications... freezes and things like that14:56
Marcelo_AR_1974Can anyone please help me with the following problem: I need to know if there is a way to start an application as a super user from the "Applications" menu. I need this cause I want an application to be able to modify configuration data... I tried running it from a Terminal with "sudo" but I would like to know if there is another way... Thanks!14:56
daughtreethat isnt live style it waits for few seconds until it has done executing ls -la command :(14:56
Seven_Six_TwoSergeant_Pony, but all I did was that command I posted. I had the same issue14:57
daughtreegenii: pastebinit?14:57
ActionParsnip1need_help23: have you installed video drivers?14:57
Seven_Six_Twobut it was fine again in less than 5 minutes14:57
JampiterIs there a plugin for Pidgin that will make it support webcam?14:57
tea_ovedoseSeven_Six_Two:it's a media file in .rmvb format14:57
need_help23yes... i think so14:57
JampiterSpecifically on the MSN protocol14:58
Sergeant_PonySeven_Six_Two: ok, giving it a try14:58
Seven_Six_Twotea_ovedose, sorry, I don't know that format. Although I would just avoid drm at all costs and complain to the source of the file.14:58
Marcelo_AR_1974hi admini_14:59
geniidaughtree: Ah, nvm. When reading your Q it seemed you wanted to post output of CLI commands. There is a command-line pastebin which does this (for when there is no gui useful to show others error output, etc)14:59
need_help23i installed the proprietary graphics drivers...14:59
bullgard4Why don't I have no directory /usr/lib/alsa-lib in Ubuntu 8.04.2? http://past.ubuntuusers.de/39417914:59
tea_ovedoseSeven_Six_Two: ok, just curious what are DRM ?15:00
Seven_Six_TwoJampiter, I think you've got lofty goals. Microsoft frequently changes their protocol so that only msn will work.15:00
Sergeant_PonySeven_Six_Two: "screen isn't composited. Please run compis (-fusion) or another compositing manager"15:00
Seven_Six_Twotea_ovedose, Digital Rights/Restrictions Management15:00
JampiterSeven_Six_Two: Kopete works with it - at least on the other PC - so theoretically Pidgin should be able to too15:00
need_help23ActionParsnip1: i installed the proprietary graphics drivers...15:01
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution15:01
quibblerbullgard4: the link is dead15:01
tea_ovedoseSeven_Six_Two: alright thx... cya15:01
Seven_Six_TwoJampiter, video on msn? last I heard people couldn't even connect. I don't use msn anymore though15:01
bullgard4quibbler: Why do I have no directory /usr/lib/alsa-lib in Ubuntu 8.04.2? http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/39417915:01
ActionParsnip1hi g33k_gir115:02
JampiterSeven_Six_Two: MSN connects and works perfectly well15:02
odderSeven_Six_Two: you're sure it works? I've just checked it and there is no option of displaying window list without icons15:02
ActionParsnip1need_help23: so you have full video accelleration15:02
Seven_Six_TwoSergeant_Pony, can you open a terminal and run compiz or the gnome panel?15:02
ActionParsnip1need_help23: try installing the medibuntu codecs15:02
odderSeven_Six_Two: (I mean the xfce4-panel)15:03
arvind_khadriSpanglegluppet, are you behind a firewall?15:03
need_help23ActionParsnip1: k, i'll give it a try15:03
lifestreamDoes anyone know if Logitech MediaPlay mouse still uses the evdev driver?  (or do you know where I can check?) TY15:03
Seven_Six_Twoodder, oh I'm not sure of anything, that was just an example. I've used different panels before, and from what I remember of xfce there were no icons in the menus. I could be wrong tho15:03
jedi06how do you upload a file to a server15:04
Dr_willis!find wput15:04
ubottuFound: wput15:04
Dr_willis!info wput15:04
ActionParsnip1jedi06: depends what protocol the server is using15:04
ubottuwput (source: wput): A tiny wget-like ftp-client for uploading files. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6-1.1build1 (intrepid), package size 54 kB, installed size 168 kB15:04
Seven_Six_Twoodder, you said application list earlier not window list15:04
Dragon64use the force young jedi15:04
bullgard4quibbler: I corrected the URL.15:04
Seven_Six_Twodid you not mean the application "main" menu?15:04
apostle1trying to install Chelsio drivers....how do I install linux kernel sources?15:05
odderSeven_Six_Two: yeah, but I've corrected myself15:05
Spanglegluppetarvind_khadri: no, i'm not15:05
flipsturAyn one have a sec to answer a simple quetion for a noob?15:05
arvind_khadri!ask | flipstur15:05
ubottuflipstur: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:05
ActionParsnip1jedi06: filezilla, gftp, ftp on the command line15:05
odderSeven_Six_Two: no, I mean the app that shows you currently opened apps15:05
flipsturWhere do I extract my graphics card drivers to?15:05
ikoniaflipstur: you dont15:06
ikoniaflipstur: you let xorg/ubuntu manage them for you15:06
lifestreamSo newest version of xorg doesn't use xorg.conf for the config? (the file is really short!) So where do I config my screen and my mouse?15:06
flipsturI have downloaded them to archive manager now what?15:06
Seven_Six_Twoodder, ooh. I take it back. not sure15:06
g33k_gir1!color depth15:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about color depth15:06
ikonialifestream: you can insert any old parameters into the file15:06
ikoniaflipstur: what video card do you have ?15:06
g33k_gir1ActionParsnip1: hey :D15:06
flipsturATI radeon HD2400 PRO15:07
lifestreamikonia, Hm. Guess I'll give it another try :P *crosses fingers really hard* TY15:07
ikoniaflipstur: have you tried the drivers provided by the driver manager in ubuntu15:07
ikoniaflipstur: how did you enable them ?15:07
quibblerbullgard4: you maybe missing the file and not i think the directory  in a terminal type  cd /usr/lib/alsa-lib  then ls -a15:07
jedi06what is the command to get a file onto a server? put?15:07
ikoniajedi06: are you using ftp ?15:08
kikokoshow to connect to next comp (via samba) from mc?15:08
jedi06yes ftp15:08
Seven_Six_Twolifestream, try   sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg15:08
ikoniajedi06: then yes, put15:08
Seven_Six_Twolifestream, then restart xserver15:09
legend2440what version of xorg does intrepid use? 7.4?15:09
kikokosanybody know?15:09
ikoniakikokos: it has to be mounted15:09
arvind_khadriSpanglegluppet, strangely its working here now... btw i just visited my router page..thats it...15:09
bullgard4quibbler: '$ cd /usr/lib/alsa-lib; bash: cd: /usr/lib/alsa-lib: No such file or directory.'15:10
Spanglegluppetarvind_khadri: ah, it just started to work for me too. thanks anyway. D:15:10
kikokosikonia, ahh it's not so good because i've tried to mount it, but it doesnt work :P15:10
arvind_khadriSpanglegluppet, the issue would be the delay in trackers15:10
ikoniakikokos: then that is nothing to do with mc15:10
kikokosikonia, so just smbc will work?15:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about defaultdepth15:11
lifestreamSeven_Six_Two, Will try that, thank you15:12
need_help23ActionParsnip1: have to add medibuntu as package source15:12
quibblerbullgard4: why are you playing  the wave file with sudo?15:12
jimcooncatYour opinion please: apt-cacher, apt-cacher-ng, or something else?15:13
odderSeven_Six_Two: Is it impossible, then?15:13
ActionParsnip1need_help23: then follow the guide to install the codecs15:13
bullgard4quibbler: I will tell you after you have answered my question.15:13
need_help23ActionParsnip1: uhm... which codecs should i innstall?15:15
quibblerbullgard4: i don't know why you don't have the directory....i do ...not with the file you are looking for but a couple of other libraries15:15
Seven_Six_Twoodder, well, with open source nothing is impossible. It's just a matter of scale15:15
lifestreamSeven_Six_Two, something's impossible : re-creating patented software ;p15:15
odderSeven_Six_Two: geez, it shuld be simple, there's such an option on fluxbox e.g.15:15
odderlifestream: you sure? what about reverse-engineering like they did with ooo?15:16
bullgard4quibbler: Ok. Do you know what DEB program package will install this directory?15:16
ZummiG777Question: Can I create a directory interfaces.d under /etc/network and have individual network configuration files load from there "automagically"15:16
Seven_Six_Twolifestream, lol15:16
quibblerbullgard4: no15:16
teddy_does apt-get update...apt-get upgrade...update and upgrade all my packages to the latest version(s)?15:17
BulBUlRedZummiG777: you can have different files with another name and then make a script that switches your networking config file15:17
active9hi all15:17
BulBUlRedi did this on my laptop with 2 profiles: static and dhcp15:17
bullgard4quibbler: I have taken the sudo prefix because I was navigating in the /usr hierarchy.15:17
s-tonedActionParsnip1: Can I run fluxbox as the wm for gnome?15:17
active9what is the ftp command that can get all folder in remote machine15:18
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need_help23ActionParsnip1: i get an error message... no public key for medibuntu :/15:18
ZummiG777Hm.  OK.  I guess that will have to do!15:18
ActionParsnip1s-toned: you can run gnome apps in fluxbox, fluxbox is its own deal but you have gnome libs so you can run gnome apps15:18
jimcooncatbullgard4: apt-file will tell you what package a file on your system belongs to, if any15:18
ActionParsnip1need_help23: you havent gone all the way15:18
Seven_Six_Twoodder, it should be. I think you should ask  Mark McLoughlin <mark@skynet.ie> to add that feature. I'd like to see it too.15:18
need_help23ActionParsnip1: so what shall i do?15:18
ActionParsnip1need_help23: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu15:19
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active9anyone can help me?15:20
smokeythemanhi, can anyone help me?15:20
odderSeven_Six_Two: why Mark? window-list applet shows Alexander Larsson as the author15:20
Favoritsmokeytheman: don't ask if you may ask, ask.15:20
Favoritsame goes for active915:21
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:21
active9what is the ftp command that can get all folder in remote machine?15:21
|FA|ratboxHere's a question for you guys and gals.... running a live disk of 8.04 and need to install on NVIDIA fakeraid... can you help??15:21
Favoritactive9: mget *15:21
ActionParsnip1active9: mget15:21
ActionParsnip1!raid | |FA|ratbox15:21
ubottu|FA|ratbox: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:21
* Favorit slaps a high5 with ActionParsnip115:21
active9mget will ask me yes or no to get the files15:21
* ActionParsnip1 HI5 ... I LIIKE15:22
smokeythemanwow, well first off i cant copy paste15:22
Favoritactive9: type "prom" as a command before it15:22
Favoritactive9: it's a shortcut for prompt, to toggle promting about multiple files15:22
quibblerbullgard4: try without sudo15:22
|FA|ratboxI'll start there, thanks alot... :)15:22
smokeythemani think copy is working but paste doesnt do anything15:22
active9something like this : prom mget *15:22
Favoritsmokeytheman: in X or in console?15:22
active9is it correct15:22
Favoritactive9: no, prom<enter>mget *<enter>15:23
smokeythemannot in console15:23
smokeythemanon pastebin15:23
bullgard4quibbler: This will not do any better.15:23
active9oo ok15:23
active9Favorit> is there any other way to disbale this prompt15:23
Favoritsmokeytheman: this could be connected to your keyboard shortcuts. Did you try pasting with your middle-mouse-button?15:23
Favoritactive9: uhm, no? Not following the question though, what other way, why prom is not good?15:24
rockyrockhi guys, i just installed a new 500GB hard drive. I used GParted to make a MSDOS Partition Table to the new hard disk. Then i created a primary partition with the whole space. But i can't see the hard disk!!! I didn't mount it. Do i have to?15:24
rockyrockand how15:24
smokeythemanim on a laptop in class, its an issue with dpkg initially so i cant download scite15:24
Dr_willisrockyrock,  yes you must mount a FILEsystem to use it.15:24
Favoritrockyrock: yes, you have to create a filesystem and mount the partition with it somewhere15:24
smokeythemani cant apt-get install anything, i get an error15:24
active9Favorit> ok I will put it in my script15:24
Dr_willis!mount | rockyrock15:24
ubotturockyrock: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap15:24
rockyrockI formated the primary partition into ext315:25
Favoritactive9: if you want to download stuff using ftp from script, why not to wget it?15:25
quibblerbullgard4: i don't need sudo to play wav file in usr/lib/Skype/Sounds15:25
arvind_khadriDr_willis, ahh i was typing the whole thing for him..15:25
active9Favorit> thanks for the info, I will revert back to you my ouput15:25
smokeythemani try to right click and click on paste15:25
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php15:25
Dr_willisrockyrock,  you just said you made it MSDOS .. thats not ext3 :)15:25
Seven_Six_Twoodder, I was looking at window selector applet15:25
Favoritsmokeytheman: you can just select and then middle-paste, that should be the default15:25
active9Favorit> actually they only open port for sftp15:25
Dr_willisrockyrock,  depending on what filesystem you used.. you must make the proper fstab entry, or mount command15:26
Favoritactive9: sftp... then you can probably use "scp" as client15:26
rockyrockDr_willis: yeah, that was the default option for the Partition Table. I don't know what's Partition Table!!15:26
Favoritactive9: it falls back to sftp and then doesn't ask you anything but your password15:26
rockyrockI want something open soruce15:26
active9Favorit> that one also cannot because my target machine is windoz ftp server15:26
Favoritactive9: uh :)15:26
Dr_willisrockyrock,  time to read up and learn how drives are partitioned and how filesystems work.15:27
active9Favorit> ::)15:27
Dr_willisrockyrock,  you aprtition the disk.. and set its 'type' to be what you want.. you then format it in the proper filesystem based on its type.15:27
rodinaHi, I have a problem with audio in Ubuntu, can someone help me?15:27
ActionParsnip1!sound | rodina15:27
ubotturodina: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP315:27
arvind_khadrihow do i completely remove kopete from my system....i dont even want the settings to be left behind... i did a purge now but didnt help15:27
rockyrockDr_willis: what Partition Table should i choose for ext3?15:27
ActionParsnip1arvind_khadri: sudo apt-get --purge remove kopete; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove15:28
Dr_willisrockyrock,  you set the aprtition TYPE   not partition table.. gparted has a menu to set its type.15:28
FavoritActionParsnip1: do not purge!!! :D15:28
Dr_willisrockyrock,  all of this can be done easially in gparted.15:28
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap15:28
g33k_gir1i can't fix my screen resolution. I've followed the instructions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=129379&postcount=21 to add 1650x1050 to my xorg.conf, but there is no change15:28
ActionParsnip1Favorit: a tousand apologies, i will thras myself tonight15:28
kkecan i create per user hosts-files?  (like /etc/hosts but for a single user)15:28
FavoritActionParsnip1: hehehe ;)15:28
ActionParsnip1its still funny15:29
bullgard4quibbler: I overlooked a small letter 'a'. Now I found the associated DEB program package and installed it. Now there exists this directory. Now the error message has disappered also.15:29
Favoritkke: I'm afraid not15:29
quibblerbullgard4: what is the prog?15:29
bullgard4jimcooncat: Thank you very much for your help. It solved my problem at hand.15:29
arvind_khadriActionParsnip1, btw there is no -- in apt-get its for dpkg as in dpkg --purge and apt-get purge  :P15:29
JampiterHi SkyLab15:30
need_help23ActionParsnip1: so now i got it working :) which codec should i install now?15:30
rockyrockDr_willis: when i installed my hard disk, i choose to make a new partition but GParted asked me to choose a Partition table for the new hard disk. Then i chose msdos. Then i created a primary ext3 partition!!!15:30
jimcooncatbullgard4: that's great! too bad the darn thing is so slow15:30
sasthaSkyLab: hi15:30
Spidergirlim having a problem with a partition15:30
rockyrockDr_willis: what confused me is when it asked me for the partition table.15:30
Dr_willisrockyrock,    sounds like you made a ext3 partition then..  a drive Must have a parittion table.. to hold the partition information.. you then make a partition.15:30
bullgard4quibbler: The program is a driver libasound_module_pcm_pulse.so15:30
Dr_willisrockyrock,  you then have to format the partition.. then mount it.15:31
Dr_willisrockyrock,  its made a 'dos compatiable partition table' i guess is the proper term for what it did..  that holds the infomation on what partitions exist.15:31
need_help23ActionParsnip1: w32codecs?15:31
smokeythemanhi, http://pastebin.com/m20a01592 anyone know how to fix this?15:31
rockyrockDr_willis: GParted asked for the partition table first before making anything15:32
hmwi am trying to use my HSDPA modem (huwai) with 8.10, but the network manager wont let me log in. In Fedora i just got asked for the PIN code. I didnt find any useful hints on the web. Can anyone give me a hint, where to look next?15:32
Dr_willisrockyrock,  Yes..  that makes sence..15:32
Favoritsmokeytheman: try apt-get update15:32
Dr_willisrockyrock,  since it was a totally new disk. with no partitions ever at all on it..15:32
rockyrockDr_willis: so is it right to choose msdos for ext3?15:33
Dr_willisrockyrock,  You are confusing the use of the term msdos.15:33
smokeythemani get this error http://pastebin.com/m1b426aa815:33
lianimatoris there a command to close windows based on its title name?15:33
Favoritsmokeytheman: make that sudo apt-get update15:33
Dr_willisrockyrock,  it made a Partition TABLE thats compatiable with msdos.. You then make ext3 PARTITIONS15:33
DiAbLe666Hey, I'm running several ubuntu 8.10-server, on each one, when i connect with SSH, i need to wait 5-10 seconds between the login prompt and the password prompt, any idea ?15:33
Dr_willisrockyrock,  you did not make a dos 'partition'15:34
FavoritDiAbLe666: your ip can't be back-resolved by target host15:34
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smokeythemanfavorit: i did update15:34
ScuniziDiAbLe666: are you using <server_name>@IPaddress ?15:34
rockyrockDr_willis: yeah i understand that. I then created a ext3 partitions. but GParted didn't give me the option for the mount point!15:34
Favoritsmokeytheman: it finished without errors?15:34
Favoritsmokeytheman: now try that other command that failed before15:34
smokeythemanno, that was the error15:34
grzegorz129hi! my cd/dvd recorder has stop working15:34
Dr_willisrockyrock,  tjhats because gparted dont do that part of the task15:34
grzegorz129in dmesg i see: http://pastebin.com/d87a8d0915:34
Dr_willisrockyrock,  you edit your fstab  to mount the parittion15:35
linduxedmy usb-stick is working like crazy after i cancelled an operation15:35
linduxednow it doesnt want to be unmounted15:35
rockyrockDr_willis: how to do that?15:35
linduxedany way to kill all activity?15:35
DiAbLe666Favorit: oh that's what I tought, I'm gonna ask the sshd not to resolve :)15:35
Dr_willisrockyrock,  edit the /etc/fstab file  with a proper line in it..15:35
Dr_willis!fstab | rockyrock15:35
ubotturockyrock: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:35
active9anyway thanks all for your help15:35
__chrisHi does ubuntu 8.04 do any autoupdating out of the box, I can't see any default cron entries for apt-get upgrade etc etc15:36
Out_Coldis there a way to perhaps 'tail' a dd if=dev/random?15:36
DiAbLe666Favorit: thanks15:36
DiAbLe666Scunizi: what do you mean ?15:36
sipiorlinduxed: lsof will show which processes are holding files open on the volume you want to unmount.15:37
smokeythemansry http://pastebin.com/m54cf5c7e15:37
rockyrockDr_willis: i have another question plz. While i was installing ubuntu, in the partitioning phase i created a ext3 partition and specified the mount point for it to be in /media/Data. When i finished the installation, i can see the partition on the desktop but i can't put files in it. Ubuntu says that i don't have permissions15:37
ScuniziDiAbLe666: nevermind .. sounds like you got it resolved with Favorit15:37
rodinaHi, I am new to Linux world and I have few stupid questions ... Ubuntu on my notebook is mute and I need help15:37
Dr_willisrockyrock,  thats because its correct :) Your user dosent have permissions.. if you want them to access it fully you  could make a directory on the filesystem and have that directory owned by the user you want to access it.15:38
linduxedsipior: how do i use it?15:38
sipiorlinduxed: "man lsof" :-)15:38
Scunizi!ask | rodina15:38
ubotturodina: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:38
Dr_willisrockyrock,  or chown the mountpoint  to be owned by the user after the filesystem is mounted.15:38
sipiorlinduxed: but something like "lsof /mnt/volumename" will do15:39
linduxedsipior: haha ok15:39
fastaWhere can I configure that I want that USB media is displayed on the desktop?15:39
Andry_WorkZcan I enable anti-aliasing with Intel Graphic card?15:39
hmwfasta: they should appear by default!? did you change any regarding stuff, or is your setup untouched?15:39
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rodinaProblem: notebook Asus F3Q and it is mute (Ubuntu 8.10), how can I fix it?15:40
Finnish_How do I find out what motherboard is in my laptop`15:40
rockyrockDr_willis: I know how to chown the mountpoint, buthow to do this "if you want them to access it fully you  could make a directory on the filesystem and have that directory owned by the user you want to access it." ?15:40
Dr_willisrockyrock,  make a directory... chown the directory15:40
fastahmw: I don't think I changed it. When I go to Computer it is listed, though.15:40
farmcan anyone recommend a printing channel?15:40
rockyrockDr_willis: in that mountpoint?15:40
Dr_willisrockyrock,  'sudo mkdir /media/whatever'15:40
Dr_willisrockyrock,  yes.. makes sence dont it. :)15:40
fastahmw: I just like the "display it on desktop" feature.15:40
KnezThis broadcom wifi is making me crazy... Anyone got any ideas on how to solve my problem? :)15:41
Dr_willisrockyrock,  'sudo mkdir /media/whatever/usersdatadir'15:41
rockyrockDr_willis: yeah :-D15:41
farmi have a brother hl-2030 & it prints faded. I want to know whether it's worth me buying new toner - can't get any brother support :(15:41
__chrisHi does ubuntu 8.04 do any autoupdating out of the box, I can't see any default cron entries for apt-get upgrade etc etc15:41
KnezBeen reading threads on the forum for 2 days now, and i still don't get it to work.15:41
rockyrockDr_willis: where to find LOTS of info about partitioning in Ubuntu?15:41
Dr_willisrockyrock,  google..  its documented in 100000's of sites..15:41
Dr_willisrockyrock,  its not ubuntu specific :)15:42
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Dr_willisrockyrock,  wiki pages are good basic info also15:42
rockyrockDr_willis: thnx so much bro :)15:42
KnezAnyone? ;)15:42
kennyyuhi there, after restarting samba by ``sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart'' i still find that the process smbd hasn't been kicked off... may i know what's wrong with it? thanks@!15:42
hmwfasta - start "gconf-editor" (you can enable an icon for it under "Applications/System Tools", then go to apps/nautilus/desktop and check the setting "volumes_visible"15:43
KnezLink to my thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107342315:43
g33k_gir1can anyone help? my gnome display manager does not offer me any resolution higher than 1280x1024, and all the howto's on the net I've found so far don't seem to work for Intrepid!15:43
fastahmw: thanks15:43
kennyyuso i could just manually kicked off smbd by ''sudo smbd''... which is not a right way, right?15:43
sipiorKnez: there's precious little information there. what steps have you taken to try to get the internal card working?15:44
Dr_williskennyyu,  i think   'sudo /etc/init.d/samba start' is the better way15:44
Knezsipior: I have tried many ndiswrapper guides, b43-fwcutter etc15:44
KnezStill nothing15:44
hmwkennyyu - are you trying to kill a samba process?15:45
kennyyuDr_willis: but such way does not start smbd...15:45
Dr_willisthe b43fwcutter package worked for me here. :)15:45
KnezI have the wlan0 device, and Network Manager sees the card15:45
kennyyuhmw: i'm trying to start the samba process.15:45
KnezBut it can't find any networks15:45
Dr_williskennyyu,  i though ive seen where that way starts smbd and nmbd    if i rember right.. both parts are  needed.15:45
kennyyuDr_willis: both parts?15:46
mfdavidhi all. I have two screens (my lcd monitor and my TV). Im using xinerama. If I open Totem, move it to my secondary screen, and then set it to fullscreen, it works fine. But all the other aplications (games, VLC, etc) always force to fullscreen in the my primary LCD monitor... how can I force then to start on my secondary screen as fullscreen?15:46
kennyyuDr_willis: sorry. is it possible to detail the steps that i might need to follow....?15:46
quibbler__chris: system-administration-software sources-updates15:46
sipiorKnez: does "iwlist <dev name> scanning" return anything?15:46
Dr_williskennyyu,  i recall ages ago it showed starting both.. now it just zays ----->   * Starting Samba daemons      as in 2 of them :)15:46
hmwkennyyu - use a terminal to watch the system log for more info, why it wont start: "tail -f /var/log/syslog" - also check your smb.conf by typing "testparm" in a terminal15:46
Dr_williskennyyu,  steps for what?15:46
Knezsipior: "wlan0     No scan results"15:47
kennyyuDr_willis: ah.. i thought you mean apart from starting '/etc/init.d/samba' i should start something else....15:47
sipiorKnez: does this device require that firmware be placed in a particular directory? have you tried googling the card name with ubuntu?15:47
Dr_williskennyyu,  check the logs in     :/var/log/samba    i just start the samba service. and thats it. :) it starts both as far as i know. ive never need to start them seperately15:48
lifestreamDoes anybody know... how I install evdev? (searched with apt-get and synaptic, doesnt seem to be there)15:48
Dr_willis!info samba-doc | kennyyu15:48
ubottusamba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.4 (intrepid), package size 7768 kB, installed size 15976 kB15:48
Knezsipior: i have been googling and searching the ubuntu forum for 2 days15:48
KnezStill nothing15:48
KnezThis is how far i have come15:48
KnezIt finds the card15:48
hmwkennyyu - sudo /etc/init.d/samba start - should start the daemon. I'd expect a wrong conf, if it wont start15:48
KnezBut it wont find my network15:48
Knezsipior: Any ideas? ;)15:49
sipiorKnez: you didn't answer my question about the firmware. have you looked into whether it needs to be in place?15:50
Andry_WorkZmay I enable anti-aliasing with Intel Graphic card?15:50
hegdehi all15:50
KnezHow doyou mean?15:50
hegdei just installed intrepid since i wanted to work on qt4....i have slected all packages from synaptic like libqt-4* and qt4-*.............15:50
kennyyuhmw: i tried those...15:50
hegdeeverything is installed but i m not able to see the designer running15:50
KnezThe wiki states that the firmware needs to be in /lib/firmware, and it is.15:50
hegdei m not able to see the designer itself15:50
kennyyuthe log file seems saying nothing related15:50
kreinohelp, how to change synaptic server.. i made the change to OSCC but its not be.. still download from main server15:50
hegdecan anyone help me  out of this please15:50
kreinohelp, how to change synaptic server.. i made the change to OSCC but its not be.. still download from main server?15:51
kennyyuand testparm reports OK15:51
Knezlspci returns this: 00:0b.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4303 802.11b Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)15:51
sipiorKnez: and where did you get that file? and is it readable? what are its permissions?15:51
hmwkennyyu - i assume, you alredy apt-get installed the samba package? if it wont come up, there should be info in the log files15:51
kennyyuhmw: yes. already installed it.15:51
__chrisquibbler no window manager on there, seems I can do it from /etc/cron.daily/apt15:51
tyler_d1I am trying to add a route to /etc/network/interfaces and have up route add -net netmask gw dev eth0... this does not work15:51
Knezsipior: downloaded it from a link in a guide15:51
Knezsipior, how do i check the permissions?15:52
kennyyui started it to no avail. but only when i try to start it by 'sudo smbd'... can the smbclient command work finally....15:52
hmwkennyyu - open several terminals and watch the different log files with "tail -f FILENAME", you should be able to find the problem there.15:52
sipiorKnez: "ls -l /lib/firmware/<filename>"15:52
kennyyuhmw: hmm, alright15:52
quibbler__chris: OK15:52
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap15:53
kennyyuhmw: you mean the files in /var/log/samba? O_o15:53
* kennyyu sees there are quite a few of them15:53
Knezsipior: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 16360 2008-11-18 16:41 /lib/firmware/b43legacy/ucode2.fw15:53
ubottuYour home folder is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home folder to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome15:53
hmwkennyyu - i am not fully sure, what you need to look at. Use the samba log files and /var/log/syslog as also /var/log/messages15:53
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info15:53
Knezbrb, dinner15:54
hmwkennyyu - when the tails are running, try starting samba.15:54
sipiorKnez: i'm off in a few minutes, i'm afraid15:54
josesitohello all, I'm having a problem: everytime gnome starts gnome-do and xbindkeys won't work properly (it seems they won't read their config). Starting them from the console however, works quite well. Someone knows who can i fix that?15:55
sipiorKnez: should ucode2.fw be sitting one directory further up? try making a symbolic link pointing to it -> "sudo ln -s /lib/firmware/b43legacy/ucode2.fw /lib/firmware/ucode2.fw"15:56
kennyyuhmw: understood...15:57
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strkis /var/mail group 'man' for anyone else here ?15:58
strkI just noticed (don't use local mail often) -- I'm on 8.1015:58
profanephobiaafter installing xbindkeys i can no longer use ctrl+f to find things in nautilus, instead it would open xterm, i checked for any bindings for ctrl+f there was none i also removed xterm and restarted, still no luck15:59
kreinohelp, how to change synaptic server.. i made the change to OSCC but its not be.. still download from main server?15:59
kennyyuhmw: it's odd... only /var/log/samba/log.nmbd was being appended with some text when i start the service...15:59
sipiorstrk: no, should be group mail.15:59
kennyyuhmw: other files simply doesn't change at all16:00
hmwkennyyu - thats not too strange, i think. nmbd does some name resolution thing (i think it's netbios over ip, but i am not 100% sure)16:00
strksipior: yes, I figured that, just asking if it's a known bug as I'm pretty sure I didn't change that group myself16:00
hmwkennyyu - the other logs dont change?? hmm... let me check, be back in some minutes.16:00
sipiorstrk: not a bug known to me, and not one that has cropped on my system, so... :-)16:00
kennyyuhmw: ya, that's really was i was meaning... thanks.16:01
lifestreamIn xorg, it says "configured mouse". Well, WHERE is it configured?? :-P16:01
hmwkennyyu - uhm... i got some "broken packages"... will take a little longer.16:01
differentrealityhi :) could someone tell me how I can extract audio from an .flv or .mp4 file ? I want to get the songs from youtube in .mp3 format.  I have found in forums ways with ffmpeg but the filetype created is NOT audio mp3 and as a result my mobile phone cannot play it (it does play normally all other mp3s I got) thanks16:02
kennyyuhmw:  no problem :)16:02
kennyyu;) thanks anyway16:02
profanephobiaafter installing xbindkeys i can no longer use ctrl+f to find things in nautilus, instead it would open xterm, i checked for any bindings for ctrl+f there was none i also removed xterm and restarted, still no luck16:02
josesitodifferentreality: kcoolonline.com16:02
moke23is there any body16:02
n8tuserfdifferentreality-> umm thats not really ubuntu support is it?16:03
josesitohello all, I'm having a problem: everytime gnome starts gnome-do and xbindkeys won't work properly (it seems they won't read their config). Starting them from the console however, works quite well. Someone knows who can i fix that?16:03
lifestreamdifferentreality,  soundconverter? ive done it before16:03
josesitomoke23: yup16:03
sipiormoke23: that's very philosophical!16:03
moke23come on16:03
differentrealityn8tuserf,  well...  I am using ubuntu 8.10, I think it kind of is.. anyway where do you think I should ask ?16:03
JackWinterwhat is the best way of installing a 2.6.28 kernel on 8.10.  compile it yourself, or are there backports somewhere ?16:04
moke23where are you from?16:04
n8tuserfdifferentreality-> i dont know, but perhaps mythtv channel or multimedia channel if there are any..16:04
kennyyumoke23: oh?16:04
OsamaKHello, Could someone please help me recording videos using my laptop-included webcam?16:05
lifestreamHmmmm why does installing gsreameamer-ffmeg  conflicts with gstreamer-lame ?? :P16:05
Jack_Sparrow!kernel > JackWinter16:05
ubottuJackWinter, please see my private message16:05
lifestreamIn xorg, it says "configured mouse". That's very nice, but where the bunny is it configured?? :-P16:05
erUSULlifestream: both provide a mp3 encoder filter ?16:06
kennyyumoke23: you mean my geographic location? i'm in Hong Kong16:06
erUSULlifestream: for gstreamer that's it16:06
huyongbaoHello, I have one problem, How to config exim4 for Ubuntu8.04 ? Who could tell me16:06
lifestreamerUSUL, oh so its okay if I install the ffmeg one, I see. i thought I'd lose mp3 support if I uninstalled lame. Thanks :)16:06
n8tuserflifestream-> you are reading the label, you can label that "my own mouse with no tail"16:06
josesitohello all, I'm having a problem: everytime gnome starts gnome-do and xbindkeys won't work properly (it seems they won't read their config). Starting them from the console however, works quite well. Someone knows who can i fix that?16:06
lifestreamn8tuserf,  *tilts head* Sorry, what? ^_^;;;;16:07
Slartis the gnome mouse properties the only settings I can change for the mouse in ubuntu? or are the advanced mouse properties hidden somewhere? can you use a different mouse driver?16:07
n8tuserflifestream-> you asked "configured mouse" and see my response16:07
SambabasseBonjour, j'ai un problème. Hier soir, alros que j'avais enlevé ma batterie, j'ai eu une panne de secteur, donc mon ordi s'est éteint violemment. Et quand je l'ai ralumé, j'ai perdu totues mes configurations (mes marques pages, mon lanceur de bords, mes barres personnelles sous openoffice, mes comptes pidgin). y a surement d'autres choses que je n'ai aps identifier encore. Comment retrouver mon linux d'avant l'accident ?16:07
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:07
turkjeusHi guys, I have an electricity problem and my computer turn off. Now when I try to boot grub give error 17 and don't show me the menu list16:07
turkjeusmay someone help me with that16:07
ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい16:08
Slart!cn | moke2316:08
ubottumoke23: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:08
kennyyuubuntulog: moke23 is talking in chinese ;)16:08
lifestreamn8tuserf, Not reading a label... ^^;;  hmm.... it's on xorg.conf16:08
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moke23here can't speak chinese?16:08
moke23who can tell me16:09
Jack_Sparrowturkjeus was this an install from inside windows based wubi install of ubuntu?16:09
hmwi cant "sudo apt-get install samba": "samba-common (=2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3) but 2:3.2.3-1ubuntu3.4 is to be installed"16:09
Slartmoke23: correct, this channel is english only16:09
lifestreammoke23, yes, here:    #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:09
hmwwhat does that mean?16:09
n8tuserflifestream-> its the label  "Configured mouse"  and can be renamed to anything..   Identifier  ...16:09
moke23i am sorry16:09
Slartmoke23: /join #ubuntu-cn for chinese chat16:09
Jack_Sparrowmoke23 /join #ubuntu-cn16:09
Andry_WorkZcan I enable anti-aliasing with Intel Graphic card?16:09
moke23how can i go there?16:10
kennyyuhaha, but it seemed to me that #ubuntu-hk and #ubuntu-cn didn't have ppl there..16:10
Jack_Sparrowmoke23 type "/join #ubuntu-cn"16:10
josesitomoke23: type that: /join #ubuntu-cn16:10
lifestreamn8tuserf, Oh. Hehe ^^ I was wondering, because my mouse media buttons used to work, but it was not configured in xorg, so I was wondering where it was configured16:10
Dr_willisAndry_WorkZ,  it was enabled here by default here on my intel based systems.  theres the fonts dialog/settings to tweak the thing some.16:10
tempuserHello! I downloaded almost 400 MB of xubuntu iso file, but then Firefox 2 freezed. The *.iso.part file is still there. Do I have to start downloading from begining?16:10
smokeythemanhello, i get this error http://pastebin.com/m359f1cb816:10
kennyyumoke23: you'd have to expect everyone can only read english here as this is a channel for worldwide ppl16:10
Jack_Sparrowsmokeytheman We need a description as well as your link16:10
Dr_willistempuser,  its suipposed to resume - but i would double check the md5 of the iso file befor burning it16:10
kennyyuhmw: ;) the problem is getting complex ?16:11
hmwkennyyu - looks like.16:11
smokeythemanwhen i try to apt-get install i get an error in dpkg16:11
josesitotempuser: maybe use wget?16:11
hmwAnyone else having "broken dependencies" when installing samba?16:11
turkjeusJack_Sparrow, no I only have ubuntu running on that computer16:11
DimitarHi, can you help me updating ubuntu from 7.04 to 8.10 ?16:11
Dr_willistempuser,  i tend to use 'wget' like josesito  suggests16:11
hmwkennyyu - my ubuntu is freshly installed. i shouldnt have deleted my fedora :(16:11
kennyyuhmw: i've got the problem in installing some other packages else16:11
Andry_WorkZDr_willis: im referring while using compiz, like the edges of the cube16:11
Slart!upgrade | Dimitar16:11
ubottuDimitar: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes16:11
Jack_Sparrowturkjeus Just wanted to make sure it was a real install we were working with16:12
n8tuserfDimitar-> are you sure you want to update/upgrade? a fresh install of 8.10 would be easier..16:12
kennyyuhmw: what a pity16:12
Dr_willisAndry_WorkZ,  check the compiz 'ccsm' tool it has a bazillion options. :)16:12
turkjeusJack_Sparrow, yes16:12
moke23i am back16:12
SlartDimitar: check that link, see if that works... also consider reinstalling.. I can't remember if it was 7.04 that was a bit troublesome to update16:12
turkjeusJack_Sparrow, The system was running fine16:12
Dr_willishwm   when in doubt 'sudo apt-get update' 'sudo apt-get upgrade' and try to reinstall the package again16:12
differentrealitysoundconverter by the way works peeeeeeeeeeerfectly :)) thanks a lot!!!16:13
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Jack_SparrowDimitar Fresh install would be worth the time16:13
moke23how can i connect my phone to my pc with Ubuntu16:13
turkjeusJack_Sparrow, do you know a solution for this, I had been looking at google but can't find something usefull16:13
Jack_Sparrowturkjeus what was the grub error16:13
tom17bombadilWhen I receive mails via (evolution) witch inlude links to pdf-files, I see only the option to save them to disc. How can I open them directly?16:14
moke23i want to exchange my email16:14
turkjeusJack_Sparrow, Error 1716:14
moke23is there any software?16:14
DimitarI can't install a fresh copy because I recieve a error with busybox... any help with that?16:14
blufadehow do i disable UTF-8  ?16:14
lifestreamDoes anybody here have a Logitech MediaPlay mouse?16:14
lifestream!busybox | Dimitar16:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about busybox16:15
jimcooncatYour opinion please: apt-cacher, apt-cacher-ng, or something else?16:15
lifestreamoops sorry16:15
n8tuserfDimitar-> if you have a livecd of the newer 8.10 you can install that freshly16:15
kennyyumoke23: had better google it perhaps? i didn't have tried it either ;)16:15
smokeythemanis there a way i can replace dpkg or something, reinstall it16:15
DimitarLike I told, I recieve a busybox error16:15
DimitarI don't recieve that kind of error with 7.0416:16
Jack_Sparrowturkjeus I am kinda busy but pastebin your fstab, the output from sudo fdisk -l and your grub/menu.lst16:16
smokeythemanor edit dpkg16:16
n8tuserfDimitar-> even in the livecd? you get a busybox prompt?16:16
erUSULsmokeytheman: and you want to do that becouse...?16:16
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »16:16
DimitarI got that error with 7.10, 8.04 and 8.1016:16
Dimitaryes in the live cd, it won't start16:16
Dr_willislifestream,  i recall the gentoo-wiki pages often had some good detailed docs/config info on unusual mice and tweaking them ;) helped me with my 815mx16:16
kennyyuhmw: if you're not free, i can try to google it for a more while to see if i can find my answer... ;)16:16
n8tuserfsmokeytheman-> i have not tried before, but try sudo apt-get reinstall dpkg16:17
ComputerWhen I installed Ubuntu on my laptop and it recognized my Wireless card, asked me if I wanted to use non-free drivers, and installed them... Why did it ask me to reboot, instead of just restarting the network services?16:17
blufadehow do i disable UTF-8 ?16:17
lifestreamDr_willis, I know... it's just I've been trying since *JULY* LOL. the things I find do not work. Archwiki, ubuntuwiki, debian wiki.. ugggh nothing works xD But I *know* that my mouse works, It has before, in Ubuntu16:17
smokeythemanerUSUL: i get an error on the first line of dpkg16:17
n8tuserfDimitar-> that tells me your livecd burn is no good..16:17
n8tuserf!who | Dimitar16:17
ubottuDimitar: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:17
erUSULsmokeytheman: the exact error would help diagnose the problem...16:17
erUSUL!details | smokeytheman16:18
ubottusmokeytheman: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:18
Dr_willislifestream,  arch  wiki pages also seem very good from what  read of them. :) but i dont have suich a mouse.. so no idea on  how to tweak them16:18
hmwkennyyu - good idea, i'll let you know, when i make progress16:18
smokeythemann8tuserf: have you tried reinstall before? :p16:18
kennyyuhmw: :)16:18
Dimitarn8tuserf: Well, it was the official cd from ubuntu I recieved16:18
n8tuserfsmokeytheman-> i told you i have not reinstalled a dpkg  package16:18
n8tuserfDimitar-> still, it could have been a bad burn, they didnt have qA working that time :P16:19
erUSULn8tuserf: smokeytheman apt uses dpkg to install if dpkg is broken apt does not work....16:19
blufadehow can i disable UTF-8 ?16:19
Viper62Hello - would anyone know the best process for installing vmware server16:19
n8tuserferUSUL-> thats what i figured.. dpkg is the baseline command16:19
erUSUL!vmware | Viper6216:19
ubottuViper62: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware16:19
Joker_-_Trying to setup a NO-MACHINE but it get stuck at "setting up the environment"16:20
ZeroA4blufade, why disable utf-8 ?16:20
pankohow do i redirect bash stdout to gnome clipboard? thx16:20
erUSULpanko: i use xclip to redirect to Xserver clipboard (middle click to paste)16:21
Dr_willispanko,  i recall some console-cli-clipboard tool when i was browing the package manager the other day.. i forget its name.16:21
blufadeZeroA4, installed a program that gives me an error reporting that its incomapatible with UTF-8 and i need to disable it16:22
Dr_willis!info xclip16:22
ubottuxclip (source: xclip): command line interface to X selections. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.08-8 (intrepid), package size 16 kB, installed size 76 kB16:22
Dr_willis!info xsel16:22
ubottuxsel (source: xsel): command-line tool to access X clipboard and selection buffers. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-1 (intrepid), package size 18 kB, installed size 84 kB16:22
ZeroA4blufade, what program ?16:22
blufadepro engineer16:22
smokeythemanso is there any solution when dpkg is broken?16:23
SlashLifeMorning. :)16:23
SlashLifeHow would I go to install packages from CLI on ubuntu?16:23
smokeythemancan i install using .deb packages?16:24
Viper62are !QEmu and !VitualBox comparable to vmware - was looking at the vmware as we are implementing that at our office16:24
ZeroA4blufade, does it helps ? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-990227.html16:24
Dr_willisSlashLife,  sudo apt-get install whatever16:24
Dr_willis!apt-get | SlashLife16:24
ubottuSlashLife: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)16:24
SlashLifeapt suffices, thanks. ;)16:24
loki0347Would anyone be willing to help with totem real quick?16:24
Joker_-_Viper62: virtual box is quite the same as vmware altho it doesnt support 64bits16:24
erUSULsmokeytheman: coulb be but you failde to give as the exact error message you are getting16:25
smokeythemanthe error message is located in the pastebin http://pastebin.com/m359f1cb816:25
erUSULsmokeytheman: i ask again what is the "exact" error msg use pastebin16:25
Joker_-_Viper62: I personally use vmware as virtual box was giving me errors but I used vbox for a few years16:25
blufadeZeroA4, tried te instructions in this page, http://humdi.net/tips/how-to-disable-utf-8-in-console ,  sadly didn't workout16:26
NeoDragonI am upgrading from a 160GB HD to a 500GB HD, is it possible to simply rsync my hardy /root partition from one HD to the other and have it still be able to boot from the new HD?16:26
smokeythemani pasted it earlier but i forgot to highlight your name16:26
ZeroA4blufade, did you start the programa from the same terminal ?16:26
loki0347To anyone, Totem seems to be maximized and full screen at the same time check it out (http://php.uat.edu/~nicbernh/totem.png) Any ideas how to fix this?16:26
smokeythemanerUSL: http://pastebin.com/m359f1cb816:26
blufadeZeroA4, yes16:27
erUSULsmokeytheman: try « sudo cp -i /var/lib/dpkg/available-old  /var/lib/dpkg/available  »16:27
ZeroA4blufade, sorry then... i out of ideias16:27
blufadebut isn't is supposed to a general thing  like changing language settings and stuff ?16:27
blufadeZeroA4UTF-8 is related to language setting , isn't it ?16:28
linnuxxyshould i install the 64bit version of ubuntu for my core 2 duo laptop?16:28
smokeythemanerUSL: you fixed it, thanks16:28
erUSULlinnuxxy: yep16:28
simplexioLinuturk: if you have 4G ram16:29
erUSULsmokeytheman: no problem16:29
_VIM_does anyone know which vmware server version did *NOT* have the web intereface? I the new one to be very hard to use, the old one was easier16:29
simplexiolinnuxxy: .. if you have 4G ram maybe if more then yes16:29
blufadeZeroA4, how do i get root access other than through terminal ? maybe login via root account ?16:29
linnuxxywill the 64 bit give more performance?16:30
NeoDragonI am upgrading from a 160GB HD to a 500GB HD, is it possible to simply rsync my hardy /root partition from one HD to the other and have it still be able to boot from the new HD?16:31
simplexiolinnuxxy: not that much16:31
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_VIM_NeoDragon: Clonezilla maybe... ?16:32
cwilluNeoDragon, almost16:32
_VIM_or Fog16:32
cwilluNeoBlaster, rsync, and then chroot to that drive, and run grub-install on the partition16:32
madagascar27hi I need MAJOR help i am in the alt installer in ubuntu and am trying to dual boot vista and ubuntu, I partitioned 50gb and want to put ubuntu on that space, but now during the installation, it says I need a swap space how do I create one during the installer???16:32
_VIM_haven't tried fog yet though, so you're on your own with that one...16:32
bangalibabuhello everyone16:32
cwillumadagascar27, leave a gb of the 50gb for the swap partition then16:33
madagascar27cwillu: how16:33
simplexiolinnuxxy: before fact was that 64bit was annoying. nowdays 64bit is better but i dont know is it worth ot if you dont have 4G+ RAM16:33
jbunchermadagascar27:  just shrink your 50gb so you can have a gig or so of swap space16:33
erUSULNeoDragon: if you then set up grub it should... (nmake sure you instruct rsync to skip "volatile" dirs like /dev/ /proc /sys...)16:33
_VIM_does anyone know which vmware server version did *NOT* have the web intereface? I find the new one to be very hard to use, the old one was easier16:33
jbuncher_VIM_:  what's the version of the "new" one you're using?16:34
linnuxxysimplexio: i have 2.5 GB... but i do alot of image processing16:34
cwillumadagascar27, any reason you can't use the desktop cd?  it has a point and click partitioner for this16:34
arvind_khadrimadagascar27, you can resize the 50 gb partition...16:34
NeoDragonThanks all that at least gives me some place to start.16:34
cwillumadagascar27, I know you can do it from the alt cd, but I don't know the exact instructions off-hand16:34
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linnuxxylarge maps and things like that16:34
tuxflavrdwaflshi! I am trying to get the Realtek ALC268 sound card to work.  all the levels appear to be up, and nothing is muted.  I found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=878608 and seems to be helpful but this link deadends http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false#High%20Definition%20Audio%20Codecs.  any ideas?16:35
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cwillulinnuxxy, there's a performance win, yes16:35
madagascar27okay I am in the installer for ubuntu right now it says partionin diska i have a pri/log 53.5 GB free space how can I make it have swap16:35
_VIM_jbuncher: it was 2.* i believe, it's been a few months since I last used it... Ran back to Vbox and never looked back, but lately having issues with vbox + Guest Tools , so I'm thinking bout trying Vmware again :/16:35
erUSULNeoDragon: may be easier using partimage from a livecd (but i've done what you describe 2-3 times using tar and worked)16:35
cwillulinnuxxy, not huge (depending on the workload), but its there16:35
erUSULNeoDragon: allways from a livecd16:35
jbuncher_VIM_, you can always go back to vmware server 1.0.8, I use that without any sort of web interface16:36
NeoDragonI'll do that thanks.16:36
_VIM_jbuncher: is that for Ubuntu 8.04?16:36
groundupI am running ubuntu 10.08 and the speakers work but the front headphone jack does not. I am on a Gateway laptop. It worked in Hardy. Nothing is muted. Any suggestions?16:36
simplexiolinnuxxy: answer is maybe.. image processing is one of those few areas where 64bit helps16:36
loki0347madagascar do you still need help?16:36
cwillumadagascar27, delete the partition, and make two partitions in the freed space.  Make one of them the 52.5 or whatever, and the other 1gb, and set the partition type of the 1gb to swap16:36
jbunchermadagascar27:  you need to split it into two partitions, one big one for you install, and one that's a few gigs for your swap16:36
linnuxxythank you guys... it was very helpful16:36
jbuncher_VIM_:  I don't know if it's in the repositories, I just started using the one dl'd from their site.  The ones in the repos were never up to date with the kernel modules, it became a big pain.16:37
loki0347what's up silentcrew/16:37
simplexiolinnuxxy: easiest way is install 64bit ans test it. if everything works then continue use it.16:37
cwillujbuncher, kernel modules are handled by dkms now, which makes them far easier to deal with16:37
_VIM_jbuncher: i was under the impression Vmware wasnt in the repos anyways , but i'll check into 1.0.8 thanks :)16:38
groundupIt also doesn't help that my internet connection is terrible because I am in a 3rd world country.16:38
linnuxxysimplexio... there is only amd64 version of ubuntu16:38
loki0347@linnuxxy it'll work on 64bit intel16:38
regeyagroundup, although I live in the united states, where I live has terrible internet access so I sympathize :-)16:38
SlashLifeArgh! @ http://packages.debian.org/stable/web/php4-gd16:38
simplexiolinnuxxy: amd64 is 64bit for all x86 processors.. its because amd was first16:38
groundupYeah, I am from NJ but I am not home.16:38
cwillulinnuxxy, that's just distinguishing from a really old intel 64bit standard that nobody uses any more16:38
linnuxxyhmmm... i see... thanks again16:39
cwillusimplexio, uh, no, but theirs was the standard that caught on :p16:39
loki0347@cwillu CISC caught on too, it doesn't make it right.16:39
jbuncher_VIM_:  They had it in there for a while (feisty and a bit of gutsy I think, might have been in the "partner" or whatever repo).16:39
simplexiocwillu: far as i know it was first 32bit/64bit x86 processor16:39
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
Sarkieis there an xorg config util anywhere?16:40
loki0347@sarkie graphical or do you just want to reconfigure xorg?16:40
erUSULSarkie: try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'16:40
loki0347@erUSUL what does the -phigh do?16:40
cwilluloki0347, sets the level of question you want to be bothered with16:41
erUSULloki0347: make it automagical ;P i does not ask anything trys to guess16:41
cwilluloki0347, -plow on most packages will harass you with various inane questions, -phigh only checks the most critical questions and uses the defaults for everything else16:41
cwilluloki0347, for xserver-xorg, -phigh is appropriate for the majority of cases16:42
loki0347cwillu, ahh, I've seen it before. seen it before never looked at the man for the flag.16:42
lifestreamHey.... putting "evdev" as the mouse driver in xorg, makes my mouse not work at all. :-/   But the "mouse" driver does not make my media buttons work. What to do? :P16:42
cwilluloki0347, a dpkg-reconfigure -a -plow will have you answering questions for hours, literally16:42
loki0347cwillu, I'm tempted to try it now just to see how inane they are.16:43
cwilluloki0347, do it in a vm16:43
profanephobiawhats that application called that pops up in nautilus when you press ctrl+f?16:43
cwilluloki0347, it's a good learning experience though16:43
SlashLifesimplexio: Intel was first ... but AMDs 64 bit technilogy is compatible to i38616:43
loki0347cwillu, Current project is LFS16:44
cwilluloki0347, not in the bad sense, you'll gain an appreciation for how much stuff it can do16:44
loki0347cwillu, linux from scratch16:44
SarkieI just want a gui config app, if not its fine :)16:44
simplexioSlashLife: that what i said16:44
loki0347@sarkie, when you config xorg it's usually command line. I don't know of any graphical versions.16:44
cwilluSarkie, the ideal is that everything should be getting autoconfigured properly16:44
Sarkienp, its working now! :)16:45
cwilluSarkie, there's supposed to be a more intricate graphical config utility coming for jaunty or jaunty+1, but most people never need that level of control16:45
loki0347cwillu, I've learned the beauty of vm's to play around with linux. I'm a terrible kernel killer.16:45
erUSULSlashLife: AMD designed x86_64 ansd was the first to sen 64 x86_64 cpus. it deserves the credit of the architecture being named amd6416:45
SlashLifeerUSUL: I never contradicted that.16:45
cwilluloki0347, kde has had a graphical xorg configurator for a while now16:46
loki0347cwillu, linux from scratch you literally compile all of linux from source starting with the kernel and building your own distro from the ground up.16:46
erUSULcwillu: well hardy's displayconfig-gtk was very usefull it was zapped on intrepid becouse randr and newer xorg is "automatic" unfortunetly it fails for many people16:46
loki0347cwillu, I use gnome. kde seems heavy to me.=16:46
cwilluloki0347, I know what it is, I just didn't recognize the acronym16:46
loki0347cwillu, ahh sorry.16:46
erUSULSlashLife: sorry the missunderstanding 17:44 < SlashLife> simplexio: Intel was first ...16:47
cwilluloki0347, just saying, now you know of one :p16:47
SlashLifeerUSUL: Yet, IA64 has been around for quite some time.16:47
Enjoy\Outsalve c'è qualcuno che mi puo' aiutare?16:47
AdamDHhi all, just put  ubuntu on a dell optiplex 740 desktop, seems the hdd is constantly clciking, sounds like the heads parking, tried using hdpram to stop power saving but does not work? rather annoying, any other ideas what would cause constant disk activity?nothing comes up in dmesg16:47
erUSUL!it | Enjoy\Out16:47
ubottuEnjoy\Out: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:47
SlashLifeWhy did I write techn_i_logy btw?16:47
loki0347adamDH, drive failure?16:47
SlashLifeDoesn't matter now, tho ... where do I get php4-gd from? *thinks*16:47
AdamDHbrand new disk brand new system16:48
hmwAdamDH - looks like your drive is going to die. backup immediately and buy a new drive.16:48
tuxflavrdwaflsDoes anyone know where or how to get the driver for a HDA Intel sound card with a Realtek ALC268 chip?  I found this, http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/...Audio%20Codecs , but the link for linux is unavailable.16:48
AdamDHits a brand new 750 gig disk!16:48
cwilluAdamDH, how often?16:48
loki0347hmw, that's what I thought.16:48
AdamDHallmost every minuet16:48
lifestreamAnyone know the name of the package I need to install to get the evdev driver?16:48
cwilluAdamDH, only once a minute or so?16:48
erUSULAdamDH: if its new you can return it and ask for a new one...16:49
AdamDHyup when the system is idle not doing anything16:49
cwilluAdamDH, tracker maybe?16:49
mefisto__!intelhda | tuxflavrdwafls16:49
ubottutuxflavrdwafls: For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto16:49
AdamDHtried the disk in a second ubuntu system no issues no clicking just in this dell desktop16:49
hmwAdamDH - in my 25 yrs expirience, i never had a HD with this symptom, that was NOT dieing16:49
danbhfive_jauntylifestream: its an xserver package.  You can look it up at packages.ubuntu.com if you can't find it with tab completion16:49
loki0347Adamdh, if you used it in a different system doesn't that mean it's the mobo pulsing the drive for some reason?16:50
AdamDHI was planning to change out the disk but its suspect that its just that desktop fresh install thats causing it16:50
hmwAdamDH - thats really interesting.16:50
cwilluadamb_, one sec16:50
cwilluAdamDH, ^^^16:50
AdamDHI tried using hdpram to set power saving etc16:50
lifestreamdanbhfive_jaunty, Found it, sweet, thanks !16:50
hmwAdamDH - can you use another PC for testing the same OS with the same HD?16:51
cwilluAdamDH, install smartmontools, and then run smartctl -t short /dev/sda16:51
AdamDHall my systems are gentoo or intrepid, tried the hdd in two other desktops no issue, as that was my orginal guess, but for some reason it seems to just be these dell systems16:51
cwilluAdamDH, after 30 seconds or so, pastebin the output of smartctl --all /dev/sda16:52
cwilluAdamDH, substituting /dev/sda for the actual device name if applicable16:52
cwilluAdamDH, did you get all that?16:53
AdamDHyup just installing the package now and then will run smartctl -t short /dev/sda16:53
AdamDHrunning that command it says please wait a min, then returned me back to the command prompt, never used smartmontools before16:54
cwilluAdamDH, yep16:54
cwilluAdamDH, in another few seconds, run the next line I gave you16:55
cwilluand pastebin the results16:55
cwilluAdamDH, we just told the drive itself to run a short selfcheck (which can be done concurrently with other access), and now we have to poll for its completion (although a short test should only take 30 seconds or so anyway)16:55
AdamDHthere is the results http://www.pastebin.ca/134117316:56
cwilluAdamDH, okay, run the --all one one more time, the test wasn't quite done yet :p16:57
cwilluand repaste16:57
cwilluAdamDH, that drive has overheated before16:58
AdamDHwhere has it said that in the results I am trying to interpertiate it16:59
cwilluAdamDH, weird, it's still 90% done16:59
cwilluAdamDH, line 62 of the last pastebin16:59
cwilluAdamDH, value/worst/threshold, numbers below the threshold indicate a problem or a previous problem17:00
cwilluAdamDH, sorry, smartctl --all /dev/sda one more time, and pastebin, hopefully for the last time :p17:00
AdamDHsays the disk has 7758 hours usage weird17:01
cwilluAdamDH, if I'm reading it right, the temperature got up to 71c at some point17:01
AdamDHyup just re ran it again will give it another go17:01
jbunchercwillu:  How are you supposed to interpret value/worst/threshold?  Are higher numbers worse?17:01
cwilluAdamDH, 92 hours.  the raw value doesn't necesarily mean the obvious thing17:01
need_help23i still get freezes in 3d applications... who can help me?17:02
cwillujbuncher, depends on the field, although you can presume if the worst is less than the value, then lower is worse17:02
AdamDHits possible this was a new disk I used to transfer data from a hdd failure in a server so the temp could have gotten high lots of rack gear about when I did that17:02
=== ted_ is now known as tedb
tedbHi all -- I work at a midsize ISP and am thinking about how I can host an Ubuntu repo mirror for our customers.  Has anyone done that?17:02
tedbHi all -- I work at a midsize ISP and am thinking about how I can host an Ubuntu repo mirror for our customers.  Has anyone done that?17:02
jbunchercwillu:  so what about his Raw_Read_Error_Rate ?  Is that worse than it should be?17:02
cwillujbuncher, AdamDH, the values are defined by the manufacturer, the only real standard is that the drive signals failure17:02
cwillujbuncher, the threshold is a hint to that17:03
jbunchercwillu:  just seems odd that the rate for errors has a low threshold, and a "worst" lower than the "value"17:03
n8tuserftedb-> thats very nice of you, i dont know how to do it though, but i thank you anyways for hosting a repo17:03
cwillujbuncher, it's not unusual to have some read errors, there's error correction and the like to make the remapping transpareent17:03
tedbthanks n8tuserf!17:03
n8tuserftedb-> maybe try  #ubuntu-motu17:04
AdamDHseems to only get to 90%?17:04
cwillujbuncher, man smartctl should give some insight to the madness :p17:04
AdamDHtedb> ask in ubuntu-motu17:04
need_help23i have graphics performance problems... plz help17:04
tedbthanks adam and n8r!17:04
jbunchercwillu:  I'm just thinking that it's odd that the "error rate" has a "worst" that's lower than the "value".  You'd think that hte worst "error rate" would be the largest number (more errors/second or something)17:04
=== odder_ is now known as odder
odderhm. Anybody know how to make that: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2005-June/038348.html ?17:05
AdamDHits only getting to 90%17:05
AdamDHran it a fair few times now17:05
AdamDHgoing to wait a bit longer17:05
cwillujbuncher, it's not an absolute number, it's normalized to be between 0 and 100, and it doesn't necessarily mean that a higher number == more errors17:05
cwilluAdamDH, you aren't rerunning -t short are you?17:06
AdamDHbut still looking at that it does not explaon why my disk is constantly been accessed17:06
jbunchercwillu:  well that's just absurd then :P17:06
cwilluAdamDH, you are?17:06
AdamDHadamhorden@adam-desktop:~$ sudo smartctl -t short /dev/sda17:06
=== fader_ is now known as fader
AdamDH 4  Short offline       Self-test routine in progress 90%      775817:06
cwillujbuncher, man smartctl, read the sections that talk about thresholds17:07
odderdoes anybody know how to make nautilus display icons only (without text/name/label/whatever) on your desktop?17:07
cwilluAdamDH, stop running that command17:07
cwilluAdamDH, run sudo smartctl --all /dev/sda17:07
need_help23someone help me please... i got graphics performance problems17:07
cwilluAdamDH, run smartctl --all /dev/sda as many times as you want :p17:08
AdamDHright re running that sudo smartctl --all /dev/sda gives the same output as I pasted before17:08
cwilluokay, that's odd, but interesting17:08
hmwcwillu AdamDH - might there be a problem in the controllers?17:09
AdamDHtop shows the load is very low so I would expect the disk to do nothing17:09
cwilluAdamDH, give it ten minutes and check it one more time, might not be giving it enough time17:09
cwilluhmw, I think I just didn't give it enough time so far17:10
=== joborociroboroqu is now known as sdfcg
AdamDHallmost sure it sounds like head parking tome now17:10
AdamDH*to me17:10
blix_Does anyone know why I can't get my Ubuntu resolution more than 800x600|?17:10
blix_I'm using Sun Virtual box as my host17:10
hmwcwillu - pls include my name in your next messages, i want to follow this17:10
AdamDHwith hdpram you can set the power saving, would that cause it? if its set to aggresavley17:11
Dr_willisAdamDH,  yes - it can cause it.17:11
Dr_willisAdamDH,  there was a big  'thing' about that issue a release or to ago - of ubuntu. :) some bugs in hard drives and bios's and  oepration systems can cause 'issues'17:12
BleSShi! does anybody knows any good email provider (not free providers)?17:12
cwillubut only if there was activity on the drive since the last park (i.e, something gets written to the drive, then gets flushed out 5 seconds later, and then 15 seconds later the head gets parked, and then 15 seconds later, something _else_ gets written to the drive)17:12
ktebitI'm on Ubuntu 8.10 with Fluxbox.  Is there a docking application for suspend/hibernate for my laptop?  Running sudo pm-suspend in terminal is pain.17:13
cwilluktebit, gnome-power-manager should run without dragging a whole lot in, although I can't guarentee that :p17:13
cwilluAdamDH, wanna give me another pastebin?  (apt-get install pastebinit might be useful to you) (hmw)17:14
AdamDHif I run sudo hdparm -B 254 /dev/sda I get HDIO_DRIVE_CMD failed: Input/output error that does not seem right17:14
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cwilluAdamDH, (hmw) just implies that that value isn't in the supported range of the drive17:15
jordan_hello, may i ask a question?17:15
AdamDHstill 90%?17:15
cwilluAdamDH, give me the pastebin anyway, I want to compare numbers17:15
cwillua new pastebin that is17:16
cwillu(hmw) ^^^17:16
cwillu(you asked to be highlighted :p)17:16
need_help23is ActionParsnip1 somewhere?17:16
cwilluAdamDH, (hmw) there's been 3000 seek errors between two of those previous pastebins :(17:17
jordan_i have ubuntu 8.10 installed and i installed it at the default partition size(dualled with WinXP) is there a way i can make ubuntu bigger17:17
hmwcwillu AdamDH - doesnt that indicate a problem with the servos in the drive?17:17
cwilluhmw ( AdamDH ), yes, I think it might17:18
madagascar27i need help I installed ubuntu 8.10 using the alt installer everything went well until I loaded up ubuntu off grub it goes and makes the sound but then the screen turns black what do i do???17:18
cwilluhmw, new drive you said?  most of the drive failures you'd see in the first 2-3 years are actually in the first several hundred hours of use17:19
cwilluAdamDH, ^^^17:19
need_help23my system crashes when i enter 3D applications ... what shall i do ?17:19
n8tuserfmadagascar27-> try to add  vga=971  on the grub to see if it makes a diff17:19
hmwcwillu - i think AdamDH said, the drive was quite new17:19
madagascar27n8tuserf: what17:19
cwilluAdamDH, I think you have a warranty claim/rma17:19
Jack_Sparrowcwillu unless it is seagate baracuda 7200, they are going out like crazy17:20
hmwcwillu AdamDH - the warranty claim would be my guess, too.17:20
ifroogHi, Im new to gnome. have a couple of questions.17:20
AdamDHI will send the disk back then17:20
n8tuserfmadagascar27-> at boot press esc and try to add  vga=971  on the grub to see if it makes a diff17:20
ifroogHow do i see the user list in xchat?17:20
AdamDHI got it to get data off a server drive transfer it to a new array then the drive was surplus so will get it sent back17:20
need_help23is there someone who would help me?!17:20
slashzulis there a ubuntu package to record video from youtube and such?17:20
hmwcwillu AdamDH - only strange thing is, that the problems dont seem to occur in another pc / other os... thats really weird17:20
cwilluneed_help23, nvidia?17:20
jordan_use vixy.net17:20
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jeeveswhat programs do I need to install for Hugin?  I'm not getting the auto point generation17:21
need_help23cwillu: ati17:21
AdamDHI have to admit it was a couple a days ago when I did the test17:21
jordan_or u can install downloadhelper if u use FF 3 as an addon17:21
cwilluhmw, I'd bet the read errors would still be showing up in smartctl17:21
cwilluneed_help23, sorry, don't know much about ati17:21
Dr_willisifroog,  it may be 'resized' all the way to the right.. move the mouise to the right side and see it turns into  the resize arrows    <---> thing17:21
madagascar27n8tuserf: i see the grub screen I can choose ubuntu or vista where can I type it17:21
AdamDHthanks for all the help17:21
Jack_Sparrowslashzul there is  the youtube-dl script in the repos17:21
Dr_willisifroog,  and theres a menu item to show/hide it.17:21
need_help23cwillu: maybe u have some general tips?17:21
Jack_Sparrow!find youtube17:21
ubottuFound: libwebservice-youtube-perl, youtube-dl17:21
Sarkiehi guys, I'm currently using this xorg.conf http://pastebin.com/d7cbcc2d9 with it actually working without a monitor cable plugged in. It started working with "vesa" driver, is it possible to improve the resolution?17:21
cwilluneed_help23, does glxgears crash as well?17:21
Jack_Sparrow!info youtube-dl17:22
ubottuyoutube-dl (source: youtube-dl): download videos from youtube.com. In component universe, is extra. Version 2008.03.22-1 (intrepid), package size 8 kB, installed size 64 kB17:22
n8tuserfmadagascar27-> select ubuntu, but you also have to press esc  i think once more to get the long kernel ...prompt17:22
ifroogDr_willis: Yes, i do understand what you mean. I used to have it on the right when i was in kde3 with xchat installed.17:22
need_help23cwillu: sry... what? (i just installed ubuntu, so i'm noob)17:22
cwilluneed_help23, if I had to guess, I'd think that you installed a driver from ati's website rather than through the repository, or something odd got mucked up in that vein17:22
cwilluneed_help23, open a terminal and type glxgears17:22
ifroogDr_willis: And there is no such option to show hide user list.17:23
Dr_willisifroog,  ive seen where some times the settings get messed up. and its 'resized' all the way to the right where you just dont see it..  not sure what causes it17:23
AdamDHI am having no luck with drives lost about 4 in 2 weeks!17:23
tuxflavrdwaflsis there a way to "upgrade" to opengeu 8.04 from ubuntu 8.04?17:23
cwillujordan_, refrain from pm'ing people without asking them in-channel first17:23
slashzulthanks! youtube.dl and vixy.net work with both movies.yahoo and youtube!17:23
cwillujordan_, I've gone days before noticing that somebody pm17:23
Dr_willisifroog,  view -> user list   (Ctrl-F7)  it says here.. in xchat.. Not xchat-gnome17:23
cwillu...pm'd me17:23
need_help23cwillu: glxgears doesn't crash17:23
ifroogwhen i do help about it says, xchat-gnome v0.2417:23
jordan_cwillu pm?17:23
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:24
cwillujordan_, you messaged me a question.  Don't do that :p17:24
Dr_willisifroog,  that may be the issue then.. eeryone seems to HATE xchat-gnome.17:24
cwilluxchat-gnome isn't a great conversion of xchat.  Xchat itself already fits in quite nicely :p17:24
jordan_i have ubuntu 8.10 installed and i installed it at the default partition size(dualled with WinXP) is there a way i can make ubuntu bigger?17:25
ifroogArgg, ok ! yeah.. Let me get the orginal one and be right back. tx for solving my first issue. brb17:25
ktebitI guess the quick question I had is: I see /lib/linux-sound-base/noALSA.modprobe.conf has my card listed with "blacklist" preceding it.  What is this blacklisting?17:25
jordan_youre a communist17:25
cwillujordan_, I _think_ you can boot off the livecd and resize via the partition editor (system | administration | partition editor)17:25
jordan_and we're back in the 60's17:25
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n8tuserfjordan_-> stop that please17:25
regeya!offtopic > jordan_17:26
ktebitI see /lib/linux-sound-base/noALSA.modprobe.conf has my card listed with "blacklist" preceding it.  What is this blacklisting?17:26
lifestreamHey for xmodmap I have pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 7 6 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 (But I only know what 1 2 3 do. How do I know which numbers I would use for the rest, and where? (man xmodmap is not very informative)17:26
prodigelhi all. HOw can I format a mmc memory card? I've seen the device created is named mmcblk0, fdisk knows it but mkdosfs doesn't accept it17:26
cwilluneed_help23, what does crash, and does it crash immediately?17:26
hmwktebit - afair blacklisting goes with udev and is used to exclude some modules from autoloading. needed in certain cases, where additional configuration is needed before udev activates stuff.17:26
need_help231cwillu: well... it does crash >.<17:27
cwilluprodigel, install gparted, and use that (it'll install into system | administration | partition editor)17:27
cwilluneed_help23, glxgears?17:27
need_help231cwillu: yes17:27
ktebitwhat can that be?17:27
prodigelcwillu, gparted doesn't let me choose the memory card as a device17:27
cwilluoh, k17:27
need_help231cwillu: it crashes not immediately, but after several seconds17:28
need_help231cwillu: like the other 3d apps i tried17:28
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ktebitwhat is that blacklist?17:28
ktebitI see /lib/linux-sound-base/noALSA.modprobe.conf has my card listed with "blacklist" preceding it.  What is this blacklisting?17:29
cwilluneed_help23, sorry, I really have no idea then.  Try filing a bug on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/, giving a good title description.  It'll give you a list of possibly related bug after that, one of which may be the problem you're having, and may also include workarounds if its known17:29
cwilluneed_help23, sorry I can't help more17:30
need_help231cwillu: k, but thanks anyway17:30
cwilluneed_help23, at the very least, the 'good title description' will be useful here as well :)17:30
need_help231cwillu: :P17:30
cwilluneed_help23, something like '3d apps crash after several seconds with an ati video card' :p17:30
need_help231cwillu: kk, thx17:30
lifestreamDoes anyone know how xmodmap  works, regarding "pointer = 1 2 3" etc etc? It doesn't explain in man  xmodmap17:30
quentusrexDoes anyone know if a pci-e 16x v1 card will work in a pci-express 16x v2 motherboard?17:32
Sarkiethey are backwards compat17:32
dmgxhello, I'm trying to write something in java using net beans 6.1 ang I get a big unknow error com.sun.corba.se.impl.ior.IORImpl getProfile17:32
dmgxWARNING: "IOP00511201: (INV_OBJREF) IOR must have at least one IIOP profile"17:32
dmgxorg.omg.CORBA.INV_OBJREF:   vmcid: SUN  minor code: 1201  completed: No17:32
[ifroog]Back :) Dr_willis Got the official version, what a relief.17:32
harelUninstalled openoffice2.4 in order to install openoffice3. installation is in /opt/openoffice3/programs/soffice which is not in the $PATH variable. What should be done?17:33
[ifroog]Now, My second question is how do i set two diff wallpapers on my dual screen. kde has that option right in desktop properties. How do i do the same in gnome?17:33
mefisto__lifestream: the man page does explain it17:33
[ifroog]Im on ubuntu 8.10.17:33
Jack_Sparrowdmgx Please ask in a programming channel.. not in ubuntu support17:34
mfdavidhi all. I have two screens (my lcd monitor and my TV). Im using xinerama. If I open Totem, move it to my secondary screen, and then set it to fullscreen, it works fine. But all the other aplications (games, VLC, etc) always force to fullscreen in the my primary LCD monitor... how can I force then to start on my secondary screen as fullscreen?17:34
cwillu[ifroog], an often requested feature, but there's nothing that does that in gnome yet :(17:34
quentusrexDoes anyone know if a pci-e 16x v1 card will work in a pci-express 16x v2 motherboard?17:34
lifestreammefisto__,  really? All I found is that "the buttons numbers are in physical order" but I don't feel like busting my mouse open to figure out what pysical order they're in :P17:34
cwillu[ifroog], there's a bug/wishlist-item on launchpad though, and adding your voice may eventually get it fixed :p17:35
dmgxJack_Sparrow, i didn't know about that chanel17:35
harel_ Uninstalled openoffice2.4 in order to install openoffice3 (downloaded the .deb files in the ooffice package). installation is in /opt/openoffice3/programs/soffice which is not in the $PATH variable. What should be done?17:35
suicidepillscan someone help me with a minor wireless issue, please?  I seem to lose my connection everyone once and awhile and I can't get it back until i restart my computer.17:35
Jack_Sparrowharel_ read the instructions for the unsupported software that you are trying to install17:35
lifestreamsuicidepills, what wifi card do you have? Do you know what driver? What security does the wifi have?17:36
[ifroog]cwillu, okies, ill wait for a month ! i guess i have to design twinview wallpapers before i use them.17:36
funkyHatharel_: add it to your path in .bashrc or don't worry that it's not in $PATH?17:36
cwillu[ifroog], yep :(17:36
erUSULharel_: either add /opt/openoffice3/programs/soffice to your path or make a link to that file in /usr/local/bin/ for example (which it is in PATH by default)17:36
diffraharel_ it may not be the correct way, but i'd `sudo ln -s /opt/openoffice3/programs/soffice /usr/local/bin/soffice`17:36
mikeshollenCan someone please help me to get my internal mic working in Hardy?17:36
suicidepillslifestream: i'm using an atheros built-in card (i have a Asus x59sl laptop) with whatever drivers ubuntu 8.10 installs by default.  the wifi has WEP encryption17:37
mefisto__lifestream: 1 is the left button, 2 is middle, 3 is right, 4 and 5 is up/down scroll etc. you can use xev (run it in terminal) to get details about other buttons your mouse may have17:37
suicidepillslifestream: it might also be worth noting that i can still see wireless networks when this happens.  i just can't seem to re-connect at that point17:37
romain__where can i talk in french?17:37
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:37
tuxflavrdwaflsis it possible to "upgrade" 8.04 to opengeu 8.04?17:38
funkyHatAnyone else being told that you're spyware by google?17:38
Picituxflavrdwafls: opengeu?17:38
tyler_d1I am using sshfs to mount an ntfs drive on another linux box, once complete, only root is able to access these files(mounted in /media/SHARE/) the dir is set to 777 and owned by root any help would be appreciated.17:38
Jack_SparrowfunkyHat under what conditions17:38
cwillufunkyHat, google was calling everybody spyware a while ago17:38
harel_diffra, how is it done on original OO2.4 package?17:38
diffrait probably installs the binary in /usr/bin17:38
AsadI can't play .m4a/aac files in amarok2  (amarok-kde4) ... I do have libxine installed and I have installed the phonon-backend-xine as well .. ideas?17:39
IndyGunFreakfunkyHat: that happened a couple weeeks ago, but it seems ok right now.17:39
diffrayup, just checked using which17:39
harel_diffra, Can you look it over please?17:39
[ifroog]cwillu, tx for the update.17:39
harel_diffra, Seem to me it installed in /opt and had links set to it.17:39
Picituxflavrdwafls: We do not support that Ubuntu variant here.17:39
erUSULAsad: install libxine1-all-plugins17:39
funkyHatJack_Sparrow: attempting to search for something in firefox (ctrl+K or from the google.[co.uk,com] page17:39
erUSULAsad: ??17:39
AsaderUSUL: done that already17:40
Jack_SparrowfunkyHat ty17:40
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lifestreammefisto__,  oops sorry I just quit xchat by accidebnt17:40
funkyHatIf it's been happening to other people recently I guess I'll just ignore it and wait for it to go away17:40
[ifroog]My third question is, How when using qt/kde apps, can i use gtk them on it by default or how do i change kde apps theme from gnome for kde/qt apps eg:- konqueror, kopete etc.. ?17:40
suicidepillslifestream: did you get my last message about my wireless specs?17:40
tuxflavrdwaflspici I guess its kinda like an ubuntu distro.  i am downloading a liveboot cd right now.  700 megs.  but it says it is fully compatible with ubuntu 8.04 so i thought i might be able to upgrade .17:40
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mikeshollenCan anyone help me setup my Mic in Hardy?17:41
suicidepillslifestream: just checkin' 'cause you said that you had quit on accident :)17:41
diffraharel_: http://dpaste.com/122185/17:41
mefisto__lifestream: so did you get my button order explanation?17:41
Picituxflavrdwafls: I can't say one way or the other.  Contact their support for answers.17:41
ubottuThe following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes,   please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in   #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate17:41
Picituxflavrdwafls: Try asking in #opengeu17:41
harel_diffra, Yep, as expected. Any idea if there is a procedure to make those links?17:42
lifestreammefisto__,  thank god for scrollback :D  yes, the problem is I don't know what comes after the scroll buttons. is it volume up? down? next song?  :P17:42
Jack_SparrowI need help from someone that has a dual boot system and a single hard drive..I know.. kinda specific..17:42
hmwJack_Sparrow - ?? what do you need?17:42
diffrait's still the same command I gave originally.17:42
lifestreamsuicidepills, yes, I had that problem last week but with another card. there's lots of bug reports on launchpad, I'm just not sure if anyone is working on them :(17:42
mefisto__lifestream: you mean your mouse has extra buttons?17:43
funkyHatJack_Sparrow: I used to have that setup... what's the problem?17:43
diffra`sudo ln -s /opt/openoffice3/programs/soffice /usr/local/bin/soffice`17:43
Jack_Sparrowhmw I have a script to create cd with /boot for when you want to reinstall windows..17:43
harel_diffra, Thanks.17:43
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diffraharel_: np17:43
lifestreammefisto__,  oh, yes. Mouse works great, and I know media buttons work  because they have in the past (yes, in Ubuntu), Ubuntu autodetected everything ^___^ but now I've got to do it by hand, it's been moooonths and I'm sill trying to figure it out ;p17:43
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lifestreamI'm dumb17:44
hmwJack_Sparrow - you want to use linux to restore the MBR and stuff, like only windows was installed?17:44
suicidepillslifestream: i'm pretty new to linux.  is there anything i can do to see if someone is working on them?  is there a place where i can report the bug to increase the chances of it being fixed?17:44
Jack_Sparrowhmw It saves a copy of your mbr and all important  system files17:44
Raylzhow can i export my private pgp key in seahorse?17:44
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[ifroog]My third question is, How when using qt/kde apps, can i use gtk them on it by default or how do i change kde apps theme from gnome for kde/qt apps eg:- konqueror, kopete etc.. ?17:44
Jack_Sparrowhwm please /join #Jack_Sparrow for a sec..17:44
funkyHatRaylz: just copy the key from ~/.gnupg17:44
lifestreamsuicidepills, here's one bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/295414 it's a LOT of information to take in LOL but sometimes people post a fix or a workaround! :17:45
mefisto__lifestream: so you're trying to remap keyboard buttons17:45
KubuserHi all, I'm running kubuntu 8.10 with the kde 4.2 packages from ppa experimental. Should I be able to move panel widgets around?17:45
RaylzfunkyHat: ty17:45
hmwJack_Sparrow - afaik you only need to restore the mbr (maybe the partition table's flags) and everything should be back to normal. i never tried to do this with linux, i always use the recovery shell from the win boot cd17:45
hmwJack_Sparrow something like "fixmbr"17:45
suicidepillslifestream: alright, thanks man.  I really appreciate your help :)17:45
Kubusersorry wrong channel really17:45
Jack_Sparrowhmw You are missing my point.  I have no current problem17:45
mefisto__lifestream: anyway, xev will tell you which buttons are which. start xev in a terminal, a small window will appear. use keys or mouse buttons/movements and details are reported in the terminal17:46
hmwJack_Sparrow i think i understood that you dont have a current problem. you want to make something like your own distro/setup cd with the ability to restore the boot stuff, right?17:46
KenBW22i plan to install a fresh ubuntu on my dell mini - should i use the default canonical repo's or is there a reason to use Dell's?17:47
suicidepillslifestream: I don't have a problem with my wireless disconnecting nearly as often as the guy in the original bug report.  it only disconnects and stays disconnected until i restart my computer.  also, it happens randomly...sometimes not at all17:47
harelany idea what stalls the release of openoffice3?17:47
suicidepillslifestream: do you think my issue is related anyways?17:47
vigoKubuser: I do not do KDE, but I think there is an unlock from panel to move around, but look at forums as it is experimental17:47
Jack_Sparrowhmw I have it completed yes. and it works fine.  I needed someone else to look it over and try it17:47
lifestreammefisto__,  thanks so much for the help, it's *really* apreciated lol. I've read wikis, etc etc, and I know about xev, I just dont know in what order the numbers would go in .xmodmap... sorry I'm .... a ... dummy x__X17:47
diffraharel: generally ubuntu waits until the next release to do major version upgrades.17:47
mikeshollenCan someone please help me setup my Mic in Hardy?17:47
hareldiffra, Thanks.17:48
Piciharel: OOo3 was released way too late in the release cycle for it to be included in Intrepid.17:48
hmwJack_Sparrow - aah! i might help, give me a download link. AFAIK, you only need to restore the MBR and maybe check the boot flag, win shoudl then boot up normally again. Seems almost trivial to me.17:48
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difframikeshollen: maybe provide some more information?  What's working, what's not, what have you tried?17:48
Jack_Sparrowhmw http://pastebin.com/f1547267f17:48
lifestreamsuicidepills, yes I think so. You think you have to restard your computer, and I thought so too, but you dont. Did you say you knew what driver your card uses? If so, you'd go on a terminal, do sudo modprob YourDriverName   and your wifi *should* work again. That's what happened to me17:49
harelPici, I was expecting it to enter as an upgrade once it is defined as stable enough (whatever that means).17:49
Jack_Sparrowhmw trivial.. agreed.  but to have a cd with the mbr already on it that lets you boot past the sda mbr and into your install bypassing the changes windows made during the install17:49
lifestreamsuicidepills, the 'modprob' will reload your wifi driver17:49
suicidepillslifestream: how can i find out which driver i'm using?17:50
hmwJack_Sparrow - nice project! i have no idea, how booting from a cdrom works in detail. i suspect, a cdrom has its own MBR?17:50
suicidepillslifestream: i haven't messed with the drivers at all so it should be whatever comes default with ubuntu...17:50
pogayI use a usb-boot medium. my acer needs a particular monitor-frequency, which is not recognized automatically.  How can I "help" via start-up parameter to take the correct monitor, or xorg.conf?17:50
rockyrockhi guys, I want to mount a ext3 partition. Should i put "realtime" as an option in fstab?????17:50
cwillurockyrock, relatime, not realtime17:51
Jack_Sparrowhmw that is what the eltorito  is17:51
rockyrockcwillu: typo!17:51
mikeshollendiffra: so far, I'm pretty lost.  I have an alienware laptop with an internal mic that worked when I used windows, but not since I've installed ubuntu.  I have gotten into the control panel to turn the mic on, and it's at full volume, but that's about it.  I'm not sure what else to do.17:51
pogayI' dont like to change the monitor option by hand, as sometimes I boot with another system.17:51
rockyrockcwillu: so should i put relatime??17:51
difframikeshollen: I'm assuming you've tried it and it doesn't work?17:51
cwillurockyrock, it's sensible, yes17:51
Jack_Sparrowhmw run that script when you get a chance, burn the cd and reboot with the pc set to boot the cd drive and you should see blue grub menu to show you are running off the cd17:52
hmwJack_Sparrow - may i PM you about this? i dont know enough to understand all of it and would like to ask some questions17:52
lifestreamsuicidepills,  it's ath-something ^^ I don't use the card so I'm not *sure*    What do you get when you type     lsmod | grep ath       in a terminal?17:52
Jack_Sparrowhmw /join #Jack_Sparrow17:52
[ifroog]My third question is, How when using qt/kde apps, can i use gtk them on it by default or how do i change kde apps theme from gnome for kde/qt apps eg:- konqueror, kopete etc.. ?17:52
mikeshollendiffra: I open up sound recorder, and it is set to "Record Input From: Master" and "Record as: Voice, Lossy (Speex Audio)" but it never seems to play back any sound17:52
lifestreamsuicidepills, BRB, I'm moving my laptop to another room17:52
rockyrockcwillu: but after i put the information about the new partitons in fstab sometimes the icons on the desktop disappear after a reboot17:52
g33k_gir1can anyone help me fix my screen? I need to add a higher resolution than whats available in the gnome display manager, and it seems that I can't see all the colours available to me, even though my xorg.conf is set to 2417:53
rockyrockcwillu: everything on the desktop disappears, except panels17:53
fooI addeded the gwibber sources, and I got this: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY17:53
diffrainput 'master' -- i think that's the master audio *output*17:53
diffracould be wrong.17:53
diffraMaybe try installing audacity?  it has quite a few more options.17:53
mikeshollendiffra what is audacity17:54
cwillurockyrock, next time, start with the actual problem you're having :p17:54
cwillurockyrock, sounds like nautilus is crashing17:54
rockyrockcwillu: this is what i put in fstab: UUID=d355924a-4935-4325-81d4-e41c77521335 /media/Data           ext3    relatime        0       217:54
suicidepillslifestream: alright cool17:54
rockyrockcwillu: this is only happened after i edited fstab17:54
cwillurockyrock, you still need to include 'defaults'17:54
thecookieHmm. I'm trying to install ubuntu 8.10. The cd boots up fine, I get to chose to install it. I gest stuck and thrown into BusyBox built-in shell (ash)17:55
thecookieWhat could be the problem?17:55
KenBW22i plan to install a fresh ubuntu on my dell mini - should i use the default canonical repo's or is there a reason to use Dell's?17:55
diffrait's another recording application, more aimed at musicians for recording music, but, the advantage is that it has more options and displays the waveform so you can see if it's actually recording anything.17:55
rockyrockcwillu: relatime,defaults???17:55
pogaythecookie: may be rootsystem not found17:55
mikeshollendiffra: cool, I'll give it a try17:55
foohow do I get a public key for a source?17:56
cwillurockyrock, from my fstab:  UUID=(...) /media/alt ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro,user_xattr,relatime 0 117:56
thecookiepogay: And how would I make the installer find it? :)17:56
diffraI don't think it'll magically make your mic work, but it'll at least give us something to work with :)17:56
fdeKenBW22: Dell likely just mirrors the Ubuntu repos... then adds that DVD player amongst other things... it depends if you need the addons from them really17:56
YlandeFaranI was going to upgrade my BIOS, but: "motherboard_bios_ga-ep45-ud3r_f6.exe" .exe?17:56
pogaythecookie:  you can look with mount wether it is mountet under /root/yourroutsystem17:56
fdeYlandeFaran: sure, hardware companies tend to assume Windoze17:56
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr17:56
thecookiepogay: rootfs on /17:57
pogaythecookie: one reason could be not the driver for the filesystem used17:57
bouncingWith no CPU load and nothing going on, sometimes my box will seem to stop. If I'm typing, characters will lag for a split second, pulseaudio will stutter, etc... I don't have any indexing going on in the background or anything like that. Nothing unusual on top. Ideas?17:57
rockyrockcwillu: that line is for the filesystem17:57
rockyrockcwillu: i'm not sure if i should put all these options for the rest of the partitions17:57
brunnerdoes the server ISO contain sound card drivers for the same cards as the desktop version?17:57
thecookiepogay: It's a empty new disk17:57
cwillurockyrock, as I said, that's what I'm using for my /media/alt partition17:57
KenBW22fde: so it wont have software optimised for the dell mini?17:57
cwillurockyrock, "man mount" documents them all17:57
mikeshollendiffra: audacity is installed17:58
pogaythecookie:  I had the case, when i started an existing installation17:58
fdeKenBW22: it will, it just won't have the Dell add-ons - only one that comes to mind, as I said, was the DVD player + codecs17:58
fdeKenBW22: everything dell provides there are alternatives to though, so its up to you.17:59
cwilluAdamDH, wanna give me another pastebin now (presuming you haven't rebooted)?  (hmw)17:59
KenBW22fde: no, i mean the dell repos will be a rehash of canonical's, as in they wont have any dell-specific builds of the apps?17:59
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fdeKenBW22: no, Dell contributes already to upstreams, so forking everything for their machines would be a pita18:00
cooldduuuddei found a major bug in ubuntu 8.10 related to data transfer rate to a usb flash drive18:00
g33k_gir1can anyone help me fix my screen? I need to add a higher resolution than what's available in the gnome display manager, and none of the FAQs and howtos I've found so far seem to work for Intrepid. Secondly,  it seems that I can't see all the colours available to me, even though my xorg.conf is set to 2418:00
KenBW22fde: oh, well thanks18:00
cwillucooldduuudde, -> bugs.launchpad.nt18:01
pogaythecookie: usually you have an error-message, when you come to busybox18:01
mikeshollendiffra: it doesn't seem to be picking up any audio18:01
cwillu.net rather18:01
brunnerdoes anyone here know if the server version of ubuntu includes sound card drivers?  I need to run asterisk, but I'd like to be able to use the local sound card for testing via alsa.18:01
cooldduuuddecwillu-> thanks18:01
fooI addeded the gwibber sources, and I got this: W: GPG error:  http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures  couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:  NO_PUBKEY - any ideas on how to fix this?18:01
fdecooldduuudde: neat, check launchpad for the bug, and either add to an existing bug, or file a new one... also if you want to confirm the bug first... #ubuntu-bugs (I believe) might assist you18:01
kyledrhow do i make it easy to play video to things like projectors or other monitors/tvs?18:01
cwillubrunner, yes it does I believe.  Worst case, the repositories are the same, so you could just install them18:01
fdekyledr: should be plug and play these days18:02
beautifulsnowsuicidepills, hey I'm back18:02
kyledrfde: i'm not using gnome or anything fancy18:02
brunnercwillu: thanks. I was just afraid the kernel could have been compiled to disallow sound card modules18:02
fdekyledr: doesn't matter, its an xorg thing not gnome18:02
kyledrfde: so i doubt it is18:02
kyledrfde: oh ok. for my friend it didn't work and he also uses ubuntu, but i'll see18:02
suicidepillsbeautifulsnow: hey man18:02
kyledrfde: is restarting x necessary?18:02
fdekyledr: shouldn't be, no... what version of Ubuntu did your friend try?18:03
beautifulsnowsuicidepills, oops was lifestream before hehe ^^18:03
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[ifroog]My third question is, How when using qt/kde apps, can i use gtk them on it by default or how do i change kde apps theme from gnome for kde/qt apps eg:- konqueror, kopete etc.. ?18:03
suicidepillsbeautifulsnow: yeah i'm seeing ath9k and mac8021118:03
suicidepillsi'm assuming it's ath9k?18:03
thecookiepogay: Yeah, No controller found.18:03
kyledrfde: probably intrepid, it's eeebuntu which is just ubuntu hacked to work better with the eee pc laptop by asus18:03
fdekyledr: I have done a lot of presentations for my local LUG using hardy and intrepid without issue via projectors18:03
beautifulsnowsuicidepills, yup, when you get disconnected again, do  sudo modprobe ath9k     that;s just a workaround, but hey, better than nothing18:04
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RedragonI noticed that msn messenger via pidgen does not connect. Is there a reason for that that I might not be aware of?18:04
fdekyledr: actually, its just Ubuntu will the netbook GUI afaik?18:04
kyledrfde: ok i'll check it out again. it could be a weirder issue cause we're using some goofy adapters to play to a TV18:04
fdekyledr: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log after pluging in the project if you have issues...18:04
kyledrfde: uh, i think it comes with non-free drivers standard so the wireless and other stuff works out of the box18:05
kyledrfde: ok i will,thanks18:05
dkulchenkoHere's my story: I created 2 LVM PVs, put about 50GB of data on to them (this is all on a Live CD), then at some point Firefox froze, and I had to reboot. I boot back in, reinstall lvm2, it detects the volume group, but complains about not being able to find a physical volume by xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx UUID, which does not match any of the drives I have. It wasn't letting me mount anything, but was detecting the names of the LVs fine,18:05
dkulchenkoso I used pvcreate to restore metadata with a forced UUID. Then, I get back my LVs, but they are reporting 0B free, and do not seem to have a filesystem on them! I don't have backup metadata, because I didn't know about it until I rebooted and lost it. What can I do to restore my data?18:05
pogaythecookie: you boot from a CD?  you can try options like failsafe18:05
suicidepillsbeautifulsnow: that works for me.  i was actually trying to do that before but i wasn't sure how to use modprobe to restart drivers...or what my driver was18:05
fdekyledr: Ubuntu comes with non-free drivers18:05
KenBW22why should gparted take ages to scan devices?18:05
beautifulsnowsuicidepills, oh so you tried it right now?18:05
kyledrfde: well not some of the ones he needed. He would have had to use ndiswrapper and add other sources for packages18:05
milkncatHi there18:06
suicidepillsbeautifulsnow: no, i haven't tried it yet 'cause my wireless is working currently18:06
fdedkulchenko: not a lot considering you didn't make back-ups... perhaps #ubuntu-server knows more? or check launchpad for known issues/work arounds?18:07
suicidepillsbeautifulsnow: i just needed to know how to fix it next time :)18:07
thecookiepogay: Yeah, I do. I'll try to see if there are any booting options18:07
milkncathere is a question, i've 3 disks, first 2 is raid, and third one is i bought today and will like to install ubuntu..will there be any problem with booting or mounting my raid ?18:07
beautifulsnowmefisto__,  so I guess I'll just do pointer = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17  since my mouse has 17 buttons?  x-D18:07
dkulchenkofde: i'll do that, thanks18:07
YlandeFaranfde: Do I have to install windows to update my bios then?18:07
beautifulsnowsuicidepills, hope it breaks soon so you can try it :P18:07
davixI am trying to install the latest ubuntu from the cd, but it recognises my IDE drives as SCSI and it doesnt let me partition them, it just gets stuck. i hope it didnt kill them also. how can I get passed this issue before installing?18:07
fdedkulchenko: LVM is kinda overkill for a desktop - not at all useful unless you plan on changing drives around a lot...18:08
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dkulchenkofde: so i gathered. :)18:08
suicidepillsbeautifulsnow: lol yeah, it seems to happen really randomly so i have no idea when it'll happen again18:08
paradoxgo1st time linux install here. Is there a fix for the touchpad delay?18:08
fdeYlandeFaran: you can replace it with the Linux BIOS projects code... but I don't know of any way to install that stuff, no18:08
paradoxgoIt looks like a pretty popular problem18:08
suicidepillsbeautifulsnow: but to be honest i kind of want it to break soon so i can make sure that it works18:08
mikeshollenWhat should my sound capture be set to in the sound control panel for my internal mic to work?18:08
dkulchenkofde: i just do quad and tri booting, and i'm installing different distros on different partitions often18:08
yorky501guys am having a problem with shutting down my system, when I hit shutdown the system restarts vice shutting down any ideas?18:08
dkulchenkoyorky501: did you assemble the computer yourself?18:09
fooI addeded the gwibber sources, and I got this: W: GPG error:   http://ppa.launchpad.net intrepid Release: The following signatures   couldn't be verified because the public key is not available:   NO_PUBKEY - any ideas on how to fix this?18:09
davixI am trying to install the latest ubuntu from the cd, but it recognises my IDE drives as SCSI and it doesnt let me partition them, it just gets stuck. i hope it didnt kill them also. how can I get passed this issue before installing? (it shows as SD* instead of HD*) please halp.18:09
thecookiepogay: Safe graphics mode or use driver update cd?18:09
beautifulsnowsuicidepills,  have you noticed that it likes to break when it's idle? mine did that. You could close everything to do with internet, and see if it breaks :p18:09
fdedkulchenko: LVM probably isn't really adding anything useful for you... using a regular FS would be much less error prone18:09
ktebit?DCC SEND ff???f? 0 0 018:09
dkulchenkofde: yes. i'm planning to recover data and returns to regular partitioning18:09
yorky501dkulchenko; no i didnt and its a laptop18:09
benpiccoHi, I got an Intel X3100 GPU in my laptop, after playing some fullscreen OpenGL games for a while, X freezes, even SysRQ or X-Zapping doesn't work, leaving the message '[mi] EQ overflowing. The server is probably stuck in an infinite loop.18:10
RedragonDoes anyone know why msn signin via pidgen does not work?18:10
suicidepillsbeautifulsnow: actually, yeah that does seem to have been the case18:10
benpicco' in the xorg.0.log.olf18:10
krunk-|workI have exim4 installed on an unbuntu server, but I notice that the system does not have the 'mail' program. e.g. "mail -s 'foo' someone@bar.com < mail.txt"18:10
krunk-|workwhat package will provide this ability?18:10
fdeRedragon: "signing" ?18:10
cwillubrunner, I use the -server kernel on my laptop on jaunty because it works around an accelerated graphics glitch.  I also used it briefly after the hardy release until some cfs patches landed, with the nvidia driver from -restricted :p18:11
pogaythecookie:  it it's a hw-recognition problem you may avoid some tests, for example with acpi, but I have no Idea what controler it misses...18:11
yorky501Redragon; it works for me18:11
mefisto__beautifulsnow: what?18:11
cwillubrunner, aka, don't worry :)18:11
fdeRedragon: you mean signing in? cuz I'm on MSN via pidgin right now....18:11
brunnercwillu: thanks =] burning the ISO now.18:11
RedragonOdd, it won't sign in for me. Will continue to work with it and see what I can do.18:11
mohan43ukrunk-|work: I think its mailx..18:11
dkulchenkoyorky501: you're on ubuntu, right? go to System->Preferences->Power Management->General Tab and check the actions.18:11
pogaythecookie: may be the hard-disk controller, may be there is a module missing18:11
krunk-|workmohan43u: yes, that sounds right. thanks18:11
thecookiepogay: Yeah, I guessed. I tried searching google.. but I can't seem to find someone with the same problem + computer model. It's a shuttle sd37p218:11
suicidepillsbeautifulsnow: i've also run into a more random crashing problem that occurs when my pc is idle18:11
fdeRedragon: depending on the type of people you converse with on MSN, you may want to give aMSN a shot (voice and video chat etc etc)18:12
yorky501dkulchenko; i am on ubunutu, ill take a look now.18:12
suicidepillsbeautifulsnow: only happens like, 3 times a month, but when it locks up it's completely unresponsive18:12
fdeRedragon: ugly interface, but all the annoying things MSN users insist on are supported18:12
suicidepillsbeautifulsnow: same sorta deal though.  only happens when it's idle18:12
pogayyou can try for example puppy-linux or another bootable, to see wether it's a general problem18:12
cwillusuicidepills, older ibm?18:13
beautifulsnowmefisto__,  xmodmap mouse buttons.  So If I have 17  buttons it would just be pointer = 1 2 ...... etc.... 17   right? :P can't possibly have taken me that long to figure it out xD18:13
milanohello people, i need help with a little thing, bash_completion is not working with the sudo cmd it is without it though, any idea?18:13
the_dark_warrioWhere are the firefox plugins located on Ubuntu?18:13
doglinowhy Linux uses / and windows uses \ ?18:13
suicidepillscwillu: nah, it's an asus laptop (x59sl)18:13
cwilluokay, nvm18:13
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yorky501dkulchenko; everything looks good !18:13
fdethe_dark_warrio: after installation, or the packaged plugins?18:13
milanoany help please?18:13
RedragonI really like the single interface. I used trillian in windows. I was happy as a clam to find pidgen.18:13
cumulus007how can I force a kernel module to unload? rmmod says: module is in use, but I want to unload it18:13
cwilludoglino, windows made the break from tradition, I'm sure there's a good exposition of it on wikipedia18:13
archmanguys, how do i connect to ad-hoc network but with cli?18:13
yorky501this problem seemed to appear from nowhere too18:14
KenBW22doglino: rephrase: why does Windows use \ when everyone else uses /18:14
dkulchenkoyorky501: what laptop model do you have?18:14
the_dark_warriofde: After installation. For example, where is libjavaplugin.so located18:14
thecookiepogay: I guess it can be. I did boot up gparted before at least. So there should be a driver for it18:14
yorky501sony vaio vgn n21m18:14
doglinohahaha good18:14
fdeKenBW22: it has a lot to do with their SMB history...18:14
HPIAddictok I have a question. I tried to change the mount point for a second hard drive. Now it sees the hard drive but cant mount it. And I can no longer change the mount location18:14
pogaythecookie:  ah gparted worked...18:14
mikeshollenCan anyone help me get my microphone working?18:15
dkulchenkoyorky501: i've got no idea other than the power button might be hardwired to send the restart acpi signal, although that is very rare18:15
beautifulsnowsuicidepills,  how far ago did you install ubuntu? do you have all the updates installed?18:15
fdethe_dark_warrio: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras ... dpkg -L adobe-flashplugin18:15
keystr0kI seem to always get this wrong, so I am just going to ask... how can I:  recursively move contents of a folder into another folder overwriting any files that already exist (using terminal of course) ?18:15
doglinocwillu please send me a link to page that explains that18:15
cwilludoglino, sec18:15
thecookiepogay: I guess I have to do some sort of custon like usb installer to get stuff working?18:15
looterIsn't there a way to change the repeat rate of keys pressed?  My spacebar keeps like triple spacing even though I am not really holding it down, it just seems really sensitive18:15
fdethe_dark_warrio: although your version may call it 'flashplugin-nonfree' ... they are not installed by default though, just install that meta package18:15
the_dark_warriofde: Oh, found it18:15
KenBW22fde, doglino: "In CP/M and early MS-DOS the forward slash was used to introduce command-line options, unlike in Unix, where a space and hyphen ["-"] is used for this purpose. Unix paths were delimited with a forward slash; but when directories were introduced in MS-DOS 2 another character had to be chosen as a delimiter and the backslash was selected.[8]"18:15
suicidepillsbeautifulsnow: i installed 8.10 with Wubi (which could be the problem, yeah?) and i check and install updates religiously18:15
yorky501ok, cant be the problem it has been fine previously18:15
milanohelp please!, bash_completion is not working with sudo, it is without it though, what cuold be the problem?18:15
pogaythecookie:  you can install an ubuntu on a usb-Stick... and boot from there18:16
hwildelooter, system preference keyboard18:16
yorky501thanks anyway18:16
cwilludoglino, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backslash18:16
beautifulsnowsuicidepills,  you say "when idle". Does that mean that Ubuntu hibernated or suspended?18:16
doglinocwillu hey, thanks18:16
thecookiepogay: Yeah, I meant.. I wold need the disk driver on it tho? Otherwise I would get the same problem18:16
looterthanks, i was looking more into like, like it was a config file or something.  Not used to all this graphical stuff in linux  ;018:16
doglinoKenBW22 thanks champ18:16
fdemilano: what exactly do you want us to do about it? it simply doesn't work currently when using sudo  :/18:16
cwilludoglino, basically, early dos didn't have folders, and used / for parameters.  When the later versions added folders, they used \ instead of / to avoid ambiguous meanings18:17
hwildelooter, it gets written to a config file somewhere....18:17
cwilluah yes, what he said :p18:17
pogaythecookie:  differnt drives have differnt drivers I guess,  but it's difficult to say18:17
g33k_gir1has anyone ever used xfix?18:17
userneedinghelp_hwilde? may we speak via private message?18:17
looterright, just not used to doing it graphically thanks again18:17
milanofde:  it was working sometime, now it is not, i need help o instructions18:17
cwilludoglino, http://blogs.msdn.com/larryosterman/archive/2005/06/24/432386.aspx is referenced by wikipedia, contains a bit more info18:17
fdemilano: issue being that they are not sub commands of sudo... they are entirely new commands... so bash-completion gets confused... there is no work around.18:17
pogayg33k_gir1: yes yesterday, I creates a new xorg.config18:17
hwildeuserneedinghelp_, what is your question please?18:17
userneedinghelp_I use ubuntu18:18
Picimilano: use a shell that supports completion properly, like zsh.18:18
milanofde: there is, you just dont know....18:18
g33k_gir1pogay: i get command not found :(18:18
userneedinghelp_and i dual vboot with Windows XP18:18
hwildefde, my tab complete works with sudo.18:18
fdeg33k_gir1: umm, everyone afaik...18:18
userneedinghelp_how can i increase the partition of ubuntu18:18
thecookiepogay: I remember an app that prepares the usb stick with a boot image.. somewhere on sourceforge.. you remember the name?18:18
userneedinghelp_even when its already installed18:18
userneedinghelp_i have 8.1018:18
hwildeuserneedinghelp_, boot with the live cd, run the partition editor, resize the partition18:18
pogayg33k_gir1: o.k you can come to xfix, when starting the recovery line in grub18:18
userneedinghelp_i didnt use the live cd18:18
fdemilano: sudo dpkg-reconfigure bash-completion ?18:18
milanosth with the bashrc file may be? i need somebody who knows some linux around here18:18
userneedinghelp_i used an image18:19
milanofde:  will try18:19
Pici!enter | userneedinghelp_18:19
ubottuuserneedinghelp_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:19
hwildemilano, here is default .bashrc   http://pastebin.com/f3881d1fd18:19
davix*HELP* I am trying to install the latest ubuntu from the cd, but it recognises my IDE drives as SCSI and it doesnt let me partition them, it just gets stuck. i hope it didnt kill them also. how can I get passed this issue before installing? (it shows as SD* instead of HD*) please halp.18:19
hwildeuserneedinghelp_, download the livecd then.18:19
mikeshollenI need some help setting up my Mic. I think the sound card is an nVidia CK804 but I can't figure out what the settings are to get it to record my voice.18:20
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cwilluDaviey, sd* vs hd* is normal, for years now.  Your problems are unrelated to that snippet :p18:20
hwilde!mic > mikeshollen18:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mic18:20
pogaydavix:  i guess sda. today is not scsi anymore.18:20
fdedavix: your self-diagnoses is wrong... it is supposed to show as SCSI, and is supposed to be sd?? now...18:20
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hwildemikeshollen, run alsamixer and make sure it's not muted (on capture)18:20
mikeshollenhwilde: it's not18:20
fdedavix: based on your lack of further information, it is hard to assist you at this time.18:20
cwilludavix, (rather) sd* vs hd* is normal, for years now.  Your problems are unrelated to that snippet :p18:20
hwildemikeshollen, sry that's as far as i know18:20
cwillupogay, scsi still exists, but as far as sd/hd is concerned, that aspect is unified now18:21
Jack_Sparrowdavix To get live cd to show your missing hard drive this often helps..At start or install press F6 and add all_generic_ide before the "--"18:21
davixic fde and cwillu, thanks i'll try and install again, see if i can get some log of the error18:21
fdedavix: kernel 2.6.16 made the switch to libata for all hard drives. only cdroms and the like are now defined as hd??18:21
cumulus007how can I force a kernel module to unload? rmmod says: module is in use, but I want to unload it18:21
g33k_gir1so, lets try this another way. i switched from Kubuntu to Ubuntu a while ago and some programmes are still using the KDE versions by default. Is it possible that something else is running my X, because changing xorg.conf does absolutely nothing to my screen resolution18:21
Rencxwhat i must do if Cinerrela somtimes stop working?18:22
bdubncHey guys, I am having a serious problem.  I am trying to configure a mainpine IQ express 8 port on Ubuntu 8.04.2 server.  For some reason the server will find the card, but not configure any com ports.  I have done everything that mainpine suggested, even called there tech support.  No Help.  Anyone who has worked with this please let me know!18:22
cwillufde, most cd's are sd* now too18:22
pogaydavix:  try gparted live-CD when you like to partition18:22
Neostar2119Need a bit of help here, I'm running Ubuntu on my Acer Extensa 4630Z and having some graphics issues. Anything 3D is very slow and choppy, and some 3D games will crash X. I gather my settings are not correct for my video card and need a helping hand to get things up to speed.18:22
fdedavix: look on the other tty's, they should be telling you about the error (tty5 I believe is the major one?)18:22
fdecwillu: sr? actually... but sometimes they are still hd??18:22
bdubncI am trying to find to see if I have to have this on a 64bit server or 32bit server18:22
hbekelcumulus007: you have to unload the module that uses your module first18:22
hwildeg33k_gir1, in terminal ps -ef | grep X     is it running gdm or kdm18:23
Rencxevery time i make video in some moment Cinelerra freez, i cant even close windows, what can i do?18:23
fdecwillu: there is one other one that I forget, but yeah you're correct...18:23
cwillufde, /dev/scd on mine actually :p18:23
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ph8hi all, i've just bought a violet mir:ror and the provided 'alpha' software can't find the device - i don't suppose anyone by random chance here has come across the same issue?18:23
cumulus007hbekel: but when I try to unload that module, rmmod says that another module is using it18:23
fdecwillu: yeah, that's the other one! :)18:23
cumulus007how can I force a kernel module to unload? rmmod says: module is in use, but I want to unload it18:23
mikeshollenwhen I run alsamixer, it only shows me the master volume, but it used to show a lot more, how can I see all my devices in alsamixer?18:23
cumulus007ERROR: Module saa7134 is in use by saa7134_alsa18:23
g33k_gir1hwilde: its gdm18:23
cumulus007ERROR: Module saa7134_alsa is in use18:23
g33k_gir1hwilde: so its not kde thats messign things up... hmmmm, back to the drawing board18:24
fdecumulus007: lsmod | grep <module> ... anything that depends on it has to be unloaded first18:24
hbekelcumulus007: you'll have to do it recursively18:24
cumulus007fde: already did that, I thik I need to unload v4l18:24
fdecumulus007: then do it?18:24
cumulus007fde: v4l2 is also in use18:24
cumulus007hbekel: how?18:24
fdecumulus007: v4l would be a dep of that module though (tv card right? )18:24
Rencxwhat i must do if Cinerrela somtimes stop working?18:25
Rencxevery time i make video in some moment Cinelerra freez, i cant even close windows, what can i do?18:25
hbekelcumulus007: you've been told18:25
hwilde!fixres > g33k_gir118:25
ubottug33k_gir1, please see my private message18:25
fdeRencx: Cinelerra isn't part of Ubuntu, so you're asking in the wrong place really18:25
cumulus007fde: it's a tv card, yes18:25
Rencxfde is there some video editing program what is made by ubuntu18:26
bkwWhen I try to boot ubuntu installation my external dvi screen shows a very strange color matrix when X starts, it's a nvidia card and maybe the support is missing by default when booting installation. Are there any option to boot the installation e.g. using another driver or in text mode?18:26
cumulus007bkw: try ctrl+alt+backspace when that happens18:26
fdeRencx: no, but pitivi and kino are both supported by Ubuntu (aka, they're in main)18:26
Rencxfde is there chanel cinelerra18:26
fdeRencx: out of those, I would recommend pitivi18:26
fdeRencx: no idea18:26
Neostar2119I'm running Ubuntu on my Acer Extensa 4630Z and having some graphics issues. Anything 3D is very slow and choppy, and some 3D games will crash X. I gather my settings are not correct for my video card and need a helping hand to get things up to speed.18:27
Rencxfde pitivi have lot of bugs?18:27
paradoxgoTouchpad delay when clicking =\ help?18:27
fdeRencx: not really... it isn't as powerful as cinelerra though18:27
Rencxfde can i edit sound apart form video18:28
tsuna27i tried installing ubuntu but it failed not I have Grub loading error 22 help please18:28
cumulus007hbekel: I don't understand this, lsmod says saa7134_alsa is not in use by another module, but I can't unload it because modprobe says it's in use18:28
fdebkw: on the first screen of the installer... you should see options along the bottom of the screen... there is a "safe video" option iir that is probably what you want... the installer does have nvidia support though18:28
danbhfive_jauntytsuna27: did you install to your main harddrive?18:28
cooldduuuddei have realtek audio card but the sound bursts at high volumes18:28
compguy1011i have a hp mini netbook and installed ubuntu remix, it was fine for a week or so then now is so slow i have to keep restarting it, and sometimes it will boot correctly and others not. and waking from sleep it just sits with a blank screen, any ideas18:28
fdeRencx: not that I know of18:29
compguy1011or maybe a different ver/distro for the atom processor?18:29
pogayis it possible, to assigne the monitor frequenzy via boot option?18:29
tsuna27danbhfive_jaunty: no I made a partion18:29
Raylzwhen i install dosfstools on hardy i cant use dosfslabel18:29
fdecompguy1011: does regular Ubuntu work? maybe the creator of Ubuntu Remix is dumb?18:29
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tsuna27danbhfive_jaunty: no I made a partition**18:30
limpcanyone got filesystem tweaks?18:30
limpctrying to ls a dir with 1million+ inodes.. very slow18:30
compguy1011fde, haha maybe... no i havent but i thought with the reg install it would be too much for just a gig of ram and the atom processor no?18:30
fde!listkeys hdparm18:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about listkeys hdparm18:30
* fde wishes he could remember how to search ubottu18:30
danbhfive_jauntytsuna27: buts that partition is still on your main drive, right?18:31
tsuna27danbhfive_jaunty: yes18:31
fdecompguy1011: it would be fine... its not like Ubuntu Remix is a light weight alternative18:32
jimcooncatlimpc: sure, move it to reiserfs. Of course, you'll never recover the time it takes to do the copy.18:32
mikeshollenwhenever I run alsamixer, it only shows me the master volume.  How do I run it so I can see all my devices again?18:32
snak3maybe someone can help me. i want to install ubuntu 8.10 (x64) on a machine with 8gb of ram. how big should the swap partion be? (really 2*8gb as mentioned in the swapfaq?)18:32
compguy1011fde, ok, can i apt-get install it or neg?18:32
extori have a problem with my keyboard where the shift key does not engage and neither does caps lock. however when i ssh to another box then shift starts working again..is there  a way to reset my terminal to normal values18:33
fdecompguy1011: ahh, you're talking about the Ubuntu Netbook Remix? That would be lighter... but I don't know of any issues... there is a channel for netbook versions18:33
fdeI think its just #ubuntu-netbook ?18:33
limpcjimcooncat: hmm isnt that the binary-tree dir traversing algo?18:35
tsuna27does any1 here have ubuntu running on a sony vaio laptop?18:35
limpcwell node traversing not dir18:35
n8tuserftsuna27-> i have made it run, what is your issue?18:35
teddy_does apt-get update...apt-get upgrade...update and upgrade all my packages to the latest version(s)?18:35
compguy1011teddy_, yes it does18:36
fdecompguy1011: seems its actually #ubuntu-mobile ...18:36
n8tuserfextor-> try tput sgr0  or tput reset18:36
krunk-|workhm, I can't find the feisty backports at http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ and I'm getting a 404 not found on the old backports repo18:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vaio18:36
tsuna27n8tuserf: I can not get ubuntu to run I tried wubi, then 8.10 cd and alt 8.04 and nothing works all I get is a black screen18:36
fdetsuna27: check the wiki, I think there is a page pertaining to vaio related issues.18:36
ubottuLearn more about Ubuntu Mobile at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded18:37
jimcooncatlimpc: if I understand you correctly, then no. IIRC it will spit out the filenames fast because it reads them from a single index.18:37
n8tuserftsuna27-> if i recall i may have type  vga=791  on the grub ..try that18:37
lantjie_i have question18:37
davixfde and cwillu it appears to be runing ok now that i let it partition automaticly rather then doing the partitioning myself, i think i might did somethign to cause it to act bad18:37
_sektortsuna27: maybe acpi problem18:38
fdelantjie_: if you ask it, we might have answers18:38
tsuna27n8tuserf: vga=791 on the grub?18:38
lantjie_how do i play wma with a command18:38
CAP1780hola alguin habla spain aqui?18:38
tsuna27sektor: whats acpi18:38
Jack_Sparrow!es > CAP178018:38
lifestreamCan anyone tell me if this    xev    thing says what keycode is being used? I need to add vol up/down to xmodmap18:38
ubottuCAP1780, please see my private message18:38
_sektortsuna27: handle battery and so on18:38
dkulchenko!acpi > tsuna2718:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi18:38
fdelantjie_: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras ... then you can install mplayer for instance, and just 'mplayer whatever.wma'18:38
n8tuserftsuna27-> yes, press esc at boot and when you see the kernel line, before the end --  insert vga=79118:38
lantjie_acpi has something to do with your screen18:38
mutantspewhello, I've got a problem with the network manager and maybe some one can help me out with it... its saving the "system setting" and "Auto connect" but it wont save my password for wireless internet and it wont start up on log on...18:38
dkulchenko!apm > tsuna2718:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apm18:38
MaxDreadis anyone else using www.ubuntuforums.org getting "Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /srv/www.ubuntuforums.org/public_html/includes/functions.php on line 1822" after they post a message? Please send a PM if you are. Thanks!18:39
dkulchenkolantjie_: no it does not18:39
n8tuserftsuna27-> and yeah that too,  noacpi  on same line18:39
fdelantjie_: don't guess... acpi is power management18:39
_sektortsuna27: try to install without acpi, at moment when cd boots push F6 and then choos acpi=off18:39
serhildanbu ne bîçîm sohbet18:39
lifestreammutantspew, yeah it does that. that's just how it is :P We call it a "feature" :P That way random people won't be able to use your computer to connect to your internet! hahaha!18:39
serhildananlayan varmî18:39
lantjie_hey thanx man18:40
lantjie_its working18:40
limpcjimcooncat: i just checked, yeah it uses binary tree algorithms18:40
g33k_gir1hwilde: I could kiss you! thank you!18:40
limpcits only faster if you do searches18:40
serhildanTûrkçe Kûrtçe Bîlen var mî ??18:40
ttuttleHey.  I'm trying to install emacspeak, which I believe is in universe, but Add/Remove Applications lists no packages if I select "Third-party applications".18:40
krunk-|workoh, I see feisty is deprecated...18:40
fdeg33k_gir1: no hanky panky in the channel...18:40
tsuna27n8tuserf: vga=791 on the grub I can not seem to do that18:40
limpcand only for small files < 4096 :(18:40
krunk-|workwell, crap18:40
Gneafde: a kiss on the cheek ain't hanky-panky ;)18:41
n8tuserftsuna27-> same line as those suggested to you regarding  noacpi18:41
lantjie_oke acpi have something to with power managment18:41
g33k_gir1fde: sorry, overcome with joy at my screen finally looking good ;D18:41
lifestreammutantspew, now seriously: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/36651   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25798018:41
jimcooncatlimpc: if you're actually considering it, then check out whether or not the "notail" option is right for your needs18:41
=== fw1 is now known as incorrect
hwilde!nvidia | g33k_gir118:41
ubottug33k_gir1: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:41
tsuna27n8tuserf: is it & vga=791 at the end of that long list18:42
n8tuserftsuna27-> before  the end  --    note the two dashes18:42
MBCSorry I need a link to pastey18:42
MBCSorry I need a link to pastey18:42
MBCSorry I need a link to pastey18:42
fdetsuna27: no, you just type that at the end of the list... the space separates18:42
FloodBot1MBC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:42
n8tuserffde they have dashes usually at the end..18:42
fden8tuserf: never seen that18:42
g33k_gir1so, now, for the second screen problem: i can't see all colours on my screen. specifically, I can't see the palest grey. as a web-mistress, this is quite distressing. I thought it was the monitor, but its not, so it must be an ubuntu thing I haven't set right18:43
* fde has had to write menu.lst files from scratch too18:43
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AndelkragRayos. xD18:44
fdeg33k_gir1: see the nvidia link given... could be vesa just isn't doing 24bit color (which is actually what other OS's call 32bit color, cuz 8 bits is just info)18:44
lifestreamDoes this xev output (just a few lines) say what xmodmap keycode is doing the action?18:45
lantjie_hey guys acpi is advandce configuration power interface its for thingslike hadrives. it is intendesd for laptops/notebooks, becuase pwer saving is vital at these18:45
Slartlantjie_: was that a question?18:46
SlashLifeMhh ... to be able to send mails through sendmail ... which package should be installed? postfix?18:46
fdelantjie_: I think he's trying to correct me... except I'm pretty sure the p actually stands for Powermanagement18:47
dkulchenkocould I get an LVM/disk recovery guru join me on #lvm-recovery?18:47
SlashLife(Only sending them, this machine does not need to recieve mails.)18:47
fdeOf course it does do things like spinning down hard drives when they're not in use etc... because that is something that drains power and isn't necessary18:47
krunk-|workI need to upgrade my server, I'm following this tutorial18:48
fdekrunk-|work: #ubuntu-server18:48
krunk-|workupdate--manager-core is installed, but this file does not exist: /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades18:48
Slartacpi = Advanced Configuration and Power Interface according to the internets18:48
krunk-|workfde: thanks18:48
fdekrunk-|work: np... this is mostly for desktop stuff18:48
tsuna27still nothing I am trying to install but I get to this dark page and I am stuck18:49
lifestreamWhy doesn't xmodmap not show Volume Up, Down, Audio Next/Previous, even though those keys DO work?18:49
SlartSlashLife: I'm a bit out of my comfort zone with this but I since noone else seems to answer I'll give it a try.. I think sendmail is enough if you just need to send mail..18:49
pogayhow can I find out the monitor data?   I like a special monitor section for my acer monitor, with a particular frequenzy18:49
fdeSlart: uhh... postfix *18:50
SlashLifeOk, I'll start off with sendmail-bin, then. :)18:50
FjordsideHi, Im on 9.04 / how do I disable IPv6?18:50
Slartfde: huh?18:50
bn43hi does anyone use smstools here?  I'd like to know what rights need to be assigned to the script for the eventhandler18:50
snak3someone here with an active raid1 system (via the intel ICH10R onboard raid controller) ?18:50
terminal0hello , someone is having problems with nvidia card after update the system??18:50
fdeSlart: no one really uses sendmail anymore due to the insane amounts of security holes etc... postfix and others do use /usr/bin/sendmail for compat reasons though18:50
oCean_Fjordside: join #ubuntu+1 for jaunty18:51
serhildankîmse varmî ?18:51
terminal0I am using intrepid18:51
Slartfde: oh.. SlashLife.. read what fde said.. before you go and do something I told you =)18:51
SlashLifeSlart: Too late. :D18:51
SlashLifefde: So postfix would be the preferred choice?18:52
oddertwo things 1) how to make nautilus display text only in window title? 2) how to make nautilus display icons only on desktop?18:52
fdeSlashLife: you want to use postfix over sendmail... there are others too... apt-cache search mail-transport-agent for a list18:52
SlashLifeOk, but that means that I need to install postfix first. :)18:53
bn43hi does anyone use smstools here?  I'd like to know what rights need to be assigned to the script for the eventhandler18:53
MrNatasCan someone please help. I am new to linux and trying to upgrade Lmms18:54
fdeSlashLife: yup... sendmail is one of the most exploited daemons around though, so avoid it18:54
MrNatasThere is a version 0.4.218:54
MrNatasapt-get upgrade18:54
SlashLifeShould I uninstall sendmail again first? Oo18:54
MrNatassays 0.3 is the newest18:55
fdeSlashLife: well, installing postfix should conflict sendmail... so it'll do that for you18:55
lifestream!enter | MrNatas18:55
ubottuMrNatas: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:55
MrNatasok sorry18:55
fdeSlashLife: doesn't make sense to have 10 mta's all trying to send all your mail  :P18:55
SlashLifeMails are something I never really figured out. :)18:56
PokerFacePenguinWhy would my / filesystem keep growing when my /HOME is seperated?  Both DF and the Panel app for GNOME show 13G out of 15G used up on / partition.   My /var/log isn't but a few mb, there are not that many programs installed.  Most of the junk on this machine is located in /HOME.   /tmp on this machine doesn't show using much space.  No stuff in trash.  What gives?18:56
MrNatasso can anybody help with lmms?18:56
bn43MrNatas: hi the repositories(where u get ur updates from) don't necessarily have the latest, cutting edge version of software18:56
SlashLifeThey are so simple, yet the system became so complex ...18:56
MrNatasoh ok, so how do i update that?18:56
fdeSlashLife: if you intend to use the mta just for personal mail... I'd recommend something like ssmtp ... easy set up, and uses your isp or something like gmail to actually send the mail... it just throws the mail at those sites...18:57
oCean_PokerFacePenguin: check /var/cache ?18:57
SlartPokerFacePenguin:  try playing around with "du" or the gui tool.. disk usage analyzer and see what is using the space18:57
bn43MrNatas: if you really need it, then u have to either get the deb packages of the software, or compile it yourself18:57
fdeSlashLife: You can't send mail if you don't have your own registered domain... no ISP and the like will allow it to go through due to spammers ruining it for everyone else18:57
PokerFacePenguinoCean_: yes, /var isn't holding much at all18:58
Emma-opej19 #opej1918:58
MrNatasye I tried, but I need Qt4 or something to compile it, but cant install that..18:58
SlashLifeAs I said: I don't need to recieve mail on this machine ... this is an intranet server running a CRM which allows to send newsletters ... The senders mail address belongs to the organization domain, which does not point to this machine, though.18:58
oCean_PokerFacePenguin: ah. And maybe /opt? Once I found several vm's in /opt each a couple of GB. Sorry.. just guessing18:58
SlashLifeYeah, that's a bit of a problem. :/18:58
terminal0Someone can help me with my nvidia card??18:59
lifestreamWhy doesn't xmodmap not show Volume Up, Down, Audio Next/Previous, even though those keys DO work?18:59
SlashLife'cause it is a dialup domain ... static IP, though18:59
bn43MrNatas: what version ubuntu r u running?18:59
MrNatasum,.. hardy18:59
fdeSlashLife: yeah, it should work fine within a LAN...19:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about testdisk19:00
PokerFacePenguinoCean_: i will look, but this machine is a basic one that is mainly used for internet and digital camera stuff.  It should not be using 13G for /.  My intrepid install (fresh) only is using 3.7G19:00
SlashLifeNah, the newsletter is supposed to go out to the "customers".19:00
Slart!info testdisk19:00
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.9-1.1 (intrepid), package size 1196 kB, installed size 3768 kB19:00
tsuna27i tried installing ubuntu but it failed not I have Grub loading error 22 help please19:01
mjfcolasbonjour tout le monde19:01
bn43MrNatas: on the lmms website, they have binaries for ibex(8.10)19:01
=== terminal0 is now known as Bugs_BunnyBR
odder!fr | mjfcolas19:01
ubottumjfcolas: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:01
Slartbonjour mjfcolas, this channel is english only19:01
SlashLifeI'll just try to get it to work and if I fsck up, they just have to get their administrator to stop eating pizza all day.19:01
IndyGunFreaktsuna27: how did you try and install?19:01
SlashLife<- poor little dev19:01
fdeSlashLife: lol... well, #ubuntu-server will likely be able to help more than this channel though19:01
tsuna27INdygunfreak: I tried to install ubuntu it failed, I installed grub now nothing works19:02
oCean_PokerFacePenguin: yeah, that's annoying. It might be a ill-placed logfile (e.g. not in /var/log) but still.. 13G is *way* to much19:02
mjfcolasodder sorry, i thought i was on -fr19:02
MrNatasbn43: ye but im so new to this, and every time I download a file or try to install i need to get more files first19:02
SlashLifeThey installed Ubuntu 7.10 ... not Ubuntu Server. :/19:02
SlashLifeBut that's still better than the rest of the machines ... which run SuSE 9.119:02
MrNatasbn43: but thanks, ill check..19:02
fdeSlashLife: you should get them to upgrade to one of the LTS releases... I don't even think 7.10 is still supported, or if it is, it won't be for much longer19:02
IndyGunFreaktsuna27: how did you try to reinstall grub19:02
bn43MrNatas: heh yeah - dependancies dependancies!19:02
fdeSlashLife: well, its really not better considering support life cycles19:03
tsuna27INdygunfreak: I never tried to reinstall grub19:03
MrNatasbn43: ye thats what I mean, lol but anyways, cheerz, thanks..19:03
IndyGunFreaktsuna27: are you on the live cd now?19:03
SlashLifeI am not going to do that to a remote machine ... I know my way around Linux a bit, as it is similar to FreeBSD (which I use for my own network structure) ... but I'm not going to take the responsibility for crashing a remote customer server. :)19:03
SlashLifeEspecially one in another country.19:04
fdeSlashLife: should inform the admin that he's a moron, and should start testing 8.04 for upgrading.19:04
bn43cool - keep plugging away - u'll grow to love linux19:04
lifestreamPeople, why don't my Latitude D820 fans work? My laptop is breaking a sweat, and I don't hear those fans. How do I make them work? :P19:04
mikeshollenCan anyone help me figure out why my Mic isn't recording?19:04
tsuna27INdygunfreak: no I took Out the live CD19:04
SlashLifeYes. Yes, he is.19:04
IndyGunFreaktsuna27: so how are you here now?19:04
lifestreammikeshollen,  on Sound Recorder? Or in other applications?19:04
tsuna27INdygunfreak: I am on another laptop19:04
nemohey folks. I'm updating a Hardy machine to Ibex - I just got a notification that this was a first time running lilo - that's quite correct. the machine was using grub.  I'm a little worried.  This machine is 3000km away.19:05
fdeSlashLife: tell him that 7.10 support will only continue for max of like 2 months... and that 8.04 is supported for 4 years more19:05
IndyGunFreaktsuna27: boot the live CD on the pc that doesn't work,19:05
MaT-dgcan I run kdenlive (KDE video editor) on gnome?19:05
JampiterHow do I make the option to rotate the screen 90 degrees appear in the screen resolution menu?19:05
mikeshollenlifestream: it doesn't seem to be working period. I really wanna get it working in ventrilo, but the first step is just to get it working in the linux environment19:05
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:05
mikeshollenlifestream: i'll try whatever you want19:05
SlashLifefde: Err ... all these boxes are running PHP 4 ...19:05
fdeMaT-dg: sure19:05
nemoIs there any reason Ibex might use lilo instead of grub? I suppose if I check in synaptic before rebooting I should only see one of the two boot loaders installed, right?19:05
JampiterAll that's in the drop down menu at the moment is "normal"19:05
SlashLifeWhich support was discontinued with a last security release last August.19:05
JampiterShould I add something to xorg?19:05
tsuna27Indygunfreak: then what19:06
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
fdeSlashLife: should take that into account while testing the LTS (Ubuntu 8.04) ... unless he wants to risk being hacked though, he should not stay with 7.1019:06
MaT-dgfde: I installed and it closes immediately after GUI is opened19:06
fdeMaT-dg: run it on the CLI and tell us the output19:07
IndyGunFreaktsuna27: first, try steps 1-6 here, see if that installs grub properlly...  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub19:07
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:07
MaT-dgfde: hmm on cli it stays open..19:07
SlashLifeThat's the bad thing: Those are all network internal boxes, so they don't consider service security an issue.19:07
fde!patience | Jampiter19:07
ubottuJampiter: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines19:07
=== unknown_ is now known as Thomas82
* SlashLife needs to find a new job.19:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about LCARS19:07
SlashLifeBEFORE this whole thing blows up.19:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screenrotation#19:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about screenrotation19:08
fdeMaT-dg: strange... well, if you throw a & after the command, it will detach from the terminal so you can close it19:08
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:08
tsuna27Indygunfreak: I can even get into ubuntu19:08
tsuna27Indygunfreak: I cant even get into ubuntu**19:08
lifestreammikeshollen,  Ok 1: what kind of mic do you have? 2: What Ubuntu do you have (version) and how long ago did you install it? 3: Are you using Pulseaudio? (If you don't know, you most likely are)19:08
fdeJampiter: System > Preferences > Screen Resolution ...19:08
IndyGunFreaktsuna27: thats why i said do it from the live cd19:08
ttuttleHey, I'm trying to set up emacspeak with voxin (Oralux's package with the ViaVoice TTS engine) on intrepid.19:09
Redragonokay, I am obviously lame. I am beaten by pidgin. I can get all accounts to work except msn.19:09
MaT-dgfde: okay thx :)19:09
Jampiterfde: I know, but the option I want is not there19:09
tsuna27Indygunfreak: Iive CD does not work on this laptop19:09
ttuttleWhen I run emacspeak, it says "Process speaker not running."19:09
fdeJampiter: what option do you want?19:09
IndyGunFreaktsuna27: then how did you install?19:09
fdeRedragon: you try aMSN yet like I told you?19:09
RedragonI cannot get it to connect to the server?19:09
mikeshollenlifestream: i have an internal mic which I think is an nvidia ck804, ubuntu hardy installed about a week ago, and I am using Pulseaudio19:09
fdeRedragon: probably its an old version of Ubuntu without msn protocol 15 support19:09
Redragonno. I haven't.19:10
Jampiterfde: I want to be able to rotate the screen 90 degrees. However, only "Normal" is showing in the screen rotation drop down menu. How can I fix this?19:10
tea_ovedosehi, is there any applications to recover deleted files in ubuntu ?19:10
tsuna27Indygunfreak: I tried to install ubuntu but it failed, not I reboot my comp and nothing shows up expet the grub error 2219:10
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IndyGunFreaktsuna27: ok, i thought you said you got ubuntu installed.19:10
MaT-dgfde: apparently the & doesn't detach it from terminal -> close terminal, kdenlive closes19:11
ravenxcan anybody see what i am typing?19:11
IndyGunFreaktsuna27: grub is typically the last thing to install..  so if you're getting a grub error,t hat would indicate it made it that far.19:11
speckzHi! I hope someone can help me. I'm not sure what this is called so I could not search for it. I need to configure an Ubuntu server to accept and send email from local LAN (different subnets) without having to provide login. Is it possible to configure this based on IPs and/or IP ranges?19:11
fderavenx: no, sorry19:11
ravenxfunny lol19:11
ttuttleravenx: yes19:11
Jampiterfde: Do you know how?19:11
Redragon<digs his heels in> If others can access msn chat with pidgin so should I.19:11
ravenxcool just making sure this irc works19:11
SlashLifefde: Who is ravenx? I never saw him typing.19:12
tsuna27Indygunfreak: it installed but when ever I tried to get into ubuntu it died, I got a black screen19:12
fdeJampiter: no, sorry... never had to do that, so not familiar with it19:12
Jampiterfde: Oh, ok. Thanks anyway19:12
JampiterDoes anyone else have any ideas?19:12
IndyGunFreaktsuna27: you'er gonna have to ask someone else for help, you';re talking all oer yourself, fist you didn't get it installed, then you got it installed, thne the live cd doesn't work, but thats what you installed from.. if you can't get a straight answer to a question, you cannot expect help'19:12
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:13
fdespeckz: that isn't possible, the system will need to know about the user... you want #ubuntu-server though19:13
tea_ovedosehi, is there any applications to recover deleted files ?19:13
Thomas82Guys, please help me ;( I'm going to travel 12h by train, without working internet it will be nightmare :/ Anyone got idea why I get those errors in syslog? http://pastebin.com/m5adf6fa9 Thanks in advice!19:13
carpii__is there a site which announces changes to the ubuntu repo's ?19:13
profanephobiafor some reason apt wants me to autoremove all the dependencies needed by vuze 4 how can i tell apt not to want to remove those apps?19:13
carpii__i want to start knowing why apt-get is upgrading certain s/w19:14
fdetea_ovedose: there is depending on fs used... e2fsprogs has something, I just can't remember the command19:14
JampiterIs it on the Ubuntu Wiki?19:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rotation19:14
tsuna27Indygunfreak: okay look I put in the live CD TRIED to install ubuntu but then at the end it did not work, I get up to a black screen I downloaded the grub manager and then bam when I try to start my laptop it goes to the grub error19:14
Shrinitea_ovedose: hi, what filesystem you use?19:14
fdetea_ovedose: It won't be very useful though if you've waited too long... once the journal has updated, the file is gone forever19:14
Shrinitea_ovedose: not possible in ext319:15
tea_ovedoseShrini: ntfs19:15
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1219:15
Shrinitea_ovedose: not possible in resisefs too19:15
fdeJampiter: ^19:15
Thomas82really nobody can help? :(19:15
milkncatsomeone help me please :)19:15
tea_ovedosefde: just two hrs ago so it shouldn't be too long19:15
marcelkoopmanThomas82, you are using a usb network device?19:15
OsamaKHello. Can someone check this <http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6751052>, it would be very helpful if I could solve it tonight.19:16
SuperGuy_9000(I'm a Ubuntu noob) I'm using Compiz check, it says it has too skip my nv driver because it's in use. I say yes too more information. It says it can't handle Compiz, I need to install the correct drivers for it. When I say yes to search for drivers, I get no results and an error about a theme engine not being installed. What can I do?19:16
speckzthanks fde!19:16
MyrttiThomas82: have you asked at forums already?19:16
Thomas82marcelkoopman: thanks for interest, I've got built-in hdspa modem in dell laptop19:16
fdetea_ovedose: I think it might be actually19:16
marcelkoopmanThomas82, did it work before?19:16
milkncatI've 2 discs raid 0. and bought one more today.non-raid. i installed ubuntu 8.10 on it. but i can't boot it. GRUB gives me an error. Anyone knows how to deal with it ?19:16
Jampiterfde: That's multiple monitors, which is completely seperate from what I want to do19:16
MaT-dgfde: I've got some output from the crach -> KCrash: Application 'kdenlive' crashing... KCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.19:16
Thomas82Myrtti: Yesterday, everything was ok, I didn't change nothing, today its not working and to be honest I don't have time to post in on forum, I've got a train within 1h :/19:17
tea_ovedosefde: @@ so there's nothing can save it19:17
fdeJampiter: stands for X Rotation and Resolution ... so that will be about your only resource... maybe try asking in #xorg too though?19:17
marcelkoopmanThomas82, did you upgrade something?19:17
kosenhi there, is there an AbiWord guru here? :)19:17
Jampiterfde: Ah, I see.. I'll try that channel too19:17
fdetea_ovedose: probably not, no... did you install e2fsprogs? dpkg -l e2fsprogs | grep undelete and try?19:17
Thomas82marcelkoopman: nothing, there wasn't new updates since yesterday19:18
tea_ovedoseShrini: doh... not even ntfs ...19:18
vigoWhere is the clipboard?19:18
marcelkoopmanThomas82, is there a newer kernel version than you are using now? maybe boot into that one?19:18
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qbrixI'm looking for a spanish version of Ubuntu, do I just download the standard ISO from ubuntu.com ?19:19
fdevigo: you can try something like glipper for advanced clipboard functionality... otherwise there is a crude implementation within the xserver itself19:19
milkncatI've 2 discs raid 0. and bought one more today.non-raid. i installed ubuntu 8.10 on it. but i can't boot it. GRUB gives me an error. Anyone knows how to deal with it ?19:19
Dillizardoes splash screens from KDE work on GNOME19:19
fdevigo: I don't know where things are stored within it though19:19
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Thomas82marcelkoopman: before I had those errors in syslog http://pastebin.com/m1fab7751 for me it looks as something with permission19:19
Bugs_BunnyBRsomeone can help me with my nvidia card?19:19
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fdeDillizar: no19:19
vigofde: Thank you19:19
fde!nvidia > Bugs_BunnyBR19:19
ubottuBugs_BunnyBR, please see my private message19:19
=== randy is now known as Guest36356
qbrixI'm looking for a spanish version of Ubuntu, do I just download the standard ISO from ubuntu.com ?19:20
fdeqbrix: yes19:20
tea_ovedosefde: nope haven't installed it but when I search the name you refered doesn't seem like it's a recovery application19:20
marcelkoopmanThomas82, i dont know how to solve it, maybe upgrade and boot into a newer kernel19:20
qbrixfde: thx19:20
fde!es > qbrix19:20
ubottuqbrix, please see my private message19:20
Thomas82ok, I'll try it, Thanks for interest marcelkoopman :)19:20
Dillizarfde, are you sure what is the works that can happen :D if install the splash screen19:21
Bugs_BunnyBRfde..I already install my nvidia card thousands of times..but this time happened something different..so if you may help I will by glad19:21
guntbertqbrix: yes, you download the standard version and choose the language during install19:21
fdetea_ovedose: e2fsprogs provide several ext tools... one of which is an undelete tool... but ok19:21
marcelkoopmanThomas82, hope you can fix it, these things always happen when you dont have time19:21
qbrixguntbert: great, thx for the info19:21
tea_ovedosefde:ext tools ? doesnt it support both types of ext ?19:21
fdeDillizar: they are simply entirely different implementations... you can just grab the images I guess and replace one from another theme... but without some hackery it wouldn't work19:22
feliciahello, sorry to bother everyone, but i have some hardware issues using intrepid.  im trying get my backlight brightness controls working on a vaio laptop.19:22
fdetea_ovedose: all 4 versions of ext... yes19:22
tea_ovedosefde: ty I will install it now and see if there's any luck19:22
fdetea_ovedose: as I said, once installed, type 'dpkg -L e2fsprogs | grep undelete' ... I forget the exact binary name19:23
marcelkoopmanfelicia, when adjusting the controls, what do you see when typing 'dmesg' in the console?19:23
fdefelicia: what kind of video card?19:23
marcelkoopmanfelicia, does it show anything19:23
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feliciai've got it working on command line using nvclock.  i just cant bind them to the keys19:24
helperhi sir , i plumb my interface eth1 into  2 ip's and it work properly but when i reboot the ip of eth1:1 and eth1:2 remove i want to reconfig them again19:24
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andresjhello, i had apt-cacher setup but now that I uninstalled it, apt can't retrieve any files, since it can19:25
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helperhow i can make them forever i don't want to config it everytime19:25
suicidepillslifestream: hey man19:25
feliciamarcelkoopman, i've got it working on command line, just cant bind them to the keys19:25
andresjhello, i had apt-cacher setup but now that I uninstalled it, apt can't retrieve any files, since it can't connect to apt-cacher. how do i configure apt to stop using apt-cacher?19:25
DillizarHow can i make a splash screen?19:25
marcelkoopmanfelicia, did you install hotkey-setup?19:26
lifestreamsuicidepills, heya whats up?19:26
marcelkoopmanfelicia, hotkey-setup - auto-configures laptop hotkeys19:26
fdeandresj: System > Administration > Software Sources... change the Server option at the bottom of the first tab19:26
francescogvfbtgciao a tutti19:26
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:26
feliciamarcelkoopman, it is installed19:26
helperhow i can make them forever i don't want to config it everytime19:26
helperhi sir , i plumb my interface eth1 into  2 ip's and it work properly but when i reboot the ip of eth1:1 and eth1:2 remove i want to reconfig them again19:27
rrvaI want XvMC for my intel gma 4500 on intrepid. Are there any builds of xserver-xorg-video-intel-2.6.1 for intrepid or do I need to upgrade to jaunty?19:27
francescogvfbtgragazze con cam ed msn ci siete?19:27
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fde!it | francescogvfbtg19:27
ubottufrancescogvfbtg: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:27
JampiterDoes anyone else have any ideas? #xorg appears to be dead.19:27
fdefrancescogvfbtg: sudo aptitude install amsn if I understand correctly19:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mk19:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mkd19:27
fabio_Jampiter: what about xorg ?19:28
fdeDillizar: /msg the bot19:28
[tla]Hi.  I "apt-get install net-snmp" and the AES cipher is not supported in the snmpget etc commands for SNMPv3.  Do I need to install something else too or is AES support disabled for some reason?  Thx.19:28
marcelkoopmanfelicia, do these keys work in kde? gnome?19:28
andresjfde, lol it worked!! thank you :D why did i need to do that, though? if i already errased the file i created /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/01proxy19:28
fdefabio_: he wants to rotate his screen 90 degrees19:28
helperanyone can help ?19:28
fdeandresj: it likely commented out things in /etc/apt/sources.list ... Software Sources repopulated it19:28
dmzhowdy everyone, i thought the xserver servers were compiled w/out the default xcreensaver (the old MIT style one with the grey screen & X)? it appears that it is still there :(19:29
feliciamarcelkoopman, im sorry, i forgot to say that im in gnome, and i used nvclock to get the backlight working.  its just that the fn+f5/f6 keys never worked19:29
nilo_Hello everybody19:29
[tla]helper: did you check /etc/network/interfaces?19:29
fdeandresj: otherwise it would keep arguing over where to get files etc... and the idea of apt-cacher (and apt-proxy) is to have the network get it from a specific machine rather than over the internet19:29
andresjfde hahaha lol no idea, but it worked! :P19:29
marcelkoopmanfelicia, maybe there is a chance that it works in kde, because its more like the applications need to use the key events19:29
fabio_fde: just rotate yourself19:29
nilo_someone know or work with typolight??19:30
fdefabio_: I was thinking the same, actually... but I don't think that counts as support  :P19:30
DizzyDooHello, I just installed Ubuntu Server for the first time, rebooted and the computer seems to hang at "Verifying DMI Pool Data", any ideas what's going on here?19:30
helper<[tla]> it's not added there19:30
fabio_but there is a way to do this19:30
fabio_Gnome -> Display Manager.19:30
helper<[tla]>  @ terminal i put : ifconfig eth1:1 netmask broadcast
helperbut on the /etc/network/interfaces not there19:30
suicidepillslifestream: not much.  in regards to your question from before: when i say idle, i just mean that i wasn't using it.  it wasn't suspended or anything19:31
feliciamarcelkoopman, i really prefer to use gnome, been using it for a while.  its just this laptop and key bindings19:31
fdehelper: so populate /etc/network/interfaces with that info? why would ifconfig automatically populate that stuff?19:31
suicidepillslifestream: i can't suspend 'cause i used the Wubi installer19:31
fabio_Jampiter: Gnome -> Preferences _> Display Manager19:31
[tla]helper: ifconfig will not add it, either use the gui interface management tool or add it yourself19:31
helperfde i am new @ ubuntu :)19:31
marcelkoopmanfelicia, look for gnome applications that use these keys19:31
burkmatDizzyDoo, Did you change your hardware setup recently?19:31
helperah ok19:32
Jampiterfabio_: No Display manager option :/19:32
DizzyDooburkmat, I only just built my server box.19:32
[tla]helper: you are adding a sub-interface?  ie you really mean to config eth1:1 and not just eth1 ?19:32
fdehelper: its not that difficult... mostly its the same as ifconfig but each option is on a different line... just check out man interfaces19:32
helperso i'll put : auto eth1:1 then iface eth1:1 inet static  then address netmask 255.255.255. 0 ?19:32
feliciafde, i've got the backlight working via command line using nvclock.  i just cant get the fn+f5 and f6 working19:32
marcelkoopmanfelicia, In Gnome default values are put into hotkey preferences for keyboard-shortcuts which then does sensible things with them such as launch an e-mail client or change the volume and show an on screen display or play/pause music.19:32
fabio_Jampiter: gnome-display-properties19:32
fdefelicia: you were told to use hotkey-setup... did you try that?19:32
feliciafde, already had them installed19:33
helper[tla]> i want eth1 and config eth1:1 2 networks so @ /etc/network/interfaces  i'll put : auto eth1:1 then iface eth1:1 inet static  then address netmask 255.255.255. 0 ?19:33
burkmatDizzyDoo, Well, if I'm not completely mistaken the issue would most likely be with BIOS. Have you got the latest drivers and BIOS upgrades?19:33
maximus007is there an selinux specific channel for ubuntu?19:34
Jampiterfabio_: In the rotation drop down menu, only "Normal" Appears19:34
VagueIs it possible to actually cause a program to wait a few seconds before startup, in essence, is there a delay command I can put under the session preferences for a program?19:34
lifestreamsuicidepills,  hmmmm... I'm not sure about the crash. Not even sure if it's specific to Wubi! :( Sorry!19:34
burkmat!gimp > burkmat19:34
fdemaximus007: I believe so... but search google for 'ubuntu irc channel list' ... there is a wiki page with them all19:34
ubottuburkmat, please see my private message19:34
feliciafde, unless theres a way to run it, i dont know what to do :(19:34
[tla]helper: yes.  you may also want to add gateway <ip>19:34
suicidepillslifestream: no, it's cool.  i've been googling around and it seems to be a known problem.  no one has said anything about wubi being a suspect though...19:35
lifestreamVague,  you could put something like:     sleep 5  & YourProgram      where 5 is in seconds. Can be any number in seconds that you want19:35
suicidepillslifestream: i just remember hearing that ntfsg (or whatever it's called) was kind of unstable19:35
DizzyDooburkmat: To be honest, I have to idea how to install the latest drivers or upgrade the BIOS, this is my first time with Linux. Google is telling me that the HD could be the component at fault here.19:35
feliciamarcelkoopman, i've tried that... dont have options for brightness changing there.  how does one add they're own?19:35
fdesuicidepills: ntfs-3g is pretty stable these days, it just lacks some features due to lack of specs etc19:36
Vaguelifestream, so...under session preferences, if the command is sudo firestarter  --start-hidden I would put sleep where?19:36
suicidepillsfde: ah, well maybe it's not that then...19:36
fdeVague: this is for Gnome or KDE? you can use the entire command you'd usually type within the Session config tool.19:36
fabio_Jampiter: man xrandr19:37
lifestreamVague,  sleep 5 & sudo firestarter --start-hidden    (replace 5 with the number of seconds you want)19:37
suicidepillslifestream: is there a log i could check for errors?19:37
Vaguefde, gnome19:37
Vaguelifestream, great, thanks19:37
fdesuicidepills: there are a few... all in /var/log/19:37
fabio_Jampiter: xrandr --rotate .... try it19:38
burkmatDizzyDoo, It could be, but is this a completely new rig that's never been tested before?19:38
suicidepillsfde: what should i be looking for?19:38
fdesuicidepills: probably /var/log/messages19:38
Jampiterfabio_: Ok19:38
lifestreamsuicidepills,     maybe   dmesg            Type dmesg in a terminal19:38
DizzyDooburkmat: Never been tested before19:38
fdesuicidepills: dmesg | grep -i ntfs probably19:38
GumbyDoes anyone here know what specifies which config files are placed in a packages .conffile locate in /var/lib/dpkg/info/  ?  I am trying to figure this out so a package I am creating does not have a specific file overwritten during a package version upgrade.19:39
chubbyi have an problem with ubuntu 8.10 and network manager within umts19:39
chubbywhere i can specify the device file?19:39
suicidepillsfde: nothing comes up...19:39
suicidepillslifestream: what else should i be looking for?19:39
fdesuicidepills: try grep -i ee instead? that will return all errors19:40
lifestreamDoes anyone know how to force my fans to work? My PC is overheating because the fans will not come on19:40
fdeGumby: you probably want #ubuntu-motu - this is desktop support19:40
Jampiterlifestream: Are you sure they work?19:40
suicidepillsfde: there's a few things...can i paste bin 'em to you?19:41
burkmatDizzyDoo, Hmm... Annoying issue, no doubt, not very much info on it. Could try poking about BIOS and clearing the CMOS (maybe the MB will reconfigure itself properly), but to be honest I have no idea how to properly fix it. Not really a Linux issue either... So I don't really know.19:41
africamanhi all19:41
Jampiterlifestream: They should come on if the computer is getting that hot19:41
Gumbyfde, I'll give it a shot thx19:41
* burkmat mumbles something about quit-shortcuts being evil.19:41
fdeGumby: been a while, but I'm fairly sure those files are in debian/control within the src.deb though19:41
DizzyDoothanks anyway burkmat, I'll try... something19:41
lifestreamJampiter,  yes they work, I had Windows 7 Beta installed last week (just for giggles, but it made me gag so I came back to Linux), and the fans were working19:41
pop79My ati xpress graphics 200 graphics card *always* flickers with anything going on to do with 3d. What should i do?19:42
burkmatDizzyDoo, Good luck. :)19:42
fdeGumby: #ubuntu-motu concentrates on assisting new package maintainers and the like, so they should be helpful though19:42
lifestreamJampiter, I've never really paid much attention to it, because my house is always cool, but now I'm in a really hot room, so it's not helping ;p19:42
lifestreamsuicidepills,  i'm not really sure :/ I dont know much when it comes to log files :P19:42
Jampiterlifestream: I'm afraid I can't help you there then. My advice would be to remove the side of the computer if it is a desktop, and clean the heatsink if it is a laptop19:42
shingouzwhen preseeding an install, is there any way to tell the install to use a specific hostname? if there is, where should i put the value for the hostname?19:43
hlmallen, evening19:43
pop79!howdy |allen19:43
ubottuallen: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:43
fdepop79: are you using fglrx or radeon driver?19:43
africamantake screen shot dialog box keep pop up on my desktop how can i spot this can any one help me pls19:43
pop79fglrx, i think19:43
suicidepillslifestream: it's cool, i'm sure i'll get it figured out eventually19:43
jeeezif I create a new profile in firefox and delete private data and stuff, will data from my old profile be wiped out too?19:43
cliebowanyone have ldap running in intrepid?19:44
lifestreamJampiter,  I just had the whole motherboard replaced a couple weeks ago (its a laptop, and I had DELL replace my vid card) so it should have new heatsink. But it's not the processor fan that I'm worried about ^^ It's the fans on the back of the desktop ^^19:44
pop79fde, fglrx i think :)19:44
fdepop79: don't guess... cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i fglrx return anything? how about lsmod | grep -i fglrx ?19:44
africamantake screen shot dialog box keep pop up on my desktop how can i spot this can any one help me pls19:44
pop79huh? fde19:44
lifestreamjeeez, no, it wont, just the new one19:44
jeeezlifestream: thanks19:45
fdepop79: in Applications > Accessories > Terminal ... copy and paste those commands...19:45
Jampiterlifestream: I'm afraid I can't help you there :(19:45
pop79which ones fde?19:45
lifestreamJampiter, that's alright, thank you for trying :)19:45
africamantake screen shot dialog box keep pop up on my desktop how can i spot this can any one help me pls19:45
Jampiterlifestream: No problem.19:45
fdepop79: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i fglrx and lsmod | grep -i fglrx19:45
n8tuserfafricaman-> am sorry, you are getting a pop up?19:46
paradoxgoThere is a delay in response when I click by tapping on the touchpad. Can anyone help?19:46
pop79fde: ill post the result in pastebin, wait...19:46
africamanyes n8tuserf19:46
africamanyes n8tuserf19:47
africamantake screen shot dialog box keep pop up on my desktop how can i spot this can any one help me pls19:47
lifestreamDoes anyone know of a composer that can be used in Gnome? (Other than Compiz)19:47
n8tuserfafricaman-> you can try   ps -aux   and look for the id of that popup on the list,  then kill -15 pidofpopup19:48
pop79fde: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/119794/19:48
Slartlifestream: there is a very simple composite manager you can run just to get transparency and such I think19:48
Slartlifestream: search in synaptic for composite manager19:48
n8tuserfafricaman-> btw this ubuntu right and not windows?19:48
fdelifestream: compositor you mean? only full featured ones are kwin, xfwm4 and compiz19:48
Brack10how can I find out the name of my ALSA device for use in the config file of several audio players?19:48
lifestreamSlart, Yeah, I want something really really basic, just enough to use AWN ^_^; .. cool idea, will search in synaptic19:48
n8tuserfBrack10-> try alsaconfig19:49
lifestreamfde yeah, compositor. brain fart :p19:49
Slart!info xcompmgr | lifestream19:49
ubottuxcompmgr (source: xcompmgr): X composition manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.4-0.1 (intrepid), package size 22 kB, installed size 88 kB19:49
RencxHow i can stop program what not respond?19:49
n8tuserfBrack10-> oops sorry thats wrong command19:49
Brack10you mean alsaconf19:49
lifestreamfde,  do you know if I can use xfwm4 on Gnome? I absolutely love that compositor, but I don't really care for xfce19:49
Brack10you're right that's not it19:49
pop79Rencx, on gnome bottom right click the app and select quit19:49
SlartRencx: xkill might be useful.. or kill/pkill19:49
fdepop79: these are not the commands I told you... you forget the grep part of the xorg log19:49
pop79ill do it again :)19:50
allenlol - i thought it was busy in here, left time zone set to usa instead of UK19:50
SlartBrack10: cat /proc/asound/cards might give you some info19:50
fdelifestream: you can use all window managers on all desktops... gnome insists you set the WINDOW_MANAGER= variable in ~/.xsession though19:50
Brack10slart: Ok once I'm done reconfiguring my ALSA ;)19:50
Rencxpop79: Slart: i use Ubuntu and cinelerra freeze after some use19:50
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
lifestreamfde, sounds good, *does a little dance* TY19:51
pop79you do use gnome...19:51
fdelifestream: to temporarily test... you can just do window-manager --replace (for instance xfwm4 --replace)19:51
Slart!fr | romain__19:51
ubotturomain__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:51
Rencxpop79: i'm new to ubuntu so i dont now how to kill and why it freeze19:52
fdelifestream: they all adhere to http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/wm-spec though19:52
SlartRencx: pop79's suggestion is easy and works most of the time.. just right click on the application "button" in the window list..usually at the bottom of the screen... you'll get a small menu, select "close"19:53
lifestreamfde, oh so happy ^^19:53
fdelifestream: heh  :)19:53
RencxSlart: dont work for me19:53
fdepop79: so.... you gonna give me those commands output any time soon?19:54
lifestreamfde, I used xfce for atleast a year, just for the compositor LOL but I dont like xfce19:54
Slart!doesntwork | Rencx19:54
ubottuRencx: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.19:54
pop79ok, if you right-click the gnome panel at the top (which is the horizontal bar containing applications) and click add to panel. look for force quit and when it appears, click it and click the app you want to freeze. simple :)19:54
pop79...for Rencx19:54
fabio_!gnome | fabio_19:54
ubottufabio_, please see my private message19:54
pop79fde, one minute...19:54
fdepop79: cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | grep -i fglrx && lsmod | grep -i fglrx <--- copy and paste everything between the first c and the last x, paste this output to your fav pastebin19:55
* fde wants more money19:55
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pop79fde: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/119800/19:56
MamboKurthi there19:57
MamboKurti got a problem with my grphics card19:57
pop79!howdy |Mambokurt19:57
ubottuMambokurt: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:57
MamboKurtits an ati xpress 120019:57
pop79MamboKurt, please don't say you have a problem, say what the problem is! :)19:57
MamboKurt01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]19:57
CarlFKapt-get install mysql-server prompts for an admin pw - how can I suppress that (I'll deal with the pw later)19:57
MamboKurtwhen i enter glxinfo19:57
MamboKurtname of display: :0.019:58
MamboKurtXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".19:58
MamboKurtXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".19:58
MamboKurtXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".19:58
MamboKurtXlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".19:58
MamboKurtSegmentation fault19:58
FloodBot1MamboKurt: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:58
Rencxpop79: sory it just stands i even kill cinelerra throught system monitor but it is still here and always when i open it keeps freeze19:58
SlartCarlFK: it's a command that installs software to your system.. it needs root permissions to do that19:58
CarlFKI found dpkg --no-triggers but not sure how to use that with apt-get19:58
SlartCarlFK: or you mean the admin pw for the database?19:58
pop79What, is cinelerra?19:58
CarlFKSlart: er.. sudo aptget... right.19:58
MamboKurti get Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".19:59
pop79Ill look it up rencx...19:59
MamboKurti searched the web19:59
Seta_what's the command to remove hardware?19:59
MamboKurtbut nothing there19:59
Seta_Example, I need to remove the HDA Intel so all sound goes to my Creative X-Fi19:59
fdepop79: that looks like it should be fine... hmm... does 'glxinfo | grep direct' return yes?19:59
MamboKurtanyone knows the trick?19:59
pop79MamboKurt, please, try to keep any sentences that you can say in one, in one!19:59
fdeSeta_: Creative X-Fi doesn't work with Linux19:59
L3TumI think I have a conflict between my network card and mouse...can anyone help?20:00
evilbugi'm thinking of making an ubuntu server and wondering if having a 32gb or 64gb ssd as the system drive and then have a 10/15000rpm secondary hdd with more capacity.20:00
Seta_yes it does. I installed the driver for it. However, I want to uninstall the HDA Intel20:00
pop79ill have looky fde...20:00
africamann8tuserf >i had this bash: kill: pidofpopup: arguments must be process or job20:00
evilbugis a good idea. *20:00
fdeSeta_: you can add 'blacklist snd-hda-intel' to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist though20:00
pop79fde: it returns "Yes"20:00
dx00hi everyone, can someone help mount a remote windows share so its read/write using fstab20:01
Seta_fde: will that remove it from the hardware list?20:01
Slart!mount | dx0020:01
ubottudx00: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:01
fdepop79: then I am not sure why you would get flickers... and there is nothing we can do considering its proprietary20:01
n8tuserfafricaman-> you have to find out the correct pid of the popup, it is listed when you do a   ps -aux    look at second column20:01
Slart!ntfs | dx0020:01
ubottudx00: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE20:01
Bobberevilbug it's a good idea, but have you seen how fast embedded linux is?20:01
dx00i'm using cifs20:01
pop79Oh, sad, i might have to move from ubuntu, and ive used it for over a year...20:01
MamboKurtok. i installed the atifglrx driver. now my get "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"." when i run glxinfo. my card is ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series. if somebody knows how to get it working, please tell me20:01
evilbugBobber- embedded linux?20:01
Slartdx00: I think there are some examples at those links.. you might want to check !samba too20:01
dx00and i can view but i can't edit files20:01
fdeSeta_: that will ensure it stops loading at boot... then just reboot so the creative is set as default sound device (else it would still be pci1 rather than pci0 not that that means anything to you probably)20:02
marathonhello i lost the caption in the windows20:02
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marathonhow to restore it?20:02
pop79dx00: try https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-au/2008-May/003565.html20:02
fdemarathon: care to elaborate or throw a pic to picpaste.com ?20:02
marathonwhen i open firefox i have the menus but not the caption to move the window20:02
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fdemarathon: what caption?20:03
RencxDoes anyone now how i can take snapshot from my laptop camera?20:03
* Slart thinks marathon has lost his window-decorations20:03
Bobberevilbug yeah, linux boots up in less than half a second20:03
dx00thx, ill check those out\20:03
Seta_fde: also, would you know why #ubuntu forwards me to ubuntu-topic or whatever it is..? like..another room? it claims I have connection troubles, but changing my nickname fixes it.20:03
marathonhow to restore the decoration?20:03
SlartRencx: tried "cheese"?20:03
fabio_marathon: metacity20:03
marathoni have compiz20:03
evilbugBobber- sounds great :)20:03
shingouzor marathon has some problems with his window manager20:03
SlartSeta_: which room were you forwarded too?20:03
* pop79 kindly and patiently waits for any problems that he can fix to come up :)20:03
marathonciao fabio20:03
marathoni think is window manager20:04
Dillizarwhere can i set the witch programs to be run on starting20:04
* hlm thanks pop7920:04
Seta_fde: ubuntu-topic I think it was..let me check20:04
MamboKurtpop79: no ideas?20:04
marathonwhat to kill and restart?=20:04
Slart!boot | Dillizar20:04
ubottuDillizar: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto20:04
pop79hlm, what do you mean?20:04
MamboKurtto my issue about the graphics cards20:04
fdeSeta_: it is due to the room settings... means max users was triggered20:04
bastid_raZor!session > Dillizar .. here20:04
ubottuDillizar, please see my private message20:04
marathonah no i haven't lost the decoration20:04
pop79MamboKurt, what is you're problem?20:04
hlmpop79, you said you were waiting for any problems to come up that you can help with20:05
Seta_fde: then why doesn't it just reject other users from entering?20:05
marathonthe decoration is out of the window20:05
RencxSlart: will try it now20:05
fdeSeta_: some channels trigger that if you're not identified too, but this isn't one of those20:05
marathonwhen i move the cube i can see the decoration20:05
MamboKurtwhen i try glxinfo i get "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0"."20:05
fdeSeta_: due to the topic in that channel... it informs you of what happened... and who knows, you might still get help in there20:05
pop79MamboKurt, is your card Ati?20:06
RencxSlard: can ubutu set 2 screens what is not miror but extend?20:06
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy20:06
fabio_MamboKurt, is your card Ati (sh*it)?20:06
MamboKurtlspci says: "ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]"20:06
Dillizarbastid_raZor, thanks :D20:06
Slart!twinview | Rencx20:06
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes20:06
ubottuRencx: twinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings20:06
Dillizari forgot ;D20:06
hlmubottu, thanks20:06
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:06
africamanwat is the comman for fomating20:06
bastid_raZorDillizar; glad i could help.20:07
fdemarathon: hit alt-f7 and move it down?20:07
SlartRencx: I think there are some other tools available too.. I cant remember what they are called though20:07
hlmubottu, I will always know your a bot ;-)20:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:07
Slartafricaman: mkfs normally20:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cairo20:07
pop79MamboKurt: try going into Add/Remove, Search for ati, and there should be a control panel or something, click the tick, and download and install...20:07
fdeDillizar: /msg the bot20:07
pop79try that first MamboKurt, ill give you more steps after20:07
Dillizarex. pls fde20:07
evilbugBobber- what ssd brand(s) should i go with?20:07
fdeDillizar: just /msg ubottu cairo for instance...20:08
MamboKurtpop79: ok20:08
Seta_fde: ah...crap, how do I edit the blacklist file again?20:08
pop79MamboKurt, it's called, Catalyst Control center20:08
fdeDillizar: else you add too much noise to the channel, which can't be going on in a channel this large20:08
Dillizark fde now i know what you were trying to say :)20:09
fdeSeta_: echo "blacklist snd-hda-intel" | sudo tee -i /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist20:09
lupine_85question - will Bad Things happen if I delete certain .list files in /var/lib/dpkg/info ?20:10
dx00//Server/share /file cifs iocharset=utf8,uid=1000,noperm,file_mode=0666,dir_mode=0777 0 020:10
dx00thats my fstab line20:10
dx00still cant write to it20:10
dx00but it mounts and i can read files20:10
fdeSeta_: to make sure... cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and look at the last line  :)20:10
brunnerI just installed Ubuntu server, and I tried installing X using apt, but when I type "startx" at the command line, it dies with the error, "No valid FontPath count be found"20:10
lupine_85I've had a spot of filesystem corruption leaving a bunch of them needing to be replaced, but dpkg won't work due to the files being the wrong format20:10
fdebrunner: how did you install X?20:10
vigo_lupine_85: If they do, that is what backups are for.20:11
hlmfde, brunner did it through apt20:11
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Seta_fde: would it be normal fo rit ot be the only line?20:11
prince_jammysSeta_: tee -a, or you will truncate the file20:11
fdehlm: I gathered that, I am more meaning the command20:11
hlmfde, sorry :(20:11
Seta_fde: truncate?20:12
Ademancan anyone tell me why I have fglrx-modaliases on an ati-less system?20:12
lupine_85vigo_: I don't have a backup of /var20:12
MamboKurtpop79: i installed it and tried to run it, but the pops up a window saying it has problems initalising and that there is no driver or it's not properly working.20:12
fdeSeta_: replace entirely... in this case... did you already do the command?20:12
lupine_85bit of an oops on my part20:12
brunnerfde: I manually used a long apt-get install command and included almost every package listed as a dependency of ubuntu-desktop20:12
pop79oohhhhhh, looks bad MamboKurt, but i will try my best to help, wait a sec...20:12
Seta_fde: Yeah...you said tee-i20:12
vigo_lupine_85: Make one before you goof with it.20:12
AdemanSeta_: you did back up the original file?... right? :-p20:12
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brunnerfde: including gnome-core, gdm, gnome-system-tools, gnome-tils, and xserver-xorg20:13
Seta_fde, ademan: uh...no...~_~20:13
fdeSeta_: no problem, but my apologies... let me paste a default blacklist file, then I'll tell you how to put it back20:13
MamboKurtpop79: maybe should mention that i installed jaunty today :)20:13
lupine_85wedll, kind of goes without saying20:13
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vigo_lupine_85: I do not see as anything could really go bad, there is the restore function20:13
JampiterMy xorg.conf has just wiped itself20:13
pop79Oh, i dont think you should have, it has actually been known to have a few ati problems20:13
brunnermaybe I should just give in and install ubuntu-desktop20:13
Seta_it was a fresh install with only one other blacklist entry20:14
JampiterWhat do I put back into it to make the screen resolution go back to normal? (1680x1050)20:14
lupine_85vigo_: I was just wondering if anyone actually knew before I tried it20:14
pop79MamboKurt, go to System, Administration, Update manager and search for updates20:14
lupine_85`file *list | grep HTML |wc -l` gives me 8 entries, "woo"20:14
MamboKurtpop79: i tried the newest by ubuntu and the one from the ati hompage20:15
pop79Jampitar: Get viruss scanner from add/remove20:15
pop79MamboKurt, try as i said, there might be certain updates needed.20:15
brunnerfde: okay, I just gave in.  I'm not installing ubuntu-desktop... 434 more packages20:15
Jampiterpop79: It's not a virus, I was modifying it but it's just wiped itself20:15
L3TumDoes anybody know anything about hardware conflicts?20:15
lupine_85right, crunch time20:16
pop79oh, i thought it just "wiped itself without notification".20:16
MamboKurtpop79: brb20:16
vigo_lupine_85: But you never know, so back it up if you have data that you want saved, OSs crash, is normally user error, try this, copy the text from that command, save it, then edit the other, if goof ups happen, then replace the original configs20:16
pop79MamboKurt: In English please?20:16
fdeSeta_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/119804/  <-- throw that into any file in your home folder... then sudo rm /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist && sudo mv thisfile /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist20:16
MamboKurtpop79:be right back20:16
fdeSeta_: again, my apologies, wasn't thinking20:16
JampiterAnyone? This is quite urgent!20:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about urgent20:17
lupine_85vigo_: mmhm. ooh, it downgrades the problem from an error to a serious warning20:17
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:17
pop79Jampitar, i might be able to help, just wait...20:17
Seta_fde: thanks. I'll take care of it20:17
vigo_lupine_85: That sounds better.20:17
fdeSeta_: that already has the hda intel blacklist entry too, so then you should just be able to restart20:17
pop79Jampiter: i think i might be able to help...20:18
fdeJampiter: in intrepid, there is no /etc/X11/xorg.conf ...20:18
vigo_lupine_85: Gratzi!20:18
Jampiterfde: There was a few minutes ago!20:19
Guest17074hi folks. firefox refuses to start after an apt-get update. seems that it looks for libgnomeui which is not installed on my system.20:19
Jampiterpop79: Oh?20:19
pop79one minute, jampiter20:19
mariozhelp, I think my hard drive is failing20:19
regeyabeg your pardon, fde?20:19
mariozit says "error reading block" when booting20:19
fderegeya: ?20:19
pop79Jampiter: what is your graphics card?20:19
JampiterATI Radeon 200M20:20
regeyaI'm not within reach of an intrepid machine, but I just modified an xorg.conf on an intrepid machine last night...20:20
smokeythemanhi, is there a terminal command for changing the resolution? or better yet to launch the interface to change the resolution?20:20
fderegeya: in intrepid, Xorg handles those things automatically, so by default the file is unnecessary.20:20
* regeya facepalm20:20
fderegeya: could be an additional tool added the file... but native drivers don't require it20:21
L3Tumfde, What does intrepid use? This might help me also... I can't get my mouse to work. I found an xorg.conf file in intrepid, and it had some devices in there, just not mouse. But when I added mouse it still did not work. What does intrepid use in place of xorg.conf?20:21
* regeya facepalm again20:21
MamboKurtpop79: updated and restarted the xserver. same problems as before20:21
fderegeya: in this case, the ati packages likely modified it20:21
mikeshollenI'm trying to figure out which device my keyboard is20:21
fderegeya: ?20:21
mikeshollenwhen I run the command ls -l /dev/input/by-id/ it doesn't seem to work20:21
lupine_85OK, I can install stuff again now *phew*20:21
hlmneed help with installing a metacity theme, after adding it through the appearances dialog it is not showing up20:21
mikeshollenit tells me there is no such directory20:21
vigo_lupine_85: Whew! neato work20:22
pop79MamboKurt: Very sorry, but I don't know any other possible solutions... sorry, but you'll have to look elsewhere20:22
fdeL3Tum: automatic configuration... Adam Jackson has been working on it for like 3 years and it finally went into 7.3 ... regeya you might want to look into this too20:22
MamboKurtpop79: any idead where?20:22
fdemikeshollen: it should be handled via hal and evdev ...20:22
mikeshollenfde: what do you mean?20:22
regeyain most cases, it's not necessary to modify it, I'll agree.  I've installed intrepid on 3 machines so far, one using an ati card, another has an nvidia card, the third uses unichrome.  all 3 machines are exceptions to the rule, I guess, because all 3 of 'em have xorg.conf.  there's not much to the file, but it's there :-)20:22
alunoTudo bem?20:23
fdemikeshollen: your keyboard... it should be handled via hal and evdev now... instead of -input-kbd20:23
pop79MamboKurt: try #ati #nvidia or #xorg20:23
ikoniaMamboKurt: what is is the issue20:23
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ikoniapop79: why are you directing people to #ati #nvidia without knowing what card he has ?20:24
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MamboKurtikonia: he knows20:24
ikoniaMamboKurt: what card do you have ?20:24
ikoniayou cant have an ati and an nvidia20:24
mikeshollenfde: what I'm trying to do is run ventrilo through wine, I want to be able to play a full screen game and use my push to talk key, but vent does not pick up that i'm pushing the control button if it's not in focus. so I downloaded ventriloctrl which is a program that will forward my key to vent, but it needs to know what value my keyboard is so i can give it the PPT key.20:24
pop79ikonia: I was only trying to help20:24
MamboKurtikonia: i have a problem with my ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]20:24
ikoniaso why are you being directed to the wrong channels20:24
madafakermoglby mi ktos polecic jakis edytor do c++20:24
ikoniapop79: directing people to the wrong channels is not help20:24
ikoniaMamboKurt: ok - what is the issue ?20:24
lupine_85just need to reinstall another 35 packages to get rid of the serious warnings20:25
pop79im leaving now :(20:25
fderegeya: well, if you're using the proprietary drivers... yes I would suspect they'll be more noisy... as unichrome needs settings for your tablet layout etc... so yes, makes sense it would be noisier... official drivers should now only require the layout at this point though, and entirely removing the file shouldn't effect anything20:25
pjsturgeontrying to get ethernet working on ubuntu server 8.10. not sure how to configure /etc/networking/interfaces as it says "Reconfiguring networking interfaces [OK] then does nothing20:25
MamboKurtglxinfo says: "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".". when i try to start ccc its says it has problems initialising and that there is no driver or not properly working.20:25
fderegeya: don't try it on the 3 machines you listed though, they will all require the things set up in the file20:26
fdemikeshollen: #winehq20:26
ikoniaMamboKurt: what ati driver have you configured it to use, ati cards are famous for bad support and being driver fussy20:26
Pici!pl | madafaker20:26
ubottumadafaker: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl20:26
blizzleMamboKurt, You might try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xorg20:26
pjsturgeonI am using onboard ethernet and running /etc/init.d/netowkring restart afterwards20:26
ikoniapjsturgeon: what is the problem with the networking ?20:26
vigo_I have a tail, see ya20:26
lupine_85dpkg-reconfigure -phigh would help more, possibly20:26
pjsturgeonnot getting any signs of connectivity20:26
lupine_85depending on the problem, mind ;) - I missed the start20:26
ikoniapjsturgeon: can you expand on that, what are you treating as a sign of conectivity20:27
africamanany time i upgrade to 8.10 my laptop keep hanging or freezing any thing i can do20:27
L3TumCan anybody help me with a possible conflict between mouse and network card?20:27
MamboKurti reconfigures xserver-xorg more often as i have fingers.20:27
Guest17074who is the monkey who made firefox-3.0 depend on half of gnome ?20:27
ikoniaMamboKurt: that's not what I asked20:27
pjsturgeonikonia: ping google.com, ping, etc20:27
BULLEGuest17074: welcome to the wonderfull world of gtk+20:27
Guest17074BULEE : :-(20:28
pjsturgeonikonia: its not getting to network OR internet20:28
ikoniapjsturgeon: ok - does your card have an ip address ?20:28
fdeGuest17074: mozilla... as they use gtk and several other mechanisms specific to gnome.... also, if you're using aptitude or installing suggests automatically, it will bring in firefox-gnome-support which will depend on more20:28
MamboKurtikonia: i installed the one from ubuntu and system->administration->hardware drivers says im using "ATI Fire GL"20:28
ikoniaMamboKurt: and that's marked as "in use" in that gui20:28
pjsturgeonikonia: how would I find that out? It is an onboard ethernet controller and I have it configured to use dhcp20:28
Guest17074here is the list of what it brings with it20:29
Guest17074  apt-xapian-index apturl firefox-3.0 firefox-3.0-branding gksu gnome-app-install gnome-icon-theme20:29
MamboKurtikonia: it's green20:29
Guest17074  gnome-keyring libbonobo2-0 libbonobo2-common libbonoboui2-0 libbonoboui2-common libcairo-perl libgksu2-020:29
Guest17074  libglib-perl libgnome-keyring0 libgnome2-0 libgnome2-canvas-perl libgnome2-common libgnome2-perl20:29
Guest17074  libgnome2-vfs-perl libgnomecanvas2-0 libgnomecanvas2-common libgnomeui-0 libgnomeui-common libgnomevfs2-extra20:29
FloodBot1Guest17074: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:29
Guest17074  libgp11-0 libgtk2-perl libgtop2-7 libgtop2-common liblaunchpad-integration1 libpam-gnome-keyring20:29
gejr_how can i see what services are set to start on bootup ?20:29
ikoniapjsturgeon: please paste the output of a.) ifconfig -a and your networking file in a pastebin20:29
gejr_from console that is..20:29
lupine_85pjsturgeon: check layer2 (tcpdump -i ....) and layer3 (ip addr show)20:29
* pop79 would like it if people appriciate that im helping them.20:29
fdeGuest17074: why are you pasting this? we can read the depends ourselves  :/20:29
ikoniaMamboKurt: ok so that means it's in use, I suspect that 3d support is not available for your card and that xorg driver version20:29
lupine_85well, assuming iproute2 is installed20:29
ikoniapop79: please stop with that, I'm sure people are gratful for any valuable support20:30
lupine_85otherwise ifconfig ... (eth0, probably)20:30
hlmERR: installing new themes is totally suckish, it does not work properly, it changes the main bars to something that reminds me of windows 9520:30
pjsturgeonikonia: how to paste that much? my troubled pc is failing to get on the network and there is too much to type over :)20:30
ikonia!pastebin > pjsturgeon20:30
ubottupjsturgeon, please see my private message20:30
MamboKurtikonia: thanks. i think i read that this xoorg version is not supported by now20:30
ikoniaMamboKurt: xorg version in ubuntu is fully supported20:30
Guest1707451 new packages that i don't need !!! I'm regretting my apt-get upgrade20:30
ikoniaMamboKurt: what version of ubuntu are you using20:30
pjsturgeonikonia: i understand pastebin, i just cant get the output from that machine to this20:30
ikoniapjsturgeon: ooh I see20:31
regeyaand back on xorg, if support for xorg.conf ever goes completely away, I'm buying a mac :->20:31
pjsturgeonikonia: i see settings for lo, wlan0 and wmaster020:31
fdeGuest17074: also, yes, those things are all from firefox-3.0-gnome-support20:31
pjsturgeonikonia: but no ethernet20:31
ikoniapjsturgeon: ok - ok - so that means there is no ethernet device seen20:31
ikoniapjsturgeon: you don't seen eth0, eth1 anything like that20:31
Guest17074any way to remove these dependancies ?20:31
lupine_85pjsturgeon: ifconfig -a ?20:31
torkel_I'm having trouble with my wireless connection in ubuntu 8.10. It worked great with hardy and intrepid, but when upgrading to intrepid it all goes wrong. First of all the default Broadcom STA driver (i got a b4311) did not work as expected, it's unable to connect to the networks. Then I installed b43-fwcutter and correct firmware, it seems to load the drivers ok but no it's nagging about that the wlancard is turned off. I've turned it on...20:31
ikoniaGuest17074: no20:31
MamboKurtikonia: jaunty. i crashed my ibex and i thought it would be a good time to switch. thought so....20:31
lupine_85or is it actually not there?20:31
ikoniaGuest17074: you'd have to rebuild the package20:31
L3TumMy mouse and my network card do not work can somebody help me?20:32
ikoniaMamboKurt: jaunty support is in #ubuntu+1 and not supported/in development, using development versions is not a good idea20:32
* Guest17074 will drop firefox20:32
Guest17074thanks anyway20:32
fdeGuest17074: they are not deps... just 'apt-get install firefox-3.0'  :/20:32
lupine_85yay for broken kernalage, I guess20:32
ikonialupine_85: what kernel version is causing you problems20:32
MamboKurtikonia: i just realized it20:32
Guest17074these 51 dependances appeared when removing and reinstalling firefox-3.020:32
Guest17074ah I know what happened20:33
pop79Does KDE stand for Knoppix Desktop Enviornment?20:33
* lupine_85 notes that mixing aptitude and apt-get is generally Bad20:33
pjsturgeonikonia: no, you think onboard ethernet is the issue? i have ripped out a spare pci network card to try20:33
lupine_85ikonia: none, I'm just commenting generally20:33
ikoniapop79: no, Kommon Desktop envionment, and that is offtopic here20:33
Guest17074I did not install firefox from ubuntu but from their web site if i remember well20:33
Guest17074i'll try reinstalling it from there20:33
xpotQuestion: can anyone help me with a memory address issue? Running ubuntu 8.1 amd64 just added 8GB DDR only Addressing 7.3GB20:33
ikoniaGuest17074: that would be unwise20:33
regeyano.  the K just stands for K now.  It used to be Kool Desktop Environment...and as I typed that, ikonia gave an answer I'd not heard before...thanks ikonia20:33
ikoniaxpot: what makes you think that20:33
torkel_anyone has any idea on how i could get this broadcom 4311 working on my laptop? Tried the propretary default driver, tried b43-fwcutter (failed because it says my wlan card is turned off, which i'm unable to turn on)?20:33
ubottuFor help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap20:33
fdeGuest17074: then why are you complaining to us?20:33
ikoniapjsturgeon: if you have no eth0/eth1 device from ifconfig -a then you have no network card detected20:34
Guest17074what would be unwise would be to clutter my system because a gmoron decided to add a dependancy on gnome-support-whatever20:34
xpotikonia: resource monitor is showing that20:34
ikoniapjsturgeon: grep eth /var/log/syslog.log20:34
ikoniaxpot: check "free"20:34
Guest17074[21:37] *** You have been kicked from channel #ubuntu by ikonia (stop name calling, I asked you).20:34
ikoniaGuest17074: yes I know that20:35
Guest17074fyi i am trying to run kubuntu, not ubuntu20:35
nitridranyone know why i have to reconnect my bluetooth keyboard and mouse every time i reboot?20:35
xpotikonia: I am looking at the "System Monitor" shows "Memory 850MiB of 7.3GiB20:35
xpotikonia: is there a cli cmd I can use?20:36
ikoniaxpot: check the output of "free"20:36
xpotikonia: oh, duh20:36
ikoniaxpot: from what your saying resource monitor is showing 850 meg in use out 7.3gb free20:36
DrunkymonkeyHello from Russia =)20:36
pjsturgeonikonia: no syslog.log there, tried locate and it failed20:36
fdefree -m if you want it to make sense20:36
ikoniawhich ties in with what you've said20:36
ikoniapjsturgeon: sys.log sorry20:36
pjsturgeontried updatedb and that failed too20:36
xpotikonia: yes20:36
marathonhello i m trying to connect another pc with ubuntu and samba 3.2.3 but it asks always for passowrd20:37
L3TumI need help with mouse not working......somebody....I've been trying to fix this for 3 days straight....possibly a conflict with network card, can anybody help me?20:37
marathonthe password is right20:37
lupine_85L3Tum: what happens when you remove the mouse? does the network card work?20:37
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
xpotikonia: Total=7488 ??20:37
BossaNestaAFKhi guys.. is there a search function in apt-get?20:38
ikoniaxpot: boot the "memcheck" option from good, you may have bad ram20:38
ikoniaBossaNestaAFK: apt-cache20:38
lupine_85BossaNestaAFK: apt-cache search20:38
BossaNestaAFKthx guys..20:38
pjsturgeonikonia: it has spotted my realtek but says "Driver 's'd' needs updating, please use bus_type methods20:38
wes1I would like my dyndns account to forward all connection attempts directly to a pc behind my router. How do I do this? Im using Hardy Heron20:38
ikoniapjsturgeon: ahhh, looks like there is a problem with your card/kernel module, hence why it's not being found20:38
xpotiknoia: ok, will do20:38
L3Tumlupine_85, no. Usb mouse will work, but not the PS/2 mouse. network card I installed a week ago and never got it to work. I've tried everything on google to fix the mouse and the card, so the only thing I can think of is maybe a conflict between these20:38
pjsturgeonikonia: think i'll have more luck with another card?20:39
ikoniapjsturgeon: if it's supported, sure20:39
ikoniapjsturgeon: most main makes are20:39
pjsturgeond-link, lets hope so20:39
BossaNestaAFKso, if i wanna install some driver and i need to recomplile my kernel, is kernel-package is what i need instead of "kernel-header"?20:39
ikoniaBossaNestaAFK: nope20:39
ikoniaBossaNestaAFK: only need to recompile the kernel if you want them built into the kernel, or the module requires a specific kernel version20:39
BossaNestaAFKikonia, oh... so.. it should be kernel-headers?20:39
wes1I would like my dyndns account to forward all connection attempts directly to a pc behind my router. How do I do this? Im using Hardy Heron20:40
lupine_85L3Tum: quite possibly, yeah. Are the PCI slots set to be managed by the O/S in your BIOS?20:40
BossaNestaAFKikonia, i'm running a special kernel,  2.6.24-21-eeepc .. i can't download the header.. @@20:40
ikoniaBossaNestaAFK: why do you need the header20:40
lupine_85BossaNestaAFK: you can use the sources in place of the headers20:41
ikoniawes1: that's nothing to with ubuntu - that's a router config20:41
pop79ikonia: just to remind you that you forgot to take the away message "not at desk"20:41
BossaNestaAFKsomething wrong with my Virtual Box, it show warning.. in my Fedora i could fix it with the VBox command20:41
L3Tumlupine_85, I don't know. What do I look for? I have changed the BIOS setting for port 1 from auto to com1 back to auto, nothing happened. I don't know what to look for other than that20:41
ikoniapop79: done, thank you20:41
BossaNestaAFKlupine_85, oh.. yeah.. the source.. that's right!!20:41
lupine_85L3Tum: there should be a Plug 'n Play menu somewhere20:41
wes1ikonia; I said behind my router, so it have everything to do with ubuntu, its ubuntu software20:42
lupine_85BossaNestaAFK: it's a good bet, since they're required by GPL to make it available :)20:42
ikoniawes1: your router forwards to things behind your router - not your clients20:42
wes1ikonia; sure i could make it forward to my router, then id have to use port forwarding to the comp or i can forward it directly to the comp via software20:42
sakyamuniI added a file to /etc/init.d, how can I make it so it starts/stop like the other scripts?20:42
TruthTacohow do i format a USB drive20:42
lupine_85L3Tum: the other option, of course, would be to buy a USB mouse20:42
L3Tumlupine_85, yes, I'm there....PNP OS Installed=NO, Resources Controlled By=Auto....20:42
BossaNestaAFKlupine_85, hehe.. i forgot where can i download kernel source... can u tell me the name of the package?20:42
* hlm is now here to help! :-)20:42
wes1ikonia no20:43
BossaNestaAFKlupine_85, oh.. sorry.. it's not a command kernel.. so i have to google it myself, right?20:43
lupine_85TruthTaco: mkfs.ext3 /dev/<whatever>20:43
ikoniawes1: what ?20:43
ikoniawes1: you want connections from the internet to forward to your PC ?20:43
racecar-56my floppy drive dosen't work, it isn't detected but in windows it seems to work, what's the prob?20:43
lupine_85BossaNestaAFK: it's BIOS-specific, yeah20:43
ikoniawes1: is that what your asking ?20:43
wes1!inadyn | ikonia20:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about inadyn20:43
lupine_85whoops, getting my wires crossed20:43
BossaNestaAFKlupine_85, hehe. found it.. thx20:43
wes1!ddclient | ikonia20:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ddclient20:43
xpotikonia: is Total = 7992 Good?  I guess I just needed a reboot.20:43
pjsturgeonikonia: ifconfig shows me eth1, set me networking file to http://pastebin.com/m7632a03520:43
sakyamunianyone know something like chkconfig for ubuntu? sysv-rc-conf?20:43
wes1it doesnt know anything about either20:43
ikoniaxpot: if your total is changing - that's worrrying20:43
ikoniaxpot: check in memtest20:43
xpotikonia: ok20:44
wes1ikonia; https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DynamicDNS20:44
wes1I just hoped some1 has done it20:44
pjsturgeonikonia: saved, restarted, no networking still20:44
lupine_85do >4GB kernels steal a chunk for the kernel?20:44
L3Tumlupine_85, yes I could try that. I'll just use the usb mouse on that machine until I get another one20:44
wes1and can verify it works20:44
lupine_85(and would that show up in free?)20:44
lintianhow do i make an index or database of all my harddisks ?20:44
ikoniaxtm-lap: I'd expect to see 8192mb of ram20:44
benilsonboa tarde!20:44
lupine_85lintian: not sure what you're after?20:45
ikoniapjsturgeon: look at ifconfig -a again please now with your new card in20:45
tyler_d1anyone know of an sql utility for linux?20:45
ikonialintian: sudo updatedb20:45
tyler_d1query browser that is20:45
benilsonalguem aqui é brasileiro?20:45
ikoniatyler_d1: for what database ?20:45
wes1It says Using your Computer to perform Dynamic DNS Notification20:45
racecar-56my floppy drive dosen't work, it isn't detected but in windows it seems to work, what's the prob? (if you know how to fix this please pm me)20:45
L3Tumlupine_85, Are these the correct BIOS settings for PnP though?20:45
tyler_d1ikonia: sql200520:45
wes1so its software ikonia20:45
pjsturgeonikonia it is there ok20:45
guntbert!br | benilson20:45
ubottubenilson: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.20:45
lupine_85tyler_d1: I tend to use sqlitebrowser... but I use sqlite for a lot of things ;)20:45
lintianlupine_85, i have several harddisks, not all connected at the same time, i want to search for files on all disks at once20:45
lupine_85L3Tum: they should be set to managed by the OS if at all possible20:46
ikoniawes1: that's just dns update - that's not the forwarding to behind the router20:46
L3Tumlupine_85, PNP OS Installed=NO, Resources Controlled By=Auto...20:46
wes1ikonia; so how could it possibly update? by giving it a 192 address20:46
lintianlupine_85, so i want to make an index for them first and search that20:46
lupine_85L3Tum: might be worth setting PNP OS Installed = Yes20:46
sakyamuniPackage sysv-rc-conf is not available, but is referred to by another package.20:46
tyler_d1lupine_85: ty I will give them a shot20:46
ikoniawes1: your router nats20:46
ikoniawes1: or masqurades20:46
lupine_85lintian: well, dunno if slocate/etc would be any good for that20:46
wes1ikonia; or perhaps you want the DNS entry to follow your *computer* around, rather than stay with your DSL/Cable connection.20:47
wes1thats a paste from that document20:47
lupine_85I'd (topically) make a tiny sqlite database and import the ls output into it20:47
ikoniawes1: same thing20:47
wes1thats what I want to do20:47
guntbertwes1: that won't work, you must give the address you router has from your ISP20:47
ikoniawes1: your just doing dns updates - that's nothing to do with forwarding20:47
lintianlupine_85, i guess so, but i'm not sure how20:47
lupine_85(assumiong the hard drive content is static?)20:47
guntbert*your router20:47
pjsturgeonikonia: eth1, has a few packets run a few packets with no errors, but still no ping or telnet gets anywhere20:47
ikoniapjsturgeon: thats a good start20:48
klavsHi why can`t I install awn-core-applets-bzr It says there is no such package.20:48
mikeshollencan anyone tell me why I can't find this directory?20:48
mikeshollenmichael@Alienware:~/ventriloctrl-0.5$ ls /dev/input/by-id20:48
mikeshollenls: cannot access /dev/input/by-id: No such file or directory20:48
ikoniapjsturgeon: you have eth1 - that means your card is found20:48
ikoniapjsturgeon: now you just need to give it an IP address/set it to use dhcp20:48
lupine_85lintian: me neither off the top of my head. probably via a ruby script in my case. like I said, I don't know anything that does exactly what you want OOTB20:48
lupine_85dhclient eth120:48
ikoniapjsturgeon: where do you get IP's from - your router/modem, or are you on a corperate LAN ?20:48
wes1ikonia; the problem is, i have DSL, and teh DSL modem works as a router, so when I hook up my router, i now have two routers on the network a and a so its making it a pain in the rear for me to set up this server20:48
L3Tumchange lupine_85 yeah changed that to Yes, still doesn't work. Now, if they are conflicting, and I use a usb mouse, They will still conflict because the mouse and net card are still assigned to the same address, only the mouse won't be used right?20:48
pjsturgeonaha! thanks guys20:49
lupine_85wes1: the public IP should be the WAN IP on the router, which isn't 192.168/16, trust me20:49
pjsturgeonsudo dhclient eth1 got it20:49
lintianlupine_85, it is static as long as i don't add or remove stuff from it yes20:49
ikoniawes1: thats just a hardware issue with your setup20:49
lupine_85then you set up NAT on the router to forward requests from the WAN IP to the server IP20:49
lupine_85all beyond the scope of this channel20:49
wes1lupine_85; what channel should I go to then20:50
pHreaksYclelupine_85 you just put me into a coma20:50
guntbertwes1: ##networking20:50
lupine_85pHreaksYcle: I have that effect on many people20:50
lupine_85in other news, Cap'n Crunch is dead20:50
ezerhodenlupine_85: how old was he?20:51
ezerhodenthe original hacker20:51
lupine_85wes1: really, you shouldn't set up any server behind NAT. it's more hassle than it's worth20:51
lupine_85grab a VM and set up your application on that instead20:51
linduxedhow do i check if ive got bluetooth installed into my laptop?20:51
k9how to made bin in lxde??20:51
linduxedhardware wise20:51
ikoniak9: pardon ?20:52
linduxedi wanna check if i should even bother with drivers20:52
L3Tumlupine_85, is there a way to check which address the mouse and network card are using, and if they are overlapping, change them?20:52
ikoniak9: what are you asking ?20:52
k9i wanna to make bin in LXDE20:52
lupine_85L3Tum: cat /proc/interrupts might be what you want20:52
ikoniak9: what is LXDE ?20:52
pop79I can't get my Genius G-pen 450 to work as a mouse on Ubuntu. What do i do to get it working?20:52
lupine_85tiny desktop environment20:52
* hlm feels like a restart is needed >:-[20:52
prince_jammysk9: you're talking about a trash can?20:52
k9it is new lightweight desktop20:52
lupine_85k9: try opening a terminal and running gcc/make/the usual20:53
ikoniak9: so what do you mean by a "bin"20:53
klavsDoes some one know how to install avant-window-navigator manager?20:53
lupine_85binary, Im guessing20:53
jdmnynjaHey all, I'm having an issue with rhythmbox on ubuntu 8.10 64bit. Everytime I load up anything to update such as flash player, etc. it gives me error or when i try to remove it and reinstall it says this E rhythmbox: subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 220:53
k9yes i'm thinking about trash sorry20:53
* lupine_85 fails20:53
notwistjdmnynja: rythmbox is crap. use songbird or amarok :)20:54
prince_jammysk9: see if lxde has its own channel20:54
racecar-56lxde DOES have a channel20:54
lupine_85let's be fair, they're all a bit poor20:54
racecar-56do /join #lxde20:54
ezerhodenlupine_85: were you not refering to the phone phreaker ?20:54
jdmnynjanotwist: good to see your in here! I got Ubuntu 8.10 64bit installed and running. I had to take our RAM and video card junk. Anyway, I'd love to do that, but whenever I update or try to install flash it pops up error. Is it because it is automatically recognizing rhythmbox?20:54
* hlm is now going to restart, see ya soon!20:55
lupine_85ezerhoden: that was the general intent, yes20:55
yao_ziyuanhow do i reinstall a package with apt-get?20:55
k9ok thanks20:55
prince_jammyslupine_85: apt-get --reinstall20:55
ikoniayao_ziyuan: --reintsal20:55
lupine_85being a clever pun, or play on words, upon the querent's handle20:55
yao_ziyuanikonia: complete command?20:55
MaxDreadwithout doing a soft-install, how can I fix a corrupted "sudo" command?20:55
ikoniaapt-get --reinstall $package20:56
prince_jammyssudo apt-get --reinstall TheNameofYourPackage20:56
MaxDreadthe problem is that I can't do it as root20:56
=== datacrusher is now known as dtcrshr_OUT
lupine_85MaxDread: what do you hit when you try?20:56
guntbertMaxDread: what happened?20:56
* lupine_85 always runs sudo passswd first on ubuntu systems20:57
jdmnynjanotwist: i am downloading Amarok atm. Hopefully this fixes my rhythmbox errors.20:57
MaxDreadFilesystem got corrupted, fixed it with e2fsck, and sudo itself got corrupted20:57
notwistjdmnynja: amarok is another media player entirely20:57
joerackcan somebody please help me?  http://pastebin.com/m1ad6ee07   I don't know what to do20:57
notwistjdmnynja: and rythmbox does not have anything to do with flash in firefox20:57
lupine_85MaxDread: ah. well, reboot into a rescue shell, chroot in, fix however you can20:57
jdmnynjanotwist: it gives me a rhythmbox error when i try to install flash.20:57
christop1erSo. how would I install ubuntu oif the 8.10 live cd doesn't work (hangs with the error message, "No controller found" and throws me to busybox), and the 8.10 netinstaller is broken?20:57
notwistjdmnynja: weird20:58
guntbertlupine_85: why would you do that (sudo passwd)?20:58
jdmnynjanotwist: very. i can't find anything about it on the launchpad.20:58
christop1erThe 8.04 netinstaller seems to work. Would it be feasable to install 8.04 and "manually" update to 8.10?20:58
lupine_85guntbert: so I still have root if sudo dies20:58
ikoniachristop1er: I'd make a quick guess that you where trying to use a raid disk system/controller20:58
jdmnynjanotwist: or anything on the internet for that matter.20:58
MaxDreadlupine: tried that... I need to be able to get a fresh "sudo" command from CD because even booting into recovery mode it wouldn't let me go out to the net20:58
guntbertlupine_85: sudo doesn't "die"20:59
christop1erikonia: Not really. I guess my disk controller supports it or something. But no, just 1 disk20:59
lupine_85guntbert: it really really does20:59
Appiah_What do you do when ubuntu messed up the menu.lst? I got multiply entries for everything and it's all done by packages who wanted to add things,  got like 5x of everything20:59
Appiah_is there a way to make it autogenerate it again?20:59
lupine_85it dies when the system clock goes funny, when it loses setuid, when /etc/sudoers gets corrupted, etc20:59
Appiah_Ubuntu-Server 8.10 if that matters20:59
christop1erikonia: I have one sata drive and one regular "old" one in. gparted finds them at least20:59
jdmnynjanotwist: i just got to install amarok and I got this error message- E:rhythmbox: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 221:00
NiranjanRAppiah_, cant u manually edit the file and remove/comment out repeating entries21:00
lupine_85MaxDread: you can ar -x the /deb then tar -xf the contained data.tar.gz to get the binary21:00
lupine_85erm, .deb21:00
Appiah_NiranjanR: I'd like it to manage itself21:00
notwistjdmnynja: try googling, sorry but i have no idea21:00
lupine_85might be easier to just dpkg -i it though21:00
=== Geek`N`Proud is now known as Geek`N`Proud`
guntbertlupine_85, MaxDread: sudo allows all accounts in the group 'adm'21:00
jdmnynjanotwist: all right, I'll see what I can dig up.21:00
MaxDreadlupine: dpkg isn't working... can't get root21:00
lupine_85guntbert: and su is a handy fallback for when it breaks21:00
lupine_85MaxDread: hence the suggestion to chroot in from a rescue environment21:01
jdmnynjaAnyone here have any idea what error- E: rhythmbox: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 2 - means?21:01
=== Geek`N`Proud` is now known as Geek`N`Proud
MaxDreadlupine: I already tried it through recovery -- still no dice... thought that su was disabled, btw21:01
lupine_85jdmnynja: read up about 2 lines on the output you get and it'll tell you why21:01
lupine_85MaxDread: it is by default :/21:01
Travis-42is it possible to use /etc/hosts to point a single address at multiple ip addresses (e.g. if the first one doesnt work, try the second)?21:01
lupine_85setting a root password re-enables it21:01
suicidepillsthis is a total shot in the dark, but is there any way to run gnome-do on lxde?21:02
ikoniaTravis-42: no21:02
istvani ran a check on a program, and it returned the error it was missing: libCgGL.so -- how do i fix it?21:02
ikoniaTravis-42: that would be round robin DNS21:02
jdmnynjalupine_85: the output details from the installation?21:02
MaxDreadlupine: so it's not a permanent disabled, eh? Hmmm... ;-)21:02
christop1erBleh. I'll just install 8.04 and do a dist-upgrade.21:02
jscinoz-m1330Travis-42, install a local dns servers (dnsmasq or bind) and have one host with multipl A records21:02
lupine_85MaxDread: what fails when you try recovery from an external environment?21:02
NET||abuseHi guys. I have an old dapper web server box that just runs a couple of simple sites, i was trying to upgrade a php framework, and i wanted to update php on the server, problem is i'm getting errors on apt-get update  => Failed to fetch http://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/pub/mirrors/ubuntu/dists/dapper/Release.gpg  Error reading from server. Remote end closed connection [IP: 80]21:02
Travis-42hmm ok thanks ikonia and jscinoz-m133021:02
lupine_85jdmnynja: yep21:02
NET||abusecan anyone help me soolve this issue?21:02
lupine_85MaxDread: no, you just can't log in as root by default21:02
lupine_85which is daft21:02
jdmnynjalupine_85: any way I can go back and review it? I already exited the details21:02
ikoniaNET||abuse: sounds like the repo no longer has that key or that server is down21:03
ikoniaNET||abuse: visit that url in a browser21:03
lupine_85jdmnynja: try to install it again21:03
racecar-56my floppy drive dosen't work, it isn't detected but in windows it seems to work, what's the prob? (if you know how to fix this please pm me)21:03
MaxDreadlupine: from recovery environment, trying anything with dpkg like "dpkg --configure -a" failed to get out to the net21:03
joeracksome1 pls help me  http://pastebin.com/m1ad6ee07   I really want to use windows21:03
jdmnynjalupine_85: well it actually installed it, the only problem is that the stupid error message pops up and I cannot remove rhythmbox from the add/remove programs21:03
NET||abuseikonia, just did that, gpg file is there21:03
lupine_85MaxDread: if you have the .deb, that shouldn't be a problem21:03
savvasMaxDread: what seems to be the problem? no sudo?21:03
lupine_85and you can always enable the networking manually21:03
amaureaHello. I am having some issues with 32-bit compatibility libraries on my 64-bit laptop in interpid. I am trying to compile a program in 32-bit mode, but libXext doesn't seem to have a 32 bit version. How can I get it? I am using the nvidia driver, btw21:04
ikoniaNET||abuse: looks like the server is bouncing you21:04
munwhen i use gnome-termial to set alias, the tab key doesn't seem to show path possiblities. for example, when i do alias java='/usr/<tab> it doesn't show possibilities. can this be fixed?21:04
NET||abuseikonia, wow,, never happened before.21:04
abhello all21:04
MaxDreadsavvas: yep.. no sudo... sudo corrupted after last e2fsck.. and as a result, no dpkg works either21:04
runpain2what program do i need to see my wireless connetion and the singnal streagth21:04
ikoniaNET||abuse: interesting21:04
ikoniaNET||abuse: file is not there21:04
lifestreamDoes anyone have a Logitech MediaPlay mouse? If so, could I have your config? (xorg.conf, Xmodmap)21:04
abi am facing some problems in installing nvedia drivers in ubuntu8.1021:04
ikoniaNET||abuse: try to download it manually21:04
savvasMaxDread: did you try running e2fsck again ?21:04
lifestreamrunpain2, network-manager or wicd21:05
NET||abuseikonia, interesting indeed,, just ran aptitude clean; aptitude update; and it didn't throw any error, did apt-get clean; apt-get update; and it threw the error again?21:05
guntbertlupine_85: I still don't think you should tell people to enable the root-account, because all the things you mentioned don't "just happen" but are the result of some unintentional wrenching21:05
MaxDreadlupine: I'll try that extract from the .deb on the CD... can you send that command string in a priv msg real quick?21:05
amaureaab: what is happening?21:05
ikoniaNET||abuse: the file is not there21:05
ikoniaNET||abuse: that is why you are getting the error21:05
Appiah_ah i found update-grub21:05
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MaxDreadsavvas: tried e2fsck several times. Was forced to do it because something hosed up with Tracker and locked up this machine...21:05
abwhen i had installed the driver after logging in i just got blank screen.....21:05
NET||abuseikonia, but I clicked the the link directly in the console and opened in firefox locally, i get a keyfile in my text editor21:06
abamaurea : when i had installed the driver after logging in i just got blank screen.....21:06
MaxDreadsavvas: was trying to fix this without having to do a soft-install and then go through the hours of slow downloading updates21:06
Titan8990ab, edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf from recovery mode and change the line:   Driver "nvidia"    to:   Driver "nv"21:06
ikoniaNET||abuse: I get intermittant failure21:06
Titan8990ab, that will temporarily solve your problem so you can log in to the GUI21:06
ikoniaNET||abuse: I guess it's got a "max limit"21:06
NET||abuseikonia, weird. :)21:06
amaureaab: you didn't get any warnings when installing it?21:06
ikoniaNET||abuse: too many people must be using it - or there is a problem with the server21:07
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antaresHello everyone!21:07
ab amaurea : no , i havent got any warning21:07
savvasMaxDread: which release, hardy? 32-bit or 64-bit?21:07
Wunderbarwhats the command for undoing an auto connect to a room in irc?21:08
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ortsvorsteher!hello | antares21:08
ubottuantares: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!21:08
MaxDreadsavvas: 8.10 Intrepet 32-bit21:08
guntbertWunderbar: /part <channel>21:08
NET||abuseikonia, i see.. just seems very consistent, tried 4 times now, apt-get always fails, is aptitude not checking ?21:08
runpain2Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz21:08
runpain2is that no good21:09
fearfulrupain2: What version are you running?21:09
savvasMaxDread: here's the package: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/s/sudo/sudo_1.6.9p17-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb21:09
antaresI've got a question... Does anyone know where the ACPI thermal sensors are positioned inside a Compaq nx6110? when i do "acpi -t" i get 4 results, which one is which? Any ideas anyone?21:09
fearfulrupain2: Of Ubuntu21:09
MeshezabeelAly, can you please stop doing that in #edubuntu21:09
guntbertantares: that might be a question for #hardware21:10
savvasMaxDread: save it and remember the directory you saved it in. then you can boot in recovery mode and execute: dpkg -i /path/to/sudo_1.6.9p17-1ubuntu2.1_i386.deb21:10
MiladKhajav1how can I insert the output of 'youtube-dl -g [URL]' command into input of wget command?21:10
Wunderbaralso, how would i change my network password?21:10
antaresguntbert: tnx21:10
runpain2ubuntu 2.6.2421:10
lifestreamI installed a module, but now when I try to modprobe it, it says Not Found. :/ What can I do?21:10
MaxDreadsavvas: got it... gonna try it now.. thanks big time!21:10
savvasnp :) hope it works21:10
amaureaMiladKhajav1: perhaps wget `youtube-dl -g [url]`21:10
amaureaMiladKhajav1: depends on what youtube-dl outputs21:11
fearfulrupain2: I'm guessing thats the kernel version, what Ubuntu version it can't be under 4.10.21:11
runpain2gnome 2.22.321:11
Titan8990lifestream, try:   modprobe -l | grep POSSIBLEMODULENAME21:11
amaureaMiladKhajav1: note the form of the quotes used21:11
fearfulrupain2: Yea thats the kernel, I need the actual ubuntu version21:11
fearfulrunpain2: Type in a terminal lsb_release -a21:11
runpain2Ubuntu 8.04 (hardy)21:11
lifestreamTitan8990,  Yeah, it's not listed there21:11
savvasMaxDread: by the way, you might have to also do: dpkg-reconfigure sudo21:11
antaresDoes anyone know where the ACPI thermal sensors are positioned inside a Compaq nx6110? when i do "acpi -t" i get 4 results (T1, T2, T3, T4), which one is which? Any ideas?21:11
e3cohow to use pidgin on freenode anonymously?21:12
MaxDreadsavvas: duly noted21:12
Titan8990lifestream, how did you install the module?21:12
MiladKhajav1amaurea: thnks21:12
fearfulrunpain2: Ok, your running a Ubuntu 6.10 repository, you need one for your version.21:12
runpain2iam updating sudo21:12
e3cohi Arch_NME21:12
Arch_NMEI need some assitance installing ubuntu8.1021:12
SuperGuy_9000Is there a place in Ubuntu where I can see information on all of my hardware, like the My Computer properties in Windows?21:12
e3coArch_NME:  whats up?21:13
runpain2fearful dont know21:13
Titan8990SuperGuy_9000, lspci21:13
Arch_NMEI want to dual boot with xp21:13
guntbertantares: your question is not on topic here21:13
chervahow to start X server with a specified resolution ?21:13
lifestreamTitan8990,  I had the source, did make, make install, no errors. Though there was no output for make install O_o That's all it says to do21:13
ortsvorsteher!dualboot | Arch_NME21:13
ubottuArch_NME: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:13
amaureaDoes libXext come with the nvidia driver? Can I install both the 32-bit and 64-bit version to get both versions of the library?21:13
SuperGuy_9000Totan8990, in the terminal?21:13
Titan8990SuperGuy_9000, or if you like GUIs.... (boo for GUIs)  system -> preferences -> hardware information21:13
Arch_NMEand I don't know how to make it install to the partition I want21:13
fearfulhttp://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz instead21:13
Titan8990lifestream, that typically won't work in ubuntu21:13
savvasArch_NME: boot using the ubuntu live cd, and install ubuntu, xp will be automatically detected21:13
Titan8990lifestream, because the way that it builds and install modules is different from most distros21:13
Arch_NMEI am botted with the live cd now21:14
lifestreamTitan8990,  how so? :/ Hmm... even different from Debian?21:14
Arch_NMEwhen I go to install and it gets to the partition step21:14
Arch_NMEit trys to put the part at the end21:14
SuperGuy_9000Thanks to Titan899021:14
Titan8990lifestream, you will need the kernel source (headers MAY work) or your currently running config to /usr/src/linux21:14
Arch_NMEit won't let me select where to install it21:14
Titan8990lifestream, not different then debian21:14
ortsvorsteher!enter | Arch_NME21:14
ubottuArch_NME: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:14
Arch_NMEit wants to resize aprts21:14
antaresguntbert: i'm pretty desperate here...i've been searching on the internet for hours with no result... there are alot of ppl here, maybe someone knows, i'm sorry21:14
ortsvorsteher!enter | Arch_NME21:14
lifestreamTitan8990,  Uuuggghh so I have to recompile the whole kernel?21:14
MaxDreadwith me luck... thanks again savvas and lupine.. much appreciated21:14
savvasArch_NME: go to System > Administration > Partition Editor, you can see your devices and find your "/dev/" device by comparing from File > Devices21:14
Arch_NMEubottu: sorry21:15
ubottuIt's ok, I can't stay mad at you. Those darned ewoks on the other hand...21:15
Arch_NMEyeah I have gpart open21:15
e3coPM me Arch_NME21:15
Titan8990lifestream, no, but you need the headers/source of your currently running kernel21:15
angeleyeany 1 into hacking in here21:15
fearfulrunpain2: Did you get that?21:15
angeleyeany 1 into hacking in here pm me21:15
angeleyeany 1 into hacking in here pm me21:15
angeleyeany 1 into hacking in here pm me21:15
FloodBot2angeleye: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:15
FloodBot1angeleye: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:15
Titan8990lifestream, in fact, recompiling the kernel in ubuntu, ofthen just breaks apt-get when installing modules21:15
Titan8990lifestream, and highly not recommended21:15
runpain2Fearfull is that deb21:16
lifestreamTitan8990,  hmmm I have linux-headers-26etcetc installed. Hmmm I can't install the module from apt-get because its not available there21:16
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guntbertantares: I understand, but in this busy channel - please keep to the topic21:16
Titan8990lifestream, what driver is it?21:16
antaresand the topic is?21:16
lifestreamTitan8990, lmpcm_usb21:16
Titan8990antares, ubuntu help and support21:16
Jordan_Uantares, Ubuntu support21:16
Titan8990lifestream, which is?21:16
antaresi'm using ubuntu, and don't understand the output of a command in terminal21:17
The_Joe_I had to forcefully stop an apt - how can I free the administration directory?21:17
antaresisn't that the topic?21:17
runpain2Fearfull got it21:17
lifestreamTitan8990,  Logitech MediaPlay mouse drivers21:17
savvasArch_NME: as I said, find your hard drive's /dev/ name. Leave it unpartitioned, don't make partitions using gparted- then in the ubuntu installer, use manual partitioning, and choose that /dev/ for the root ("/") and swap.21:17
ortsvorsteher!topic | antares21:17
ubottuantares: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic21:17
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antaresvery helpful21:17
savvasThe_Joe_: usually this command does that: sudo apt-get update21:18
muxomorHey, does anyone use psad, i have a question with mail in psad.conf21:18
helperhi sir about squid i start squid server i put this in squid.conf acl badurl url_regex -i google21:18
helperhttp_access deny badurl testing to block google's site i restart the squid and test on other pc doesn't work ? any help21:18
Travis-42On Ubuntu Server, I am stuck with a horribly small console.  I have tried adding vga=791 to #defoptions in /boot/grub/menu.lst but nothing changes.  Is there something else I have to do?21:18
The_Joe_savvas, k - trying21:18
mibbxhi, i want to replace windows completely with ubuntu on a computer with 2 drives and keep all my files... whats a good way to do this?21:18
lifestreamDoes *anyone* have Logitech MediaPlay mouse with all the buttons working?!    :----(21:18
Titan8990lifestream, when you did make install, what kernel source headers did it use?21:18
LogicFanmibbx, back up all your important files on external media or backup harddrive first21:18
fearfulrunpain2: Yes21:18
muxomormibbx: standart installation21:19
bastid_raZormibbx; put Ubuntu on the first drive and all your files on the 2nd. put21:19
lifestreamTitan8990,  the one I'm running now21:19
The_Joe_savvas, Ok my connection dropped out and I had to forcefully stop that too >.<21:19
The_Joe_Now I'm screwed21:19
runpain2crap that did not work21:19
guntbertantares: I understood, you were asking for the location of the sensors on your motherboard, if I misinterpreted - sorry then, please restate you problem21:19
mibbxmuxomor: during a standard install I can keep all my files?21:19
savvasThe_Joe_: hm? I didn't understand, can you do once more: sudo apt-get update21:19
savvasThe_Joe_: does it show any errors?21:20
prince_jammysguntbert: funny, that's how i interpreted the question too21:20
pudland_question: i didnt have an ethernet cord in when i installed ubuntu.  how do i auto configure the ethernet again?21:20
The_Joe_savvas, Yes " cannot lock administration directory..."21:20
muxomormibbx: it will ask you to use free space for ubuntu, so that nothing will be deleted21:20
muxomormibbx: but backuop rules anyway21:20
The_Joe_savvas, I know what causes it and there was a command to unlock the directory21:20
Titan8990lifestream, my only guess, is you need to full kernel source, and not just the headers21:21
The_Joe_But I forgot what it is21:21
guntbertprince_jammys: nice for me, but no help for antares :(21:21
runpain2Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy/Release  Unable to find expected entry  Universe/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?) Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80] Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.21:21
LogicFanpudland, system>preferences>network configuration21:21
antaresguntbert: actually... i am asking ... when i type "acpi -t" in terminal i get an output like this: T1=40, T2=51,.... i get 4 of these results...and i don't know which is which21:21
savvasThe_Joe_: "Could not open lock file21:21
Titan8990runpain2, run:   sudo apt-get update21:21
savvasThe_Joe_: "Could not open lock file" ?21:21
The_Joe_savvas, Yes21:21
The_Joe_savvas, Ah got it21:21
savvasThe_Joe_: sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives/lock21:21
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savvasThe_Joe_: then: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade21:22
fearfulTitan8990: I think they might be bad repos21:22
pudland_logicfan: it only says network proxy21:22
The_Joe_savvas, sudo apt-get update finishes but then gives me the same error "/21:22
redvamp128runpain2:  I get sometimes- when I do I just try it again in a few hours and then it will download-- I think it is either server maintenance or they are posting updates to the server.21:22
LogicFanpudland_, there should be two options21:22
LogicFannetwork configuration and network proxy21:22
savvasThe_Joe_: what's the output of: cat /var/cache/apt/archives/lock21:23
pudland_logicfan: there are 2 under admin21:23
The_Joe_savvas, Doesn't exist21:23
tiyowanHi all. I've been experiencing some problems getting the Alfa Wi-Fi USB adapter to work in Intrepid. Network Manager reports only a 16% signal. I'm using the native RTL8187 Realtek drivers. Could someone point me in the right direction? :)21:23
cellofellowanyone know how to decrease the font size in the Pidgin buddy list?21:23
guntbertantares: that is definitely a hardware-related question, as the answer depends largely on your motherboard, but if you google lm-sensors and the name of you MB/notebook you will find something useful21:23
LogicFanpudland_, network configuration is what you want21:23
redvamp128runpain2:  if it is a must have you can change the server using software sources -- download from -21:24
savvasThe_Joe_: how about this: ps aux | grep -i apt21:24
prince_jammys!aptfix > The_Joe_21:24
ubottuThe_Joe_, please see my private message21:24
savvasThe_Joe_: send the output at www.pastebin.com21:24
jdmnynjaHey, anyone know how to get youtube videos running in 8.10 64bit firefox?21:24
fearfulcellofellow: I'm almost sure that Pidgin uses your ubuntu theme to get its theme, so you would have to decrease the font from them Appearance menu for that21:24
The_Joe_savvas, ubottu seems to have given me something - I'll try that21:24
cellofellowfearful: awe, shucks. Ok21:24
The_Joe_k that works21:25
pudland_logicfan: hmmm, its not there.  Shoot, i have 8.0421:25
savvasThe_Joe_: suit yourself21:25
LogicFanpudland_, do you have a wired connection or wireless?21:25
ortsvorsteherjdmnynja: try to install flash-plugin-nonfree and uninstall all other flash like gnash ...21:25
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pudland_logicfan: wired21:25
roberto_ma qui non c'è nessuno?????21:25
fearfulcellofellow: Yes I just tried and it worked, I changed it and the buddy list changed too21:25
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guntbert!it | roberto_21:25
ubotturoberto_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:25
jdmnynjaortsvorsteher: how do I go about getting that done?21:25
fearfulcellofellow: It would have to be the 'application' one21:26
pudland_logicfan: its set for dhcp. i dont see any dns servers21:26
cellofellowfearful: what I really needed was some kind of two-pane view to help manage my buddy list better.21:26
ortsvorsteherjdmnynja: open a terminal an type there "sudo apt-get install flash-plugin-nonfree"21:26
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tuxflavrdwaflsCould someone tell me if I have compatible hardware to do the desktop cube?  I have a acer aspire 5335-2238 and I believe it has a 364 meg graphics card.21:26
fearfulcellofellow: I'm not sure you can do that21:27
Titan8990tuxflavrdwafls, report:    lspci | grep vga21:27
cellofellowfearful: not in Pidgin without some kind of plugin, no.21:27
gldtnhello.. Im having problem installing a gtk theme.. where Iḿ getting an error saying "gtk2.0 does not appear to be a valid theme" may someone guide me please?21:27
tuxflavrdwaflstitan8990 whats that?21:27
LogicFanpudland_, are you sure your router/modem is assigning proper dhcp/dns?21:27
Titan8990tuxflavrdwafls, type that in the terminal and copy and paste the result21:28
jdmnynjaortsvorsteher: it says E: Couldn't find package flash-plugin-nonfree21:28
ortsvorsteherjdmnynja: sry, try " sudo apt-cache search flash"21:28
Titan8990jdmnynja, it should be:   flashplugin-nonfree21:28
tuxflavrdwaflstitan8990 nothing21:28
antaresguntbert: i already tried...no success21:29
fearfulcellofellow: I think I have a solution21:29
Titan8990tuxflavrdwafls, alright just do:   lspci21:29
Titan8990tuxflavrdwafls, copy and paste the line that looks like your graphics card21:29
ortsvorsteherjdmnynja: did you find something flash like?21:29
jdmnynjaTitan8990: it gave me an error with rhythmbox when I tried installing.21:29
redvamp128jdmnynja:  don't forget to enable multiverse or it may not show up- system-administration-software sources.21:29
marcinspeak polish21:29
ubottuMozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl21:29
fearfulcellofellow: Go to /home/<user>/.purple/21:29
jdmnynjaortsvorsteher: i tried to install and got errors.21:29
Titan8990jdmnynja, and that error is?21:29
ortsvorsteherjdmnynja: what errors do you get?21:29
tuxflavrdwaflstitan8990 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)21:30
jdmnynjatitan8990: error: you need at least a file to (un)register. error processing rhythmbox (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 221:30
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Titan8990jdmnynja, do:   sudo dpkg --configure rhythmbox21:31
zardozHey iam having some issues hoping someone can help. i installed wow true wine, and i have the drivers for my ati card from ati's website and when i play i only have 10fps.. and alot of my friends has like 80-160 fps how come mine is so low? got a ati hd 3550 gfx 512mbddr:S21:31
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cellofellowfearful: k...21:31
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FinnishHow do I render a file to another movie file in Avidemux?21:31
hlmneed help: added the blue dust metacity theme and now my buttons dont look right21:31
mikeshollenwhere would i go to get help with a program called ventriloctrl ?21:32
RaverWildhello guys. (intrepid) which setting uses command hostname to display? i though this is what's listed in /etc/hosts isnt it? but when i edited the file it still shows me the old setting even after restart...?21:32
Titan8990tuxflavrdwafls, "The Intel integrated video chipsets (i810 and i830 based cards) are supported with 3d acceleration. "21:32
Titan8990tuxflavrdwafls, I am not certain if your chipset is based on that, but those are the intels that support opengl/compiz21:32
jdmnynjaTitan8990: error processing rhythmbox (--configure): subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 221:32
MyrttiRaverWild: you need to change it also in /etc/hostname21:32
tuxflavrdwaflstitan8990 i guess i cant get compiz, fusion to work21:33
RaverWildMyrtti, ahhhh didnt knew that. thanks21:33
Titan8990jdmnynja, try:   sudo apt-get reinstall rhythmbox21:33
tuxflavrdwaflstitan8990 it says it is installed, and i downloaded the fusion button, but i do not see how that would do anything.21:33
fearfulcellofellow open blist.xml and scroll all the way to the bottom21:33
jdmnynjaTitan8990: E: Invalid operation reinstall21:33
Titan8990tuxflavrdwafls, you need:   compizconfig-settings-manager21:33
fdejdmnynja: install --reinstall21:34
cellofellowfearful: ok, yeah...21:34
jdmnynjasudo apt-get install --reinstall rhythmbox21:34
Titan8990jdmnynja, sorry:     sudo apt-get --reinstall rhythmbox21:34
angeleyeany 1 into hacking in here pm me21:34
fearfulcellofellow around their should be your buddylist21:34
jdmnynjaTitan8990: okay.21:34
cellofellowfearful: ok, got it21:34
Titan8990angeleye, wrong irc.....21:34
fearfulcellofellow: I think under something like "allow"21:35
jdmnynjaTitan8990: E: Invalid operation rhythmbox21:35
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fearfulcellofellow: yea I think you should see your contacts tho21:35
prince_jammysjdmnynja: you are missing the word 'install'21:35
redvamp128zardoz:  try going into the menu -- find the wine and the wow there and add -opengl  with a space after the .exe21:35
Titan8990jdmnynja, err:    sudo apt-get remove --purge rhythmbox && sudo apt-get install rhythmbox21:35
fearfulcellofellow: I see all my MSN contacts email21:35
helperhttp_access deny badurl testing to block google's site i restart the squid and test on other pc doesn't work ? any help21:36
helperhi sir about squid i start squid server i put this in squid.conf acl badurl url_regex -i google21:36
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RaverWildMyrtti, now /etc/hosts and /etc/hostname all have new setting. did a /etc/init.d/networking restart and 'hostname' still returns me the old setting. anything i missed?21:36
helperi am testing using squid to block google21:36
cellofellowfearful: got it21:36
MyrttiRaverWild: you have to reboot21:36
guntberthelper: ask in #squid21:36
helperok thx21:36
Jordan_Utuxflavrdwafls, You shouldn't need any additional software to get basic compiz running. It should be on by default though without any of the really flashy effects21:37
RaverWildMyrtti, okay. will do now21:37
jdmnynjaTitan8990:Warning: /usr/share/gconf/schemas/rhythmbox.schemas could not be found.21:37
jdmnynjaUsage: gconf-schemas --[un]register file1.schemas [file2.schemas [...]]21:37
jdmnynjagconf-schemas: error: You need at least a file to (un)register.21:37
jdmnynjadpkg: error processing rhythmbox (--purge):21:37
jdmnynja subprocess pre-removal script returned error exit status 221:37
jdmnynjaUsage: update-python-modules [-v] [-c] package_directory [...]21:37
FloodBot1jdmnynja: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:37
zardozredvamp128, you mean rightclick the exe and then wich menu?21:37
redvamp128zardoz pm21:38
guntbertantares: I still think you should ask in ##hardware21:38
tuxflavrdwaflstitan8990 thanks for your help, its gettin closer21:38
jdmnynjaTitan8990: i got a long list of errors. it gave the subprocess error again, and said that rhythmbox.dirs does not exist.21:38
antaresguntbert: i had when you first told me21:39
Titan8990!pastebin | jdmnynja21:39
ubottujdmnynja: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)21:39
jdmnynjatitan8990: and it says rhythmbox.schemas could not be found21:39
Titan8990jdmnynja, I will have to say that I am stumped on your problem.....21:39
ancientscinВсем привет!21:39
ortsvorsteher!ru | ancientscin21:39
ubottuancientscin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:39
jdmnynjatitan8990: the rhymbox has truly become a pain in the rear for me.21:40
fearfulIs there anyway I can backup like all the things I have installed codecs and apps?21:40
ikonials -la21:40
jdmnynjaTitan8990: do you think if I give you the bin you could maybe look it over?21:40
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Titan8990jdmnynja, alright try this:   sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean21:41
prince_jammys!aptoncd > fearful21:41
ubottufearful, please see my private message21:41
windmillI've seen Ubuntu display system stats when logging in vis ssh...   this doesn't seem to happen now... when is this info displayed?21:41
jdmnynjatitan8990: done.21:41
gui_Hello all21:41
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Titan8990jdmnynja, now try:  sudo apt-get remove rhythmbox21:41
gui_i have a quick question about ubuntu and dual bootin with xp21:41
gui_i was on full blown ubuntu, i just cleared all my harddrives21:42
adaptrgui_: no you don't21:42
gui_installed xp performance21:42
fearfulprince_jammys: That would work for lets say I wanna clean upgrade to 9.04 (when its out) and I don't wanna go through installing again21:42
jdmnynjatitan8990: got the same error again..21:42
prince_jammysgui_: all on one line, please21:42
ortsvorsteher!enter | gui_21:42
ubottugui_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:42
gui_sorry, this my first time here21:42
gui_ok so21:42
jdmnynjatitan8990: it is almost as if rhythmbox is missing pieces, but is not allowing anything to be done around it.21:43
Titan8990jdmnynja, check out this forum topic:  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-562594.html21:43
prince_jammysfearful: do you want to save the names of the packages or the packages themselves?21:43
gui_I installed xp performance, and it didnt come with any drivers on it. so i cannot use my ethernet adapter or my wireless card. How should i go about using ubuntu (which im on atm) to get drivers for the xp side?21:43
Titan8990jdmnynja, it looks like you can manually place in the missing parts21:43
hay_ig2000hi all, i have a wireless network with wpa encryption, every time i log into the system, it asks me to enter the keyring, is there a way to remember the keyring?21:43
asdfqwerwhat is the command in grub to boot w/o starting X?21:44
jdmnynjatitan8990: thanks. i will read it through.21:44
Titan8990asdfqwer, the proper way to do it would be to remove gdm from starting on boot up21:44
fearfulprince_jammys: Names would do just fine I'm reading how with debfoster21:44
prince_jammysfearful: dpkg --get-selections does that21:45
fearfulprince_jammys: Thanks even easier:p21:45
guntbertchi_: this is the ubuntu support channel, welcome21:45
chi_hi! hi all21:46
fearfulprince_jammys: Will that get me the ones I've uninstalled too?21:46
gui_anything guys?21:46
fearfulprince_jammys: nevermind solved :p21:46
prince_jammysfearful: no21:46
Titan8990gui_, I don't understand the problem?21:46
Titan8990gui_, download the drivers and put them on your windows partition so they can be installed?21:46
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gui_where should i look for them though, the laptop manufacturer's website?21:47
Titan8990gui_, yes21:47
istvan_I am installing nvidia gelato, and it says i need to set the envirnment variable GELATOHOME="/opt/nvidia/gelato"  -- but if i do sudo gedit /etc/ld.so.conf and add it i get the error: sudo ldconfig21:47
istvan_/sbin/ldconfig.real: "/opt/nvidia/gelato" is not a known library type  -- what am i doing wrong?21:47
gui_Ok tyvm :)21:47
Titan8990gui_, np21:47
epictetusistvan_: ld.so.conf is NOT where you put environment variables21:47
Titan8990istvan_, temporary env variable or permanent?21:47
apparlewhich is better from while installation if I want the drive to be accessible under windows > NTFS or FAT3221:47
prince_jammysistvan_: why don't you just export the variable in your current shell, and then install?21:48
epictetusistvan_: for one user, or for all users on the machine?21:48
Titan8990istvan_, user specific or for all users?21:48
Flamittorqustion for ubuntu21:48
Titan8990!ask | Flamittor21:48
ubottuFlamittor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:48
istvan_for all (i am the only one tho)21:48
Titan8990istvan_, I would recommend just putting it in your .bashrc then21:48
epictetusyou can put something like:   export GELATOHOME="/opt/nvidia/gelato" in /etc/profile21:49
Titan8990istvan_, but to apply to everyone you need to edit /etc/profile21:49
FlamittorDoes ubuntu come pre installed with a firewall21:49
istvan_where is the .bashrc?21:49
epictetusor in ~/.bashrc21:49
epictetusit is in your home directory21:49
pilkarnwhat is richard stallmans advice to single-player-game developers? because subscription fees arent an option and unless they want to pay to see me sing at concerts how the hell do I make people pay when they have the source code and can compile it themselves?21:49
Titan8990istvan_, is every users home folder21:49
guntbert!ot | pilkarn21:49
ubottupilkarn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:49
epictetuspilkarn: Stallman actually sees a huge difference between "tools" (i.e. OSes, Apps, etc) and "games"21:49
Titan8990pilkarn, unless you are copy and pasting GNU code, you don't have to make it open source.....21:50
p3ngu1nLOL Epictetus.  so true.21:50
istvan_in my .bashrc i have -- export GELATOHOME="/opt/nvidia/gelato" -- but it still errors out21:50
Flamittordoes ubuntu come pre installed with a firewall?21:51
Titan8990istvan_, you have to relog after editing your .bashrc21:51
fearfulprince_jammys: Do you know if I can just run one whole sudo apt-get install on Xubuntu if I do a clean system install with Xubuntu21:51
prince_jammysistvan_: just open a new terminal21:51
jdmnynjatitan8990: it says to download the packages manually. I did so but the guy says the unpack them with file roller and copy the missing files in the directories. I have the stuff downloaded but I am having trouble copying the files over.21:51
Titan8990istvan_, or can just set the variable in the terminal21:51
chi_HLP: so i got 'trbl' with my desktop hardware in the original release of 8.04(hardy) ... and in 8.10(ibex) the ACPI-scripts got updated  and the problems vanished.... now i hate 8.10 for missing KDE3.5 and i want to go back to 8.04 ... is there now also the same ACPI stuff updated?21:51
Titan8990jdmnynja, what kind of problems?\21:51
istvan_i pasted that and restarted in my .bashrc and it still has the problem21:51
LeefmcQuestion: I am having trouble setting up dual monitors on ubuntu, and searching is providing many out-dated results. Could anyone point me to the current, best solution for dual monitor on an ATI?21:51
imri303Howdy ubuntu folks :)  I am trying to get nm-connection-editor to run at login and it fails from the customcommand I made in gdm-conf-custom.  Anyone doen anything like this before?21:52
fearfulprince_jammys: Got a neater list with debfoster21:52
prince_jammysfearful: i don't understand the question21:52
mespejelis there another way to configure my display? displayconfig.gtk is not working for me for some reason21:52
jdmnynjatitan8990: i just don't know what to do after i've downloaded the package.21:52
istvan_to be more specific i am using Frappe in blender 3D and i get the error "GELATOHOME environment variable not set"21:52
Titan8990istvan_, if the following returns your varibale, the the problem is not with the variable:    echo $GELATOHOME21:52
istvan_oh, ok that works21:52
istvan_the echo that is21:53
fearfulprince_jammys: I want to install Xubuntu 8.10 on my partition which has the filesystem for Ubuntu 8.10 (keeping the /home in another partition), so basically my question will all these apps install in Xubuntu21:53
ryanakcaAre there any IPv6 firewalls available in Intrepid?21:53
Titan8990jdmnynja, I don't have any experience unpackaging .deb,   see:   man dpkg21:53
prince_jammysfearful: yeah, you can install another desktop environment with no problem21:53
Titan8990jdmnynja, looks like:    dpkg -x /path/to/.deb21:53
feliciafor some reason, my backlight level adjustments dont work unless i restart acpi every time i reboot21:54
prince_jammysfearful: you can have both ubuntu and xubuntu desktop installed. if you later want to make it "pure xfce", you can21:54
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fearfulprince_jammys Yea I was thinking of doing that, what would I have to install to make it pure xfce?21:55
redspireUh, I was messing with my pam module configuration and I seem to have hosed my system.21:55
fearfulprince_jammys: I'm sorry uninstall of gnome21:55
prince_jammys!purexfce > fearful21:55
ubottufearful, please see my private message21:55
HuufartedQuestion:  In a laptop, swapping HDDs.  Currently 160 GB, 80GB is Windows XP, 70GB is Ubuntu, 10GB is restore partition.  Moving all of this to a 500 GB Partition and allocating 340 GB as a third partition (if possible  as FAT32).  What's the best program to use for this?21:55
=== MadMax is now known as Guest62409
feliciacan someone help me write a script so i can run sudo /etc/init.d/acpid restart every time i boot my computer?21:56
amathisdoes installing php5 and mysql with apt-get include mysqli?21:56
Huufartedcorrection to above:  Moving to a 500GB HDD, not 500GB Partition21:56
attilaby accident i deleted knetwork manager on my interpid ibex21:56
feliciai dont even know where to start21:56
attilawhat can i do??21:56
fearfulprince_jammys Thanks:p21:56
redspireI was able to reboot the system into a root prompt -- anyone know how to reconfigure pam.d to use the default set of modules?21:56
imri303felicia couldn't you run it from rc.local?21:56
hlmwhat program cam I use for viewing and compiling c++ sourcecode?21:57
attilaby accident i deleted knetwork manager on my interpid ibex what can i do??21:58
kingsleyfelicia: At least the debian distribution of linux, and possibly also ubuntu, which is based on debian, automatically executes scripts in /etc/init.d when you boot.21:58
glitsj16amathis: php5-mysql contains the PHP mysqli interface yes21:58
imri303any GDM/Login wizards out there?21:58
imri303attila can't you reinstall it?21:58
fearfulprince_jammys: Thanks so much works like a charm21:58
genii!ide | hlm21:58
ubottuhlm: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, eclipse, netbeans, pida, monodevelop21:58
amathisglitsj16, ok, thanks21:58
|Dreams|does anyone know of a script to install alsa 1.0.19?21:58
attilano network connection any more21:58
|Dreams|the one i found doesnt work21:58
bacaci|workany chance that there is going to be an apt repository containing libapache2-mod-mono2 for use with mono-apache-server2 ?21:58
geniibacaci|work: PErhaps they'll have more knowledge on that in #ubuntu-server21:59
kingsleyfelicia: if you boot, and suspect that "/etc/init.d/acpid start" was not run, perhaps you could add at line toward the top of it, like "touch /tmp/a_file".21:59
imri303atilla can you get to a terminal and run dhclient on the interface to get a connection?21:59
guntberthlm: for viewing/editing any editor, for compiling you will need build-essential (including g++)21:59
attilaill try21:59
fearfulprince_jammys: Ok now that I'm on xfce how can I just be pure xfce, remove gnome.22:00
prince_jammys!purexfce | fearful22:01
ubottufearful: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »22:01
glitsj16bacaci|work: in what way does that differ from the already available libapache2-mod-mono ?22:01
hlmguntbert, thanks, but I need to compile this C++ into a native windows executable for a friend22:01
kingsleyfelicia: If /etc/init.d/acpid does not yet exist, you might want to check if the "acpid" package, which contains it, is installed on your computer.22:01
hlmdoes such an app exist?22:01
bacaci|workglitsj16 I'm not dot net myself os I don't really now22:01
fearfulprince_jammys: Thanks again!22:01
fearfulprince_jammys: How about do you know the xubuntu repositories, so I would have them as if a fresh install22:02
glitsj16bacaci|work: ok no problem, just checking if you meant the same package22:02
guntberthlm: then you need a so called cross-compiler, but thats beyond me22:02
imri303anyone have any tips for running apps from gdm at login?22:02
kingsleyfelicia: Does that make sense?22:02
amaureawhich package provides the 32-bit version of liblua?22:02
bacaci|workhey lua.... Um I'm trying to learn that... lol amaurea22:03
pjsturgeoninstalling twonkymedia based on this tutorial: http://www.twonkyforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5065. I try to check its status and get "A TwonkyMedia server seems to be running with PID , but no PID file exists.22:03
pjsturgeonProbably no write permission for /var/run/mediaserver.pid."22:03
FloodBot1pjsturgeon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:03
bacaci|workhaven't had time yet tho...22:03
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bacaci|workbusy migrating to aws22:03
amaureaok. well, my problem is not learning lua, but getting a 32-bit program to find it22:04
amaureathe 64-bit version works fine22:04
feliciait makes sense kingsly, but what do i write in the script?22:04
feliciaall i know is that i have to restart it again manually to get it to work22:04
tuxflavrdwaflsjordan_u how do I get the effect of moving the cube around with the mouse and see the back backround ?  can i do that in compiz, or do i need fusion?22:04
guntberthlm: try "cross compiler linux" in google22:04
tuxflavrdwaflstitan8990 how do I get the effect of moving the cube around with the mouse and see the back backround ?  can i do that in compiz, or do i need fusion?22:05
davexoxideif I switch my hostname in /etc/hostname will the fork up a bunch of other configuration files22:05
davexoxidehow do I switch hostname with out messing everything up?22:05
hlmguntbert, you're too helpful ;-)22:05
prince_jammys!hostname | davexoxide22:05
ubottudavexoxide: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab22:05
davexoxideno gui... this is a live web server22:06
hendershotdoes anyone in here use lxde?22:06
davexoxidewhich is why i ask22:06
davexoxidethanks for the help22:06
davexoxidelol, i just replied to a bot22:06
hendershotgood job smart one22:07
prince_jammysdavexoxide: makes no difference whether you have a gui22:07
guntberthlm: how so?22:07
davexoxide"Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab"22:07
prince_jammysyeah, don't use that alternative22:07
feliciakingsley, it makes sense, but i dont know what to put in there22:07
hlmguntbert, I usually have to send my message three times before getting assistance22:08
guntbert!patience | hlm :)22:08
ubottuhlm :): The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:08
fearfulprince_jammys: So can I keep the ubuntu repositories?22:08
pjsturgeoninstalled twonkymedia and when i try to start I get TwonkyMedia server not found22:08
kingsleyfelicia: What does the command "ls -l /etc/init.d/acpid" report?22:09
pjsturgeonI used this tutorial: http://www.twonkyforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5065. Any ideas where I could have gone wrong?22:09
regeyais there an ubottu entry on how volunteers should behave as well?  that should also be under patience22:09
regeyanobody here is being rude to people looking for questions right now, but I see it on occasion22:09
=== slaytani1 is now known as slaytanic
LeefmcQuestion: Anyone have any experience getting Duel Monitors to work with DVI slots on a single ATI Card? Or have any knowledge in this area? I'm finding tons of results online, but nothing fully relevant (hell, most of it is outdated)22:09
Bobberhlm that kind of talk will get you into trouble around here. also, a pleasant reminder of channel guidelines is actually a warning that if you continue you'll get kicked. i'm not an op, just giving you some advice.22:09
prince_jammysfearful: yes22:09
Jack_Sparrowhendershot I dont believe that the lightweight one is supported here22:09
hlmBobber, what do you mean?22:10
LeefmcMany results show 8.10 simply displaying multiple monitors easy as pie. Mine wont even recognize "one" monitor, it always says unknown. Let alone 2 monitors.22:10
Bobberhlm: i'll continue in private message to stay on topic.22:10
feliciakingsley: it reports '-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 3187 2008-09-25 18:36 /etc/init.d/acpid'22:10
GeffIsLegend1anyone mind helping me to get steam working on my pc with ubuntu 8.10?22:10
rww!coc | regeya: Like this one?22:11
ubotturegeya: Like this one?: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/22:11
kingsleyfelicia: Can you do "less /etc/init.d/acpid" and tell me the name of the daemon it runs?22:12
GeffIsLegend1anyone mind helping me to get steam working on my pc with ubuntu 8.10?22:12
brunner1if I alter /etc/network/interfaces, will something on my system overwrite it later?22:12
hlm!wine | GeffIsLegend122:12
ubottuGeffIsLegend1: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help22:12
brunner1what's the proper way to give my system a static IP address?22:13
Flare183brunner1: Ask your ISP to give it to you22:13
_VIM_!fr | jean22:13
ubottujean: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:13
Flare183brunner1: Your ISP controls you IP you can't.22:13
feliciakingsley, where does it say22:13
brunner1Flare183: I'm on a LAN behind NAT.  I'm just asking if I should change /etc/network/interfaces or if that will be overwritten by something else.22:14
hlmI have a quick question: what is the average speed in synaptics suppose to be? im only getting 50-70 kbps on a 5mb/s connection22:14
kingsleyfelicia: Look for the word "daemon", possibly in uppercase, and near the top of the file.22:14
oskar-brunner1:  you can set a static ip in the lan configuration and mark it as system default22:14
amaureabrunner1:  the network manager has settings for that. I am not sure if it is the best way of doing it, but I think I is a reasonable way22:14
brunner1oskar-: in what file?22:14
angeleyei want to go into hacking i m very new to linux22:15
brunner1amaurea: I don't have X installed22:15
angeleyei want to go into hacking i m very new to linux22:15
Daniel_Glol angeleye22:15
Daniel_Gdepart please22:15
guntberthlm: that depends on the choosen update-server, you can change that22:15
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brunner1angeleye: /join #gentoo22:15
amaureabrunner1: ok, I don't know then22:15
burkmatangeleye, How about learning to sit before learning to run? :P22:15
hlmguntbert, im using the system default, any idea what I should be getting?22:15
angeleyei want to go into hacking i m very new to linux  can any one help me by being my mentor pm me22:15
burkmatbrunner1, Mean. :P22:16
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oskar-brunner1:  ok, then disable NetworkManager and edit the interfaces file22:16
fdeangeleye: #ubuntu-motu22:16
oskar-brunner1:  that should work, afaik22:16
brunner1oskar-: thank, but where do I disable it?22:16
attila_imri303  thank you for the help22:16
guntberthlm: go to system/administration/software sources22:16
attila_imri303  thank you for the help22:16
feliciakingsley is this it?  Start the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface daemon22:16
burkmat!hacker | angeleye22:16
kingsleyfelicia: Unless I'm mistaken, it's called something like "usr/sbin/acpid".22:16
ubottuangeleye: A hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems!22:16
angeleyei want to go into hacking  and programming i m very new to linux  can any one help me by being my mentor pm me22:17
ZiggyHornhello, So i was able to boot into ubuntu and was trying to install another OS, which messed up. And now i cant get back into ubuntu. What should i do22:17
feliciakingsley  Start the Advanced Configuration and Power Interface daemon22:17
guntberthlm: are you there?22:18
brunner1angeleye: 4chan is a great resource for hacking22:18
hlmguntbert, yes, why did you say somethiong?22:18
ZiggyHornI tried grub find /boot/grub/stage1 but it says file not found.22:18
feliciakingsley sorry about that22:18
felicia# Check for daemon presence22:18
feliciatest -x /usr/sbin/acpid || exit 022:18
oskar-brunner1:  i think with stopping the service and removing it from the runlevel start list with "update-rc.d"22:18
hlmguntbert, okay im heading there22:18
brunner1oskar-: okay, thanks!22:18
ZiggyHorni am currently on the live cd22:18
ZiggyHornany help?22:19
guntberthlm: there is a button "download server", click it22:19
kingsleyfelicia: OK, acpid's daemon is "/usr/sbin/acpid".22:19
apostolos99εχω πρόβλημα με επανεκκίνηση μετα την εγκατάσταση του ubuntu22:19
hlmguntbert, I dont see it, are you talking about the download from dialog box?22:19
rww!greek | apostolos9922:20
ubottuapostolos99: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes22:20
guntberthlm: yes, click that and choose other...22:20
munwhen i use gnome-termial to set alias, the tab key doesn't seem to show path possiblities. for example, when i do alias java='/usr/<tab> it doesn't show possibilities. can this be fixed?22:20
hlmguntbert, im guessing im going to ping for the best one?22:20
guntberthlm: no, I'd just choose one in your own country, or near your location22:21
kingsleyfelicia: I suggest rebooting, and checking the output of "ps aux | grep acpid". That will tell you whether or not acpid was started by /etc/init.d/acpid. That'll direct your subsequent debugging effort.22:21
feliciakingsley: okay,ill brb22:21
dremitshey ok litttle bit embarrasing but i chmod 777 all files. now obviously screwed up. so before i reinstall my system is there anything i can do?22:23
CaneToadI'm chasing a segmentation violation in the X server, and I've now installed xserver-xorg-core-dbg which puts an Xorg in /usr/lib/debug/usr/bin/Xorg, but how do you launch X with that X server?22:23
dremitssystme restore or something?22:23
attilacyilmazlarimri303 thanks for your help my network is back :)22:23
oskar-dremits:  you can restore you latest backup, or perhaps read most file permissions out of it22:24
dremitsok then22:24
CaneToadwhat is the difference between /usr/bin/X and /usr/bin/Xorg ?  /usr/bin/X has no manual page22:24
guntbertdremits: not wanting to rub it in, but how did you manage that?22:25
Flamittorwhat is a good iso burner for ubuntu?22:25
rww!iso | Flamittor22:25
ubottuFlamittor: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.22:25
w3rd_hey guys wandering, i not able to connect to freenode via client based app ie irssi or pidgin22:25
oskar-guntbert:  i managed this once with a wrong recursive chmod command ;-)22:25
rwwdamnit, wrong one22:25
guntbert!burn | Flamittor22:25
ubottuFlamittor: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:25
Flamittorhow do i make a iso image from a disk22:25
rwwFlamittor: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:25
w3rd_on my ubuntu machine, on my xp box im able to connect via mirc, i have already deleted iptables rules? any suggestions22:25
feliciakingsley: heres my output22:26
feliciaroot        55  0.0  0.0      0     0 ?        S<   14:23   0:00 [kacpid]22:26
feliciaroot      4760  0.0  0.0   4864  1640 ?        Ss   14:23   0:00 /usr/sbin/acpid -c /etc/acpi/events -s /var/run/acpid.socket22:26
felicia111       5420  0.0  0.0  16752   996 ?        S    14:23   0:00 hald-addon-acpi: listening on acpid socket /var/run/acpid.socket22:26
feliciafelicia   6446  0.0  0.0   7456   968 pts/0    S+   14:25   0:00 grep --colour=auto acpid22:26
FloodBot1felicia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:26
carpii__for gods sake22:26
attilacyilmazlar<imri303> thanks for your help my network is back :)22:26
rwwFlamittor: not sure about disk > iso, but iso > disk is dealt with in the link I just did.22:26
guntbertoskar-: and as "root" ;-)22:26
dremitsguntbert apache stuff22:26
feliciakingsley: my output is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/119848/22:27
kingsleyfelicia: As you can see from the second line of "ps aux"'s output, acpid is run automatically when you boot.22:27
guntbertdremits: but apache runs as restricted user, it should not be able to wreak havoc across your whole file system22:27
sickdudei cannot see youtube22:27
FloodBot1sickdude: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:27
dremitsgunbert no but i can22:27
Chronosphearhi, i'm getting "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" when trying to install new apps with apt-get. I've already looked on google and tried install debian-archive-keyring and debian-keyring but the problem remains. There's also no mention of any useful logging features in man apt-get to see why it's failing. could someone offer any advice on this?22:28
feliciakingsley: but i dont know why my backlight doesnt work unless i restart acpi manually22:28
kingsleyfelicia: What leads you to believe that acpid should be restarted?22:28
istvan_http://istvan.us/php/gallery2/images/istvan/Screenshot.jpg -- i got this when i was installing gelato22:28
sickdudei just get ubunto22:28
dremitswas having apache problems and was just testing something by changing var/www permissions but just left /22:28
feliciakingsley: because it doesnt work unless i do22:28
sickdudehow to see youtube video22:28
kingsleyfelicia: Can you elaborate on what your "backlight" is?22:28
dremitsgunbert cause i'm tired and an idiot22:28
rwwsickdude: install the package "flashplugin-nonfree"22:28
ahsanulhullo, is there a way i can add images to the gnome panels?22:29
Geek`N`Proudahsanul: yes sure22:29
Buddy_Israel`server irc.freenode.net22:29
ahsanulhey geeknproud, how? :)22:29
fdesickdude: you should probably go ahead and just install 'ubuntu-restricted-extras' though... it will play most music and video stuff, as well as java and flash etc... instead of you asking 20 questions here  :)22:29
Geek`N`Proudahsanul: Right click the panel in a spot where no widget occupies -> Properties22:29
Geek`N`Proudahsanul: from there click "Background"22:30
Flamittori now how burn a iso image to a disk but how do i make a iso image from the cd22:30
sickduderww: bash: flashplugin-nonfree: command not found22:30
guntbertdremits: I understand the first but don't believe the second :), sometimes we don't know what we do - thats why I (almost ;-)) never work as root22:30
ahsanulwell, not that22:30
fdekingsley: laptops have lights behind the monitor often to illuminate the screen better22:30
ahsanuli don't want a background image for the whole panel22:30
rwwsickdude: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree22:30
Geek`N`Proudahsanul: what do you have in mind?22:30
ahsanuljust a little image on one of the corners22:30
grndslmCreate your own Ubuntu-based LiveDVD:  http://loscompanion.com/forums/index.php?topic=6456.022:30
fderww: tell him ubuntu-restricted-extras not just flash22:30
dremitsguntbert: we learn from our mistakes. anyway nice talking. got to go now22:30
fdesickdude: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras22:30
ahsanulis there a way to place it like normal widgets are placed? :P22:30
Geek`N`Proudahsanul: not sure there.. you'll have to ask #gnome22:31
fde!anyone | Chronosphear22:31
ubottuChronosphear: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:31
opaldraggyi'm having some weird DNS / connectivity issues. It's like half the internet is gone -- depending on what I try to ping, name resolution succeeds or fails (google succeeds, cnn fails, yahoo fails). How do I troubleshoot this?22:31
gldtnmay someone help me out installing a theme please? cant seem to get it to show under gnome appearance to select it22:31
Jordan_UFlamittor, cat /dev/cdrom > image.iso22:31
Chronospheari did ask my real question it was ignored22:31
smokinjoeI'm having some trouble connecting ubuntu vnc to a Windows vista laptop vnc, I can connect windows to ubuntu but not the other way around can anyone help?22:31
ahsanuloh ok, no problem, thanks for your time!22:31
Jordan_UFlamittor, There are also many GUI programs to do the same22:31
fdeChronosphear: these packages, where are they coming from? Some PPA?22:31
Geek`N`ProudChronosphear: you have not installed the associated GPG key I suspect22:32
fdeChronosphear: you should already have ubuntu-keyring installed though22:32
blizzlesmokinjoe, Ensure VNC is whitelisted in your firewwall.22:32
Chronospheari have ubuntu-keyring and the debian ones. they are standard packages in the ubuntu repos22:32
smokinjoeI'm not quite sure how to whitelist it in windows22:32
smokinjoeI have Mccfee..22:32
blizzlesmokinjoe,Edit your firewall settings and add an exclusion.22:33
sickdudefde: for what is that? so i dont need the flashplugin-nonfree? btw. when i try i already had it.. lol22:33
jungarhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... does anyone have SmoothWall FIREWALL installed on their UBUNTU ???22:33
fdesmokinjoe: ask in ##windows about opening a firewall port22:33
Chesterhi i want to format my computer and divide the disk in to different partitions to duel boot ubuntu and windows. I understand I need to create a "linux-swap" partition. How many GB should I give it?22:33
blizzlefde: He shouldn't need to. He's got all the info he needs.22:33
* blizzle smiles.22:33
feliciakingsley: okay, i have a vaio vgn-fz series laptop.  the backlight and its buttons dont work out of the box, so i installed nvclock and edited the keybindings so that the keys work for it.  however, for some reason, it only works after i restart acpi per session22:33
bastid_raZorChester; 2Gig should be more than plenty22:34
fdesickdude: ubuntu-restricted-extras will allow you to play most media files you want to grab, it'll also grab common microsoft fonts for better formatting if you receive files from family from MS Office... it also does Java and Flash... everything you might need really22:34
DigitalKiwilol duel boot22:34
Chesterthats it?22:34
DigitalKiwiare they going to fight to the death to see who remains on the hard drive?22:34
bastid_raZorChester; that is all you should ever need. you can do more if you feel like it22:34
fdeblizzle: primary point being this isn't where you ask about Windows issues  ;)22:34
sickdudefde: nice one thanks22:35
tempmonkeyhey guys i am runing ubuntu 7.04 live cd. but i can not seem to set up network sharing. i get this error "The Congifuration could not be loaded, youet this erroret this error are not allowed to access the system configuration. but i am runmning the command as root "sudo shares-admin"  "22:35
sickdudefde: nice command22:35
Chesterwhat is the purpose of a linux swap partition?22:35
blizzlefde: Agreed :) I was being overgenerous I fear ;)22:35
DigitalKiwiChester: A. how much ram do you have B. is it a laptop C. do you ever want to suspend to disk if so22:35
bastid_raZor!swap | Chester22:35
ubottuChester: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info22:35
smokinjoeblizzle: I'm not using a firewall for windows, I went to "Windows Firewall" and it says not installed22:35
Geek`N`Proudtempmonkey: try sudo -i then run shares-admin22:35
DigitalKiwiD. what do you plan to run22:35
guntbertChester: for a desktop PC 1-2 GB if you don't want to hibernate, else as much as you have RAM22:35
ChesterI have 120 GB and it is a laptop22:35
fdeblizzle: its fine, but if you answer such questions once, they inevitably continue asking more... its sort of a pet peeve of mine: offtopic chat22:36
DigitalKiwi120 GB of ram? D:22:36
tempmonkeyso basicly How do i set up network sharing on ubuntu 7.04 live CD??22:36
Chestersorry 1 gb of ram22:36
fdeIs 7.04 even supported anymore?22:36
opaldraggyMy network manager is claiming "device is unmanaged"22:36
kingsleyfelicia: Is my understanding correct that after booting your vaio vgn-fz series laptop, its screen is dark, until you type "/etc/init.d restart", at which time its screen becomes bright again?22:36
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.22:37
DigitalKiwiyou could just use a swap file22:37
fdemefisto__: yeah, thanks22:37
fdekingsley: your understanding of the contents of /etc/init.d/ is certainly flawed  :P22:37
feliciakingsley: no, its light, i just cant control the brightness until i run 'sudo /etc/init.d/acpid restart'22:37
=== Carnage` is now known as Carnage\
* fde really needs to read about adding "events" or whatever to upstart22:38
tempmonkeyhow do i check my ubuntu version??22:38
fdeEntirely too different to sysvinit for my liking22:38
ikonialsb_release -a22:38
kingsleyfelicia: How do you normally adjust the brightness?22:38
feliciakingsley: if i dont run 'sudo /etc/init.d/acpid restart', i have to use the command line to do it22:39
pr3d4t0rQ. I am validating a business case for using Ubuntu server instead of Red Hat/CentOS for a production environment.  Can you please help me find some data points?  Thanks in advance.  I'm googling for information but any pointers are welcime.22:39
pjsturgeoni have set up samba shares on ubuntu server, writeable, guests ok = yes. i see them but when i enter a folder and try to make a new file/folder inside, it wont let me22:39
feliciakingsley: using 'sudo nvclock -S 10' or whatever i want the percentage to be22:40
angeleyei want to go into hacking  and programming i m very new to linux  can any one help me by being my mentor pm me22:40
fdepr3d4t0r: #ubuntu-server would likely be better for your questions... but if I wasn't in #ubuntu atm, I would seriously advise against that switch22:40
feliciakingsley: but if i restart it, i can use fn+f5/f622:40
guntbertpr3d4t0r: that might be better in #ubuntu-server or #ubuntu-offtopic22:40
burkmatangeleye, Go to Wikipedia, find "computer". Then click every single link on the site, and read the articles. and click every link in every linked page. and so on. When you've read all of that, come back and see if you can't rephrase that (or apologize for your previous behavior). :)22:41
pr3d4t0rfde, guntbert: Cool - I'm heading to that channel.  Thanks for your help.22:41
kingsleyfelicia: Is my understanding correct that neither 'sudo nvclock -S 10' or fn+f5/f6 work until you do '/etc/init.d/acpid restart'?22:41
fdepr3d4t0r: strictly speaking about technical matters... CentOS will serve you far better than Ubuntu will...22:41
=== mindslant is now known as noblestar
tuxflavrdwaflsHI!  i finally got the cube figured out.  thanks for your help.  when I enable the raining effect all of my windows and desktops turn blank.  why is that?22:41
DigitalKiwibecause the cube is fail ;)22:42
_VIM_burkmat: beat me to it. Was going to say something along those lines ;)22:42
feliciakingsley, no just fn+f5/f622:42
Flamittorexit loging out22:42
tuxflavrdwaflssorry, not following22:42
fdeDigitalKiwi: you are starting to resemble a troll... stop22:42
DigitalKiwiuh oh22:42
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines22:42
=== nick|here is now known as nick
DigitalKiwiit is known that compiz is buggy :(22:43
DigitalKiwisorry, compiz-fusion22:43
kingsleyfelicia: Is my understanding correct that 'sudo nvclock -S 10' seems to work after booting, but fn+f5/f6 does not work until you do '/etc/init.d/acpid restart'?22:43
feliciakingsley: yes22:43
_VIM_DigitalKiwi: what ISNT buggy in the computer/tech world?22:43
Uplinki cant hear my audacity when it plays an imported mp3 file22:44
Dilpickle1hey yall22:44
DigitalKiwiwell compiz-fusion is known for it XD22:44
burkmat_VIM_, "computer/tech" world? i'd just go for "world" :p22:44
DigitalKiwimost of the life mass of the world is insects22:44
marius_ilinappl, I have the resolution set to 1024 * 768, but all the things seem to be huge...esrlier today I connected an external monitor to my laptop and since I disconnected it, my resolution seems not no work propperly22:44
noblestarI'mtrying to connect to the server at synthetic geeks does anyone know how to do that?22:45
Dilpickle1why is my comp booting into low graphics mode?22:45
MyrttiDigitalKiwi: do you have support question?22:45
TelekinesisCompiz-Fusion is working perfectly for me, just had to tweak it to my liking. Old drivers play a big part. =P22:45
marius_ilinawhat should I do to get it back to normal?22:45
szrhawaiihow do i install screenlets22:45
noblestar>>>I was wondering how to connect to a different server?22:45
hlmhow do I change my sound I hear when Ilog in?22:45
Doonzhow do i force a rescan of of hard disks?22:46
noblestarI was trying to jion a preestablished channel22:46
DigitalKiwiDoonz: man shutdown22:46
kingsleyfelicia: What is the '-S 10' option to nvclock supposed to do?22:46
Myrttinoblestar: in which network?22:46
rwwnoblestar: In most IRC clients /server irc.example.com22:46
noblestarsynthetic geeks22:46
szrhawaiixkill in terminal is a force quit22:46
fdemarius_ilina: if you go into System > Preferences > Screen Resolution and change it back, does it take the setting? If not, you might have to log out/back in to get additional resolutions22:46
DoonzDigitalKiwi: so what your saying is the only way to do it is to shutdown the system and reboot??22:46
DigitalKiwiwell..it depends on which partition you want to fsck22:47
RoyallI have a folder in my Trash and apparently I don't have the permissions to delete it. Is there a way to empty the trash for a specific user in ternimal under sudo?22:47
noblestarI tried to write in irc.syntheticgeeks.com doesn't seem to work22:47
feliciakingsley: it changes the brightness to 10 percent22:47
MyrttiDoonz: most of the filesystem types can't be scanned while they're mounted22:47
DigitalKiwiif it's home or root or any partition you can't unmount, then yeah22:47
Doonzok Its not a mounted drive22:47
fdeDoonz: you probably want fsck ... it will check on reboot though if something bad happened22:47
rwwRoyall: sudo rm -rf /home/username/.local/share/Trash22:47
DigitalKiwiman fsck22:47
tharveywhat is contained in directories such as /home/$USER/.fr-* ?  some sort of cache files?  I've got about 15GB in those dirs and would like to clean it up if I can22:47
_VIM_noblestar: can you ping that server? maybe it's down22:47
Royallrww: thanks!22:48
kansan__if i want to enable third party folks to FTP into my box at port 21.... do i need to do anything other than ensure that the port is open on the firewall?  [ubuntu hardy]22:48
Titan8990tharvey, lots of things are stored in hidden folders in home directorys22:48
Titan8990tharvey, application settings and etcx22:48
noblestarI just don't know what to type into get into it22:48
fdetharvey: would you happen to be french? looks like it has something to do with internationalization settings?22:48
noblestarIt's running on my other computer but my husband set it up22:48
Titan8990tharvey, best not to delete them unless you don't use the specified application anymore22:48
tharveyfde, no not french22:48
noblestarI don't know what he did22:48
kingsleyfelicia: Is fn+f5/f6 how your vaio normally lets you control the screen's brightness?22:48
Doonzok ill give you guys more info. I have a port multiplier card. Its hotswap. I had to replaced a failed drive. im trying to figure out howto make the system see the new drive22:48
=== nick|here is now known as nick
fdetharvey: can you pastebin an example file?22:49
tharveyTitan8990, well I'm trying to determine what app could have created them... seems strange to have 15GB of data in hidden dirs22:49
feliciakingsley, yes, but it doesnt work until i run 'sudo /etc/init.d/acpid restart'22:49
hlmhow do I change my sound I hear when Ilog in?22:49
jfanaianHi, I have a question regarding bandwidth on an Ubuntu server. I just had a really big overage on bandwidth in the past few days and I can't figure out why. I ran webalizer on all my vhosts but it doesn't add up to even 10% of the bandwidth used up. Where else could I look?22:50
Titan8990tharvey, well, wine for example, stores everything the .wine directory22:50
jfanaianI have ntop installed now, but that won't help me find out what happened.22:50
kingsleyfelicia: Hold on...22:50
Titan8990tharvey, so if you run wine, a major chuck is prolly set up there22:50
_VIM_noblestar: well it pings just fine for me, it should work,,, you typed /server irc.syntheticgeeks.com in a irc client correct?22:50
Titan8990tharvey, evolution sends POP mail to a hidden folder, etc22:50
tharveyTitan8990, I understand hidden dirs... just trying to understand what 'owns' these22:50
tharveylooks like in one of the dirs there is a tarball of perhaps my home dir... some automated backup software?22:51
Titan8990tharvey, havn't heard of it, but possible22:51
fdetharvey: are you using Mint? Kubuntu? afaik regular Ubuntu doesn't come with backup software22:51
tharveyie, /home/tharvey/.fr-FFUIUA/tharvey (only file in that dir) according to hexdump is a ustar22:51
tharveystandard Ubuntu 8.04 with gnome desktop22:51
Titan8990tharvey, make a temporary backup and delete it22:52
szrhawaiihow do I install a screenlet22:52
Titan8990tharvey, replace if it causes problems22:52
tharveyfile was written to last like 6 mo's ago22:52
Titan8990szrhawaii, install the screenlets package in synaptic....22:52
szrhawaiithanks titan22:52
marius_ilinafde: the resolution is fine, only the way things look is wrong. is sais it's 1024*768 but it looks like 800*60022:52
Titan8990tharvey, you don't have to make the backup but I make backups of everything before I make changes22:52
kingsleyfelicia: Thank you for your patience. I think I now understand the problem. (And I wanted to answer the phone.)22:53
rrvahow do I force the use of a specific wifi network.. now network-manager just auto-selects one..22:53
fdemarius_ilina: hmm... try changing the fonts settings? widgets are resizable based on font size22:53
tharveythere are three .fr-* dirs each with what looks like a tarball of my home dir - I didn't creat them myself22:53
rrvai tried wifi-radar, but it seems broken22:53
Titan8990tharvey, but then again ubuntu reinstall proccess is not days long like it is with my distro22:53
Doonzhow do i force a rescan of of hard disks? I have a port multiplier card. Its hotswap. I had to replaced a failed drive. im trying to figure out howto make the system see the new drive22:53
=== Andry_Sleeps is now known as Andry
t3mp3sthi all; I'm having some serious wifi issues. I'm running 8.04 on a dell m1330 with a broadcom wifi board. I can only connect (sometimes!) to unsecured networks, and speeds are beyond unacceptable. I'm not using the broadcom driver that appears in Hardware Settings. I was wondering if someone could point me to a fix for this issue (I've searched the forms, but I couldn't quite find "the" answer)22:53
Titan8990Doonz, if your board support hotswapping, it will show up immediatly on its own22:53
kingsleyfelicia: I'm aware that power managment software, like acpi, tends to be more problematic.22:54
_VIM_Titan8990: 'my distro'?22:54
Titan8990Doonz, if there is a problem, it will be listed in:    /var/log/messages22:54
=== Andry is now known as AndryZ
fdeDoonz: dmesg should have picked it up... and fdisk should list it... just probably fstab doesn't know about it yet22:54
Titan8990_VIM_, the distro I use, not a "linux from scrath" if thats what your asking22:54
rrvat3mp3st: is wpasupplicant set up?22:54
t3mp3strrva: how can I tell?22:54
Doonzsudo fdisk -l doesnt list it22:54
fdeDoonz: dmesg is the command that just echo's /var/log/messages ... so either are relevant22:54
imri303anyone have any experience running X apps from the login screen via customcommand?22:54
kingsleyfelicia: Instead of re-inventing the wheel, how much time have you spent searching google's web, and usenet, indices to see if anyone else has already solved this problem?22:54
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages22:55
fdeDoonz: if it lacks a partition table, you'll have to create one first22:55
feliciakingsley: thats why i just want to write a script to restart it on every boot22:55
redspireAnyone know how to reinstall pam configuration files?22:55
_VIM_Titan8990: ah, what distro do you normally use? Just being nosy :D22:55
rrvat3mp3st: dpkg -s wpasupplicant22:55
Doonzfde ok how do i get the disk to show up22:56
Titan8990fde, not ture, dmesg echo's /var/log/dmesg22:56
wubrgamerhey guys22:56
wubrgameri'm just curious22:56
rrvat3mp3st: and pgrep -l wpa_supplicant22:56
Titan8990_VIM_, gentoo22:56
wubrgamercould you help me with xmodmap22:56
wubrgameri need some help figuring out how to remap my right super key into a control key22:56
fdefelicia: upstart.org ... look into how to create 'events' ... or you can likely throw it onto the end of rc.local (before exit is called) as a dirty fix22:56
wubrgamercontrol_R key preferably22:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xmodmap22:56
kinja-sheepFor some reason, Ubuntu doesn't enable the Wifi in the kernel, I want to enable it.  Is !kernel the correct path for me?  I would have to compile the kernel myself.  Right?22:56
Titan8990_VIM_, ultimate geek distro, but not a good choice if you want some that "just works" like ubuntu22:56
adantehi guys when i try to ssh into my box it disconnects me as soon as i connect, is there an obvious solution to this?22:56
t3mp3strrva: pgrep yields nothing22:56
t3mp3strrva: ah, wait22:57
t3mp3strrva: dpkg seems to say that it is installed22:57
PhoenixP3KAm I the only one who hates the System Menu from Ubuntu Intrepid Ibex?22:57
t3mp3st"Status: install ok installed"22:57
DigitalKiwiTitan8990: ever tried arch?22:57
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_VIM_Titan8990: cool, yeah, my old computer could never handle to load of compiling22:57
fdeTitan8990: Gentoo fights with you too much... Arch is the true geek distro  :P22:57
marius_ilinafde: doesn't work...I changed the font size for everything and the font type. things are just too wide22:57
DigitalKiwifde: troll22:57
fdeDigitalKiwi: true... should have moved it to #ubuntu-offtopic at least22:58
* DigitalKiwi by no means trolls22:58
DigitalKiwino siree22:58
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
marius_ilinait's 1024*768 but things look so wrong. and there's no greater value than 1024876822:59
_VIM_!away > felix-da-catz_zz22:59
ubottufelix-da-catz_zz, please see my private message22:59
fdemarius_ilina: as I said, log out and back in... monitors are supposed to be hot swappable, but it could be taking away some resolutions23:00
mustangg1hey the chan. Any users of keytouch (editor)  who might know how I can select my device event? I am currently unable to make a selection from detected items.23:00
marius_ilinaI logged out twice, I rebooted and I shut it down once23:00
marius_ilinanothing happens23:00
feliciafde: should i be worried that 'sudo' is a requirement when i run it in terminal?23:00
jfanaianDoes anyone know where I could look to find out why so much outgoing bandwidth was used in my Ubuntu server? Tried running webalizer on all vhosts but that doens't account for even 10% of the usage.23:00
PhoenixP3Kanyone knows how to change the behavior of the system menu in Ubuntu?23:01
KenBW22am i right in thinking "Create new wireless network" is a way to create a wireless access point using an ethernet-connected PC?23:01
fdefelicia: no, upstart will be running as root...23:01
=== Flare-server is now known as Flare183
wubrgamerhow do I reload my .xmodmap config?23:02
aleaxHello. I'm looking for an e-mail client can access an IMAP account in read-only mode. Any idea?23:02
fdewubrgamer: source it23:02
Flare183!patients | wubrgamer23:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patients23:02
feliciafde: can you link me to some type of tutorial? im kinda inexperience with linux23:02
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:02
Flare183!patient | wubrgamer23:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about patient23:02
Commie_Carywhy is team fortress 2 randomly crashing23:03
fde!upstart | felicia23:03
ubottufelicia: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/23:03
kingsleyfelicia: It seems to me that the advantages of searching Google's web and usenet indices to see if anyone else solved the real problem, instead of simply restarting apcid, would be 1.) You might learn something interesting. 2.) You might solve the core problem, which would allow you to use fn+f5/f6, and 3.) the core problem wouldn't pop up some other way.23:03
PhoenixP3Kaleax : if it's read only isn't that POP behavior then?23:03
hlmCommie_Cary, dont forget TF2 is for windows, unexpected results WILL occur23:03
Commie_Caryhlm, but it has a plat rating23:04
Titan8990sorry, if i was helping anyone, got d/ced23:04
aleaxPhoenixP3K: I can't have folders with POP, can I?23:04
adantehi folks, i'm trying to ssh into my box, it keeps closing the connection as soon as i connect, i don't want it to do this, how can i stop it? i've tried setting usedns no but it still does this after restart of sshd23:04
hlmCommie_Cary, what do you mean?23:04
Commie_Caryhlm, winehq rates it as platimum23:04
feliciakingsley: the thing is, i tried already, and my fix for fn+f5/f6 involves editing a lot of files, so i doubt someone will have the same problem23:04
imri303most broadcom chips i have had experience with I have had to use the driver from broadcom23:04
hlmCommie_Cary, does your videocard properly support it?23:05
detrixI got a usb flash drive thats not automounting, trying to figure out why23:05
PhoenixP3Kaleax ; depends on the client, but with filters you can have them moved from the regular inbox to folders you specify. Basicly you create similar filters then what you have on the server side (web email or else)23:05
kingsleyfelicia: What did you already try?23:05
imri303felicia have you just tried putting it in /etc/rc.local ?23:05
PhoenixP3KI'm looking for a way to change the Gnome menu in ubuntu, I want it like it was in Hardy23:06
PhoenixP3Kthe log in, shut down options I mean23:06
aleaxPhoenixP3K: But I can't access the folders at all with POP. There's just The Inbox. I want to test the IMAP account but don't want any changes like flags on messages ...23:07
detrixHow do I find the /dev/sd?? that my usb flash drive is in, I have it pluged into a 4 port hub.23:08
imri303detrix run dmesg23:08
* kingsley needs to go soon...23:09
PhoenixP3Kaleax : I see what you mean. I use Opera for IMAP access of my Gmail, I do disable all spam filters to make sure I don't loose email. But I think that by nature IMAP was made so that the client could act on the account as if it was the mail server itself23:10
feliciaimri303: apparently, whatever makes it go wrong happens later, so it doesnt work23:11
joveHello All, does anyone know how to convert .toast to ISO file ?23:11
etkoi have problem23:13
weltonhello..what problem?23:13
etkowith network cards on acer extensa 522023:13
jovedoes anyone know how to convert .toast file  to ISO file ?23:13
marius_ilinafda: I restarted the computer...won't work23:14
weltoncan you run lspci and lsusb commands and post in the pastebin?23:14
etkoeth0 is working and dhcp assigned IP and everything from my opembsd box23:14
etkobut when i click network card properties i get error23:14
weltoncan you see the networks?23:14
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etkothat eth0 doesn;t even exist23:14
etkoatheros wifi is not working23:14
etkowifi manager says it not even there23:15
etkoit seems it happened after updates last wekk23:15
weltonwhat version ok ubuntu?23:15
etkodo you have some tip how to fix that?23:15
detrixOk, I got my usb flash drive to mount manually. how do I get it to automount23:15
etkowelton : sorry but how can i get exact version?23:15
etkoi know there is the command for it23:15
etkointernet through eth0 and ftp to my windows box is working tho23:16
imri303detrix what flavor ubuntu you using?23:16
leafwhi. Question: where does stdout go when an application is run from an application launcher that does not specify to be run on a terminal? Does it go to /dev/null ?23:16
tyrosine2why does Ubuntu install GNOME by default over KDE?23:16
Sal__i have a dedicated server on ubuntu, can anyone tell me the best way to vnc to it?23:16
detrixleafw:  8,123:16
DigitalKiwiwhy does kubuntu install kde by default over gnome?23:16
tyrosine2Sal__: try vnc-server23:16
leafwdetrix: 8,1 ?23:16
Sal__also i know this is a ubuntu chan23:17
IndyGunFreakDigitalKiwi: yes23:17
Sal__but can anyone tell me the advantages that ubuntu has over debian?23:17
mnDoes anyone know where I could get help with assembly?  #assembler fails23:17
tyrosine2DigitalKiwi: I'm serious.  I haven't used kubuntu - is GNOME superior in performance to KDE on Ubuntu?  If so, how23:17
detrixleafw:  8.123:17
paradoxgoHow do I get rid of the delayed response when I click on my touchpad?23:17
leafwSal__: try "vncserver :16" on server and then "vncviewer -via user@server-ip localhost:16"23:17
DigitalKiwiit is preference23:17
mnSal__: ease of use23:17
DigitalKiwiI prefer neither of them :/23:17
leafwdetrix: yes, 8.1023:17
IndyGunFreaktyrosine2: its preference.... i personally don't like KDE, but a lot of folks love it.23:17
* DigitalKiwi just uses the best app available23:18
DigitalKiwinot the one gnome or kde think is the best23:18
Syco54645_AAOhey boners23:18
DigitalKiwi(and surprise, it's often not a gnome or kde app)23:18
Syco54645_AAOoh my fucking god does this look terrible23:18
etkoah welton has left23:18
YlandeFaranHow do I safely erase links?23:18
imri303detrix your running gnome?23:19
Syco54645_AAOwrong chan23:19
FloodBot1Syco54645_AAO: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:19
detriximri303:  yes23:19
imri303detrix I think gnome-volume-manager is responsible for automount23:19
feliciakingsley: i think i found the problem23:19
feliciai jsut dont know how to fix it23:19
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183
AnvbisI've been trying to get ubuntu fonts to look impressive, and I have the truetype fonts...but they don't look quite so hot - I was thinking of using clear type - does anybody know how to do that?23:20
detriximri303:  I have not played with that yet.  do I just use the shell to access the gnome-volume-manager?23:21
imri303detrix I am checking on my system. One Sec :)23:21
fdeAnvbis: you can't really... it is patented by microsoft ... you can do neat tricks though via System > Preferences > Appearence > Fonts under "Details"23:21
fdeAnvbis: same basic outcome, just don't call it cleartype  ;)23:22
Anvbisfde: this sounds counter ubuntu but isn't - what settings are best to make it look like Windows Vista fonts?23:22
Anvbisie what fonts for which categories?23:22
fdeAnvbis: I use subpixel smoothing, and full hinting23:23
SaraiMy laptop dual boots vista and ubuntu, which I installed using ubuntu. Vista has crashed and is unbootable- frankly I'm not too torn up about it since I was wanting to ditch it anyway. The only thing I had stored on there was my music. Any way of accessing that part of my hard drive from ubuntu?23:23
Saraisorry, installed using WUBI23:23
fdeI also use FreeSans and FreeMono (for fixed width)23:23
Anvbisok, thanks fde23:24
int256redvamp128: hai23:24
CodyCan anyone help me with a speaker problem? Im using an Acer Aspire 5570Z and the sound coming out of the speakers is set to max but still very little sound.23:24
DigitalKiwiSarai: sure, mount it23:25
fdeNot everyone likes them though, but that font looks best on my CRT monitor... but those details options should look good with most any font Anvbis23:25
gescapeSarai: have you tried to mount vista partition?23:25
Saraigescape: I don't see any partitions to mount23:25
imri303detrix not finding gnome-volume-manager on my system :( I am not sure what automounts usb drives23:25
DigitalKiwisudo fdisk -l23:26
gescapeSarai: parted23:26
Anvbisfde: I'm in vista now, and I notice a kind of shadowing but didn't see that option in ubuntu, do you know what I'm talking about? Is that the clear type?23:26
hlmis there a way to make the panels stay the system color scheme, but with opacity?23:26
gescapeSarai: man mount23:26
Sarai">sudo fdisk -l"23:26
Sarai"Cannot open /dev/sda"23:26
fdeAnvbis: the settings I told you are basically what cleartype does23:27
imri303anyone use GDM to launch app at login via customcommand in gdm.conf-custom?23:27
detriximri303: thanx. I am looking to.  not seeing it either23:27
SaraiDigitalKiwi: that bad?23:27
DigitalKiwiI don't think it is good but ;/23:27
SaraiI did install it using wubi, remember23:27
imri303I want users to be able to mess with network settings at the login screen23:27
kansanhow do i change the home directory for a given user?23:28
int256does ubuntu respository comes in DVDs23:28
imri303we have a system that requires a net connection to login and if there is none there is no way (besides a terminal) to setup network stuff23:28
fdekansan: edit /etc/passwd ... and ensure the dir actually exists23:28
DGRickQuestion, how will ubuntu respond to printer drivers/usb drivers/photo camera drivers (just when u plugin the device)23:28
Jack_Sparrowint256 yes 5 I think23:28
fdeint256: well, sure... but not officially23:28
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Intrepid, and help keeping the servers' load low!23:29
SaraiNow I feel like an idiot23:29
SaraiI made a typo23:29
SaraiHold on just a sec23:29
gescapeSarai: mount shows on my system /dev/sda1 on /media/xp type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,noatime,allow_other,blksize=4096)23:29
int256fde: Jack_Sparrow: where cam i get it from ?23:29
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!23:29
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Jack_Sparrowint256 you can dl them yourself or buy from one of many suppliers23:29
fdeint256: http://www.osdisc.com/cgi-bin/view.cgi/products/linux/ubuntu/repo.html is the only place I've seen23:29
hardware-guruwie hiess noch das tool, mit dem man partitionstabellen wiederherstellen kann?23:30
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:30
gescapeSarai: I just opened Places - Computer and clicked on Vista volume and Ubuntu automounted it :)23:30
Saraigescape: http://paste.ubuntu.com/119858/23:30
int256fde: thanks23:30
hlmis there a way to make the panels stay the system color scheme, but with opacity?23:30
computer_how do i copy and move the bootloader to another hard drive?23:30
fdehlm: in gnome, no23:30
obf213have they come up with a fix for the external monitor flashing whenever totem pops up? its been months since they released this distro and mine still does it. googled online havne't found a solution23:30
Jack_Sparrowcomputer_ use grub23:31
hardware-guruoh, sry :)23:31
fdecomputer_: you don't, you install it on the new drive via grub-install23:31
computer_how do i copy and move the bootloader to another hard drive? and make ubuntu boot from the other hard drive.23:31
mustangg1How might I monitor a usb port as relates to the output of my keyboard? ie: If my kb is on usb, is there a way I could have the scan codes echo to a terminal at the same time?23:31
Jack_Sparrowcomputer_ multiple files can be involved depending on how you did this23:31
nanotubehey, anyone know if jabref has an irc channel somewhere?23:32
gescapeSarai: so it shows you two ntfs partitions23:32
fdecomputer_: the contents of /boot can technically be anywhere, provided grub is pointed to it correctly... but that isn't technically the boot loader23:32
int256fde: can i get it for free.23:32
computer_i want to boot from this HD instead of the XP HD23:32
Jack_Sparrowint256 only if you download them yourself23:32
fdeint256: no... there is a DVD for Ubuntu, but nothing is complete23:32
fowhy can ubuntu not play this dvd? it has .exe's and garbage on it does it have some kind of copyright protection23:32
Saraigescape: right, I have one partition that came with the system as a recovery partition (fat lot of good that did) but how do I access that other partition?23:33
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:33
hlmfo what is it your trying to plat?23:33
computer_i am going to format the XP HD and want to save the bootloader to this HD23:33
int256Jack_Sparrow: from where ?23:33
obf213so anyone know how to get my externalt o stop the 2 second flash it doesn't whenever an instance of movie player opens?23:33
fohlm, dave chappelle's for what its worth23:33
fdefo: try mount -t joliet /dev/whatever /media/wherever ... microsoft changed the iso format for fun23:33
RichW!wine | fo23:33
ubottufo: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help23:33
hlmfo sorry but I cant help you with that, it sounds to be 'playable' though23:33
fofde, microsoft has say in dvd making now? damn.23:34
fdefo: incase my spelling is wrong, man mount then type /jol and enter to search23:34
fdefo: they have say in anything they want on their OS... it is part of the reason I do not use their OS23:34
Jack_Sparrowint256 ftp://kambing.ui.edu/pub/ubuntu-repository/intrepid/23:34
gescapeSarai: have you got nfts-3g installed?23:34
computer_how do i make it so that the bootloader is installed in my current HD?23:35
Saraigescape:  Not sure... linux n00b here. I don't recall installing that so unless it came w/ the distro no23:35
Jack_Sparrowcomputer_ read this link on grub23:35
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:35
KenBW22How do i use "Create new Wireless Network"?23:35
fdecomputer_: grub-install /dev/sdwhatever23:35
islanthe other day X wouldn't start up, hadn't done anything to it myself, so I reinstalled everything, installed the nvidia driver and did a reboot, and I had the same problem23:35
fdecomputer_: after copying over contents of /boot with cp23:35
int256Jack_Sparrow: thats what i wanted...23:35
islanis there some other nvidia driver I should try?23:35
redspikeanyone know howto get adobe to display .pdf files right, if the font is helvetica adobe reader cant display them can i download the helvetica font in some package?23:35
Sarairedspike: restricted extras, methinks23:36
Jack_Sparrow!info msttcorefonts23:36
ubottumsttcorefonts (source: msttcorefonts): Installer for Microsoft TrueType core fonts. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.5 (intrepid), package size 30 kB, installed size 188 kB23:36
redspikeSarai: dosent help :(23:36
fderedspike: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras ... it contains msttcorefonts which has helvetica23:36
fdecomputer_: yes... I can't guess the layout of your system...23:36
fofde, mount: unknown filesystem type 'joliet'23:37
fo 23:37
foand i dont see anything in man about it23:37
redspikefde: have alredy installed msttcorefonts23:37
gescapeSarai: lunch synaptic package manager and serch for it23:37
fdefo: I said search the man page if my spelling is wrong23:37
filosofixitI'm trying to setup a Raid0 on my computer using the Intel-chip on my motherboard. Everything seems to look ok in bios and the RaidBios, but when I boot the ubuntu-livecd I can see and mount both disks... Anyone got a clue what is wrong?  I've got a Asus P5W DH Deluxe MB23:37
Saraigescape: will do23:37
gescapeSarai: if not installed install23:37
KenBW22How do i use "Create new Wireless Network"?23:37
fofde, i said i dont see anything in man about it23:37
gescapeSarai: then "man mount"23:37
Titan8990filosofixit, did you follow the ubuntu instructions for configuring fakeRAID?23:37
RichWKenBW22, Thats never worked for me.23:38
Titan8990filosofixit, are you sure that the fakeRAID you have is supported?23:38
Until_It_SleepsHelp!!!! I installed Windows 7 onto an empty partition, and now Grub has vanished off my laptop!23:38
hlmfde, I am sorry to tell you this but you were wrong, I now have to panels with my system scheme color partially transparent23:38
Jack_Sparrow!grub > Until_It_Sleeps23:38
ubottuUntil_It_Sleeps, please see my private message23:38
filosofixitTitan : nope on both questions :)23:38
foThe  following  options  are  the  same as for vfat and specifying them only makes sense when using discs23:38
fo       encoded using Microsoft’s Joliet extensions.23:38
fois all that is mentioned23:38
KenBW22RichW: what have you tried?23:38
Saraigescape: already installed23:38
Titan8990filosofixit, and lastly, are you aware that RAID0 is both slower and less fault tolerent that single disc set ups?23:38
MEESO_THELIOMAthis is weird, i burned an ISO of 8.10 on both a DVD and a CD23:38
Jack_SparrowUntil_It_Sleeps There is the answer to that in detail..  just ask if you have questions about it23:38
MEESO_THELIOMAvia iso from ubuntu website23:38
gescapeSarai: and try something like "mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /mnt/vista"23:38
MEESO_THELIOMAand the autoloader.............gets a glitched graphic23:38
fderedspike: then your adobe reader hates you... try evince (viewer) and or xournel (pdf editor)23:38
Titan8990filosofixit, aka, completely worthless imo23:38
MEESO_THELIOMAi cant even get a menu to start install process23:39
MEESO_THELIOMAi get line/graphics on first window, and installer freezes23:39
filosofixitTitan8990  : I thought Raid0 should be faster, but unsecure23:39
RichWKenBW22, Well it never seems to appear on any other devices and then after a while it reverts to old settings.23:39
Jack_Sparrow!enter > MEESO_THELIOMA23:39
ubottuMEESO_THELIOMA, please see my private message23:39
gescapeSarai: you need to create folder vista in mnt for the above23:39
fderedspike: adobe reader is proprietary, so we can't help you with that...23:39
=== Xenos is now known as tor
KenBW22RichW: yea thats what i get :(23:39
Saraigescape:  if I create the folder won'23:39
Titan8990filosofixit, raid does not affect security.... but it does effect fault tolerence23:39
Sarait ther be nothing in it? (sorry hit the enter by accident)23:39
gescapeSarai: create what you want :)23:39
Titan8990filosofixit, and no, it is not faster, look up benchmarks and see for yourself23:39
gescapeSarai: mount as root23:39
SaraiOh, you mean sudo?23:40
gescapeSarai: yep23:40
Saraigescape: ok23:40
Coded__I have a wireless laptop and the driver seems to be detected as I can see it in 'sudo iwconfig' but the network manager icon shows up with wireless but it is 'Disabled' ive never seen this before, I tried setting up via cli 'sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid name key 1234567...' works but 'sudo dhclient wlan0' shows "interface is down", then i try 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up' and it says "SIOCSIFFLAGS: No such device"23:40
Saraigescape: so first i create the folder, then i mount it as root23:40
Coded__but 'sudo ifconfig -a' shows the same device23:40
Coded__any ideas23:40
filosofixitTitan8990 : hmm.... Can I find info on fakeRaid  on ubuntu.com maybe? I will investigate Raid0 a bit more now I think :) Thank you23:41
mustangg1 filosofixit: dunno about the other stuff said in the chan, but I am sure you need the alt iso to properly set that up.. at least I did and I have intel's most current fakeraid, ich9/1023:41
gescapeSarai: http://lifehacker.com/software/ubuntu/ubuntu-tip--how-to-mount-a-windows-ntfs-partition-203102.php23:41
RichWCoded__, Right click on network manager icon and enable it?23:41
danbhfive_jauntyCoded__: do you have anything in interfaces for that interface?23:41
Jack_SparrowSarai sudo mkdir /media/drive4you then sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/drive4you substitute your drive for sda123:41
stealthy451I need some extreme help here23:41
redspikefde: i have same problem in evince23:41
Titan8990filosofixit, I would looks specifically at the community contributed ubuntu wiki23:41
the[V]oidWhen I have an USB mass storage device connected to my computer, how to find out on command line which device to mount?23:41
gescapeSarai: sorry ... wrong one... a sec23:41
Titan8990filosofixit, and np23:41
stealthy451My monitor supports 1280x1024; that's its native resolution23:41
Coded__danbhfive_jaunty: its greyed out wont let me click23:41
filosofixitTitan8990 : Thnx23:41
Titan8990the[V]oid, sudo fdisk -l23:41
stealthy451I've tried many things and it refuses to use that resolution23:41
RichWthe[V]oid, sudo fdisk -l23:41
tiyowanHi all. I've been experiencing some problems getting the Alfa Wi-Fi USB adapter to work in Intrepid. Network Manager reports only a 16% signal. I'm using the native RTL8187 Realtek drivers. Could someone point me in the right direction? :)23:41
danbhfive_jauntyCoded__: I didn't make that suggestion.  Im suggesting to look in /etc/interfaces23:42
Coded__sry about that23:42
stealthy451I'm using the 180 nvidia drivers, and used xrandr to add the resolution and set it23:42
fdehlm: uhh, if you aren't using an image... its possible to shade to a given color... but it is neither real transparency, nor required to be the system color scheme...23:42
Titan8990Coded__, iw1345 drivers?23:42
gescapeSarai: http://www.howtoforge.com/ubuntu_edgy_eft_ntfs_ntfs_3g23:42
stealthy451When trying to set the resoultion I get this error: kim@kim-desktop:~$ xrandr --output 0x1ac --mode 1280x1024_60.0023:42
stealthy451xrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed23:42
wpboyhi can someone help me23:42
fdehlm: if you happen to want any kind of texture to your panel along with the fake transparency though, that is also not possible.23:42
Titan8990stealthy451, you should configure your resolutions in /etc/X11/xorg.conf23:43
stealthy451Titan8990: The resolution is present in xorg.conf and being ignored23:43
Coded__Titan8990: yes the driver shows up in lspci23:43
Jack_SparrowSarai sudo mkdir /media/drive4you then sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/drive4you substitute your drive for sda123:43
fdehlm: Plasma's panel allows both, however23:43
Coded__what directory is interfaces in again?  /etc/init.d/?23:43
stealthy451Titan8990: I even tried adding a modeline and that didn't work23:43
fdeCoded__: /etc/network23:43
hlmfde, what are the 'plasma' panels?23:43
Titan8990Coded__, lsmod you mean? I think that it is a bug in those particular drivers, unsure on a fix23:43
maggotI___________,.-------.,____________I Slashdot23:43
maggotN______,;~'_____________'~;,_______N fucking23:44
fdehlm: part of KDE423:44
FloodBot1maggot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:44
maggotS____,;____LINUX FUCKING____;,_____S sucks23:44
gescapeSarai: google your friend ;)23:44
Titan8990stealthy451, must have something to do with the automagick xserver that ubuntu uses23:44
mizzy^^Hey all.  Someone in #xubuntu recommended that I come in here.  I am trying to set up something called "FreeNX" but I am not having a lot of success.  I was hoping someone could help me out.  I do not know a lot about this stuff..23:44
Titan8990stealthy451, possibly, .gnome dir for your home folder?23:44
danbhfive_jauntyCoded__: o yeah, its in /etc/network/  , sorry about that23:44
stealthy451Titan8990: What do you mean?23:44
Coded__actually only eth0 is there23:44
Coded__sorry not even just loopback23:44
stealthy451Titan8990: there's no .gnome dir in ~/23:44
Titan8990stealthy451, yes23:45
Titan8990stealthy451, but that is just an idea, good chance it is incorrect23:45
stealthy451accels  keyrings  nautilus-scripts  nautilus-sendto  panel2.d  share23:45
stealthy451Titan8990: I have no idea what's going on with it and am very tempted to just throw XP back on23:46
wdayhello all - so i deleted a directory, but changed my mind and canceled the operation... the directory disappeared but the 30 GB that were in it weren't free'd up. How can I reclaim the space?23:46
wdaydeleted a directory using nautilus23:46
imri303I am trying to run apps from gdm via customcommand anyone have experience in this arena?23:46
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danbhfive_jauntyCoded__: weird.  I'm not really sure, but I think you should have the loopback in there, and thats all.  Backup, and try mine, see if that works: http://pastebin.com/f2678fb3e23:46
Titan8990stealthy451, 100s of linux distros and you choose windows xp?23:46
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash23:46
Titan8990stealthy451, booo23:46
SaraiJack_Sparrow: oi, that didn't do anything but make the "mnt" folder that I have open get all weird. It looks like it's having a seizure or something o.O23:46
stealthy451Titan8990: ubuntu and kubuntu both fail at 1280x102423:47
wpboyhi i have ubuntu installed but tryed to install newer nvidia drivers to make a game work, it didn't work now nividia support is gone. I tryed the recovery mode to reset xserver but it messed up my custom config and now doesn't work with my dell moniter. lol so now im on a live cd in graphic safe mode. can any one tell me how to set my x server and reinstall the nvidia drivers?23:47
stealthy451I've been googling and trying different things for three hours23:47
Jack_SparrowSarai check for typos..23:47
Coded__danbhfive_jaunty:  yup thats what mine looks like23:47
wdayJack_Sparrow, if that was directed my way, it was a hard delete. i knew i had backed up the files, i need the space23:47
Titan8990stealthy451, is your correct driver defined in xorg?23:47
stealthy451nvidia, yes23:47
SaraiJack_Sparrow: I finally got the folder to x out and it seems to have mounted my recovery drive. Looks like I picked the wrong partition23:47
Titan8990stealthy451, wait, don't you mean 1024x1280?23:47
fodoes anyone know how to play a video dvd in ubuntu23:48
stealthy451Titan8990: no, I mean 1280x102423:48
danbhfive_jauntyCoded__: I dunno, sorry23:48
Jack_Sparrowwday were   you gksudo nautilus when you did it23:48
danbhfive_jauntyfo: have you tried medibuntu?23:48
wdayJack_Sparrow, nope, it was a sub-directory of my home directory23:48
Jack_SparrowSarai That part.. is your responsibility23:48
fodanbhfive_jaunty, no i have not23:48
Titan8990stealthy451, sorry, was my mistake23:48
danbhfive_jauntyfo: try googling medibuntu, and install the dvd codec23:49
foalso: does anyone know why ubuntu fails to eject a disc so often23:49
stealthy451Titan8990: No problem, I just have no idea what's going on with this23:49
bastid_raZor!medibuntu > fo23:49
ubottufo, please see my private message23:49
stealthy4511280x1024 doesn't even show up in xrandr unless I add it23:49
wdayJack_Sparrow, I'm tempted to unboot home and run e2fsck, but the drive will be in use for the next day as the machine is recording data from an ongoing experiment23:49
SaraiJack_Sparrow: Yes, I know. But it won't let me mount the other partition23:49
=== mefisto is now known as mefisto__
Titan8990stealthy451, SXGA is a wierd standard.....23:49
Titan8990stealthy451, is it a CRT monitor?23:49
Jack_Sparrowwday Sounds like you have some work ahead.. take care23:49
stealthy451Titan8990: LCD, samsung syncmaster 916v23:50
wdayJack_Sparrow, thanks, good to know .Trash moved in any case ;-)23:50
Titan8990stealthy451, ??? a samsung LCD with a 5:4 ratio resolution?23:50
fobastid_raZor, danbhfive_jaunty, do different dvd's use different codecs? i can play most of them fine. this one will not play.23:50
stealthy451Titan8990: yes23:50
thedude420hey can I ask somebody some questions. I hate to say I am new to ubuntu but I am not a complete idiot23:50
stealthy4511280x1024 is its native resolution23:50
stealthy451Titan8990: http://www.legendmicro.com/store/5946_Samsung-19-in-916V-LCD-Monitor-Silver-916v.lmsp23:51
bastid_raZorfo some copyright protected DVD's will refuse to play unless in an actual player.23:51
fobastid_raZor, and there is no way around this?23:51
fothere must be23:51
bastid_raZorfo i've come up against the same issue. i never found a way to play the DVD in question.23:52
SaraiI found it!23:53
SaraiThanks, folks23:53
stealthy451Titan8990: Testing something, brb...23:54
prince_jammysthedude420: just ask the questions in the channel, and someone is likely to help23:54
thedude420I am have problems with my wireless card, Intel PRO/Wireless 3945. It will pick up a lot of wireless networks but not mine. I have a linksys WRT160N router23:55
thedude420anybody have a direction that the can point me????23:55
prince_jammysthedude420: someone might be able to help. if you don't get an answer in like 10 minutes or so, ask again23:56
prince_jammysthat's the way it works23:56
thedude420ok thanks23:57
ThinkRusty87For All Your Advanced Hosting Solutions Please Visit HostRocket At: http://affiliatecenter.hostrocket.com//idevaffiliate.php?id=475723:57
ThinkRusty87For All Your Advanced Hosting Solutions Please Visit HostRocket At: http://affiliatecenter.hostrocket.com//idevaffiliate.php?id=475723:57
ThinkRusty87For All Your Advanced Hosting Solutions Please Visit HostRocket At: http://affiliatecenter.hostrocket.com//idevaffiliate.php?id=475723:57
FloodBot1ThinkRusty87: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:57
=== g_steinert is now known as gsteinert
fearfulprince_jammys: Hey I have to thank you again running pure xfce real nice23:57
prince_jammysthedude420: you've provided details, which is good. right now the channel seems thinner than normal23:57
Necrogamemaster2wow what a lame spammer23:57
prince_jammysfearful: welcome23:57
Fiftyonehello im trying to copy a file from an old mac hard disk i have but there are premission peoblems which wont even let me view the files. I tried  sudo cp -f to a local dir but it keeps saying obiting 'FILE NAME IM TRYING TO COPY' any ideas how i can access these files?23:57
feliciaim trying to run a script during boot after everything else has booted.  can someone help me?23:58
fearfulFiftyone: Use the chmod command23:58
prince_jammysthedude420: it's ok to repeat every 8-10 minutes23:58
=== Necrogamemaster2 is now known as Necrogamemaster
FiftyoneFearful i tried it wont let me23:58
fearfulFiftyone: Error?23:58
=== KenBW22 is now known as KenBW2
Fiftyoneit says i dont have premission23:59

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