
xur1zhi all. i'm looking for some useful games to install for a 17-yr old autistic boy, he's non-verbal and doesn't read instructions much but loves to play06:30
xur1zwould welcome any recommendations beyond the stock games - anything gems i might miss if i just do a default edubuntu install06:30
MeshezabeelHi xur1z, I'm a bit ignorant about autism, but what about fillets-ng ?07:03
xur1zhaven't seen it07:12
xur1z(sorry - was away putting my boy to bed!)07:12
xur1zwill have a look now07:12
linux_guyhello edubuntu14:03
linux_guygoodbye edubuntu14:07
alkisgThis seems to do a fine job at resetting the gnome panels, but how bad is it to do it on a logged-on user? `gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel`15:14
morehpperliterHow did I screw it up this time?15:37
LaserJockNubae: ping16:49
LaserJockmorgs: ping16:57
LnsHi all18:51
LaserJockhi Lns18:53
Stathis`καλησπερα, τι κάνετε;;;;;;;;19:22
Stathis`το edubuntu διαφερει απο το περιβαλλον εργασιας του ubuntu ή απλως εχει περισσοτερα εκπαιδευτικα προγράμματα;;;19:24
Stathis`alkisg:  τι λες;;;19:24
alkisgStathis`: this is an english-only channel19:24
Stathis`sorry i do not speak english19:26
Stathis`nice to meet you... see you later ... byeeee kissessssssss :))))19:28
LaserJockwow, interesting19:29
alkisgErm, sorry to say that, but thank god he doesn't speak english. We get too much of him on the greek ubuntu channel already :)19:30
=== xur1z_ is now known as xur1z
Meshezabeelhey all21:01
Meshezabeelheya calimer21:52
calimerhowdy :D21:52
Meshezabeelhow goes everything?21:52
calimersleepy, just finished babysitting :D21:52
Meshezabeelah :) then it's time for a nap :)21:53
calimerit was a lot of fun but getting up at 7 is too early for me haha21:53
Meshezabeelindeed :)21:54
calimerhow have you been?21:54
MeshezabeelDoing well. Have a break this week which is always nice.21:55
calimerbreaks are fun except for when you run out of stuff to do21:55
calimerthough I generally don't seem to find that problem21:55
Meshezabeelyeah, though I seem to always have stuff to do ;)21:55
calimerthat nap ios starting to feel like a good idea21:58
calimerstarting to see some double action21:59
Meshezabeelhaha, yeah, just don't nap too long :)21:59
calimeryeah going in for a half or so21:59
calimerhave a good one while I go off into dreamland21:59
Meshezabeeltake care21:59
calimeryou too21:59
alkisg!info libqt4-network22:30
ubottulibqt4-network (source: qt4-x11): Qt 4 network module. In component main, is optional. Version 4.4.3-0ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 427 kB, installed size 1132 kB22:30

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