[00:00] * ScottK-palm signs off to go hit retry. [00:00] Gotta love single threaded OS. [00:03] so how is universe affected by feature freeze? [00:05] is feature freeze in force now or tomorrow? [00:05] it depends on timezone [00:06] and it's sorta flexible in that regard [00:06] :) ok it is 19th of February here [00:09] shtylman: ping [00:12] rgreening: here [00:12] shtylman: how goes things [00:13] they goes well :) [00:13] I added auto login capability [00:13] most excellent :P [00:13] and made new partition bars and resize widget [00:13] awesome [00:13] then the oxygen guys gave me a mockup [00:13] and I am trying to change my partition bar to it [00:14] got any screenies? [00:14] je suid curious :P [00:14] http://shtylman.com/stuff/partbar/part_bars7.png [00:14] s/suid/suis [00:14] thats what I had before [00:14] http://www.file-upload.net/view-1465347/partitionbar.png.html [00:14] thats the mockup from the oxygen people [00:15] it won't be too hard to do...and I should have something in about an hour or two [00:15] nice [00:15] you are ad bomb [00:15] s/ad/da [00:15] Im a little dyslexic [00:15] ha [00:16] haha [00:17] shtylman: so how are we for feature parity now with the gtk ubiquity? [00:17] um...our timezone map matches theirs...as far as I can tell [00:17] I did that a few days ago === jjesse_ is now known as jjesse [00:18] we have the autologin [00:19] shtylman: can you update this page where appropriate https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Todo [00:20] And are you looking at or aware of this... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JauntyUbiquityUsability [00:20] Not sure if the Gnome guys have made those changes yet... [00:21] and we have the new partition bar display and resize widget [00:22] that's great. I love how this release is coming together. [00:22] yep...im aware of what they have been doing and have been keeping up with them [00:22] the partition bar is one of the last things I think [00:22] coolness [00:23] :P [00:27] wow... 3 hrs to build qt on PPA [00:27] well, I am once again unemployed...so I guess you can expect somewhat of a comeback :) and :( at the same time [00:27] tell me about it [00:27] :( [00:27] :) [00:27] hehe [00:27] nixternal: no way [00:27] yes way [00:27] :s, I suppose [00:28] haha, need to get your mouth fixed [00:28] it's hard to smile and frown at the same time [00:28] got any prospects nixternal [00:28] nixternal bummer on being unemployed [00:28] true, so an 's' would be correct [00:28] hi nixternal!! [00:28] or going to take a breather... [00:28] that sucks [00:28] rgreening: ya, have a coupld of prospects [00:28] nixternal: excellent. gl [00:29] if i take a breather, it makes it hard going back to work [00:29] Yeah [00:29] though with the economy, prospects don't look the greatest [00:29] yeah [00:29] nixternal if you have enough money you cna be a senator from illionis ) [00:29] just bribe everyone [00:29] nixternal: lots of canonical jobs posted [00:30] ya, don't have enough [00:30] maybe something for you? [00:30] Apparently there was an add in the paper for a furniture store: "We sell more seats than the governor" [00:30] lol, ya [00:30] believe it was Harlem Furniture to be exact [00:30] wow lots of canonical jobs [00:31] I will have to look at the Canonical jobs [00:31] need to update my resume/cv [00:31] if nixternal got a canoncial job, how would he love his job more than us? [00:31] * JontheEchidna boggles [00:32] just downloaded texmaker so I can do that...thanks to whoever put that in the repos [00:32] I updated my LinkedIn profile, and 5 minutes later, litterally, my old Microsoft job called me :) [00:33] awesome :) [00:33] :-D [00:33] good money and benefits, but they do not allow you to work on anything non-microsoft [00:33] even in the open source lab? [00:33] ya, it would be the open/shared source labs [00:33] that policy has changed [00:33] and ya, they don't allow you to work on open source projects [00:34] dtchen: not from what I was told in a phone convo about 2 hours ago [00:34] and why are you hiding with some silly name alias? :p [00:34] Ha ha [00:34] interesting, i had that option [00:34] you can twork for MS cause youd be sharing our IP with them... [00:34] granted i ended up with ENORESOURES [00:34] Would you like towork int he open source labs? [00:34] :P [00:34] really? you are just better than me :p [00:34] YES ! THAT WOULD BE AWESOME I'd love to work on some open source proje... [00:34] I'm sorry you can't work on open source in the open source labs [00:35] Umm [00:35] ok [00:35] what do you do there? [00:35] Generally cut open open source projects witha knife to see the heart beating [00:35] probably some of that .Net crap and probably working with the new Red Hat conspiracy :p [00:35] They signed an agreement with no patents [00:35] How is that a conspiracy? [00:36] that was a joke :P [00:36] they did that "hey we will certify we work with you if you certify you work with us' [00:36] isn't that what it was all about? [00:36] Something like that [00:37] Usual we wil work to increase compatabilty without actually saying what will be compatible or what compatible means [00:37] ya, compatability, that was the word that escaped my mind [00:37] But it is interesting that MS said they would only agree to work with companies that respected MS patents and Red Hat said wearen't signing that and MS said ok [00:38] right, Red Hat didn't back down and made Microsoft come crawling [00:38] DaSkreech: do you blame them with the current economy? people are putting everything into virtual machines, whether Red Hat or MS and they need the income [00:38] both of them do [00:38] so they HAVE to work togehter whether or not they want to [00:38] * nixternal hates virtual machines [00:39] all of my clients that i work with use Virtual Machines and they are either Windows or Red Hat servers in thier Datacenters [00:39] not SUSE, not Ubuntu, or anything other form of Linux [00:39] so they have to work together [00:39] we had those funky vmware ones [00:39] ESX or whatever they were called [00:40] ESX [00:40] those weren't bad, but they weren't great [00:40] Xen sucks [00:40] jjesse: Yeah but RedHat Beat expectations and MS fell under them [00:40] openvz sucks [00:40] * DaSkreech likes Xen [00:40] hypervisor is n't that bad [00:40] kvm is good [00:40] from MS [00:41] but not as good as VMware [00:41] vmware with vmotion is blowing away VMWare [00:42] * neversfelde wonders if krename-3.9.2 is a dev release or stable [00:42] nixternal: Did you see the link I gave You? [00:42] DaSkreech: which one? [00:42] I have received numerous links lately [00:42] outube link about 3 days ago [00:42] youtube [00:42] neversfelde: dev release...kde4 release is not stable [00:43] nixternal: thanks [00:43] krename will be 4.0 I think when it goes stable [00:44] that makes sense, they should point on this on kde-apps.org [00:44] the last development release is: 3.9.2 [00:44] that is on the krename website [00:44] NCommander: Are we OK to try akonadi again? [00:45] wow dog just farted and left the room, wow its gross [00:46] hahahahaha, I hate it when my dogs do that [00:46] nixternal: ok, can't wait to get a KDE4 version, krename is one of the last three KDE 3 apps here :) [00:46] O_O; [00:46] nixternal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvGfsROHGcM [00:47] jjesse-jaunty: normal behaviour, why sould they stay :D [00:50] DaSkreech: ya, I saw that one...that guy is good, and damn funny [00:51] neversfelde: is kile the other one? [00:51] Yeah :) [00:51] neversfelde: kile just got kde4'd today [00:51] kile was my last kde3 app I think...I grabbed texmaker for the time being, and it is pretty nice [00:51] closing like 6 other bugs in the process [00:51] not as featureful as kile though just yet [00:52] nixternal: no, it is k3b [00:52] JontheEchidna: yeah, I read about it, is it stable? [00:52] oh ya, forgot about k3b [00:53] I don't know, it hadn't built the last time I checked [00:53] no it isn't [00:53] I just built it, very bad [00:53] nor did I really use it in the first place [00:53] so there is soundkonverter, but I guess k3b 2.0 can take this job [00:53] it is pretty much just the shell [00:53] kmymoney :-( [00:54] kmymoney2 nor gnucash worked with my online banking [00:54] DaSkreech: I love the idea, but kmymoney never worked for my [00:54] kile has been in queue for the past 5 hours [00:54] basKet :( [00:54] s/my/me [00:54] ah yes [00:54] * neversfelde should go to bed :D [00:55] to many missing apps^^ [00:55] JontheEchidna: kile is pretty much useless right now...I think Kate has more functionality, unless I missed something [00:55] which I may have when I built trunk [00:57] oh, basket seems to be in active development? [00:57] I gave it up, when I switched to KDE4 [00:58] there is a kde4 version in svn iirc [00:58] last commit on 01/25/09 [01:03] konversation-kde4 commits have been vigorous [01:04] there are many quassel fans, konvi has to hurry :) [01:05] already it's quite good [01:05] just a few things missing like a blinking taskbar icon, and I can't seem to get logging to work [01:06] JontheEchidna: do you have a package somewhere? [01:06] nope [01:06] rgreening might [01:07] konvi.. yep. needs updating though. [01:07] nixternal: have you played at all with the docs for jaunty? [01:07] maybe tomorrow or later tonight [01:07] jjesse-jaunty: not yet...planning on getting into it soon, like within the next day or so now that I have nothing else to look forward to :) [01:07] rgreening: I think konvi should have no trouble making it back in jaunty+1, don't you agree? [01:07] nixternal: i understand, i've not worked as much on it as i have either [01:08] totally [01:09] I do not think, that it is a good idea to switch default apps often [01:11] not switch.. but it will be back in [01:11] oh cool, tooltips are back [01:12] * JontheEchidna recompiles [01:13] konvi is out of jaunty? [01:13] nope, there it is :) [01:13] maybe "make it back" wasn't the best wording [01:14] hehe, maybe I did not understand [01:14] * neversfelde claims his teachers [01:14] long time ago [01:23] whoa, did you guys see this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/AlphaBackgrounds?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=kubuntu_space_jackalope_1a.png ? [01:27] JontheEchidna: I like it [01:27] s/like/love [01:27] JontheEchidna: a blue Wolpertinger [01:27] +1 [01:27] it maintains upstream identity by including elements of the Air wallpaper, yet gives it a unique kubuntu twist [01:28] it also has a fedora feel to it [01:28] the only issue I can forsee is that it doesn't look all that good on non-widescreen monitors since the jackalope gets cut off [01:28] why does my compositing suck on resume from sleep? [01:29] i am very much temped to use compiz [01:30] vorian: I had the same probs with kwin's effects [01:31] neversfelde: what video card? [01:31] you can turn off checking, if you're machine is able to handle effects [01:31] oh, it's able to :) [01:31] vorian: oh, don't ask me, my eee is not here atm [01:32] disabling the checking fixed that problem for me [01:32] how is that accomplished? [01:32] * vorian has been staring at ruby all day [01:33] vorian: I have to switch to english, one moment please [01:33] :) [01:33] I should use it by default [01:36] vorian: general >> desktop >> advanced >> Disable functionalitiy check [01:37] thanks neversfelde [01:37] not for that :) [01:41] JontheEchidna: What? [01:41] ? [01:41] it maintains upstream identity by including elements of the Air wallpaper, yet gives it a unique kubuntu twist [01:42] yeah, it has the Air bubbles and the jackalope [01:42] What does? [01:43] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Jaunty/AlphaBackgrounds?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=kubuntu_space_jackalope_1a.png [01:45] JontheEchidna: if you need some testing for that wallpaper, call me. Have to sleep now. n8 everyone [01:46] sleep tight [01:49] the jackalope should be facing in, that's weird that it is looking out [01:52] a.insert('flying saucer', 'jackalope') [02:09] jackalopes are wide ranging. [02:09] Can we please not have a jackalope? [02:14] hey, at least someone put up a Kubuntu wallpaper :) [02:15] yus! [02:18] I would like to see someone make that oxygen usplash a reality [02:18] that thing looks pretty pimp [02:19] I would like to use the kubuntu themed kickoff button as a default [02:22] JontheEchidna: You didn't happen to save that akonadi/sparc build log, did you? [03:07] ScottK: nope, just viewed it in ark [03:07] JontheEchidna: The 2nd try just worked, so no problem. [03:07] So we're back in business on sparc. [03:07] Great. [03:07] * JontheEchidna will enter bugfix mode tomorrow [03:08] It looks like right now we've got a good potential to get KDE fully built on all archs this cycle. [03:08] \o/ [03:10] * JontheEchidna out [03:14] Good night [03:38] Stupid --without-arts [03:39] We should just add it to kde.mk. [03:42] rgreening: ping [03:42] nixternal: re: kmymoney2: have you tried the latest devel code? kmm2 needs to be compiled with ofx support, debian/ubuntu build it without :( [03:42] well damn..didn't even see him leave [03:42] * claydoh has it in his ppa [03:52] is the new KMenu supposed to allow more-than-2-levels-deep menu items? [03:52] * ScottK looks at seele [03:52] i thought it was only supposed to go Applications -> Category -> The Program [03:53] It's certainly not for games [03:53] Bluefish is showing up in Applications -> Development -> Web Development -> Bluefish, and I didn't think it was supposed to [03:53] I think that's a function of the Bluefish .desktop and not the particular DE. [03:53] seele is why i asked in here intead of in normal #kubuntu :P [03:54] that's what i thought, but GNOME's putting it in Applications -> Programming -> Bluefish [03:54] i just switched to check (which reminds me, can i use this xnest thing to let me compare GNOME v. KDE bug reproducibility?) [03:54] There may be different .desktop for Gnome and KDE too. [03:55] * ScottK is looking [03:55] oh [03:55] 1 fish, 2 fish, red fish, blue fish! [03:55] well the .desktop as edited by debian/patches/91_.....patch says GNOME;GTK;Development;WebDevelopment; [03:55] that's the one in /usr/share/applications/bluefish.desktop [03:55] nixternal: hi rich [03:55] howdy maco [03:56] nixternal: i've got a copy of ubuntu book 3rd ed sititng here. i was loling at you searching "how to fix microsoft windows" and finding linux as the solution [03:56] (i'm reading the kubuntu chapter) [03:57] What it says is Categories=GTK;GNOME;Application;Development;WebDevelopment; [03:57] read the edubuntu chapter, it is the best :P [03:57] yeah that [03:58] ScottK: well the .patch gets rid of "Application" from that list [03:58] i think [03:58] * ScottK didn't look at the patches [03:58] * ScottK looks [03:59] ScottK: look at 91_ not 01_ [03:59] 01_ doesn't edit the Categories= [03:59] nixternal: i'm hoping it'll tell me how to use this thing. and in cases where it tells me wrong, i'm writing it down to complain :P [04:00] ya, the kubuntu chapter was a 4.0 chapter... jjesse-jaunty has a lot of work ahead of him on that one :) [04:00] wow alliteration [04:01] You are reading the patch correctly. [04:01] maco: If you look in 00list you'll see 01 isn't currently used. [04:02] oh ok [04:02] hmm then again [04:02] jjesse: I'm still here for proof reading [04:03] >< ok no, /usr/share/applications/bluefish.desktop v. bluefish-project.desktop is not the discrepancy. -project.desktop has no Categories= line at all [04:05] * ScottK really doesn't know much about this .desktop stuff. There's a fdo spec somehere. [04:05] KDE 3 don't follow the spec and that's accepted. As usualy the fdo spec is mostly a Gnome spec that KDE eventually got stuck with. [04:05] rgreening: new partition bar stuff is up [04:06] Retroactively declaring KDE3 broken is kind of unfair. [04:06] haha [04:06] I thought that KDE supplied the .desktop spec [04:07] well i do recall seele mentioning the 2-layers-deep thing in one of her write-ups [04:17] ScottK: thx for uploading [04:17] a|wen_: You're welcome. [04:17] a|wen_: You're the arts removal dude, right? [04:18] ScottK: jup ... i'm just updating my jaunty chroot to check what is missing [04:18] ScottK: btw; we need binary package removal of kile-i18n-* ? [04:19] a|wen_: It should just go NBS. You don't need a bug for that. [04:19] a|wen_: See my latest comments on the arts wikipage. I'm fixing. [04:21] ScottK: which one are you fixing? (can't find the change) [04:21] cdbs [04:22] Helps if I save it [04:22] oh, there it was; cool [04:23] ScottK: do we know how koffice2 or k3b is shaping up? [04:27] cool, one of the upstream kile developers answering kile bugs in LP :) [04:28] maco: there is no restriction [04:28] afaik [04:28] i dont touch kickoff [04:28] kickoff? [04:28] that's what it is called [04:28] oh [04:29] did they old kmenu have that restriction? [04:29] no it didn't [04:29] it did the same thing with bluefish and kdevelop [04:29] oh. ok. [04:29] definitely an annoyance [04:30] * maco goes to hunt down seele's Start Menu v. KMenu v. GNOME Menu thingy... [04:31] ScottK: the kadu sync request is ack'ed, so k3b and koffice is the only thing left with arts from what i know [04:32] found. " The KMenu only consists of one menu which is at [04:32] most two levels deep, where the Applications menu contains three meta menus which are at most [04:32] two levels deep. [04:32] >< pasting from PDFs = aaahh! [04:32] that was from www.obso1337.org/hci/papers/Study_of_Desktop_Start_Menu_System_Usability.pdf [04:33] seele: see? i do read what you write [04:50] OK, so CDBS uploaded. We'll see shortly if I broke Gnome and KDE. [05:01] maco: that's from 3+ years ago isnt it? [05:02] oh wow [05:02] didnt you post it on your blog more recently? [05:02] like, recently enough that it was after i met you? [05:03] maco: i dunno.. maybe someone else referenced it? [05:03] my work with the start menu was a long time ago.. like 2005-2006 [05:04] yeah it says august 2006 [05:59] Collosol failure on the qt4 build Riddell. I buggered something up. Gotta redo it. [06:46] of the people using jaunty (as in, not ScottK), have any of you seen cases where kbd focus gets "stuck" in one text box for about a minute, the kwin rushes through all 4 desktops over and over for about a minute (flashing by very fast), then that stops and everything goes back to normal? [07:00] also, when the kbd focus *does* come back, it spits the number 1 out over and over and over until i press the Any Key [07:21] ScottK, kdebindings built successfully on HPPA. Patch committed to Bazaar. ENEEDSPONSORING === kubotu_ is now known as kubotu === thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak === _neversfelde is now known as neversfelde [11:30] * Riddell starts on qt 4.5 [11:36] Riddell: There is something odd going on in doc path generation that I haven't been able to figure out. If you look at the konq-plugins FTBFS on i386 there is a KDE4 example. If you try to rebuild koffice you can have a KDE3 example. Would you please have a look? [11:49] * Riddell looks [12:05] ScottK: konq-plugins bulids here, but I've no idea why it should put its docs in usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/doc/ instead of usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/konq-plugins [12:43] ScottK, or Riddell ping? [12:46] NCommander: pong [12:46] Riddell, care to sponsor kdebindings from Bazaar, it fixes HPPA. [12:48] NCommander: care to convince https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/soprano/2.1.64+dfsg.1-0ubuntu1~intrepid1/+build/874157 and https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/strigi/0.6.3-1ubuntu1~intrepid1/+build/874164 to build? [12:48] * NCommander takes a look at the queues [12:48] Eh, we're past FF at this point [12:48] Guess it doesn't matter if the buildds haven't drained [12:50] KTorrent seems to be in pretty good shape going in to FF, only 8 bugs now. :] [12:51] JontheEchidna: so long as its not declaired illegal in Sweden [12:51] Oh! kdebindings! [12:51] Riddell: bug 330079 [12:51] Launchpad bug 330079 in kdebindings "[jaunty] libsmokeqt4-2-dev conflicts with libsmokeqt-dev but doesn't have proper dependencies" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/330079 [12:51] If we're uploading a new kdebindings we might as well get that fixed [12:54] JontheEchidna: done [12:55] * JontheEchidna now goes to fix all the bugs he'd been meaning to fix after FF [12:56] Riddell, rescored [13:00] Riddell, can you sponsor a quick fix for me? [13:02] NCommander: I could [13:02] kdebindings uploaded [13:02] Thanks [13:02] * NCommander is just waiting for the test build on ARMel to finish [13:03] Riddell, http://paste.ubuntu.com/120114/ [13:09] damn it [13:09] -_-; [13:11] NCommander: uploaded [13:11] Riddell, thank you [13:11] ScottK, ping [13:11] NCommander: Pong [13:11] ScottK, kdebindings didn't get dispatched to HPPA. Is there a p-a-s line still for it? [13:12] NCommander: No. [13:12] NCommander: You can see the last upload got tried there. [13:13] now I'm just WTFing ... [13:13] Unless someone added one between now and then [13:14] NCommander: I looked at pas yesterday or the day before and there wasn't. [13:14] Ok [13:14] build admins pinged [13:34] Riddell, uh ... [13:34] Riddell, you did see my patch for libdc1394, right ...? [13:34] * NCommander sees the no changes rebuild, which wasn't 100% in fixing this >.<; [13:36] that's the one you asked for to do yesterday, your patch today is uploaded as libdc1394_1.1.0-5ubuntu3 [13:36] oh [13:36] ok [13:36] I'm just loosing my mind [13:36] I'm sorry :-/ [13:37] * NCommander didn't see it get uploaded === rdieter_away is now known as rdieter === ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Development | Feature Freeze in effect - Fix bugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo [13:49] Riddell: ping [13:49] hi rgreening [13:49] so, my qt4 update failed. not sure what chanfge broke it [13:49] and it takes like 3 hours to build each time [13:50] it's a beast isn't it [13:50] rgreening: I've got a compile going here so I'll see what happens [13:50] yes. [13:50] I think your last build failed because you disabled 18_enable_qt3support_qtwebkit_debug_info.diff [13:50] yep. I just re-uploaded [13:50] or will in a sec I mean [13:51] I had like 4 hrs sleep [13:51] lol [13:51] rgreening: you think one of the patches causes the problem with kdm? [13:52] I think so. 0180 or 30 I think [13:52] but if kdm has a fix in trunk, we can just use that [13:52] or 41 [13:53] Riddell: I never had the problem earlier using this same RC1 build, before I did the refresh to fabo's debian build. [13:53] in the refresh, a couple of patches were updated. 41 being the most likely candidate [13:53] 41 should be fine to disable, it's for alpha and we don't do alpha [13:54] Now, I am also using amd64 and other updates on my system. so it could be broken for other reasons. [13:54] Riddell: maybe we could get someone else to try the ~ppa8 build (on x86) [13:54] or try it via a live cd [13:56] Riddell: ubiquity change are in [13:57] dunno what you can merge now, but things are committed [14:02] Riddell: I have my old laptop. Its x86. trying from there to see if there's a difference on ~ppa8 [14:02] Could a core-dev approve the Intrepid nominations for bug 314016, bug 303505, and bug 330446? [14:03] Launchpad bug 314016 in kde4libs "Kate is useless for editing code which contains hebrew or arabic" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/314016 [14:03] Launchpad bug 303505 in kdesdk "Apply in Preferences dialog in Kompare crash" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/303505 [14:03] Launchpad bug 330446 in kde4libs "Memory leak in kcatalog.cpp" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/330446 [14:03] Riddell, ScottK: ^^ [14:04] Sure. [14:07] JontheEchidna: I approved the kompare one. I'm not sure the other two are SRU worthy. I'd like Riddell to look at them. [14:08] rgreening: KDM works fine with ~ppa8 [14:08] Then it's an 64 bit issue or some of my updates? [14:09] or maybe my vid card [14:09] hmm... [14:09] ScottK: Thanks [14:10] Riddell: ok, if ~ppa8 works, then I just need to update the lonnnnnnnnng changelog [14:10] and sned a diff [14:12] Riddell: I think 07 may be an issue. [14:13] does this matter: uname -m returns x86_64 but dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH returns amd64 [14:13] Riddell: nm. the patch is ok [14:13] rgreening: well the point of the patch is to sort that out [14:14] ya. [14:17] kde svn 924880 [14:17] http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=924880&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 924880 | BUG: 176797 Fix infinite recursion. Winterz dont do this again please :D [14:17] JontheEchidna: accepted [14:18] * JontheEchidna is testbuilding the kde4libs fixes in his ppa [14:18] Riddell: thanks [14:20] Riddell: ok, I installed on my x86. works (prior to updates). Will perform some updates and see that it still works after. [14:21] anyone here have amd/x86_64 (64 bit) Jaunty install and willing to test/break your system :) [14:22] I need a gineua pig to test qt 4.5.0 on that arch [14:23] :( [14:24] I can give it a go [14:25] Riddell: ktorrent-data needs to get put into Main so ktorrent will be installable again. [14:26] ScottK: done [14:26] Riddell: Thanks. [14:26] should the plasma applet go to main too? [14:27] That's the only KDE non-language pack package on the problem list. [14:27] The widget is not a dependency but it might be nice [14:27] JontheEchidna: How big is it? [14:28] it's in main [14:28] OK. I'll quit asking then. [14:28] It's quite small [14:29] rgreening: I get a lot of refresh errors with qt 4.5 [14:29] I had them with 4.4 too but less so I'm sure [14:29] refresh errors? [14:29] not repainting? [14:29] areas of the screen not being drawn, just filled with junk [14:30] ya... I see that with 4.4 as well. Possibly a X thing (you got a intel vid card?) [14:30] http://www.kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/drawing.png [14:30] I do have an intel card [14:32] shtylman: did the oxygen people convince you to change the bars then? [14:32] when is qt 4.5 released? [14:32] Riddell: yea, to better "integrate" http://shtylman.com/stuff/partbar/part_bars8.png [14:32] "soon" [14:33] bling bling [14:34] shtylman: and what about the changes needed to debian-installer for kdm? [14:34] Riddell: I made the change to user-setup in a separate branch on launchpad and proposed a merge into the main one [14:35] shtylman: I take it you use Kate, lots of these added :) -*- coding: utf-8 -*- [14:36] Riddell: yea :) [14:41] shtylman: what are the changes in gui/qt/advanceddialog.ui for? [14:42] Riddell: Also it looks like libnjb fell into Universe is keeping amarok from building. [14:43] ScottK: fixed [14:44] Riddell: Thanks. [14:44] Riddell: oh yea...I change the line edit to a combo box [14:44] to match what the gtk guys have [14:44] that was also on the todo list if I recall [14:45] shtylman: so it is [14:45] shtylman: you made a change to src/cut-and-paste/e-map/e-map-marshal.c ? [14:45] Riddell: nope [14:46] shtylman: and ubiquity/timezone_map.py ? [14:48] I did a fix for the gtk people..but I think they already pulled those [14:49] had to do with city placement code === jjesse-jaunty is now known as jjesse [14:53] shtylman: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/120155/ [14:53] is what the merge gives me [14:54] should I keep that or throw it out? [14:55] The Todo is looking nice and non-red [14:56] I would say throw it out...I have told them about it so if they want to change their city placement code they know who to ask [14:58] shtylman: hehe [14:59] also: man...the oxygen people are picky...but the results do end up being good (side note) [15:00] shtylman: that's artists for you :) [15:00] Am I the only one having problems with Networkmanager/knetworkmanager and wireless connection in jaunty atm? [15:05] shtylman: hmm, it seems to start on the partition page [15:05] mrvanes: works for me [15:05] oh..jesus [15:05] yea...take that out :) [15:06] Riddell: I can't authenticate, but it works using clean wpa_supplicant and dhclient... [15:06] Riddell: I can take out out, or if you search for TODO remove [15:06] in the kde_ui file [15:06] I'll see what debug info NM gives... [15:06] and comment out the two lines after it that set the page [15:06] I was using that for testing [15:06] cause clicking through the options got annoying [15:09] Riddell: NetworkManager: wait_for_connection_expired(): Connection (2) /org/freedesktop/NetworkManagerSettings/Connection/0 failed to activate (timeout): (0) Connection was not provided by any settings service [15:14] Riddell: probably bug #259278 [15:14] Launchpad bug 259278 in knetworkmanager "knetworkmanager will no longer connect" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/259278 [15:17] shtylman: hmm, when I click past the keyboard stage it goes to the manual partitioning page, no partition methods page [15:17] Hi [15:18] I'm getting an Xapian error while updating the package list using adept [15:18] Riddell: I will take a look at that...see if there are changes to other ubiquity components that I missed [15:20] http://imagebin.ca/view/nPZT3Vr3.html <-- the error [15:22] Console output: http://pastebin.ca/1342027 [15:22] Riddell: do you have any unmounted disks? [15:22] shtylman: no [15:22] Riddell: that is why [15:22] there are no disks to install to [15:23] Riddell: im gonna check against the gtk one, but I think that happens everywhere when there are no disks [15:24] right enough, if I put in a usb disk it works [15:24] :) [15:27] shtylman: ok, looking good [15:27] shtylman: I'll merge it in [15:28] shtylman: I think the timezone map label should have the city on it as well as the current time [15:28] and the shiny bars disappear when I select "manaual partitioning" which is offputting, disappearing widgets are confusing [15:29] Riddell: ok..I will put that in (currently more changes for the oxygen people) (need to figure out how to get the General and Small font from kde settings) :) [15:29] and I can't select Edinburgh as a timezone any more! [15:29] of course, that you ever could was a bug, but a bug I liked [15:29] hahaha [15:30] it felt better than having to pick london [15:38] Riddell: I will have a diff/dsc for qt4.5.0 shortly. Updated changelog, etc. However, it still concerns me that it works for x86 but failed on my x86_64. I realy would like someone to look at it with a 64 bit system. could be a localized system issue. [15:40] Riddell: would you look kindly upon a FFe for this? http://trueg.wordpress.com/2009/02/19/a-new-blog-and-the-possible-end-to-the-java-dependancy-in-nepomuk-kde/ [15:49] JontheEchidna: nice [15:50] Riddel: using nm-applet for the moment. Find it strange that I never experienced problem untill now, since the bug is so old? [15:50] the virtuoso tarball is a bit large, but this does look promising [15:56] Riddell: my changes to user-setup have been merged in [16:02] what is preferred backend for multimedia apps in kubuntu? gstreamer or xine? [16:02] Riddell: you want me to e-mail the diff/dsc for qt4.5.0? [16:02] or commit to bzr [16:03] nm. I cant commit ... its not part of our repo. I'll email === jjesse-jaunty_ is now known as jjesse [16:07] Riddell: Qt 4.5.0 e-mailed to you. [16:08] in the documentation should we be refereing to kpackagekit or Add/Remove Software? for jaunty [16:08] i guess the question what will be showing in the application launcher [16:11] JontheEchidna: totally [16:12] rgreening: ooooh! [16:12] Tm_T: :) [16:12] Tm_T: do you have a 64bit system or 32? [16:12] 32 [16:13] building Qt from svn [16:13] dang. I need someone woth a 64 to test [16:13] I have 64bit [16:13] rgreening: shtylman offered [16:13] Qt 4.5.0 works fine for Riddell and on my x86. But kills kdm on my 64bit [16:13] oh, missed that. [16:13] thats good to know :) [16:14] shtylman: lol. So, you able to update via my PPA? [16:14] ~roderick-greening [16:15] shtylman: and you have installed a 64 bit system (i.e. amd64 packages)... [16:15] I am running jaunty amd64 yea... [16:15] rgreening: hmm, arora fails to start sometimes with 4.5 "SingleApplication: Unable to start single server. [16:15] " [16:16] Riddell: yeah, I had that with all builds of 4.5 [16:16] rgreening: should i go ahead and update from you ppa? [16:16] shtylman: yes. I assume you have the old qt packages still in your /var/cache/apt in case you have to rollback (like I did)? [16:17] virtuoso uses autotools. Yippie [16:17] shtylman: if not, you may want to retrieve them :) [16:17] hum, they also distribute a debian directory [16:18] rgreening: k...thanks for the heads up? what all should i retrieve, just libqt? [16:20] see which *qt*4.4.3* packages you have installed. See if they are in the cache. If not, retrieve those so you can rollback. [16:20] shtylman: the issue I had was kdm dies. so, I had to use dpkg -i to roll back to 4.4.3 [16:21] What do you do when an upstream includes a debian dir in their packaging? [16:21] rgreening: k [16:21] oh, and if you have the lib qt opengl-dev and lib qt dev packages installed, you may need to remove those to roll back. [16:21] JontheEchidna: rebuild the .tar.gz with the directory removed [16:21] oh my [16:22] Riddell: upstream calls it virtuoso-opensource. Would we want to call the package virtuoso-opensource or just virtuoso? [16:22] JontheEchidna: I'd stick with the upstream name [16:23] yet we don't for qt4-x11 :) [16:23] ah, the joy of packaging [16:23] rgreening: not seeing an e-mail from you [16:23] rgreening: upstream kept changing that name [16:24] I sent to jriddell AT ubuntu.com.. let me verify... [16:25] resent. I had a space "ubuntu .com" [16:25] lol [16:27] Tonio_, Riddell: Is k3b a possibility yet? [16:29] Riddell, Tonio_: kpackagekit 0.4 is available and can not build against packagekit 0.3.14. I suggest we consider moving to kpackagekit 0.4 front-end [16:30] s/can not/can now/ [16:30] glatzor informs me that the patch is in to make this possible. [16:31] rgreening: how did you get a list off all the packages to save? apt-cache? [16:32] I had them in my archive already [16:32] Riddell: any suggestions for shtylman^ [16:32] or JontheEchidna^ [16:34] rgreening: contrib tomorrow, that's the first on my todo :) [16:34] rgreening: right now I'm way to busy at work... [16:35] rgreening: but you can expect something for tomorrow :) [16:35] np. [16:35] Tonio_: is that in response to k3b or kpackagekit or both? [16:36] rgreening: both :) [16:36] ok. cool. [16:36] rgreening: as said, is there a real benefit with kpackagekit 0.4 ? [16:36] rgreening: and more than this, are we should not to experience new bugs that we don't have now ? [16:37] rgreening: you said "can not build against", is that a "can build" ? otherwise, I don't get your pont ;) [16:38] yes, I immediately corrected in line below :) [16:38] s/can not/can now/ [16:38] :P [16:38] Tonio_: ^ [16:39] rgreening: hum, the kde-apps page is clear : This version does not provide backwards compatibility (ie working with PackageKit < 0.4), update to this version ONLY if your PackageKit and QPackageKit (packagekit-qt) are >= 0.4. [16:39] rgreening: where is the change mentionned ? [16:39] hello Riddell, why did you merge the large autogen patch of NCommander? What issues do you see compared to running autogen.sh at build time? [16:39] Tonio_: talk to glatzor in #packagekit. [16:39] rgreening: oki [16:39] nm.. glatzor is here [16:40] glatzor: -> Tonio_ :) [16:40] rgreening: I'll ping him tomorrow, but if we can build against the current one, then, I'm fine with it :) [16:40] glatzor: hi ;) [16:40] glatzor: Tonio_ was wondering about the patch to allow 0.4 to build with 0.3.14 backend [16:40] care to elaborate. [16:42] glatzor, rerunning ./autogen.sh at build time means that autotools must be in the chroot. This causes a LOT of headaches when things are backported, or when autotools gets updated. [16:42] Tonio_, the at bindings of packagekit have been quite mature for monthes. so there haven't been many changes between 0.3.14 and 0.4.x. [16:43] glatzor, a buncho of the desktop team packages do this, as did KDE packages before 4.x [16:43] glatzor: oki [16:44] Tonio_, s/at bindings/qt bindings/ [16:44] glatzor: I suppose this means we have to go on a separate package for libpackagekit-qt right ? [16:45] glatzor: or can you backport the changes so that I can build kpackagekit ? [16:45] Tonio_, one change was revert some time later and the other one was adding a missing piece of api which is now used in kpackagekit 0.4 [16:45] Tonio_, so the patch only adds 20 lines of code [16:46] glatzor: the libpackagekit-qt patch ? nice :) [16:46] glatzor: then there is no need to patch kpackagekit if my ujnderstanding is correct ? [16:46] Tonio_, right [16:47] glatzor: hum, what would be good is to use your ppa for this... [16:47] glatzor: I can package kpackagekit tomorrow morning,pretty early [16:47] Tonio_, you will get it in some minutes there [16:47] glatzor: you rock :) [16:48] rgreening: let's meet tomorrow morning for tests then ;) [16:48] sounds good [16:51] Tonio_, I just wanted to give the opportunity to use a later kpackagekit version. but I cannot give any recommendations on this. [16:52] glatzor: and I understand that :) I'll perform a complete QA test on it [16:52] shtylman: any luck [16:52] glatzor: I was very affraid about API changes, but those 20 lines of code may not be that dangerous [16:53] rgreening: yea..I just got my cache updated [16:53] and am gonna do an update with your repo now [16:54] Tonio_: It may be prudent to do this, as if gnome/ubuntu decides to upgrade packagekit in the backend, our fronteend woulkd be ready/tested. [16:54] shtylman: cool [16:54] rgreening: true that [16:54] rgreening, no. I won't upgrade packagekit to 0.4.x [16:54] :) [16:54] stranger things have happened glatzor [16:59] rgreening: installed...now what? [16:59] logout, restart kdm, login (hopefully). [16:59] my kdm kept dumpting me to cmd line [17:01] same here :( [17:02] check your log? [17:02] I get a filed to set tiling error [17:07] tiling seems to be the problem...at least for me [17:08] rgreening: running start x seeming to work [17:08] nvm...that crapped out [17:09] lol [17:09] so its 64 bit related. 32 bit seems to run just fine [17:09] well...jesus dandy [17:09] now, exactly what, I do not know. [17:10] I had ddxSigGiveUp as last line before kdm dies [17:10] ok...I rebooted [17:11] kdm still fails [17:11] but startx worked [17:11] and kded4 is taking 100% cpu [17:11] weird [17:12] ok..killed that [17:12] anyhow...yea..I was able to get graphics stuff [17:12] what graphics card you have? [17:13] great...killing kded4 means I don't get to type anymore apprently... [17:14] and plasma does not play nice at all [17:15] I have an intel gm45 [17:16] pure intel chipset [17:16] I have intel as well [17:16] hmm... which? [17:16] oh..man [17:16] 950 or so maybe [17:16] ok, I know that works, on my x86, thats what I have [17:17] so its 64bit related somehow [17:17] fun [17:17] someone is playing with integers and pointers incorrectly :) [17:17] not so much. Riddell? Suggestions on how to debug this as a possible 64 bit issue? [17:17] shtylman: ya [17:20] my first guess is in the libqt4-opengl-dev package...but I dunno [17:21] shtylman: can you look at kdm.log and Xorg.0.log and .xsession-errors and see if you see any ref to "error setting MTRR (base = 0xd0000000, size = 0x10000000, type = 1) Invalid argument (22)" [17:21] Is it possible that phonon-backend-xine from kde > 4.1.4 sneaked into intrepid/backports or updates? [17:22] yep [17:22] in kdm.log [17:22] rgreening: ^ [17:23] did you have that before updating [17:23] I never [17:23] and thats why X fails. now, why does Qt trigger that. [17:23] NCommander: ping [17:24] no..I don't think I did [17:25] and shtylmanit's kdmgreet that appears to die, not sure if the mrtt issue is cause or result or what. [17:27] yea..I noticed that kdmgreet dies too [17:27] shtylman: do you have 4GB RAM o rgreater? [17:28] on a side note...the latest updates cause my kded4 to use an obscene amount of cpu [17:28] rgreening: 2 [17:28] o [17:28] ok [17:29] shtylman: can you run X on the cmdline not startx [17:29] see if at least x launches [17:29] shtylman: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/315819 [17:30] Ubuntu bug 315819 in xorg-server "kde4 KDM does not restart X when killed with ctrl+alt+backspace" [Undecided,New] [17:30] seems interesting [17:31] shtylman: so the mtrr may not be a real issue. [17:31] and we are back to kdmgreet crash. [17:33] shtylman: I wonder if you disable compositing effects. would that make a difference? [17:33] or load gdm instead? [17:33] rgreening: trying the X only thing...and I think kdmgreet is the best option for starting to see what it loads [17:34] rgreening: thats an interesting idea... [17:34] k [17:35] rgreening: I can't even just do X right now [17:35] really? [17:35] what does it say [17:35] x fails with 'failed to set tiling' [17:36] Riddell: ping [17:36] dunno why you have that [17:36] glatzor: he asked me too, it's not very clean but neither is any approach with autoconf [17:36] hi devfil2 [17:36] shtylman: can you try the vesa driver in your xorg.conf? [17:37] and then start X? [17:37] yea..I was gonna suggest that [17:37] :) [17:37] Riddell: can you please upload http://paste.ubuntu.com/120207/ ? [17:37] damn...how do I kill a running X server [17:39] hunger: kde 4.2 should be entering intrepid-backports soon [17:41] rgreening: vesa fails [17:41] devfil2: uploaded [17:41] Riddell: thanks :) [17:41] rgreening: or at least nothing shows up [17:41] server seems to start...but it makes a black screen [17:41] X by itself does nothing [17:41] yes, thats good [17:41] ahh ok [17:41] NCommander: could you big up this build https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/kde4libs/4:4.2.0-0ubuntu2~intrepid1 [17:42] shtylman: so, hmm.... weird. try running startx with vesa [17:43] k [17:43] rgreening: that was good to go [17:43] (man qt 4.5 is fast) [17:43] its visibly faster... [17:44] so intel driver on 64 bit causes kdmgreet to crash (possibly a vblank issue). [17:44] arg. === jjesse-jaunty_ is now known as jjesse [17:44] anyone else have 64 bit but non intel vid? [17:44] :) [17:44] vblank...what would kdmgreet be doing to cause that? [17:45] rgreening: and my desktop effects have been off the whole time...so its not that [17:45] dunno. saw it in my syslog. do yo uget a drm/vblank error in your syslog? [17:46] yea..I do [17:46] im running with the i915 driver [17:46] ok, there is a vblank issue with intel driver. [17:46] well dandy [17:46] though, why qt is exposing this now... [17:46] doesn't make sense. [17:47] NCommander: ^^^ [17:47] they probly changed drawing code to make things more optimal [17:47] any iseas, ans you are the big qt hacker [17:47] NCommander: 6 [17:47] and that could expose minor vid card errors [17:47] s/6/^^ [17:47] shtylman: maybe.... [17:47] oh my. [17:48] so vesa is working for you? [17:48] appears so [17:48] but that was with startx [17:48] let me try kdm [17:48] ok, play with it for a bit. try via kdm [17:48] ya [17:48] ooo [17:49] on leaving kde (without kdm) I got [17:49] waiting for X server to shut down error setting MTRR ... etc...invalid argument (22) [17:50] and kdm crashes with vesa [17:50] ok.. see what kdm does [17:50] kdmgreet crashes with the MTRR error [17:51] but startx works... interesting [17:51] do you have nepomuk enabled? [17:51] probly [17:52] should I turn it off? [17:52] try disabling (for a hoot) and try bot startx and kdm [17:52] (I do have it enabled) [17:52] try it off... im curious [17:52] k [17:53] startx worked (and kded4 is no longer 100% cpu..which is nice :) ) [17:53] exit startx [17:53] kdm is still no go [17:53] did startx exit clean [17:54] ok, try reboot with vesa, nepomuk disabled, and composite effects off. [17:55] startx seems to exit clean [17:55] ok. thats promising [17:55] brb [17:56] kdm failed on reboot [17:57] glatzor: I have to go, just a little notice about the deps arround packagekit... [17:58] glatzor: libpackagekit-qt doesn't depend on the backend... I don't know if that's normal, but in case it is, I have to add to kpackagekit dep on packagekit backend [17:58] glatzor: We'll have to discuss this tomorrow I guess [17:59] Tonio_, no. the deps are perfect. [17:59] Tonio_, just depend on packagekit [17:59] glatzor: oki doki [18:00] Tonio_, packagekit depends on the backends [18:00] glatzor: yeah I've seen that [18:00] Tonio_, circular dependencies would be a pain in upgrade situations [18:00] glatzor: yeah It's just strange to me that the lib doesn't depend on the backend... [18:01] glatzor: but you certainly have a good reason for this :) [18:01] glatzor: I'll fix the deps on the kpackagekit package [18:02] rgreening: gdm worked on vesa [18:02] shtylman: it has to be 64bit related... I installed on my x86 with intel 945gme and it runs fine. [18:03] shtylman: I wonder if kde meeds a rebuild? [18:03] Riddell: ^^ [18:03] that would be an easy first step [18:03] maybe just kdm? [18:03] fabo: ping. need some held. did you test your debian qt 4.5.0 with amd64 bit? [18:03] shtylman: maybe... [18:04] what source package has kdm in it? [18:04] rgreening: gdm also works with intel driver [18:04] kdebase-workspace [18:05] shtylman: ok, so you have a working solution for the moment. I'll upload workspace to my PPA and rebuild [18:05] rgreening: ok [18:05] shtylman: do yo uget the mtrr error message? [18:05] with gdm [18:06] not that I can see [18:06] hrmmm [18:06] but I do get the tiling error [18:07] shtylman: maybe you had that before. [18:07] its possible [18:07] the gdm log has no mention of the mtrr error [18:07] nor does xorg [18:08] shtylman: I get the tiling erron on my 945 on x86 which works [18:08] (how long does ppa take to compile?) [18:08] rgreening: ok..so thats not a problem, only mtrr [18:08] dunno. cant remember [18:08] seems to be a symptom for sure [18:09] rgreening: is it like a day? or less? just curious for my own files whether its worth it to use ppa or compile locally === jjesse-jaunty is now known as jjesse [18:10] hr maybe? [18:11] oh wow...thats faster than I thought [18:11] uploaded [18:11] qt4.5.0 taks 3 hrs [18:11] damn [18:11] I don't think workspace is that long [18:12] rgreening: you uploaded qt4.5 packages? :3 [18:12] Quintasan: yes. do you have 64 bit or 32 bit? [18:12] 64 bit [18:12] oh joy! [18:12] awesome. we need help [18:12] Quintasan: willing to break something [18:12] Anytime :3 [18:13] ok, qt 4.5.0 in my PPA doesn't seem to like 64 bit (at least with intel vid) [18:13] just let me backup my home [18:13] Quintasan: do you have intel vid or other? [18:13] radeon 9550 [18:13] ok, good a diff card to try [18:14] Quintasan: I would recommend installing gdm as it seems to work if kdm fails (which is what we see) [18:14] Quintasan: my ppa: https://launchpad.net/~roderick-greening/+archive/ppa [18:15] shtylman: can you update via PPA. A new qt built and I disabled some patches... [18:15] kk, I'll test it asap, just need to eat something @_@ [18:16] kk [18:16] Riddell: can you please upload also http://paste.ubuntu.com/120220/plain/ ? [18:17] rgreening: watch pactches disabled? [18:18] rgreening: I do update, but see no new at packages [18:18] 0180, 30,40,41,50,70,71,80,81 [18:18] *qt [18:18] shtylman: oh, maybe repor hasnt copied yet... [18:18] build is done... [18:19] oh and 16 was disabled too. [18:20] shtylman: you still have the PPA enabled? [18:21] yea [18:21] devfil2: it builds fine without any modification? [18:22] nixternal: you around or still out looking for a job? [18:22] both :) [18:22] Riddell: yes, do you want the build log? [18:22] shtylman: try updating again. its available [18:22] devfil2: I'll take your word for it [18:22] new qt package? [18:23] nixternal: working on add-applications should we use kpackagekit or Add and Remove Software? Or software Managemetn in the docs [18:23] shtylman: ~ppa10 [18:23] don't see it [18:23] hrmm, good question.... [18:23] Riddell: is add/remove going to get replaced in jaunty? [18:23] I updated but dist-upgrade doesn't want to update anything [18:23] Riddell: https://edge.launchpad.net/~d.filoni/+archive/ppa/+build/875760 [18:23] shtylman: or did you install ~ppa10 already? [18:24] i thought add remove would be replaced by kpackagekit? or am i not understanding how things are working [18:24] i thought it would stay but the big adept thingy was going bye bye [18:24] nixternal: probably not, rgreening is working with upstream on it [18:24] rgreening: I have ppa10 already [18:24] Riddell: so it is safe to use add/remove in the documentation then? [18:24] shtylman: ok... [18:24] Riddell: did you upload qt 4.5.0 yet? [18:24] rgreening: not yet [18:25] rgreening: I am off to class, will get on irc there and continue [18:25] jjesse: I am planning on doing some doc work this weekend...we are supposed to bug jam on saturday, but they are calling for 6+ inches of snow [18:25] shtylman: ty [18:25] hrmm so i've removed some references to add/remove so we should revert [18:25] Riddell: if you haven't heard or caught on, I am no longer employed :( so that means you need to make some room for me to get back in if I can :) [18:26] nixternal: erk, that's nasty [18:26] that it is [18:26] Riddell: if I have a FFE think the changes can be made before launch for the add remove. I have a kcm that can be used as Add/Remove in start menu. [18:30] rgreening: how does that work? [18:31] kcmshell4 kpk_addrm_simple will launch my module. we have a desktop link for that in the start menu. [18:31] yes? [18:33] rgreening: but how does it get the list of applications and populate its tree view? that's what you were struggling with before [18:34] Riddell: oh, that's a work in progress with upstream. I was only saying how "it could/would" be. Some of the work is already patched in upstream for app-install-data, packagekit and kpackagekit. I have to get those patches, review and see whats missing and how I need to integrate. [18:35] rgreening: hrm, that means changing to the new version of packagekit presumably [18:36] nixternal, jjesse: probably best not to refer to it in docs yet anyway [18:36] no, the patch would be available/backported to 0.3.14. This is a requirement we discussed with packagekit team and they agreed. [18:36] rgreening: oh, interesting [18:36] :) [18:36] who da man [18:37] rgreening: I compiled qt 4.5 with phonon and now I have