
=== playya__ is now known as playya
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loolrwhitby: So AIUI, NSLU2 images will now boot into the installer, but they fail due to OOM; our kernel seems to be too large13:06
loolrwhitby: It might be that we need to drop stuff from our large kernel13:07
loolrwhitby: ogra will be working on this, but I suggested he gets in touch with you; the bug to track this issue is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/33151013:08
loolrwhitby: BTW daily images are at http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/dists/jaunty/main/installer-armel/current/images/ixp4xx/netboot/13:10
loolkernel + initrd for netboot into Ubuntu's d-i, and flashable image13:10
loolnetboot will likely not work though13:10
ograrwhitby, though for now i'll just try to adjust our kernel to the debian lenny config13:10
ogralool, well, it works up to some point13:11
loologra: Can you use an initrd with redboot?13:11
loolI mean a remote initrd13:11
ograon the nslu2 ?13:11
ograi dont think so13:11
loolI fear redboot sets the atag to what it expects13:11
loologra: Right, so the netboot image is relatively useless13:11
ograthe netboot image uses apex by default13:12
loologra: You mean the firmware image13:12
ograoh, you mean the split one13:12
ograheh, yeah, i doubt that works for anyone, but you can for example modify the initrd.gz and roll your own firmware image with slugimage13:12
ograso it has some use, even though its a massive corner case ...13:13
ogralike in the outer tip of the corner :)13:13
loolYeah, I wanted to underline that the kernel and initrd are mostly useless as they stand; I don't even know whether's it the apex initrd or the one which should be wrapped in an apex initrd13:14
ograthe one that should be wrapped13:14
ograits plain13:15
loolRight, so one has to do some devio + apex dance to rebuild a firmware, not trivial really13:15
ogranot to hard either if you have the script13:15
ograi sould probably dump that on the wiki13:15
ograthough i have bigger probs to solve atm13:16
ograthan to add hacks for corner cases13:16
loologra: This was just a note for rwhitby13:16
ograi dont think cjwatson uploaded the d-i with the fixes for the kbd qeustions yet btw13:16
ogramight only fully work with next d-i upload13:17
loolThat's minor though13:17
loologra: (You mean the fact that you're asked for console setup while you're not using a keyboard right?)13:18
ograyes, before ssh starts13:18
ograso its useless without serial port13:18
ograsince it waits for input on the kbd questions13:19
ograthe next upload rips out all kbd stuff from d-i13:19
ograi decided its better than to preseed it ...13:19
ograsaves some ram for the keymaps13:20
ograand its unlikely people use slugs as desktop systems i bet :)13:20

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