
[reed]asac: um, NM is doubling my network interfaces03:49
asac[reed]: only 3G devices?09:29
asacoh intrepid?09:29
asacthen its not NM, but udev and hal09:29
asacmconnor: so seems there is something public - finally: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotificationDesignGuidelines10:22
asacthere also is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD for the new notification daemon, but i guess only the design guidelines matter to you10:23
gnomefreakis gdm broken for anyone else?10:35
asachmmm .... havent re-logged in10:41
asacgnomefreak: ask on -desktop10:41
gnomefreaki will im trying a few things but since gdm is crashing i doubt anythink else will help10:42
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
fta2dtchen, help! after a fresh upgrade (no ppa), i lost sound completely, p-a just sees a "null output" device. http://paste.ubuntu.com/120087/12:05
fta2E: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_update() returned a value that is exceptionally large: 13835058055282159680 bytes (418293516387 ms) Most likely this is an ALSA driver bug. Please report this issue to the PulseAudio developers.13:49
fta2Soft CPU time limit exhausted, terminating.13:49
fta2Hard CPU time limit exhausted, terminating forcibly.13:49
asacfta2: are you using all defaults?13:57
fta2on this box, yes14:02
BUGabundogood afternoon everyone14:02
BUGabundoasac: I "accidently" removed NMs DHCP entrie14:02
BUGabundoI made a new one, but its not default anymore!14:02
BUGabundohow can I fix it?14:02
* BUGabundo h@tes the new gwibber notifies popups for jaunty :(14:03
asacBUGabundo: best way is to go and remove the connection you dont want to connect to anymore14:03
asacBUGabundo: that will be fixed once archive admins push it through14:03
asacor use latest gwibber bzr14:04
BUGabundoI have the daily14:04
BUGabundolet me check for updates14:04
BUGabundoasac: but I have 4 connections in there14:04
BUGabundoI can't delete them all, just to make (manual) DHCP be the 1st14:05
asacBUGabundo: just disable autoconnect for the others14:06
BUGabundobut that also comes in handy when NM detects the same network14:07
asacBUGabundo: if its wireless and multiple APs withauto connect on are detected14:09
asacits supposed to connect to the last used14:09
asacif notits a bug14:09
BUGabundoits wired14:09
BUGabundoasac: I complain from having 300+ bugs14:43
BUGabundobut you have 1611         results14:43
BUGabundooh come on14:46
BUGabundothere's a https://edge.launchpad.net/~canonical-smokers ?!?14:46
BUGabundoI bet gnomefreak is in it too14:46
BUGabundosmoke is bad... you guys should do your best to stop!14:46
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
asacBUGabundo: not sure what "bug" means ;)15:01
asacin this count15:01
BUGabundosub to....15:01
BUGabundoI guess15:01
asaci that the number of bugs still open that one has touched?15:01
BUGabundoas team or package manager15:01
BUGabundoAFAIK its bugs you are notified of15:02
BUGabundoI would think15:02
asacno i think its a bug you have touched or either are explicitly subscribed to15:02
asacand that is still open15:03
asacyou can go to advanced search and search for all states and unhide duplicates15:03
BUGabundosure, it won't count dups15:03
fta2how can i enter a ♥ or a ♲ in gwibber??15:09
asacok i am out for a few hours running some errands15:12
fta2how come fta is not here?16:15
BUGabundoDOA ?16:19
fta2i see no difference /wrt the notifications, is it supposed to be a new default that i missed or should I install something?16:35
asacfta2: notify-osd16:46
asacdo you have that installed/running?16:47
BUGabundoI don't16:48
BUGabundonot even installed16:48
BUGabundoI didn't have ubuntu-desktop lol16:48
BUGabundoI thought I fixed that16:49
fta2asac, nope, should I16:57
BUGabundohummm fta2 if it comes with ubuntu-desktop, yes16:59
BUGabundofta2: gwibber DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name :1.86 was not provided by any .service files17:00
BUGabundotells you anything?17:00
fta2nope, it's running fine here17:01
fta2but i only use identi.ca17:02
BUGabundohumm its running fine here too17:02
BUGabundobut it just crashed17:02
BUGabundoprob failed to parse something17:02
BUGabundooh and you gonna "kill" me again17:02
BUGabundoI installed from bzr17:02
BUGabundocouldn't handle all those popups17:03
BUGabundolets see if the next daily will run, or will I have to purge it17:03
fta2for me, it sometimes crashes when i start to write something but forget to submit it17:11
BUGabundomine tends to crash if I'm TOO FAST17:12
BUGabundobuffer bug17:12
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asacok ... out for another two hours or so.18:05
asaccu later18:06
=== asac_ is now known as asac
ezzieyguywufi would like to write an extension for thunderbird but dont know where to start as far as documentation for developing for thunderbird. can anyone provide me with some resources?22:01
BUGabundoasac: ping22:02
BUGabundoare you around?22:02
BUGabundowould like to discuss something with you, before emailing -discuss ML22:02
ezzieyguywufany help guys?22:03
BUGabundoezzieyguywuf: this is a calm time now22:04
BUGabundoplease email the mozilla team ML22:05
BUGabundoif you can't stay around22:05
=== fta2_ is now known as fta2
BUGabundofta2: is this that you see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/33180522:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 331805 in gwibber "rev 245 will not clear message field" [Undecided,New]22:23
fta2ahh, at last!22:26
ftapower down, my whole office, probably a fried fuse22:27
BUGabundoyou got your clone back22:27
BUGabundofta2: is this that you see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/33180522:27
ubottuUbuntu bug 331805 in gwibber "rev 245 will not clear message field" [Undecided,New]22:27
ftacaused by the power adapter of my laptop22:27
BUGabundoahah... really lucky then22:27
ftano idea if it's a fuse, the plug in the wall is dead22:28
ftai had to recable everything22:28
ftaand fsck all the disks in my desktop :P22:28
ftaso, what about gwibber?22:29
BUGabundofta2: is this that you see https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/33180522:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 331805 in gwibber "rev 245 will not clear message field" [Undecided,New]22:32
BUGabundofor the 3rd time22:32
BUGabundohumm you burned the wall socket with the power adpatar?22:32
ftasorry, i'm still booting all my stuff22:32
BUGabundodamn... what does it use ? lolol22:32
BUGabundonp, just kidding22:32
BUGabundotake most of what I say with an hand of salt (joke)22:33
ftadonno what happened, the laptop was fine in another room, i move it close to my desktop, plugged the power, boom, everything dead22:33
ftachecked everything, the wall socket is dead22:34
ftatried the power module in another plug, huge spark22:34
BUGabundobe carful22:34
BUGabundothose can hurt you if you don't know what u are doing22:34
BUGabundoI have some experience with it22:34
BUGabundomy dad is an electritian22:35
ftai'm an engineering in electronics ;)22:36
ftaand in advanced CS too btw22:36
ftabut i hate electronics22:36
ftaBUGabundo, nope, never experienced 33180522:37
BUGabundoI was 4 years in university on Computer Electronics and Electricity22:38
BUGabundobut then changed to computer science eng22:38
BUGabundohad my last exam today (SGRAI = OpenGL)22:39
ftawhen i was still at school, opengl was in its infancy, i used GL a bit on Irix, i never used openGL22:43
BUGabundoI really don't enjoy it22:44
BUGabundoI know its trully powerfull22:44
BUGabundoI made an homer go around in the world22:45
BUGabundobut I don't enjoy coding all that much22:45
ftai only enjoy it when it's for myself, that includes opensource22:47
BUGabundoI understand22:48
BUGabundothe power to do it yourself22:48
BUGabundoimprove stuff that you need / like22:48
asacBUGabundo: what discussion?22:54
BUGabundoasac: ahhh now I remmember what22:54
* BUGabundo has really bad memory22:54
asacas long as you have remembory its ok ;)22:55
BUGabundowhat would you say to a proposal of having some of the packages that are on PPA, from CoreDevs on Universe?22:55
BUGabundoduring devel period22:55
BUGabundoand who knows even after release22:55
BUGabundobut with a diff name22:55
BUGabundopic NM22:55
BUGabundostable branch on Main22:55
asaci dont see the benefit ;)22:56
BUGabundoand a replacble version (maybe NM-dev or something) on universe22:56
asacwhy would you want to do that?22:56
BUGabundotwo things22:56
BUGabundomirroring from archive mirrors (PPAs are not mirrored)22:56
BUGabundoand having easy access to users, without adding PPAs22:57
asaci dont buy any of those22:57
asaci mean mirroring is not a problem22:57
asaci doubt that there is any significant load/bottleneck in bandwidth22:57
asacand coredevs would put their stuff in archive instead of PPA if they would consider it ready for broader distribution22:58
BUGabundohumm I do notice it22:58
BUGabundomy local/national mirrors are way faster22:58
asacyes, but even if there is a bottleneck in bandwidth ;) ... there are many approaches besides from puttin it into the universe22:58
asacask your mirror to mirror popular PPAs ;)22:59
asacbut the important part is really, that when i put stuff into PPA, I dont want it in the archive23:00
asacone main usecase is obviously backports23:00
asacthere is ubuntu-backports, but what i understood a few dont like to enable backports23:01
asachence i use PPAs23:01
asacmaybe thats the wrong approach though23:01
asaclet me relogin23:01
asaca minute23:01
BUGabundoI enable backports23:02
BUGabundobut I don't for proposed23:03
BUGabundoand that's what I say on my FOSS class...23:03
BUGabundoby the away new ones start 7 of march23:03
asacBUGabundo: ok the notification things are now fixed in latest nm-applet from today23:06
asacgwibber probably takes another day23:06
asacask the gwibber team to update their ppa ;)23:07
BUGabundousing trunk seems to fix it23:07
asacit landed everywhere23:07
BUGabundoand ppl are complaining about NM lolol23:07
BUGabundonow I just miss exaile, firefox, and pidgin, kmail, and im done23:08
BUGabundobasicly that what I use23:08
asacfirefox should be fine23:08
BUGabundoplus a few bt clients23:08
asacfirefox will still keep its own thing23:08
BUGabundohumm haven't seen any FF show up in there23:08
BUGabundoahh ok23:08
asacBUGabundo: interesting that people complain a lot ... i wanted t close a bug on upload and had to file one,  because there was non reported23:09
asacso i didnt really get many complains ;)23:09
asacbut well. most dont upgrade daily if they run jaunty23:09
BUGabundoppl talk much do little23:09
asactoo much disruption23:09
asacmore like once a week23:09
BUGabundohey, I can't open any more bugs23:09
asacand especially not short before FF ;)23:09
asacwhere everything goes in23:09
BUGabundoI do it 2/4 times a day23:09
asacthats ok23:09
asaci dont need many bugs.23:10
asacjust the most important ones ;)23:10
BUGabundoI love to see coments from ppl saying " hay 200 MiBs of updates"23:10
BUGabundoI get way more!23:10
BUGabundobtw I haven YET received a single email over the NM bug mail23:10
BUGabundothought it would be more23:10
asacwhat did you do?23:10
asacsubscribed to nm?23:11
asac BUGabundo you seem to be not subscribed to the package23:12
asacBUGabundo: look in 4737923:13
asacyou should be in the "Also notified" list23:13
asacthats who is subscribed in general mostly23:13
BUGabundoI subs to the team bug mail23:13
* BUGabundo checks to be sure23:13
BUGabundonot the package it self23:13
asacBUGabundo: yeah thats not it23:13
asacgo to the bugs page23:13
asacand subscribe23:13
BUGabundonow I get it23:13
asacthere is "subscribe to bugmail"23:14
BUGabundoshouldn't the team be subs to bug mail of the package?23:14
asacno please not23:14
asacthats good as it is ;)23:14
BUGabundosee team was easier23:15
asacwell ... better not force that on team members23:16
asacshould be opt in what everyone likes23:16
BUGabundo4x DONE23:17
asaci think its more effective to use website and do like23:19
asac1 day New processing23:19
asac1 day incomplete23:19
asac1 day confirmed23:19
BUGabundohumm I use email a lot23:19
asacor something23:19
BUGabundoand started to learn the LP api23:19
asacwell ... problem is that if you have too many bugs combined with bad memory23:19
BUGabundoso maybe I can get a few stuff on queue for when I'm offline23:19
asacyou will not get anything done ;)23:19
BUGabundomost of my day...23:19
asacjust mail that causes more mail and so on ;)23:19
asacgoing through new mail list is much more efficient ;)23:20
asacpersonal work style dependent of course23:20
asacyou could also use mail and focus on like 20 bugs23:20
asacand then finish them and go for another ;)23:20
asacbut i cannot do that23:20
BUGabundolet me see how it goes23:21
asacfor me that would require some more advanced bug flow tool23:21
BUGabundoif I can't handle it, I just leave you with more work23:21
asaci just want to prevent traffic without moving forward ;)23:21
BUGabundoand the API could be fun23:21
asacyou can do whatever you want of course23:21
BUGabundoI have to test with it a but23:21
asacjust try to remember what i said so you know what to do when you think things are not moving as quick as they could ;)23:22
asacBUGabundo: so the ideal mix is like dong the website style batches like i said regularly23:23
asacand if there ar ebugs that you are interested in particular you subscribe and filter that mail to a higher prio mailbox23:23
asacso you get quicker turnarounds23:23
ftai just updated the gwibber-team ppa with 0.823:23
BUGabundowasn't it 1.0?23:24
asacso you can combine the "focus on 20 bugs" with the "bug triaging by states on website"23:24
asacfta: thanks23:24
asacthat was much needed23:24
ftaBUGabundo, nope, there's no such thing as 1.023:24
dtchenfta: the error that you pasted WRT 0.9.14 means hw:0 couldn't be opened. Are the sound drivers loaded? Is your user in the audio group?23:24
ftadtchen, this problem disappeared by itself23:25
asacfta: did you upload to jaunty ppa?23:26
ftadtchen, it started after today's massive update + a reboot23:26
asaci think i still have intrepid url in there23:26
asaccan i update tat to jaunty?23:26
ftaasac, yes, why not?23:26
ftai'm using gwibber-daily btw23:27
asacnot sure ... i think when i added that jcastro said they had no jaunty23:27
asacfta: i got bzr 20023:27
asacthats probably outdated?23:27
BUGabundoyeah asac23:28
BUGabundoim on 24523:28
asacprobably wait till its build then23:29
asacok taking a break23:29
BUGabundofta: will the jaunty gwibber be kept in sync with PPA?23:34
ftayes, all my stuff are in sync, whatever PPA combination you may have, the best version wins, that's it.23:35
BUGabundoill keep daily, plus ocassional bzr trunk for quick fix23:36
ftawhy bzr trunk? can't you wait 24h max?23:37
BUGabundoexample: todays annoying bug with popups: answer: NO23:37
ftathere's a problem with the dailies though, the version is lower than 0.8 :( upstream should bump the version in trunk23:37
fta0.8~bzr < 0.823:38
ftatrunk should be 0.8.1 or 0.9 or whatever > 0.823:39
BUGabundobut why?23:40
ftato be ahead23:40
ftaaccording to apt23:40
BUGabundoso bzr trunk _should_ be ahead of package versions23:41
ftaonce 0.8 is in universe, the daily ppa will be useless, as versions will be lower23:41
BUGabundois that it?23:41
BUGabundook got it23:42
BUGabundohave you let know them that?23:42
BUGabundodo you want me to email/file a bug about that?23:42
BUGabundoor ping guys on #gwibber irc #?23:42
ftai asked oldmanuk already, nada23:42
ftai'm not on their network, i should probably file a bug23:43
BUGabundosub me to it when you do23:45
ftagnome-do 0.8.1~trunk+r1005-0~8.10~ppa1  yeah, funny version23:46
ftaopen-vm-tools 2008.08.08-109361-1ubuntu2.2~andersk4 lol23:46
ftanetwork-manager-applet 0.7.1~rc1+20090219+bzr974-0ubuntu1 :)23:47
asacfta: heh :) ... yeah i took 0.7.1~rc1 + 1 commit23:48
BUGabundotime to hit the sack! see you guys (and galls if any around) tomorrow. don't you ever sleep? its late on your timezone23:53
asacill sleep soonish23:54

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