
nickrud_good afternoon00:24
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.01:03
=== nickrud_ is now known as nickrud
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:03
Myrttiomg, I'm the grep wizard.01:04
MyrttiI'm ready to cry01:16
Myrttidoing work at 0300 am is fun01:16
Myrttithis works01:16
MyrttiIT WORKS01:19
* genii sips02:28
Myrttigenii: did you see the url :->02:28
geniiMyrtti: Just checking it now :)02:28
MyrttiI lol'd02:29
geniiMyrtti: That is freaking hilarious :)02:32
MyrttiI know ^___^02:32
* genii takes a coffee02:32
MyrttiI microwaved some just now02:32
geniiToo bad I don't have a secretary to throw out the window.....02:33
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
geniiThis guy in #k is making me desire to head-desk greatly02:42
tritiumGood evening.03:00
* Pricey waves03:01
tritiumHi Pricey :)03:02
* genii slides tritium a heated beverage03:04
tritiumThanks, genii!03:04
geniitritium: Yer welcome :)03:04
Myrttideadlines ♥ 03:06
tritiumWorking hard, Myrtti?03:06
Myrttitritium: yeah. emacs/LaTeX/MediaWiki grind03:07
Myrttiand a bit of regex and grep03:07
tritium♥ LaTeX03:08
Myrttifor file in /plain_html/*.wiki;do title=`grep -m 1 -e " ==" ${file} | grep -o "[a-zA-Z0-9_\ ]* ==" | grep -o "[^\ ][a-zA-Z0-9_\ ]*[^\ ==]"`;sudo php maintenance/importTextFile.php --title "${title}" --user Myrtti --comment "import" ${file};done03:08
* Myrtti whistles03:08
Myrttiyes, I do love my work03:08
tritiumThat is a good thing.03:09
Myrttiit was lovely to see how the latex2html exported the latex to html03:10
Myrttithen to see how html2wiki exported the html to wiki03:10
Myrttiand then to see that wonderful oneliner import the wikified files to my little mediawiki ♥03:11
Myrttijust pure love03:11
MyrttiCAN I HAZ BED?!03:40
tritiumI'm definitely planning on getting to bed early tonight, especially after last night.03:40
* mneptok yawns03:46
mneptokmore snow. yay.03:46
tritiumHi mneptok.03:47
tritiumGood night!03:49
* mneptok tootles of to Slumberville03:51
Myrttisomeone watch out for soddice at -ot03:56
Myrtti@bansearch soddice03:56
ubottuNo matches found for soddice!n=soddice@ in any channel03:56
nickrudMyrtti, 'evening ladies' is a colloquial greeting to a group of men, Just in Case04:06
Myrttisecond time today I poked the scab on my knee with my thumb nail04:07
Myrttithe PAIN04:07
nickrudwell, don't do that. Simple :)04:07
* Myrtti curses loudly04:07
Myrttinickrud: if I had done it by purpose, I wouldn't scream04:07
Myrttidamnit that hurt04:07
Myrttinickrud: yeah I know04:07
geniiMaybe keep an eye on slimer in #u04:11
genii"<slimer> satan is the true light04:11
* genii hands out more coffees04:16
Myrtti!-search cairo04:19
ubottuFound: cairo-dock04:19
Myrtti!cairo-dock > Myrtti04:19
ubottuMyrtti, please see my private message04:19
geniiBah. First time I may have to kick someone. What is fast syntax for this?04:19
genii(slimer now in #k carrying on)04:19
Myrtti/^msg chanserv op $C $N;/wait 50;/quote remove $C  $0 :Please see  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcTeam/AppealProcess if you feel  mistreated;/^msg chanserv op  $C -$N04:21
Myrttiadjust to own preference04:21
* genii hugs Myrtti04:22
geniiLuckily he seems to be behaving now :)04:22
MyrttiI've got my finger on the trigger at u04:23
geniiooops I've been /away and forgot04:30
geniibazhang: Thanks04:32
geniiNot sure if this laggy key guy is for real yet or no04:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about busybox04:35
* Myrtti sods off to bed04:56
Myrttisee you in... three or so hours04:56
geniiWeird. Why after hours and hours would it disconnect me fo no ping. When my router has never been set to ever respond to icmp anyhow.05:34
* genii then remembers it's jussi01's box, likely05:36
* nickrud enjoys the random blather here05:44
geniinickrud: Sometimes I type out loud.05:49
nickrudgenii, makes me feel at home. I blather muchly05:55
* genii sips his decaf06:56
Myrtti@bansearch mechminx08:01
ubottuNo matches found for mechminx!*@* in any channel08:01
* Myrtti feels quite energetic but still weird08:10
topylienergetic but weird. sounds about right to me08:13
Myrttiubottu: tell Xikkub[A] about away08:16
* jussi01 is anything but energetic... sluggish sounds a good word...08:21
* genii jolts awake08:23
geniijussi01: Thats about my situation right now. I keep laying down to sleep, doesn't happen. Check in on computer. Drink milk. Repeat.08:27
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (clone flood)09:01
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood)09:01
geniiAttack of bots in #u09:01
ikoniaall gone09:03
* genii sips his milk09:04
* Myrtti tries to OD on caffeine, sips more coffee09:04
geniiBleh. Work starts in 4 hours from now. I'm wondering why I'm even trying to sleep at this point now.09:06
jussi01genii: try not to sleep, then I guaratee youll sleep... ie. say I am going to stay up till X time... :P09:24
* genii considers trying to reverse-psychologize himselves09:25
geniiThe prob now is that if I manage to snooze, likely I'll keep turning off the alarm snooze while in a zombified state09:26
geniijussi01: I'm almost getting hypnotized watching compile msgs on my terminal actually (trying for the Qt4.5)09:29
jussi01genii: give me your number, Ill call you in 4 hours :P09:30
geniiI think I'll /away and try bed again. Hopefully I won't have to carry my laptop all the way into work as it keeps compiling.09:33
jussi01nini genii09:33
geniijussi01: Laters :)09:34
Tm_Tbah, professor is bragging about his vim options09:42
Myrttislap him with emacs09:42
Myrttino, dont09:42
ubottuIn #ubuntu, Favorit said: !ps1 is http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Bash-Prompt-HOWTO/09:47
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ikonia@bansearch blackjack11:45
ubottuNo matches found for blackjack!*@* in any channel11:45
ikoniajester-: how can we help11:53
jester-can anyone tell me who other than Ljl manage foodbot?11:53
ikoniathis channel does11:54
ikonia(do you mean the running or code)11:54
jester-LjL had palced 2 flood in ubuntu-it irc11:55
ikoniayes he probably did11:55
ikoniahe's active in #ubuntu-it 11:55
jester-ikonia: LjL is in our channel but the floodbots are down ant it don ansewer11:56
ikoniaooh right11:56
jester-and he, sorry for my bad english11:56
ikoniaI'll see if I can grab someone to et it to rejoin11:56
ikoniajester-: your english is fine, no need to apologise11:56
ikonianalioth: Pricey jussi01 ping11:57
jester-ikonia: ok thank you11:57
ikoniaelky_work: ping11:57
ikonia!staff | "event" spamming multiple channels with sex links11:58
ubottu"event" spamming multiple channels with sex links: Hey nalioth, jenda, rob, SportChick, seanw, Dave2, Christel, tomaw, Gary, Vorian or PriceChild, I could  use a bit of your time :)11:58
jussi01ikonia: you need to sort flodbots out with nalioth or other, I dont know much about them tbh12:16
mrglinuxplease introduce fast and light audio player - i try rythmbox-amarok-banshe but they use cpu a lot 13:39
Picimrglinux: You are not in #ubuntu, you have been forwarded to the operator channel due to your behavior when you last left the channel.13:41
Piciikonia: around?13:41
ikoniajust about13:42
ikoniamrglinux: hi 13:42
ikoniaPici: thanks13:42
Piciikonia: shirley13:42
ikoniamrglinux: I've forwarded you here and blocked you from going into the ubuntu channel due to your behaviour in the channel when you where last in13:43
ikoniathe fact that you didnt get a response to your question before commenting "fuck all" and quickly exiting the channel is not acceptable behaviour13:43
mrglinuxi think most of user ubuntu aren't professional and ask and answer too fast .. so this channel is not usable  13:44
ikoniamrglinux: I'd like to know why you felt the need to make the comment before yo uleft the channel13:44
ikoniamrglinux: if you feel that - you are wrong, but if you don't find the channel usable - I suggest you don't join it13:44
ikoniamrglinux: you waited 2 minutes for a response to your question before saying "fuck all"13:45
ikoniathat is not the users of the channel being unprofessional - that is you being impatient and rude.13:45
ikoniaThe channel is not a professional paid for channel, it is a group of people giving their time for free, which incidentially most of them do with a very professional manner 13:45
ikoniamrglinux: I'm going to offer you some links which I'd like you to read before you will be alloed back into the ubuntu support channel13:46
ikoniaThey describe guidelins and excepted behaviour to particiapte in the channel13:47
ikonia!coc | mrglinux 13:47
ubottumrglinux: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/13:47
ikonia!guidelines | mrglinux 13:47
ubottumrglinux: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines13:47
mrglinuxikonia that interesting i don't remember my behavior . but the speed is too fast . i loss my im  and scroll to top .. some question just answer .it13:47
mrglinuxit's better to separate the subject of commutation in channels 13:48
ikoniamrglinux: no matter how fast the channel is scrolling "fuck all" is not acceptable13:48
ikoniamrglinux: I'd request you read the links ubottu just offered you and come back and explain that you know how to behave in ubuntu irc channels13:48
jussi01mrglinux: is english your native language? if not, you may want to try using you Loco channel, a bit slower and easier (localised) support. 13:49
ikoniajussi01: he's already in that channel - hence why I won't accept the excuse in #ubuntu 13:49
mrglinuxikonia you are right. maybe im be a little angry . any way i always  solved my problem myself and maybe i don't back to ubunu channel 13:49
ikoniamrglinux: that is your decision to make 13:49
mrglinux jussi01 i best ubuntu user in my native channel 13:50
mrglinuxbut sometime i feel nobody13:50
mrglinuxdoesn't read my message 13:51
ikoniamrglinux: if you would like to be allowed back into the main ubuntu channel, your welcome to re-join this channel to resolve this issue13:51
ikoniamrglinux: if there is nothing else your welcome to leave this channel and cary on with your day13:52
ikonia"carry" sorry 13:52
ikoniamrglinux: that was quick13:52
ikoniamrglinux: anything else you need ?13:53
mrglinuxi don't know.. i back to my work... i install beep .. i just want a idea for a audio player..13:54
* mneptok just got mrglinux sorted14:03
ikoniamneptok: of really ?14:03
ikoniamneptok: what happened ?14:03
mneptok09:00 [mrglinux(n=mrg@unaffiliated/linux-mrg)] i accept your opinion14:03
mneptokyou just need to know the fraemwork in which to build the conversation.14:04
mneptokin this case, he's idling in #ubuntu-ir14:04
mneptokso ....14:04
mneptok08:55 [msg(mrglinux)] your actions reflect on Ubuntu, on the Islamic Republic, and on Muslims. think about this, please.14:04
mneptokmrglinux: a-salaam aleykum.14:05
mrglinuxmneptok hi mate14:06
Tm_Thi kids14:06
mneptokhow may we help you?14:06
ikoniamrglinux: do you need someething in here ?14:11
ikonia!idle  mrglinux 14:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about idle  mrglinux14:13
ikonia!idle  |mrglinux 14:13
ubottumrglinux: Please keep in mind that this channel is for operator/abuse questions only; we ask you to part when you have no further business here in order to keep track of users with pending inquiries.14:13
mneptokmrglinux: the rules are quite clear. idling in this channel is not allowed.14:16
Myrttimrglinux: did you have something to say to us?14:17
jussi01tag team! :D14:18
ikoniagym time14:18
jussi01yep, Im heading to the pool soon :)14:19
mrglinuxwhat's happen here? i'm not here 14:24
Myrttimrglinux: did you have something to talk with us?14:24
Myrttimrglinux: you cannot just stay here unless you have something to say14:24
mrglinuxMyrtti not more... but when the ubuntu channel open?14:24
mrglinuxMyrtti i'm on phone not computer14:24
MyrttiI'm not fit for this now14:25
Myrttimrglinux: it will be opened when you show and tell us you can behave14:25
mrglinuxMyrtti how to?14:26
* jussi01 nominate "mr patience" - ikonia14:26
Myrttijussi01: he's gone already14:27
mrglinuxok im confuse here 14:27
mrglinuxtake it easy14:27
=== mrglinux is now known as mrglinu1
mrglinu1bye bye14:28
PiciMyrtti: Revising the ban?14:28
Myrttithere we go14:30
MyrttiI'm too tired for this, really14:31
PiciMyrtti: It can be draining at times14:32
Myrtti>___< 5.10 PPC version...14:38
mneptok /j #debian14:39
mneptok"Lennify me."14:39
Myrttimneptok: feel free to tell him. I'm going to have a nap14:39
mneptokgood for you, you should. and i'm too busy to help.14:40
mrglinuxpeace :-D14:45
mrglinuxwhat do you want to hear ?14:45
mrglinuxoh idle ...14:47
mneptokmrglinux: we want you to read the Code Of Conduct and make a solemn promise to follow it. if you are saying it without honesty, there's no reasont o say anything.14:47
mneptokswearing at people is not following the Code Of Conduct14:47
mrglinuxmneptok no problem im honesty14:48
mrglinuxmneptok where is your Code Of Conduct14:48
ubottuThe Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/14:48
mneptokplease read that14:48
* mrglinux is reading14:50
mneptok05:03 < mrglinux> fuck all   <---- that Code Of Conduct clearly prohibits such behavior. agreed?14:53
mrglinuxmneptok yes i agreed before but i don't know why anybody didn't see my agreement 14:54
mrglinuxi have to back to work14:58
mneptokmrglinux: you will follow the CoC now?14:58
mrglinuxmneptok yes 14:58
mrglinuxi do that before but a little angry14:59
mneptokmrglinux: excellent. Myrtti, who banned you, will see this. i expect she will then un-ban you. but we take your oath seriously. so should you.14:59
mneptokgo to work. give Myrtti time. check here later if you have problems.15:00
mrglinuxim very happy man ;-)15:00
mneptokgood good. remember, idling here is not a good idea. ;)15:02
mrglinuxit's seems all people idle here .such as Myrtti anyway i come back to my work :-D15:03
mrglinuxbye bye15:03
* genii continues to stare at screen transfixed by compiler messages15:32
ubottuIn #kubuntu, Lummoxx_ said: !ubottu is pure awesome15:44
* ikonia returns15:55
ikoniainteresting mrglinux plays dumb - but knowns how to change his nick to ban dodge15:55
ikoniaknows even15:55
* ikonia 's brain is lacking oxygen after running15:55
Myrttiikonia: very intresting :-/17:10
* ikonia still has a headache17:10
* Myrtti sighs17:25
Myrttiikonia: :-D17:31
ikoniayeah yeah17:31
mrglinuxwhy i redirect here?17:33
* Myrtti reads the backlog17:34
ikoniamrglinux: you where told hy17:34
Myrttimrglinux: you promise to behave?17:34
mrglinuxMyrtti how many times?17:34
Myrttimrglinux: how many times what?17:35
mrglinuxMyrtti promise to behave17:35
Myrttimrglinux: I'm sorry, I was having a nap while you were here the last time17:35
Myrttimrglinux: but you did promise to behave?17:35
ikoniamrglinux: did you read the documents I sent you ?17:35
ikoniaimpressivly quick17:36
Myrttimrglinux: now that you promised to behave, if we see you misbehaving in #ubuntu, you're going to end up coming here, and for a longer time17:36
Piciikonia: There has been quite a bit of time since he was here last.17:36
ikoniamrglinux: do you have the links to the documents I sent you ?17:37
mrglinuxikonia coc ?17:37
ikoniaPici: yes, I suppose a few hours have past17:37
ikoniamrglinux: yes17:37
mrglinuxi bored from your behave 17:37
Myrttiikonia: your call17:37
ikoniathere we have it17:37
ikoniadidn't take much 17:37
* Myrtti goes back to bed17:38
mrglinuxMyrtti are you sure?17:38
Myrttiikonia: should I or will you?17:38
Myrttihold on...17:38
ikoniaMyrtti: your ban - I'm not buying this as he knows how to ban dodge, and a simple question gets attitude back17:39
Pici<devils advocate>There may a language barrier here</da>17:39
ikoniaPici: he knows other words17:39
ikoniaand knows how to ban dodge which isn't a language think17:40
ikoniaknows how to drop cloak to get beyond a ban17:40
ikoniamrglinux: do you still have the links I sent you to read ?17:41
mrglinuxikonia would you like to translate them in my native language ?17:41
ikoniamrglinux: , no, just wondered if you still have them17:42
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:42
ikoniamrglinux: do you stil have them ?17:42
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)17:42
mrglinuxikonia ok17:42
ikoniamrglinux: ? I was just asking if you still have the URL's for the links I gave you, that's all17:43
mrglinuxikonia yes i saw them17:43
ikoniamrglinux: do you still have the links17:43
mrglinuxikonia yeeeeeeeees17:43
ikoniamrglinux: which ones did you read17:44
mrglinuxikonia coc17:44
ikoniamrglinux: what is the link you read ?17:44
ikoniamrglinux: could you post it to me so I know it's the right one please 17:44
mrglinuxyou really bored me 17:45
mrglinuxok i come back to work 17:46
ikoniamrglinux: have you got the other link too17:46
mrglinuxikonia no 17:46
ikoniamrglinux: then how did you read it ?17:47
mrglinuxikonia  i think17:47
ikoniamrglinux: I understand there may be a languge barrier here - so please don't take offence if we ask you to repeat something so we can understand it a little better17:48
ikoniamrglinux: what do you mean by "I think" 17:48
mrglinuxikonia i can think about everything and see them 17:49
ikoniamrglinux: I'm sorry, I don't undersand what you're saying 17:49
mrglinuxikonia i know that17:50
ikoniaPici: I'd leave this to your judgment with Myrtti as I have made my view point clear17:51
mrglinuxi like this channel17:53
Myrttithat's nice...17:56
Myrttimrglinux: I've taken your ban off. Behave.17:57
mrglinuxMyrtti mean you remove me from black list?17:57
Tm_Tmrglinux: yes17:58
nbeebohi i got banned for saying "u" instead of "you" is this right? 17:58
Myrttimrglinux: if there's nothing else, you may leave now17:58
Tm_Tnbeebo: who and where?17:58
nbeebotheres some ops that got personal hatred against me because of that17:58
Myrttimrglinux: have a nice day17:58
mrglinuxbut i like this channel .. everyone see my message and answer soon17:58
Picimrglinux: This is not a support channel.17:58
mrglinuxi don't have question17:59
mrglinuxmy problem solved with my self 17:59
Myrttimrglinux: feel free to leave then17:59
nbeebowell instead of flaming him can someone help me?17:59
mrglinuxi like here  // i want be in black list ans talk to you 17:59
Myrttinbeebo: once he's out17:59
nbeebook thanks18:00
Tm_Tnbeebo: saw my questions?18:01
nbeebooh missed it18:01
nbeebo#ubuntu-offtopic with some guys i cant remember18:01
nbeebobazhan-g, added - to not call for him18:01
nbeebor-ww not sure tho18:01
Tm_Tnbeebo: when?18:04
nbeebowell been before, been pretty active last few weeks, but ban was a few days ago,  but then they started point out i say "u" instead of "you"18:05
Tm_Tnbeebo: how did you respond?18:06
nbeebothen i said something like "its not against the rules" and "if u have so much problems with it maybe u should get a script that changes " u " to "you"18:06
nbeebothen they started to whine i said u in the sentence after, to mock them, i didnt even think about that, so i said it isnt true, then they called me troll etc18:06
Tm_Tnbeebo: you understand that you intentionally made unclear messages, right?18:07
nbeeboi dont understand ur sentence sorry... 18:08
PiciK99Brain: How can we help you today?18:08
Tm_Tnbeebo: ur?18:08
K99BrainHi all. I have a question and a request18:09
nbeeboit means "your"18:09
Tm_Tnbeebo: ah, see18:09
K99Brainquestion: Do you know which is the meaning of the +L mode for a channel?18:09
Pici!modes | K99Brain 18:09
ubottuK99Brain: There are many different channel and user modes on !freenode. Here's a list: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml18:09
Tm_Tnbeebo: again you made unclear message18:09
K99Brainthank you Pici 18:10
nbeebo u mean i say "u" and not "you"? 18:10
Tm_Tnbeebo: hmm, apparently yes18:10
MyrttiK99Brain: anything else?18:10
K99BrainI'm an operator in #ubuntu-it18:10
nbeebotm_t but this isnt intentionally, and it isnt against the rules to be unclear for that matter...18:10
K99Brainwe really need a floodbot18:11
K99Brainwhen can we have it?18:11
MyrttiK99Brain: welcome to #ubuntu-irc :-)18:11
nbeeboim just used to it, if i start saying "you" i need to think about it all the time, hard for me to change these things, ive tried18:11
K99Brainthanks Myrtti 18:11
Tm_Tnbeebo: ok, but you must understand its unclear to others18:12
MyrttiK99Brain: we can discuss the matter there18:12
K99BrainLjL-Temp, I'm asking to you in particular. Pleaseee18:12
Tm_Tnbeebo: so they WILL point it out18:12
nbeeboi dont think about it when i say it, but maybe it can18:12
nbeeboyes they can, but they think im doing it on purpose etc, im saying i dont18:12
K99BrainMyrtti, thank you. I know that jester has already asked for the same thing18:13
MyrttiK99Brain: if there's not anything else, we have an issue here at hand with nbeebo, so we'd like to continue this there18:13
nbeebothen im trying to have some serious conversation they ignore it and say "!u" or "i cant take a man who says "u" seriously" or etc, should i just /ignore them?18:13
Tm_Tnbeebo: you do it on purpose if its pointed out (:18:13
K99BrainMyrtti, ok. thank you18:13
K99Brainbye all18:13
nbeebono i dont, its my way of saying "u"18:13
nbeebothank you very much...18:13
Tm_Tnbeebo: so if others harrass you, they are just doing their way?18:14
nbeebowell, on purpose intentionally18:15
nbeeboto harass me18:15
Tm_Tnbeebo: no, its just their way, as said18:15
Tm_Tthats the excuse _you_ usr18:16
nbeebo? its not the same, u cant compare those18:16
Tm_Tnbeebo: they see your behaviour the same way18:17
Tm_Tthan you theirs18:17
Tm_Tthough, to me it seems that you are the one not willing to accept rules18:18
Tm_Tor something, I think I stop now, no keyboard here18:18
nbeebo_computer hung...18:19
nbeebo_Tm_T, where were we?18:20
nbeebo_anyway, it was a lot of stuff i wrote u, but to sum it up, is it right to get banned for just saying "u" instead of "you"?18:21
Myrttinbeebo_: there's several entries about you in our systems, and they're not just about your usage of "u"18:22
nbeebo_well, i mean the usage of "u" instead of "you" ofcourse18:23
nbeebo_oh that18:23
nbeebo_yeah but that was long time ago, cant even remember why18:23
Pici@bansearch nbeebo_ 18:23
ubottuMatch: *!*@217-210-198-227-no71.tbcn.telia.com by topyli in #ubuntu-offtopic on Feb 15 2009 14:54:27 (ID: 10044)18:23
nbeebo_pici i think u were among those who were very hostile to me about saying "u" at that time18:24
Picinbeebo_: I dont see myself at all in those logs.18:24
topylinbeebo_: it's not about "u" at all. neither is it about any other single offence. you refuse to take advice, and are not very likely to behave well18:24
nbeebo_but why should i take advice of chaning "u" to "you"?18:25
topylithat is, unless you have changed your mind18:25
nbeebo_u were also one of those against me18:25
nbeebo_u could tell me anything, if i didnt listen or obay u can ban me?18:25
topylipretty much. but if you think i have done so without sufficient reason, you can take it up18:26
topylifirst here of course, as you have18:26
nbeebo_yeah im doing it right now18:27
topyliyou have been provided with a link to the irc guidelines, and also with a long time of personal guidance and warnings when you refuse to live bu them on ubuntu channels. eventually you have been banned. i don't see where you were wronged18:29
nbeebo_yes ive done all of that, but i dont think i could be banned or just kicked out just because of that18:30
topyliyou have been told as much, by myself and others on -ot, several times18:32
topylithat you will in fact be banned, that is18:32
nbeebo_yeah, but that doesnt make it wrong, i could send 100 people there and point out everything about someone until he was banned?18:32
nbeebo_isnt ops about justice and not what THEY choose to think?18:33
topyliit is18:33
topyliwell, it is about seeing that the channel users are being nice and living by the CoC they have agreed to follow on #ubuntu-* channels18:34
nbeebo_yes, but that hasnt very much to do with it, everything can have to do with it, any personal and non techincal statement or so18:35
topylidepends on the channel. #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic are very different of course18:37
nbeebo_well since this isnt working, and differnet people tend to be ops im leaving and be back another time..18:37
nbeebo_well bye and thanks 18:37
* Myrtti rolls21:18
Seeker`how be?21:20
Myrttivewy tiwed21:21
MyrttiI'm hoping tomorrow I'll know if the project is going to end and if so, when21:25
Myrttion related news: 24d, 2h, 24m, 10s.21:25
Myrttiuntil my flight lands :-D21:27
Seeker`to where?21:27
MyrttiStansted :-D21:27
Seeker`business or pleasure?21:27
Myrttithat's a trick question :-D21:28
Myrttibusiness on pleasure :-D21:28
Seeker`how long for?21:29
MyrttiI have *NO* idea :-D21:29
Myrttiie. haven't bought flight back21:30
Seeker`forever? :P21:31
Myrttinope :-D21:31
Myrttiprolly about a month or so21:32
geniiping jussi0121:43
Seeker`Myrtti: would be nice to meet you if you ever end up nearby21:44
jussi01genii: pong21:46
geniijussi01: Got Qt4.5rc1 into a deb and installed. Arora and Quassel rebuilds are next...21:47
geniijussi01: Overslept BTW :)21:48
geniiAre you moving the core to 0.4 ?21:49
jussi01genii: rofl. 21:49
jussi01genii: core is git and always will be. updated when I feel like it. its close to 0.4 right now21:50
* genii makes more coffee 21:51
Nafallough. STN22:39
NafalloSeeker`: Stansted.22:40
Nafallohaving said that... I'm abusing the airport 13th.22:40
Seeker`I think Stanstead is closest to where she wants to end up22:40
Nafallostill a fail airport :-)22:41
Nafallodoesn't change based on location ;-)22:41
Seeker`whats wrong with it?22:41
jpdsSeeker`: He says "Everything."22:42
ikonia@bansearch grant-a23:03
ubottuMatch: *!*=kr0n0593@*.hsd1.tx.comcast.net by p_quarles in #ubuntuforums on Feb 14 2009 17:31:45 (ID: 10032)23:03
ikonia23:03 -!- tangentcollision [n=tangentc@c-98-192-96-72.hsd1.ga.comcast.net]23:03
ikoniasame guy ?23:03
ikonia.ga and .tx are they different locations ?23:04
ikoniatexas ?23:04
nickrud_georgia and texas23:36
* nickrud_ looks at timestamps, and wanders off23:37

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