
macohow can i find out how recent the drivers i'm using in jaunty are as compared to upstream Xorg?04:15
maxblook at the version number? :-)04:27
macoi mean as compared to git snapshots04:27
macoi'm being asked about the ddx04:27
RAOFWe don't appear to be using git snapshots at all.04:34
RAOFWel, with the exception of nouveau and openchrome.04:34
RAOFIf you're not on either of those, the answer is "pretty close to the release version".04:35
macowell i'm going to go ahead and try git master for intel and see if it's better than what's in jaunty, because the gpu wedges fairly often in jaunty. (uxa has no effect on how often)05:10
maco(that's on i965, if anyone cares. also when that happens and i alt+sysrq+k, it just makes vertical stripes. X doesn't die cleanly, so GDM doesn't re-spawn.)05:13
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mnemohi bryce :)19:43
mnemoeither you overslept badly or, you're in US western timezone?19:44
mnemo"bryce harrington" sounds so british ;>20:07
brycemnemo: I had an early morning meeting, then went for breakfast20:07
bryceit was a meeting about X gfx driver support on ARM20:07
mnemoah cool20:07
brycewhich sounds like it's going to be b!tch and probably the result is going to make nobody happy20:08
brycebut we'll see20:08
mnemooh, whats the issue that makes it hard?20:08
brycethere is currently no driver developed for the hardware, and the discussions so far are that the interested companies want to make a proprietary driver20:09
bryceon the plus side, I've really made some good progress against the -ati bug load the past couple days :-)20:10
brycewith tormod and other's help, we've gone from 158 bugs at the start of last month, to about 111 right now20:11
bryceand a big bulk of those are closed as fixed, not as expired20:11
mnemoi guess all bugs were against the open source ati driver right?20:12
bryceright, I'm not counting the -fglrx bugs20:12
brycethere were several which were just problems in -ati after having leftover bits of -fglrx, so don't know if those really should be counted as fixed, but the person's problem was solved in those cases20:12
bryceI don't want to look at -intel right now tho20:13
mnemoyea lots of people asking about intel perf etc20:14
mnemohave you seen this bug btw? --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl1.2/+bug/32893220:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 328932 in libsdl1.2 "X11 driver not configured with OpenGL" [High,Triaged]20:14
mnemoits an SDL bug but its sort of annoying20:15
mnemoi want to stress UXA with some games but..20:15
brycewish we could unsub ubuntu-x from lrm-2.6.24, heh20:15
mnemowhats lrm?20:16
brycemnemo: I don't normally look at libsdl bugs tbh, but will review real quick in case it is an X issue20:17
mnemoi think its a packing bug in libsdl20:17
mnemoso its definitely not in your area20:17
brycelooks like they're using -nvidia20:18
mnemoit repros on all cards20:18
mnemoso its like all sdl+GL games on all cards20:18
mnemobryce: for the the arm stuff.. are you considering ubuntu nvidia tegra?20:19
bryce    + Switch build-dependency to libgl1-mesa-dev from xlibmesa-gl-dev.20:21
bryce    + Switch dependency of libsdl1.2-dev to libglu1-mesa-dev from 20:21
bryce      libglu1-xorg-dev.20:21
brycethose changes in 1.2.13-3 seem relevant20:21
mnemoaah right20:22
brycethe ubuntu changes are all just sound stuff, which I wouldn't think could cause this20:22
brycethe 1.2.13-4 changes seem innocuous20:23
brycelots of changes in 1.2.13-3 though; that'd be my guess as to where to look.  Those mesa deps changes seem like the most relevant changes20:24
brycehmm, although in the previous ubuntu version before that, it already had one of those changes:20:25
bryce    - Prefer libgl1-mesa-dev build-dependency over xlibmesa-gl-dev.20:25
mnemoI also have a vague memory that it worked in early feb20:25
mnemobut i dont remember exact date when it stopped working20:26
brycewell it would probably be good to revert to libsdl1.2 (1.2.13-2ubuntu1) and verify you cannot reproduce the issue20:26
mnemoyea I will try that20:26
bryceif that is the case, then it points to one of the libsdl1.2 changes between that version and the current one20:26
bryceif not, then perhaps something in mesa or -nvidia is to blame20:26
bryceiirc we got new -nvidia drivers around that time20:27
brycemesa 7.3-1ubuntu1 got merged at the end of Jan, so sort of fits the timeframe too, although that was just going from an rc to the official release so was mostly just bug fixes20:28
bryceanyway, good luck20:29

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