knome | !icons | 00:01 |
ubottu | Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to (KDE) | 00:01 |
knome | ehm. | 00:01 |
knome | !changethemes | 00:02 |
ubottu | Themes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/ To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites | 00:02 |
Sw3RvE | where is ~/.themes/ | 00:03 |
B0BBY | Hello People. | 00:04 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: exactly there | 00:04 |
B0BBY | anyone know how to check what XFCE uses for rendering? | 00:04 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: that is, it's a hidden directory in your home directory | 00:04 |
Sw3RvE | that doesnt help me much... | 00:04 |
Myrtti | ~ is short for your home | 00:05 |
Sw3RvE | how do i access it | 00:05 |
Sw3RvE | oooo | 00:05 |
Sw3RvE | ok so in home how do i get to the themes folder | 00:05 |
Myrtti | tap ctrl-h | 00:07 |
Myrtti | and you should be able to see the hidden directories | 00:08 |
Sw3RvE | i see them. is there supposed to be a theme folder... i dont see one? | 00:08 |
B0BBY | themes for what? | 00:09 |
fearful | When I'm on Battery power my brightness doesn't dim, when I plug it back in to AC power, it dims. How can I fix this? | 00:10 |
Sw3RvE | applications/ settings manager / screen saver / power management | 00:11 |
fearful | Sw3RvE, yea well I already set the preferences there and nothing.. | 00:12 |
Sw3RvE | oh, idk then... sorry | 00:12 |
Sw3RvE | did you reboot since then? | 00:13 |
fearful | Yes | 00:13 |
charlie-tca | your bug? | 00:16 |
Sw3RvE | when mine is plugged in the brightness is all the way up. then when i unplug it the brightness goes halfway down and i can turn it back up to full. | 00:16 |
charlie-tca | bug 322415 | 00:16 |
Sw3RvE | Myrtti are ya there? | 00:16 |
charlie-tca | fearful? | 00:16 |
Myrtti | sure, busy working | 00:16 |
fearful | charlie-tca: Yes | 00:17 |
Sw3RvE | do i need to create a theme folder? | 00:17 |
charlie-tca | Is that your bug I pulled up? | 00:17 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: yes, if there isn't one | 00:17 |
charlie-tca | If not, could you put a comment on it? | 00:17 |
Sw3RvE | and it looks like i have to put a .in front of it | 00:17 |
Sw3RvE | a period . | 00:18 |
fearful | charlie-tca, I guess so cuz it's not working correctly | 00:18 |
Sw3RvE | does putting a period in the front of a file name make it hidden? | 00:18 |
charlie-tca | fearful: I don't have a way to fix it yet, but at least I can confirm the bug and developers will start on it. | 00:19 |
zoredache | yes | 00:19 |
zoredache | Sw3RvE: yes | 00:19 |
Sw3RvE | thansk zored | 00:19 |
fearful | charlie-tca, ok thanks | 00:19 |
charlie-tca | fearful: what version of xubuntu are you using? | 00:19 |
fearful | charlie-tca, 8.10 | 00:20 |
zoredache | or at least it is hidden in that tools like ls will not see it unless you use an extra parmanater. Don't depend on it for any form of security | 00:20 |
fearful | charlie-tca, I went pure xfce through removing gnome tho, I doubt thats why, it works fine when I was in gnome | 00:20 |
Sw3RvE | it will be more "Secure" in the sense that i wont accidentally delete it. lol | 00:21 |
charlie-tca | That could be why, since xubuntu uses gnome power manager. Although if you did not remove gnome, gnome-power-manager should still be there | 00:21 |
charlie-tca | Please comment on the bug report for me. Make sure you specify 8.10, since the bug is against 9.10 | 00:22 |
fearful | charlie-tca, I do still have gnome-power-managment should I purge it and re-install? | 00:22 |
knome | charlie-tca, 9.10? wow. :) | 00:22 |
fearful | 9.04 | 00:22 |
fearful | :p | 00:22 |
charlie-tca | You can try reinstalling it | 00:22 |
charlie-tca | okay, okay 9.04 | 00:22 |
Sw3RvE | alright... how do i apply the icons now? normally? | 00:22 |
charlie-tca | I get excited when I can get these things confirmed | 00:23 |
knome | charlie-tca, freak. :P | 00:23 |
* charlie-tca guilty | 00:23 | |
knome | ugh.. just did a massive facelift on a mediawiki page | 00:24 |
charlie-tca | yuk | 00:24 |
fearful | charlie-tca, seems to be working let me confirm | 00:24 |
charlie-tca | Great! fearful | 00:24 |
knome | i hate people who can't use subtitles, big letter when appropriate, good language, links inside text (putting them after paragraphs) and common sense | 00:25 |
Sw3RvE | when i go to user interface and icons they aren't there? | 00:25 |
knome | subtitles=headers :P | 00:25 |
Sw3RvE | -they* | 00:25 |
fearful | charlie-tca, yea its working now | 00:25 |
charlie-tca | knome: I think people just don't know how to do it | 00:25 |
charlie-tca | fearful: so just a reinstall? or purge, reinstall | 00:25 |
fearful | charlie-tca: Purge then reinstall | 00:26 |
knome | charlie-tca, there are billions of examples and a self-written help page. but this guy said it's unclear what the link "Help" means on a website... | 00:26 |
knome | charlie-tca, i told him he should try once. | 00:26 |
charlie-tca | knome: huh? "Help" wasn't clear enough?? | 00:26 |
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charlie-tca | Sounds like one of them "winners" | 00:27 |
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knome | charlie-tca, yeah. he said it makes the page look like there's lots of something a user just *can't* understand because (s)he isn't a nerd. | 00:27 |
Sw3RvE | i hope i have a linux class some time before i get my associates degree in CNS | 00:28 |
charlie-tca | and I always thought that was why "help" is there; must be harder to understand than I thought | 00:28 |
knome | charlie-tca, yeah... he also said that we should remove a "logo" from the header of the page, because users don't know what that is supposed to mean... | 00:29 |
knome | \o/ | 00:29 |
knome | epic fail | 00:29 |
charlie-tca | Sw3RvE: you can always take a look at Rutebook in ubuntu. Just install it from Synaptic-Package-Manager | 00:30 |
knome | charlie-tca, i'm happy that the real *users* of that site aren't that dumb. | 00:30 |
charlie-tca | knome: Yeah, you gotta be happy for that | 00:30 |
Sw3RvE | id rather take a class. i learn better hands on. | 00:30 |
Sw3RvE | i have yellowdog 6.1 on my PS3, Ubuntu, and Xubuntu... still im a noob. :) | 00:31 |
charlie-tca | I'm just a user of Xubuntu, with a little Ubuntu thrown in... | 00:31 |
Sw3RvE | i think xubuntu pwns ubuntu. | 00:32 |
fearful | When I right click open containing folder on firefox downloads it asks me what to open with, whats the xubuntu's file manager | 00:32 |
charlie-tca | fearful: thunar | 00:32 |
fearful | charlie-tca, where can I find it in the /usr/bin | 00:32 |
fearful | charlie-tca, got it thanks:p | 00:33 |
charlie-tca | no problem. | 00:33 |
Sw3RvE | i want this dock soo bad... | 00:34 |
Sw3RvE | | 00:34 |
Sw3RvE | i think i have the icons from that. they look the same. | 00:34 |
charlie-tca | It's just how everything gets put together, isn't it? | 00:35 |
Sw3RvE | are you talking to me charlie? | 00:35 |
charlie-tca | commenting on <Sw3RvE> i think i have the icons from that. they look the same. | 00:36 |
Sw3RvE | yea i downloaded those icons that are in the screenshot i posted. the ones in the dock on the bottom. i would love to have that dock on mine with those icons. | 00:37 |
B0BBY | what dock is it? | 00:38 |
Sw3RvE | i have no idea i think its called cool dock or something | 00:39 |
Sw3RvE | | 00:39 |
Sw3RvE | Kooldock* | 00:39 |
B0BBY | but how will you install? | 00:39 |
Sw3RvE | no idea... | 00:39 |
B0BBY | oh Kooldock. | 00:39 |
Sw3RvE | im a noob. | 00:39 |
Sw3RvE | especially if it works just like the mac dock | 00:40 |
Sw3RvE | the icons get bigger when you hover over them | 00:40 |
B0BBY | I use wbar and it's been the easiest to install. | 00:40 |
joshjtl | hi, can I install xubuntu on ubuntu without making xubuntu settings (including xfce in general) default? (also without installing all the xubuntu logos, boot splash, login manager etc?) | 00:41 |
Sw3RvE | does it look like the mac dock? | 00:41 |
B0BBY | not exactly. but icons get bigger when hovering. | 00:42 |
charlie-tca | Sw3RvE: install it from Synaptic; it is a dock for KDE | 00:42 |
Sw3RvE | wbar? | 00:42 |
charlie-tca | joshjtl: after removing all that, what is left of Xubuntu? | 00:42 |
B0BBY | right wvar. | 00:42 |
Sw3RvE | or kooldock | 00:42 |
B0BBY | *wbar | 00:42 |
charlie-tca | kooldock | 00:42 |
Sw3RvE | sweet | 00:42 |
B0BBY | you can try both. and see which you like. If kooldock is what you want, you should probably install that. | 00:43 |
charlie-tca | joshjtl: what are you using now, gnome ? | 00:43 |
joshjtl | I'm not asking not to have XFCE or the Xubutu settings, I'm only asking how I can install them without making them Default...? I want to be able to switch to it every now and then | 00:44 |
joshjtl | charlie-tca: yes, just a standard Ubuntu install | 00:44 |
charlie-tca | So if you install xubuntu-desktop, you can select Xfce or Gnome at login by clicking on session | 00:45 |
charlie-tca | The then run indepedent of each other | 00:45 |
Sw3RvE | ok i installed kooldock. how do i enable it now? | 00:45 |
charlie-tca | I have no idea. Maybe check for docs in /usr/share/doc/kooldock | 00:46 |
B0BBY | it's either in your settings or some kooldock doc should tell you how. :) | 00:46 |
joshjtl | charlie-tca: does installing xubuntu-desktop install the xubuntu boot splash | 00:46 |
charlie-tca | yes, but you can select whether to use that or gnome splash screen, I think. | 00:46 |
charlie-tca | I haven't done it in a year | 00:47 |
joshjtl | ok | 00:47 |
joshjtl | thx | 00:47 |
charlie-tca | You are welcome | 00:47 |
Sw3RvE | wow can i search for this | 00:50 |
Sw3RvE | they have so many folders | 00:50 |
charlie-tca | what does? | 00:50 |
Sw3RvE | i found it. | 00:51 |
Sw3RvE | how do i use this? | 00:51 |
B0BBY | use what? | 00:51 |
Sw3RvE | Kooldock | 00:51 |
Sw3RvE | is this it | 00:51 |
Sw3RvE | To compile with debug, run: | 00:51 |
Sw3RvE | $ CXXFLAGS="-D_ENABLE_DEBUG" ./configure --enable-debug=full | 00:51 |
* charlie-tca has a really hard time seeing what Sw3RvE is seeing | 00:51 | |
Sw3RvE | im looking at the readme ^ | 00:51 |
B0BBY | | 00:52 |
Sw3RvE | i found kooldock in user/share/ doc/ kooldock | 00:52 |
B0BBY | just says to type in kooldock in teh run dialog. | 00:52 |
B0BBY | alt-f2. | 00:52 |
Sw3RvE | ok i did that. it says by default its hidden at the bottom. move my mouse at the bottom... nothing happens. | 00:54 |
B0BBY | that or maybe it doesn't have any icons configured.... | 00:54 |
Sw3RvE | how do i do that drag one down there? | 00:55 |
B0BBY | no idea. trying to install it now to see what it does. | 00:56 |
Sw3RvE | i thought i installed it? | 00:56 |
B0BBY | or how it is configured. | 00:57 |
B0BBY | no, I'm trying to install it to see it. | 00:57 |
Sw3RvE | thanks | 00:57 |
Sw3RvE | this isnt exactly easy lol | 00:57 |
Sw3RvE | it looks like i installed a shadow but i cant see it | 00:58 |
B0BBY | ok, it's installing all of kde libs.... | 00:59 |
B0BBY | you see anything under your applications menu? | 01:00 |
Sw3RvE | all i got was a message saying it looks like this is the first time you used kooldock yada yada move your mouse down... | 01:00 |
B0BBY | probably restart X. hopefully that will take care of it. | 01:01 |
Sw3RvE | ah | 01:01 |
Sw3RvE | ill reboot | 01:01 |
Sw3RvE | i still dont see it... | 01:04 |
Sw3RvE | o snap it works but its not working very good it looks buggy | 01:06 |
B0BBY | ok, so it's working now? | 01:06 |
knome | Sw3RvE, like any software starting with "k" ;) | 01:06 |
Sw3RvE | yea | 01:06 |
Sw3RvE | lol | 01:06 |
B0BBY | right, it will probably work nice the kde. | 01:07 |
Sw3RvE | it doesnt even have the cool icons i guess i have to put those manually some how | 01:07 |
B0BBY | get wbar. it's neat. | 01:07 |
B0BBY | and it will hassle you lot less. | 01:07 |
Sw3RvE | The program name or command kfmclient openProperties /home/sw3rve/.kde/share/apps/kooldock/menu/00_konqueror.desktop cannot be found. Please correct the command or URL and try again | 01:08 |
B0BBY | ok, that' givings you kde error. | 01:09 |
Sw3RvE | does Wbar look like a virus when ur using it. this thing is garage | 01:10 |
Sw3RvE | it looks like garage different glitchy colors all over lol | 01:10 |
Sw3RvE | garbage**** | 01:10 |
B0BBY | it's trying to launch som ekde stuff. If you can find where to configure what happens when you click on it, then you shoudl be able to give it commands that work. | 01:10 |
Sw3RvE | yea but i dont know any commands | 01:11 |
B0BBY | wbar looks pretty good. and it takes a minute to install and runs right away. | 01:11 |
B0BBY | 5 minutes from now you could be looking at it. | 01:11 |
B0BBY | commands would be "firefox" | 01:11 |
B0BBY | or "evolution" | 01:11 |
B0BBY | depending on what you want to launch. | 01:11 |
Sw3RvE | run from terminal? | 01:12 |
fearful | any suggestions why swap at 0% | 01:12 |
B0BBY | run from terminal? the commands? | 01:12 |
B0BBY | no the commands would be where you can configure what kooldock button will do what. | 01:12 |
Sw3RvE | yea | 01:13 |
charlie-tca | fearful: because you have enough memory for whatever is running | 01:13 |
Sw3RvE | Advanced options: Run from terminal (its a checkbox) | 01:13 |
fearful | charlie-tca, I've always had enough and always uses some.. on gnome | 01:13 |
fearful | charlie-tca, just thought it was wierd | 01:13 |
charlie-tca | Xfce is not gnome. It uses less resources | 01:14 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: well if you're doing something like "top", probably run in terminal. the rest, no. | 01:14 |
fearful | using more ram tho | 01:14 |
B0BBY | firefox, not run in term. | 01:14 |
fearful | B0BBY: You can | 01:14 |
fearful | B0BBY, you can run anything on the terminal. | 01:15 |
Sw3RvE | i was just asking bc it was an option | 01:15 |
B0BBY | fearful: you can run anything in terminal sure. But if you're configuring a dock bar to run stuff, you don't want every button to launch stuff as "run in terminal". :) | 01:15 |
fearful | B0BBY, good point:p | 01:16 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: so it's doing something for you? | 01:16 |
B0BBY | fearful: right, the thing was Sw3RvE was asking if he should check that option for his dock buttons. :) | 01:16 |
B0BBY | fearful: it would be hilarious two have two windows per app. LOL | 01:17 |
fearful | B0BBY, depends, debugging :p | 01:17 |
fearful | B0BBY, well yea not per app :p | 01:17 |
Sw3RvE | lol idk i think im trying to get a pidgin icon | 01:17 |
Sw3RvE | and i cant locate the damn icons i downloaded | 01:17 |
B0BBY | fearful: oh, definitely, very cool thing to be able to debug and stuf.... | 01:17 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: don't worry. after a month of configuring this stuff will be second nature. | 01:18 |
Sw3RvE | ok this application is garbage! | 01:18 |
Sw3RvE | it looks like crap when i hover over it | 01:18 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: there's avant window navigator. and wbar. | 01:18 |
Sw3RvE | The program name or command /home/sw3rve/.kde/share/apps/kooldock/menu/00_firefox.desktop cannot be found. Please correct the command or URL and try again | 01:18 |
B0BBY | avant will want compositing and some opengl something or other. | 01:18 |
Sw3RvE | then it doesnt work lol | 01:18 |
Sw3RvE | does it only work with a desktop icon? if so that is pointless to have the dock if its on my desktop. | 01:19 |
Sw3RvE | bobby is wbar buggy at all | 01:19 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: do you see something where you can configure what will be launched when you click on the web browser ? | 01:20 |
Sw3RvE | kooldock is horrible | 01:20 |
Sw3RvE | no i manually added an application | 01:20 |
Sw3RvE | and in the command blank i typed firefox | 01:20 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: no, wbar is not buggy at all. I run it fulltime. (rarely use it, 'coz of keyboard shortcuts).... but for "pretty" factor it's there. | 01:20 |
Sw3RvE | ok im going to uninstall this hopefully. this one really sucks. | 01:21 |
B0BBY | it looks beatiful. | 01:22 |
Sw3RvE | i cant find it | 01:22 |
Sw3RvE | is that in synaptic or add/remove | 01:23 |
Sw3RvE | i need to reboot i took koolbar off but its still running. | 01:23 |
B0BBY | It is the kate winslet of dock bars. | 01:23 |
B0BBY | do you use a terminal window? | 01:24 |
B0BBY | you're comfortable with cli? | 01:24 |
Sw3RvE | wow. now i have a kooldock tab on the applications menu. | 01:26 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: you use cli? | 01:27 |
Sw3RvE | cli? | 01:27 |
B0BBY | command line interface. also known as terminal window | 01:27 |
Sw3RvE | yea if you can tell me what to type lol | 01:27 |
Sw3RvE | i used it on here and on yellowdog to instal repos | 01:27 |
B0BBY | ok, type in "sudo apt-get remove kooldock" without quotes. | 01:28 |
B0BBY | rather do: sudo apt-get purge kooldock. | 01:28 |
Sw3RvE | sw3rve@sw3rve-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get remove kooldock | 01:28 |
Sw3RvE | [sudo] password for sw3rve: | 01:28 |
Sw3RvE | Reading package lists... Done | 01:28 |
Sw3RvE | Building dependency tree | 01:28 |
Sw3RvE | Reading state information... Done | 01:28 |
Sw3RvE | Package kooldock is not installed, so not removed | 01:28 |
Sw3RvE | The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required: | 01:28 |
Sw3RvE | libavahi-qt3-1 libarts1c2a kdelibs4c2a libartsc0 liblualib50 xdg-user-dirs | 01:28 |
Sw3RvE | libqt3-mt kdelibs-data liblua50 libaudio2 | 01:28 |
Sw3RvE | Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them. | 01:29 |
Sw3RvE | 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. | 01:29 |
Sw3RvE | sw3rve@sw3rve-laptop:~$ | 01:29 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: ok, don't cut and paste output here. it will cause you to be kicked. | 01:29 |
Sw3RvE | oh sorry | 01:29 |
B0BBY | anything more than one line should be pasted on a pastebin. :) | 01:29 |
Sw3RvE | i dont know what that is lol | 01:29 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: ok, do: sudo apt-get autoremove. | 01:29 |
zoredache | !pastebin | 01:29 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 01:29 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: that should autoremove all unused package from your machine. | 01:31 |
Sw3RvE | | 01:31 |
Sw3RvE | like that? | 01:31 |
B0BBY | yeah. like that. | 01:31 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: you can simply do: 'command' | pastebinit. | 01:32 |
B0BBY | it will paste the output of the cmd, and give you a url to give in the channel. :) | 01:32 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: ok, you did: sudo apt-get autoremove? | 01:32 |
Sw3RvE | not yet, is libadio2 needed? | 01:33 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: if autoremove is selecting it to be removed, it should ok to remove it. | 01:33 |
Sw3RvE | ok done | 01:34 |
Sw3RvE | do i have to reboot to remove kooldock from my applications menu? | 01:34 |
Sw3RvE | i feel like im using windows with all the rebooting... | 01:35 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: not sure. but before you reboot, you might as well install wbar. | 01:35 |
Sw3RvE | how? | 01:35 |
B0BBY | what you've done so far is: | 01:35 |
B0BBY | 1 - installed and app and not liked it. | 01:35 |
B0BBY | 2 - removed it | 01:35 |
Myrtti | hmm | 01:35 |
B0BBY | 3 - cleaned your system | 01:35 |
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare183 | ||
Myrtti | you don't actually need to reboot all the time | 01:35 |
Sw3RvE | oh | 01:35 |
B0BBY | now for wbar: sudo apt-get install wbar | 01:36 |
* Myrtti goes back to fiddling with LaTeX, MediaWiki, and the wonderful world of for loops and grep | 01:36 | |
Sw3RvE | E: Couldn't find package wbar | 01:37 |
Myrtti | !info wbar | 01:37 |
ubottu | Package wbar does not exist in intrepid | 01:37 |
Myrtti | can see that... | 01:37 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: it might be in some non standard repo. | 01:38 |
Myrtti | hmm | 01:38 |
Myrtti | let's stop for a while | 01:38 |
* Sw3RvE stops | 01:38 | |
Myrtti | what are you actually trying to achieve? | 01:39 |
Myrtti | my backlog doesn't go that far | 01:39 |
Myrtti | ie. what is it that you want wbar,kooldock or what ever to show? | 01:40 |
Sw3RvE | install a wbar. kooldock was crap. | 01:40 |
Myrtti | tsktsk, mind the language | 01:40 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: he was using kooldock. didn't like the performance and couldn't get it to launch an app. | 01:40 |
Myrtti | oh, right | 01:41 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: I thought, I'd help out by helping install wbar. | 01:41 |
Sw3RvE | i would like a dock with Firefox, Pidgin, Xchat, Word, Mousepad.... | 01:41 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: sudo aptitude install cairo-dock | 01:41 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: have you tried Avant Window Navigator already? | 01:42 |
Myrtti | if you don't like Cairo-dock, you could try that after that. | 01:42 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: I tried avant, and it just wouldn't work. the screen shots looked very nice tho. | 01:42 |
Sw3RvE | as long as it works and doesnt look like a glitch | 01:43 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: try that cairo-dock. | 01:43 |
Myrtti | I like cairo-dock myself | 01:43 |
Sw3RvE | bobby so did the kooldock screenshots. thats about it tho. lol | 01:43 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: lol how many docks are there. like a mill. I use wbar. simple pretty. | 01:43 |
Myrtti | I used awn for a while, but cairo won my heart | 01:43 |
Myrtti | B0BBY: if it's not in the repos, I don't install it. | 01:43 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: I actually never use it. I have keyboard shortcuts to launch stuff. I prefer it that way. | 01:43 |
Sw3RvE | ok so do run cairo? | 01:43 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: hit alt-f2 and type in cairo-dock | 01:44 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: wbar was in the repos but just not default ones. I probably had to turn on some third party repo from synaptic GUI. | 01:44 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: there's quite a few different configuration options for it | 01:44 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: so you can tweak it to your hearts content | 01:44 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: you need to have composite on though | 01:45 |
Myrtti | B0BBY: that's just the thing, I don't usually install from outside official repos | 01:45 |
Sw3RvE | composite? | 01:45 |
Myrtti | and I don't recommend it to anyone either | 01:45 |
Sw3RvE | isnt that video? | 01:45 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: applications - settings - settings manager | 01:45 |
Sw3RvE | and then... | 01:46 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: window manager tweaks - compositor - enable display compositing | 01:46 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: I'll enable the universe, restricted, and multiverse but normally don't add any new to the list. | 01:46 |
Myrtti | B0BBY: well, since ubottu couldn't find wbar, it isn't in those repos... | 01:47 |
Sw3RvE | oh snap | 01:47 |
Sw3RvE | did that just make my windows clear? | 01:47 |
Sw3RvE | or transparent | 01:47 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: it might do that as well :-) | 01:47 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: hmmm.... might I have done a .deb double click.... ? might be then. LOL | 01:47 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: but yeah it's nice to know that you can isntall tons of stuff for free and uninstall it in a jiffy. :) | 01:48 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: I think kooldock might have looked awful because you didn't have composite on | 01:48 |
Myrtti | I don't know though | 01:48 |
Myrtti | B0BBY: that's one of the reasons why I use aptitude instead of apt-get - aptitude gets rid of unneeded stuff more gracefully :-) | 01:48 |
Sw3RvE | do i have to save the theme settings/ | 01:49 |
Sw3RvE | lol maybe that was why | 01:49 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: hmmm.... interesting. I've just been apt-get purging. | 01:49 |
Sw3RvE | i like this one better anyways. | 01:49 |
Sw3RvE | WOW this is awesome | 01:50 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: it uses GTK for the gui and such | 01:50 |
Sw3RvE | i love this one! | 01:50 |
Myrtti | :-) | 01:50 |
Sw3RvE | where did it go lol | 01:51 |
Sw3RvE | i used it... then it went bye bye :( | 01:51 |
B0BBY | it's just making that you paying attention. | 01:51 |
Sw3RvE | ? | 01:52 |
Sw3RvE | lol | 01:52 |
B0BBY | :) | 01:52 |
Sw3RvE | seriously where is it | 01:52 |
Myrtti | try typing in ps axu |grep cairo-dock in the terminal to see if it crashed | 01:52 |
Myrtti | "ps axu|grep cairo-dock" | 01:52 |
Myrtti | if it returns only grep cairo-dock, then it did | 01:53 |
Sw3RvE | sw3rve 6981 0.6 1.2 165676 23900 ? Ss 19:44 0:03 cairo-dock | 01:53 |
Sw3RvE | sw3rve 7476 0.0 0.0 7452 884 pts/0 S+ 19:53 0:00 grep cairo-dock | 01:53 |
Myrtti | ok, so it's still there somewhere :-) | 01:53 |
Sw3RvE | so that means it did or didnt | 01:53 |
Sw3RvE | lol | 01:53 |
Sw3RvE | these docks must hate me | 01:54 |
Sw3RvE | i thought the whole point of a dock is that it is DOCKED... | 01:54 |
Myrtti | try to move your cursor to the middle of the bottom edge of your screen | 01:54 |
Myrtti | some of the themes implement auto-hide :-) | 01:55 |
Myrtti | it might also be underneath other windows | 01:55 |
* Myrtti looks at her coffee mug sadly, and returns to work | 01:56 | |
Sw3RvE | do you have the bottom panel on yours? | 01:56 |
Myrtti | no | 01:56 |
Myrtti | I've got only cairo-dock :-) | 01:56 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: you're working? | 01:56 |
Sw3RvE | now its working | 01:56 |
Myrtti | B0BBY: sadly yes | 01:56 |
Myrtti | 2009-02-19 03:56:59 | 01:57 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: in U.S. or non U.S. place. | 01:57 |
Myrtti | I'm going to be so dead today | 01:57 |
B0BBY | sorry to hear you're working.... | 01:58 |
Ragamufin | hi all | 01:58 |
Myrtti | I love my work, but I wish I had gotten things done earlier | 01:58 |
Sw3RvE | thanks for helping me get this dock working :) | 01:58 |
Myrtti | joys of telecommuting - working around the clock | 01:58 |
Myrtti | :-< | 01:58 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: no prob :-) | 01:58 |
Myrtti | Ragamufin: hello | 01:59 |
Sw3RvE | now can i add the desktop switcher to the top panel? | 01:59 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: yup | 01:59 |
Sw3RvE | in settings? | 01:59 |
Ragamufin | Myrtti, how long have you been using *buntu | 01:59 |
Sw3RvE | i cant figure out how to | 02:00 |
Myrtti | Ragamufin: since... Feb 2005 | 02:00 |
Sw3RvE | Myrtti: all they have in add new items is show desktop | 02:01 |
Darth_Tux | Myrtti, run anything else as well? | 02:02 |
Myrtti | Darth_Tux: odd Debian here and there, have been forced to configure few SuSe's (ewwww) | 02:04 |
jcsaxx | need help | 02:07 |
jcsaxx | I'm a Linux Xubuntu 8.10 newbie and can't get wireless working | 02:07 |
jcsaxx | can someone help me with the steps? | 02:07 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: right-click on the taskbar (that says applciation), select Add New Item. | 02:08 |
B0BBY | Sw3RvE: in the new window scroll down.... the weather thing is one of those. | 02:08 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: | 02:10 |
jcsaxx | will someone please help me? | 02:10 |
Sw3RvE | yes but they dont have the one that changes back and forth from Desktop 0, Desktop 1 | 02:10 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: I just use ctrl-alt arrows :-P | 02:11 |
jcsaxx | hello | 02:11 |
* Myrtti returns to work | 02:11 | |
Myrtti | jcsaxx: hello, hopefully someone can walk you through | 02:11 |
Sw3RvE | oo that works too | 02:11 |
jcsaxx | i sure hope so | 02:11 |
jcsaxx | i want to quit using windows | 02:11 |
jcsaxx | it sucks out all my ram | 02:11 |
Sw3RvE | no windows Vista sucks ram and every other resource. | 02:12 |
jcsaxx | i have an old dell laptop (only 500 megahertz, 256 ram) | 02:12 |
Sw3RvE | XP runs perfectly fine | 02:12 |
jcsaxx | all i want to do is surf the net, that's pretty much it | 02:12 |
Sw3RvE | you should look into Xubuntu | 02:12 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: obviously, he has ;-) | 02:12 |
Sw3RvE | lol | 02:12 |
Myrtti | he/she | 02:12 |
B0BBY | XP runs great. No issues, never crashes (compared to Xubuntu. :)), never hogs any resource unless I run something resource hungry. | 02:13 |
B0BBY | haven't used vista on a full time basis. | 02:13 |
jcsaxx | i have xubuntu 8.10 installed right now on the laptop, but don't know how to get wireless to work | 02:13 |
Sw3RvE | wifi-radar is your answer :) | 02:13 |
jcsaxx | i have two different wireless cards that i can use | 02:13 |
Sw3RvE | i think Myrtti helped me install it. | 02:13 |
Myrtti | jcsaxx: are they pcmcia or usb or built-in? | 02:13 |
jcsaxx | one is a linksys wpc54gx4 and the other is a no-name card that I bought off eBay | 02:14 |
jcsaxx | they are pcmcia | 02:14 |
jcsaxx | i have been wanting to use linux for over a year now and every time that i try, i fail | 02:14 |
jcsaxx | i can never get the wireless to work | 02:14 |
jcsaxx | my wife keeps laughing at me, and i'm tired of it | 02:15 |
Myrtti | jcsaxx: do you know how to use pastebin services? | 02:15 |
jcsaxx | no i don't | 02:15 |
B0BBY | don't do it to prove you wife wrong, tho. | 02:15 |
Myrtti | !paste | 02:15 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) | 02:15 |
B0BBY | LOL | 02:15 |
Sw3RvE | id do it lol | 02:16 |
Myrtti | B0BBY: he could just laugh at his wife and tell a stressed chick trying to procrastinate work in the middle of the night helped him to make it work and laugh :-P | 02:16 |
jcsaxx | so i shouldn't be using this chat for this kind of question? | 02:17 |
Myrtti | jcsaxx: yes. | 02:17 |
Myrtti | jcsaxx: sorry | 02:17 |
Myrtti | no | 02:17 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: :) | 02:17 |
Myrtti | I mean, arh. | 02:17 |
Myrtti | jcsaxx: what I mean is | 02:17 |
Myrtti | jcsaxx: now that you know what pastebin is, I'm going to ask you to use it to give me some info about your hardware | 02:17 |
jcsaxx | oh ok | 02:18 |
Myrtti | this is what we're going to do | 02:18 |
Myrtti | if you can navigate to applications - accessories - terminal and open it up | 02:18 |
jcsaxx | you have my full attention, at least until my wife bugs me again | 02:18 |
Myrtti | and type "sudo lshw -C network" while one or all of the cards are in | 02:19 |
Myrtti | it will ask your password | 02:19 |
Myrtti | take the output of that command, copy it to your clipboard... | 02:19 |
Myrtti | hold on... | 02:19 |
B0BBY | Myrtti: next thing you'll sayy is: "I need you to type your password in this channel." :P LOL | 02:20 |
Myrtti | jcsaxx: are you connected with that laptop to Internet now? | 02:20 |
Myrtti | jcsaxx: with a cable? | 02:20 |
jcsaxx | no, i am not...i'm on a desktop, but have laptop sitting next to me...i'm on cable with desktop... | 02:20 |
Myrtti | ok | 02:20 |
Myrtti | so ditch the idea about pastebin then :-D | 02:20 |
* Myrtti is getting too tired | 02:21 | |
jcsaxx | ok, sorry...i should have mentioned that, but didn't know | 02:21 |
Myrtti | no, my bad | 02:21 |
Myrtti | jcsaxx: anyway, you could try to ask at #ubuntu too. Hardware problems are universal to both Ubuntu and Xubuntu and the troubleshooting goes along the same lines in both | 02:22 |
jcsaxx | ok, i'm a first timer on this irc thing, too | 02:23 |
Myrtti | you can join #ubuntu with /join #ubuntu | 02:24 |
jcsaxx | can you give me a link to what your talking about? | 02:24 |
Myrtti | unless someone else is up to the hardware challenge? | 02:24 |
Myrtti | !hardware | jcsaxx, if you haven't yet read this | 02:25 |
ubottu | jcsaxx, if you haven't yet read this: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 02:25 |
* Myrtti really has to return back to work | 02:25 | |
fearful | How can I install openoffice 3 on xubuntu, I downloaded a setup and said something that can't access java, but I already have it installed and latest | 02:25 |
jcsaxx | thanks for trying to help me | 02:26 |
Darth_Tux | any idea when the next LTS will be released? | 02:26 |
charlie-tca | fearful: you can try #ubuntu with that. | 02:26 |
Myrtti | jcsaxx: whatever keeps me procrastinating :-D | 02:26 |
Myrtti | Darth_Tux: april 2010 | 02:27 |
nikolam | jcsaxx, you should come before :) also ubuntuforums is great place | 02:27 |
charlie-tca | Darth_Tux: 2010 | 02:27 |
Darth_Tux | Myrtti, that is a long ways out | 02:27 |
nikolam | Darth_Tux, this lts is supported till 2012 | 02:27 |
Myrtti | Darth_Tux: 8.04 will be supported for a year even after that | 02:27 |
Myrtti | on desktop | 02:27 |
charlie-tca | Darth_Tux: 8.04 is not even a year old | 02:27 |
Darth_Tux | 8.04 and my computer dont get along | 02:28 |
Myrtti | Darth_Tux: | 02:28 |
charlie-tca | You could try 8.10 | 02:28 |
nikolam | Darth_Tux, what are problems? | 02:28 |
Darth_Tux | login screen had unreadable fonts | 02:28 |
nikolam | Darth_Tux, what graphics you use? | 02:29 |
Darth_Tux | intel something or another | 02:29 |
Myrtti | I just looooove that diagram | 02:29 |
nikolam | You can set up vesa driver in /etc/X11/xorg cong with sudo nano . You can log in to your machine with ctrl+alt+f2 and do that. sudo restart and then set it up. | 02:30 |
Darth_Tux | Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller | 02:30 |
nikolam | Also you can do lspci | less to see what is your graphics | 02:30 |
nikolam | Darth_Tux, that should do out of box, | 02:31 |
Darth_Tux | in 8.10 it does | 02:31 |
nikolam | Darth_Tux, you were usin 8.04 lts? | 02:31 |
Darth_Tux | yes | 02:31 |
nikolam | Darth_Tux, it could be nice thing to report on launchpad if lts don`t work with intel graphics out of box. Also there is 8.04, 8.04.1 and 8.04.2 i think | 02:32 |
Darth_Tux | nikolam, i am not honestly sure which it was | 02:33 |
Darth_Tux | i suppose i could reinstall it, though i would hate to not be able to fix that problem | 02:33 |
nikolam | anyway if 8.10 is ok, that`s it :) | 02:33 |
Darth_Tux | 8.10 is ok atm | 02:38 |
Darth_Tux | how well does ubuntu handle being dist-upgraded? | 02:38 |
charlie-tca | as in upgrade to the next version? | 02:39 |
charlie-tca | or as in apt-get dist-upgrade for daily updates | 02:39 |
Darth_Tux | right to the next version | 02:39 |
charlie-tca | It is tested before each release. It seems to work most of the time | 02:40 |
charlie-tca | As long the current version is up to date | 02:40 |
Darth_Tux | i have ubuntu on my kids computer and want to upgrade it, and am fairly sure it is an older version. might even be the LTS | 02:41 |
nikolam | i personally use lts. it works just fine for me on desktop etc | 02:41 |
charlie-tca | If it is 8.04 and working, you could leave it. Otherwise, upgrade following | 02:42 |
Darth_Tux | i have a run of the mill update going right now | 02:44 |
Darth_Tux | 200+ apps | 02:44 |
charlie-tca | I do mine daily | 02:45 |
Darth_Tux | clearly i havent been | 02:45 |
Darth_Tux | wireless on that machine was down for some reason | 02:45 |
charlie-tca | such things happen | 02:45 |
Darth_Tux | irksome | 02:45 |
nikolam | Darth_Tux, got to figure out model/producer name for that wireless. some are supported, some are not. It is usually producer`s fault, anyway. But with exact info on model name, you can search for solution | 02:47 |
Darth_Tux | it is working again | 02:49 |
MrDiggs^ | hey all | 03:29 |
MrDiggs^ | anyone know what port x11vnc works on? | 03:29 |
genii | MrDiggs^: `5900 + number of the screen | 03:31 |
MrDiggs^ | yeah that's it | 03:31 |
MrDiggs^ | how can i check open ports on the machine? | 03:34 |
MrDiggs^ | nmap -sT -O localhost | 03:35 |
MrDiggs^ | ? | 03:35 |
MrDiggs^ | that the best way? | 03:35 |
spasticteapot | I've tried everything, but my M-Audio Audiophile USB soundcard won't work. | 04:11 |
spasticteapot | | 04:11 |
Daemonbuntu | heh, most distributions freak out on USB soundcards | 04:11 |
Daemonbuntu | Fedora seems to handle them ok | 04:11 |
spasticteapot | I bought this one because I was told it would work, ironically. | 04:11 |
Daemonbuntu | yeah, well, my webcam is supposed to work with the new GSPCA driver | 04:13 |
Daemonbuntu | it only works in Fedora | 04:13 |
spasticteapot | Considering that it's quite a lot easier to build a good sound input unit when you've got access to as much space and clean power as you want (vs. a PC, where you've got electrical and RF noise everywhere and almost no space at all), it's no wonder you see USB soundcards. | 04:13 |
spasticteapot | Aren't you supposed to be encouraging me to use Ubuntu? | 04:13 |
Daemonbuntu | heh | 04:13 |
Daemonbuntu | try asoundconf | 04:14 |
Daemonbuntu | I think that's what I used to set my USB sound card as default anyway | 04:14 |
spasticteapot | How do I do that? | 04:14 |
Daemonbuntu | GNOME's settings suck and usually don't work | 04:14 |
spasticteapot | Does xubuntu use GNOME settings? | 04:15 |
spasticteapot | Also, what should I do with asoundconf, specifically? | 04:15 |
Daemonbuntu | I think it was asoundconf set-default-card | 04:15 |
spasticteapot | asoundconf list | 04:16 |
spasticteapot | Names of available sound cards: | 04:16 |
spasticteapot | tm | 04:16 |
spasticteapot | TM? | 04:16 |
Daemonbuntu | asoundconf lists them | 04:16 |
Daemonbuntu | errrr "asoundconf list" to list them | 04:16 |
spasticteapot | I did. | 04:17 |
spasticteapot | There's only one soundcard connected. | 04:17 |
spasticteapot | I disabled the internal one. | 04:17 |
Daemonbuntu | and from that list you can pick what you want and use "asoundconf set-default-card Intel" for example | 04:17 |
Daemonbuntu | it sucks, there should be a better way to handle multiple cards without it freaking out on you | 04:18 |
spasticteapot | I don't have multiple cards, though - I disabled the internal audio in the BIOS. | 04:18 |
spasticteapot | Holee crap. | 04:19 |
spasticteapot | It worked. | 04:19 |
spasticteapot | Thanks! | 04:19 |
spasticteapot | I've been trying to get that working for over a week. | 04:20 |
Daemonbuntu | yeah, peripherals can be irritating :) | 04:20 |
Daemonbuntu | had I known how craptacular Linux is with multiple sound cars, I would have just bought an analog headset | 04:20 |
Daemonbuntu | *cards | 04:20 |
Daemonbuntu | hehe | 04:20 |
Daemonbuntu | every distribution has some hella weird bugs | 04:22 |
Daemonbuntu | all its own :P | 04:22 |
Xikkub | just installed xubuntu. there is no startx command in the "busybox". how do i start the graphical mode? | 04:28 |
Sw3RvE | ooo ive been on the wrong channel | 04:29 |
Xikkub | i guess nobody knows how to use xubuntu here, then -.- | 04:29 |
Xikkub | o rly? | 04:29 |
Sw3RvE | i was on ubuntu i thought it was this one | 04:29 |
Xikkub | well arent they all the same? they all use the same debian kernel, they just have different guis] | 04:29 |
Daemonbuntu | ya rly | 04:29 |
Xikkub | lol but seriously, can anybody help? | 04:30 |
Xikkub | start graphical mode in xubuntu | 04:30 |
Daemonbuntu | what's wrong? | 04:30 |
Xikkub | im stuck at the "busybox" console | 04:30 |
Xikkub | there is no startx command like in red hat | 04:30 |
Daemonbuntu | should be | 04:32 |
Xikkub | startx: not found | 04:32 |
Daemonbuntu | try | 04:32 |
Daemonbuntu | /usr/bin/startx | 04:32 |
Daemonbuntu | :) | 04:32 |
Xikkub | not found either :/ | 04:33 |
Xikkub | heres the info of the console.... | 04:33 |
Xikkub | BusyBox v1.10.2 (Ubuntu 1:1.10.2-1ubuntu6) built in shell (ash) | 04:33 |
Daemonbuntu | what the hell are you doing in that? | 04:33 |
Xikkub | then (initramfs) | 04:33 |
Xikkub | i have no clue! | 04:33 |
Sw3RvE | what is the command to run pidgin | 04:34 |
Daemonbuntu | you should be in bash | 04:34 |
Xikkub | its what i got when i first loaded up xubuntu after installing | 04:34 |
Daemonbuntu | just humor me | 04:34 |
Daemonbuntu | type bash and hit enter | 04:34 |
Daemonbuntu | then try startx | 04:34 |
Xikkub | bash not found -.- | 04:34 |
Daemonbuntu | /usr/bin/bash ? | 04:34 |
Xikkub | ah maybe | 04:34 |
Myrtti | being in busybox is a sign of something being ... wrong. | 04:35 |
Xikkub | ah. | 04:35 |
Daemonbuntu | Myrtti: Must be a sign of something really horribly wrong | 04:35 |
Daemonbuntu | cause I've never seen it | 04:35 |
Xikkub | oh shit ya i forgot | 04:35 |
Myrtti | not necessarily | 04:35 |
Xikkub | i wasnt supposed to let it sit at boot | 04:35 |
Daemonbuntu | and I've had Ubuntu get messed up more ways than I care to think of | 04:35 |
Xikkub | lemme try something | 04:35 |
Myrtti | but I'm not capable of troubleshooting it in this stage of fatigue | 04:36 |
Xikkub | yeah the installer told me not to do anything at boot because it had to configure | 04:36 |
Xikkub | ya i fucked it up | 04:37 |
Myrtti | Xikkub: mind your language, we have minors present :-/ | 04:38 |
Myrtti | or, could have | 04:38 |
Xikkub | lol wasnt aware | 04:38 |
Xikkub | i am extremely sorry for my language, everybody | 04:38 |
Myrtti | anyway | 04:38 |
Myrtti | what did you do? | 04:38 |
Myrtti | forgot something? | 04:38 |
Xikkub | in the documentation, i WANT supposed to boot into xubuntu after i installed it | 04:39 |
Xikkub | i was supposed to wait for it to do some configuration etc etc, but i had a memory lapse | 04:39 |
Xikkub | ugh i have no clue what to do | 04:40 |
Xikkub | ill just reinstall >.< | 04:41 |
Sw3RvE | myrtti i got a few to work :) | 04:41 |
Xikkub | whats the fastest debian-based system | 04:41 |
Myrtti | Sw3RvE: excellent | 04:41 |
Sw3RvE | what is the command to open Home | 04:41 |
Xikkub | man, i lost the page with the info for installing xub | 04:42 |
Xikkub | had to install through wubi cuz it couldnt partition my hdd right :/ | 04:43 |
Myrtti | Xikkub: please don't CTCP version people without asking them first | 04:46 |
Xikkub | CTCP? | 04:46 |
Myrtti | I could have told you myself I use irssi :-) | 04:46 |
Xikkub | oh i was just messing around with the commands :P | 04:46 |
Xikkub | didnt know :S | 04:46 |
Myrtti | Xikkub: messing on the channels can get you kicked :-/ | 04:46 |
Xikkub | rly!? | 04:47 |
Myrtti | I should know, I'm an op :-D | 04:47 |
Xikkub | just by queriying and infoing and whoising? | 04:47 |
Xikkub | i just got a new irc client | 04:47 |
Myrtti | well doing a channel wide ctcp versioning on #ubuntu will get you banned. | 04:47 |
Xikkub | what does that do? | 04:48 |
Myrtti | so I suggest not doing it there, or in other channels either. | 04:48 |
Myrtti | asks everyone on the channel what irc program they use | 04:48 |
Xikkub | OH | 04:48 |
Xikkub | lol crazy | 04:48 |
Xikkub | ill be sure not to do that | 04:48 |
Myrtti | so be careful with those commands | 04:48 |
Xikkub | i just wont touch anything | 04:48 |
Xikkub | ^ ^ | 04:49 |
Xikkub | ugh i hate this. i cant install anything | 04:49 |
Xikkub | xub doesnt detect my xp install | 04:50 |
Xikkub | AHH! | 04:51 |
Xikkub | I AM IN HEAVEN | 04:51 |
Sw3RvE | it can? | 04:52 |
Xikkub | dear god, xubuntu is my savior | 04:53 |
Xikkub | a partition manager, bulk renamer | 04:54 |
Xikkub | dear god | 04:54 |
Xikkub | Daemonbuntu: i found the problem. ty | 05:02 |
Daemonbuntu | what was it? | 05:02 |
Xikkub | i was using wubi for one thing, which i have problems with | 05:03 |
Xikkub | and i also didnt let it reboot a few times | 05:03 |
Xikkub | so im trying to install it to the hdd through booting from cd | 05:03 |
Xikkub | and hey, it was able to find my wireless network!!!!!!!!!! | 05:03 |
Daemonbuntu | Linux on NTFS | 05:03 |
Daemonbuntu | would could go wrong? | 05:03 |
Daemonbuntu | ;) | 05:03 |
Xikkub | i dunt get it :S | 05:04 |
Xikkub | tis bad? | 05:04 |
Xikkub | should use fat32 or sumtim? | 05:04 |
Daemonbuntu | WUBI is seriously just....wrong | 05:04 |
Xikkub | yeah i couldnt get regular ubuntu to install right :/ | 05:04 |
Xikkub | i just have to keep rebooting and remove bit by bit | 05:05 |
Daemonbuntu | I have XFS, but since GRUB is stupid, I also have a 350 meg /boot partition with Ext3 | 05:05 |
Xikkub | omg grub. i just barely removed it | 05:05 |
Daemonbuntu | Mandriva is the only distribution that will have GRUB boot XFS without panicking | 05:05 |
Xikkub | grub: omg you dont have ubuntu on this hdd, i wont let you start | 05:06 |
Sw3RvE | whats wrong with grub? i thought it was a good boot loader? | 05:06 |
Xikkub | i installed ub on another hdd | 05:06 |
Sw3RvE | lol | 05:06 |
Xikkub | so i removed it and it freaked out | 05:06 |
_Pete_ | why is ubuntu panicking? xfs module not included on initrd-image? | 05:06 |
Daemonbuntu | GRUB sucks and Ubuntu doesn't give you the option of installing LILO | 05:06 |
Xikkub | exactly | 05:06 |
Sw3RvE | can someone please tell me the command for the Home folder? | 05:07 |
Daemonbuntu | Mandriva apparently fixed it so it can boot XFS | 05:07 |
Daemonbuntu | to go there? | 05:08 |
Daemonbuntu | cd ~ | 05:08 |
Xikkub | off topic question, but does the cpp system("x"); send commands to terminal if used on linux? | 05:09 |
Sw3RvE | this dock is cool but its hard to configure... | 05:14 |
Xikkub | what dock | 05:14 |
Sw3RvE | Cairo-Dock | 05:15 |
Sw3RvE | it looks like the MAC dock. | 05:15 |
Xikkub | ah. neato | 05:15 |
Sw3RvE | yea it is. i just have to figure out what commands to put so it will launch the applications. | 05:16 |
Xikkub | haha | 05:16 |
Sw3RvE | this stupid kooldock tab is still on my applications menu and i removed the program and have rebooted. | 05:23 |
Xikkub | hehe | 05:24 |
Xikkub | omg stupid microsoft office, unisntall already | 05:24 |
Daemonbuntu | I want to know why all the AAC files you encode with sound juicer sound like ass | 05:27 |
Daemonbuntu | they sound like the music is being played under water | 05:27 |
Xikkub | maybe its just a cr@ppy encoder | 05:27 |
Xikkub | I want to know why Microsoft Office 2003 takes so long to unisntall | 05:28 |
* Daemonbuntu screws with the Vorbis setting to get Q8 :P | 05:29 | |
* Xikkub luvs xub now | 05:29 | |
Xikkub | how do u pronounce it | 05:29 |
Xikkub | zoobuntu | 05:29 |
Xikkub | ? | 05:29 |
Sw3RvE | Xubuntu is awesome | 05:29 |
Xikkub | ixubuntu? | 05:29 |
Xikkub | how to pronounce | 05:30 |
Sw3RvE | look on the wiki | 05:30 |
Daemonbuntu | seems to take about as much RAM as Ubuntu | 05:30 |
Xikkub | it srsly says that?! | 05:30 |
Xikkub | Daemon: really? | 05:30 |
Sw3RvE | mine doesnt | 05:30 |
Sw3RvE | xubuntu executes faster | 05:31 |
Xikkub | it all depends on what u got running, what comp u have | 05:32 |
spasticteapot | I know it used to be faster than Ubuntu. | 05:32 |
Xikkub | im so happy it can detect wireless networks now | 05:32 |
spasticteapot | Which is why I started with xubuntu - I learned Linux on a dirt-cheap POS machine because I was afraid of nuking the main machine. | 05:32 |
spasticteapot | Also, I was 14, and couldn't afford anything better. | 05:32 |
Xikkub | i spent countless hours trying to set up drivers and now i dunt need 2 do tht enymore | 05:33 |
Sw3RvE | spas what are you using for wireless what application? | 05:33 |
Daemonbuntu | I learned on Mandrake Linux in 1998 :P | 05:33 |
Xikkub | lol i learned on win95 in 1995 | 05:34 |
Xikkub | :P | 05:34 |
Sw3RvE | i learned on ubuntu last year 2008 | 05:34 |
Xikkub | i got red hat in 2000 | 05:35 |
Daemonbuntu | if we're talking first computer, a Commodore 64 | 05:35 |
Daemonbuntu | 1988 | 05:35 |
Xikkub | haha. my first comp was win95 | 05:35 |
spasticteapot | I got my Commodore 64 as a hand-me-down when I was 3. | 05:36 |
Daemonbuntu | | 05:36 |
spasticteapot | It wasn't worth much. | 05:36 |
_Pete_ | year contest! :) I love those... I started ircking with my amiga around 1989 :) | 05:36 |
Xikkub | yeah i was three when i started my win95 | 05:36 |
Xikkub | omg i have to eat over 50 pazelles before tomorrow | 05:37 |
* genii hugs his Heathkit Z80 | 05:37 | |
Sw3RvE | now i have 5 icons working :) | 05:37 |
Xikkub | hawhaw | 05:37 |
Xikkub | i have none because im still rebooting :( | 05:38 |
Xikkub | lets hope for the best when installing xubuntu | 05:44 |
Xikkub | im partitioning right now /\ fingers crossed | 05:44 |
Xikkub | %#*@#*% | 05:45 |
Xikkub | An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. | 05:45 |
Xikkub | The resize operation has been aborted. | 05:46 |
Xikkub | why is this happening to me ??~?~~? >:o | 05:46 |
Sw3RvE | idk when i have a problem with Windows XP i just re-install it. lol | 05:52 |
Sw3RvE | but then i keep everything i need on an external hdd | 05:52 |
Xikkub | well the xubuntu installer isnt lettng me resize my paritions | 05:53 |
Xikkub | i dunno wtf is going on | 05:53 |
Xikkub | and i dont want to use wubi again -.- | 05:53 |
Xikkub | :,( | 05:54 |
forces | saluton | 05:57 |
genii | Xikkub: You can only resize partitions if you have the filesystem driver installed for whatever they are formatted as, if not native linux ext types. | 05:57 |
genii | Also ntfs complains if the thing hasn't been scanned and marked clean | 05:57 |
Xikkub | so i would have to install an ntfs driver for it | 05:57 |
Xikkub | what do i use to scan :S | 05:58 |
genii | Xikkub: Yes | 05:58 |
genii | Xikkub: Normally you scan it with chkdsk from your windows install | 05:58 |
Xikkub | okay | 05:58 |
Xikkub | i googled ntfs drivers linux and im not sure what i need to download | 05:59 |
Xikkub | xubuntu doesnt have ntfs capabilities integrated? | 05:59 |
genii | !info ntfsprogs | 05:59 |
ubottu | ntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB | 05:59 |
Xikkub | so ill go download ntfsprogs? | 06:00 |
Xikkub | then i load that onto my ubuntu running off of the live cd in my computer | 06:00 |
Xikkub | and then i partition? | 06:00 |
genii | Xikkub: Yes | 06:00 |
Xikkub | wow thanks. i nevah wouldve gotten that | 06:01 |
Xikkub | ill try it now | 06:01 |
Xikkub | download link on sourceforge is apparently broken | 06:03 |
Xikkub | sad panda :( | 06:04 |
Xikkub | man, i really needed this too | 06:04 |
Xikkub | wait i got it! | 06:05 |
Xikkub | genii: sorry to keep asking, but would i need the kernel ntfs module? or just ntfsprogs | 06:06 |
genii | Xikkub: As far as I remember just to install it from package manager | 06:07 |
Xikkub | oh ok | 06:07 |
genii | (it's been a while since I had any ntfs partitions) | 06:07 |
Xikkub | yeah im not used to having internet on linux -.- | 06:08 |
R1cochet | Xikkub: i have ntfs drives on my system did you get it to work? | 06:14 |
Xikkub | need to fix up my wireless XD | 06:15 |
R1cochet | ahh ok | 06:15 |
Xikkub | lol it wrked the 1st time | 06:16 |
R1cochet | ur wireless did? | 06:16 |
Xikkub | ya | 06:16 |
R1cochet | what xubuntu u on? | 06:16 |
Xikkub | newest | 06:17 |
Xikkub | 8.1 right | 06:17 |
Xikkub | wtf how is it not wrkin wirelessly again | 06:17 |
R1cochet | laptop? | 06:18 |
Xikkub | yeah, but im using a wireless usb adapter | 06:19 |
Xikkub | because wireless isnt built in | 06:19 |
Xikkub | i had a horrible time with ndiswrapper last time i tried it | 06:19 |
Xikkub | but when i first booted into xubuntu it had detected my wireless!!! | 06:19 |
Xikkub | and i got internet :/ | 06:20 |
Xikkub | i dont understand why its not working again!!!!!!! | 06:20 |
Xikkub | AHH | 06:21 |
Xikkub | got it! | 06:21 |
Xikkub | scared the sH1t out of me | 06:22 |
R1cochet | ok so to setup ntfs drives on xubuntu u will need ntfs-3g and ntfsprogs | 06:22 |
R1cochet | dl from synaptic | 06:22 |
Xikkub | ok ill load up the manager | 06:22 |
R1cochet | and for gui to setup the drives ull also want ntfs-config | 06:23 |
Xikkub | ok ill dl all of those | 06:23 |
R1cochet | so grab those 3 packages | 06:23 |
Xikkub | cool, thanks!!! | 06:23 |
R1cochet | np | 06:23 |
Xikkub | linux people are such nice people | 06:23 |
R1cochet | once u have all 3 goto: applications>system>ntfs config tool | 06:24 |
R1cochet | check both boxes and hit ok | 06:24 |
Xikkub | can i simply do an apt-get install ntfs-3g | 06:24 |
Xikkub | synaptic isnt loading :/ | 06:24 |
Xikkub | ? | 06:25 |
R1cochet | yes but do "sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g ntfsprogs ntfs-config" | 06:25 |
Xikkub | "sorry the program jockey-gtk closed unexpectebdly | 06:26 |
Xikkub | and yeah i feel more comfortable in terminal | 06:26 |
Xikkub | gui is too confusing | 06:26 |
R1cochet | i understand | 06:26 |
R1cochet | well i cant help u setup the mount points in terminal sorry | 06:27 |
Xikkub | okay its download | 06:27 |
Xikkub | mount points? | 06:27 |
R1cochet | u wont need ntfs config tool to do in terminal tho | 06:27 |
Xikkub | like partition points | 06:27 |
R1cochet | u have to mount the drives | 06:27 |
Xikkub | mount hdd? | 06:27 |
R1cochet | nope no partitions | 06:27 |
Xikkub | well ill let this thing download real fast | 06:28 |
R1cochet | if u want xubuntu to see the drives u have to mount them | 06:28 |
Xikkub | k everything is dled and installd installed | 06:28 |
Xikkub | ill go to apps>sys>ntfs now | 06:28 |
Xikkub | ahh. nifty | 06:28 |
R1cochet | yep | 06:28 |
Xikkub | "click here to set a mount point" | 06:29 |
Xikkub | i shall do so | 06:29 |
R1cochet | so after u check both boxes and hit ok a new screen shows | 06:29 |
Xikkub | what do i type for mount point :S | 06:29 |
Xikkub | and there is only one box btw | 06:29 |
Xikkub | oh add a name | 06:29 |
R1cochet | yea i erase what it put in the box and just type the name u want, | 06:29 |
Xikkub | ill say "XUBUNTU" | 06:29 |
R1cochet | ok but the will be the name of ur ntfs drive in xubuntu :) | 06:30 |
Xikkub | guess what | 06:30 |
Xikkub | MOUNTING FAILED | 06:30 |
Xikkub | yay | 06:30 |
R1cochet | wtf | 06:30 |
Xikkub | mount is denied because ntfs is marked to be in use | 06:30 |
Xikkub | disconnect external devices in windows by safely remove hardware | 06:31 |
Xikkub | ahh | 06:31 |
R1cochet | ok i take its an external drive then? | 06:31 |
Xikkub | mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /media/xubuntu -o force | 06:31 |
Xikkub | no its internal | 06:31 |
Xikkub | ill try that command above | 06:31 |
Xikkub | oh wait | 06:31 |
Xikkub | UNCLEAN SHUTDOWN | 06:31 |
R1cochet | did u properly shut down windows the last time it accessed that drive? | 06:32 |
Xikkub | hmm | 06:32 |
Xikkub | probably not | 06:32 |
R1cochet | thats the problem | 06:32 |
Xikkub | i shall reboot and shutdown cleanly XD | 06:32 |
R1cochet | that should fix ur problem :) | 06:32 |
R1cochet | see ya when u get back | 06:32 |
Xikkub | no im on other computer | 06:32 |
Xikkub | ill make sure i copy those comamnds so i dont lose them | 06:33 |
Xikkub | k ive booted back up | 06:45 |
R1cochet | ok now try the tool again | 06:45 |
Xikkub | ill have to redl the stuff so ill be a sec | 06:46 |
R1cochet | y do u need to redl ? | 06:46 |
Xikkub | re download | 06:46 |
Xikkub | remember, im launching this off my live cd | 06:46 |
R1cochet | i didnt know u were using a live cd | 06:47 |
Xikkub | yeah i am | 06:47 |
R1cochet | but i dont think u can save anything while running from live cd | 06:47 |
Xikkub | well you can do anything you want, but once you reboot, you will lose everything | 06:47 |
R1cochet | hmmm cool | 06:47 |
genii | Well, you can save changes too if you have a partition with special name like casper-cow | 06:47 |
Xikkub | haha yeah you can | 06:48 |
genii | But anyhow you can install packages of whatever onto livecd if ram is large enough to hold it. | 06:48 |
R1cochet | ahh cool | 06:48 |
Xikkub | lol i got justbarely enough | 06:49 |
Xikkub | not the best laptop, but it should work | 06:49 |
Xikkub | 256mb | 06:49 |
Xikkub | :S | 06:49 |
Xikkub | yess | 06:50 |
Xikkub | enabled write support for internal device? | 06:50 |
Xikkub | enabled write support for external device? | 06:50 |
Xikkub | ill just leave internal device checked | 06:50 |
R1cochet | yes | 06:50 |
R1cochet | either way | 06:51 |
Xikkub | so is it done or something | 06:51 |
Xikkub | it just disappeared so i assume it worked | 06:51 |
R1cochet | did u name it? | 06:51 |
Xikkub | yup | 06:51 |
R1cochet | ok now open file browser | 06:52 |
Xikkub | k | 06:52 |
Xikkub | im there | 06:52 |
R1cochet | click on filesystem | 06:52 |
R1cochet | go into media | 06:52 |
R1cochet | folder | 06:52 |
Xikkub | k | 06:52 |
Xikkub | ah i see | 06:52 |
R1cochet | viola | 06:52 |
Xikkub | oh nice, now i can see all my files for windows | 06:53 |
Xikkub | now when i go to install, it should work? | 06:53 |
R1cochet | install what? | 06:53 |
Xikkub | xubuntu | 06:53 |
Xikkub | onto the hdd! | 06:53 |
R1cochet | not sure | 06:53 |
Xikkub | im running it on live cd so i need to isntall it | 06:53 |
Xikkub | ill try | 06:53 |
R1cochet | think once u install u will need to redl the packages again | 06:54 |
Xikkub | how much space does xubuntu need | 06:54 |
Xikkub | yeah i know ill need to redl | 06:54 |
R1cochet | i hope u know how to create a dual boot system | 06:54 |
Xikkub | less than 10 gigs im sure | 06:54 |
Xikkub | and yes | 06:54 |
R1cochet | ok cool ur set bro | 06:54 |
R1cochet | and enjoy the beauty of linux | 06:55 |
Xikkub | i just have to see if i can install xubuntu onto it :S | 06:55 |
R1cochet | u should be able to np | 06:55 |
Xikkub | whats nice is that ubuntu and its brother os's repartition nicely so its very simple to dual boot | 06:55 |
Xikkub | One interesting thing to note though - Ubuntu is happy to read NTFS partitions, so one potential configuration option is to either create a 2nd NTFS partition which will house data for access by both operating systems, or simply a 2nd hard drive, again formatted with NTFS. | 06:56 |
Xikkub | it was having problems when i repartitioned the hdd | 06:56 |
R1cochet | for a while i had a windows partition, xubuntu, and a 3rd ntfs partition for both | 06:57 |
Xikkub | wouldnt you just have two partitions, one for each | 06:57 |
R1cochet | i do now | 06:57 |
Xikkub | or teh thrid was used for storage or sothin> | 06:57 |
R1cochet | 3rd was for storage | 06:57 |
Xikkub | yeah i WOULD justinstall ubuntu on the entire disk and be done with it but i dont own the computer hehe | 06:58 |
R1cochet | but since ive reformated the entire drive and now have 40g for winblows and the rest for linux | 06:58 |
Xikkub | haha | 06:58 |
R1cochet | ahh i understand | 06:58 |
Xikkub | its a work computer and they want to keep the windows in tact | 06:58 |
R1cochet | tho i find i need windows unfortunately for a couple games and rosetta stone | 06:59 |
Xikkub | but i can easily install and unisntall linux | 06:59 |
Xikkub | yeah i like games and rosetta stone :) | 06:59 |
Xikkub | apparently lots of games are very slow | 06:59 |
R1cochet | some of the games didnt run to well in wine for me | 06:59 |
Xikkub | like they work but slowly | 06:59 |
R1cochet | yep | 06:59 |
R1cochet | then i tried setting up a virtual drive for windows but ran just as slow for me | 07:00 |
* genii watches Far Cry happen in bionic-man speed | 07:00 | |
Xikkub | lol i need to finish this electron orbital configuration prog in 3 hours | 07:00 |
Xikkub | everything works except when trying to calculate cations and anions | 07:01 |
R1cochet | Xikkub: u can setup ur xubuntu to look just like windows if need be :) | 07:01 |
Xikkub | haha no ty | 07:01 |
R1cochet | | 07:01 |
Xikkub | its a simple look as is | 07:01 |
R1cochet | have a look at that site its great and full of diff themes | 07:02 |
R1cochet | also u might look into compiz-fusion | 07:02 |
R1cochet | well enjoy | 07:02 |
Xikkub | yeah compiz fusion is amazing | 07:02 |
Xikkub | whoaaa the partitioner cant even see the file system now | 07:05 |
Xikkub | i guess ill just reboot AGAIN and see what i can do :/ | 07:06 |
Xikkub | ugh. nothing is working | 07:08 |
tim__ | does anyone here have trouble running starcraft | 07:18 |
Xikkub | dunt play starcraft, sorry | 07:19 |
tim__ | ok cuz i ran it on xp but it runs real slow on my linux | 07:19 |
Xikkub | yeah lots of games run slow on linux | 07:20 |
tim__ | it sucks i cant even play it | 07:20 |
Xikkub | no way to fix it (im pretty sure) | 07:20 |
tim__ | ok | 07:20 |
tim__ | while im here do you happen to know how to set up a bridge connection | 07:21 |
tim__ | ethernet | 07:22 |
Xikkub | you mean like bridge across ethernet or bridge like vmware | 07:22 |
Xikkub | ahh ur too fast | 07:22 |
Xikkub | you mean like use the wireless of one computer on another | 07:22 |
Xikkub | ? | 07:22 |
tim__ | yes im trying to run a bridge from my xbox 360 to my laptop so i do not have to buy the wireless connection thing | 07:23 |
tim__ | but i dont know how on linux | 07:23 |
Xikkub | ah. yeah i dont know how to do it on linux either. i can do it for win | 07:23 |
Xikkub | no lin tho | 07:23 |
tim__ | yea i can do it on win too | 07:23 |
Xikkub | cant we all | 07:23 |
Xikkub | :) | 07:23 |
tim__ | haha | 07:23 |
Xikkub | ugh i cant even install xubuntu | 07:24 |
tim__ | why not? | 07:24 |
Xikkub | sad panda :( | 07:24 |
tim__ | panda? | 07:24 |
Xikkub | no sad panda = i am sad | 07:24 |
Xikkub | the partitioner keeps trying to resize my partition to put xubuntu on | 07:25 |
Xikkub | but it just randomly fails and says "I CANT DO IT" | 07:25 |
Xikkub | like oreilly | 07:25 |
tim__ | hmm maybe you don't have enough remaining space on your HD | 07:25 |
Xikkub | and im quite sure there is enough spaec for ubuntu | 07:25 |
tim__ | ok | 07:26 |
Xikkub | and xubuntu or whatever | 07:26 |
Xikkub | ya its annoying | 07:26 |
tim__ | how much space is left on HD | 07:26 |
Xikkub | 11g for xubuntu | 07:26 |
Xikkub | more than enough | 07:26 |
Xikkub | AHHHHG | 07:26 |
tim__ | haha yup thats plenty | 07:26 |
Xikkub | An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation has been aborted. | 07:27 |
tim__ | im not sure why it cannot partition | 07:27 |
Xikkub | i mean wtf | 07:27 |
tim__ | yeah | 07:27 |
Xikkub | ricochet u ther? | 07:27 |
tim__ | hmm> | 07:27 |
tim__ | ?* | 07:27 |
Xikkub | richochect = smart guy who prolly left this irc | 07:27 |
tim__ | oh | 07:28 |
R1cochet | just came back | 07:28 |
Xikkub | haha | 07:28 |
Xikkub | An error occurred while writing the changes to the storage devices. The resize operation has been aborted. | 07:28 |
Xikkub | ntfsprogs just makes it worse :/ | 07:28 |
tim__ | what kind of comp do you have | 07:28 |
Xikkub | compaq | 07:29 |
tim__ | RAM, HD.....ETC | 07:29 |
Xikkub | 256 ram | 07:29 |
Xikkub | thats all you should need ;) | 07:29 |
tim__ | ok | 07:29 |
R1cochet | i dunno what to do to fix that partitioner issue u have | 07:29 |
R1cochet | sorry | 07:29 |
Xikkub | hmm | 07:30 |
tim__ | desktop or lappy | 07:30 |
Xikkub | lap | 07:30 |
R1cochet | im gonna watch new firday13th now | 07:30 |
R1cochet | gl Xikkub | 07:30 |
Xikkub | kk | 07:30 |
Xikkub | ty | 07:30 |
R1cochet | bbl, np | 07:30 |
Xikkub | lol | 07:30 |
tim__ | lol im bored as fuck and trying to spark conversation | 07:31 |
Xikkub | im trying to fix this stupid problem | 07:31 |
tim__ | i know | 07:31 |
Xikkub | i neeeeeeeeeed this to work | 07:31 |
tim__ | why do you actually want xubuntu | 07:31 |
Xikkub | i SHOULD just install it over xp on the laptop but i cant | 07:31 |
Xikkub | because i am a programmer | 07:31 |
tim__ | oh | 07:31 |
tim__ | ok | 07:31 |
R1cochet | u might want to try to defrag that windows partition in windows b4 u try install xubuntu | 07:32 |
Xikkub | hahah i made sure i did that too | 07:32 |
Xikkub | so THATS out of the question | 07:32 |
Xikkub | maybe a chkdsk again :/ | 07:33 |
tim__ | how are you partitioning it for space | 07:33 |
Xikkub | the guidedpartitioner | 07:33 |
Xikkub | it takes the free space and adds that to the new partition | 07:33 |
tim__ | oh | 07:33 |
Xikkub | this is the problem i get but in xubuntu | 07:34 |
Xikkub | | 07:34 |
tim__ | im sure your beyond this but did you try googling it | 07:34 |
Xikkub | sorry if links are illegal but whatever | 07:34 |
Xikkub | hawhawhawh cant believe u asked that | 07:34 |
tim__ | lol | 07:34 |
tim__ | i dont care if its illegal | 07:34 |
Xikkub | illegal meaning ops ban u for posting links | 07:34 |
tim__ | yea it is | 07:35 |
Xikkub | den too bad | 07:35 |
Xikkub | man this sucks so much | 07:35 |
tim__ | copy pasteed link | 07:35 |
Xikkub | i can boot into the live cd and access everything but just isntalling it to the hdd causes problem | 07:35 |
Xikkub | nice | 07:35 |
Xikkub | i think i shall try wubi again | 07:35 |
Xikkub | cant believe im doing that again | 07:35 |
tim__ | well can you just run it off live cd or do you need it on hd for what you are doing | 07:36 |
_Pete_ | what filesystem the partition you are resizing using? | 07:36 |
Xikkub | running it off a live cd has many disadvantages | 07:36 |
Xikkub | its ntfs but that shouldnt be a problem seeing as debian now lets you manage ntfs file systems | 07:37 |
Xikkub | debian is quite good at resizing ntfs | 07:37 |
tim__ | well gl | 07:38 |
tim__ | i g2g | 07:38 |
Xikkub | lol | 07:38 |
Xikkub | gl as well | 07:38 |
Xikkub | ugh. apparently not many people get this error message | 07:39 |
Xikkub | as with most of my problems | 07:39 |
Xikkub | well see ya'lls | 07:40 |
Xikkub | i fixed it by using wubi | 08:11 |
Xikkub | is there any real disadvantage of using wubi besides it not being on its own partition, anybody? | 08:11 |
Myrtti | Xikkub: well | 08:14 |
Myrtti | Xikkub: wubi has that covered in it's faq... | 08:15 |
Myrtti | I'd personally not use wubi for other than demonstration purposes or temporary installs | 08:15 |
=== Xikkub is now known as Xikkub[A] | ||
* Xikkub[A] is now away - Reason : cuz i fk!ng want to | 08:16 | |
TheSheep | Xikkub[A]: can you please disable that? | 08:16 |
nawa | Hi all | 08:29 |
nawa | where can I find info on optimizing xubuntu? | 08:33 |
forces | nawa, google? | 08:35 |
nawa | g where can I find info on optimizing xubuntu :) | 08:36 |
genii | nawa: If you're feeling brave look into apt-build | 08:37 |
ActionParsnip | yo yo yo | 09:01 |
* genii makes more coffee | 09:05 | |
Reno` | ls | 09:07 |
ActionParsnip | oh that should be a factoid :D | 09:10 |
ActionParsnip | !ls | 09:10 |
ubottu | The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: | 09:10 |
Reno` | unlucky alt+tab sorry ;) | 09:12 |
ActionParsnip | np bro | 09:13 |
=== worms_ is now known as wormsxulla | ||
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak | ||
frambler | hi people :) | 13:19 |
Insu | hello | 13:21 |
frambler | I have a question, but isn't a particular linux question... I want to buy an netbook (acer one, especifically), but before I buy it, I need to know if it is good enough to develop web applications and c++. | 13:28 |
pleia2 | "develop" can mean all kinds of things, you should look up what kind of power your "development" requires and compare it to the specs of the netbook | 13:30 |
ablomen | frambler, well depending on the size of your hands the keyboard of those things might be a bit small for writing a lot of code | 13:32 |
frambler | well, web applications I think it will be good enough. I'm not so sure if it'll fill my needs on c++. I'm starting on it. I work as webdeveloper, but I want now to work on c++ game development. | 13:33 |
ablomen | i can imagine compiling taking some time.. they are not hugely fast | 13:33 |
frambler | I have a powerful desktop computer which I can develop heavy c++ stuff. The netbook would be only to practice, getting easier. | 13:35 |
frambler | but as I can see, it's possible to compile and build (even if it isn't fast), so might be a good deal for me. | 13:35 |
frambler | it's small and easy to take it to places like university :) | 13:36 |
TheSheep | considering how people were developing c++ and web applications 10 years ago with the hardware available back then, any modern computer will do | 13:38 |
TheSheep | keyboard size might be an issue | 13:38 |
TheSheep | coding usually involves lots of typing | 13:38 |
TheSheep | I wouldn't go below 12" | 13:39 |
TheSheep | but that's with my hands | 13:39 |
ablomen | you could always buy something like this btw > | 13:40 |
ablomen | if your really gonna code a lot on it, i would do that anyway, since "special" characters are in weird places on many laptops | 13:41 |
ppwnepdawueqw | good day | 13:43 |
ppwnepdawueqw | : ) | 13:43 |
ppwnepdawueqw | Erm I'm experiencing some problems with Xubuntu... Desktop went all black and I don't know what might of caused that. Read a couple of treads about it on the ubuntuforums | 13:44 |
ablomen | frambler, oh and for web scripting, dunno if you are in to front-end developing, a screen res >= 1024x768 might be a good thing to look out for | 13:44 |
ppwnepdawueqw | but I don't have a clue what to do | 13:44 |
TheSheep | ppwnepdawueqw: press alt+f2 and type 'xfdesktop' | 13:45 |
ppwnepdawueqw | TheSheep it came to life again, thank you | 13:46 |
ppwnepdawueqw | so why did that happen? o_o | 13:46 |
TheSheep | ppwnepdawueqw: for some reason it crashed | 13:46 |
frambler | ablomen: actually I don't think the resolution of acer one is a problem for webdeveloping. 1024x600 would let me create web apps and people would not experience the horizontal scroller :) | 13:50 |
frambler | and I never tried a netbook keyboard before, so I don't know it it will hurt my hand. I think I'll give a try. | 13:50 |
ablomen | :) | 13:50 |
frambler | thank you for your opinion by the way. :-) | 13:51 |
ablomen | heh sure np | 13:56 |
SiDi | hello people ! | 14:46 |
SiDi | I has a question : how can i retrieve the source of a package that is in the repo .? | 14:46 |
charlie-tca | This is what the bugsquad uses: | 14:48 |
charlie-tca | What package are you looking for? | 14:48 |
SiDi | coreutils | 14:49 |
SiDi | found it in | 14:49 |
SiDi | but i thought there was a command to download the source of a package | 14:49 |
SiDi | just can't remember it, and as im behind a proxy i cant ask on #ubuntu :( | 14:49 |
forces | man apt-get | 14:51 |
SiDi | okey that was stupid | 14:52 |
SiDi | apt-get source \o/ | 14:52 |
forces | :P | 14:52 |
SiDi | and with aptitude, any idea ? :p | 14:52 |
forces | man aptitude | 14:52 |
SiDi | damn :( | 14:52 |
forces | :P | 14:53 |
forces | !aptitude | 14:53 |
ubottu | aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See | 14:53 |
SiDi | hehe actually i dont think aptitude has a source command :) | 14:53 |
SiDi | see you peeps, have a nice afternoon | 15:05 |
Pres-Gas | Hey all | 15:44 |
Ragamufin | hi Pres-Gas | 15:45 |
knome | !samba | 15:50 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 15:50 |
Darth_Tux | hello all, i am using xubuntu from a flash drive. the menu fonts once it boots are HUGE!!! is there a fix for this? | 16:28 |
charlie-tca | What version are you using? | 16:29 |
Darth_Tux | it is the LTS | 16:30 |
charlie-tca | Strange, I hadn't heard of 8.04 doing that. The fix is to lower the font DPI. Applications -> Settings -> Settings Manager | 16:31 |
charlie-tca | User interface ; Font DPI ; set it down to about 96 | 16:32 |
Darth_Tux | hmmm, the problem is i am not sure i can get to that with the menus being as messed up as they are | 16:32 |
charlie-tca | It is a struggle. I had to do it myself once here | 16:32 |
Darth_Tux | will that work in the live environment? | 16:33 |
charlie-tca | It's like looking in a magnifying glass | 16:33 |
charlie-tca | Don't know if works in live. | 16:33 |
Darth_Tux | i will give it a try | 16:33 |
Darth_Tux | biab | 16:33 |
charlie-tca | Sounds like something broke when you put it on the flash drive | 16:34 |
Darth_Tux | charlie-tca, it wasnt doable | 16:51 |
charlie-tca | Sounds like something broke when you put it on the flash drive | 16:51 |
charlie-tca | Can you boot a livecd? | 16:52 |
Darth_Tux | sometimes. the 8.10 worked ok from the flash, and is installed and working, i just prefer the more stable things | 16:53 |
Darth_Tux | my cd drive is moody | 16:53 |
charlie-tca | Stay with 8.10 then. It is a stable version | 16:53 |
charlie-tca | The difference is three year support or 18 month support | 16:54 |
Darth_Tux | probably right, i will no doubt be using debian sometime in the next year anyhow | 16:54 |
Darth_Tux | charlie-tca, i need to edit my fstab to add a windows partition, the ubuntu fstab has different set up, | 16:56 |
Darth_Tux | the whole UUID stuff, does it need that? | 16:57 |
charlie-tca | I don't know | 16:58 |
rocko | | 17:04 |
abc | On a system with 147 MB Ram, it works Xubuntu alternate install ? | 17:04 |
rocko | maybe abc | 17:04 |
abc | 450 Mhz P3 | 17:04 |
rocko | maybe you should try debian | 17:05 |
abc | maybe or real :) | 17:05 |
rocko | it requires 28mb of ram | 17:05 |
abc | no while my Wlan card not work , maybe... | 17:05 |
rocko | debian requires 28mb of ram | 17:05 |
charlie-tca | abc: it will run so slow you can make coffee while waiting | 17:05 |
rocko | coffee :( | 17:05 |
rocko | is bad for your teeth | 17:05 |
rocko | it is better to go for a run | 17:06 |
abc | i must now download a Linux system | 17:06 |
charlie-tca | might take 4-6 hours to install | 17:06 |
abc | no | 17:06 |
rocko | than drink caffine | 17:06 |
rocko | ,g debian | 17:06 |
abc | i have Realtek 8180 L its support xubuntu ? | 17:06 |
rocko | !g debian | 17:06 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about g debian | 17:06 |
abc | i will click i buntu not ; configure and not finish. | 17:07 |
abc | i mean : no time. | 17:07 |
abc | i have Realtek 8180 L its support or not ? | 17:07 |
charlie-tca | yes | 17:07 |
abc | !Xubuntu | 17:07 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at and - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 17:07 |
abc | Okay i loading Xubuntu, its exist Alternate ? | 17:08 |
rocko | !debian | 17:08 |
abc | i will dont use windoze. | 17:08 |
ubottu | Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu! | 17:08 |
charlie-tca | !releases | 17:08 |
ubottu | Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at & | 17:08 |
abc | ubuntu == xubuntu ; ubuntu/xubuntu != debian ; Right ? | 17:09 |
rocko | supported for 18 months to 5 years is crap | 17:09 |
rocko | it only does security updates | 17:09 |
rocko | not updates for software to add new features | 17:09 |
charlie-tca | rocko: what about bugs? | 17:09 |
rocko | | 17:10 |
zoredache | rocko: perhaps for desktop users, but people running servers tend to not really care about the latest wizz-bang feature in firefox, and instead want nothing to change unexpectedly | 17:10 |
rocko | Things have changed. "Dapper was not updated in the way our users expected," Woodford said. "Personally, I think the Ubuntu people spoke sincerely and accurately, but perhaps ambiguously. So there was a misunderstanding among users. The fact is Dapper was updated with security fixes, but not with new versions of the applications." | 17:11 |
abc | Its supports Hard says. Xubuntu TOO ?? | 17:11 |
abc | after hardy** | 17:12 |
abc | rt8180 | 17:12 |
rocko | abc you should try sidux | 17:12 |
rocko | it is also based off of debian sid like ubuntu is | 17:12 |
abc | realy , wath is when doesnt work out of box my wlan... | 17:13 |
rocko | but it is vanilla sid | 17:13 |
rocko | what are you saying abc ? | 17:13 |
rocko | is english not your first language ? abc | 17:14 |
abc | yes | 17:14 |
rocko | I mean by vanilla sid as in it does not add any thing extra | 17:14 |
rocko | ubuntu adds a bunch of other things | 17:15 |
rocko | that makes it buggy it seems | 17:15 |
rocko | which I did not experience buggy problems with sidux running it live like I did with ubuntu | 17:16 |
charlie-tca | abc: Xubuntu is just ubuntu with the xfce desktop. It should support whatever Ubuntu supports for wireless | 17:16 |
abc | THANK YOU VERY MUCH. | 17:16 |
abc | Thaat i will heart. | 17:16 |
charlie-tca | You are welcome | 17:16 |
abc | :) | 17:16 |
rocko | plus it also auto detects my exact resolution so the text font for boot up messages is not all messed up | 17:17 |
Sw3RvE | im a noob i have no idea how to use WiFi Radar lol | 17:17 |
charlie-tca | Sw3RvE: me neither | 17:17 |
Sw3RvE | why cant they just make an app that scans access points and asks for the sec key if there is one? | 17:17 |
abc | Have Xubuntu an Network Applet yes ? | 17:18 |
zoredache | because wireless cards don't consistantly provide a 'scaning' api | 17:18 |
rocko | abc sidux also has xfce too | 17:18 |
charlie-tca | yes it has Network Applet | 17:18 |
abc | good. | 17:18 |
zoredache | but it is getting better | 17:18 |
abc | ok rocko. | 17:18 |
Sw3RvE | well laptop wise im pretty sure they can scan ... right | 17:19 |
Sw3RvE | hmm | 17:23 |
alienkid | Uh, guys, my computer just did that weird restart thing again. | 18:14 |
alienkid | (Alien's brother here.) | 18:14 |
alienkid | It also didn't seem to reigster the sudo tun2fs changing of the fsck mount number. | 18:14 |
alienkid | My brother just came down and said we didn't change the right thing for fsck and that we can't with the right. | 18:15 |
alienkid | Onw. (I hate my brother.) | 18:16 |
alienkid | Swap gained, starting up. | 18:16 |
charlie-tca | Do a hard power off? | 18:16 |
alienkid | loaded gdm | 18:16 |
alienkid | logging in. | 18:16 |
alienkid | desktop | 18:17 |
alienkid | Started fine. | 18:17 |
alienkid | Changing to Foxkeh now. Brother will take over here. | 18:17 |
Myrtti | charlie-tca: if they use wubi | 18:17 |
Myrtti | charlie-tca: I wouldn't suggest hard power off | 18:17 |
alienkid | hi real AK here | 18:17 |
charlie-tca | What is the "that weird restart thing again" | 18:17 |
Foxkeh | Foxkeh here. | 18:18 |
charlie-tca | Myrtti: I'm lost again... | 18:18 |
Foxkeh | The screen flashes for a second(Blue streak in the middle.) and then goes black, the bios beeps out the ok,(Dun dun dun, dun dun dun.) and it goes fine. | 18:18 |
Foxkeh | So, any idea how to change the fsck correctly? | 18:19 |
Myrtti | Foxkeh: you have installed with wubi, haven't you? | 18:20 |
Foxkeh | Yep. | 18:20 |
rodzyneck | hello | 18:20 |
Myrtti | Foxkeh: I'd leave the fsck as it is | 18:20 |
Foxkeh | What's your problem? Did you crash? | 18:21 |
Foxkeh | Why? | 18:21 |
Foxkeh | Then I'll have to reinstall, won't I? | 18:21 |
Myrtti | hm? | 18:21 |
Foxkeh | Alien found something that said it doesn't do anything in Wubi. | 18:21 |
alienkid | and last time it forced it, it failed | 18:21 |
Foxkeh | Just tell me howo to change it. | 18:22 |
rodzyneck | i'm trying to install xubuntu, ubuntu or even gentoo on my laptop, through disc drive connected via pcmcia, and obviously it doesn't work... any ideas haow to make it work? | 18:23 |
rodzyneck | it boots from the cd, but when i try to install or boot livecd it stops | 18:23 |
zoredache | where does it stop? How much memory do you have? | 18:24 |
Foxkeh | Myrtti? | 18:24 |
rodzyneck | 256mb | 18:24 |
rodzyneck | it stops on the screen with the logo and moving strip underneath | 18:25 |
zoredache | hrm... Have you tried the cd verification option to make sure your disk is good? | 18:25 |
rodzyneck | doesn't work either | 18:25 |
rodzyneck | but i've just burnt the cd | 18:26 |
rodzyneck | i guess the problem is with mounting the cd drive | 18:26 |
rodzyneck | because its on pcmcia | 18:26 |
zoredache | perhaps. Have you considered trying to install with the alternate installer? | 18:26 |
Foxkeh | How are you installing? Partition or Wubi? | 18:27 |
zoredache | it tends to work inplaces where the the livecd installer won't boot | 18:27 |
rodzyneck | do you mean the different iso or some parameteres for this one | 18:27 |
zoredache | !alternate | 18:27 |
ubottu | The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at | 18:27 |
rodzyneck | Foxkeh: me? i don't understand :) | 18:28 |
rodzyneck | zoredache: i can try | 18:29 |
Foxkeh | Did you install by partitioning or using Wubi? | 18:31 |
rodzyneck | sorry, didn't know what wubi was | 18:32 |
rodzyneck | i'm booting from the cd so definitely not wubi | 18:33 |
rodzyneck | but couldn't get anywhere because it crashes right after choosing an option after booting | 18:33 |
lukinfore | system-config-printer-common | 18:37 |
lukinfore | hi | 18:37 |
lukinfore | The following packages have been kept back: | 18:37 |
lukinfore | what does that mean? | 18:37 |
Foxkeh | Wubi installs inside Windows(If you used Windows.) as a virtual disk. | 18:37 |
zoredache | lukinfore: what where you doing that cause dyou tog et that message? | 18:38 |
charlie-tca | lukinfore: means it did not upgrade the package; usually it is waiting for additional dependencies | 18:38 |
lukinfore | charlie-tca tnx | 18:38 |
Foxkeh | So, Myrtti, how do I fsck in Wubi? | 18:38 |
Myrtti | Foxkeh: I've not used wubi myself so I wouldn't know | 18:40 |
lukinfore | well it doing update using synaptic, but installs additional package | 18:41 |
lukinfore | how could i force apt-get to do it? | 18:41 |
lukinfore | *can | 18:41 |
Foxkeh | Great. | 18:42 |
Foxkeh | So, anyone know how to fsck in Wubi? | 18:42 |
charlie-tca | lukinfore: I wouldn't force it; give it a day or two and see if it updates itself | 18:44 |
lukinfore | nonono, that was already when updating xfce | 18:45 |
lukinfore | it keep more and more package, from update to update | 18:45 |
lukinfore | i mean, it seems apt-get prefer keep old version instead of upgrading package +install additional | 18:46 |
lukinfore | i should read man | 18:47 |
lukinfore | but it is so big | 18:47 |
chewit | the feature freeze was today. does this mean that xubuntu 9.04 will ship with 4.6RC | 18:48 |
charlie-tca | I have better luck updating with "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" . It seems to work better | 18:48 |
charlie-tca | chewit: not really | 18:48 |
charlie-tca | It will depend on when 4.6 final is released | 18:49 |
chewit | ah | 18:49 |
chewit | i thought once the feature freeze has passed, u can't upgrade the package versions anymore | 18:49 |
chewit | u can only fix bugs | 18:49 |
lukinfore | but shouldn't dist-upgrade upgrade to 9.10? | 18:49 |
charlie-tca | We can get an exception, too | 18:50 |
chewit | ah | 18:50 |
charlie-tca | | 18:50 |
chewit | how come firefox 3 was not an exception for hardy | 18:50 |
charlie-tca | I don't know. I don't think it was ready in time, but it is in hardy now | 18:51 |
gsuveg | re | 18:52 |
chewit | quick question, is abiword 4.6.6 in jaunty now | 18:52 |
rodzyneck | trying alternate now, seems to be working | 18:52 |
chewit | i saw the email that it had been uploaded | 18:52 |
gsuveg | after sleep my system is not locked | 18:52 |
charlie-tca | yes, chewit | 18:52 |
chewit | excellent | 18:52 |
gsuveg | i see wehre before i worked | 18:52 |
gsuveg | i need somethink to setup ? | 18:52 |
gsuveg | i want after sleep enter password to use my notebook | 18:53 |
charlie-tca | You can do that using the screensaver to lock the screen before is sleeps | 18:54 |
gsuveg | charlie-tca, yes but in gnome its works for example :P | 18:55 |
zoredache | charlie-tca: any idea on how to make it work, when you want to force it to sleep? | 18:55 |
gsuveg | and i dont setup the lid to sleep | 18:56 |
charlie-tca | no idea; the answer from xfce on a bug was use screensaver | 18:56 |
johan12 | hi y'all. some times when rebooting/shuting down my laptop the screen turns black and it's like the computers still running but it kinda gets stuck and doesn't reboot/shutdown, any ideas? | 18:56 |
charlie-tca | I wonder if you can install whatever gnome uses for it? | 18:56 |
charlie-tca | johan12: file a bug against "linux" | 18:57 |
gsuveg | charlie-tca, gnome have a bug in battery with my acer one :P | 18:57 |
johan12 | charlie-tca: as a beginner i don't know what you mean | 18:57 |
charlie-tca | okay | 18:57 |
charlie-tca | johan12: You can file a bug report since it is not waking up fully. You do that at: | 18:58 |
charlie-tca | Make sure you specify the make and model of the computer | 18:59 |
charlie-tca | johan12: It will be a bug in the kernel or in the video driver, so there will be questions for you to answer later | 19:00 |
johan12 | charlie-tca: i thought my sys was wrong configured | 19:00 |
Ishmael | how would i get a cgi file to work in xubuntu? | 19:00 |
zoredache | install apache, and configure it to allow programs to execute | 19:01 |
Ishmael | then it can run in the /var/www/ ? | 19:02 |
zoredache | you will of course need whatever intpereter the cgi uses installed | 19:02 |
zoredache | yes | 19:02 |
zoredache | check your /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default it already as a directory in /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ enabled for cgi. you would simply need to apply the same directives to the folder under /var/www where you want stuff to run | 19:04 |
zoredache | past that, you'll probably want to check out #ubuntu-server, or #apache for more help | 19:04 |
Ishmael | k, thanks | 19:05 |
Ishmael | oh awesome, i think that sets me on the right track | 19:05 |
Darth_Tux | how does the development version of *buntu compare to Debian testing in stability? | 19:23 |
charlie-tca | I don't know. I only test Xubuntu | 19:24 |
joshjtl | hi just installed xubuntu on a slightly old machine, screen looks very odd. Mainly fonts are difficult to read. | 19:25 |
charlie-tca | Go to User Interface and set hinting-Full, sub-pixel hinting RGB | 19:26 |
joshjtl | can anyone help me figure this out | 19:26 |
joshjtl | ok | 19:26 |
joshjtl | hinting is already full, but sub pixel hinting rgb isnt on | 19:27 |
joshjtl | do i need to log out to get this to do anything charlie-tca? | 19:27 |
charlie-tca | Also make sure anti-aliasing is on | 19:27 |
joshjtl | it is | 19:27 |
charlie-tca | It is immediate on mine | 19:27 |
joshjtl | hmmm ok no change then | 19:28 |
joshjtl | ubuntu didnt look like this | 19:28 |
charlie-tca | Might be you have experiment with those settings | 19:28 |
charlie-tca | gnome uses different font rendering than Xfce | 19:28 |
joshjtl | hmmm | 19:28 |
joshjtl | nothing is working | 19:30 |
charlie-tca | What font are you using? | 19:30 |
joshjtl | charlie-tca: default, and its sans | 19:30 |
joshjtl | i'm going to try booting off ubuntu live cd and copying the xorg.conf | 19:31 |
lukinfore | how to launch display-settings from console? | 19:33 |
lukinfore | nvm | 19:34 |
joshjtl | ok, coping xorg.conf from ubuntu live to xubuntu, (ubuntu live screen looked normal) xubuntu continues to look wrong... | 19:45 |
joshjtl | can anyone help me fix this screen problem please | 19:47 |
alienkid | The XPLuna theme won't let me change the panel background using my .gtkrc-2.0 or using it's gtkrc file. what do I do? | 19:50 |
alienkid | NVM | 19:54 |
joshjtl | hey folks, my monitor can do the res of 1280x1024, but in settings I can only change to 1280x800, do I need to change this in xorg.conf? | 19:55 |
joshjtl | if so how | 19:56 |
joshjtl | hello? | 19:57 |
charlie-tca | You can try editing /etc/X11/xorg.conf that you copied | 19:58 |
joshjtl | charlie-tca: xorg.conf doesnt list resolutions anymore | 19:59 |
charlie-tca | Restart and use recovery mode; XFix | 19:59 |
joshjtl | ok thx | 20:00 |
rubix | msg pzt i went ahead and rfri and now after the install @ first boot it freezes so ima try a diff version of windows | 20:00 |
bac | hi charlie-tca | 20:01 |
charlie-tca | hello | 20:01 |
lukinfore | someone on jaunty can try to change resolution via xfce4-display-settings? | 20:17 |
charlie-tca | Okay, I tried | 20:19 |
lukinfore | hmm | 20:19 |
charlie-tca | It is a nice interface we got, huh | 20:19 |
lukinfore | not works for me | 20:19 |
charlie-tca | It just didn't do anything | 20:19 |
charlie-tca | I did not say it worked... just that I tried | 20:19 |
lukinfore | heh | 20:19 |
charlie-tca | But hey, it is better than when we did not even have one | 20:20 |
charlie-tca | maybe? At least without it, you don't expect it to work | 20:20 |
lukinfore | so | 20:20 |
charlie-tca | Thanks for that one. I just triaged it. | 20:22 |
lukinfore | np | 20:24 |
lunix | hi guys:) Im going to install xubuntu for the first time now, and I have a question: Is it very different from ubuntu, and does it has access to the same packages? Why and when use xubuntu? :) | 20:28 |
cody-somerville | Its similar to Ubuntu and yes you can access the same packages. | 20:29 |
cody-somerville | Xubuntu is good if you like it :) | 20:29 |
lunix | my computer is 2000Mhz 512Mb RAM, and a old 250mb videocard | 20:29 |
lunix | will that work well? :) | 20:29 |
lunix | I have read that its it a bit quicker than ubuntu. why is that? it still uses gnome? maybe less prosesses running? | 20:30 |
arualavi | it uses xfce ( | 20:32 |
lunix | ohh xfce:) always wanted to try that! I love gnome though, but im sure Ill like xfce too :) | 20:39 |
knome | lunix, you will be fine with your pc. | 20:44 |
alienkid | Hi guys I just installed updates for today and now firefox isn't working(it starts), the back/forward buttons are gray and so are the stop, reload, and home buttons, the addres bar also doesn't display the address anymore. To top things off log-in buttons don't work(launchpad and others) and my bookmarks are gone(I have tried uninstalling all addons no effect, reinstalling package doesn't work) | 20:54 |
alienkid | here's a link that's like my proplem | 20:57 |
alienkid | | 20:57 |
charlie-tca | So, did resetting the permissions work for you too | 20:59 |
alienkid | give me a sec I was reading it and it crashed | 21:04 |
alienkid | ok yep that fixed it | 21:07 |
alienkid | odd wonder why that happens | 21:07 |
charlie-tca | Root takes over when you start firefox from it. | 21:08 |
alienkid | I didn't start firefox from it | 21:16 |
rocko | what is this "Please enter the master password for the Software Security Device." | 21:58 |
charlie-tca | What did you click on? | 22:02 |
arualavi | rocko, maybe this | 22:02 |
Xikkub | hey ricochet | 22:07 |
KronK0321 | Hi, I was wondering if anyone could help me with an issue I'm having with xfce | 22:13 |
Xikkub | whats the problem | 22:13 |
Xikkub | dunno if i can help | 22:13 |
knome | !ask | KronK0321 | 22:13 |
ubottu | KronK0321: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 22:13 |
Xikkub | lol happens all the time XD | 22:14 |
KronK0321 | when I lanch startxfce4 my screen goes blank. I get some hard drive activity but no keys respond. ALT-CTRL-DEL performs a normal reboot | 22:14 |
Xikkub | ctrl alt f7? | 22:14 |
knome | KronK0321, did you install with wubi? | 22:14 |
Xikkub | current screen display may be messed up | 22:15 |
KronK0321 | none of the ctrl-alt-F-keys work | 22:15 |
KronK0321 | That's what I was thinking. Possibly an xorg.conf deal? | 22:15 |
Xikkub | i have a wubi installation because i couldnt do it otherwise | 22:15 |
KronK0321 | Well, I tried the xubuntu desktop live CD but it had issues booting as this is an old laptop. So I tried the xubuntu alternate CD. It installed great but, at first boot, same thing: black screen | 22:16 |
KronK0321 | I wasn't able to get to a command-prompt, so I used my Ubuntu-server CD, installed and booted to a command-prompt, then apt-get installed xfce4 | 22:16 |
KronK0321 | which is where I am now. | 22:17 |
KronK0321 | I've been pulling my hair out on this one for a few days. Even went so far as to hook up a monitor to the VGA port on the back of the laptop to see if it was outputting there. It wasn't :( | 22:18 |
Xikkub | sudo apt-get install build-essential? | 22:19 |
Xikkub | maybe that will fix it up? | 22:19 |
forces | how many ram do you have? | 22:19 |
KronK0321 | 192MB | 22:19 |
Xikkub | ah | 22:19 |
Xikkub | it SHOULD work on that, but you really should have more | 22:20 |
KronK0321 | it's an old IBM thinkpad i series | 22:20 |
forces | processor? | 22:20 |
KronK0321 | 700MHz celeron | 22:20 |
forces | hmm | 22:20 |
forces | not bad | 22:20 |
forces | xubuntu runs with 64MB | 22:21 |
Xikkub | yes, but they still recommend 256 | 22:21 |
KronK0321 | that's what I figured. Even if it was slow and crappy, I just wanted a gui to surf and email with | 22:21 |
Xikkub | and its actually not as fast as they make it out to being | 22:21 |
Xikkub | so you can start up in console mode, hmm | 22:21 |
arualavi | KronK0321, which graphic device has this laptop? | 22:22 |
forces | KronK0321, type single in your kernel, before boot it in grub menu | 22:22 |
KronK0321 | It's a LynxME4+ | 22:22 |
arualavi | hmmm... what? | 22:23 |
KronK0321 | forces, yeah, I can boot into single user mode but then I don't have network connectivity and I'm at the same point I'm at now | 22:23 |
KronK0321 | arualavi, apparently a low-power 4MB integrated card made for these old thinkpads | 22:23 |
forces | why you don't have network connectivity? | 22:24 |
KronK0321 | forces, in single-user mode? Not sure. I didn't play around with it much before I wiped the drive and installed ubuntu-server | 22:25 |
forces | just plug-in the cable | 22:26 |
forces | ifconfig eth0 up | 22:26 |
forces | dhclient eth0 | 22:26 |
forces | you should use ubuntu netinst | 22:27 |
forces | then install xorg, after that xfce | 22:27 |
KronK0321 | it is. I'm typing to you from this laptop right now. I just meant it didn't have network connectivity when I booted into single-user mode. ifconfig did not list anything but loopback. Maybe that install from the xubuntu-alternate CD didn't configure my network card | 22:27 |
forces | you are using hardy? | 22:28 |
KronK0321 | that's about the boat I'm in now. I have an ubuntu system installed currently. I apt-get installed xfce and it installed it as well as the xorg dependencies | 22:28 |
forces | or intrepid? | 22:28 |
KronK0321 | 8.10 Intrepid | 22:28 |
Xikkub | thawt so | 22:29 |
forces | have you ever tried with hardy before? | 22:29 |
KronK0321 | Not on this laptop | 22:30 |
KronK0321 | the error in my Xorg.0.log file is AddScreen/ScreenInit Failed for driver 0 | 22:30 |
Xikkub | get drivers | 22:30 |
KronK0321 | there is a built-in driver for my card called "siliconmotion" from what I've found online | 22:31 |
Xikkub | yeah but will that work for ubuntu | 22:32 |
KronK0321 | and that's the Identifier section in my xorg.conf | 22:32 |
KronK0321 | it's supposed to work for xfce | 22:32 |
Xikkub | ah | 22:32 |
KronK0321 | but there's not too much documentation. Pretty sure most people with the old thinkpads are just running win2000 or have thrown them out | 22:33 |
arualavi | KronK0321, google says | 22:35 |
arualavi | is this yours case? | 22:35 |
KronK0321 | yeah. It's definitely an old graphics card. The monitor is 15" and capable of 1024x768x24 | 22:36 |
KronK0321 | my xorg.log file lists a whole ton of resolutions it tries and rejects and then lists the resolutions I know the monitor is capable of such as 1024x768x16 and 800x600x24 | 22:37 |
KronK0321 | so it's finding resolutions it knows are good and I've added those resolutions and colour depths to my xorg.conf file to no avail | 22:40 |
domz | Just a quick question if anyone is around. How can I access the photo's off my iPhone. With standard ubuntu it reconises it as a camera when plugged in. Anyone know what program this is, or something I can install on xubuntu? | 22:42 |
Xikkub | no clue :S | 22:43 |
Xikkub | bluetooth? | 22:43 |
domz | Nah USB | 22:43 |
domz | It recognises it as a camera and pops up asking you what you want to do, no doubt a part of gnome | 22:43 |
Xikkub | does your iphone use a memory card | 22:43 |
Xikkub | i dunno how iphones work | 22:44 |
domz | Nah | 22:44 |
Xikkub | ah | 22:44 |
domz | iPhones don't even show up as a mass storage device | 22:44 |
domz | But there must be some camera protocol that I'm not aware of | 22:44 |
Xikkub | try using google: | 22:45 |
Xikkub | | 22:45 |
Xikkub | ;) | 22:45 |
domz | There's nothing really about the camera/photo part there. I can mount it over SSH and get them like that, but it's a bit of a pain and I am curious as to how gnome was doing it! | 22:47 |
Xikkub | ah. well the best i could find was that | 22:48 |
domz | Cheers, I'll go bothering people in other channels! | 22:48 |
Xikkub | haha' | 22:49 |
charlie-tca | domz: try #ubuntu | 22:49 |
charlie-tca | They may know what gnome uses | 22:49 |
domz | Yeh I'm in there, and then my next bet is #gnome :D | 22:50 |
Xikkub | yeah gnome irc would be better : | 22:51 |
domz | I think it is gnome-volume-manager, but wouldn't that install a load of gnome stuff I don't need? | 22:56 |
Xikkub | you could try it :/ | 22:57 |
domz | ~30 mb | 22:57 |
domz | gnome-applet and all that junk | 22:57 |
Xikkub | well all you can do is try it | 22:58 |
Xikkub | domz: you still there | 23:05 |
Xikkub | try updating...: | 23:05 |
Xikkub | sudo apt-get update | 23:05 |
Xikkub | and | 23:05 |
Xikkub | sudo apt-get install build-essential | 23:05 |
domz | Actually I installed libgphoto-2-2 (which interfaces with the iphone) | 23:07 |
Xikkub | works? | 23:07 |
domz | Then gphoto2 (which is a command line interface to libgphoto) | 23:07 |
domz | And I can do gphoto2 -P | 23:07 |
domz | To download all the images | 23:07 |
Xikkub | ah | 23:07 |
Xikkub | very good | 23:07 |
domz | I'll just write a simple script I can run to do it | 23:07 |
domz | Not as flashy as gnomes volume manager but it will do! | 23:07 |
Xikkub | good idea | 23:08 |
Foxkeh | So, anyone know how to fsck via Wubi? | 23:08 |
charlie-tca | Doesn't wubi use fat or ntfs filesystem? | 23:11 |
zoredache | Foxkeh: I have never seen a wubi, but just out of curiosity can you run this command sudo sfdisk -l | pastebinit and tell me the url | 23:11 |
domz | I think it creates a "virtual disk" type of thing inside ntfs | 23:12 |
Foxkeh | I don't even know what ntfs is... | 23:13 |
zoredache | it might also be useful to see what you get if you if you run a mount | pastebinit | 23:13 |
Foxkeh | But, yeah, it's virtual disk, it installs in Windows. | 23:13 |
domz | zoredache, What is pastebinit? | 23:13 |
Foxkeh | I'm only wondering 'cause it has a forced fsck in 3 mounts. | 23:13 |
zoredache | a typeo | 23:13 |
zoredache | err, no pastebinit is a package you can install. You can pipe the output of commands to it, and it will post the results on pastebin | 23:14 |
knome | !info pastebinit | 23:15 |
ubottu | pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.10-1 (intrepid), package size 9 kB, installed size 88 kB | 23:15 |
Foxkeh | So, anyone use/used Wubi and performed an fsck in it? | 23:17 |
Xikkub | i can | 23:17 |
Foxkeh | What do you mean you can? | 23:18 |
Xikkub | i can perform an fsck | 23:18 |
Xikkub | i just have to wait for it to finish updating | 23:18 |
Foxkeh | Have you done one and installed with Wubi? | 23:19 |
Xikkub | i dont want to f** up my installation but i type fsck | 23:20 |
Xikkub | what do you want to know about what isee? | 23:20 |
domz | Foxkeh, does fsck fail? Or are you just worried about it for the future? | 23:21 |
Xikkub | mine seems to be working fine | 23:21 |
Xikkub | e2fsck | 23:21 |
Foxkeh | Doms, last couple times it has failed, yes, but this install has been mostly clean, I'm just worried about it in three more mounts. I'm just wondering really if it's possible in Wubi. | 23:21 |
Xikkub | -.- | 23:22 |
Xikkub | lol | 23:22 |
Foxkeh | Huh? | 23:23 |
domz | fsck should work fine with wubi | 23:26 |
Xikkub | im quite sure it does | 23:26 |
Xikkub | were you planning on installing wubi?! | 23:27 |
Foxkeh | I already have... | 23:29 |
Foxkeh | It says "Check in 3 mounts" which is why I'm asking. | 23:29 |
Foxkeh | So, how do you fsck? | 23:29 |
Foxkeh | Just like "fsck /lib/init/rw/rootdev"? | 23:30 |
Xikkub | just type fsck or do a "man fsck" | 23:30 |
charlie-tca | Foxkeh: it's an automatic thing. You don't have to do anything | 23:30 |
Foxkeh | Well, every time we've encountered it it's said it failed and told us to do it manually. | 23:30 |
Xikkub | type "man fsck" | 23:30 |
Xikkub | should give you a good idea on how to use it | 23:31 |
Foxkeh | Nothing else? No path to the install? | 23:31 |
Xikkub | i noticed tha you havent type "man fsck" yet | 23:31 |
charlie-tca | man fsck | 23:31 |
Xikkub | lol | 23:31 |
* charlie-tca nods | 23:31 | |
Xikkub | please do so and you should know how to use it | 23:31 |
* Xikkub typed man fsck | 23:32 | |
* charlie-tca too | 23:32 | |
* Xikkub now understands how to use fsck | 23:32 | |
* knome is soon ready to watch some monty python | 23:33 | |
* Xikkub loves monty python | 23:33 | |
Foxkeh | Ok, I'll try that, thanks. If it doesn't work then you'll see me fairly soon.(Three boots.) | 23:34 |
charlie-tca | Foxkeh: | 23:34 |
charlie-tca | You might try this WubiGuide... Note the sentence about fsck not being supported | 23:36 |
Xikkub | oh yeah | 23:36 |
Xikkub | well i have no need for it atm | 23:36 |
Xikkub | fsck i mean | 23:36 |
charlie-tca | I don't have windows, so I use fsck | 23:37 |
Xikkub | ah | 23:40 |
Foxkeh | So, I have to just reinstall at that? | 23:48 |
charlie-tca | Where did it say that? | 23:48 |
Foxkeh | Well, if it's not supported what else do I do? | 23:48 |
charlie-tca | The only thing not supported is fsck in ntfs. | 23:49 |
Foxkeh | What is ntfs? | 23:49 |
Xikkub | file system | 23:49 |
charlie-tca | I never saw anything saying wubi was not supported | 23:49 |
charlie-tca | Matter of fact, the first sentence of WubiGuide is: "Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer..." | 23:50 |
Xikkub | haw haw | 23:51 |
Foxkeh | I mean fsck not supported. | 23:51 |
charlie-tca | tells you all about it. Read please. | 23:51 |
Xikkub | pwned | 23:51 |
* Xikkub high fives charlie-tca | 23:52 | |
charlie-tca | lol | 23:52 |
charlie-tca | seems like it is that "read" thing, huh? | 23:52 |
Xikkub | lol told him to type man like 50 times | 23:52 |
* charlie-tca nods; exactly. That "read" thing again | 23:53 | |
Xikkub | thats always the problem, in the end | 23:53 |
Xikkub | RTFM | 23:53 |
charlie-tca | How true. If we get them to read, there would be fewer questions | 23:54 |
Xikkub | totally | 23:54 |
Xikkub | people are lazy | 23:54 |
charlie-tca | I never understood the issue with reading what is there, then asking if you need to. | 23:55 |
Xikkub | people are just lazy, thats why | 23:55 |
Xikkub | such a sad disease, laziness | 23:56 |
Xikkub | also known as sloth, one of the seven deadly sins | 23:56 |
zoredache | Xikkub: the fsck, page assumes that you know a large number of things that a user coming from windows won't know | 23:56 |
Xikkub | yes, but most computer users learned how to read in 1st grade | 23:57 |
zoredache | for example how is pointing a user to the fsck man page going to help if they don't know what filesystem they are using, or even what a filesystem is. How will it help if they don't know how devices are named? | 23:57 |
zoredache | Xikkub: perhaps, but why are you hanging out in the IRC support channel, if all you want to do is tell someone to RTFM? | 23:57 |
Foxkeh | You know the "How to reboot cleanly even when the keyboard/mouse are frozen" part? Alien copied that to a Mousepad document, and whenever mine freezes they never work. That's the only reason we hard reboot.(Not pulling the plug, pushing and holding the button.) | 23:58 |
Xikkub | "Wubi is an officially supported Ubuntu installer" is quite simple to comprehend | 23:58 |
Foxkeh | Yes it is. | 23:58 |
Xikkub | isnt pushing and holding the button a forced shutdown? | 23:58 |
Foxkeh | My brother calls it hard rebooting. But yes, forced shutdown. | 23:59 |
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