
yotuxmy thin client says my image is to large for small memory02:33
Meshezabeelheya foka03:02
fokaMeshezabeel, Hello!  :-)03:03
berriophow can I change the screen resolution of the thin clients?12:54
berriopI have change the resolution of one of my clients using the lts.cfg and it doesnt work15:59
berriop the other client, which has the same hw and monitor has the resolution set properly, what is going on??15:59
johnbWe are really liking our new ubuntu 8.10!16:11
johnbWould like to install acroread I found a couple of different write ups on how to add.16:13
johnbone says to use medibuntu and another says xapian-index16:14
berriopjohnnb: hi, this is a chat for edubuntu specific issues, for more generic question try the #ubuntu chat16:22
johnbthanks I'm there too.16:23
johnbA very busy place!16:23
alkisgberriop, which ubuntu version?16:54
kingIs there really no way to order a Edubuntu Classroom Server cd?20:59
LaserJockking: what are you wanting to do?21:00
LaserJockbut yeah, Canonical is no longer shipping free Edubuntu CDs21:01
LaserJockif you're wanting to do LTSP you can use the Ubuntu Alternate CD21:02
kingThe school I attend is wanting to start up a Edubuntu server. The head technical guy knows another head tech at another school who uses it.21:05
kingI'm not sure if it's just because Edubuntu is a educational version that he wants Edubuntu.21:05
LaserJockking: you can download and burn the CDs21:06
LaserJockking: the Ubuntu Alternate CD has the LTSP parts and the Edubuntu education CD for the educational applications21:07
LaserJockking: http://edubuntu.org/download gives more details21:07
kingI know. I've looked into it all. I was just hoping that you could get the cd.21:08
kingWe've tried it a couple of times but for one reason or another it hasn't worked so we're going to have to try on a different computer.21:08
kingWhat is the Ubuntu Alternate CD? It said this but I wasn't sure what it meant.21:09
yotux'king: its the text based install cd21:10
Lnsking: Alt. CD has LTSP install built-in so you dont' have to install it after installing the OS21:10
LaserJockking: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate21:10
Lns(and what yotux said)21:10
yotuxI am getting a image too large error is there any documentation on this?21:11
yotuxError on the thin client21:11
Lnsyotux: specific error text?21:12
yotuxFile transfer error: Image file too large for low memory.21:14
yotuxits after TFTP21:14
kingThank You for your help21:15
kingWith the Ubuntu Alternate CD all I have to do is install it, and I'll have the Edubuntu educational applications?21:55
Lnsking: no, the Alternate CD gives you LTSP.21:57
Lnswhen chosen from the install menu (F4 iirc at boot)21:57
LnsThe Edubuntu apps are on an add-on CD21:57
Lnsor available for download via apt21:57
kingOk. Is the apt via the terminal or can you get it through the synatptic manager?22:00
Lnseither or22:01
kingWhat's it called?22:01
Lnsthere's a ton of stuff, just search for 'edubuntu'22:02
kingkk. thanks.22:06

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