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ghostcubehmmm is there anything known why /dev/dsp isnt working on intreoid kde4.2 intel hda OB SK00:25
ghostcubemy games claim no /dev/dsp available00:26
ghostcubebut this worked a time ago very well00:26
ghostcubeall oss thingies are installed and loaded00:26
Riddell~twitter update I'm glad the internet has good blogs to read while I wait for qt compiles.  I recommend badscience.net00:48
kubotustatus updated00:48
ScottKRiddell: According to doko we need to recompile the python QT stuff now that we've moved from 2.4/2.5 to 2.5/2.6.  He promises email tomorrow.00:50
RiddellI can imagine that to be the case00:51
* ScottK looks at the buildd backlog and despairs..00:51
* JontheEchidna links our kdepim bugs to upstream bugs00:56
JontheEchidna!find /usr/bin/ktnefviewer03:07
ubottuFile /usr/bin/ktnefviewer found in kdepim-dbg, ktnef03:07
JontheEchidnaAh, we don't package it anymore03:09
ScottKIsn't it embedded in kdepim now?03:15
ScottKlibsdl1.2 is fixed.  It was a bad merge, not the fault of our arts eradication campaign.03:23
shtylmanwill qt4.5 be shipped with jaunty?03:30
ScottKThat seems likely at this point.03:38
macosince KMail crashes when i try to set my GPG encryption key, how *can* i set it?03:55
macois there a text file somewhere?03:55
shtylmansome plasma widgets have drawing issues with the new qt04:02
macowith qt 4.5?04:02
vorianmaco: really?04:02
macothat's known... that's why kubuntu's shipping 4.4, isn't it?04:02
* vorian unsets and resets04:03
maco4.4 has a bunch of layout stuff broken so the plasmoids are all hacked to work with it04:03
macothink of it as Internet Explorer CSS04:03
shtylmanyea...I installed 4.5 from rgreening ppa and layout stuff seems to be ok04:03
macoso 4.5 fixes it (think: WebKit) but thus makes it incompatible04:03
shtylmanoh..havn't checked webkit stuff yet04:03
shtylmanbut the folder view plasmoid is broken04:04
macoWebKit was the first to pass Acid304:04
macoso i'm using it as the example of "standards compliant CSS" v. "Internet Explorer CSS"04:04
ScottKAs I hear it KDE 4.2.1 will have a patch set for Qt4.5 compatibility.04:04
vorianwe shall soon find out04:04
macoreally? i thought they were just going with 4.3 being the 4.5 compatible one04:04
shtylmanto patch 4.2?04:04
shtylmanwill we get to it in time?04:04
vorianshtylman: it will be done upstream04:05
vorians/will/is being04:05
ScottK4.2.1 is due out in ~a week or so.04:05
scott_evevenin all, first time here04:05
vorianmarch 4th04:05
vorianhi scott_ev04:05
ScottKo/ scott_ev04:05
ScottKOK, for some large definition of 'or so'.04:06
vorianScottK: scott_ev is interesting in helping on the bug-squad04:06
vorianinterested, even04:06
* ScottK looks at JontheEchidna as he's Mr. Bug.04:06
vorianJontheEchidna: ^04:06
ScottKscott_ev: Glad to have you.  We definitely need more help.04:06
scott_evI did qa in a MSFT environment a few years ago.04:06
scott_evsame mind set applies, sort of04:06
shtylmanScottK: gotcha04:07
ScottKIt's a bit different I think.04:07
shtylmanwill we pull upstream again?04:07
shtylmanor just the patch set04:07
ScottKshtylman: We will move to 4.2.1 and probably even 4.2.2 before release.04:08
shtylmanthats fast04:08
ScottKscott_ev: The key thing is to get good bug reports so we can either fix our packaging problems or upstream can get them fixed.04:08
ScottKBugs found now have a decent shot at being in a load we have before release.04:09
shtylmanScottK: how are bugs that go upstream handled?04:09
ScottKJontheEchidna is the expert, but generally you file a bug at bugs.kde.org and then link the b.k.o bug to the LP bug.04:10
ScottKThen we'll see status change on the remote bug watch and know what's up04:10
ScottKPart two of important is making the bug reporters feel like it's worth their time to report stuff.04:11
scott_evScottK: understood04:11
ScottKThat's more of a social problem than a technical one, but very important.04:11
macoScottK: that one seems to work not so well04:11
ScottKmaco: Agreed.04:12
ScottKI don't think that in general the Ubuntu bug squad is doing really well about that.04:12
macoi think a lot of us triagers ask all the questions we can think of then go "uhh....i don't think that's enough info, but i don't know what else devs need, so i give up" and hope someone else will take over triaging04:12
ScottKI think we do better in Kubuntu with KDE stuff, but there's always room for improvement.04:12
vorianmaco: i cannot reproduce your gpg crash in kmail04:13
scott_evwhat chanel is the bugs announce running on?04:13
ScottKmaco: I see a lot of Can you reproduce this in an current release -> Incomplete.04:13
ScottKThat's pretty demotivating I think.04:13
macovorian: i can set the *signing* key04:13
ScottKvorian: Install seahorse and I expect you can reproduce the hell out of it.04:14
vorianah, no way!04:14
macoScottK: i'm not using seahorse agent!04:14
macoi'm using gpg-agent04:14
ScottKI'm probably going to feel like your system is forever haunted by seahorse.04:14
macobut for encryption i click the "choose" button and select my key. not sure if i get to the "OK" button or not, but it crashes before i get back to the screen that shows what keys are currently set and has teh "apply" button04:14
ScottKGot backtrace?04:15
macoscott_ev: #ubuntu-bugs-announce i think04:15
macoScottK: not yet. i just hit it when kmail went "i refuse to send this email encrypted because your key is not set"04:16
scott_evmaco: thx, I was hoping for one specific to Kubuntu04:16
macoscott_ev: same bug tracker04:16
macoand the same apps can be run in both04:16
scott_evI have it scrolling right now04:16
scott_evok, thx04:16
shtylmanI think that sometimes the problem for reporting bugs is the time it takes to report the bug04:16
shtylmaneven with the simple launchpad interface it can be a burden04:17
macolp's nicer than bugzilla, but i often just go upstream rather than boher with waiting for it to be forwarded04:17
macoif you know it's upstream, don't bother telling the *buntu folks04:18
macoi'm install kmail-dbgsym now04:23
macoLOL nice debug output! "KCrash: Application 'kmail' crashing..."04:32
macoScottK: halp!04:34
macogdb says "no stack"04:35
ScottKJontheEchidna: ^^^ You around?04:35
ScottKThat or maybe vorian has a suggestion on getting a stack trace?04:35
macoalso:  The program has no registers now.04:37
macoi have the dbg output from while it ran if that helps. it crashes on an ASSERT04:38
macoim guessing that means the assert received a 004:39
ScottKKeep in mind the only programming I do is in Python.  You almost certainly know better than I do.04:42
macowell next time i have to look at python, i'm asking you04:43
macothat stuff's weird. the brackets are invisible O_O04:43
rgreeningRiddell: ping. <awake>?04:59
rgreeningshtylman: ping04:59
rgreeningJontheEchidna: ping05:00
ScottKrgreening: I think you're closer to him than anyone else who's active at the moment.  Run over and wake him up.05:00
rgreeninglol. tru dat05:00
rgreeningthe altantic is a bit cold to swim in this time of year05:01
rgreeningScottK: do you know if Riddell got the Qt build figured out?05:02
scott_evvorian: off topic. are you a freenode staffer?05:04
ScottKLost my keyboard for a bit there.05:07
ScottKrgreening: No.05:07
macorgreening is further east than me?05:07
ScottKI'm firther east than you.05:07
ScottKHe's in Newfoundland.  Further north too.05:08
rgreeningIm in th emost easterly point in north america05:08
rgreeningAnd location of the oldest city in north america05:08
ScottKNorth America/island pretending to be part of North America.05:08
rgreeningand location of the first wireless transatlantic signal :)05:08
rgreeningYeah, well we were our own country once too.05:09
macoah ok05:09
rgreeningrepublic of newfoundand!05:09
macoScottK: i always forget baltimore is northeast.05:09
macoin my head, it's near Frederick05:10
ScottKI always think I95 runs north/south, but it really doesn't.05:10
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jussi01rgreening: +1 on that ;)07:50
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Nightrosehmmm there is a lot of gnome stuff to be installed on my intrepid system in updates today09:55
Nightroseanyone got an idea what this is about?09:55
Sputthey're infecting you!09:56
Nightrosegnomemount and libgnomeprintutil to name two09:57
macoNightrose: aptitude why gnomemount10:05
Nightrosei   mugshot        Depends    libgnomevfs2-0 (>= 1:2.17.90)10:06
Nightrosei A libgnomevfs2-0 Recommends gnome-mount10:06
macook so its because you have mugshot installed10:08
Nightrosebut there is no upgrade of mugshot available10:08
Nightroseso i don't understand why i get all those new packages it wants me to install10:09
Nightrosei'll investigate some more10:09
RiddellNCommander: please rescore https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde4libs/4:4.2.0-0ubuntu2~intrepid1/+build/87112610:37
NCommanderWhat, you don't like it -5000 build score :-)?10:38
* NCommander did that so the Jaunty builds would take presence during feature freeze.10:38
Riddellhi jploh11:28
jplohi'm new to python and kde. i've been trying to poke around with KNotification. it seems that i still need to create an instance of QApplication11:28
jplohmy code is here http://pastebin.com/m7dc1a14a and i also made an app.notifyrc11:28
jplohmaybe someone here can point me to the right direction11:28
Riddelljploh: yes, you always need a KApplication11:31
Riddelland a mainloop exec_()11:31
Riddellelse it won't do anything11:31
Riddellhere's a notification example11:31
Riddellyou need to put the .notifyrc file in /usr/share/kde4/apps/notifier11:32
jplohi was thinking of using wx, i guess i should use qt completely?11:32
Riddelland killall knotify4; knotify4 to restart it11:32
Riddelljploh: to use knotify you have to use KDE11:32
jplohyes, i'm using kde now.11:32
Riddellyou can also use just qt but then you're limited to qsystemtrayicon.message() or making your own popup widget11:33
jplohgot it. thanks a million11:33
Tonio_Riddell: k3b svn seems to stabilize a bit... not that many updates now11:43
Tonio_Riddell: I'll probably come out with a package today or tomorrow so that we can test11:43
Tonio_and "hi all", of course :)11:43
ghostcube_ehlo :)11:46
seelegood morning ninjas!12:37
Nightrosemorning ninja!12:39
Riddelldo ninjas do group hugs?12:45
Nightroseof course12:45
Nightrosebut only in secret12:45
Nightrosebehind closed doors12:45
seelenot much of a group hug if only three people are awake :)12:47
seeleof course they happen to be my two favorite ninjas..12:48
Nightrosemore than 2 -> group12:48
Nightrosedefinitely a group hug12:48
seele2 could, 3 crowd, 4 group?12:48
* Nightrose hugs seele and Riddell12:48
Riddellryanakca: the kubuntu website seems to have a "Home" link which overlaps with the kubuntu logo in the top left now13:02
rgreeningRiddell: did qt build work after13:03
Riddellhttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/qt4-x11/4.5.0~+rc1-0ubuntu1  "Currently building"13:05
RiddellNCommander: can you rescore kdepimlibs next?  https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepimlibs/4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1/+build/870548 and https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepimlibs/4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1/+build/87055013:07
Riddellis there anything we want to see different on the CD sleaves this time round?  muse.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/Kubuntu - 9.04 CD copy.odt13:08
rgreeningRiddell: "the very best translations..."... lets hope so this time round...13:14
ScottKI would propose we don't promise that until we have some evidence it can be delivered.13:16
rgreeningRiddell: RAM requirements should be looked at again. KDE4 and 256 is really on the low side of "bare" minimum. Not sure what KDE team specs out for KDE4, but I know it runs reasonably ok on 384...13:16
rgreeningRiddell: I have another who had a high end system, but it installed the free vid drivers and 512 Meg or RAM and no vid card accel, its a dog.13:17
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rgreeningkmail keeps losing or changing default settings on me....!!!!!13:23
rgreeningI use classic view, yet it just changed to fancy...13:23
rgreeningkmail is behaving strange indeed13:24
ghostcubergreening: what free drivers ? radeon hd or nvidia os13:28
rgreeningghostcube: well, the radeon one actually didn't work at one point due to an apparant ABI mismatch so 3d accel didnt work. That appears fixed now :)13:29
ghostcubeah ok thx :)13:29
ghostcubeanything new about th nvidia OS ones ? i havent tested them till now13:30
JontheEchidnargreening: pong13:30
JontheEchidnaneed something? You pinged like 3 people :P13:32
rgreeninglol. Not anymore. THat was yesterday :) hahaha13:32
shtylmanrgreening: how goes the compilation and packaging front?13:46
NightroseRiddell: JontheEchidna: do you know if discover.kde.org is linked to from any kubuntu website? i had a confused user send me an email and he said it was some kubuntu site that sent him there13:47
JontheEchidnaI don't think we do... discover.kde.org isn't even finished13:47
NightroseI am working on it ;-)13:48
Nightroseit is currently only showing a naked drupal install13:48
Nightroseok if you see it somewhere let me know13:48
Nightrosethe user doesn't seem too clueful so it might just be some random site on the net13:48
RiddellNightrose: looks like we do http://www.kubuntu.org/tour13:49
rgreeningshtylman: Riddell has uploaded Qt for build/release. Should be ready in an hour or so...13:50
NightroseRiddell: ah ok - might be a good idea to remove that for now as it only shows a empty drupal install13:50
Nightrosei hope we have it sorted in a week or two13:50
shtylmanrgreening: is that to his ppa? or the main repo? and what about the needed kde rebuild? or patch set?13:51
rgreeningshtylman: thats in main13:51
shtylmanrgreening: cool13:51
rgreeningshtylman: I'm going to upload kdebase-workspace again.13:51
NightroseRiddell: maybe link to the visual guide instead?13:51
rgreeningI also patched in our bzr and Riddell can release a new kdebase-workspace at anytime to fix the crashing of kdmgreet cased in qt
* Riddell takes the hint and looks at kdebase-workspace13:53
Riddellryanakca: ^^13:53
rgreeningIm a persistant bugger sometimes13:54
rgreeningso, shtylman, there you have it. A couple of hours of build and we are good to go. Quintasan, as well will be able to update :)13:55
rgreeningty Riddell :)13:56
Riddellhang on it hasn't built yet13:56
Riddellcould still all blow up13:56
shtylmanrgreening: excellent ... Riddell: don't be negative :)13:57
rgreeningRiddell: well, the workspace fix is required at any rate. So that can happen. I have Qt 4.5.0 built here on amd64 with the exact same one I uploaded, so amd64 will build :)13:58
rgreeningwhich should mean i386 as well13:58
Lureoh, we are getting qt 4.5!13:58
Lurergreening: great work!13:58
rgreeningI has some help from fabo too (ty fabo)13:59
rgreeningRiddell: I expect some of the hppa and sparc failure will be easily sortable.14:00
rgreeningScottK: ^ is the ports expert :P14:01
seelehmm.. i think i got too much sleep last night.14:14
seelei read today's launchpad interview and immediately thought "so *he's* the one to blame for launchpad?"14:14
shtylmanRiddell: I ran through an install front to back last night just to make sure it worked and try some of the features. Everything installed and autologin was sucessful14:20
Riddellshtylman: excellent!14:21
Riddellfreeflying: shouldn't baidu be included with the KDE search providors?14:22
seeleis ubuntu using clutter for anything in jaunty?14:30
Riddellnetbook-launcher is on hte netbook remix14:36
JontheEchidnaRiddell: Pitti approved another SRU of mine in one bug, but the debdiff I attached also fixes another bug. (which has all the good SRU stuff too) Did his first confirmation also count as an ACK for the second bug or will I need to get a separate approval of the other bug before the fix can be uploaded to proposed?14:48
RiddellJontheEchidna: what's the bug number?14:50
JontheEchidnabug 314016 and bug 330446 is the other one14:52
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/314016/+text)14:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330446 in kde4libs "Memory leak in kcatalog.cpp" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33044614:52
JontheEchidnathe debdiff is attached to the first one14:52
RiddellJontheEchidna: one of those bugs is for kdesdk the other for kde4libs, how can one patch fix both?14:55
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markeyanyone know how far the evtouch driver for touch screens is progressed, and it it's usable in ubuntu?15:01
markeythe information on its homepage is rather thin15:01
markeydoesn not list what models are supported, etc15:01
markeysomeone told me that ubuntu is working on this driver, not sure how valid that is15:02
Riddellmarkey: best to ask one of the X types (bryce, tjaalton, tseliot)15:05
* markey currently got General Touch screen that he needs to get working on kubuntu, but only a driver that was made for SUSE, or the the evtouch driver as an alternative15:08
markeywhatever works15:08
markeyGeneral Touch is the company, from china15:08
markeythe SUSE driver even kinda works, minus some calibration issues15:09
markeycalibrating the thing is hard15:09
freeflyingRiddell: it should be :)15:10
JontheEchidnaRiddell: oops, I uploaded the wrong source package15:15
* JontheEchidna will take care of it after he gets back15:15
Riddell"jaunty lpia  Successfully built  (NEW)"15:26
Riddellrgreening: qt4-x11 success!15:26
rgreeningyay. so, Riddell, now we need the kdebindings patch for smoke and then all of KDE should be able to be rebuilt on Qt 4.5.015:27
Riddellrgreening: I put that in bzr15:28
Riddellbut I havn't compiled it or uploaded it since there's the python issue15:28
rgreeningcool. so, I gues that can/should be promoted15:28
rgreeningI'll get the bzr branch and have a look. what issue did you see/find15:28
rgreeningRiddell: is the python issue in kdebindings or due to a new python? or something else?15:31
Riddellboth I expect15:34
RiddellI didn't see any issue, others were talking about it yesterday15:34
rgreeningRiddell: we should consider this kde bug: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=16977215:35
Riddellit probably needs python-qt4 looked at first15:35
ubottuKDE bug 169772 in general "KDM oxygen default theme "scale" error" [Normal,New]15:35
rgreeningRiddell: ^ I have this issue on two of my systems. Acer One and Aspire 6930.15:35
rgreeningRiddell: I'll look at rebuilding python-qt, and then kdebindings. I'll upload to my PPA.15:36
rgreeningRiddell: this is LP bug 25918115:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259181 in kdebase "KDM background image not displayed correctly on low resolution display" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25918115:37
Riddellrgreening: grep this for python http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2009/02/19/%23kubuntu-devel.html15:38
rgreeningwhat do you think about the bug above Riddell15:38
RiddellI'm all for having it fixed15:38
Riddellrgreening: if you see the problem you're probably best placed to confirm the fix though15:39
JontheEchidnabug 259181 is the same bug15:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259181 in kdebase "KDM background image not displayed correctly on low resolution display" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25918115:40
JontheEchidnaheh, I love comment 1315:40
rgreeningI can test/apply the fix. THe issue is that on 4/3 its stretched the other way, but its less ugly than seeing screen corruption15:41
JontheEchidnaRiddell: bug 314016 now has the correct source package attached15:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 314016 in kde4libs "Kate is useless for editing code which contains hebrew or arabic" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31401615:41
rgreeningJontheEchidna: "Yes"15:42
JontheEchidnaExactly :P15:42
JontheEchidnaI wonder what sort of activity Kubuntu packages will see for the bugjam15:45
rgreeningbrb. rb testing kdmgreet15:46
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RiddellJontheEchidna: a debdiff is usually easier to read than attaching the .diff.gz15:50
rgreeningRiddell, JontheEchidna: setting to 100%x100% works on my Aspire WS. Will test on a 4x3 display now too.16:04
Riddellrgreening: going to put the patch into bzr?16:36
Riddellfabo: did you see what I did with phonon and qt 4.5?16:37
rgreeningRiddell: for kdebase-workspace (kdmgreet)? sure. I'm just ensuring there isn't a better way to do this first.17:01
cbris qt 4.5 out?17:04
Riddellcbr: ask Qt?17:08
Quintasanrgreening: It didn't worked :<17:16
RiddellNCommander: please pimp up build score https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/intrepid/+source/kdepimlibs/4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid117:17
QuintasanRiddell: Have I poked you about my package in REVU?17:18
RiddellQuintasan: I don't believe you have17:18
QuintasanRiddell: poke, I think I've fixed it17:19
RiddellQuintasan: what package?  what URL?17:22
QuintasanRiddell: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-widger-klicker17:23
Riddellhumph, HTML5 video works but only using the phonon gstreamer backend17:27
JontheEchidnameh, gstreamer is the sucky backend too17:31
rgreeningRiddell: can we setup phonon prefs to use gstreamer for that only and xine by default for everything else?17:33
RiddellI doubt it17:38
rgreeningtoo bad.17:39
RiddellQuintasan: advocated!17:39
QuintasanGood to hear, thanks :317:40
faboRiddell: no, i didn't see your changes for phonon/Qt. I'll look.17:42
Riddellfabo: I made it use -phonon and -no-phonon-backend and then removed the libphonon before the packaging happens17:44
Riddellfabo: that seems to be the only way to get it to build and using the system phonon17:44
seelekarmic koala huh?17:45
seelei didnt know there were koalas in india or buddists in australia17:45
Riddellooh that got announced did it?17:47
seeleit did17:51
seeleas did UDS17:51
Riddelllooks like they dropped the brainstorm idea for UDS applicants17:51
rgreeningRiddell: can you test Lancelot menu under Qt4.5? Applications aren't showing up for me.17:52
rgreeningwhy does Karmic Koala make me want to breat out into a Boy George song...17:53
rgreeningKar-ma Kar-ma Ko-a-la-a, she comes and goes....17:54
seeleit reminds me of a karmacoma from massive attack17:55
nixternalrgreening: you didn't just do that did you? :p17:55
rgreeningnow I cant get it out of my head17:56
nixternalya, I hope I don't start singing that now17:56
Quintasanrgreening: I can't see them also17:57
Quintasan(Applications in Lancelot)17:58
rgreeningRiddell: we'll have to go over the plasma applets. see what is broken. and backport fixes.17:58
Quintasanrgreening: Lancelot is fixed in trunk (I think)18:01
Quintasanrgreening: I also installed all applets available in repos and they worked for me18:01
rgreeningQuintasan: care to make a diff/patch and test it out?18:01
Quintasanrgreening: dunno if I can do it18:01
Quintasanbut I'll try :P18:02
rgreeningJontheEchidna: ^^18:02
rgreeningmaybe JontheEchidnacan help18:02
JontheEchidnashouldn't be too hard to do as long as we can find the actual patch18:03
ScottKrgreening: Before a kdebindings upload is going to work there's underlying python stuff that needs rebuilt.18:14
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.18:16
jussi01crap, wrong place.18:16
seeleugh.. what an unproductive day. i havent managed to get any work, homework, reading, or open source stuff done18:20
jussi01seele: call it a "rest" :D18:22
ScottKI'm gonna go out on a limb and guess it wasn't very restful either.18:22
Quintasanhmm can we use patches from gentoo?18:23
ScottKIf they are appropriately licensed18:24
ScottKGenerally I doubt that's a problem.18:24
QuintasanHmm I've also found patches for kdm to fix the crash with Qt 4.518:26
QuintasanJontheEchidna: http://sources.gentoo.org/viewcvs.py/gentoo-x86/kde-base/kdeplasma-addons/files/lancelot-qt45.patch?view=markup18:27
seeleyeah.. not very relaxing when you try to get stuff done and you dont18:27
DaSkreechDid I miss the karmic talk already?18:27
JontheEchidnathe patch was most likely pulled from trunk anyway, I doubt there'd be any problems18:27
Sputalso, hwoarang can be found in #gentoo-kde if there are questions :)18:29
macoJontheEchidna: ScottK says to talk to you regarding bugs18:30
macobecause he doesn't know C++18:30
JontheEchidnaI'm no C++ expert either :P18:31
JontheEchidnaI do know a bit about bugs though18:32
macokmail crashes when i try to set my encryption key. gdb says "no stack"18:32
macoright before it says "KCrash: Application 'kmail' crashing...18:32
macothere's an assert and signal 6 (which kill -l says means abort)18:32
rickspencer3davidbarth: ping18:32
davidbarthrickspencer3: hey18:33
macodo Q_ASSERT()'s send abort signals?18:33
JontheEchidnathey indicate that something's wrong. applications usually crash after that18:33
rickspencer3hi all18:34
Quintasanrickspencer3: hi there18:34
rickspencer3obviously it's post feature freeze today, and you probably noticed "no Kubuntu Dx notification system"  :(18:34
macoJontheEchidna: crashes are usually a SIGFPE or SIGSEGV though, aren't they?18:35
rickspencer3I know the Dx team made a valiant effort, but almost didn't it into Ubuntu18:35
JontheEchidnamaco: asserts can lead to those types of crashes, yes18:35
ScottKdavidbarth: What's the appropriate venue for feedback on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD?18:35
macoso i'm kind of wondering why it's abort. and why the assert's failing.18:36
DaSkreechrickspencer3: 6 month schedules are tight18:37
JontheEchidnait basically means that the app couldn't recover from the error and it's gonna crash18:37
ScottKDaSkreech: There still isn't any consensus in the Kubuntu community that these changes are wanted.18:37
rickspencer3well, since we have another six months until the next Feature Freeze, I thought we might want to set a time to chat with the Dx team regarding how to work together to approach the next release18:38
davidbarthScottK: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD/Comments18:38
ScottKdavidbarth: Thanks.18:38
DaSkreechScottK: I thought the basic consensus was that we didn't really18:38
davidbarthScottK: and you can also email the notify-osd-developers on LP18:38
* DaSkreech watches ScottK's notify light up18:39
DaSkreechrickspencer3: It got into Ubuntu ?18:39
rickspencer3DaSkreech: If you are on the very latest18:39
DaSkreechOk :018:40
rickspencer3otherwise, it will be in the next alpha18:40
rickspencer3DaSkreech: wrt consensus, I think the consensus was that the Dx team and the Kubuntu community should work together on notifications18:41
QuintasanJontheEchidna: How should I add this patch to kdeplasma-addons? quilt or something else?18:41
JontheEchidnaquilt, yeah18:41
DaSkreechrickspencer3: Agreed18:41
DaSkreechMakes no sense to have teams fighting18:42
QuintasanI hope I won't kill the whole package :D18:42
DaSkreechJust as ScottK said maybe not quite the notificatons that were suggested18:42
rickspencer3I think this isn't a great time, but next week we should discuss the best way to join forces and do an awesome job for the next release18:43
davidbarthon the topic of consensus, and now that there is some code out, i'd like to get back to aaron's proposal to standardize the non-standard org.freedesktop.Notifications18:43
davidbarthie, to shift the debate to the xdg list, and identify the parts of the notification system that can be grouped under a common umbrella18:44
ScottKdavidbarth: I think the entire notion of removing feedback from notifications is broken.18:44
shtylmanRiddell: do we want to skip the language step? since it is chosen during bootup?18:44
davidbarthand also agree that there are *different* views on the way to handle feedback18:45
davidbarthand that apps need to check the capabilities of the servers to make informed choices18:45
rgreeningQuintasan: THhe kdm fix was already uploaded :)18:45
ScottKdavidbarth: I think it is very premature to be listing any KDE apps on a 'should modify' list.18:45
DaSkreechrickspencer3: \o/18:46
Quintasanrgreening: to your ppa or to main?18:46
Quintasanbecause It still crashes for me >_<18:46
rickspencer3maybe we can hop into your next meeting to discuss a little?18:47
davidbarthScottK: i'm not here to add to this debate really, i'm mostly here to say that i regret to not have had the time to propose any concrete code for kubuntu18:47
ScottKdavidbarth: It probably won't suprise you to find that I'm pleased with the outcome.  Hopefully in the next iteration we can have a more sane design.18:48
davidbarthScottK: ;)18:48
davidbarthScott: no, i'm not surprised ;)18:48
DaSkreechrickspencer3: are you just teasing us with the Koala being none brown? :)18:51
DaSkreechIf there is any discussion I'd like to have on fd.o it's DMs why can't I choose any DM and still be allowed to shut down the computer or switch users18:52
davidbarthDaSkreech: do you have a pointer to the issue (bug or URL)?18:56
Tm_T2054.56 < cumulus007> you have made a great job on kubuntu 9.0418:56
DaSkreechNo it's pretty simple18:56
seeleDaSkreech: i dont think that's really enough information to be very helpful18:59
DaSkreechseele: ha ha18:59
* seele missed the joke.18:59
shtylmanwhen are the next disk images sceduled for release?19:01
ScottKshtylman: Next week.19:03
shtylmanScottK: thanks19:03
rgreeningQuintasan: should be in main...19:07
rgreeningrev 0ubuntu619:07
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=0&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 019:07
rgreeningno bot, I wasnt talkin to you :)19:08
Quintasanrgreening: ok, I'll check it19:09
Quintasanhmm rev 0ubuntu5 here :P19:14
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=0&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 019:14
rgreeninghmm.. Riddell posted it AFAIK.19:16
rgreeninghttps://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/kdebase-workspace Quintasan19:18
rgreeningso, it may just not be available in the repo yet.19:19
rgreeningyou looking at main archive19:19
Quintasanrgreening: thanks, I can wait only ^^19:20
Quintasanquilt patches should sit in debian/patches?19:21
JontheEchidnaquick guide to quilt:19:21
JontheEchidnaln -s debian/patches patches19:22
JontheEchidnaquilt push -a19:22
JontheEchidnaquilt new my_lovely_patch.diff19:22
JontheEchidnaquilt add filesaffected19:22
JontheEchidnapatch -p0 < mypatch.diff19:22
JontheEchidnaquilt refresh19:22
JontheEchidnaquilt pop -a19:22
JontheEchidnarm patches19:22
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Oh, thanks :D19:23
JontheEchidnaI need to wiki that19:23
cumulus007hey there19:24
cumulus007I got some problems with KPackageKit19:24
cumulus007it won't let me search in the repos, the search button is greyed out19:25
JontheEchidnagot packagekit installed?19:25
cumulus007I can't update too, a error dialog appears and says: Authentication failed19:25
cumulus007JontheEchidna: I think so19:26
cumulus007Í can open it in System Settings19:26
JontheEchidnanot kpackagekit, the "packagekit" package19:26
FFForeverHow do i delete all of ubuntu an just leave kubuntu?19:26
JontheEchidnaFFForever: I can answer your question in #kubuntu. This channel isn't really for user support :-)19:26
QuintasanJontheEchidna: really, why the packagekit package is not pulled as a dependency of kpackagekit?19:28
cumulus007JontheEchidna: it wasn't installed19:28
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: bug :P19:28
cumulus007I don't understand why it's not installed by default?19:28
JontheEchidnait's a bug19:28
JontheEchidnabug 327787 in fact19:28
cumulus007sorry, read it above19:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327787 in kpackagekit "Kpackagekit should depend on packagekit to be useful" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32778719:28
JontheEchidnaI think that it's gonna be taken care of next update, if I heard Tonio correctly19:29
DaSkreechJontheEchidna: Damn you :-P19:29
cumulus007JontheEchidna: I got to contact you about a bug :P19:30
nixternalhey, tonight Ubuntu Chicago is kicking off the bug jam...anyone have a solid list of bugs that would be great to use for us tonight and tomorrow?19:30
nixternal24 hours of bug jamming!19:30
cumulus007a error dialog says that19:30
cumulus007The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!19:30
cumulus007A problem that we were not expecting has occurred.19:30
cumulus007Please report this bug with the error description.19:30
JontheEchidnacumulus007: I get that myself actually.. no clue what's wrong19:30
JontheEchidnaI have reported it directly to the kpackagekit people though19:30
JontheEchidnaI might be able to find a link in a bit19:31
ubottuFreedesktop bug 19953 in General "KPackageKit fails searching for Dolphin" [Normal,New]19:32
DaSkreechnixternal: Woot19:32
JontheEchidnanixternal: these all need upstream bug reports https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdepim/+bugs?search=Search&field.status_upstream=hide_upstream19:33
nixternalJontheEchidna: rock on dude, I will use that tonight and get the ChiKago dudes off and running19:33
nixternaland dudettes19:33
Quintasannixternal: good luck :D19:33
nixternalthank you19:33
JontheEchidnaand they also need general testing for reproducibility, etc. kdepim just needs a really good triage19:34
cumulus007JontheEchidna: imho, KPackageKit isn't really fast as Synaptic19:35
cumulus007it takes about 2 seconds to load the details about a package19:35
JontheEchidnayeah, I like Adept in that regard. It's nice and snappy19:36
JontheEchidnabut I use apt-get more than anything19:36
cumulus007why is KPackageKit so slow?19:36
DaSkreechI like Adept cause it has Debtags19:36
cumulus007does it work via DBus?19:36
DaSkreech Me loves some debtag support19:37
nixternalJontheEchidna: ya, I am going to setup KDEPIM now on my lappy with my GMail IMAP crap19:37
DaSkreechcumulus007: Debian packages have tags on them to help sort out categories19:38
DaSkreechWith Adept in KDE3 I could easily sort stuff by debtag19:38
cumulus007like admin,games,etc.?19:38
DaSkreechso say all games that are not GUI19:38
DaSkreechor All admin packages that use Qt19:38
JontheEchidnaOoh, Qt update19:47
QuintasanJontheEchidna and rgreening: building kdeplasma-addons with patch :319:47
JontheEchidna4.5! Nice!19:47
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: kewl19:47
JontheEchidnaI guess that means my quick quilt guide wasn't too shabby? :P19:48
cumulus007is QT 4.5 in the repos?19:48
kuaera~seen tonio19:48
kubotutonio was last seen 4 months, 10 days, 11 hours, 13 minutes and 3 seconds ago, changing nick from tonio to Tonio_19:48
QuintasanJontheEchidna: It was VERY helpful :D19:48
kuaeraO_o; Odd. I was told to seek tonio out regarding new networkmanager problems...19:48
Quintasancumulus007: it is but it caused kdm break here19:49
JontheEchidna~seen Tonio_19:49
kubotuTonio_ was last seen 2 hours, 45 minutes and 3 seconds ago, quitting IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))19:49
JontheEchidnakuaera: ^19:49
cumulus007oh, that's a pity19:49
kuaeraBetter \o/19:49
cumulus007I want to speed up KDE a bit :D19:49
QuintasanThe patch is in kdebase-workspace rev 0ubuntu6 which is not in main now (in my case)19:49
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=0&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 019:49
kuaeraAs far as I've read, Plasma is the greatest block with using Qt4.519:50
Quintasankuaera: not really, it woked flawlessy here, only kdm was broken19:51
rgreeningcumulus007: yes. Should be there (at least it's built) :)19:51
cumulus007whatever, I can do a new install within 20 minutes19:52
kuaeraQuintasan: I see; should we expect Qt4.5 with KDE 4.3?19:52
rgreeningkuaera, Quintasan: some plasmoids may behave incorrectly is the more accurate issue. KDM was another thing altogether.19:52
cumulus007if my system screws up after installing Qt 4.519:52
Nightrosehmm guys when is the bugjam again?19:52
kuaeraI usually compile qt-snapshot and compile other programs against that19:52
rgreeningkuaera: Qt4.5 is in for us for 4.2. We'll backport fixes as necessary.19:53
JontheEchidnaNightrose: Today :P No idea if there's a specific time19:53
kuaerargreening: Ah.19:53
rgreeningand already have to some extent.19:53
rgreeningright Quintasan :)  got that lancelot fix? :)19:53
NightroseJontheEchidna: shoot - i should probably blog on planetkde19:53
Quintasanrgreening: compiling19:53
kuaeraI know that some planned KDE 4.3 features have been backported as well [that's why I'm here, actually]19:53
Nightroseor did someone already?19:53
* Nightrose is not up to date on planets19:54
JontheEchidnaI don't think anyone has according to the Dot's feed19:54
Nightrosehmm ok I'll try to blog but got some other stuff to do first19:55
QuintasanHmm, btw. I've done some more plasma widgets, I'll upload them to REVU when they will compile successfully here :P19:56
JontheEchidnafirst 4.5 regression: bug 33222719:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332227 in kdebase-workspace "plasma crashed with SIGSEGV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33222719:57
JontheEchidnawaiting for apport to retrace is no fun :(19:57
rgreeningwhich plasmoids were loaded. I know one or two that will cause a crash (Quick launch)19:58
rgreeningneeds backportiness19:58
rgreeningJontheEchidna: ^^^19:58
JontheEchidnanot my report! You can ask him :P19:58
JontheEchidnaif it retraces the backtrace should tell us19:59
rgreeningI updated the bug JontheEchidna20:02
JontheEchidnaI love it when a release comes together20:05
Quintasanbug 120:05
ubottuhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1 (Timeout)20:05
JontheEchidnait's too big to process :P20:05
Quintasanbrb, I'm going to check if it worked :)20:06
* JontheEchidna cleans out Qt4 bugs fixed by 4.520:08
QuintasanIt works!20:09
* Quintasan is proud of his work20:09
kuaera_Rargh. Wireless in Jaunty is irritating me :(20:10
Quintasanhmm. so what should I do?20:10
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: I can commit the patch to our bzr repo20:11
JontheEchidnayou should become a kubuntu-member if you plan on doing this sort of stuff regularly ;-)20:11
QuintasanOh I think I will20:11
JontheEchidnajust email me the patch from debian/patches and I can get it committed20:12
JontheEchidnaechidnaman at kubuntu dot org20:12
JontheEchidnaI do have to fold some laundry first though20:12
QuintasanJontheEchidna: sent :320:13
macois the mini iso the same for ubuntu and kubuntu?20:14
shtylmanso I am going through the installer and I think that we might want to disable single click = double click because on the partitioning page when you click a partition to select it, it brings up the edit window. From my pov, just clicking on something shouldn't cause an action like that...ideas?20:17
macoagreed. single = double confuses me20:18
* Lure_too cannot boot his laptop due to root on lvm breakage20:19
macothough i do still find kde's version of when double should be double a little odd...but anyway20:19
nixternalinteresting...firefox on my desktop, looks like it belongs, and on my newly installed laptop, looks 1980ish20:21
macofirefox in kde with it set to use the qt theme for me makes the tabs draw all wrong20:22
macotomboy with that setup (gtk use qt them) looks all 1980s20:22
JontheEchidnalaundry folded20:28
nixternalJontheEchidna: shouldn't that have been on twitter and not IRC? :p20:28
JontheEchidnaIRC is my twitter, pretty much20:28
macoor identi.ca20:29
macosince we're supposed to be all FOSS-y up in here20:29
nixternaloh ya20:30
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdeplasma-addons/ubuntu/revision/1220:32
JontheEchidnaRiddell: think you could sponsor an upload for the above? ^20:33
* JontheEchidna restarts for Qt 4.5 goodness20:33
rgreeningQuintasan: does you fix only address lancelot or other plama applets in there? like quicklaunch and quick access (if its in there)20:41
Quintasanrgreening: Only lancelot20:42
Quintasanrgreening: Quick access doesn't works?20:42
rgreeningCheck out some of the recent bug reports that have come in. I believe quick access was one culprit for crash.. can you investigate a possible fix?20:43
rgreeningQuintasan: can you test on your system so verify is causes a crash20:43
rgreeningas well20:43
Quintasanrgreening: It works, I have in on panel two times20:43
Quintasanrgreening: let me check quick launch20:44
rgreeningbugs 33223320:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332233 in kdebase-workspace "Plasma does not launch when using Qt 4.5 rc1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33223320:44
Quintasanrgreening: quicklaunch is the culprit20:44
Quintasanrgreening: just killed my plasma :D20:45
rgreeningQuintasan: ok, can you look at that bug and confirm with the user? an see if you can get a patch?20:45
rgreeningI'll commit to bzr for you.20:45
Quintasanrgreening: sure, I'll try20:45
shtylmanrgreening: new qt/kde packages ready? are they in main? and should I update?20:46
rgreeningQuintasan: I believe that one is part of kdebase-workspace20:46
Quintasanrgreening: yup20:46
rgreeningshtylman: they are uploaded/built. so yes, if you see them in the arc/repo do so.20:47
rgreeningQuintasan: cool. If/when you apply for kubuntu member +1 from me :)20:47
shtylmank, will do20:47
Quintasanrgreening: http://lists.kde.org/?l=kde-commits&m=123410440808173&w=220:47
Quintasanrgreening: this propably will work :320:47
rgreeningcool. testbuild and let me know :)20:48
rgreeningdo you need some assistance with figuring out that part Quintasan, or are you good to go?20:49
Quintasanrgreening: the patch he posted doesnt looks like diff and I'm not sure how to put it20:51
DaSkreechI've had quickaccess crash plasma but just once and I blame the knotify20:53
Quintasanrgreening: this is diff from rev 923291 to 923292 right?20:57
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=923291&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 923291 | Fix logic in buildDirectory(), managed to screw up the isEmpty-check right at the start, causing the method to never return t...20:57
Quintasannvm, got diff :320:58
rgreeningQuintasan: cool.20:58
rgreeningQuintasan: email roderick.greening AT gmail.com whne you have a patch for me.20:58
rgreeningQuintasan: you migh also want to check and see if you can find any others in workspace that may need backporting so we do it in one shot.20:59
rgreeningit would be appreciated.20:59
rgreeningI'll be back in an hour or so.. gotta shovel some snow.21:00
DaSkreechSnow? what's that21:03
JontheEchidnaugh, network problems ftl21:17
JontheEchidnaQt 4.5 is quite snappy21:17
* DaSkreech tries to figure out if those two statements should be tied togetehr21:18
JontheEchidnaThe fonts look nicer. The subpixel hinting actually works21:23
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Should I add something to changelog? I see only you, Riddell and apachelogger there :D21:24
Quintasanoh crap, rgreening asked me to fix quicklaunch :P21:25
JontheEchidnaI assume you have a gpg key and all that good stuff?21:28
DaSkreechhi hunger21:28
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Could you check my packages on REVU? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/u/quintasan21:29
JontheEchidnaSure. You'll probably need a Feature Freeze exception if you want them in Jaunty, though21:30
JontheEchidnaHmm, there's two flickr widgets on kde-look21:32
JontheEchidnahow annoying21:32
JontheEchidnaWe already have one of them packaged21:32
JontheEchidnaI could revu them but without a Feature Freeze exception I couldn't really do anything else21:34
QuintasanJontheEchidna: oh, that flickr is the "wasted effort", I did it while there was a plasmoid to plasma-widget rename :P21:35
ryanakcaRiddell: Hmmm... About the logo overlapping the ``home'', Is this a new problem (aka, did someone change the theme?) I'll increase the min-width and start poking the sysadmins with the fix...21:35
QuintasanJontheEchidna: Ok, I'm just doing it for pratice, I can always put it in my PPA :P21:35
JontheEchidnathere's an interesting 1-pixel gap on the right side of my panel21:36
JontheEchidnaan a 1 pixel line gap in the task manager items when hovered21:38
JontheEchidnaI think it's a known upstream issue though21:38
ScottKryanakca: You around?  It looks like we'll finally get Kubuntu 8.04.2 out the door later today and we'll need an announcement on the web site.21:44
ryanakcaScottK: Sure, is it already drafted up?21:45
ScottKryanakca: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HardyHeron/Kubuntu/ReleaseAnnouncement.2 should get copied onto the web site somwhere.21:45
ScottKThe we need a couple of sentences and a link on the news item.21:46
ryanakcaScottK: Okies21:46
ScottKRiddell: ^^^21:46
ScottKPrnt Scrn started bringing up Ksnapshot.  I wonder if I got that with 4.1.4 (Haven't tried it recently).21:49
QuintasanScottK: I needed to set it up manually since it didnt work by default in alpha 421:50
QuintasanI hate flash21:56
JontheEchidnaAwesome! Pure Qt apps now use KDE's color scheme21:58
shtylmanJontheEchidna: with qt 4.5?22:01
Quintasanworkspace takes so long to build22:04
JontheEchidnaKarmic Koala? lulz22:06
hungerHey, kde 4.2 is starting to tickle into intrepid!22:08
Sputhm, my Qt apps have always used the KDE color scheme22:09
shtylman...so the koala believes in karma??22:09
Quintasanhmm anyone using gnash?22:15
QuintasanWhats those bars in irssi (using ubuntu-dark) :P22:38
torkianoQuintasan: here one23:25
torkianoQuintasan: works well for a lot of sites23:26
JontheEchidnaArora is pretty good with Qt 4.523:32
picatchuHi all! Anyone experienced khotkeys problems lately? Mine are no longer working after some upgrades today (intrepid).23:43
ryanakcaRiddell, Nightrose: got rid of the discover.kde.org link.23:51
Nightrosethx ryanakca :)23:51
NightroseJontheEchidna: stop flooding my inbox!!!23:53
JontheEchidnaheh, kdepim?23:53
Nightrosejep jep23:53
Nightrosekubotu: order cookies for JontheEchidna23:53
* kubotu slides a whole bunch of world's finest cookies down the bar to JontheEchidna.23:53

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