
=== firephoto_ is now known as firephoto
MamboKurtscizzo: does it work WITH compositing. i thought vol + brightness would be rather simple and rhythmbox is working00:01
IntuitiveNippleHmm, maybe it is related to the underlying video driver? Using nvidia here, they work fine00:08
billybigrigger_\anyone here use an hp mini?00:19
billybigrigger_\or the hp mini theme in ubuntu?00:20
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tretlegetting an error trying to install packages -http://pastebin.com/m69b4985500:32
RAOFtretle: What's the rest of the output?00:33
RAOFLooks like a bug in python-nevow.  On the other hand, it also looks like you've already got all the banshee build-deps, so at least that should work :)00:37
tretlehow do i get rid of the errors00:38
RAOFYou might be able to remove python-nevow, although apt might want it to be fully installed first.00:40
RAOFediting the file in question to remove the syntax error would also work, but is more hacky.00:41
Ienorandhow do I test the new notifications00:46
tretlenotify-send "Joe Doe" "Yo dude, what’s up?" -i totem00:50
Ienorandtretle: notify send not installed... will I need to install this to get manual acces to notifications?00:51
bruce89Ienorand: libnotify-bin is the package00:53
Ienorandbruce89: and that should be installed by default?, because I don't have it.00:54
bruce89Ienorand: no, you need to install it00:54
miikheeeeeeelp, when i press printscreen, it doesnt make screenshot01:00
miikgnome-screenshot tool dont open when i press printscreen, nothing happen01:00
bruce89miik: you said that 6 hours ago01:01
bruce89miik: I said Applications>Accessories>Take Screenshot 6 hours ago also01:01
hggdhstill, a a key mapping could help01:02
bruce89perhaps System>Preferences>Keyboard Shortcuts, unless the print screen key is broken for some reason01:03
miikbruce89, yes, i can use application->acc>take screenshot...01:04
miikbruce89, but still my printscreen hotkey doesnt work...01:04
miiki need the hotkey to work, cuz i need screenshot of game01:04
miikand then i dont have time to use that tool, i must use hotkey01:04
miikthis hotkey worked in 8.10, it dont work in 9.0401:04
miikits a bug01:04
miiksomeone must fix this bug01:04
bruce89I don't think it would work in a game anyway01:04
hggdhmiik, see bruce's last comment01:04
hggdhalso -- for someone to fix this bug, it has to have been reported. Was it?01:05
Loungethe updates today haven't solved my xorg problem, it's still saying it can't load the nvidia module and the screen doesn't have a usable configuration01:05
bruce89but only if it's reproducable01:05
miikbruce89, keyboard shortcut, says "Print" but when I press printscreen, nothing happen01:06
miikmy printscreen key is not broken, this is a bug01:06
hggdhmiik, have you reported this bug?01:06
miiki think someone else have01:07
bruce89try reassigning the action to whatever the button does01:07
miikbut i cant find it01:07
bruce89in other words, click the "print" thingy in the keyboard shortcut thing, and then press the button01:08
miiki did01:08
miikdidnt help01:08
miikdoes your printscreen button work in 9.04?01:09
bruce89though it'll not likely work in a game01:14
hggdhsince a game will probably remap the keys01:15
miikbut its a windows game that run in a window on the desktop01:22
miikkinda like solitaire, etc01:22
fnfIs anyone experiencing Network Manager randomly disconnects wireless networks?. I'm using iwl3945, it does it once every 20 minutes or so.01:38
fnfit alwalys started with "Disconnecting by local choice" followed by "Wireless now enabled by radio killswitch", as if the iwl3945 module was reloaded. Any idea?.01:40
Loungeok so i don't know what all is causing this nvidia, xorg issue01:50
Loungeso i'm gonna just try reinstalling all packages using this one liner01:50
thewrathhey all01:51
thewrathcan someone confirm issue with wpa2 enterprise encryption for wireless in 9.0401:51
thewrathif anyone has it01:51
Loungeusing this one liner to see if reinstalling all packages might fix the conflict01:52
Loungefor pkg in `dpkg --get-selections | egrep -v deinstall | awk '{print $1}' | egrep -v '(dpkg|apt|mysql|mythtv)'` ; do apt-get -y install --reinstall $pkg ; done01:52
badpchow do i install screensavers in jaunty?01:52
Loungenot sure if that's overkill or a big waste of time :/01:53
burneranyone use blueman?  i'm curious if it will make my bluetooth headset work so I can skype01:53
badpcLounge: what video card do you have01:53
thewrathconfirm that bug with wireless anyone?01:53
burnerbadpc: search synaptic for screensaver?01:53
Loungeoh wait i forgot the specs lol01:53
Loungewhere do i look?01:53
burnerLounge: use nouveau :)01:53
woody86does anyone know if Ubuntu 8.10 can read the ext4 FS? Like if I had a ext3 / partition, and an ext4 /home partition?01:53
burnersudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau01:54
burnersudo sed -i 's/nvidia/nouveau/g' /etc/apt/sources.list01:54
burnersudo sed -i 's/nvidia/nouveau/g' /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:54
badpcburner: were is synaptic i have adept?01:54
burnerbadpc: ok smart guy, search adept for screensaver ;)01:54
Loungeburner: ok i'll add that. i already made a backup so so i guess nothing to loose01:55
burneri'm rockin nouveau... i couldn't get nvidia to work with my dual screens like i wanted01:56
burnerthat said, nouveau is experimental yet01:56
badpcburner not trying to be smart there is a synaptic pkg manager but i dont have it and i allready tried typing that into adept01:56
thewrathLounge: u have 9.04 can u get on wpa2 enterprise encyrption wireless?01:56
burnerbadpc: apt-cache search screensaver <-- from terminal01:56
Loungenot using wireless01:57
thewrathanyone then?01:57
Loungedoing the good'ole cat5 cable01:57
thewrathi would like to know if that issue is still in 9.04 like in 8.1001:57
* burner is rocking open wireless01:57
thewrathi know the issue for 8.10 is reported01:57
thewrathbut not sure in 9.04 i am using virtual box01:58
thewrathso i can not really confirm it01:58
badpcburner thnks that did something!01:58
burnerbadpc: then "sudo apt-get install kscreensaver" or gnome-screensaver, or the xscreensavers or whatever02:00
badpcburner awsome thnx allot dude02:00
Loungebadpc: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=19555702:01
Loungegive that a look02:01
Loungethat's if you wanna use xscreensaver instead of gnome's02:01
Loungeburner: i sedded that entry but i'm still waiting for that reinstall 1'liner to finish02:02
burnerLounge: you just need to restart x to fix the thing we did02:04
burnersudo service gdm restart02:04
Loungealso wanted to ask about linux-image 2.6.28-8-generic: there's a realy heavy payload going on with it :/02:05
Loungeso i'm using 2.6.28-7 for now02:05
Loungei mean; the boot process took forever to complete and i checked the cpu and the cores were up at 80 to 90 even 100 %02:07
Loungeheavy payload02:07
Lounge<---dell xps 400 intel pentium D02:07
Loungemy launchpad name is lucian ^^02:09
Loungejust trying to participate & help the ubuntu crew02:09
burneranyone hip to bluetooth?  I can't connect to my cell phone nor my headset... i can at least see my headset, but no services are advertised02:10
burnerso what process was using the cpu?02:11
Loungeburner: that's what i couldn't find out. the list didn't show any of the pids that were eating the percentage02:13
Loungei'll check again in a bit and see02:13
Loungemaybe i didn't look fully02:13
burneryou can "show all processes" if it's gnome-system-monitor02:14
burnerit's probably set for "user processes" or your processes02:14
Loungei also have conky set to moniter the top five processes02:14
burnerand it sees nothing?02:15
* burner remembers with gkrellm was cool02:15
Loungewell right now i'm booted up with 2.6.28-7 and am still waiting for this loop script to complete but after its don't, i'll reboot into 2.6.28-8 and hope i don't get a burnout lol02:16
Loungeafter its done*02:16
burnerhere's hoping nouveau works and works well02:18
Loungeya know whats odd is even now, conky is showing Xorg running on top at around 2 to 40% fluxing02:18
dTxHi everyone, I'm running Jaunty and was wondering if there was a way to revert back from xorg-edgers to the regular xserver/drivers02:18
burnerdTx: what's your card?02:18
dTxusing xserver-xorg-video-intel02:19
Loungebrb gonna get some eats02:19
burnerwhat's edgers?02:19
dTxunstable X+drivers02:19
* burner doesn't quite understand the question02:20
dTxI am using their repo02:20
dTxnow I don't want to02:20
dTxI commented out the repo's but things won't downgrade on a dist-upgrade02:20
burnercan you uninstall, then reinstall?02:21
burnerit won't have the edgers repo to pull from, so jaunty repos will be the newerst02:21
dTxI was hoping there would be an easy way to do it02:22
dTxbecause it changes out xserver xorg drm etc.02:22
dTxlike force it to use maximum version available in current repos02:22
burnerfor sure... i'm not hip enough to even know about xorg-edgers... sorry i'm no help02:22
dTxI was only hip to it because the intel drivers were pretty bad in Alpha 302:23
dTxI don't know about now02:23
dTxWould like to try it02:23
dTxcuz edgers is a bit extreme for me02:23
dTxworks one day and not the next02:23
burnersudo aptitude reinstall xserver-xorg ?02:26
badpccould someone tell me what exactly the dashboard is for?02:27
dTxwhy does aptitude always want to remove a bunch of packages02:28
dTxdrives me crazy02:28
dTxthat's why I use apt-get02:28
burneryou can do "sudo apt-get autoremove" to remove the packages that aptitude is talking about02:29
fdedTx: aptitude wants to remove packages that were not explicitly installed...02:34
fdedTx: to stop that, explicitly request they be installed - it'll say "already installed" but it will then mark them as such02:34
fdedTx: it is intended to limit cruft on the system... if something stopped depending on a given package... why keep it around collecting dust?02:35
ScislaCI am going to reformat my drive for ext4 and am wondering, would it be faster to dd or rsync my partitions to an external drive? Otherwise, is there a benefit to either method I might be overlooking?02:37
fdeScislaC: DD would be faster, but rsync will do everything in one fall swoop02:38
fdeScislaC: You can however just edit /etc/fstab and change ext3 to ext4 and have the same benefits as keeping files that weren't created for ext402:40
fdeScislaC: They are backwards compatible with the exception of extends ... which won't be applied to the new files anyway if you back them up and restore them02:41
ScislaCfde: won't it not be able to do "extents" or whatever that is supposed to be a benefit?02:41
ScislaCexcellent to know02:41
burneryou can add extents02:42
fdeburner: umm, no you can't02:42
burnerbut it only works on new files... so by the time you upgrade all packages when jaunty is released, it should be extentified, no?02:42
burnerhttp://buranen.info/?p=345 <--how to upgrade to ext402:42
ScislaCburner: doesn't it also work that if I open a file, modify, and resave it that it would add extends to it then? or not?02:44
fdeburner: if you add that option, sure files newly created will use extends but considering its feature freeze, I doubt too many files will be touched02:45
burnerdefinitely maybe... I honestly don't know... i think it's extents and not extends though02:45
burnerall of gnome will be touched...  a lot of xserver packages will be touched02:45
fdeI would personally recommend just reformatting everything, and use google tools to backup anything you need in your home dir ... that way when they're pulling back in, they will be treated as new files, and won't have the fs options applied already02:46
syockitafter adding extent, how do you ensure it's properly used? I've heard that to make full use of it, it's better to start with a clean slate02:47
fde(docs, picasa, bookmarks, calendar etc)02:48
syockitI'm thinking of something in the lines of copying the files around and moving it back in place02:48
fdesyockit: that is what developers of ext4 are saying, yes... apparently burner knows better though02:48
burnersupposedly the online defrag tool can add it02:51
syockitthat tool isn't finished yet, right?02:52
burnerprobably... i don't have the command e4defrag, but I'm ready to run it when it's available ;)02:53
syockitis it going to be built-in, or be provided externally?02:55
burneri think it'll be in the kernel right?02:58
burnerholy crap, we have new Mark Shuttleworth inspired notification windows02:59
syockitwhat's that? where, show me03:00
burnerooh, i like how it disappears when you hover03:00
burnerchange a song in rhythmbox :)03:00
syockitwait, what's the package name? is it replacing libnotify?03:01
burnergot me, i just dist-upgraded today and now have it03:02
syockitis it indicator-applet?03:02
syockitgotta try it right away03:02
burneri wish i knew what else besides rhythmbox uses it... i'm curious how it works with multiple... hopefully it stacks them03:03
syockitah, it seems it's a fork of libnotify. I wonder if it'll see mainstream usage. Right now, it's mostly conceptual IMO03:07
Loungeim back03:15
burnerevolution doesn't do any popups for me... what else!  try something with multiple updates at a time?  does it stack em and have smooth animation?03:15
burnerLounge: with X via nouveau?03:15
helohas anyone had good luck with using jaunty with i945gm graphics chipset? (hp mini netbook)03:15
Loungelol not yet still waiting for this loop script to finish03:15
Stralytichelo, my eee 1000h has i945gm, works fine03:16
Loungeremember that one liner i posted?03:16
heloStralytic: notice speed improvements over intrepid?03:16
Stralytichelo, no, i haven't benchmarked anything though03:17
Loungethere's something interesting about lvm and cryptsetup and jaunty that i did see in intrepid or hardy and that is the "special divices" are present in jaunty03:17
Loungethat i didn't see*03:17
Loungei didn't see any /dev/dm-* devices in 8.04 or 8.10 when the encrypted lvms were mounted03:18
heloi'm used to running debian unstable... is ubuntu+1 generally in the same ballpark of stability as unstable?03:18
Loungebut in jaunty, they're there and mounted03:18
Loungeis this a new thing? or was it something i did wrong?03:19
Loungebut anyhoo now that the lvm partitions are mounted as /dev/dm-1 to 7 i can read DiskIOs from each one by one instead of it being all one big IO03:20
Loungebasically the encrypted lvms are being mounted a special devices03:22
Loungeon my other partition, i have another linux on its own encrypted lvm group with one diference, that that group is raiding with the 2nd hdd03:23
RAOFhelo: Give or take, yes.03:24
Loungeand im wondering because of raid1 that its not creating specieal devices out of them?03:24
RAOFhelo: It's going to be substantially more stable than Debian unstable right now, since (a) we're in feature freeze, and (b) all the stuff in experimental's going to hit unstable now!03:24
Loungeto be honest i wish i knew what i was doing most the time >_<03:27
jumpkickhi, wondering if there are any plans to package the GPL Hercules DJ Controller drivers in Ubuntu (http://ts.hercules.com/eng/index.php?pg=view_files&gid=2&fid=28&pid=215&cid=1#section1) ?04:18
Loungewon't let me install xserver-xorg-video-nouveau04:22
Loungesaying "linux-nouveau-modules04:22
Loungeis not installed04:22
Loungebut it won't let me install that either04:22
LoungeDKMS tree already contains: nouveau-0.0.11+git2008122004:23
LoungeYou cannot add the same module/version combo more than once.04:23
Loungedependency problems04:23
akioim happy I just got a Dell SX280 with the refurbished mobo and a 1680x1050 screen session rockin out04:51
akioand the reason I'm using screen is: I totally should have timed out, but I just detached... shweet04:57
* crdlb just upgraded 8.10 -> 9.04 without disconnecting from IRC04:58
akio9.04 is nice04:59
Stralyticas long as you dont want any sound04:59
akiomy pulse did break a few updates ago04:59
akiobut another one fixed it, shwatever05:00
jumpkickstutter, stutter05:00
akioalso vlc stutters like hell05:00
Stralyticmine hasn't fixed yet, i guess i should update again05:00
jumpkickand wine05:00
akiobut on second attempt to play it is better05:00
akiowhat's up with thtat anyway? i thought pulse was the one to rule them all?05:00
Stralytici've seen lots of blogs complaining about pulse, and other blogs saying just wait they will fix it05:01
Stralytichrmn, there's no update to anything sound related05:03
Stralytici'm using lpia though, maybe it takes longer for the updates to come through05:04
burnermy vlc blows ass too.. i have yet to figure out why05:10
crdlbit does ... what?05:10
burnervideo and audio stutters05:11
Stralyticwhat's the go with this indicator applet thing?05:11
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Loungeok im in linux-image-2.6.28-8-generic and everything is way slow05:29
Loungethe processor is being overworked on every process execution05:29
Loungeand i'm rebooting back into 2.6.28-8 before i have a melt down05:30
Loungeinto 2.6.28-7*05:31
akioI know this sounds retarded but I can't figure out how to specify the directory prefix in my wgetr05:39
Loungeokay i fixed the nviduaand the gmd issue05:40
Loungenvidia and or gmd not sure if they're both linked05:41
Loungei had a missmatch with the linux-header version from the kernal-image05:42
Loungeso i removed nvidia-glx, linux-headers,05:43
Loungedid an autoremove05:43
Loungeand then did sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)05:43
Loungemade sure fakeroot was installed05:44
Loungeand then reinstalled the nvidia stuff05:44
billybigriggeri keep getting x11 driver not configured with opengl error when playing games05:44
Loungei'd really like to use the root-terminal again05:55
akiowhat do you mean?05:57
Loungethere is the option to use the "root-terminal" but in jaunty it doesn't start05:58
akiowhere is that option?05:58
akioyou mean on startup?05:59
Loungenow i know you can just open gnome-terminal and then typ su, but the root terminal is just something i've been using since debian05:59
akiodrop to root shell?05:59
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akioyou get used to it05:59
Loungeno the root-terninal "gksu /usr/bin/x-terminal-emulator"05:59
akioit's actually better I think05:59
akiojust remember sudo !!06:00
Loungei know there's ctrl+alt+f1 - f6 for the tty sessions06:00
AmaranthLounge: That runs the whole app as root, using sudo in a non-root gnome-terminal is better06:00
AmaranthBut yeah, it should be removed from the menus or made to work (although it is hidden by default)06:01
Loungeyes it's hidden but i for one rather like it06:01
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Loungenow if its decided by the majority to be removed from ubuntu then i'll respect that but i'd like say i would like to see it still live06:02
akioI would like to see some KMS action06:02
crdlbif you insist, I guess you could create a launcher of type Application in Terminal with 'sudo -i' for the command06:02
Loungethat doesn't work either06:03
crdlb(I did try it before suggesting it)06:03
* akio Listens to enough whining at work06:03
crdlbusing the panel06:03
Loungei keep getting Failed to contact the GConf daemon; exiting.06:04
Loungeakio: unless you figured how to fix FConf, its been reported to not work in jaunty by many06:05
Loungesame for intrepid ibex06:06
akiodidn't know there even was an FConf06:07
Loungei typoed06:07
akiowhat do you mean fix it?06:07
akiowhats the deal?06:07
akiomine works without issue...06:07
akioi have other broken stuff but thats mostly wishlist06:08
akiomy biggest stink is the framebuffer support06:08
Loungewell i don't what's going on with gconf either06:08
akioand the intel driver breaks horribly in the middle of the night06:08
akioanybody know what the deal was with the gnome cd burner app?06:13
akiois that fixed yet?06:13
DanaGAnyone else have orca just plain not work?06:14
akionever even tried to use it06:14
DanaGThe list of available speech engines... is completely disabled (as in, empty and thus why bother enabling it).06:14
DanaGOh, and:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/33131106:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 331311 in gnome-settings-daemon "volume notifications are all black" [High,Fix released]06:14
DanaGUgly black still clashes quite violently with everything around it.06:14
crdlbDanaG: oh, I just upgraded and I was wondering what that box was06:16
DanaGIt's ugly, that's what.06:17
DanaGAnd the mouseover blinking is distracting.06:17
DanaGOh yeah, and now changing my icon theme results in my whole desktop blinking to blank once.06:17
akioIntuitiveNipple: love the name06:22
DanaGargh, yeah, orca is broken.06:27
DanaGI don't actually need it, but it still sucks that it's broken -- it means it's probably broken for some other people, too.06:27
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akioI want BTRFS and KMS06:47
* DanaG wants power management for his danged R600.06:48
DanaG3D and KMS can wait... my battery life sucks more importantly.06:48
DanaGWhat is up with that broken orca?06:52
DanaGStupid whale.07:02
syockitakio: go compile .29 kernel and enable btrfs07:16
crdlbwow, that's cool07:17
syockitI always try to trim every bit of my kernel, but overtrimming always causes 1 or 2 things to stop working. Last time, it was the sound07:18
crdlbI install apt-file and it automatically prompts me to generate its db07:18
crdlbbecause all those modules which don't get loaded consume so much theoretical memory?07:18
akio1les: big les?07:32
cwillucrdlb, think of the theoretical children!08:08
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TuTUXGjust wondering, how to reload pulseaudio?08:27
DanaGGotta' love those BLANK rectangles for notifications.08:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 331311 in gnome-settings-daemon "volume notifications are all black" [High,Fix released]08:46
DanaGfix released?  oh really?08:47
ian1and some notification showed up as a wire outline08:47
syockiti wonder if the bug should go there? I thought the new notification is in package indicator-applet08:47
DanaGGreat, now all icon themes will need an additional set of like 20 icons.08:51
DanaG... and the blinking on hover... is also.... lovely.08:51
zirodayDanaG: its cause the notifications don't follow the freedesktop specs08:57
zirodayDanaG: and they'll have issues with compiz iirc08:58
zirodayDanaG: if they didn't suck before, they sure do now!08:58
crdlberr, they didn't put icons in hicolor as a fallback?08:59
DanaGNot in highcolor.08:59
DanaGOnly in Human.08:59
DanaGOh, and the blinking when you hit brightness-up when already at max... also lame.09:00
DanaGiT'S even worse going down.09:00
DanaGThen it's all twitchy-glitchy.09:00
DanaG... especially if you let the key repeat.09:00
DanaGSame for volume.09:00
DanaGTry holding volume-down.09:00
zirodayheh I'm almost scared to upgrade09:01
crdlbI presume this only happens with working icons?09:01
DanaGOh, and the black... hardcoded black?09:02
DanaGIt clashes wildly with my desktop theme.09:02
DanaGYes, I admit I can't see my icons... but there aren't many there TO see.09:03
DanaGI have gone back to a full bottom panel, though.09:03
zirodayDanaG: whats the point of two docks?09:04
DanaGI was going to try to get the all-window taskbar thing, but it didn't work.09:05
DanaGHP's netbook theme:  http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/Screenshot-glassybleu.png09:06
DanaGFirst dark theme I've ever seen that's dark and yet cheerful.09:06
cwilluDanaG, 40409:16
DanaGtry up a level...09:16
cwillulowercase screenshot09:16
DanaGcase-sensitive server.09:17
DanaGThat's also my normal panel setup, by the way.09:17
cwilluah, nvm ;p09:17
DanaGsource for theme?09:18
cwillukinda wish the vista button fad would die though09:18
DanaGIt's HP's netbook theme -- available on the Canonical repo, though not publicized anywhere.09:19
DanaGAdd the deb-src from here:  http://h30434.www3.hp.com/psg/board/message?board.id=OS&thread.id=359809:19
DanaGand then apt-get source glassy-bleu-theme.09:19
DanaGI still like my rather flashy background.09:21
DanaGSure, I can't see my icons, but I don't have anything there I can't reach from somewhere else:09:21
* cwillu hasn't seen his desktop in a while09:22
DanaGHP_Tools (EFI) volume, SDHC card, Vista partition, Desktop (link back to ~), Documents, Downloads, Music, Pictures, Videos, Gnome-Terminal, and wmhdplop shortcut.09:22
DanaG... and occasionally a few other files.09:22
DanaGOh yeah, and I did color-match the orange.  =þ09:24
DanaGThat glassy-bleu theme is a pixmap theme, by the way.09:24
nmHi here. I installed Jaunty on my laptop. Everything goes well (except some bugs with evolution) but I have no dhcp anymore. When I type "sudo dhclient", here is the result :09:47
Oli``Can anybody suggest a reason my computer doesn't remember that I want visual effects enabled? Each time I start I have to re-enable them.09:57
nmnobody can help me?09:57
nmI don't really understand what's the problem09:57
nmI had a connection problem. I don't see if someone helped me. So I post my question again : Hi here. I installed Jaunty on my laptop. Everything goes well (except some bugs with evolution) but I have no dhcp anymore. When I type "sudo dhclient", here is the result :09:59
balachmarWill the nvidia driver in jaunty support CUDA out of the box?09:59
ikonianm: you have to specify and interface10:06
ikonianm: just jus dhclicent10:06
nm^^ is it new? On hardy, "sudo dhclient" was working.10:07
nmikonia: I juste tried it and I got the same error10:14
ikonianm: ifconfig - a do you see your network card10:14
nmikonia -> Can't create addrlist socket10:15
nmikonia : yes, I'm on that computer10:15
ikonianm: then why are you doing dhclicent if your on it and obviously connected ?10:15
nmikonia : if I configure a static ip, it is working, but not bu dhcp10:15
ikonianm: when how are you testing it as you're still connected ?10:16
nmikonia: the dhcpclient make nothing. It crashed with that error message10:17
nmikonia: that's the point10:17
ikonianm: your on a card already running10:17
nmikonia: and?10:17
ikonianm: reboot - and do "sudo dhclicent eth0" or whatever your card is10:17
nmikonia: already tried! and even is an interface is up, make a dhclient launch the dhcp mechanism10:18
cwilluikonia, it should still be reconfiguring the interface10:18
nmikonia: I did it so many times10:18
cwilluaccording to the man page at least10:18
ikoniacwillu: yeah, I've seen it hang on a card in use (not that error admitidly)10:18
nmif* not is10:18
balachmarHow is jaunty these days?10:19
ikoniabalachmar: still in development10:19
nmikonia, cwillu: my jaunty is an update of hardy. I only replaced the sources.list and starting updating.10:20
nmikonia, cwillu: no idea with that dhcp problem?10:21
ikonianm: I suspect it's something to do with your install, dhclicent in general is working on my junty physical box, and my vm10:21
nmikonia: I suspect it also. But I remove it (with --purge) and reinstall it, and nothing changed10:22
balachmarikonia: Of course I know, but just curious, since I want to give it a try in a VM the nest week.10:22
ikoniabalachmar: one day good, next bad, try it, it's pointless asking10:23
balachmarikonia: But if everyone here says it is still way too buggy, I might wait a little longer...10:23
balachmarAah I see.10:23
ikoniabalachmar: everyeone has different hardware/requirments - try it - see for yourself, working %100 great for me, could be %2 good for you10:23
balachmarikonia: Well, that would be a downside of testing in vm... That the hardware is almost the same for everyone, although they really use other shardware.10:24
nmbalachmar : there is at least one bug on my computer : the dhcp client mechanism is not working anymore and I really don't understand why ^^10:32
nmbalachmar: but it seems I'm the only one10:32
nmikonia: be carefull of speaking when you don't know the matter. Everything you said about dhcp is false : no need to specify the interface (in that cas, the dhcp request is made on every interfaces that is up), and we don't need to reboot to make a dhcp request (this is a nonsense)10:36
ikonianm: re-read what I said, that's not what I said10:37
ikonianm: I said specify the interface - this makes sure there is no confusion, more so if there is multiple interfaces in your machine, rebooting seems a simple and effective way of making sure nothing was locking the card for a clean test10:37
=== [perry] is now known as [pErry]
Loungek the problem with gdm and nvidia-glx refusing to work was (for me) due to a mismatch in versions between the linux-headers and linux-image12:22
Loungebut that might just be one fix which happen to work for my situation12:24
timingwhy do my keyboard shortcuts always get deleted halfway during updates on alpha releases?12:37
timinga wek ago I still had my keyboard shortcuts12:38
timingand just yet they are gone12:38
timingand i'm running jaunty for longer thana month now12:38
Loungetiming: whats the app that manages the kb shortcuts?12:41
timingthat compiz manager thing12:41
Loungemy guess is that on every update, the config file is getting overwritten with fresh one12:42
timingbut it would be soooo sweet if some settings are kept12:43
Loungetry exporting your configuration as a backup file12:43
timingI still do have my expose settings12:43
Loungeand just import it back in after the updates12:43
timingyeah bluh12:44
Loungewell so far jaunty is running good and fast but...im not touching kernel 2.6.28-8 with a ten foot pole until it gets fixed better12:47
Loungealmost cooked my cores12:48
Lounge2.6.28-7 is very fast smooth. i don't know what got changed in 8 to make it so heavy on the processor12:50
timinganyone else having a slow compiz btw?12:51
crdlbtiming: what GPU?12:51
crdlband depending on what keyboard shortcuts you're talking about, you may need to enable the new "Commands" plugin in ccsm12:52
timingcrdlb: k thanks12:52
Loungeno "CPU" and the over all process load12:52
Loungeoh wait12:53
timing00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)12:53
timingcrdlb: that one12:53
Loungethat was twards someone else12:53
timingworked in last stable12:53
crdlbit might help to switch to the UXA AccelMethod12:54
crdlbOption "AccelMethod" "UXA"   in Section "Device"12:55
timingcrdlb: okay, where do i do that? because the xorg.conf file is pretty small12:55
timingwithout any display settings and stuff12:55
timingonly some defaults12:56
crdlbdo you have a Device section?12:57
crdlbso you can put it there12:57
timingbut things like driver and resolution are gone12:57
crdlbit's fine if it's the only line other than the identifier12:58
timingwell, brb12:58
elvirolohi everyone13:23
elvirolo i'm trying to install ubuntu without a CD, via an ISO image of the install disk stored on /dev/sda1. I managed to boot ok, but the installer won't mount /dev/sda1 to go and find the iso image13:23
maxbwait, you've got the actual iso on the filesystem, no the contents?13:24
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: Is sda an fixed-disk or something removable?13:25
IntuitiveNipplemaxb: yeah, it does sound intriguing :)13:25
maxbIt's a reasonable mistake to make, I have, in the past, found docs which hinted that you could do that, but they didn't work, so I conclude that the docs meant the contents of the iso, but were misleading.13:26
IntuitiveNippleHmm, but the 'boot ok' bit...?13:27
IntuitiveNippleIf it has booted like a live-CD, sda1 will be mounted on a loop device, so trying to mount it again won't work13:28
elviroloIntuitiveNipple: fixed (laptop hd)13:28
elviroloit says "device busy" when i try to mount it13:29
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: Can you explain your configuration a little more? It is confusing us right now13:29
elviroloOk sry. I don't have any Ubuntu CD's with me, so I decided to install jaunty, in order to test it, from my opensuse installation. I created an ext3 partition on /dev/sda1, which contains the jaunty alternate cd iso file. I modified my menu.lst in order for Grub to boot on /dev/sda1. It all starts fine, but then i says it can't find the iso image, and thus can't install the system13:31
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: So, on sda1, did you *extract* the ISO file contents so the directories and files are there, or is it just the single ISO file?13:33
elviroloIntuitiveNipple: well it says in the official documentation that one should simply copy the iso file13:34
elvirolonot its content13:34
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: The way I do those things is to use a virtual machine, boot it from an ISO image and have the raw /dev/sda attached to the VM. I've not tried the method you're using.13:34
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: Do you have the URL to that documentation?13:34
ali1234the way i do it is to just use unetbootin to unpack it onto a usb drive :P13:35
elviroloIntuitiveNipple: yes sure https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux it's in "alternate cd", procedure 213:36
elviroloali1234: yeah i tried unetbootin, but it didn't work13:36
ali1234works great on my AAO :)13:36
IntuitiveNippleI prefer doing all test installs into VMs, so I have my regular environment to hand with all my tools and net access13:36
elviroloIntuitiveNipple: yeah, but i'd like to install ubuntu anyway (intrepid if not jaunty) instead of opensuse anyway13:37
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: We may be getting confused, but the way you described it was that you've got the single ISO file there. Those instructions however detail how to copy the contents of the ISO image13:37
elviroloIntuitiveNipple: sry it's procedure 1 not 213:38
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: See "Step 2"13:38
ali1234elvirolo: intrepid was rather rough, i would wait for jaunty. it can't really be worse13:38
elviroloStep 2. Copy your alternate ISO to the root of the partition you created in step 1. You need to copy the ISO itself rather than the contents of the ISO.13:38
IntuitiveNippleoh the *Alternate* - sorry!13:38
IntuitiveNippleI'm asleep already!13:38
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: In step 4 of those instructions it refers to the path that the kernel and initrd images are in, and in the example uses /install/ - is your configuration the same as that?13:41
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: Also in Step 5, it talks about making sure to specify a seed file on the kernel command line13:42
elviroloIntuitiveNipple: no, i put the files in the root of the partition, so i put /vmlinuz13:42
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: Also in Step 4., I meant.13:42
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: okay13:43
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: So the installer boots and you go through the menus?13:44
elviroloIntuitiveNipple: that's right13:44
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: ooooh hang on!!! Are you trying to install *to* sda1 ?13:44
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: As well as running the installer from there?13:45
elviroloIntuitiveNipple: no no13:46
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: okay.... phew :)13:46
elvirolobut no i didn't use a preseed13:47
elviroloi'll try13:47
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: I notice that in the intro to the Alternate version, it talks about Procedure 1 being suitable for Gutsy, but Procedure 2 for Hardy... it doesn't mention Intrepid/Jaunty, but I wonder if the problem is that Jaunty installer no longer supports that method?13:47
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: Where it says: "Procedure 1 below has been used successfully with Gutsy (Ubuntu 7.10) and Procedure 2 with Hardy (Ubuntu 8.04)"13:48
IntuitiveNipplewe might infer from that, that procedure 1 doesn't work with Hardy ( and maybe also Intrepid/Jaunty)13:48
elviroloah, yes maybe13:49
elvirolonever mind, i'll just try and find a cd13:50
elvirolothanks a lot for your help anyway :)13:50
IntuitiveNippleelvirolo: Use a VM :p13:50
elviroloIntuitiveNipple: yup :)13:51
elvirolo(i still have to install ubuntu, though, i'm fed up with opensuse)13:51
rippsFINALLY! It seems the radeon RV350 freezing bug has been fixed. I've been using the updated driver for a while now, with EXA and AccelDFS, and things work great.14:18
rippsNow, here's hoping the squash the bugs in the new Notify-OSD14:18
savvashas anyone tried rhythmbox radio? Couldn't start playback - A text/uri-list decoder plugin is required to play this stream, but not installed.14:26
savvashm.. (rhythmbox:13957): Rhythmbox-WARNING **: Could not open device /dev/radio014:29
* akio1 test14:49
mjchm.  I'm trying to roll my own kernel debs with make-kpkg but when it is installing, it tells me to make my own initrd.  what am I missing :/14:50
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
nomegohey guys15:18
nomegohow do I compile a new ubuntu kernel in jaunty?15:19
TheInfinitylike in every ubuntu version15:20
nomegoI tried following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile but I failed on the way15:20
nomegopackagess that didn't exist, etc15:20
nomegoI don't want to compile a vanilla one15:21
TheInfinitynomego: then you should look for the packages which dont exist etc15:23
nomegoanyone who has actually compiled a custom kernel in here?15:24
DrHalandoes the new indicator-deamon already work with pidgin?15:33
idorock89DrHalan: no15:34
DrHalansucks .15:34
idorock89from what i heard only with evolution i think15:34
BUGabundoDrHalan: no15:34
idorock89till now15:34
BUGabundoand pidgin devs will not work on it15:35
idorock89mostly will change soon15:35
BUGabundoso unless some of us do the work, it will not change15:35
BUGabundoand the lib notify now sucks15:35
DrHalanthats what i wondered isn't it using libnotify?15:35
idorock89in the promo video that mark had on his blog he used empathy which i like a lot15:37
idorock89so maybe that will support it soon enough if it doesnt already15:37
DrHalanits not a video but a flash animaton..15:37
PiciIt was a mockup15:38
idorock89DrHalan: yes i knw but in that it still was shown as using empathy so maybe has some significance15:39
idorock89Pici: ^^15:40
badpHello. Is the 9.04 beta so similar to 8.10 as the release notes seem to say?15:40
BUGabundobadp: no beta yet15:41
BUGabundojust alpha515:41
badp*alpha 515:41
DrHalanisn't it a bit stupid to put that into main already if they dont have plugins for all ubuntu appsyet?15:41
badpOther alpha's used to be choke full with new stuff...15:41
idorock89badp: there are changes as compared to 8.10 but probably 9.10 will have a lot lot stuf as it got delayed for 9.0415:41
idorock89still has a lot of stuff and new changes15:42
idorock89DrHalan: yeah agree with u . but probably by the release time things will be sorted out15:42
idorock89and mark said that 9.04 will have a fallback notification system aas weelll15:43
DrHalanbadp: what i really miss in 9.4 is the wine integration that was proposed already some while ago15:43
badpHm... wine integration? You mean the Wine menu under Applications?15:44
DrHalanno i mean things like setting windows version etc trough nautilus15:45
DrHalanbadp: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qFBFyE2QaN0 here :)15:45
bazookatoothever since i upgraded, i haven't been able to get nvidia xconfig set up correctly... its driving me crazy.15:46
DrHalanbazookatooth: why? its working perfectly heere15:47
bazookatoothi have no idea why..... i'm currently using one monitor15:47
DrHalanlol the new popup-settings stuff is totally useless if you use the new daemon ^^15:59
BUGabundomvo: ping16:00
BUGabundoare you around ?16:00
mvoBUGabundo: yes16:00
BUGabundodoes _current_ UM make sure ubuntu-desktop is installed?16:00
BUGabundofta and I ended up without it16:01
BUGabundoso we did not get the new notification-osd16:01
BUGabundomvo: ping ?16:03
BUGabundodid you got sleepy ? eheh16:03
bazookatoothwhenever i try to enable the 2nd monitor, i get "Failed to set MetaMode (1) 'CRT-0: 1600x1200_60 @1600x1200 +0+0, DFP-0: NULL, DFP-1: nvidia-auto-select @1600x1200 +1920+0' (Mode 3520x1200, id: 52) on X screen 0."16:04
mvoBUGabundo: it should16:04
mvoBUGabundo: was this with a partial upgrade? or a intrepid->jaunty upgrade? or a regular update?16:04
BUGabundocause fta missed it since early 200816:04
BUGabundoeven with distupgrade16:04
BUGabundoand I already installed mine on jaunty, and it went missing again16:05
BUGabundofrom time to time, I run UM -d16:05
BUGabundonot sure it makes anything if I'm already on trunk16:05
BUGabundomvo: one more question: how does UM know its xubuntu and not Ubuntu ?16:06
BUGabundo'cause a friend of mine did UM -d on xubuntu ibex and ended up on Ubuntu jaunty16:06
fdeBUGabundo: it doesn't need to know... it just updates the packages that are installed... you'll want the -desktop metapackage around though if you want to try new features16:07
BUGabundobut if UM makes sure that ubuntu-desktop is there16:08
BUGabundoit needs to know its xubuntu and not ubuntu16:08
fdeBUGabundo: I would guess he took advice without thinking in that case... update-manager just runs safe-upgrade and if things change drastically enough, it will prompt about a dist upgrade (even within jaunty)16:08
fdeBUGabundo: like I said, it doesn't care... it treats that metapackage no different from any other package...16:09
mvoBUGabundo: it checks for metapackages it knows about16:09
mvoBUGabundo: if it can not find one, it checks for likely ones (i.e. if you have ubuntu-usplash-artwork installed, most likely ubuntu, etc)16:09
fdemvo: umm, no it doesn't... upgrading from intrepid to jaunty will not automatically install ubuntu-desktop if the user removed it16:10
fdemvo: if that changed since the last time I did it, I would suggest that is a bug.16:10
mvofde: it should, if it is not doing this, thats a bug16:10
BUGabundowell there was a bug about it16:10
BUGabundoand that lead to UM to make sure ubu-desk was in there16:11
mvofde: under some circumstance it may not guess correctly, but generally speaking it should add the right meta-package on release upgrades16:11
fdemvo: why should it be doing it? if I want fancy pictures during boot, it should not assume I want a bunch of random software I do not care for16:11
idorock89guys just read on forums that new notifications work with pidgin now16:11
idorock89DrHalan: ^^16:11
mvofde: it needs to do it in order to ensure that new additions to the metapackages get instaled (new features, new defaults). it will not do it on the server install, but for the desktop upgrade it will16:12
idorock89So my ques is that can anyone confirm whether it works with empathy or not?16:12
mvothere is a switch though16:12
DrHalanidorock89: how why what whooo? :P16:12
fdeidorock89: they always did if you had pidgins libnotify plugin16:12
mvo(to turn that off, but can't remember from the top of my head what it was :)16:12
fdemvo: thing is, if I don't want those new features, I just want new software, I shouldn't be forced to do that16:13
mvofde: well, apt-get or synaptic will not force it on you, but the automatic upgrade will. I think its fine for 99% of the cases, if you really feel strong about it, apt-get/synaptic will perform the upgrade just fine16:13
mvo(it just requires a bit more manual work to do the manual cleanup of the obsolete packages and checking the upgrade notes)16:14
mvoagain, this is just for release upgrades (intrepid->jaunty)16:14
fdemvo: I just think its a pain... if I just tell it to upgrade release without thinking, I should not have to then spend an hour cleaning things up again16:14
mvonot intrepid->intrepid-updates etc16:15
mvofde: I'm curious, what is it you clean up/out ?16:15
fdePeople remove stuff for a reason - usually because the don't want them.16:15
mvonote that it will also not re-add stuff that was recommended16:15
mvojust the dependencies, that is a pretty core ste16:15
mvoright, if the system is far enough from ubuntu-dekstop (or anyone of the other meta-packages) it will leave it alone16:16
mvothis is for the "I removed something by accident and now I have no ubuntu-desktop" anymore case16:16
fdemvo: rhythmbox, totem, vinegre (no point with tsclient, can't believe that has been overlooked for 3 releases now), transmission, I think that's all?16:17
mvorhythmbox, totem are recommends16:17
mvovinagree too16:17
mvoso they will not get re-added16:17
DrHalanfde: no pidgin libnotify here shows a regual dialog box as notification16:17
mvofde: it will only add new recommends (that were not part of the previous package recommends)16:18
fdemvo: Are you a dev by the way? What is the rationale behind having two frontends to VNC in the default install? I thought Ubuntu was going to clean out duplicate functionality a few releases back?16:18
mvofde: I am a ubuntu developer, but I do not know the another to this question, sorry16:19
fdemvo: I use aptitude exclusively, so it would be an annoyance... but its just an extra switch I suppose.16:19
fdemvo: any chance to can inquire for me? tsclient is probably a better VNC client overall, and offers RDP too... silly to even include Vinegre, even if it is part of Gnome now  :/16:20
fdeDrHalan: file a bug then... not sure what else pidgin would be doing though that wouldn't be using indicator16:21
fdethat would be*16:21
fdemvo: ahh, seems its on purpose... they have disabled VNC support in tsclient... annoying16:22
* fde goes to file a bug16:22
idorock89DrHalan: now pidgin is using the new notification system as of now16:25
idorock89if u have all updates and all installed though would like to knw the current status of empathy. if someone could try16:25
DrHalanah i seee16:26
DrHalanwait i reastart pidign16:26
DrHalanyay it works: )16:27
idorock89DrHalan: lucky u.16:27
idorock89pleas post a screenshot16:27
DrHalanbut still16:27
idorock89and tell me for what all events sdoes it notify16:28
idorock89can we set that?16:28
DrHalanit is always on top right no matter how is set it16:28
idorock89that all can be set in system pop up notifications. if it doesnt work for u its a bug will get resolved ssoon. now for some screenshots pls16:29
DrHalanidorock89: http://www.image-ant.org/show.py?image=46bb79443792fdc869e77b8b128de322.png there ya go16:31
idorock89thx mate16:31
idorock89now could u tell me when all it gives notifications like for what all events?16:31
DrHalanlike you set it, online , offline, msg16:32
ali1234what program is the icon of tux playing guiter?16:34
ali1234i see :)16:34
DrHalanitsl ike gutiar pro ^^ kinda nice :)16:34
idorock89ok DrHalan from ur screenshot i can see that u have empathy installed so could u see if it works with new notifications16:34
idorock89DrHalan:  also which theme u using there?16:35
DrHalanempathy has notifications?16:36
DrHalandust i16:36
DrHalanyou can get it via the package "community-themes"16:36
idorock89DrHalan: ok. lools good if i say so myself will it be in the default installation of jaunty.doesnt matter if it is set as default or not16:37
DrHalani dont think so it has been around for a while now16:38
idorock89was it in intrepid?16:38
ali1234it's the default in ubuntu-studio, so i heard16:38
fdeidorock89: that is pidgin, not empathy...16:38
DrHalanyes if you installed community-themes16:38
idorock89fde:  yeah i know i want to knw whether empathy works with new notification or not? so if anyone can check?pls16:39
fdeidorock89: empathy is in universe afaik, so probably not16:39
DrHalandoes empathy work with libnotify at all??16:40
idorock89DrHalan: yeah i think so. tahts why it should use it. so if someone checks16:40
DrHalani tried but iddnt find any plugins or so :S16:41
DrHalanhope taht emapthy will be default in 9.1016:41
DrHalanif they tweak the interface a little. It is a lot more stable because of telepathy16:42
idorock89yeah i wish taht too but its not happening16:43
idorock89but i am nearly 100% sure taht it will be default for 9.1016:43
idorock89bcoz then empathy will have too many new feaatures like geolocation and better ui for voice video chat and other many new stuff16:43
DrHalannot to mention file transfer ;916:43
DrHalanbig thing that has been missing16:43
ali1234can't say i like the look of empathy. i suppose i'll get used to it though. and i am getting a bit tired of pidgin constantly crashing16:43
DrHalanthe only thing taht buggs me is missing meta-contacts16:43
idorock89DrHalan: yeah but pidgin has that too i think. and in empathy it works only with jabber and salut16:44
idorock89so needs some more work with empathy16:44
DrHalanjabber is by far the ost important protocol16:44
ali1234hmm meta-contacts means grouping a person's MSN, jabber, googletalk etc into a single seamless contact?16:44
idorock89DrHalan: that is there in roadmap for empathy but still long way off i think for gnome 316:44
ali1234cos i REALLY need that...16:44
DrHalani know16:45
DrHalanand i dont get why they postpone that feature16:45
idorock89DrHalan: jabber is used only by geeks no one lese uses it everyone is using gtalk,y!im,msn or aim16:45
DrHalanidorock89: what i mean is taht working on a closed protocol is nonesense16:46
RomDare there gonna be any more bugfixes regarding xserver / multi monitor usage in jaunty? alpha 4 is completely broken on my triple screen setup16:46
DrHalanafaik teh new msn messenger supports jabber16:46
idorock89DrHalan: that requires a lot of work on various components i think16:46
idorock89DrHalan: really? i thought ms would never support a open protocol16:47
ali1234i don't think anyone outside of america uses aim or yahoo :)16:47
RomDhardy works fine. intrepid's places shortcuts just open on the primary screen. jaunty makes all apps open on the primary screen too16:48
idorock89ali1234: buddy trust me i am frm india and many many use yahoo here16:48
idorock89aim not really16:48
ali1234in europe people seems to exclusively use MSN (but it's more myspace and facebook now)16:49
DrHalanali1234: nobody in germany does. they all use icq .(16:49
ali1234this is why we need meta-contacts16:49
ali1234i think MS are gonna put facebook into windows live messenger... i signed into my hotmail earlier and it asked me if i wanted to add a bunch of people to my "network"16:51
DrHalani hope this comes true and we can chat with msn people directly trough jabber16:51
fdeAnyone happen to know the bug # off hand for the intel graphics issues?16:59
fdeI'm retarded, its easily findable via the topic17:01
cumulus007I'm trying to install kubuntu-desktop on uubntu jaunty, but the installation fails on kdelibs-data17:27
cumulus007it says there is no space left on device, but there's 33 GB free!17:27
badpI'm trying to figure out whether my Intel Integrated Graphics Chipset is one of those affected by the bug17:32
idorock89next ubuntu name is supposed to be karmic koala17:33
badpSo far I can see it's a "Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller"17:33
idorock89anyone got that mail frm mark yet?17:33
badpAny idea?17:35
bruce89shame they didn't go with my "Klueless Kludgemonster"17:37
idorock89bruce89 i think i know why they didnt go with that17:42
cumulus007I don't like the new name17:53
bruce89there's a shock17:54
cumulus007my package systrem is broken17:54
cumulus007in jaunty17:54
bruce89in what way?17:55
cumulus007because apt says there is no space left on the hard disk, but there is as much as 33 GB free space17:55
cumulus007I'm trying to install kubuntu-desktop17:55
cumulus007but when apt installs kdelibs-data, apt says:17:55
cumulus007dpkg: fout bij afhandelen van /var/cache/apt/archives/kdelibs-data_4%3a3.5.10.dfsg.1-1ubuntu8_all.deb (--unpack):17:55
cumulus007 kan `./usr/share/icons/crystalsvg/32x32/devices/mo_mount.png' niet aanmaken: Geen ruimte meer over op apparaat17:55
cumulus007in English, this means17:56
bruce89is there actually space left on / ?17:56
cumulus007dpkg: an error occured during installtion of ... , couldn't create ... : no space left on device17:56
bruce89the / mount place17:57
cumulus007there is17:57
cumulus007nautilus says there is 33 GB free17:57
bruce89perhaps apt-get autoclean17:58
cumulus007makes no sense17:58
bruce89no, I suppose it doesn't17:58
cumulus007Baoab says 11 % of the disk is used17:59
bruce89but I assume there's only one partition, not a separate /home one18:00
cumulus007only one partition18:00
cumulus007sda1 is ext4, contains /18:00
cumulus007sdb1 is swap18:00
cumulus007sdb2 is a seperate ext4 partition for storage18:00
bruce89och well, must be a bug of some description18:00
cumulus007I searched launchpad, and there is no known bug about this18:01
DrHalancumulus007: i had this too once. try restarting..seriously ^^18:01
DrHalanbut hey ive ext4 too maybe its a bug in the filesystem?18:01
bruce89sounds likely18:02
cumulus007stupid ext418:03
cumulus007is there a GUI method to enable ctrl+alt+backspace again?18:03
cumulus007I granted myself in the Authorization program18:04
cumulus007but it doesn't make sense18:04
bruce89cumulus007: I don't think so18:06
DrHalanyou shouldnt need it18:09
DrHalanuse ctrl alt + f2 or so18:10
cumulus0071DrHalan: you saved my day18:12
DrHalanthen you can do like killall wahtever app you want ;)18:13
DrHalanhehe no problem cumulus0071 ;)18:13
salty-horsehi. anyone have any successful experience installing windows after having ubuntu in the main partition, when it's formatted as ext4?18:21
bruce89salty-horse: I don't see how that'd be a problem18:23
adelie42you need to format whatever partition you want with windows to some format it can understand. windows can't format partitions with flags other than fat or ntfs types18:23
adelie42a linux recovery CD is great for that purpose when I used windows years ago18:24
salty-horsebruce89, instead of saying "there's another operating system installed on the first partition, and I'll have to set it as inactive" it says "the first partition is of an unknown format. please make sure the first partition is known"18:25
salty-horseadelie42, yup. but it conflicts with what I read here:18:25
bruce89salty-horse: ah18:25
adelie42I got ubuntu-minimal installed. I do not want a DE, but do want to be able to play videos with x11. can anyone suggest a place to get started?18:26
salty-horseso I thought it was an ext4 problem18:26
bruce89adelie42: lxde perhaps18:26
adelie42salty-horse: a partition map just assigns a number that designates the format. there is no "figuring out" the format. Windows installer looks at the flag and goes "I don't know what to do". that has been at least my understanding. Windows has never had a good tool for partitioning and formatting of drives.18:27
FFForeverHello people18:28
FFForeverhow can i fix my tabs in firefox?, http://img16.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot1dj4.png18:28
salty-horseadelie42, so you're saying the first partition has to be ntfs? if I already have that as ext4, is the best solution to create a small dummy ntfs partition and push the ext4 one a bit?18:28
adelie42bruce89: I want no DE, not a light weight one18:28
salty-horseFFForever, what's wrong?18:28
bruce89adelie42: AFAIK that's impossible18:28
adelie42ooh, err... I think windows requires itself to be installed on the first primary partition of a drive18:29
thedonvaughnFFForever: looks like that's just a) your gtk theme or b) your firefox theme.   you'll have to edit the theme to fix that18:29
FFForeversalty-horse, look at the right tab it over flows also on the other tabs they look nasty compared to in gnome there is no underline/folder thingie on the firefox18:29
salty-horseoh right18:30
FFForeverthedonvaughn, i just converted from an ubuntu to kde desktop, and uhhh well yeah =\18:30
salty-horsemaybe it's a theme problem18:30
thedonvaughnyah i can't stand kde18:30
thedonvaughnespecaillly since 418:30
FFForeveri love kde....18:30
FFForever4.2 is nicer =)18:30
salty-horseFFForever, firefox has good integration with gnome themes, but I don't know about kde. maybe it's not compatible18:30
bruce89with Konqueror, I don't know why you'd want Firefox however18:31
salty-horsebruce89, firefox has lots of extensions..?18:31
bruce89lots of ways to crash18:31
salty-horsebruce89, it's still worth it18:32
salty-horse(to me)18:32
FFForeveri hate konqueror =), firefox FTW!18:32
thedonvaughni can't live without vimperator plugin in firefox18:32
* bruce89 is an Epiphany fan18:32
bruce89Bookmarks are lovely18:33
thedonvaughngives vim bindings to firefox FFForever18:33
thedonvaughnso i don't have to rely on mouse at all in browser18:33
bruce89I'm sure anyone can live without an extension18:35
FFForeverbruce89, i cant live without firebug =D18:36
bruce89such a silly phrase I think18:36
macoFFForever: its because youre using firefox in kde18:36
macowith it set to use the qt theme18:37
macothe qt theme doesn't fit very well on gtk apps like firefox18:37
FFForevermaco how do i make it use the gtk theme?18:37
thedonvaughnbruce89: thanks mr literal obvious18:37
bruce89that's what I do best18:37
macoFFForever: you can make all gtk apps use gtk or all gtk apps use qt theme. can't pick n choose for different apps18:37
macoFFForever: but in system settings -> appearance -> gtk styles and fonts, choose "use another style" and pick one18:38
macothe clearlooks one should work well18:38
PiciHrm. My Jaunty VM just decided in the middle of an upgrade that the filesystem was read only.18:39
* bruce89 feels compelled to say that Firefox isn't GTK+18:40
bruce89please ignore me18:40
FFForevermaco, thanks!!!!!!!!!18:41
FFForeverhow come amarok is locking up my sound (so no other app can play music/sound)18:57
cumulus007hey there19:11
cumulus007I got some problems with the new package manager in Kubuntu Jaunty: PkackageKit19:11
cumulus007It won't let me search in the repos, I also can't update19:11
DrHalantransmissino needs to work with libnotify too :s19:18
bruce89DrHalan: Dialogues all over the place?19:19
DrHalanjap :D19:19
bruce89bug time19:21
bruce89but if they have to patch stuff to not use dialogues, the daemon is wrong19:21
cumulus007any KPackageKit/Kubuntu dev in here?19:21
DrHalanbruce89: i think the apps dont use libnotify properly19:22
macocumulus007: #kubuntu-devel19:24
bruce89does notify distinguish between synchronous and async notifications?19:24
DrHalanwheres the difference? o.O19:25
bruce89in dialogue making19:25
bruce89apparently not19:27
DrHalanwell its not a dialogue19:30
DrHalani think theyre always async19:30
DrHalanthe app doesnt lock up or so when you create a notifcation19:30
bruce89when are dialogues supposed to appear?/19:31
blue-froghi my home directory is encrypted, when booting in single mode, I do not know how to mount that directory, any help please? ecryptfs-mount-private is asking me for my password, which I enter and then nothing even though the password is accepted. What am I missing?19:33
bruce89I see what it is now, the notification system can't handle ones with buttons in them19:35
ali1234that's the whole point19:36
Adysmmh, just apt-get update upgraded and rebooted.. lost my restart menu19:36
bruce89ali1234: transmission may over-use that then19:36
ali1234notifications should have buttons, steal focus, and other stupid stuff like that19:36
bruce89ali1234: dialogues do all that19:37
bruce89Adys: they removed it if fusa is there19:37
AdysHow comes?19:37
ali1234programs that havn't been updated to the new notifications yet are throwing up crappy dialogues instead19:37
ali1234but that will hopefully be fixed19:38
bruce89will any of these "fixes" find their way upstream though?19:38
ali1234the question is, will upstream accept the fixes?19:38
bruce89Transmission for instance19:38
ali1234this is open source software after all19:38
bruce89ali1234: why should they?19:38
ali1234because people want them to?19:39
bruce89if Ubuntu uses a different notification system to GNOME suggests, they won't need to accept the "fixes"19:39
bruce89so upstream-Ubuntu diffs get bigger yet again19:39
bruce89for no real reason19:40
ali1234if, on the otherhand, GNOME never gets around to implementing notifications properly, then at least Ubuntu users will have them, even if nobody else does19:40
bruce89ali1234: that's wasteful19:40
bruce89the diff should be as small as possible19:41
ali1234it's wasteful to do something that nobody else does?19:41
bruce89Ubuntu have to maintain all their patches19:41
bruce89so having fewer would be better19:41
ali1234so basically your argument is that Canonical would have to do less work by not adding features to Ubuntu?19:41
ali1234and that would be "better"19:42
bruce89I'm saying they shouldn't patch stuff as much as possible19:42
bruce89every patch should really be upstreamed19:42
bruce89apart from a choice few (LP integration)19:42
ali1234it's not up to Canonical whether a patch goes upstream or not. the patches are there, it's the choice of GNOME to use them or not19:43
bruce89they should be actively submitted upstream though19:43
bruce89instead of just saying "they'll never be accepted"19:44
ali1234what exactly does "actively submitted" mean?19:46
bruce89filing bugs, attaching patches there19:46
ali1234i thought we were talking specifically about notifications?19:46
bruce89it turned into a general patch policy discussion19:47
ali1234last i saw, there were plenty of gnome bugs in launch pad that were marked as "reported upstream" with a link19:47
bruce89what my original point was that if programs have to be patched for the new notifications to work, the notifications are wrong19:48
bruce89or the patches that fix the programs should go upstream19:49
ali1234i don't know why you think that19:49
ali1234the first part that is19:49
bruce89well maybe not that19:50
ali1234what you are saying is, "if a program needs to be patched to use a new API, then the new API is wrong"19:50
bruce89the programs have bugs that are only revealed with the new system, yes?19:50
ali1234um no19:51
bruce89the new notifications have no new API, that's libnotify's job19:51
bruce89the notifications are not called directly, libnotify is the19:52
bruce89libnotify calls the daemon19:52
ali1234i don't know the technicality of why you see those dialogues19:53
ali1234but i think the programs are falling back on built in notifications19:54
bruce89ali1234: any notification that has buttons in it is now put in dialogues by the new daemon19:54
bruce89instead of a balloon with buttons19:54
ali1234that makes sense19:54
ali1234transient windows with buttons is a terrible idea19:55
bruce89some programs have buttons in their notifications when they shouldn't, such as NetworkManager19:55
bruce89causing dialogues with the new system19:55
ali1234so that actually *is* a bug in n-m then19:56
bruce89so the programs should be fixed19:56
ali1234so what is the problem?19:56
bruce89and preferably upstream19:56
ali1234they will be fixed, and the source will be available if upstream wants it. everybody wins. what is the problem?19:56
bruce89clearly they won't be submitted directly upstream, they will just rot on patches.ubuntu.com19:57
bruce89and that's bad for everyone19:58
ali1234if that happens then upstream only has themselves to blame19:59
bruce89what, for not always checking what Ubuntu is patching, that's not their job19:59
ali1234if it continues to happen for long enough then ... well remember XFree86?20:00
bruce89I'm not sure about that20:00
bruce89but upstream has enough to do without having to check distro patches all the time20:02
ali1234i agree... for tiny obscure patches20:03
bruce89as I'm sure Richard Hughes pointed out20:03
bruce89notification fixes would be fairly wee patches20:04
ali1234but the noise that will be created all over the internet when they finally unleash this thing on the public will be huge20:05
bruce89true, I hope it turns out well20:05
ali1234it's not even that big of a change20:06
bruce89no, I suppose not20:06
ali1234from a user perspective i mean. i hardly even notice those notifications anyway20:06
ali1234but yet here we are "discussing" it20:06
ali1234like it was the most important feature of the distro20:06
bruce89it's effectively the same as the old one with a different theme, and no buttons allowed20:07
ali1234and it doesn't steal focus or stop you from clicking on stuff underneath it20:07
bruce89I don't remember the old one stealing focus, but dialogues certainly do20:08
bruce89I presume the fact that GNOME didn't accept notification-daemon because they want to see how notify-osd pans out20:09
ali1234maybe GNOME got tired of getting flak for changing stuff and no credit when people decided they prefer the new way.20:11
bruce89they accepted libnotify, so that suggests what I said20:11
ali1234karmic koala? i like the brown dammit!20:21
bruce89they'll never leave the brown20:25
ali1234it's not even brown, it's more like orange20:26
bruce89you have to take what Mark says with a huge pinch of salt20:28
ali1234they've been talking about "getting rid of the brown" for at least 2 years now20:32
ali1234but i looooove brown20:32
macoi like it too20:33
bruce89indeed, they've always said they'll replace it, but oh well20:33
macowarm tones20:33
macoall earthy & stuff20:33
ali1234it makes a change from windows toy-town and apple chrome-factory20:34
bruce89I usually use orange coloured clearlooks20:35
KenBW2is Jaunty due a new theme or have they given up?21:25
bruce89I don't think it will do21:26
KenBW2i think Intrepid's "new" theme was a step back - there's very little visual feedback on toolbar buttons21:27
danbhfiveKarma's gona have a new theme :P21:29
KenBW2yea, right21:30
KenBW2ill believe it when i see it21:30
bruce89I'd just give in and use clearlooks21:34
KenBW2meh, i revert to the old human21:34
KenBW2better than intrepid's21:36
bruce89anything's better than Human21:38
KenBW2i happen to like the brownness :)21:38
bruce89I don't mind brown, just don't like Human's icons or theme engine21:39
KenBW2meh, beauty in the eye of the beholder etc etc21:39
FFForeveris there a tricked out fluxbox ubuntu distro?21:45
charlie-tcayou mean like fluxbuntu21:46
FFForeverone with a few basic needs like power management, screen lighting changes (for laptops), etc21:46
FFForevercharlie-tca, is there a flubuntu-desktop apt meta package?21:46
charlie-tcaI don't know what it has, but there is one "fluxbuntu"21:46
charlie-tcaNot that I know of, FFForever21:46
charlie-tcaIt's a separate distro21:47
FFForeveri hate separate distros lol, i have 2 wait for them 2 catch up with ubuntu... =(21:47
bruce89nothing wrong with installing fluxbox on Ubuntu AFAIK21:48
FFForeverbruce89, yeah there is, there is no power management... found that out the hard way...21:48
FFForeveralso u cant adjust the screen brightness21:49
blueyedanybody using boinc on jaunty?21:56
blueyed(or other idle-cpu processes?)21:57
bruce89blueyed: yes, it's a pain in the lower back22:01
tretlebanshee now fully support the new notification daemon22:02
blueyedbruce89: since your fan is louder than usual, too?22:02
bruce89blueyed: the CPU scaling is not taking into account niceness22:02
blueyedbruce89: seems so.. but not in general.. it gets scaled down more often than not, but not all the time.22:03
Loungeanyone else having poor performances with kernel 2.6.28-8-*?22:03
bruce89blueyed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/32121122:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 321211 in linux "acpi_cpufreq doesn't take niceness into account" [Undecided,New]22:03
bruce89niceness seems to not work22:04
blueyedbruce89: I had reported bug 329872 - will mark it as duplicate and confirm yours. Thanks.22:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 329872 in linux "2.6.28: Regression with idle load handling" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32987222:04
Loungei was afrade of it cooking my cores22:05
blueyedLounge: any "idle" processes in the background?22:06
blueyedbruce89: does "cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep MHz" always show the highest setting?22:06
Loungenothing that was eating the cpu22:06
blueyedLounge: why should it "eat your (cpu) cores" then?22:06
Loungeit seem that any process even a simple apt-get update was foring the cpu a 100%22:06
bruce89blueyed: yup22:06
Loungeat 100%*22:07
Loungeeven the boot up process took a long time to complete22:07
Loungei did notice that in single mode, it nearly hanged in the 2nd stage waiting for the nvidia-glx 180 driver to start22:08
Loungetook almost 2 minutes for that to start22:09
Neonexusanyone beta testing 9.04 currently?22:09
Loungeso i rebooted with 2.6.28-7 and everything is normal for me22:10
blueyedbruce89: updated your bug. Thanks again. it shows "max freq" for me now, too. IIRC this was different with previous 2.6.28 kernels, but started when I could finally switch to 2.6.2822:10
bruce89Neonexus: I'd have thought most here are22:10
blueyedLounge: that could explain the more worse behavior I'm getting now with -8.22:10
blueyedLounge: you may want to subscribe to bug 321211, too.22:11
Loungecould it be a conflict between 2.6.28-8-* &  nvidia-glx 180?22:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321211 in linux "acpi_cpufreq doesn't take niceness into account" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32121122:11
NeonexusMy system went through an updtate cycle and now my wireless network wont connect, anyone have simular problem?22:11
hggdhNeonexus, no we are still apha-testing it22:11
bruce89incidentally, my issue is not with nvidia hardware22:11
blueyedit's probably more related to the recent cpufreq changes in the kernel.22:11
blueyed"cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_{driver,governor}" now shows "performance" as governor for me..!22:12
Loungeblueyed: okay i'll subscribe and add my 2 cents to it ^^22:12
blueyed(should be ondemand)22:12
bruce89mine's ondemand22:12
Neonexusjust seems to be wireless, as wired and 3g works fine22:13
blueyedsee also bug 33201722:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332017 in linux "Significant performance regression in 2.6.28-8.24 due to ondemand governor" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33201722:13
nemoum. why is there no libsdl-net dev package?22:13
blueyedbruce89: do you have powernowd installed? (what cpu do you have?)22:13
bruce89blueyed: not now, and a boring old Pentium dual-core22:14
nemojust updated to jaunty to test whether bug #316683 had been fixed, and suddenly discover I can't do a test build anymore22:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316683 in mesa "Intel graphic card and hedgewars game" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31668322:14
nemohm. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/i386/libsdl-net1.2-dev/1.2.7-222:15
nemoso. if it exists there...22:15
nemowhere's the jaunty build? :)22:16
nemodo I need to make my own build file now?22:16
blueyedbruce89: I've removed powernowd, since I've read on the mailinglists that it's not required anymore.. installing powernowd again gives my "ondemand" back.. strange.. maybe it would require a clean boot? now cpu freq goes back to 1000MHz for some time - but "performance" should not bump the freq for idle processes, too..?!22:18
bruce89I don't have a clue as to what's going on, all I know is that something is wrong22:18
blueyedok. Thanks for confirming it, again. This will hopefully get fixed soon.22:19
bruce89actually, you confirmed it, thanks for that22:19
nemodoes anyone here know why a build is missing for that package? would an attempt by me to make one run into some fundamental flaw in jaunty?22:20
blueyedI even triaged it as "High".. which hopefully helps. OTOH there are _so_ many kernel bugs.. :/22:20
blueyednemo, are you on i386?22:21
nemoonly finding powerpc right now22:21
nemoodd that such a basic library would go missing22:22
nemoisn't like jaunty is *that* far away22:22
blueyedthere's only a i386 link AFAICS: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/10223508/libsdl-net1.2-dev_1.2.7-2_i386.deb22:22
nemooh. nifty. thanks.22:22
blueyedoh.. you've select i386.. the link's from your page/link.. ^^22:22
nemoreally. didn't see it22:23
nemois that the one listed as a hardy build?22:23
blueyednemo: see also "apt-cache madison libsdl-net1.2-dev"22:23
nemothat was what made me come here. out of concern for *why* there was no jaunty build :)22:23
blueyedshould be installable.22:23
blueyedmaybe there has not been an update/new upload for jaunty/intrepid?!22:24
blueyednemo: you may want to poke #ubuntu-motu :)22:24
blueyed..but debian has no newer version, too.22:24
Loungeafter today's updates, udevd is hogging the cpu%22:40
Loungethe cores are now at around 58 - 68%22:40
Loungeudevd is doing something to all my partitons, the diskIOs are acive22:44
Loungeis there anyway i can monitor what its doing?22:45
bruce89atop perhaps22:47
Loungeacpi -t22:47
Loungeholy cow udevd is out of control22:48
akio1Lounge: your mom is out of control22:51
nemogah. there's just a ridiculous number of packages missing22:51
nemohow do you guys manage? :(22:51
akio1my X R B0rken22:52
charlie-tcanemo: That's the joys of running an alpha version22:52
akio1nemo: you do remember you are using alpha, not beta22:52
nemoyeah. I only upgraded to this one to see if in fact it had fixed a driver22:53
bruce89akio1: same thing22:53
bruce89for Ubuntu's purposes22:53
nemoakio1: finding it almost impossible to get fpc reinstalled22:53
akio1there is a difference between fixing and providing22:53
=== akio1 is now known as akio
akiotahnks for the reminder22:54
akiodamn finch22:54
nemofor heaven's sake - a52dec-dev isn't in intrepid either?? so how on earth did fp-units-multimedia ever work in intrepid?22:54
nemowhich supposedly is an intrepid package which requires that package.22:55
charlie-tcaDon't know, but intrepid support is in #ubuntu22:55
Loungeyeah udevd is buggn out so im back in hardy & chrooting into jaunty for now22:58
Loungeyes i still love hardy22:59
Loungenot really a big fan of intreped22:59
bruce89why are you using Jaunty then?22:59
nemocharlie-tca: ... I'm aware. thanks. this is part of a broader issue of missing Jaunty packages - I was trying to replace them with Intrepid ones22:59
crdlbI like having a thinkpad; everybody has one so nothing breaks for long22:59
Loungeso i can help test it22:59
Loungei'm not the most linux savy person but i can still try to report stuff that's not functioning right23:03
nemowell. that's embarassing. looks like I just was missing an update of the mirrors23:09
nemofor some reason that wasn't an automatic part of the update process :)23:09
Silverwinghi all23:10
mifritscheri've to main issues with 9.0423:14
geniiEveryone's working on the Bug Jam or so?23:14
mifritscher-it is only woriking with the server-edition of the kernel, if I try the generic it does fail (cannot allocating memory while starting X) - I've an Intel x3100 and 4 GB ram23:15
mifritscher-suspend and hibernate doesn't work from the desktop (System->shutdown) - it does immediately threw me to the lock screen23:16
mifritscherif I make a echo hibernate >/sys/power/state it works (but the X-Server does crash on resuming)23:16
mifritscherit worked well wit 8.1023:17
mifritscherI found a bit of infos for the crash on resuming in launchpad, but not for the other things23:32
tretlecould someone explain to me why my dell inspiron 6400 seems to have multitouch controls under jaunty?23:58

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