
joshjtlwho in gods name decides on ubuntu artwork... they should stop00:12
joshjtldefault art is supposed to be widely acceptable, it never has been on ubuntu00:13
_MMA_Please take your trolling elsewhere.00:14
joshjtl_MMA_: I'm just stating my opinion... thats not trolling00:14
joshjtlIf I hurt your feelings, I'm sorry00:14
joshjtltrolling... sheesh00:15
_MMA_What reaction do you expect? New person in a channel that says that. Thin next time.00:15
joshjtluh what do you want me to say.., "I love ubuntu artwork" If I dont feel it!!???00:16
joshjtlthink next time, dont feel00:16
joshjtlfuck you00:16
_MMA_hahaha. And I'm the puss. :P00:16
tretleout of curiosity who actually decides?00:37
=== islington is now known as SealV
_MMA_SealV: Not bad. :)02:11
MRIguyAnyone awake still?02:34
MRIguyI jumped onto the wiki and took a look at the artwork section02:35
MRIguyinteresting points of view02:35
MRIguySince I am new to this channel, any themers on board?02:36
SealVI believe Cimi is developing the murrine engine...02:37
MRIguymurrine engine... I saw some artwork based on that during my wiki hunt02:37
MRIguyIS there more info on the engine?02:38
* MRIguy looking02:39
_MMA_MRIguy: Also join the mailing list to get up to speed on the active projects.02:39
CimiSealV: clearlooks too02:43
Cimii'm the maintainer of gtk-engines and gnome-themes-extrrsa02:43
Cimifor gnome02:43
_MMA_Cimi: You want another gold star? :P02:43
SealVCimi: a good tutorial/guide for pizbuf/pixmap engine?02:44
Cimi_MMA_: yeah02:45
Cimi_MMA_: if you have some idea...02:45
CimiSealV: no, you should not use the pixbuf engine02:46
_MMA_Cimi: Because...?02:46
SealVno other way, I want to try to make a better 'wood ' theme02:46
Cimi_MMA_: a lot of minor reasons02:47
_MMA_Cimi: Please don't say speed.02:47
Cimi_MMA_: you already said :)02:47
SealVregardless, can any other engine handle textures?02:47
CimiSealV: experience and css02:48
SealVand out of those which do you recommend02:48
Cimior experience02:48
Cimimaybe pixbuf02:49
_MMA_Cimi: The speed issue is a myth perpetrated by nerds arguing over nanoseconds *years* ago. Any speed arguments are completely useless on modern HW.02:49
_MMA_So any issues /other/ than speed I'd like to hear about.02:49
SealVhow about 0 useful documentation02:50
_MMA_+1 there.02:50
_MMA_Cimi has been a perfect example of great documentation. ;)02:50
MRIguy_MMA_: I'm currently on a business trip in New York area. I'll look into the mailing list when I get back next week.02:51
_MMA_MRIguy: That would be great. Are you an artist of any sort? Portfolio?02:51
MRIguyHang on: Some URLs02:51
_MMA_MRIguy: They are the engines behind themes you see on GNOME.02:52
_MMA_MRIguy: So you install a "engine" on your Linux box and code for that particular one. There are only a couple major ones.02:53
MRIguyOne of my more recent themes -02:55
MRIguyI rendered the background pics for both themes02:57
_MMA_MRIguy: Huh? Wait. You have made GNOME themes but don't know what pixmap is?02:57
MRIguyPixmap is the common denominator in Linux distros02:58
MRIguyI know what a engine is.. I was just pulling your leg.02:58
MRIguyDistros which use Gnome02:59
_MMA_MRIguy: You have no clue the folks we get in here. SO for someone new to come in and ask is not uncommon.02:59
MRIguyI understand.02:59
MRIguyI have themes for KDE and Window Maker as well03:00
MRIguyBeen doing themes since KDE 2.003:00
MRIguyI recently branched into Metacity/GTK03:01
SealV:( I had to google cimi's site ya know...anyways..welcome03:01
MRIguyI post my works on freshmeat.net03:01
MRIguyWant some background which I did?03:02
_MMA_Well I gotta run. MRIguy: See ya on the mailing list.03:02
MRIguybackground images, that is03:02
MRIguy_MMA_ : Good luck03:02
MRIguyIs murrine going to make it into the Gnome world? What I mean  is : will we see it distributed along side pixmap and clearlook?03:05
MRIguyEveryone have a nice evening. Bye Bye.03:07
Cimi_MMA_: speed is an issue like others (expecially on the new netbooks or mobile devices) but it's not the main one. with those engine you lose a lot of configurability, inheritance between widgets, color adjustment and whatever makes your theme consisent. with a pixmap theme you'll never reach a theme perfect overll, those themes are good for simple alternatives, but are not suitable for a default03:13
Cimianyway I'm tired, going to bed03:15
Ciminight SealV03:15
SealVnight cimi03:18
=== tretle_ is now known as tretle
* tretle thinks that the ubuntu icon theme should be replaced with a mofified version of gnome-colors08:57
tretlethe human variant that is08:57
zirodaytretle: have you seen breathe, its very nice.08:59
tretledon't personally like it08:59
tretlethink the icons need to be brighter09:00
tretleQuite like the mango icon theme though, which is of similar spec to breath and oxegen except nice and bright09:01
tretleHate the current icon theme09:01
tretleyet nothing seems to change release to release09:01
zirodaytretle: can't seem to find the mango icon theme, link?09:04
zirodaytretle: thanks09:05
zirodaytretle: ah I've seen those before, but they're not in the PD09:06
savvascool notifications!! http://img100.imageshack.us/img100/1909/mootu0.png12:09
zirodaysavvas: mine aren't starting :(12:12
_MMA_savvas: Depends on what "cool" refers to for me. /Looks/ sure. As far as a consistent and bug-free replacement for what's there, no.12:13
savvasziroday: right click on rhythmbox, check "show notifications" and switch your song12:13
savvasziroday: it's for jaunty by the way :)12:13
zirodaysavvas: yep, got it now :)12:14
savvas_MMA_: so far I've noticed it on rhythmbox and apport, but.. have you seen any bugs?12:16
zirodayvolume doesn't work12:17
_MMA_ziroday: Switch to the Human theme.12:17
_MMA_ziroday: But that should be fixed soon.12:18
ziroday_MMA_: there is no high color fallback?12:18
zirodaywouldn't that be sensible12:18
_MMA_The icons were mistakenly put in the Human theme.12:18
_MMA_Filed a bug. Already fixed. Just wait for the update.12:19
ziroday_MMA_: ah great :)12:19
* ziroday sends a sixpack to _MMA_ 12:19
_MMA_I think it should get moved to hicolor but it's getting moved to gnome.12:20
zirodayas long as their is a fall back12:20
zirodayhmm it doesn't play nice with banshee either12:21
_MMA_savvas: I get oddness with mail-notification for one. Where in addition to the pop-up I get a metacity framed window. There's still work to be done for Jaunty on it I'm told. I still might remove it from Studio as it's just bling and I think I wanna give it a cycle to mature.12:22
Cimi_MMA_: and it is broken without compiz12:23
zirodaythen whats the fallback if compiz isn't running?12:24
Cimibut it is absolutely UGLY12:24
Cimitry to hover it12:24
Cimiyou'll have strange effects12:24
Ciminotifications looks better with the old notification-daemon12:25
Cimiwhen no compiz is running12:25
zirodayat least its easy to remove12:25
_MMA_For me, when I hover it disappears except for a outline of the dialog.12:25
Cimi_MMA_: this is not so bling12:25
Cimibut there's no solution12:25
Cimiwithout compiz you don't have the alpha channel and you must do totally black or totally transparent12:26
_MMA_Cimi: Like I said, there's still ongoing work. This just hit so judge it harshly when they actually release Jaunty. ;)12:26
Cimi_MMA_: the thing could improve for compiz/metacity with composite12:27
Cimibut will never be fixed for non-composited screens12:27
Cimibecause there's no solution12:27
Cimiso, it will be broken or ugly or whateve you call it12:27
zirodayCimi: but nearly all the new cards nowadays support compositing12:28
Cimimetacity compositing doesn't require a video card12:29
Cimiit works with the CPU  if the card doesn't support it12:29
zirodayCimi: but isn't that seriously slow?12:29
Cimibut personally I don't like to enable those transparencies12:29
Cimiziroday: depends on the cpu12:29
zirodayCimi: right12:30
CimiI'm not using it on the netbook12:30
Cimicompiz drains my battery12:30
_MMA_ziroday: Yes. This is what I talk about often. On alot of levels we can't continue to think about the lowest common denominator.12:30
ziroday_MMA_: definitely, in a lot of ways its better to look into the future then stay in the past :). If that past gets a slightlier buggier version then salavi. They can easily remove the new notifications if they want12:31
Cimicompiz is full of issues12:33
Cimishould not be used imho12:33
ziroday_MMA_: also great work on breathe, absolutely love it12:33
_MMA_Actually, I think it would be best to have a switch somewhere to turn 'em off.12:33
Cimitry to open gimp12:33
Cimior totem12:33
Cimior firefox at fullscreen12:33
_MMA_ziroday: Thanx. It's coming along.12:33
Cimiit's full of issues12:33
CimiI really hope in mutter12:33
ziroday_MMA_: I was under the impression that the Pop-up Notifications settings in Admin > Preferences was meant to have that12:34
_MMA_ziroday: I just lost that dialog so I assumed it was for the old system. I'll look again.12:34
Cimi_MMA_: open powertop and see how compiz drains your battery12:35
ziroday_MMA_: well that would be the intelligent place to put it from my point of view12:35
_MMA_Cimi: Nothing that make apps unusable though. Just annoying. I am very happy to see that they are finally pulling things together and getting all these forks stopped.12:35
Cimi_MMA_: compiz is dead12:36
_MMA_Cimi: Though an obvious major use-case, I don't use laptops that aren't plugged in.12:36
zirodayCimi: I think the new compiz++ efforts as well as hard coding some options and eventually phasing out ccsm is a great leap forwards12:36
zirodayerr take an s of forwards12:36
Cimiziroday: words words words12:36
zirodayCimi: but those goals are reachable, easily reachable in fact.12:36
CimiI would be excited to see that compiz will not dead12:36
_MMA_Cimi: You make alot of blanket statements like that without qualifying them.12:37
Cimibut at the moment compiz is a dead project12:37
Cimi_MMA_: when davidr started workin on the other project12:37
zirodayCimi: plus compiz++ development has already started, around 40% of the core has been re-written12:37
Cimicompiz development was confusing12:37
_MMA_Cimi: Lets go into #compiz and watch you defend that statement.12:37
zirodayCimi: and compiz++ will mean all the plugins have to be ported, alot of the dodgier ones will be dropped12:38
Cimiit's like going in #ubuntu-artwork saying orange/brown it's a bad colorscheme12:38
_MMA_Like I said, they are pulling the forks in under Compiz. The project is far feom dead.12:38
CimiI'm not blaming the colorscheme here12:38
zirodayCimi: as well as an awful lot of settings hardcoded, eventually ccsm will die12:38
Cimiwait for mutter12:38
Cimipeople will use mutter not compiz12:39
Cimicompiz is about to dead in my opinion12:39
_MMA_We'll see. :)12:39
Cimiyeha it's only a feeling12:39
zirodayand quinn said she might come back to kick it back alive again12:39
Cimirewriting in c++ is not a solution12:39
CimiI really hope not12:40
Cimiberyl was a chaotic window manager12:40
Cimifull of dirty effects12:40
_MMA_IMO, the solution needs to come from GNOME or get pulled into GNOME. That would kill anything else. Like KDE did.12:41
Cimi_MMA_: there's mutter12:41
Cimicompiz is about to die12:41
Cimikwin works better12:41
Cimiand mutter, even slower and without the amount of effects that compiz has12:42
Cimiwill be my choice for usability and stability12:42
CimiI'm tired of gimp issues, kde applications (they all start without window borders!!!) and similar problems12:42
Cimicompiz doesn't remember the position of the windows (nautilus)12:43
_MMA_Never seen that. Honestly.12:43
CimiI don't want the flames when I close the window with all those issues12:43
_MMA_That isn't on by default come on. But it's fun to have.12:43
Cimifirst fix the issue and make it stable as metacity, with the freedesktop compliance12:43
Cimiand THEN it will be a good choice12:44
Cimi_MMA_: yeah it could be fun, but before the fun comes the compatibility12:44
Cimiand compiz is full of issues12:44
Cimibecause the developers are more interested in effects than in fixing bugs12:45
Cimiat least that's what we said12:45
Cimia fork12:45
Cimiwhy the hell we should rewrite an entire project in c++??12:45
_MMA_Cimi: I'm sorry man but atm you sound like the minority. If *everyone* or even the majority of people had these issues all the major distros would not be shipping Compiz.12:45
Cimidistro ship compiz because the newbies need for the "wow" aero-like impression12:46
Cimicompiz moved a lot of windows users to linux/ubuntu12:47
_MMA_Cimi: And ranting here, isn't gonna fix it. Man. I know Italians are "passionate" but there's way more important stuff to get worked up about. :P12:47
Cimiyeah, like fixing compiz issues12:47
Cimiand freedesktop compliancy12:47
_MMA_Like *real life* issues. ;)12:48
andreasndon't composited metacity pretty much do the same as compiz by default on ubuntu?12:48
_MMA_Compiz being FreeDesktop compliant won't find me a job.12:48
Cimi_MMA_: ubuntu won't find you a job12:49
Cimior a woman12:49
_MMA_Cimi: Exactly. So why get worked up about it like you are? :)12:49
Cimiandreasn: pretty much the same12:49
Cimi_MMA_: cause I'm seeing my girlfriend in two hours12:50
Ciminow I don't have too much to do :)12:50
Cimiand I've already seen the simpsons episode on the tv12:50
_MMA_Cimi: Still, not worth it. ;)12:50
kwwiiandreasn: hey, I was looking for you yesterday :)12:50
kwwiiandreasn: I guess you saw the notification stuff?12:51
_MMA_Cimi: At least you don't use lots of punctuation!!!!?????12:51
Cimikwwii: please pull the notify-osd icons inside hicolor12:51
_MMA_Cimi: Or maybe you save that for other channels. :P12:51
andreasnkwwii, yes, I read through the document briefly, but I haven't tried it out12:52
kwwiiandreasn: well, as far as the icons go it is basically like this:12:52
kwwiiwe have the ubuntu icons in the human theme12:52
kwwiiand I picked a bunch of gnome icons and put them directly in the pacakge12:52
kwwiithat is not the long term solution, naturally12:53
kwwiibut it does allow for people to choose another theme and still have icons12:53
Cimikwwii: hicolor12:53
Cimiput them inside hicolor12:53
_MMA_kwwii: But as everything falls back to hicolor that would be best. It's why I mentioned it in the bug report.12:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 331849 in notify-osd "Notify-osd icons should be installed for hicolor" [Undecided,New]12:55
_MMA_Cimi: No. I had one also.12:56
kwwiiCimi: it also works fine the way we are oding it now12:56
kwwiiwe very well might change things12:56
kwwiibut for now it works ok12:56
andreasnkwwii, in the earliest mockups it looked like the icons would be monochrome, any specific reason you didn't en up doing that?12:57
Cimikwwii: it doesn't work on my desktop because I'm not using ubuntu artworks12:57
andreasnkwwii, because the background of the notification will always be black, right?12:59
_MMA_Cimi: If you're using Ubuntu, but not the Human theme, it will be fixed soom because the images are being moved to the GNOME set.12:59
kwwiiandreasn: right12:59
_MMA_But I agree hicolor is a better place.12:59
Cimi_MMA_: but *why* the gnome set and not hicolor?12:59
kwwii_MMA_: they are not being moved to the gnome set12:59
kwwiithey are part of the package now12:59
CimiI'm not using gnome too :-)12:59
Cimikwwii: it is odd13:00
Cimihicolor is the right place13:00
Cimiandreasn: what do you think?13:00
Cimiyou're our icon guru13:00
_MMA_kwwii: SO they will now be hard-coded and unthemeable?13:01
andreasnyes, hicolor sounds like the correct place, because then everyone would see them and we can override it in HighContrast for example13:01
andreasnI guess the icons are pretty monocrome + some gradient thing13:02
andreasnI like them13:02
andreasnis the plan to push the notifications upstream soon?13:03
kwwiiI'll look into this closer and see what I can do13:03
kwwiiandreasn: yes13:03
_MMA_kwwii: If so, that's a big FAIL IMO. If nothing other than andreasn's example.13:03
_MMA_Hell. What do I care. I'm pulling it from Studio anyway. :P13:03
andreasnsome people will probably kick and scream, but I think they are cool :)13:04
kwwiiI think the idea is pretty cool, people should give it time to mature13:04
andreasn_MMA_, well, they are pretty monocrome already and possible to see with bad eyesight13:05
_MMA_andreasn: Cool yes, but not having the ability to consistently theme them is fail IMO.13:05
_MMA_andreasn: I'll have a blind friend look over them.13:05
andreasnis his regular theme HighContrast? if so, forward my apologies that we suck in that department :(13:06
_MMA_kwwii: Do you know if they (the notifications) work with the current assistive tech?13:06
andreasntime for lunch, later!13:06
kwwii_MMA_: no idea13:06
_MMA_kwwii: I guess you're really not the best guy to bug about it. I'll just look into it and file lots of bugs.13:10
thorwilhmm. a bzr commit during an ongoing push shouldn't be a problem, or?16:40
_MMA_I wouldn't risk it.16:41
_MMA_thorwil: You working in 2 terminals in the same branch?16:41
thorwil_MMA_: no. not yet :)16:42
_MMA_thorwil: Well I think you would be fine on separate branches. But if trying to commit to a branch you are pushing just sounds like trouble.16:43
thorwilkwwii: i recently noticed that the LP terms state that a branch _has_ to contain at least some source code. that means i'm currently breaking the rules. could you do a little lobbying, make the ones responsible think of artwork needs?16:44
thorwil_MMA_: i will practice patience, then16:45
kwwiithorwil: wow, that sounds funky16:47
kwwiithorwil: I would create a bug about that16:47
_MMA_thorwil: So wait, you're saying that a team *needs* code in a branch?16:48
thorwilinteresting idea. didn't think that could be the target of a report16:48
thorwil_MMA_: it's likely not the intention, but have a look at https://help.launchpad.net/Legal/ProjectLicensing16:51
thorwil"To use Launchpad free of charge, a software project must meet these conditions."16:51
thorwil"It must include source code. " ...16:51
thorwilwell, i have a bash script included to turn PNGs into JPGs and thumbnails ^^16:52
_MMA_Ok. To me, it relates to a project, not teams. But the language could be changed a bit.16:53
_MMA_thorwil: The script is the code in that case.16:53
_MMA_*source code16:53
thorwilall my other branches include SVGs, though calling those source code ...16:54
_MMA_It is.16:54
_MMA_Art is always a odd thing. There's no way to know if a renders PNG came from a SVG so there it just comes down to license.16:55
thorwilkwwii: where/how to file against LP?16:56
_MMA_"Launchpad itself"16:57
_MMA_thorwil: But I really don't think it's worth it. Maybe just have a chat on #launchpad.16:59
thorwil_MMA_: thanks. did you reach that by simply entering launchpad as project?17:00
_MMA_Well if you search "launchpad" in Launchpad one of the results will be: "Launchpad itself".17:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 332160 in launchpad "Legal/ProjectLicensing is problematic for artwork" [Undecided,New]17:07
savvasKarmic Koala :)17:17
savvasnext ubuntu codename17:17
thorwiland i thought you were joking :)17:20
SealVKarmic koala? *sigh* Mark really loves difficult animals..and complex concepts...17:38
* _MMA_ updates Breathe's packaging files. jaunty->karmic17:46
SealVon the plus side, there is no way to not make a koala cute..17:47
_MMA_Though, from what I've heard, Intrepid is the last we will see of officially used (shipped as default) mascot wallpapers.17:49
SealVthanks the benevolent dictators17:53
SealVso the focus will be on the descriptor?17:53
_MMA_SealV: I think it's a safe bet from here on out it will be some generic abstract sorta thing like past releases.17:58
SealVBrown has served us well but18:30
SealVthe Koala is considering other options.18:30
SealVoh my SealV is getting a bit exicited18:31
_MMA_SealV: Don't get too excited. Just remember we are powerless over default. ;)18:32
SealVI know but I  would love to see where they will be taking this.didn't a team just form at cononical?18:33
dashua_MMA_: You shouldn't have to remove notify-osd.  You can install gnome-stracciatella-session for an upstream session.21:32
dashuaHaven't tried it yet.  I think there were some dependency issues.21:32
_MMA_Lemmie look into that.21:34
dashuaI just copied the icons from Human into Breathe and they seem to be working.21:34
dashuaBattery, sound, display, no wifi21:34
_MMA_dashua: Well you should wait. There's gonna be a Ubuntu update.21:35
dashuaAlso the issue with compiz needs a window match.21:35
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:35
dashuaNeeds to be added to open, close, and fading windows21:35
dashuaThink there is a patch coming, but it's easy to add manually.21:36
dashua_MMA_: Yeah, I saw the bug report.  Cool21:36
_MMA_Hmm... Ok. I gotta weigh what to use for Studio.21:36
dashuaIt's still rather buggy, but looks great IMHO21:36
dashuaStacking is quite nice21:37
_MMA_Wel wait. This gnome-stracciatella-session creates a new x-session option.21:38
_MMA_Like after you install XFCE or KDE on Ubuntu?21:38
dashuaThe Karmic Koala will have a new look away from brown.21:38
dashuaWill the complaints finally cease? =/21:38
dashuaNot sure.  I think there were some python issues with it.21:39
dashuaKen Vandine was talking about the other day.21:39
_MMA_Ill talk to him. I know him personally.21:40
dashuaIt wasn't pulling in some dependencies, but may be fixed by now.21:40
dashuaYeah, he's an awesome guy.21:40
dashuaI used Foresight for a bit.21:40
_MMA_I just hope he finds a Job. :(21:40
dashuaHe did.21:40
dashuaHe works for Canonical.21:40
dashuaDesktop Engineer21:41
dashuaAnother asset to the team.21:42
dashuaI thought the same thing.21:42
dashuaUbuntu just got a whole lot better.21:42
SealVwhat happened? why is mma confused?21:43
kwwiiyeah, we just hired him22:10
_MMA_kwwii: I just gave him a earful. :P22:10
dashuakwwii: Is the wifi notification working for you or has that not been enabled yet?22:29
dashuaI see there are some icons there.22:29
kwwiidashua: not sure what you mean23:11
kwwiibut I am guessing that network manager has not been patched yet23:11
dashuaYeah, that's it.  The other icons look nice. :)23:36

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