
thewrathcan someone confirm issue with wpa2 enterprise encryption for wireless in 9.0401:44
macoasac: did you see the pastebin?04:18
dholbachgood morning05:28
dholbachhi andrew05:28
macohi there05:31
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asacmaco: and after that i just times out?09:10
macoasac: yeah09:12
macowell let me double check09:12
macothat's the only log i have from when i tried to use it. i mightve killed it that time remembering that it doesn't work. i can try again in the next couple days, or we can ping dtchen and ask him to do it, since it's his phone09:13
maco(log rotate has destroyed older evidence from when i learned that it doesnt work)09:14
asacmaco: ok. i can ask him too09:22
macosorry i dont have access to test it myself right now :(09:24
davmor2Hello everybody09:43
MrKanisterpersia: hi, are you there?10:34
LaibschMy mouse pointer wanders to the left of the screen all by itself sometimes.  I've got a hunch this could be connected to whether I am on wireless or not (CF Zonet WLAN card in a Thinkpad X24).  Anybody have an idea how to actually nail where this is coming from?10:36
LaibschI'd rather be able to include that info in a bug report than writing "something strange is going on" ;-)10:37
dholbachMez: I'm still working on getting the stats live, but tell people to sign up for https://launchpad.net/~5-a-day-participants/+join11:19
dholbachMez: and add an entry to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Events :-)11:20
dholbachMez: how many people do you have there already? where are you meeting Birmingham?11:20
Mezyeah, birmingham11:20
Mez8 people here...11:20
dholbachBerlin will be meeting tomorrow11:20
dholbachheya hacktick :-)11:20
hacktickhey :)11:21
dholbachhacktick: I'm not going to have the time today to prepare a bug list - can you just pick a few and I'll add a bunch tomorrow? :-)11:21
dholbachhacktick: how does that sound?11:21
Mezand I dont know if people have SSH keys11:21
hacktickthas fine11:21
dholbachMez: no need for SSH keys11:21
dholbachMez: just what I said above will be enough - we get the data from LP :)11:21
dholbach(... once I'm done)11:21
dholbachthanks a lot hacktick - you're a rockstar11:21
Mezdholbach, I seem to remember that there was a list somewhere you'd created of links to stuff like "bugs reported but not assigned to a package"11:49
dholbachMez: check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam11:49
dholbachpedro_ prepared a list of bugs11:49
dholbachMez: did you use any of  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RunningBugJam#Material ?11:50
Meza little... I watched your vids, and used the michigan triaging presentation11:56
pedro_BrummyBugJam: hey hey!11:57
baggerspedro_: Yo!11:58
dholbachpedro_: bug 331462, bug 331924, bug 331774, bug 331740, bug 33062111:58
ubottuBug 331462 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/331462 is private11:58
ubottuBug 331924 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/331924 is private11:58
ubottuBug 331774 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/331774 is private11:58
ubottuBug 331740 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/331740 is private11:58
ubottuBug 330621 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/330621 is private11:58
pedro_if you have any questions just say it on the channel11:58
pedro_dholbach: great, will have a look now11:58
dholbachthey're all different and seb128 said they're likely dups11:59
dholbachbecause of memory corruption11:59
Mezdholbach: I cant find that :D11:59
dholbachMez: what exactly?11:59
Mez(the list of bugs)11:59
Mezbut I've gotta say, Daviey is being awesome running this :D12:00
dholbachMez: third third of the page - has red, yellow and green next to it12:00
Mezah, I was looking at RunningBugJam12:01
dholbachheya Daviey12:08
Davieyjsut doing a demo atm :)12:08
dholbacham I on the screen? :-)12:10
pedro_hi mom!12:10
savvaspedro_: you're buggy.. and reported on launchpad :)12:10
pedro_savvas: I'm a ro bo to12:11
savvasbeep beep, hehe12:11
pedro_savvas: just contacted him, seems the whole problem to is that his emails are not getting into launchpad12:12
savvasblocked? that's weird12:14
pedro_savvas: i've no idea, but he also said he sent me a few emails and i didn't get any of those, so might be something else12:16
savvaspedro_: ah ok12:17
savvasglad it was resolved, peacefully in a way :)12:17
pedro_yep yep12:18
pedro_savvas: are you going to participate in a Bug jam this weekend?12:18
savvaspedro_: it seems I'm more of a fixer :) I'm trying to create transitional dummy packages for boost1.35: https://edge.launchpad.net/~medigeek/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/498958/+listing-archive-extra12:22
savvaslet's hope it works, heh12:22
savvaspedro_: do you know who has the svg of the global bug jam logo?12:25
pedro_savvas: is at the page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam#Graphical%20Material12:26
dholbachseb128: pedro_: gnome bug 57254912:57
ubottuGnome bug 572549 in general "Memory corruption in gnome-terminal" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57254912:57
seb128dholbach: cool, thanks for sending it there ;-)12:58
dholbachno worries12:58
pedro_thanks you dholbach12:58
hacktickdholbach: berlin-bug-jam at gobby.ubuntu.com13:20
hacktickdholbach: the list contains ~15 bug, I have to go now13:23
dholbachDaviey: there's no Launchpad user with the ID "Daviey"14:22
dholbachhiya stefanlsd!14:29
stefanlsddholbach: hihi :)14:29
dholbachwelcome Jo-burg in the world of Global Bug Jam love! :-)14:29
stefanlsdhaha. well, were getting together tomorrow at 10, but i'll do something just to kick it off :P14:29
dholbachhacktick of the Berlin team has used gobby to note down a few bugs we're going to do tomorrow14:30
dholbachI'm going to add a few later on, once I'm happy with the gbj stats14:30
dholbachDaviey: you're not in 5-a-day-participants either!14:32
dholbacheverybody: https://launchpad.net/~5-a-day-participants/+join14:32
dholbachalso https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Events if you're participating in a Bug Jam this weekend :)14:32
dholbachDaviey: fixed your entry and added you to the team14:33
stefanlsdmm. i think im gonna show the guys the greasemonkeys stock replies stuff tomorrow.  (actually, maybe they should type one or two out first.. :P14:34
dholbachthere's just so much stuff to show :-)14:34
dholbachwe should add all that stuff to RunningBugJam#Material or somewhere14:34
dholbachwelcome czajkowski!14:38
czajkowskidholbach: thanks for the info on channel14:39
dholbachczajkowski: so where's your bug jam going to be?14:39
czajkowskidholbach: Dublin, Ireland14:40
dholbachah nice14:40
czajkowskidholbach: and yourself?14:40
dholbachczajkowski: your bug jam is not on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Events yet :)14:40
dholbachBerlin, Germany14:40
cros13Hi, The firefox right-click bug that has bit pissing me off since hardy has just got a patch that finally fixes it14:40
ubottuMozilla bug 404314 in XUL "when I click on a menu instead of click and hold it randomly selects a menu item and activates it" [Normal,Assigned]14:41
dholbachcros13: you could try asking in #ubuntu-mozillateam14:41
dholbachrock on!14:41
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czajkowskidholbach: weird14:41
dholbachczajkowski: you're in ~5-a-day-participants team?14:43
dholbachhiya bddebian14:43
bddebianHi dholbach14:43
Davieydholbach: didn't realise i wasn't :/14:44
dholbachDaviey: took care of it for you14:44
czajkowskidholbach: mean-machine is doing that I think and so is ebel14:45
Davieydholbach: *hugs*14:45
cros13czajkowski: is the bug jam on this weekend?14:45
czajkowskicros13: yup tomorrow14:45
cros13I might pop in14:45
cros13can't drink though.... :(14:46
cros13have to drive14:46
dholbachczajkowski: looks like you're going to be great bunch of people there14:46
czajkowskidholbach: updated the page, thanks for pointing it out14:46
czajkowskiDaviey: aloha there14:47
dholbachjust tell everybody to join the team there14:47
dholbachand update their names on the wiki page if it's wrong or something14:47
dholbachbdrung: going to be at the jam tomorrow?14:47
dholbachcros13: funny that the first thing regarding to bug jam you mention id drinking ;-)14:49
czajkowskicros13: we'll be in DIT so dont think we can actually drink in the lab14:50
czajkowskihowever afterwards... entirely different matter :)14:50
dholbachIreland as we know and love it! ;-)14:52
czajkowskiwell we're Irish what can I say at some point an event has to end up in a pub :)14:52
cros13and you're wondering why I mentioned drinking...lol14:59
savvasand if you're a girl and a bride, you get kissed by all the guys in a pub before your wedding :P14:59
czajkowskinews to me14:59
savvasyou'd love that wouldn't you.. hehe15:00
savvasI think it was in a movie15:00
cros13i have never heard of this tradition. but i'm in favor of it15:01
czajkowskisavvas: again, news to me15:04
emmahey is anyone here aware of a page that has instructions for setting up the 5-a-day app?15:24
czajkowskiemma: just chatting about that in locoteams with dholbach15:25
dholbachemma: the 5-a-day app is obsolete15:25
dholbachemma: just join https://launchpad.net/~5-a-day-participants15:25
dholbachemma: https://launchpad.net/~5-a-day-participants/+join15:25
dholbachemma: and "register" your event at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Events15:26
emmadholbach: cool do the teams still get cumulative credit some place?15:26
dholbachemma: the stats are not there yet and team stats will not make it this WE, but we won't lose the data15:26
dholbachemma: right now there's just the "tag" from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Events15:27
emmadholbach: cool, hopefully that data can be assembled to show team output, that's a fun and motivating aspect of the event :)15:34
dholbachemma: the whole stats thing takes a bit longer than I expected - it's going to happen, just not today :-)15:34
dholbachthere's a lot of Jamming activity going on already15:35
baggerslooking at a bug where "Closing lid doesn't trigger any action"...any call on what package could be related to this ?15:37
james_wbaggers: gnome-power-manager perhaps15:40
james_wif they expect it to suspend15:40
chrisccoulsonit could also be HAL, the kernel or (less likely) acpid as well though15:41
chrisccoulsonwhat bug is it?15:41
chrisccoulsonbug 30813615:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 308136 in ubuntu "8.10 install fails - black screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30813615:42
baggerssorry swapped tab!15:42
chrisccoulsonbug 33093715:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330937 in ubuntu "Closing lid doesn`t trigger any action" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33093715:42
chrisccoulsonthat makes more sense;)15:43
baggershehe aye15:43
chrisccoulsonit might be that g-p-m never gets the lid-close event. a good starting point would be to run "lshal -m" and open and close the lid a few times, to see if HAL emits any events15:44
baggersI best go leave a comment then as I can't replicate it15:45
chrisccoulsonif not, then try killing gnome-power-manager and running "xev", then open/close the lid to see if there are any X events. also try running "acpi_listen" to see if there are any acpid events as the lid is closed15:45
dholbachchrisccoulson: you're doing amazing work - just wanted to let you know :)15:45
chrisccoulsonthanks dholbach:)15:45
Mezbug 327180 - OW!!!!!!15:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327180 in gnome-system-tools "naming an new user 'admin' in gnome user managment compromises user groups/rights" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32718015:49
baggerschrisccoulson: cheers for that dude15:49
emmadholbach: -- on the bug/events page do we add our launchpad nick (emeriste) or do we add the part that comes after the ~ in the url, (~emnode) ?15:49
dholbachemma: the latter15:49
emmaso i would put 'emnode'15:49
emmathe part that comes from our email. i think.15:50
chrisccoulsonbaggers, you're welcome15:50
dholbachemma: rock on!15:50
chrisccoulsonMez - that bug is a duplicate15:51
chrisccoulsoncan't remember the number of the top of my head though15:51
emmadholbach: im going to be giving these instructions to many people so I just want to be sure...15:52
emmadholbach: this is my page on launchpad -- https://launchpad.net/~emnode15:52
emmathe nick that shows up in posts is emeriste.15:52
emmabut for the bug/event for our team, we would put emnode15:52
dholbachwould this make it clear:15:52
dholbach"(This is not the email address you used for signing up for LP, but the last part of the URL that https://launchpad.net/people/+me redirects you to (everything behind the ~ sign))"?15:52
emmayep that's good.15:53
dholbachok, I'll make it bold font then15:53
dholbachwhen Mez is done with the wiki :)15:53
MezI'm adding everyone, and changing Daviey's id to the right thing, seeing as someone changed it to daviey-walker *glares at dholbach*15:56
dholbachMez: that was right15:56
dholbachMez: daviey-walker is the Launchpad ID!15:56
Mezer, no it's not15:56
Mezdavewalker is the launchpad ID15:57
emmadholbach: that is a little confusing because emnode is the email address i used to sign up on launchpad, but the part about what comes after the ~ is clear.15:57
dholbachMez: oops - well it was "Daviey" before :)15:57
emmaMez: you put what comes after the ~ on your profile page on launchpad15:57
dholbachemma: like this:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Events ?15:58
Mezdholbach:finished with wiki15:58
Davieydholbach: oops, sorry :)15:59
emmadholbach: i think the best way to say it is that its what comes after the ~ on your launchpad profile.16:02
dholbachok great16:02
emmadholbach: the stuff about not your email address is confusing because what comes after the ~ is from the email address apparently.16:02
dholbachno, you can choose it16:03
Mezit generally comes from the email address, but you can change it afterwards if you want.16:04
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qenseWhat to do with bug 332068 ? Is there any policy for this kind of bugs? It's probably not a translation error since it's English.16:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332068 in dpkg "wrong grammar on dpkg" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33206816:35
bdmurrayqense: tag string-fix and bitesize16:39
qenseok, thx16:45
emmacan someone link me to the launchpad page that has all of the reported bugs without packages?16:54
Mezemma, it's all on the wiki, why don't you look on there?16:55
ChudiloI know I missed the network manager hug day16:58
Chudilowas anyone around for that?16:59
emmaMez: Which wiki?16:59
emmaMez: Thanks, I found it right before you posted that :)17:01
emmaThat's a good wiki!17:01
emmaThis will be easier with that page :D17:01
Mez /topic17:01
Mezhmm, it's not in the topic17:02
emmaMez: yeah.17:05
bdmurrayMez: what is not in the topic?17:15
Mezlink to GBJ page17:16
=== Topic unset by dholbach on #ubuntu-bugs
=== dholbach changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu | GLOBAL BUG JAM: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam
amrlimaanyone can check if bug #330594 is a dup of #247889?17:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330594 in linux "Bug ethernet SIS 64bit version " [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33059417:17
czajkowskidholbach: does what.....17:18
dholbachI give it a topic, hit enter and it removes the topic17:18
dholbachor splits some part off17:18
dholbach(and not the usual 427692744269 character boundary, but somewhere in between :-))17:19
czajkowskihow very unhelpful of it17:20
Mezdholbach: have you reported a bug about it ?17:20
dholbachMez: no, but I reported a bunch of others today already and am soon going to crash soon :)17:21
Meztsk tsk... you should add it to your 5 a day... after all, we are meant to be bugjamming17:21
dholbachMez: ok, let's see who's tsk-tsk-ing next week ;-)17:22
Mezssh... :D17:22
Mezbe grateful I'm doing something for once17:22
dholbachyeah, I was surprised :-p17:23
Mezlol, I do do things now and then :D17:24
czajkowskidholbach: you in Berlin?17:24
dholbachczajkowski: yep17:24
czajkowskinever been there17:25
Mezand i have more time nowadays :D17:25
czajkowskiit's on a to do visit17:25
czajkowskiMez: how about you?17:25
dholbachrock on - it's worth it17:25
dholbachask james_w17:25
dholbachsummer is better though :)17:25
Mezbirmingham - we're finishing up the bugjam for the day here17:25
czajkowskiMez: cool. was there last year for LRL17:26
czajkowskione of the best weekends last summer17:26
MezI remember17:26
james_wBerlin is great :-)17:26
Mezi met you17:26
czajkowskibah why I am so solidly useless with names17:26
dholbachMez: all people in  https://launchpad.net/~5-a-day-participants ?17:26
Mezlol, :D17:26
Mezyeah, well, the ones from today17:26
czajkowskiask me to remember a list of a jobs or things to do and I'l be fine, names not so good17:27
dholbachMez: davmor isn't17:27
dholbachMez: chris-bagley neither17:27
bdmurrayI'm going through the sbackup package bugs, there are a fair number of private crash reports, and unprivatizing them if someone could help look for duplicates that'd be great17:34
savvaslet's get karma points for our karmic koala :P17:35
Mezthey should have been17:36
Mezcrap, sorry, no... I thought you meant on the event page.17:36
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duanedesignI am going through old bugs and asking posters if their bug is still an issue with the latest release. Most are responding that they are no longer experiencing the bug. Do these get marked as Fix Released or Invalid.18:25
bdmurrayduanedesign: Have you tried recreating it too?  Generally they should be marked Invalid if the root cause and fix and are unknown.18:26
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savvasbug #190247 down, 190246 bottles on the wall.. 190246 bottles of beer.. if one breaks down we share around.. 190246 bottles of beeeer :P18:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 190247 in bcel "Can do more than suggest libxerces2-java-doc" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19024718:59
Picibug 10924619:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 109246 in angrydd "[apport] angrydd.py crashed with AttributeError in __init__() (dup-of: 94299)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10924619:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 94299 in angrydd "[apport] [amd64] angrydd.py crashed with AttributeError in __init__()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9429919:09
mrooneyHm, does 5-a-day now not commit if it has committed recently?19:20
macoyou can use -f19:20
macoto force it. it defaults to --local for an hour19:20
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mrooneymaco: I see, thanks!19:28
mrooneymaco: what if you are done but it didn't commit the last one? I can't seem to do just "add-5-a-day -f"19:28
StylesHey, so wait the global bug jam started today!? :D19:30
nixternalhaha, jcastro ^^19:31
nixternalStyles: yes, kicks off today19:32
StylesSCALE 7x Full Access Pass (Friday - Sunday) - 70 bucks !19:32
nixternalif you were in Chicago, you could come out tonight and help kick off the 24 hours of jamming :)19:32
nixternalStyles: they are bug jamming at scale as well19:32
StylesTheres no like sat or sun tickets only? for like the day to go and listen19:32
* nixternal should have went, but Chicago LoCo needed my love :)19:32
Stylesya I know :( I wanted to go but its 70 :(19:32
StylesI would have taken school off and went today if I knew yesturday , crap haha19:33
macomrooney: um, do another bug?19:33
macomrooney: afaik, that's the only way19:33
StylesWait so were can I find out more about Scale19:34
Stylesie: times, like when it starts and ends, where in southern cali.. ect.19:34
StylesAww I wanna know if I qualify for the student discount haha19:36
greg-gHEY ALL! be sure to use !gbj or !gbjJaunty for your Globgal Bug Jam notices on Identica, and use #gbj or #gbjJaunty on twitter20:03
greg-gthe ! signifies a group on identica, you have to join it for your notice to be sent to it, you can use the #hashtags instead of you want also20:04
emmadoes anyone know if team stats will be published for the GBJ ?20:09
emmaIs that being kept track of somehow so that it will be published the total out put of each team?20:09
greg-gemma: check out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day20:11
greg-gand add your group to the events page here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Events20:11
greg-gthen it will be done automatically20:12
emmagreg-g: okay yep, we have done that.20:13
emmagreg-g: the last GBJ there was a page that showed the stats of the teams and individuals, like today, the last week, and of all time.20:13
Odd-rationaleare only team stats kept20:14
greg-gOdd-rationale: no, everyone has 5-a-day stats if they join that launchpad team, but team stats will be given if you add your event to that wiki page20:15
Odd-rationalegreg-g: cool. is this some new feature in launchpad?20:15
greg-git is a new feature of dholbach :)20:16
emmagreg-g: do you know where we will view the team stats?20:16
greg-ghe wrote a script to parse the bugmail for all of ubuntu, and uses the launchpad team to know who to look for (I believe, I haven't actually seen how he does it)20:16
greg-gemma: I don't know yet, but daniel will tell us soon enough, I'm sure20:17
emmagreg-g: will a contribution still count if it is from the easy category like identifying what package a bug affects and changing it?20:17
Odd-rationaledoes OpenOffice.org have a bug tracker? trying to see if i can link upstream...20:18
macodoes our loco team have to be added to the 5adayparticipants team to work?20:18
greg-gOdd-rationale: yes, it does20:18
emmamaco: yes. i think so.20:18
greg-gemma: I believe so20:18
emmamaco: your team has to be on this -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Events20:19
greg-gOdd-rationale: first google hit for "openoffice bugtracker"20:19
emmaand the individuals involved have to join the 5-a-day team on launchpad.20:19
greg-gmaco: what emma said20:19
macook yay i dont need a new iso20:19
Odd-rationaleasomething: thx20:20
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charlie-tcaOdd-rationale: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Upstream/OpenOffice20:36
Odd-rationalehey, charlie-tca! yeah. i found it already.... it was not very prominent on the home page...20:37
charlie-tcaI go through How to Triage; there are several upstream bugzilla's there20:38
Odd-rationalei kinda prefer launchpad over bugzilla though... :D20:39
mrooneyIs it just me or are new bugs recently having a package set more often than a while ago?21:09
savvasthat's a good thing right? :p21:10
mrooneysavvas: it is good! but it means less low-hanging fruit for me, I have to work harder to triage incoming bugs :)21:14
* mrooney waves at jpds21:15
savvasdoes anyone remember the file/folder for gnome session properties for a user?21:16
savvas.config/autostart probably21:18
bdmurraychrisccoulson: were you going to send bug 287723 upstream?22:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 287723 in consolekit ""System policy prevents stopping the when other users are logged in" doesn't make sense" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28772322:10
savvassomeone set my bug 228100 as wishlist :)22:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 228100 in gwget2 "gwget - mention that "limit download speed" is a per download option" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22810022:34
savvaswow, I've got so many old bugs, who would've known22:35
bdmurraysavvas: cleaning those up is a big help too.  every release I try to go through the ones I've reported and see if they are fixed.22:37
savvasbdmurray: I know, I've began a while ago :)22:38
porthoseI am working on a small patch for i8kutils (1.27) in the debian/changelog would that be i8kutils (1.27-0ubuntu1)?22:40
bdmurrayporthose: yes, I believe so.  It'd be best if you sent it upstream too though22:42
savvasporthose: which bug?22:42
porthosethere is already a patch on debian BTS22:42
porthoseBug #18618422:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 186184 in i8kutils "[Gusty] Wrong information in the manpages" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18618422:43
savvasthe manpage ?:)22:43
asomethingporthose: as it is a debian native package, it would be 1.27ubuntu1 i believe22:44
porthoseasomething: that's what I will go with, if it's wrong I can always redo it :)22:45
porthosethxs everyone22:45
savvasporthose: you could try contact the debian maintainer about it: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=42781722:46
ubottuDebian bug 427817 in i8kutils "i8kutils: Doc incorrectly lists fields in /proc/i8k" [Minor,Open]22:46
savvashow come launchpad shows Unknown, Unknown in status?22:47
savvas(for the debian package)22:47
bdmurraythe bug watcher hasn't checked the remote bug yet22:48
chrisccoulsonhi bdmurray, i can send bug 287723 upstream (I thought I'd already done that actually, but it seems that I forgot)23:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 287723 in consolekit ""System policy prevents stopping the when other users are logged in" doesn't make sense" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28772323:12
bdmurraychrisccoulson: great, I was just following up23:12
chrisccoulsonactually, there's probably not much point in forwarding it upstream - seems like it's fixed in Jaunty23:13
bdmurraywell, even better23:13
chrisccoulsonthats good - less work:)23:13
savvas"You can report bugs to Debian by using bts=debian (see reportbug(1))."23:16
savvasmeh.. it's reportbug -B debian, not bts=debian reportbug23:16
savvas< savvas> launchpad is having random problems with site requests // < Ursinha> yes, it is // < Ursinha> we're investigating // < savvas> must be the global bug jam :)23:37
savvasI wonder what happens if launchpad goes down :P23:37
savvasSomeone set bug 242965 as triaged please, I've sent it upstream23:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 242965 in sqliteodbc "intrepid - update libsqliteodbc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/24296523:38
d-bsavvas: bugs stop existing ?23:40
d-b" Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. "23:42
savvasd-b: so the bug jam would be 100% success :)23:44
savvasd-b: try refresh the page, it should work23:44
emmaIm getting a lot of time outs from the Launchpad server, is it because of the Global Bug Jam?23:46
bdmurrayemma: hardy to say they are working on it23:46
* savvas marks that phrase patent pending!23:47
d-bsavvas: trademark23:51
d-bits trademark23:51
emmaCould I file a bug against launchpad and have it count for Club Ubuntu?23:52
savvasd-b: I have to find something to trade first :))23:53
savvasthanks for the triaged and the title fix bdmurray :)23:56

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