
=== cary_ is now known as Commie_Cary
=== cary_ is now known as Commie_Cary
ubot4In #ubuntu-ops, ubottu said: #ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India11:42
[NikO]so usefull ubot4 :)13:58
Odohi folks14:08
MTecknologyWhen are hostmasks given to new members?15:43
=== k4v is now known as m4v
jussi01MTecknology: as soon as they ask, provide link to LP profile, have their nick setup and a staff/GC is available to do it.16:42
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=== cary_ is now known as Commie_Cary
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
MTecknologyjussi01: so it's one of those "just wait for it" things?20:03
jussi01MTecknology: has the person in question asked?20:04
MTecknologyI don't know20:09
MTecknologyI haven't been asked about anything yet20:10
MTecknologyI was added to the team, but that's about it20:11
Myrttiwhat is this about?20:13
MyrttiMTecknology: you got approved?20:13
PiciMTecknology: So you're an Ubuntu Member?20:13
PiciMTecknology: *you* need to request the cloak then20:14
Myrttiit's not given by default to all members20:14
MTecknologyThat's what I was asking20:14
MTecknologyI didn't really ask it how I had it in my head20:15
MTecknologyWho do I ask?20:15
MyrttiMTecknology: "hello I'm an ubuntu member, approved in the Loco council on the 19th, here's my launchpad page. Could I have a cloak, please?"20:15
PiciMTecknology: You can ask me and I can make sure that the basic steps are done and ask the group contacts to enable your cloak.20:16
PiciMTecknology: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup20:16
PiciMTecknology: Your lp page?20:16
Picielky, nalioth, Pricey: ping, cloak for https://edge.launchpad.net/~mtecknology requested.20:18
MTecknologyPici: so I'll get it whenever one of them pops in here?20:32
PiciMTecknology: Indeedy.20:32
PiciMTecknology: Stick around though20:32
MTecknologyyup, I'll be around for about 20min20:33
MTecknologythen I need to go home and get ready for my LoCo meeting20:33
MyrttiMTecknology: they can set it up even if you're not here :-)20:38
=== cary_ is now known as Commie_Cary
naliothMTecknology: which is you, in your LP picture?21:17
VicTheHunterjoin #ubuntu-meta23:05
Myrttiwhat's that?23:08
VicTheHunterI was trying to join that channel23:15
Myrttioh, ok23:15
VicTheHunterI need help troubleshooting video images, could you help me?23:15
VicTheHunterWhen I watch videos with Cheese, or totem-plugin-viewer 2.22.1, the images come out looking interleaved, and the bottom half is columns of solid colors.  How can I fix this?23:16
Myrttihave you asked in #ubuntu?23:16
[NikO]VicTheHunter, the channel support is #ubuntu23:16
VicTheHunternot yet, I didn't know. Thanks, I'll go there.23:16

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