
=== keffie_jayx is now known as effie_jayx
=== swe3tdave_ is now known as Swe3tDave
myrtlebeachbumsThanks for making it johnc4510 - you too boredandblogging02:42
boredandbloggingmyrtlebeachbums: gonna try to hang around02:43
johnc4510-laptopboredandblogging: hey bud02:53
johnc4510-laptoppleia2: greetings02:53
johnc4510-laptopmyrtlebeachbums: luck to ya bud :)02:53
effie_jayx7 more minutes02:53
myrtlebeachbumskennymc0: good luck to you too02:53
kennymc0good luck to you too myrtlebeachbums02:54
scott_ev*;evenin. all02:55
kennymc0evening scott_ev02:55
scott_evwooo kennymc002:55
tyche_Practice shot:  I'm here to support kennymc0. w00t!!!!!02:56
MTecknologytyche_: hi02:57
myrtlebeachbumstyche - you made it!02:57
scott_ev I'm here to support kennymc0.02:57
scott_ev                w00t!!!!!02:57
effie_jayxheh :D02:57
scott_evTechnoviking: evenin02:58
kennymc0evening Technoviking02:58
itnet7Evening everyone!02:58
scott_evitnet7: evenin02:58
tyche_I've got one for you, too, myrtlebeachbums02:58
johnc4510-laptopvorian: hey bud02:59
kennymc0evening vorian02:59
nhandlerHey vorian02:59
vorianhi johnc4510-laptop and kennymc0 :)02:59
Jeff_Martingood evening everyone02:59
rhosigmagood evening03:00
johnc4510-laptophi Jeff_Martin03:00
pleia2hi all03:00
itnet7Hey there Jeff_Martin03:00
kennymc0evening Jeff_Martin03:00
johnc4510-laptoppleia2: hi03:00
kennymc0hello pleia203:00
johnc4510-laptopspirited bunch tonight03:00
pleia2okay, the list is long tonight so I'm afraid we're going to have to split it into another meeting in 2 weeks03:00
pleia2so the last 4 on the list are going to be postponed until then :(03:00
pleia2sorry folks03:00
* MTecknology waits for heart to begin beating again03:01
pleia2we'll update the wiki for the next meeting time tomorrow03:01
nhandlerpleia2: Is everyone from the first half even here?03:01
myrtlebeachbumsI'm here03:01
MTecknologyI'm here :)03:01
rhosigmai'm here03:01
pleia2hikaricore and spiderbatdad arent03:01
johnc4510-laptopkennymc0 is here03:02
kennymc0i'm here03:02
MTecknologyI imagine 2 of the approvals will be pretty fast... /me thinks of their names03:02
pleia2alright, that's the plan, if we have a lot of time we'll see03:02
MTecknologytiem to start?03:02
pleia2but just so folks aren't disappointed if we don't get to them :)03:02
tonyyarussois there a link to an agenda?03:02
nhandlertonyyarusso: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/Americas03:03
pleia2myrtlebeachbums: you're up!03:03
myrtlebeachbumsSo how does this work? I was looking forward to going second so I didn't have to ask that. :)03:03
nhandlermyrtlebeachbums: Tell everyone a little about yourself03:04
tyche_I'm here to support myrtlebeachbums.  w00t!!!!!03:04
vorianTell us a bit about who you are and why you want to be a member.03:04
MTecknologymyrtlebeachbums: one line short summary of why you should me approved03:04
vorian(for all other waiting, please prepare a short statement of the same nature)03:04
myrtlebeachbumsOkay. I've been a Linux user since '99, and an Ubuntu user for a number of years. I started work on Ubuntu Weekly News on issue 101, and I'm trying to do what I can to help get the SC Loco active.03:05
myrtlebeachbumsSo far I've got them on board for a Jaunty release party.03:05
johnc4510-laptopDave-myrtlebeachbums has done great work on the UWN. He always jumps right in and helps on anything we need done. Consequently, he has learned most duties associated with the UWN. I highly recommend him for membership.03:05
effie_jayxmyrtlebeachbums, I see some good testimonials up. congrats on the great work03:06
eightyeightjohnc4510-laptop: thx03:06
myrtlebeachbumsThank you03:06
boredandbloggingmyrtlebeachbums works hard on the UWN every week, he rocks!03:06
effie_jayxmyrtlebeachbums,  how do you see the work in you LoCo team?03:06
=== eightyeight is now known as atoponce
myrtlebeachbumsHonestly I'm jealous of how tyche, johnc4510, kennymc0 and the others in the AZ Loco because they're so active. The SC loco is largely inactive, and I'm hoping that by trying to get a release party going that we can at least start to get the folks in the SC loco to start working together on things. We've also discussed some things like rebuilding donated systems for kids. All good ideas. I'm trying to help them get to execu03:08
vorianboredandblogging: i remember saying once upon a time that we would never see an issue 100 :)03:08
johnc4510-laptop130 this sunday03:08
boredandbloggingand going strong because of guys like myrtlebeachbums03:08
vorianso, more than half a years work on the UWN03:08
pleia2myrtlebeachbums: your line cut off at "help them get to execu"03:08
atoponcemyrtlebeachbums: do you plan on keeping with the UWN, or branching into other areas of contribution?03:08
tyche_Yep, and he takes instruction very well03:09
myrtlebeachbums...I'm trying to help them get to execution on those.03:09
pleia2myrtlebeachbums: where do you see your future involvement effort?03:09
myrtlebeachbumsI definitely intend to stick with UWN as long as they'll have me. As a non-programmer, it's a way for me to give back to the Ubuntu community.03:09
myrtlebeachbumsIn what pleia2? With UWN, the SC Loco, or Ubuntu in general?03:10
atoponcemyrtlebeachbums: how do you contribute to the UWN?03:10
pleia2myrtlebeachbums: Ubuntu in general :) what will you be doing with membership to help the community in the future03:10
myrtlebeachbumsThese days I do the write ups on the In The Press section, some times the In Other News section, and anywhere else that I'm asked. I also help proof read things, and I do try to suggest links to tyche and johnc4510 for inclusion in UWN.03:11
atoponcei must say the uwn has been rocking lately03:11
atoponcei read every issue03:12
myrtlebeachbumsI'd like to think that I will grow and can help out wherever I can. If I can be of help on other teams, I'd definitely be happy to do so. I've considered helping with the bug jams, but I have to jump in and get used to it. Cold feet for this non-programmer.03:12
atoponcei'm fine to throw my support behing your membership. +1 from me03:12
johnc4510-laptopatoponce: thx03:12
vorianme too, +1 from me :)03:12
myrtlebeachbumsThank you atoponce03:12
effie_jayx+1 from me ... great wrk03:12
myrtlebeachbumsThank you vorian03:12
myrtlebeachbumsOkay - thanks everyone :D03:13
vorianyou earned it03:13
tyche_congratulations, myrtlebeachbums03:13
johnc4510-laptopcongrats to myrtlebeachbums03:13
effie_jayxgreat work myrtlebeachbums03:13
rhosigmacongrats :-)03:13
panickedthumbcongrats myrtlebeachbums03:13
myrtlebeachbumsThanks guys for accepting as part of the UWN team, and for getting me to this point. I've really enjoyed my time in UWN, and look forward a many more issues.03:13
nhandlerCongrats myrtlebeachbums03:13
panickedthumb"look forward to many more issues" be careful for what you wish for ;)03:14
Jeff_Martinw00t myrtlebeachbums!!03:14
pleia2myrtlebeachbums: so, future plans with Ubuntu? sticking with UWN? branching out?03:14
myrtlebeachbumsHeh heh heh. I'm a firm believer in knowing ones limitation, and I feel I can always contribute to UWN.03:14
pleia2excellent :)03:15
cody-somervillecongratz myrtlebeachbums03:15
myrtlebeachbumsI need to explore what's out there and see where else I can help.03:15
nhandlermyrtlebeachbums: If you like to write, you can check out the docs team03:15
myrtlebeachbumsOther Ubuntu plans include finally taking my UCP exam. I've got the LPI level 1 cert done. Just need that last test.03:15
myrtlebeachbumsThanks nhandler - I'll have to check into that.03:16
pleia2+1 from me03:16
pleia2great work myrtlebeachbums03:16
myrtlebeachbumsThank you03:16
voriancongrats myrtlebeachbums, welcome aboard!03:16
myrtlebeachbums:) I'm proud to have made it here. Thanks again everyone.03:17
vorianrhosigma, you are up!03:17
panickedthumbFor the record, I am here supporting rhosigma03:17
vorianpanickedthumb: that is an auto -103:17
atoponcepanickedthumb: and that's all you're going to say? :)03:17
panickedthumbatoponce, lol no03:18
panickedthumbI'm letting rhosigma talk first :)03:18
rhosigmaI am relativity new to Ubuntu (stated playing in 04). Switched from Windows and will NEVER switch back. I am the Norfolk/Hampton Roads Rep for the VirginiaTeam LOCO, I want to become a member because I am looking forward to actively getting more involved with forums, wiki's, and blogs and to better aid my LOCO03:18
panickedthumbThe Virginia LoCo has just resumed recently after a long hiatus and rhosigma has been instrumental in getting everything set up with me and tarvid03:19
atoponcehah! that's better panickedthumb. :)03:19
panickedthumbhe has been very enthusiastic with getting things taken care of, designed our logo and helped me with getting the wiki in shape03:19
pleia2rhosigma: can you give some details as to the work you've been doing with the Virginia team?03:20
atoponcerhosigma: do you have a link to your forums profile?03:20
panickedthumbatoponce,  thanks! :)03:20
pleia2rhosigma: I meant, your involvement specifically?03:20
rhosigmaAs far as my LOCO involvement. I am receiving CD's from Ubuntu and will take part in my area to get those out03:21
rhosigmai will be installing and offering a free training to people in the area03:21
panickedthumbThe next meeting we're going to be going over events that we can do, which rhosigma will be organizing in his area03:21
pleia2rhosigma: what kinds of things have you done thus far?03:21
rhosigmaI am relatively new to the LOCO, but like panickedthumb said, i did help give the wiki page a facelift and designed the logo03:22
effie_jayxrhosigma, have you participates in events, maing booths or the like?03:22
panickedthumbeffie_jayx, we haven't really gotten that far yet03:22
atoponcerhosigma: link to your forums profile?03:22
panickedthumbatoponce, I was on the forums so I dug it up really quick03:23
rhosigmaas of yet, no, since the loco is just starting up again. We do have plans of doing such03:23
rhosigmathank you panickedthumb03:24
panickedthumbThe history of the LoCo is a long story, as vorian can tell you :) But it's just recently gotten off the ground, and we haven't had any events yet. However we wouldn't be nearly as far along as we are if not for rhosigma's contributions03:25
panickedthumbsorry, that was my cat03:26
pleia2rhosigma: I think your work toward getting the team going is great, the wiki looks nice and it'll be great to see the US-VA team going :)03:26
rhosigmaI noticed that the loco was not very active, i spoke with panickedthumb and tarvid a few time and we brought it back rather quickly03:26
rhosigmai fully agree, and i am proud to be a part of its growing03:27
panickedthumbas am I rhosigma, and glad to have you on board03:27
effie_jayxrhosigma, how many people are actively participating in the team?03:27
pleia2but I'd really like to see some events under your belt, perhaps a bit more involvement elsewhere too (I don't see any launchpad karma, and only one forum post)03:27
rhosigmakind of new to ubuntu in a whole03:28
* pleia2 nods03:28
rhosigmaspent most of my time starting out with SUSE03:28
vorianrhosigma: follow panickedthumb's lead, and you'll have plenty under your belt in no time.03:28
rhosigmabut after installing and using it for 10 minutes, i fell in love and knew i needed to get to be a part of its growth03:28
effie_jayxrhosigma, I believe you have a great spirit but I agree with pleia2, keep on working on the team and come back in a few months03:28
atoponcerhosigma: i too would like to see some more sustained contributions on your application03:28
pleia2rhosigma: you're certainly ont he right track!03:28
panickedthumbeffie_jayx, we have over 90 on the launchpad group, but those all couldn't be considered active. We've had about 20 in mailing list and irc discussions03:29
rhosigmagreat thank you03:29
panickedthumbvorian, thanks for the compliment ;)03:29
scott_ev I'm here to support kennymc0.03:30
scott_ev                w00t!!!!!03:30
Jeff_MartinI'm here to support kennymc0 for membership03:31
panickedthumbThanks for your time everyone, rhosigma and I will be back in a few months03:31
kennymc0is it my turn already?03:31
pleia2rhosigma: looking forward to seeing you back in a few months :)03:31
atoponcepanickedthumb: cool. thx03:31
pleia2kennymc0: you're up!03:31
scott_ev I'm here to support kennymc0.03:31
scott_ev                w00t!!!!!03:31
tyche_I'm here to support kennymc0. w00t!!!!!03:31
slofgrenI'm here to support kennymc0 for membership03:31
kennymc0Hello, I'm Kenny McHenry. I'm a recent college grad and an eagle scout.  I've been a member of the Arizona LoCo team since October 18, 2007, and have been a contributer for the UWN since Issue 116. From  more information about me please check out: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kennymc0, and https://launchpad.net/~kennymc0 .03:31
slofgrenviva azloco03:31
br24Im supporting kennymc003:31
johnc4510-laptopI'm here to cheer for kennymc0. Kenny has done great work for the Arizona LoCo and also for the UWN. He is always willing to help others and lives by the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. I _highly_ recommend him for membership.03:31
atoponcewow. a cheerleading section. cool.03:32
kennymc0thanks guys03:32
myrtlebeachbumsI'm still here so that I can support kennymc0. kennymc0 has been with UWN since around the Intrepid release, and he's coming along quite well. He's not helping out in In The Blogosphere, and I know I appreciate his contribution every week.03:32
scott_evyou betcha03:32
slofgrengo kennymc003:32
pleia2kennymc0: wow, great loco work :)03:32
kennymc0thanks pleia203:32
pleia2kennymc0: I do a lot of scripe-work, so I know how time-consuming and tedious it can be - and thankless ;) so well done03:33
kennymc0thankyou very much03:33
kennymc0i do everything that i can03:33
kennymc0and then some :)03:33
br24kennymc0 certainly does03:33
atoponcekennymc0: i see a lot of loco work, and you say you've done uwn work?03:34
slofgrenkennymc0 has helped me with our team server installations as well03:34
kennymc0atoponce: i have been working on the uwn since 116 started out with the updates and stats sections and now am working on the in the blogosphere section and the upcoming events03:35
kennymc0atoponce: i also helped train my replacement for the updates and stats section03:35
pleia2kennymc0: do you have solid future plans? continuing work with UWN and LoCo, I presume, but anything else beyond that?03:36
kennymc0pleia2: i plan to continue contributing to the uwn and helping with my LoCo and if anything comes up that i have the expertiese to help with i will jump on it03:36
kennymc0pleia2: also if i dont have the expertise but someone is there that can teach me what to do then i will also do whatever i can03:37
kennymc0i'm very open to learning new things03:37
atoponcekennymc0: what do you plan on doing with the loco, specifically03:37
pleia2kennymc0: cool, being willing to jump on new things is important :)03:37
kennymc0atoponce: i plan on continuing to help with install fests and release parties. If johnc4510-laptop needs any more help with the day to day running of the team then i'll help him however i can.03:38
tyche_kennymc0 is also a website admin for the new AZ Team site03:38
kennymc0i've also been helping build our new website and am going to be one of the admins for it
pleia2tyche_: oh, is he responsiblef or that beautiful thing?03:39
kennymc0tyche_: you beat me to it03:39
tyche_Soon to come to a browser near you.03:39
johnc4510-laptophttp://   going live this weekend03:39
pleia2awesome :)03:39
johnc4510-laptopkennymc0 did a lot of the work03:39
pleia2tyche_ showed some of us earlier, it's awesome03:39
myrtlebeachbumsThe AZ team did an amazing job on that. Once again, I'm jealous. :)03:39
atoponcevery nice03:39
pleia2great work, kennymc0! +1 from me03:39
kennymc0thankyou pleia203:39
vorianI'm happy to +1 kennymc0, great work!03:39
MTecknologyjohnc4510-laptop: check out https://launchpad.net/loco-drupal03:39
effie_jayx+1 from me to03:39
kennymc0thankyou vorian03:39
atoponce+1 from me as well. strong loco work and good contribution to uwn03:39
johnc4510-laptopw000t for kennymc0 congrats bud   yahoooooo!!!!!03:39
kennymc0thankyou effie_jayx03:39
johnc4510-laptopMTecknology: will do03:40
Technoviking+1, great work, keep it up :)03:40
kennymc0thankyou atoponce03:40
voriankennymc0: you earned it :)03:40
scott_evAZ LoCo adds another one!!! Woot!!!03:40
kennymc0thankyou cody-somerville03:40
Jeff_Martinw00t ! and congrats kennymc0!!03:40
effie_jayxcongrats kennymc003:40
kennymc0thakyou Technoviking03:40
boredandbloggingawesome, congrats kennymc0!03:40
tyche_Congratulations, kennymc0.  I knew you could do it.  YAAAAAAAAA-HOOOOOOO!!!03:40
scott_evAZ LoCo adds another one!!! Woot!!!03:40
slofgrencongrats kennymc003:40
kennymc0Thankyou everyone03:40
br24awesomeness kennymc0!03:40
itnet7congrats kennycm003:40
Jeff_Martinthank you kennymc003:40
nhandlerCongrats kennymc003:40
pleia2congrats kennymc0 :)03:40
effie_jayxtyche_,  yeah no need for quilts and swords there03:40
pleia2MTecknology: you're up!03:41
MTecknologyI've been extremely active in my LoCo and on Launchpad. I helped on the LoCo Drupal project to bring out the current releases (http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/1827). I've also been putting a lot of effort into working with my own LoCo such as scheduling monthly meetings and setting up a solid infrasctructure so new users can quickly find everything they're interested in (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SouthDakotaTeam).03:41
myrtlebeachbumsCongrats kennymc0 - UWN is 2 for 2 tonight :)03:41
Swe3tDaveI'm here to support MTecknology. He has been working with me on the LoCo Drupal Development team. Without is contribution, loco-drupal would certainly not be what it is now. I highly recommend him for membership.03:41
MTecknologyI'm actually trying to schedule a time with Matthew Revell that I can join in the Launchpad podcast about our LoCo Drupal release. He's a hard guy to schedule a time with though. Swe3tDave is the one who originally originated the project.03:41
johnc4510-laptopAZ team now has 3 Ubuntu members w00t03:41
nhasiani'm here03:41
nhasianis the meeting still on?03:41
MTecknologynhasian: in progress03:41
nhasianMTecknology, I commented my name out of the wiki because i didnt think i'd make it in time.  can I still apply?03:42
scott_evjohnc4510-laptop: 4 soon03:42
tonyyarussoI've been following MTeck's LoCo work for a while, both general team coordination and more recently the Drupal stuff.  While I haven't had much time to play around with the latter yet, it looks pretty darn impressive, and should help various teams get their web presence kick-started.  I'm also hoping that we can coordinate some LoCo stuff in the future, as I'm in a neighboring state.03:42
MTecknologynhasian: just tack it on the bottom for now, they might run late03:42
pleia2nhasian: next time, and no need to remove if you aren't going to make it, we'll just get to you during the next meeting03:43
MTecknologytonyyarusso: I'd love to do that if I get a good user base :)03:43
tonyyarussoMTecknology: same :)03:43
tonyyarussoWell, actually we have a decent *number* of users, but aren't all that active yet.  Gotta get my act together first to be able to take care of such things, but hopefully we can do awesomeness soon.03:44
pleia2MTecknology: great work with the drupal stuff :)03:44
MTecknologyThe LoCo when I took it over was pretty much entirely dead. It's not active really, but we do have monthly meetings and we are looking into activities. Members are starting to come too :)03:44
MTecknologypleia2: Swe3tDave and I thank you :)03:44
atoponceMTecknology: where would you say the bulk of your contributions are? drupal?03:45
pleia2MTecknology: how's the loco doing?03:45
MTecknologyI'd say LoCo then Drupal ; but they've both been my extreme focus points for the last few months03:46
MTecknologyThey really do go hand in hanmd03:46
MTecknologyhttp://sdloco.profarius.com/ ; This is using the LoCo Drupal package03:46
effie_jayxMTecknology,  I have to congratulate you for fantastic work on the community the past few months03:47
MTecknologyI would like membership partly for the business card priviliges. I had to write03:47
MTecknologydown a URL on a receipt today for someone interested in Ubuntu after they saw the shirt I was wearing. If I have the business cards, I could just hand them to a curious individual like that guys instead. It would give them a specific contac03:47
MTecknologyt person as well :).03:47
MTecknologySorry for that.....03:47
pleia2MTecknology: any loco events yet? or planned?03:47
atoponceMTecknology: what are you doing to activate the SD loco?03:47
MTecknologyonly 9.04 release party, but the specifics are entirely in the air03:48
MTecknologyatoponce: creating a website, giving the wiki a complete make-over ; everything there was by my hands :)03:48
atoponceMTecknology: how is the loco coming? number attending? when meetings are? etc? seeing some growth?03:48
MTecknologyJust the work on it seems to have intrigued people to become members03:48
MTecknologyWhen I started the meetings had me and a former member, now I have 4 members that I can pretty much count on being there03:49
pleia2cool :)03:49
MTecknologyWe have one person that is taking an active role in the wiki work as well which is a promising sign03:49
atoponceMTecknology: i was told once that if you write down your goals, you're more likely to achieve them. so, putting your goals on the wiki is a great start03:50
MTecknologythose are my goals for the moment :)03:51
MTecknologyI'm going to address each one of those at our LoCo meeting tomorrow03:51
MTecknologyand events are on the list ;)03:51
atoponceMTecknology: i'm very much impressed with your activity since your last membership attempt. i'm more than happy to give you a +103:51
vorian+1 from me! Great work thus far03:52
pleia2+1 from me, excellent work these past few months!03:52
MTecknologyya, it was more of me taking the time to bring it all together so I wasn't eaten up :P03:52
MTecknologythanks :)03:52
effie_jayx+1 from me too03:52
atoponcefor those that come to the meeting, and don't meet approval, MTecknology is a shining example of what we're looking for03:52
johnc4510-laptopw00t for MTecknology03:52
Technoviking+1 from me03:52
nhandlerCongrasts MTecknology03:52
MTecknologyFirst one in South Dakota :D03:52
pleia2congrats MTecknology :)03:53
voriancongrats MTecknology03:53
atoponceMTecknology: welcome aboard03:53
tyche_congratulations, MTecknology03:53
MTecknologywait... no -1 this time?03:53
MTecknologyheck ya :)03:53
pleia2we still have time, no kiko, no charlie-tca and no doctormo, so we've got one left03:53
effie_jayxcongrats MTecknology  excellent work03:53
pleia2itnet7: you're up! :)03:53
MTecknologykiko was supposed to be here to support me03:53
itnet7I have been involved with the Ubuntu Florida Loco Team for approximately the last 2 years, and am currently holding the position of Team Lead. We have done many different projects together. I have organized  my share , and have attended a bunch in support of my other Team Members.03:53
itnet7I have been a Linux Special Interest Group Instructor for a windows user group for almost 2 years focusing on Ubuntu.03:54
itnet7I have recently been asked to Join the Florida Linux show's staff as Community Relations, Our Florida team is going to attend and some individual members are going to exhibit their projects and give presentations.03:54
boredandbloggingi met itnet7 at UDS, he is nuts about Ubuntu and does a great job promoting it03:55
pleia2itnet7 is awesome :)03:55
dantalizingi'm here to support itnet7..  he's been active with the florida loco for a very long time.  he's been always been helpful to new users, and has done a lot of work with loco events.  we can always count on him to be active.03:55
* itnet7 thanks boredandbloggin03:55
dantalizinghe has literally been to every event we've had.. all over florida03:56
atoponceitnet7: where is most of your contribution? where do you focus most of your time?03:56
itnet7I would have to say probably the Florida Team! and Triaging bugs as of late03:57
itnet7I have a lot of plans for the future, helping grow the team, and learning some development03:57
greg-gand when he says triaging, he means adding some debdiffs to some (at least one that I was subscribed to)03:57
itnet7I try to step outside my comfort zone and try new things. I am looking for mentors in Drupal, Python, and Django at the moment.03:58
atoponceitnet7: which one are you in the photo in your wiki?03:58
itnet7the hefty one!03:58
itnet7in the middle ;-P03:58
itnet7that is the first Brevard Users group install fest03:59
itnet7dantalizing to the left03:59
itnet7two or three of the guys that showed up had never seen ubuntu and installed it that day04:00
atoponceitnet7: what do you plan on doing with your membership? in other words, why are you applying?04:01
itnet7I agree with what MTecknology said about giving out business cards to interested users04:02
itnet7I think it makes people feel good to receive help from Ubuntu Members04:02
itnet7it gives them peace of mind04:03
boredandblogginghis work on the florida linux show is nice04:03
itnet7It will also help my loco for me to have membership04:03
boredandbloggingitnet7 is helping run it04:03
atoponcewhat about future plans with the loco? what plans do you have with the florida team, besides beating boredandblogging over the head with a wet fish?04:03
itnet7I plan on try to help increase our membership with quality contributors04:04
boredandblogginggood thing he is in florida and I'm in georgia then :-)04:04
itnet7dantalizing is like my right-hand and he and i can04:04
itnet7identify strengths and help cultivate them in our members04:05
pleia2boredandblogging: that's the kind of thinking that will get you covered in wet fish when you least expect it04:05
atoponceit seems to me boredandblogging is always talking smack about fl vs ga04:05
itnet7boredandblogging: I will bring wetfish march 9th04:05
boredandbloggingatoponce: you didn't just go there!04:05
dantalizinghey now...watch the boredandblogging hair with the fish04:05
itnet7March 9th is the Florida Linux Show in Jacksonville04:05
itnet7if anyone wants to come we were able to score some complimentary exhibiting booths04:06
boredandbloggingjust like the florida team came up for the atlanta linux show, the georgia team is excited  to be attending the FLS04:06
atoponceitnet7: you have a +1 from me. good loco work, good launchpad work, all around solid contributions04:06
pleia2+1 from me! excellent work itnet7 :)04:06
Technovikinggo Dawgs!!!04:06
effie_jayx+1 from me too04:06
boredandbloggingTechnoviking: man, that is just wrong!04:07
itnet7Well thanks sooooo much to everyone !!!04:07
vorian+1 for me too! (next mission is to find bordy and kick him in to being active again)04:07
itnet7We are trying vorian :-)04:07
nhandlerCongrats itnet704:07
pleia2congrats itnet7!04:07
itnet7Thanks again to all of you!!!04:07
atoponceitnet7: welcome aboard04:07
dantalizingnice itnet704:07
effie_jayxcongrats itnet704:09
pleia2that wraps up things for the evening, thanks for coming everyone :) great work all around04:09
johnc4510-laptopcongrats itnet704:09
* johnc4510-laptop gives board a pat on the back...nice job!!!04:09
itnet7thanks johnc4510-laptop, effie_jayx dantalizing (of course), and atoponce!!04:10
scott_evcongrats itnet704:10
myrtlebeachbumsG'nite folks, and thanks again everyone.04:10
scott_evGo forth and spread the word, and the word is Ubuntu04:10
doctormoI missed it right?04:11
effie_jayxyou did04:11
doctormoOh well04:11
effie_jayxtgwo weeks04:11
effie_jayxwe are meeting again in two weeka04:11
doctormoSame agenda?04:12
pleia2doctormo: people who can't make it just overflow into the next meeting04:13
pleia2no big deal, only about half the people showed up tonight04:13
johnc4510-laptopnight all04:13
pleia2night johnc4510-laptop04:13
greg-gitnet7: first Americas Ubuntu member with sleeves? Thats how hard he rocks!04:14
itnet7Thanks greg-g!!! good to see you again man!04:14
greg-gyou too :) congrats, you deserve it.04:15
itnet7Thanks buddy!04:16
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
said026hello all11:28
robbiewslangasek: "dendrobates: robbiew: I am going to miss the release meeting, zul is coming in my place."14:59
slangasekok, hello15:00
* pgraner is here15:00
slangasekcjwatson, davidm, pitti, Riddell: ping15:02
* pitti waves again :)15:02
slangasekpitti: doh :)15:02
davidmslangasek, lool will rep mobile team, I'll monitor as I can, I have an ARM call for most of this time15:02
slangasekdavidm: ack15:02
MootBotMeeting started at 09:03. The chair is slangasek.15:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]15:03
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2009-02-20 - agenda15:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2009-02-20 - agenda15:03
slangaseksistpoty|work: you're here as well, yes?15:03
* sistpoty|work waves15:03
sistpoty|workyep :)15:04
slangasekgreat :)15:04
slangasekso per the agenda, I don't think we need to discuss the outstanding actions this week unless anyone else disagrees?15:05
cjwatsondid the DX/universe questions get resolved?15:06
slangasek[TOPIC] Outstanding actions15:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Outstanding actions15:06
slangasekk then :)15:06
cjwatsonI saw some honking great flamewar about that on #ubuntu-devel the other day15:06
pittiwe didn't end up with a "blessed" consensus; I think the best one was to decide it on a case-by-case basis15:07
slangasekcjwatson: it was discussed thoroughly.  It was resolved to my satisfaction, in that I understand that the DX changes cause the universe packages to be buggy and should be treated the same as other bugfixes to universe15:07
slangasekif ScottK disagrees, I guess he can reopen the discussion15:08
cjwatsonok, fine by me, I know ScottK isn't here for this15:08
cjwatsonfeel free to move on :)15:09
slangasek[TOPIC] QA team15:09
MootBotNew Topic:  QA team15:09
slangaseksbeattie, fader: hello15:09
sbeattieAra's running a new feature testing day this upcoming monday (the 23rd) in #ubuntu-testing, with Screen Profiles, New UNR USB images, and Improved Guided LVM partitioner on the agenda.15:09
sbeattieotherwise I don't have anything to report, bug escalation through normal channels seems to be working well.15:10
faderOn the certification testing front, I'm more or less up to speed with getting tests run and as of yesterday they're running automatically on a scheduled basis.  I was hoping to have some visible reporting there by today but it looks like that will be early next week now.15:10
pgranersbeattie: what are they testing dailies or the last alpha?15:10
sbeattiepgraner: presumably dailies, to get latest.15:11
pgranersbeattie: ack15:11
slangaseksbeattie: escalation> very glad to hear!15:11
mdzfader: what can we see today as far as test results?15:12
fadermdz: I can put some pass/fail info on a wiki page by hand but you'd need access to the certification website to get the full clickable reports at the moment15:12
faderUnfortunately the data isn't in a format I can easily toss out onto the wiki.  Schwuk can but he's out today :/15:13
slangasekfader: several of us here have access to the certification website; the challenge has long been getting scannable summaries :)15:13
faderYeah, the summaries are basically what is missing at the moment.15:14
faderIt's #1 on my list now to get the reporting into a usable state15:14
mdzfader: just looking for a summary, listing all machines and current test status. (the format was agreed with Schwuk at UDS)15:14
mdzfader: understood, thanks15:14
slangasekthanks, guys15:15
slangasek[TOPIC] Desktop team15:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop team15:15
slangasekpitti, rickspencer3: good morning15:15
pittias usual, the current status is on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus15:16
pittinoteworthy changes in the desktop this week:15:16
pitti * DX work landed; was a bumpy ride, but everything is in now15:16
pitti * got one RC bug fixed, and a good plan for the fglrx one (bug 313027)15:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313027 in fglrx-installer "MASTER: fglrx does not support xserver 1.6" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31302715:16
pitti * landed stracciatella-session (discussion to approved/implemented in 12 hours or so :) )15:16
pittiwe are still missing one spec (language-selector UI improvements), I'd like to hear opinions whether that's FF15:16
pitti or UIF15:16
pittion the bug front there wasn't so much progress this week, due to the FF rush15:16
slangasekwell when presented that way it's hard to say that it's anything *but* UIF; are there details that would make us think it's a FF question instead?15:17
pittislangasek: it doesn't change any functionality15:17
pittiso from that perspective there isn't15:17
pittibut it's a tracked spec, and it's not yet "beta available"15:17
pittiMichael is about to upload it15:17
pittiand we often have FF == specs in beta15:18
cjwatsongreat news that we can move from fglrx to ati across the board now15:18
pittiso I just wanted to make sure we are on the same page15:18
cjwatsondo we have a testing plan for that?15:18
slangasekpitti: ok - I think common sense trumps the "FF == specs in beta" equality here, please go ahead15:18
pitticjwatson: just saw bryce's response a couple of course ago, I'll bring that up next Tuesday in the meeting15:18
pittislangasek: ok, thanks15:18
rtgpitti: Bryce told me last week there were kernel changes for ATI, I haven't seen 'em yet15:19
pittiso just consider it an announcement that we'll get the spec done15:19
slangasekrtg: AIUI the code isn't ready yet upstream, but Coming Soon15:20
slangasekwe should keep this on the radar for next meeting to make sure it's happening; rtg, can I give you an action to follow up with bryce as needed on the kernel code?15:21
rtgcan do15:21
slangasek[ACTION] rtg to follow up with bryce regarding availability of kernel patches for ATI15:21
MootBotACTION received:  rtg to follow up with bryce regarding availability of kernel patches for ATI15:21
slangasekpitti: anything else?15:21
pittinot from me, unless you have questions15:23
slangasekpitti: 199140> new on the list this week for the meeting agenda, but was already targeted to jaunty; are you guys tracking jaunty-targeted bugs generally, or do I need to be aware to communicate these bugs to you separately when targeting them?15:23
pittislangasek: do you want tot keep the two nss bugs on the radar?15:23
pittislangasek: 199140> we are aware of it; I talked to asac, it's high on his list15:24
slangasekpitti: I agree with your comments that they're not release blockers, but they seem to be SRU material - I'd like it if we could be more proactive in getting upstream to a decision15:24
rdesfohas the wifi issue ever been worked out of 8.10?15:24
asacpitti: slangasek: the general MD5 one will not be fixed upstream ... NSS folks said that would still break too much of the web; howver, they wiill provide infrastructure to at least disable md515:25
slangasekasac: do you want to 'wontfix' it then, perhaps?15:25
asacslangasek: yes either that or retitle to "nss lacks ability to disable MD5"15:25
asaci doubt that we want to SRU that for stable releases though ... they will likely just fix it on trunk and then move on.15:26
slangasekrdesfo: we're in a meeting now, I'm afraid that question isn't very on-topic; try #ubuntu or #ubuntu-devel?15:26
asacslangasek: imo we can keep it as a oppertunity for jaunty15:26
slangasek[ACTION] asac to follow through on bug 312536 (wontfix)15:26
MootBotACTION received:  asac to follow through on bug 312536 (wontfix)15:26
asace.g. remove the milestone15:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312536 in firefox "Stop honoring digital signatures based on MD5 hashes" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31253615:26
pittiasac: if you "wontfix" in jaunty, you'll get the floating task back, which is appropriate imho15:27
slangasek[TOPIC] Mobile team15:28
MootBotNew Topic:  Mobile team15:28
lool- Specs: doing ok15:28
lool- UNR: packages are up-to-date, however merging of the patches is a bit behind15:28
lool- Bugs:15:28
cjwatsonasac: if you wontfix it, explain what you're doing on the bug so that people don't go nuts15:28
lool  * libipc-sharelite-perl FTBFS: still being investigated, slow progress;15:28
lool    alignment issue is very likely, but shouldn't be hardware specific15:28
lool  * NSLU2: d-i now working and in a good shape (module some preseed adjustments pending), however kernel uses too much memory and the OOM kicks in during install15:28
asaccjwatson: ack ... Ill be sensible ;)15:28
lool  * missing pselect/ppoll on ARM: discussed last week with proposal to take a contractor to implement; discussed again today over email, pgraner suggests it's too tight for jaunty and should be deferred to when amitk has the time to implement15:28
loolpgraner: ^^^ up-to-date comments welcome15:29
lool- Moblin2: we might be adding some new universe packages and merging some patches from Moblin2 late in the cycle if that's ok with {motu,ubuntu}-release, this is all on a best effort basis to merge as much as possible from Moblin2; rest will go in a PPA15:29
lool- VFP enablement: slow progress on getting VFP patches in performance critical libs due to hang in glibc testsuite (being debugged); glibc supporting vfp hwcaps pushed today, will proceed to enabling libs, testing the actual perf benefits of each lib; also some parallel work in evaluating the target libs with oprofile15:29
pgranerlool: I have it in my status, lets wait till then15:29
loolThat's all topics I have, unless we want to discuss netboot images for release as well15:29
loolAnd persia informs me that we have a draft of the MID testcase now15:30
slangaseklool: if you and cjwatson are available about a half hour or so after the meeting, we can talk through the netboot image question then?15:30
slangasekah, excellent15:30
loolI'd rather have this on Monday, but if that's too late I'll make myself available15:30
cjwatsonfine by me either way15:31
slangasekMonday is also fine15:31
loolAny Qs on the above mobile topics?15:32
loolPerhaps I missed on which people want an update?15:32
slangaseklool: do you know yet what the set of libraries is that we'll want VFP enablement for, or is getting than answer stalled by the glibc question?15:32
loolslangasek: We have a list in the bug report15:32
loolat least cairo, pango, gtk+, freetype IIRC; some my be dropped15:33
slangasekok, thanks15:33
lool(if we see no win)15:33
slangasekno other questions from me :)15:33
slangasek[TOPIC] Kernel team15:34
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel team15:34
loolpixman, and perhaps libpng/libjpeg15:34
slangasekpgraner, rtg: 'lo15:34
pgranerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/319729: ARM architecture lacks support for pselect() and ppoll()15:34
pgraner∘ Won't be in Jaunty. Currently not upstream nor does upstream plan on fixing. We will have to fix this ourselves and we are currently resource constrained. Given the estimated incidence rate by Keybuck I think we can wait, we will have it for Jaunty+115:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 319729 in linux "ARM architecture lacks support for pselect() and ppoll()" [High,Triaged]15:34
pgranerlool: does this work for the Mobile Team?15:34
slangasekpgraner: the "estimated incidence rate" I saw was that one in a thousand boots will hang waiting for the rootfs15:35
loolI have to trust your judgment on that; my understand until last week was that it was an important issue to fix; if Scott and yourself consider it not critical enough, I defer to your judgment15:35
pgranerslangasek: correct, and given when we release there won't be any production hw in the field I think we are ok15:35
Keybukslangasek: will abort because the root fs cannot be found15:36
slangasekpgraner: and there won't be any production hw based on jaunty, either?15:36
Keybukthe failure drops you to a root console15:36
slangasekKeybuk: right15:36
loolslangasek: I think there will be, but probably not on pristine jaunty15:36
loolOf course we will have community usage of the jaunty armel port15:36
pgranerslangasek: once its complete we can add it as an SRU, but trying to cram it in before release will be tight15:36
slangaseklool: so we're expecting third parties to use a different kernel, or just hoping for an SRU?15:37
pgranerlool: and at this point the community knows how to deal with situations like that. I vote for release note15:37
loolpgraner: What's the note?  reboot?15:37
lool"Cross your fingers!"   ;-)15:37
pgranerlool: we note that its a bug and will be fixed in an update15:37
loolI'm ok with a jaunty SRU15:38
slangasekpgraner: ok, can you please open a task on the ubuntu-release-notes project?15:38
* ogra would consider the NSLU2 production though15:38
pgranerslangasek: ack15:38
slangasekif we say "will be fixed in an update" in the release notes, then we should be sure the resources will be available to actually implement it in SRU15:38
ogranot overly important or high prio, but we support it15:38
slangasekis that the case?15:38
slangasek[ACTION] pgraner to add a release notes task for bug #31972915:38
MootBotACTION received:  pgraner to add a release notes task for bug #31972915:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 319729 in linux "ARM architecture lacks support for pselect() and ppoll()" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31972915:38
pgranerslangasek: I am committing the resource I just can't get it done before the release15:39
loolslangasek: Perhaps we should have a milestone for jaunty-SRU-needs-to-be-fixed15:39
slangasekpgraner: ok, understood15:39
pgranerlool: we target it for Jauntu-Updates15:39
cjwatsonI'll create a jaunty-updates milestone15:39
slangasekpgraner: other topics?15:39
pgranerslangasek: yep15:40
pgranerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/88746: ehci-hcd causes USB2.0 I/O errors15:40
pgraner∘ This appears not to affect 2.6.28 kernels, therefore Jaunty should be ok. Need to have this verified.15:40
pgranerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/321474: ath9k ForceXPAon messages15:40
pgraner∘ Currently in Fix Committed15:40
pgranerhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/320813: compiz freezes with vblank15:40
pgraner∘ Waiting on upstream patch review15:40
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/88746/+text)15:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 321474 in linux "[Intrepid] Update kernel to Linux" [Medium,Fix committed]15:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 320813 in linux "[drm] compiz animations cause temporary freezes with vblank" [High,In progress]15:40
cjwatsonlool: (done)15:40
loolcjwatson: thanks15:40
pgranerslangasek: if there aren't any questions I'm done...15:41
slangasekpgraner: who's working with upstream on bug #320813; I see the bug is assigned to rtg, but should I reassign it to tjaalton?15:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320813 in linux "[drm] compiz animations cause temporary freezes with vblank" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32081315:41
rtghow about xen for EC2?15:41
pgranerslangasek: you can give it to rtg15:41
rtgactually, Timo is working the bug15:41
pgranerrtg: can you track for the purpose of this meeting?15:42
slangasekgood news on bug #88746 - I still have an action from last week to try to follow up on that given that the bug log is a huge mess15:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 88746 in linux "ehci_hcd module causes I/O errors in USB 2.0 devices" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8874615:42
rtgnp, I've been working with him on it15:42
slangasekpgraner, rtg: I'll still assign the bug to tjaalton if that's ok, since it appears to be blocking on him (+ upstream)15:42
pgranerslangasek: fine by me15:43
slangasekrtg: xen> this has been mentioned to me, but I don't know the current status of it?15:43
pgranerrtg: Xen on EC2 we need to talk to dendrobates first, he might have updated info15:44
pgranerrtg: he wan't able to make the meeting15:44
rtgok. I know its driving Andy nuts15:44
pgranerrtg: ack15:44
zulyes it has a tendency to do that15:44
slangasek[TOPIC] Foundations team15:44
MootBotNew Topic:  Foundations team15:44
cjwatsonok, bugs first15:45
cjwatson325690 (udev breaks cryptsetup initramfs hook): just fixed an hour or two ago15:45
cjwatson292159 (kernel upgrade fails on usb-creator images): no progress yet, evand will work on it next week15:45
cjwatson322483 (update-manager fails over remote GDM): no progress, I think mvo is looking for advice on an appropriate test harness though15:45
cjwatson313218 (IPv6 causes slow Internet access): proposed fix in my PPA, waiting for testing; if you have mysteriously broken Internet in some applications after upgrading to Jaunty, please consider if this might be your bug; evand just said that it fixes things for him so I'll probably upload this today15:45
cjwatson303516 (passwd gives wrong return code on failure): AFAIK same status as last week, i.e. expecting upstream progress in the next couple of weeks15:45
cjwatson44194 (wpasupplicant interfaces don't start right with separate /usr partition): no progress; I plan to look at this next week if nobody beats me to it15:45
cjwatson309215 (python-numpy vs. pygtk package split): no progress15:45
cjwatson325257 (migration-assistant incompatible with encrypted home directories): encrypted home directories are disabled in ubiquity now due to security team concerns over encrypted swap, postponed to later15:45
cjwatsonspecs, just had a quick chat with Robbie; almost everything is in place to our satisfaction for feature freeze, things that are late are a decision on shipping computer-janitor by default, not sure what's happening with power management reorg, and some movement on the package licensing stuff15:46
slangasek303516> upstream has committed a fix, but I haven't had a chance to evaluate whether it has other horrible OMG side-effects15:47
cjwatsonpitti: liw was trying to talk with you to justify including computer-janitor by default on the grounds that it does a number of things not appropriate at upgrade time, but I think you were busy at the time; did he manage to actually have a conversation with you? :-)15:47
cjwatsonhe posted to ubuntu-desktop@ but there were no followups, and asked on #distro but nobody replied15:47
pitticjwatson: didn't hear from him, we just had a quick talk on the sprint15:48
slangasekcjwatson: ack on 325257, thanks15:48
pittibut I have no principal reservations about including it by default, if it works15:48
slangasek[ACTION] slangasek to document in technical overview for alpha-5 that encrypted home dirs are disabled in ubiquity15:48
MootBotACTION received:  slangasek to document in technical overview for alpha-5 that encrypted home dirs are disabled in ubiquity15:48
cjwatsonhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2009-February/001951.html and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-desktop/2009-February/001952.html are the relevant mailing list posts15:49
pittiok, please assign an action to me to followup on that15:50
robbiewthanks pitti :)15:50
slangasek[ACTION] pitti to follow up with liw on computer-janitor by default15:50
MootBotACTION received:  pitti to follow up with liw on computer-janitor by default15:50
slangasekcjwatson, robbiew: anything else to cover?15:51
cjwatsonGTK installer I'm still unsure about15:51
cjwatsonSven Neumann was recently working on getting the directfb backend working upstream15:51
cjwatsonI'd like to get those patches in so that we can have a lead time on getting the d-i GTK frontend working in Ubuntu, if the desktop team is amenable; but at the moment I am not inclined to recommend it for actual *use* with 9.0415:52
loolcjwatson: So directfb is an important target for Ubuntu-Installer?15:52
robbiewslangasek: doko is still working to get python 2.6 by default...has concerns with application compatibility15:53
loolAFAIK, the scrolling issues are still not fixed after all patches went in15:53
cjwatsonnot as important as continuing the newt frontend, but I want to get moving on it, yes15:53
cjwatsonyes, I realise it is not quite right yet15:53
loolcjwatson: Do you want gtk-installer images in 9.04?15:54
pitticjwatson: I'm fine with taking patches to unbreak gtk-directfb15:54
pittibut I really doubt that we should invest much resources on working on the new installer in jaunty15:54
slangasekrobbiew: well, frankly this is why I think the default python version should be settled well before FF15:54
loolThe patches are all below directfb/ so they are really not risky to take15:54
cjwatsonlool: yes, I don't plan to have them on the server CD or anything but I would like to unstall on this15:54
cjwatsonpitti: I agree, but I think you overestimate the amount it will take on the installer side once the core facility is there15:55
cjwatsonI'm not asking for serious work from the desktop team beyond what's being done in Debian15:55
slangasekrobbiew: as ScottK commented to me, this is effectively "toolchain"15:55
cjwatsonnor am I committing serious additional work from the installer team beyond what's being done in Debian15:55
robbiewslangasek: understand15:55
pitticjwatson: well, without any work it'll probably more shiny, but not more usable?15:55
pitticjwatson: i. e. for it to make really sense, wouldnt' we need a rearranged partitioner and all that? or is all that coming from debian already?15:56
cjwatsonpitti: indeed, but shiny alone will be helpful at this point15:56
robbiewslangasek: worse case scenario is that we stay on 2.5 and provide 2.6 in the archive, as I understand it15:56
cjwatsonand will make it easier to even assess the scale of the problem15:56
slangasekrobbiew: what's the timeline for making that call?15:56
cjwatsonif we keep on blocking on infrastructure, it's impossible for me to get back to Steve George and say how to proceed15:57
pitticjwatson: okay :)15:57
robbiewdoko is working over the weekend, so I would expect to know by Monday15:57
cjwatsonpitti: I agree that at present it is not a major win, but it's possible that we may want to commit some time in future cycles to doing something about that15:57
robbiewslangasek: nothing else from me15:57
slangasek[TOPIC] Server team15:58
MootBotNew Topic:  Server team15:58
zulwe didnt get a codedrop for likewise-open and will be considering it for a FFE15:58
zuli think thats about it from me15:59
slangasek305264> I'm current on the status of this because I just talked to mathiaz yesterday afternoon about it15:59
slangasek332961> this is highlighted as a security issue; is anyone on the security team in the loop on the progress of that merge?16:00
jdstrandslangasek: is that the right bug number?16:01
slangasekno :)16:02
slangasekjdstrand: "moodle"16:02
jdstrandslangasek: kees was working on moodle. I don't know the status of the merge16:02
slangasekI know I heard kees talking about it, and I see that LaserJock has taken the merge a while ago now16:02
slangasek[ACTION] slangasek to poll LaserJock, kees on status of moodle merge16:03
MootBotACTION received:  slangasek to poll LaserJock, kees on status of moodle merge16:03
jdstrandre 305264> I'm working on the gnutls portion today16:03
zulslangasek: also there seems to be an issue with the samba-3.3 if you enable printers it seems to segfault i was able to reproduce it locally16:03
zul330626 is the bug number16:04
slangasekzul: please escalate the bug (target to jaunty)16:04
zulits done already16:05
slangasekno, it isn't16:05
slangasekit needs to be targeted to the jaunty release, not just milestoned16:05
DktrKranzoops! sorry!16:06
slangasek[TOPIC] MOTU16:06
MootBotNew Topic:  MOTU16:06
slangaseksistpoty|work: hello16:06
sistpoty|workwell, not too much to report from my side16:06
sistpoty|workcurrently FF front is still pretty calm16:06
slangasekhow has the merge queue been, following james_w's mail to ubuntu-motu?16:07
sistpoty|workhaven't seen too much of the queue myself actually :(16:08
DktrKranzquite calm, there haven't been troubles so far16:08
slangasekgood to hear16:08
DktrKranzI've just seen doko's email and related bug report, I think it will bring some work in the next days, but it should be not too hard to accomplish16:09
* slangasek nods16:09
slangasekok, thanks guys16:10
slangasek[TOPIC] General feature update16:10
MootBotNew Topic:  General feature update16:10
slangasekdavidbarth: I don't currently have a slot in the agenda for your team, but this seems to be your area somewhat :)  are there any further pending changes for jaunty that you'd like to share with us?16:11
davidbarthslangasek: the list of applications we intend to patch is up on the wiki now16:12
davidbarthslangasek: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD16:12
slangasekgood to know16:13
davidbarthslangasek: unfortunately, we cannot commit to anything concrete for kubuntu for this release16:13
davidbarthslangasek: we'll have more resources for that in March, but too late for the release16:13
davidbarthif there are questions or bugs related to the new modules, we now have LP projects opened to welcome them16:14
slangasekany general features from the other teams that we should talk about?16:14
slangasekdavidbarth: matching the package names, I guess?16:15
pittidesktop team> complete except language selector16:15
davidbarthslangasek: yes (wondering if there are execeptions... not that i can think of)16:15
slangasekdavidbarth: fair enough :)16:15
pittidavidbarth: btw, I'm just training Ken van Dine to do package updates, he's available to help out with fixing DX stuff16:16
davidbarthslangasek: one important thing though, as we patch quite a few applications locally (and work with upstream in parallel), the bugs should be tagged 'dxteam'16:16
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD - includes list of packages being patched for jaunty16:16
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD - includes list of packages being patched for jaunty16:16
davidbarthslangasek: i've emailed the qa team about that16:16
slangasekdavidbarth: alright16:17
davidbarthpitti: cool, thanks16:17
slangasek[TOPIC] Known regressions16:17
MootBotNew Topic:  Known regressions16:17
slangasek[LINK] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=regression-potential16:17
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=regression-potential16:17
slangasekThe above list is pretty calm; if you run into bugs that are regressions vs. Ubuntu 8.10, please don't hesitate to make use of this tag16:17
slangasekmarking a bug as a regression doesn't imply a committment to fix the regression for release - there will always be some of these regressions that we release-note instead - but it's important to have good information about what the regressions are that are out there16:18
slangasekI don't like learning about regressions from magazine reviews of the released product ;)16:19
slangasek[TOPIC] ISO size16:19
MootBotNew Topic:  ISO size16:20
slangasekwith alpha-5 next week, this is a timely topic16:20
slangasekFWIW, I've just finished the mono transition at last, so libmono-corlib1.0-cil is off the CDs, giving us back about a MB16:20
slangasekI tried to turn up some langpacks in return, but it seems that language-support-* is enormous these days?16:20
slangasekturning it on for just pt+de cost us around 80MB on the live CD16:21
slangasekpitti: do you have any insights there?16:21
pittislangasek: you shouldn't add language-support-*16:22
pittiit has always been enormous16:22
pittiand it's a compromise we accepted16:22
pittiif people install with network, the installer fetches them from the net16:22
cjwatsonright, and if it can't, it notifies after reboot (nowadays)16:22
pittiotherwise they'll get a notification (oooh!) on first run to install the missing ones16:22
slangasekok, I see the problem; an entire stanza went away from live because we no longer had any langpacks on amd6416:22
cjwatsonI'm just talking with David in /msg about that ;-)16:22
slangasekI'll readd the stanza and try again :)16:23
pittislangasek: language-pack-* is more importnat, since it at least allows people to understand the desktop in their native language16:23
cjwatsonI think I can trim a couple of MB off the server CD; I see some udeb junk there16:23
slangasekfwiw, language-support-pt also has a weird dependency on brazilian-conjugate - I don't know why we think Portuguese speakers need us to give them a commandline tool for conjugating verbs16:24
slangasek(if the spellchecker needs it, the spellchecker should pull it in...)16:24
slangasekotherwise, things seem to be amazingly well on track for CD sizes for jaunty - I didn't expect us to be in this good of shape considering how much of a struggle intrepid was16:25
slangasekthe mono transition and the desktop team's work on documentation splitting have helped with that, kudos to all involved16:25
pittislangasek: if that shouldn't be there, I'm happy to drop it16:26
pittiusually I follow the advice of native speakers in the translation teams16:26
pittislangasek: yeah, I guess the evo documentation split out, mono transition, and gconf cleanup freed a fair bit of space :)16:27
slangasekpitti: it shouldn't - do you want a bug report first?  and is there documentation of why it was added to begin with?16:27
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pittislangasek: I can probably find out in bzr16:27
slangasekI think that covers everything for this morning on my side; anyone else have something to add?16:28
pgranerslangasek: my action is completed... :-)16:28
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:28.16:28
slangasekthanks folks!16:28
pittithanks everyone16:29
pittislangasek: might just have been an accident, it's built from the same source as  myspell-pt16:30
pittislangasek: it's tiny, though (100 kB)16:30
slangasekpitti: the reason I noticed it was because it pulls in gawk :-)16:30
pittiah, heh16:31
slangasekwhich is 5 times its size :)16:31
pittislangasek: ok, kicking it out16:31
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rdesfohow do people get more involved?17:02
rdesfowell thanks have a nice day17:05
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