
ftabug 33184100:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331841 in gwibber "Please bump the gwibber version in both branches" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33184100:14
asacjames_w: help ... do you know this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/120546/11:38
asacmajor breakage ;911:38
asacis that builddeb doing that to me?11:38
asacoh loom11:39
james_wyeah, upgrade loom11:39
james_wreading NEWS.Debian for the update of bzr-builddeb is probably a good idea for you11:39
asacjames_w: i am up-to-date in jaunty11:39
james_wit's not in jaunty is it?11:39
asacjames_w: not sure ... i had a package installed. thought it was from archive11:40
asacjames_w: yes. i will look in NEWS. i had to downgrade builddeb11:40
asacon my other system11:40
asacseems it doesnt understand --export-upstream* properly anymore11:40
asacin jaunty11:40
asaclet me look in NEWS11:40
james_wit's gone away11:41
james_wbecause it was broken11:41
asacjames_w: it worked well for me (finally)11:41
asaci used merge = TRue11:41
asacand export-upstream-revision=11:41
asac(but not export-upstream)11:41
asacso when i needed tarball i could specify --export-upstream=.11:42
asackeeping stuff with warning for one cycle would be nice ;)11:42
james_wcould you tell me a bit more about what you wanted to do with it, then I can make builddeb work better for you11:42
asacjames_w: i just want to have info to produce upstream tarballs on the fly in my try11:43
james_wyeah, I would have liked to have done that, but using it would just lead to trouble11:43
asacjust like i had with --export-upstream=11:43
asac(i filed a bug about that ... which would have made that perfect for me)11:43
asacbut now i migrated a bunch of branches there11:43
asacand the feature is gone11:43
asaci have 2.1~0ubuntu111:44
asacand bzr help builddeb still tells me about --export-upstream11:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 317111 in bzr-builddeb "export-upstream should not export upstream tarball when a proper orig.tar.gz is available from other sources" [High,Fix committed]11:44
james_wthat's yours11:44
james_wI think I know how to fix your case11:44
james_wI kind of forgot about merge mode11:45
asacjames_w: well. currently export-upstream seems to be broken11:45
asacor removed (according to you)11:45
asacok the initial issue i had with bzr st is gone ... seems it was intermediate while upgrades were running11:46
james_wI think adding an "export-upstream" command is the way to fix this11:46
asacjames_w: my branches are not always full sources11:46
asacjames_w: i cannot use merge-upstream11:47
james_wthen you can invoke that as you like, without having to first find the combination of configuration options that makes it work for you11:47
asace.g. i used it for the new network manager branches11:47
asacwhich are just debian tree11:47
asacworked great11:47
james_wI want to fix it11:47
asacso i could easily still the right revision into the tree11:47
asacso what should i do for now?11:47
james_wmaking this change made merge-upstream much much better, so I don't regret it11:47
asachold back the upgrade?11:47
james_wgive me a few hours?11:47
james_wI'll include the command in the next upload11:48
asacjames_w: can you still honour the export-upstream-revision = config?11:48
james_was you were essentially simulating such a command11:48
asacthat would be great11:48
asaci adde that info now in a bunch of branches11:48
james_wmy current thought is this11:48
james_wupstream-branch = foo11:48
james_wto allow it to be remembered11:49
james_wbzr export-upstream [BRANCH]11:49
asacand the revision?11:49
james_wwhich takes a -r option11:49
james_wand creates a tarball for you11:49
asaccan you support legacy support for my config?11:49
james_wI didn't want to support legacy in that upload, as it would have led to odd behaviour11:50
james_wbut I imagine I can in this upload11:50
asacjames_w: its just the -revision info that i want11:50
asaci didnt add export-upstream =  in most cases11:50
james_wwhy do you want it to be stored in the config file?11:50
asacjames_w: because then the branch is mostly self maintained11:50
asaci want to commit the revision info right in the tree when i bump changelog11:50
james_wgot it11:51
james_wseems like a valid use case11:51
asacgreat ;)11:51
james_wlet me think about it for a bit11:51
james_wI want to see if we can make it work even better for you11:51
james_wwould you want it to change the changelog at all?11:52
james_wnot by default it seems11:52
james_wbut perhaps an option to write the revision to the config file and bump the changelog would be nice11:53
asacjames_w: would be ... but its not required.11:53
asacjames_w: maybe if i do bzr merge11:53
asacbut for debian only trees11:53
asaci dig the revision info on my own anyway11:53
james_wI'll get it working for you first, then we can make it better11:53
asac(its usually not the tip)11:53
james_wbzr export-upstream --remember-revision -r 246 BRANCH11:54
asacjames_w: i want to publish the revision info11:54
asacso i would probably need a bzr commit after that?11:54
asacfor me the revision is tightly associated with the current tree11:55
asacso its not somethig i just want locally (like parent branch)11:55
james_wthat would write the revision id to the config file, and also add a new changelog stanza11:55
james_wnot sure it's the right thing though11:55
asacjames_w: we could do that.11:55
asacbut i usually i just open new changelog upstream revision11:56
asacand document the revision change in the same commit11:56
asaclike "* new upstream snapshot (revid:xxxx)11:56
james_w"open new changelog upstream revision" what does that mean?11:56
asac  - update .bzr-builddeb/default.conf11:56
asacjames_w: yes, but everybody has his own format for that11:56
asacif we can standardize that it would be great11:57
james_wmerge-upstream does things like this for you in full source mode, so having it for merge mode may help you11:57
asacsometimes i say: "new upstream snapshot" ... but on other times i say : "new upstream release xxx"11:57
james_wbut I'll leave all that for later improvements, and fix it for you first11:57
asacjust tell me when there is something to test for me ;)11:57
asaci can then see how it feels11:58
asacand complain or cheer ;)11:58
james_ware you happy to test from bzr?11:58
asacwhy not11:58
james_wk, makes it easier for me :-)11:58
asacif i can just branch it in .bazaar/plugins11:58
asacits good11:58
asacdo .bazaar/plugins checkouts win over global things?11:58
asacor does it check for higher version when having conflicting plugins?11:58
asac(just curious)11:58
james_w.bazaar/plugins wins11:58
asacso even if its lower11:59
asacthats the same for mozilla11:59
asacthought a bit whether it would make sense to chnage that11:59
asacbut probably profile should win11:59
james_wI'll need an FFe for this, so I'll report a bug later you can make some noise on11:59
asacjames_w: heh. you could even  make bzr bd try export-upstream12:00
asacwhen the other download options fail ;)12:00
asacjust an idea12:00
asacjames_w: its  regression bug12:00
asacnot sure if that needs a FFe12:00
asacbut well i can state that in the bug12:01
asac"all my magic branch wizardry broke" ;)12:01
james_wperhaps you are right about bd12:01
james_whaving it beat the other options was definitely the wrong thing12:01
asacyeah. i think woudl be elegant. e.g. factor out export-upstream to its own clean operation and then make use of it12:01
asacif there is not arball12:02
james_whowever, it can lead to problems anyway12:02
james_wthat's the reason it's gone really12:02
asacsure. but in most casese you have the archives you will upload to in your sources12:02
asacif not you have to figure on your own12:02
james_wit was too easy to shoot yourself in the foot12:02
james_wI'll consider it though12:02
asacyeah ;)12:02
asacthe solution was not to add export-upstream = .12:02
asacto default.conf12:02
asacand only run --export-upstream if you didnt find a tarball12:03
asacworked well ;)12:03
james_wbut it also fails in that a -2 upload won't be accepted12:03
james_wif the .orig.tar.gz was from export-upstream the second time12:04
james_wit's harder to hit now that it doesn't overwrite12:04
james_wbut it is still an issue12:04
james_wbut anyway, everyone should use full source branches and merge-upstream anyway :-)12:04
asacjames_w: the main problem is what i had now12:05
asacjames_w: upstream moves branches and then you can trash everything12:05
asacjames_w: so i went back to debian only tree for NM12:06
asacjust sounds more "long-term sustainable"12:06
asacunfortunately i must admit12:06
james_w"upstream moves branches"12:06
james_wwhat do you mean by that?12:06
asacyes. NM main branch went to git12:06
asacand the openvpn branches were moved to their own svn tree12:06
james_wah, so all revision ids changed12:07
asacand the svn -> git migration was a lethal injection obviously12:07
asacwith no proper bzr-git yet12:07
asacjames_w: that reminds me of the git archive issue12:09
asacjames_w: currently i cannot use git archive to produce tarballs12:10
james_wthat one is fixed :-)12:10
asacbecause bzr bd sees a file on top12:10
asacah good12:10
asacmaybe i didnt see because i downgraded12:10
asacbefore trying to use that kind of tarball12:10
asacgreawt then ;)12:10
ftaasac, what java plugin is good on amd64? i'm fighting remotely with a dead server and the admin web site in that IBM box needs java. I can't access it from home so i need to setup java remotely on a trusted desktop12:22
asacfta: i dont think there is much choice12:24
asacuse the latest ice tea thing ...12:24
asacthere is no java plugin with javascript integration though (e.g. oij)12:25
asacso if the java stuff wants to communicate with website its not going to work on amd6412:25
ftanm, i figured out how to avoid java12:25
ftathe kernel is spitting insanities in loop12:26
ftabasically, out of memory everywhere, and no way to reclaim anything12:27
asacfta: hmm so gwibber team build also failed?12:48
ftayes, jaunty12:48
ftathey silently push python2.6 and python is still 2.512:48
ftai just re-triggered the bot => gwibber_0.9.1~bzr246-0ubuntu1~daily212:50
ftalol, bug 31589 :)13:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 31589 in launchpad-foundations "Attempting to set redirection_url to a tuple instead of a string in login machinery" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/3158913:30
ftalol, bug 331589 :)13:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 331589 in alsa-utils "system beep in jaunty is the most annoying sound known to man" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33158913:30
james_wasac, fta: do you ever make use of "bzr bd --use-existing"?13:49
ftawhat is that?13:50
ftalast bzr regressed? http://paste.ubuntu.com/120589/13:50
james_wyou need to upgrade loom13:51
james_wthe option makes it not extract the upstream tarball again13:51
james_wjust wondering if I have to preserve that13:53
ftado you mean it's equiv to moving to build-area/foo and doing dpkg-buildpackage -nc ?13:54
asacjames_w: --use-existing? is that like --quick?13:54
asacthat didnt help for me as it somehoe rebuild everything even if i use debuild -nc13:54
asacif --quick would work that way it would be great13:55
james_wit deletes debian from the last build directory, then re-exports your branch in to it13:55
james_wthen builds the result13:55
ftadeletes debian = remove the stamps, so it forces a rebuild13:56
james_woh, didn't think of that13:56
james_wI've never really used it myself13:56
james_wif you don't delete debian it won't work if you delete a file though13:57
james_wbut that is probably rarer13:57
james_wwhat I want to do is make the build-dir default to .. as well13:57
james_wbut that means using tempdirs to build in, rather than pkg-version directories13:58
ftathat means polluting my branches repository13:58
james_whow so?13:58
ftawith tons of files i really don't care about13:58
ftawhen i need disk space, i just rm -rf build-area13:59
ftaif it's now in .. relative a packaging branch, i will no longer be able to do that13:59
james_wI said default13:59
ftai have ~200 branches14:00
james_wbut I don't really see what you mean by "tons of files"14:00
james_wit would make it work the same way as not using bzr and just calling "debuild"14:00
ftawell, i have my aliases already14:01
ftabdm = bd --merge --dont-purge --result-dir=../build-area14:01
ftabdn = bd --native --dont-purge --result-dir=../build-area14:01
ftappa = "bd --merge --build-dir=../ppa --builder='dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa -kB6EE20E8'"14:01
ftappa2 = "bd --merge --build-dir=../ppa --builder='dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sd -kB6EE20E8'"14:01
ftappan = "bd --native --build-dir=../ppa --builder='dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -S -sa -kB6EE20E8'"14:01
ftaso i don't mind14:02
ftamy bot forces --result-dir too14:03
james_wwhy not set "merge" and "native" in the config file so that anyone can build them without figuring that out?14:04
james_wand the latest version will mean you don't have to use --builder anymore14:05
ftai don't expect others to build with bzr bd14:05
james_w"bd --merge --build-dir=../ppa -- -S -sa -kB6EE20E8" will work14:06
ftaand i'm not very in sync with all the new bzr goodies :P14:06
ftaasac, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+queue?queue_state=0&queue_text=gwibber14:22
asacfta: thanks. you could have reused the version btw.14:25
asacfta: can you ask seb politely if he has some cycles to look at it now?14:26
ftai wanted but cjwatson asked me to bump it14:26
asacat least inform him that there is a new14:26
asacdoesnt really matter. its easier for archive admin to spot which to take14:26
asacif you bump version14:26
asacok ... preparing for a call14:26
asacbb in ~1h14:27
cros13Hi, there is a patch up that fixes this bug:14:42
ubottuMozilla bug 404314 in XUL "when I click on a menu instead of click and hold it randomly selects a menu item and activates it" [Normal,Assigned]14:42
ftai'm sick of this crappy sound.15:30
ftadtchen, do you think my issues with p-a are caused by a crappy driver or crappy h/w ?15:30
BUGabundofta: have you tried the workaround?15:31
BUGabundoto make it speech free or what ever its called?15:31
ftawhat is that?15:31
ftaglitch free?15:31
BUGabundothere's a mail from crisum and the muson on the lists about it15:32
BUGabundoyeah that's it15:32
fta"3 revisions were removed from the branch." (gwibber trunk). gasp, my bot will probably hate that15:33
BUGabundooh I saw that ryan bumped the gw vers15:33
BUGabundoso its should now be higher15:34
BUGabundoas you wished15:34
ftayep, my description was a bit confusingn, 0.9 vs 0.9.1, ryan used 0.9.1 while 0.9 would have made more sense, my bad15:35
ftai'm not caching the upstream branch for gwibber, good, my bot will cope with the removal15:36
fta /me looking for a better sound card... so many: http://www.rue-montgallet.com/prix/75012/comparer/114/Cartes-son/?i1=698&f1=2759&i2=700&f2=2760&i3=701&f3=&i4=702&f4=&mq=0&pxmin=0&pxmax=0&od=nom&show=1&nbf=415:37
ftano "works well with ubuntu" list?15:43
BUGabundodid your current got fried yesterday?15:46
ftabut i keep having issues on this desktop since p-a entered ubuntu, while on my other desktop and my laptop, it's fine (well, sort of)15:48
asackeep your eyes open when NM ubuntu2 gets on your system15:48
asacit might break your carrier detect15:48
asacescalate to me if you suddenly cannot connect to wired anymore ;)15:49
ftai don't have the osd notifs, should I?15:54
asacfta: yes15:54
asacdo you have notify-osd installed?15:54
ftabut i'm up-to-date15:54
asacfta: install it ;)15:54
asacmaybe you nuked something else15:54
asaclike ubuntu-desktop15:55
asacii am not sure how that is supposed to get pulled in15:55
BUGabundoahhhhhhh asac? really15:55
ftaoh right, i no longer have ubuntu-desktop15:55
BUGabundoI'll have to look at it15:56
BUGabundoand inform users on +115:56
BUGabundoyah I lost ubu-deskt twice now!15:56
asacyeah. if you removed ubuntu-desktop there is no guaranteey you really track the ubuntu desktop experience15:56
asacsimilar if you uninstall firefox package you wont get auto migrated to firefox-3.115:56
ftaThe following packages will be REMOVED:15:57
fta  gnome2-user-guide restricted-manager restricted-manager-core scrollkeeper15:57
asacfta: not srue. i think the restricted manager is now called jockey15:57
BUGabundoasac: but UM -d should make sure its there15:57
asacmight be that its just a normal removal15:57
asacdue to control hints15:57
asacBUGabundo: i am not sure about that. ask mvo. there might be reason to not pull that in again15:57
BUGabundofta: what ever you do, DON'T force anything15:57
BUGabundoparcial installs suck15:57
asaci even think so. if you opted out of ubuntu-desktop there is no reason to force it on you gain15:57
BUGabundoUM should never ofer them15:58
BUGabundoasac: yeah I have to ask him15:58
ftaBUGabundo: lol, i'm not a noob ;)15:58
BUGabundoalready did, but did not get a reply15:58
asacpartial upgrades are ok15:58
asacyou just shouldnt confirm upgrade if there are a bunch of removals you dont understand ;)15:58
ftatoo much crap in there15:59
BUGabundoseems fine to me15:59
BUGabundohow long have you been without U-deskt?15:59
ftaapparently a long time ago16:01
BUGabundoalready got mvo on +116:01
BUGabundotrying to get this strait16:01
ftafta@ix:~ $ zgrep ubuntu-desktop /var/log/dpkg.log*16:01
ftafta@ix:~ $ L /var/log/dpkg.log* | head -116:01
fta-rw-r----- 1 root adm  120156 2008-03-30 15:20 /var/log/dpkg.log.12.gz16:01
ftafta@ix:~ $16:01
asacyou should go to network-manager ;)16:01
ftaso probably more than a year ago16:02
asacanyway ... justinstall notify-osd  for now;)16:02
asacfolks on +1 should use ubuntu-desktop though16:02
BUGabundobut a few of us lost it16:02
BUGabundotrying to clear that out with mvo16:02
asacthats a good time to learn ;)16:03
ftan-m for an always wired desktop /w fixed ip is useless16:03
BUGabundoworks for me (TM)16:03
BUGabundoif it discover it's the same network16:03
BUGabundoavahi magic ?!16:03
ftai don't need that16:03
ftai will just cherry pick what i need from the list16:04
BUGabundoyeah I do that too, when it fails16:04
ftaapp-install-data-partner ? hmm16:04
BUGabundoasac: fta mvo said UM should install ubu-deskt!16:05
asacthen you lost it after upgrading to jaunty ;)16:06
asacfta probably used apt-get dist-upgrade ;)16:06
BUGabundohe shouldn't16:07
ftano, maybe i removed it to prevent n-m from trashing my prefs at each reboot16:07
BUGabundo"that's not the Recommend way on Ubuntu"16:07
BUGabundoaccording to the Wiki16:07
ftamobile-broadband-provider-info on my desktop, no thanks16:09
ftaok, 29 instead of 5416:12
ftaasac, it's not transparent at all and it's not using my prefs16:19
asacfta: did you fix the gwibber team build? (me desparately wants the new thing due to annoyance)16:19
asacfta: yes metacity needs still some fixes.16:20
asacbut it works at least (first it didnt show anything)16:20
asacfta: metacityy also supports a bit composite ... you can try to enable that16:20
asacbut i guess its still lacking support16:20
asacfta: ask macslow about his plans16:21
ftai know, but i don't want composite for my other windows16:21
ftait's slower for no benefit16:21
asacyeah. ask him16:21
ftai can't read the text, white on black but too small, and it disappears too fast16:22
ftathe time my eyes move and focus on the notif, it's gone16:22
asacyeah. tell that him ;)16:22
asacand file bugs16:22
asacbugs bugs16:22
asacthats the important part. notify-osd16:22
ftai wish someone fixes bug 328932 soon16:30
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/328932/+text)16:30
asacfta: it says its fixed since 13 hours16:36
asacThis bug was fixed in the package libsdl1.2 - 1.2.13-4ubuntu316:37
asacGreat work Luke! Thanks for fixing it. All games work again on my machine after I installed the update.16:37
asac  * debian/control:16:37
asac    - add libglu1-mesa-dev as a build dependency, so SDL gets built with16:37
asac      OpenGL support (LP: #328932)16:37
asac    - Fix typo in svn URL (LP: #330457)16:37
ftai just have tomboy left unupgradable16:39
asactomboy disappeared from my panel16:41
asaci think i removed it ;)16:41
asacoh its back :)16:41
asacno its normal sticky notes ihave now16:41
asaclet me kill those16:41
asactomboy installs with removing libgmime2.2-cil16:42
asacand instead getting 2.2a-cli16:42
ftaoh, better then, it was removing tons of vital stuff up to yesterday16:44
asacyeah. probably the build systems are catching up finally from the FF rush16:49
ftai have plenty of new sounds for events now16:57
ftaI can't disable some of them with the ui16:59
ftaasac, https://edge.launchpad.net/~gwibber-team/+archive/ppa17:06
asacfta: hehe. yeah i get the drum roll every now and then in ffox 3.217:06
asacits a bit irritating17:07
asac\o/ NM finally found a build slot on amd6417:39
asacmaybe i can still test before leaving for the night17:39
BUGabundo_asac: ping18:24
BUGabundo_asac: ping18:38
BUGabundo_lets see if 3G hands for a while18:38
* BUGabundo_ typing from an eeepc with no light on the keyboard is not easy18:39
BUGabundo_need tips on how to share 3G/UMTS net, via wired18:47
=== asac_ is now known as asac
fta"Karmic Koala", yeahhh, i guessed koala19:54
=== fabrice_sp__ is now known as fabrice_sp
=== jetsaredim1 is now known as jetsaredim
gnomefreakasac: did you say that network-manager 0.7.1~rc1-0ubuntu2 is broken for wired connection?22:15
[reed]fta: hehe22:24
[reed]fta: Koalas are so cute ;)22:24
gnomefreaki just read that too22:25
gnomefreakwhy do i get a badf feeling about sunbird22:27
gnomefreak[reed]: are they talking about just dropping lighnting to its own code base or are they talking about stepping back from both22:29
gnomefreaki had already known lightning wasnt gonna be part of tb3 if it was it would have been done in alpha# but this whole no team for sunbird bothers me22:33
[reed]I think Sun's pulled out22:34
[reed]of a lot of what it was doing22:34
[reed]which is what is causing this :/22:34
[reed]Sun has been killing stuff left and right22:34
[reed]same for others like IBM22:34
[reed]just companies in general22:34
gnomefreakthat would be the start of a big rolling downfall assuming it didnt have 50+ companies22:35
[reed]MoMo is really wanting Lightning for Thunderbird, but they decided the add-on path works better22:36
[reed]which I can agree with22:36
gnomefreak[reed]: it would have been nice for the people that like the intergration, for me i hate lightning and stick with sunbird22:36
[reed]developers welcome22:37
gnomefreakfirst i hear daniel martin berend ect... left but daniel says he is still very much a prat of team and he suspects the others are as well22:39
gnomefreak15+ extensions and he wonders why it crashes :(22:43
gnomefreaksorry 24 to be exact22:44
VicTheHunterHello, please help? When I watch videos with Cheese, or totem-plugin-viewer 2.22.1, the images come out looking interleaved, and the bottom half is columns of solid colors.  How can I fix this?23:02
VicTheHunterSometimes, the images are ghosted, or doubled side-by-side.  I notice this also in Firefox.23:02

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