
Tumieany mistakes ?14:29
tycheIs WordPress open source?14:30
tycheChange "because I’ve also want a dutch" to "because I’ve also wanted a dutch"14:31
TumieWordPress = open source..14:32
tycheChange "That is an very old version." to "That is a very old version."14:32
tycheOK, those are the only changes I can see.14:32
tycheReally, really minor corrections.14:32
TumieWordPress = open source,, you download all the files, and you can see everything, you can also edit it :)14:34
tycheNo problem.  I just wasn't sure.  Yea, those are the only changes that I could see.14:34
Tumieenough for me :)14:35
tycheHope it helped.  :-D14:35
Tumieyou did :D14:35
Tumiethis is better :)14:42
tycheYep.  Looks good.14:43
Tumieadd it now to your RSS reader (a)14:45
tycheYep.  I did.14:46
Tumie*** launchpad..15:01
Tumietheir already exists an official translation of wordpress15:01
tycheIs it an up-to-date version?15:02
Tumieit is 2.7 :|15:03
joeycongrats MTecknology16:29
MTecknologyjoey: thanks16:53
MTecknologyjoey: now I'm setup on the planet - eventually16:59
MTecknologyand I'm ready to start using my email16:59
MTecknologyand I have cards ready to be printed16:59
MTecknologyjoey: You wanna let me know what you think of these? Front: http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/6001/ubuntubuscardfrontgy3.png | Back: http://img518.imageshack.us/img518/3662/ubuntubuscardbackvz0.png17:08
joeytechnically I think you're supposed to follow the card template17:09
MTecknologyI've seen a lot of people alter it though17:09
joeyBut I didn't :-)17:10
joeyI had the standard front and then put my loco info on the back17:10
joeytechnically I think you're supposed to follow the card template :-)17:10
MTecknologyIs something like this ok? http://laudecioliveira.org/blog/?p=4617:10
joeyI'm not the buscard nazi so I don't know.  I personally used overnightprints.com and got the rounded edges.17:12
joeyI think as long as it's tasteful that nobody will mind17:14
joeyI used overnight prints because that's where our OpenOffice cards where printed:  http://www.overnightprints.com/main.php?A=designer&bgCategoryId=499517:14
MTecknologyjoey: do you think the ones I did were tasteful?17:20
MTecknologyor just ugly?17:20
MTecknologyI'm changing17:21

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