
* genii sips00:00
naliothikonia: that's not even funny00:01
nikrudha. I thought so00:01
Flannelnikrud: Yes, we'd like storage.  I... hope to have a manifest tonight, but if you need it now, I could probably throw something together.  Phone calls, etc.00:07
nikrudFlannel, tomorrow morning would be fine; gives me the afternoon to futz with the security guys. And they'll only be concerned with actual computers and monitors, that high value stuff00:15
_MMA_Hey. Can I get someone banned who was just a complete ass in #ubuntu-artwork?00:18
nikrud_MMA_, from the looks of things, you're an op there ;)00:20
_MMA_Uh... Oh yeah. :P I totally forget how to do it. :)00:20
Flannel /mode +b *!*@pool-173-66-53-36.washdc.fios.verizon.net00:21
Flannel_MMA_: ^^00:22
_MMA_Killer. Thanx00:22
nikrud_MMA_, what irc client do you use? there's a couple useful scripts for ops; I use xchat and chanserv.py00:22
_MMA_nikrud: Just usin' Pidgin. My needs are pretty basic. But I found the file where I got the commands I need.00:24
_MMA_Thanx guys.00:25
naliothpidgin? a channel op?  0_000:25
Flannelnalioth: Sometimes you just have to smile and nod00:27
nikrudand admire modest people00:27
* Flannel wouldn't wish pidgin IRC on his enemies.00:27
nikrudI used it for about 2 minutes once I think00:28
ubottuzoredache called the ops in #xubuntu ()03:31
Daft_PunkI need to speak to an op please03:47
Daft_Punkpreferably tritium since he was sort of involved last time03:48
PiciDaft_Punk: Why do you need to speak to an op?04:04
Daft_Punkto report something04:04
PiciDaft_Punk: Well, you're talking to one now.04:04
Daft_Punkcan i please PM you04:04
PiciOkay then.04:10
jdonghe went to work it harder make it better...04:18
jdongok I should be hit for that.04:19
PiciYes, you should. Too bad I'm too tired.04:19
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
tritiumPici: any idea what Daft_Punk wanted?05:33
tritiumhello, nickrud 05:35
nickrudtritium, hey. What did you do to daft_punk? :)05:36
tritiumnickrud: nothing.  That guy spree from a few nights ago was PMing him.  I suspect he was getting more PMs from him, and wanted to report them.05:37
nickrudah, you did right by him earlier then05:37
tritiumI suppose so.05:37
nickrudsomehow I've avoided all the bad crap, the abusive pms and all05:37
* nickrud knocks on his head for luck05:38
tritiumnickrud: wow05:40
nickrudthe only wood nearby05:41
tritiumHi, Flannel.05:45
FlannelHowdy tritium 05:45
tritiumnickrud: that Rick Santelli video today was awesome05:53
* nickrud is not a fish today :)05:53
nickrudI'm not going for the hook :)05:53
tritiumOh, heh.  I assumed you'd seen it.05:54
nickrudI have. Of course, I bet he wouldn't contribute to a dam on a stream feeding the river that might flood his home either.  05:55
tritiumnickrud: you're a comedian :)05:56
nickrudeven though it is at flood stage already05:56
tritiumOoh!  openwrt 8.09 is released!05:59
Flannelopenwrt... how is that related to Tomato et al?06:02
tritiumFlannel: not sure of the relation.06:05
FlannelAh, that was HyperWRT06:06
* Myrtti yawns06:07
tritiumI just may put openwrt on my wrt54g06:09
nickrudFlannel, keep an eye on sebsebseb, he provides pretty decent help over all06:19
tritiumnickrud: is there a "but"?06:20
nickrudhe's like me, longwinded and likely to drift off topic06:20
tritiumBed time.  Good night.06:24
nickrudlikewise, see you later tritium .06:25
nickrudFlannel, pm?06:25
tritiumSee you, nickrud.06:25
elkytopyli, in future use the 'u is you in dutch. the channel is english-only. please dont speak dutch there. also, it means 'wow!' in albanian, 'inside' in croatian and serbian, 'beside' in czech, 'and' in maltese, 'from' in polish, 'under' in slovak, 'or' in spanish, and 'uneducated' in irc-ese.07:05
topylielky: that would be a good factoid replacement in fact07:07
ubottuUnless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..07:07
FlannelOnly a little longer.  Although it does remove the y bcuz ne1 etc stuff.07:08
topylihmm and probably not comprehensive. the original mentions flemish07:08
topyliu is also a russian proposition meaning "on something" or a possessive "i have money on me" form07:09
elkyflemish isnt on google translate07:09
bazhangu means fish in Mandarin07:09
elkyi think this is time for me to set up another 'why' page07:10
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/07:10
elkynow that i remember where i keep my PSAs07:12
elkybazhang, can you confirm topyli's russian translation of 'u'?07:52
topylii have an umbrella. u menya zontik07:54
topyliit's not a "word" as such07:54
elkythat's a bit long-winded to add to that list then07:56
bazhangpreposition I would imagine in that case, 'unattended', or 'horseshoe' would be ones I thought of07:56
elkylets leave it out for now then07:57
bazhangI would trust topyli 's russian any day though :)07:57
elkywould or wouldn't?07:58
bazhangwould elky 07:59
topylii stll remember much of the grammar from school, but have forgotten almost all the vocabulary07:59
elkyyou did russian at school? cool07:59
bazhangk - uz, b- ot ,etc07:59
bazhangprepositions that were learned early on08:01
bazhangsorry to clog the channel08:01
topylielky: at the time, parents were being lobbied to expose their kids to russian. everybody learning german as their third language was a problem, because it happened in the expense of russian and french08:02
topyliafter all, russia is a neighbor, big trade partner etc etc08:02
topylias it happened, i never needed it in real life and slowly forgot all about it08:03
* jussi01 wishes he knew russian, would be a big help at work...08:03
jussi01finnish would help also :P08:03
VNEWHBGUYEis my Ubuntu offtopic ban over yet?08:11
VNEWHBGUYEyou ops cant ban me from there for the rest of my life08:11
bazhangwhat nickname VNEWHBGUYE 08:11
Myrtti@bansearch VNEWHBGUYE 08:12
ubottuMatch: *!*@59.183* by tonyyarusso in #ubuntu-offtopic on Feb 09 2009 12:43:54 (ID: 9870)08:12
VNEWHBGUYEIDK, i used a different nick there every-time08:13
VNEWHBGUYEso how many more days08:13
VNEWHBGUYEyes, i believe that was the last name i used at ubuntu offtopic08:13
bazhangVNEWHBGUYE, you troll everytime you are let in there08:14
FlannelThat was productive.08:14
bazhangthought it was nbeebo for a sec08:14
bazhangthe lack of 'u' gave it away08:14
topylii wonder why join a channel in the first place if you're not going to be a "person"08:15
ikoniabazhang: nbeebo is another one who it's pointless discussing with08:15
bazhangikonia, agreed08:15
bazhangthe failtroll guy says he wants to be paid to troll08:15
ikoniaagain - that attitude - ban, it seems pointless to keep covering old ground with these guys08:16
ikoniahe states "I use this nick name to troll channels"08:16
topylinbeebo is annoying because he almost never really "breaks" a "rule" you can put a finger on08:16
ikoniathat's his intent - seems pointless to dicuss is08:16
ikoniatopyli: U shud get on top of it08:16
bazhangseems to blame others a lot though08:17
ikoniau need 2 understand dat saying u is why he was banned not b-cos he is unable 2 follo instruction08:17
topyliyeah. y is sayin u so bad. clearly he's being mistreated08:18
* ikonia backs away 08:18
topylioh. a fellow musician from back when we were fellow musicians has died at 3208:19
topylithat's not a very ripe age :(08:20
bazhangoh I'm sorry08:20
elkygoogle translate is stupid. it tried to claim that 'r' is german for 'ratisbon' which is a city... and 'y' is vietnamese for 'italy'08:22
topyliof course, i'm now learning from the news, and they don't disclose very much about it. will have to ask friends what stupid adventure he's been on this time :\08:23
ikoniatopyli: sad to hear that08:23
topylithere's a certain subset of artists who don't seem to manage very old lifespans too well08:25
* elky huggles topyli08:25
topylilooks like wikipedia is up to date. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentenced08:29
Myrttitopyli: !08:29
topyliquite fast for an encyclopedia08:29
topyliMyrtti: teh tenkuloid08:30
elkyhrm... google translate says 'ur' means 'watch' in danish. is this true, or another googleism?08:31
topylialso swedish08:31
Myrttiyou knew celebs, topyli...08:31
Myrttiknow them too08:31
Myrttialmost celeb yourself08:31
topylii have a famous name!08:31
topyliMyrtti: the music business is like that. some of your friends might actually make it :)08:33
elkytopyli, is that watch as in look or watch as in tic-toc08:34
topylitic-tock the chronograph08:35
topylichronometer. what is it. must be something like that08:35
topyliactually, 'ur' is either old-fashioned or perhaps a special kind of clock. mostly you hear them say 'klocka'08:37
elkyit's also 'from' in swedish08:42
Myrttiwebmail, 3G and bitlbee ♥ 08:53
Myrttimy god I need more sleep08:56
elkytopyli, http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/08:59
topylielky: ohh that might become a great reference09:05
elkytopyli, i have a few others. s/abbreviations/worksforme/ and s/abbreviations/whygirlgroups/09:06
topylialso useful09:14
bazhangdebian ultramix? that sounds bad09:58
ikoniasounds crap09:59
ikoniastraight off the bat09:59
ikonia"ultra" = "wothless" normally09:59
bazhangI bet the folks in #debian dont like it10:00
bazhangafraid to leave pop79 in charge of this wifi issue10:09
bazhangpretty soon he'll say: /j #pop79-wifi10:10
ikoniabazhang:I'm watching him10:12
bazhangikonia, I guessed as much :)10:13
bazhangxorg.conf has a big man page, not read xorg but guessing its not small either10:18
ikoniabazhang: someone getting solid help tells someone the equivilent of RTFM and is "smug" about it10:19
bazhangikonia, I saw that, especially after you had helped leissi so much10:19
ikoniahence why I've tooled down now10:19
ikoniahello he10:38
jester-ikonia: i did want to say that our floodbot in irc italina channel are back10:38
ikoniaooh, thats great10:38
jester-who has made it i dont know, but thanks very much10:40
ikoniamust have been nalioth or ljl10:40
ikoniaI'm sure they will read this and appriciate your thanks10:41
jester-well, have a good day10:42
ikoniathanks, you too10:42
Mezcan we get a bot in #ubuntu-uk-bugjam?11:05
ikoniabugjam ?11:05
ikoniawhat the devil is that11:05
* popey pulls ikonia out from under a rock11:06
ikoniaI'm so out of touch11:08
ikoniaI'm not cool enough11:08
ubottuIn #ubuntu, sleepy_cat said: !ubottu is crazy11:16
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India11:42
ikoniawhat's the indonesia factoid11:42
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia11:42
jussi01nalioth: jpds: see Mez's request11:48
bazhang [OLALALAYAYYO_] (n=OLALALAY@ OLALALAYAYYO still trolling12:39
ikoniawhere ?12:39
bazhangin ubuntuforums channel12:39
ikoniaI think he's fail troll12:42
ikoniasame style of questioning in ##mac too12:42
bazhangsame vnewbyguy as earlier12:42
ikoniasame questions as normal12:42
bazhangyep its nickchangertroll failtroll etc12:43
ikoniagetting fed up of him now12:43
bazhanghe wondered why he wasn't unbanned in -ot12:43
ikoniahe knows the reason12:44
Picitritium: Nothing of value.  He was telling me that 'spree' had messaged him something about being told on. I just told him to ignore the guy.13:09
mneptok"told on?"13:10
mneptokthose exact words?13:10
Picimneptok: Close. 13:12
mneptokanyone that makes me feel mature should be removed from Ubuntu IRC namespace for the good of the project.13:13
ikoniayes dada13:13
ikoniaoh dslkfjs;dlfksjdf13:14
Picimneptok: He was relaying what the other person had said, and that other persosn is still banned.13:14
mneptokikonia: you're told on when sabdfl gets home.13:14
* mneptok locks himself in his room13:14
ikoniaturn the music down13:18
* mneptok turns it up13:18
mneptok(omg, this is *exactly* how 90% of the "why am i banned?" conversations look to me)13:19
ikoniaha ha13:21
ubottuIn ubottu, ActionParsnip said: !defaultbrowser is "To change your default browser type 'sudo update-alternatives –config x-www-browser' in !terminal (GNOME/xFCE) or !konsole (KDE)"13:27
mneptokerr ... there's a GUI13:28
* genii brews a fresh batch of coffee14:41
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.15:54
Saggesehi staff16:33
jussi01@bansearch Saggese16:36
ubottuNo matches found for saggese!n=saggese@unaffiliated/saggese in any channel16:36
jussi01meh, people are weird16:37
jussi01tsimpson: ping. 16:46
jussi01ikonia: ping17:10
=== nickrud_ is now known as nickrud
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - For more info see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-February/000536.html18:05
PiciAzag: How can we help you today?18:06
AzagI am banned becouse a firend do same troll with my account in ubuntu-es :S18:07
PiciAzag: We do not handle bans from loco channels in here.  #ubuntu-irc is the proper place for those sort of requests.18:08
PiciUpdated !UDS as well.18:11
mneptokdo i correct "Karmic" or not? ;)18:21
jussi01mneptok: what now?18:21
mneptokthe correct Pali is "Kammic" :)18:21
jussi01mneptok: meh!18:22
PiciThe banlist is full...again18:45
Piciremoved some old mutes...18:52
jussi01Pici: slap some heads together then :P18:54
nickrudhow many bans can we have total?18:56
PiciFloodbots only outright ban if a) the user ctcps the channel or b) a mibbit user is kicked, right?18:56
Picinickrud: I want to say 500. 18:58
FlannelIt'd be nice if they'd also comment on the kick/mibbit stuff18:58
PiciIts a combination of bans, realname bans, invites and exceptions.18:58
Flannelsince, most of those can be removed almost immediately.18:58
jussi01Pici: is this mostly floodbots fault? or are ops being lazy?18:59
nickrudthat's not many for a busy channel. I've only 3 active, all recent. Commented, too ;)19:00
Picijussi01: 58 out of 395 bans are even from the floodbots19:01
jussi01Pici: ok, so ops need to clean a little, wonder how many of the bans are domains we dont trust, like silenceisdefeat19:02
Picijussi01: What do you think about removing the bans (not forwards) from the Floodbots? I'd think most of them were klines.19:08
jussi01Pici: fine with me, though maybe we should leave thwe recent ones. wasnt Ikonia looking into it?19:09
ikoniawhat do you want me to remove ?19:12
ikoniaI don't think I've got many bans in BT 19:13
jussi01ikonia: no, were you not looking at the list of bans from the floodbots?19:18
jussi01and ikonia, pm?19:18
ikoniayes, I was19:18
ikoniajussi01: sure19:18
ikoniajussi01: and a generic ban list19:18
jussi01ahh. can we please make it happen?19:18
PiciMost of the bans from the floodbots got klines19:18
ikoniaI'll finish going through the list tonight and remove everything thats %100 - the non-floodbot list is done and ready for removal, the floodbot list is almost done19:19
ikoniamyrtti cleared some of the floodbots for me19:20
mneptoki cleaned out anything of mine >6 monts old ~2 weeks ago19:20
Piciikonia, jussi01: I'm going to unban the floodbot's bans. Not the banforwards.19:30
jussi01Pici: right. Im sure we can sort it if they come back.19:30
Picijussi01: I'll have a log of them anyway.19:30
PiciI put together a quick shell script to accept a file of hostmasks and split it out into the commands needed to unban them.19:34
myrttiI did?19:34
PiciFor some reason 'myrtti' makes me think its Myrtti with her hair down. /me shrugs19:50
=== myrtti is now known as Myrtti
mneptoknow she has an erection.19:55
mneptokthanks for that mental imagery19:55
PiciI.. er...  I19:56
* Pici palms19:56
Myrttimneptok: ...19:57
Myrttiyou're the one with the lowercase m.19:57
PiciMyrtti: touche... I was typing that!19:58
Picioh well//me goes back to being in an odd mood19:58
Myrtti<instant rimshot />19:58
* nickrud wonders if dansguardian will catch the previous19:58
Myrttinickrud: only if it's lined with latex!19:59
mneptokMyrtti: my hair is down. no ... not that hair .....20:13
* nickrud gets out the lysol20:15
mneptokVodka and Percoset. cleans like a white tornado!20:15
nickrudah, the memories :)20:16
mneptokor lack thereof.20:16
* genii sips20:17
nickrudI was a professional. Only amatures implode20:17
* nickrud looks at his latte, which is disappointly cold20:17
* genii freshens up the latte20:18
tritiumPici: thanks.20:24
tritiumHi nickrud, genii, Myrtti.20:30
tritiumHello, mneptok, future neighbor.20:31
nickrudmorning tritium. pm? Got a link for you ;)20:31
tritiumnickrud: sure20:32
tritiumnickrud: am I a fish today?20:32
nickrudonly if you bite :)20:32
mneptoktritium: ahoy thar20:51
* Pici wonders if hes muted at times in #ubuntu21:06
mneptoknalioth: how long do group apps usually take to process?21:10
Seeker`mneptok: "quite a while" I believe21:13
naliothmneptok: couple days short of infinity21:17
naliothmneptok: couple days longer than the sun takes to burn off it's fuel21:18
* nalioth runs21:18
mneptoknalioth: *sigh*21:26
Myrtti ;2D9;2~9;2~9;2~9;2~9;2~9;2~9;2~9;2~9;2~9;2~9;2~21:29
Myrttidamn cat21:31
Nafalloblame the cat... :-P21:32
Myrttihe figured the cursor is a nice toy21:36
UrsinhaMyrtti, very cool pic :)21:44
ubottu_VIM_ called the ops in #ubuntu (Cyntek)22:09
Seeker`does mailman-bounces@lists.ubuntu.com ever actually send anything useful?22:16
jdongthe -bounces usually always sends the "if you haven't noticed yet, you're subscribed to list $x"22:19
jdongkillfile material :)22:19
Seeker`it also appears to send me a lot spam too :P22:20
* genii sips22:51
* Seeker` spis22:54
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:27
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:27
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:27
naliothwe may have to institute a rather wide ban for this little bas****d23:32
Seeker`nalioth: ?23:33
nalioththe last exploiter23:34
naliothhe's running rampant across the network23:34
Seeker`is a k-line not appropriate?23:35
naliothnot when he immediately recycles his modem and gets a new IP23:35
Seeker`someone needs to put a large nail through his modem23:36
Seeker`it'll either pin it where it is so it cant change IP23:36
Seeker`or kill the modem23:36
Seeker`either is good23:36
naliothas i said, an unusually large ban may be in order23:36
Seeker`what sort of scale are you talking about?23:36
naliothSeeker`: we'll see when we get there23:36
Seeker`Shininggg: how can we hlep you?23:37
Shiningggwell i've change port and the message about DCCexploit keep poping up23:37
Seeker`have you reconnected to the network?23:38
Seeker`you need to reconnect to the network for the port change to take effect23:38
Shiningggcool thx a lot23:38
Myrttihttp://twitter.com/ShutteR77/statuses/1197313492 *lol*23:39
Seeker`i dont get it23:40
Myrttisomeone has bothered to tweet about what I've said on IRC23:40
Seeker`meh, twitter sucks23:40
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:44
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)23:44
Seeker`at least with the system in place each exploit hits fewer and fewer users23:45
Seeker`how can we help you?23:50
guntbertis it just me, or are the floodbots in #ubuntu acting a bit strange today? ([00:44] * FloodBot1 sets ban on galvanize!*@*!#ubuntu-read-topic)23:50
Seeker`guntbert: someone did an exploit; That redirects people to somewhere with instructions on how to fix it23:51
guntbertSeeker`: ah I see, it was just because at least the one I mentioned was acting completely normally23:52
Seeker`the people redirected to #ubuntu-read-topic haven't done anything wrong, they just need to fix their connection to stop themselves being exploited again23:52
guntbertSeeker`: ok, now I understand - am a bit slow already :), thx23:53

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