
racecar56im kind of not working on the server at the moment00:00
leonelis it possible to add a  signature to all the outgoing emails for 1 domain on a server with many virtual domains ??  this with  postfix ..00:02
dsmith-workSpeaking of named..00:07
fx3dsmith-work, ?00:08
dsmith-workI just moved dns from a Debian Etch system to a new ubuntu.  And rndc freeze/thaw are acting funny.00:09
dsmith-workProbably because named is running as bind instead of root,I'm guessing.00:10
fx3that didnt make any sense to me at all :|00:11
fx3just shows how much i know about named/bind00:11
dsmith-workHrmph.  I don;t even know what version of ubuntu this is.00:11
ScottKleonel: What kind of signature?00:12
dsmith-workAhh. 8.1000:12
Deepsdsmith-work: bind doesn't run as root under debian, that would be silly00:12
leonelscottK the usual disclaimer note     and  this  only for one domain   and that server has many other domains with  no need for signature / disclaimer note00:13
dsmith-workOk, that's probably an assumption I was making.00:13
ScottKleonel: OK.  I thought maybe you meant something like a DKIM signature.00:13
ScottKleonel: You can do it with restriction classes.00:14
leonelI'll check that  thanks scottK00:14
dsmith-workAhh. I see what's going on now.  The Debian zone files are owned by bind, on Ubuntu they are owned by root.00:17
dsmith-workThat would explain things.00:20
fx3ahh well, time for bed or ill start making silly mistakes00:25
fx3launching mistaked :P00:26
dsmith-workHmm.  That's not it. Still get a00:27
dsmith-workrndc: 'freeze' failed: permission denied00:27
fx3sudo make me a sandwitch ?00:51
fx3you know, call it with sudo ?01:00
fx3you heard of xkcd right?01:05
fx3dsmith-work, http://xkcd.com/149/01:07
fx3got to go, bye01:07
kansanis there a wayshould i install nagios from source on ubuntu?  or via package?02:27
twbWhen moving an existing host's root filesystem onto LVM, ever seen "LV Status: NOT available" when you get dumped into the busybox shell?02:30
jmarsdenkansan: apt-cache search nagios  # will show you the available nagios-related packages :)02:33
kansandshould i install via source02:34
kansanor via ubuntu package02:34
jmarsdenAlways use packages when packages exist for what you need.02:35
jmarsdenkansan: See https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/package-management.html02:36
Tigermussquestion - How do get x86 emulation on a IA64 installation? ;)02:41
kansanhow does nagios notify me if my server goes down02:49
kansanif its running on the server?02:49
kansananyone wanna break that down for me ? ;p02:49
luckyonehello server folk03:06
luckyonewhen I mount my samba share through /etc/fstab, I am unable to delete files03:06
luckyoneany ideas of what I am doing wrong?03:06
luckyoneI get a permission denied03:06
lamontdsmith-work: interesting... they should be the same on both distros....03:07
lamont(zone file ownership_003:07
kansanum, why does my server not respond to pings?  and should it (for nagios monitoring purposes)?04:35
ph0dderI'm having trouble upgrading 7.04.  I've updated source.list to point to old-versions.ubuntu.com but I'm getting things still pointing to us.archive.ubuntu.com even though it's nowhere in /etc and nowhere in the installer script that I can find:  Failed http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports Release05:02
ph0dderfor example05:02
ph0dderany ideas?05:04
ph0dderit's 7.04 server and i'm using the command line, if that matters...05:05
racecar-56thats because feisty for some reason isnt there05:08
ph0ddercan that be worked around somehow?05:20
ph0dderi know it's not there, i switched all sources to old-versions.ubuntu.com.  but it's still looking in us.archive.ubuntu.com05:21
ph0dderi even grepped the UpdateManager source looking for hard-coded references and such.05:21
ScottKph0dder: Are you trying to update your Feisty or upgrade it to Gutsy?05:21
ph0dderi have successfully updated from old-versions.ubuntu.com05:22
ScottKYou'll want both old-versions feisty and us.ubuntu.com gutsy in your sources.list then.05:22
ph0dderok i'll try that05:24
ph0ddernow it's complaining about this:05:57
ph0dderFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-backports/main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]05:57
ph0ddereven though us.archive is NOWHERE in my sources.list05:58
ScottKph0dder: Did you check in /etc/apt/sources.list.d for additional lists?05:59
ph0dderyes and commented everything out06:01
ph0dderit sticks it back in there when it runs06:01
ScottKHow did you install this machine originally?06:03
ph0dderi didn't.  how would i find that out?06:03
ScottKThe reason I ask is that isn't anything I think a true Ubuntu installer would put in your sources.list.06:04
ScottKI would suggest go to /etc and grep -r feisty-backports * and see if anything matches06:05
ph0dderit matches only my sources.list06:07
ScottKI'd suggest comment anything about feisty backports out of your sources.list06:08
ph0dderdone, then apt-get update:06:09
ph0dderHit http://archive.canonical.com gutsy Release06:09
ph0dderHit http://archive.canonical.com gutsy/partner Packages06:09
ph0dderGet:10 http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/universe Sources [1226kB]06:09
ph0dderGet:11 http://archive.ubuntu.com gutsy/multiverse Packages [158kB]06:09
ph0dderoh crap that last one was my bad, i just moved the sources.list.d directory to tmp when cleaning up files06:12
ph0dderso forget the segfault06:12
ph0ddernevermind i put it back and it still segfaults06:13
ph0dderOK!  When I comment out EVERYTHING from my sources.list file and do a apt-get update, I still get this:06:22
ph0dderroot@www:/etc/apt# apt-get update06:22
ph0dderIgn http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports Release.gpg06:22
ph0dderIgn http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports Release06:22
ph0dderIgn http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports/main/debian-installer Packages06:22
ph0dderErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports/main/debian-installer Packages06:22
ph0dder  404 Not Found [IP: 80]06:22
ph0dderFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-backports/main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]06:23
ph0dderReading package lists... Done06:23
ph0dderE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.06:23
ScottKDo you have anything in sources.list that mentions debian-installer?06:24
ScottKIf so, comment it out06:24
ph0ddereverything is commented out, every line begins with a #06:24
ScottKDunno what to tell you then.06:25
ph0dderok i deleted source.list.d/* and then it went away.  then, as a test, i added just one line to the top of my sources.list, the first line.  then i ran apt-get update, and it didn't give me any crap about us.archive.ubuntu.com.  BUT, then i ran do-release-upgrade, and it recreated that sources.list.d/prerequists-sources.list file, and filled it with this:06:31
ph0dderroot@www:/etc/apt# cat sources.list.d/prerequists-sources.list06:31
ph0dder# sources.list fragment for pre-requists (one with countrymirror, one fallback)06:31
ph0dderdeb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-backports main/debian-installer06:31
ph0dder#deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu feisty-backports main/debian-installer06:31
ph0dder# below is just for testing06:31
ph0dder#deb http://archive.dogfood.launchpad.net/ubuntu feisty-backports main/debian-installerroot@www:/etc/apt#06:31
ph0dderthen i run apt-get update06:32
ph0dderand get a different message than the first time i ran it:06:32
ph0dderroot@www:/etc/apt# apt-get update06:32
ph0dderIgn http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports Release.gpg06:32
ph0dderGet:1 http://old-releases.ubuntu.com feisty Release.gpg [191B]06:32
ph0dderIgn http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports Release06:32
ph0dderHit http://old-releases.ubuntu.com feisty Release06:32
ph0dderIgn http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports/main/debian-installer Packages06:32
ph0dderErr http://us.archive.ubuntu.com feisty-backports/main/debian-installer Packages06:33
ph0dder  404 Not Found [IP: 80]06:33
ph0dderHit http://old-releases.ubuntu.com feisty/main Packages06:33
ph0dderHit http://old-releases.ubuntu.com feisty/restricted Packages06:33
ph0dderFetched 1B in 1s (1B/s)06:33
ph0dderFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/feisty-backports/main/debian-installer/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found [IP: 80]06:33
ph0dderReading package lists... Done06:33
ph0dderE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.06:33
ScottK!pastebin | ph0dder06:33
ubottuph0dder: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)06:33
ph0ddercrap sorry06:33
ScottKI need to get to bed, so I'm not sure what to tell you.06:33
ScottKDo you have any software RAID on this box (MD devices)?06:34
ph0dderwel thanks for trying06:34
ScottKWhat I'd do then is go back to the clean sources.list with just gutsy stuff in it and the apt-get dist-upgrade06:34
ScottKSkip the update-manager.06:35
ScottKI suspect some of it's special case magic doesn't know about old releases and is getting confused.06:35
ScottKThat's not the supported way to do it, but generally it works out.06:35
uvirtbotph0dder: Error: "^" is not a valid command.06:35
ScottKMake backups of course06:35
ph0dder:) ok i'll try it thanks so much06:35
ph0dderhey that looks like it's gonna work!06:38
llragsllcan anyone help me with chrooting openssh06:41
VK7HSEwhat application is being used for http://paste.ubuntu.com/ as I would like to put something like that on my server ???07:00
llragsllUsing chrootdirectory option in sshd conf file gives this error : Bad configuration option: ChrootDirectory?? any sol07:11
racecar-56gotta go07:13
VK7HSEwhat application is being used for http://paste.ubuntu.com/ as I would like to put something like that on my server ???08:27
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson
=== [1]kinnaz is now known as kinnaz
EQUIVHi, anyone who knows how to configure squid?10:43
EQUIVI get the 401 error10:43
EQUIVAnd it prompts for password. I am trying to use it in reverse mode to speed up the web server10:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #332030 in nut (universe) "[sync request] Please sync nut 2.4.1 from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33203012:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #332032 in nut (universe) "nut wrongly install nut-cgi's config files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33203212:51
incorrecthow can is see what libs a binary is pulling in?13:07
pjsturgeonhey guys. I think i mounted a HDD wrong (mounted the actual disk not a partition) and now I cant seem to unmount it or run "fdisk -l".13:45
pjsturgeonfdisk -l gives me "Cannot open /dev/sda"13:45
pjsturgeonand apparently unmount is not a command, all the tutorials online suggest I do that. AND i rebooted to get rid of the mount (its not in my fstab) and i still cannot run fdisk -l13:46
zulwhat version of vnc do people recommend on intrepid?13:49
sorenzul: Client?13:51
sorenAnything based on gtk-vnc.13:51
sorentightvnc, IIRC.13:53
zulcool thanks13:53
NicadorDoes anybody have an ideea how to disable the black screen if no activity?13:56
kinnazin console ?13:59
kinnazsetterm -blank 014:00
kinnazsetterm -powersave off14:00
kinnazsetterm -powerdown 014:00
kinnazthat should keep terminal running14:00
kinnazwithout any input14:00
NicadorDo i have to reboot or smth ?14:01
=== `6og is now known as Kamping_Kaiser
VK7HSEkinnaz: Is that a global setting or just for the console you using ???14:01
VK7HSEkinnaz: Is that a global setting or just for the console you using ???14:02
kinnazjust the console you are using14:02
kinnazif you put it to .bashrc14:02
kinnazit will be set at login14:02
kinnazthere was some file in etc what is executed by all users14:02
kinnazso you could make it global for all users aswell14:03
NicadorAnd if it's no user logged in ?14:03
kinnazquess not working14:04
kinnazbecause nothing executes it14:04
kinnazi use it for holding my screen alive14:04
kinnazwhile running monitor app14:04
kinnazto external monitor14:04
kinnazso it wouldnot go black14:04
VK7HSEkinnaz: Thanks! *THUMBS UP*14:05
Nicadorkinnaz but if i run that command on startup ?14:10
uvirtbotNew bug: #302786 in php5 (main) "PHP5 Realpath function " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30278614:59
uvirtbotNew bug: #332087 in apache2 (main) "Disabling the default virtual host disables options on the root directory ('/')." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33208715:32
fevelhi friends15:49
fevelI have created a directory and in this directory I have put three txt files. Each file contains a name and a password on this format " john,passwd" I would like to read all the txt files on this directory and create each user on htpasswd. Can someone guide me? I was informed that I would be able to do this easily with a bash script and awk although I don't know awk that well15:49
Deepscat /path/to/files/* | while read line; do user=`echo $line | cut -d "," -f 1`; pass=`echo $line | cut -d "," -f 2`; htpasswd -b passwordfile $user $pass; done15:52
Deepsoff the top of my head15:52
Deepsyou'll probably need to check the htpasswd syntax15:52
evarlasttouch password file first.  htpasswd will complain if it doesn't exist.15:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #332112 in squid (main) "segfault at 7fff87f53ff8 rip 7f787f74d5fa" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33211216:01
fevelhow do I change eth0 to be the onboard ethernet adapter? It has detected the onboard as eth1.16:02
fevelby the way Deeps16:02
fevelI did it like this16:02
fevelor up in $( cat *.txt ) ; do USER=$( echo ${up} | cut -d, -f 1 ) ; PASS=$( echo ${up} | cut -d, -f 2 ) ; htpasswd -b ${USER} ${PASS} ;16:02
evarlastcat *.txt | awk -F, '{print "htpasswd -b "$1" "$2}' | sh16:04
evarlastI like it that way.16:04
fevelgood one everlast16:05
dsmith-worklamont: You know, I may have changed the ownership of the files on the Debian system.  I have a vague memory of something like that.16:09
dsmith-workWell it turns out that the permissions stuff is because of app armor.16:09
dsmith-workI've but my zone files in /var/lib/bind and the journal files in /var/cache/bind and now freeze/thaw doesn't complin.16:10
fevelexcuse my repetition but I guess you guys missed my question. How do I change eth0 to be the onboard ethernet adapter? It has detected the onboard as eth1. I knw howto on slackware but on debian and debian-like its different16:11
dsmith-workThere is a udev file I think.16:12
Deepsudev rules16:12
dsmith-workfevel: Looks like /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules16:13
fevelcouldnt thank you giuys enough16:14
fevelIll remember your names althrough this lifetime16:15
ivokskirkland: good post16:24
kirklandivoks: thanks for adding your comment ;-)16:24
ivoksit was an easy one :)16:24
kirklandivoks: i'm a bit disappointed that someone would use such a venue to tear down the ubuntu server with no specific reasoning whatsoever given16:24
ivokskirkland: i was kind of surprised, too16:25
kirklandivoks: it's a great post for the Debian Planet16:25
ivokskirkland: i wanted to respond, but my ISP gave me lots of problems yesterday, so i had to delay blog posting16:25
kirklandivoks: please do, if your ISP is back up16:25
ivokskirkland: and even there people would be: huh?16:25
kirklandivoks: maybe, maybe not ....16:26
ivokskirkland: i had much worse problems than not being on-line :(16:26
waver_mathiaz> ping16:26
geniidsmith-work: Yeah thats the file. MAC gets cached there for ethX names and so doesn't re-use eth0   or so on16:26
ivokskirkland: but that's a story for a beer, not public :)16:26
waver_mathiaz>  When you're back, I need to speak with you.16:27
kirklandivoks: :-)  sure, i'll buy16:27
hexmasta2can anyone make any recommendations for a linux mail server that works well with ubuntu and supports pop3 and imap?16:28
waver_soren> ping16:28
geniihexmasta2: dovecot16:29
ivokshexmasta2: ubuntu provides couple of mta and imap/pop solutions16:29
sorenwaver_: Yes?16:29
waver_soren>  you have some minutes? Can you open a privat discussion (i'm not logged)16:30
sorenJust /msg me.16:30
waver_I can't if I'm not identified16:31
sorenwaver_: a) To me you can, b) just register?16:31
=== hexmasta2 is now known as hexmasta
ivokskirkland: have you noticed strange behaviour when you issue a reboot from screen?16:45
kirklandivoks: hmm, strange how?16:46
kirklandivoks: (no, to answer your question)16:46
ivokskirkland: the 'bar' stayes there when the machine in reboot drops your ssh connection16:46
kirklandivoks: ah, yeah, i guess i have seen that16:46
kirklandivoks: maybe i need a clear at the bottom of the shell wrapper script16:46
ivokswell, screen gets killed, right?16:47
ivoksi don't think clearing from wrapper would solve anything :)16:47
ivoksthis bug is beyond screen it self16:47
ivokssame thing happens with curses16:47
kirklandivoks: okay, i just reproduced that problem16:47
kirklandivoks: yeah, it might be a library problem16:47
ivoksso, right, just ignore me... i'm thinking in public :)16:47
kirklandivoks: yeah, it is weird16:50
kirklandivoks: its like it doesn't bother to repaint the screen16:50
Adri2000mathiaz: can you sponsor the samba sru?16:53
maDChoPRhow do i see what groups a user is in?17:23
mathiazAdri2000: it's on my todo list17:35
mathiazwaver_: Hi17:35
Adri2000mathiaz: ok17:35
ScixWhats the point of the auto.master entry in LDAP when in auto.home /home is pointed to the auto.home ou in ldap?17:37
ScixI used https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutofsLDAP to setup my server17:37
waver_Hello mathiaz, I'm looking with cr3 for my problem.17:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #332198 in openssh (main) "ssh-askpass-gnome fails to grab keyboard with gnome keyring open" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33219818:40
phreestyle-workhello all....All of my Ubuntu servers are giving me this error this morning and I can't figure out what the problem is.18:43
phreestyle-work* Starting PostgreSQL 8.3 database server18:43
phreestyle-work * The PostgreSQL server failed to start. Please check the log output.18:43
phreestyle-work   ...fail!18:43
phreestyle-workbut when I go to check the /var/log/postgresql logs, the last log entry is from two days ago18:43
sommerphreestyle-work: is there anything in /var/log/syslog?18:45
phreestyle-worksommer: I searched through it but it did not mention anything about postgresql18:47
sommerphreestyle-work: you might also check /var/log/daemon.log19:01
phreestyle-worksommer: it doesn't have anything about postgresql either19:01
robertjI boot my Dell R200 on LTS with a USB keyboard in there and it works fine, but if I unplug and replug it it won't find the keyboard again19:02
robertjif I however plug in a PS2 keyboard and type in lsusb the USB keyboard will immediately begin working19:02
sommerphreestyle-work: wich release are you on?19:07
phreestyle-workthe LTS19:07
phreestyle-worksommer: with latest updates19:07
sommerphreestyle-work: hardy or dapper?19:07
phreestyle-worksommer: hardy19:07
sommerphreestyle-work: is there anything in the logs pertaining to apparmor by chance?19:08
phreestyle-worksyslog just says it was initialized19:09
phreestyle-worksommer: and the daemon log doesn't have anything about apparmor19:09
sommerphreestyle-work: and it was working before?19:13
phreestyle-worksommer: it was working on three different servers in different locations yesterday. Today they all failed....no changes that I know ofd19:14
m1ri am trying to share internet conection using this tutorial > http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91370 ; but after install dnsmasq and ipmasq i get this error: dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket: Adress already in use > failed. any tips for troubleshoting how to start dnsmasq properly ?19:17
sommerphreestyle-work: just to double check there's nothing in /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.3-main.log... and your doing sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.3 restart ?19:18
phreestyle-worksommer: correct....and it takes nearly a minute after I issue the start command before it fails19:19
phreestyle-workat this point I'm thinking of dumping postgresql....I don't know if pg is the issue or ubuntu is, but every week something terrible happens....last week the servers would lose all data in the databases when the machines were rebooted.19:21
sommerphreestyle-work: there's got to be an error somewhere, can you tail -f /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.3-main.log and /var/log/syslog when you try and start?19:21
phreestyle-worksommer: alright19:22
phreestyle-worksommer: /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-8.3-main.log is empty and syslog has nothing about postgresql19:24
sommerphreestyle-work: does /var/log/syslog have any errors?19:24
phreestyle-worksommer: the last entry in syslog was from the hourly cron job and that was 10 minutes ago19:24
sommerphreestyle-work: how about /var/log/auth.log out of curiosity19:25
phreestyle-worksommer: this is what it says:19:25
phreestyle-workFeb 20 14:22:07 webserver su[6253]: Successful su for postgres by root19:25
phreestyle-workFeb 20 14:22:07 webserver su[6253]: + ??? root:postgres19:25
phreestyle-workFeb 20 14:22:07 webserver su[6253]: pam_unix(su:session): session opened for user postgres by (uid=0)19:25
phreestyle-workFeb 20 14:22:07 webserver su[6253]: pam_unix(su:session): session closed for user postgres19:25
sommerphreestyle-work: have you customized /etc/init.d/posgresql-8.3 ?19:27
phreestyle-worksommer: never touched it19:27
sommererrr /etc/init.d/postgresql-8.319:27
sommercause my /var/log/auth.log look very different19:27
sommerthere's no su for user postgres entries19:28
phreestyle-worksommer: well, I'm also using webmin to restart postgresql, so that might be it19:28
sommerphreestyle-work: I'd say that's pretty definitely it19:29
sommerphreestyle-work: I would not recommend using webmin19:29
phreestyle-worksommer: I also did't have a reason to use webmin until I started having pg problems19:29
sommerphreestyle-work: okay, but it doesn't look like using webmin solved them :)19:30
phreestyle-worksommer: certainly not....but until eBox can get close to parity with webmin, it's not feasible to teach everyone to do all server admin stuff by hand19:31
sommerthere may be more info in webmin's logs, but otherwise I'd recommend starting over with postgresql... or at least restoring the default configs19:31
phreestyle-worksommer: well, I tried reinstalling pg, but that led to a whole lot of package and dependency problems19:32
phreestyle-worksommer: don't ask me why....it just failed miserably....and I did that using apt-get myself, so I know webmin didn't do it19:33
sommerphreestyle-work: how did you install webmin?  and how did you install postgresql before?  I don't use webmin, so I'm not sure how much more I can help you19:33
sommerothers may know more though19:33
phreestyle-worksommer: I installed webmin from the webmin site...they had a deb package.....I installed postgresql using apt with the standard ubuntu repos19:34
sommerphreestyle-work: okay, well looks like webmin uses a different postgresql start script so you might check the webmin logs or check the webmin bug tracker19:36
phreestyle-worksommer: well, can you help me get rid of postgresql....I'm tried of spending a third of my week always fixing it. Is there a way to get the stuff already in postgresql and move it to mysql or something?19:37
sommerphreestyle-work: no idea... you might be able to do a csv export type operation then import that into mysql19:38
phreestyle-worksommer: yea, but if I can't get pg to start, how do I do that?19:38
sommerphreestyle-work: not sure either, but if I was in your situation I'd create a new ubuntu install (with no webmin), install postgresql, copy the database over then export19:40
sommerphreestyle-work: but there's probably 10-50 steps in there I missed19:40
phreestyle-worksommer: where are the databases stored?19:41
sommerphreestyle-work: on a default install in /var/lib/postgresql/8.3/ but not sure if webmin has moved that19:41
phreestyle-worksommer: it shouldn't have....I'll check19:41
phreestyle-worksommer: ok, here's the other thing....I tried to update pg, but I get this error.... "sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1).19:44
phreestyle-worksommer: then it tells me "dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of postgresql: postgresql depends on postgresql-8.3; however: package postgresql-8.3 is not configured yet"19:46
sommerphreestyle-work: try sudo dpkg-reconfigure postgresql-8.3 ... I guess19:46
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.19:47
phreestyle-work sommer: dpkg says it's broken or not fully installed19:47
phreestyle-workeverything that could possibly go wrong with postgresql has gone wrong it appears....and I don't use webmin to manage postgresql, so it's hard to blame webmin for this one19:49
phreestyle-worksommer: btw, I have a bunch of folders in "/var/lib/postgresql/8.3/main"....do I backup all of them? (base, global, pg_clog, pg_multixact, etc.)19:50
sommerphreestyle-work: if webmin changes the postgresql start scripts... I'd blame it, I know that doesn't help you but...19:51
sommerphreestyle-work: yep, I'd copy the whole folder, and not permissions and such19:51
phreestyle-worksommer: could I install postgresql-8.2 and get that to work with my data?19:53
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sommerphreestyle-work: I guess in theory, but since you have package dependency issues I'd recommend starting over... without webmin, no webmin at all19:55
phreestyle-worksommer: what's the best way to manage postgres without webmin?19:55
phreestyle-worksommer: well, postgres-8.2 starts up.....8.3 stlll refuses19:56
sommerphreestyle-work: the cli, pgadmin3, phppgadmin19:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #332254 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.3.0-3ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: underproces post-installation script returnerede afslutningsstatus 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33225420:51
markVahi folks, can anyone point me towards a faq or how-to on how to set up multiple virtual interfaces on a kvm VM?  I've got bridging set up fine, but I need (if possible) to have more than one interface on the VMs.20:56
markVabasically, I need more than one IP address, since apache+SSL barfs with only one IP with multiple virtual hosts.21:02
domasmarkVa: does it? I was able to do virtual hosts with only one IP! :)21:06
ivoksyou can do virtual hosts21:07
ivoksbut http protocol doesn't allow you to have multiple virtual hosts on https21:07
ivoksit does allow, but certificate will be invalid21:07
ivokssince you set up a crypted connection *before* you ask for a domain21:07
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ivokstake care21:11
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markVahrm, well, I've never managed to get it to work properly with one IP....  Does this mean my original idea won't work?  when I attempt to alias on my VM, I get the ubiquitous "cannot assign the requested address" error.21:13
dsmith-workI've heard that before.  https and virtual hosts don't mix. You only get one.21:16
dsmith-workBasically, the web server parsers the http stream for the hostname and serves up different pages.  That's way too late for https.  The secure connection is already set up before then.21:18
blue-frogas ivoks said, you can have https for several vhosts and one IP but ONLY ONE certificate21:18
dsmith-workAhh, ya that makes sense.21:19
markVadsmith-work: that was my understanding21:19
Deepsindeed, so only one domain will potentially not complain about invalid certificate21:20
dsmith-workmarkVa: Can't you just set up aliases in the vm's?21:21
dsmith-workifconfig eth0:1 addr1; ifconfig eth0:2 addr2; etc21:22
Deepsaliasing is deprecated! ip addr add!21:23
* Nafallo agrees with Deeps 21:23
dsmith-workmy fingers and head know ifconfig.21:24
markVahrm, maybe that's my problem - since ifconfig etho:1 <addr> doesn't work.21:24
dsmith-worknever did figure out ip21:24
Deepseth0, not etho21:24
Deepszero not the letter o21:24
markVamistype here, not commandline, sorry :)21:24
markVaI don't know ip addr..., will go check the man page, thanks for the tip.21:26
Deepsip address add <new ip>/<cidr netmask> dev <device, e.g eth0>21:27
Deepsip addr add dev eth021:27
markVaDeeps:  thanks - what's the equiv to ifconfig -a, if you don't mind the extra bit?21:29
Deepsip addr21:29
Deepsor just ip a21:29
markVakk, thanks much!21:30
Deepsthe command is 'ip address', but commands can be shortened, there's no other param that begins with a for ip, so can just call ip a21:30
dsmith-workSo in /etc/network/interfaces,  just add "iface eth0:1 static ...  iface eth0:2 static ... with appropriate lines for ..., right?21:32
Deepsiface eth0:1 inet static21:32
Deepsbut yeah, for the deprecated aliasing approach21:33
Deepsif you wanted to add a sequence of ip addresses, you'd be better off with a post-up line in your eth0 declaration21:33
Deepse.g. post-up for i in `seq 10 20`; do ip addr add 192.168.1.$i dev eth0; done21:33
Deepsto add - to eth021:33
Deepsor multiple post-up lines if you have non-sequential ips21:34
dsmith-workHmm. Ok.21:35
Deepsi've been led to believe that adding multiple ips to a single interface has the additional benefit of using less memory21:35
markVaI could add these just fine,  many thanks - I'm guessing though, as I just tried it, that these are not exposed downstream?21:35
SyLif I have a question about ubuntu-server, but it's jaunty, should I be asking it in here?21:45
DeepsmarkVa: they are21:45
Deepsyou can bind to them like any other ip21:46
markVaDeeps: got it, yet another stick error - many thanks for the help.  I'm going to reset everything now to get everything fixed up properly.21:49
KillMeNowhello everyone...  anyone here get apparmor to work with apache2 / php / mysql ?21:51
KillMeNowusing ubuntu 8.1021:51
Deepsi'd imagine it would work out of the box, assuming you kept things in default locations21:52
ZerqentKillMeNow: just install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql and mysql-server and it should work I guess21:55
KillMeNowyea, i have the server up and working fine w/o apparmor...  i want to put in some security in case of any security bugs that happen21:55
KillMeNowso i've been reading an playing around with apparmor but it's hosing the websites up21:56
SyLI just installed Jaunty Jackalope and did apt-get upgrade and now the it won't boot and stalls at DMA eth1. Anybody ever see this before?21:57
KillMeNowso it just stalls at that point for how long?  do you have it set to use DHCP to obtain IP address for Eth1?21:58
SyLno, static IP. this happened after a kernel update21:59
SyLboth 32-bit and 64-bit21:59
KillMeNowyea, i have had something similar happen on version 6 using a megaraid controller21:59
KillMeNowwound up having to roll the dist version backwards 1 rev21:59
SyLhrm... there is some raid card in there. that could be it22:00
KillMeNoware you using the raid card?22:00
SyLno. there is 4 drives and 3 are going to be software raid 5 and the other will be system22:00
SyLwe're testing out the KVM/XEN kernel for ubuntu22:01
KillMeNowi'll leave it up to you, but if you're not using the card you might want to power the box off, pull the card and try booting the system again22:01
SyLit's a 1U server, I'm guessing it's onboard. =)22:01
KillMeNowi personally never been a big fan of software raid22:01
KillMeNowdisable it in the bios22:01
SyLKillMeNow: software raid is good if your help doesn't know much about computers and they'll be the ones swapping drives at 5am... =)22:02
SyLI will disable it in the bios next...22:02
KillMeNowi suppose if it's not a mission critical box and isn't heavilly loaded software raid is a cheaper solution...  *shrug* personal preference i suppose22:03
KillMeNowlet me know if disabling the raid in the BIOS worked22:03
SyLKillMeNow: hah! I went into the Bios and there is no way to disable the card. awesome!22:17
KillMeNowwell, dunno what to tell ya..  you can boot the box and then select which distribution to load22:23
SyLKillMeNow: well, it boots after I install a fresh OS on it. but if I do apt-get upgrade it adds a new kernel. I reboot and it dies22:24
KillMeNowsorry about delya22:27
KillMeNower delay22:27
KillMeNowwas on phone22:27
KillMeNowwell, do you know what type of raid controller is on the MB?22:27
KillMeNowcourse, you said it's failing at the DMA for ETH1 right?22:27
flustratedcan someone help me with a ubuntu 8.04 problem with python.  I've googled and read through the ubuntu forums and can't find a way to fix my problem.  Error I'm getting is this when trying to do any apt-gets or apptitudes:  Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix> Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]22:35
KillMeNowsorry flustrated...  not sure what to do about that one22:40
KillMeNowalmost sounds like your user account has lost is 'path' to the python binaries22:41
flustratedI actually sudo su - so that I could get a root.  wonder if that could be the problem?22:42
KillMeNowif you're running as root?  not likely...  but as root do this:  echo $PATH22:58
KillMeNowmake sure root's path has the location where the Python binaries are and such22:58
flustratedyep, they're just in /usr/bin23:00
flustratedwhich python /usr/bin/python23:00
KillMeNowyea, then i dunno23:02
flustratedso, I'm digging through this.. and found this.23:03
flustratedthat's a pastebin23:04
KillMeNowGTK huh?23:07
KillMeNowyea, i would probably doing the same google digging as you have done23:08
flustratedokay, well I will just keep at it... I have this server at a remote site... is there a way to completely reinstall it without hands on?23:08
KillMeNowreinstall the entire OS?  probably not, but i wouldn't go that far just yet23:09
flustratedit all started with patching and the ssl binaries upgrading the ssh stuff and replacing my keys.. broke my nxserver so I uninstalled it, but now can't do hardly anything because I have a long list of apps that try to install everytime I do an apt-get install xxxxxx23:11
KillMeNowwhat version did you install?23:11
flustratedso after that broke actualy in the middle, after uninstalling the nxserver I upgraded to 8.04 from 7.1023:12
KillMeNowi'm seeing alot of ppl posting on google about upgrading from 7.10 to 8.0423:12
KillMeNowahh yea23:12
flustratedso I have python 2.4 and 2.5.2 installed.. but nothing in /usr/local/bin (lots of people had an extra python installed there)23:12
flustratedmy symlink goes from python to 2.5.223:13
flustratedactually python2.523:13
KillMeNowgoing some quick googling23:15
KillMeNowyea sorry flustrated...  no love for you23:20
flustratedthanks for trying to help.23:21
KillMeNowi know there was a bug reported on it for the dev's of ubuntu23:21
KillMeNowbut that was back in april of 200823:21
KillMeNowwould've figured they fixed it by now23:21
KillMeNowi never went to 7.10...  i installed 8.04 and then rebuilt it using my back ups from Ubuntu 623:22
KillMeNowwell, the parts of the back ups regarding my websites and postfix stuff23:22
KillMeNoweverything else i rebuilt by hand23:22
flustratedI just hate taking a visit to the data center..  I need to get the lights out stuff working on it.23:23
KillMeNowi suppose you could possibly rebuild the box if you had it on ESX or perhaps you had KVM over IP to get to the bios23:23
KillMeNowyep...  build a image box23:24
flustratedit has compaqs version of a DRAC, just don't have it setup or networked yet.23:24
dazmaniLo is priceless, really.. :)23:24
KillMeNowyep, lights out has saved my hiney numerous times23:25
KillMeNowbut then again, i don't live from the data center either23:25
KillMeNowthat's far from23:25
flustratedwe have it on all of our new windows boxes and it's awesome.23:25
KillMeNowcourse, now it doesn't matter cause i don't work for that company anymore23:25
flustratedi've got about 40 unix probes that have some lights out card mgmt built into it, but the vendor that supports the boxes doesn't support the lights out stuff.23:26
domashi! how to check how much memory does apache use?! (tricky question :)23:27
KillMeNowheh, yea that's a loaded question domas23:27
KillMeNowthose vendor bastages flustrated!23:28
KillMeNowhow many instances of apache have you forked ?23:28
KillMeNowhow many mods are getting pulled in23:28
domaslots :)23:28
domasAPC and such23:28
KillMeNowso if you do a ps -ef | grep apache how many lines does it spit out?23:29
domashow much memory is shared after forking? :)23:29
KillMeNowAFAIK, each fork uses it's own "slice" of memory and doesn't share it perse23:29
domassee, summing up RSS or VSZ doesn't really work23:29
domasKillMeNow: pages can be shared by forked kids, it is copy-on-write :)23:30
domasbut ps/top doesn't account for that!23:30
KillMeNownope it doesn't23:30
domasI know one way to answer!23:30
domascat /proc/meminfo; killall -9 apache2; cat /proc/meminfo23:30
KillMeNowthere ya go!23:30
domasnow, how to do that without killing? :)23:30
domasinteresting though, say, libc is shared among _all_ system processes23:31
domasso you have to remove it from every process out there23:31
KillMeNowbut doing the ps -ef tells you exactly how many forks you have in memory23:31
domasdoes it mean anything? :)23:31
KillMeNowwell, i'm not sure how to help you w/o killing all the processes23:32
KillMeNowunless you know of a way to show the memory usage for each PID23:33
domasso, my trolling goes to hell?23:33
markyou did help domas.23:33
domasI was expecting fifty folks to jump and tell that I'm idiot and should use ps and top :(23:33
domasmark: haha23:33
domasdid anyone notice there's no Hoard package in Ubuntu?23:35
dsmith-workHrm.  There are some files in proc that list exactly which pages a process has access to.23:43
markhere's this weekend's project domas23:45
domasI want to make Hoard package first23:46
markI like the sound of that23:46
dsmith-workMaybe I'm thinking of /proc/PID/maps23:47
markyes you are23:47
domasdsmith-work: doesn't help with anon-pages23:47
domasand some mmap'ed stuff goes to VSIZE, some to RSS, I guess23:47
domasargh, too complicated23:47
domasmaps don't show physical address mappings23:50
domasjust which process address space is mapped to what23:50
KillMeNowso domas, i take it you don't want to know the VSZ part of the memory usage?23:50
domasKillMeNow: nope! ;-)23:51
KillMeNowwell, when you figure it out, you can educate the rest of us23:51
marki'm sure it will be a blog entry23:52
domasI want to count physical memory pages used by family of processes23:52
domasmy next one will be about hoard! :)23:52
markyou can do two at once23:52
domasI have to quote one colleague about it23:52
domasit has something about weird bald guys with sunglasses and crossed legs ;-)23:52

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