
eli_I tried downloading it on a windows box but that was a bunch of fail (can't install a svn client; no admin) I really just want the file without going through this many loops00:00
nikrudIntuitiveNipple, old, yes that makes sense. Time to add one then I'd guess00:00
hbekelJPSman: you might try editing the registry it via regedit in wine00:00
BrandanoIntuitiveNipple: does find work in the /dev/ tree?00:00
l337ingDisorderIntuitiveNipple: except that it also returns /dev/dm-*00:00
IntuitiveNipplel337ingDisorder: There are many ways to do it, it depends on what dependencies you have to abide by, and more importantly, how thorough and how many corner-cases you have have to catch00:00
eli_Tried it on a linux box and it still won't download00:00
l337ingDisorderIntuitiveNipple: but that's ok, I'm just piping these results into partimage so if it finds a partition it can't work with it'll just discard it and move on.00:00
JPSmanhbekel: it loads wines registry :OD00:00
JPSmanflx_ THANK YOU00:00
IntuitiveNipplel337ingDisorder: Okay, got you.00:01
l337ingDisorderIntuitiveNipple: heh yeah it's funny.. sometimes I'll come in and ask a question and no one has any answers or even any ideas as to where to look...but then sometimes there are more ways to do it than there are letters in the alphabet ;)00:01
Brandanoeli_: you don't really need admin to run an SVN client on win32, you just need it fto install the shell integration00:01
IntuitiveNippleBrandano: It works anywhere you've got sufficient permissions00:01
Brandanoeli_: commandline svn should work fine00:01
l337ingDisorderSo many thanks for this, looks like precisely what I'll need00:01
BrandanoIntuitiveNipple: I was jus wondering why you went to the bother of a for loop just to echo stuff on the screen :)00:02
eli_right but restricted Internet hates it, the msi files goes though tho00:02
IntuitiveNipplel337ingDisorder: Yeah... I've been dealing with some scripts tha thave to do similar stuff in the initial ramdisk, so I've learned to not take all the tools and udev-created links for granted :)00:02
ActionParsnip1l337ingDisorder: it has happened but i'm sure we'll be able to help in some way :D00:02
JPSmanflx_: how about using wines regedit to loads my partitions registry?  is there such a file?00:02
IntuitiveNippleBrandano: I was just demonstrating one use of the shell glob/regexp to find all partitions, that was the subject of the question00:03
IntuitiveNippleBrandano: 'find' might not be available in all circumstances00:03
flx_JPSman: I'm not sure, I don't have Windows =p00:03
unopl337ingDisorder,  for part in /dev/{[sh]d[a-z][0-9]*,dm-*}; do echo -n "$part "; done  # is a redundant way of writing  \ls /dev/{[sh]d[a-z][0-9]*,dm-*}00:03
ActionParsnip1JPSman: you can run regedit from recovery console in windows, you just gotta know exactly what keys you are editining and where they are in nthe registry00:03
eli_like i just want the file. I should'nt have to go through this. (would pay someone for a windows port of Ctorrent)00:03
ubottuIntrepid can be torrented from http://hr.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://se.releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Torrents for other Ubuntu flavours can be found at: http://it.releases.ubuntu.com/ (CD) or http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases (DVD).00:04
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P00:04
IntuitiveNippleunop: Yeah, my point with the example was that you can so *anything* you want with each device name inside the loop00:04
JPSmanActionParsnipl: yeah, and i am no where near that leet.  I am burning a virus out and I need access to this other website that perfectly points to its evil00:04
eli_tested most of them. I need to create a custom app that uses bittorrent00:04
BrandanoH,, Azureus now is called vuze00:04
DJNomadActionParsnip1, what was the gsmgs commandi lost it in logs and dont think i remember correctly00:04
joshjtlcan I install ubuntu via cd boot, then internet install? I've done it on other distros...00:04
Brandanoperhaps the ubottu reply should be amended to include it00:05
ActionParsnip1eli_: ctorrent is discontinued according to sourceforge00:05
eli_nothing complicated. How hard can it be to do something so simple? (linux works just fine, its windows that's causing the headache)00:05
ActionParsnip1DJNomad: dmesg00:05
KevDoghow do I search my command line history - beyond using up arrow?00:05
bruenighistory | grep00:05
DJNomadIs there a torrent client similar to utorrent on linux,I loved it00:05
l337ingDisorderunop: actually it is more helpful than just using the ls command because  I need to run each one through partimage so this way I can just put that into the foreach loop00:05
ActionParsnip1KevDog: hoistory00:05
eli_Trying to make a custom app with bittorrent and there are seemingly no window libs00:06
IntuitiveNippleKevDog: history | grep findthis00:06
ActionParsnip1KevDog: e.g. history | grep apt00:06
bruenigIntuitiveNipple: theif00:06
bruenigActionParsnip1: theif00:06
ActionParsnip1Keve.g. history | less00:06
unopl337ingDisorder, right ok.00:06
hbekelKevDog: C-r00:06
ActionParsnip1bruenig: thief?00:06
l337ingDisorderunop: but I definitely see your point :)00:06
IntuitiveNippleKevDog: And when you find the command you want, you can repeat it by typing !<number> or bring it down for editing by typing !<number>:p then up-arrow00:06
eli_So could someone pls tar this cause I can't right now cause of windows fail. http://www.mono-project.com/Bitsharp00:06
DJNomadActionParsnip1,  that command came back with errors device sdf without a number at all00:07
joshjtlcan I install ubuntu via cd boot, then internet install? I've done it on other distros...00:07
DJNomadActionParsnip1,  *buch of errors and did not list a number00:07
flx_eli_: Gimme a mo...00:07
ActionParsnip1DJNomad: if you run: sudo fdisk -l it will show you your disks as well as partitions, you can only mount partitions00:07
KevDogIntuitiveNipple: Nice command -- that was my next question -- however how am I going to remember that!!! Might need an alias00:08
ActionParsnip1bruenig: why and how am i a thief?00:08
ActionParsnip1KevDog: man history ;)00:08
IntuitiveNippleKevDog: Read the bash man-pages: man bash00:08
carpii__josh -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/Netboot00:08
joshjtlwhoever decides on ubuntu art should really stop00:08
ifroogQuestion, How to change qt themes from gnome?00:09
redvamp128eli_:  It appears as though first you have to compile it then compile bitshark then add something called mono-curses to get a gui. (which you also have to compile) and on their main page they state this (Currently there are no precompiled binaries hosted anywhere. )00:09
carpii__actually that url is wrong, try this   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetbootInstallFromInternet00:09
flx_eli_: Hokay, they've borked their setup00:09
flx_eli_: Send them a message or look around00:09
joshjtlubuntu has got to have the worst artwork of any distro...00:09
joshjtlthx carpii__00:10
sharef_is it possible to make a monitor on one computer act as a second display on another networked system??00:10
flx_joshjtl: Have you ever contributed to it?00:10
carpii__well the art is easily replaceable, its not like its affecting anything00:10
eli_Anyone know of a windows lib that can download a torrent program for use within VB or C++?00:10
tom760Can anyone guide me with instructions how to figure out what old version of Ubuntu to install that would come with or be easilly upgradable to kernel 2.4.21 or 2.4.26?00:10
Bodsdasharef_, yes00:10
IntuitiveNipplesharef_: Yes, using xdmx00:10
joshjtlflx_: yes00:10
cjaeis it going to matter (break nvidia-settings, xorg) if I upgrade my nvidia e-geforce 5200 with a nvidia e-geforce 6200?00:10
ActionParsnip1sharef_: you could vnc over? is that what you mean?00:10
Bodsdacjae, unlikely, there both relatively old cards00:11
crdlbcjae: in the same slot, it will work fine00:11
ActionParsnip1eli_: if its a windows lib, ask in ##windows00:11
flx_joshjtl: well then take ti to somewhere appropriate.00:11
joshjtldefault art is supposed to be widely acceptable... it never has been00:11
KevDogman history == What a dry read!00:11
hbekelKevDog: Ctrl+r and type 'mount' to get at your last mount command. keep pressing Ctrl+r to move up through all matches00:11
cjaek thanks just got my disto running near flawlessly so I had to ask00:11
sharef_nope not vnc, im pretty good at that00:11
l337ingDisorderunop: IntuitiveNipple: Ok so here's some weirdness.    for part in /dev/{[sh]d[a-z][0-9]*,dm-*}; do echo -n "$part "; done; echo   that works just fine if I paste it into bash and hit enter.. but if I put it into a bash script and replace the semi-colons with newlines, it just outputs /dev/{[sh]d[a-z][0-9]*,dm-*}00:12
sharef_i want my laptop and desktop to share displays and clipboard data00:12
Bodsdajoshjtl, i think your discussing the art issue in the wrong place, try #ubuntu-offtopic or #ubuntu-art00:12
nbeebohi when im opening a movie with vlc this happens: http://pastebin.com/m5952e2eb00:12
IntuitiveNipplel337ingDisorder: The semi-colon after the for part in... should remain if you follow it with do00:12
joshjtlBodsda: its not offtopic... its ubuntu00:12
nbeeboand the vlc window shuts down right away00:12
l337ingDisorderIntuitiveNipple: do is on its own line00:12
Bodsdajoshjtl, yes but it is not a support question which is what this channel is for, so yes it is offtopic00:12
joshjtlBodsda: ok i guess your right (I say, begrudgingly)00:13
l337ingDisorderIntuitiveNipple: unop: http://pastebin.com/m7af5178b00:14
IntuitiveNipplel337ingDisorder: Tested here it works fine00:14
KevDoghbekel: nice trick also00:14
IntuitiveNipplel337ingDisorder: http://pastebin.com/d6e60a3ff00:14
Bodsdajoshjtl, thaNKS00:15
l337ingDisorderIntuitiveNipple: must just be something earlier in the script borking it, cause if I copy and paste the for loop (even multi-line) into bash it works, but the script doesn't (even though everything else is commented out)00:16
ActionParsnip1nbeebo: --enable-mp4 its a compile option and is default in nthe standard vlc from repos00:16
l337ingDisorderIntuitiveNipple: I'll start a new one.00:16
l337ingDisorderHappy 4:20!!!00:16
rpgsimmasterwhoops, a bit vigorous with the closing tabs...00:17
regeya6:20 here00:17
Brandano1:17 here00:17
rpgsimmaster1:20 here00:17
rpgsimmasterwell, yea 1:1700:17
regeyaor 18:20 if you prefer00:17
Brandanowhich means my nts isn't working00:17
rpgsimmasterBrandano: No, mine says the same00:17
l337ingDisorderthen you're late! (or early)... better catch up!! (or get a head start)00:17
regeyawhich means it's past time for me to pack up and drive home.  hasta.00:17
nbeeboActionParsnip1 oh it would be the same without it, just tried it at the end forgot to post an earlier one, which got the same error message00:18
Brandanotime for me to catch some sleep. Goodnight everyone00:18
tanzibi'm using usb audio and only my flash sound works, can anyone help?00:18
rpgsimmasterAnyway, does anyone know how to get Ubuntu to allow me to use both an eth0 and a PPPoE connection at the same time?00:18
unopl337ingDisorder, you might need to add this line at the beginning of the script.   set -B00:18
ActionParsnip1nbeebo: try: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall vlc00:18
hlmklamav fails to update, I cant figure out what the problem is, can someone help me please?00:18
unopl337ingDisorder, after the shebang00:19
DVA5912I have a Dell Axim X5 im in the need to upload some drivers to it for my wireless card. I ahve a windows virual machine installed but i cant get it to see the device. is their a way to upload the drivers on linux to the device?00:19
nbeeboActionParsnip1, yeah just made fresh install but ok00:19
vanhackerhi, dont open volvo ocean race in ubuntu with mozilla00:19
rpgsimmasterOnes a 'Wired', ones a 'DSL' according to NetworkManager, but when I right click to choose the network, it lists both under 'Wired', and only let me selects one00:19
ActionParsnip1nbeebo: see if you can find the error in websearches00:19
l337ingDisorderunop: after the whole #!/bin/bash line or just the shebang itself?00:20
IntuitiveNipplerpgsimmaster: That's an interesting scenario ... I wonder if the NetworkManager developers thought about that ?00:20
billybigrigger_\anyone here use an hp mini? or the hp mini ubuntu theme?00:20
vanhackerhow can configure flash for volvo ocean race in mozilla00:20
rpgsimmasterIntuitiveNipple: It's very annoying - I live on a network campus, and we have two sets of networks00:20
unopl337ingDisorder, on line #2 :)  i.e. not on the shebang line00:20
rpgsimmasterwe have an ADSL connection, and we have a local system which we like to use Direct Connect for00:20
rpgsimmasterWindows works fine00:20
nbeeboActionParsnip1, ok00:20
rpgsimmasterMac doesn't without a certain program, and I can't figure out how to do it in Ubuntu00:21
l337ingDisorderunop: Oh i see.. tx00:21
unopl337ingDisorder, you could put it on the shebang like this.    #!/bin/bash -B00:21
rpgsimmasterunfortunately, I'm a big filesharer, but I can't use both Internet and DC++ at the same time... Does anyone know of a way I could do it manually?00:21
cybercomi had add another harddrive into my PC, after i put it, i just do the partition and reformat but i cant create any files on the hard disk and ther is only 1 files which named lost+found. so can i solve this issues00:21
rpgsimmasterJust force Ubuntu to use both?00:21
l337ingDisorderunop: whassat do anyway? no manpage for set... set --help isn't very helpful ;)00:21
ifroogQuestion, How to change qt themes from gnome?00:22
ifroogQuestion2, How do you shade a window in gnome?00:22
unopl337ingDisorder, set is not an external command, it's a shell builtin.   help set00:22
IntuitiveNipplerpgsimmaster: You could manually configure one interface so NM doesn't try to manage it00:23
DVA5912Dell Axim X5 Drivers00:23
IntuitiveNipplel337ingDisorder: man bash: "-B      The  shell performs brace expansion (see Brace Expansion above).  This is on by default."00:23
cybercomcan anyone help me00:23
rpgsimmasterIntuitiveNipple - Unfortunately I'm not quite sure how to do that. I could do that to my eth0, but how do I stop NM from managing it, and also set it up to automatically connect?00:23
cybercomi had add another harddrive into my PC, after i put it, i just do the partition and reformat but i cant create any files on the hard disk and ther is only 1 files which named lost+found. so how can i solve this issues00:24
rpgsimmastercybercom - reformat it how, and with what?00:24
IntuitiveNipplerpgsimmaster: If you configure any interface in /etc/network/interfaces that infers it will be manually managed, and NM will leave it alone00:24
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash00:24
cybercomusing gparted ..... and format in ext200:24
looterIf i'm trying to install a program by untarring it first...what directory should it go in?00:25
rpgsimmasterIntuitiveNipple: Okay. And if I want it back to being worked with by NM, how would I set it back? Is there an NM conf file for that sort of thing?00:25
IntuitiveNipplerpgsimmaster: Simply remove the entry for that interface (or comment it out) from /etc/network/interfaces00:25
rpgsimmasterIntuitiveNipple: Thank you very much - I'll give it a go00:25
unoplooter, any directory you like, preferably a new directory - aptly named00:25
IntuitiveNipplerpgsimmaster: and, of course, restart NM so it discovers it00:25
rpgsimmasterIntuitiveNipple: Thank you00:25
=== rpgsimmaster is now known as rpgsim[away]
cybercomcan anyone help me00:25
IntuitiveNipplerpgsimmaster: to restart NM sudo /etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart00:26
sd32is the flash player in the restricted extras package version 9 or 10?00:26
cybercomi had add another harddrive into my PC, after i put it, i just do the partition and reformat but i cant create any files on the hard disk and ther is only 1 files which named lost+found. so how can i solve this issues00:26
looterunop: ya but there isn't a default dir like /usr/something/something?00:26
bpat1434I'm setting up my ubuntu server, and I've installed xinetd via aptitude; however, it doesn't seem to be running.  No PID is given when I do /etc/init.d/xinetd status00:26
bpat1434how can I check to see if xinetd is in fact running?00:26
IntuitiveNipplecybercom: It sounds as if the disk is mounted as 'root' and your current user ID doesn't have write permissions to it00:26
unoplooter, /usr/src00:26
rpgsim[away]IntuitiveNipple: Okay, new problem - my /etc/network/interfaces file doesn't list eth0 - it looks like this: auto lo \n iface lo inet loopback00:27
looteror doesn't it matter after I run the install script?00:27
cybercomso.... how to change it00:27
mikewubpat1434: ps -ef | grep xinetd00:27
unoplooter, but you'll probably need to be in the same group as that owning /usr/src -- which is probably 'src' itself00:27
cybercomso.... how to change it ....  i means getting permission00:27
sd32flash 10 is driving me nuts and is too buggy00:27
bpat1434mikewu, thanks.00:27
rpgsim[away]cybercom: sudo or su and run a shell or a file manager from the shell00:27
IntuitiveNipplerpgsim[away]: precisely... and because of that NM manages the interface. As soon as you add an entry for an interface to that file (and restart NM) NM will ignore it.00:27
rpgsim[away]IntuitiveNipple: Ah, okay. Thank you00:28
DJNomadActionParsnip1, I found the devices is sdd and made the folder in the media/usbdisk how would i put that command together?00:28
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cybercomi'm stilll learning on this ubuntu rpgsim[away]00:28
cybercomrpgsim[away]:  can u tell me how to do run the shell00:29
sd32is there a way to put flash 9 back on my system because 10 is to o buggy?00:29
mbrigdanHello people, I'm setting up a backup drive, and I want to know what files I should backup to allow myself to get back to a working system again. Anyone know what I should do?00:30
ActionParsnip1DJNomad: well the partition will be /dev/sdd<a number>00:30
mikewuDJNomad: sudo mount -t vfat -o uid=your_username,gid=users /dev/sdd1 /media/usbdisk00:30
ActionParsnip1DJNomad: like /dev/sdd100:30
ActionParsnip1DJNomad: what file system is the partition?00:30
ActionParsnip1DJNomad: sudo fdisk -l will show you the partitions too00:31
cybercomIntuitiveNipple:  how to disable the root permission00:31
lwizardlcan I use a ubuntu computer as a PXE server to boot another omputer for os install?00:31
DJNomadActionParsnip1,  it is fat3200:31
unopmikewu, UID and GID expect numeric arguments00:31
fdelwizardl: umm, apt-cache search pxe ... but yes00:31
B10Scan you boot ubuntu via PXE?00:32
lwizardlfde, ok and would it also let me chose which install to do such as Ubuntu Desktop or Windows XP?00:33
DJNomadActionParsnip1,  dont think it will work the sudo fdisk -l comes back with a bunch of garbage looks like my partitions are corrupt00:33
Flannellwizardl: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LocalNet00:33
fdelwizardl: no, it will only do ubuntu/debian00:33
DJNomadActionParsnip1,  it does that when i have a zip drive or the phone attached to it00:33
Flannelcybercom: What?  Also, please don't use caps.  We can read lowercase.00:33
fdecybercom: you don't, you add the user to the storage group00:33
ActionParsnip1DJNomad: can yu pastebin the fdisk output please00:34
cybercomfde: how to do that00:34
fdecybercom: edit /etc/group with your favorite editor00:34
ActionParsnip1cybercom: or mount it with user writability00:34
cybercomActionParsnip1: what is the commands00:35
DJNomadActionParsnip1, http://pastebin.com/d1adbebeb00:35
fdeActionParsnip1: adding the user to the storage group basically has the same effect as that is defined usually in the 'defaults' option00:35
Flannelcybercom, fde: editing /etc/group is silly.  Use `adduser user group`00:35
vip3rousmangoAnyone know where the file location of a PRINT to PDF is stored?00:35
fdeFlannel: why is it silly? it is faster00:35
Flannelfde: No?00:36
cybercomFlannel:  how to do it ????00:36
CrocoJethi for all ! Is possible restart (reset) sound service in Ubuntu intrepid?00:36
mal|lappyHello, for some reason I am unable to kill VLC which is running (shows up in TOP using 100% of cpu). How do I force it to close? killall vlc and kill pid dosent work00:36
Flannelfde: `sudo adduser user group` is faster.  And you are less likely to make a mistake.00:36
DJNomadcybercom, you can also right click on a folder higher up than the one you need to change and open as root00:36
ifroogQuestion, How to change qt themes from gnome?00:36
CrocoJetother question, the pulse audio project .. failed?00:36
ifroogQuestion2, How do you shade a window in gnome?00:36
DJNomadcybercom,  opening the filesystem like that deletes the purpose of having a safe system00:37
cybercomFlannel:  that option was disable00:37
fdeFlannel: umm, I beg to differ .... unless you're using an inefficient editor00:37
mikewuvip3rousmango: should be in your home directory in a folder called PDF00:37
Flannelfde: Alright, well, regardless of what you believe, please recommend that people use adduser in this channel, thanks.00:38
nnyI have Ubuntu 8.10 installed on an acer aspire one.  Restarted the computer and can no longer get wifi or ethernet.  Both were working fine before the restart. Any suggestions to get them back?00:38
mikewumal|lappy: try pkill -9 vlc00:38
vip3rousmangomikewu: thanks, found it..00:38
fdeifroog: System > Preferences > Windows ... there is an option for "Double Click action" that you can change to "Shade" ...00:38
DJNomadnny they may be resticted drivers,I think i have had to re enable drivers after a updaye00:39
mrwesfde, thanks....that's a new one for me too :)00:39
fdeifroog: also, Compiz has an option to shade with the mouse wheel... but I'm not sure where it is00:39
hlmklamav cant update, I just installed it can someone help me with this?00:39
cybercomFlannel: the option ws disabled...... can i do it in command or any other way00:40
fdeifroog: stumbled upon it once when I was messing around with simple-ccsm ...00:40
ifroogfde, Tx :)00:40
nnyDJNomad should I reinstall them or is there a more efficient way to reenable them?00:40
DJNomadnny look in the resticted drivers and see iif they are enabled00:41
Flannelcybercom: What option was disabled?  Do you mean DJNomad instead of me?00:41
DJNomadnny I am newbie I dont know much but think my video card had to be enabled once00:41
nbeebois it possible to merge avi's? and if so, in a fast way?00:41
mrwesfde, do you know where I can enable GNOME to make coffee :)00:41
ifroogfde, Yeah, In gnome its called rollup, In windows settings. Tx !00:42
mrwesnbeebo, avimerge00:42
nbeebomrwes thanks and love <300:42
nnyDJNomad, thanks for the help but i am a newbie as well, how do i see if they are enabled and if not how do i enable them?00:42
mrwesnbeebo, from the command line... works very well too -- you can also use avisplit from the CLI00:42
cybercomFlannel: when i right click on the hdd..... in the permission folder. ... the options are disabled00:42
nbeebomrwes yeah... its not in the repos tho :( dont worry ill fix it00:43
hhihiohi ..  i can access a computer through ssh & httpd but i cannot access web from inside it (e.g wget)...00:43
hhihiowhat could be the problem?00:44
nbeebomrwes, ops its in a meta-package00:44
mrwesnbeebo, I believe it's part of transcode00:44
fde!search avimerge00:45
keystr0kanyone know of a command line tool to combine images into a pdf?00:45
hhihioping isn't working too00:46
fde!find avimerge00:46
cybercomFlannel: are you there00:46
ubottuFile avimerge found in transcode00:46
mrwesfde: just what I said :)00:46
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fdemrwes: don't like people guessing  :)   plus it gave me a reason to figure out what the ubottu command was for searching contents of packages  :)00:46
Flannelcybercom: Right.  You browse graphically without administrator privledges, so you can't modify things normally. What exactly are you trying to accomplish?00:47
mrwesfde, well he was only a google away from the answer :)00:47
Flannelcybercom: Also, you don't need to repeat.00:47
mrwesfde, so you were guessing on the command aye?00:47
cybercomi'm trying to save all my data inside my 2nd hdd00:47
cybercombut the thing is i cant even create single folder..... so how to solve it00:48
Thisdudeobviously not hard enough00:48
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B10Scybercom, sudo mkdir [folder-name-and--path]00:49
DJNomadfreakin electricity went out on me for minute00:50
nnyDJNomad i don't see any of the drivers in the "Hardware Drivers" window but i don't remember what was there before.00:50
mrwescybercom, how did you mount the drive? in /etc/fstab or manually?00:50
tiredboneswhat would be a command to check for wifi support?00:50
cybercomi in manually00:50
alienkidHi guys my brother's computer(using WUBI) is going to fsck on lib/init/rw/rootdev in 3 mounts and we were wondering how to up it(to infinite if possible) because every time it happens we have to reinstall because it fails.00:51
cybercomby right click and mount the volume00:51
mrwescybercom, and where is the mount point? /media/????00:51
DJNomadnny i dunno maybe you can get it fixed by doing a updaye and adding the live cd as update source00:51
sanenickany ideas?00:51
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mrwescybercom, and what are the permissions of the mount point?00:51
cybercom ...../media/disk00:51
mrwescybercom, and owner of the mount point?00:52
cybercomthe permission could not be determined00:52
rpgsimmastercybercom: still sorting the format problem?00:53
cybercomand when i enter the drive ... it show as root as the ownre00:53
nnyDJNomad don't have the live cd but have the iso, can i use that?00:53
mikewualienkid: install tune2fs and follow this http://www.slackwiki.org/Forced_Fsck00:53
cybercomrpgsimmaster:  yes00:53
alienkidMikewu it is00:53
DJNomadnny not sure it would help anyway but i imagine you could mount it and direct it to the mount00:54
mrwestiredbones, iwlist scan from the terminal command line00:54
alienkidmikewu: I can't up it on lib/init/rw/rootdev00:54
mrwescybercom, from the terminal type chown username:username /media/disk00:56
mrwescybercom, and of course username = your username :)00:56
cybercommrwes: nothing happen00:57
cybercomooo ok00:58
mrwescybercom, now try to copy to it00:58
cybercommrwes: thanks i can create00:58
mrwescybercom, np :)00:58
cybercomneway thanks00:58
slestakwith rhythmbox and my sons mp3 player, I cannot remove tracks.  It is a regular usb mass storage device player, not mtp.  The Remove and Move to Trash selections are ghosted out on the context menu for single tracks I want to remove00:58
slestaki tried googling, but saw nothing pertinant00:58
mrwesslestak, it's mounted as a usb drive?00:59
cybercomand aaa00:59
mrwesslestak, check the ownership of the mount point :)00:59
DJNomadcan someone look at this and tell me where i need to go00:59
sd32im trying to install  flash from the adobe and the package installer says "You are strongly advised to install the version from the software channel, since it is usually better supported."00:59
kereshow do you open up a file with invalid characters in gedit? it claims it has no encoding, but there are few valid chars in it i need to edit00:59
cybercomhow to sync data through network00:59
mrwescybercom, rsync or grsync the gui for rsync01:00
DJNomadsd32 lol01:00
sd32DJNomad, whats funny?01:00
cybercommrwes:  u means i needto install the rsync isit01:00
nnyDJNomad any other way to reset ethernet and wifi?01:01
sd32DJNomad, should i ignore it?01:01
mrwescybercom, yes, also install grsync, it's the GUI and will be easier for you to use01:01
DJNomadsd32 adobe has the latest but your place has the one that has been tested01:01
pgreptomHi, how do I ignore messages such as "Feb 19 19:58:23 cixar kernel: [57734.364187] ACPI: Unable to turn cooling device [ffff88013fa3f7e0] 'off'" in syslog?01:01
mrpocketsIs there something other than virtualbox i cna use for a virtualbox?01:01
mrwesmrpockets, VMWare01:02
sanenickis there another channel for network-specific issues?01:02
DJNomadsd32 i would get it from software channel adobe mighta changed it a lil and make things run lil off01:02
slestakmrwes: its mounted by udev to /dev/media, and is uid has 700 permissions on the mountpoint01:02
nubuntuhi friends somebody can help me?01:02
mrpocketssomething i can sudo apt-get install cuz Im a noob?01:02
nubuntui installed nubuntu on my hdd01:02
mrwesslestak, so you the user do not have read/write rights to it01:02
nubuntui can't resize the terminal window01:02
sd32DJNomad, ok thanks01:02
DJNomadi dunno about networking i havent had no probs with it cept wireless but i can wire mine01:02
nubuntuand other widnows01:02
nubuntusomebody can tell me why?01:03
mrwesslestak, sudo chmod 770 to the mount point directory01:03
DJNomadsd32 you should always "shop" for progs within ubuntu if you can01:03
KevDogIs there an apt-history command also?01:03
slestakmrwes: im logged in as him right now.  he's 10, so he doesnt have sudo or anything.  he has it mounted, and he remove tracks in rhythmbox01:03
mrwesKevDog, from the symatic there is a history of updated01:03
nnyAnyone know how to reset ethernet and wifi?  Computer sees eth0 but won't connect and doesn't connect to wifi either.01:04
SmackPotatshould ejabberd be running by default01:04
KevDogSomething from CLI other than synaptic01:04
sd32DJNomad, thats wierd its checked01:04
mrwesslestak, you need to change the permission of the mount point to allow you to write to it01:04
mrwesKevDog, dunno01:04
KevDognny: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart01:04
slestakhe is logged in, he has 700, so he can write to it, and he cannot delete tracks01:05
DJNomadsd32 you need to restart firefox before it will work on websites01:05
sd32DJNomad, yeah ive been having problems with version 1001:05
wkerzendwhere do the display drivers hide these days? I looked in the good old xorg.conf but there it just states configured device but not which drivers are used. Is there a gui now for these things? cheers01:06
nnyKevDog is a restart required after doing that?01:06
slestakmrwes: he is logged in, he has 700, so he can write to it, and he cannot delete tracks01:06
jonkenny007can anyone help me with a "Listen" music player problem?01:06
DJNomadwkerzend,  there is a restricted drivers gui thing somewhere01:06
KevDognny: I don't think so, why?01:06
slestakmrwes: im sure he could do it in bash, but im trying to troubleshoot rhythmbox01:06
mrwesslestak, 700 is read/write/exec for root only01:06
sd32DJNomad, thanks got it working01:06
nnyKevDog no change.  Still not connecting to ethernet or wifi01:07
cowgodIn Nautalis if you type with nothing selected it brings up a text box at the bottom which allows you to type filenames and stuff into, is there a way to use wildcards with that to select say everything that ends with .jpg?01:07
mikewunny: try sudo dhclient and post your ifconfig if it doesn't work01:07
slestakmrwes: heres the mountpoint: drwx------ 16 joey root 4096 1969-12-31 19:00 disk01:07
wkerzendDJNomad: I cant change the drivers in there. It doesnt even show me. what it has. I think this laptop has a unichrome chip but is probably running on the standard vesa driver but I dont know.01:07
slestakmrwes: the user joey looks okay there01:08
ActionParsnip1DJNomad: back01:08
DJNomadActionParsnip1,  wb i was lost wo you lol01:08
sanenickcan anyone help please01:08
jonkenny007I have a network storage device USR8700  and want to load-up my library which is over on there ( .. i can't do it with Listen for some reason.. it won't accept when i type in the address01:08
DJNomadActionParsnip1,  hers my latest effort http://pastebin.com/d48c7e0d101:08
ActionParsnip1DJNomad: ok it looks like its /dev/sde but the partitions arent recognised or they are corrupted01:08
sd32DJNomad, yeah, 10  has bugs..yuk01:08
mbrigdanAnyone know how I can print multiple images on one page?01:09
mrwesslestak, Joey does NOT have permissions on that directory01:09
nnyKevDog last two lines after dhclient "no dhcpoffers received" "no working leases in persistant database - sleeping"01:09
mrwesslestak, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:10
* lucas_ if u can understand spanish and type invite u to #supremos the best channel01:10
DJNomadActionParsnip1,  cool  I will just duel boot i guess01:10
Ryan_Chauhi, I updated ubuntu and I have a small problem I was wondering if anyone could help me01:10
KevDognny: want eth0 or wlan0?01:10
ActionParsnip1DJNomad: i'd fsck the drive to make sure its in order and correct, it doesnt look good, /dev/sde should look like the ones above it01:10
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jonkenny007anyone please01:10
Ryan_Chaui bought a pc it came with the ubuntu 8.04 version and everythign was fine, so I updated it to the latlest version, but while i was updating a few screen came up and i didn't read it, it said something about replacing files01:10
nnyKevdog, I want both to work but i'll take whatever I can get for the moment.  Prefer wlan001:10
ifroogWhy does firefox hang on me?01:10
sd32i  have flash 10 installed but web pages aren't coming up correctly is this a bug  in flash or ubuntu?01:10
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ActionParsnip1jonkenny007: mount it with smbmount01:11
Ryan_Chaui let the files replace each other, and when it restarted i was having problem with the drivers01:11
Ryan_Chaui think the network card driver is corrupted, i was wondering if i could get that somewhere01:11
ActionParsnip1ifroog: what have you recently changed with it?01:11
exodus_msRyan_Chau, more than likely your system defaulted to the open source drivers, you may need to enable restricted drivers01:11
slestakmrwes: 700 says owner has rwx, group and world has none.01:12
KevDognny: Lets just see if eth0 can work.  sudo ifconfig wlan0 down && sudo ifconfig eth0 down && sudo ifconfig eth0 up && sudo dhclient eth001:12
sanenickifroog: he doesn't like you01:12
Ryan_Chauthat sounds good, how do i enable the restricted drivers, I am new to ubuntu01:12
slestakmrwes: the mountpoint i pasted says joey owns it01:12
mrwesslestak, from the terminal type chmod joey;joey /media/disk -- if that's the mount point01:12
looterwill GIMP save as an .svg? If not what will?01:12
ActionParsnip1sd32: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree01:12
jriblooter: don't know about gimp.  inkscape will though01:13
mrwesshit...I mean chown joey;joey /mount/point01:13
rgrasellim on android wooooo01:13
sd32ActionParsnip1, thanks ill try that01:13
ifroogsanenick, :D01:13
ActionParsnip1sd32: if you are running a 64bit linux, i'd suggest downloading the 64bit tar.gz file and extract it to ~/.mozilla/plugins01:13
exodus_msRyan_Chau, system/administration/hardware drivers01:13
sd32ActionParsnip1, no just 3201:13
looterjrib: great thx i'm installnig now01:14
Ryan_Chaui tried that one, it shows nividia drivers and i installed that already but nothing about network drivers01:14
ActionParsnip1sd32: http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer-10.0.d21.1.linux-x86_64.so.tar.gz01:14
nnyKevDog got "wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device"01:14
ActionParsnip1sd32: ok thats cool then, no need for the link01:14
DVA5912I have a Dell Axim X5 im in the need to upload some drivers to it for my wireless card. I ahve a windows virual machine installed but i cant get it to see the device. is their a way to upload the drivers on linux to the device?01:14
Ryan_Chauis there a manual way to install drivers into it, download them somewhere, and transfer them into the pc?01:14
ActionParsnip1sd32: just use that command and you are golden01:14
ActionParsnip1ifroog: are you running 64bit linux?01:15
exodus_msRyan_Chau, the driver for your wifi card is probably still there, just not enabled because it is proprietary01:15
ifroogI start firefox 3 and it takes up 90% of processing.01:15
ifroogActionParsnip1, No.01:15
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KevDognny: What name is your wirless interface? eth1 then?01:15
Ryan_Chauis there another way I can go about enabling it? sorry for the trouble I just can't seem to figure it out01:16
ActionParsnip1DVA5912: the windows vm will see the host connections and use them, you just need some network configs01:16
felixsullaDoes anyone know why Python built from source wouldn't have Readline support in Gutsy Gibbon? Python 2.601:16
ifroogRUnning it in safe mode too does the same.01:16
dkulchenkoI'm looking for a program that moves files, can show progress, and  has an "Overwrite if size differs" option. (mc does not work for me in this situation).01:16
Ryan_Chaui'm directly connecting it with a cat 5 cable, but when i go to network settings it doesn't have any networks there01:16
dkulchenkoifroog: do you have any extensions installed?01:16
Ryan_Chauand when I use the Add network it doesn't do anything either01:16
ifroogdKingston, only one.01:17
KevDogfelixsulla: I have no idea, but probably didnt compile it correctly then01:17
ActionParsnip1DVA5912: set your gateway on the guest as the ip of your router and your primary dns to
ifroogwhich i disabled.01:17
DVA5912ActionParsnip1: How does that help in the finding of the device?01:17
felixsullaKevDog I'm assuming its some kind of flag or something I'm missing. Is there somewhere you can recommend to read about that?01:17
sd32ActionParsnip1, isnt non free for 64 bit?01:17
ActionParsnip1ifroog: try: killall firefox; mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_old; firefox &01:17
nnyKevDog sorry not sure.  ifconfig lists eth0, eth0:avahi ,lo, pan0, pan0:avahi01:17
ifroogok, brb.01:18
loadepfarefsomeone say something - i'm not sure i'm connected01:18
felixsullaload yes01:18
felixsullawe can see you.01:18
fnordprois there a reason that Install has no LVM or encrypt for Use As during partitioning? I am trying manual instead of guided.01:18
danbhfive_jauntyIs there a way to get a harddrive to power down when not in use?  I have one that is unmounted, yet, it still feels like its spinning, and its giving off plenty of heat (so its clearly on).01:19
ActionParsnip1DVA5912: its part of getting internet on vbox, I'd the vbox will need configuring to use networking which you can do once the guest system is powered off01:19
dkulchenkofnordpro: try the alternate install cd01:19
KevDognny: so forget the wlan0 part - but I see that the wireless driver for your wireless card is incorrect01:19
loadepfarefhey can someone tell me how to fix this error that i get when i run 'apt-get update', the error is "GPG error: http01:19
JohnSmithanyone ever notice how gnome-terminal's colors aren't as bright as xterm's and aterm's ?01:19
dkulchenkofnordpro: it has support for lvm, not sure about encryption, though. it's not gui, however, if that makes a difference01:19
ActionParsnip1sd32: nonfree is for both01:19
nnyKevDog is there a way to just reset all of this?01:20
ActionParsnip1sd32: the tar.gz file is a native 64bit plugin for 64bit systems and is awesome01:20
ifroogActionParsnip1, That worked :)01:20
loadepfaref"GPG error: http://www.ppa.launchpad.net intrepid release ... the following signatures couldnt be verified becasue the public key is not availabke : NO_PUBKEY CIJA9CJ29JC9CJSA9J"01:20
sd32ActionParsnip1, ok  thanks again01:20
loadepfarefhow to fix that?01:20
FloodBot1loadepfaref: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:20
ActionParsnip1ifroog: ok now you know your profile is to blame01:20
Ryan_Chauhow do I reformat ubuntu and reinstall it? i think i need a fresh install to fix my problem01:20
KevDognny: What do you want to reset?01:20
JohnSmithRyan_Chau: what is your problem?01:20
loadepfarefi can't paste because i need to get apt-get working in order to download wgetpaste01:20
ActionParsnip1ifroog: your old settings (stored passwords / faves) are in ~/.mozilla_old01:21
KevDognny: reboot, however I doubt it will do much but you could try01:21
ifroogActionParsnip1, Okies :)01:21
slestakmrwes: do you mean chown joey:joey?  joey is already the owner, root is the group owner.01:21
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loadepfarefcan someone msg me how to fix error - don't just say it cuz i can't see who its directed too01:21
Ryan_Chauit says it can't find a active network when I plug in my cat5 cable for internet, but when i plug it into my laptop which is also running ubuntu it works01:21
DVA5912ActionParsnip1: Its setup as a automatic01:21
fnordprodkulchenko: thanks. is alternate install a different iso or do i need to select it during boot?01:21
ActionParsnip1ifroog: you can either rebuild a new profile, or rename back to work out whats what01:21
nnyKevDog I guess my ethernet and wifi since neither are working.  I've restarted twice already.01:21
Ryan_Chaubut I do have a ubuntu.iso file so i was thinking about burning it and reinstalling it again01:21
JohnSmithRyan_Chau: in your terminal use the command "ifconfig" to see if you have eth0.01:21
ActionParsnip1DVA5912: check the config, it may not be set to use networking01:21
DJNomadActionParsnip1,  I got the device found as a scsi5 using the usb adapter ,you think that would help?01:21
JohnSmithRyan_Chau: if you don't, try sudo ifconfig eth0 up01:22
ActionParsnip1DVA5912: you have to manually appy the settings to get web access though01:22
KevDognny: Post your info in the forums in the networking section.  Youve got big time driver errors then -- maybe.  Hard to know without all the facts!01:22
dkulchenkofnordpro: different iso01:22
DVA5912ActionParsnip1: im not sure you know what im doing. The vm sees the Dell Axim X5 but it wont active sync. It wont see it on active sync.01:22
dkulchenkofnordpro: it's a completely text-based installer, if you're okay with that01:22
ActionParsnip1DJNomad: as long as it can be named as a raw device /dev<something> you can mount it01:22
sd32ActionParsnip1,  arrrg stickam still isnt coming up correctly01:22
sanenicki can access a computer through ssh & httpd but i cannot access web from inside it (e.g wget)..how to fix that?01:23
Ryan_Chauno i wasn't able to01:23
nnyKevDog ok thanks.  I'm trying to avoid reinstalling everything is there a way to just reinstall all my drivers without already having internet?01:23
JohnSmithRyan_Chau: was not able to what?01:23
Ryan_Chauokay i'll try the other command01:23
ActionParsnip1DVA5912: active sync?01:23
KevDognny: YES!01:23
jonkenny007Thanks ActionParsnip101:23
DVA5912ActionParsnip1: its a tool MS uses to sync devices. Its needed to sync. Unless ubuntu has another way01:23
jonkenny007smbmount is working01:23
ActionParsnip1DVA5912: oh like some pda thing?01:24
Ryan_Chauit says unable to resolve host dslextreme01:24
DJNomadActionParsnip1, can you post the command again ,sorry i lost it and tried one found on website and its saying cant find in fstab mstab01:24
ActionParsnip1jonkenny007: np man01:24
Ryan_Chaubut i can't find the dslextreme host anywhere01:24
DVA5912ActionParsnip1: Yes01:24
ActionParsnip1DJNomad: sudo fdisk -l01:24
Ryan_Chaubesides during the login screen, on the bottom right it says dslextreme\\01:24
Ryan_Chauor something, i think that's the computer or network name, but i don't know how to get to it01:24
jonkenny007One more question thought.. stupid i know, but i am new.. how do I give permission to my user to mount the drive (smbmount) without sudo use?01:24
jonkenny007is there a way?01:24
ActionParsnip1DVA5912: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/1509101:25
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nnyKevDog sorry, I don't mean to be a bother but how do i do that01:25
* sanenick tries #debian01:25
ActionParsnip1jonkenny007: you can add the mount to /etc/fstab and it will mount automagically01:26
ruedigerI have a problem: I'm trying to install Ubuntu 8.10/amd64/alt-installer onto a system with software raid. I have set up raid, dm-crypt and than a lvm. But now the installer tries to install lilo and fails.01:26
KevDognny: Post your information.  Please.  I know nothing about your hardware, system, kernel type etc.01:26
ruedigeris it really necessary to use lilo? can't I use grub?01:26
KevDognny: Post in forums --01:26
slestakmrwes: with no changes to mountpoint, the user joey can delete files individually in bash.01:26
ActionParsnip1ruediger: you can use any bootloader you can name (except windows)01:26
nnyKevDog k01:26
jonkenny007ActionParsnip1: thanks, i know how to do that, but i am trying to make an icon or launcher that would mount when i click, like the ones under the "places" for the local windows partition01:26
jonkenny007is there a way?01:27
DJNomadActionParsnip1,  its not showing up on that but it does doing a tail-f /var/log/messages01:27
ruedigerActionParsnip1: but will it work with raid,dm-crypt,lvm?01:27
ActionParsnip1jonkenny007: once mounted, you can add it to places in nautilus01:27
Anon9591hey guys!01:27
Ryan_Chauso what do I do now?01:27
wkerzendwhere can I change the driver for the video card these days. xorg.conf doesnt seem to have a driver section anymore. cheers01:27
ActionParsnip1ruediger: ive never setup a fakeraid, i oonly use true raid cards if i need it01:27
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sanenickhi Anon959101:27
BCM43wkerzend: it still has it01:28
Anon9591I have a boot problem with ubuntu... can someone help me?01:28
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ActionParsnip1ruediger: so my os only sees one drive01:28
BCM43Anon9591: just ask01:28
ActionParsnip1Anon9591: just ask away01:28
Anon9591I have three OSs in my system01:28
Anon9591ubuntu, xp and vista01:28
ruedigerand installing lilo fails because he tries to install it into /dev/mapper which is a directory and when I try to install it into /dev/sda it fails with the message that it can't install grub due to /boot being an lvm volume01:28
ari_stressgood morning all :)01:29
BCM43ari_stress: good morning01:29
ActionParsnip1Anon9591: one line is prerable01:29
Anon9591and I want them all to boot properly01:29
Anon9591one line?01:29
BCM43ari_stress: except it is 8:30 pm where I am01:29
ActionParsnip1!grub | Anon959101:29
ubottuAnon9591: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:29
ruedigerhow can I install lilo from the rescue shell?01:29
BigJay_911whats up01:29
BCM43!enter | Anon959101:29
ubottuAnon9591: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:29
wkerzendBCM43: mine only has "Configured Video Device" in the xorg.conf and no driver. its in the /etc/X11/xorg.conf01:30
ActionParsnip1Anon9591: when explaining dont split information up01:30
usserwkerzend, still if you add a driver section to xorg.conf it respects it01:30
Ryan_Chaui was wondering how i can01:30
sd32can anyone tell me why  stickam .com doesn't  work with flash 10 in linux?01:30
ActionParsnip1Anon9591: like ethis or it gets confusing01:30
Ryan_Chauget out of the @whatever01:30
Ryan_Chaulike it would say01:30
BCM43wkerzend: you have to add the line yourself.01:30
Ryan_Chauryan@abced.com when i am in my termnal01:30
Ryan_Chauhow do i exit that?01:30
wkerzendBCM43: so what driver does it use now?01:30
BCM43sd32: this is not the right channel for that, that is a flash problem01:30
BCM43wkerzend: I am actually not sure. I fogot01:31
ActionParsnip1Anon9591: you need to have 1 bootable drive with grub which can then kick off the bootups of the other OSes01:31
Anon9591I got GRUB... but its not working with XP01:31
jonkenny007 ActionParsnip1: thanks man.. but still having prob.. i mount it fine.. but when i restart or umount it .. the icon in places goes away and can't remount it again.. is there a way to make that icon stay there to mount?01:31
snthDoes anyone know what set -o do?01:31
BCM43Anon9591: in what order did you install the OS's?01:31
slestakmrwes: i found this nugget in the rhythmbox docs"At this time, Rhythmbox can only read information but cannot write (like tags modification, tracks deletion or copy track from Rhythmbox Music Player to your player)."01:31
Anon9591I cant remember properly but XP was the last one01:32
ActionParsnip1sd32works here, 64bit flash 10 + intrepid01:32
nnyKevDog what is the most efficient way to put all my system's info into a single text file to put on the forum.  Is there a way to output my configuration?01:32
BCM43!grub | Anon959101:32
ubottuAnon9591: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:32
wkerzendBCM43: is there any other file, or a ui or gui that would give me this information01:32
BCM43Anon9591: first link01:32
tsrkI want to setup virtualbox on my server to host VPS's and connect from other machines.  What would I use to connect?01:32
Ryan_Chauis tehre anyone that can help me get my eth0 back? my computer is running in l001:32
ActionParsnip1Anon9591: you need to add an entry to /boot/grub/menu.list01:33
BCM43wkerzend: ok, I used to know this, hold on01:33
KevDognny: Just cut and paste what you know right now.  You will get asked for more info -- Trust me!01:33
nnyKevDog ok, tyvm.01:33
spaceBARbarianis there any way to change the box cursor thingy to an underscore in terminal ?01:33
Sergeant_Ponyfunction snd_mixer_load failed: No such file  or directory ? anyone have any ideas I get this when I load alsamixer01:33
ruedigeror how can I run grub from the install shell?01:33
BCM43wkerzend: dig around in the xorg logs.01:34
amathishow can I add a directory into my bash path, for instance I have a directory in /usr that includes a bin/ and a lib/ directory.. I wanna make bash be able to use the executables01:34
mertherCan someone assist in configuring fstab to automount a samba share?01:34
ruedigeramathis: add it to PATH01:35
ruedigerand LD_LIBRARY_PATH01:35
BCM43merther: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/configure-a-system-to-automount-a-samba-share-with-etcfstab/01:35
mertherthat's where I'm looking01:35
jonkenny007How can I make a mount Icon for a network drive? like the ones under places?01:35
overdubamathis, PATH=$PATH:/more/paths/dirs01:35
wkerzendBCM43: okay found ti its openchrome thanks.01:36
BCM43jonkenny007: make a launcher run the mount command01:36
BCM43wkerzend: where was it?01:36
bonhoffermy wireless just fell off on my ubuntu laptop -- my pc gets wireless just fine -- is there anything i can do?01:36
glock6hey just wondering if anyone knows anything about getting a laptop touchpad light (toggeler) to work- its a compaq cq5001:37
mertherBCM43:  I add the information and save the file then sudo mount /mnt/mountpointname  and then put in my password then nothing happens.01:37
xSlackWhat would you use to convert .mp3 tags from the iTUnes 4 letter tags to their original tag01:37
amathisruediger, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/foo/lib01:37
BCM43merther: you followed the instructions?01:37
ruedigerexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/foo/lib01:38
amathisruediger, do I need export when doing PATH as well?01:38
mertherBCM43:  yes01:38
yoyit2my flash drive has a hidden file called "trash-1000" ...but i cant delete any files from it, cuz there all "read only files" HELP!!01:38
exodus_msRyan_Chau, you still there? Troubleshooting wifi problems in IRC can get complicated at times, check out this link and post back with details if your still having problems --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide01:38
BCM43merther: does mount have a --verbose?01:39
spaceBARbarianis there any way to change the box cursor thingy to an underscore in terminal ?01:39
ruedigeramathis: yes01:39
BCM43merther: is does, use -v01:39
amathisruediger, thank you very much01:39
bonhofferanyway to troubleshoot wireless01:39
exodus_msbonhoffer, --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide01:40
BCM43bonhoffer: what wireless card?01:40
ruedigerhow can I run either grub or lilo from the install shell? I couldn't find any executable with find01:40
bonhofferBCM43, atheros on eeepc01:41
ruedigereven chrooting into /target didn't help01:41
BCM43exodus_ms: do you know of anyone that that actually helped?01:41
mertherBCM43:  think it's hanging on the authentication...01:41
exodus_msBCM43, well like it says 'work in progress'01:42
maxagazis it possible to synchronize tomboy with a notebook on the internet ?01:42
BCM43merther: what does it output with -v ?01:42
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: is it the atheros ar242x?01:42
mlissnerHi. Does anybody know how to configure tracker so that it grabs the meta data for music?01:42
snthHi guys, I just posted about how to edit your commands at the shell using vi. http://www.khussein.com/2009/bash-command-line-editing-with-vim/  .. just thought I could share.01:42
bonhofferIndyGunFreak, how do i find that out?01:42
exodus_msBCM43, better than going !wireless01:42
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: open a terminal and type "lspci"...no quotes, then hit enter01:42
spaceBARbarianis there any way to change the box cursor thingy to an underscore in terminal ?01:42
BCM43exodus_ms: true.01:42
jonkenny007BCM43: thanks man.. can I include the sudo password in the launcher command line somehow?01:42
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: then look through there and see hwo its identified01:42
bonhofferRalink Device 078101:43
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: they're a pain01:43
_VIM_maxagaz: i think you can import notes in Google Notebook, if you exported them as HTML or xml, I know for a fact you can export google Notebooks that way, so im assuming they have an import01:43
BCM43jonkenny007: use sudo and it should ask you for one.01:43
Anon7564hey there01:43
jonkenny007BCM43: i tried.. nothing happened01:43
Anon7564I got down... but now Im online again01:43
BCM43jonkenny007: try gksudo instead of sudo01:44
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: what made you think you had an atheros wireless device?01:44
glock6anyone know how to fix this problem - atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e058 <keycode>' to make it known.- the key a a button to disable/enable a touchpad01:44
bonhoffera friend told me . . .01:44
mlissnerno dice on tracker configuration?01:44
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: how did he come up w/ that ?01:44
bonhofferIndyGunFreak, i don't know  -- but i just had this working for two months01:45
bonhofferwhy do i now have no option to enable wireless01:45
jonkenny007BCM43: i tried that as well. I click on the icon.. nothing01:45
spaceBARbarianis there any way to change the box cursor thingy to an underscore in terminal ?01:45
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: no clue, i'm guessing an update or something...01:45
bonhofferi just updated sudo01:45
Anon7564im looking for a british guy I was talking too01:45
IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: like i said, ralink's are a pain01:45
bonhoffer(and some other stuff)01:45
Anon7564before got offline01:45
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IndyGunFreakbonhoffer: wel, then you didn't "just update sudo"01:46
doocohello can anyone help me with intel video issues01:46
BCM43jonkenny007: run the command from a terminal and tell me what happens01:46
Ademanare there any open source mathml editors floating around out there?01:46
BCM43dooco: what are the issues?01:46
Ryan_Chauhi iwas wondering if anyone could help me01:47
Ryan_Chauget off my network01:47
Ademaner, faulty regex, answers appreciated anyways :-p01:47
doocoi cant get it to recognise my x3100 integrated card01:47
BCM43Ryan_Chau: ask away to the channel01:47
doocoit will only let me use some weird resolution01:47
jonkenny007BCM43: I get the message: gksudo: invalid option -- 'o'01:47
mertherBCM43: part of the problem could be that the network viewer isn't even finding shares on the network computer.01:47
Ryan_Chauso when im on my termnal it says01:47
Ryan_Chauryan@dslextreme i want to get out of it01:48
Ryan_Chaubecause it's not letting me get to my eth001:48
Ryan_Chaui want my eth0 so i can use my internet01:48
BCM43jonkenny007: then there is a problem with your command01:48
exodus_msRyan_Chau, thats just the name of your computer01:48
jonkenny007BCM43: here is the command:gksudo smbmount // /media/usr8700 -o username=***,password=***,rw,uid=1000,gid=users01:48
spaceBARbarianis there any way to change the box cursor thingy to an underscore in terminal ?01:48
BCM43merther: yes that could be a problem01:48
Ryan_Chaubut how do i get to eth0 ?01:48
badpchow do i install screensavers in jaunty?01:48
Ryan_Chauwhen i do the command sudo ifconfig eht0 up01:48
Ryan_Chauit gives me an error message01:48
IndyGunFreak!jaunty | badpc01:49
ubottubadpc: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.01:49
exodus_msRyan_Chau, type   lshw01:49
Ryan_Chautype that in the termnal?01:49
thewrathcan someone confirm issue with wpa2 enterprise encryption for wireless in 9.0401:50
worrenhelp! after a recent upgrade, every key i hit on the keyboard seems to be the'break/pause' key.01:50
thewrathif anyone has it or wat not01:50
BCM43jonkenny007: what is the -o doing? the man pages are not there for me01:50
doocosorry clicked wrong tab can anyone help me with those intel video issues01:50
exodus_msRyan_Chau, yes01:50
Ryan_Chauit says network disabled01:50
Ryan_Chauit also said something about me being a superuser to run it01:50
thewrathRyan_Chau:  you talking to me?01:50
BCM43thewrath: use #ubuntu+101:50
thewrathrgr that BCM4301:50
Ryan_Chauoh no im talking to exodus that is helping me01:51
BCM43thewrath: thanks01:51
BCM43Ryan_Chau: prefix your text with the screen name of the person you are talking to01:51
doococan anyone here help me with intel video issues01:52
willie_whats the best way to set up Apache01:52
Ryan_Chauexodus_ms, is there anything i need t look for01:52
bigedraidernatiousing knoppix live for the first time01:52
exodus_msRyan_Chau, when you typed lshw look at the section 'network' what type of card is listed?01:52
felixsullaWhat is the best way to get firefox 3 on gutsy gibbon?01:52
spaceBARbarianis there a way to change the cursor in gnome terminal to an underscore ?01:52
matthew1429I have 4 hd's plugged in and have no idea which one ubuntu is seeing ??? any help?01:52
felixsullaspacebar: cp .bashrc .bashrc-backup, then edit .bashrc to your needs01:53
Ryan_Chauexodus_ms, it says *-network DISABLED01:53
felixsullaIf you screw up: cp .bashrc-backup .bashrc to fix it :)01:53
Anon8188hey people!01:53
Anon8188does someone know any good irc chat client for ubuntu?01:54
felixsullamatthew: you cant tell by looking at the files..?01:54
exodus_msspaceBARbarian, instead of repeating your question here over and over, did you attempt to search for an answer. I just did a quick search and found this --> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/19406501:54
mintsouphow can I add 'open terminal' to the right-click on desktop menu?01:54
maxagaz_VIM_, thanks01:54
doococan anyone here help me with intel video issues01:54
worrenhelp! after a recent upgrade, every key i hit on the keyboard seems to be the'break/pause' key. sorry i have to repeat old part of msg. can't key too much, using on-screen keyboard. any help?01:54
weshleyIs there a command I can type to see where a program is installed? I just did a sudo apt-get isntall eggdrop and I have no idea where it installed to, or where its config file is located01:55
Cpudan80Does anyone have a problem with their wireless where the taskbar signal meter thing will show some % signal that is vastly different than the little popup list of nearby APs?01:55
fdemintsoup: sudo aptitude install nautilus-open-terminal01:55
Anon8188does someone know any good irc chat client for  ubuntu?01:55
fdemintsoup: next time try searching01:55
Cpudan80Anon8188: xchat01:55
doocouse pidgin01:55
mrpocketsAnon8188, I like xChat01:55
rickbHello, I am running a vsftpd server on my Ubuntu 8.10 server, This will sound vague, but it doesn't let me login, I check the logs, it is a standard login failure, I can SSH with this account, email, everything but ftp, this is for all my accounts, no one can access ftp, it tries to start the ftp transaction but just returns an auth failure, any ideas? maybe a pam issue or something?01:55
doocothats what i am using01:55
Cpudan80Anon8188: sudo apt-get install xchat01:55
mrpocketsI've heard that theres a precompiled install for vmware01:55
mertherThe network viewer cannot browse using the smb://server  but can browse using the ip address smb:// 192.168.etc...  What do I do?01:55
mrpocketsanyone able to help a brotha out?01:55
felixsullaI'm using Konversation also.01:55
mintsoupi don't like searching for something that should be there be default or something.. but thank you01:55
Ryan_Chauexodus_ms, is there a way i can enable it?01:56
woody86does anyone know if Ubuntu 8.10 can read the ext4 FS? i.e. if I had a ext3 / partition, and an ext4 /home partition?01:56
doocodoes anyone know anything about intel video cards under ubuntu01:56
runeyHey all, I'm attempting to configure DRBL for imaging machines at my school on 8.10, however I'm having trouble figuring out how i can select where i would like the images...01:56
mertherso it can't use the name01:56
willie_is there MIRC for ubuntu?01:56
runeyany suggestions?01:56
fdewoody86: that would work, sure... but why not have the entire thing as ext4?01:56
mrpocketsyou know what the m staands for?01:56
exodus_msRyan_Chau, are you trying to enable a wireless or wired connection. By the way, how are you connected right now01:56
fdewillie_: fortunately, no01:56
Ryan_Chauexodus_ms, i am trying to enable a wired connection, i'm on another wired connection right now on my pc01:57
weshleywillie_; there are several irc chat programs native to linux but its not unheard of to windows emulate mIRC if you must have it, but i dont really see the logic in that01:57
fdewillie_: I hear it works in wine if you really have to use it though... worst IRC client around, but w/e01:57
weshley!irc clients | willie01:57
Ryan_Chauexodus_ms, i plugged my laptop in to the wire, which is running an ubuntu OS, and it works just fine, it connects to eth0 and goes01:57
ubottuwillie: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines01:57
DBOis it safe to resize my ext3 partition to be smaller from the liveCD?01:57
dlublinkAre there any mirrors out there that still have the feisty repository ?01:57
_VIM_I just tried konversation for the first time (been using linux for 2 years) and i'm like a kid in a toy store now :)01:57
dlublinkI have to install a machine with feisty, and I can't find any mirrors01:57
willie_ok thank you01:57
woody86fde, well I installed 9.04 as ext4, but the latest updates has made my comp really glitchy, so I want to go back to 8.04, but don't want to loose all my /home if possible01:57
ubottuUbuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.01:58
fdedlublink: feisty is dead01:58
dlublinkThere are no mirrors anywhere ??01:58
runeyhas anyone in here used DRBL whose brain i can pick, so to speak?01:58
dlublinkI used a PXE boot this morning cause my CD was corrupt01:58
fdedlublink: I don't recall the URL, but you really ought to rethink using feisty anymore01:58
willie_how can i mirror my ubuntu hard drive or save it at least01:59
dlublinkOk, my problem is I need asterisk 1.2 and it won't compile on 8.0401:59
fdedlublink: it will never get security updates again, for instance01:59
fdedlublink: why do you need an old version?01:59
doocook i am just gonna ask the question.  the highest resolution i can get is 1152x864 it is showing my intel card as installed video adapter how can i get it to regognise my card so i can use 1280x1024 at least01:59
fdedlublink: use the version in 8.04.201:59
DVA5912What can i use to see what devices are connected?01:59
dlublinkAsterisk does not compile on 8.04.201:59
dlublinkAsterisk 1.2*01:59
fdedlublink: but why do you need such an ancient version? its not like they removed features in later editions02:00
dlublinkI have a software that I have to support for 6 months and I am told it does not run on asterisk 1.402:00
willie_how do i backup my system?02:00
mrpocketsno sudo02:01
jrib!backup | willie_02:01
ubottuwillie_: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning02:01
mrpocketsjust backup --plz02:01
usserwillie_, partimage, dd02:01
jribmrpockets: please be helpful02:01
mrpocketssry :(02:01
jrib!anyone | dooco02:01
ubottudooco: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:01
mrpocketsi kinda lul'd02:01
doocoi did that several times02:01
mrpocketsjrib, you using 8.10?02:02
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines02:02
jribdooco: well I have no idea what your question is, so I can't really help you02:02
jribmrpockets: yep02:02
usserdooco, intel cards are supported out of the box, even though it shows installed video driver or whatnot its actually using the proper one02:02
fdejrib: scroll up? bad resolution02:02
willie_is it installed already?02:02
mrpocketsis it mroe stable than it was when it came out?02:02
usserdooco, unless you messed with it02:02
ciscohi there02:02
sanenicki think the problem is because there are too many people in the channel 1300+02:02
dlublinkI'll give it a shot with asterisk 1.4 see what happens02:03
jrib!x > dooco02:03
ubottudooco, please see my private message02:03
usserdooco, type xrandr on the terminal does it list your resolution?02:03
mrpocketssanenick, there needs to be an overflow chan or two02:03
fdemrpockets: there is02:03
worrencannot unmount a mounted fs.get msg:'device is busy'. how now/02:03
yfkusing the GUI to mount NTFS yields a drive to which I can write, doing the same for hfs+ yields one from which I may only read. how can I attain write permissions to that drive?02:03
fdesanenick: only around 20 are talking at a given time... just hide join/part messages and its not hard to follow at all02:04
willie_hey guys thanks for your help02:04
jonkenny007BCM43: all right.. -o was just me being stupid (it's where the options go) so i removed it and now get the error message: mount error 13 = Permission denied02:04
jonkenny007Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g.man mount.cifs)02:04
Ryan_Chaucan someone tell me how i can edit my interfaces file under /ect/network/02:04
Ryan_Chaueverytime i edit it it says i don't have permission to save this file02:04
worrencannot unmount a mounted fs. get msg:'device is busy'. how now?02:04
jonkenny007BCM43: my command again is: gksudo smbmount // /media/usr8700 username=**,password=**,rw,uid=1000,gid=users02:04
dooco!usser it lists resolutions i can use but not the ones i need02:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:04
fdeRyan_Chau: use sudo or gksudo02:05
spaceBARbarianis there a way to change the cursor in gnome terminal to an underscore ?02:05
Ryan_Chauokay, but i am new to ubuntu so how do i use the sudo?02:05
usseryfk, i dont think writing to hfs+ is supported by linux02:05
Ryan_Chaudo i go in the termnal and type in? sudo /etc/network/interfaces02:05
fdeRyan_Chau: no... sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces ... or gksudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces is likely what you want02:06
yfkusser: the people in #Debian told me it is02:06
fdeyfk: install hfsplus02:06
usserdooco, and glxinfo, what is OpenGL renderer string should be something like this OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM 20061102 x86/MMX/SSE202:06
fde!search hfsplus02:06
=== cmdshftn is now known as cmdshftn|afk
fdeI need to learn how to use this bot again... but I think there is also hfsplus-tools etc02:07
usseryfk, i dunno take a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=54315902:07
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
fdeusser: apt-cache show hfsplus ... guessing is not useful02:07
ruedigerhow can I mount a /proc in a chroot environment?02:08
yfkhfsplus declares it enables writing to the partition02:08
usserdooco, and glxinfo, what is OpenGL renderer string should be something like this OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) 965GM 20061102 x86/MMX/SSE202:08
fdeyfk: No it doesn't, but it can via the tools its ships02:08
doocosorry usser i am coming back in the middle of the conversation02:08
doocothe previous terminal command restarted my pc02:09
usseryfk, the thread i sent you mentions something about journaling in hfs+ and ubuntu unable to utilize it, theres also some helpful debugging commands, like looking at dmesg output when mounting the partition02:09
fdeyfk: btw, do not ask Ubuntu questions in #debian ... they do not support Ubuntu.02:09
boot_loopdo most programs that compile in debian compile fine in ubuntu?02:10
OrlandoBloomi have a ubuntu disk, how do i get the bloody thing to work?02:10
usserboot_loop, yes thats generally true02:10
doocousser i tried that command u sent me before the link and it loked my pc so i had to restart02:10
boot_loopOrlandoBloom: make sure your boot order in your bios is set to check for CD-rom first, then boot from it02:10
fdeboot_loop: most ubuntu programs are debian packages recompiled for ubuntu build environments... they may be heavily patched though to compile on the newer stuff02:10
DVA5912I have a Dell Axim Cradle. Does it need to be pluged into power outlet before i can sync? and if so, can i use a 6 v adapter? its all i got thats close enough02:10
usserdooco, glxinfo??02:10
usserdooco, really?02:11
usserdooco, hm thats weird02:11
fdeboot_loop: so it depends on how and why the package was modified02:11
doocosaid it was checking battery wich was weird sinsce i am using a desktop lol02:11
boot_loopok cool, thanks, fde02:11
usserdooco, what does lspci | grep VGA say?02:11
doocoi am sorry you will have to use lamens terms i am still new to this sorry02:12
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usserdooco, in the terminal type lspci and pastebin the output02:12
usser!pastebin | dooco02:12
tested2Hello I recently upgraded to hardy and now mysql 5 wont start here is what it says when I try to reinstall it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/120394/02:12
ubottudooco: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)02:12
DJNomadI am having a aweful time trying to get a micro sd card to mount either in my phone via usb cable or using a usb card reader anyone know the trick?02:12
DJNomadif things dont change ima have to email myself 4 gig worth of songs lol02:13
bonhofferwhat is good scanner software for ubuntu?02:14
yfkhpmount: /dev/sda2: This is not a HFS+ volume (Unknown error 4294967295)  <-- ah02:14
fdebonhoffer: sane ... which is installed by default in Applications > Graphics02:14
dTxHey I'm running Jaunty and was wondering if there was a way to revert back from xorg-edgers to the regular xserver/drivers02:15
dTxOnly used it because Intel was performing horribly02:15
dTxanybody know?02:16
OrlandoBloomhey linux boy, the bios settings change didnt work02:16
doocou still there usser02:16
fdedTx: this channel is for stable ONLY... #ubuntu+102:16
danbhfive_jauntydTx: probably install intrepid02:16
usserdooco, yea... tried googling it, it should be supported by the intel driver, what is it a laptop card?02:17
OrlandoBloomunbuntu, wont load from the disk even when i changed the bios, what do i try now?02:17
usserdooco, can you pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:17
usserdooco, are you running 8.10?02:17
doocono it is integrated into my desktop02:17
tested2Hello I recently upgraded to hardy and now mysql 5 wont start here is what it says when I try to reinstall it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/120394/ Ive also tried the fixes posted here but they dont seem to work for me: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=33950502:18
* fde wonders why so many people say 'unbuntu' :/02:18
doocothe weird thing is if i use sabayon i get full resolution02:18
chort27Can someone help me? I'm trying to turn on desktop effects on my iBook G3 but it won't let me02:18
doocoonly ubuntu gives me this issue02:18
brokenice.what are you doing?02:19
usserdooco, hm... i'd be helpful to look at sabayon's xorg.conf if you have it02:19
fdechort27: if it won't let you, it means your graphics drivers don't support he necessary features ... what is your graphic card?02:19
BigJay_911what issue it give u02:19
usserdooco, still pastebin ubuntu's xorg.conf02:19
BigJay_911i have UE ubuntu 2.0 it runs smooth02:19
doocoi wish i did sabayon crapped out on me so i had to reinstall02:19
usserdooco, also pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:19
doocoso i decided to try ubuntu again02:20
Ryan_ChauI was wondering if anyone could tell me how I can uninstall and reinstall ubuntu!? please help me!02:20
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bruenigRyan_Chau: just pop in the install cd again02:20
chort27Hi sorry I just crashed02:20
danbhfive_jauntytested2: have you tried purging the mysql install, and then installing again?02:20
doocousser permission denied02:20
BigJay_911what kind trouble u haveing02:20
fdeRyan_Chau: uhh, just reinstall the OS... you don't uninstall an OS  :/02:20
usserdooco, eh for what?02:20
OrlandoBloomi want to get unbuntu on my comp, but i cant get it to work02:20
chort27Can someone help me? My iBook G3 won't let me turn on desktop effects :-\02:20
fdeRyan_Chau: unless you did Wubi?02:20
weshley!irc clients | willie02:20
ubottuwillie: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines02:20
weshleyoops mt02:21
bruenig!broken | OrlandoBloom02:21
ubottuOrlandoBloom: Saying "It says nothing", "It does nothing" is generally not very useful for troubleshooting. Please be as specific as possible: if you see a black screen, say so, if you see a shell prompt, say so, if you see an !error message, say so - Also, most !CLI commands don't print anything when they succeed, but only when they fail.02:21
fdechort27: I JUST answered you...02:21
Ryan_Chaufde, no but the ubuntu came with the PC i bought so i don't have a CD02:21
usserdooco, open it with sudo, ie sudo gedit /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:21
weshleyI just did a sudo apt-get install eggdrop, when i do a search it comes up with several folders installed. Does anyone know where the eggdrop folder is located with the config file that ubunto default installs to?02:21
chort27fde: sorry i crashed out02:21
mrpockets...YOU are not my terminal!02:21
Ryan_Chaufde, does that mean I can still use the CD that i downloaded?02:21
fdeRyan_Chau: so download one?02:21
doocobigjay i cant get ubuntu to recognise the correct driver for my integrated intel video02:21
weshleyOr a command I could type to see where the installation took place02:21
Ryan_Chaufde, thanks02:21
bruenigweshley: in /etc if it exists at all02:21
tested2danbhfive_jauny: Ive tried an apt-get remove is their another command for purging?02:21
fdechort27: what is your graphics card?02:21
bruenigweshley: dpkg -L eggdrop02:21
fdeRyan_Chau: sure?02:21
weshleybruenig; THANKS02:22
danbhfive_jauntytested2: apt-get remove --purge        I believe02:22
chort27fde: I'm not sure how to tell but it says direct rendering: Yes02:22
doocousser http://paste.ubuntu.com/120400/02:22
fdechort27: lspci | grep -i graphic02:23
OrlandoBloomunbuntu does not work on my comp. i put the disk in. i did the bio change so it boot from cd- it didnt work. Any other ideas?02:23
chuck-how can i disable window animation during minimize or maximize?02:23
pgreptomHi, how do I ignore messages such as "Feb 19 19:58:23 cixar kernel: [57734.364187] ACPI: Unable to turn cooling device [ffff88013fa3f7e0] 'off'" in syslog?  it filters up syslog and makes it almost useless02:23
fdeOrlandoBloom: its ubuntu not unbuntu02:23
doocousser see lines 17-19 that seems to be the problem02:23
bruenigOrlandoBloom: stop trolling02:24
chort27fde: i typed that but it just gae me another blank terminal command line - nothing happened02:24
DJNomaddmesg should tell me where my flash drive is located right ?02:24
chort27fde: I open System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers and the list is empty and it say "No Proprietary drivers are in use on this system".02:24
bruenigDJNomad: yes02:24
mertherI'm trying to add My Documents from a windows computer as an automount in fstab but I don't think it's recognizes the syntax I'm using for My Documents.  What do I use for the space?  in the network browser it uses my%20documents.02:24
usserdooco, no its fine, since hardy ubuntu autodetects your resolutions/monitors02:25
fdechort27: means thats not the video line... so it returned nothing... lspci | grep -i vga02:25
usserdooco, no need to explicitly specify it02:25
dTxHi I'm totally not on Jaunty and am on Intrepid, do you know how I can, after commenting out the xorg-edgers repo, revert to the official packages02:25
bruenigmerther: what are you mounting exactly? another partition, drive? or is this some sort of samba share or what02:25
dTxtheir version number is less so an upgrade won't work02:25
danbhfive_jauntydTx: have you tried just apt-get installing the package?02:26
chort27fde: VGA Compatible controller: ATI Technologies INC Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500]02:26
dTxthe version number in xorg-edgers is higher so it just says its already installed02:26
merthersamba share... so on that computer I can mount a folder called shared using  but it has an issue with
tested2danhbfive_jaunty: got it working thanks also had to purge mysql-common02:26
dTxis there a way to tell apt-get to force install only currently available versions?02:26
dTxin current repos?02:27
fdechort27: lsmod | grep fglrx return anything (just yes or no)02:27
kitchedTx: you have to tell apt the specific version if you are downgrading02:27
DJNomadif anyone knows how to find it fast would ya pleast02:27
bruenigmerther: well I would guess you want to put my\ documents, or perhaps quote the entire thing "my documents"02:27
usserdooco, it looks fine02:27
DJNomadI am new and it is crazy02:27
dTxis there a way to show what versions are available?02:27
usserdooco, no errors or anything. are you running compiz right now?02:27
doocoweird aint it :)02:27
dTxlike in apt-cache search or something02:27
merthertried that but it didn't work, though that was a while ago when I had another problem.  I'll try that again real quick.02:27
fdechort27: Also, what version of Ubuntu? Older versions, fglrx didn't support compositing02:27
usserdooco, cant imagine why glxinfo would lock your machine02:27
danbhfive_jauntytested2: cool02:27
danbhfive_jauntydTx: apt-cache policy will show you the versions02:27
chort27fde: grep: return: No such file or directory02:27
doocowhere is compiz02:28
usserdooco, disable compiz if running, and try glxinfo again, only dont restart try killing xserver if it locks down with CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE02:28
fdetell me exactly what you typed... there is no reason for it to return that chort2702:28
usserdooco, 3d effects, cube wobbly windows etc02:28
chort27fdeL 8.0402:28
chort27fde: lsmod | grep fglrx return anything02:28
usserdooco, you need 1280x1024 right?02:28
mertherwhen I do either of those things it says it can't find the mount point in fstab02:28
doocothats all i need02:28
bruenigmerther: ask in #samba02:29
fdechort27: #ubuntu-ppc ... I would guess there is no fglrx driver for ppc though02:29
chort27I've seen a few with it working fde02:29
usserdooco, pastebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf02:29
fdechort27: uhh... make that #ubuntu-powerpc ... they'll know more, PPC isn't even officially supported since Apple switched platforms unfortunately.... other distros have official support02:31
bonhofferdoes anyone know about sane (i have to scan multiple pages and i seems i have to type in the number a priori)02:31
bonhofferi guess i could just put in a big number . . .02:32
OrlandoBloomwhere do i get help in downloading ubuntu?02:32
DJNomadbon are you n sane now?02:32
DJNomadi know nothing about it just wanted to say n sane02:32
fde!installation guide02:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:32
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate02:32
danbhfive_jauntyOrlandoBloom: don't you already have ubuntu?02:32
fdeOrlandoBloom: check the first link ubottu just stated02:33
OrlandoBloomi have a cd version, i cant get it to work02:33
danbhfive_jauntyOrlandoBloom: did you post the error?02:33
OrlandoBloomicant get the thing to even work, like it goes to xp and skips the cdrom02:34
futsuriaiHello, I can't seem to install gnome-settings-daemon-dbgsym which I kind of need to get feedback on another error02:34
danbhfive_jauntyOrlandoBloom: earlier you said you fixed that problem02:34
Ryan_Chauhow can someone tell me how to reformat ubuntu!? iam having a lot of trouble, thanks!02:35
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danbhfive_jauntyRyan_Chau: do you remember the first time you installed ubuntu?02:36
OrlandoBloomno, earlier i said thanx and tried it, than i came back saying it didnt work02:36
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Ryan_Chaudanbhfive_jaunty, no the pc came with ubuntu02:36
DJNomadi need help mounting a flash drive02:36
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DJNomadpretty please02:37
usserdooco, backup your xorg.conf with cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf ~/xorg.conf02:37
Ryan_Chaudanbhfive_jaunty: but i did download and burn a cd so that i am ready to reformat i just need to figure out how to delete it02:37
danbhfive_jauntyRyan_Chau: so, you want to wipe everything, and start with a fresh install?02:37
usserdooco, and replace it with http://paste.ubuntu.com/120404/02:37
Ryan_Chaudanbhfive_jaunty: yes that would be great, if you could please point me in the right direction!02:37
DJNomadryan you install and that deletes it02:37
danbhfive_jauntyRyan_Chau: well, if you boot the cd, and go through the install process, at a certain point, you will get to the partitioner.  Either ask it to delete everything and partition automatically, or if you do it manually, just mark the partitions for reformat02:38
austin_i'm trying to install tibia, a mmo for linux, i can't get it to work02:38
Ryan_Chaudanbhfive_jaunty: the problem is when my ubuntu won't boot the cd, it says it can't find the AUTORUN, and when i open the cd and click on the .exe it won't open it either02:39
DJNomadyou will want it to use entire disk ryan02:39
passfolks, when i boot up i got busybox, i don't have cd and FCSK command isn't allowed ? any help plz ??02:39
DJNomadyou have to boot from cd02:39
DJNomadyou have to set it to boot from cd in bios ryan02:39
danbhfive_jauntyRyan_Chau: are you sure you are booting from the cd?02:40
Ryan_Chaudanbhfive_jaunty:  yes i am sure02:40
Ryan_ChauDJNomad: so do i spam F12 ? to get into bios when i reboot?02:40
doocousser then do i just ctrl alt bkspc to reload it or do i have to restart02:40
usserdooco, yea ctrl+alt+backspace should do02:40
danbhfive_jauntyRyan_Chau: so, you should click the "install now" icon on the desktop02:40
DJNomadit is diff on diff comps mine is delete02:40
Ryan_Chaudanbhfive_jaunty: it doesn't have that icon, i was trying to update ubuntu to the 8.10 from the 8.04 and some files got messed up during the update02:41
DJNomadi have a dell02:41
Syco54645hello, i am wondering if anyone can help me.  i am using a stripped down kernel on my aspire one but i need the ftdi driver for serial usb.  can i get this working without a complete kernel recompile?02:41
passhello? anyway around that to work fsck ?02:41
Ryan_Chaudanbhfive_jaunty: so my ubuntu is missing a lot of files, and i am unable to do a lot of things with it, it is really buggy02:41
TruthTacowhats the best third party flash plugin?02:42
TruthTacoim having issues with adobe flash02:42
doocousser i got the resolution now but at only 50hz02:42
danbhfive_jauntyRyan_Chau: yeah, I dunno whats going on.  It sounds like you aren't able to boot the cd properly02:42
austin_so o noe knows/02:42
austin_its  a .trg02:42
austin_i think02:43
usserdooco, cool, do you by any chance know how high your vsync and hsync go?02:43
syockitTruthTaco: although gnash is older, I think swfdec's more stable02:43
pgreptomhi, is it possible to use x forwarding.. for an already open application, so it doesn't start a new instance of it?02:43
night-wmi need some help with my mouse, it's completely unresponsive02:43
mertherThey couldn't help but I figured it out.  FYI for my documents it's my\040documents02:43
usserdooco, that modeline was for 50hz, cause i wasnt sure02:43
doocoat least 60hz at most 75 or 8002:43
doocomonitir is sony multiscan 500ps02:43
danbhfive_jauntyRyan_Chau: you could try this command, see if it installs anything.  Maybe a package is missing: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop^ && sudo apt-get install linux-generic ubuntu-restricted-extras02:43
usserdooco, you can use this tool to generate modelines http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl or gtf on the terminal if you dont have access to internet02:44
CripperZhi can anyone help to guide me a lil on how to reverse my ip to hostname ? i am receiving not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)02:44
Draciepgreptom, from an ssh session i think you can do SCREEN=:0 app02:44
TruthTacodoes opera work with third party flash plugins?02:44
usserdooco, i'd suggest you increase hsync and vsync incrementally with that mode generator tool until it looks appropriate or fails to display02:44
doocoi got internet access02:44
pgreptomDra let me try02:44
Ryan_Chaudanbhfive_jaunty: i do not have internet connection on that pc, will i still be able to grab those updates?02:44
boot_loopis there a way to clear the history or last viewed files in totem??02:44
alienhow do I archive the whole internet?02:45
passplease guys! how can i run fsck from busybox?02:45
usseralien, http://www.archive.org/index.php02:45
pgreptomDracie: still oepns a new instance :/02:45
danbhfive_jauntyRyan_Chau: no02:45
redvamp128boot_loop:  places -clear recent02:45
napoleonhello anyone trying e17 with ubuntu 8.1002:45
redvamp128boot_loop:  correction- places- recent documents- clear recent02:46
danbhfive_jauntyalien: ask in #freenode02:46
Draciepgreptom, hmm i forgot but you can run stuff in another x session using some sort of variable02:46
boot_loopredvamp128: you're awesome, thanks a lot02:46
syockitTruthTaco: it works for me. fyi, I'm using opera 10 with flash 1002:46
syockitTruthTaco: oh, you meant 3rd party. sorry!02:46
TruthTacowell i prefer opera... if i could get flash to work in it id probably use opera02:47
usserTruthTaco, you can, theres an  option in opera to scan for mozilla plugins, you have to point it to the proper directory02:48
houmalawhen using DUMP, where is the dumpdates file?? Ive looked in /etc but no file.02:48
cdavishow do I enable dircolors in intrepid?02:48
usserTruthTaco, just add this directory /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree02:49
night-wmanyone willing to help with my mouse problem?02:49
Dracienight-wm, whats the issue?02:49
usserTruthTaco, and make sure you flashplugin-nonfree package installed02:49
TruthTacowell see i was having an issue with the flash i had installed in opera originally.. when i played flash in my browser desktop video's would stop working02:49
night-wmjust installed ubuntu 8.04, my mouse is completely unresponsive02:49
night-wmworks fine in windows xp02:50
Dracienight-wm, what kind of mouse?02:50
DJNomadmy dmesg says usb-storage: device found at 3 does that mean anything to anyone?02:50
night-wmlogitech g502:50
Dracienight-wm, did you try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9801902:51
mrpocketshow do you list the size of a directory?02:52
lstarnesmrpockets: try du -h02:52
houmalawhen using DUMP, where is the dumpdates file?? Ive looked in /etc but no file.02:52
mrpocketsdu -h /directory/here  ?02:52
night-wmdracie, hmm i haven't tried that one yet, but i have been constantly editing my xorg.conf file with no positive result02:52
mrocneed help getting wireless card working bcm4311 (rev 01).  everything i've read says that the Broadcom STA driver (in the restricted list) should work, but the "Enable wireless" option is unchecked and grayed out.  help??02:53
Dracienight-wm, give it a try02:53
lstarnesmrpockets: that or just du -h . for the current directory02:53
napoleonhad anyone try e17 on ubuntu 8.10?02:53
Draciemroc, did you install the drivers?02:53
Moochanyone still use dial modems02:53
mrpocketsthanks :)02:53
Draciemrpockets, I think du -h prints the help output02:53
mrocDracie: i used the "activate" option and watched it do the progress bar for installing and everything, rebooted.02:54
Dracienvrmind mrpockets lolz02:54
Draciemroc, open a terminal02:54
night-wmdracie, alright i'll let you know how it goes02:54
Dracienight-wm, sounds good02:54
bbelt16aghey peeps I updated my packages the other day and now my k3b is no longer burning dvds.02:54
mrocDracie: ok...02:55
bbelt16agnot certain what's going on.02:55
mrpockets30 gigs to  backup over 100mbps takes ages :(02:55
Moochdoes anyone use a dial up modem02:55
Draciemroc, try iwconfig -a02:55
mrpocketsover 100mbps to USB2,002:55
DracieMooch, what modem do you have?02:55
Draciemroc, does it say any of hte interfaces have wireless extensions02:56
MoochDracie: pctel02:56
DracieMooch, I gotta brb try seaching ubuntu.com real quick sorry02:56
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Moochok just got the ubuntu cd 8.10 but I need to know what modem driver to use on the pctel website and how to download it02:58
mrpocketshow the hell do you send CTRL-ALT-DEL over VNC when using terminal services?02:58
mrocDracie: sorry about that...oddly enough, i accidentally restarted again, and the driver seems to be working properly now.  thanks for taking the time to answer me.02:59
redvamp128mrpockets:  are you just trying to shut down or restart?02:59
mrpocketsredspike_, no i'm trying to log in02:59
night-wmdracie, nope that didn't work03:00
napoleonhello what is basically the diferent between ubuntu 8.10 and 8.04?03:00
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seacnboyhello . someone have using mod_ftp in apache before?03:02
Yud_Zrocnapoleon: nothing i would stick with 8.04 personally03:02
redvamp128mrpockets: CTRL-ALT-END03:02
mrpocketsno diea03:03
redvamp128mrpockets:  I just found that at one site-- stil looking03:03
mrpocketsno bother03:03
mrpocketsi just got up03:03
mrpocketswalked down the hall03:03
mrpocketsand pressed it myself :-p03:03
FloodBot1mrpockets: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:03
redvamp128mrpockets:  another post says there should be a menu to choose this option.03:04
luckyonewhen I mount my samba share through /etc/fstab, I am unable to delete03:04
futsuriaiHello, I can't seem to install gnome-settings-daemon-dbgsym which I kind of need to get feedback on another error03:05
redvamp128mrpockets:  also have seen ctl-alt-escape if a windows login for some remotes03:05
Moochwhy is the support so short for Ubuntu 8.1003:06
dw1Hello. Is it possible to install Apache, MySQL, and PHP on the desktop version of Ubuntu 8.04.2? I can't seem to find apache server for download on synaptic.03:06
redvamp128mrpockets:  those commands only work when the VNC is fullscreen.03:06
helois it advisable to upgrade from intrepid to jaunty for better i945 video chipset support in 2.6.28?03:06
rwwMooch: You mean the 18 month support period? because it's not a Long Term Support release03:07
rwwhelo: No. Jaunty hasn't been released yet and you shouldn't be using it.03:07
heloi have considerable experience running debian unstable, if that makes any difference03:07
redvamp128helo:  there is a channel to discuss Jaunty =  #ubuntu+103:07
Moochso 8.10 isnt long term and I just got the cd in the mail03:08
heloahh... better protect the proles from the bleeding edge, lest they cut themselves03:08
night-wmdracie, just tried it and it didn't work03:08
rwwMooch: Ubuntu 8.10 was released in October. It'll be supported until April 2010 (18 months).03:08
rwwhelo: Basically, yes.03:09
Moochrww: I am trying to install 8.10 on this old pc I have now but I need to find modem drivers for this pc and thats what I am having trouble with at the moment03:10
redvamp128mrpockets:  I did find this page How To Use Control Alt Delete in Remote Desktop | devnulled <http://devnulled.com/content/2006/06/how-to-use-control-alt-delete-in-remote-desktop/>03:10
MoochI may try and order 8.04 if its still around03:10
=== FlareFlare is now known as Flare-laptop
mrpocketsredvamp128, thans man03:12
jkristhekingsome one please help me!! i just installed some updates and it fixed somethings i notcied like now my screen can go up to 1600x1280 but now i can't enable my effects03:12
redvamp128mrpockets:  if in the future-- I would enable the onscreen keyboard (through accesibility options)03:12
mrpocketsright on the windows box?03:13
Dracienight-wm, sorry was afk03:13
night-wmno problem03:13
jkristhekinganyone wanna try to help me with my situation i got here?03:13
wubrgamercan someone please say my name?03:13
Dracienapoleon, ubuntu 8.04 is the "stable" version of ubuntu, a final release... 8.10 is beta and is simmilar to debian sid03:13
mrpocketsjkristheking, not unlessI know what it is03:13
wubrgamermy nick, i'm trying to test something in irssi03:13
jkristhekingmrpockets i just said it03:14
MoochDracie: is 8.04 pretty much gone from the shipit site03:14
Dracieeveryone feel free to consult with the ubuntu.com search and wiki and forums before asking questions03:14
mrpocketsag right!03:14
DracieMooch, I use only the beta version of ubuntu myself03:14
Dracie8.10 for me and my friends I have installed it on03:14
wubrgamerDracie: please say my name03:14
wubrgamerDracie: please say my nick03:14
Draciewubrgamer, whats the issue03:14
nickhe is testing irssi :)03:14
jkristhekingmrpockets: i just installed one of ubutu's updates. it made my screen res lager (1600x1280) but now  can't enable the compiz effects03:15
Dracienight-wm, can you see if there is anything strange in your xorg.log03:15
nickwubrgamer: try weechat03:15
Draciejkristheking, open terminal run glxinfo | grep direct03:15
night-wmdracie, let me check03:15
jkristhekingdracie: ok03:15
MoochI have a issue with modem drivers they are such a pain to configure03:15
wubrgamernick: why weechat?03:16
jkristhekingdracie can i pm the output?03:16
nickwubrgamer: more flexible, in my opinion.03:16
Draciejkristheking, feel free03:16
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
Ishmaelhow would i pipe an ls command into a text file?03:17
wubrgamernick: irssi has a larger userbase03:17
DracieIshmael, ls > txt03:17
night-wmdracie, sorry where is the location of xorg.log? /etc/X11/?03:17
Ishmael| got me nowhere03:17
Dracienight-wm, most logs are in /var/log03:17
DracieIshmael, that would be a pipe, it is for streaming text to another command03:17
nickwubrgamer: i'm not a weechat fan, just suggested. right now using Xchat.03:17
Moochdoes 8.10 ubuntu have most modem drivers03:18
wubrgamernick: i'm having fun with irssi and screen03:18
jkristhekingmooch: yep03:18
Ishmaellol, it was all i could remember from college03:18
Nasrahave a stupid question ...regarding shutting down my computer....why when I hit shut down ...it reboots itself up....is there a way howto stop this?03:18
Moochgood because I am running a very old copy of ubuntu and didn03:18
Moochhave much drivers03:18
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NasraI am new to all this03:18
nickwubrgamer: you can also use weechat with screen too :)03:18
jkristhekingmooch: alot03:19
illumin8Whats the most lightweight tool i can use to mount windows shares in ubuntu 8.10 32 bit?03:19
jkristhekingmooch: what do you think won't work?03:19
crdlbNasra: how are you shutting it down?03:19
nickleonardo: ?03:19
ldiamondAnyone know how to get the Back and Forward mouse button to work in Nautilus (Ubuntu 8.10)?03:19
jkristhekingldiamond: min works :]03:19
night-wmdracie, i see xorg.0.log, xorg.0.log.old, and xorg.9.log03:20
ldiamondjkristheking, you didnt change anything?03:20
Moochjkristheking: well I am afraid to install 8.1003:20
Dracienight-wm, start with xorg.0.log03:20
Nasracrdlb: I go to the little guy you see on right top I hit it ...then alittle window popup ..then hit shut down....03:20
jkristhekingldiamond: nope worked when i plugged my wireless mouse in03:20
night-wmdracaie, alright03:20
jkristhekingmooch ill pm u03:20
DracieNasra, try sudo shutdown -h now in a terminal see if that properly shuts it down03:21
crdlbNasra: I have no idea why that would reboot it03:21
NasraDracie: thanks03:21
Nasralemme try it03:21
ldiamondAnyone know how to get the Back and Forward mouse button to work in Nautilus (Ubuntu 8.10)?03:22
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gregHi, humbly requesting help w/ seamless remote desktop ( http://www.cendio.com/seamlessrdp/ ) on xubuntu / 8.1003:22
x__hey wats is a gud program to use with .ppt (power point presentations)03:22
ldiamondx__, your only chance is probably OpenOffice03:23
ldiamondx__, of course, Powerpoint through Wine or CrossOver Office.03:23
x__really thats my only chance.... wat about abi word? anything their03:24
NasraDracie: negative did not shut down03:24
DracieNasra, hmm what machine model do you have?03:24
ldiamondx__, http://www.osalt.com/powerpoint03:24
Ishmaelany easy way to get ls to go into a text file with spaces instead of line breaks?03:25
Ishmaeli need it in one continuous line :(03:25
rodsI'm running Ubuntu on a quad core. It seems to prefer one CPU over the rest. Is there a way to better distribute that? Is it more efficient to load on one? I'm not too keen on the ups and downs of serial vs. parallel processing in Linux...03:25
Daft_PunkIshmael, if you mean you want to CD into a folder with spaces you do folder\ name03:25
Daft_Punkassuming the folder is called 'folder name'03:25
night-wmdracie, i see "PreInit failed for input device 'Configured Mouse'"03:25
Ishmaelno, i need a list of all the files within a folder, but in one line, without <br>'s03:26
ldiamondIshmael,  What about replace all?03:26
Ishmaelhow do i enter an enter into replace all?03:26
Ishmaelthat's my problem ;( it just tries to find when i hit enter, if i knew the keyboard code it would be easier...maybe?03:26
ldiamondWell, if your editor supports regexp03:26
ScottG489Whats a good network manager. I have the one that comes with Ubuntu but it doesnt let me use AES encription.03:27
ldiamondIshmael, with gedit, you can use \n as "new line"03:27
Dracienight-wm, I am not sure how to fix it - i think the best way to configure it would to be through hal03:27
ldiamondIshmael, so in gedit replace all \n for a whitespace03:27
rodsAny ideas?03:28
ldiamondIshmael, you can most likely do this directly via command line with a substition, not sure how to do that in bash tho03:28
night-wmdracie, how do i go about doing that03:28
ldiamondAnyone know how to get the Back and Forward mouse button to work in Nautilus (Ubuntu 8.10)?03:28
Dracienight-wm, I am not sure but I am looking at stuff about it03:28
night-wmdracie, alright thanks03:29
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ldiamondScottG489, How does the network manager prevents you from using AES encryption?03:29
jkristhekingldiamond google it aka your mouse model and just add the word ubuntu or what ever linux OS' ur using03:30
maxagazis XEN stable on03:30
maxagaz ?03:30
gregldiamond: check this out: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto03:30
ldiamondjkristheking, I tried that, the only thing I found is a completely stupid hack.03:30
ldiamondgreg just gave out a url to one of these stupid hacks03:30
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jkristhekingldiamond: haha try uh.. daym it i forget what it's called03:31
ldiamondMy back and forward button work well in firefox.03:31
ScottG489ldiamond: It doesn't have it listed in any of the options when I try to make a custom network connection03:31
ldiamondIn the mouse properties, I can get the light to light up when I click my back and forward buttons03:31
ldiamondScottG489, It shouldnt be an option, are you talking about Wireless connection?03:31
NasraDracie: it d03:32
ldiamondScottG489, AES is a symetric key block cipher that is used commonly in WPA2 and TLSv1.03:32
jkristhekingldiamond: what kinda mouse you using03:32
ldiamondjkristheking, Logitech G503:32
NasraDracie: my coputer keep rebooting when I click shut up....why is it doing ...need some help on how to stop this....03:33
Nasrathanks in advance03:33
ScottG489ldiamond: Yes, I need to to connect to my schools wifi.03:33
DracieNasra, what parts do you have/what computer model?03:33
mlissnerHas anybody noticed the way that when you resume from suspend, it flashes the contents of your screen sometimes?03:34
ldiamondScottG489, Then, you don't decide what cipher you use, the Wireless router does.03:34
Nasrait's a compaq AMD6403:34
mlissnerIt seems like a security concern, but I'm curious if it's just me.03:34
gregAnyone have any experience w/ seamless remote desktop?03:34
ldiamondmlissner, it doesnt flash for me, and thats not really a security concern03:35
x__has any one here used pphtml?03:35
NasraDracie: 512ram 120gb compaq AMD64...03:35
DracieNasra, a model number?03:35
NasraDracie: Compaq Presario03:35
ScuniziDracie: could be Nasra has an acpi issue.. but I'm just guessing03:35
mlissnerldiamond, it's doesn't always do it, but it could be a concern, because it could allow somebody to see the contents of your screen, when they should see the password prompt...03:35
Dracieyeah Scunizi good call03:36
ScottG489ldiamond: Yes but I still think I need to enable it somehow. I looked at my schools Windows XP guide to find out what kind of wireless settings I needed and AES along with PEAP and WPA were some of the things it mentioned. There seems to be an option for all of those things in NetworkManager besides AES03:36
ScuniziDracie: kernel line?  acpi=off or someting?03:36
ldiamondmlissner, for a fraction of a second. Did you know you could dump the entire memory to a firewire device only with physical access? Thats a security concern03:36
DracieNasra, you could try rebooting with the boot optioned added acpi=off03:37
idefineI just installed ubuntu server, I get to grub loading, please wait... and then it give me an Error 14, any ideas why this could be? I did a raid 5 install for the drives.03:37
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Nasrait's really weird I installed a sound card the a couple days ago.....could it be that ..03:37
jkristhekingldiamond: hmm03:37
ldiamondScottG489, AES isnt a choice you have, but your hardware has to support it.03:37
mlissnerldiamond, that's certainly a concern too. So does this mean it does it to you too?03:37
DracieNasra, do you know how?03:37
ldiamondmlissner, the flash on resume, no.03:37
Nasrahitting f10 when rebooting correct?03:37
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ldiamondmlissner, most likely a video driver issue, check if you can get a newer version of the restricted video driver of your hardware.03:38
NasraDracie: letme try that....be right back....03:38
DracieNasra, when it says grub or something, press escape and then press e to edit the first boot option, then press e again to edit the actual boot parameters03:39
Dracieadd acpi=off to the end and press enter03:39
NasraDracie: okay03:39
Dracieand then press b03:39
Dracieisn't acpi really only for laptops anyways?03:40
ldiamondScottG489, if you absolutely want another network manager, WICD is nice.03:40
anteayaare there known issues with ibex and firefox? trying to help a friend who just downloaded a bunch of system upgrades and now firefox is running very slow though not using a lot of memory. Suggestions?03:40
Dracienight-wm, sorry I can't seem to find a solution =[03:40
Draciewhat version of the G5 do you have?03:40
bbelt16aghey how do I find out when a package was installed?03:41
night-wmdracie, um well it's the orange one03:41
anteayaI have searched for ibex and firefox but there is no definitive issue or solution posted03:41
ldiamondanteaya, there are issues yes, some are with Flash tho.03:41
Dracienight-wm, it might say something on the bottom of it03:41
Dracielike revision 7 or smthng03:41
ldiamondanteaya, you might want to use Firefox's binaries instead of the Ubuntu package03:41
anteayaldiamond, what is the issue with Flash?03:41
ldiamondanteaya, check the CPU usage of Firefox too03:41
ScottG489ldiamond: Hey sry i went out to the grill03:41
Scunizianteaya: have them rename ~/.mozilla to ~/.mozilla.backup and restart FF to see what happens.03:42
ldiamondanteaya, Made firefox crash and high CPU usage03:42
anteayaScunizi, will try that, thanks03:42
ldiamondanteaya, the newest binaries from Adobe should solve it03:42
Scunizianteaya: could just be a plugin or adon that's messing things up03:42
Draciemost of the biggest issues with firefox are fixed by removing fconfigs03:42
ldiamondScottG489, WICD is a good network manager, but I dont believe it will solve your problem03:42
ScottG489ldiamond: is WICD better then the nm applet? I would think there would be something better then the default one that comes with ubuntu. It seems kinda small too03:42
Scunizildiamond: how do you get Firefox binaries from Adobe..????03:42
ldiamondScunizi, You get Flash binaries from adobe.03:43
night-wmdracie, nope there's nothing under there.  just a P/N and a PID.03:43
marshalldoes anybody know a way to improve Skype call quality in Intrepid?03:43
bbelt16aghey how would I  roll back a  version of  growisofs?03:43
ldiamondScunizi, check a few lines back, I stated the Flash issue.03:43
pHreaksYclemarshall: it all depends on your microphone settings and internet connection03:43
pHreaksYclemarshall: not much more03:43
night-wmdracie, the P/N is 831411-100003:44
anteayaldiamond, Scunizi thanks guys, transmitted the rename suggestion and will go from there03:44
ldiamondScottG489, Better, I dont know, I used to use WICD back a few months ago... it works well, but I have no problem with the default nm now03:44
marshallpHreaksYcle, how do i optimize my internet settings for skype?03:44
Dracienight-wm, hmm =-[ I don't think that really gives to any real versioning03:44
x__ldiamond: yea i found that ppthtml works for wat i need it to just to view the text in a power point file03:44
pHreaksYclemarshall: look up something for your router called QoS03:44
ldiamondx__, oh, then its a much simpler problem.03:44
Dracienight-wm, I do know the g5 uses the edev mouse protocole03:44
anteayaldiamond, so the flash suggestion is to uninstall flash as an ubunut package and reinstall flash as a binary package from adobe?03:44
ScottG489ldiamond: Well I know my hardware does support AES because back when I had Vista on my laptop I was able to connect to my schools wifi fine after following the directions.03:44
marshallpHreaksYcle, ive got the router QoS page open right now03:45
pHreaksYclemarshall: depending on what router you have you can tell it to give more bandwidth to your VoIP cals03:45
night-wmdracie, yea that's the only thing that's under there03:45
ldiamondanteaya, you could do it that way. The flash plugin is located in ~/.mozilla/plugins03:45
Dracienight-wm, ok, well I think it might work if you tell hal to explicitly to make the mouse use that one protocle03:46
pHreaksYclemarshall: im not sure about specifics, look up how to specifically do it by searching google for your router and skype03:46
pHreaksYcleplenty of guides im guessing03:46
anteayaldiamond, thanks I will see how the first suggestion goes and then go for that one03:46
ldiamondanteaya, its called libflashplayer.so. Replacing this file with the Adobe's binaries will work just fine03:46
anteayaldiamond, thanks so much, I will consider that my next suggestion03:46
night-wmdracie, ok how would i go about doing that03:46
ldiamondScottG489, if your hardware has WPA2 support, it supports AES03:46
Dracienight-wm, hmm my knowledge isn't that good so bear with me i'll give it a try =]03:47
ldiamondanteaya, flash is only the problem is the issue occurs on flash sites.03:47
night-wmdracie, alright no problem =)03:47
ldiamondanteaya, otherwise, the Firefox binaries might be the problem03:47
ldiamondanteaya, you can download these binaries directly from firefox.com03:47
homeskillcould anyone ever sell linux for a lot of money or does the gnu infrastructure prevent that03:48
FirerougeWhats eveyone up to03:48
Draciehomeskill, people sell linux03:48
ldiamondhomeskill, people already sell linux (for the support)03:48
Cycomhey, I have a bcm4312, and the network manager bargraph for connection strength is showing no bars.  The connection is fine, and I can use the network, but it always look like I have no connection, and iwconfig doesn't show anything03:48
Draciewith support bundled and some propietary extentions03:48
anteayaldiamond, thanks I am taking notes03:48
ldiamondhomeskill, Redhat enterprise is an example03:48
Cycomis there something I can do about this?03:48
ScottG489ldiamond: YEa I have WPA and WPA2 for personal and enterprise03:48
homeskillis wpa good enough or only wpa203:49
redvamp128homeskill:  Though the real money is not selling the linux- but providing support. (Though just look at Apple- But they also sell hardware they know works with their OS, plus some eyecandy)03:49
ScottG489ldiamond: So how do i enabled AES?03:49
Scunizihomeskill: Ubuntu is sold now in Best buy but includes restricted codecs that have had their license paid for by the purchase price03:49
ldiamondScottG489, your card will therefore encrypt using AES without problem.03:49
ldiamondScottG489, you dont have to enable this, its burnt in your wireless card03:49
ScottG489ldiamond: Oh, so then I guess theres some other problem then :/03:49
bbelt16agExecuting 'builtin_dd if=/dev/fd/0 of=/dev/scd0 obs=32k seek=0'03:49
bbelt16ag:-[ PERFORM OPC failed with SK=3h/ASC=73h/ACQ=03h]: Input/output error03:49
bbelt16agcan somebody help me fix this error please?03:49
ldiamondScottG489,  Might be related to PEAP03:49
homeskillScunizi you mean ubuntu is sold byitself in stores or preinstalled on a computer?03:49
ldiamondScottG489, are you at school right now?03:50
Scunizihomeskill: packaged03:50
Ishmaeli'm sorry, whatever i did, i froze me up03:50
Dracienight-wm, I am not sure if this will help but I can pastebin my hal config for my trackball mouse03:50
homeskillScunizi how much does it cost compared to windows03:50
Ishmaeland i wasn't able to get any of your awesome advice03:50
Draciei'll give you a taste of syntax03:50
ScottG489ldiamond: No I just got home. What do you think the problem could be with PEAP?03:50
night-wmdracie, alright lets see03:50
ScottG489ldiamond: I've tried quite a few different configurations to try to get it to work03:50
ldiamondScottG489, I dont know, are you able to connect to the Access Point?03:50
Scunizihomeskill: $20-$25 vs $99+03:51
krono2k3is anyone here fimialr with ldap and samba as a pdc03:51
krono2k3samba as a pdc03:51
ScottG489ldiamond: What is that? I am able to see the network03:51
redvamp128homeskill:  that kind of topics should be talked in #ubuntu-offtopic when people are wanting help03:51
ldiamondhomeskill, you can order a free Ubuntu CD online (shipped to you for free). Its easy to install.03:51
Draciehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/120434/ night-wm03:51
Scunizihomeskill: I was just looking online and .. nothing now.03:52
Dracienight-wm, I forgot how to figure out the mouse's id03:52
ldiamondScottG489, See the network and connect to it, but unable to access the internet.03:52
Ishmaelso, how might i remove the "enter" marks on a txt file?03:52
ScottG489ldiamond: No I can not connected. I am not able to aquire an IP address03:52
ldiamondIshmael, as I told you earlier, open the text file in Gedit, go to search, replace, and replace \n with a space.03:52
ldiamondScottG489, Whats your wireless card?03:53
Ishmaelldiamond, sorry, my entire system froze while i was trying to open the huge file, thanks for the help03:53
Dracieldiamond, could you do cat file | sed s/\n/ /g03:53
night-wmdracie, hmm alright where is the hal config03:53
ldiamondIshmael, Dracie's solution works too.03:53
Dracieldiamond, ok thx i wasn't sure if my syntax was right03:54
krono2k3can someone help me im having a hard time connecting my xp pro workstation to my samba pdc03:54
ldiamondIshmael, output it to another file with > file.txt03:54
ldiamondDracie, actually, I think its not right :p03:54
Dracienight-wm, /etc/hal/fdi/policy/*.fdi are where you put hal polcies03:54
Dracieldiamond, lol03:54
Draciei'll try it03:54
jkristhekingdracie: wow03:55
ScottG489ldiamond: Dell 1510 Wireless-N Card03:56
ldiamondAre you able to connect to other WPA2 networks? (maybe your home network using WPA2) ?03:56
sagredoI upgraded to 8.10 and skype isn't working, any ideas?03:57
jackfgrhablo español03:58
night-wmdracie, i think i found the hal config but i don't see anything regarding the mouse03:58
Scunizisagredo: reinstall.03:58
Scunizisagredo: skype that is03:58
ScottG489ldiamond: Well I think I have a router/network card compatibility issue at home. The only network I connect to wirelessly consistantly is the apple stores wifi03:58
jackfgrsomebody spoken spanish?03:58
Scunizi!es | jackfgr03:58
ubottujackfgr: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:58
Dracienight-wm, yeah you put in a new .fdi file for another device03:58
night-wmah ok03:58
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sagredoScunizi: sounds good03:59
anteayaldiamond, Scunizi thanks guys the renaming of ~/.mozilla to ~/.mozilla_backup and the restart seemed to have solved the problem for now, and I told him about the suggestion to download the flash binary from adobe, cheers guys03:59
ScottG489ldiamond: I work near the apple store and its really the only network I can use03:59
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ldiamondScottG489, Then I dont know what the issue is, maybe Dell can help04:00
Scunizianteaya: good to hear.04:00
ScottG489ldiamond: They dont use any sort of verification04:00
illumin8Whats the command to unmount smbmounts please?04:00
oscar1can anyone help me fix the speakers, all that comes out is static noise.04:01
Ishmaelthanks ldiamond, using \n i was able to input the proper code wrapping for every file :D04:01
mati_what does killall gnome-panel do ?04:01
mati_it just refreshes gnome or will kill what I have open ?04:02
oscar1does anyone know how to fix the speakers so that there is no static?? Please help04:02
Brack101I realize I'm totally nitpicking here....but my gnome panel casts a shadow on all windows underneath it, including maximized windows, which is ugly.  Can I make it not do this without disabling its shadow alltogether?04:02
crdlbBrack101: no, although metacity has an ugly workaround in its compositor04:03
Brack101crdlb: go on...04:03
crdlbBrack101: to where?04:03
oscar1all that comes out of my speakers is static...does anyone know how to fix this?? Please help04:04
Brack101how can I use said workaround?04:04
crdlbyou're using compiz04:04
Brack101oh so you're saying I have to stop using compiz04:04
crdlbI just turn off gnome-panel's shadow04:04
crdlbbut if you want the hack, you'd have to use metacity's compositor04:05
Brack101but then it doesn't cast a shadow on the desktop :(04:05
Brack101(even more ridiculous I know)04:05
reverendnathanHow flush apt-get's cache?04:05
night-wmdracie, is there a specific name i should be calling the new *.fdi file?04:05
Dracienight-wm, anything works04:05
night-wmdracie, ok04:05
Brack101I'd rather have it cast a shadow on maximized apps than not at all04:05
waylandbillreverendnathan, apt-get clean04:05
Brack101it just bothers me because my desktop looks SO much like leopard but this shadow runs it04:05
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waylandbillBrack101, with the window decorations on the wrong side of the windows and everything? ;-)04:06
crdlbBrack101: the problem is that the panel is stacked above the windows, so the panel's shadow would have to be stacked independently (or a hack in the drawing code would be needed, like metacity does)04:07
Brack101or it could just be "always below" and then reserve the space on top for it04:08
jocharhi, anyone here that can help me with pure-ftpd on ubuntu 8.10?04:08
Brack101http://i44.tinypic.com/2vvrlmu.png - here it is looking like leopard04:08
crdlbBrack101: think of the bottom panel; windows have to slide under it04:09
waylandbilljochar, just ask the question and if someone can, they will.04:09
crdlbthe same would happen with the top panel if constrain Y weren't enabled04:09
jocharftp: connect: Connection refused04:09
jochar^^this is what i get when i try to connect to localhost04:09
waylandbillBrack101, that is pretty close. Now just attach the current window's menu to the top of the screen and you'll be in business.04:10
shabatiHello all04:10
Hammerjakjochar, is the daemon running?04:10
Brack101http://i40.tinypic.com/rj4i06.jpg here it is with mr. evil shadow ruining my fun04:10
shabatiHow do I completely migrate my installation to a different computer?04:10
waylandbilljochar, is it up and running even?04:11
Scunizishabati: will the new computer have an os on it or will what you have now work04:11
reverendnathanApt-Get is saying K3b is "upgradable", but it's the same version I have installed. How do I fix this? Already tried "sudo apt-get clean"04:11
jocharho do i find that out? when i restart it it seems to be okay04:11
thiebaude1how do i remove the arrows in the ubuntu menu?04:11
crdlbreverendnathan: are you getting it from a PPA or something?04:11
Hammerjakjochar, /etc/init.d/ftpd status04:12
an0ndido apt get autoclean04:12
Hammerjaksudo /etc/init.d/ftpd status04:12
shabatiScunizi: Either way is fine. I can install ubuntu on it04:13
Brack101ok I kinda figured nobody would really care about my shadow04:13
Brack101*sigh* I tried04:13
shabatiI'm just looking for a sure fire way to not lose any settings or files04:13
jocharsudo: /etc/init.d/ftpd: command not found04:13
lvlefistowhen i double click an html document, it opens in Text Editor, how to change the default app to FireFox?04:13
jochardamn even04:13
Hammerjaki don't have pure-ftpd installed so i don't know the exact command04:13
Brack101jochar: no that's a good thing, now you know what's wrong04:13
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crdlbreverendnathan: there was a bug a long time ago where compiz from the compiz PPA would never disappear from the update-manager because of a capitalisation difference in the metadata04:13
shabatiScunizi: I have /home installed on a separate partition04:14
Scunizishabati: well if  you don't mind wiping out whatever is on the new computer you can use partimage to image your partitions now and restore them to the new machine.. the other way is to  put your current HD into the new machine and boot from it.04:14
crdlbcould be something similar happening now, if you're using a package from outside the main repos04:14
Hammerjakjochar, type sudo /etc/init.d/pure    then hit tab a couple times and see if it fills in a name04:14
Scunizishabati: having /home seperate was a good move.  much easier..04:14
Hammerjakif it does use that name and type status04:14
shabatiI was thinking of using partimage, but how would that work with a bigger hard drive and/or different hardware??04:14
reverendnathancrdlb: I have only the ubuntu dbs04:15
jdmnynjaanyone have a good page I can check out to learn unix?04:15
jochari got pure-ftpd there04:15
Hammerjaksudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd status04:15
jochar# sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd status04:15
jocharUsage: /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd {start|stop|restart|force-reload}04:15
anathematichow do I find out what version of ssh I'm using on my ubuntu server?04:15
Hammerjakok jochar, type 'ps -ef | grep ftp'04:16
jocharroot 17488 30485 0 07:17 pts/0 00:00:00 grep ftp04:16
Scunizianathematic: you can apt-cache search openssh ... there are other ways that are more direct but I can't remember them04:16
Hammerjakok jochar, type 'sudo /etc/init.d/pure-ftpd start'04:17
Hammerjakit's not running04:17
waylandbillanathematic, ssh -V04:17
Scunizithere you go!04:17
sagredoI updated to 8.10 and skype reports: "Problem with Audio Playback"; I tried reinstalling the program but it still returns the same error04:17
jocharStarting ftp server: Running: /usr/sbin/pure-ftpd -l puredb:/etc/pure-ftpd/pureftpd.pdb -Y 1 -E -c 20 -X -O clf:/var/log/pure-ftpd/transfer.log -C 4 -p 4500:4600 -x -P xxx.xx.xx.xx -R -u 1000 -b -A -S ,21 -B04:17
jocharshould be there internal or external ip?04:17
Hammerjaknot sure04:18
Hammerjaktry connecting though04:18
Hammerjakftp localhost04:18
jocharftp: connect: Connection refused < on both internal and external and localhost04:19
Hammerjaktype 'ps -ef | grep ftp' again04:19
jocharits a vps server that im using04:19
mrpocketsWhere does Ff save its bookmarks?04:19
sagredoHow can I have alsamixer show more options?04:19
Hammerjakmrpockets, ~/.mozilla/firefox/<profile>/bookmarks.html04:20
jocharso what now?04:21
Hammerjakdid it show the same thing? pure-ftpd isn't running?04:21
Hammerjakwe manually started it, so if it's not running now that means it died trying to start up04:21
jocharwell if i use 'top' its not there04:21
Hammerjakit wouldn't be at the top though04:21
Hammerjakit's sitting idle04:21
lvlefistonvm, i found out how04:21
Hammerjakunless you're doing a search or filter on top04:21
ian_`How do I change the default program to open an extension? like .php files open with gedit o.o;04:21
bruenig!default | ian_`04:22
ubottuian_`: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.04:22
rytyso has anyone been able to compile evolution-mapi yet?04:22
bruenigI am sure someone has04:23
jocharany other ftpd that would work with ssl?04:23
Hammerjakjochar, well there's vsftp the 'very secure' ftp daemon04:24
mrpocketswhich is SSH04:24
mrpocketsbut with the ability to transfer files04:24
mrpocketsbut yah04:24
mrpocketsif your'e running sshd, you can vsftpd to the server04:24
hlmhelp: gnoe-schedule instantly closes when attempting to open it04:25
jocharsshd is runnig but i wan ftp as well04:25
jochargnome or kde?04:25
doocousser are you still here04:25
voodooxhey guys04:26
usserjochar, why dont u use ssh's sftp?04:26
voodooxhow i can install the new amsn in ubuntu 7.404:26
sagredoYO YO YO! how come after upgrading to 8.10 aptitude says Install these packages without verification04:26
voodooxi need help w that04:26
cdso many people ?04:26
sagredoI'm a little scared04:26
sagredoa little04:26
sandGorgonis it possible to choose packages during ubuntu install. I want a lightweight ubuntu installation on several computers - no office , games, gimp, etc. only browser and c++ devkits04:27
HammerjaksandGorgon, have you considered xubuntu?04:27
hlm help: gnome-schedule instantly closes when attempting to open it04:27
bruenigsandGorgon: there is no lightweight ubuntu04:27
jochari dont want bo be giving ssh access to anyone apart from me04:27
Brack101sandGorgon: debian is your friend04:27
jocharthats why ftp04:27
bruenigsandGorgon: debian is what you aer looking for04:28
jonkenny007does anyone know how to remove duplicate songs from banshee?04:28
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bruenigjonkenny007: right click not working?04:28
Brack101sandGorgon: it'll have you singing amazing grace04:28
jonkenny007i have 30.000 songs04:28
jonkenny007thats a lot of right clicks04:28
jonkenny007anyway to scan library in banshee and remove all duplicate songs?04:29
blackhatsend 23 soung jonkenny00704:29
cdwhere is Nvu? i need it ?04:29
bruenigjonkenny007: why do you hate duplicate songs to begin with, I mean aren't they different versions and recording of the songs, so wouldn't you want to have them all available?04:29
bruenigjonkenny007: I don't know anything about banshee, you can do this via script however if you want04:29
sandGorgonBrack101: umm... so I can have a GUI environment in debian with none of the extra packages ?04:29
cdsome one could help me04:29
Brack101sandGorgon: yep04:29
bruenigsandGorgon: yes, you might also look at arch for what you are describing04:29
jonkenny007no.. i had two libraries.. and i merged them .. now i have exact copies of same files prob ~2000 of them in the library04:30
jonkenny007i need to clean it out04:30
Brack101sandGorgon: by default you get a really basic Gnome install04:30
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z0d14kI am running an updated jaunty system, and the fonts are HUGE.  Any ideas what has changed and how I can change it back?04:30
jonkenny007bruenig: how do you do it through a script?04:30
bruenigjonkenny007: how is this arranged on the filesystem04:30
hlm help: gnome-schedule instantly closes when attempting to open it04:30
bruenigjonkenny007: do they have the same filenames or are you talking about having same tags04:30
jonkenny007now all under same directory.. with A LOT of sub directories.. its a total mess04:31
jonkenny007no exact same file name .. everything04:31
jhonnyboycan anyone help me with some sound issues?04:31
sandGorgonbruenig: i did.. its a bit too complicated to set up. i dont want to be doing a lot of things  - cos i have 10 computers or so to install04:31
bruenigjonkenny007: do the filenames have spaces in them04:31
jonkenny007some do..04:31
jonkenny007not all04:31
Brack101jhonnyboy: just ask04:32
Brack101don't ask to ask on IRC, people get pissy04:32
jonkenny007there are so many of them and so unorganized.. i just want to remove all duplicates (anyway possible) duplicates are exact copies04:32
jhonnyboyBrack101: thanks04:32
hlm help: gnome-schedule instantly closes when attempting to open it04:32
anathematichow do I remove hosts which are compromised under ssh-vulnkey?04:33
cishpixanyone can help me about pdc server?04:34
bruenigjonkenny007: there are a few ways I can think of doing this, but unless you are a programmer you probably can't do it04:34
hlm help: gnome-schedule instantly closes when attempting to open it04:34
jhonnyboyI'm trying to get sound out of all my speakers(6) i am only getting sound out of the front two and the subwoofer. Any ideas?04:35
rytyturn up the volume for the rear speakers?04:35
jhonnyboyryty: all of them are up04:35
jonkenny007bruenig: i am not :(04:35
bruenigjonkenny007: I think the best way to do it is just to create a rolling md5sum array. So you just iterate through the files one by one, get the md5sum, see if that md5sum has already been gotten before, if it has delete the file, if it hasn't add the md5sum to the array, and move on to the next file04:36
bruenigthis is sure to delete only pure duplicates04:36
kansanum, why does my server not respond to pings?  and should it (for nagios monitoring purposes)?  how can i make it do so?04:36
rytyjhonnyboy, install alsamixergui and double-check04:36
krono2k3hey can someone help me i am having an issue when im try to connect an xp pro system to a domain domain i get the error cannot find user name im using ldap for authenication and i see that the entry for the computer is in ldap04:36
LMJkansan : did you setup a firewall on the computer ?04:37
jhonnyboyryty: working on that04:37
woody86is there any way to change the way the date is displayed on the default Ubuntu clock? Say from it's current display to "2009-02-19"04:37
rytyjhonnyboy, also be aware, a capture card or similar may be shown in alsamixergui04:37
rytytry from the command line "alsamixergui -c 1"04:38
jhonnyboyryty: that gave me errors, im using the GUI now but it's a bit confusing.04:39
jhonnyboyryty: everything is grey04:39
rytyif you double-click the volume control, it will give you a better interface04:39
rytymake sure to select the relevant card in the drop-down menu on the top04:39
jhonnyboyryty: volume control is what i have been using, yes04:40
jhonnyboyall of the playback volumes are up04:40
jhonnyboyi have the right card selected04:40
rytygo to preferences and check everything to show all of them04:40
Tha_Stigumm, just wondering if anyone knows a dedicated channel for linux for the acer aspire one netbook?04:40
jhonnyboyryty: that is done04:40
Tha_Stigmy lan stopped working after my first restart D:04:40
DJNomadtha stig i seen torrents for them04:41
DJNomadi lost lol04:41
rytyjhonnyboy, what kind of card?04:41
jhonnyboyryty: Creative Audigy SE04:42
Tha_Stigsurprisingly my main laptop is fully compatible with ubuntu, but my netbook is having some issues T.T no wifi/no lan04:42
kansanLMJ, not that i'm aware of04:42
jhonnyboyryty: Device is shown as CA010604:42
tsoppHey quick question, is there a good GUI program for encrypting files? Using gpg or something?04:42
LMJkansan : can this box ping the rest of your network ?04:42
DJNomadne one that can mount flashdrives04:43
jonkenny007brueing: i found one already written, it's called "fdupes" and it does exactly what you suggested04:43
DJNomadmine dont wanna mount04:43
rytyjhonnyboy, strange04:43
kansanLMJ, nope04:43
rytyI have an audigy 2 pro and haven't had any problems04:43
jhonnyboyryty: under recording my line in is all the way down.04:43
rytyas long as the proper volumes are turned up04:43
DJNomadmine is phone04:43
LMJthan kansan : are you sure this machine is correctly connected to the network ?04:43
jhonnyboyryty: everytime i put it up and close volume control is goes back down.04:43
rytyjhonnyboy, did this work recently?04:43
DJNomadgo bt for it cable and card adapter none of em work lol04:44
kansanLMJ, sure i can ping publicly accessible sites04:44
jhonnyboyryty: my surround sound has never worked. Only the front speakers and the sub04:44
jhonnyboyryty: I'm not getting my system sound either.04:44
rytywrong ports on the card?04:44
ijustamso... firefox hangs a lot.  open bookmarks menu.. it hangs.  play a flash embed movie.. it hangs.  open history, it hangs.  is this a known ubuntu issue?04:44
rytyalso, do you have onboard audio?04:44
jhonnyboyryty: i can only hear things online, and from music player and etc..04:44
DJNomadflash issue04:44
rytyif so, try going to your bios and disabling it04:44
jhonnyboyryty: onboard is disabled04:44
offensive_jerknever had firefox issues04:45
DJNomadbut yeah happens w old box mine04:45
jhonnyboyyes it is lol04:45
jhonnyboywould you like any screen shots?04:45
rytycould you post an lspci?04:45
jhonnyboyryty: can you teach me how04:46
DJNomadi want a shot of whiskey04:46
rytyand not in here, a pastebin somewhere04:46
jhonnyboyryty: and what is an lspci04:46
LMJdo you have the right submask kansan  ?04:46
rytyjhonnyboy, open a terminal, type in "lspci" copy and paste the outputs in to the window at pastebin.ca04:46
rytyand give me the link once submitted04:46
ryty(or paste.ubuntu.com)04:47
jhonnyboyryty: http://pastebin.com/d27724eeb04:47
kansanLMJ, dont know how can i tell04:47
rdw200169tsopp, you just want to encrypt files, right?04:48
LMJkansan : paste a "ifconfig -a" and "iptables -L" from both computer on pastbin04:48
jhonnyboyryty: got it?04:49
brian7888I have been having some massive problems with my audio...its dosent work. Ubuntu recognizes my onboard audio device but it wont play...just wondering what to do04:49
kansanLMJ, http://pastie.org/39475804:49
tsopprdw200169: Ah found what I was looking for, thanks anyways.04:50
Nasramy ubuntu box does not want to shut up....why?     I hit button shut down...then it reboots again....and then again...what should I do...any help will be appreciated....thanks04:50
darthanubisNasra, hold the power button down04:51
brian7888any suggestions on how to fix audio? I have tried the step by step troubleshooting and not luck...Its onboard and you would think it would work.04:51
rytyjhonnyboy, does "cat /proc/meminfo > /dev/dsp" cause any noise?04:51
LMJdo you have the other computer kansan  ?04:51
jhonnyboyryty: do i type that in the terminal?04:51
rytyor copy and paste it04:51
kansanLMJ, i do but i have to run04:51
kansanLMJ, thanks for helping me thus far!Q04:52
rytyit's just going to be a "blip" if anything04:52
Nasradarthanubis: are you serious ? ....just want to do it the normal way.....04:52
brian7888it says access denied ryty04:52
jhonnyboyryty: yes it does04:52
rytyjhonnyboy, front only, or back too?04:52
darthanubisNasra, you may to do it that way jusst this one time04:52
jhonnyboyryty: seems like front only04:52
rytybrian7888, you have a permissions problem04:52
brian7888how do I fix that?04:53
rytybrian7888, sudo usermod -a -G audio <yourusername>04:53
rytytry that04:53
brian7888do I add the <>04:54
rytybrian7888, no04:54
jhonnyboyryty: only the front speakers output the sound04:55
rytyjhonnyboy, hrmm04:55
rytyjhonnyboy, have you updated lately?04:55
jhonnyboyryty: updated the OS?04:55
rytyyah, the auto update things that pop up?04:55
DJNomadanyone know how to list things connected like a flashdrive other than the dm way04:55
jhonnyboyryty: i updated/upgraded the day i installed it which was about 3 days ago lol04:55
jhonnyboyryty: i did get-update04:56
rytyjhonnyboy, have you rebooted since then?04:56
DJNomadi seen a list earlier on the net04:56
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brian7888nothing happens ryty when I type that command04:56
jhonnyboyryty: yes, but i have a problem with that too04:56
jhonnyboyryty: when i reboot my system freezes at the BIOS post screen04:56
brian7888sudo usermod -a -G audio <youruserna>04:56
rytyjhonnyboy, uhhhh, I'd recommend flashing your bios04:56
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rytybrian7888, here, an easier line04:57
jhonnyboyryty: but it works fine with Windows. When i reboot off of windows i have no problem, I'm dual booting.04:57
ryty(sans quotes) `sudo usermod -a -G audio $USER`04:57
brian7888it gives me a sytax error04:58
brian7888unexpected toke04:58
Ishmael:( got me excited04:58
rytydid you do it with the quotes?04:58
rytythat should not have given you any errors04:59
rytydon't re-type it, copy and paste it over04:59
brian7888ok...I entered my password04:59
brian7888but nothing happened04:59
offensive_jerkplease commence04:59
jhonnyboyryty: I'm dual booting Windows/Linux. When i reboot off of Windows the computer passes the POST test perfectly and boots into windows, but it's a different story with Ubuntu.04:59
rytyit did, just didn't say anything back which is a good thing04:59
Nasradarthanubis:...negative it keeps rebooting itself up...something must be wrong05:00
rytybrian7888, now try `cat /proc/meminfo > /dev/dsp`05:00
offensive_jerkpost should have nothing to do with linux05:00
offensive_jerkhello moe05:01
jebblueDJNomad Admin | System Monitor shows connected filesystems and lsof shows open files05:01
moemanhow do I find how many ppl in this room05:01
brian7888ryty permission denied05:01
rytymoeman, 135405:01
jhonnyboyryty: No comment?05:02
rytybrian7888, do an ls -l /dev/dsp* and paste the results to http://paste.ubuntu.com05:02
rytyjhonnyboy, I don't know what's going on05:02
NasraCan any1 tell me why my computer (ubuntu box) keep rebooting when I want to shut it down?05:02
DJNomadi got this out of dmesg05:02
rytyjhonnyboy, type in dmesg and paste your results to a pastebin05:02
Droopsta915where does private data go after its been cleared?05:02
DJNomadi cant figure out where the drive is to begin to mount it lol05:03
NFischerHow do i show more than 10 Search results in the gnome Deskbar?!05:03
offensive_jerkit goes to my cpu05:03
moemanwow this is hot i can learn alot if I just monitor this05:03
idefinehow can i get grub to boot up a raid 5 setup?05:03
t35t0rsoftware raid?05:03
t35t0ryou can't put the boot partition on a software raid05:03
NasraCan any1 tell me why my computer (ubuntu box) keep rebooting when I want to shut it down?      help ....help ...please..05:04
t35t0rjust copy the boot partition to all of your drives05:04
jhonnyboyryty: http://pastebin.com/d1ba87be105:04
t35t0rNasra, bad acpi, bad bios05:04
brian7888it says not such file in directory05:04
rytybrian7888, there's your problem05:04
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t35t0rcan anyone connect to tomshardware.com?05:05
Nasrat350r: how do I fix that ...is there a way around that/05:05
jhonnyboyryty: got it?05:05
rytythere's no such file...there should be05:05
brian7888uh oh....05:05
rytyjhattara, affirmative05:05
rytybrian7888, relax, should be easy to replace05:05
rytyit's just a node05:05
rytybrian7888, post your dmesg to a pastebin05:05
offensive_jerkmy wife05:05
brian7888kinda a noob what is that?05:06
jhonnyboyoffensive_jerk: /quit05:06
offensive_jerkomg, thats right05:06
offensive_jerksorry about that fellas05:06
jhonnyboyoffensive_jerk: np :)05:07
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rytyjhonnyboy, what is sdc1 mounted as? it looks like it's having I/O problems of some sort05:08
ryty(type in "mount")05:08
jhonnyboysdc1 is my windows partition05:08
brian7888ryty...got it05:08
jhonnyboyryty: better said it's the Hard Drive dedicated to my Windows OS05:08
moemanhow come none of my irsii commands are working05:09
jhonnyboyryty: Any other ideas?05:10
rytyI'm not seeing much in dmesg05:10
moemanhow do I get a list of all commands05:11
moemanin irsii05:11
jhonnyboyi think it's something inside the Ubuntu OS05:11
_VIM_moeman, /set05:11
jhonnyboysome configuration05:11
brian7888did you get my output ryty?05:11
Droopsta915where does private data go after its been cleared?05:11
rytybrian7888, I didn't, still waiting for your link from you05:11
brian7888tmpfs on /lib/init/rw type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)05:11
brian7888sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev)05:11
brian7888varrun on /var/run type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,mode=0755)05:11
_VIM_moeman: take a look at /help too05:11
brian7888varlock on /var/lock type tmpfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,mode=1777)05:11
crdlbmoeman: /help but #irssi would be better for irssi questions05:11
brian7888udev on /dev type tmpfs (rw,mode=0755)05:11
brian7888tmpfs on /dev/shm type tmpfs (rw,nosuid,nodev)05:11
rytybrian7888, not in here05:11
brian7888devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=620)05:11
brian7888fusectl on /sys/fs/fuse/connections type fusectl (rw)05:12
FloodBot1brian7888: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:12
jhonnyboybrian: paste it in PASTEBIN05:12
brian7888/dev/sda1 on /host type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,user_id=0,group_id=0,allow_other,blksize=4096)05:12
nickrudwhere's my floodbot!05:12
nickrudoh, thre05:12
rytyhence why I said pastebin05:12
jhonnyboyryty: is there a way to get surround sound in ubuntu? or is it just something in my system that's messed up.05:12
rytyjhonnyboy, seems to work pretty well for me :-)05:13
jhonnyboyryty: :( lol05:13
jhonnyboyryty: I want surround sound too :D05:13
nickrudmoeman, please don't use this channel to experiment with irssi; you can create your own:   /j #moeman05:13
_VIM_moeman: donno if you got that /help and /set, was kinda hard to see anything in that tsunami a minute ago from brian788805:13
moemangood idea05:13
jhonnyboyryty: screenshots?05:14
kazimirHey, can I get some help with an audio problem?05:14
rytyjhonnyboy, I don't see it helping05:14
jhonnyboyryty: under swithces, i dont have IEC958 selected05:14
rytykazimir, they seem to be common05:14
KevDogWhen you run a command similar to sudo apt-get build-dep <package>, is there a way to find out what packages will be installed or contained in the dependency package?05:14
rytyis there a bug going with audio?05:14
kazimirWhat do you mean, ryty?05:14
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rytykazimir, you're the third in like 10 minutes05:15
kazimirIt's not a bug, really. I just can't get my USB headset to work.05:15
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brian7888i posted into the pastebin05:15
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jhonnyboyryty: no im just a newcomer to the Linux OS05:15
PocketLapjust upgraded to 8.1005:15
jhonnyboyryty: no bug here05:15
PocketLapinstalled nvidia xconfig settings05:15
PocketLapran sudo nvidia-xconfig05:15
cdwhat are you say05:15
PocketLaprestarted x05:15
rytybrian7888, I asked for a dmesg, not a `mount`05:15
PocketLapand when i go into nvidias xconfig manager it still says x isnt setup05:16
rytykazimir, which brand?05:16
kazimirMicrosoft Lifechat.05:16
jhonnyboyryty: Thanks for all your help05:16
jhonnyboygoodnight everyone05:16
rytykazimir, you probably just need to install/enable the module05:16
rytykazimir, lsusb and pastebin it05:16
snewphi, i tried installing gfxboot but when i tried doing find /boot/grub/stage1 it gave me an error 15: File not found .. any idea? or any link on how to install gfxboot ? thanks05:16
MindVirus"The assembly mscorlib.dll was not found or could not be loaded."05:17
MindVirusHow do I fix this?05:17
MindVirusGot that after running Mono.05:17
rytymono is a virus isn't it?05:17
MindVirusAny suggestions?05:17
brian7888there is the dmesg05:17
kazimirryty: http://pastebin.ca/134260205:18
mmx_cq大家有学jsp php的没有阿05:18
nickrud!cn | mmx_cq05:18
ubottummx_cq: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:18
brian7888is that better ryty?05:19
kazimirAny idea, ryty05:19
rytybrian7888, yes05:19
mmx_cqwho is php05:19
rytykazimir, not yet05:19
mmx_cqwho is jsp05:19
henry6hello world05:19
kazimirPHP and JSP are programming languages, mmx_cq05:19
mmx_cqprogramming languages05:20
cfeddejsp is itself not a programming language.05:20
rytykazimir, give this a shot: http://linuxowns.wordpress.com/2008/07/08/how-i-got-my-usb-headset-to-work/05:20
mmx_cqi learing jsp05:20
mmx_cqand php05:20
mmx_cqdon't asp and .net05:20
kazimirryty: I tried that before I came here, but the second step didn't work.05:20
kazimirThe asoundconf-gtk05:21
brian7888ryty any thoughts?05:21
kazimirI don't get "headset" under the list05:21
rytykazimir, System->Preferences->Sound05:21
rytybrian7888, not yet05:21
kazimirI went there05:21
_VIM_is there anyway to make the baloon tips in Konversation stack like Xchat's baloon tips do?05:21
kazimirChanged everything to ALSA05:21
rytybrian7888, what does System->Preferences->Sound show for you?05:22
henry6I want to ask in window has scheduler05:22
henry6may i know in Ubuntu where to call the schduler?05:23
lg29Can anyone help me figure out why I can't edit a config file for vmware?  I found a thread here http://communities.vmware.com/thread/177321 that says I can add a few lines to the config file in /etc/vmware-server-console/ but when I say sudo gedit config there's a permissions error and i can't save?  i'm sure it's something obvious.. kind of a newbie here.  any help much appreciated :)05:23
t35t0ris there anythiing like mixmeister pro for linux that's "free" ?05:23
brian7888auto detect everything...and sound capture alsa advanced linux sound architecture05:23
brian7888no device under default mixer tasks05:23
t35t0ri've tried something called bpmdj ..it's too difficult to use05:23
rytykazimir, try "sudo modprobe snd-usb-audio"05:24
t35t0rit's as if only the author can use that program05:24
Scunizilg29: not sure how you'll do this but you probably need to stop the vmware service first before editing.05:24
rytyand see if it makes a difference05:24
kazimirOkay, I entered it. What not?05:24
rytygo to the sound manager and see if it's listed now05:24
Spanglegluppethey guys, I'm on 8.10 and my sound has suddenly stopped working. it's not muted or any of the obvious things. any ideas?05:24
kriyashow to install adobe reader in ubuntu05:25
_VIM_!medibuntu | kriyas05:25
ubottukriyas: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:25
rytykriyas, don't? use Document viewer05:25
cdso many questions?05:25
bruenigkriyas: don't install that bloat05:25
bruenigryty: protip, called evince05:25
kazimirNo, it's not listed. "Intel", "default", and "PulseAudio" are listed05:25
brian7888where is soundmanager?05:25
lg29Scunizi: hmm, that's helpful.  well, there's two virtual machines i access on a server at work.  I was thinking that the config file in /etc/vmware-server-console was just my config file for my own console on my laptop.  i'm doing data entry and life would be sweet if the arrow keys worked.  you think i need to shut down the remote virtual machines for this?  i could do that.05:26
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)05:26
rytybrian7888, that wasn't meant for you05:26
brian7888oh ok05:26
Scunizilg29: the config is probalby on the remote servers.. you might need to edit those and then just restart vmware services on the remote server05:27
TiZHi. I have a strange bug in Firefox and Swiftfox, with the SVN Murrine engine. With the latest version installed, I have a white border around my address bar and search bar. It goes away if I mouse over it, but it comes back if I do, well, most anything. Can anyone help me fix this? I can upload a screenshot of the problem if necessary.05:27
rytykazimir, I'm not sure which module your headset uses05:27
B14CKH4They guys i need superkaramba themes05:27
B14CKH4Thow i can find that05:27
kazimirryty: How do I find out?05:27
bruenigB14CKH4T: there are various search engins on the internet05:27
brian7888I get this error when I try to test my speakers audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument"audiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argumentaudiotestsrc wave=sine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument"audiotestsrc wave=si05:27
brian7888ne freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresample ! gconfaudiosink: Failed to connect stream: Invalid argument05:27
rytykazimir, I've had good luck with google ;-)05:27
kazimirI looked around google, but nothing seemed to work.05:27
cactusfroghey whats microsoft acsess05:28
bruenigTiZ: firefox is not exactly the most true to form gtk implementation05:28
cactusfrogacually it is05:28
lg29Scunizi:  ahh, ok.  Yeah, i had had a hunch that it might not have much to do with my local machine... seemed to easy to be true.  well, i'll ask our IT person to do it.  I was hoping to avoid pestering him :)  thanks for your help05:28
cactusfrogbut what is microsoft acsess05:28
bruenigTiZ: or I should say, it doesn't implement gtk in a very sane way05:28
cactusfrogand what does it do05:28
cactusfrogi need to know05:28
bruenigTiZ: so you need to get another theme or hack the one you have05:28
Scunizilg29: np :)05:28
TiZbruenig: I know. But it's really weird. I seem to be like, the only person with this bug. There's like one other person, and he didn't get it solved.05:28
rytykazimir, this you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91184305:28
nickrudcactusfrog, a database program, see ##windows for more05:29
bruenigTiZ: get another theme or hack05:29
TiZcactusfrog: MS Access is a database program.05:29
cactusfrogwhats that05:29
kazimirNo, that's not me, ryty05:29
TiZbruenig: It happens with all murrine themes while the SVN version of Murrine is installed.05:29
bruenigTiZ: you know what's up05:29
bruenigTiZ: there is no magic command to get you ought of this, hack or move along to something else05:30
cactusfrogI am having truble preforming a dos attack05:30
cactusfrogi need some help05:30
cactusfrogI am on Ubuntu05:30
kazimirryty: Same headset,though.05:30
nickrudcactusfrog, not a fit subject for here. only warning05:31
cactusfrogwhat do you mean05:31
* nickrud gasps, no magic command? But this is linux!05:31
TiZbruenig: Uh... huh? I'm not looking for a magic command. I'm looking for assistance, any knowledge whatsoever that might help me solve this, rather than ignoring it or rolling back to Intrepid's Murrine (I can't do that now, my theme uses a bunch of SVN stuff now).05:31
brian7888any thoughts now ryty?05:31
rytybrian7888, not right now, no05:31
sumai like to do c programs in ubuntu what are the softwares need to be installed to do that?05:32
nickrud!build-essential | suma05:32
ubottusuma: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:32
rytybrian7888, I would say that for some reason your sound card isn't getting detected, OR, the module isn't being loaded05:32
kazimirryty: Any other ideas?05:32
rytykazimir, still looking05:32
TiZThis is Linux. It was to my understanding that we _fix_ problems here. ;)05:32
kazimirryty: Alright05:32
brian7888my card is being detected...the diagnostics recognizes it.....05:32
jakswaany good fellows bored enough to point me to known linux documentaries, akin to Revolution OS?05:32
brian7888so how do I load my module?05:32
rytybrian7888, which chip is it for the audio?05:33
bruenigTiZ: hack the source05:33
TiZbruenig: You're kidding, right? :|05:33
rytykazimir, what does `cat /proc/asound/cards` show you?05:33
nickrudTiZ, bruenig is right. If svn is bad, hacking code is your only option unless you roll back05:33
ryty(in the pastebin please)05:33
dyfhello.. does openoffice writer support adding comments to documents? if yes, how do i bring them up?05:33
rytybrian7888, same question for you05:34
rytyI'll repeat, pastebin please05:34
cactusfrogdont bother these people arn't helpful i switch to linux because i think they are going to be suportive but instead they say that DOS attacks are bad becasue they don't agree with there morals wtf just telll me thats the point of this isn;t it???05:34
kazimirryty: It says no such file or directory.05:34
cactusfrogyou forgot cd05:34
cactusfrogand the quotes05:34
brian7888nvm aplay: device_list:215: no soundcards found...05:34
kazimirryty: Oops, I misspelled it, hold on05:35
TiZI was gonna tell that guy off. :(05:35
rytynickrud, was that cactusfrog?05:35
nickrudryty, yes05:35
nickrudtold him one warning. But the troll is gone, so let's not feed the rest05:35
Hellboundomletterver irc.adelais.net05:36
B14CKH4Thi voodoox05:36
kriyas              ubottu :i am not able to install that packages,what i do?05:36
B14CKH4Tu a bot05:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:36
brian7888so how do I get linux to recognize my sound card?05:36
kazimirryty: http://pastebin.ca/134260905:36
* Scunizi tips his hat to a friendly nic in the channel.. nickrud :)05:36
rytybrian7888, what kind of chip is it?05:36
rytybrian7888, do an lspci and pastebin it05:36
TiZWell, maybe Cimi would have more knowledge about this seriously remote problem. What's a good way to contact him?05:36
kriyasAny alternative to install adobe reader05:37
rytykazimir, try opening the Volume Control by double-clicking on the little speaker next to the clock05:37
rytyselect the lifechat from the drop-down, and make sure it's turned up?05:37
brian7888intel p45 chipset for asus p5q mobo05:37
Scunizikriyas: medibuntu repo's will give you that.. if you really need it05:37
bruenigTiZ: your problem is clear, I mean even if one doesn't know what source changes need to be done, one can identify that your problem is a source problem05:37
kazimirryty: I set the default device from there, but I still hear no sound.05:38
rytykazimir, and the volume is turned up?05:38
bruenigTiZ: there is no way around that. If the source is bad either on ff end or your engine's end, you can't do anything but fix that05:38
bruenigor move to something else05:38
kazimirryty: All the way.05:38
kazimirryty: Keep in mind, I'05:39
kazimirryty: I'm testing the sound by a youtube video, if that matters.05:39
brian7888ryty- intel p45 chipset for asus p5q mobo05:39
kazimirbrian7888: I have the same motherboard on my desktop ^_^05:39
rytykazimir, try a "cat /proc/meminfo > /dev/dsp1"05:39
rytyand listen to the headphones, anything?05:40
TiZbruenig: What you're saying mostly makes sense. I don't mean to be adversarial, but Firefox is the most popular browser for Linux, and there are loads of murrine-svn themes on gnome-look. If it was a source problem, wouldn't it be more widespread? I'm not trying to be argumentative, it just doesn't make sense.05:40
kazimirryty: Yes, I heard a sound./05:40
brian7888your audio not working kazimir?05:40
rytygood signs.05:40
bruenigTiZ: firefox is well known as having a hacked together gtk setup, it is not like other apps05:41
brian7888maybe p5q isnt supported by ubuntu or something05:41
rytykazimir, go back to System->Preferences->Sound and change all of them to the Headset if you can find it in the drop downs05:41
rytyif not, what are your choices?05:41
TiZbruenig: I'm well aware of that.05:41
bruenigTiZ: I have themes that work everywhere else except firefox's input boxes where for some reason the background is black and the letters are black. Everywhere else any other input in any other app is grey on black, but not firefox in what is seemingly an identical sort of thing05:42
bruenigTiZ: so it is more widespread, but what people do is they move along to other themes. You don't see bug reports on themes usually because the are millions of them05:42
linxuz3rwhat is the method you call when you want to print a page back to back05:42
kazimirryty: I see my headset, yes. Change everything to it?05:42
rytykazimir, sure05:42
rytykazimir, then, give it a shot05:42
billybigriggerhow come i keep getting an error when i play games, x11 driver not configured with opengl05:42
ryty(careful with the volume, remember it's turned up)05:42
billybigriggerlike wormux, foobillard05:42
kazimirryty: No dice, bro.05:43
billybigriggerdirect rendering is enabled, and im using the nvidia.com driver05:43
ari_stre1sguys, anyone using terminator?05:43
rytykazimir, hrmm05:43
brian7888yea me too...ryty05:43
kazimirryty: Should I completely restart Firefox, then try?05:43
TiZbruenig: I don't imagine that people would file bug reports on themes. But if it was so simple as a source problem, everyone who wanted to make or use Murrine SVN themes would be bothering the hell out of Cimi, and he'd either fix it, or svn murrine wouldn't be used. That's the way I imagine it, anyways.05:43
rytykazimir, his test to the right and see if it works?05:43
linxuz3rwhat is the method you call when you want to print a page back to back05:43
=== cary_ is now known as Commie_Cary
ryty(under the System->Preferences->sound dialogue box)05:44
kazimirryty: I can hear it from there fine, but nothing else produces sound.05:44
bruenigTiZ: it is a firefox source problem05:44
bruenigfirefox is, shall we say, not standards complaint on gtk05:44
bruenigif that makes sense05:44
nickrudbruenig, TiZ you're straying a bit out of the #ubuntu topic, although it _is_ pretty slow.05:44
TiZbruenig: I understand your point fully well. I think you understand mine, too. At this point, we're just back-and-forthing with no real constructiveness. :P05:45
bruenigyou are wrong and I am right =D05:45
brian7888RYTY: I have same mother board and chipset as kazimir maybe ours isnt supported....05:45
TiZWell you're a poopy-head. :P05:45
rytybrian7888, his is with usb audio, yours is with audio, period.05:45
brian7888ryty: oh ok, mine is digital coax out05:46
linxuz3rwhat is the method you call when you want to print a page back to back????????05:46
kazimirbrian7888: I'm also not on the computer with that motherboard, I'm on my laptop05:46
rytylinxuz3r, double-sided?05:46
brian7888kazimir: oh ok05:46
TiZWell, in any case, bruenig, thanks for trying. :) I'll go to gnome-look and see if anyone else using Murrine SVN has this problem.05:47
nickrudlinxuz3r, duplex?05:47
brian7888ryty: should I just re-install ubuntu?05:47
kazimirryty: Anythin'?05:47
rytykazimir, yours I think has to do with a conflict05:48
rytyapps are still using your other sound card05:48
kazimirryty: Whatcha mean?05:48
kazimirryty: Hm..05:48
rytykazimir, trying to figure out how to change that...but make it convenient05:48
kazimirryty: Well, the think is, this laptop has no audio. The speakers and sound chip are blown as far as I know05:48
kazimirryty: thing*05:49
kazimirryty: Which is why I'm using the USB headset.05:49
rytykazimir, do an lsmod and pastebin it, we can test something05:49
kazimirryty: As you wish05:49
rytybrian7888, go to your bios and confirm the onboard audio is turned on05:50
rytyif not, turn it on, if so, the search continues05:50
brian7888I did...its enabled....05:50
kazimirryty:  http://pastebin.ca/134261405:50
racecar-56help, it seems on ubuntu 8.10 my pc seems to freeze sometimes when its almost done shutting down when there is no orange left05:50
rytykazimir, "sudo rmmod -f snd_hda_intel"05:51
kazimirryty: kazimir@ubuntu:~$ sudo rmmod -f snd_hda_intel05:52
kazimirERROR: Removing 'snd_hda_intel': Resource temporarily unavailable05:52
DarkSotMhey guys, quick question: How long should it take to format an external 320 gb hard drive to ext3?05:53
rytykazimir, try going in to your bios and disabling the on-board audio controller, if it's bad anyways, it shouldn't hurt05:53
kazimirryty: As you wish. I'll be back in 5.05:53
rytyDarkSotM, depends, what kind of drive and interface?05:53
rdw200169DarkSotM, depends on the rpm of the HDD and the speed of the computer05:53
DarkSotMwd 320 passport, usb 2.005:54
DarkSotM5400 rpm05:54
rdw200169DarkSotM, well, USB 2.0 will significantly slow down your speed05:54
rytymaybe 5-10 minutes?05:54
rdw200169DarkSotM, regardless, it shouldn't take too loing05:54
rytyDarkSotM, it's not going to take that long05:54
DarkSotMI started it last night and it's still going05:54
rytythat's fishy05:54
racecar-56i formatted a 1TB hard drive with ext3 and it took a LONG time on usb05:54
rdw200169DarkSotM, i agree05:54
DarkSotMbrand new drive05:55
brian7888ryty: Any ideas??05:55
rdw200169DarkSotM, check your /var/log/syslog and see if you're getting any strange USB errors05:55
rytyDarkSotM, I'd retry, or have you already?05:55
rdw200169DarkSotM, that, or /var/log/messages05:55
DarkSotMhave retryed05:55
racecar-56why does gparted take AGES to format stuff?05:55
* ryty is going to shutup, I'm tired of multitasking05:55
DarkSotMI know usb 2 won't be as fast as say SATA but still...05:55
rdw200169DarkSotM, you could try going direct with mkfs.ext305:56
DarkSotMI am05:56
DarkSotMmkfs.ext3 -m 0 /dev/sdb205:56
racecar-56mkfs.ext3 is n00bish for me i waited a day and it aactually made a broken ext2 volume instead05:56
rytyDarkSotM, make sure the port is in USB 2.0 mode in your bios05:56
rdw200169DarkSotM, that, or you may be having power issues05:57
DarkSotMI backed my data off it and it was at usb 2 speeds05:57
brian7888help, my audio wont work on my Asus p5q onboard audio. Any ideas?05:57
rdw200169DarkSotM, many usb ports don't put out enough power05:57
kazimirryty: No dice, man. I can't disable it from my BIOS05:57
rytybrian7888, I requested a long time ago that you do an lspci and pastebin it. Still waiting...05:57
UIS|NotsickHow do I add a second E-mail account to Evolution Mail? I've done it before but I seem to have forgotten how now...05:57
rdw200169DarkSotM, this is why I prefer eSata...05:58
=== UIS|Notsick is now known as Until_It_Sleeps
DarkSotMrdw200169: ya but it was on sale05:58
rytyDarkSotM, you can get an eSATA controller for cheap05:58
=== Tdot is now known as c0vert
brian7888ryty: sorry missed that....http://pastebin.com/m79460e3705:58
c0vertis there any way to do a true install from within a wubi installation?05:59
=== [pErry] is now known as [perry]
=== Jurkki_ is now known as Jurkki
DarkSotMI'll just let it go tonight and tommarow whall i'm at work and hope 40 hours is enough05:59
rdw200169DarkSotM, you could try again of a powered usb hub05:59
sebsebsebc0vert: I don't think so  and it's best you partition your hard disk05:59
kazimirryty: Any other ideas?05:59
c0vertsebsebseb,  i can't find any blank media and i have the urge to install lol06:00
rytykazimir, that was my last one. I'm still almost positive it's a conflict, but I'm not sure how to make the other card "go away"06:00
rdw200169DarkSotM, it really shouldn't take that long06:00
sebsebsebc0vert: I see06:00
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:00
DarkSotMAny idea how long it should take?06:00
rytyDarkSotM, 5-10 mins06:00
rdw200169DarkSotM, well, from IDE/SATA i've never seen it take more than 5-1006:01
rdw200169DarkSotM, just like ryty06:01
sebsebsebc0vert: check those links out06:01
c0vertsebsebseb,  will do06:01
DarkSotMMaybe I will try a powered usb hub06:01
DarkSotMI do have one here06:01
kazimirryty: *sigh*06:01
=== AnonB is now known as Melik
anathematichow do I edit the sources for apt-get?06:02
racecar-56sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list06:02
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:02
sebsebsebracecar-56: vim lol  noobs can't just use vim06:02
rdw200169DarkSotM, also, some USB cases are better than others... cheap cases = bad performance and crazy problems06:02
sebsebsebracecar-56: they need something like gedit instead06:02
racecar-56sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list06:02
waylandbillIt could take longer than 5 - 10 minutes if the drive is on usb especially usb 1.106:02
kazimirIsn't it "gedit" not "vim", racecar-5606:02
rdw200169waylandbill, yeah, but not 24 hours06:02
brian7888ryty: aplay: device_list:215: no soundcards found..06:03
waylandbillno.. not 24 hours.06:03
rytybrian7888, I'm seeing reports of people not having any problems. Try resetting your bios to "failsafe defaults" to see if that helps06:03
sebsebsebanathematic: command  racecare gave, but with gedit06:03
sebsebsebanathematic: or do it the graphical way06:03
racecar-56or nano06:03
PocketLapim trying to install a Dell OEM copy of XP Pro on my Virtual machine on Ubunt06:03
anathematicwhere can I get a list of all the standard sources?06:03
brian7888ryty: I will give it a try06:03
PocketLapbut it keeps crashing06:03
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)06:04
DarkSotMrdw200169: wersern digital usally makes good products06:04
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories06:04
rytyI'll be back later brian7888 and kazimir06:04
rdw200169DarkSotM, ah, you got one of those hdd external glued together type things, huh06:04
rdw200169DarkSotM, instead of Case + HDD06:04
sebsebsebanathematic: try:  system  administration software sources06:05
waylandbillPocketLap, maybe an issue of the vm software.06:05
anathematicsebsebseb: ubuntu server06:05
DarkSotMrdw200169: wesern digital 320 gb my passport for $8006:06
jessecould someone help me get my RME soundcard working?06:06
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:06
rdw200169DarkSotM, do you dual boot w/windows?06:06
DarkSotMJust at work, at home linux only06:07
jessewhen i double click on the volume control i get 'no volume control gstreamer plugins and/or devices found06:07
rdw200169DarkSotM, i was gonna ask if the drive worked ok *on the same port* in a different OS... that could help narrow it down06:07
jessebut i see my device under lspci06:07
jesseand the module06:07
jessei've selected alsa in the sound prefs06:08
DarkSotMrdw200169: drive works perfect on windows and linux, I just don't like fat3206:08
sebsebsebjesse: well there are other ones you can try pulseaudio and such06:08
racecar-56i dont like fatxx either06:08
rdw200169DarkSotM, yeah.... fat32 is garbage...06:08
sebsebsebWindows  can read and write to Ext3, with a driver, but  that would be like running root on / if it's the / partition06:08
jessesebsebseb: my card is supposedly supported by alsa06:09
sebsebseb,but can tell it which partition to do06:09
DarkSotMI tried puting the knoppix DVD image on it without thinking of the filesystem...06:09
jessebut i'll give it a shot06:09
jesseyeah i get gconfaudiosink failures when i try pulse06:09
sebsebsebjesse: yes it probably will work with Alsa06:09
sebsebsebjesse: what about OSS and stuff like that06:10
jessesebsebseb: same error on all of em06:10
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP306:11
DarkSotMWell I got it pluged into a powered hub on a diffrent machine, and started again, hope it dosen't take as long06:11
sebsebsebjesse:  I am not sure, stick around, someone else may know06:11
jessewhen i try aplay -l nothing shows up in the list06:11
DarkSotMAnyone here try exFat yet?06:11
sebsebseba file system?06:12
sebsebsebyou mean Fat32?06:12
sebsebsebthere is no exFat06:12
sebsebsebthat's MS file systems06:12
DarkSotMI know06:12
sebsebsebbetter to use Linux file systems :)06:12
arghh2d2I'm using exFat right now06:12
arghh2d2exFat rocks!06:12
DarkSotMlol, yes I agree but I always like to try other things06:12
arghh2d2exFat is like the only the best ever06:13
sebsebsebexFat   I have never heard of that.  Fat32  Fat16 and that's about it for Fat06:13
DarkSotMI can't tell if your being sarcastic06:13
sebsebsebnoobs use Fat in Linux06:14
sebsebsebespeasilly now06:14
sebsebsebwith such stable NTFS driver06:14
DarkSotMVista sp1 introduced exFat06:14
DarkSotMit was designed for flash media06:14
anathematichi I'm having problems installing via apt-get as I keep getting failed to fetch url's, could someone point me in the right direction? http://pastie.org/39481006:14
sebsebsebok that's why I don't know about extFat then06:14
sebsebsebanyway still06:14
racecar-56exfat is fat6406:14
sebsebsebnoobs use MS file systems with Linux06:14
tritium!enter | sebsebseb06:14
ubottusebsebseb: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:14
DarkSotMnot extfat it's exfat06:14
sebsebseband if you want access to Windows on a dual boot, it can mount the NTFS partition no problem06:14
sebsebsebotherwise I can't see a reason to need  NTFS for Linux06:15
sebsebsebor any other MS file system06:15
racecar-56shoot thats enough with the non-open-source FS06:15
DarkSotMI don't care much for ntfs06:15
sebsebsebLinux file systems are better, and Ext4  will be an option in the next Ubuntu release06:15
racecar-56sebsebseb i agree06:15
tritiumsebsebseb: this is not IM.  Please don't use the enter key so excessively.  It spams the channel.06:15
DarkSotMI tried ntfs on my external hard drive and it ran so slow copared to fat32 even06:16
sebsebsebDarkSotM: that's odd considering that NTFS is meant to be quite a lot better than Fat3206:16
DarkSotMsebsebseb: not for me06:16
saadi559595my benq4300 scanner is not working?06:17
saadi559595not detected by xsane06:17
DarkSotMmaybe cause I was watching it thinking "This is so slow I hat M$, ntfs sucks..." (-;06:17
sebsebsebDarkSotM: well make your external hard drive Ext3 :)   and  get a driver for Windows, and there you go,  you can use a good file system on your External hard disk,  on Ubuntu and Windows06:17
DarkSotMfs-driver.com or somethin like that06:17
=== jesse__ is now known as jesse
* kazimir sighs06:18
DarkSotMI made a 8 gb fat32 partion at the frount to hold my portableapps.com and the ext2 windows driver and the rest ext3 for the good stuff06:19
racecar-56warning: fs-driver.org has a driver that isnt compatible with 128+ bytes of inode06:19
racecar-56they will make one with 128+ bytes of inode supported one day...06:19
sebsebsebDarkSotM: portable apps why06:19
DarkSotMI have to use windows at work06:19
DarkSotMAll day long fixing windows computers06:20
=== KevDog_ is now known as KevDog
sebsebsebDarkSotM: so you bring a external to work hummm06:20
racecar-56windows is broken too much06:20
jesseso if i run find /lib/modules/'uname -r' | grep snd06:20
jessesomething should come up right?06:20
sebsebsebDarkSotM: get your company using Desktop Linux, oh right yeah you probably got some low status in that company, and so can't06:20
saadi559595i have problem with my scanner benq4300,can anyone help plz...xsane is not detecting it06:20
racecar-56e.g. person 1: How do I break windows? person 2: Don't do anything.06:20
DarkSotMI'm a computer tech in a small town06:20
robertzaccouri updated my system after installing 8.10 and when it restarted the wired internet would not connect06:21
DarkSotMcusomers bring in windows computers for me to fix06:21
sebsebsebDarkSotM: home users mainly or?06:21
DarkSotMhome users06:21
shainpHello! I'm new to IRC. Can someone help me out?06:21
sebsebsebDarkSotM: this is off topic, but interesting so  let's take it to pm06:21
KevDogshainp: What do you want to know?06:21
robertzaccouri  could not figure it out, so i just installed 9.04 alpha 406:21
robertzaccourand now it works fine06:21
KevDogjesse: what are you tryingto find06:22
jesseKevDog: i'm trying to get my soundcard working - by way of the troubleshooting page on the ubuntu site06:22
racecar-56why isn't it working06:23
jesseracecar-56: because i just installed linux?06:23
* jesse shrugs06:23
c0vertalsaconf ftw06:23
racecar-56well mine worked out of box and i got a realtek HD audio06:23
woody86is there any way to change the way the date is displayed on the default Ubuntu clock? Say from it's current display to "2009-02-19"06:23
eepberriesIs there anyway to restart whatever controls sound? The problem I'm having is that sound is only going out of one input instead of two (which it usually does) and if I could restart the sound control without restarting my computer or logging out that would be fantastic.06:23
jesseit is supposedly alsa compatible06:23
racecar-56xorg restart?06:23
jesseracecar-56: i have an RME recording interface - it's on the alsa list06:24
jessei see it under lspci06:24
racecar-56lspci and aplay ftw06:24
jesseaplay doesn't give me anything in it's list06:24
eepberriesracecar-56: are you responding to me?06:24
jesseaplay -l is just empty06:25
=== KevDog_ is now known as KevDog
eepberrieskevdog: do you have multiple sound devices on your comuters?06:25
KevDogI have no sound on my computers06:26
racecar-56when will vlc 0.9.8a packages come out?06:26
eepberriesi'm talking about sound cards (onboard AND actual cardS)06:26
KevDogI'm low tech06:26
eepberriesnot whether sound is working or not06:26
eepberriesif you have multiple sound devices on your computer, then the wrong one might be selected (this is the exact problem i ran into)06:26
Sw3RvEhow do i make terminal transparent like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Xfce-4.4.png06:27
jesseracecar-56: whats the next troubleshooting step if lscpi returns good info - and aplay does not?06:27
eepberriesjesse: what's the problem you're having?06:27
racecar-56xorg restart?06:28
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jesseeepberries: just installed ubuntu - trying to get my RME soundcard to work - shows up in lspci... nothing is in my aplay list06:28
jessered light on the device (which is bad)06:28
eepberriestype alsamixer in the terminal and look at what soundcard shows up06:28
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eepberriesif it's something besides the sound card you want, then the wrong sound device is selected06:28
jesseno mixer elems found06:28
shainpJesse, you've actually got a red LED lit up on the sound card?06:28
jesseshainp: it's a breakout box attached to a PCI card that has a red led06:29
jessethe led indicates "host error"06:29
eepberriesjesse: oh, nevermind me then06:29
jesseeepberries: do i have an issue with my alsa install?06:29
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KevDogany backtrak users here?06:30
anathematicwhat do I do with a .deb?06:30
jesseshainp: do you have any idea what i might try?06:31
ewj1976sudo dpkg -i some.deb06:31
eepberriesjesse: i don't know. i don't know much about alsa, i was just checking to see if you were encountering the problem i had06:31
eepberriesbut probably not06:31
ewj1976anathematic: np06:31
jesseyeah it seems like maybe alsa didn't get installed properly - but i have no clue06:31
shainpI'm sorry, but I don't really understand what the red LED signifies...06:32
shainpdoes speakertest give you any sounds?06:32
jessenope - it gives me an error06:32
Mr_Mackeei just deleted my panel, like an idiot, any help on getting it back?06:32
shainptried alsaconf?06:32
jesseshainp: alsaconf returns command not found06:32
ewj1976you mean main gnome panel?06:33
eepberriesmr_mackee: settings > settings manager > panel06:33
Mr_Mackeeyeah up top06:33
anathematicI'm trying to upgrade my version of ubuntu (7.04) and I'm getting a lot of 404 problems with apt-get06:33
ewj1976or run gnome-panel at alt-f206:33
anathematicany ideas? Can I get new sources or something06:33
racecar-56how to clear alt+f2 hsitory06:33
saadi559595can anyone help me out wth my scanner...its not supported by xsane...am new in ubuntu06:34
eepberriesgoopd luck everyone06:34
ubottuScanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo and to see supported hardware: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners - See also !OCR06:34
scunizi_saadi559595: there are lots of scanners that are supported and lots that are not.. I have a Microtek that isn't so I run an old copy of win2kpro in a vm for access to it..06:34
TmTgranyone know where i could download the human gtk theme?06:35
anathematicmmm could someone look at my pastie? I'm having problems upgrading I keep getting 404's http://pastie.org/39482406:35
ewj1976TmTgr: you can find it with apt or search for it at packages.ubuntu.com06:36
Daft_Punkdoes anybody have the supdog program?06:36
GneaTmTgr: www.gnome-look.org06:36
TmTgryeh im not using ubuntu06:36
saadi559595am new ,dont know much..but i guess its not supported,coz it says no device found,where as my benq 4300 scanner is connected06:36
GneaTmTgr: we only support ubuntu06:36
TmTgrthats why i need to download it :p06:36
ewj1976TmTgr: what are you using then?06:36
scunizi_anathematic: are you on Feisty?06:36
TmTgrim using gentoo06:36
anathematicscunizi_: yes06:36
Gneathen ask in #gentoo06:36
TmTgrbut i would like to have human theme06:36
illumin8TmTgr, http://www.gnome-look.org/content/search.php06:37
scunizi_anathematic: time to upgrade.. do you have a seperate /home?06:37
TmTgrits ubuntu's theme :p06:37
ewj1976TmTgr: look on gnome-look are google it.06:37
GneaTmTgr: then look on the ubuntu package site :P06:37
anathematicscunizi_: I'd like to avoid upgrading if I could I guess, can I do it and maintain mysql / etc?06:37
illumin8TmTgr, search with GTK 2.0 as the type and name human theme on the site i posted06:37
jiggleshi guys... i few hours ago i had Ubuntu crash on me for the first time... i was wondering if someone could tell me how i can debug wtf the reason was06:38
jigglessyslog looks clean06:38
ewj1976TmTgr: look on gentoo-art.org06:38
Finkledoes anyone know any good fserve scripts for ubuntu?06:38
scunizi_anathematic: I can have ubottu send you a link that describes how to upgrade to hardy.. you're repos look like you've got a mix of feisty and hardy listings.. if the upgrade doesn't work you'll have to reinstall Hardy and not format a seperate /home.06:38
scunizi_!upgrade | anathematic06:39
ubottuanathematic: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes06:39
TmTgrok maybe i will just boot an ubuntu cd and steal its  theme06:39
TmTgrthat may work06:39
jiggleslemme lemme upgrade upgrade06:39
anathematicscunizi_: I'll have a read of that then thanks06:39
saadi559595how can i download driver for my benq 4300 scanner plz help06:39
ewj1976TmTgr: in that case go to packages.ubuntu.com. You can download it there. But there are human themes on gentoo-art.org too.06:39
scunizi_anathematic: np.. Hardy is LTS and supported for 3 years.. feisty was only supported for 18 mths06:39
TmTgrfound it http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid/human-theme06:40
KevDoghardy har har06:41
anathematicscunizi_: thanks this is the link I needed I'm off and running now06:41
saadi559595can anyone plz guide me with my scanner problem plz...its not running...benq4300 plz06:41
sasthawhy we shouldnt login as root always in Linux?06:42
brian7888help, So kernel 2.6.27-11 has sound issues. how do I revert to a pervious kernel?06:42
jigglessastha, one reason is if you do something that might mess up the box as root -- it will do it lol06:42
ewj1976sastha: you can screw up file permissions, accidentally alter/delete files, etc.06:42
jigglessaadi559595, this might help you with the benq scanner
jigglescan anyone tell me how i should debug a crash?06:43
Finkledoes anyone know any good fserve scripts for ubuntu?06:43
jigglesfirst crash in 1 year06:43
jigglesbox would ping and respond to ssh but nothing after inputting password06:43
brian7888HELP! So kernel 2.6.27-11 has sound issues. how do you revert to a previous kernel?06:43
saadi559595thanx jiggles06:44
sasthaewj1976: is is possible to create a user like a sub administer who can have lesser permissions like Admin?06:44
scunizi_sastha: yes06:44
jigglesbrian7888, you can edit your menu.list file and set an old kernel06:44
jigglesbrian7888, this might help you:
sasthascunizi_: But even the sub admin can take up the role of an admin with sudo rite? then wht s the use?06:45
ewj1976sastha: yes.06:45
KevDogbrian7888: when you boot, hit escape and select another kernel06:45
scunizi_sastha: you can limit what the sub can do even with sudo06:45
ewj1976sastha: i'd read up on users and permissions.06:46
jigglesbrian7888, kevdog is right, but the method i mentioned will allow you to comment out the new kernel or do something with it so you dont have it as the default when u boot06:46
sasthascunizi_:ok.that's great06:46
saadi559595hey jiggles this thing is not working ,and it requires windows cd...i dont have this06:46
brian7888thanks....will that fix my sound issue....because right now everything looks fine but I get no sound06:47
KevDogYou edit the /boot/grum/menu.lst to select a default booting kernel06:47
sasthaewj1976: Users and permissions in Ubuntu docs? I m a newbie ewj1976.will it be easy for me to understand?06:47
anathematic"Please report this as a bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/ in the bugreport."06:47
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ewj1976sastha: try reading http://www.reallylinux.com/docs/usersubuntu.shtml06:47
anathematicI wonder if I have time tonight to format my server06:48
jigglessaadi559595, i am not familiar with it, but you might want to try searching the ubuntuforums because it looks like there are a handful of threads specific to your model06:48
KevDogsastha: brief overview -- 3 abilities -- read/write/execute -- 3 broad groups - User, Group, Others  You can set permissions on Users and Groups06:48
sasthaewj1976: thanks for the help.One more question,as a begineer wht are things in need to learn?06:49
sasthaKevDog: k.Thanks.very decent overview.06:49
jocharwhat ftpd to use with ssl??? i ncat get pure-ftpd going...06:49
scunizi_sastha: www.ubuntupocketguide.com for a free pdf of ubuntu06:49
saadi559595ok jiggels i will...06:50
jigglessaadi559595, wish i could be better help :/ sry06:50
brian7888can anyone help me figure out what ti fix with my audio...it should be a simple fix...I just dont know what to do.06:50
ewj1976sastha: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Beginners/FAQ and feel free to use irc here06:51
brian7888I have a pulse audio chipset06:51
KevDogwith the command line - type ls -la -- you will see something like -rwxr--r--  The most left triplet is User == In this case has R,W,X abilities, the second triplet is Group -- Has only R caps, and 3rd triples is Others which has only R capabilties -- Hope that was clear06:51
sasthaewj1976: Marvelous help from u people06:51
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ewj1976sastha: yeah, the ubuntu community is awesome06:52
sasthaKevDog: Yes.good explanation.thanx06:53
sasthaewj1976: Ya but i came very late. :(06:55
B14CKH4Thi guys i need to install amns-0.95.1  in gutsy 7.406:55
B14CKH4Thow i need to do06:56
sebsebsebB14CKH4T: what program is that?  use apt-get or syaptic?06:56
maxagazwhat's the difference between ldap and ldapi ?06:56
sebsebsebB14CKH4T: Gutsy was nice, but updates for Gutsy not much longer06:57
ewj1976sebsebseb: I'm not certain, but i bet its a version that's much newer and has dependency issues if you try to install it in gutsy.06:57
sasthawhich kernal is the best to work in Ubuntu?06:57
sebsebsebsastha: does not really matter that much06:57
sebsebsebsastha: ,but good idea to use the  latest from the repo06:57
NFischersastha, the newest06:58
sasthasebsebseb: k.06:58
sasthaNFischer: can v install or use the latest kernal in our envirn.Sorry i dnt have much knowledge abt this.06:59
mereoIs the 64 bit version any faster than the 32 bit version?06:59
ubottuAMD64 and EMT64 are fully supported architectures on Ubuntu. See http://tinyurl.com/3jkole and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amd64 for more information.07:00
llragsllanybody here can help me with openssh??07:00
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/07:00
NFischersastha, what? if you do the regularly updates you should be fine..07:00
llragsllfor chrooting07:00
mereoBecause I'm running the 32 bit and firefox is slower than windows for my taste07:00
llragslllet me rephrase07:00
KevDog_MySecureShell -- very good chroot technique07:00
sebsebsebmereo: how much RAM?07:00
mereo2 GB07:01
sebsebsebmereo: maybe you got a slow proccessor to07:01
llragsllI am trying to setup a chroot environ for openssh..with the in built chroot dir option07:01
NFischersastha, besides that, if you dont have any issues you should not try to mingle around to much07:01
llragsllbut I am getting a weird error....07:01
mereosebsebseb, it's an athlon 5200+07:01
sebsebsebmereo: if your proccessor is 64bit,  go 64bit yes07:01
sebsebsebmereo: not sure if that is 64bit07:01
sasthaNFischer: k.for updation we have to use Package Manager rite?07:02
mereosebsebseb, yeah it is07:02
NFischersastha, go to system > Administration > Update Manager07:02
sebsebsebmereo:   put 64bit on then07:02
llragsllany one??:(...07:02
sebsebsebmereo: also  if you want  something more fast,  get something more light waight,  Xubuntu?  Puppy Linux?07:03
sasthaNFischer: thanx.sorry if my question was silly.07:03
llragsllthis is the error I get when i restart sshd Bad configuration option: ChrootDirectory07:03
NFischersastha, you can use synaptic too, but Update manager is a little more user friendly07:03
Daft_Punk!ask | llragsll07:03
ubottullragsll: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:03
NFischersastha, np07:03
KevDog_Link to MySecureShell07:03
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sasthaNFischer: one more question.Y the system always asks for admin password, whenever we perform any action.Is there any logging mechanism running?07:04
llragsllthx KevDog_07:04
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NFischersastha, thats part of ubuntus security philosophy07:05
mereosebsebseb, the system is quite fast, it's just firefox seems slower than the windows version07:05
NFischersastha, its to prevent others from altering your system07:05
|HSO|SadiQI made another user on my system...how can I acces the music files I have in the first user's home dir??07:06
sebsebsebmereo: ok I understand07:06
sasthaNFischer: NFischer,is it possible to see the log, by the root?07:06
sebsebsebmereo: yes  Firefox in Ubuntu is not even an offical version,  and it is not that fast really07:06
IntuitiveNipplemereo: Do you have firefox plugins installs? They can slow things down... you could try it in safe-mode to compare speeds... if there's a big difference you will know it is caused by one or more of the plugins07:06
NFischersastha, system > Administration> system log07:06
KevDog_There is also rssh -- which is in the repositories -- however just my opinion not as full featured as the MSS07:06
sebsebsebmereo: try Konqueror for a faster browser07:06
mereosebsebseb, do you think the version from mozilla.com will be faster?07:07
sebsebsebmereo: probably not by much, but Konqueror is much faster07:07
sasthaNFischer: thnx.U r so helpful.any system restore functionality available in ubuntu?07:08
KevDog_Swiftfox -- enhancements built in!!07:08
mereosebsebseb, hmm, but I have some extensions that I like to use07:08
Vincemancan anyone do me a big favour?07:08
sebsebsebmereo: in fact the Ubuntu version is meant to have Ubuntu specific improvements, so in some ways  Firefox from Mozilla may be worse, unless you get the latest 3.1  version . 3.1  has not been released just yet, but soon07:08
Vincemancan I send you an sms so you can send me my phone nr?07:08
sebsebsebmereo: yes  you have both :)07:08
llragsllUsing chroot directory option in sshd conf file gives this error : Bad configuration option: ChrootDirectory ?? any solutions?07:09
Vincemanmy life might depend on it07:09
NFischersastha, you should use google a little too ... http://www.partimage.org/Main_Page07:09
sebsebsebmereo: also two other browsers that may be worth trying.   Galeon and  sudo apt-get install epiphany-browser07:09
NFischerVinceman, whats the matter07:09
sebsebsebmereo: you can have loads of browsers in Ubuntu07:09
mereosebsebseb, yeah07:09
sebsebsebmereo: there's also Opera  which is closed source07:09
VincemanI don't know my new prepaid mobile phone nr07:09
llragsllI have already setup most of the options...this is the only place I am stuck07:09
mereosebsebseb, forgot about opera07:09
syockitmereo: you can download the firefox and install as user (not as root), and run it, and see for yourself the difference. I think ubuntu-optimized is better07:09
Vincemanthat's not so funny NFischer!07:10
sebsebsebmereo: and if you want really fast how about a text only browser such as Lynx and Links :d07:10
bazhang!ot > Vinceman07:10
ubottuVinceman, please see my private message07:10
llragsllchroot si available inbuilt with openssh07:10
arghh2d2mereo: dont listen to them, use Dillo07:10
llragsllI just want to enable tht07:10
NFischerVinceman, it is... just look in your contract07:10
sebsebsebarghh2d2: dildo hummm why recommending dildo?07:10
mereosebsebseb, lol! If I wanted to use lynx, I'll just use a terminal07:10
mereoarghh2d2, how's dilo? does it render everything?07:10
arghh2d2sebsebseb: cuz what i say goes mofo! dont question me07:11
pajamianHey everyone, I'm trying to get intrepid onto an old compaq Evo N800v laptop, but I can't get it to boot to the CD drive, nor will it boot to the USB stick that I have a copy of intrepid on, and I can't even get the wubi installer to run off of the USB stick, so I'm stuck trying to find a way to get the install going.  Ideally I would like to boot to the CD drive or the usb stick and get a proper install rather than a wubi install.07:11
arghh2d2mereo: dillo is lightning fast07:11
KevDog_chroot is available with openssh now -- however its has poor functionality.  rssh/MySecureShell has enhancements07:11
sebsebsebmereo: yes lynx runs in the terminal07:11
arghh2d2mereo: but dillo doesnt use frames07:11
felixsullaWhats the best way to install Firefox 3.0 on Gutsy Gibbon?07:11
sebsebsebfelixsulla: from  the repo or from Mozilla07:11
mereosebsebseb, what I meant is that I'd rather use those old terminal computers than on my fast one07:11
felixsullaAny way to do it in synaptic?07:12
KevDog_Firefox 3.0 on GG -- sudo apt-get dist-upgrade07:12
mereoarghh2d2, so dilo is kind of a light weight browser? renders just what isneeded?07:12
sebsebsebfelixsulla: Gutsy was a good release, in some ways it's better than Hardy and Ibex even, but Gutsy won't be suppourted for much longer with updates07:12
syockitmereo: dillo is a very primitive browser, it's like x version of links. good for simple browsing, but doesn't work with multimedia websites07:13
IntuitiveNipplellragsll: Isn't ChrootDirectory only for the internal SFTP sub-system?07:13
felixsullaSo I should probably upgrade, eh?07:13
racecar-56gotta go07:13
KevDog_Feisty was better than Gutsy IMO07:13
mereosyockit, ah... well then, I don't think it will be that useful07:13
KevDog_And Fiesty is dead now too07:13
sebsebsebKevDog_: yeah Feisty was good to07:13
sebsebsebKevDog_: and Ubuntu hasn't  exactly got amazingly better since Gutsy07:14
arghh2d2mereo: yeah, dillo brings up pictures but doesnt bring up frames,  and it doesnt work well with secure connections, HOWEVER if all your doing is looking at docs or wiki's or pr0n or something then dillo is pimp07:14
mereoWhat I hate about ubuntu is that frigin PULSEAUDIO!07:14
KevDog_Im actually finding Ibex surprisingly better than Hardy07:14
felixsullaIbex is the newest?07:14
mereoarghh2d2, lol, ok, I'll check it out07:15
sebsebsebKevDog_: why I don't notice much of a difference,  except  auto shut down after a minute, and how people can make there own USB Flash  stick for Ubuntu07:15
sebsebsebmereo: Konqueror is very good and my browser of choice after Firefox07:15
KevDog_In both Hardy and Ibex, a lot of changes were put into the base kernel that screwed a lot of things up particualy for vid/wireless cards -- kinks are definitely been smoothed out though07:15
sebsebsebmereo: then it's Galeon and  then Epiphany07:15
brian7888Can anybody help my trouble shout my sound?07:15
mereosebsebseb, isn't galeon dead?07:15
sebsebsebmereo:  not that I know of07:16
KevDog_Hardy -- what a joke to call this a LTS -- so many new drivers introduced into that kernel -- bad mistake07:16
mereosebsebseb, because their last news announcement was from 200607:16
sebsebsebmereo: maybe it is a bit dead then, but still a good browser07:16
tzolkinHello everyone, does anybody know the XUbuntu IRC's address?07:17
KevDog_I looking forward to Jaunty however07:17
mereosebsebseb, well, I hope I'll get a good browser... because Ubuntu is growing on me07:17
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sebsebsebmereo: same rendering engine as Firefox to view pages Gecko,  where as  Konq uses KTHML.  and Safari and Google Chrome use Webkit which is based on KTHML07:17
arghh2d2tzolkin: #xubuntu?07:17
b3z3rk3ranybody here having issues with skype not being able to grab audio if vlc is running? Cant seem to solve it. :(07:17
sebsebsebmereo: well Chrome will eventaully be ported to Mac and Linux07:17
mereosebsebseb, yeah, I'll be waiting for chrome... patiently...07:18
sebsebsebmereo: you can run it in Wine or Codeweavers thiney for it, but if you do that,  hummmm  since it will be saying to sites your running it on Windows unless...07:18
sebsebsebmereo: same thing for K-Melon now that's a nice fast customizable Windows browser that uses Gecko07:19
mereosebsebseb, yeah, on my old computer I was using k-meleon, it was MUCH faster07:19
sebsebsebmereo:  I don't think it's the best idea to run Windows browsers in Wine and then help to contribute to Windows's browser market share07:20
sebsebsebmereo: well  should be able to change the user agent string to Linux :D07:20
b3z3rk3rKevDog_, when's jaunty due?07:20
sebsebsebmereo:  it runs rather nicely in Wine07:20
mereosebsebseb, that's why I'm hoping the next firefox 3.1 will be optimized iin linux07:20
sebsebsebmereo:  I guess change Windows in the user agent string to,  Wine or Linux yeah :D07:20
sebsebsebmereo:  you can get the latest 3.1 from their FTP07:20
trupheenixi have a situation. my samba directory and subdirectories are filled with .exes which have been copied from a WINDOZE host. I want to delete all these files. There are too many files which have been created. Is there a simple command which can do this?07:20
mereosebsebseb, yeah :p07:20
mereosebsebseb, ooh, nice07:21
diablohi guys !07:21
syockitmereo: right now, jaunty's firefox-3.1 is still unstable, but I think that's because firefox 3.1 itself is unstable07:21
diablois where a way to set up a root acces on kubuntu ?07:21
stopieIs it normal for a minimal install of ubuntu to get get stuck at 2% on "Select and Install Software" -- it just says "Please Wait"07:21
trupheenixi have a situation. my samba directory and subdirectories are filled with .exes which have been copied from a WINDOZE host. I want to delete all these files. There are too many files which have been created. Is there a simple command which can do this?07:21
mereosyockit, do you use it?07:22
KevDog_9.04 -- So hence April but not sure of release date07:22
sebsebsebsyockit: Firefox 3.1  is very nearly ready to be released.  and  even the alphas for Firefox seem to run pretty damn well07:22
mereosebsebseb, sooo... it's stable for you?07:23
sebsebsebkevor: end of April it will be07:23
syockitmereo: I only wanted to try out the new features. went to acid3.acidtests.org, do some alt-tabbing, go to javascript benchmarks etc. But it always crashes on me. (the extensions can be at fault too)07:23
sebsebsebmereo: in Windows I would run alphas and such yes07:23
sebsebsebmereo: in  Ubuntu I just find it easier to use  Ubuntu's Firefox,  and other browsers07:23
KevDog_trupheenix: Something like (key word like) find <top of directory tree> -type f -name "*.exe" | xargs rm -rf07:23
trupheenixKevDog_: ok i have found all the files using find07:23
trupheenixKevDog_: now I'm looking for an easy command to delete them07:24
mereosebsebseb, when is firefox 3.1 going to be released? I think I'll just be patient and wait for it07:24
sebsebsebmereo:  yes latest 3.1 will be rather stable07:24
KevDog_Pipe the find command into xargs07:24
trupheenixKevDog_: I tried rm -rf *.exe07:24
sleepy_catany community for lib_soup07:24
KevDog_xargs rm -rf07:24
sebsebsebmereo: not sure when,  probably a release scheduled on Mozilla, but not much longer now07:24
savvasmereo: you have firefox-3.1 in jaunty (future 9.04 release)07:24
trupheenixso it will be07:25
SkyNetMasterHi, I want user to authenticate usen local Kerbos and LDAP servers, but only allow specif user, so I added AllowUsers to sshd_config file, but it denies access, any suggestions07:25
savvasmereo: it's beta, but it's that one :)07:25
mereosebsebseb, k, thanks07:25
trupheenixKevDog_: it will be find -name *.exe | xargs rm -rf07:25
sebsebsebsavvas: is Jaunty Beta yet?07:25
mereosebsebseb, can't wait07:25
stopie Is it normal for a minimal install of ubuntu to get get stuck at 2% on "Select and Install Software" -- it just says "Please Wait"07:25
mereosebsebseb, gotta go, thanks for the help07:25
KevDog_any mixmaster users here?07:25
sebsebsebmereo: ok no problem07:25
syockitstopie: it sometimes happen to me too. I had to start all over again when that happens07:26
KevDog_trupheenix: Yea that should work -- Might need to be "*.exe"  if there are files with spaces07:26
stopiesyockit: would you recommend a mirror to use? the defualt us.ubuntu.... is hella slow07:27
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KevDog_And its also something like find . -name *.exe | xargs rm -rf   Note the . tells to start in current directory and look in subdirectories.  If you wanted to start at very top it would be /07:28
savvassebsebseb: no, but you could try booting from the live cd and see if everything is in place, www.ubuntu.com/testing07:28
sebsebsebsavvas: I learnt my lesson with Gutsy don't get before beta07:28
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syockitstopie: uh, I use japan mirror because I'm in japan.... us.ubuntu will look for the optimal server for you, but you can set the mirror manually.07:29
c_webkitwow KevDog_ feel sad for u .. trupheenix didnt even say thanks to you :-)07:29
B10Scan i boot ubuntu from another machine with PXE over my LAN or even WAN, via SSH maybe?07:29
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:30
savvassebsebseb: I said live cd, where nothing will change your hard drive, just check your video/audio, do some application testing before it gets stable, so developers have a chance to fix them earlier07:30
sebsebsebsavvas: Live CD LOL  I am not that newbie,  so yes  virtual machine :D  if  I was to07:30
Weeltinhello.. how can i make sure that when i compile and install "net-snmp" on my server, that i dont get this error: "cannot find -lperl"07:30
KevDogChux: As in BigBrown?07:31
savvassebsebseb: that won't solve YOUR real machine problems if.. say a kernel sound module is broken07:31
sebsebsebsavvas: true, since it will use  the host for some stuff.  anyway I been with Ubuntu since the second release.  and Fedora Core 2 and 4 before that.  Live CD's later on Knoppix, Gnoppix, Morphix that kind of thing.  Live CD's after just installing FC207:32
saadi559595wat are the shortcut keys of copy ,paste,cut in ubuntu?07:32
ChuxI've just been using VMware Workstation 6.5.1 on a Vista 32-bit host to modify a version of Ubuntu 8.10, using Remastersys to create my final copy. However, during this process I have inadvertently deleted some items I didn't want to delete. For instanced, when I type in "ls" it just gives me normal ls. Instead of the system default "ls --color=auto". Is there any way to recreate this system default/alias again?07:33
syockitsaadi559595: it's usually ctrl-c, ctrl-v, and ctrl-x. But certain applications may have different shortcuts.07:33
ChuxKevDog: BigBrown?07:33
sebsebsebChux:  VMware hummmmmmm  Virtualbox  :D  and  KVM is meant to be good  if your computer can handle hardware virtulization07:33
sebsebsebKernel Virtual Machine07:33
sandGorgonif i am installing lxde from ubuntu-minimal, what should I install as login manager ?07:33
Chuxah, okay07:34
ChuxI have inadvertently deleted some items I didn't want to delete. For instanced, when I type in "ls" it just gives me normal ls. Instead of the system default "ls --color=auto". Is there any way to recreate this system default/alias?07:34
B10Scan i boot ubuntu from another machine with PXE over my LAN or even WAN, via SSH maybe?07:34
saadi559595syockit: wat will be in pidgin07:34
sebsebsebB1OS  netboot sure07:35
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate07:35
syockitsaadi559595: i don't use pidgin, sorry can't be of any help07:35
Sa[i]nTHow do I open up a port so I can stream video off my machine?07:35
B10Ssebsebseb, to turn it on? not install...?07:36
sebsebsebB1OS:  I can't help not done netboot before,  was told about it etc though07:36
sebsebsebB1OS:  plus I am about to go anyway07:36
syockitsaadi559595: http://developer.pidgin.im/wiki/shortcuts has a list of default ones. You can also make your own shortcut, it's on the user guide on that site07:37
ChuxI'm using a modified version of Ubuntu 8.10. I have inadvertently deleted some items I didn't want to delete. For instanced, when I type in "ls" it just gives me normal ls. Instead of the system default "ls --color=auto". Is there any way to recreate this system default/alias?07:37
sebsebsebB1OS: oh turn it on yeah07:37
sebsebsebB1OS:  your BIOS should have a setting for it I think07:37
sebsebsebB1OS:  yeah I think that's what the guy said.  you turn it on in BIOS.  and it boots from netboot07:38
B10Ssebsebseb, need other software though, right?07:38
sebsebsebB1OS:  yeah there's a program,  you get from Ubuntu site, which is the kernel07:38
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sebsebsebB1OS: and you netboot that over or something07:39
B10Ssebsebseb, i'll check it out07:39
sebsebsebB1OS: well good luck and bye07:40
NFischerSa[i]nT, it depends on your network topology07:41
DJNomadanyone know what format a cellular phone uses usually07:41
DJNomadI am having trouble mounting a card and i am to the part where i gotta make it to another format07:42
DJNomador something07:42
B10SSa[i]nT, can be done from your router too07:42
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DJNomadsudo mount /dev/sdd /media/usbdisk -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=00007:42
cd_still this problem07:43
Sa[i]nTShould I use iptables?07:43
DJNomadtheres how i do it if its fat16 but that dont work07:43
Sa[i]nTIs there a GUI for iptables yet?07:45
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:46
fudgeedcan someone help me recover a corrupted hdd (windows partitions) with ubuntu live ?07:48
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fudgeedit is now showing as an empty HDD , flag lba07:50
Seveasgood moaning!07:51
fudgeedmoaning moaning07:51
mlissnerI have a script I'm trying to run as root, but it's not working. Anybody have any ideas on things like that?07:52
Seveasfudgeed, if you mount it as fat/ntfs (whichever is appropriate, no files apppear?07:52
Seveasmlissner, define 'not working'. Also, if the scrippt is small & simple, pastebin it07:52
mlissnerThe script is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/120480/07:53
B10Sdo you lose your data when you upgrade?07:53
SeveasB10S, only if you scre it up and have to reinstall =)07:54
mlissnerIt needs to run as root, so I put it in /etc/init.d, and got it to start at boot, but it doesn't do anything.07:54
fudgeedSeveas, its showing up as unalocated07:54
mlissnerIt should be switching files around based on my wireless connection.07:54
B10SSeveas, i'll try now to screw up then :D07:54
carpii__mlissner, so log to a file instead of discarding all the useful error messages07:55
Seveasmlissner, I'd do such a thing in /etc/network/if-up.d, so it gets run every time a network connection is up.07:55
Mr_Mackeewhats the best way to convert xvid and burn them as DVD?07:55
Seveasso no need to loop :)07:55
SeveasB10S, I assume you mean 'not' instead of 'now' :)07:55
mlissnerSaveas, that sounds brilliant. How would one do that?07:56
mlissnerCarpii, is there a way to log scripts that are started by init?07:56
B10SSeveas, oh, indeed lol07:56
fudgeedSeveas, i tried to install to ubuntu to the c: drive ,deleted that partition and my cd was corrupted too07:56
Seveasmlissner, look at the examples in there. I beleive there's even a hook that gives you the ssid as well, so no need to grep :)07:57
Seveasfudgeed, ah, hmm... I *think* some manual partition table tinkering might give you your partition back, but that's far beyond what I know how to do I'm afraid.07:58
mlissnerSeveas, so are these all scripts that are run whenever a network connection is made?07:58
Seveasmlissner, yes07:59
mlissnerSeveas, also, I'm not seeing any hooks...maybe I don't know what I'm looking for?07:59
fudgeedSeveas , ok07:59
Seveasmlissner, ignore the comment about hooks. I was wrong.08:00
mlissnerSeveas, this is a break through.08:01
mlissnerCan those be run as root though? I want to edit /etc/hosts, or accomplish the same.08:01
Seveasmlissner, they are always run as root08:01
luciashhi everybody08:01
luciashwhere is/are the gdm/kdm sessions config file(s) located ,08:02
Seveasmlissner, if you google for ifupdown, you should be able to find some documentation. These scripts have access to some useful environment variables to help you detect where you are08:02
luciashi need to change starting enlightenment with -evil parameter to -good ;)08:02
Seveasluciash, I believe those can be found in /etc/xsession.d oslt08:03
Seveasluciash, or /usr/share/xsessions08:05
luciashSeveas: thank you, the first i don't see it there08:05
luciashSeveas: i'll check the other one08:05
dips0502hey guys08:05
Seveashello dips050208:06
dips0502trying to install 8.10 i386 ; however it doesnt recognize the sata drive i hv08:06
luciashSeveas: thanks a bunch, that's it :)08:06
dips0502need some suggestion08:06
Seveasdips0502, buy a new drive? :)08:07
Seveasdips0502, does the dmesg command on the live cd tell you anything about the sata drive (as in, does the kernel at least see it?)08:07
dips0502its not a new drive ...hv been using it for quite some time08:07
zeltakhi silly question from a guy trying to learn a bit of cli08:07
zeltakwhen i issue this for example:08:08
zeltakfind /media/movt/ -name *.nfo -exec ls '{}' ';'08:08
mlissnerseveas, I can't find anything on variables, but I just cut out the while loop in my script, and it seems to work.08:08
Bikeguydoes anyone know when ubuntu starts writing to a new syslog?08:08
zeltakhow can i add *jpg as well08:08
mlissnercould be more elegant though.08:08
Seveasmlissner, ok then :)08:08
Gegsiteyou know the nvidia problem.... is there a link for solution?08:09
mlissnerSeveas, this is most excellent. Thanks for your insight. I spent way too much time trying to figure this out myself.08:09
SeveasBikeguy, 04:02, logrotate is run from cron.daily which by default is run at that time. See /etc/crontab abd /etc/cron.daily/logrotate08:09
dips0502    4.444028] ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)08:09
dips0502this is what i see from dmesg08:09
dips0502one of the lines08:09
speedmasterhey guys do you know how to set x-chat so that it doesn't use my login as identd?08:09
Bikeguythanks Seveas, you aren't at all related to the Seveas package repos are you?08:09
Seveaszeltak,  find /media/movt/ -name '*.nfo' -o -name '*.jpg' -exec ls '{}' ';'08:09
zeltakk sweet thx Seveas08:10
SeveasBikeguy, yes that's me. The repos are fairly dead though (have no hardy or intrepid)08:10
Seveasspeedmaster, xchat -> network list -> pick your network and click edit/change08:10
Bikeguyregardless, thanks for that, I remember using those a while back :-)08:10
Seveasyou're welcome :)08:11
GegsiteSO? nvidia 180.29 driver still not working....08:11
Mr_Mackeeis tovid the best for xvid to dvd in intrepid?08:12
mib_10glknhi, can I clear/wipe mbr from ubuntu live?08:12
Seveasmib_10glkn, yes. but that will make your system unbootable08:13
syockitmib_10glkn: if you know how to use dd, you can08:13
mib_10glknis dd the only way to wipe it?08:13
syockitSeveas: still bootable from cd, no?08:13
Seveas(the command is: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/yourdiskhere bs=512 count=1)08:13
Seveassyockit, yes08:13
SeveasI should have said, 'it will make your disk unbootable'08:14
dips0502i think the kernel sees the sata drive, but the partition manager...doesnt see it08:14
Seveasdips0502, if you boot from the live cd and run this command: sudo fdisk -l08:15
Seveasdips0502, does the disk show up then?08:15
locustmageso ive read that there is no way to boot an ubuntu cd into the RAM of the computer without making your own live cd. Is that true?08:15
dips0502it says cannot open /dev/sda and cannot open /dev/sdb08:16
zeltakSeveas: the -o option just lists the last one (jpg) not both...anything else i can try?08:16
dips0502but both those sda and sdb are not my sata drive08:16
Seveasyou could try 'man find' and learn how find works :)08:16
dips0502one is an parallel ata drive , the other is an external usb drive08:16
kohwjlocustmage: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/booting-of-raw-iso-from-grublilo-though-preferably-grub-367901/08:17
Seveaszeltak, try this:  find /media/movt/ '(' -name '*.nfo' -o -name '*.jpg' ')' -exec ls '{}' ';'08:17
locustmageill check that out thanks08:17
zeltakk thx08:17
* Seveas off, back in 3008:18
Gegsitenvidia 180.29 driver install is OK, but the X cant use it...08:23
TeslaTonyIf I leave Exaile open too long, my sound dies, and alsa force-reload doesn't seem to do anything08:25
speedmasterGegsite: i was trying to install that all last night and ended up reverting back to 180.2208:26
dips0502how can i check if the kernel recognizes my sata disk at boot time ?08:27
Gegsiteyeah, I heard that you should delete something cos it makes conflict08:27
Gegsitedips0502, starting it with debug mode08:27
ali1234can anybody recommend a program that can show side by side diff on two binary files formatted as hex?08:28
speedmasterGegsite: yeah, I was reading that in the nvidia x config that you should remove load type1 as that isn't in X any more which just led me to the no screens error when x tries to start08:28
dips0502gegsite...could u tell me how to start it in debug mode08:29
GegsiteI heard that some files or symlinks you must delete...08:29
speedmasterI did not really want to spend that much time on it, just ran the package again for 180.22 after I purged which didn't go well so I removed again and booted recovery kernel installed as root and booted normally and havent had any probs since08:30
GegsiteI know but it should be better to run a newer driver but ....08:32
Gegsitedips0502, when booting the linux in grub you edit the init line and write in the end the debug thats all08:32
speedmasterI think it's an X problem rather than the driver - even using repositories and installing through synaptic was screwing it08:33
TuTUXGspeedmaster, which kernel?08:34
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B10Sright, i want to boot (turn on NOT install) my ubuntu server via PXE (from another machine, windows probably). will bootp do this?08:35
speedmaster2.6.27-11 generic08:35
i00nsuhi al08:35
packetlosscan someone please take a good look at this partition table08:36
packetlossit's an SCSI RAID 1 drive's image on an IDE hard disk drive that i mounted under knoppix live distro. What i need real bad is mysql database file on this drive.08:37
illumin8Do you know which partition holds /var/lib/mysql/?08:40
illumin8packetloss, do you know which partition holds /var/lib/mysql/08:40
|HSO|SadiQhow can I take a screenshot of my desktop if I have right clicked somewere (I want to show the right click menu I have and my desktop/application)08:40
kohwj|HSO|SadiQ: ksnapshot has a "delay" feature that you can use. just set the delay, click "new screenshot" and right-click whereever you want08:41
illumin8packetloss, try mounting the drives and searching for that folder string, thats where my sql stores most of them unless you selected a custom folder08:42
|HSO|SadiQkohwj, any gnome only app(just in case)08:42
packetlossillumin8; i can mount/browse hda1 and hda3, but cant find any mysql fodlers or files08:42
illumin8packetloss, it would be specificly /var/lib/mysql/08:42
kohwj|HSO|SadiQ: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Gnome-screenshot_on_Ubuntu.png08:43
packetlosswell, i found some backup scripts that points to /storage/mysqlfile.sql08:43
packetlossthis storage folder resides08:43
packetlosson hda108:43
packetlossbut is empty08:44
packetlossi also cant access the rest of partitions08:44
|HSO|SadiQty kohwj ...I didn't find it coz I always used the PrintScreen key :P08:44
kohwj|HSO|SadiQ: np08:44
Rev_Slid3rhey folks .. anyway to reset the default display and resolution for xorg?08:45
Rev_Slid3rwhen I plugged it in it checked the display fine and resolution fine08:45
B10Sright, i want to boot (turn on NOT install) my ubuntu server via PXE (from another machine, windows probably). will bootp do this?08:45
Rev_Slid3rthen I started messing with it08:45
Rev_Slid3ranyway to wipe the session file and let it rescan/check?08:46
illumin8packetloss, check this link. but you will still need to locate the database backup assuming you made one http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch34_:_Basic_MySQL_Configuration#MySQL_Database_Restoration08:46
Joshmuffinive done it before...08:46
Joshmuffinsudo xserver-x.org --reconfigure08:47
Joshmuffini think08:47
Joshmuffin@Rev_Slid3r: sudo xserver-x.org --reconfigure08:47
Rev_Slid3rthanks ... trying now08:47
packetlossillumin i think the problem is the rest of partitions are extended partitions that were mounted under some folders, storage also i assume08:48
illumin8very likley depending on the linux install method.08:48
halyconA lot of the time when I use a Save As Dialog box or an Open Dialog Box it will appear like this: http://members.shaw.ca/halycon/EO/openbox.jpg does anyone know how to fix it so that it always stays at a regular size instead of being all squished08:48
Joshmuffin@Rev_Slid3r: sorry thats all I got :(08:49
packetlosswell is there a way i could mount these partitions ?08:49
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Joshmuffin@Rev_Slid3r: have you tried forum? http://www.ubuntuforums.org08:49
aroonidoes ubuntu auto mount all drives automatically each time?  or do i have to explicitly mount them?  and if so, how can i make sure that they are always mounted? (intrepid)08:49
werLdpacketloss: what are you trying to mount08:50
Rev_Slid3rwhich gave me ... sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg08:50
Lukianhow do I get a live cd to display via s-video?08:50
illumin8packetloss, your using knoppix live atm?08:50
packetlosswerLD -> http://pastebin.com/m50576c208:50
h1LLhi! can anyone please give me the link on how to install ffmpeg in ubuntu hardy. just seen it yesterday but but i wasn't able save that because i reinstalled the distro08:50
Rev_Slid3rbut that did nothing but go thru my keyboard08:50
werLdarooni: /etc/fstab08:50
packetlossillumin8 knoppix live yes08:50
werLdarooni: /etc/fstab08:51
illumin8packetloss, im not very fimilar with knoppix so thats the best i can offer sorry.08:51
Joshmuffinany email clients that can handle microsoft exchange other then evo08:52
B10Si want to boot (turn on, NOT install) my ubuntu server via PXE (from another machine over the network or internet). will bootp do this or something else?08:52
* Tcl is off -oleh le cadurim be canion zahav :))08:52
werLdpacketloss: looks like a bunch of linux partitions08:53
jelly12genJoshmuffin: thunderbird, mutt?08:53
|HSO|SadiQis there a way to import my firefox bookmarks between the 2 users on my system??08:53
Rev_Slid3rwell where the hell is resolution set, its not in my xorg.conf file08:53
werLdmount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /wherever08:53
Joshmuffin@|HSO|SadiQ: foxmarks (add-on)08:53
werLdpacketloss: mount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /wherever why not this command?08:54
vancomycinoh man, i use to use an older version of ubuntu 7.04 and it had a real player version that worked with my school lecture notes. basically i would load the RM audio file and it would open a supplementary side window with the lecture notes(it would access doc files w/in the folder somehow) updated to 8.10 and now this new version of realplayer 11 doesn't do what the old one did. it opens up tabs in firefox instead! is there a way to i08:54
vancomycinnstall an older version of realplayer so that i can watch these lectures like before?08:54
Joshmuffin@jelly12gen not thunderbird thanks for mutt sugestion try that now08:54
packetlosswerLD thanks, i've done that already08:54
Stefanohi all, I cannot open http://views-help.doc.logrus.com/ with 8.10 but it looks online: http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/views-help.doc.logrus.com. Can you help me?08:54
packetlosswhat about let's say hda6, hda708:54
ziroday|HSO|SadiQ: you need to go into windows, export your bookmarks and then reimport them in ubuntu's firefox08:54
werLdRev_Slid3r: is your xorg.conf empty?08:54
zirodayStefano: it works over here, try clearing your firefox cache08:55
werLdpacketloss: have you formated the partitions yet? do they have a filesystem on them?08:55
werLdpacketloss: mkfs.ext308:55
vancomycini uninstalled realplayer 11 ... can we install older versions on realpplayer in  8.10 ?08:55
packetlossmkfs.ext3; i won't loose any files =?08:55
illumin8werLd, hes running knoppix live.08:56
Stefanoziroday, thanks. Sorry, I cannot find Firefox cache...08:56
packetlossno problem about live, i can write fs to the drive08:56
Gegsiteyou must uninstall in synaptic (dpkg) the ubuntu's nvidia stuffs08:57
zirodayStefano: In firefox Tools > Clear Cache > Tick Cache untick the rest > Click Ok08:57
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illumin8packetloss, in terminal : mkdir /mnt/hdax              then        mount /dev/hdax /mnt/hdax      the files would then be under mnt/hdax where X is the hd#08:57
Stefanoziroday, thank you again!08:57
packetlosswell yes, but i can't mount hda6; which fs ???08:58
werLdyeah packetloss, does hda6 have a fs created on it or did u just create a partition08:58
Stefanoziroday, same problem. I cannot ping it al all08:58
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zirodayStefano: and every other site works fine? Does it work on other computerS?08:59
packetlosswerLD it's an SCSI RAID1 drive's image (northon ghost disk-to-disk)08:59
packetlosson an IDE hard drive08:59
packetlossmounted under knoppix live08:59
Stefanoziroday, I'm home now, don't have other computers but http://drupal.org/project/views works as well as everyone I've tested08:59
werLdpacketloss: msg me the mount output and df -h output08:59
Rev_Slid3rhey sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg only goes thru my keyboard settings then writes the file08:59
zirodayStefano: then I have no clue sorry, it works fine here.09:00
Stefanoziroday, also e-mail works fine09:00
werLdRev_Slid3r: was your xorg.conf orginally empty?09:00
packetlosswerLD hold on a sec09:00
Stefanoziroday, ok, thank you a lot anyway09:00
Rev_Slid3rwerLd: but there is very little in it09:01
werLdRev_Slid3r: i forgot what I used to populate mine when mine had little in it, one sec will try to find09:02
packetlosswerLD; the df -h shows hda1 and hda5 mounted09:02
packetlossmount -t ext3 /dev/hda3 /somewhere says wrong FS09:02
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=== ULLal is now known as Ullall
kennyyuhi there. i've got a problem with samba: i shared 2 folders by the UI interface of Gnome in addition to another original share specified in smb.conf. So ``smbclient -L //localhost'' gives me these 3 items. just wondering where (in some plain text files) are the 2 sharing configuration stored?09:04
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Rev_Slid3rwerLd: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg  ... is that what you were thinking?09:04
Rev_Slid3rthat does nothing09:04
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werLdRev_Slid3r: yeah i came across same issue, but somehow fixed mine09:05
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JoshmuffinDoes anyone know how to set xterm as default terminal (already installed | ubuntu 8.10)09:05
illumin8Rev_Slid3r, when you started editing your xorg file as you said earlier you saved it correct?09:07
Rev_Slid3rtheres not much in it09:07
illumin8Rev_Slid3r, inside the xorg folder there should be a file with xorg.conf~ or xorg.~?09:08
werLdpacketloss: maybe those arent ext309:08
Rev_Slid3rid really like to just remove the session file or whatever and let it rescan09:08
werLddid you try ext209:08
illumin8the ~ would identify it as a pre edit file.09:08
Rev_Slid3rtheres none of that09:08
illumin8hang on ill check mine09:08
illumin8Rev_Slid3r, and you say you didnt make a backup?09:09
werLdpacketloss: what will raid 1 do for you09:09
packetlosswerLD i did a disk clone from a server with scsi raid109:10
werLdits a single disk09:10
illumin8Rev_Slid3r, you can try this method09:10
illumin8Press Ctrl + Alt + F109:11
illumin8Log in text mode09:11
illumin8  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:11
werLdpacketloss: id have to dig into raid, but it sounds like those partitions arent doing you much good09:11
FloodBot1illumin8: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:11
Rev_Slid3rillumin8: Ive tried that09:11
packetlosswerld what do you mean09:11
kennyyuhi there. i've got a problem with samba: i shared 2 folders by the UI interface of Gnome in addition to another original share specified in smb.conf. So ``smbclient -L //localhost'' gives me these 3 items. just wondering where (in some plain text files) are the 2 sharing configuration stored?09:11
werLdpacketloss: I am not raid guru tho, but i have a feeling if you formated using mkfs.ext3 you would be able to mount them09:11
illumin8Rev_Slid3r, from text mode?09:11
Rev_Slid3rand tbh the font is WAY to fuggin huge to make that work09:11
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werLdpacketloss: did you try mount force option?09:11
packetlosshow do you that09:12
SkyNetMasterhi, anyone that can kerberos?09:12
Rev_Slid3rif I ctrl+alt+F1 ... the font is effin huge09:12
werLdpacketloss: are you sure these are ext3 filesystems?09:12
packetlossno, absolutely not sure which f09:12
werLdRev_Slid3r: in your grub, use vga=79109:12
werLdpacketloss: what are you trying to achieve? i mean, your running linux, and it looks like you have some of your partitions mounted, so the other ones are just sitting there, what are you afraid of losing ?09:13
berkesmoved from KDE (after 10+ years of love) to give Gnome a 2nd chance. However. first annoyance to fix:09:13
Rev_Slid3rwheres my grub conf file?09:13
berkeshowto get my desktop to show the " Desktop"  dir instead of /home/foo09:14
geek_beekhello ppl09:14
illumin8Rev_Slid3r, type sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst09:14
werLdRev_Slid3r: vga=791 may be old, but look at using frame buffer in grub, or look at vga= grub on google09:14
crdlbberkes: it should do so by default09:14
packetlosswerLd there is a database full of documents somewhere on this drive09:14
werLdpacketloss: but not on any of the partitions currently mounted?09:15
werLdpacketloss: do you know how to priv msg?09:15
crdlbberkes: it's controlled by a gconf key, /apps/nautilus/preferences/desktop_is_home_dir which is False by default09:15
berkescrdlb: it did, but some weirdness broke that. and then Gnome took my $HOME, want to reset that09:16
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werLdpacketloss: send me your fdisk results, along with df -h along with mount09:16
Guest97827my firefox profile manager appaers to have stopped working, I'm not offered a choice of profiles any more and launching firefox -profilemanager simply launches a new instance of firefox09:16
heavy_Hi, is there someone who could provide me help to speed up booting process. I <guess> my CD-drive is the cause for slow booting09:20
ikoniaheavy_: could you explain the problem ?09:20
ikoniaheavy_: are you booting a livecd, or an install from hard disks?09:20
dellyhow to remove previes cammand form terminal09:20
ikoniaDarknezz: previes command ?09:21
ikoniaDarknezz: sorry09:21
ikoniadelly: previes command ? what do you mean ?09:21
ikoniadelly: I'm not aware of a command called "previes"09:21
dellywhich cammand we have used09:21
heavy_ikonia: before actually booting it takes a lot of time to initializing hardware and installing ubuntu from that drive was not possible (from dvd-drive it worked perfectly)09:21
ikoniaheavy_: are you booting from a livecd09:22
ikoniaheavy_: just to be clear09:22
ikoniadelly: remove your .bash_history file in your home directory09:22
heavy_ikonia: no from hdd09:22
heavy_ikonia: live-cd is not possible with that cd-drive09:22
dellyi wanna remove the terminal history09:23
ikoniadelly: I've just told you how09:23
geek_beekif its not from live cd then booting has got nothin to do wit cd drive09:23
B10Si want to boot (turn on, NOT install) my ubuntu server via PXE (from another machine over the network or internet). will bootp do this or something else?09:23
ikoniadelly: have you been doing things you should not have done and are trying to hide it ?09:23
ikoniaB10S: pxe/bootp no poblem09:23
geek_beekone alternative is u can remove the graphical boot display09:23
Leissihello again09:23
dellywhat cammand i should use09:24
ikoniaheavy_: do you have any external hardware (USB drives/Cameras/etc) on the machine ?09:24
B10Sikonia, thank you09:24
LeissiI just updated my video card drivers and I can't seem to be able to set my monitor resolution back to 1600x1200, the max resolution shown is 1280x102409:24
ikoniadelly: why do you want to remove the shell history ?09:24
Leissihow do I fix this :(09:24
ikoniaLeissi: how did you update them09:24
heavy_ikonia: just switched of printer, non-working scanner09:24
ikoniaheavy_: can you unplug them - it could be trying to walk the cable09:24
Leissiikonia, clicked an icon on the menu bar09:24
ikoniaheavy_: as in unplug them from the PC09:24
dellyi no body check my which i did used for any fuction09:25
ikoniadelly: only you can see that any way09:25
ikoniadelly: that shell is YOUR history09:25
ikoniaque45t: ask a question09:25
ikoniaLeissi: what video card do you have09:25
dellyok another person on my system09:25
ikoniadelly: they can't see it09:25
Leissigeforce 8800gts09:25
heavy_ikonia: done09:26
que45tupdated ubuntu 7 [ ubuntu 8 keeps hanging in the desktop when i try to install stuff ] and now it wont recognise my eth0 card09:26
ikoniaLeissi: what tool are you using to set the resollution09:26
B10Syou can even see the shell history when you ssh into it :)09:26
ikoniaheavy_: reboot and try09:26
Leissiikonia, clicking system-preferences-screen resolution09:26
Leissialso it shows screen refresh rate as 50Hz09:26
ikoniaque45t: what card do you have ?09:26
dellyhow to install lampp09:26
dellyhow to install lampp-server09:27
geek_beekdoes anybody know where to download package dvd for ubuntu09:27
bazhang!lamp > delly09:27
ubottudelly, please see my private message09:27
que45tintel wireless on a centrino due t60 ibm laptop09:27
ikoniadelly: install the package mysql-server, php5-mysql, libapache2-mod-php509:27
ikoniaLeissi: ughh, sounds like that driver has compatability issues with your card in it's current config09:28
ikoniaLeissi: is your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file quite empty09:28
B10Sdelly,  sudo tasksel install lamp-server09:28
ikonia!aptoncd > geek_beek09:28
ubottugeek_beek, please see my private message09:28
Leissiikonia, not really09:28
ikoniaLeissi: can you pastebin it please09:29
Leissiikonia, http://pastebin.com/m39e328d109:29
ikoniaque45t: are you sure your wirless card is "eth0" can you please pastebin the output of ifconfig -a09:29
ikoniaLeissi: thats good, it's very empty09:29
ikoniaLeissi: means no conflict09:29
Leissiwell I installed ubuntu like 3 days ago, and haven't configured anything except desktop background and menu/taskbar position09:30
Leissiand resolution09:30
bazhang!it | brus_6609:30
ubottubrus_66: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)09:30
que45tyeah gimme a few minutes09:30
illumin8Leissi, are you using the nvidia drivers?09:30
ikoniaLeissi: if you look in /var/log at Xorg.0.log if you walk through it, do you see anything that says setting resolution, anything like that09:30
ikoniaillumin8: yes, his xorg.conf shows it is09:30
pop79hello everyone!09:31
illumin8ikonia, Ah i didnt check :)09:31
heavy_ikonia: same problem, took 4 minutes to initialize and less than one minute to actually boot09:31
Leissiwhere do I find that xorg.0.log?09:31
ikoniaillumin8: no sweat, all looks good, using the dynamic info etc etc09:31
ikoniaLeissi: in /var/log where I just said09:31
pop79anyone here have graphics problems that need help?09:32
ikoniaheavy_: is this before you actually get the option to boot ubuntu, or after you have selected the option to boot ubuntu09:32
ikoniapop79: wait for some one to ask a question and respond to it09:32
heavy_ikonia: after choosing ubuntu in grub-menu09:32
Leissi(II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 1280 x 102409:32
LeissiI updated the drivers to 173.14.12 since it had "Recommended" on the list09:33
ikoniaheavy_: for a test - can you select "recovery mode" from the grub option09:34
ikoniaLeissi: yup nothing wrong with picking what ubuntu offers09:34
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Leissithat's what I thought09:34
ikoniaLeissi: I wonder if this is your monitor not offering up settings, rather than the driver not detecting them09:34
Leissier, I dunno09:35
LeissiI was at 1600x1200 before updating :(09:35
ikoniaLeissi: give me a moment to ponder this09:35
LeissiI know there are some specific drivers for this monitor for windows out there09:35
que45tthe two options are irda0 and lo but i remember it being eth0 when it worked. in network tools it only sees lo09:35
ikoniaLeissi: nah, linux doesn't work that way09:35
ikoniaque45t: is the wirless card turned at the kill switch ?09:36
que45tyeah its on09:36
ikoniaque45t: are you %100 certain09:36
ikoniaque45t: lspci and look for your network card in that09:36
que45thow cani tell which ones mine09:37
que45thold on ill search for it09:37
ikoniaGuest97827: look at the dectiptions09:37
ikoniaque45t: look at the decriptiotns, thats all the kit in your laptop, so it's all yours09:37
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heavy_ikonia: does take also about 4 minutes09:38
nmHi here. I installed Jaunty on my laptop. Everything goes well (except some bugs with evolution) but I have no dhcp anymore. When I type "sudo dhclient", here is the result :09:38
ikonia!januty | nm09:39
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for that nm09:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about januty09:39
ikonianever mind bazhang typed it09:39
heavy_ikonia: getting messages like ata2: port is slow to respond09:39
que45tnetworkcontroller :ointelcorporationpr/wireless 3945abg network connection rev 0209:39
ikoniaheavy_: really, that does look like your CD rom is causing an issue09:39
ikoniaheavy_: can you unplug that09:39
heavy_ikonia: as i was guessing :)09:39
ikoniaque45t: looks good09:39
ikoniaheavy_: seems a good guess09:40
que45tso where doi go from there09:40
labadminikonia:u know the command to format a pendrive?09:40
ikoniaLeissi: for a test - this is just a test, please change the line Driver "nvidia" in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf to Driver "nv" and restart your xserver check the resolution there09:40
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ikonialabadmin: same as any other disk09:40
ikoniaque45t: look in /var/log/sys.log for any reference to your card09:41
labadminikonia:and that wud be?09:41
ikonialabadmin: depends what you want to format it with (file system) - gparted is a fine tool09:41
Leissihow do I restart xserver check, ikonia?09:42
nmikonia, bazhang : ok ;)09:42
labadminikonia:gparted?..hmm can i get it using synaptic?09:42
heavy_ikonia: is there anything I can do about it? :)09:42
Leissioh like that09:42
labadminikonia:i m actually looking for formatting my pendrive using commands in terminal09:43
que45tits a long list i dont know whati should be looking for09:43
illumin8labadmin, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-format-usb-pen-drive/09:44
ikonialstarnes: what file system do you want ?09:45
ikoniaheavy_: uplug the cd rom, buy a new one ?09:45
ikoniaque45t: any reference to your network card09:45
ikoniaque45t: a good trick is to remove /var/log/sys.log - reboot so you have a smaller cleaner log of your last startup/boot options09:46
heavy_ikonia: or buy a complete new PC? :) solving other problems too09:46
que45tall it keeps saying is good thinkslike that the device isfully supported using driver ipw394509:46
raevolusing miro in intrepid, my videos all flicker. have this same problem with VLC, is there a way to fix it?09:46
bazhangraevol, with or without compiz09:47
que45ti had thesame problem as you raevol so i downgraded09:47
Rev_Slid3rok lads .. here is my predicament09:47
raevolwith compiz, reading a forum topic on an xorg.conf fix that might do it? should i do that?09:48
bazhangraevol, what about turning off compiz09:48
que45tthat worked forme09:48
bazhangraevol, fusion-icon to shut on and off quickly09:48
heavy_ikonia: thanks09:48
raevolyea, that fixes it09:48
raevolany way i can have it on and watch video?09:48
Rev_Slid3rI set up this ubuntu box ... plugged it into my tv .. it detected it perfect, I started messing with the resolution until I got it to 'invalid format' ...09:49
Rev_Slid3rnow xorg.conf file has very little in it09:49
Rev_Slid3rnothing about resolution09:49
Rev_Slid3rif I bring it back into my office here ... it detects the monito adjusts accordingly and all is well09:49
bazhangraevol, not sure as I never use desktop effects, especially when watching a movie09:49
Leissinow I lost my desktop effects :(09:49
Rev_Slid3rif I take it back in to the TV, it keeps the crap resolution I accidently set09:50
raevol:[ ok i'll try this other fix09:50
ikoniaLeissi: thats rigth you will09:50
ikoniaLeissi: it was just a test to see if the resolution was picked up09:50
LeissiI want to have 'em ;_;09:50
Leissiit was09:50
Rev_Slid3r<-- talking to his self09:50
ikoniaLeissi: now we know the situation, change it back to nvidia and reboot09:50
que45tikonia: 5 hours ago before my card stop[ed [activated eth0successful .. network manager:debug nm)dbu signial filter netowrkmanagerinfo triggeredupdate ofwirelessnetowkr'linksys09:50
Leissibut I kinda like the wobbly windows :P09:50
que45tthen lo disabled privacy extensions09:51
ikoniaLeissi: the nv driver does not support desktop effect09:51
que45tthen it registeereda new mac addressrecord on eth009:51
ikoniaque45t: clean the log down, reboot and find the current situation09:51
que45tnetwork manager debug nm hal device added () new device aded hal udi is '?irg/freedesktop/hal/devices09:53
que45tsays something like that a couple times on current reboot09:54
que45talot of times actually09:54
sajuukhey guys i got an 8600gt and my ubuntu system is in low graphics mode, whats wrong with it?09:55
raevolthe forum fix did it for me, adding a few things to the device section of my xorg.conf09:55
m1m1Im trying to setup some ftp accounts with pureftpd, chrooted with mounted directories in a /home/ftpusers/fptusername directory .... im trying to allow read and write access to my files (owned by www-data:www-data), but the minimum UID allowed by pureftpd is 1000 and www-data is 33 ... i dont want to change the pureftpd limitation (security reasons) and i dont want to change www-data uid .... is there a way to have access to the www09:56
m1m1 through the pureftpd ftpuser (uid 1002) account ? (im quite new to linux)09:56
FloodBot1m1m1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:56
c0mp13371331337sajuuk: have you installed nvidia's drivers?  Or are you using the ones included in Ubuntu?09:56
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sajuukits a friends system09:57
sajuuki have no idea09:57
sajuukits not an ubuntu system but its very very similar09:57
c0mp13371331337sajuuk: what distro?09:57
bazhangsajuuk, what OS09:57
sajuukdebian ultramix he says09:57
pop79sajuuk: go to nvidia.com and see if there is any linux drivers09:58
bazhangsajuuk, that is not supported in #ubuntu09:58
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=== kue is now known as kuex
kuexI've got an issue.09:59
ruedigerwhat size should I choose for /boot?09:59
ikoniaruediger: nothing more than 200 meg09:59
pop79kuex: whats wrong?09:59
ikoniaruediger: that's a big size for ubuntu09:59
kuexWifi using WPA2 works for me on 8.04 LTS09:59
kuexit's broken in 8.1009:59
ruedigeris 100 ok, too?09:59
ikoniaruediger: yeah, 12 meg would be "safe"09:59
ikoniaRev_Slid3r: so 100 meg is fine09:59
ruedigerok thx09:59
kuexIt'll say that it's connecting, grabbing an IP for like 5 minutes, eventually disconnection.09:59
m1m1hey, anyone mastering rights management on linux ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/120524/09:59
pop79kuex: go to system - administration - update manager, and check for updates10:00
kuexyeah, it's fully up to date.10:00
Leissiif it says nv in the .conf file my screen is recognized as 'samsung 18"', but with nvidia it's unknown :(10:00
kuexI've got an intel ABGN 4965 on this laptop.10:00
pop79kuex: who manufactured it?10:00
ikoniam1m1: just use the gui to set the permissions10:00
kuexvaio CR220e10:00
ikoniaLeissi: yes, the detection dosn't seem to be working10:00
kuexit'll connect to the router using WPA2 in the LTS10:00
kuexcan't figure out why it's broken in the newer release.10:01
pop79kuex: ill poner a while......10:01
kuexIt's a Belkin N1 router.10:01
ikoniakuex: what is the card ?10:01
Leissiikonia, any idea how to fix it? :(10:01
kuexwill connect fine (if slowly) with encryption disabled.10:01
ikoniaLeissi: well, one of the options is to hardcode the monitor options into the /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:01
kuexbuilt in Intel AGN 4965?10:02
kuexit's not the specific card tho.10:02
kuexI tried connecting to the router with the built-in disabled.10:02
kuexusing a different wifi adapter.10:02
kuexwon't touch that router with WPA2 on10:02
kuexregardless of the actual wireless hardware.10:02
Leissiikonia, how would one perform that then?10:03
m1m1ikonia: im on a server, through ssh access10:03
m1m1ikonia : no gui10:03
ikoniaLeissi: try installing the package xresprobe and using the command ddcprobe10:03
ikoniam1m1: then get someone who understand permissions to set it up10:03
werLddid you use wpa_supplicant?10:04
ikoniam1m1: if you make mistakes - you'll leave your machine open to attack/exploit10:04
werLdi have wpa working over wireless10:04
m1m1ikonia: i do know that10:04
kuexWPA supplicant? if that's installed automatically with WICD?10:04
ikoniam1m1: cool.10:04
kuexI guess?10:04
Leissiopen /dev/mem: Permission denied10:04
LeissiVESA BIOS Extensions not detected.10:04
ikoniaLeissi: sudo10:04
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=== kunyahbeling is now known as APALAH_ARTINYA_N
bazhangkuex, you uninstalled networkmanager?10:05
sajuukthx guys for that, despite it being a different system10:05
kuexit wouldn't work with the stock network manager.10:05
kuexso I tried it with WICD10:05
kuexsame exact issue.10:05
que45tNetworkManager: <info>  Updating allowed wireless network lists.10:05
bazhangkuex, and what does ifconfig show10:05
que45t Default authorization agent (:1.18, /org/bluez/auth) registered10:05
pop79kuex: go to System - Administration - Hardware drivers, and see if it is there, and if nessesry, update the drivers10:05
Leissiikonia, http://pastebin.com/m389f559810:05
que45tDefault passkey agent (:1.18, /org/bluez/passkey) registered10:05
m1m1ikonia: i dont make any mistake; ive put my ftpuser account (uid 1003) the one used by my ftp access into the www-data group.... and i allowed write access to group on my www-data:www-data owned files  ... but it dont work...10:05
Leissidoes the edidfail mean anything?10:05
kuexit says no propriety drivers are installed on this system10:06
que45tNetworkManager:  <debug> [1235122424.453244] nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/volume_label_Ubuntu_7_10_i386').10:06
bazhangpop79, for the wireless card?10:06
pop79bazhang : yep10:06
que45t NetworkManager: <debug> [1235122421.651732] nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/storage_model_RW/DVD_GCC_4247N').10:06
bazhangkuex, and ifconfig ?10:06
que45tsays stuff like this like a hundred times10:06
ikoniam1m1: pastebin the permissions of that directory10:07
pop79huex: did you say that you uninstalled NetworkManager?10:07
kuexjust enter that in the terminal right?10:07
bazhangkuex, type that in terminal and tell us how many entries; 2 or 310:07
ikoniaLeissi: edid fail is the bad bit there10:07
pop79kuex: i meant10:07
ikoniaLeissi: change the driver back to "nv" and redo that command10:08
pop79kuex: did you say that you uninstalled NetworkManager?10:08
bazhangkuex, and one is wlan0 ?10:08
werLdi set up wlan010:08
werLdif u want my configs10:08
pop79bazhang: you forgot to take away you're "Im busy" message10:08
kuexpop79 yeah, several users suggested replacing WICD with the stock NetworkManager would resolve the issue.10:09
kuexunfortunately, the issue remains.10:09
pop79kuex: oh10:09
que45tcould it be a problem with ipv6?10:09
kuexWICD is perfectly functional, but this regression seems to be intact.10:09
Leissiikonia, same thing, edidfail10:09
ikoniaLeissi: ok, so needs to have the mode forced into the file10:09
kuexregardless of the network manager.10:09
computer_how do i create .ISO files with ubuntu?10:10
Leissibut but but why did it break after working fine until updating :C10:10
kuextried a USB wifi adapter with the internal hardware turned off.10:10
pop79kuex: did you say it was intel?10:10
kuexbut I also tried something with a broadcom chip inside it.10:10
Leissiikonia, please, do instruct me upon how to force the mode into the file?10:10
kuexsame issue whether it was the internal or external wifi hardware.10:10
kuexrouter connects fine with other devices, pcs, etc10:11
bazhangkuex, did you associate the nic with an ap10:11
computer_how do i create .ISO files with ubuntu??10:11
bazhangkuex, and the problem is simply wpa2?10:11
bazhangkuex, or wont connect at all10:12
ikoniaLeissi: just getting the synatax10:12
kuexit won't connect using WPA210:12
kuexregardless of hardware or network manager used, while running 8.1010:12
kuexwill work fine under 8.0410:12
sky_how i can check which network card i have ? :D10:12
computer_how do i create .ISO files with ubuntu???10:12
ActionParsnipkuex: have you installed and configured the wpasupplicant?10:13
ikoniacomputer_: mkisofs10:13
elhoircomputer_ - install isomaster10:13
ActionParsnipcomputer_: what do you want to make the iso of?10:13
kohwjcomputer_: you can use the dd tool too10:13
ActionParsnipsky_: lspci10:13
kuexActionParsnip: I thought that was part of the WICD installation?10:13
Samma3lhi there, is anyone handy with getting a wireless connection going with WPA and using cli only?10:13
que45twhat kind of computer do you have kuex?10:13
ActionParsnipkuex: its worth a check10:13
maxagazhow to tochange my username ?10:13
computer_want to make ISO out of folders and CDs...anything10:13
jelly12genLeissi /var/log10:13
elhoirguys, how can i disable ATI HDMI audio in Ubuntu?10:13
jelly12genmaxagaz: useradd10:14
kuexvaio cr220e10:14
kohwjSamma3l: wpa supplicant10:14
ikoniajelly12gen: no10:14
ActionParsnipcomputer_: dd if=/dev/scd0 of=~/image.iso10:14
Leissijelly12gen, wha?10:14
jelly12genmaxagaz : google or read man pages:p10:14
ikoniajelly12gen: stop please10:14
ikoniajelly12gen: your proivding false information10:14
ActionParsnip!wpa | kuex10:14
ubottukuex: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:14
MrGoodkat_i reinstalled firefox and now flash doesnt work, but i installed the .deb from the adobe page10:14
Samma3lkohwj: is that already installed?10:14
ikoniamaxagaz: use the useradmin gui - or the usermod command10:15
kohwjSamma3l: sudo which wpa_supplicant10:15
maxagazjelly12gen, ok, i created a new user10:15
kennyyucan really change the *username* by usermod?  :-O10:16
saadi559596how to change display image in pidgin?10:16
Leissistop using pidgin10:16
Leissithat's how10:16
maxagazjelly12gen, what's the best way to move the content of my older usename by changing the owner ?10:16
saadi559596then wats its alternative10:16
ikoniaLeissi: stop that10:16
Leissithat piece of software is made of pain and terror10:16
ikoniaLeissi: I'm giving you help - treat others with the kind of help you'd want back10:16
Leissiall right :( pidgin just isn't made for me :)10:16
que45tikonia should i just install 8.04 and hope theproblem goes away10:16
ActionParsnipcomputer_: mkisofs -o file.iso /location_of_folder/10:16
ikoniaLeissi: or I can say to you "read the manual on xorg bye"10:17
ikoniaque45t: no10:17
Leissiif you feel like it, sure10:17
Samma3lkohwj: do you know what return code 1 is for wpa_supplicant?10:17
kohwjSamma3l: return code 1?10:17
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ikoniaLeissi: ok - we'll leave it there then10:17
saadi559596can v change display image in kopete?10:17
rdzis it possible to download ubuntu dapper for ppc somewhere?10:18
Samma3lkohwj: yeah its what I get when I try to use it10:18
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: are you using 64bit linux?10:18
kennyyusaadi559596: do u need information to change pic for pidgin?10:18
silv3r_m00nhi there10:18
silv3r_m00nis there any qt port of gecko ?10:18
saadi559596yes silver moon!10:18
MrGoodkat_ActionParsnip, no i dont10:18
elhoirguys, how can i disable ATI HDMI audio in Ubuntu?10:18
kohwjSamma3l: i'm not sure... sorry about that10:19
que45tcan anyone tell me why my intrepid system would hang while trying to install flash and some other programs?10:19
que45tthe mouse would move buti cant click anything10:19
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: sudo apt-get install --reinstall flashplugin-nonfree10:19
The_ManU_212hi, i use hardy heron since the last updated my kded is on 100% cpu suage and i have to kill it everytime i want to work, and i dont know where my kdewallet passwords are, i cant open it ? someone can help?10:19
Samma3lkohwj: thats cool thanks for your help10:19
silv3r_m00nsaadi559596: where?10:19
The_ManU_212i only use ubuntu sources and winehq10:19
MrGoodkat_ActionParsnip, i did this already a a few times, nothing10:19
silv3r_m00nsaadi559596: name ? link ?10:19
saadi559596am in need of it also,and u r asking from me!10:20
silv3r_m00nsaadi559596: you said yes10:20
saadi559596u said do u need information of how to change display image..in pidgin i said yes10:21
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: try: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins; cd ~/.mozilla/plugins/; ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so10:21
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: if: file libflashplayer.so       doesnt say the link is broken you are golden10:21
PepelargoHi all10:21
silv3r_m00nsaadi559596: what ?10:21
que45tanyone a guru who can help me through pm?10:22
PepelargoAnybody using IE4Linux? I can't see any image while browsing images10:22
que45twhy would you use IE 4linux10:22
ikoniaPepelargo: that's not packaged up by ubuntu - check the version requirments and dependencies10:22
werLdif ur a moron10:22
Pepelargoque45t, for WWW design10:22
werLdfirefox is better on windows anyway than IE10:22
werLdwho cares about IE10:22
werLdon web design10:23
que45the does10:23
werLdwhy? people still use it?10:23
ewj1976i just read that firefox in wine is faster than firefox on linux10:23
ikoniagents, please lets not have a browser war10:23
werLdyeah i read that on slashdot too10:23
que45tlike 70 percent of the world10:23
PepelargoFOR ALL THE PEOPLE WHO THINKS I AM A MORON: WHen you develop web sites, you have to take care how they look in the mos used browsers.10:23
ActionParsnipwerLd: read this http://home.comcast.net/~SupportCD/FirefoxMyths.html10:23
ewj1976elinks FTW!10:23
Brakonili read that too some days ago ewj197610:23
bessHi! How can i move the window that appears on alt+tab to the bottom of the screen?10:23
nijanHello all, I'm trying to run X, but obviously it doesn't work. In the log I found this error: rhdatomLvdsDDC unknown record type 74. I have tried to google it but got only bug reports10:23
slepthow does xrander get its information ?10:23
ActionParsnipPepelargo: i understand why its needed10:23
werLdPepelargo: then go to #windows and ask them10:23
ActionParsnipPepelargo: ive not used it extensively though10:24
MrGoodkat_ActionParsnip, i did this thx, but no change10:24
que45tand no one can help me -_-10:24
werLdwhy run ie on linx, run ie on ms and look there10:24
PepelargowerLd, no sorry, IE4Linux is a Linux poackage10:24
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: make sure yuor user can read the file10:24
que45tchya...i would try it if i had internet on linux...10:24
ikoniaPepelargo: it's not packaged by ubuntu though, so I'd check the version requirments and dependencies of the OS it wants10:24
ActionParsnipPepelargo: is it all images or just some10:24
que45tnot really but i need this workin10:24
PepelargowerLd, If you feel upset of my question, just dont say anything, but stop flaming, right?10:25
werLdPepelargo: your complaint was that u need IE for webdesign, so go look at your crappy webpage on MS10:25
PepelargoActionParsnip, ALL the images doesn't appear10:25
que45tmaybe he doesnt have windows guy10:25
ikoniawerLd: stop no please10:25
PepelargowerLd, first learn to READ; My complain was about IE4Linux package for UBuntu, so read back..10:25
ikoniawerLd: I asked earlier10:25
ActionParsnipPepelargo: does your user have write access to wherever the app writes its temp stuff10:25
ActionParsnip!info ies4linux10:25
ubottuPackage ies4linux does not exist in intrepid10:25
ikoniaPepelargo: where did you get the package - ie4linux is not packaged by ubuntu10:25
ewj1976Pepelargo: maybe they can help in a wine channel.10:26
illumin8Pepelargo, I dont know if anyones recommended an alternative but i know wine-doors does have IE in it.10:26
PepelargoI dont use Windows even, my system is UBuntu Inrepid, But I have to make sure my web sites look ok in  bothe browsers10:26
ikoniaPepelargo: where did you get the package - ie4linux is not packaged by ubuntu10:26
que45tso im just gunna download 8.04 and install that.10:26
=== soreau is now known as Soreau
ActionParsnipikonia: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page10:26
werLd./j #brazil then10:27
ewj1976ie4linux is very buggy. I've used it a few times when I couldn't get firefox support for certain pages.10:27
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: all i can suggest is that you remove and purge the flash plugin/s you have installed and then reinstall the single one from repo10:27
Pepelargoikonia, I followed this guide http://ubunturoot.wordpress.com/2008/03/12/instalar-ie4linux-en-ubuntu/10:27
ewj1976Pepelargo: which page are you trying to view. Maybe the images are being served through some script, flash, or something now working in ie4linux.10:28
Pepelargoewj1976, I was using so far VBOX from Sun to check the websites10:28
ikoniaPepelargo: I suggest you contact the person who maintains the source for that, as it's a package that's built from source10:28
Weeltinanyone here who can help me overcome the error "cannot find -lperl" when im trying to compile and install "net-snmp-" with the commeand "./configure --enable-embedded-perl --enable-shared"10:28
ikoniaPepelargo: it's not an ubuntu package10:28
Pepelargoewj1976, google? even th egoogle logo doesnt appear10:28
ikoniaWeeltin: your missing a module (perl)10:28
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: dpkg -l | grep flash10:28
ewj1976Pepelargo: yeah, it's an issue with the program, you should consult the maintainer or try in #wine or something.10:29
nijanHello all, I'm trying to run X, but obviously it doesn't work. In the log I found this error: rhdatomLvdsDDC unknown record type 74. I have tried to google it but got only bug reports10:29
ikoniaWeeltin: that package already exists in the repo libnet-snmp-perl10:29
PepelargoOK, just entered the chat asking first if ANYBODY uses it in order  to give me help10:29
Th0rzhow do you uninstall apache ?10:29
ActionParsnipPepelargo: i'd suggest deleting the folder you installed the app to, redownload the installer and reinstall10:29
Th0rzapt-get remove apache2 is not working for me :(10:29
ikoniaPepelargo: yup, just explaining, as it's a source package you've built you'll need to get support from the support maintainer10:29
MrGoodkat_ActionParsnip, dpkg -l: ii  flashplugin-nonfree              
Weeltinikonia: "perl -v" tells me that i have perl v5.8.810:29
rdzwhere can i download ubuntu dapper?10:29
ikoniaWeeltin: your missing a perl module, not perl10:29
ikoniardz: ubuntu.com10:29
Pepelargoikonia, ok, thanks10:30
nijanTh0rz: any error?10:30
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: sudo apt-get --purge remove flashplugin-nonfree; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree10:30
PepelargoI will install the stuff using sudo10:30
Pepelargomyabie it is a access right issue10:30
tparcinahi channel!10:30
EQUIVHi there! I have a problem with squid proxy server in reverse mode. It asks for password :S10:30
rdzikonia, of course, i checked that.. but couldn't find any link to old iso images10:30
sleptPepelargo, you might aswell try to use qemu or virtualbox with reactos or windows ...10:31
tparcinahow to check in wich kernel version has been r8169 driver added (Realtek ethernet card)?10:31
Pepelargoslept, I am already using VBOx from SUN...months ago..but it consumes resources10:31
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
Cool_NickHow do I enable remote login from an ssh window?10:31
Pepelargoslept, it is not the same like having another windows opened there10:31
Th0rzi get Package apache2 is not installed, so not removed10:31
Th0rzbut it is10:31
ikoniardz: http://releases.ubuntu.com/6.06/10:31
Cool_Nicksry, remote Desktop10:31
ikoniardz: 15 seconds of searching found that10:31
nijanmaybe you installed from source10:32
MrGoodkat_ActionParsnip, still not working, maybe i just reinstall firefox10:32
Th0rznijan how do i remove it then10:32
ActionParsniptparcina: sudo find / -name *.so | grep ^r      is very thorough but will get there10:32
Th0rzi installed it a long time i ago i think10:32
rdzikonia, many thanks....  10min of searching.. didn't find it10:32
ikoniaTh0rz: please show me "dpkg -l  grep apache"10:32
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: same method, different package10:32
MrGoodkat_btw i installed firefox via the tar ball and not via apt, does that make a difference?10:32
Th0rzii  grep                                          2.5.3~dfsg-3                                  GNU grep, egrep and fgrep10:32
ActionParsniptparcina: i used sudo to supress access denied messages ;)10:32
illumin8!grep > illumin810:33
ubottuillumin8, please see my private message10:33
ikoniaTh0rz: sorry dpkg -l | grep apache10:33
Th0rzii  apache2-mpm-prefork                   2.2.8-1ubuntu0.3            Traditional model for Apache HTTPD10:33
Th0rzii  apache2-utils                         2.2.8-1ubuntu0.3            utility programs for webservers10:33
Th0rzii  apache2.2-common                      2.2.8-1ubuntu0.3            Next generation, scalable, extendable web se10:33
Th0rzii  libapache2-mod-php5                   5.2.4-2ubuntu5.3            server-side, HTML-embedded scripting languag10:33
FloodBot1Th0rz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:33
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: i dont think so I think it still reads the same plugins folder, jump into where you extracted the tarball and see if there is a plugins directory10:33
sleptActionParsnip, tparcina  , if you use mlocate its way faster10:33
ikoniaTh0rz: so sudo apt-get remove apache2-mpm-prefork apache2-utils apache2.2-common libapache2-mod-php510:34
ActionParsnipslept: only if the database is up to date10:34
rdzikonia, do you know, if the ppc image also contains a memory test program as does the image for intel architecture?10:34
MrGoodkat_ActionParsnip, yes there is a plugins folder10:34
ikoniardz: probably10:34
ActionParsnipslept: i dont use it and have never updated my db so it'd be slower as i would have to run through the inital setup10:34
Th0rzok :D10:34
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: ok, symlink the .so in there10:34
EQUIVAnnyone knows how to configure squid?10:34
ikoniaEQUIV: in what awy10:35
sleptActionParsnip, yes right. Aswell you don't want to search /dev /tmp /proc /sys10:35
kira\how can I get ubuntu to mount a fat32 filesystem with all the files owned by a user other than root?10:35
ikoniakira\: user mount10:35
EQUIVikonia, it asks for pasword when using it in reverse mode10:35
ikoniaEQUIV: reverse mode ?10:35
kira\ikonia: how would I do that?10:35
MrGoodkat_<ActionParsnip> MrGoodkat_: ok, symlink the .so in there <-- done, but nothing10:35
EQUIVikonia, using it as an accelerator to speed up apache10:36
ikoniakira\: mount -o user=$user as I recall10:36
LyraI'm having issues with upgrades. I'm trying to upgrade to the newest distribution from feisty fawn, but I'm not able to do it from the upgrade manager. I have a disc of 8.10. Can anyone help me?10:36
ikoniaEQUIV: never used it like that,10:36
kira\ikonia: thanks :)10:36
tparcinaActionParsnip: thank you, but this way I can only search is that driver on my system or not. Em I right?10:36
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: did you restart firefox after you put the link in the folder10:36
ikoniaLyra: I'd suggest doing a clean install from that point as it's a lot of upgrade10:36
tparcinaActionParsnip: but what I would like to do is to find out in wich kernel version it was included (added) for the first time10:37
ActionParsniptparcina: arent kernel modules .ko10:37
oCean_Lyra: See here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for upgrading from older versions.10:37
ActionParsniptparcina: the path of the file will show you10:37
MrGoodkat_ActionParsnip, yes i did, but i just see that there is no libflashplugin.so in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins10:37
ActionParsniptparcina: replace .so with .ko in the command10:37
EQUIVin the access log squid says 40110:37
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: then its not correctly installed, you could try to find the .so file and symlink that10:37
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: sudo find / -name .so | grep flash10:38
LyraIkonia: Is there any way I can mount an NTFS partition in write mode so I can back up some of my files before I format the ext3 partition?10:38
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: the libflashplayer.so file will need symlinking in ~/.mozilla/plugins10:38
MrGoodkat_ActionParsnip, thx, its working now i linked the flashplugin-alternate.so10:38
ActionParsnipMrGoodkat_: awesome :)10:38
ikonia!ntfs-3g > Lyra10:38
ubottuLyra, please see my private message10:38
tparcinaActionParsnip: thank you, now I see the output :)10:38
ActionParsniptparcina: ;)10:39
ActionParsniptparcina: the ^r means all that start with r10:40
Cool_NickVncserver/Xvnc/xinetd problem...trying to get a remote gui to run a program and running into a problem. When I run the command manually I get: Fatal server error: could not open default font 'fixed'10:40
EQUIVhow do I use the mod_cache in apache?10:40
ikoniaEQUIV: may get beter help in #apache for specific module use10:40
EQUIVikonia, okey will try there10:41
tparcinaanyone using DRBL?10:41
drbrock14Hey can anyone tell me how to install a ubuntu compiz theme?10:41
ActionParsnipCool_Nick: sudo apt-get install --reinstall xfonts-base10:41
tparcinait seams that my DRBL client desn't send DHCP request :(10:41
Cool_NickActionParsnip, tried that...but will try again10:41
ActionParsnipCool_Nick: http://www.x.org/wiki/FAQErrorMessages#head-a570197d15005a2c71cbb5e565114e2c04a573a310:42
tparcinaI manage to do network boot (PXE), and I chouse Clonezilla disk save, but afther that my client doesn't request DHCP10:42
ActionParsnipCool_Nick: http://www.debianhelp.org/node/121810:42
ActionParsnipCool_Nick: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/6680910:43
tparcinaaldo on screen it seams that it does send requst, but DHCP server (DRBL server and Clonezilla server) desn't recive the request (tcpdump doesn't show any packet)10:43
tparcinaso, if anyone knows how to troubleshoot this one I would be greatefull10:44
ikoniatparcina: sounds like your dhcp server is not on the same subnet10:45
tparcinaikonia: they are connected to the same switch10:45
tparcinaikonia: and client still doesn't have the IP address - he just needs to send DHCP request10:45
ActionParsniptparcina: if you use static ip does everything work?10:46
ikoniatparcina: check for firewalls and what interfaces your dhcp server is listening on10:46
ikoniatparcina: check the cables, try another device on that switch to see if it gets an address10:46
tparcinaikonia: and they are connected together, because client recives IP address from same DHCP server when he is doing PXE boot10:46
ikoniatparcina: check the server config then for it's dhcp server parameters10:47
tparcinaActionParsnip: I don't know how to use static IP. This is the first time I'm trying to use Clonezilla/DRBL/PXE10:47
ActionParsniptparcina: oic10:47
tparcinaikonia: firewall and interfaces on DHCP should be all right, because client recives IP address for PXE boot10:47
ruedigeri installed a system with raid + dm-crypt + lvm but it won't boot. During booting i'm dropped into a busybox shell with the message: "Gave up waiting for root device. ...  ALERT! /dev/mapper/md0_cryptp1p1 does not exist". What's wrong and how can I boot now?10:47
ActionParsniptparcina: tried a different port on the switch10:47
ActionParsniptparcina: do the lights on the switch and NIC flash when the system powers on?10:48
tparcinaikonia: what should I search in DHCP server parameters? I have check config several times, but I don't see anything bad10:48
ikoniaruediger: what type of raid, hardware or software10:48
ezerhodenwhy does ubuntu want to install a handfull of qt updates? what does ubuntu intrepid ship with that has qt dependencies ?10:48
tparcinaActionParsnip: what "oic" means?10:48
ikoniatparcina: what dhcp server are you using10:48
ikoniaruediger: as in mdadm10:48
ActionParsniptparcina: oh i see10:48
ruedigermdadm? I created an md device with the alternate installer10:48
fosco_ezerhoden: some apps depends on qt libs, such as virtualbox, lastfm client and so10:49
tparcinaActionParsnip: I didn't check the lights on switch and NIC when I tourn them on10:49
ruedigerikonia: any ideas?10:49
ikoniaruediger: according to that message the device file for your root partition does not exist/has not been created10:49
ezerhodenfosco_: sure, but why do they install qt apps with a gnome based distro?10:49
ikoniaruediger: the question is why10:49
ActionParsniptparcina: youo should have activity lights, no lights = bad cable or disabled nic10:49
saadi559595i m receiving this error,wen i try to use my scanner with xsane...failed to open device 'snapscan-libusb:001:002':invalid argument?10:49
Weeltinanyone got experince in setting up snmpd to collect traps? (need help on the configfiles)10:49
fosco_ezerhoden: qt is a graphical lib, like any other, if any app needs it ubuntu repos will supply it10:50
ruedigerikonia: actually it should be  /dev/mapper/md0_cryptp1 but that doesn't exist either :/10:50
tparcinaikonia: I have installed Ubuntu 8.10 server, and afher that I have installed Clonezilla/DRBl, I'm not sure what DHCP I'm using. How can I check?10:50
LyraIkonia: is there a partition tool I can use on the install disk to format my ext3 partition without losing my NTFS partition?10:50
ikoniaruediger: what raid level are you using ?10:50
ActionParsniptparcina: on server: ps -ef | grep dhcp10:50
ikoniatparcina: ok so it's the ubuntu dhcp package10:50
ikoniatparcina: look in your /var/log/sys.log to see if anything is comaplining10:51
saadi559595i m receiving this error,wen i try to use my scanner with xsane...failed to open device 'snapscan-libusb:001:002':invalid argument?10:51
tparcinaActionParsnip: I'm sure it's not ad cabel - I can do PXE boot. Just afther that I have problems10:51
ikoniaLyra: gparted10:51
ikoniaruediger: all good stuff so far, dont know why the device is not created10:51
ActionParsnipLyra: sure, the ntfs will be untouched, if yuo run sudo fdisk -l you will see whic partitions you need to manipulate10:51
ActionParsniptparcina: its worth a check just to rule it out10:52
tparcinaActionParsnip: /dhcp3-server/dhcpd.pid -cf /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf eth110:52
qja_chefI'm Using «Or-§©ript™» V2.0 By Or Get It At: Www.Or-Script.10x.co.il10:52
saadi559595i m receiving this error,wen i try to use my scanner with xsane...failed to open device 'snapscan-libusb:001:002':invalid argument?10:52
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Is the root file-system encrypted?10:52
qja_chefI'm Using «Or-§©ript™» V2.0 By Or Get It At: Www.Or-Script.10x.co.il10:52
saadi559595i m receiving this error,wen i try to use my scanner with xsane...failed to open device 'snapscan-libusb:001:002':invalid argument.....plz help me how to solve this ?10:53
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: yes10:53
tparcinaikonia: I have this in syslog - CRITICAL: cannot initialize libpolkit10:53
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: I encrypted everything except /boot10:53
gldtnis there a program I can check to see if someone is stiling my connection?10:53
ActionParsnipsaadi559595: is it an epson 3490?10:54
IntuitiveNippleruediger: OK, I suspect that you've got an initial-ramdisk issue where cryptsetup isn't being installed into it10:54
saadi559595no benq430010:54
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Is the encrypted volume protected by key-file or pass-phrase?10:54
ActionParsnipsaadi559595: it may still apply, backup any files you edit so you can easily roll back: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=420953110:54
ikoniatparcina: thats just policy kit10:55
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: passphrase10:55
ActionParsnipsaadi559595: i'd look into what the idproduct number is all about10:55
ezerhodendoes debian/ubuntu have a command similar to equery depends <packagename> ? to list the installed apps that depend on a particular package?10:56
saadi559595wat do u mean actionparscnip am new to ubuntu10:56
tparcinaikonia: and I see that clients are requesting and reciving DHCP address (I guss before the client starts PXE)10:56
ikoniatparcina: ahhh good spot10:57
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: is there a way to fix it?10:57
tparcinaikonia: you have a clue?10:57
ActionParsnipsaadi559595: im guesing it identifies the scanner model or somesuch, have a route around to see if your is different, I think its a permissions thing. If you run: gksu xsane    does it work?10:57
IntuitiveNippleruediger: What I recommend is to boot from a live-CD, extract the initrd image to /tmp/ and see if the cryptsetup scripts are in there10:57
kira\through the command line, how can I tell the filesystem type?10:58
LyraSo should I use the automated install system to format the partition or should I use the fdisk command?10:58
ActionParsnipkira\: sudo fdisk -l will say10:58
IntuitiveNippleruediger: If they aren't it it, you can install cryptsetup and lvm2, open and mount the volume, set-up a chroot, then switch into it and fix things up (maybe crypttab needs altering?) then rebuild the initrd image10:59
kira\ActionParsnip: it just says linux...10:59
ActionParsnipkira\: it'll be ext3 then10:59
kira\ActionParsnip: k, thanks10:59
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Alternatively, if you can boot that system from a different kernel, then use that environment to do the work on the encrypted volume10:59
ActionParsnipLyra: dont use automatic or it will destroy all the partitions, use manual to make your own partitions or run fdisk / cfdisk first to remove the partitions you dont need, the installer will see the large unallocated space and offer to use it11:00
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: i can't mount the encrypted partition from the rescue disc. Only says "Command failed: Can not access device" :/11:01
IntuitiveNippleruediger: OK, you'll need to use a live-CD then11:02
vishHi guys.11:03
nickelocan someone help me with testdisk ?11:05
IntuitiveNipplenickelo: what help do you want?11:05
nickelotwo drives are flagged D , while i tried to recover11:06
GromAnyone know when new canonical notification system will be released?11:06
nickeloi havea a screen shot , can i pm ?11:06
bullgard4 packages.ubuntu.com does not find a file 'wgetpaste' for Hardy. Where can I find the wgetpaste command file?11:07
nickeloIntuitiveNipple : i was following this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103909211:07
GromMaybe any SVN or GIT is for that project?11:08
VirusInjecthow to install ubuntu through NFS server11:08
VirusInjectanyone who has installed thru NFS11:10
NickyyIs there a free tool to read TomeRaider3 files in linux?11:10
VirusInjecthow to install ubuntu through NFS server11:10
nickelocan i post the testdisk screenshot here ?11:10
IntuitiveNipplebullgard4: Have you tried: dpkg-query -S wgetpaste11:11
bullgard4nickelo: Please use a nopaste service.11:11
ifroogHow do you nudge in pidgin?11:11
Papermatetry to type /nudge11:12
Papermatemaybe it works11:12
=== Nickname_ is now known as spass
EQUIVHow do I configure PPTP VPN server to work. I can connect but only surf localy11:12
ifroogPapermate, Ah, Nope /nudge says.. command does not work on this protocol.11:13
nickelobullgard4 , i have uploaded the image in imageshack11:13
ifroogCool. /buzz worked.11:13
ifroogThanks !11:13
IntuitiveNipplenickelo: Deciding which partitions to delete in testdisk requires the application of system-specific knowledge as to how it was originally configured, what is expected, etc., it isn't something that someone unacquainted with the system could make a recommendation on.11:13
Papermateactually i did nothing =)11:13
bullgard4IntuitiveNipple: '~$ dpkg-query -S wgetpaste; dpkg: *wgetpaste* not found.'11:13
IntuitiveNipplebullgard4: not part of an apt/dpkg installed package then, it seems11:14
nickeloIntuitiveNipple:  i know how it was partitioned first , if thats what you meant11:14
EQUIVDo I have to enable nat in iptables?11:15
sleepy_catanyone can help me with Libsoup community11:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Libsoup11:15
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots11:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubottulostit11:15
IntuitiveNipplenickelo: OK, that's a good start :)  So what is the specific issue then? Can't you decide which partition to delete?11:15
sleepy_cat!ubottu is crazy11:16
rockerhow to install ubuntu through NFS server11:16
rockeranybody tried it ??11:16
kronicKoHwhats crackin everyone11:16
k3pp0hi all11:16
kronicKoHhey k311:16
sleepy_catanyone used Libsoup11:16
nickeloIntuitiveNipple:  i dont what that flad D is supposed to mean11:16
nickeloit was a windows partition11:16
sleepy_catis the community on IRC for libsoup11:16
k3pp0little question: i need to enable 80211s stack on my ubuntu intrepid11:16
NickyyIs there a free tool to read TomeRaider3 files in linux?11:16
rockerhow to install ubuntu through NFS server11:17
k3pp0is there a fast way to reconfigure it without recompiling whole kernel?11:17
rockerhow to install ubuntu through NFS server ,anyone please??11:17
nickeloIntuitiveNipple: i dont know what that flag D is supposed to mean11:17
IntuitiveNipplenickelo: It sounds like you should stop and read the testdisk manual before you do things you regret11:17
k3pp0rocker, did you take a look in ubuntu wiki?11:17
IntuitiveNipplenickelo: D == Delete11:18
IntuitiveNipplenickelo: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk_Step_By_Step#Current_partition_table_status11:18
rockeryeah but im facing some problems thr11:18
nickeloIntuitiveNipple:  thanks11:18
rockeri understood half way thru wiki11:19
EQUIVHow do I set up PPTP vpn server and iptables masquerading?11:19
rockerk3pp0:i configured nfs server on one pc11:21
rockerk3pp0: how to export directory as use it as a source for installation11:21
sleepy_catok where is lib proxy11:23
sleepy_cathow to install tht11:23
kronicKoHAnyone wanna help with an install of uBuntu to a Notebook (HP TC4400) without disk11:24
sleepy_catok i can11:25
kronicKoHBe my guest to PM me11:25
sleepy_catAbe asadulla11:25
dns53EQUIV http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/120544/ is an example11:25
sleepy_catkya kar raha hain tu kytta kaminal11:25
ikoniasleepy_cat: please stop that11:26
k3pp0rocker, actually i'm kinda buzy, hope you get help soon, i'll find some time in late afternoon :(11:26
sleepy_catjust load from pendrove and voila11:26
sleepy_catno efforts from my sides11:26
charly_Hi,  I am charly11:27
vishcharly_, hi.11:27
charly_i need some help in setup a sun sparc server with ubantu11:27
ikoniacharly_: ok, well we can help, but you should be aware that the sparc edition is now a community release11:28
ZmAYhello, does 8.10 support quad core ?11:28
ikoniaZmAY: yup11:28
php-coder'checking for XORG... configure: error: Package requirements (xorg-server >= xproto ) were not met.' What I should do for resolve this? (under Ubuntu 8.04)11:28
ikoniaphp-coder: what ar eyou trying to build ?11:28
charly_so which os i need to install11:28
ikoniacharly_: ubuntu for sparc is the version you need11:28
php-coderikonia: xf86-input-void-1.1.1 from sources11:29
=== [perry] is now known as [pErry]
nijanHi all, I remember of a graphical web browser that could be used from the shell, does anybody know if it still extists and what is its name?11:29
charly_is the ubantu sparc version is available for 64bit11:29
kronicKoHPENDROVE? did sleepy cat mean PENDRIVE?11:29
que45tcan anyone here help me out with wicd real quick?11:30
ikoniaphp-coder: its in the repo xserver-xorg-input-void11:30
ikoniaphp-coder: you don't need to build it11:30
php-coderikonia: no, I want use it as base example and need to rewite and add some another functional11:31
charly_ikonia:  is the 64bit of ubantu sparc is available?11:31
php-coderikonia: but I even can't build it =(11:31
cantomaHi there I am trying to mount a ntfs drive using a normal user! I had something simple to fstab like: "/dev/sda1 /home/jduro/media/sda1/ ntfs rw,users,noauto 0 0" but i realize that in order to access it I need to set up umask accordingly! I checked man mount and regarding umask only says that is an octal string! It doesn't give information regarding its content! Where can I get that information?!11:31
Callum-lawl, this irc server sure does have a lot of channels11:31
dns53it's freenode, it is popular11:32
Callum-i guessed11:32
Callum-whats the average age group in here? :|11:32
zenowhen shutting down i get a black screen and CIFS VFS: Unexpected lookup error: -112 for a while11:32
que45twhere do i install a tar.gz.gz that uses a .py script so that it shows up in applications > internet11:33
zenoque45t: decompress it and there some be some instructions11:35
ikoniacharly_: sparc is 64bit11:35
ikoniaphp-coder: if you can't build it - how do you expect to be avble to mofidy it11:35
dns53is sparc still officially supported?11:36
ikonia6.06 was last release11:36
dns53didn't think so, perhaps debian may be better but who knows11:36
que45tzeno: i ran itand everything but it is not in the applications>internet orthe usr/lib11:36
hmwin what directory are the theme files for the gdm login screen?11:37
dns53hmw /usr/share/gdm/themes/11:38
hmwdns53 thx11:38
=== bangalibabu_ is now known as bangalibabu
php-coderikonia: =(11:39
IntuitiveNippledns53: sun4u/sun4v are supported for Hardy LTS. see https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/sparc/hardware-supported.html11:39
janwariis it possible to run two X sessions on two different Screens/Graphics controller ?11:39
charly_if install ubuntu-8.10-server-amd64 on sun sparc, will it work?11:39
nadrielsiapa dari indonesia11:39
ikoniacharly_: no11:39
ikoniacharly_: 6.06 is the last version available for sparc11:39
charly_could you able to tell me reason11:40
ikoniait was dropped as a release11:40
que45tzeno anything?11:40
janwariGnea: ping11:41
ikonianadriel: can we help ?11:41
charly_thanks ikonia for the help11:42
ubottujoin ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia11:42
=== martin__ is now known as Like
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!11:46
packetlossis it possible that has mysql anything to do with linux partitions which i can't mount ?11:54
adam7packetloss: it is very, very, very unlikely.11:55
adam7packetloss: do you get some type of error?11:55
ScixHow can i add multiple wireless nettworks to the interfaces file?11:55
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: I recreated initrd and it now loads the correct module (dm_crypt, dm_mod, sha256) but the same error happens :/11:56
lessIn /boot/grub/menu.lst, is it possible to replce UUID foo by root hd(0,x)?11:56
zirodayless: yes11:57
=== david is now known as Guest7904
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Did you ensure the cryptsetup script and crypttab are in the initrd ?11:57
lesstx, ziroday.. and there won't be any damage`11:57
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: cryptsetup11:57
ruedigerI used the following description https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemOnIntrepid#Set%20up%20the%20initial%20ramdisk11:57
zirodayless: nope as long as you define the area correctly, you can always make a backup of the menu.lst as well11:58
adam7less: only trouble you might run into is if you add another hard drive or something11:58
packetlossadam7; do you know anything about mysql partitiosn11:58
adam7packetloss: I've never heard of a mysql partition11:58
lessok, thank you..i dont think all add another hard drive, its a laptop :)11:58
adam7less: you probably won't then ;)11:58
KramerPacerany way to get rid of all the old kernels when i updated? they're still in the boot list when i start up. i didn't try to delete them in any way just dont wanna have a list 5 miles long11:59
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:59
ActionParsnipKramerPacer: dpkg -l | grep linux-image11:59
KramerPacerthats it?11:59
adam7less: just out of curiosity, why change the UUID to root (hd0, x)?11:59
zirodayKramerPacer: remove the old linux-image packages11:59
ActionParsnipKramerPacer: uninstall them lik any other package, run uname -a to see you current kernel and DO NOT uninstall it11:59
zirodayKramerPacer: make sure you don't remove the current kernel though!12:00
* ActionParsnip HI5s ziroday12:00
zirodayActionParsnip: jinx :)12:00
KramerPaceryea i know that dont worry :P12:00
lessadam7: i dont know why, but after installung arch linux and manually editing'arch's menu.lst, ubuntu wouldnt boot.. so i tied replacing UUID by root.. and it wirks12:00
ActionParsnipKramerPacer: just covering all bases12:00
zirodayless: you can also see the uuid of your drives with blkid12:00
adam7less: ah, the uuid might have changed when the partitions were edited12:00
KramerPaceri know, its cool. thanks for the help12:01
LyraHello again. I've got 8.10 installed now. Thanks for all the help. I have another question though. I heard this distribution had compiz fusion already installed, but I can't find fusion icon. What all do I need to get everything configured?12:01
adam7Lyra: System -> Prefs -> Appearance -> Desktop Effects12:01
blizzleLyra, apt-get install fusion-icon12:01
zirodayLyra: go to Appearances and see if Desktop Effects are enabled12:01
lessadam7: i thought something like this, too.. but if there isnt any problem with using root instead of uuid... why not doin it? (:12:01
adam7less: yeah, with a laptop it doesn't really matter12:02
IntuitiveNippleruediger: I wonder if you've got all the required encryption methods... what cipher options did you use to create the volume?12:02
zirodayless: because if you change your drive layout the hd(x.x) setup will break, uuid's shouldn't. In theory they are more reliable12:02
adam7ziroday: his UUID just broke though :/12:02
zirodayadam7: in theory :)12:02
lessadam7: 'her' ;)12:02
adam7less: sorry :)12:03
IntuitiveNippleruediger: I use "--hash sha512 --key-size 256 --cipher aes-cbc-essiv:sha256" and include "aes_generic dm-mod dm-crypt sha256_generic"12:03
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: sha256 and essiv12:03
ruedigerthe default settings12:04
KramerPacerhmm here's a dumb question then. how can i remove the kernels12:04
zirodayKramerPacer: if you use synaptic you can just remove them, its nice and easy :)12:05
IntuitiveNippleruediger: In crypttab, how have you given the container names? UUID, LABEL, or path (/dev/disk/by-...) ?12:05
KramerPacerthat'll work, thanks again12:05
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: I used the installer to do that. But he created /dev/mapper/dm0_cryptp112:05
IntuitiveNippleKramerPacer: the kernels are in packages just like everything else... just make sure you keep a fall-back :)12:05
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Intrepid ?12:06
ruedigeralternate installer12:06
IntuitiveNippleruediger: ok... I use Jaunty now so have to make sure I'm thinking about the appropriate release :)12:06
zirodayMementoMori: Howdy!12:06
MementoMorimaybe a bug in okular-extra-backends12:07
zirodayMementoMori: KDE stuff is best handled in #kubuntu :)12:07
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Can we go back to basics... remind me of the exact error you get?12:07
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: is the Jaunty alternate installer more stable in that respect? I have no problems with changing to Jaunty. (another benefit I could use ext4)12:07
MementoMoriokular-extra-backends doesnt provide chm support as stated in its description12:08
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Jaunty is alpha right now, I'd stick with what you have :)12:08
MementoMorican I dowload the deb src and rebuild it enabling chm?12:08
IntuitiveNippleruediger: I think you should extract the initrd- image and check what's in there!12:08
ikoniaMementoMori: better to log a bug12:09
ikoniaMementoMori: so everyone gets it fixed12:09
MementoMoriwhere should I fill the bug report?12:09
bogardahoi, got a problem when my laptop reaches its critical cpu temperature .... i've identified acpid emits an event thermal event to X, atieventsd and hald-addons-acpi. how can i disable automatic shutdown (most likely initiated by hald) and instead provide a notification?12:09
tealsonHello, I would like to install a Crypted sys without deleting the whole disk, is this possible with the alternative installer? E.G.: I would prefer to create a 11GB crypted LVM and create my root & swap partition in it.12:09
Decepticonhow can i get a cpu usage % and mem usage % in my taskbar in screen using .screenrc12:09
ikoniaDecepticon: .screenrc isn't used for your gnome desktop12:10
Decepticonno its not, its used for screen12:10
ikoniaDecepticon: there is a monitoring applet though already in gnome12:10
ikoniaDecepticon: screen is not a monitoring application12:11
Decepticonim not on a gui12:11
Decepticonim on screen12:11
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: http://rafb.net/p/LjH7zR86.html12:11
bogardis it indeed hald which initiates a shutdown or is rather gnome which receives events from hald?12:11
ikoniaDecepticon: screen is just a terminal abstraction layer between a shell and the user, you'd have to launch an application on the shell, such as top and use screen to connect/discconnect from it12:11
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: ok. I guess the crypto is working. The problem is the lvm now12:11
LyraWell, I got fusion icon from Synaptiic, and I my windows manager to Compiz but I still only have 2 desktops.12:11
Decepticonikonia there is a option to have a 'taskbar' a 'hardstatus line' ' a statusbar' in screen12:12
ikoniaDecepticon: yes, thats right12:12
ruediger/dev/mapper/vg-lv was the lvm device i created (vg == volume group ; lv == logical volume)12:12
ikoniaDecepticon: no-where in screen is there a monitoring application though12:12
Lyraset my windows manager to compiz*12:12
Decepticonikonia, yes, if there is a cpu load or mem load option for that, i would appreciate knowing it, so i may see it directly in my screen session, instead of flipping to top12:12
ikoniaDecepticon: there isn't - it's not a monitoring application12:12
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: so I guess I have to recreate the initrd with lvm support in it :/12:13
ikoniaruediger: that should be in already12:13
IntuitiveNippleruediger: I do this stuff alot, see if one of my articles helps you here. This is the most recent but there's several for different scenarios: http://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/Ubuntu/InstallToMultipleLVMsArbitraryEncryption12:14
ruedigerikonia: how can I check if it's really there?12:14
ikoniaruediger: look inside12:14
IntuitiveNippleruediger: It can only be LVM if you're getting prompted for the pass-phrase12:14
ruedigercat /proc/modules | grep lvm didn't return a result12:15
bogardmh, just read about acpi providing a critical shutdown mechanism, but i cannot see something about it in the acpi logs12:15
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: nope. I'm not prompted12:15
Decepticonikonia im sure theres a way12:15
ikoniaDecepticon: then use screen support12:15
Decepticonikoniai will12:15
Decepticonikonia i will12:15
IntuitiveNippleruediger: To extract an initrd: "mkdir /tmpt/initrd; cd /tmp/initrd; gunzip < /boot/initrd-2.6.xxxxxx | cpio -i --make-directories; cd initrd;"12:15
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Then cryptsetup isn't running12:16
IntuitiveNippleruediger: deal with the typos in my example of how to extract the initrd !12:16
mibhi.anyone reckon me the best messenger to use in ubuntu12:16
ruedigeri'm currently in the initramfs12:16
hwildemib, for what protocol12:16
ruedigerthe system dumped me there after the error message12:17
mibhwilde: for YM, MSN.12:17
hwildemib, pidgin12:17
mibi need it for games,webcam,normal use12:17
ikoniaDecepticon: http://hans.fugal.net/blog/2009/02/05/pimping-screen is that close enough for what you want ?12:17
mibpidgin seems only support basic chat.12:17
LyraHmm, I got CCSM from synaptic as well and its not showing under fusion icon. I ran it in a terminal and some of the features are working but I've still only got two desktops and I can't get the desktop cube to wrok.12:17
IntuitiveNippleruediger: ahh ok.12:17
mibyou know those yahoo extra games or webcam etc.12:17
manacimanyone here use 9.04 for production use/12:17
mgolischi doubt any client has support for advanced features like games and stuff12:17
IntuitiveNippleruediger: can you run the cryptsetup command manually then?12:18
carpii__meh, im so sick of having to terminate firefox. its just utterly shit on ubuntu12:18
mibis YM itself has its version for ubuntu?12:18
mibanyone used it before?12:18
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: yes12:18
mibor maybe MSN for Ubuntu12:18
hwildemib, there is amsn12:18
ikoniamib: ym is nothing to do with ubuntu12:18
Decepticonikonia ive already done most of those mods12:18
IntuitiveNipplemanacim: 9.04 is alpha... no one uses it for 'production' !12:18
ikoniamib: the only ubuntu releases are the ones on the ubuntu.com site12:18
ikoniaDecepticon: yes, there is a cached version which shows how to load a plugin(3rd party daemon) to monitor memory, but it's not coming up12:19
manacimIntuitiveNipple: i'm just asking if anyone uses it since it's just a month away from being marked as production use12:19
IntuitiveNippleruediger: So, I guess the script isn't being called. Is it in /scripts/local-top/  ?12:19
mibhwilde: amsn=msn features?12:19
ikoniamanacim: if there are problems - it will be delayed, it won't just get released12:19
hwildemib, yep.  do you know about synaptic ??12:19
mgolischit cant do games i think12:19
IntuitiveNipplemanacim: 2 months.. end of April12:19
Decepticonikonia i wish there was a way to run a external command and get output displayed in the hardstatus line12:19
mibyeah.you mean synaptic has this package?12:19
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: there is a cryptroot cryptopensc and cryptoroot12:19
hwildemib, yep12:20
manacimIntuitiveNipple: well yeah12:20
Decepticonikonia so i could run cat meminfo and run a rudimentary calculation of ram_used/ram_total12:20
manacim2 months is not that long12:20
IntuitiveNippleruediger: good... cryptroot is the one.... does it have execute permissions ?12:20
hwildeDecepticon, that's easy man... you could do it with a shell script in the background.12:20
mibhave u used before? good?12:20
ikoniaDecepticon: script it12:20
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: yes12:20
hwildemib, try it already12:20
hwildeyou know you want to12:20
IntuitiveNippleruediger: is the cryptsetup binary in place?12:20
Decepticonhwilde what do yu mean12:20
IntuitiveNippleruediger: If so, I'm going to suggest the crypto scripts aren't being running for some reason.12:21
hwildeDecepticon,     watch -t 'top -b -n1 | grep -e Cpu -e Mem'12:21
Stavroswhat is the best way to manage which services start on boot from the command line?12:22
ikoniaStavros: upstart12:22
ikonia!upstart Stavros12:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about upstart Stavros12:22
IntuitiveNippleruediger: If you can manually unlock the volume now, from within the initrd, then the issue must be the scripts not being called properly, or failing.12:22
ikonia!upstart >Stavros12:22
ubottuStavros, please see my private message12:22
IntuitiveNippleruediger: What does the crypttab show?12:22
ikoniaStavros: update-rc.d is the command to manage it12:22
manacimanybody here play the steam game Counter Strike 1.6 in linux?12:23
Stavrosikonia: will i be able to readd it if i need to?12:23
jorni used  to12:23
ikoniamanacim: a lot of people in #winehq will be used to playing games12:23
ikoniaStavros: yup12:23
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: uh, I'm missing crypttab. That could be the problem :/12:23
Stavrosikonia: ah, thank you12:23
manacimikonia: i can play the game fine but it would crash my ubuntu entirely12:23
manacimi would have to manually reset it12:23
ikoniamanacim: which is probably wine - which is why I pointed you at #winehq12:23
jornmanacim: ask in #winehq12:24
manacimi'll check it out thanks12:24
hwilde!wine | manacim12:24
ubottumanacim: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help12:24
IntuitiveNippleruediger: It's conf/conf.d/cryptroot12:24
manacimthanks, i am there now12:24
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: there is only /conf/conf.d/mdadm12:25
LyraDoes anyone know how I can get the 4 desktop functionality for Compiz working?12:25
ikonia!cub > Lyra12:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cub12:25
ikonia!cubE > Lyra12:25
ubottuLyra, please see my private message12:25
manacimLyra: what do you mean 4 desktop?12:25
manacimthe cube thing?12:25
hwilde!cube > manacim12:26
ubottumanacim, please see my private message12:26
jornLyra: there are enough tutorials on the net just google it12:26
IntuitiveNippleruediger: looks like the cryptsetup update-initramfs hook script isn't working when update-initramfs runs12:26
DigitalKiwiwt is cube :/12:26
ubottuCompiz-Fusion (and the older Compiz and Beryl) are window managers that employ the "composite" extension of X to draw windows using graphics cards' 3D hardware. They can additionally provide "desktop special effects" (such as the "cube") by means of plug-ins. Join #compiz-fusion for help and support with advanced features. See also « /msg ubotu compiz » and « /msg ubotu effects »12:26
manacimyou need to have 4 workspaces in order to get the cube working12:26
DrAnthraXWindowsXP [uptime] 3days 2hrs 20mins 44secs [record uptime] 3days 2hrs 20mins 45secs on Feb 20 200912:26
IntuitiveNippleruediger: unlock the volume manually, mount it, and continue the boot, then fix up the script12:26
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: how?12:27
DigitalKiwioh no ops12:27
IntuitiveNippleruediger: /sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/xxxx <dm-name>12:27
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: where to mount the device?12:29
IntuitiveNippleruediger: you did tell me earlier what the /dev/mapper/ name was... that is what you should use12:29
IntuitiveNippleruediger: but remember, only give the basename, not the full path12:30
=== randoms is now known as randoms|away
ruedigerthe /sbin/cryptsetup was successfull now I have /dev/mapper/dm0_cryptop112:30
IntuitiveNippleruediger: congrats12:30
IntuitiveNipplenow get that LVM volume open12:30
IntuitiveNippleruediger: /sbin/vgscan && /sbin/vgchange -ay12:30
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: i don't have /sbin/vgscan12:31
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Hmmm... lemme check here12:31
ikoniavgscan should be valid12:31
IntuitiveNippleikonia: no, not in the initrd12:31
IntuitiveNippleruediger: /sbin/lvm vgscan && /sbin/lvm vgchange -ay12:32
IntuitiveNippleruediger: sorry... I keep forgetting you're in the initrd :p12:32
IntuitiveNippleYou have to wear two 'hats' - one for initrd and one for full root mounted12:32
tealsonI'm currently installing xubuntu from the alternative cdrom and the installation is stucked at 6% can i fix this somehow?12:32
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: ok done12:32
IntuitiveNippleruediger: okay, now, you *should* be able to exit the busybox and continue booting... I think you press Ctrl+D (or type exit)12:33
ruediger:/ the same error lvm vgscan did not create /dev/mapper/vg-lv12:34
IntuitiveNippleruediger: hmmm... did vgscan report finding a VG?12:34
IntuitiveNippleruediger: if not the following vgchange wouldn't have run12:34
Studiosushi! Guy I know have his PS/2 notebook keyboard non-functional during install of 8.10. External UBS keyboard works. How this can be solved?12:35
ruedigerit only said "Reading all physical volumes. This may take a while..."12:35
IntuitiveNippleruediger: try doing the vgchange separately: /sbin/lvm vgchange -ay12:35
jwayis there a way that I can send a message to someone connected to my server via ssh?12:35
jwayI have the ip12:36
adam7jway: use the wall command12:36
B10Sno-ip isnt updating my ip!!12:36
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: ok. but vgchange didn't report anything. But echo $? reports 012:36
IntuitiveNippleruediger: is the volume in /dev/mapper though?12:37
tealsonjway: install 'talk'12:37
Franticanyone knows why my sys only shows 3.2 of 4GB ram on 64bit version? (dmidecode correctly shows 2x2GB)12:37
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: no12:37
IntuitiveNippleFrantic: Yes, because the space between 3.2G and 4G is reserved for PCI I/I Memory so RAM can't appear there.12:37
adam7jway: the write command may work too12:38
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Hmmm.12:38
tealsonFrantic: additionaly check your BIOS setting if some space is reserved, i have 4GB and "only" 3,5 are accessable12:38
FranticIntuitiveNipple: tealson: I was under the impression that these problems only concern 32bit versions12:38
ikoniaco_cakep: ?12:39
tealsonFrantic: not if you reserve ram in the bios, e.g. for the grafic card12:39
IntuitiveNippleFrantic: If the chipset supports RAM remapping it can make it available. Some northbridge chipsets for 64-bit CPUs only provide 32-bit address space12:39
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: maybe I should just reinstall the system and only put dm-crypt/lvm on my /home12:40
=== randoms|away is now known as randoms
ActionParsnipFrantic: ubuntu server can access more ram with a 32bit OS, if I had more than 3Gb I'd go 64bit12:40
IntuitiveNippleruediger: I have *everything* in LVM and then apply encryption to selective LVs ... this laptop has 17 LVs I think12:41
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: so you go the other way arround? I added my lvm on top of the crypto12:41
mrpurplegood morning i have a quickcam labtec installed and is working only onder canforama. There is anyway to get installed to use for ekiga and skype ?? what i have to do ?'12:41
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Yes, from experience previously, the encryption overhead for some of the file-system trees was un-necessary so I went from crypt > LVM to LVM > crypt12:42
ActionParsnip!webcam | mrp12:43
ubottumrp: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:43
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Things like my SoureCode tree, with the linux kernel git repos and about 100 other various source packages is now unencrypted... about 90,000 files in ext4... much faster than when it was in the encrypted area12:43
mrpurpleubottu:  thank you i'm going to see that12:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:44
manacimlol mrpurple12:44
mrpurpleActionParsnip: thank you going to read that12:44
Frantictealson: IntuitiveNipple: thanks guys, that was it, enabled remapping from the bios :)12:44
IntuitiveNippleFrantic: nice :)12:45
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: I'll try splitting up / and /home and only lvm/encrypt on /home. I want my system to work :)12:45
mrpurplemanacim:  first time here12:45
IntuitiveNippleruediger: lol... that's defeatist!12:45
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: yeah :(12:45
IntuitiveNippleruediger: I think you have a bad install, because vgscan should have found the VG12:46
milligan_Anyone here familiar with m0n0wall and installation on a CF?12:46
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: ok I'll give it a last try :)12:46
ruedigerI'll reinstall the system12:46
IntuitiveNippleruediger: You need to check the cleartext LUKS volume really does have an LVM inside12:47
transporterdoes anyone use compiz in here12:48
bullgard4man pastebinit: "OPTIONS: Required arguments: -f [filename] (or piped data)". What is 'piped data'?12:49
bazhangbullgard4, |12:49
transporterdoes anyone use compiz in here12:50
bullgard4bazhang: | is not piped data but the pipe symbol.12:50
bazhangtransporter, ask and if someone knows they will answer12:50
transporterbazhang: that's what im doing12:50
bazhangbullgard4, right; cat /etc/apt/sources.list | pastebinit12:50
bazhangtransporter, more info12:51
transporterbazhang: oh12:51
oleavrhi. is there a way to blacklist a specific USB device by vendor/device id so that the appropriate driver isn't loaded? (apart from blacklisting the entire driver, which I don't want)12:51
transporterwell i want to customize the minimize and closing of windows in compiz can someone help me12:51
oleavr(the reason I'm asking is because I want VMware to always manage a specific device, and not risk having any of the host's drivers taint its state)12:52
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ifroogOmg, did some one reply to me..12:55
bazhangifroog, please ask again12:56
mrpurpleso my webcam has those characteristic :  Logitech    QuickCam Express     quickcam     046d:0870     Yes     Out of the box     5.10 (Breezy)     USB ID 046d:0840 and 046d:0x850 should also work     2005-Nov-22 the web site to refer is qce-ga.sourceforge.net then i need an help on how create the simbolick link as required12:56
bazhangmrpurple, breezy?12:56
mrpurplebazhang: i'm in 8intrepid .. but in the wiki is sayng that12:57
mrpurpleunder canforama it works12:57
bullgard4bazhang: This returns http://pastebin.com/f75a095b0 but I am interested in nopasting not a whole file but a part of a file that I have highlighted. Does pastebinit support that?12:58
transporter well i want to customize the minimize and closing of windows in compiz can someone help me12:58
bazhangtransporter, do what exactly? go up in flames? or something else12:58
bazhangbullgard4, not sure sorry12:59
transporterbazhang: well what i want to do is to customize the minimizing and the maximizing of the windows12:59
Dr_willisThe ccsm tool can be a little 'odd' to figure out..  but not too hard. :) just gotta play with it - then you can tweak compiz to death12:59
bullgard4bazhang: Ok, thank you.12:59
mrpurplecan i post a link that is refering to a driver  installation for quickcam ?12:59
Dr_willistransporter,  that was a vague answer.. :) custiomuize in what way?12:59
Wazlesome1 here who know about broadcom wlan chips?12:59
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:59
KevDogWazle: yes13:00
bazhangWazle, what version of ubuntu and what have you tried13:00
KevDogWazle: be quick and state your problem13:00
Wazlei have BCM4312 rev213:00
transporterbazhang: i had seen somewhere that the window can be customized to minimize as an origami paper folding Dr_willis13:00
Wazlethe driver is wl13:00
bloufplease, does someone know how to get the vendor & product id of a pcmcia card ?13:00
The_Potoh mai gawd13:00
KevDogbloouf: lspci -nnm13:00
Dr_willistransporter,  yes.. thats trivial to set up.. install 'ccsm' and play witht he settings it lets you change.13:00
Wazleand it does not work13:00
Dr_willis!ccsm | transporter13:00
ubottutransporter: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion13:00
Wazleis there maybe another driver?13:01
bazhangblouf, lspci iirc13:01
KevDogbloouf: How do you know it doesn't work13:01
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transporterDr_willis: yeah i have ccsm but i don't know which option enables me to do that13:01
KevDogWazle: How do you know it doesnt work13:01
Dr_willistransporter,  under animations I belive.. compiz has lots of docs online and a support channel as well13:01
bazhangWazle, you are using the fw-cutter method?13:02
Dr_willis!compiz | transporter13:02
ubottutransporter: Compiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion13:02
Wazledont know13:02
Wazleif i use iwconfig13:02
Decepticonwhat tells me how mcuh RAM (AMOUNT_OF_RAM_USED_IN_TOTAL / AMOUNT_OF_RAM_AVAIALBE) i got13:02
Wazlei get this : lo        no wireless extensions.13:02
Wazleeth0      no wireless extensions.13:02
Wazleeth1      IEEE 802.11  Nickname:""13:02
Wazle          Access Point: Not-Associated13:02
Wazle          13:02
FloodBot1Wazle: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:02
Wazlepan0      no wireless extensions.13:02
ikoniaDecepticon: free13:02
Dr_willistransporter,  i just set mine to be 'random' :) then i get sick of it all and set them to be none.13:02
Decepticonikonia i want a oneliner13:02
Decepticonthat gives the proportion13:02
ikoniaDecepticon: free13:03
bloufbazhang, can you explain it better to me please ? running lspci with iirc flag does nothing13:03
KevDogWazle:  did you check dmesg for errors when loading the driver, does lshw -C network show the device as UNCLAIMED, is the driver=wl statement with the card13:03
Sevetdoes anyone know why my vaio vgn-fe31h laptop fails to come out of suspend/hibernate correctly? when it switches back on it starts up (can ping and ssh to it fine) but the screen remains completely black13:03
bazhangblouf, sorry lspci ; iirc = if I recall correctly :)13:03
Wazleok 1st, i am using ubuntu for 3 months and i am rly no pro with it13:03
transporterDr_willis: do u know which one allows me to fold it like the origami paper13:03
bloufbazhang, ok ...13:03
ActionParsnipSevet: hibernation is a PITA to get nice13:04
bazhangtransporter, best to ask the compiz folks that one13:04
Dr_willistransporter,  i belive its called the airplane effect.. or paperplane..  its rather obvious once ya see its name13:04
Wazleif i use lspci i can see which wlan card i have13:04
Dr_willistransporter,  fire up ccsm tweak the settings.. try it out.. play with it some more.13:04
ActionParsniptransporter: search in ccsm for plane13:04
KartagisWazle, join the club13:04
SevetActionParsnip: yea, i know. :) seems to work perfectly apart from the screen not turning back on though13:04
Wazlejoin club?13:05
ActionParsnipSevet: could restart x but apps will die13:05
alexsanderhow can I do a "ls" that gets only filenames in the format "99999.JPG" with any number of digits?13:05
KevDogWazle:  Have you asked for help in the forums -- specifically posting all info about your card -- your chipset is very common13:05
transporterDr_willis ActionParsnip im checking13:05
Wazlei posted13:05
Wazlei read very much about it, but no solution13:05
KevDogWazle:  Have you tried b43?13:06
Decepticonikonia free gives multi-line output13:06
Decepticonikonia im looking for one-line output about ram usage13:06
Wazlethats the point,.. i dont know how to change the driver for my card13:06
ali1234Decepticon:  free | grep ^Mem: | awk '{print 100 * $4 / $2}'13:06
ali1234is that what you wanted?13:06
ikoniaDecepticon: exaclty13:06
Decepticonali1234 looks like it13:06
ikoniaDecepticon: free is a one liner, you just have to learn to manuipulate data13:07
Dr_willisGnome File manager QUestion - often at the top of the file listing it will show a little 'smart dialog' like "These Files are on a Photo CD"   and a button "Open with F-prot"   - well its almost always WRONG and i cant see how to even hide  that message window.. or disable that feature.. :) anyone else noticed where to kill this silly feature?13:07
KevDogWazle:  To unload the driver (not delete it -- just unassign it from the card) sudo rmmod wl13:07
Wazlethe sorce for bcm43xx in the ubuntu wiki is only fpr older versions13:07
Wazlenot for 8.1013:07
KevDogWazle:  Its not bcm43xx, its b4313:07
Wazleok did it13:07
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx13:07
Kartagisalexsander, try ls | sed 's/[a-zA-Z]/9/g'13:07
DimensionsHi ... i am trying to install support for https in my dedicated server ... but i am missing "apache2-ssl-certificate" on apt-get its saying couldn't find the file .... what do i do ...13:08
SevetActionParsnip: no effect... Ctrl-Alt-F1 etc also don't switch to a console, screen stays black13:08
Wazlei read now this page, than i ask again if there are any questions13:08
KevDogWazle:  don't pay attention to ubottu -- that info is old.  For a very good summary of what driver you can use with what bcm chipset: http://linuxfans.betaserver.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46:broadcom-guide-for-ubuntu-hardy-and-newer&catid=34:guides&Itemid=6113:08
Decepticonali1234, actually free | grep ^Mem: | awk '{print 100 * $3 / $2}'13:08
Decepticonali1234 that would say 95% used13:08
Wazleok i read it13:08
KevDogWazle:  b43 is very easy to set up.13:08
Wazlei will try13:09
ali1234Decepticon: sure. adapt as you need :)13:09
Wazlethanks so far13:09
transporterActionParsnip: Dr_willis: well im trying i selected the plane option but nothing special happens13:09
KartagisDimensions, you need to create and sign certificates13:09
Dr_willistransporter,  No idea.  selexct it.. use the apply ior whatever buttion, then try minimizing a window.  You just have to toy with it..13:10
DimensionsKartagis: to create certificate i need to have apache2-ssl-certificate installed ... which is missing13:10
ActionParsniptransporter: I'd ask in #compi13:10
ActionParsniptransporter: i only know of the plane but i dont use compiz13:10
Dr_willistransporter,  or you are setting it for a close, or other 'event' - I dont use COmpiz much at all.. and when i do i dont use those silly effects.13:10
transporterDr_willis: there is no apply button just a close button but still the damn thing won't work13:10
ActionParsnipDr_willis: replace silly with lame13:11
Dr_willisand i cant get compiz working here on this box.. so good luck. I cant hold your hand.13:11
ePaxWhat is the normal temeprature of acpi (processor)? my fan sounds litle to much and temp is 86 C13:11
Dr_willisSome times you just have to play with things..13:11
KartagisDimensions, I don't have that installed, I signed a certificate. read http://slacksite.com/apache/certificate.php13:11
transporterDr_willis:  yeah i think so i thankyou very much for ur help :D ActionParsnip too13:11
KartagisDimensions, at least I don't remember installing it13:12
ActionParsniptransporter: try: /j #compiz13:12
ali1234ePax: there really isn't a "normal" - but 86C would worry me. it could be miscalibration or just plain wrong though13:12
transporterActionParsnip: im on it13:12
ActionParsniptransporter: sweet13:13
DimensionsKartagis:  that mite be because that one is with openssl ... u must have openssl installed then ? im using default howto for ubuntu apache ssl ...13:13
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halfricanplease can someone give some help. I need a command to fix dpkg, that wants to remove  a package that I want to keep ... can't use apt right now.13:14
KartagisDimensions, yes, I have openssl installed13:14
jonkenny007can anyone here help me with a banshee prob?13:14
Dimensionswhich says ssl is installed when i check with a2ensite ssl it says its already enabled etc ... but can't generate the certificate bcoz that file was not installed which should have ...13:14
jribhalfrican: more details...13:15
KartagisDimensions, install openssl then13:15
nmlinuzit seems that i don't have the libraries for  c++ : new.cpp:1:22: error: iostream.h: No such file or directory    what can i do?13:15
=== Papermate is now known as KarlHatred
jribnmlinuz: have you installed build-essential?13:16
=== KarlHatred is now known as papermate
jonkenny007Problem: My music library (20,000 songs) is over a network storage (USR8700) and Banshee only reads 83 songs in the library, any idea why:?13:16
nmlinuzjrib: i don't think so13:16
mrpurplei'm tryng to complile the wdriver for webcam quickcam 046d:0870 so 'm following the guide at this page http://qce-ga.sourceforge.net/.13:16
mrpurplethen when i do the make all command the errors i had are http://paste.ubuntu.com/120575/13:16
mrpurpleany help ?13:16
halfricanI tried to install vmware-server from a deb I converted with alien from the rpm.... managed to uninstall with a custom script, then reinstalled using instructions from help.ubuntu.com  vmware-server is now working, but dpkg still wants to remove it, meaning I can't install anything else atm.13:17
jribmrpurple: apt-cache show qb-usb-source13:17
ePaxali1234: I just thought that my fan sound litle to much after some updates... then i just checked the temp on it and it was 86 and its hardly that my processor is working at all...13:17
ZachFlemevening all =)13:17
runpain2how can i enable root login at login window I know your goning to say its not wise but i like it any way13:18
carpii__its not wise13:18
jribrunpain2: not wise13:18
jribseriously, it's not.  You're doing something wrong.13:18
mrpurplejrib:  says that is impossible to find gb-usb-source13:18
runpain2why i own the computer13:18
lvlefistoi installed sphinx2-bin from ubuntu repositories, but i am only getting "make: sphinx-build: Command not found" when "make help"13:18
jribmrpurple: 'q', not 'g'13:18
mrpurplesorry right13:19
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: I reinstalled ubuntu now and it seems that lvm is set up correct. /dev/mapper/vg-lv is mounted as /target13:19
mrpurplejrib:  i did as you write .. but is impossible13:19
jribmrpurple: what do you mean by "impossible"?13:19
Dimensions Kartagis i will have to do all settings from the start for that ... can't i just fix this apache2-ssl-certificate ? i mean its intalled with apache2-common but its missing ... apt-get can't find it ... there must be a reason for that13:19
carpii__ubuntu style is to run sudo before cmd's where you need root privilidges13:19
jrib!sudo | runpain213:19
ubotturunpain2: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)13:19
carpii__most ppl who want a root login is just because theyre too lazy to get used to this13:19
KartagisDimensions, maybe ask in #apache?13:20
ZachFlemcan anyone point me to some info creating a minimal install from usb disk.13:20
achadwickrunpain2: not for long, if that's how you operate it. At least, not a working one.13:20
elvirolohi everyone13:20
runpain2thats me lazy13:20
halfricanyou can always sudo du13:20
halfricansudo su I mean13:20
nmlinuzjrib: i have just installed build-essentials and the problem continue13:20
jribrunpain2: you can be lazy and use sudo13:20
Dr_willisdont use 'sudo su'  its a bad habbit and not needed.13:20
jribnmlinuz: is new.cpp something you wrote?13:20
IntuitiveNippleruediger: Great... obviously an install glitch originally then13:20
jonkenny007anyone can help with Banshee?13:20
mrpurplejrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/120577/13:21
runpain2ok i agree with all that is said13:21
elviroloi'm trying to install ubuntu without a CD, via an ISO image of the install disk stored on /dev/sda1. I managed to boot ok, but the installer won't mount /dev/sda1 to go and find the iso image13:21
ruedigerIntuitiveNipple: i sure hope so. just rebooting now13:21
jribmrpurple: what ubuntu version?13:21
mrpurplejrib: 8.1013:21
nmlinuzjrib: yes...and it is all right13:21
IntuitiveNippleruediger: good luck :p13:21
ruediger:( the same result13:21
ActionParsniphalfrican: sudo su is not advised, sudo -i is advised as it correctly configures the cli environment13:21
runpain2yet i still like too login in root13:21
Dimensionsthank Kartagis ... i am but i believe its ubuntu issue ... apt-get should install apache2-ssl-certificate ... donno why it doesn't find it13:22
jribmrpurple: you're still making a typo... qc-usb-source13:22
ActionParsniprunpain2: oh well, we tried13:22
dt84can anyone help me? I have Logitech E2500 internet camera. what driver I need to install to work with this camera?13:22
jribnmlinuz: pastebin...13:22
halfricanActionParsnip: thanks for the advice13:22
runpain2iam not going to use it all the time13:22
jribrunpain2: yes, then use sudo like others have said and ubottu gave you a page full of information on13:23
ActionParsniphalfrican: and gksudo for gui apps, dont use sudo gedit ;)13:23
ActionParsnipjrib: we all lectured him yesterday13:23
runpain2ok ok i will do13:23
Dr_willissudo gedit - MIGHT work.. or it might give you some confuseing error messages :) best to rember  the gksudo13:23
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)13:23
halfricanCan anyone help with my dpkg issue?13:23
ActionParsnipyou can use gksudo for them both :)13:24
mrpurplejrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/120579/13:24
jribhalfrican: you are being too vague13:24
jribmrpurple: yes, did you read the package description?13:24
ActionParsniphalfrican: can you pastein the command and error you are getting13:24
runpain2ok got it13:24
nmlinuzjrib: paste bin what? source code? error?13:24
jribnmlinuz: new.cpp13:24
ActionParsnipis kdesudo actually any different to gksudo?13:24
ActionParsnip!paste | nm13:25
ubottunm: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)13:25
ZachFlemcan anyone point me to some info about creating a minimal install from usb disk?13:25
nmlinuzjrib: new.cpp has the hello world programm :)13:25
runpain2how do i change my browser to firefox as default browser13:25
ifroogWhen i run qtconfig-qt4 i get ..13:25
ifroogCannot mix incompatible Qt libraries13:25
jribnmlinuz: yes, so pastebin it13:25
Dr_willisActionParsnip,  i was thinking that kdesudo was a kubuntu varient on the kdesu command. to fix some bug. :) i forget the details13:25
jribnmlinuz: and the command you run to compile (with errors)13:25
runpain2!default browser13:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about default browser13:25
ActionParsniprunpain2: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/set-the-default-browser-on-ubuntu-from-the-command-line/13:25
mrpurplejrib: yes but don't know what i have to do ? sorry also language problem ..13:25
nmlinuzjrib: http://pastebin.com/d472f898213:25
ActionParsniprunpain2: factoids dont have spaces13:26
jribmrpurple: well that package is what you should be using for your webcam13:26
runpain2ok thanks13:26
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots13:26
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".13:26
nmlinuzjrib: http://pastebin.com/d443c994f13:26
jribnmlinuz: "iostream", not "iostream.h"13:26
mrpurplejrib:  so i have to install that instead the other ?13:26
jribnmlinuz: and you need to do iostream::cout or whatever13:27
=== credo_ is now known as credo
jribnmlinuz: erm sorry.  It's std::cout13:27
nmlinuzjrib: but it is copy-paste from a site...anyway :)13:27
BDenishello guyz, please help poor Russians pesant, We try setup cups-pdf postscripting but it didn't work.13:27
BDeniswe have a script /usr/bin/abc:13:27
BDenisecho "lalala">/tmp/tmp.log13:27
BDenisin /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf we add "PostProcessing /usr/bin/abc"13:27
BDenisAnd we have nothing in /tmp/13:27
FloodBot1BDenis: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:27
BDeniswhere we wrong?13:27
jribnmlinuz: the site is wrong13:27
nmlinuzjrib: thank you13:27
jribnmlinuz: ##c++ might point you to some good resources13:27
tdnAfter upgrading to Debian Lenny on my file server, the clients (Ubuntu) are having problems with *very* slow NFS. Is there a known problem causing this? I have not been able to find anything in the release notes about it.13:28
Carpe|DiemI have 2 partitions, one as / and the other as /home but I would like to move my /home to my / ...is it possible?13:28
ActionParsniprunpain2: i just submitted your suggestion for review :D13:28
Dr_willisCarpe|Diem,  yes. you could do that.13:28
Carpe|Diemok, Dr_willis but how:)13:28
jribnmlinuz: in any case, you want to learn about "namespaces" in c++13:29
Dr_willisCarpe|Diem,  properly move the files from /home to /To_Be_Home,  unmount  /home/ then rename /ToBeHome to /home13:29
Carpe|DiemI assume i need to modify fstab etc? But im not familiar with that13:29
Decepticonhow can i show much ram ive used out of total ram available to me13:29
Dr_willisCarpe|Diem,  only fstab editing would be to edit out the  line that mounts home. thats trivial13:29
Carpe|Diemis that all, Dr_willis ?:s13:29
jribDecepticon: free13:29
Carpe|Diemoh ok Dr_willis13:29
Wazlewhat was the command for seeing kernel version?13:29
Decepticonjrib free shows me having almost used everything, that doesnt sound right13:29
jribWazle: uname -r13:29
HuufartedAnybody here know how to auto-mount hard drives instead of having to 'visit' the drive in Places first?13:29
jribDecepticon: pastebin13:29
ActionParsnipDecepticon: cat /proc/meminfo13:29
Dr_willisCarpe|Diem,  the trick is copying the home the proper way.. depending on what files are in there, and other special files like links and stuff.. it may get confused13:29
jribHuufarted: what filesystem?13:30
Decepticonjrib http://s.tazeat.com:1234/~bizinichi/paste/123513675713:30
Carpe|Diemyes, I thought so:/13:30
ActionParsnipDecepticon: a lot of it is used for disk cache which will decrease as ram is needed13:30
jribDecepticon: look at the -/+ buffers/cache line13:30
Huufartedjrib: FAT3213:30
mrpurplejrib: i have to download that qc-usb-source_0.6.6-5_all.deb file and install it ?13:30
Decepticonjrib, what about it13:30
Carpe|Diemperhaps, Dr_willis, its better to format my entire system...I'm rather unexperienced with the deep functions of linux13:30
DecepticonActionParsnip so what is the actual amount of ram used by programs and sentient programs, minus this disk cache13:31
jribHuufarted: I think you can install and use ntfs-config for fat as well.  If not, you can configure it in /etc/fstab manually yourself13:31
jrib!fstab | Huufarted13:31
ubottuHuufarted: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions13:31
Dj-Asmirhi people, i need someone to help me setum a remote desktop between widnows and linux /vice versa13:31
ActionParsnipDecepticon: can you pastebin the output of the command please13:31
Huufartedjrib, now that you mention that, I think qtparted can do it for me.13:31
jribDecepticon: most of the memory is being used for buffers/cache.  So if a program needs it, it will be available.  Unused ram is wasted ram, so it makes sense to use as much as possible13:31
runpain2it did not work to change default browserupdate-alternatives: unknown argument `–config'13:31
Dr_willisCarpe|Diem,  do what you want.. but what you are asking about is a rather trivial thing.. and you will never learn untill you try13:31
H4MZ4Helooo Allll13:31
runpain2it did not work to change default browser update-alternatives: unknown argument `–config'13:32
BerserkurDoes anyone know if there is an easy fix to this bug? - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/29337613:32
H4MZ4i neeed a help in php :$:$:$13:32
H4MZ4i neeed a help in php :$:$:$13:32
Dj-Asmirhi people, i need someone to help me setum a remote desktop between widnows and linux /vice versa13:32
Dr_willisCarpe|Diem and as far as 'deep' this is rather shallow stuff.13:32
DecepticonActionParsnip of which command? cat /proc/meminfo shows http://s.tazeat.com:1234/~bizinichi/paste/123513689213:32
BerserkurIt seems like a bug that would be easy to fix but nothing has happened13:32
ActionParsnipH4MZ4: then /join #php13:32
jribH4MZ4: installing it or using it?13:32
carpii__H4MZ4, dont spam plz13:32
Carpe|Diemyes Dr_willis, that's true...but what happens when i break the system...than I have no means of connecting to IRC or google to find solutions :s13:32
BerserkurThinkpad T60 is quite a common Laptop13:32
runpain2it what i get when i do the sudo update-alternatives –config x-www-browser13:32
HuufartedH4MZ4: /join #php13:32
Wazlehow can i start my wlan with new driver?13:32
Dj-Asmirjaha nobody to help13:33
Dj-Asmirokay bye bye13:33
jribmrpurple: no.  You install it using apt-get or repositories.  No manual downloading13:33
Carpe|DiemI will give it a try, Dr_willis13:33
KevDogWazle: What?13:33
runpain2!Change browser13:33
Decepticonjrib so what is the amount of ram that is used by the programs running on the machine, and daemons and active alive things, and not disk/cache (which i will believe as free ram)13:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Change browser13:33
Wazleok i installed fwcutter13:33
Carpe|DiemDr_willis: I can copy my home while the system is running?13:33
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BerserkurCarpe|Diem: Yes13:33
Dr_willisCarpe|Diem,  yes.13:33
DimensionsHow do i install apache2-common and apache2-ssl-certificate files ??? apt-get can't find it13:33
jribmrpurple: after that, since it's just source, you still need to build it (check for a /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE_NAME/README.Debian file) or ask here.  I don't know the details as I have not used it13:33
Wazleand use this in console: sudo /usr/share/b43-fwcutter/install_bcm43xx_firmware.sh13:33
Wazlewhat to do now?13:34
ActionParsnipDecepticon: i'd say you were using 340Mb, but I have 1Gb ram too and have similar output13:34
jribDecepticon: the numbers on the +/- buffers/cache line13:34
DecepticonActionParsnip how do you know this13:34
Dr_willisWazle,  when i installed that package it auto-ran and got the proper b43 firmnware. I dident have to run that command.13:34
ActionParsnipDecepticon: if you look at the top of the otput of 'top' it will tell you your ram too :)13:34
KevDogWazle:  Load the b43 driver: sudo modprobe 43, check to see if that worked with lshw -C network, and then13:34
ActionParsnipDecepticon: active is my guess13:34
ActionParsnipDecepticon: i'd read up on what the output means13:34
ActionParsnipi gotta split13:34
KevDogWazle:  You ran the commands with th b43 cutter packaage13:34
Wazleit says module 43 not found13:35
BDenisAnyone knows anything about cups-pdf postscript? I need help with that :).13:35
=== martin_ is now known as Like
jribBDenis: just ask13:35
Carpe|DiemDr_willis: Problem is, my /home partition is mounted into /home on my root partition...So where do I have to move my /home folder too?:s13:35
BerserkurDoes anyone have a problem with the volume down key on a Thinkpad T60+?13:36
* Carpe|Diem is a newbie:)13:36
Decepticonjrib i am taking (the number from the Mem: row and used column) and subtracting (the number from -/+ buffers/cache row and total column) ?13:36
Wazledid i do something wrong?13:36
jribDecepticon: no.  You are just looking at the +/- buffers/cache line13:36
Wazleif i use sudo modprobe 43 it says module not found13:36
KevDogWazle:  Sounds like you didn't install it13:36
Decepticonjrib whys that13:36
Dr_willisCarpe|Diem,  you said /   - so you sauid you  wanted it in /home so like i mentioned.. use /to_be_home to move stuff to.. Unmount /home/ delete /home  THEN rename the  /to_be_home to become /home13:36
Wazleso? what do i do now13:37
jribDecepticon: because that's the memory that's being used for things other than buffers/cache13:37
Carpe|Diemok Dr_willis, Ty...I will have a try now :]13:37
Decepticonjrib as you can see, my data is shifted to the right for the column you speak of, what do those numbers represent, used and free or total and used13:37
cak054hi all just doing a test13:37
BDenisIn /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf we add "PostProcessing /usr/bin/abc", /usr/bin/abc is: "echo "lalala">/tmp/tmp.log" and after we print to PDF printer tmp.log does not exist. Whats wrong?13:38
jribDecepticon: there's no total information on that line since total wouldn't change13:38
Decepticonjrib i see13:38
zichois there some software like Guitar Rig available for ubuntu?13:39
mrpurplejrib: i installed from repository. In usr/share/doc/ there are two directorys : qc-usb-source and qc-usb-utils13:40
jribmrpurple: try the first one13:40
Wazledo i have to restart system?13:40
Decepticonjrib so would you say that total_ram_used (the way i understand it) / total_ram ... is this: [the number from -/+ buffers/cache row and used column] / [the number from Mem: row and total column]13:40
jribDecepticon: if you don't want to count the ram being used for buffers/cache, yes.13:41
Carpe|DiemOk Dr_willis Im copying from /home to /to_be_home :]13:41
Decepticonjrib what exactly goes into buffers/cache, who is using it13:41
Decepticonjrib i only want to count the amount of ram being used by programs, and system, and daemon13:41
jribDecepticon: then what you said is what you want13:42
Decepticonjrib, i see, but what does it mean buffers/cache, who is using this ram and why so much13:42
Decepticonjrib, why is that ram not freely available, but instead being cached or buffered13:43
erUSUL!ram | Decepticon13:43
ubottuDecepticon: A quick FAQ on Memory Management: http://gentoo-wiki.com/FAQ_Linux_Memory_Management For Lubos Lunak's desktop memory usage comparison, see: http://ktown.kde.org/~seli/memory/desktop_benchmark.html13:43
jribDecepticon: http://tldp.org/LDP/sag/html/buffer-cache.html13:43
erUSULDecepticon: that's a FAQ... linux use all unused ram to cache the files it accesed to speed up disk access13:43
erUSULDecepticon: free RAM == wasted RAM13:44
mrpurplejrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/120585/ file list and the readme.qce file http://paste.ubuntu.com/120587/13:44
Decepticoni see13:44
runpain2In KDE Components>Component Chooser Default browser. dont have components chooser13:44
mrpurplewith make i have http://paste.ubuntu.com/120588/13:45
leon_hi all, can someone PLS help with a Yukon nic (wierd) prob?13:45
Carpe|DiemDr_willis: dont leave me swimming in the deep alone XD13:45
mrpurplejrib: with make i got http://paste.ubuntu.com/120588/13:45
erUSUL!anyone | leon_13:45
runpain2found it13:45
ubottuleon_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?13:45
jribmrpurple: there's probably a "nicer" debian way.  I have to go now though (and don't know it)13:45
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Decepticonjrib if i sat down and looked at top, and all the programs it lists and their memory usage, if i added all those percentages up, and if i took my statistic (cache_used/mem_total) * 100, would they be the same13:45
mrpurplethank you jrib13:45
scuniziDecepticon: that's typical. not to worry. Memory management is very good in linux. open a few programs and see what happens..13:47
DiscipulusI have a question13:47
DiscipulusI am running on a compaq laptop13:48
Discipulusmodel number CQ6013:48
itai_michaelsonDiscipulus, what is the question?13:48
Maarekquestion:  does the 8.10 live cd "Install inside Windows" work w/ Vista?13:48
EugenMayer_anyway of syncing evolution with funambol under ubuntu?=13:48
erUSUL!wubi | Maarek13:49
ubottuMaarek: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.13:49
Discipulusand when I go into suspend mode, occasionally, when I go to resume, the "Password" dialog box does not come on, and I must restart my computer13:49
speedmasterYou may as well add a ubuntu partition to an end of a drive in my opinion13:49
fastaHow can I enable sound in the latest stable version of Ubuntu?13:49
DiscipulusIs there a way that I can fix that?13:50
Carpe|DiemDr_willis: It's copied...Now what, unmount my home? But the files are being used atm. And also, do I have to change ownership of the /to_be_home directory?13:50
speedmasterfasta: install alsa packages with synaptic13:50
speedmasterit should work out of the box though13:50
Dr_willisCarpe|Diem,  well i suggest you stop using them..13:50
fastaspeedmaster: I think I already did that.13:50
pjsturgeonhey guys. I think i mounted a HDD wrong (mounted the actual disk not a partition) and now I cant seem to unmount it or run "fdisk -l".13:50
unanxbthow to install e17?13:50
fastaspeedmaster: e.g. alsamixer is installed13:51
Carpe|DiemDr_willis: ok, I have to terminate X?13:51
pjsturgeonfdisk -l gives me "Cannot open /dev/sda"13:51
Dr_willisCarpe|Diem,  If you copied the stuff correctly the permissions would of staied the same.. you proberkly did it wrong,. :)  I dont recall  the right command/optionms to copy them13:51
Dr_willisCarpe|Diem,  may be a goiod idea :)13:51
pjsturgeonand apparently unmount is not a command, all the tutorials online suggest I do that. AND i rebooted to get rid of the mount (its not in my fstab) and i still cannot run fdisk -l13:51
Carpe|DiemDr_willis: I uwed cp -rv /home/¨13:51
fastaThis is all the relevant information: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=31f5faf68bc25689441d585204868cb57016df3113:51
Discipuluspjsturgeon: it's umount not unmount13:51
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.13:51
speedmasterfasta: are you using onboard soundcard?13:51
Carpe|DiemDr_willis: i mean, cp -rv /home/* /to_be_home13:51
Davedanhow do I know if I have gtk installed? I have the defualt intrepid13:52
fastaspeedmaster: Here are all technical details: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=31f5faf68bc25689441d585204868cb57016df3113:52
RussMpjsturgeon, "umount" not "unmount"13:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enlightment13:52
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.13:52
pjsturgeonDiscipulus & RussML That gives me $ umount: /media/second-drive is not mounted (according to mtab)13:52
NicadorHello guys. I have a problem. I want to disable the black screen if it's no key press in some time. If found a solution on the ubuntuforums but it seamns I don't have a xorg.conf file in /etc/X11/. Note i'm using Ubuntu Server 8.10 Intrepid. Thank you in advance.13:52
unanxbtfasta, do you know how to install enlightenment in intrepid?13:52
Dr_willisCarpe|Diem,  check the stuff copied.. see if it still has the original correct ownership13:53
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halfricanI'm still having a dpkg issue ... here are the details: http://paste.ubuntu.com/120591/13:53
pjsturgeonthis is after a reboot, perhaps there is another error for my "Cannot open sda / Cannot open sdb13:53
fastaunanxbt: build it from source13:53
RussMpjsturgeon, then you run fdisk on the device,not the mount point.13:53
Carpe|DiemDr_willis: root is the owner of the new copied folder...so its incorrect:/ I copied it while being root13:53
unanxbtfasta, no binaries?13:53
fastaunanxbt: but there was no script for it the last time I tried it. I think this was done on purpose.13:53
pjsturgeonRussM earlier I just ran fdisk -l and it showed all drives and all partitions13:53
Davedandoes the default intrepid have X or gtk installed?13:53
Carpe|DiemDr_willis: perhaps its better for me to leave everything as is :s13:54
pjsturgeonRussM this is also not mounted. I need to find the partition number to mount it13:54
fastaunanxbt: I know next to nothing about enlightenment, other than the correct spelling.13:54
k3pp0damn! after 3 hours compiling i get a  /etc/kernel/postinst.d/nvidia-common exited with return code 2013:54
fastaspeedmaster: any idea?13:54
itai_michaelsonhi - where is the japanese channel?13:54
unanxbtfasta, :)13:54
k3pp0when i try to install kernel package13:54
k3pp0any hint?13:55
speedmasterfasta: hmm, your soundcard seems to be detected, the only thing i can think of is in alsa mixer make sure in options front is selected13:55
RussMpjsturgeon, Sorry, I missed the very beginning, I was sleeping. Can you repeat what you're trying to accomplish?13:55
unanxbtfasta, what do you think if I use debian package?13:55
NicadorDoes anybody have an ideea how to disable the black screen if no activity?13:55
pjsturgeonI am just trying to add a new drive. I first need to run a command to list all my partitions and drives so i can see what the name is to mount it13:56
Pici!jp | itai_michaelson13:56
ubottuitai_michaelson: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい13:56
fastaspeedmaster: I only have the Master option available when I run alsamixer13:56
itai_michaelsonPici, thanks13:56
speedmasteris volume control up in x though fasta?13:56
fastaunanxbt: I don't know.13:56
RussMso, "sudo fdisk -l" doesn't show it?13:56
speedmasterfrom there you can go to preferences13:56
fastaspeedmaster: yes, 100%.13:56
Enissay1489: <{SaTaN}> GOD DAMN IT SUN OF A BITCH STOP CALLING ME SANTA IT IS "SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!"13:57
Enissay1489: <DaRkShaMe> hi santa13:57
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal13:57
KazaLitewhat is recommended way to install ubuntu? should i make full installation on one partition and later format and mount other partitions?13:57
pjsturgeonbloody hell sudo! im used to having root permissions13:57
pjsturgeonthank you (and sorry for swearing in here :p)13:57
lvlefistowhat is the command to see what network ports are open?13:57
KazaLiteor i should even split the installation like installing boot on one partition and other things on other partition?13:57
Nicadorpjsturgeon: sudo su and you will have root access.13:57
pjsturgeonNicador: yea cheers for that, i just keep forgetting13:58
pjsturgeonsudo !! is my best friend recently ;)13:58
RussMpjsturgeon, sudo -i    might make you happy. sometimes there's no getting around several root commands in a row13:58
pjsturgeonahh great, thanks13:58
KazaLiteis there some anti-virus for ubuntu/linux?13:59
speedmasterfasta: I can only suggest now is if you go to system > preferences > sound and try the different devs and hit the test function13:59
geirha!antivirus | KazaLite13:59
ubottuKazaLite: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus13:59
Travis-42I'm trying to use firefox with xfvb for testing purposes on Ubuntu Server.  Installing firefox requests that I get gnome -- is there a way to use the package manager to install firefox for xfvb, or do I have to install it manually?13:59
fastaspeedmaster: I already did those things, but thanks anyway.13:59
PiciNicador: Look into the manpage for setterm for the screen blanking13:59
speedmasterfasta: I had no sound though when I booted a clean 8.10 install because of the center option being selected in volume control, after i switched to front i had no issue14:00
KazaLitei see and how you ppl install ubuntu?14:00
Twinkletoes|WI have a separate passwd file for NIS, and I want to add users.  Is there any way to get adduser or useradd to look at the NIS passwd file, or will I have to do everything (including getting uids/making homedirs/crontabs etc.) by hand?14:00
speedmasterfasta: no problem, good luck, I have a SB 24 card and I have never really had an issue14:00
kannanrpkneed help.......how can i take the backup of softwares in ubuntu14:00
pjsturgeon"sudo mount -t fat32 /dev/sda /media/second-drive" gives me "unknown filesystem type 'fat32'. Am I doing this wrong?14:00
enzotibpjsturgeon, vfat14:01
pjsturgeonthanks enzotib14:01
fastaspeedmaster: I also had no problems on my laptop and on all the other hardware I bought myself.14:01
KazaLiteand why we dont need anti-virus for linux?14:01
heatmzzrI have screenlets installed and wanted to add one.. where would I extract the downloaded widget?14:01
eth01KazaLite: suppose to be bullet proof14:02
eth01or say they say :)14:02
speedmasterKazaLite: because only idiots run their system from root14:02
Dr_willisKazaLite,  because theres very few out there for linux. and those that are out - are often very very specific to specific services and versions of those services.. so its not a problem14:02
Twinkletoes|WKazaLite: As Linux become smore popular, more people will target it14:02
Decepticonif i sat down and looked at top, and all the programs it lists and their memory usage, if i added all those percentages up, and if i took my statistic (cache_used/mem_total) * 100, would they be the same? and is this statistic equal to the "Active:" number given by the command "cat /proc/meminfo"14:02
BerserkurKazaLite: Because there are only a handful of viruses existing for Linux and they do virtually no harm14:02
Dr_willisKazaLite, and even then  in a 'worse' case - it would be the users stuff that gets trashed by malware.. niot the system14:02
fastaKazaLite: the most important reason is that there is no mono culture.14:03
RussMpjsturgeon, I think mount shows the valid fs type name strings.14:03
RussMpjsturgeon, sorry, the mount man page.14:03
fastaKazaLite: if you invest 1 million dollar to hack 100 million machines, that's good business, but there are not 100 million the same Linux machines.14:03
heatmzzrI have screenlets installed and wanted to add one.. where would I extract the downloaded widget?14:04
BerserkurKazaLite: The thing is that in Linux, be default, you have virtually no privileges on the computer. So for that reason, if you download a virus... that virus wouldn't be able to do much harm except to your user14:04
pjsturgeonRussM: didnt spot it if it was there. Mounted now, just fiddling with fstab :)14:04
tycheMy son has installed Ubuntu on a Windows machine.  Now, he'd like to be able to read the Windows portion of the drive from inside Ubuntu.  Is it possible?14:05
JEEBczntfs-3g should be installed by default on ubuntu, you just might have to mount it manually14:05
Berserkurtyche: Yes, ubuntu should find that portion automatically14:05
adam7tyche: yep. Just open the file manager and click on the Windows partition.14:05
speedmasterntfs-3g should be on already synaptic will install it if not14:05
tycheThanks.  Let me see if that works for him.14:06
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Tha_Stighey guys, im trying to append /etc/modules..... it says i dont have permission, yes im a n00b!14:06
BerserkurHas anyone here dealt with this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/29337614:06
adam7Tha_Stig: did you use sudo?14:07
scunizityche: see what JEEBcz wrote.. to try to mount all drives in one fell swoop in a terminal type sudo mount -a. then look on the desktop for the new icon for the windows drive14:07
speedmasterbeat me to it adam714:07
pjsturgeonanyone know a good guide for automounting vfat drive? Cant find the right settings for fstab14:07
Tha_Stigadam7: nope, i dont know how to open the file through terminal, im using text editor14:07
DimensionsKartagis: thanks14:07
Kartagisnp Dimensions14:08
pjsturgeongot one, no worries14:08
speedmasterpjsturgeon: i'm sure there's a bash script out there14:08
adam7Tha_Stig: press ctrl+f2 then type gksudo gedit /path/to/file where /path/to/file is that path to the file14:08
josh__Hey guys, running Heron here on a Dell Inspiron netbook (not sure if that matters), but I can't switch users.   No matter which "switch user" button I hit (directly from the panel or from the "System -> Quit" screen, I just get a black screen and then back to asking for the password of the last user logged in (basically it just locks the screen and never gives me an option to switch users)... anyone have any suggestions on where to start14:08
josh__ to fix it?  i've googled with not much luck....14:08
halfricanplease can someone help me with my dpkg issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/120591/14:08
Tha_Stigadam7: thanks, ill try that now =]14:08
Kartagis!vfat | pjsturgeon14:08
ubottupjsturgeon: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE14:08
adam7josh__: check and see if there is a switch user button on the box asking for the password of the last user14:09
josh__adam7: There is, and that one doesn't work either -- it does the same thing as the others.14:10
scunizijosh__: did you create a new user?14:10
Tha_Stigthe ctrl+f2 didnt work but i managed to fix my lil issue, lets hope my wifi works now :D14:10
josh__I have 2 users on my system... I have ever since I received it.14:11
speedmasterTha_Stig: iwconfig doesn't show what the problem is?14:12
scunizijosh__: when you initially boot the machine are you able to log into the other account?14:12
josh__And if I log out completely, then I can log in as the other user then, too.14:12
Tha_Stigspeedmaster: im following this guide for the wifi fix  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne14:13
scunizijosh__: so it's just the user switcher. do you have a theme installed that is other than "stock"?14:13
josh__No, I haven't installed any themes.14:14
ScarySquirrelHey, does anyone here know how to revert a kernel update?14:14
scunizijosh__: what version of ubuntu are you running?14:14
speedmasterTha_Stig: are you using intrepid and if so i'm guessing it didnt work out of the box?14:14
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, you can remove it you want to... or rather use the older kernel14:14
Tha_Stigim actually using mint, but since its based off ubuntu <.<14:15
arvind_khadri!mint | Tha_Stig14:15
ubottuTha_Stig: The following are some examples of Ubuntu derived distributions that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes,   please consult their websites for more information: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in   #linuxmce), Ubuntu Ultimate14:15
PiciTha_Stig: We do not support Mint in here.14:15
scunizijosh__: looking.. hang on14:16
DiscipulusSo my laptop (Compaq) Occasionally has issues waking up from suspend. I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 and specifically the issue is that when I go to wake up, the computer wakes up, but the password prompt does not appear (Computer is awake, but screen is still black, not entirely black like off black, but artificially black like on black if that makes sense)14:16
josh__Ok.   Thanks.14:16
ScarySquirrelYeah, I have an extremely weird problem in my UBUNTU GNOME operating system that remained even when I used a Linux Mint Live CD with XFCE.14:16
Tha_Stigi usually fix my mint issues with ubuntu solutions...and thus my wifi is working now ^^14:16
josh__In my searches on Google and of the Ubuntu forums i see problems similar to mine but not the same14:16
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, expalin the problem14:17
Travis-42I want to setup an Ubuntu Server that accepts no incoming connections (except from my computer), but can connect outside (e.g. for updates) -- basically a secure dev server that's connected to the internet.  Should I use ufw to do this?14:17
arvind_khadriTravis-42, iptables14:17
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri: I already have, three months ago, in detail, at the following location:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6767674#post676767414:17
speedmasterTha_Stig: so iwconfig doesn't show any readings?14:18
adam7Travis-42: use ssh with ssh keys14:18
adam7Travis-42: unless you always connect from the same IP it will be difficult to set up the server to only allow your computer to see the open port14:18
Travis-42adam7: definitely going to do that... but what about server processes like apache?14:18
Tha_Stigspeedmaster: i just put the ath_pci line in the modules file...did a restart and wifi is working now, gonna read up the whole guide first before moving further :)14:19
adam7Travis-42: if you always connect from the same IP it's trivial to do with iptables, but if you use multiple IP addresses14:19
adam7it's much more difficult14:19
Travis-42hmm ok thanks adam7 and arvind_khadri14:19
speedmasterTha_Stig: glad to hear you got things going at least14:19
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, you can choose a older kernel at the grub menu14:19
arvind_khadriTravis-42, np :)14:20
josh___Ugh stupid Internet connection.14:20
booksbuggyanyone know how to access secondary harddrive with terminal and delete files with it?14:20
speedmasterTha_Stig: what chipset is your wireless nic?14:20
josh___Do you think upgrading to 8.10 would solve the switch user problem?  Is it worth attempting?14:21
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, you can use rm14:21
Tha_Stigim not sure :$ i just got this netbook a few hours ago XD14:21
scunizi josh__ sorry I haven't found anything.. sorry 'bout that.. upgrading might help if the issue isn't in your /home in a .<something> file14:21
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  Oh, of course.  I will try that, and if it fails, I will add it to the list.14:21
speedmasterTha_Stig: I've had a lot of troubles with wireless nic's that use Atheros chipsets over many platforms14:21
pjsturgeonim having some trouble setting up a samba share of a symlinked folder14:21
pjsturgeonI can read, but not write14:22
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, rm -rf /path/to/directory .... use it carefully14:22
booksbuggywell my other ubuntu drive got problem and i can't go into the place14:22
booksbuggyit won't let me go into the other drive14:22
speedmasterpjsturgeon: sounds like a permissions problem14:22
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, did you file a bug?14:22
josh___No worries.   It wouldn't even be a big issue, it's my partner and I's secondary computer (basically so we didn't have to fight over being on facebook at the same time lol), except that he likes his settings are totally different than I do lol14:22
arvind_khadribooksbuggy, what do you exactly want to achieve?14:23
booksbuggythe drive was renamed 499.3 GB Media14:23
booksbuggytrying to go in and delete the x11 folder14:23
pjsturgeonspeedmaster: it was working when they were normal folders on that disk. the folders have been replaced with symlinked folders to content on the new drive i mounted. now it fails to write14:23
booksbuggyit has some problem14:23
David_ELooking for some help with my Ipod and Ubuntu - can anyone help?14:23
pjsturgeonthe samba share is here: http://pastebin.com/m71cb3b214:23
Very_CoolIf I want to continuously display a file..waht command do I use (is cat outputs a static file)14:23
Very_Coolis= ie14:23
Dr_willisbooksbuggy,  its using that 'name'  because the drive has no other volume name set.14:23
booksbuggyand i can't restore the thing in recovery because it is read only for some reason14:23
scunizijosh___: you could get inventive and add another video card, keyboard, monitor and mouse and set the machine up so you can both log in at the same time..14:24
Dr_willisVery_Cool,  check the 'watch' command. or the 'tail' command - depeoidn ion your needsd14:24
archwildVery_Cool try less, or tail -f14:24
josh___That would be pretty inventive on a netbook, lol, or on my Macbook.14:24
booksbuggyi tried to do system restore with the back up thread in forum14:24
David_EDoes anyone know how to get their Ipod to sync with ubuntu14:24
arvind_khadri!ask | David_E14:24
ubottuDavid_E: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:24
arvind_khadri!ipod | David_E14:25
ubottuDavid_E: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod14:25
booksbuggyit just keep on saying it can't replace files for everything because the files is already there14:25
Twinkletoes|WIf anybody has a 'normal' NIS server, can you let me know what GROUP, PASSWD and SHADOW are are set to in /var/yp/Makefile please?14:25
Very_Coolarchwild thanks14:25
booksbuggyand the only thing that's wrong is the x11 folder14:25
speedmasterpjsturgeon: that's stumped me, i was going to ask what group was using it but it your log indicates it's open to all14:25
pjsturgeondo i need to set chown to anything specific?14:25
scuniziarchwild: you gotta smile at linux when you can say "try less or tail -f" and mean it.. just thinking if someone that knew absolutely nothing would think you were joking . :)14:26
Siliciumhi there14:26
pjsturgeonits meant to be an open share to anyone on  the network (for xbox and whatnot)14:26
booksbuggywel i have to get out for now be back later14:26
arvind_khadri!hi | Silicium14:26
ubottuSilicium: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:26
David_Ethanks I'll try it14:26
Siliciumwhere is the bootsplash saved on the live CD?14:26
rrittenhouseI am running 32bit Ubuntu Ibex and today when I came into work and opened FF, it has no window decoration and I cant alt+click to move it. It doesn't look like it's using the "full screen" function because i can still hit that and itll do its thing.. any ideas?14:26
Siliciumin the initrd or directly in the kernel?14:26
speedmasterpjsturgeon: the settings seem to be correct for that14:26
archwildscunizi, haha - didn't even notice that - I should get out more...14:27
pjsturgeonspeedmaster: think there is an issue with using a symlink for samba? or are my actual file settings wrong?14:27
RussMpjsturgeon, you may want to  set uid and gid options on the  mount point14:27
bangalibabuis there any necessity to do tasks like disks clean-up, defragmenting, and other system optimizing tasks like on windows?14:27
scunizirrittenhouse: turn "effects" off if they are on14:27
speedmasterpjsturgeon: I can't say about symlink, but your permissions to me are spot on.14:27
erUSULbangalibabu: no for the most part14:27
pjsturgeonaha RussM, could be it. my mount is set as /dev/sda1       /media/second-drive vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 014:27
arvind_khadribangalibabu, no they happen automagically... and linux fs dont fragment14:27
scunizibangalibabu: nope.. about once a month your system will do a fsck on partitions while booting but that' about the extent of it.14:28
rrittenhousescunizi, actually that worked. wtf? :) Why all of a sudden after I do updates it's doing that haha14:28
speedmasterpjsturgeon: what are you accessing the share from?14:28
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pjsturgeonMac Finder14:28
rrittenhousescunizi, and if i turn them back on to "normal" and restat ff it does the same thing. Weird.14:28
bangalibabuthank you all14:28
scunizirrittenhouse: there's a way to get them back with effects on but I've forgotten.. they are called "decorations"..14:28
rrittenhousescunizi, thx ill find it14:29
arvind_khadribangalibabu, np ...14:29
speedmasterpjsturgeon: osx isn't my forte unfortunately14:29
bangalibabuarvind_khadri: thank you14:29
RussMpjsturgeon, Hmmm. My  mac died.14:29
pjsturgeonI think RussM is probably right, it could be a mounting issue. is this ok? "/dev/sda /media/second-drive vfat iocharset=utf8,umask=000 0 0"?14:30
bangalibabuthat's really wonderful14:30
pjsturgeonRussm: im sorry for your loss14:30
fixxxermetUsing tsclient, I have the "enable window manager's key bindings" option checked, while using fullscreen.  Ideally, I would like use one of my workspaces as a fullscreen remote desktop to a citrix server, and then use ctrl+alt+left/right to go to my other work spaces.14:30
fixxxermetThis kind of works.  When I hit ctrl+alt+left/right, the workspace switcher pops up, but when I select a different workspace, it doesn't change to the other one14:30
RussMpjsturgeon, I just  wish  Apple would let me copy the OSX over into a virtual machine on my 'buntu server. :)14:31
pjsturgeonpjsturgeon: Do it anyway. If you are in Germany it turns out its fully legal!14:31
speedmasterpjsturgeon: you mounting is correct14:31
pjsturgeonotherwise, issue14:31
pjsturgeonspeedmaster: i think i need to set with   user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000   0   014:32
speedmasterRussM: Hackintosh ftw14:32
pjsturgeonRussM im thinking of going the other way. Putting ubuntu on my macbook >.<14:32
scunizirrittenhouse: just a thought.. if you have ccsm installed then go in there and see if the decorations button is checked..it's in the Effects section of ccsm14:32
speedmasterpjsturgeon: to be honest, If it's readable i don't think mounting is an issue - but I don't know what osx needs14:32
speedmasterpjsturgeon: you aren't trying to write something bigger than 2gb to a fat32 file system are you?:14:35
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pjsturgeonnono, all little stuff14:35
deanyfat16 is 2gig14:35
deany4gig for 3214:35
pjsturgeontrying to make a folder actually >.<14:35
speedmastermy bad deany14:36
RussMspeedmaster, Hmmm. Looks like have done it in a  VM. Maybe I should dig that Mac out of the trash to save the HD. :)14:36
arvind_khadripjsturgeon, use ntfs :P14:36
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speedmasterRussM: The only thing from stopping install of OSX from majority of people is hardware setup. So why not.14:37
pjsturgeonarvind_khadri doesnt make much difference to me. not sure if the 360 can read NTFS strangely enough14:37
arvind_khadripjsturgeon, this isnt OSX support channel14:37
pjsturgeongot it guys, RussM you were right. I added user,fmask=0111,dmask=0000 to the options and not its fine14:37
speedmasterpjsturgeon: it should read NTFS, my 360 connects to my wifes XP machine14:38
erUSULspeedmaster: fat32 can hold files up to (4GiB - 1B) afaik14:38
pjsturgeonarvind_khadr thats good, cause im not asking for OSX help.14:38
speedmastererUSUL: I though it was 4gb max14:38
pjsturgeonmy fat32 mounting conversation spilled over into a talk of OSX-linux inter-operability ;)14:38
pjsturgeonand a general filesystem convo it seems14:38
adam7speedmaster: the fat32 filesystem can be larger than 4gb but the max file size is 4gb14:39
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speedmasteradam7: that's what I was implying14:39
pjsturgeonnow im going to watch videos downloaded from my OSX, network shared over to my ubuntu box and streamed to my xbox 360! :D14:39
B10Sdoes my server detect you correctly?
RussMpjsturgeon, Glad to hear its working. Gotta run.14:39
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NTAuthorityRussM: seems so, I get a thing with windows icon :p14:40
NTAuthorityumm, B10S14:40
adam7speedmaster: sorry, I read your question differently14:40
speedmasterread + write in linux now on NTFS is FAT32 dead and buried thouhg?14:40
gangs7ahello everybody14:40
NTAuthorityB10S: seems so, I get a thing with windows icon :p  - corrected14:40
adam7speedmaster: I think most people still use fat32 on USB drives14:40
gangs7acan i register my nickname in this irc server14:40
Huufartedgangs7a: yes you can14:41
NTAuthoritygangs7a: /msg nickserv help :)14:41
B10SNTAuthority, are you using windows?14:41
speedmasteradam7: good point14:41
scunizi!register | gangs7a14:41
ubottugangs7a: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode14:41
NTAuthorityB10S: yep, indeed :)14:41
abchirkis there a command to show the sound device used by a program?14:41
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RenatoSilvaWhen I go to update manager and it shows me some updates, if I click check for updates then sometimes it shows me more updates than before (or either if I install those updates, these more updates will appear after the installation). I know it's related to the local apt package list, but how does this mechanism work exactly?14:42
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  I tried the oldest kernel I have left on my list on the GRUB:  2.6.24-21 generic14:42
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, so whats the result?14:43
B10Swhos using a Mac?14:43
scuniziRenatoSilva: the first set of files you see are probably security updates which typically are setup to download automatically.. the others are program upgrades.14:43
TerminHellhey all14:43
Dante123hi all, I have ksensors working under Ubuntu 8.10.  However, it doesnt seem to save my settings.  Anyone know how to do this so I dont have to make fans, cpu visibile each time???14:43
ScarySquirrelarvind khadri:  No different.  This problem began three months ago, so the kernel might not be old enough to not have the volume problem.14:44
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darkeyehi at all =). I have do a lot of changes in my ubuntu and now something did not work any more. Is it possible to install ubuntu in a file on a ext3 filesystem and boot from that with grub?14:44
darkeyeThe windows installation of ubuntu do someting like that. Maybe you can tell me a keyword to google the problem?14:45
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, report a bug14:46
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TerminHellare you wanting grub to look at another install?14:46
B10Sanyone using the Epiphany web browser?14:47
ziroday!anyone | B10S14:47
ubottuB10S: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:47
darkeyeno i will install a debian or ubuntu system in a "virtual filesystem" on my root disc14:47
rrittenhousescunizi, "Window Decorations" is checked, actually.14:47
Nigthshiveri need help with WoW on ubuntu everytime i go in a dungeon it is black and cannot see anything does anyone havea solution. I been looking on theWine website and cant find any answers.14:47
TerminHellbring a torch14:47
medit works14:48
Nigthshivernot allowed too14:48
Dante123hi all, I have ksensors working under Ubuntu 8.10.  However, it doesnt seem to save my settings.  Anyone know how to do this so I dont have to make fans, cpu visibile each time???14:48
B10SHELLO lol, is anyone using the Epiphany web browser?14:48
Nigthshiveranyother solutions14:48
scuniziB10S: installed and uninstalled.. not impressed..14:48
rAUNCHhow do i delete one of the desktops? :X14:49
B10Ssudo apt-get remove desktop-name14:49
rAUNCHthanks :)14:50
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  In the mean time, I want to reinstall Ubuntu.  Do you have any suggestions on how to do that with the latest version but an older kernel?  Also, where do I report the bugs?14:50
scunizirAUNCH: which "desktop" are you referring to?  the "workspaces" in the bottom right corner of the screen? or do you have gnome and kde installed ?14:50
arvind_khadri!bugs > ScarySquirrel14:50
ubottuScarySquirrel, please see my private message14:50
rrittenhousescunizi, I've even disabled all addons (i thought it was that at first) in FF. I even just tried resetting the desktop effects to defaults and restarted compiz and it's still opening full screen =/14:50
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swiftarrowhi all, could any one guide   me on how to use network bridging to access a vurtual lamp server? been googling fr 2 days bt solutions out there dont seem to work...  Thanks...14:50
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, which one are you using now?14:50
rrittenhousescunizi, it almost flashes black really fast after I click on a menu at the top..14:51
rAUNCHscunizi: i have gnome14:51
therootestI just installed eeebuntu on my 701 EEEPC and i want to connect it via crossover cable and share remote desktop and files. how can i do this?14:52
B10SrAUNCH, you want it removed?14:52
RenatoSilvaI'm back14:52
rAUNCHyes, i cant play any opengl games with two desktops14:52
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, seems like you are using gutsy... try ibex ... it may have some solution14:52
B10Ssudo apt-get remove gnome-desktop14:52
rAUNCHit tells me "couldnt find package"14:53
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  I currently use Ubuntu Release 8.10 (intrepid) Kernel Linux 2.6.24-21 -generic  GNOME
TerminHellold kern14:53
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, 81.0 doesnt use that kernel...14:53
ipac73hi people14:53
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, 8.10 sorry14:53
arvind_khadri!hi | ipac7314:53
ubottuipac73: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!14:53
swiftarrowhi all, could any one guide   me on how to use network bridging to access a vurtual lamp server? been googling fr 2 days bt solutions out there dont seem to work...  Thanks...14:53
mjchm.  I'm trying to roll my own kernel debs with make-kpkg but when it is installing, it tells me to make my own initrd.  what am I missing :/14:54
fastaHow do I get the snd_ca0106 module?14:54
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, on the terminal run lsb_release -a and uname -a14:54
doolphhi how can I use extend a LVM??14:54
mjcit used to make the initrd for me14:54
doolph sudo lvextend -L +300G /dev/mapper/server-root14:54
doolphi GET "/dev/mapper/server-root": Invalid path for Logical Volume14:54
fastaI run 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP (from an ubuntu package)14:54
NTAuthoritydoolph: replace with your LV14:54
scunizirAUNCH: you're not making a lot of sense.. a game won't load because you have two desktops.. you mean two monitors?14:55
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  I get the same result as before.14:55
josh__So I was trying to fix my switch users problem and I majorly screwed up something... on the login window thing I told it to show the "chooser" instead of the "greeter" and now I just get the chooser box that I can't get past because obviously it's not what I need... how do I get back to the greeter?14:55
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, paste the o/p on pastebin14:55
doolphanyone can help me??14:55
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, paste here only the o/p of uname 0a14:55
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, paste here only the o/p of uname -a14:55
Mal3kocan ww upload a file list using curl?14:55
rAUNCHscunizi: yes, thats my understanding atleast from what ive read on ubuntu forums14:55
k0d3rany good games from os respository?14:56
Pici!games | k0d3r14:56
ubottuk0d3r: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php14:56
DarkKnightcan anyone help me restart apache2...when i restart apache2 i get this error:  * Restarting web server apache2                                                apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_User}14:56
Mal3kok0d3r: cod514:56
scunizirAUNCH: I'm still confused.. you have two monitors and want to "disable" one of them?14:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about networking14:56
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox14:56
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  http://pastebin.com/d711d7c9514:56
TerminHelljosh__: is it just giving your a list of accounts to chose from?14:56
josh__No, its just giving me a box that says No serving hosts were found14:57
rAUNCHscunizi: no, i have one monitor and i run gnome so i got 2 desktops, and i want to play opengl game but it keeps loading black screen so ive read that its because i have 2 desktops14:57
DarkKnightcan anyone help me restart apache2...when i restart apache2 i get this error:  * Restarting web server apache2                                                apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_User}14:57
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, did you try the latest kernel??? 2.6.27 ?14:57
k0d3rmal3ko ;-)14:58
scunizirAUNCH: right mouse click the desktop switcher and change the value to 114:58
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  I will do that now.  How?  Shall I download a Live CD?14:58
DarkKnighthii can you help me arvind_khadri14:58
ThomasWaldmannmoin :) having issues with ubuntu 8.10, booting from md0, initramfs doesn't assemble the md0 device and drops me to busybox14:58
TerminHelljosh__: are you connecting to a VM or something?14:58
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, no i think you must enable backports... how did you install 8.10?14:59
josh__No I screwed something up big time trying to fix another problem14:59
istvan_for some reason my numpad stopped working, any solutions?14:59
arvind_khadriDarkKnight, i didnt see your problem...  sorry14:59
ThomasWaldmannfor debian there is /etc/default/mdadm where you can set what md devices to start on the initramfs, but ubuntu does not have those variables. any hints?14:59
TerminHellpush the NumLock key14:59
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  I installed it by means of a downloaded upgrade from a previous installation.15:00
istvan_TerminHell: nope, tried that15:00
TerminHelljosh__: what were you trying to fix?15:00
neil_d_I would like to know how to setup a serial console if there is not /etc/inittab?  all the examples I have found say edit /etc/inittab!15:00
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, do you have backports enabled?15:00
DarkKnightarvind_khadri; that's okk when i restart apache2 i get this error:  * Restarting web server apache2                                                apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_User}15:00
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  Let me check.15:00
TerminHellistvan_: i have no idea then, rerun your keyboard setup? idk15:00
josh__I was trying to fix a problem with switching users... and I went into the Login Window preferences and told it to use the Chooser instead of the Greeter which was my own dumb fault I didn't know what it was for15:01
erUSULneil_d_: look up the files  /etc/event.d/tty*15:01
arvind_khadriDarkKnight, how do you restart it?15:01
erUSUL!upstart | neil_d_15:01
ubottuneil_d_: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/15:01
erUSUL!inittab | neil_d_15:01
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Asadhey... anyone know of a software that can be used for streaming to a shoutcast server like winamp + shoutcast DSP plugin on windows?15:02
erUSUL!info shoutcast15:02
ubottuPackage shoutcast does not exist in intrepid15:02
arvind_khadriAsad, rythmbox i guess15:02
TerminHelljosh__: and now you cant log in to fix it eh?15:02
RenatoSilvaHow to make apt-get autoremove & autoclean run automatically after Update Manager updates Ubuntu?15:02
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, run them manually15:02
Asadnope .. rythmbox doesn't have it15:02
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  I have always had all the update categories, from intrepid-security to intrepid-backports enabled.15:03
josh__Basically :(15:03
josh__I can get to text logins I know how to do that15:03
TerminHelljosh__: well, you may still get access using another TTS login15:03
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: you didn't answer the question15:03
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, then run sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade15:04
neil_d_erUSUL: thanks, I suppose debian will move to this sooner or latter?15:04
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, i told you to run them manually15:04
TerminHelljosh__: well if you can still log via TTS, you may wanna ask how to change the gdm settings via cli...15:04
BorkisDrizztwhat is the path of sshd's config file?15:04
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: I told you you didn't answer the question15:04
erUSULneil_d_: dunno really; fedora has switched i think15:04
TerminHellill look for ya15:04
malibuHi there, I have awesome 3.1 configured on Ubuntu.. can anyone tell me how I might configure my screen resolution?15:04
josh__Ok.  I've found some stuff online, and I found /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom15:04
erUSULBorkisDrizzt: /etc/ssh/*15:04
HuufartedQuestion:  Have a fat32 partition that I'm trying to load by adding it to fstab.  It gets mounted to /media/disk when I click on it through Places, but won't automount when added to fstab.  Can someone take a look at this fstab and maybe tell me why it won't automount?  Sorry for the block-o'-text.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/120609/15:05
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, sorry i dont know about it15:05
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: ok, thanks15:05
Fiftyonehowdy all. I have been having a bit of a problem i have a hd from an old mac, i can mount it and even access files but some of the files are locked due to premission errors. I can copy some of the files but out of 100gb i can get only about 30gb any ideaa how i can access this drive in full?15:05
TerminHelljosh__:  perfect =D le me know if you get it working15:05
malibuHuufarted: A trick I like is just find the line for your drive from /etc/mnttab and append it to /etc/fstab15:06
erUSULHuufarted: is the device correct?? /dev/hda4 ? paste the output of "sudo fdisk -l"15:06
Huufartedmalibu:  I'll try that.15:06
RenatoSilvaWHat's the better way to put apt-get autoremove & clean running at system startup? rc.local? something else?15:06
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TerminHellFiftyone: are you trying to directly copy all of the disks contents over the network?15:06
geniithe hdX# syntax shoulda gone out with 6.10 or so15:07
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, no...maybe you will have to use some scripting and put the thing as a deamon15:07
HuufartederUSUL:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/120612/15:07
neil_derUSUL: the website says its in debian experimental, so it going to happen sometime.15:07
erUSULHuufarted: is /dev/sda4 not /dev/hda415:07
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  I have entered and run the command "sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get dist-upgrade".15:08
erUSULHuufarted: also defaults options for a fat32 partition will give you some trouble15:08
HuufartederUSUL, thank you for pointing out I"m retarded.  *sigh*15:08
erUSUL!fat | Huufarted15:08
ubottuHuufarted: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:08
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: why daemon?15:08
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, ok .. so whats going on?15:08
erUSULHuufarted: see the wiki page for details on the options to use in fstab for vfat/fat3215:08
HuufartederUSUL: thanks.  I will for sure15:09
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, so that there is a constant check on the package status... as you dont know when the release of updates happen15:09
Fiftyoneterminhell, no via usb. I took the drive from an old mac lappy and im connecting it over usb15:10
josh__I fixed it!  Yay!15:10
tuxflavrdwaflsHi!  I have an acer aspire 5335, and I cannot get my webcam to work.  anyone got a good site to start looking on?15:10
Mal3kocurl -v -T filenamehere ftp://uname:pass@hostname/public_html/dir/ <-- how do we use filelist with this command?15:10
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  I have run the command, and the update ran as usual.  I have now just run the two commands you mentioned earlier for determining which kernel I have, and pasted the output here:  http://pastebin.com/d46ad83fd .  I have Firefox, IRC, and gnome-terminal open.15:10
TerminHelljosh__: *HIGH FIVE!15:10
saurabhwat is the subtitute for /etc/inittab in ubuntu15:10
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: soory, but what the hell are you talking about? are you a kid or ubuntonto?15:10
doolphanyone here know what is my:15:10
doolph  "/dev/server": Invalid path for Logical Volume15:10
DarkKnightarvind_khadri; sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart15:10
n8tuserfRenatoSilva-> if you  do not understand what a daemon, can you kindly google for the definition of it?15:11
TerminHellFiftyone: so you have a 32gb flash drive and trying to do it that way?15:11
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: what makes you be sure I don't know what's a daemon?15:11
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, for going on to a new kernel i think you will have to do a fresh install15:12
TerminHellFiftyone: sorry, i get ya now, linked the old fashioned way15:12
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: sorry,15:12
saurabh wat is the subtitute for /etc/inittab in ubuntu15:12
RenatoSilvan8tuserf: what makes you be sure I don't know what's a daemon?15:12
nomegohey guys15:12
nomegohow do I compile an ubuntu kernel myself? I just need to change a couple of lines in the source..15:12
TerminHellFiftyone: the only thing that comes to mind is power settings, if either machine suspends or hibernates during this process it will interupt the xfer15:12
n8tuserfRenatoSilva-> because of your question why a daemon?15:12
DarkKnightarvind_khadri; any idea??15:12
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: autoremove & autoclean may run at startup, if there's nothing to clean or remove, then NOTHING HAPPENS, there's NO PROBLEM with this approach ;)15:13
arvind_khadriDarkKnight, that should work then... i dont know much about it am sure.... google it....15:13
saurabhwat is the subtitute for /etc/inittab in ubuntu15:13
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RenatoSilvan8tuserf: so you don't know how to read a question15:13
erUSULsaurabh: for doing what?15:13
tuxflavrdwaflsHi!  I have an acer aspire 5335, and I cannot get my webcam to work.  anyone got a good site to start looking on?15:13
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, ya but you wanted it to run after the update manager updates your packages15:13
DarkKnightcan anyone help me restart apache2...i get errors while restarting15:13
n8tuserfRenatoSilva->  you are trolling? i asked you nicely, drop it15:13
RenatoSilvan8tuserf: I'd ask WHAT's a daemon instead ;)15:13
saurabhfor run levels(i want the file for run levels)15:13
Mal3kocurl -v -T filenamehere ftp://uname:pass@hostname/public_html/dir/ <-- how do we use filelist with this command?15:13
doolphurgent I need help with LVM15:14
Pir8Hello folks.15:14
arvind_khadri!lvm | doolph15:14
ubottudoolph: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO15:14
Pir8Need some assistance trying to install proftpd.15:14
saurabhlike we have in redhat(/etc/inittab).there must be somthing in ubntu15:14
arvind_khadriMal3ko, ubuntu uses wget... not curl15:14
erUSULsaurabh: all runlevels in ubuntu/debian are equal by default (except 0,1 and 6 of course)15:14
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: I gave up of that, in favor or system startup (as it seems impossible)15:14
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  Since this happened with a live CD which used Ubuntu 8.10 (intrepid), I doubt that reinstalling with a later CD will fix the problem.  In the event that it does not, how do I use 8.10 with an earlier kernel?15:14
[droide]I just downloaded some dotfiles that were published for mac and the author says it is possible to use/install in ubuntu...What is the default place to put dotfiles in ubuntu?15:15
Mal3koarvind_khadri: cant use wget..i have no permission to use it15:15
Mal3koonly wget15:15
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: in favor OF15:15
doolpharvind_khadri can you help me? I am reading it but those tutorials only teach you how to create it from scratch, I just need add another HD to increase my actual HD15:15
saurabhso we dont have a subtitute of /etc/inittab in ubuntu>15:15
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: now I've got your suggestion15:15
arvind_khadriMal3ko, sudo wget maybe15:15
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: sorry15:15
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, its ok :)15:16
Pir8I have proftpd installed using apt-get install proftpd, but am not able to see where I select "Standalone/Inetd" nor do I see /etc/init.d/proftpd15:16
arvind_khadridoolph, sorry am not a expert on that..15:16
erUSULsaurabh:i ask again what do you want to change?15:16
n8tuserfsaurabh -> near equivalent is /etc/event.d15:16
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: would be nice update manager having some trigger mechanism15:16
KaeriganCurrently running the 8.10 live CD. It mounts my USB drive, but as read-only. Can I fix this somehow? Trying to actually install Ubuntu on it.15:16
Mal3koarvind_khadri: lol..its webshost ssh..i can only use curl15:16
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, i think you arent getting the point... live-cd sometimes is weird...so install and check anyways...15:17
arvind_khadriMal3ko, oh ok :)15:17
saurabhthanx /etc/evet.d is the one15:17
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, you can make it as a wishlist...15:17
Mal3kodo you know trick with xarg?15:17
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: ok, thanks15:17
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: and sorry15:17
aleixanyone here knows when nf_nat_ftp should be used? If i load it the users on my local net can't download any file from a remote fet server...15:18
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, thats really ok :) np never mind15:18
Travis-42how can I turn on monitor color profiles on a per monitor basis? (e.g. different profile for left monitor and for right monitor)15:18
n8tuserfKaerigan -> you have tried to read up a bit on mount ?  man mount, and see i fyou can get the idea, options are listed on man pages..15:18
n8tuserfaleix -> thats an application? what does that do supposedly?15:19
Kaerigann8tuserf: Didn't think of that. I'll try it.15:19
RenatoSilvaIs there a way to disable .bash_history?15:19
aleixno, it's an netfilter/iptables module15:20
rdohmshey guys15:20
saurabhi want to dual boot ubuntu with windows vista(vista first).........using a pen drive[as becoz the cd drive is not working ]......can anyone tell me the complete set of procedures15:20
RatPackSopra-BLANK MicroCrap .....that is all ;)15:20
rdohmsi have a inteprid install that for some reason cannot connect fo HTTPS svn repos, only to HTTP ... any ideas?15:20
n8tuserfaleix -> not many of us would remember what each and every module does, doesnt the web page you downloaded it from has description and how to use it?15:21
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, ya sure,... ask #bash :)15:21
aleixI'm having a terrible time finding documentation on this modules (nf_conntrack_*, nf_nat_*)15:21
saurabhi want to dual boot ubuntu with windows vista(vista first).........using a pen drive[as becoz the cd drive is not working ]......can anyone tell me the complete set of procedures15:21
nanotubesaurabh: there's some stuff on the wiki about creating a 'liveusb'.15:22
n8tuserfaleix -> then dont use a module that you are not familiar with, it would be darn difficult to troubleshoot, but it also has options so maybe you can get the gist from it?15:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about liveusb15:22
ScarySquirrelarvind_khadri:  I will try a full installation of Ubuntu 8.10, and, failing that, two different Live CDs that implement Ubuntu 8.10.  Otherwise, it's back to 7.10 for me.  Thanks for being patient.  Wish me luck.15:22
saurabhlet me see15:22
nanotubesaurabh: so just find it and read that. :)15:22
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, http://www.zolved.com/synapse/view_content/27995/Top_Ten_basic_things_to_know_about_securing_Ubuntu15:23
Jack_Sparrowsaurabh Please hold down the repeats, every few minutes is plenty often enough.. and if you are asking us how to setup your pen drive as a dual boot with vista.. All on the same pen drive?15:23
arvind_khadriScarySquirrel, lots of luck...15:23
n8tuserfsaurabh -> bootin a vista from a usb, you may have to google for a how to on that,15:23
TerminHell1ScarySquirrel: be sure when your burning livCD's that you use your burners SLOWEST burn speed to insure data integrity15:23
saurabhno vista is already installed....i just want it to dual boot using pendrive15:23
aleixyes, i know that would be the way to work... the thing is i've just upgraded to a new kernel and this modules have changed. I've been using the "old versions" for two years now without problems. I was just trying to find if something had changed... :(15:23
saurabhubuntu using pen drive15:24
n8tuserfsaurabh -> ahh, then you can use netbootin also to install the linux part15:24
n8tuserf!install | saurabh15:24
Jack_Sparrowaleix Which kernel15:24
ubottusaurabh: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate15:24
nanotubesaurabh: here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick15:24
tuxflavrdwaflsHi!  I have an integrated web cam on my acer aspire lap top, and it doesnt seem to be recognized by anything.  any ideas?15:24
aleix2.6.24 on an Ubuntu Server 8.1015:25
aleixsorry 8.04 LTS (same kernel)15:25
rdohmsi have a inteprid install that for some reason cannot connect fo HTTPS svn repos, only to HTTP ... any ideas?15:25
nanotubesaurabh: also see this for an alternative: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows15:26
arvind_khadriJack_Sparrow, how is it that he has a old kernel on 8.04 ?15:26
Jack_Sparrownanotube Ugh, I hate seeing people use wubi15:26
TheClamHi, all - since I upgraded from Hardy to Intrepid (amongst many, many other things) my DVD drive is no longer detected. If I reboot and select an older kernel, it works fine. It's SATA if that makes any odds. Any ideas?15:26
n8tuserfaleix -> if possible, there may be an equivalent iptables rules to accomplish that, try to figure out what that module accomplishes and maybe you can be able to create a rule to do same functionality15:26
Jack_Sparrowarvind_khadri No idea why he is on that kernel15:26
aleixok, i'll see what i can do...15:26
breezeolder kernel can wort better15:27
nanotubeJack_Sparrow: it's not just about wubi :)15:27
arvind_khadriJack_Sparrow, ok :) if i upgrade say from gutsy to hardy my kernel tree should autmatically change?15:27
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TheClambreeze: well it does.... for the DVD at least15:27
godzirraOkay...  I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my new lapptop... and everytime I get a long string of errors when it starts installing then it starts spamming:  "VFS: busy inodes on changed media."15:27
godzirraI've redownloaded the cd like 3 times and checked the md5sums etc.15:27
Jack_Sparrownanotube Ugh, I hate seeing people install ubuntu under windows (even in a vm)15:28
guilhermeblancoI'm having troubles with an ubuntu instance of EC2... I cannot svn co over https... do you have any ideas what can it be?15:28
n8tuserfgodzirra -> does it even allow you to boot into livecd? before even doing an install15:28
nanotubeJack_Sparrow: heh15:28
godzirraThe first error when it crashes is "SQUASHFS error: sb_bread failed reading block 0x56465"15:28
godzirran8tuserf: yeah, and it seems to work fine15:28
geniiBad CD15:28
godzirraIt doesn't crash until I start installing.15:28
godzirragenii: 3 burns of bad cds? :p15:29
IdleOnegodzirra, try hitting F6 and enterring all_generi_ide at the end of the line. see if that helps you. also try the Alternate Install cd.15:29
n8tuserfgodzirra -> its possible15:29
IdleOnegodzirra, try hitting F6 and enterring all_generic_ide at the end of the line. see if that helps you. also try the Alternate Install cd.15:29
geniigodzirra: "sb_bread failed reading.."15:29
IdleOnegodzirra, slow burn is better also. prevents errors15:29
godzirraBleh.  Okay.15:29
jxanderi am trying to install the kubuntu-desktop package but i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/120624/ . please advice15:29
godzirragenii: I'm worried if that the cd or my hard drive.15:30
Jack_Sparrowgodzirra At start or install screen, press F6 and remove splash and quiet,  if that does not work do it again but now also add noapic acpi=off before the -- on the command line15:30
IdleOnegodzirra, slowest speed you can15:30
godzirraSo add noapic acpi=off all_generic_ide15:30
IdleOnethat should help you some yes15:30
speedmastergodzirra: is it a wubi install?15:30
n8tuserfgodzirra -> i dont know if it just mine, cdrom/dvdroms do warm up, i think the laser overheat after several usage, so let it cool down a few mins, and try again?15:31
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: I don't have bash_profile :S15:31
godzirraspeedmaster: uh, I don't think so?15:31
TheClamalright, no ideas on the DVD not being detected... anyone know why SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) is no longer working since upgrade to Intrepid?15:31
godzirran8tuserf: I let it cooldown all night and just tried it this morning with the same problem. :)15:31
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, how do you know? its a hidden file..15:31
mikey213Heya all15:32
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: ls ~/.bash_history15:32
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: sorry15:32
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: profile15:33
mikey213I am using evolution to download my gmail, but it downloads my email is spurts15:33
godzirraokay, I'm burning at 4x now then.15:33
Mal3kocurl -v -T filenamehere ftp://uname:pass@hostname/public_html/dir/ <-- how do we use filelist with this command? maybe xargs15:33
mikey213I get 10 mail and then I need to press send/recv again and it continues download.. this keeps on happening..15:33
mikey213What is the problem ?15:33
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, in the given page i guess he creates one...better to ask #bash about this15:34
kgHi I wanted to confirm if compiz-fusion is workable on vmware-workstation 6.5 [it has 3d acceleration support now available for ubuntu 8.04]15:35
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tuxflavrdwaflsHi!  I have an integrated web cam on my acer aspire lap top, and it doesnt seem to be recognized by anything.  any ideas?15:36
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: they're joking with such page15:36
whackedok i am trying to install xampp and the instruction say to do the following Go to a Linux shell and login as the system administrator root: type su then i am prompted for password, "ok what is the password i tried the password that i use to login to ubuntu with on start up but i receive message that i am using wrong password. and another thing what is Linux shell , i was assuming that it goto terminal ?15:37
arvind_khadriRenatoSilva, dont give them that page :) tell them what you want to achieve15:37
tuxflavrdwaflssorry to post over and over but can anyone see me? or do i have to register or something?15:37
guntbert!sudo | whacked15:37
ubottuwhacked: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:37
speedmasterdecent linux music player suggestions? not including Rhythm box15:37
arvind_khadrispeedmaster, there are many...15:38
arvind_khadri!poll | speedmaster15:38
speedmasterso name some15:38
ubottuspeedmaster: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:38
kghas no one used compiz-fusion on ubuntu 8.0.4!!!15:38
DimensionsHi can some one please tell me why im getting message E: Package apache2-common has no installation candidate15:38
Jack_Sparrowkg Not in vm looking for 3d accel..15:38
guntbertwhacked: you invoke the command like "sudo mycommand", then you are prompted for *your* PW15:38
arvind_khadriDimensions, as it has no installation candidate :)15:39
Jack_Sparrowkg try /join #Compiz15:39
whackedhttp://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html so the instructions listed on this page is bogus15:39
arvind_khadri!find apache2-common15:39
ubottuPackage/file apache2-common does not exist in intrepid15:39
dwhsix1might be better to ask this elsewhere, but any thoughts why "ping -ttl <somenumber>" always fails with "connect: Invalid argument"?15:40
FranticI just erased my swap partition and recreated it (to resize), now I need the new UUID to put it in fstab, how do I find the new UUID. (don't say /dev/disks/by-uuid, only my ext4 partition shows there for some reason)15:40
godzirraOkay, running the installer now I just got "Timezone failed with exit code 126.  Further information may be found in /var/log/syslog.  Do you want to try running this step again before continuing?"15:40
godzirraSo maybe it is a bad cd.15:40
godzirraI'll try again with the one I burn at 4x.15:40
Dimensionsarvind_khadri:  so what does that mean ?15:40
guntbertdwhsix1: what are you trying to accomplish?15:40
n8tuserfgodzirra -> try the 1x15:41
arvind_khadriarvind_khadri, that you will need need to install it using the package its being refered by...what do you want basically?15:41
godzirran8tuserf: Well, I'm already burning at 4x so we'll try that one next. ;)15:41
dwhsix1guntbert: see if I can get more info about a networking problem by not having packets go the whole route15:41
dwhsix1we're trying to investigate issue where ping w/ packetsize < n work, but packetsize > n all fail15:42
whackedwhy do i always get indirect answers here15:42
dwhsix1(and net perf also sucks for other activity)15:42
Dimensionsarvind_khadri:  i would like to install apache ssl ... i have apache2 on my server but apparently apache2-ssl-certficate was not install so can't generate certificate15:42
guntbertdwhsix1: there is always traceroute, but you might want ping -t 1 <IP>15:42
arvind_khadri!find apache2-ssl15:43
ubottuPackage/file apache2-ssl does not exist in intrepid15:43
dwhsix1guntbert: anytime I add -t to ping, I get the error15:43
arvind_khadri!find apache-ssl15:43
ubottuFile apache-ssl found in cruft, darcsweb, doc-linux-hr, w3c-markup-validator15:43
Jack_Sparrowgodzirra To get live cd to run this often helps..At start or install press F4 and select safe graphics mode then press F6 and remove Quiet and Splash from the command line. If it still fails.. Repeat and after removing quiet and splash add noapic acpi=off before the "--"15:43
godzirraLive CD runs just fine15:44
godzirraIts just when I try to install that it goes badly.15:44
guntbertdwhsix1: you must put a number after -t !15:44
tuxflavrdwaflsHi!  I have an integrated webcam on my acer apire 5335 laptop.  And it does not seem to be recognized. any help?15:44
boot_loopI'm looking for a random cool ubuntu app, anyone have any suggestions?15:44
dwhsix1guntbert: I know... and interesting!  works on another ubuntu system15:44
dwhsix1but not on my laptop15:44
HuufartederUSUL: I got it mounted.  It took some work, but I found the issue.  The mounting directory HAS to be created.  when you mount it through GNOME (and KDE I'd assume), it automatically does this and then removes it afterwards.  Adding an entry into fstab requires the empty directory already exist.15:44
dwhsix1maybe it's network driver issue15:44
arvind_khadriDimensions, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-4466.html15:45
PiciDimensions: I'm pretty sure you don't need an extra package to do ssl certs.15:45
Franticanyone? how do I get a partition's UUID?15:45
whackedk i am trying to install xampp and the instruction say to do the following Go to a Linux shell and login as the system administrator root: type su then i am prompted for password, "ok what is the password i tried the password that i use to login to ubuntu with on start up but i receive message that i am using wrong password. and another thing what is Linux shell , i was assuming that it goto terminal ? what will i hav15:46
geniiFrantic: blkid15:46
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
Franticwhacked: to log in as root use sudo su15:46
Franticand you have to enter your current user's password15:46
guntbertdwhsix1: auuw ;-) I didn't read the error completely, you might be correct, what about traceroute?15:46
dwhsix1well, I can do it on another system, so that's good enough... can do my analysis there15:46
Piciwhacked: We do not support XAMPP here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in the repositories.15:47
nickrudFrantic, better to recommend sudo -i  actually; same net result, a bit better environment15:47
RizRhi, did anyone get anywhere with ati+compiz+dual-head?15:47
Pici!lamp > whacked15:47
ubottuwhacked, please see my private message15:47
dwhsix1guntbert: traceroute acts a little bit strange as well... and even on the system where ping -t *does* work15:48
tuxflavrdwaflsHi!  I have an integrated webcam on my acer apire 5335 laptop.  And it does not seem to be recognized. any help?15:48
Franticgenii: thanks a lot :)15:48
PiciDimensions: The ssl module is part of the default apache2 install.15:48
fastaWhen I do aplay -l I get: aplay: device_list:215: no soundcards found...15:48
geniiFrantic: Needs sudo in the command, I forgot to put it there15:48
fastaI already build the latest alsa-driver from source, I don't see what else I can do.15:48
whackedcan someone pleas go to link i posted15:48
guntbertdwhsix1: a little bit strange? how so?15:49
hexmasta2whacked: what link?15:49
linduxedwhat is the general chmod digit combination for "anyone - do whatever"15:49
Franticgenii: I know, np, thanks :)15:49
hexmasta2linduxed: 77715:49
whackedhttp://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html#374 looking for help with these instruction i  am not interested in understanding the whole linux process15:49
redLAWhi to all15:50
fevelhey friends15:50
fevelI have created a directory and in this directory I have put three txt files. Each file contains a name and a password on this format " john,passwd" I would like to read all the txt files on this directory and create each user on htpasswd. Can someone guide me? I was informed that I would be able to do this easily with a bash script and awk although I don't know awk that well15:50
Huufarted!webcam | tuxflavrdwafls15:50
ubottutuxflavrdwafls: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras15:50
linduxedhexmasta2: thx15:50
whackedthese instruction are missing info required for installing so i am asking from the missing blanks15:50
guntbert<Pici> whacked: We do not support XAMPP here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in the repositories.15:50
DiscipulusSo my laptop (Compaq) Occasionally has issues waking up from suspend. I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 and specifically the issue is that when I go to wake up, the computer wakes up, but the password prompt does not appear (Computer is awake, but screen is still black, not entirely black like off black, but artificially black like on black if that makes sense)15:50
redLAWcan somenone tell me some good ubuntu distro which can act as router/gateway15:50
fevelubuntu server15:50
fevelwith webmin15:50
Jack_Sparrowwhacked Perhaps /join #apache or #ubuntu-server15:51
Jack_Sparrowfevel webmin is no longer supported15:51
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.15:51
guntbertwhacked: read and follow the advice given by Pici15:51
redLAWfevel: I tried that but still no good15:51
whackedwell it pretty pathetic a website shows instruction for installing xampp with incomplete instruction15:52
tuxflavrdwaflshuufarted i think those links just apply to usb cameras,  mine is built into the laptop.15:52
Huufartedtuxflavrdwafls: it's still a USB camera15:52
hexmasta2whacked: i've used Xampp for Win32 with no problems. If you have a Win32 system the process is straight forward15:52
kamyki have problem15:52
godzirraSo if I get an I/O error on dev sr0, that means a bad cd?15:52
nickrudredLAW, try looking on distrowatch.org for a linux distro that is a specialized router/firewall; http://distrowatch.com/dwres.php?resource=firewalls15:52
boot_loopwhat makes ubuntu better than debian for workstations??15:52
guntbertwhacked: please don't complain here about a website that has nothing to do with ubuntu15:52
kamykwhen i go to youtube15:52
Huufartedtuxflavrdwafls: it's just internal.  It's still on a USB connection.15:52
kamyki have only text and white bacgroudn15:53
tuxflavrdwaflshuufarted how do i find out what i have?15:53
kamyki have flashplayer i java15:53
kamyki read mos forum but i dont have answer in m probem15:53
guntbert!enter < kamyk15:53
Huufartedtuxflavrdwafls: visit the manufacturer's website.  Another POTENTIAL resource (not sure how well they detail netbooks other than eee) is http://www.eeeuser.com15:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enter < kamyk15:53
guntbert!enter | kamyk15:53
ubottukamyk: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:53
scorpionglitchProblem: I can't get USB devices to show up15:53
kamykabout:plugins is http://wklej.ubuntu.pl/21315:53
diakhalj´espére que je peux méxprimer en francais .je peine a activer mes effets visuels .je posséde une carte graphique Intel 82845G/GL/GE/PE/GV Graphics Controller.besoin aide d´urgence svp15:54
carlos__hello can somebody tell me how to install a tar,gz2 please15:54
guntbert!fr | diakhal15:54
ubottudiakhal: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:54
tuxflavrdwaflshuufarted thanks15:54
Huufartedcarlos__: to untar a .gz2 file:  tar xvjf filename.tar.gz215:54
hexmasta2zai jian breeze15:55
adelie42problem: I enabled boot logging in /etc/default/bootlogd, but /var/log/boot is empty. Any help?15:56
whackedcool goto #apache  channel to have no one to talk too15:56
quibblerkamyk: do you have 32 or 64 bit ubuntu?15:56
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kamykquibbler: 3215:58
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christian____help me please i tape in the terminal sudo su and not works: S some body knows why ??15:58
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n8tuserfadelie42 -> you have tried man syslogd ? looked for whats logged in /etc/syslog.conf15:59
whackedhonestly noone can tell me what to type at step 2 on this webpage     http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html#374 STEP 2 Extract the downloaded archive file to /opt: tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.tar.gz -C /opt what am i actually to type in terminal i sure a avid linux usere could easily give me info to type in terminal15:59
hexmasta2christian____: can you please repeat?15:59
christian____my problem its i tape in the terminal15:59
christian____sudo su15:59
carlos__ i untar the tar and made a folder16:00
christian____and not works:s16:00
carlos__what now?16:00
hexmasta2christian____: what is your natural language?16:00
n8tuserfwhacked -> /opt is not a typical directory used in ubuntu, you can put it there though16:00
whackedwhat too type16:00
whackedi copied this info from webpage16:00
hexmasta2christian____: join #ubuntu-es16:00
Piciwhacked: Is there a problem with the LAMP stack in Ubuntu that you feel the need to use a third party setup?16:01
christian____but doont answer me16:01
=== EugenMayer_ is now known as EugenMayer`aw
whackedhow about some look at the webpage i posted16:01
christian____nobody answer16:01
carlos__christian do you speak spanish?16:01
hexmasta2carlos__: he does16:01
christian____carlos__ si16:01
whackedand tell me what i really need to type in terminal for step 216:01
quibblerkamyk: in synaptic look for mozplugger and install it16:01
Discipulus1So my laptop (Compaq) Occasionally has issues waking up from suspend. I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 and specifically the issue is that when I go to wake up, the computer wakes up, but the password prompt does not appear (Computer is awake, but screen is still black, not entirely black like off black, but artificially black like on black if that makes sense)16:01
oo-dragonhey all16:01
kamykquibbler: ok16:02
oo-dragonI was hoping some one could help me mount a JBOD partition (2x 1TB drives)16:02
=== EugenMayer`aw is now known as EugenMayer_
christian____when I use sudo its nothing that has not done anything and I do not know what happens16:03
quibblerkamyk: restart firefox and see if you can get video on youtube16:03
whackedwhacked: Is there a problem with the LAMP stack in Ubuntu that you feel the need to use a third party setup? no what would make you think that it was necessary to in fact ask that question16:03
* hexmasta2 wonders why whacked won't take his questions to #xampp16:03
kamykquibbler: it;s this same ;(16:04
Pici!xampp | whacked16:04
ubottuwhacked: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.16:04
whackedbecause usually you need some to respond in order to have a converstion, so if the channel for xampp is all sleeping16:04
hexmasta2they're awake16:04
RenatoSilvaarvind_khadri: it's ~/.bashrc16:05
whackedwhy you personal talking to someone now in that channel , i have yet to receive a response in that channel16:06
godzirraThe 4x burn crashed during install.16:06
saurabhcan i create a keyboard shortcut of the custome application launcher16:06
patrickasI just installed UBUNTU 8.10 server on a machine that had windowx XP on it, but when I restarted I did not get the GRUB menu, the PC booted into XP directly! While when it detected windows and asked where to install grub I just went with the default suggested option ( I don remember exactly what it was) ...16:06
quibblerkamyk: ubuntu 8.10 or 8.04?16:06
patrickasHow do I go from there ?16:06
kamykquibbler: 8.1016:07
oo-dragoncan any one help me with mounting a JBOD partition from a DNS-323 (my NAS died, but drives are OK)16:07
* hexmasta2 reads apachefriends Step 216:07
whackedhonestly i dont think i am asking a difficult question for a avid linux user, if i were to give a rating out of 10 i would say 116:07
patrickasI suppose I should boot from the live CD and install GRUB manually, but how do I know where I should install it ?16:07
hexmasta2whacked: su16:07
hexmasta2whacked: tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.tar.gz -C /opt16:07
fabio__join #ubuntu-it16:07
unclemikeis there anything that will give usb boot suport for a bois that wont boot the thumb drive16:07
speedmasterpatrickas: try booting ubuntu from the cd and see if it starts16:07
patrickasyes it does16:08
evilbugcan someone please tell me what the difference is between a desktop chip and a server chip (i.e. c2d quad vs. xeon)?16:08
patrickasI am now on the machine booted from the live CD16:08
hexmasta2whacked you just got feedback in #apachefriends16:08
whackedhexmaster so just type tar xvfz xampp-linux-1.7.tar.gz -C /opt at terminal i tried received errors16:08
speedmasterwell go to a terminal and try cat /boot/grub/device.map then sudo fdisk then cat /boot/grub/menu.lst and reboot see if it helps16:09
Picievilbug: That topic is not really on topic for Ubuntu Support, try asking in ##hardware16:09
oo-dragonevilbug:  I beilive the xeon's are slower :)  hehe at least when i ran Seti on one16:09
boot_loopDoes anyone know of a website that explain Ubuntu's relationship with Debian, or can anyone explain it?16:09
evilbugPici- i'm asking because i want to put a server rig together running ubuntu :P indirectly related question.16:09
patrickascat: /boot/grub/device.map: No such file or directory16:10
patrickasProbably cause I am on the live CD  .... i should find the /boot of the hard disk partition ?16:10
godzirraI've never had so many troubles installing ubuntu.16:10
Picievilbug: Its still not the focus of this channel, ##hardware would be much better at answering it than us.16:10
speedmasteryou may need to apt-get install grub16:10
speedmasteri dont know why though16:10
christian____sudo of my ubuntu dont works16:11
christian____somebody knows why ?16:11
Picichristian____: Do you get an error?16:11
paradroidHi, for some reason since today I have no sound anymore on my Ubuntu 8.10 install. Hardware (on-board sound [NVidia CK804 - IEC958) is properly detected, all modules are there, pulseaudio running, ALSA doing fine and all applications "play" audiofiles without complaining - but the speakers don't produce anything. Booting Windows on the same machine produces sound. Any ideas?16:11
quibblerkamyk: do fire fox out   run in terminal sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree16:11
godzirraAre SQUASHFS error's problems with my hard drive?  Or my cd rom drive?16:11
patrickasI did :  cat /media/disk/boot/grub/device.map16:11
patrickaswhich is where the partition i installed ubuntu is mounted16:12
kamykquibbler: and then what ?16:12
patrickasand got16:12
speedmasterparanoid: in your alsa mixer can you set your settings so it uses front setting on your device instead of center?:16:12
ScislaCanyone happen to know why dd would not be willing to work with me? I want to backup a partition to an image file on an external drive and am trying "sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 of=/dev/sdb1/sda.image" and it basically says the destination is not a directory.16:12
quibblerkamyk: go to: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/  and download the 8.04 deb and install it16:12
kamykquibbler: ok16:12
PiciScislaC: /dev/sdb1 is not a dierctory, its a device.16:13
oskar-ScislaC:  because /dev/sdb1 is not a directory16:13
blackjak__guys how do I remove completely a driver/module from ubuntu16:13
speedmasterpatrickas: can you sudo grub at all?16:13
quibblerkamyk:  restart firefox and try again youtube16:13
paradroidspeedmaster:  Could you specify that... sry for obviously being slow.16:13
kgIs it possible to configure compiz on ubunt vm with ws 6.5 3d acceleration enabled16:13
patrickasspeedmaster : yes16:13
kgvmware Ws i mean16:14
speedmasterparadroid: if you type 'sudo grub' doesi t run the app grub?16:14
patrickasspeedmaster: I get the GRUB prompt16:14
ScislaCPici: so the question is, do I mount the destination and do it via /media/drive/backup.image?16:14
speedmasterpatrickas: ok good, well grub is installed16:14
blackjak__guys how do I remove completely a driver/module from ubuntu16:14
Piciblackjak__: Use rmmod to remove a module one-time user.  Put the module name in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist so it wont probe at every boot.16:14
speedmasterpatrickas: try sudo grub-install /dev/hda16:15
PiciScislaC: mount -o loop /path/to/image.file16:15
patrickasspeedmaster: I got the feeling it is installed in the wrong place16:15
blackjak__what about if I install a new one and it sah the same name like other module16:15
patrickasspeedmaster: why /dev/hda ?16:15
geniiPici: modprobe -r is more useful than rmmod since it removes also any other sub-dependent modules, etc16:15
speedmasterpatrickas: me too16:15
Picigenii: I see, thanks for the tip.16:15
speedmasterpatrickas: because i am assuming yo uwant to put grub into the mbr of your first disk16:16
geniiPici: np16:16
speedmasterpatrickas: ias i dont know where and how you've put ubuntu on your disks i'll assume locations16:16
kamykquibbler:  when i want download deb is error on site 40416:16
godzirraAre SQUASHFS error's problems with my hard drive?  Or my cd rom drive?16:16
johnbhello - quick question:  should we enable  medibuntu or xapian-index to fetch acrobat reader?16:16
patrickasspeedmaster: Oh ok ... I suppose I do .... But i don't think I have an hda :-)16:16
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq
patrickasspeedmaster: fdisk -l only shows /dev/sdx stuff16:17
B14CH4Thello guys16:17
Fundwhat is the command to see the version and os of the ubbunto linux16:17
PiciFund: lsb_release -a16:17
ScislaCPici: thanks! :)16:17
=== iTroll is now known as Guest4864
speedmasterpatrickas: what does sudo grub-install say?16:18
johnbFund: uname -a16:18
=== therealnanotube is now known as nanotube
quibblerkamyk: right click on the install button and do save link as and run the deb so16:18
speedmasterit should set up mbr automatically16:18
patrickaslet me check ... I assume you'll give me a warning before I runa  command that my mess up the machine ?16:18
patrickasI mean it'll give me16:18
kamykquibbler: ok16:19
speedmasterpatrickas: grub is just a bootloader16:19
speedmasterpatrickas: worst case you can always fdisk /mbr16:19
hexmasta2fdisk /mbr ftw16:19
patrickasok :-)16:19
paradroidAnyone have any nice ideas for my no-sound problem?16:20
* speedmaster likes Audacious16:20
Fundwhat is the command to see the version and os of the ubbunto linux16:20
godzirraAre SQUASHFS error's problems with my hard drive?  Or my cd rom drive?  Or my CD?16:20
Fundwhat is the command to see the version and os of the ubbunto linux16:21
patrickasok so i should try /dev/sda or /dev/sdb ? I think windows was on /dev/sdb if that matters ...16:21
hexmasta2Fund: have you tried googling it first?16:21
speedmasterFund: uname -a16:21
PiciFund: on a terminal, use lsb_release -a16:21
paradroidFund:  Several answers have been given: uname -a or probably better lsb_release -a16:21
Picispeedmaster: That will only show the kernel, which doesn't necessarily reflect the Ubuntu version.16:21
Fundaha tnx16:21
Fundnow I need the help16:21
Fundmay some gimme the web for the things to I should paste it in the soruces.list16:22
Fundbecause its empty16:22
patrickasubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/sdb16:22
patrickasCould not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device.16:22
Fundfor 7.04 fiesty16:22
kiruany idea how to use a remote control with an usb dvb-t card and vlc?16:22
murphy1hi is this a place I can ask about getting the nvidia cuda sdk running on ubuntu 8.10?16:22
kiruvlc with tv is running...16:22
PiciFund: Feisty is no longer supported.16:22
kamykquibbler: when i reistal flash player and  i go to other site with films in flash the working ;/16:22
ActionParsnip1patrickas: sudo fdisk -l16:22
Pici!feisty | Fund16:22
ubottuFund: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.16:22
speedmasterwell i'm guessing it's sda then patrickas16:22
Pici!upgrade > Fund16:23
ActionParsnip1patrickas: make sure you are talking to the right device16:23
ubottuFund, please see my private message16:23
quibblerkamyk: in youtube?16:23
patrickasActionParsnip1: How  should I post the output as not flood the channel ?16:23
kamykquibbler: no in other site16:23
genii!pastebin | patrickas16:23
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)16:23
ubottupatrickas: please see above16:23
kamykquibbler: in you tube is this same16:23
freegoohey guys looking to secure all my inbound and outbound network connections. adding ports and removing thevm at runtime. what would u recomend16:23
geniiActionParsnip1: Hehe16:23
ActionParsnip1genii: i is fast16:24
kiruirda, ubuntu, vlc, documentation?16:24
assargadonis it possible to run GUI application from console (not xterm, but from "real" console, ctrl+alt+f1)? I need run GUI application via crontab really.16:24
NFischerfreegoo, what u mean "secure"16:24
NFischerfreegoo, you want to record it?16:24
n8tuserffreegoo -> i recommend you visit #iptables to pose such questions16:24
patrickasActionParsnip1:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/120638/16:24
freegooi see iptables can set up ipv4 connections . what what about ip v6 for example16:24
nanotubefreegoo: you could try iptables16:25
defcon1can anyone help me with moblock?16:25
quibblerkamyk: then i don't understand ..if flash works on another site why not on youtube?  was this the same befire?16:25
nanotubefreegoo: ip6tables16:25
Iceman_B^unixanyone know of a way to install the latest version of Ubuntu(8.10?) onto a machine that's only got a UTP cable connected to it? So no screen, keyb or mouse16:25
kamykquibbler: yest16:25
Iceman_B^unixon this laptop I can boot into ubuntu or WinXP16:25
freegoonanotube: thanks16:25
Iceman_B^unixoh, I also have a router in the network running DDwrt16:25
nanotubefreegoo: np :)16:25
ActionParsnip1!grub | patrickas16:25
ubottupatrickas: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:25
blackjak__is there another way to remove modules, not just blacklist them?16:25
freegoonanotube: where do all thse rules get saved and parsed by ubuntu.16:26
filippop78cIAO A TUTTI16:26
oskar-blackjak__:  blacklisting is clean, where is the problem?16:26
patrickasspeedmaster: this feels like throwing commands around till something stick! Is there a way to find out where I should install it instead of trying everything randomly ?16:26
freegoonanotube: thanks for the addive16:26
foreveryoumodprobe -r16:26
quibblerkamyk:  did it ever work with youtube?16:26
blackjak__there will be two modules with the same names16:26
defcon1does anybody have any experience with moblock?16:27
kamykquibbler: no16:27
sandGorgonhow do i clear out all the downloaded debs from the apt cache ?16:27
ActionParsnip1blackjak__: sudo rmmod <module name>16:27
freegoowhat part of ubuntu actualy manages them network connection???????????????????????16:27
kamykquibbler: olways yt in my laptop is not working16:27
patrickasActionParsnip1 I did not lose GRUB after insatlling windows16:27
Abracadabrahow do you change the keyboard language from CLI ?16:27
nanotubefreegoo: generally, you'd stick them into a shell script in /etc/init.d, and make sure it runs on startup.16:27
ActionParsnip1patrickas: read the guide and it will help you install grub to the drive16:27
ActionParsnip1patrickas: its not THAT specific, jeez :)16:27
oskar-sandGorgon:  all with removing them from /var/cache/apt/archives/, but there is also apt-get autoclean16:28
quibblerkamyk: is this ok: http://break.com/index/bird-learns-how-to-fish.html16:28
freegoonanotube: thanks alot, great advice ::P16:28
blackjak__ActionParsnip1  : yes but on the next start the same module will be up16:28
ActionParsnip1patrickas: its if the grub gets lost due to ANY OS writing to the boot sector16:28
ActionParsnip1blackjak__: then blacklist or uninstall the package it is part of16:28
kamykquibbler: yes is working16:28
oskar-freegoo:  NetworkManager16:29
ActionParsnip1blackjak__: if you need one of the modules from a package you have to blacklist16:29
quibblerkamyk: we can try something else16:29
nanotubefreegoo: np. have fun :)16:29
ActionParsnip1blackjak__: or you can use a startup script to run that command when you logon16:29
patrickasActionParsnip1:  Yes I know ... I will read and follow it, I just objected because I assumed that the guide will help me reinstall grub in the same location it was originally installed in, which never worked in the first place.16:29
nanotubefreegoo: there are also gui tools that help, if you are into that kind of stuff :) i think firestarter is reputed to be decent at it.16:29
Iceman_B^unixis there a command to scan the entire subnet and see what machines are present?16:30
Iceman_B^unixlike am ARP ping or something16:30
patrickasBut I am not going to be bone headed about it ... I will try it anyways , maybe it will work16:30
kamykquibbler: ok16:30
oskar-Iceman_B^unix:  nmap16:30
NFischerIceman_B^unix, nmap -sP 192.168.*.*16:30
Iceman_B^unixtnx NFischer, I'll give that a shot16:31
ActionParsnip1patrickas: assume makes an ASS out of U and ME ;)16:31
Iceman_B^unixneed to install nmap first I see16:31
ActionParsnip1god I'm old16:31
quibblerkamyk: do firefox out...open nautilus and make sure you can see hidden files and directories. go to ~/.mozilla/firefoz/(yourprofile).default/ and delete localstore.rdf16:32
patrickasActionParsnip1: in the guide it says : grub> root (hdX,Y)  which is  (hd1,5) in my case16:32
NFischerIceman_B^unix, the problem with this is, that the machines could theoretically block the ping request.. but for normal usage this should work16:32
ActionParsnip1patrickas: disk numbers start at 016:32
ActionParsnip1patrickas: not 116:33
arvind_khadriActionParsnip1, thats from sidney sheldon :P16:33
Iceman_B^unixNFischer: n/p, I'll just see what I end up With16:33
quibblerkamyk: now open firefox and try youtube16:33
oo-dragon*jab* *jab*16:33
patrickasActionParsnip1: THis time I did not assume anything :-) I ran find /boot/grub/stage1 and it gave me  (hd1,5)16:33
kamykquibbler: this same ;/16:33
ActionParsnip1patrickas: fair enough16:33
patrickasor am I so thick I cannot follow the guide :-(16:33
kamykquibbler:  wheit16:34
ActionParsnip1patrickas: no if thats what the guide says i'd agree16:34
patrickasbut the next step says : grub> setup (hd0) and not hdX so my question is should I put hd0 regardless of the output of the previous command ?16:34
ActionParsnip1patrickas: try http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/16:34
Iceman_B^unixah crud16:35
evilbugare there any issues with ubuntu x64 server along the lines of compatibility with certain apps the desktop version has?16:35
Iceman_B^unixI cant isntall it, apt-get is throwing a fit16:35
Iceman_B^unixim running ubuntu from a 4gb USB key....16:35
Iceman_B^unixsoemthing about space16:35
ActionParsnip1Iceman_B^unix: try: sudo apt-get clean16:35
ActionParsnip1Iceman_B^unix: df -h will show you how much space you have left16:35
quibblerkamyk: in a terminal type firefox -safe-mode press continue in safe mode and try again\16:35
ActionParsnip1Iceman_B^unix: you may need to remove some apps / old kernels to make some space16:36
Iceman_B^unixlets see16:36
=== izibi_ is now known as izibi
ActionParsnip1right im off for my afternoon sleep16:36
ActionParsnip1peace out kids16:36
kamykquibbler: i'm in firefox and i get only one file16:36
kamyk 216:36
Iceman_B^unixActionParsnip1: there should only be one kernel, also, the output of df is quite cryptic16:37
Iceman_B^unixi'll paste it to the bin16:37
kamykquibbler: 1 file profiles.ini16:37
kamykquibbler: and folder16:37
arvind_khadriIceman_B^unix, he isnt here :)16:37
kamykquibbler: b770puqt.default16:37
Iceman_B^unixI see16:37
Iceman_B^unixcan anyone make sense of this df output?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/120643/16:38
quibblerkamyk: did you open the terminal and run firefox -safe-mode ?16:38
SeveasIceman_B^unix, to make df make sense: df -h16:38
Administrator_hey ho16:38
robertzaccourafter installing updates the first time for 8.10 after restartig my wired internet would not connect16:38
=== Administrator_ is now known as Yossarian
kamykquibbler: yes and in yt its this sama16:38
kevin_405just did a ubuntu update on my dual boot system and lost the winxp part of the grub menu how do i fix this16:38
robertzaccoursomethin about auto etho, couldnt figure it out16:39
kamykquibbler: but in your film is playing16:39
quibblerkamyk: but not youtube16:39
SeveasIceman_B^unix, ah you did that already. You seem to have a serious tmpfs addiction :)16:39
kamykquibbler: yes16:39
robertzaccourso i just installed the alpha and now it works just fine, so im just gonna keep alpha and update as i go16:39
Yossariani'm trying to enable wireless channels 12 and 13 on laptop with intel 3495ABG using intrepid.16:39
Yossarianany ideas?16:39
xiroVDoes anyone know why i can't buy items from the canonical ubuntu shop?16:39
geniixiroV: Your credit card is no good? ;)16:40
robertzaccourfor some reason dells tend to have problems with ubuntu16:40
xiroVgenii, it's a Visa Electron16:40
robertzaccourmaybe i should have gotten an asus or cloudboox instead of a dell mini 916:40
quibblerkamyk: i am out of ideas at the moment...i'll see if i can find a solution and i suggest you also look further yourself16:40
Seveasrobertzaccour, I disagree, running it on quite a few dells here, all different types. All working fine :)16:40
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kevin_405robertzaccour, i have a dual booting dell laptop works fine with ubuntu16:41
robertzaccourmaybe its just the dell mini because its new?16:41
kamykquibbler: ok16:41
kamykquibbler: thenx for help ;)16:41
robertzaccouranyhow, the alpha installation works fine, so im just gonna update from there16:41
geniixiroV: Maybe send them a message via the Contact Us page about it16:41
kevin_405anybody kknows how to recover a broken grub dual boot menu16:41
quibblerkamyk: your flash is good it's just that bloody youtube good luck16:41
xiroVgenii, It is on their site, as "Accepted".. the transfer even goes through, but the day after, i get a mail where they say that i will get refunded, with no reason at all..16:41
FundE: Type 'L' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list16:42
whackedhow can i move a folder from desktop to another location on HD with receiving message permission denied16:42
Fundwhat is that16:42
SeveasxiroV, where do you live?16:42
xiroViv'e did, like 4 weeks ago, and they don't answer..16:42
xiroVgenii, iv'e did, like 4 weeks ago, and they don't answer..16:42
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xiroVSeveas, Denmark16:42
Yossarianbump :\16:42
SeveasxiroV, and you made sure to use the internatinal shop, not the us one?16:42
xiroVSeveas, Yea im 100% sure16:43
SeveasFund, you broke your sources.list. Fix it :)16:43
geniixiroV: Very strange. I have no immediate explanation why. Maybe something to do with currency conversions or so16:43
Alexio86_ciao a tutti16:43
whackedi trying to move a folder to a folder called "opt" but i get permission denied, my method of moving is just copy & paste16:43
kevin_405Help Help with dual boot problems please16:43
SeveasxiroV, then I'm afraid we can't help you, We're not representatives of canonical Inc.16:43
xiroVgenii, maybe.. but i really wanted some shirts :/ d*mnit16:43
SeveasFund, same way as you broke it, but the other way around16:43
NFischerHow do i start Xchat with default "show join/part message" switched off?!16:43
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stevemac76I just installed 8.04 LTS and updated all packages.  Now, when I login at the login screen, it gives me an error, but lets me login.  Also, when I try to authenticate to make a change to the manual network configuration, the session locks up.16:43
xiroVSeveas, Thanks anyway16:43
kevin_405Help Help with dual boot problems please16:44
Seveasstevemac76, what is the error you get?16:44
stevemac76I can't remember the #16:44
Alexio86_c'è qlke italiano?16:44
Seveasstevemac76, without error message, we can't do much16:44
stevemac76I'll check16:44
Seveas!it | Alexio86_16:44
ubottuAlexio86_: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:44
Iceman_B^unix(04:39:26 PM) Seveas: Iceman_B^unix, ah you did that already. You seem to have a serious tmpfs addiction :) <-- well I'm running from a USB key, but I'm about done with that16:46
Iceman_B^unixso my nex question, is there a way to boot from a live cd and save the settings to a USB key or somethinbg ?16:46
SuperGuy_9000When I logged into Ubuntu, the top and panels don't show up. I can open programs fine with Gnome Do (which is how I got on here), but if I minimize the windows there's no way to get them back.16:46
Yossarianbump :/16:46
whackedhow do i move a folder from my desktop to a folder called opt without receiving a message permission denied, my method of moving folder is copy & paste ?16:46
Seveasice_cream, there is. search the wiki for persistent usb key16:46
SeveasYossarian, stop bumping...16:46
Yossarianokay okay...16:47
Iceman_B^unixSeveas: alright16:47
SeveasSuperGuy_9000, start gnome-panel with gnome-do16:47
NFischerwhacked, where do you want to copy your folder to?16:47
Jack_SparrowSuperGuy_9000 tab to get back to your app for the moment16:47
whackedfolder called OPT16:47
Jack_SparrowSuperGuy_9000 alt- tab to get back to your app for the moment16:48
Iceman_B^unixoh final question, does anyone know if the alternat install cd starts an SSHD during the install phase?16:48
Iceman_B^unixif so, I could supervise the install remotely....16:48
whackedi stated the folder i wanted to copy to in my question ?16:48
SuperGuy_9000I just get the option to copy the text when I typed gnome-panel.16:48
SeveasIceman_B^unix, by default it does not. I believe you can do anna-install openssh-server-udeb and run it then, but I'm not entirelt sure.16:48
The_Rebelhas anyone got shadowing withing with freenx?16:49
NFischerwhacked, "opt" is not a folder16:49
stevemac76I get no error number, but I noticed that no matter what password I enter, it instantly throws out that error message and then proceeds to authenticate16:49
moofhahnwhat is freenx?16:49
SeveasNFischer, it is, look in /. There's /opt :)16:49
The_Rebeluse google moofhahn, i'm here for support.16:49
moofhahnme too. I dont get compiz installed16:50
krishnanhey is thr any irc for PHP developers?16:50
SeveasThe_Rebel, and an attitude like that makes it less likely to find that :)16:50
oCean_The_Rebel: this is not the nomachine nor freenx support channel.16:50
Seveaskrishnan, #php perhaps?16:50
whackedok i goto computer then file system and i see a folder called opt ?16:50
NFischerSeveas, yeah so just copy it with sudo?!16:50
SeveasNFischer, I missed the start of the discussion, so I don't know what you're trying to accomplish16:51
whackedthere is fact a folder called "opt"16:51
whackedgoto file system  and you will see a folder called opt16:51
Gnutoohello, I'd like to get the list of all packages installed on an ubuntu computer but not their dependencies: for isntance I want ubuntu-desktop but nor firefox...how do I achieve that?16:52
freegooseriously guys. you make the ubuntu comunity so much THANKS16:52
patrickashelp again ! I just followed this guide as instructed on the channel: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows16:52
patrickasand now I cannot boot into windows anymore !16:52
Yossarianhelp "(16:52
SeveasGnutoo, playing around with debfoster should get you that16:52
tuxflavrdwaflsHi!  I am trying to get my acer crystal Eye web cam working in 8.04.  I am pretty sure that the uvc module is being loaded. and I tried this  sudo modprobe -r uvcvideo , and then this, sudo modprobe uvcvideo quirks=2, but when I type that in it gives me an error message as follows: FATAL: Error inserting uvcvideo (/lib/modules/2.6.24-23-generic/ubuntu/media/usbvideo/uvcvideo.ko): Unknown symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see d16:52
tuxflavrdwafls 16:52
GnutooSeveas, thanks  a lot16:52
tuxflavrdwaflswhat should i do?16:52
whackedok help16:52
whackedwho told me there is no folder called opt ?16:53
Iceman_B^unixSeveas: hm hm, well the tricky thing is that I dont have a screen hooked up to said pc....16:53
arvind_khadripatrickas, in menu.lst have you got windows entry?16:53
Iceman_B^unixmeh, I'll go scour the wiki's16:53
Iceman_B^unixlater all16:53
patrickasarvind_khadri: yes when I select it I get an error about NTDLR missing16:53
Piciwhacked: You can use sudo to copy files into a directory that your user does not have permissions to.16:54
Pici!sudo > whacked16:54
ubottuwhacked, please see my private message16:54
arvind_khadripatrickas, hmm two reasons 1) wrong entry in menu.lst 2)boot loader of windows has gone16:54
patrickasarvind_khadri: I think boot loader of windows is gone.16:55
SuperGuy_9000Thnaks Jack_Sparrow, it's working now :)16:55
patrickasHow can I get it back ?16:55
patrickasthe problem is after I installed ubuntu, and rebooted ... I could not see the grub menu ... so I followed this guide (with a small change) and now I cannot boot into windows anymore16:56
arvind_khadripatrickas, you do run the cd of windows and use fixmbr in repair mode...after that you need to reinstall grub16:56
freegoois there a way and can save the current state of ubuntu (like hibernation) but shutdown my computer and boot my osx partition16:56
arvind_khadripatrickas, can you please paste the o/p of sudo fdisk -l and menu.lst16:56
frux1how can I prevent windows from locking ntfs drives when it breaks down ?16:57
stevemac76I just installed 8.04 LTS.  I updated all packages and now, when I login at I instantly get an error message.  The error message pops up before attempting to authenticate because regardless of what password I enter (wrong or not) the error comes up I click ok and then if the right password was entered it will authenticate and allow me to login.16:57
Seveasfreegoo, hibernate does exactly that16:57
freegooserveas: LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thamnks i should have click it first v:P16:57
Seveasfrux1, by not using windows. (read: there's no way windows will not lock drives when it sees inconsistencies)16:58
stevemac76Once I am into a GUI session, I try to authenticate to make a change to the manual network configuration and the session locks up16:58
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Seveasstevemac76, what is the error you get?16:58
patrickasarvind_khadri: all of menu.lst or just the windows related section ?16:58
stevemac76It doesn't give an error number16:58
frux1seveas, thx anyway16:58
Seveasstevemac76, but it does give text16:58
arvind_khadripatrickas, just the end portion would do... from the ubuntu entries16:58
stevemac76frux  you need to install ntfs-3g if not already installed16:59
frux13g ? whats that ?16:59
Huufarted!who | frux116:59
ubottufrux1: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:59
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stevemac76try sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g16:59
Seveasfrux1, the newest ntfs driver. Ubuntu installs it by default16:59
Fundhow can I get the DEB list for sources.list for feisty 7.04.. please help me16:59
arvind_khadri!ntfs-3g > frux116:59
ubottufrux1, please see my private message16:59
kevin_405arvind_khadri does ubuntu upgrade save the menu.lst16:59
ubottudeb is the Debian package format, also used by Ubuntu. To install .deb files, simply double-click (in Ubuntu) or click (in Kubuntu) on them to start the GDebi utility.17:00
whackedok sometimes when you install programs they do not appear on your program list of application, where do you go to add them to the list ?17:00
patrickasarvind_khadri: Done .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/120656/17:00
SeveasFund, you need to upgrade, feisty is no longer supported17:00
aatacan someone please tell me how to fix this! it sems as if i have 4 desktops http://img7.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00042ss8.jpg17:00
FundSeveas man I have VPS17:00
Seveaswhacked, rightclick on the menu17:00
arvind_khadripatrickas, a moment please17:00
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories17:00
stevemac76frux, fdisk -l to find out which /dev/??? your windows drive is  and then umount /dev/??? that drive17:01
SeveasFund, good. Then you probably have root access and are able to upgrade :)17:01
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arvind_khadripatrickas, SFS is samba file system?17:02
Seveasarvind_khadri, no, that's CIFS17:02
aataanyone at all?17:02
stevemac76frux, then create a directory to mount your win drive in (sudo mkdir /media/windows)  then issue sudo ntfs-3g /dev/<win drive> /media/windows -o force17:03
arvind_khadriSeveas, thanks.. :) whats SFS?17:03
Seveasarvind_khadri, it doesn17:03
Seveas't ring a bell17:03
patrickasThat's strange!17:03
Seveasmaybe google knows :)17:03
patrickasI can't remember ....17:03
arvind_khadripatrickas, you dont need to use map.... what do you have on /dev/sda1 ...its 400 gb17:04
stevemac76what's your issue aata?17:04
kevin_405Seveas, can u help with broken dual boot after upgrade17:04
patrickasarvind_khadri: before I installed ubuntu, it was just a regular hard disk in windows with data on it.17:04
aatastevemac76 when i turn on my computer i get something that looks like this http://img7.imageshack.us/my.php?image=dsc00042ss8.jpg17:05
patrickasI always thought it was NTF formatted17:05
whackedwow i got xampp installed on my own17:05
patrickasI mean NTFS17:05
whackedwithout any help17:05
Seveaskevin_405, not right now17:05
arvind_khadripatrickas, fdisk -l tells something else... when you did setup (hdx) what did you use here?17:05
Seveaswhacked, then now is the time to remove that. Ubuntu has its own lamp stack, which is actually maintained17:05
BesogonDo anybody know abrowser faster firefox or not? And which of Web-browsers is fastest?17:06
stevemac76aata, when you boot, try entering failsafe mode17:06
SeveasBesogon, abrowser is firefox without the firefox logo. No seed difference. Fastest browser is lynx :)17:06
stevemac76aata then try adjusting your drivers17:06
patrickasarvind_khadri: first time i used hd0 then rebooted ... but it still botted straight into windows ...17:06
whackedyour statement provides no insight17:06
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alanbshepard70when I do a lshw or lspci no where can I find that I have scsi devices, I know my drives are IDE/ATA. Why are scsi drivers in use? Can I remove them from my kernel and use the ATA drivers? What am I missing?17:06
patrickasarvind_khadri: so I tried with hd1 and it booted into GRUB ... but windows stopped working17:07
arvind_khadripatrickas, remove the map lines... i dont think they are needed...17:07
aatastevemac76 how do i enter failsafe mode. and more importantly how do i adjust drivers17:07
BesogonSeveas, Do lynx work in command line?17:07
patrickasarvind_khadri: They were added by the installed ... I will comment them out and reboot17:07
SeveasBesogon, yes17:07
arvind_khadriBesogon, its for cli :P17:07
kevin_405Seveas, do u know if ubuntu upgrade saves old menu.lst17:07
patrickasor should I run grub again ?17:07
patrickasafter I remove the map lines ?17:08
stevemac76aata when your restart, you get a very short time to enter the grub menu so be on the lookout.  I think it's f1 that gets you there.17:08
Seveaskevin_405, not sure. *if* it backs the file up, the backup also lives in /etc/apt17:08
arvind_khadripatrickas, just comment them out... install grub once again to be safe :)17:08
stevemac76aata after that you have a few options for booting.17:08
aataand then?17:09
Besogonnice. But what is really fine browser FOR X in Linux?17:09
SeveasBesogon, firefox is still the default browser. Apart from its sluggishness it's decent.17:09
arvind_khadri!poll | Besogon17:09
ubottuBesogon: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:09
kevin_405Seveas, thx17:09
stevemac76aata after booting into failsafe you can change to vesa drivers17:09
patrickasarvind_khadri: so I remove the lines, then "sudo grub" then "root (hd1,5)" then "setup (hd1)" ?17:09
aatastevemac76 how do i change to vesa?17:10
arvind_khadripatrickas, ya ... sounds good..17:10
stevemac76aata I don't remember how to change via command line, but you should be able to google it17:10
Seveashello knoppix, please switch off your caps lock17:11
stevemac76aata I'm checking it now17:11
aatastevemac76 me too17:11
knoppixHELLO MICHA17:11
patrickasok just a question so I understand what I am doing ... why hd1,5 ??? I mean that's the output of "find /boot/grub/stage1" but what is it supposed to be ?17:11
aatalet me know if you find anything :D17:11
mikebeechamhi guys...I have a strange one here.  I connect a windows and a linux box up to some of these home ethernet plugs.  If I dont have linux plugged in I get a throughput speed across my network of around 54 -74mbps.  If I plug my linux machine back into the network then it goes down to around 10mbps17:11
mikebeechamcan anyone think why?17:11
bedmundsjoin #linuxforums17:11
stevemac76aata http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=648770 check this one out17:12
arvind_khadripatrickas, its the disk where stage 1 lies :)17:12
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Geek`N`Proudmikebeecham: maybe Linux is only using the 10mbps mode?17:12
patrickasarvind_khadri: is it possible that stage 1 is in the wrong place ?17:12
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patrickasbecause that would explain why after I installed ubuntu and rebooted the PC, grub did not show up17:12
Geek`N`Proudremember some NICs blow on *nix17:12
mikebeechamGeek....how would I tell?17:12
arvind_khadripatrickas, nope.... not unless you have manually moved it17:12
oo-dragonwell lets start with a simple question then.  can I mount JBOD disks from a DNS-323 network attached storage on my PC?17:13
kronixDoes this channel dispense actual Ubuntu support?17:13
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Geek`N`Proudkronix: yes it does, why?17:13
kronix##ubuntu-uk is mostly people chatting about off-topic stuff.17:13
patrickasok then .... let's do it ...17:13
kronixSo I'm here now.17:13
aatastevemac76 thanks im trying it right now :D wish me luck17:13
Geek`N`Proudkronix: because the people in there are proud Brits? :P17:13
amews-techDo you people receive this message ?17:13
arvind_khadripatrickas, atb :)17:13
stevemac76I just installed 8.04 LTS.  I updated all packages and now, when I login at I instantly get an error message.  The error message pops up before attempting to authenticate because regardless of what password I enter (wrong or not) the error comes up I click ok and then if the right password was entered it will authenticate and allow me to login.17:13
arvind_khadriamews-tech, ya17:13
kronixNo, they're just lazy.17:13
Guardian-Wolfcan anybody suggest a web cam that is ubuntu friendly?17:13
mikebeechamGeek'N'Proud...how would I tell whether I'm using 10mbps only?17:14
stevemac76The error has no reference number17:14
guyiomkronic : no we support 10 years old ubuntu releases!!17:14
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:14
amews-techNice it works. Just made a program that converts all irc communication to webrequest (can be used on blocked networks) :D17:14
Geek`N`ProudGuardian-Wolf: Logitech Quickcam i've heard, but the latest kernel even works on my crappy unbranded crap :P17:14
cdavisHow do I change crontab to open with vim instead of vi?17:14
arvind_khadriamews-tech, cool :)17:14
nickrudcdavis, sudo update-alternatives --config editor17:14
unopcdavis, set up the EDITOR variable17:14
knoppixHELLO LOTIA17:14
arvind_khadricdavis, alias vi to vim17:14
cdavisnickrud: Thanks17:14
nickrudarvind_khadri, ah that's evil17:14
kronixHow many of you are sys/net admins?17:14
Guardian-Wolfhrm, ok, ty geek'n'proud17:15
nickrudkronix, everyone17:15
unopcdavis, vi on ubuntu is a symlink to vim anyway17:15
kronixThat's good.17:15
Geek`N`Proud!webcam | Guardian-Wolf17:15
ubottuGuardian-Wolf: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras17:15
kronixThe UK channel seemed to be mainly home users.17:15
Geek`N`Proudjust incase it hasn't already been done >.>17:15
kronixWhich is probably why nobody answered my questions.17:15
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kronixHello, everyone.17:15
nickrud!ask | kronix17:15
ubottukronix: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:15
toddooncan someone help me to understand more better ufw because i have load it and when i nmap my interface lo , nmap display some ports open17:15
finiraswhats the command to upgrade my ubuntu install from 8.04 to 8.1017:15
arvind_khadrinickrud, :) who uses vi anyways ... its so clumsy17:15
kronixnickrud, I have no question.17:15
archmanfiniras: update manager17:16
nickrudtoddoon, lo is only available to the local machine anyway, not visible to the net17:16
Geek`N`Proudkronix: Ubuntu is a home user distro in the main17:16
kronixIsn't it listed in the package manager.17:16
unoparvind_khadri, i do .. the 'clumsiness' doesn't bother me :)17:16
kronixGeek`N`Proud, I said that in that channel.17:16
kronixThat was interpreted as trolling.17:16
mikebeechamGeek`N`Proud: how can I tell if I'm only using 10mbps mate?17:16
cdavisnickrud: vi actually opens vim, the problem is just with crontab. When I first edited cron with crontab I didn't have vim installed so I had to choose vi17:16
arvind_khadriunop,  :P :)17:16
kronixI said I'd rather run my web server on Fedora (which I do).17:16
toddoonnickrud: but how do i configure my firewall on lo?17:16
nickrudfiniras, update-manager ; be sure to set the dropdown lower right corner to non lts releases17:16
ortsvorsteher!ot | kronix17:16
ubottukronix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!17:16
Geek`N`Proudmikebeecham: not sure.. for me the LEDs on my NIC flash different17:16
patrickasarvind_khadri: Worked like a Charm :-) Thanks.17:17
mikebeechamcan anyone tell me how I check whether my Ubuntu box is running 10mbps or 100mbps?17:17
whackedsomeone suggested that i install lamp instead of xampp but i searched for lamp under add&remove programs and return no results17:17
cdavisThe editor is vim but crontab still opens with vi instead of vim17:17
arvind_khadripatrickas, so now on windows?? :)17:17
unopmikebeecham,  ethtool eth017:17
HazukiDoes the LiveUSB creator work with the mini or net-install images of Ubuntu? I only have a 256MB USB key17:17
patrickasarvind_khadri: Hell no :-) I just made sure windows boots ... then restarted into ubuntu :-)17:18
nickrudtoddoon, hm, this wrapper around cron is something new to me. Have to read up on it, sorry17:18
Piciwhacked: The package name is not lamp, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for instructions on how to install it.17:18
arvind_khadripatrickas, cool :) congrats...glad you made it :)17:18
cdavisI get "Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vimrc:" when trying to use crontab because I have syntax turned on, but typing vi opens vim17:18
Geek`N`Proudkronix: that's a wise choice.. as the proactive security is better =]17:18
unopcdavis, vi is a symlink to vim..   readlink -f $(which vi)   /usr/bin/vim17:18
mereoI have to leave windows on my comp because of the games...17:18
patrickasarvind_khadri: So what's next? should I file a bug ? should I forget about it ? how do I prevent another soul from wasting an after noon like I did? Why did the installer mess up on this system ?17:18
Geek`N`Proudkronix: I meant to say Home Desktop distro :P17:18
mikebeechamok...thanks unop.  I am running 100mbps...so can anyone think of why I can only get 10mbps throughput across my network, when my linux machine is plugged into the network?17:19
cdavisunop: I get /usr/bin/vim.basic17:19
arvind_khadripatrickas, too many questions :) the map thing isnt useful sometimes... what had happened ??17:19
kronixYes, it is, Geek`N`Proud.17:19
ChlorateWhen I play videos on my desktop while I have compiz running, the videos flash black like the refresh rate is wrong. I set my refresh rate on compiz as 60hz, just like my graphics card drivers do. Any ideas?17:19
unopmikebeecham, what tool(s) are you using to measure throughput?  and what format does it use?  Mb/s or MB/s ?17:20
aatastevemac76 apparently after doing that, my computer is now running in low graphics mode (which is better than nothing but stiill pretty pathetic) adnd even after i select vesa in the low graphics mode driver selection, i get no luck17:20
mikebeechamunop: I have two devolo highspeed ethernet plugs...their own software 'informer' shows me17:20
mikebeechamand it shows in Mbps17:20
archmanGuys anyone has that Update Manager window somewhat crippled? I only see half of the rows for program updates...17:20
mikebeechamat the moment it is on 10 Mbps17:20
unopcdavis,   EDITOR=vi  crontab -e17:20
whackedok thanks Pici  honestly i think i will stick with xampp since i successfully installed it and it requuired a lot less steps to get installed17:20
nickrudlol sudo taskel lamp .17:21
patrickasI just installed ubuntu server 8.10 like I do every time ( slowly getting rid of windows mahcines at the office ) , at the end of the install I restarted but did not get the GRUB prompt.17:21
guilhermeblancoanyone can help me to consigure something with my SVN. I can't svn checkout an HTTPS repository17:21
Dimensionscan some one please help me ... when i try to restart apache2 on my dedicated server i get errors  which says NameVirtualHost *:443 and with *:80 has no VirtualHosts17:22
unopmikebeecham, what is the topology of the link like?  are you using a switch, hub, straight-through?17:22
arvind_khadri!svn > guilhermeblanco17:23
ubottuguilhermeblanco, please see my private message17:23
whackedhey nickrod well the link that was posted here does not even mention the simple process you stated no idea why they show a long method17:23
mikebeechamunop: downstairs, router is plugged into one of these plugs, which goes into the electricity supply.  Upstairs, I have my linux machine and a windows machine plugged into a netgear 5 port switch which, inturn, is plugged into another one of these ethernet plugs in the wall17:23
mikebeechamdoes that help?17:23
guilhermeblancoarvind_khadri: I already have everything installed.... I'm able to checkout non-https repositories17:23
guilhermeblancoI have this issue:17:23
guilhermeblancosvn: OPTIONS of 'https://lp1.mihswat.com/svn/dna/trunk': SSL negotiation failed: Secure connection truncated (https://lp1.mihswat.com)17:24
unopmikebeecham, hmm, so this is ethernet over your powersupply??17:24
whackedhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP no on this webpage does it mention just to type sudo taskel lamp17:24
arvind_khadriguilhermeblanco, check out #svn17:24
patrickasarvind_khadri: I see none of the disks on the machine have been auto mounted ! How can I get the right UUIDs to add the fstab ?17:24
guilhermeblancoarvind_khadri: k, thanks17:24
ChlorateWhen I play videos on my desktop while I have compiz running, the videos flash black like the refresh rate is wrong. I set my refresh rate on compiz as 60hz, just like my graphics card drivers do. Any ideas?17:24
mikebeechamunop: yes17:24
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)17:24
ezerhodenChlorate: change the video out driver17:24
arvind_khadripatrickas, :) ls /dev/device/by-uuid17:24
jurismHow to make .sh file executable not like this ./script.sh -settings default but make it anywhere like this: script -settings default? Thank You!17:25
unopmikebeecham, well, that might be it .. as far as i have seen .. most "ethernet over power" devices don't reach 100Mbps17:25
whackedwhy is everyone discouraging the use of Xampp ?17:25
arvind_khadripatrickas, sorry its /dev/disk17:25
patrickas~$ ls /dev/device/by-uuid17:25
patrickasls: cannot access /dev/device/by-uuid: No such file or directory17:25
nickrudwhacked, hm, the page doesn't include 8.10 in the short form. fixing. Thanks17:25
patrickasheheh oops17:25
Chlorateezerhoden, To what and how?17:25
cumulus007 I'm trying to install kubuntu-desktop on uubntu jaunty, but the installation fails on kdelibs-data17:26
Picicumulus007: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.17:26
cumulus007it says there is no space left on device, but there's 33 GB free!17:26
mikebeechamunop: nope, that is fine.  My issue is that historically I've used windows.  When using windows I get arouind 54 - 74mbps throughput....if I unplug the linux machine then I still hit that figure.  If I plug the linux machine into the 5 port switch then the throughput drops to 10mbps17:26
arvind_khadripatrickas, for a better understanding use blkid17:26
unopjurism, put script.sh in your ~/bin directory ??  or some other directory that is in $PATH17:27
unoppatrickas, /dev/disk/by-uuid17:27
jurismThank You!17:27
ezerhodenChlorate: what app?17:27
unopmikebeecham, ok, so what exactly does  ethtool  report for your link/interface?17:28
unopmikebeecham, I'm guessing that's for speed.  what about duplex?17:28
mikebeechamunop: full17:29
whackedi noticed17:29
Chlorateezerhoden, For my drivers? btw my graphics card is ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]17:29
arvind_khadripatrickas, or use ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid17:29
patrickasarvind_khadri:blkid gives me uuids thanks ... the ntfs ones look very different than the etx3 ones .. that's normal I guess ?17:29
patrickasunop thx got it17:29
maDChoPRwhat is the cli way to see what groups a user belongs to ?17:29
ezerhodenChlorate: no, what application are you playing the videos with?17:30
unopmikebeecham, hmm, very odd, i'm not sure then .. perhaps ask in #networking or #cisco ?17:30
unopmaDChoPR, groups  or  id17:30
Chlorateazerhoden, I have used Totem and vlc, they both do it.17:30
mikebeechamunop: are they linux-based rooms?17:30
maDChoPRunop: a user belongs to groups right?  i want to see for instance... what groups the user "andy" is in17:31
arvind_khadripatrickas, ya its because you installed windows i guess... its normal17:31
unopmikebeecham,  no .. but they might be able to give you some insight into why this happens.17:31
unopmaDChoPR, groups andy17:31
unopmaDChoPR, or.  id andy17:31
ezerhodenChlorate: for totem use gstreamer-properties and change the video driver to x11 (no xv)17:32
maDChoPRunop: rad thanks, sorry i didn't understand what your original answer was, now i do.. i feel ignorant. thanks for the help.17:32
archmanGuys, i updated to the latest backports version of kdelibs5, how can i rollback to the latest "official" update?17:32
arvind_khadriarchman, you cant... afaik17:33
Fundguys may I paste 3 lines errors here ?17:34
arvind_khadriFund, ya...17:34
FundAfter unpacking 42.9MB of additional disk space will be used.17:34
FundDo you want to continue [Y/n]? y17:34
FundE: Internal Error, Could not perform immediate configuration (2) on libc617:34
archmanMaybe force version?17:34
Chlorateezerhoden, Could you explain how in more detail? I'm not very good with ubuntu yet.17:34
Fundthat is when I type.. sudo apt-get install build-essential17:34
patrickasarvind_khadri: Is there a tool to help with autodetecting fstab params or should I just RTF man page ?17:35
arvind_khadripatrickas, none that i know of...maybe google will :)17:35
archmanWhy does "Force Version" want me to erase some files?17:35
Fundarvind_khadri, why it shows :s17:35
ezerhodenChlorate: launch a terminal, type gstreamer-properties, press enter. change the video plugin to X window system (no xv)17:36
cdavisWhy do I get this error when typing crontab -e ---> "E319: Sorry, the command is not available in this version: syntax on"17:36
arvind_khadriFund, no idea... maybe some libc6 package is down... try sudo apt-get install -f and then install build-essential17:36
Chlorateezerhoden, thank you! That worked perfectly.17:38
arvind_khadri!pm > Fund17:38
ubottuFund, please see my private message17:38
ezerhodenChlorate: your welcome17:39
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore17:40
jiffe92hmm, alright, I'm trying to manage packages and dependencies, apt-rdepends on adduser lists debconf and debconf-2.0, debconf exists but debconf-2.0 doesn't seem to17:40
jiffe92although apt-cache show on debconf lists 'Provides: debconf-2.0';17:41
whackeddoes anyone know the name of the virtual desktop apps that you can use your mouse middle wheel to switch desktops           ?17:41
shifty5whacked, compiz does that17:41
shifty5and adds fancy effects to the switch17:41
arvind_khadri!ccsm | whacked17:42
ubottuwhacked: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz-fusion17:42
=== fader is now known as fader|lunch
shifty5can anyone get their idle ram usage below 350mb with compiz and gnome?17:43
patrickasarvind_khadri: By the way SFS mystery remains! fdisk -l tells me /dev/sda1 is SFS but blkid tells me /dev/sda1: UUID="762030B1203079E7" TYPE="ntfs"17:43
arvind_khadripatrickas, hmm... weird... i dont know much about it ...sorry...17:44
mlissnerI have a question about upgrading software?17:44
n2diyFor a files permissions, what does rws indicate? I understand rwx, but have never seen rws?17:44
patrickasarvind_khadri: no problem you already helped much  :-)17:44
mlissnerif I want to upgrade past the version in the repos, is there any intelligent way to do that?17:44
mlissnerI mean, so I don't have conflicts and problems down the road?17:44
archmanNOone knows if i can rollback kdelibs to the official version???17:44
shifty5patrickas, have you checked fstab to see if its being mounted with the ntfs option17:44
mfdavidhi all. I want to host my own webpage. The apache is working fine, and right now im using no-ip.com to redirect to my server. But I would like to have my own .com webpage... But how can I make the server to connect to my computer? Im about to register a domain but it askes me for a DNS server. Can I be my own DNS server?!17:44
arvind_khadripatrickas, np... maybe google about SFS17:44
whackedyou have to purchase a .com17:45
mlissnermfdavid, your best bet is to use somebody else as a DNS server.17:45
n2diymlissner: yes, upgrade to an LTS version, and that will let you jump to the next LTS version.17:45
unoppatrickas,  fdisk does not read the filesystem type .. all it does is list the partition type -- which are two different things .. in your case there is a discrepancy between the two (and that's not unusual)17:45
mfdavidmlissner: i dont think there is a easy way yo do so (roll back)17:45
mlissnerhmmm...maybe I didn't explain quite right.17:45
unopn2diy, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Setuid17:45
mlissnerThe version in the repos is too old. I want a newer version of a certain piece of software.17:46
n2diyunop: thanks17:46
mlissnerI have it installed via the repos already, so should I uninstall that, and then install from source?17:46
mlissnerOr leave the one from the repos installed?17:46
mfdavidmlissner: or you could try and find a .deb on someother place.17:46
mlissnerNo dice.17:46
archmanmlissner: sure uninstall it17:46
mlissnerI'm just trying to figure out the standard practice so conflicts aren't an issue.17:47
mfdavidmlissner: yeah you will have to uninstall it, but you may get in trouble in future upgrades and stuff... why you want to do that?17:47
theunixgeekI followed all the community instructions for installing Google Earth, installed it and reinstalled it independently various times, but every time Google Earth 5 loads up its screen shows for a second or two, then quits. What should I do to fix this?17:47
mlissnerthe version in the repos doesn't work properly, and supposedly it's fixed in the latest source.17:47
mfdavidtheunixgeek: are you running it from the console? if not, try it and see if it shows any errors.17:48
shifty5theunixgeek, did you try and run from console?17:48
mlissnertheunixgeek, this is a known problem. I don't recall the solution, but check ubuntuforums.org I found it there right off the bat.17:48
archmanmlissner: simply build from source, and when the newer version releases, you uninstall yours and build newer again ;)17:48
theunixgeekit says "unable to create prefs directory", shifty5 and mfdavid17:48
theunixgeekmlissner: I'll search there17:48
mlissnerOK. I can do that. Generally, is it better to purge the one from repos, or to just uninstall it?17:48
shifty5theunixgeek try running as root and see if the error goes away17:49
archmanmlissner: i'm not sure of that one, i'll go just uninstalling17:49
whackedcan someone tell me which option enable the ability to use the middle wheel to switch desktops, i have installed compiz manager but for the life of me i cant seem to get it enabled ?17:49
mlissnerSounds good. I'll do that, I guess.17:49
shifty5whacked you have to enable the cube17:49
shifty5and then enable the animations17:49
whackedok confusing this is17:49
whackedimagine enable cube to other features17:50
whackedstill no sucess17:51
shifty5whacked are you sure your compiz is working?17:51
theunixgeekshifty5: still no17:51
shifty5theunixgeek, did the error change?17:51
whackeddoes not appear to be17:51
shifty5do you have 3d acceleration enabled?17:52
whackedeven i checking off the options mentioned17:52
whackedoh right17:52
whackedokk here comes 177\17:52
tuxflavrdwaflsHi again!  I have found that my crystal eye webcam works through ekiga.  It does not work in skype.  and cheese crashes my system when I open it.  any suggestions? thanks17:53
whackedi might get the  hang of linux yet17:53
tuxflavrdwaflsbtw, i am using 8.0417:53
shifty5tuxflavrdwafls, try running from a console and see if there are errors17:53
whackedi love the way firefox loads in 3 seconds17:53
f_newtonexcuse me... are they any cli tools I can use in init 3 to reconfig my display ?17:54
shifty5i hate the way it uses like 80mb of ram hehe17:54
tuxflavrdwaflsshifty5 i do not know the command17:54
f_newtonI hear xorg.conf is no longer  the thing17:54
unopf_newton, you can still use the xorg.conf17:54
shifty5i he does xorg will just overwrite his settings when he configures in the gui17:54
unopf_newton, you could use xrandr(1)  but that requires a connected display17:55
f_newtonwell I cant get past the fact that new xorg has to be edited to make my display work yet I have no clue as to ubuntu's cli tools17:55
unopshifty5, that's not true .. you need root permissions to overwrite xorg.conf17:55
f_newtonis xrandr what is used now?17:55
mikebeechamhi guys...how can I tell what drivers are being used for my network card?17:56
mikebeechamis there a terminal command I can use?17:56
unopf_newton, a GUI front end to xrandr seems to be what is used to configure the display -- but that's a per-user setting .. if you want to configure a global setting, you can still use the xorg.conf17:56
whackedthe funnest thing i found so far when you goto terminal and type top my Pc show very low cpu usage, and then i go load system monitor it show high cpu usage, strange bug i guess17:56
majeruhello, is there a way to make suspend  occur when some programs are running? (synaptic or vlc are blocking suspend)17:56
lupus_whats the easiest way to install virtualbox? having way too much trouble.17:56
Huufartedmikebeecham: I'd like to know that as well17:56
majerulupus_: use their repo17:56
Huufartedsorry for that blank sentence17:56
f_newtonunop not unless I can get the gui to start17:56
shifty5whacked, from what i can tell the sysmonitor uses lots of resources17:56
shifty5even though it reads from tops17:57
majeruthe one in multiverse is quite outdated (like many other packages)17:57
f_newtonI need some cli tools to use in init 317:57
unoplupus_, sudo aptitude install virtualbox-ose17:57
f_newtonnot familiar with ubuntu only used deb back in the day17:57
unopf_newton, why can't you just create a xorg.conf ?17:57
f_newtonwrite one from scratch?17:57
tuxflavrdwaflsshifty5 what did you want me to run in the terminal?  and what is the command?17:57
theunixgeekmlissner, mfdavid, shifty5: I got it working by deleting the libcrypto file :D17:57
shifty5tux, its prolly just "skype"17:57
theunixgeekthanks for your helps17:57
unopf_newton, well, that's one way .. there are others.  like  X -config  ( i think )17:58
f_newtonive tried the old unix tools such as "setup"  no worky17:58
f_newtonis it x -config?17:58
f_newtonor is it x --reconfig?17:58
lupus_unop- Ive tried that and still no dice17:58
unopf_newton,  xorg -configure17:58
mlissnertheunixgeek, that sounds about right.17:58
signpostcan anyone direct me to a mail transfer agent set-up tutorial for 8.10?  I'm trying to set up email notifications from Nagios 3, which uses the "mail" command to send mail.17:58
shifty5hey f_newton, if you read the xorg.conf it will tell yo uthe command to set it back to defaults and x should start17:59
f_newtonI wish there was a place I could visit that would let me peruse the cli comands for ubuntu17:59
f_newtonshifty5, not with my ati card and this old lcd17:59
f_newtonout of range or mode not supported17:59
f_newtonI need to manually edit the darn thing17:59
unopf_newton,  have you edited it before?17:59
shifty5so you go into, etc/X11/xorg.conf18:00
f_newtonbut could not figure out for the life of me how to get in to it with ubuntu18:00
f_newtonunop if this was redhat no problem18:00
shifty5then you edit the vertical and horizontal timing18:00
cosmosyis the xfce version in #xubuntu or #xuntu18:00
unopf_newton,  you could just move the xorg.conf out of the way and let xorg choose the defaults18:00
f_newtonok I am writing this down...18:00
=== highlander is now known as Guest69187
Yossariani'm trying to enable wireless channels 12 and 13 on laptop with intel 3495ABG using intrepid.18:01
shifty5fnewton, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:01
Yossarianany ideas, anyone?18:01
f_newtonwell apparently the monitor is no longer supported with the new xorg18:01
lupus_<unop> it installed but what do I do next?18:01
f_newtonits a problem in every distro so far but with rh and fedora I can use the rh admin tools in cli18:01
unoplupus_, start it?  type  VirtualBox   in a terminal or something?18:01
f_newtonI am just ignorant of ubuntu18:01
mikebeechamguys..is this right...I just checked my network information, and it tells me that I'm getting 100mb/s18:01
mikebeechamsurely that should be 100mbps?18:02
lvlefistoIs it possible to gksudo to an ordinary user?18:02
lupus_<unop> this is what I get: Could not find VirtualBox installation. Please reinstall.18:02
freegooi just dwnload testdisk, but i can not seem to run or install it.. what should i excute there is no .sh or config gile18:02
Mr_Xhello how can i manualy edit the xfce menu?18:03
wims!vbox > wims18:03
ubottuwims, please see my private message18:03
f_newtonunop, and shifty5 thanks.  I will give that a shot and let ya know how it turned out18:03
godzirraAre SQUASHFS error's problems with my hard drive?  Or my cd rom drive?  Or my CD?18:03
unoplupus_, hmm.  that's odd.18:04
tuxflavrdwaflsshifty5 when I opened skype through the terminal. and then tried to test the video, it crashed my system.18:04
shifty5tux, did you watch the console and look for error messages?18:04
tuxflavrdwaflsyes, nothing happened18:04
shifty5tux, try "sudo skype" that will run it as root and see if it crashes18:05
shifty5only do that for testing18:05
tuxflavrdwaflsit opens it fine, now ill test video18:05
lupus_<unop> Ive used virtualbox in the past and it worked fine but now...18:06
shifty5lupus, would wine work instead?18:07
thiago_* clarke.freenode.net coloca o modo +s #slackware-pancadaria-br18:07
shifty5or are you trying to install another os18:07
el_ninoohello. is there anyone else that got problems installing amarok? i get alot of failure when trying to install it trough add/remove option18:07
lupus_wine? never used that before18:07
shifty5lupus, are you trying to run a windows app?18:07
erUSULgodzirra: seems like corrupted cd? have you checked it?18:08
shifty5tux, no dice?18:08
tuxflavrdwaflsshifty5 it still crashed, no error message though18:08
shifty5tux, ive never used skype so thats all i can do for ya18:08
dfox_Anyone here at SCALE? in LA?18:08
erUSULfreegoo: install testdisk from the repositories18:08
erUSUL!info testdisk | freegoo18:08
ubottutestdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.9-1.1 (intrepid), package size 1196 kB, installed size 3768 kB18:08
lupus_<shifty5> im just trying to get virtual box to work. I know how to virtualize but its been awhile18:09
tuxflavrdwaflsshifty5 im not actually trying to use skype, just trying to get the webcam workin i guess.  thanks for the help18:09
erUSULel_ninoo: what errors?18:09
el_ninooerUSUL it cant connect to the server i think. i have also tried the sudo apt-get install amarok18:10
shifty5tux, you have to make sure the device was detected and the module was loaded18:10
godzirraerUSUL: How do I check it? I've md5summed the downloaded iso and its good.18:10
shifty5el_ninoo, have you tried in the synaptic package manager?18:11
erUSULgodzirra: there is an option to check the burned disk when you boot into it18:11
el_ninooshifty5 yes18:11
shifty5did it list the dependencies and isntall them?18:11
tuxflavrdwaflsshifty5 i believe it is dev0 and the uvc mod is loaded.  i read something about vl42 .  i think that is what works for me and vlc does not?18:11
erUSULel_ninoo: maybe youre mirrors are down. change mirrors or wait18:11
erUSULel_ninoo: you can change them in System>Admin>Software Sources18:11
el_ninooerUSUL ok, ill try, thank you18:12
shifty5tux, type "lsusb"18:12
godzirraerUSUL: thanks.  I'll try that if this one doesn't work.18:12
godzirraAnd its looking like its frozen... yet again.18:12
* godzirra sighs.18:12
godzirraI've never had so much trouble installing ubuntu on a laptop.18:12
cbilljonesHey, can anyone help me troubleshoot why my mic is not working?18:13
tuxflavrdwaflsBus 008 Device 001: ID 0000:000018:13
tuxflavrdwaflsBus 007 Device 003: ID 0bda:0158 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.18:13
tuxflavrdwaflsBus 007 Device 002: ID 064e:a103 Suyin Corp.18:13
tuxflavrdwaflsBus 007 Device 001: ID 0000:000018:13
tuxflavrdwaflsBus 006 Device 001: ID 0000:000018:13
FloodBot1tuxflavrdwafls: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:13
tuxflavrdwaflsBus 005 Device 001: ID 0000:000018:13
godzirraokay, so not frozen.. just slow.  Weird.18:13
shifty5tux, is one of those devices the camera?18:13
recon69cbilljones: have you checked the level in mixer?18:13
unoplupus_, try.  sudo aptitude install sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-modules-`uname -r`18:14
tuxflavrdwaflsshifty5 i dont know?18:14
cbilljonesrecon69: yes, its all the way up, not muted18:14
godzirraerUSUL: Adding a user failed with exit code 141.18:14
unoplupus_, if that still doesn't work.    sudo aptitude reinstall virtualbox-ose virtualbox-ose-modules-`uname -r`18:14
erUSULgodzirra: sorry... never seen that error... :|18:15
godzirraYeah, I've  gotten them a lot18:15
godzirraI don't know what the hell is going on, but its killing me18:15
recon69cbilljones: is a laptop mic, built in ?18:15
godzirraI've been trying to get ubuntu installed on my laptop for  2 days now.18:15
unoplupus_,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox18:15
cbilljonesrecon69: desktop, creative x-fi sound card18:15
nibblynHi. Since there is nothing configured in xorg.conf... how do I change the LOGIN screen resolution?18:16
godzirraerUSUL: Yeah, it crashed saying "SQUASHFS error: sb_bread failed reading block <something>"18:16
shifty5tux, google your webcam and see if thats the device18:17
recon69cbilljones: you should have a look at preferences in volume control , cause it dont show you them all by default. I take it sound is working?18:17
erUSULgodzirra: well as i said squashfs errors may be due to a corrupt cd-r or bad burned disk18:17
unopnibblyn, you'll need to populate the xorg.conf18:17
cbilljonesrecon69, ya everything else works, i have already added the stuff i need from pref(mic, mic boost)18:17
godzirraerUSUL: but not a hard drive problem?18:18
erUSULgodzirra: no; the squhashfs is used and lives in the livecd18:19
recon69god, my system just gone unstable as hell in the last week.18:19
nibblynunop: thinking about that. thanks. so populate the xorg.conf seems to be the only method to change the resolution.18:19
n2diyOk, a catch-22, I want to install root kit protection, but, I have to exspose my self to the internet to get it? Is there a secure way of getting chrootkit onto the box without going on the internet?18:19
null__how can i stop ubuntu from popping up a UI when media is inserted ?18:19
godzirrawell that sgood at least18:19
godzirrabut I burned this iso at 1x18:19
godzirrai dunno what the hell else I can do to fix it.18:19
lupus_<unop> it reinstalls and I get  "No suitable module for running kernel found"18:19
whackedget this i have successful used the nvidia 177 driver in the past on ubuntu 8.10 i have recently formatted and now just reinstalled nividia 177 driver but if fails to load  ?18:20
unopnibblyn, apparently, yes ..   you could do this to create a template you can then improve on.   Xorg -configure18:20
whackedwhat gives18:20
tuxflavrdwaflsshifty5 i googled "suyin corp. ubuntu" and there is alot of stuff about webcams.  also I just tried to open xsane image scanner, and it crashed with this error "Failed to open device 'v4l:/dev/video0':invalid argument.18:20
bakerjhow bloated is xubuntu when i install it from the CD?18:20
unoplupus_, that's probably normal .. still not working?18:20
whackedand i have no new hardward18:21
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recon69have had 3 kernel panics, one lost desktop, programs not starting, terminal windows crashing, and thats just today18:21
godzirraerUSUL: I'm checking the cd for defects now.  About how long does that normally take?18:21
erUSULgodzirra: depends mainly on the cd drive speed i guess it has to read the 700MB and do the sum18:22
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godzirraAnd if thats good, what else could be going wrong?18:22
godzirra(I'm checking now)18:22
lupus_<unop> then I type "virtualbox" in the terminal and it says "Could not find VirtualBox installation. Please reinstall."18:22
nibblynunop: many thanks... configuring now18:22
godzirraI guess I could have gotten a pack of bad cds?18:22
godzirraI've burned it like 6 times now.18:22
recon69cbilljones: have a look at lshw and see what sound hardware is recognised18:23
unoplupus_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=524873518:23
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cbilljonesrecon69, ok, sec18:24
f_newtonwell I had to boot up in the generic kernel to get it to work.  This time I got a floating box claiming the screen resolution was not optimal and that was it18:24
f_newton Ive still not discovered  how to revert to init 318:24
cbilljonesrecon69, should i run lshw as sudo or regular?18:25
recon69cbilljones: sudo probably best18:25
mlissnerDoes anybody have any knowledge about installing software from source?18:26
mlissnerI'm trying to install the latest version of tracker, but I can't quite get it configured the way I want.18:26
lupus_<unop> thanks Im going to try it18:26
godzirraerUSUL: No errors found.18:26
godzirraIt just finished.18:26
recon69mlissner: read the install instructions in the source file you downloaded is a good first step18:26
celsojuniortem alguem ai do brasil?18:27
mlissnerWhen I run ./configure, it goes well, but in the end it says "Support PDF: no"18:27
mlissnerI read the README, and all the other docs I can find, but this didn't appear anywhere.18:27
oxeimo1what's the easiest way to upload an image for free?18:27
recon69mlissner: well, install a pdf viewer and try again :)18:27
oxeimo1(and have it stay around for maybe a few days)18:27
celsojuniorse tever algem do brasil me diga18:28
galahadI have created some svg files with inkscape with embedded images. Unfortunatelly these images are rather large in size resulting in a big file size that becomes even bigger when I export them to pdf. Is there a way to automatically shrink the size of the images? Thanks.18:28
recon69mlissner: you may need source packages for the viewer as well. but not sure if it's required18:28
godzirraerUSUL: Any other ideas?18:29
cbilljonesrecon69, i see my card on pci3, but doesnt say anything about mic18:29
mlissnerThe install is for tracker, so it's about indexing pdf, not viewing.18:29
mlissnerI'm trying to compile in the ability to index them, and pictures, and a few other things.18:29
recon69mlissner: also, the program may not need a PDF viewer to work, does configure actually give an error18:29
vasylhas the windows title bar bug in ubuntu 8.10 was corrected? (the one that made the title bars grey or dissapear if u use compiz with certain nvidia cards)?18:30
whackedok i just decided mo more will i use ubuntu until developers make a more staple system18:30
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tuxflavrdwaflsshifty5 are you still with me ?18:30
shifty5tux sorry18:30
joneblade#ubuntu -ru18:30
cbilljonesvasyl, seems to have i,proved for me, still alittle buggy though18:30
shifty5you should just google your specific webcam18:30
arvind_khadriwhacked, thanks.18:30
DIFH-icerootcan i get the screen of a running ubuntu (no vnc installed) just with ssh? ssh -X host did not work18:30
mlissnerrecon69 - it's not about a viewer, it's about pdf extraction.18:30
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vasylcbilljones: what do u mean by improved eactly?18:31
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recon69cbilljones: well, next how are you testing it? should use sound recorder18:31
n2diyifconfig doesn't list the ip address of my eth0 card? It is a virgin install, and the box hasn't been connected to a network yet.18:31
tuxflavrdwaflsshifty5 the "crystal eye".  what am I looking for?18:31
shifty5just a sec18:31
cbilljonesvasyl, they dont seem to dissapear anymore, though sometimes theres discoloration18:31
cbilljonesrecon69: ya im using sound recorder18:31
recon69n2diy: not having an IP address would be normal if you not connected to a network18:32
shifty5that came up from "crystal eye" +ubuntu18:32
shifty5in google..18:32
whackedi have used nvidia 177 drivers in past, i just formatted drive reinstalled nivdia drivers and they do not work, nothing has changed about my hardware on pc , this is frustrating18:32
Coded1I would like to set up user monitoring on my box to keep an eye on my kids, screen shots and keylogger does anyone have a recommendation?18:33
vasylcbilljones: that bug is the only thing preventing me from upgrading to 8.10 ... I wonder if I should wait more or its not as bad as them disapearing, do you mean they decome darker like when out of focus?18:33
recon69cbilljones: well, have never had problems with mic myself, so can only suggest you check forum for you sound card for more info, and keep asking here18:33
whackedwhy is everything i do on ubuntu take a year to solve issues18:33
shifty5whacked, did you go to "hardware drivers" and install the restricted?18:33
f_newtonhmmm I guess gone are the days when I can fix an install by the cli or init 3, if you'd rather....  in a debian environment18:33
whackeddid you even read what i typed18:33
shifty5yes but i was asking where you installed from18:34
f_newtonI was able to fix it at least for now but booting in to a generic recovery kernel and hand writing a config18:34
shifty5you could have used the package manager, or console18:34
cbilljonesrecon69, ok ill keep playing/searching18:34
whackedfrom lanching hardware driver and installing the suggested driver just like a did last time18:34
shifty5does it say its enabled?18:35
TruthTacoi need help trying to get some flash installed in opera besides adobe 918:35
whackedbecause it will not let me enable18:35
whackedwhy are talking smack18:35
cbilljonesvasyl: its definently improving, i would do a test install, but i have lots of harddrives, lol18:35
aeroflyHello everyone18:35
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f_newtonshifty5, unop  again thanks for your help.  with it I was able to get this install bootable18:36
Orgazmoanyone have a min to help a nub with some kind of permissions problem?18:36
vasylcbilljones: got about 40x 90 gig satas lying around ;) will definatly check it out if u say its improving18:36
shifty5f_newton, no problem18:36
f_newtonvasyl, send a few my way18:36
unopf_newton, np18:36
cbilljonesvasyl, ya give it a shot then, however maybe its best to wait for 9.04 - as its out soon18:37
f_newtonIm still afraid to reboot lol18:37
whackedi have nvidia driver working before driver version 177, i just formatted PC and reinstalled the 177 driver the exact same way i did last time, but know they will not function18:37
shifty5whacked, the only time that didn't work for me is when it couldn't get to the repositories18:37
deasycould anyone tell me the permissions of their ~/.dbus directory please?18:37
whackedit downloaded and installed but fails to load18:37
shifty5did you try from console?18:37
shifty5i don't know what the command is though if anyone does..18:38
shifty5i have ati18:38
fosco__deasy, drwx------18:38
deasythanks fosco__18:38
whackedno from the system/administration/hardware driver, then unbuntu searched for best driver18:38
whackedsame way i did it last time before formatting pc18:39
whackedand before it workd18:39
shifty5whacked, if you try to run from console it should show an error message18:39
Orgazmodeasy: d70018:39
ZummiG777Question: There is no /etc/modules.d in Ubuntu, is there a specific way in Ubuntu to achieve the same functionality ?18:39
deasyfosco__, and inside that (ls -l .dbus) are they all 644?18:39
whackedonly thing i did different this time was install compiz manager first18:40
fosco__deasy, inside: drwx------18:40
PiciZummiG777: Theres /etc/modules and /etc/modprobe.d/18:40
whackedmaybe cmpiz is corrupting the installing of nvidia 177 driver18:40
shifty5whacked did you try disabling compiz?18:40
whackedi really dont know18:40
whackedhow too18:40
recon69ZummiG777: you can also blacklist modules18:40
whackedok uninstalling18:40
whackedthis only a guess18:40
deasyfosco__, wrx the session-bus one then the files all 644?18:41
whackedgees dont just go with my hunch as a solution now ok18:41
fosco__whacked, metacity --replace will disable compiz for the current session18:41
shifty5it could be using the ati free drivers and erroring the restricted install18:41
shifty5err, nvidia18:41
ZummiG777Pici: So, if I simply put a file in modprobe.d with the list of modules I would like loaded it would correctly load at boot time?18:41
PiciZummiG777: Just modify /etc/modules if you need to specify more modules to load at boot.18:43
whackedi am installing compiz18:43
whackeduninstalling i meant18:43
godzirraerUSUL: Checking the disk found no errors.  Any other suggestions or anything else you can think of to try?18:43
vceloun Teď jste znám jako vceloun18:43
vceloun>vceloun< dobrý  večer18:43
vceloun mam tady takovou zaludnost a nevim si s tim rady - http://pastebin.com/m2969849018:43
vceloun ping18:43
vceloun zkousim odezvu a nic18:43
FloodBot1vceloun: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:43
vceloun vsichni kali - pri patku18:43
vceloun tak jsem si asi vybral spatnou dobu18:43
vceloun-kyselejsyrecek- vceloun: mebo mozn spatne misto,18:43
vceloun>kyselejsyrecek< dobry vecer18:43
vceloun>vceloun< je nejake vhodnejsi misto?18:43
vceloun* paprna (n=roman@107.121.broadband3.iol.cz) vstoupil do #ubuntu-cz18:43
vceloun>kyselejsyrecek< muzete zkusit #ubuntu, tam jsou vzhuru porad :D18:43
vceloun>vceloun< to mi ani tak nevadi - spis to, ze by mi asi nerozumeli - a ja byh zase moc nerozumel jim18:43
vceloun mozna s pomoci nejakeho prekladace by to slo18:43
vceloun proste od nejake doby mi usb wifi karta nefunguje a ja nevim, proc a vzdycky, kdyz ji pripojim, tak mi  tohle vypíse http://pastebin.com/m2969849018:44
el_ninoohello again. I have just installed the firmware for med network card. how can i change keys so when i press the wireless button it will actually turn on?18:44
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_VIM_why isnt FloodBot banning him?18:44
xfmHi, I am looking for a prog to automaticly lauchn programs each day at the same time18:44
IdleOne_VIM_, depends on X lines in Y time18:44
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noodlesgcxfm cron18:44
Clintegerso I'm running ubuntu desktop on a computer18:44
Mr_Mackeehow can i upgrade amarok in intrepid gnome?18:45
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paprnacopak vceloun e ?18:45
ClintegerHow can I kill X to sort of run it as a server, but I still need wifi connection18:45
_VIM_IdleOne:yeah it just seemed lagged or something usually after like 3 lines FloodBot bans for a few seconds18:45
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader
IdleOneMr_Mackee, if your system is up to date then you have the latest version of amarok the is in the repos18:45
omergsomebuddy cam help18:46
tavishhello! i am having this error when i try to run google earth. http://rafb.net/p/SCX0RW56.html18:46
IdleOneomerg, ask a question18:46
xfmnoodlesgc: tks18:46
omerghi idlone18:46
Anub|shi, I'm not sure if I'm in the right place but I am trying to migrate my thunderbird messages from vista to ubuntu  - I already have access to the partition but does anyone know how to do that?18:47
ClintegerHow can I make Ubuntu connect automatically to a wireless network on startup, without me having to login and stuff? I mostly use this laptop to run things remotely from command line :(18:47
omergi need help whit my ubuntu18:47
Clintegeromerg, then ask a question.18:47
deasyfosco - you use hplip?18:47
IdleOneomerg, more then you realise I'm sure. what is the issue?18:47
Clinteger...now he's not going to ask a question or state the problem?18:48
IdleOnehe left18:48
WiLaubuntu 8.10 does not recognise my built-in cam, any ideas?18:48
godzirraAnyone have any ideas?  Ubuntu refuses to install.  The GUI dies with SQUASHFS errors.   Checking the disk found no errors.  Any other suggestions or anything else anyone can think of to try?18:48
Mr_Mackeethe amarok site says 2.1 is the newest version, while i'm running 1.418:49
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billybigriggerMr_Mackee, software in the ubuntu repositories might not always be up to date18:49
IdleOneMr_Mackee, the site is correct but the Ubuntu repos might not have that version yet. does the site have a .deb file?18:49
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Mr_Mackeenot that i can find18:49
IdleOneMr_Mackee, you can try compiling it yourself but I wouldn't suggest it. newest is not always greatest18:50
omergtysomebuddy cam help me whit my ubuntu ? i need to run apache server18:50
IdleOneomergty, ask a question. state your problem and be patient18:50
IdleOne!lamp > omergty18:50
ubottuomergty, please see my private message18:50
omergtyhttp server in my computer18:51
recon69cbilljones: have you tried moving all the sliders to 100%, it could be line-in slider or somthing else instead of mic18:51
IdleOneomergty, see the mesaage from ubottu18:51
CaptWhoI'm working with a company that im trying to convince to start using linux for desktops and servers.  Probably their primary need is  for some sort of networkable contact management and phone dialing solution.  Something client based that can contact a server would be ideal and if it was able to do predictive dialing, their needs would be met18:51
josephnexushello everyone!18:52
IdleOnehello josephnexus18:52
josephnexusi'm wondering if anyone has any good ideas for locking down an ubuntu machine to automatically log in, fire up a web browser, and then only allow access to one web domain18:52
josephnexusany ideas?18:52
josephnexusi know it is possible18:52
josephnexusand I read an article a while ago on how to do it18:53
josephnexusbut I'm having trouble finding the article again18:53
IdleOne!lamp > josephnexus check this out there might be some info or links to what you are looking for. it's the help page to install but has other links also18:53
ubottujosephnexus, please see my private message18:53
toaderHi, how to start to Console?18:54
toaderHi, no gui18:54
dudusjosephnexus: you can easily auto login on gdm manager18:54
josephnexusIdleOne... I don't think that is my issue18:54
dudusjosephnexus: then take a look at pessalus to lock everything else up18:54
fosco__toader, go to system - admin - services and dissable gdm service18:54
godzirraAnyone have any ideas?  Ubuntu refuses to install.  The GUI dies with SQUASHFS errors.   Checking the disk found no errors.  Any other suggestions or anything else anyone can think of to try?18:54
josephnexuspessalus... is that pretty easy to use?18:54
IdleOnejosephnexus, I know but there are other links to info that might be useful to you on tha page18:55
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dudusjosephnexus: about the domain you should setup iptables to only allow one domain out18:55
toaderfosco__: but i just want to turn all the service and run the program18:55
tavishproblem solved18:55
shifty5godzirra, ive seen a bad cdrom crash an install18:55
toaderfosco__: after that, i still need gnome GUI18:55
fosco__toader, sorry, i don't understand18:55
tuxflavrdwaflshow do i display a list of what i installed, i need to see the last 5 things18:56
dudusjosephnexus: http://www.linux.com/feature/6206018:56
godzirrashifty5: I verified the CD.18:56
recon69godzirra: can you boot from CD?18:56
godzirraOr do you mean a CD Rom drive?18:56
fosco__toader, to start GUI once gdm is dissabled just run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start18:56
shifty5godzirra the cd drive18:56
godzirrarecon69: I boot from cd just fine.18:56
godzirrarecon69: would a bad cd verify the cdrom correctly.18:56
godzirraerr.  Would a bad cdrom drive verify the cd correctly?18:56
josephnexusdudus... looks like that is what I needed18:56
shifty5godzirra, the livecd loads?18:57
godzirraIt loads with no trouble at all.18:57
recon69godzirra: so it crashes during the install?18:57
godzirraEverytime, with SQUASHFS errors.18:57
shifty5and then you start the install..18:57
godzirraAnd I've installed osx86 without trouble from the cdrom, as well as doing many other things via the cdrom.18:57
tuxflavrdwaflsis there a console command that will display everything i have used sudo apt-get to download/install18:57
godzirraI'm not asying it definitely isn't the cdrom.... just haven't had  trouble with anything but ubuntu.18:57
dudustuxflavrdwafls: dpkg -l shows the installed packages... but not by install date18:58
oCean_tuxflavrdwafls: I'm not aware of such command, but you could check the /var/log/apt/term.log logfile18:58
Crungmungushi, I'm trying to resolve the netbios name of a machine on my network from my ubuntu box ... but it won't resolve. Got samba installed on the ubuntu box and winbind .... any ideas?18:58
shifty5that happened to a freind of mine, he had no idea the rom was fucked and found out installing ubuntu18:58
Huufartedaircrack question.  Once I have my drivers patched for packet injection, anybody know if the wireless will still work normally when connecting to my primary wifi connection?18:58
tuxflavrdwaflsdudus ocean_  thanks18:58
shifty5he changed it and it worked18:58
nanotubegodzirra: well... if all else fails, you could try the alternate install cd and see if that makes any difference18:59
recon69godzirra: suggest a scan of you hdd18:59
IdleOneshifty5, it was broken, the drive that is right?18:59
shifty5idleone, yes18:59
shifty5idleone, it worked fine otherwise18:59
IdleOneshifty5, ah ok I couldn't tell by the language used :)18:59
shifty5would not install ubuntu18:59
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HuufartedWill aircrack-ng patched drivers affect the normal functioning of a wireless card?19:00
godzirrananotube: I'm burning it now.19:00
godzirrarecon69: But a SQUASHFS error is definitely cd someone said?  Not hard drive?  And what can I scan my hard drive with?19:00
shifty5idleone, my bad19:00
jcaseare there any remote desktop apps for ubuntu? i want to try any access my ubuntu desktop from the road, my work notebook has XP on it (required to for now)19:00
nanotubegodzirra: good luck :)19:00
IdleOneshifty5, np . you seem like a knowladgable person would hate to see you get banned over poor choice of words is all19:00
shifty5godzirra, we also tried the alternate cd with no luck, changed the rom and it worked19:01
nanotubejcase: there are a few vnc apps out there...19:01
dudusjcase: it comes with vinagre pre-installed19:01
jcasenano is there one  that you would recommend?19:01
KDB9000how do I get the partition sizes of my hard drives in server (ie. no GUI, terminal only)?19:01
jcasedudus: does it work good?19:01
IdleOnegodzirra, will take you 5 minutes to swap out the drive. give it a try if you have a spare one19:01
nanotubejcase: there's one that comes with ubuntu by default, you can find it under system -> preferences -> remote desktop19:02
dudusjcase: yeah19:02
jcasedudus, it has a windows based client?19:02
recon69godzirra: are you partitioning the drive manualy?19:02
fahadsadahI've been reading the Windows source code, and the Linux kernel source. Windows' one has a lot more swearing and cursing in the comments.19:03
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tuxflavrdwaflsis there a command to downgrade a video driver, to the previous one?19:03
IdleOnefahadsadah, can you blame them lol19:03
fahadsadahIdleOne: True.19:03
nanotubejcase: you could also try freenx, or tightvnc or ultravnc or realvnc. not sure if the one that comes with ubuntu also has a win client, though. google it. if it does, then that would be easiest.19:04
fahadsadahjcase: I thought the one that comes with Ubuntu IS VNC?19:04
jcasefahadsadah, i have no clue about this, never done it19:05
jcasei just want to use a local copy of thunderbird and keep it off the notebook heh19:05
whackedok ubuntu is trash why is when i goto appearance and visual effects it want to install the outdated driver and not the newer version19:05
tuxflavrdwaflsis there a way to undo a video driver upgrade?19:05
fahadsadahjcase: The client that comes with Ubuntu (vinagre) IS VNC.19:06
IdleOnewhacked, because the newest driver is not available in the repos maybe19:06
excitatoryquestion.. so I'm using this really great theme that would be perfect except one flaw.. text boxes in firefox are black (which is fine) but on many websites the text in the box is also black.. what or where would i go to control this?19:06
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jcasefahadsadah, i want to view a ubuntu desktop from a winxp notebook19:06
whackedno ubuntu is just not a finished product19:06
Crungmungus_jcase: get a windows based VNC client then19:06
dudusjcase: vinagre is also vnc based... you can search for a vnc program on windows and theyll work fine together. There is also a terminal server client pre installed on ubuntu, this is the default remote access for windows.... based on RDP19:06
jcasedudus thanks19:07
bedmundsnick brandonban619:07
whackedi have nivida 177 installed but it will not activate19:07
IdleOnewhacked, there is no finished GNU/Linux distrobution19:07
whackedmeaning it full of so many bugs19:07
bedmundsstrange, irc commands no worky.19:07
Geek`N`Proudwhacked: try Debian Stable if you want "finished"19:07
Geek`N`ProudUbuntu is not designed to be 100% bug-free19:07
whackedyou spend days just do things that take seconds to accomplish in windows19:08
Geek`N`Proudwhacked: like what?19:08
whackedget video driver to work19:08
whackedi want virtual desktop19:08
IdleOnewhacked, then go to launchpad.net and start helping out. Ubuntu can use all the help it can get from the community. crying about it wont help ( especially when you got it for FREE )19:08
Geek`N`Proudwhacked: that took me 3 minutes19:08
Geek`N`Proudthere's even a GUI for it19:08
Geek`N`Proudand video drivers don't work OOTB with Windows either19:09
whackedyeah i could have worked and earned the money to buy vista xp windows server in the time it takes sitting home here trying to get free OS to work properly19:09
bedmundswhacked, video drivers suck in windows too. ESPECIALLY with a laptop/dock station19:09
Geek`N`ProudOn Windows the included NVIDIA drivers don't even have OpenGL 3D support19:10
whackedso what19:10
Geek`N`Proudwhich IMO makes Windows and Linux equal there19:10
IndyGunFreakwhacked: what problem are you having?.. my Intel and Nvidia devices work fine.. (3d, etc.)19:10
whackedbig deal19:10
IdleOnewhacked, state your issue and what you have treid to do to fix it or get yourself windows cd and install that. please stop complaining about it it does not help you get the problem fixed19:10
whackedat least i can visual get options to work i am sure thats everyone intent19:10
ubuntu___i need help here19:10
nickrudwhacked, you can't expect your hard earned experience on windows to transfer transparently to unix/linux. There's a fresh learning curve.19:10
archwildubuntu___, ask a question then :)19:11
Geek`N`Proudubuntu___: how can we help you?19:11
ubuntu___im using ubuntu19:11
whackedwindows is already installed and works like a charm19:11
ubuntu___and i installed aircrack-ng19:11
Geek`N`Proudwhacked: did you install it or the OEM?19:11
godzirraHrm.  Its not detecting my cdrom drive now.19:11
godzirraMaybe it is a cdrom problem.19:11
IdleOnewhacked, you have anti-virus installed on the windows partition? cuz Linux doesn't need it19:11
whackedi unstalled a triple boot19:11
* nickrud doesn't have a clue how to run a windows server19:11
fahadsadahubuntu___: Wannabe hacker? Oh no!19:11
ubuntu___when i try the command airodump19:11
whackedso whats your point19:11
Geek`N`Proudwhacked: if it's the one that came with your PC then i'm not surprised19:12
ubuntu___~ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ airodump-ng wlan019:12
ubuntu___socket(PF_PACKET) failed: Operation not permitted19:12
ubuntu___This program requires root privilegesubuntu@ubuntu:~$ airodump-ng wlan019:12
ubuntu___socket(PF_PACKET) failed: Operation not permitted19:12
FloodBot1ubuntu___: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:12
nickrudwhacked, the point is stop complaining, and ask useful questions that will move you along in your install and learning curve19:12
IdleOneubuntu___, sudo19:12
Geek`N`Proudwhacked: if you get a PC with Ubuntu preinstalled (ask Dell, HP or any other non-cheap OEMs!) then it runs flawlessly too19:12
nanotubeubuntu___: use sudo.19:12
fahadsadahnickrud: It's a lot easier to set up than a Ubuntu server, but a Ubuntu server can be set up and forgotten about. Windows servers need constant attention.19:12
ubuntu___what do u mean by using sudo?19:12
nanotubeubuntu___: sudo airodump-ng wlan019:12
kronixWindows Server OSes are easier to administer if, like most people, you have experience with Windows workstation OSes.19:12
fahadsadahubuntu___: Type 'sudo -i' before entering any of the commands.19:12
IdleOneubuntu___, append sudo to that command19:13
ubuntu___i have to do that b4 every comman?19:13
nickrudfahadsadah, that's why I made a point of saying 'run' ;)19:13
kronixAre we helping a wannabe hacker hack a wireless network?19:13
IdleOneubuntu___, not all commands but that one yes19:13
nanotube!sudo |ubuntu___19:13
ubottuubuntu___: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)19:13
ubuntu___i will try19:13
fahadsadahubuntu___: Put sudo before every command, or sudo -i, and then run them all normally.19:13
burkmatkronix, Not sure, just got here but that's what it looks like...19:13
Geek`N`Proudkronix: till you run dcomcnfg pagefault and realise that SCW broke it ;-)19:13
Daft_Punkwhy sudo -i, what is that for19:13
nanotubeubuntu___: read those sudo docs19:13
fahadsadahDaft_Punk: That makes you root.19:13
nanotubeDaft_Punk: if you want to enter an interactive root shell19:14
Daft_Punkoh so perm root?19:14
fahadsadahubuntu___: Why do you want access to the wireless network.19:14
Daft_Punkoh ok19:14
nanotubeDaft_Punk: in order to do multiple commands, rather than just one19:14
fahadsadahDaft_Punk: Till you close the terminal19:14
IdleOneDaft_Punk, makes you root but can be dangerous if you don't know what your doing19:14
KDB9000how do I check my swap size from the terminal?19:14
nickrudDaft_Punk, gives you a root terminal so you don't have to use sudo for each command. type exit to return to normal user level19:14
whackedok well it's annoying know that i have the same hardware on my PC that i did a month ago, and had nvidia 177 driver functioning properly, and today i just reinstalled same copy of ubuntu and go install the same nvidia 177 driver in the same matter as last time, but of course it will not work this time19:14
ubuntu___ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo airodump-ng wlan019:14
ubuntu___ioctl(SIOCSIWMODE) failed: Device or resource busy19:14
ubuntu___ARP linktype is set to 1 (Ethernet) - expected ARPHRD_IEEE80211,19:14
ubuntu___ARPHRD_IEEE80211_FULL or ARPHRD_IEEE80211_PRISM instead.  Make19:14
ubuntu___sure RFMON is enabled: run 'airmon-ng start wlan0 <#>'19:14
FloodBot1ubuntu___: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:14
ubuntu___Sysfs injection support was not found either.19:14
Daft_Punkok thanks everyone i just wanted to know what the -i was for19:14
Daft_Punk!pastebin | ubuntu___19:15
ubottuubuntu___: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)19:15
nanotubeubuntu___: use the pastebin to paste stuff that's more than one line19:15
archwildubuntu___, it looks like your wireless card isn't in raw mode and/or your drivers don't support packet injection19:15
IdleOneubuntu___, don't paste a bunch of text like that please use the pastebin19:15
burkmatKDB9000, try `cat /proc/meminfo | grep -i swap`19:15
fahadsadahubuntu___: Does your card support rawrf?19:15
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Clintegerhey everyone.19:15
burkmat!hi | Clinteger19:15
ubuntu___what is rawf?19:15
ubottuClinteger: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!19:15
godzirraMy CD-Rom drive just stopped being detected by my laptop.19:16
KDB9000burkmat, thx.19:16
burkmatKDB9000, Np. :)19:16
ubuntu___my card is iwl394519:16
godzirraGuess I know where the problem lies.19:16
Clintegeri have ubuntu running on my laptop, which stays on all the time.. so I wanted it to have it connect to my wireless network automatically on startup19:16
IdleOnegodzirra, sorry to hear that but yeah now you know19:16
godzirraIdleOne: Eh.  I bought it yesterday.19:16
godzirraThe laptop I mean.19:16
ubuntu___any idea?19:16
godzirraI'll go take it back once my w ife gets home... since I forgot to get the receipt from her.19:16
IdleOnegodzirra, time to return to the store19:16
godzirraYup yup.19:16
jussi01KDB9000: also try typing: free19:17
godzirrawish it had died completely before I had burned like 12 ubuntu cds. ;)19:17
Clintegeri have ubuntu running on my laptop, which stays on all the time.. so I wanted it to have it connect to my wireless network automatically on startup. I made eth1 auto in /etc/network/interfaces, so I can ssh to the machine on startup but there's no internet connectivity. What does the GUI wireless config thing do differently? :(19:17
IdleOnegodzirra, don't mention you tried installing linux. some stores will try and blame it on that and not exchange or refund just say it doesn't work and that is it19:17
fahadsadahubuntu___: Hi.19:17
shifty5i have a theory, about these cdroms, i think they are designed to be used in windows so the have trouble reading and writing linux cd images19:17
shifty5and the cdrom is not necisarrly bad, some just handle it better19:18
nickrudClinteger, if you use /etc/network/interfaces , the gui doesn't touch the defined interfaces at all.19:18
fahadsadahshifty5: No, all media is generic.19:18
shifty5yes but the firmware on the cdrom isn't19:18
burkmatshifty5, That's quite the odd theory. :P having a hard time picturing a cd-drive analyzing the data...19:18
Clintegernickrud, I know that. I'm trying to make /etc/network/interfaces connect automatically, without having to use the gui. I want this computer to run headless, soo :p19:18
shifty5which handles how the data is written19:18
Clintegernickrud, it connects to my LAN fine, so this other computer i'm using right now can ssh to it immediately :S19:19
nickrudClinteger, I set this up once, I used /usr/share/doc/wpasupplicant/README.Debian.gz as a guide; I also used some of the other docs in that dir19:20
recon69godzirra: did you change anything? odd that it would just stop working like that19:20
shifty5also, have you ever noticed that when you burn cd's at fast speeds some players won't read them...19:20
n2diyok, the new box got a clean bill of health from chkrootkit, now I want to play, I've enabled Remote Desktop on both boxes, but I've forgotten the syntax to connect?19:20
Clintegernickrud, but I'm using it with an unprotected wireless networkk.19:20
NativeAngelsis there a way of getting msn to work with ubuntu19:21
burkmatClinteger, Doesn't Network Manager handle auto-connecting per default?19:21
burkmatNativeAngels, Check out Pidgin.19:21
TheDracleI'm using the Xfixes extension to pull information about the currently displayed cursor. When using a GNOME session in Ubuntu- it reports the width/height of the cursor being 1x1.19:21
Clintegerburkmat, it does, but only on login. i want to use this computer headlessly19:21
ub2myhey guys, trying to install mysql server, and configure asks for a root password, then tries to start mysqld and fails. (no logs in /var/log/messages) any suggestions?  I now get that configure prompt every time I apt-get install something19:21
TheDracleDoes Ubuntu do some fancy idependent cursor rendering? Or GNOME in general?19:21
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lupus_<unop> You are a god! Thanks sooo much for your help!19:22
burkmatClinteger, Aah... Hmm. How does nm-applet react if you simply run it at boot? It doesn't connect?19:22
NativeAngelsso msn messnger wont work with ubuntu desktop19:22
nickrudClinteger, ah. I also read man wireless , has some instructions along those lines iirc19:22
recon69NativeAngels: you could try amsn19:22
shifty5nativeangles, the alternatives are better19:22
shifty5amsn is what i use19:22
Clintegeroh brb im gonna try just using dhcp as network manager was19:22
burkmatNativeAngels, The program "MSN Messenger" could be run with Wine, but Pidgin, aMSN, there are tons of choices that are like MSN Messenger but OpenSource.19:22
bryguy_I just installed ubuntu on a rather ancient laptop, a p200 with 96 megs of ram.  Once I switched from gnome to blackbox it's working pretty well, but i have one problem.19:25
bryguy_the wireless card is detected and works if I manually run dhclient19:25
aroonii have sound blaster live card.  i just installed intrepid.  sound card supports 5.1 sound but alsamixer only shows one output.  plus you can hear microphone output from speakers.... help?19:26
bryguy_but I can't find it in my network manager window and this is my first time with ubuntu so I'm not sure how to make it show up19:26
hbitHello folks: how can I connect a pc to my laptop via crossover cable for maintenance and keep on browsing Internet wit my wifi? (different IP networks)19:26
burkmatbryguy_, It's detected but doesn't show up in the network manager?19:26
bryguy_by detected i mean it shows up when I run iwconfig19:27
bryguy_it shows up as eth119:27
burkmathbit, If you want to get your traffic out through a specific device you can always set the routes manually.19:27
bryguy_to do the install I had a pcmcia ethernet card installed, which was presumably eth019:27
bryguy_when I look in the network connections window from the network manager applet, there's no card listed.19:27
burkmatbryguy_, ...huh, well I've never come across the issue that it shows up in iwconfig but not nm-applet... I'll check around, but right now I have no idea what might cause that.19:27
bryguy_in fedora I would have run system-config-network to let NM manage it19:28
bryguy_is there an equivalent ubuntu command?  or is NM it?19:28
balleynehow can I tell which repository a package came from? (cli preferred)19:28
burkmatbryguy_, nm-applet should handle it all automatically...19:28
hbitburkmat: Thanx, I've tried adding the route with route -net x.x.x.myrouters_network netmask x.x.x.x gw mynic.address  but it complaints19:29
bryguy_it's an older 802.11b card for what it's worth19:30
burkmatbryguy_, Is the interface up?19:30
ub2myhey guys, trying to install mysql server, and configure asks for a root password, then tries to start mysqld and fails. (no logs in /var/log/messages) any suggestions on how to fix?  I now get that configure prompt every time I apt-get install something19:30
Piciballeyne: apt-cache policy packagename19:30
balleynePici: thanks19:30
burkmathbit, Well, i'm not sure about the proper syntax, but I always run `route add default gw <gw> netmask <netmask> <dev>` and it works. :)19:30
bryguy_I am guessing there's no config file for eth1, when I run ifup eth1 I get "Ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth119:31
burkmatub2my, Have you tried reinstalling?19:31
bryguy_do I maybe need to make an interface config file manually?19:31
ub2myburkmat, yes, I still get the same configure prompt each time19:31
burkmatbryguy_, `ifconfig eth1 up` should work?19:31
PiciApologies in advance for the spam.19:32
lifestreamLOL OMG!!!! Does anyone know how to make my trackpad (laptop mouse pad) stop stealing focus when I'm typing? It keeps erasing everything I type19:32
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burkmatub2my, Sorry, I have no idea how you could fix that... Sounds like a really strange issue.19:32
bryguy_well it didn't give an error of any kind when I did ifconfig eth1 up19:33
burkmatbryguy_, What does nm-applet say?19:33
bryguy_still doesn't seem to see it19:33
hbitburkmat: Ok thx I'll give it a go on the syntax19:34
ub2myI can't even install the dang thing: Package mysql-server is not installed, so not removed, then it prompts me for the mysql root password, AGAIN19:34
burkmatbryguy_, hmm... try `sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart` - Might help.19:34
deasyWohooo!!! after over a year of fighting with these bloody systems, I have a result... hplip guys19:34
deasyhave pulled through :)19:34
burkmatub2my, What happens if you just toss is a random password?19:34
ub2myburkmat, the dialog goes away, it says stopping mysql, [ok], starting mysql [fail] then the apt-get errors out19:35
jdnwestAnyone have a wiki platform that they would recomend for a small office?19:35
SpikeDrakhello, im updating from ubuntu server 6 to 8.04 and i keep getting this error, (Reading database ... dpkg: error processing xfonts-scalable (--remove):, anyone have any suggestions how to fix it?19:36
DIFH-icerootjdnwest: the standard-wiki "mediawiki"19:36
epictetusmediawiki is good but picky about its platform and a pain to setup19:36
bryguy_didn't make a difference- I also tried restarting NetworkManager to no avail19:36
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad19:36
burkmatub2my, Huh... And this isn't just mysql installs, it's anytime you use apt-get?19:36
IdleOnelifestream, For a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad19:36
ub2myyes, ANY time I use apt-get now I get this crap, I can't get it to apt-get remove either.19:37
epictetuspmwiki is a lot simpler than mediawiki, easier to setup probably19:37
Clintegeroh lmao19:37
Clintegernickrud, I got it working :D I forgot the gateway line :p19:37
burkmatub2my, Huh... Looks like it's dkpg's fault, but still... Wonder how to get rid of it. :/ Let me poke around a bit.19:37
burkmatbryguy_, Well, if you've enabled Wireless in nm-applet I don't really have any clue what else could help... Quite the odd issue you've got there.19:38
burkmatbryguy_, Anyways, good luck. Once you get it resolved I'd love to hear how. :)19:38
SpikeDrakanyone, ive beating my head against this xfonts problem for hours :(19:38
jdnwestDIFH-iceroot: mediawiki is great for me, but i need somthing that requires no training (What you see is what you get)19:39
burkmatub2my, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=736419   ! Check that out!19:39
bryguy_does ubuntu have something like sysconfig where the interfaces are configured?19:39
nickrudub2my, in /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.0.postinst , place the command   exit 0   on the line following   set -e  ;  run    sudo apt-get -f install  &&  sudo apt-get purge mysql-server-5.0 && sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.019:39
deasythanks Orgazmo , fosco__  ;)19:40
bryguy_all I see is /etc/network/interfaces, which lists eth0 as the primary connection; the only network interface I have right now is eth1 (wireless card)19:40
bryguy_I'm thinking maybe there's a disconnect where it's expecting eth0 and ignoring eth1 when it doesn't find eth0 (which was a pcmcia card I've since removed)19:41
nickrudbryguy_, normally wireless in the desktop is done by NetworkManger and the nm-applet in the notification area; if it's defined in /etc/network/interfaces NetworkManager will not handle that interface at all19:41
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ub2mynickrud, which line is that?19:42
damentzi don't think there is a way to easily configure your nic card automagically from CLI unless it has been done with network manager previously19:42
ub2mynickrud, there are several set -e lines19:42
nickrudub2my, more than 1? ?  after the first. The rest won't be seen19:43
ub2myburkmat, using that link I tried force/purge and get: dpkg - warning: ignoring request to remove mysql-server which isn't installed.19:43
c0mp13371331337Minor issue:  Ever since upgrading to Intrepid, Compiz seems to have over-hijacked my middle mouse button.  I've always used the middle mouse button for cube rotation.  However, in previous versions, this has ONLY worked when clicking on the desktop.  It seems that now Compiz hijacks the middle mouse click even in applications.  So I can no longer open links in new tabs in firefox without right-clicking, then selecting Open In New Ta19:43
nickrudub2my, should end up being line 2 or 3 or so, very high in the file19:43
burkmatub2my, Try nicks advice, he seems to know what's oig19:43
burkmatub2my, *going on ^^19:44
ub2mynickrud, first set -e is line 6219:44
nickrudub2my, don't have mysql installed in this vm (at work) if you put the file on a pastebin I'll look.   /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.0.postinst19:44
bryguy_how does ubuntu decide which interface is eth0, eth1, etc?19:45
ub2mynickrud, that file is 301 lines long, 12KB19:45
navetzis anyone else running into an issue with pidgin where you cant recieve files from people using the new msn client?19:45
nickrudub2my, paste.ubuntu.com , copy it there and give me the link19:45
DeeppactHello, I have a question corncerning installing Ubuntu Hardy 8.04. When i put the install cd into my laptop it will start but once i click one of the 4 options like install ubuntu it will load Linux Kernel but it will get stuck allong the way and my computer just freezes. My laptop is a dual boot but i want to make it a laptop with only ubuntu on it so can anyone maybe helpe me I would apriciate it19:45
nickrudDeeppact, did you run the checkdisk option on the boot menu?19:46
nickrudDeeppact, if you can't even get that to run, most likely it's a bad burn or downloaded iso19:46
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AJC_Z0How do I stop Update manager from stealing focus?19:47
bryguy_so if NetworkManager isn't doing it, how is my wireless card finding a link to my ssid in the first place?19:47
jeancalvinwhat's a good viewer for multi-page Tif files?19:47
DeeppactNickrud, I just tried check disk but it got stuck at same problem loading the Linux Kernel but I will try to burn it again will of work if I burn the iso on a DVD?19:48
jeancalvinthe built in image viewer on ubuntu doesn't know how to go past the first page.19:48
jeancalvinand I've just been using Gimp to view my tif files.19:48
jeancalvinany suggestions?19:48
ub2mynickrud: http://paste.ubuntu.com/120706/19:48
pinkpotatoIs gnome-terminal scriptable?19:48
nickrudub2my, ah, it's set on line 1; not obvious. Put the exit 0 on line 2. What that does is simply skip all the rest of the file. That's why were're running the rest of the commands; to complete the bad install, purge it and try again.    sudo apt-get -f install && sudo apt-get purge mysql-server-5.0 && sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.019:48
ldleworkHey where are the wireless logs?19:49
nickrud!md5 | Deeppact (check the checksum first) , not sure about booting the iso from a dvd. Never tried persoanally19:49
ldleworkI can't find them anywhere19:49
ubottuDeeppact (check the checksum first) , not sure about booting the iso from a dvd. Never tried persoanally: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:49
traeanyone know how to get an Ubuntu box to join a Windows Domain?19:49
Sakamuratrae: ?19:50
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Sakamuratrae: your trying to get Linux on AD?19:50
ldleworkDoes anyone know where I can find logs about wireless access activity?19:51
traeSakamura, yah19:51
nickrudldlework, activity?  /var/log/syslog will show the interface going up/down19:51
Sakamuratrae: have you seen this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ActiveDirectoryWinbindHowto19:51
ub2mynickrud, I could remove, but install failed, again. http://paste.ubuntu.com/120708/19:51
traeSakamura, hmm  I guess it's not easy huh?  LIke... if we had to roll out say 400 of these machines, doesn't sound quick.19:52
Sakamuratrae: then you would script it :)19:52
nickrudub2my, ok, look in /var/log/syslog for mysql errors. Did you have a database already existing?19:52
ub2mynickrud, nope, clean install19:53
traeSakamura, lol I should know what I'm doing huh?19:53
traeSakamura, ;)19:53
daxrocAnyone know why audio stops working after a few hours of use in 8.10 ?19:53
Swianok, having problems getting a usb hub to work, I can see it in lsusb, but nothing plugged in mounts19:53
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Swianany ideas?19:53
B10Sis it best to purge and remove awstats 6.7 before installing awstats 6.9?19:53
helperi got a small problem19:53
daxrocSwian: bad hub (Does it work on another computer) , Under powered for the number of devices connected19:54
Sakamuratrae: at the bottom of the page theres some steps on adding more than one machine19:54
Jfdzarhello I have a Belkin F5D7000 wirless card can anybody help me to make it work?19:54
helperi config. squid and do everything ok with my client but port msn 1863 or any other port i add like 6667 won't work with my client any help with that !19:54
Swianit does work on other computers19:54
ub2mynickrud, http://paste.ubuntu.com/120709/19:54
Swianand no devices are plugged in now19:54
SwianI have 2 different hubs19:54
Swianwork fine in windows19:54
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daxrocSwian: your not daisy chaining ?19:55
Jfdzarhello I have a Belkin F5D7000 wirless card can anybody help me to make it work?19:55
Swiandirectly connected to a sub port on back of pc19:55
helperi config. squid and do everything ok with my client but port msn 1863 or any other port i add like 6667 won't work with my client any help with that !19:56
daxrocSwian can you bin the results of lsusb -vv > ~/Desktop/usb.txt19:56
C-S-Bhey guys.19:56
B10SSwain: anything in /media/19:57
Swianlemme check19:57
B10SSwian: anything in /media/19:57
daxrocWhat filesystem are you mounting19:57
zdennisdo all version of ubuntu come with kernels that have extended attributes turned on ?19:57
C-S-BIs it wrong that I'm sat here in an Ubuntu t-shirt? lol19:58
nickrudub2my, looking over the script, still around19:58
IdleOneC-S-B, lmao so am i haha19:58
traeSakamura, hey... according to that help page, I don't have kinit installed19:58
Mr_Mackeehow do i zoom out after pressing windows key + 3?19:58
traeany idea what's going on there?19:58
daxroczdennis: they come with the ubuntu generic kernel , nearly all bells and whistles are on by default ( common ones atleast )19:58
zdennisdaxroc: thanks19:59
Jfdzarsomebody help me :D?19:59
IdleOneC-S-B, I also have an ubuntu tatto on my arm. so I got you beat :P19:59
Mr_Mackeeah windows key + 1 ty19:59
ifroogQuestion, How to edit qt/kde themes from gnome?19:59
l337ingDisorderIs there a way to remove my passphrase from my .ssh/id_rsa key?19:59
imri303Mr_Mackee windos key tisk tisk its a super key :)19:59
l337ingDisorderOr would I need to generate a new key?19:59
Mr_Mackeeoh yeah super key sorry20:00
kiwi_Hello world20:00
C-S-BIs it wrong that I'm sat here in an Ubuntu t-shirt? l'd go that far IdleOne20:00
l337ingDisorderimri303: I prefer to think of it as the wavy diamond key20:00
C-S-Bauto completed20:00
nickrudub2my, are you sure there's no error prior to that?20:00
imri303l337ingDisorder lol :)20:00
l337ingDisorderimri303: I just can't bring myself to call a key with the windows logo "super"20:00
helperi config. squid and do everything ok with my client but port msn 1863 or any other port i add like 6667 won't work with my client any help with that !20:00
nickrudl337ingDisorder, they have replacement keycaps you can buy ...20:01
imri303Its called whiteout20:01
C-S-Bwhat I meant to say was, I wouldnt go as far as a tatoo. I've got badges for my backpack when I go travelling round SE Asia next week though20:01
JfdzarBelkin F5D7000 how can I make it run in my Ubuntu 8.10¿?¿?¿??¿20:01
daxrocubuntu + pulse-audio interpretation sucks sooo bad it's not funny !20:02
C-S-BLove spreading the word20:02
C-S-BSad as I may sound20:02
helperanyone know squid here?20:02
C-S-BWhat part of squid, run it at work20:02
ifroogQuestion, How to edit qt/kde themes from gnome?20:02
daxrochelper: ask in #squid20:02
l337ingDisordernickrud: I wonder if any of them have the superman logo... ;)20:02
JfdzarQuestion, How can I make Belkin F5D7000 Wireless card make it run in my Ubuntu 8.10?20:02
nickrudI've seen tux ones20:03
daxrocJfdzar: first find out what chipset it has and if it's supported under linux20:03
Jfdzarit has a broadcom chipsep20:03
B10SSwian: sorry i dont know, just tried my hub and it mounted fine20:03
JfdzarI have tried to install it with nwdiswrapper20:03
C-S-BAnyone doing music production in ubuntu, used to logic/reason under win, but would like to migrate that side, it's the reason I need windows :/20:03
xSlack Whats a good linux mp3 renaming programing that will rename a set of mp3's to their ID3 tag titles20:04
JfdzarBut I can´t make it work If someone con guide me with the error messeges I have it would be great20:04
B10Sis it best to purge and remove awstats 6.7 before installing awstats 6.9?20:04
ub2mynickrud, just did another clean install, full message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/120711/20:04
C-S-BI've just loaded the b43 driver for my broadcom 4311, works great (for aircrack as well) though you get the sta driver with 8.10 by default, do neither of them work? What's the exact chipset20:04
Jfdzardaxroc: I have tried to install it with nwdiswrapper But I can´t make it work If someone con guide me with the error messeges I have it would be great20:05
nickrudub2my, work calls, one moment20:05
C-S-BJfdzar, whats the chipset?20:05
daxrocJfdzar: ndiswrapper is a last resort , me personally I would not bother using it20:06
C-S-Bhave you tried b43cutter?20:06
Jfdzardaxroc: a last resort? what can i try?20:06
PiciB10S: Remove? You don't normally need to remove packages when you update them.  Look on the awstats website at their changelog if you think that there may be a compatibility change between versions that may impact stats if you want.20:06
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)20:07
Vansolricklspci | broadcom will tell you the exact details20:07
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daxrocjfdzar google your chipset to see if there is a linux driver available20:07
B10SPici: thanks20:07
daxrocC-S-B: mentioned something about broadcom chipset a few lines ago ? not sure if it was ment for you20:08
Jfdzardaxroc: and then what how can I put the driver in my linux?20:08
digitalhighwayis anyone running ubuntu 8.0420:08
VansolrickI am20:08
digitalhighwayand google earth?20:08
C-S-BSorry, it was. I should have directed it20:08
daxrocJfdzar: install it20:08
Vansolrickdon't have it installed20:08
Jfdzardaxroc: how??? :S20:09
monkey2is an upgrade to 8.10 recommended? I've read that 8.10 is infact much slower than 8.04, can anyone confirm or disprove this?20:09
daxrocJfdzar: can you bin the output of lspci please20:09
lifestreamI messed something up. My mouse doesn't work now... O_________O20:09
wallunitThe fonts of kde apps are much to large. How can i change that?20:09
jdmnynjacan anyone tell me why my system occasionally freezes?20:09
DeeppactNickrud, Thanks allot i burned another copy of ubuntu and now it works ur the man. See ya20:09
digitalhighwayHow do you add a printer within Ubuntu 8.04?20:09
Jfdzardaxroc: give me one minute20:09
bryguy_I checked dmesg and udev is renaming my wireless card from eth0 to eth1, this might explain part of my problem where network manager isn't seeing my wireless card20:09
tuxflavrdwaflsdoes anyone know why my crystal eye webcam WORKS with V4l2 but not with V4l, but if I am not mistaken cheese also uses V4l2 as does XSANE and luvcview. but the latter programs either fail to load video, or crash my whole system.  how can i get the cam to work in cheese?20:10
C-S-Bmonkey2, I moved to 8.10 from 8.04, I prefer it tbh, the only downside is that its not lts20:10
VansolrickI actually have not tried 8.10 myself but I usually like using LTS releases like 8.04 because they tend to be more stable20:10
monkey2C-S-B: did you upgrade or do a fresh install?20:10
wallunitdigitalhighway: go to in your web browser20:10
Vansolrickdigitalhighway, what kind of printer is it?20:11
tuxflavrdwaflsi forgot to say the program that works is ekiga20:11
nickrudub2my, is your loopback interface down for some reason?   ifconfig   in a terminal should have a stanza regarding lo20:11
Vansolrickooo you got me on that one. I never had luck with lexmark20:11
digitalhighwayVan: i own a lexmark printer20:11
PopeZaphCan anyone point me to a simple guide to help me figure out why my Dell Inspirion 600m with Radeon Mobility 9000 chipset won't do 1400x1050?20:12
digitalhighwayI gotta learn something new lol20:12
lifestreamDoes anyone know how I can troubleshoot the fact my mouse doesnt work?20:12
* PopeZaph may be fooling himself in thinking it can do that rez20:12
B10SSwian, http://tinyurl.com/cohyca (i dont know what version you have)20:12
Vansolrickthats the general help page for printing and fax20:13
ub2mynickrud: nope, I can ping localhost too20:13
godzirraIdleOne: Yeah, I know.  Stores will always try to argue about something.20:13
ub2mynickrud, this is a vps (virtual private server) though, not sure if that matters20:13
n2diyI'm having trouble with vncviewer, anybody familiar with getting it going?20:13
nickrudub2my, ok, try    sudo apt-get reinstall libmysql* , then run the server install again. And I'm not sure; wouldn't think a vps should make a difference.20:14
lifestreamWhoa what the...?! Last night I was running transmission, and had a ratio of 11. Today  get up and turn on my laptop and I'ts 0.39 what giives xD20:14
VansolrickDigital, here is a link to a post on the ubuntu forums for the linux lexmark driver kit http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60560720:14
kronixRatio goblins, lifestream.20:15
DangerTheDuckzdravo folks20:15
godzirraDamnit.  I need a paperclip to get out the linux cd in the drive. ;)20:15
godzirranow it detects the cdrom drive again20:16
GNUtoo_hello the p option in tar xvpf doesn't seem to have any effect in a chrooted ubuntu 8.10(the lastest one) is it normal20:17
tuxflavrdwaflswhat is a good video capture program that supports V4l2 ?20:17
Otacon22what can i do if a process doesn't want to close also with kill -s 9 <PID> ?20:17
aroonii have ubuntu intreipd and a creative web cam instant.  it USED to work on hardy.  but now when i run skype... the only thing my party sees is green scrambled video.20:17
wallunithow can i make the fonts of kde apps smaller in intrepid?20:18
Jfdzar__daxroc: Iḿ Jfdzar20:18
Cpudan80wallunit: stick around here - but ask #kubuntu20:19
Jfdzar__daxroc: check out my lspci20:19
Jfdzar__daxroc: 00:0d.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)20:19
Vansolrickyou should be able to sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter20:20
Vansolrickif you have not alread20:20
tuxflavrdwaflswhat is a good video capture program that supports V4l2 ?20:20
wallunitCpudan80: well, i think people who using kubuntu can just run systemsettings. But i am only using a few kde apps and when i run systemsettings the font section is missing.20:20
Jfdzar__iḿ trying20:20
korneyanyone know where the default java_home is set? ant keeps looking at the wrong version  (the java_home environment variable is not set)20:20
Vansolrickand just select yes when it asks if you would like to extract the firmware now20:20
ub2mynickrud, re-installed, didn't work20:20
Jfdzar__it's installed in its recent version20:21
rakudavetuxflavrdwafls: try "cheese"20:21
Vansolrickhmm did you check the network manager applet at the top right to see if its picking up any signals/networks?20:21
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Jfdzar__it doesn't recognize the card20:22
legendaryis anyone using onTV?? i'm new to ubuntu and do not know how to install it =(20:22
Jfdzar__itś working20:22
tuxflavrdwaflsrakudave cheese crashes the whole system when it loads20:22
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BattleStarJesuswhat is the channel for ubuntu studio20:22
bryguy_there was a persistent rule in udev conf that was renaming my wireless card as eth1 when it was first detected as eth020:23
nickrudub2my, then I'm not sure what's going on. Try verifying that /etc/mysql doesn't exist after the purge, as well as /var/lib/mysql I guess.20:23
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mckninHi - is there a way to force newly created files to inherit its parent directory's permissions?20:23
Vansolrickgood :)20:23
Jfdzar__Vansolrick: Thankyou very much20:23
rakudavetuxflavrdwafls: "camorama" then...20:24
Ethoshi guys, i'm looking for a solution to backup files withint changing any permissions20:24
EthosI'd like to copy a whole folder (/var/www/html) to a windows share everynight20:24
Ethosany ideas?20:24
geniiEthos: Thats what the -a switch of cp is for20:24
VansolrickJfdzar_, You're welcome20:24
starbuck11my home partition is 274Gbyte, with only 260 available... but there are just 192Mbyte used space... what could be wrong there???20:24
korneywhere is the default path set in ubuntu?20:24
Ethos-a, thanks20:25
jeroHow do I get 3g-internet in ubuntu with a iCON 225 adapter?20:25
geniiEthos: Although since a Windows share, permissions changing/preserving of any kind is sort of useless anyhow20:25
nickrudkorney, /etc/environment20:25
korneynickrud, ty20:25
Ethosgenii: can you explain some more?20:25
Ethosit's my first ubuntu server and I need it to backup our intranet running it it nightly :)20:25
geniiEthos: The windows filesystems like fat,vfat,ntfs don't have same permisssions system as linux filestsyems20:26
Ethosah ok20:26
EthosYeah, I knew that- not quite sure how I assume it'd keep the permissions :)20:26
BattleStarJesusHave any of you ability to explain how I may convince Rosegarden to work properly in Ubuntu Studio 8.10?20:26
nickrudEthos, you'd want to create an archive first, then copy the archive over (tar is useful for that)20:26
Ethoswould that be realistic to do nightly?20:26
geniiEthos: You could tar up with permissions preserved, untar back after for restoring20:27
thiebaude1BattleStarJesus: does it work in ubuntu 8.10?20:27
nickrudEthos, very. tar does stand for Tape ARchive ;)20:27
EthosMaking myself sound thicker by the minute20:27
_VIM_what's a good GUI SVN app that's free/easy to use for noobs?20:27
BattleStarJesusthiebaude1: yes20:27
korneynickrud, i made a change to that file adding a path.  is there something i need to do to get it load in new xterms? it's not working20:27
DIFH-iceroot_VIM_: qsvn20:27
constantine_hi I keep getting a red exclamation and this:not all updates completed successfully20:28
Ethosso I could tar it up, then cp it over to windows?20:28
DIFH-iceroot_VIM_: but you have to buuild from source20:28
Ethoshow would I schedule this with no gui20:28
lifestreamPLEASE someone tell me how to turn my laptop fan. it's *overheating* !20:28
_VIM_DIFH-iceroot: ok ty :)20:28
thiebaude1BattleStarJesus: did you install studio over ubuntu 8.10?20:28
nickrud_VIM_, there're several I use(d), rapidsvn, svn-workbench, and one I can't remember20:28
BattleStarJesusthiebaude1: I have it installed on 2 machines, in one I cant figure out how to rout it through jack and the other it is looking for realtime access to the kernel20:28
thiebaude1BattleStarJesus: i wish i knew the answer,20:28
nickrud _VIM_ ah, subcommander .20:28
nickrudkorney, not off the top of my head.20:29
BattleStarJesusthiebaude1: I have a fresh install of Ubuntu studio 8.10 and it is complaining about real time access.20:29
_VIM_nickrud: thanks20:29
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BattleStarJesusAnyone else know how to convince Rosegarden to work on Ubuntu Studio 8.1020:30
Ethosnickrud: / genii any articles you guys know of so I can learn what I need? :)20:30
ubuntu_anyone knows if GNU tar is broken?20:30
thiebaude1BattleStarJesus: what is rosegarden, anyway?20:30
Mr_Mackeeanybody know why ctrl + T in firefox doesnt open a new tab?20:30
_VIM_there was one gui svn toy i had where i could drag a file/folder into the GUI and it would add it to the project, but I can't for the likes of me remember the name of the app now :/20:30
BattleStarJesusthiebaude1: http://www.rosegardenmusic.com/20:31
constantine_W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org intrepid Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278320:31
geniiEthos: Sorry for lag, got distracted elsewhere. Yes, idea would be to tar it up then cp the tarfile over to windows box... reverse process to restore stuff20:31
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Ethosah ok, sounds easy enough20:31
EthosI'm fairly new to linux, so I guess I can do this fairly easily from the terminal20:32
Ethoswhat do I need to look into for "scheduling" it nightly?20:32
adaptrEthos: unison20:32
Ethosadaptr: thanks, i'll take a look20:32
Ethosoooh, it sounds good ;)20:33
lifestreamanyoone know how to force laptop fan to go on20:33
adaptrEthos: I don't know how it behaves between Linux and Windows, but it runs on both20:33
BattleStarJesusthiebaude1: I was stoked about installing Ubuntu Studio thinking it would be part of the package, but it is not.  I hade to install it seperate and it dosen't work.  What a load.  Big dissapointment, but not as big of a dissapointment when I found out that Ubuntu Studio also does not install network manager.20:33
Ethosyeah, i'll look into it20:33
thiebaude1BattleStarJesus: i had studio a few days ago then i went back to ubuntu 8.1020:34
bryguy_my laptop can't use gdm because it's too slow, how do I manually choose to use say blackbox instead of gnome?20:34
hummessei want to pipe the output of "rhythmbox -d" to a file. how do i do that?20:34
BattleStarJesusthiebaude1: My critique, Ubuntu Studio is no more than a glossy magazine full of fluff.  There is no hearty substance to it.20:35
mikewuhummesse: rhythmbox -d > ~/debug20:35
hummessehehe simple... thanks20:35
easytargetbryguy_: make an .xinitrc with blackbox20:35
BattleStarJesusthiebaude1: Studio community is weak.20:35
thiebaude1BattleStarJesus: is rosegarden available in ubuntu 8.10?20:36
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monkey2resierfs vs ext3? Which do you think is better and why?20:36
PiciBattleStarJesus: All the packages available in Ubuntu Studio are in the Ubuntu repositories and installable in Ubuntu.20:36
Pici!best | monkey220:36
ubottumonkey2: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:36
easytargetbryguy_: in your $HOME20:36
BattleStarJesusYeah on my other machine it works just fine except I cant seem to get jack to work right20:36
imri303monkey2 ext3 cause reiser was a nut job :)20:37
rakudaveimri303: +120:37
olethri0sHi guys. I'm experiencing difficulty. I have a bcm4318 air force wireless nic in a laptop with no ethernet connection, and I need the firmware for a Xubuntu. I found the necessary firmware and got it to the laptop via a dvd, but I'm still getting the scios file not found error or whatever it is.20:37
monkey2Pici: sorry about that.20:37
BattleStarJesusPici: What is the point of Ubuntu Studio if it is so lame?20:38
olethri0sAnyone have any ideas?20:38
PiciBattleStarJesus: It includes those packages by default.20:38
BattleStarJesusthiebaude1: Yes.20:38
easytargetolethrios: looked at ndis?20:39
olethri0sNo windows :/20:39
BattleStarJesusPici: do you have any insight into who maintains it?20:39
easytargetndiswrapper is a wrapper for windows drivers under linux.20:39
olethri0sWait, I can get the windows driver for it without windows, can't I?20:40
Bodsdaolethri0s, yes20:40
easytargetif you have a windows driver, maybe it can be run with ndiwrapper under linux20:40
olethri0salright sweet. I'll try that in a couple of minutes. Good idea.. thanks guys20:40
KazimirMornin' y'all20:40
Bodsdaolethri0s, theres plenty of places online that will allow you to download drivers for free, -- usually try the manufacturers website20:40
easytargetugly i know... but sometimes.. :-)20:40
imri303olethri0s I ahve had some luck getting native linux drivers from broadcom20:40
PiciBattleStarJesus: #ubuntustudio-devel and https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-studio-devel, along with the rest of the devs20:40
RhamphoryncusBefore I go talking out of my ass on a mailing list, do people continue to provide backports as we get closer to the next version, or do they fall off?20:41
olethri0sAlright.. I haven't looked for native drivers from Broadcom either because I figured they wouldn't have them. So I'll look for those first and then do ndiswrapper.20:42
bryguy_burkmat: I solved the problem of the missing wireless card, udev had a rule that automatically renamed the device from eth0 to eth1, but network manager was still looking for eth0.  Once I changed the rule to look for eth0 everything worked perfectly.20:42
burkmatbryguy_, Nice job. Had no idea nm-app stopped looking, good to know. ;)20:42
lifestreamPlease can someone tell me  how to force my laptop fan on?20:43
bryguy_hope it helps someone else20:43
ifroogQuestion, How to edit qt/kde themes from gnome?20:43
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ub2mygreat, now I get another error:  * /etc/init.d/mysql: WARNING: /etc/mysql/my.cnf cannot be read. See README.Debian.gz (I have no /etc/mysql/my.cnf anymore.  Apt-get purge and install doesn't fix it.  help)20:44
C-S-BDo you hav20:44
C-S-Ba copy of the conf?20:45
ub2myshould mysql-server contain the default config file?  I've also got mysql-common installed20:45
ub2mythis is clean install, no databases or anything20:45
olethri0sAlso, I don't know anything about ndiswrapper, but if I download the deb(s) that I'll need on a desktop and then transfer it via a dvd, will that hurt anything or compromise functionality?20:45
nickrudub2my, reinstall the -common to get my.conf20:46
C-S-Bolethri0s, shouldnt do,20:46
nickrudub2my, crap. I'm half at work and half here, you should stop listening to me ;)20:46
ub2mynickrud, I tried, doesn't get replaced.  I'm doing apt-get install --reinstall mysql-common20:46
olethri0sSweet. I'll perhaps look into it a little more before I actually do it.20:46
easytargetolethrios: should function correctly.. have done it myself20:46
C-S-Bisn't it just all the files bundled into a package?20:47
whackedhey why does the ubuntu desktop theme show a human with a empty head  ?20:47
ArcSighterHello, i have installed ubuntu8.04.2 on a pendrive, and sometimes I'm faced with an old machine at work, that doens't have usb boot in bios, so its possible to create a diskette, which boot the machine, recognize the usb drive, and then boot the drive?20:47
C-S-Bwith an install script, not disimilar to a MSI20:47
easytargetoletrhi0s: there was an article on the linux journal about 1,5-2 year back on ndiswrapper20:48
ub2mysomething is wrong, dpkg -L mysql-common shows it has my.cnf20:49
ub2mybut the filesystem doesn't show it20:49
C-S-BArcSighter, I don't know enough about it all, could you not get grub to boot off a floppy and load from there?20:49
MamboKurthow to find out if shared memory is enabled?20:49
hojo52anyone have a IPCOP setup with wireless?20:49
ArcSighterC-S-B: I'm in a linux box, so I can get a grub disk easily20:49
ArcSighterbut that will detect/boot usb20:50
ArcSighterand how?20:50
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ifroogWhich package has kcontrol?20:50
Bodsda!info kcontrol20:50
ubottuPackage kcontrol does not exist in intrepid20:50
easytargetMamboKurt: df20:50
easytargetMamboKurt: should give /dev/shm20:51
C-S-BArcSighter, I'm not sure on the whole thing, I'm sure I read somewhere that you could hack an SD card boot from grub, maybe do a similar thing with usb20:51
C-S-Bits all to do with the bios though20:51
C-S-Bin theory, could you not update the bios?20:51
MamboKurteasytarget: doesnt show up. how do i enable it?20:51
adaptrifroog: dpkg -S kcontrol20:51
hichamCSB: yes20:51
prince_jammysifroog: 'kcontrol'20:51
whackedok now when i open synaptic package manager i receive this following message E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.20:51
whackedE: _cache->open() failed, please report.20:51
hichamCSB : you can update the bios20:51
RatPackSopra-Hello Guys, I've been digging around, but can't seem to figure out how to change the preferences away from Rhythm Box to VLC. I'm assuming that I will have to enter a command line to set it. I have the "preferred app" open, but I'm not sure what command line to run. Is anyone familiar and able to help?20:52
easytargetMamboKurt: must be enabled in kernel and an entry in /etc/fstab20:52
adaptrRatPackSopra-: preferences for WHAT ?20:52
C-S-BRatPackSopra-, you can change it under default programs20:52
easytargetMamboKurt: something along the lines of "tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults 0 0"20:53
MamboKurteasytarget: how do i find out if its enabled in the kernel? and which entry i have to add to fstab to get in running if its enabled?20:53
ub2myis there a way to have apt-get show the files it's touching during an install?  I tried -V20:53
adaptrRatPackSopra-: right-click file of desired type, select properties, switch to open with tab, select program, close properties.20:53
n8tuserfMamboKurt -> what exactly are you looking for?20:53
Coded1any one have experience with the ati 9200 series s-video ?20:53
RatPackSopra-C-S-B, ah, so I didn;t need to go thru Preferred applications then?20:54
Coded1I can't seem to find how to activate my tv20:54
C-S-BAnyone here managed to get hdmi audio on the Vaio AR range?20:54
freeflowcauveryHello. Quick question - I currently have Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn. I would like to update to 8.10. I've tried sudo apt-get install update-core-manager but I get a list of "failed to fetch" errors - obviously due to end of support. is there anyway i can upgrade from bash, or do i have to go to System>Administration>Software Sources20:54
MamboKurtn8tuserf: new ati drivers out. hp says shared memory must be enabled. dont know if i just didnt see it befor or if its new.20:54
C-S-BRatPackSopra-, theres a couple of places to change it, easiest is probably what was said above and changing it in properties on your right click20:55
n8tuserfMamboKurt -> have you used ipcs command?20:55
easytargetMamboKurt: kernel depends.. I use "make menuconfig" in the kernel source to look from terminal prompt. Ther are other configuration programs for xwindows though20:55
RatPackSopra-C-S-B, what a V-8 Moment ...LOL20:55
ArcSighterok, how I install grub to a diskette to boot from a usb drive?20:55
RatPackSopra-embarrassed to admit it was so simple ...I forget how simple things usually are in Ubuntu20:56
MamboKurtn8tuserf: what does ipcs?20:56
n8tuserfeasytarget -> umm /dev/shm is not for  shared memory, its for temporary file system mount point20:56
n8tuserfMamboKurt -> kindly   man ipcs20:56
C-S-BArcSighter, have you tried updating the bios to boot usb?20:56
easytargetMamboKurt: n8tuserf is right.. sorry. My mistake20:57
whackedhey if someone try to kill you by burn you down with a Molotov cocktail and the police think they have there man but can't get the guy yo confess. do you think the police would give you the name of the perpetrator ?20:57
C-S-Bbefore over complicating things. I've not done what I guessed might be done so i don't wish to confuse.20:57
ArcSighterC-S-B: I want to run it from diskette20:57
freeflowcauveryAnyone? Can't seem to upgrade feisty fawn from bash sudo apt-get install update-core-manager. Any way of doing this?20:57
MamboKurtn8tuserf: ok. every single line says "destroyed". seems to not that good. /dev/shm does exist20:57
C-S-BArcSighter, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/use-a-floppy-to-boot-usb-pendrive-linux/20:57
personHi folks20:58
easytargetMamboKurt: but is still needs to be enabled in kernel20:58
plaziaooo-er... anyone had a problem with playing music in amarok and then switching to a console ctrl+alt+f1... everything is fine... then switch to the second console ctrl+alt+f2 and audio stops... then go back to first console and it resumes?20:58
mrpocket1how do i make mounted drives not shut up on the desktop20:58
MamboKurteasytarget: is it enabled by default in ibex?20:58
personI want to partition an external hard drive, but I'm scared because I don't know anything about them. Shall I just pretend it's an internal one? Do I need to know anything about external ones before I go ahead?20:58
ArcSighterC-S-B: I'll check, thanks20:59
geraldis there a way to move multiple directories at once?20:59
personSorry; I would do my homework about it usually, but I'm in a real hurry.20:59
tuxflavrdwaflsHello again,  everytime i try to open a dvd in the default movie player the system crashes.  any thoughts?20:59
C-S-Bperson, use gparted, it's safe and can do any partioning you could think of without killing any data20:59
plaziais it listening for keyboard events while on the linux console?20:59
easytargetMamboKurt: no idea.20:59
personC-S-B: I've had GParted screw up on me horribly before.21:00
MamboKurteasytarget: thanks. so i will digg through that crap.21:00
personC-S-B: Are they different in any way in terms of how the partition editor will treat them?21:00
easytargetMamboKurt: good luck ;-)21:00
C-S-Bgparted is different to fdisk21:01
geraldis there a way to move multiple directories at once?21:01
personC-S-B: I know21:01
MamboKurteasytarget: yeah ... thanks :)21:01
personC-S-B; I'm asking if it will make any difference using an external hard drive as opposed tointernal hard drive21:01
Sakamuradearly gparted, we are gathered here today. To mourn over the lack of partitions on this disk. He was a great disk, supported three lovely partitions and was a great husband to his now widowed mbr21:02
C-S-Bperson, treat the external like the internal21:03
personThanks C-S-B21:03
freeflowcauverysomebody....anybody. Can't upgrade feisty fawn to 8.04. sudo apt-get install update-core-manager doesnt work, and Update Manager doesn't show New Distribution release....21:04
KMSAHey guys, new to ubuntu, having an issue with sound...any one up to helping?21:04
sebsebsebfreeflowcauvery: you have to upgrade to gutsy first21:04
sebsebsebfreeflowcauvery: then from gutsy to hardy21:04
Cpudan80KMSA: what kind of issue21:05
KMSANO sound is playing, running: Kubuntu21:05
freeflowcauverysebsebseb, ouch...thanks.... but since core-update-manager is not updating anymore, how would I upgrade to gutsy?21:05
Picifreeflowcauvery: Take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades#Fully%20updating%207.04 , there are special instructions for Feisty because it has reached its End Of Life.21:05
Cpudan80freeflowcauvery: you're not supposed to be able to upgrade FF to 8.0421:05
Cpudan80freeflowcauvery: you have to go through Gutsy (7.10) first21:05
sebsebsebfreeflowcauvery: by editing the sources.list21:05
sebsebsebfreeflowcauvery: in text editor21:06
coz_hey guys.. for some reason on the last several version   /system/preferences/power management  when I set "put_display to sleep when inactive for "  "never" it still shuts off   any way to insure this doesnt happen?21:06
Cpudan80oh sorry to steal your thunder sebsebseb21:06
sebsebsebfreeflowcauvery: or just get your data.  and do a clean install of hardy or intrepid21:06
geraldhi can anyone help?21:08
geraldis there a way to move multiple directories at once?21:08
=== Sakamura is now known as whydidntyougoogl
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zsquarepluscgerald: in terminal or nautlius?21:08
Viperhi guys21:09
Viperi need to add win7 to grub21:09
zsquarepluscgerald: you can have multiple sources and one shared target for "mv"21:09
easytargetgerald: midnight commander maybe?21:09
freeflowcauverysebsebseb, I see...and after updating my sources list I should be able to run core-update-manager?21:09
Viperthe media folder says it is at sda521:09
TuTUXGgerald, mv fold1 fold2 ... destiny21:09
KMSAANy idea, cpudan80?21:09
geraldTuTUXG: thx21:09
geraldzsquareplusc: thx21:09
Viper i need to add win7 to grub21:09
eseven73I believe "Folder" is a Windows term isn't it?21:10
whydidntyougoogleseven73: yes21:10
Viperyeah maybe21:10
sebsebsebfreeflowcauvery: you do the whole procedure in the terminal after changing sources21:10
mzuverinkI need toa good how to to get root access to proftp w/ user root from anotherlocal machine, any help?21:10
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes21:10
Viperis this correct ?21:10
Vipertitle Windows721:10
eseven73!enter | Viper21:10
ubottuViper: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:10
freeflowcauverysebsebseb, Thanks...I'm going to try this....appreciate it.21:10
=== eseven73 is now known as _VIM_
Danuk-meni have a problem, i cant join to other channels21:11
Viperwrite "/j #channel"21:11
Danuk-menwhat can i do ?21:11
whydidntyougoogldandel: it may take some time to join some channels21:11
sebsebsebfreeflowcauvery: ok good luck21:11
phD_Danuk-men, write with #21:11
sinthey i have an old system with "geforce 2 ti" graphic card and i don't know how to install it. anyone knows a good tutorial?!21:12
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Danuk-menany ?21:12
sintor maybe the correct package!?21:12
Vipersomeone that knows about grub can help me in pvp ?21:12
_VIM_some channels require that you Identify to nickserv Danuk-men21:12
enovativi have upgraded to 8.10, and now my wireless does not work, what is the difference in "infrastructure" and "ad hoc" ?21:12
whydidntUgoogle_VIM_: #ubuntu-es requires no nickserv ID21:12
_VIM_whydidntUgoogle: I never said it did :)21:13
whydidntUgoogle_VIM_: touche!21:13
_VIM_I was just saying maybe that's why he cant join some rooms21:13
sinti tried to install nvidia-glx-legacy but its not in the list21:13
sebsebsebsint: in Intrepid Ibex?21:13
kellojoeI want to install ubuntu in an internet cyber cafe. Someone help with timing/billing applications available for ubuntu21:13
sintsebastien: ya21:13
sebsebsebsint:  ok that has a completly differnet xorg version to hardy.  and so  no legacy anymore21:14
wildbatany suggestion of a good C/C++ IDE ?21:14
sintsebsebseb: so what to do?21:14
sebsebsebsint: downgrade to Hardy21:14
sebsebsebsint: well that's not really a downgrade as such, since it's long term suppourt21:14
sintsebsebseb: what?! :(21:14
sebsebsebsint: no suppourt for older graphics cards  in Ibex with that xorg version21:15
Viperhow do i add win7 to grub menu ??21:15
enovativi have upgraded to 8.10, and now my wireless does not work, what is the difference in "infrastructure" and "ad hoc" ?21:15
sebsebsebsint: it's even mentioned in the release notes21:15
Viperhow do i add win7 to grub menu ??21:15
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:15
sintsebsebseb: i didn't know, but i thought thats on of the great things about linux to support older hardware as well21:15
sebsebsebsint: it is, but21:15
sebsebsebsint:  that also depends on the distro21:15
danbhfiveViper: I suspect the same as any windows install: with a chainloader +1 statement21:15
mespejelanyone using ubuntu 8.10?21:16
sebsebsebsint:  and they haven't made it that clear, but  they  want a lot of people to be using hardy still really21:16
sintsebsebseb: sadly i can't downgrade, cause its the system of a friend just for surfing and i am almost finished with install21:16
danbhfive!anyone > mespejel21:16
ubottumespejel, please see my private message21:16
sebsebsebsint:  Intrepid Ibex was was meant to be a lot a bit more cutting edge21:16
mckninQuestion: I do not have a separate mount for my root "/" directory (only one for /boot and swap)... I want to change fstab to add ACL to '/', but I am afraid of messing something up. Can someone suggest to me a back up plan? IE: If I change fstab and reboot and it does not work, how can I recover?21:16
sebsebsebsint:  ah yes21:16
sebsebsebsint:  you can't just downgrade that's true,  ,but you can do a clean install  and put hardy on21:16
mckninNote: it was probably a bad idea to not have /home and / on two separate partitions...but it's a raid with terabytes of data, and without some major physical injury, it would be hard to change :)21:17
sintsebsebseb: ya, but sadly i won't do it. i think i will stick with nv then, even when it sucks21:17
KMSAGuys I'm having an issue with sound...anyone able to help?21:17
mespejelI wonder if ubuntu 8.10 is having a lot of issues? I am worry since is the first time I am trying it and when it start running (the splash loading), it stock there21:17
enovativi have upgraded to 8.10, and now my wireless does not work, what is the difference in "infrastructure" and "ad hoc" ?21:17
sintsebsebseb: but thanks for your help anyway21:17
mespejelshould I stick to 8.04?21:17
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo21:17
thiebaudeHi ActionParsnip121:17
_VIM_mespejel: what do you need in 8.10 that's not in 8.04?21:17
ActionParsnip1mespejel: if you are happy with hardy, why fix it?21:18
sebsebsebmespejel: depends  on your computer21:18
kellojoeanybody with cyber billing idea suitable for ubuntu hardy?21:18
ActionParsnip1!ot | kellojoe21:19
ubottukellojoe: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:19
sebsebsebsint:  what hardy re install is easy,  in fact those partitions you done now are probably not done in the best way,  for example do you have a seperate home partition?21:19
Crayboffi need to know the best music player, not amarok though21:19
mespejel_VIM_: I am not sure.. i guess is I am just use to upgrade everything... that's all.. but what are the basic differences?21:19
sebsebsebCrayboff: Banshee Intrepid Ibex version21:19
_VIM_mespejel: hardy is LTS21:19
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server.21:19
ActionParsnip1Crayboff: there is no best of anything in nlife21:19
sebsebsebCrayboff: the one in hardy sucks, but there is a ppa that can be added for the Intrepid Ibex version21:19
ActionParsnip1!player | Crayboff21:19
ubottuCrayboff: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs21:19
ActionParsnip1Crayboff: try a few, see which you like.21:19
ActionParsnip1amarok for me, xul remote is killer21:20
Crayboffsebsebseb, what is this ppa thing? i do have ibex21:20
sintsebsebseb: ya i have. i know how to install ubuntu ;) but i don't have the time now, cause its almost half to 11 in the night and i wanna go out now. he will live with nv, cause he just want to surf and write some mails21:20
thiebaudeamarok is very good also21:20
kellojoevlc rocks21:20
_VIM_sint nv?21:20
RatPackSopra-I love VLC21:20
RatPackSopra-I've been using it for years21:21
thiebaudesongbird has it's own web browser, too21:21
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ActionParsnip1mplayer for video, doesnt need an x server :)21:21
danengdoes anybody have also problem with crashes of the xchat gnome gui?21:21
RatPackSopra-Hello Guys, I have another issue and this one IS a real issue. My Dell Latitude D620 laptop runs Ubuntu 8.10 beautifully except for one thing. After it has been up for a couple of days the audio will "hang up" (that's what it sounds like at least.) It will have a vibrating chatter and the only thing that will stop it is a reboot. I've heard it said that there are some issues with with Pulse Audio and Ubuntu, but I have No21:21
RatPackSopra- knowledge of the situation. Could it be that simple or might it be something else? By the way it JUST happened and that's what brought me here.21:21
ActionParsnip1RatPackSopra-: try restarting alsa or pulse or hal instead21:22
RatPackSopra-ActionParsnip1, how do I go about that?21:22
ActionParsnip1RatPackSopra-: if you are using pulse, try switching to alsa21:22
ActionParsnip1RatPackSopra-: sudo /etc/init.d/<whatever> restart21:22
_VIM_daneng: have you tried Konversation yet?21:23
sint_VIM_: ya, i had tutorial which told me that the default driver is nv21:23
daneng_VIM: no i just removed the gnome gui and using the original gui, it seems that it works now, so maybe a bug in the gnome gui? i'm downloading via xdcc21:24
_VIM_xdcc? O.o xchat is in the repos21:24
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KenBW2is Jaunty due a new theme or have they given up?21:24
ActionParsnip1!info xchat21:24
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.6-2ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 315 kB, installed size 840 kB21:24
ActionParsnip1!jaunty | KenBW221:24
ubottuKenBW2: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.21:24
RatPackSopra-ActionParsnip1, I would need to know the correct name to use the command ...I tried putting alsa in the string you gave me and it said Command not found21:24
_VIM_Dont get the "Gnome Xchat" it sucks, get the regular xchat21:25
heatmzzrhello all21:25
ActionParsnip1RatPackSopra-: try typing the first a in alsa and pressing tab ;)21:25
thiebaudeget xchat common21:25
danengi also like the original xchat much more21:25
ActionParsnip1pidgin for irc here21:25
thiebaudeme too21:26
shausam27how do i put a dock on the bottom of my desktop like mac21:26
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy21:27
danengi cannot use multi im programs like pidgin for irc because i mainly need irc for downloading and i would miss such functions like automatic accepting of dcc file offers and saving to an specific folder21:27
_VIM_shausam27: try gnome-do21:27
_VIM_or is it gnome.do,,,bah one of those21:27
ActionParsnip1daneng: i'd NEVER have auto accepting of downloads, thats risky stuff21:28
ActionParsnip1daneng: i can accept files in pidgin. i just choose not to21:28
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_VIM_especially on windows, ActionParsnip121:28
RatPackSopra-ActionParsnip1, I have ran the command with alsa-utils and pulseaudio both, but I'm still getting the vibrating hung up chatter noise. Any other things to try?21:28
shausam27is that a program gnome-do21:28
_VIM_not so dangerious on Linux21:28
_VIM_shausam27: yep21:28
danengi have another question... does anybody know if ubuntu server is working fine with fujitsu siemens server eg. the tx200 s4 (intel 5000z chipset, codename blackford)?21:28
shausam27thank you21:29
ActionParsnip1RatPackSopra-: try hal21:29
ActionParsnip1daneng: can't see why not21:29
ActionParsnip1!hcl | daneng21:29
ubottudaneng: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection21:29
danengit's not in the compatible/certified list of ubuntu server21:29
ActionParsnip1daneng: the make / model is moot, its the components inside that count21:30
RatPackSopra-ActionParsnip1, I tried that one and it is still hung up ...dang. Anything else?21:30
lfaraoneIn cron, can I use wraparound numbers for weekends? (like Sat/Sun events with 7-0)?21:30
ActionParsnip1RatPackSopra-: try switching to alsa21:30
ActionParsnip1!cron | lfaraone21:31
ubottulfaraone: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm21:31
danengi have to choose between win2k8 x64 with hyper v and ubuntu server but i think ubuntu will do it's job nicier21:31
RatPackSopra-ActionParsnip1,  how do I switch?21:31
ActionParsnip1daneng: i'd run bsd personally21:31
ActionParsnip1!sound | RatPackSopra-21:31
ubottuRatPackSopra-: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP321:31
ugliefrogis there a channel for pc repair help? if so could you plz tell me the channel name21:31
lfaraoneActionParsnip1: I know what cron is.21:31
ActionParsnip1lfaraone: its got examples in there. I can tell you know what cron is21:32
lfaraoneActionParsnip1: ok, thanks.21:32
danengi'm afraid of bsd's complicity, ubuntu is so nice and easy a bit like mac os x21:32
jiffe92freebsd is awesome for servers21:32
jiffe92but sucks for a desktop21:33
jiffe92pcbsd isn't there yet either21:33
ActionParsnip1jiffe92: pcbsd isnt too offensive, gimme gentoo anyday21:33
danengi don't like gentoo anymore since the stage 1 installs are missing21:34
regeyadepends on your definition of desktop, really.  for me, both ubuntu and fedora are suitable as a desktop, and used to use gentoo as a desktop os21:35
usserhow long does kernel compilation usually take?21:35
regeyausser, what sort of hardware are you building a kernel on?21:35
danengat the moment ubuntu desktop edition is my server os on a mac mini21:35
thiebaudefor me it's ubuntu with fluxbox21:35
usserregeya, model name      : Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU          540  @ 1.86GHz, 1.5Gb of RAM21:36
RatPackSopra-ActionParsnip1, when I double click it brings up a window with Device at the top and 2 choices HDA Intel (Alsa Mixer) and SigmaTel STAC9200 (OSS Mixer) ...THen there is a preferences tab at the bottom part of the panel which only brings up a Volume COntrol Pref window with 3 choices of playback choices.21:37
tuxflavrdwaflsok, everytime i try to play a dvd no matter what application I use the whole system crashes.  I am pretty sure I downloaded all the codecs, from medi, and restricted and stuff.  I have no idea what to do, please help.  thankyou21:37
regeyausser, the other thing we would need to know is whether you're using a barely-modified ubuntu config :->  it's highly dependent upon your hardware AND your kernel config, really21:38
regeyalet's just take a wild stab and say 30 min. for a kernel build.21:38
BattleStarJesusUbuntu Studio is is weak, almost useless.  I offered to help the project but developers are jerks., leading me believe the project is gravely flawed.  Hopefully I am wrong.21:38
usserregeya, I see. well, hm... just trying to build my first kernel. i barely modified vanilla kernel config, just remove support for hardware i dont have an compiled in the drivers that i do21:39
plaziaBattleStarJesus, maybe they'd only accept help from a basestar.21:39
regeyaI had a slackware machine years ago running Slack, was a 486 with aa whole whopping 8MB of RAM.  took most of a day to build v2.0.3621:39
methodswill ubuntu shutdown automatically if the system overheats ?21:39
Dillizarhow can i make a altered version of ubuntu and then make a live cd from it??21:40
usserregeya, ubuntu determines what modules to load on startup right, so if i compiled them in there isnt any config file anywhere that would tell it to load the modules, which are already in the kernel?21:40
volArgh! My repo downloads from us.archive.ubuntu.com start at about 8kb/s and end up at about 500b/s! Meanwhile, if I wget from my personal web server, I get 300Kb/s, so the issue isn't my connection. Is there a way to change what mirror I'm pointing to, so I can get faster than dialup speeds to download hundreds of megs for work?21:41
bangalibabuwhich desktop is better gnome or kde?21:41
Myrtti!best | bangalibabu21:42
ubottubangalibabu: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:42
ubuntu-n00bI recently install guarddog firewall for ubuntu then uninstalled it and i cant get online anymore :-( its on some loopback thing i think, any ideas?21:42
shausam27i'm trying to have my desktop have a program search like a mac21:42
tuxflavrdwaflsok, everytime i try to play a dvd no matter what application I use the whole system crashes.  I am pretty sure I downloaded all the codecs, from medi, and restricted and stuff.  I have no idea what to do, please help.  thankyou21:43
walidwhat does the $svn up command ?21:43
cellofellowHow do I use netstat to tell which pid is using a specific port?21:43
ubuntu-n00bit says my ethernet device does not  exist but shows it in network tools21:44
hlmgnome schedule closes when attempting to open , can someone assist me with this?21:44
elitecoderI can't find a version of software I want in the package list. Does that mean I have to compile it from scratch or is there another way?21:44
danbhfiveelitecoder: getdeb.net might work21:45
elitecoderok ty21:45
walid what does the $svn up command ?21:45
elitecoderIt updates the local copy of a svn repository21:45
walidthnk you21:46
shausam27can it be done that having a menu bar across the desktop  like a mac21:46
mgolischshausam27: maybe have a look at avant-window-navigator or cairo-dock21:47
shausam27thank you21:48
panickedthumbshausam27, do you mean the menu bar at the top or the dock at the bottom?21:48
ubuntu-n00bI recently install guarddog firewall for ubuntu then uninstalled it and i cant get online anymore :-( its on some loopback thing i think, any ideas?21:48
ugliefrogi need a irc channel for computer repair troubleshooting etc.. any help appreciated21:48
cellofellowshausam27: both docs and global menus can be done in gnome. I've done a global menu and hated it because it doesn't mix well with sloppy focus, but if you prefer focus-on-click then go ahead.21:49
shausam27dock at the bottm21:49
panickedthumbok yeah, then what mgolisch said works21:49
anarchman1Hi, how can I see what graphics card driver I am using?21:49
mgolischi hate both of them21:49
panickedthumbmgolisch, yeah me too21:49
panickedthumbturns out I'm just not a fan of docks21:50
mgolischiam very happy with my std gnome desktop, or awesome on my laptop21:50
mgolischpanickedthumb: its a tiling windowmanager21:50
panickedthumbah,  a WM I haven't heard of21:50
tuxflavrdwaflsok, everytime i try to play a dvd no matter what application I use the whole system crashes.  I am pretty sure I downloaded all the codecs, from medi, and restricted and stuff.  I have no idea what to do, please help.  thankyou21:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amiwm21:51
lancommost of time21:51
lancomvideo problem is because of video card driver21:51
volHow do I change the mirror that I download from at the command line?21:52
panickedthumbmgolisch, just looked it up. A little too barebones for my taste. I got too much of the barebones in CPSC classes21:52
panickedthumblancom had some trouble there21:52
flustratedcan someone help me with a ubuntu 8.04 problem with python.  I've googled and read through the ubuntu forums and can't find a way to fix my problem.  Error I'm getting is this when trying to do any apt-gets or apptitudes:  Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix> Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]21:53
panickedthumbvol, edit /etc/apt/sources.list to change the locations. That's what I always do. There is an easier way but if you have anything custom it wipes it out (at least it has for me)21:53
ugliefrogi need a irc channel for computer repair troubleshooting etc.. any help appreciated21:54
tlacaelelwhoa, lots of people here21:54
_VIM_vol: yeah just gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list21:54
mgolischyeah its probably one of the biggest chans i guess21:54
_VIM_it is21:54
somebeehi. I've just got a new webserver setup with ubuntu server 64bit.. would you recommend using apt-get or aptitude to install packages? or is it two sides of the same thing?21:55
ubuntu-n00bwhats the equivelent of ipconfig /release /renew in ubuntu?21:55
cellofellowI know that this particular address and port are free, but SSH chttp://monoport.com/39535an't bind it. What's up?21:56
cellofellowI know that this particular address and port are free, but SSH can't bind it. What's up? http://monoport.com/3953521:56
cdavisWould someone define what this regex does?  ($subject =~ /\*\* RECOVERY (\w+) - (.*) OK \*\*/)21:56
_VIM_ubuntu-n00b: some people say Aptitude handles dependencies better21:56
panickedthumbugliefrog, I found this for PC repair, the instructions are for mirc, but you should be able to see what you need to do21:56
panickedthumbsomebee, I have no preference, though some prefer aptitude21:56
oskar-somebee:  i would say the latter, just two interfaces to the package system21:56
ubuntu-n00bmy internet stopped working, it works with the life cd but not on my installed version21:57
Administrator_i have a problem with ubuntu 8.04 when i try to run the live cd in my ibook g3 dual usb this is a pic of my problem : http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h34/dum1_2006/20-02-09_1337.jpg21:57
ugliefrogpanickedthumb: Thank you very much21:57
somebeeoskar-: so I can even use both of them for different packages? (not that I would ever=)21:57
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tlacaelelI have an old laptop and want to set up a media server.  do I need ubuntu server or will the normal ubuntu release do21:58
panickedthumbAdministrator_, wow, that's interesting21:58
Administrator_u have never seen that b4 ?21:58
oskar-somebee:  yes, i think so21:58
panickedthumbsomebee, yeah, you can. I'd recommend sticking with aptitude if you start using that one, since it makes it easier to remove dependencies you don't need anymore21:58
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panickedthumb(actually that may  not be true anymore)21:59
adamwhi, guys. quick question, if anyone knows the answer - what driver does ubuntu use for r500 and later Radeon cards by default? radeon or radeonhd?21:59
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panickedthumbAdministrator_, never seen that, but you might be able to change your resolution to make it fill up21:59
fcamior fglrx for that matter21:59
xavier_Hi all21:59
Administrator_i have tried that already it makes it even worse21:59
volpanickedthumb, _VIM_: Thanks. I did :%s/us.archive.ubuntu.com/www.gtlib.gatech.edu\/pub/ , and tried xmission after that, but neither one of them have the package sun-java6-jdk. Is this wrong: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors?action=show&redirect=Archive ? What's going on?21:59
_VIM_vol personally I use !Medibuntu for java stuff22:00
demonotakuah much better22:00
vol_VIM_ .... well, that's great, but aside the point22:01
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org22:01
voldoesn't the fact that I can get it from us.archives.ubuntu.com mean that it's reasonable to expect it to exist on gatech?22:01
volor xmission?22:01
demonotakuThe default font size is way too big for my screen in xchat lmao22:01
=== geo_ is now known as geo05
flustratedcan someone help me with a ubuntu 8.04 problem with python.  I've googled and read through the ubuntu forums and can't find a way to fix my problem.  Error I'm getting is this when trying to do any apt-gets or apptitudes:  Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix> Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]22:01
Fundplease help me in repos. issue22:02
Fundi want a list for feisty 7.0422:02
Fundwhere can I find it22:02
panickedthumbI haven't spent a lot of time in this channel for a few years now, even though I almost always idle in it, but wow, questions fly like crazy! :)22:02
mrwesFund, you try google?22:03
piecescan anyone help me setting up dual monitors using two separate video cards?22:03
guntbert!eol | Fund22:03
ubottuFund: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases22:03
fcamipanickedthumb: and not many answers :)22:03
fcamianyone using a recent ATI card here ?22:03
nightrid3rpanickedthumb try to only read answers, they come slower :)22:03
piecesfcami: how recent?22:03
mrwesfcami, no -- there's an answer :P22:04
fcamipieces: R500+22:04
fcamipieces: X1300 and up22:05
piecesfcami: nope sorry22:05
fcamipieces: ok :)22:05
Big_Ghostcyntek, u gay22:05
Big_Ghostlol jk22:05
CyntekBig_Ghost, eat d*ck!22:05
Neonexusanyone here running Jaunty?22:06
adamwah, well, i'll ask in the forums. thanks22:06
demonotakunah, xbuntu 8.1022:06
monkey2I just installed ubuntu 8.10, but all it does after boot is drop me into a grub shell, any ideas?22:07
guntbertBig_Ghost: Cyntek stop that please!22:07
demonotakuworking on setting up a emergency OS after reading a article22:07
LiraNunaHi, I'm missing -lGL, what package is it under?22:07
guntbert!jaunty | Neonexus22:07
ubottuNeonexus: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.22:07
LiraNunaI've never had to manually install anything for it22:07
Neonexusthanks ubottu22:07
The-CompilerCoukd anyone tell me why at http://paste.pocoo.org/show/104714/ line 2 works but line 3 doesn't (and yes, I have to use backticks and can't use $())22:08
Big_Ghosthey ppl i have a video problem with ubuntu 8.04 o n ibook g3 dualusb 500 Mhz this is what it looks like http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h34/dum1_2006/20-02-09_1337.jpg22:08
Big_Ghostcyntek, please stop u hurt my feelings22:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about squashfs22:08
CyntekBig_Ghost, don't worry, you know you like it that way!22:09
Dillizarwhat is the last squashfs source22:09
hlmI just found a really old video card, what are the chances of ubuntu supporting it?22:09
_VIM_!ops | Cyntek22:09
ubottuCyntek: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, LjL, elkbuntu,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:09
demonotakupretty good22:09
ReAnlooking for the latest mini-disc installer (the minimal one)22:09
ReAncan't seem to get it though the main webpage's navigation22:09
Dillizarwhat is the last squashfs kernel*22:10
guntbert!repeat | Dillizar22:10
ubottuDillizar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://wiki.ubuntu.com while you wait. Also see !patience22:10
_VIM_Cyntek: you're just lucky the ops are snoozing22:10
mneptokCyntek: PG rating, please22:10
gnomefreakCyntek: how about staying with support22:10
n8tuserfDillizar -> download the iso and then look at what squashfs i thas22:10
gnomefreak_VIM_: yes i am ;)22:10
Big_Ghostyes cyntek listen to them22:10
Nickyyis there a sprintf variant which can specify in which order the other parameters should be included?22:10
gnomefreakBig_Ghost: dont start him up please22:11
Dillizarguntbert, i didnt repeat i had mistaken my question22:11
Cyntektake it how you want to....22:11
guntbertDillizar: ok, sorry :)22:11
Big_Ghostmy bad22:11
mneptokCyntek: PG rating, please. understood?22:11
Dillizarn8tuserf, do i must :( can i just ask some one :D22:11
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:12
CyntekDo you understood, i did not do anything wrong. so stfu.22:12
monkey2I just installed 8.10 server, but I don't boot into ubuntu, intead I get dropped into a grub shell, hitting escape doesn't work either to get to a boot menu. I am not sure what is going on, any ideas? Thanks in advance!22:12
n8tuserfDillizar -> not many have their livecd iso with them, so yeah you download, dont take that much time22:12
panickedthumbmneptok FTW22:12
_VIM_ty mneptok22:12
mrwesguess not all are sleeping22:12
mneptokgiven enough rope, most trolls compulsively tie a noose.22:13
_VIM_they sleep with one eye open22:13
tom760i have ubuntu running and want to try a kernel.org kernel.  is there a quick way to make a config that only has the drivers i need / that are currently loaded?22:13
Big_Ghosthttp://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h34/dum1_2006/20-02-09_1337.jpg how can i fix the :ibook g3 dual usb22:13
mrwesmonkey2, try typing find /boot/vmlinuz22:13
bedmunds_nick brandonban622:14
Dillizarn8tuserf, i have a live cds maybe all of them :D i will make iso out of them and try it :D will that work22:14
n8tuserfDillizar -> no no, you dont need to make an iso, allyou have to do is mount the livecd iso and take out to see what squashfs is in there.  i can tell you, 7.10 is not same as in 8.1022:15
The-CompilerCould anyone tell me why at http://paste.pocoo.org/show/104714/ line 2 works but line 3 doesn't (and yes, I have to use backticks and can't use $())22:16
rrplaymake oldconfig22:16
monkey2mrwes: hmm file not found22:16
rrplay! make oldconfig22:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about make oldconfig22:16
mrwesmonkey2, you installed GRUB to the MBR?22:16
gary222hi guys I been in forums about a shutdown issue, what happens computer shuts down but not fully,only way to reset is by unplugging machine would anybody know if there is a fix for this with a link22:16
mrwes!grub | monkey222:16
ubottumonkey2: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto22:16
=== bedmunds is now known as brandonban6
dwxreaperhow do I remove a packege, when it fails to be removed even with dpkg --purge22:17
dwxreaper(says dependancies)22:17
guntbertNickyy: I'm not sure what you want. Did you read man printf though?22:17
monkey2mrwes: do you think I forgot to set the bootflag on the /boot partition ?22:17
mrwesmonkey2, that would do it :)22:17
monkey2mrwes: would that result in this problem22:17
gary222gateway emachine hardy 8.04 with all updates too22:18
mrwesmonkey2, boot with the live CD and fix it with gparted22:18
monkey2mrwes: I should be able to boot into a live cd and fix it right22:18
monkey2mrwes: ah, cool thanks22:18
Big_Ghostcan anyone help me fix this http://i60.photobucket.com/albums/h34/dum1_2006/20-02-09_1337.jpg22:18
Cpudan80The-Compiler: try #bash22:18
Veratyr9I screwed my webcam up by following the instructions on http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=53755 (which i didnt notice was 4 years old) now i want to remove that setup, and just return ubuntu back to the stock webcam drivers it came with.  anybody know how to do this?22:18
monkey2mrwes: I though it did do that, but oh well, i'll check and get back to you, thanks.22:18
mrwesmonkey2, read the URL's I posted to you22:19
monkey2mrwes: ok22:19
AlanJenkinsevening all22:19
mrweso/ AlanJenkins22:19
* AlanJenkins waves to mrwes 22:20
silentContenderWhat packages do I need to rip and encode mp3 and m4a.  The music I've ripped doesn't seem to play on my Ipod Nano22:20
rohilHi All .. i am tired of getting lamp to work. Initially, I had xampp installed .. so after that, I installed lamp , seemingly there was conflicting. Now, I removed all packages and installed from synaptic or apt-get , it is not working. Earlier error was that browser was trying to open phtml file when I browser localhost .. now browser cant connect to localhost...even trying to start apache2 through terminal gives file errors.22:20
Maegllinallo guys22:20
AlanJenkinssilentContender: lame and faac22:20
Maegllini have a serius problem with ubuntu 8.1022:20
silentContenderAlanJenkins, I have faac, is it enough?22:20
Maegllini would appreciate it if you can help with it and solve it :P22:20
Cpudan80Maegllin: and this problem is ....22:21
panickedthumbMaegllin, you haven't told us what it is yet22:21
therootesthello. can someone help me install SMOOTH FONTS in firefox 3.0 / ubuntu 8.10?22:21
Maegllinno sound22:21
AlanJenkinssilentContender: lame was for mp3 and faac was aac (m4a)22:21
Maegllinuntill yesterday i had sound! but not today22:21
AlanJenkinsfaac should be fine tho in isolation22:21
Veratyr9theres like 10 people with questions to 1 person with answers on here today22:21
panickedthumbMaegllin, any recent updates?22:21
Maegllinyy yesterday night22:21
AlanJenkinssilentContender: in what way does it not play on the nano? how did you transfer it etc?22:22
mrwesMaegllin, you right clicked on the speaker icon and open the mixer? PCM is not muted?22:22
silentContenderAlanJenkins, Never mind I don't even have faac.  But anyways, how did I manage to convert the songs22:22
Maegllinbut just to be more specific! i have sound when i'm using Amarok  but i don't have any sound when using mozilla22:22
silentContenderAlanJenkins, the songs play fine on Amarok, but are simply displayed and skipped on the Ipod22:22
Maegllinalso no sounds from amsn22:22
rohilwhat is a sure shot way to completely remove packages .. so that the folders it leaves behind do not conflict22:22
Maegllinso any ideas?22:23
AlanJenkinssilentContender: not sure how you could have... unless you used gtkpod-aac which may have its own aac codec22:23
jovewhat application of Ubuntu to convert mp3 to wav/audio file ?22:23
AlanJenkinsjove: soundconverter is a good one22:23
AlanJenkinsits in repos22:23
mrwes+1 for sound converter22:24
mrwesit works22:24
panickedthumbMaegllin, I had something similar happen a while back. I had onboard sound as well as a PCI sound card, and it had changed my default audio source. You might want to check that22:24
jovealanjenkins, I don't sound converter in my ubuntu....how to run install on it ?22:24
Coded1im trying to get my tv (s-video out) working on my radeon 9250(RV280).  It works right up until X loads then gets "no signal" i've tried looking around but no luck, im running intrepid and using radeon drivers (non proprietary)22:24
Maegllinhmm can you help a bit cause i'm quite noob in Ubuntu22:24
mrwesis listening to Tom Petty Live at the Chicago Vic -- BTW :)22:25
silentContenderAlanJenkins, I'm trying to rip with faac installed.  Will let you know how it works22:25
akorpijacan anybody help me figure out why my windows won't boot up after i installed hardy? i think it might be the way GParted has set it up as a Mountpoint, since i CAN see the files from ubuntu that are in that partition and it DOES start loading but then becomes an Unmountable Boot Sector22:25
AlanJenkinsjove: are you in ubuntu or kubunut?22:25
AlanJenkinssilentContender: ok cool22:25
akorpijaalso, running chkdsk doesn't work since it says there are too many unfixable errors...22:25
panickedthumbMaegllin, come to think of it, I don't remember how to do that either. Lemme poke around22:25
AlanJenkinsgrr and my typos22:25
joveAlanjenkins, I am in Ubuntu22:25
akorpija(windows xp)22:25
mib_htp3aahey i would like to know fully compatible ubuntu deritives. i am using crunchbang, and been wondering when jaunty is released if i could upgrade w/o problems, they use ubuntu resp.22:25
AlanJenkinsjove: ok click System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager22:26
panickedthumbMaegllin, system -> Administration -> Sound, and try the different options for each section there.22:26
Maegllinpnickedthumb: you might have right ! i can listen sound when using things only from my Logitech Speakerphone22:26
mrwesMaegllin, sound preferences are all set to auto detect ?22:26
panickedthumbMaegllin, scratch that22:26
guntbertMaegllin: please be patient,  wait some time then restate your question in *one* line (so it is easier to read and understand for "us")22:26
panickedthumbMaegllin, it's system -> preferences -> sound22:26
Maegllinnope they are HDA intell Digital (ALSA)22:26
AlanJenkinsjove: then after you have synaptic open click the search button and type in soundconverter22:26
meoblast001hi.. .where does OpenJDK put the development kit?22:27
guntbertMaegllin: sorry, didn't want to interrupt22:27
Maegllini've tried to play with options in sound but nothing happened !22:27
mrwesMaegllin, try setting them to auto22:27
AlanJenkinsjove: then after you have found soundconverter click on it and click mark for installation22:27
Maegllini've tried everything guys !22:27
AlanJenkinsjove: then right click on it and select everything in suggested packages22:27
mib_htp3aaso what derititive should i use i wonder.22:27
panickedthumbyou have tried setting them all to auto?22:27
Maegllinno point to change smth in audio  options22:27
AlanJenkinsjove: then click apply22:28
meoblast001i can't find /usr/java/j2sdk because i'm using OpenJDK22:28
=== prince_j1mmys is now known as prince_jammys
meoblast001i need to find the equivilent22:28
Maegllinbtw till yesterday and since one week i had Intel HDA Digital (ALSA) and the sound was working perfect22:28
Maegllinoh! and smth you might know! i've ubuntu installed from Wubi22:29
oskar-meoblast001: try "dpkg-query -L packagename"22:29
alucardromeroYou know, I've noticed something... everybody I know that has upgraded kernels in 8.10, they're flash sound support is knocked away.  But if you do a fresh install, re-install flash, everything is fine.22:30
Maegllinpls guys if you know smth about this prob give a hand :P22:30
alucardromeroWhat's his issue?22:30
mrwesalucardromero, not I22:30
mrwes2.6.27-11-generic -- flash if fine22:31
alucardromeromrwes: That's the weird thing... most people don't have it.  But I've noticed with all the people I knew all have multiple sound devices.22:31
silentContenderAlanJenkins, Just tried ripping an m4a using Soundjuicer and still no luck.22:31
=== mcstinky is now known as fuzzor
mrwesalucardromero, ahh...only one device here22:31
Maegllinalucardromero: i've already unistall and reinstall flash22:31
akorpijaany somebody tell me why in terminal when i type in (under grub) find /boot/grub/stage1 nothing is found?22:31
alucardromeroMaegllin: Yeah, same here... it never worked for me.22:31
alucardromeroOh well... just thought I'd bring that up.22:32
Maegllinnah ! yesterday everything were good22:32
=== fuzzor is now known as mcstinky
alucardromerolol @ mcstinky22:32
Maegllinbut after the updates smth gone bad ><22:32
mrwesMaegllin, you try booting an earlier kernel?22:32
LordNLptpin xubuntu, how do i get to any sort of network-setup dialog from the menus, or do i have to start digging in conf files?22:32
mikewusilentContender: try this http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=3960752&postcount=822:32
Maegllinmrwes: woot?22:32
Veratyr9does 8.10 come with gspca installed by default?22:32
LordNLptpi had a catastrophic local network collapse and need to reconfigure everything as dhcp temporarily until the gateway machine can get a new NIC to replace the one that got blown up22:33
joveAlenjenkins, Thx...it works22:33
mrwesMaegllin, when you boot, hit the ESC key and choose the kernel before the one you're currently using22:33
Maegllinoh let me check then22:33
piecescan anyone help me in setting up dual monitors with dual video cards?22:34
silentContendermikewu, I'm lost.  I'm trying to rip CD's and the thread deals with converting mp3 to m4a22:34
madmikeProblem:  At the boot up/loadbar progress screen, the bar that bounces back and forth, only moves about an inch.  I then have to hold in space bar to keep it moving/booting.  Once it gets to the solid progress bar, I can let go of the space bar, and it will keep loading on it's own.  Any ideas?22:34
monkey2mrwes: ok, another important thing I should've mentioned earlier. I did a raid 5 setup in ubuntu (/boot partition is not on the raid array), is there anything I have to do to enable raid before when booting? In 8.04 I didn't have to do anything special, don't know if that's changed for 8.10. What are your thoughts?22:34
mrwesmonkey2, I've never set up RAID22:35
alucardromeroI don't know much about conversions, but... would razorlame help?22:35
gcolleyWhat is the latest version of ubuntu?22:35
MoLootmadmike, train a hamster to jump up and down on the spacebar ;)22:35
mrwessilentContender, you can rip CD's with sound juicer22:35
madmikehaha, MoLoot, I think my wife would support that one "oh it's sooo cute!!!"22:35
mikewusilentContender: were't you trying to encode mp3 to m4a to play on your ipod?22:35
MoLootmadmike, If you don't touch the space bar for say... 2 minutes, does it eventually load?22:36
mrwessilentContender, but IMHO, ABCDE is the best ripper-- but it's command line22:36
rrplaypieces, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/dual-monitors-with-nvidia.html22:36
LordNLptp... gtg. this looks hopeless22:36
silentContendermikewu, I was trying to rip CDs to mp3 or m4a for my Ipod.  The mp3 and m4a don't play on the Ipod22:36
madmikeMoLoot:  Nope, I let it sit half an hour one time.  It just hangs till I hold the space bar down.  And If I let go, it stops until I hold it again22:36
LordNLptpwhat config files am i 'allowed' to touch which won't completely screw up the computer configuration gui stuff?22:36
nickrudLordNLptp, try asking in #xubuntu22:36
MoLootmaDmike Wow... I'm not even sure where I'd start to look to fix THAT.22:37
madmikemoloot:  i know, this one has me perplexed22:37
Veratyr9why is it, in skype, my video camera shows up with a bunch of green static and lines? though it works fin in ekiga22:37
manacimVeratyr9: maybe lack of light?22:38
silentContendermrwes, Is there an alternative. I'm not that good with command line22:38
IzinucsVeratyr9: skype's video support is pretty new and sketchy on linux22:38
mrwessilentContender, sound juicer, it's the defect CD ripper for Ubuntu22:38
MoLootmadmike, have you tried the other bootloader?  (ie gdm instead of kdm)?22:38
mrweser default22:38
AlanJenkinssilentContender: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPod22:38
ubuntu_I have killed my kubunto yesterday. Now I cannot start x session anymore22:38
Maegllini've tried the kernel but nothing22:38
madmikemoloot, how do I do that?22:38
Izinucsubuntu_: how did you kill it22:39
ubuntu_I was updating, then it told me there was an upgrade for xine, I upgraded and was told I have to restart kde and sine then I can#t enter anyomore, only konsole22:39
JampiterI've used xrandr to turn my screen 90 degrees for my portrait monitor. However, the login screen is still at the default angle. How can I correct this?22:39
Veratyr9Izinucs: this setup worked just fine on my last install.  I stupidly tried getting an older cam to work, and messed up the drivers for the new camera by installing qc-usb.  now it doesnt work, and i have no idea how to uninstall them22:39
silentContenderAlanJenkins, I tried that link.  I installed ubuntu-restricted-extras awhile ago with no luck22:39
monkey2for 8.10 is there anything you have to boot when your / partition is on a raid 5 (logical volume), /boot is not on on the raid. Raid was done when partitioning the drives in the installer. Thanks.22:39
Loungeafter today's updates, udevd is hogging the cpu%22:39
MoLootmadmike, Well... this could make it worse...  You could go into the package manager and install kdm package..22:39
IzinucsVeratyr9: I22:40
monkey2anything you have to do*22:40
AlanJenkinssilentContender: can we move to the pm session you started with me i keep losing track of your replies lol22:40
Maegllinany other ideas about my prob?22:40
IzinucsVeratyr9: I'll leave that for someone else.. I wouldn't know how to do that.22:40
madmikemoloot: how could it make it worse?22:40
Veratyr9Izinucs: alright22:40
mrwessilentContender, what do you mean with no luck?22:40
silentContenderAlanJenkins, Ok22:40
ubuntu_Izinucs: Adept said 39 updates available. I updated. Before that i had installed transmission bittorrent client. Then Adept told me updates sucessful and that there was still an upgrade for xine.22:40
Maegllinif someone can help in pm channel would be better22:40
JampiterI've used xrandr to turn my screen 90 degrees for my portrait monitor. However, the login screen is still at the default angle. How can I correct this?22:41
MoLootmadmike, the spacebar trick works for you now whereas this might prevent u from logging in ig something is still borked.  I'm suggesting this as an idea.... but I'm not sure how/if it would work...22:41
OniakHey guys, I need a little help with getting my webcam working, I have the windows drivers but cant find linux drivers, its just a generic USB webcam22:41
farsighthi all22:41
silentContendermrwes, the songs are just displayed and then skipped on my Ipod22:41
MoLootmadmike, but it's something I might try... :P22:41
ubuntu_Izinucs: I upgrade. Then it told me something like that I have to close KDE, and gave me the option to do so later. i chose to so so later. One by one the icons in K menu went disappearing. I hit shitdown or restart and since then I always end up at a konsole login22:41
Izinucsubuntu_: try this.. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade .. then if you notice that it pulls packages in .. afterwards type sudo reboot now and see if you get it back22:41
Maegllinis it possible to restore the system in it's starting settings?22:42
madmikemoloot, so if I were to do this, I would just install the kdm package?  should I remove gdm as well?  is there anything I have to do to enable it?22:42
ubuntu_Izinucs "login:   Stopping NTP                               Startin NTP"  there i add my user name and it asks for pw, and i can log into konsole, but not kde22:42
Maegllinas the time i've putted it for 1st time in my pc22:42
Izinucsubuntu_: yep.. that's where you can type all that I listed.22:43
MoLootmadmike, when I went to install it, it asked me which one I'd like to use, and just picked kdm... ;)22:43
Oniakcan anyone help?22:43
ubuntu_Izinucs: ok, I must write that down. Am right now on a live CD in order to get into irc.22:43
oCean_!cam | Oniak22:43
ubottuOniak: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:43
AnnonyMouse3morning laddies22:44
exon_is there a possibility t make a restorepoint in ubuntu like in the damn windhoze22:44
Izinucsubuntu_: If that doesnt' work you could always sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop22:44
* MoLoot is being a jerk in another irc channel/server and cracking himself up22:44
Maegllinpls someone gief a help22:44
adaptrMaegllin: the system, or your user ?22:44
ubuntu_Izinucs: One more thing. I had tried startx and got the error: no xsession fiel in /home/user, Xsession file in home user, no session manager found, no window manager found, no terminal emulator found22:45
adaptryour user is trivial: remove everything from your home directory and log out22:45
adaptrthe system.. not so much22:45
Maegllinand how the heck i will fix sound lol22:45
ubuntu_Izinucs and before I get to console login it says: Kinit no resume image22:45
Izinucsubuntu_: the other way to attempt to start x is by typing .. sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start22:45
ubuntu_Izinucs: That's all the info i get. Hopefully it tells you something about the reason22:46
BigBig5Does any one play Urban Terror22:46
manacimnah i play tremulous22:46
monkey2mrwes: hey, the URLs you sent me helped, thanks! i had to find where /grub/stage1 was and then I setup (hdX) to setup grub on that partition. Thanks.22:46
Izinucsubuntu_: sounds like you first need to do the updates then maybe sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop.. that will reinstall the entire desktop environment again.. no need to reformat or anything.22:46
Oniakthe !cam didnt seem to help22:46
familiamontoyaHey, i need help with firefox 3,0 Ubuntu 8.1022:46
rrplayI play Prey22:46
AnnonyMouse3trying to figure out network idiosyncrasy:22:47
AnnonyMouse3have 2 NIC interfaces on system: eth0 & eth122:47
AnnonyMouse3set up bridging on eth0 & br0 (for VM) has static IP, but eth0 has DHCP IP22:47
AnnonyMouse3having trouble locating doccos on issue22:47
AnnonyMouse3could someone pls advise on URL?22:47
FloodBot1AnnonyMouse3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:47
Ann1hi. i need some help22:47
whackedi have created a dual boot but windows does not appear on grub boot loader, I have 2 separate hd's one for windows the other ubuntu. when i installed ubuntu i physically unplugged the windows Hd so when installing ubuntu it would not be able to detect that HD,  i have tried to install Ubuntu with both Hd connnected but Ubuntu always wanted me to use the Hd that windows was installed on, i did try to manual install to 22:47
guntbert!ask | Ann122:47
ubottuAnn1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:47
whackedi have install kgrubeditor which appear making the process easier to understand22:47
burkmatwhacked, You need to modify your menu.lst file.22:48
ubuntu_Izinucs: that's good news, if I don't loose any data then22:48
guntbertAnnonyMouse3: maybe ##networking is better for your problem22:48
Ann1its already on my pc, but when I boot up in xubuntu, an installer thing pops up but i have problems installing it. the partitioner keeps crashing22:48
whackedyes i have kgrubeditor install22:48
mrwesmonkey2, sure -- glad you got it sorted out22:48
whackedi like it it make things more visual with suggestions22:48
AnnonyMouse3thnx guntbert22:48
ubuntu_Izinucs will I have to backup anything?  a had a hell lota notes in tomboy. Will they still be there or should i back em up?22:48
BCM43Ann1: try the alternate installer22:49
whackedi know my windows HD is Hd0.022:49
Ann1whats the alternate installer?22:49
farsightanyone know whether there is an eee pc IRC?22:49
_VIM_ubuntu_: that's why I use Google Notebook :P22:49
zenlinuxNHIs there an official irc channel for the global bug jam?22:49
familiamontoyaThere is a probem. Firefox don't open well almost all the wep pages. It seems like is loading all the time, the back button doesn work. I update all it to 3.0 version. Since i have the problem22:49
mrwesmonkey2, sure -- glad you got it sorted out22:49
ubuntu__VIM_ why?22:50
Ann1whats the alternate installer for xubuntu?22:50
BCM43!install | Ann122:50
ubottuAnn1: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate22:50
mrwesfamiliamontoya, you have to set the backspace key for the back button in about:config22:50
_VIM_ubuntu_: if ubuntu crashes, i dont loose my notes :)22:50
BCM43Ann1: ok, that did not help, sorry, one sec22:50
ubuntu_Izinucs: ok, forat update, upgrade and dist upgrade, then see if it works, if not install kubuntu-desktop. Right?22:50
Izinucsubuntu_: yes..22:51
BCM43Ann1: third part: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation22:51
OniakI cannot get my webcam working, I tried the webcam page on ubuntu, its a generic usb webcamera22:51
madmikemoloot: when did it ask you what to use?  when you went to install linux?22:51
whackedthanks burk you think i dont realize this22:51
BCM43Oniak: is it plugged in?22:51
whackedif i make one typo or wrong concept everyhting can get screwed22:51
Oniakits plugged in...22:51
farsightis it mounter?22:51
whackedso i am not really up for guessing what to do22:51
ubuntu_Izinucs: sorry for the many misspellings, am not good in fast typing.   What about backups. Do I need to beackup any folder or will my home and even kde config remain untouched?22:51
whackedhas anyone use kgrubeditor22:52
burkmat!who | whacked22:52
ubottuwhacked: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:52
farsightoniak: is the usb webcam mounted? Ubuntu doesn't always mount usb devices22:52
OniakIm not sure, how can I tell?22:52
BCM43Oniak: ok, I just realized how stupid that sounded. Do lsusb, which should tell everything that is plugged in. That is why I asked you to plug it in.22:52
Izinucsubuntu_: your home will remain as well as your user name and password22:52
whackedi just want someone that really good at understand Grub and stop sending me too sight with how to22:53
farsightOniak: does it appear as a device in the device manager?22:53
whackedi can provide info needed22:53
ubuntu_Izinucs: Thank you. Will try that now.22:53
BCM43whacked: what is the problem?22:53
ubuntu_Izinucs Thanks for oyur help: )  cya22:53
familiamontoyaNo, i'm trying to say that i can't go back. For example: search in google ''aaaa''. Then, appears aaa in a wikipedia link. But, i cant go back again to google.com       -22:53
Oniakin the terminal for lsusb it says Microdia PC camera22:53
BCM43familiamontoya: firefox?22:54
burkmatwhacked, You're not going to screw everything up by making a typo, at worst you're going to have to edit it and fix the problem... Nobody is going to be able to give you a 100% definitive answer.22:54
OniakIn brackets SN9C20122:54
whackedwindows does not appear on grub list, because i removed the HD from PC so Ubuntu would only see the HD i wanted to install on22:54
whackedso now i need to add windows HD to grub list22:54
familiamontoyaYeah, i use firefox22:54
whackedbut i really dont want to make mistakes doing so22:54
whackedi am using Kgrubeditor22:54
whackedwhich for me make things appear easier to do22:55
whackedit provide suggestions an labels assigned to discs22:55
BCM43Oniak: ok, can you put the complete result of lsusb in pastebin?22:56
OniakBus 005 Device 005: ID 0c45:627b Microdia PC Camera (SN9C201)22:56
OniakBus 005 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub22:56
OniakBus 004 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub22:56
OniakBus 003 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub22:56
OniakBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub22:56
FloodBot1Oniak: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:56
Oniakforgot about pastebin22:56
whackedubuntu is on dev/sdb1 and windows is dev/sda122:56
familiamontoyaere is a probem. Firefox don't open well almost all the wep pages. It seems like is loading all the time, the back button doesn work. I update all it to 3.0 version. Since i have the problem                             i'm trying to say that i can't go back. For example: search in google ''aaaa''. Then, appears aaa in a wikipedia link. But, i cant go back again to google.com                    Yeah, i use firefox22:57
porter1Hey, can someone else here try out the Kohana PHP framework website? It causes Firefox here to run incredibly slow for no apparent reason...22:58
whackedand root for dev/sda1 is (hd0,0)22:58
panickedthumbfamiliamontoya, do you actually have the back button?22:58
BCM43Oniak: try this, tell me if you need help. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=98247122:58
familiamontoyaI have it.22:58
panickedthumbYou might want to try wiping your firefox profile22:58
familiamontoyaThanks, i'll22:58
OniakThanks for the link I have to go for a small bit, if it does not work I'll come back22:58
porter1And I'm running 64bit Intrepid and the website slows everything down22:59
BCM43familiamontoya: I had this problem once, I forgot how I fixed it, I may have simply restarted either firefox or ubuntu22:59
familiamontoyaBCM43, i have restarted firefox and ubuntu like 10 times.22:59
BCM43familiamontoya: oh. have you tried the firefox irc? they might know more23:00
whackedfor kernel should i chose root device,root uuid,read only,queit or splash23:00
familiamontoyaNo, i don't know the pege. Do you?23:00
BadOmenfamiliamontoya: what is your problem I just loged on =)23:01
BCM43familiamontoya: #firefox23:01
whackedi need someone that's really good with grub to help out23:01
alucardromeroWhere do fonts go in GNOME?23:01
whackedand not someone that send my to a URL and say try that23:01
alucardromeroLooking to import some fonts from Windows.23:02
_VIM_ /home/alucardromero/.fonts23:02
Frozen[Alt]Please help me in REPOSITORY ISSUE23:02
_VIM_create it23:02
guntbert!attitude | whacked23:02
ubottuwhacked: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:02
alucardromeroThank you... even though they're under my home directory, will they be available system wide?23:02
Frozen[Alt]I cant find a list for feisty for the sources.list23:02
Frozen[Alt]sources.list is empty..23:02
hmwwhacked - let us know, what you are looking for23:02
Frozen[Alt]I can do noothing23:02
guntbertFrozen[Alt]: feisty has reached "eol"23:03
guntbert!eol | Frozen[Alt]23:03
ubottuFrozen[Alt]: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases23:03
_VIM_alucardromero: I think for that you have to create .fonts in /usr/share something or another23:03
redvamp128whacked:  here is 2 sites- before you go mental-- the first is the official grub manual- GNU GRUB Manual 0.97 <http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/html_node/>  the next link I think does a fair job of explaining how grub works and with some examples- grub page <http://users.bigpond.net.au/hermanzone/p15.htm>23:03
alucardromeroOh okay.23:03
alucardromeroThank you again.23:03
cphillipsi am trying to mount an iso, but it asks me to specify the filesystem type even when i do specify it23:03
BCM43redvamp128: I don't think he wants sites23:04
_VIM_alucardromero: np23:04
guntbert!pm | Frozen[Alt]23:04
ubottuFrozen[Alt]: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.23:04
cphillips.join #ubuntu-us-oh23:04
AlanJenkinscphillips: what command are you using?23:04
ironroseDoes anyone know how I can get rid of the "23:04
ironrose"Reading files needed to boot"23:04
AlanJenkinscphillips: i typically use sudo mount -t iso9660 -o loop ./isfile.iso ./mountdir23:04
_VIM_oh alucardromero there's a command you have to run after adding fonts, maybe someon in here can remember it better than I can :)23:04
BCM43ironrose: where?23:04
Frozen[Alt]guntbert, can I PM you?23:05
=== doppler_ is now known as dopplerdeffect
ironroseBCM43: when loading Ubuntu23:05
whackedi looking to properly add My windows to the Grub list ? it listed as dev/sda1 (hd0,0) and Ubuntu is dev/sdb/ (hd0,1)23:05
alucardromeroHmm... I'll look it up on the web.23:05
BCM43ironrose: why do you want to get rid of it?23:05
oCean_Frozen[Alt]: Upgrading from 7.04 is a long way. See next link: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes23:05
guntbertFrozen[Alt]: I have no solution for you, read the links ubottu gave you23:05
whackedand i am trying to edit my grub using a Gui app called Kgrubeditor23:05
cphillipsAlanJenkins, sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 /iso /media/iso23:05
redvamp128whacked:  most of the windows needs the -- rootnoverify (instead of the root)23:05
BCM43whacked: why a gui?23:05
_VIM_i have it in my notes...  lol 'fc-cache'23:06
irclestuTrying to use ubuntu for 1st time Can anyone suggest any reason why I can't seem to get my graphics working properly (I cant get any 3d type things - and cant turn on visual effect for desktop) - do I need a driver? and if so, how can I get one?23:06
ironroseBCM43: i messed with my partitions, and before that, it didn't come up. I'm assuming I mounted something wrong?23:06
hmwwhacked: try hd(1,x) instead of (hd0,x) or vice versa. somtimes the numbering of the drives change. this is just a guess.23:06
whackedjust appears easier for me to understand23:06
BCM43ironrose: does it boot?23:06
oCean_Frozen[Alt]: there is a sources.list on next link if you really want to upgrade: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades23:06
cphillipsAlanJenkins, and it still asks me to specify the filesystem type23:06
freegoohey guys, if i use dd command to copy a disk say "/media/ipod" would it back up the "Partition INFO" as well23:06
ironroseBCM43: yes, it's just an annoyance cuz it takes longer23:06
AlanJenkinscphillips: mmm thats odd have you tried without specifying the type?23:06
cphillipsAlanJenkins, yes, that is how i originally tried it23:07
whackedI was arleady able edit duplicate items on grub with Kgrubeditor , so i feel some success so far23:07
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AlanJenkinscphillips: can you open the iso in fileroller to make sure it isnt corrupted?23:07
hmwcphillips AlanJenkins - maybe the iso is broken? you could try mounting another for checking, and maybe you can use the iso with some cd burn program for a test, too.23:07
whackedi not guessing with Grub list23:07
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AlanJenkinshmw: yeh that was my next idea =)23:07
hmwwhacked - my proposal was based on a guess. you could use the UUID to be sure to reach the correct drive23:08
whackedi edit grub the other night and then when i went into bios to chose HD it boot ubuntu on which every HD i chose23:08
_VIM_alucardromero: fc-cache23:08
BCM43ironrose: perhaps this can help? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/usplash/+bug/20599023:08
whackedKgrubeditor helps me as i go along in process23:09
irclestuhey guys - anyone able to help? Trying to use ubuntu for 1st time Can anyone suggest any reason why I can't seem to get my graphics working properly (I cant get any 3d type things - and cant turn on visual effect for desktop) - do I need a driver? and if so, how can I get one?23:09
whackedbut i am still not sure of choices23:09
trendyI need some help with a Wubi install, and I'm not sure whether the problem is Wubi or Ubuntu.  Anyone like to help?23:09
raven_is there any diff between ubuntu server edition and ubuntu other than the lack of interface?23:09
manacimirclestu: go to system > admin > hardware drivers23:09
BadOmenirclestu: check the menu Administration -> Hardweredriver (sorry for my bad english)23:09
raven_i'd just like to ge4t a console install of ubuntu23:09
raven_was considering JeOS23:09
BCM43!prefix whacked23:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about prefix whacked23:10
BCM43!prefix | whacked23:10
ubottuwhacked: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:10
hmwirclestu manacim BadOmen - i once had to wget fglrx manually for my ATI card23:10
whackedLike for instance grub was loading server kernel and with kgrubeditor i was easily able to change default boot order23:10
goku 23:10
manacimhmw what kind of ati card do you have23:10
irclestumanacim, thx for the response - I tried, but its empty - says no propriety drivers in use on this system23:10
hmwmanacim - radeon 960023:11
raven_is there any diff between ubuntu server edition and ubuntu other than the lack of interface?23:11
raven_i'd just like to ge4t a console install of ubuntu23:11
raven_was considering JeOS23:11
manacimirclestu:  what kind of card do you have23:11
FloodBot1raven_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:11
manacimhmw: do you play games with it via wine?23:11
_VIM_raven_: the kernel is different23:11
whackedbut know i would like to add windows to list dev/sda1, and ubuntu is dev/sdb123:11
hmwmanacim no, at least no 3d stuff23:11
cphillipsAlanJenkins, it wont open in a burner, so i guess its bad23:11
BCM43raven_: with the alt install cd you whould be able to install just the base system. Do you want x11?23:11
manacimhmw: i am trying to figure out why the game counter strike keeps freezing my system23:11
alucardromero_VIM_: No command necessary... it recognized them right away. ;)23:11
raven_i'd like to probably install it at some point, BCM4323:12
_VIM_alucardromero: sweet :)23:12
manacimirclestu: i think you might have to install your drivers the "ubuntu way"23:12
irclestumamcim, its integrated on the  mb - the mb is Asus P5S800vm/s23:12
AlanJenkinscphillips: what was it a ubuntu iso or something?23:12
manacimare you using a laptop?23:12
hmwmanacim - i dont knwo much about such things. maybe your compiz is active? i know of some problems with 3d apps, when compiz is running23:12
BCM43raven_: I would use the alt cd to install the base system and install the rest that you need after23:12
whackedwhat should Kernel device be for windows23:12
cphillipsAlanJenkins, it was for a game23:12
manacimhmw: nah i turned that off before i do any gaming23:12
AlanJenkinscphillips: if so if you can find a torrent of the same file and tell it to download to that file it will repair it for you23:12
irclestuno - its a desktop pc. Packard bell jobby23:12
whackedroot(device),Root uuid,23:13
rrplaywhacked,  menus1st default info here  in pastebin substitue your windows info and verify you ubuntu location23:13
hmwwhacked - find out the UUID of the windows partition and use that instead of the /dev/sdxx23:13
ironroseBCM43: No, thats not it23:13
AlanJenkinscphillips: damn =/23:13
Shiningggwhacked: i suggest burning a copy of supergrub disk a boot with that then you can change which os boot by default23:13
BCM43ironrose: what is different?23:13
ubuntu__Izinucs> am back. didnt work   etc/init.d/kdm start  said there is no stat /etc/init.d/kdm     then it said already running.   /     update, upgrade and distupgrad  and restart did not change anzthing and nothing was reinstalled23:13
manacimirclestu: have you tried www.ubuntuforums.org and try searching for an answer there?23:14
whackedok how do i find menu list23:14
rrplaywhacked,  paste bin http://paste.ubuntu.com/120772/23:14
whackedI will paste ok23:14
geniiwhacked: /boot/grub/menu.lst23:14
ironroseBCM43: Splash screen is fine. it's just before it, it loads this long list of stuff23:14
BCM43ironrose: and it takes longer to boot?23:14
hmwironrose - did you remove the "quiet" option from the entry in your menu.lst?23:15
hmwironrose - oh... forget what i said23:15
whackedis it sudo /boot/grub/menu.lst ?23:15
ubuntu__Izinucs sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop   show a long list of files sayin its recommended to install the menationed packed but that its not done.   and final line>   E  brolen packages23:15
whackedi tried Sudo and just /boot/grub/menu.lst within terminal to no success23:15
raven_is there any compatibility concern with 64-bit ubuntu? will it work with 32-bit linux software just fine? wine? etc?23:15
trendyWhat is the best way to submit a bug to Ubuntu with an internet connected install?23:16
BCM43ironrose: does hibernate work?23:16
rrplaywhacked, you need to compare yours and the sample in pastebin23:16
ironroseBCM43: It has something to do with an important partition i deleted. like an ext3 maybe? i dunno. It was there by default23:16
whackedyes but how to get list23:16
BCM43trendy: what is the bug23:16
irclestui did try, but couldnt find anything that looked like what i need. will try again. Thanks for your help23:16
guntbert!bug | trendy23:16
ubottutrendy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:16
whackedi dont know what to type at terminal23:16
trendyBCM43: several23:16
ubuntu__what can I do_23:16
BadOmen whacked gksudo gedit boot/grub/menu.lst23:16
BCM43ironrose: try this:23:16
BCM43ironrose: http://ggts.net/2008/05/13/reading-files-needed-to-boot/23:17
hmwwhacked - menu.lst is not a program, so sudo /boot/grub/menu.lst wont work. you want to open it in an editor23:17
Sergeant_Ponyanyone have any ideas?  alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: No such file or directory23:17
guntbertBadOmen: thats gksu :)23:17
VicTheHunterHello, please help? When I watch videos with Cheese, or totem-plugin-viewer 2.22.1, the images come out looking interleaved, and the bottom half is columns of solid colors.  How can I fix this?23:17
BCM43trendy: are you sure that they are bugs?23:17
ironroseBCM43: ding ding. I'll look at this. Thank you23:17
BadOmenguntbert: :)23:17
BCM43ironrose: not problem23:17
trendyBCM43: first bug--Update Manager doesn't display correctly.  Am seeing something similar in Winecfg.23:17
whackedwhen i type gksudo gedit boot/grub/menu.lst in terminal is just opens a new window with a blank page23:18
BCM43trendy: is this a fresh install?23:18
VicTheHunter"lspci | grep VGA" gives me23:18
VicTheHunter01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 661/741/760 PCI/AGP or 662/761Gx PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 03)23:18
ubuntu__Can anybody help me?  I cannot login into kubuntu anymore. only konsole23:18
trendyBCM43: Pretty much.  I'm under Wubi, though.23:18
redvamp128whacked:  that is /boot/grub/menu.lst23:18
BadOmen whacked gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst23:18
whackedunder terminal right type gksudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst23:19
Sergeant_Ponyany ideas on how to fix this?   alsamixer: function snd_mixer_load failed: No such file or directory23:19
whackedok it worked this time sorry guys23:19
BCM43!bugs | trendy23:20
ubottutrendy: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug report at: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -  Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots23:20
trendyBCM43: What I'm really looking to avoid is reporting a known bug.  If I can find a known bug, I'll just piggy back on that report.  Otherwise, I can file a new one.23:20
VicTheHunterWhen I watch videos on my webcam, they come out green and ghosted.  Do I need a certain driver, or can a setting in Linux fix this?23:20
BCM43trendy: search with google, but you need to be more specific than that23:21
raven_32 vs 64 bit ubuntu: if my comp (c2d) supports 64-bit, any reason not to use it?23:21
BCM43raven_: not as stable23:21
whackedsorry for be sarcastic guys23:21
trendyBCM43: Ok, if it's not an issue you are familiar with here, then it's probably worth reporting.23:21
VicTheHunterHow can I disable the bold black system messages from appearing in this IRC?23:21
sebsebsebraven_: there might be a few issues, with say Java Firefox Flash plugin, but otherwise should be alright23:21
whackedi just pasted info23:21
sebsebsebraven_: 64bit is better than 32bit23:22
raven_can you compile ordinary linux apps from source on 64-bit linux?23:22
BCM43trendy: true, if it is a double, then they will tell you, nothing lost23:22
hmwVicTheHunter - v4l2ucp lets you adjust webcam settings, but i guess, it is not the solution, you would need.23:22
sebsebsebraven_: sure, and you can even run 32bit programs on it23:22
raven_sebsebseb, ah then there's no good reason for me not to use it... wine works too i assume?23:22
sebsebsebraven_: yes23:22
raven_can always reinstall if it doesnt work out23:22
VicTheHunterhmw: is v4l2ucp a package I can install?23:22
sebsebsebraven_: how much RAM?23:23
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hmwVicTheHunter yea23:23
tlacaeleltrying to install ubuntu onto a laptop with an external monitor.  I can see it all just fine when the installation starts from CD, but then it shuts off the monitor and I can't see what's going on.  Help?23:23
JudauVidanWhat is the best BT client to use with ubuntu? (in your oppinions)23:23
hmwtlacaelel - do you have a nvidia?23:23
VicTheHunterhmw: thanks, I'll install it now23:23
BCM43tlacaelel: try the alt cd.23:23
chavermahey if i had vi running on an ssh session that got disconnected when my client crashed, how can i reconnect to that vi session after i've reconnected?23:23
guntbert!best | JudauVidan23:24
ubottuJudauVidan: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.23:24
Guest69264hello, I've accidentally associated a device to the wrong program "on plugged in", how can I disassociate it so it doesn't load the program & crash when I plug it in? thank you!23:24
rrplaywhacked, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/120772/ for windows compare with yours and add you windos info to menu.1st23:24
freegoohow can i use dd to back up just the files on my external harddrive. change the formate of this drive (say hfs+ to hfs) then use dd to copy the files back onto the newly formated drive)23:24
freegooi can do the formating y self, but not sure how to copy just the files using dd23:24
sebsebsebJudauVidan: Ktorrent23:24
raven_sebsebseb, 3GB23:24
sebsebsebraven_: that's good23:24
guntbertchaverma: only if you started a "screen" session before23:24
sebsebsebraven_: ,but I think you might not really get any 64bit advantages unless you got 4GB RAM at least23:24
rrplaywhacked, you already know your windowws sda1  (hd0,0) info for grub23:24
raven_sebsebseb, im hoping to get faster compile speeds and possibly performance out of x86 emus via 64-bit23:25
sebsebsebraven_:   also there's  a Adobe Flash for 64bit Linux that is meant to be better than the others, that you can get from site23:25
chavermaguntbert: i think i actually had been running that in screen23:25
sebsebsebraven_: if you want more speed well23:25
sebsebsebraven_: Ext4 is an option in the next Ubuntu  in April23:25
tuxflavrdwaflsis there a "better" application than aptoncd23:25
hmwfreegoo - i think, you cant "just copy the files" with dd, because it is "disk dupe". you can make a backup with cp, i think you will want to use the -a switch, but do look up the man page yourself first23:25
sebsebsebraven_: and you would have to do the partitions again for that so  yeah23:25
hmwfreegoo - with dd you can make complete copies of a partition, including empty sectors, though23:26
sebsebsebraven_: maybe just keep 32bit Intrepid Ibex for now?  you are on Intrepid?  and then  start over  with Jaunty and use Ext423:26
raven_sebsebseb, i have no linux install atm23:26
* AlanJenkins loves dd23:26
raven_sebsebseb, gonna need one to work with in the meantime anyway23:26
sebsebsebraven_: oh  so your on Windows?23:26
q_how to enable EAX for creative audigy se?23:26
guntbertchaverma: then you connect to the machine again and reattach the old session (screen -r I believe, but "man screen" tells you )23:26
raven_sebsebseb, yeah, but not new to linux or anything23:26
raven_sebsebseb, been using it for years23:26
DIFH-icerootq_: i think there is no eax in llinux23:26
sebsebsebraven_: well you could try a few distros out inside WIndows in virtualbox23:26
techqbertAnybody ever get an NX session where no keys or clicks work anymore?  I can click on X top right for client but then  ican't click disconnect or terminate just as I can't type or click anything.23:26
whackedhonestly how is that going o help both menu list look so different23:27
raven_sebsebseb, not rly necessary :D23:27
jme_009?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 023:27
AlanJenkinsq_: there is no eax in linux unfortunately23:27
rrplaywhacked,  add you windows info to it see http://paste.ubuntu.com/120772/23:27
hmwwow -what was this mass logout?23:27
Guest69264 I've accidentally associated a device to a wrong program when it's plugged in, how can I disassociate it so it doesn't load the program & crash everytime I plug it in? thank you!23:28
whackedhow to add windows info23:28
char00leshello #ubuntu23:28
tuxflavrdwaflsIs there any similar programs to aptoncd, that may be "better"?23:28
q_hope in future :)23:28
whacked gksudo gedit boot/grub/menu.lst ityped this a terminal and pasted info like you requested23:28
char00leswhere are the bin files or directories when i install apps by apt-get install apache223:28
char00lesi already installed the apache, Mysql, php23:29
hmwchar00les what do you want to achive?23:29
whackedi typed in terminal  gksudo gedit boot/grub/menu.lst, then i pasted all info to Ubuntupastebin23:29
rrplaywhacked, you only needed to add the windows info at the bottom of your file23:29
char00lesit works, because when i do http://localhost/ -> it works23:29
whackedso i am not sure what you know want ?23:29
guntbertchar00les:  dpkg-query -L apache2 should tell you23:30
whackedyes i am aware of that, that why i came here looking for help23:30
alexGHey, I'm running Ubuntu 6.06 on a G4 PPC Mac, and my disc drive is always out. When I try to press eject on the keyboard, it puts the tray back in for a second, and then pushes it back out again. What's going on :-S?23:30
topdawgi loaded ubuntu 8.10 everything was fine except my tv out didnt work so i loaded the ati driver from ati the 2nd screen came on on reboot without anything else. but now the tv screen flickers when i load a program and both screens pause every few seconds on videos it pauses for a sceond then skips ahead to where it would have been with no pause the pause occurs every 3 seconds or so the pause is a second or less. any ideas?23:30
rrplaywhacked are you reading the info in editing the file it is all there for you23:30
char00lessweet, thanks guntbert23:31
kristian7is spotify being made for linux as well?23:31
whackedlines 150 to 15623:31
rrplaywhacked, http://paste.ubuntu.com/120772/ lines 150 to 156 please23:32
rrplaywhacked, add these for your install23:32
tlacaelelwhat is the alt cd ?23:32
guntbert!alternate | tlacaelel23:32
ubottutlacaelel: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the alternate link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal - Torrent at http://releases.ubuntu.com/8.10/ubuntu-8.10-alternate-i386.iso.torrent23:32
tlacaelelcool :-)23:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spotify23:33
Guest69264 I've accidentally associated a device to a wrong program when it's plugged in, how can I disassociate it so it doesn't load the program & crash everytime I plug it in? does anyone know? thank you!23:33
whackedsorry no idea how to add 150 to 15623:33
whackedi have only been on linux for 2 weeks23:33
rrplaywhacked,  hang on man23:34
whackedi guessing i still can use Kgrubeditor and just copy info from the listed you created23:34
happyface_0help! gnome is acting crazy and not allowing me to click or type unless i press buttons 100 times23:35
whackedsure np rrplay23:35
rrplaywhacked,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/120783/   change title for windows to whatever you want23:35
RA1hi, newb here, i have a question about rsync: it seems you can rsync from a machine that is running sshd, as long as you have a usable user/pass onto that machine23:35
RA1what then, is the motivation of using rsync --daemon23:35
RA1everything i read just tells you how to run the daemon, but i can't see the difference23:36
neyhi all! iv just installed my wifi eth rtl 8185, via ndiswrapper. now it appears on my network tab. now i wanna test via ad hoc with a xp machine23:36
neyis there another gui for that?23:36
kristian7Newbie Question : will installing/running wine cause a security risk?23:36
grndslmhappyface_0:  press only 1 time23:36
grndslmdon't repeat23:36
guntbertRA1: I'd say ask in ##networking23:37
happyface_0grndslm: it's not lagging, it's just messed up somehow23:37
=== Maxwell is now known as Maxwell`
grndslmhappyface_0:  delete all the gnome related config files23:37
happyface_0grndslm: this is using the live cd23:37
grndslmthat's the only way i know how to fix it23:37
BadOmenhappyface_0: I don't want to know how long time that tolk to write =)23:37
hmwhappyface_0 - does it happen, when you "click" with the keyboard shortcuts, too?23:37
=== Maxwell is now known as Maxwell_Monterey
grndslmhah.... then, definitely click once.23:38
grndslmkeyboardz rule!23:38
hmwgrndsl - console rules23:38
happyface_0hmw: yes, if I try to open the gnome-launcher I have to click alt+f2 until it responds23:38
grndslmwhat i'd like to know is what is the difference between openbox, openstep, gnustep, & windowmaker23:38
whackedok still dont know what to do with info you pasted23:39
guntbert!ot | grndslm23:39
ubottugrndslm: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:39
whackedbut thanks for help anyways23:39
RA1guntbert: thanks!23:39
rrplaywhacked, that is you neew menus.1st  ust edit the name of windows under title23:39
[M]Maxwellk is there anyway i can get ndiswrapper working with ubuntu 8.04?23:39
happyface_0hmw: but it responds to everything [for like 10 seconds] if I switch in/out of the x-server session23:39
galvanizecould someone give me some guidance please?23:40
guntbertRA1: I hope you get what you want, if not you can try #ubuntu-offtopic too23:40
whackedyeah ok but how to get the edit file back to where it needs to be ?23:40
Iceman_B^Ltopokay, I found a monitor and am in the middle of a PXE boot, Ive gotten the isntaller running23:40
whackedyou missing info required to perform task23:40
galvanize The outgoing/STMP server needs to be set to my internet service provider's address, how would i go about finding this and what is it? I'm setting up thunderbird...23:40
hmwhappyface_0 - hmm... no idea. sounds like some program is working against you. do you have a keyboard/mouse-macro program in use, perhaps?23:40
whackedhow is editing a list going to impact my pc23:40
RA1guntbert: gotcha23:40
Iceman_B^Ltopbut whenever I pick a server to install from, I get a "server contains bad file" error23:40
Iceman_B^Ltopon every server23:40
Iceman_B^Ltophow cna this be ?23:40
whackedit like edit note pad and saving file it going to change the boot23:41
rrplaywhacked, you want to acces your windows right23:41
happyface_0hmw: no, this is using the live cd... it did strange thing with the ubuntu installer aswell...23:41
guntbertgalvanize: you must ask your ISP23:41
whackedyes of course23:41
rrplaywhacked, that is your neew file   save the org as a backup but the new one is the one you were asking about23:41
galvanizeguntbert: so no way to find out on my own?23:41
happyface_0how do I get internet access in my chroot?23:42
whackedi have no idea how take and edit file then apply to terminal assuming that where the info eventually going to be placed23:42
hmwhappyface_0 - this advise is just a generic one - try disabling onboard peripherals and pull out everything, you dont need to boot (soundcards, usb controllers, etc) and see, if the bug keeps appearing23:42
guntbertgalvanize: usually ISPs publish this sort of info on their web site23:42
orudiecant find an option in pidgin to start conference chat23:43
whackedyou are assumming i know what to do with the edit file23:43
orudiedoes anyone know how to do that ?23:43
rrplaywhacked, download http://paste.ubuntu.com/120783/ save as menu.1st save previous as menus.1st-bck23:43
galvanizeguntbert: thanks, thats what i was thinking. thanks again.23:43
guntbertgalvanize: wasn't too much :)23:44
xiphias_hi people :)23:44
dash9hi, is there a "software source" which provides more up to date Wine packages, for Ubuntu?23:44
xiphias_?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 023:44
Izinucsdash9: you might check with getdeb.net or just compile it.23:45
happyface_0thanks hmw23:45
hmwhappyface_0 - i doubt it, but you could check the integrity of the live cd, too (its an option at boot time)23:46
happyface_0I've done that already thanks though hwm23:46
whackedok i saved file23:46
magciusYay! No more brown!23:46
whackedas menu.lst-bck23:46
rrplaywhacked, the past bin http://paste.ubuntu.com/120783/ is the new menus.1st23:47
pyrohotdogWhy does alsamixer say card "PulseAudio" chip "PulseAudio"? I have one volume control and at full volume it's hardly audible.23:47
whackedyes i saved that file to my home folder23:47
aprilharehello. i want to alter $PATH permanently as it is somewhat inconvenient. how do i do that with ubuntu?23:47
whackedas menu.lst-bck23:48
rrplaywhacked, it has to be in /boot/grub/menu.1st23:48
neyis there a good gui for wireless networking, besides the newtork tab originally on ubuntu?23:48
hmwaprilhare - you could change the path in .bashrc or .bash-profile (your home dir). you will need to look up, how it is to be done properly, but i think its something like export PATH=$PATH;/new/path/here23:49
whackedand how to accomplish that ?23:49
rrplaywhacked,  you need to be root  so sudo <file> /boot/grub/menu.1st23:49
whackedlike i said 2 weeks on ubuntu23:49
IndyGunFreakney: i've always thought wicd was pretty good.... what problem are you having?23:49
rrplaywhacked,  you are just really editing a text file23:49
whackedso i type sudo menu.lst.bck/boot/grub/menu.lst23:50
Iceman_B^Ltopoh wait, I'm trying the advanced install23:50
aprilharethanks hmw23:50
rrplaywhacked, you are to use the pastbin file that i made you for your menu.1st23:50
whackedyou mot providing all the steps sorry23:50
whackedyour not telling me what to do with the file , sorry you think you are23:51
jcapincalright, odd issue, on 8.10 you know how you hold down some keys like down in Firefox to make it scroll down continuosly, then in an editer you press backspace and it will backspace untill you lift off backspace, well it stopped doing that and im not really sure why, is there a menu I may have messed with that I did this?23:51
whackedso know you dont want me to save as menu.lst-bck anymore23:51
rrplaywhacked, whare is the pastebin file that i had made you23:52
whackedand what to save as23:52
whackedyou mentioned once to save as menu.lst-bck \23:52
rrplaywhacked, save it as newmenu123:52
whackedsorry you are not making sense23:52
whackedmissing steps23:53
rrplaywhacked,  your orfiginal file was the backup23:53
rrplaywhacked, the new pastebin file is the neew menus.1st23:53
neyIndyGunFreak: well, i wanna make a ad hoc with a xp machine23:53
Iceman_B^Ltopokay, does anyone know how an install over the network works?23:54
IndyGunFreakdash9: or here's a whild and crazy idea, add the wine repository to your source list, and install wine, then you'll update when the wine repo does i do believe23:54
rrplaywhacked, copy the pastebin file to /boot/grub/menu.1st23:54
Iceman_B^LtopI keep getting stuck at the point where I need to pick a mirror23:54
aprilharefor the record i needed to alter /etc/bash.bashrc - works :)23:54
aprilharebye all23:54
whackedi have no idea how to copy that info sorry23:54
alpha7i having problem with the scanner23:55
alpha7with the program xsane23:55
rrplaywhacked, what is the name of the pastebin file and where is it ??23:55
whackedoh you folder location under file system23:55
whackedyou want to paste to file system folders23:55
alpha7I recieve "failed to start scanner : error during device i/o"23:55
whackedyou could have said that23:56
rrplaywhacked, yes23:56
hlmI have setup my keyboard layout for shift to disable capslock, but only my right shift disables capslock23:56
whackedi was thinking terminal i am like how to paste to terminal all this info23:56
rrplaywhacked, sudo cp ,pastebinfile. /boot/grub/menu.1st23:56
=== iosif is now known as anachoret
whackedso i cant just copy info to folder location23:57
dash9IndyGunFreak, thanks, it worked!23:57
guntbertrrplay: souldn't that be menu.lst not menu.1st ??23:57
rrplaywhacked, you have to be root23:57
IndyGunFreakdash9: well.. yeah..lol23:57
hlmI have setup my keyboard layout for shift to disable capslock, but only my right shift disables capslock, how do I fix it so my left shift will disable capslock?23:57
whackedi have to give instructions with sudo23:57
whackedunder terminal23:58
austin_im trying to start lmms, any help please?23:58
whackedgetting more confused as time goes by23:58
alpha7can anyone help me23:58
rrplayguntbert, yeah thanks  taking a bit here23:58
whackedi thought you just agreed to pasting info into folder23:58
hlmaustin_, do you get any errors?23:58
austin_hlm: yah, i'm trying to install with that Cmake23:59
whackedok i give up23:59
austin_hlm: and it not workign out right23:59
whackedthis is getting to frustrating23:59
rrplaywhacked, just check that the new menu.1st is the new pastbin menu23:59
whackedi understand that23:59
whackedbut how to apply23:59
hlmaustin_, I am not a tech person, im just trying to make YOU GIVE us the ERRORS23:59

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