
sadmacKeybuk: damn you and your weird coding practices!03:19
sadmacturns out #define foo (bar) isn't valid C03:20
sadmacwhere foo is a macro taking bar03:20
ion_Huh. Is there a compiler that accepts a space there?04:15
sadmacion_: no.04:16
sadmacion_: but upstart's coding convention has function declarations/definitions with a space there, so an argument list always has a space before it except for one standards-enforced special case.04:17
ion_That’s what i do, too.04:18
sadmacI don't make these errors when coding to kernel guidelines.04:18
* sadmac puts his bike in the shed04:18
ion_I never make an error there. :-P04:18
george1502Is Scott here?19:15
george1502hello Md 19:33
=== sadmac_ is now known as sadmac

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