
spivlifeless: a smarter TCP server could too00:03
spivlifeless: I have a TODO comment somewhere about that00:03
lifelessspiv: just committed pushing to pqm now00:06
rysiek|plhi all00:07
rysiek|plguys, I must be missing something obvious00:07
rysiek|plI have two branches00:07
rysiek|pland, branched from trunk at rev4, dev00:07
rysiek|plthere were two revisions in dev, so dev's at rev600:07
rysiek|plcd trunk00:08
rysiek|plbzr merge ../dev00:08
rysiek|plgot me what was expected in the logs00:08
lifelessyou have to commit after a merge00:08
rysiek|plbut the files are just as they were in rev4!00:08
rysiek|plI did00:08
lifelessdid you do a 'bzr revert .' in there by chance?00:08
lifelessin the commands you ran00:09
rysiek|plno, I didn't use revert at all in that repo00:09
lifelessbzr log -v will show you the diffs of what when on00:09
lifelessI will bet that your merge shows up with no change00:09
rysiek|plas I have said00:10
lifelessthat is; cd trunk; bzr diff -r -2..-1 -> no change00:10
rysiek|pleverything's fine and dandy in the logs00:10
rysiek|plthere is *some* change00:10
rysiek|plas if it merged with rev5 not rev600:10
rysiek|plI overlooked that00:11
rysiek|planywhoo, trunk is now at rev500:11
rysiek|pldev is at rev600:11
rysiek|plfiles at trunk are at what was in dev at rev500:11
lifelesswhat does 'bzr missing ../dev' show00:11
lifelessspiv: I can push ok with the [] fix; its off to pqm00:13
lifelessrysiek|pl: it certainly thinks its fully merged00:13
rysiek|plit certainly does00:13
lifelessrysiek|pl: we can test this:00:13
rysiek|plI'll give you both logs00:13
lifelessplease do the following: http://paste.ubuntu.com/120797/00:14
lifeless(adjust paths as needed)00:14
rysiek|pllifeless: dev branch (actually named "rysiek") log: http://wklej.to/0SMp00:14
rysiek|pllifeless: and the trunk post merge: http://wklej.to/nsaT00:15
lifelessrysiek|pl: I don't suppose that you've forgotten to commit in dev ?00:16
rysiek|plnay, it was at 6 when I merged, look at the log messages00:16
lifelessrysiek|pl: *dev* not trunk00:17
rysiek|pla sec00:17
lifelessrysiek|pl: dev has a change to   tracmail/templates/list_index.html00:17
lifelessin rev 6 and not in rev 500:17
=== mark2 is now known as markh
lifelesstrunk has a change to tracmail/templates/list_index.html in the merge from dev00:17
lifelessso rev6 of dev is almost certainly merged just fine00:17
rysiek|plI can't be *that* stupid00:18
rysiek|ploh, ffs00:18
* rysiek|pl bangs his head against a nearby wall... repeatedly00:19
rysiek|plat least we broke the bore on this channel00:19
rysiek|plthere are days that it's better not to get outta bed00:21
rysiek|pleverything is neat and dandy now, of course00:21
lifelessafk for a while00:22
fullermdCorrect: There are occasionally days when it's better TO get out of bed...00:22
rysiek|plI think I'll agree to that00:22
rysiek|plyeah, definitely00:22
Peng_Like when you've gotten a new bed and want to move over to it.00:26
fullermdIf you position it right, you can just sorta roll over.00:30
rysiek|pltested, works00:30
rysiek|plthanks guys, you solved my big problem00:30
rysiek|plnow... just how do I move the other bed so that the laptop's power cord reaches the wall socket...00:31
spivlifeless: great00:44
spivlifeless: and thanks!00:45
jmligc: you da man.00:50
lifelessjml: 1.12 I think00:55
lifelessspiv: np, I like things working00:56
lifelessspiv: if the stream is always fully consumed(and I think it is) it will not have been a data loss issue00:56
jmllifeless: thanks.00:56
jmllifeless: if you'd like, you can move the notice and merge the NEWS patch :)00:56
lifelessok, stream push is now landed *and* usable :P00:59
lifelessbut not for stacked yet00:59
lifelesstesting streaming push to stacked repos now01:03
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rysiek|pllifeless: thanks again01:07
* rysiek|pl get's back to bed01:07
rysiek|plcu all01:07
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cammoblammoDoes anyone have any idea when a more recent bzr might go into Debian unstable?09:20
GoundyERROR: Selected-file commit of merges is not supported yet12:45
GoundyWhat the hell is that ? ^^12:45
GoundyI've 2 branches at local: main/ and working/ I commit working and then merge it into main/ then I try to commit main (to push it later) it returns this error12:45
luksdo you want to merge the whole working branch or just a few files from the branch?12:46
Goundyluks the wole working branch but then I want to have different commit message for every file12:47
Goundyisn't it possible ?12:47
luksnot if you want all the commit to apear as merges12:48
luksyou can merge the whole branch, revert everything except one file and commit that12:49
Goundyluks i don't really care all I'm interrested in is keeping my commit message12:49
luksand then cherry pick individual files from the working branch12:49
Goundyluks sounds complicated nevermind am going to commit the whole branch with the same message :/12:49
Goundythank you12:49
luksif you don't care about remembering the merge at all, you can just use bzr revert --forger-merges12:50
luksbzr revert --forget-merges12:50
luksand then selectively commit12:50
Goundyluks this point isn't discussed in the documentation of bazaar :/12:51
GoundyI think a book like svnbook could be very nice for that project :)12:51
luksin which part of the documenation would you expect to find it?12:51
Goundyluks well I've read the two documents for learning bazaar12:52
Goundyluks is there a bzrbook project for the future ?12:53
luksI don't know about anything that would attempt to be a complete book12:54
Goundyah okay.. That'd be nice then :)12:54
Goundylike the svnbook => everything about svn is there..12:54
luksa lot of work, I guess :)12:54
Goundybut bazaar represents a lot of work also :P12:55
Goundyand such a book will encourage more and more developers to use this software12:55
weigonhmm, how can I get the bzr version of the remote bzr server ? (in this case launchpad.net) ?14:21
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lucypherHi, I can't undestand a thing ... How can I see that bzr ignores changes in a file?15:30
lucypherI have a file called app/core.php I have pushed this file on the repository, but I want that the future changes I do to this file will be ignored from the revisions.15:31
lucypherI've added it to .bzrignore but everytime I change the file it is changed upstream too.15:33
Pieteryou can only ignore untracked files15:34
lucypherso there is no way to ignore changes in a file?15:37
lucypherIf I use bzr remove -keep app/core.php it will be removed from the repo?15:38
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cammoblammoDoes anyone have any idea when a more recent bzr will find it's way into Debian unstable?20:13
Stanlin1how to download again the changes from a trunk20:44
asabilStanlin1: bzr pull ?20:52
eferraiuoloNoticed the OS X 10.4 bzr 1.12 binary has been posted... Should I expect the OS X 10.5 one soon?20:59
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emgentseems that there is a block problem with new bzr and old bzr-tree21:50
emgentemgent@enJoy:~/Scrivania$   bzr branch lp:~emgent/ubuntu-cve-tracker/universe-security-updates21:50
emgentFormat <RepositoryFormatKnit1> for lp-45944144:///~emgent/ubuntu-cve-tracker/universe-security-updates/.bzr is deprecated - please use 'bzr upgrade' to get better performance21:50
emgentFormat <RepositoryFormatKnit1> for bzr+ssh://emgent@bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Eemgent/ubuntu-cve-tracker/universe-security-updates/.bzr/ is deprecated - please use 'bzr upgrade' to get better performance21:50
emgent\ [===========21:50
emgentblocked on downloading branch..21:50
emgentand if i do bzr upgrade and try bzr update on the same branch faild with error, beacuse dont found dir/.bzr/checkout/21:52
lifelessemgent: uhm, if you hit ctrl-C it won't have finished the download22:02
lifelessthe upgrade needs to be done on the server - "bzr upgrade lp:~emgent/ubuntu-cve-tracker/universe-security-updates"22:03
emgentah kk22:08
emgentunderstand. danke.22:08
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RainCTwgrant: so, can I give bzr a revision number when I create a stacked branch? I've just read the docs for it and they don't mention anything like this23:24
wgrantRainCT: No, you can't.23:25
wgrantStacked branches don't let you fully do what you want.23:25
RainCTSo I'd have to  bzr revert -rX; bzr push --overwrite   the original branch?23:26
RainCTso that all revisions newer than X get into the new branch?23:26
wgrantI don't quite know.23:26
wgrantI also don't think that a branch of a branch remains stacked.23:27
RainCTerr... what? :P23:27
wgrantIf I have a stacked branch, I don't think a branch of it will be stacked.23:28
lifelessRainCT: what are you trying to do ?23:30
RainCTwgrant: right, seems like it doesn't. So stacked branches are only useful for the server (ie, the computer actually hosting them, to reduce space usage)?23:30
RainCT>> I have a bzr branch which originally included source files for images, which makes it huge (>  100MB), but this was later removed. So, now I'd like to create a new branch with like the 200 last  commits (so that it doesn't include that mess and is faster to fetch the first time, but that 'bzr  diff' and such can still be used being offline in most cases) and having it linked to the original23:31
RainCT brnch i)n case it's necessary to look up earlier revisions. How can I do this?23:31
RainCTlifeless: ^ :)23:31
lifelessRainCT: so stacked branches can't be used offline23:31
* wgrant suspects history horizons to be necessary here.23:32
lifelessRainCT: they download less data to get your local tree built and new commits go into the new branch only (until you merge to the original branch or some such).23:33
lifelessRainCT: stacking will let you download less data, but it won't give you ofline support today23:33
lifelesswe'd like to add that23:33
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RainCTuhm.. Why do I get «Source format does not support stacking, using format: '1.6' Packs 5 (adds stacking support, requires bzr 1.6)» with «bzr branch --stacked <dir>»?23:35
RainCT«bzr upgrade» says it's already the most recent format, and I have 1.12-1~bazaar1~intrepid1 from your PPA23:36
lifelessRainCT: because the source branch format isn't one that can stack on others23:36
wgrantbzr upgrade will only take it to packs-0.92, the default.23:36
lifelessRainCT: and we try to preserve formats when possible so that people don't have accidental upgrades occuring23:36
RainCTdoes the format introducing stacks work with the bzr version from intrepid?23:37
lifelessRainCT: and 'bzr upgrade' takes you to the default format, which we are conservative about changing, because most folk don't like requiring other users to have the latest-and-greatest tool to access their code23:37
wgrantRainCT: Yes.23:37
wgrantBut not Hardy.23:37
wgrantBut the bzr PPA is always useful for fixing that.23:38
lifeless       bzr |    1.6.1-1 |      intrepid | source, amd64, i38623:38
RainCTokay, so how can I upgrade it?23:39
lifelessyu don't need to23:40
lifelessthe branch --stacked worked23:40
wgrantBut 'bzr upgrade --1.6', otherwise.23:40
lifelessit simply told you that it was changing the format of the target23:41
lifelessso that you won't be surprised if someone with bzr 1.4 can't access the new branch23:41
RainCTOh. But it's taking ages to get a stacked branch from LP23:41
lifelessyou just did 'bzr branch --stacked lp:foo somewherelocal' ?23:41
RainCTbzr branch --stacked lp:freevial23:41
lifelessthere is a bug :(23:42
lifelessit is downloading each file in the project in a separate roundtrip23:42
RainCTOh. And is there a workaround for it?23:42
lifelessyes, wait.23:42
lifelessThe bug is a flip-flop - we were really fast in 1.6 itself, but we used up too much memory23:43
lifelessnow we use very little memory but are slow23:43
lifelessthe next change to that inner loop should get a reasonable balance23:43
RainCTmemory shouldn't be a problem here, I have 3GB free..23:44
lifelessyes, but the code doesn't know that23:45
RainCTheh yeah, I mean for the workaround, in case it uses more memory.. although nevermind that because it's not me who is going to use it anyway :P23:46
lifelessbzrlib/knit.py line 133823:46
lifelessinstead of splitting by prefix, just do it in one hit; thats the prior version that ate memory like it was going out of fashion23:47
RainCTuh.. line 1338 is  "try:"23:48
RainCTand there's no split around there23:48
lifelessoh, you don't have bzr.dev :P23:49
lifeless        if include_delta_closure:23:49
lifeless            # XXX: get_content_maps performs its own index queries; allow state23:49
lifeless            # to be passed in.23:49
lifeless            non_local_keys = needed_from_fallback - absent_keys23:49
lifeless            prefix_split_keys = self._split_by_prefix(present_keys)23:49
RainCTso I change the last line to   prefix_split_keys = present_keys   ?23:50
RainCT*** Bazaar has encountered an internal error.       awesome :D23:52
RainCTwell, don't worry, I'll wait until there's a new version fixing this :)23:53
RainCTwgrant, lifeless: thanks for your time!ç23:53
lifelessRainCT: np, sorry that its not good in this area at the moment23:55
RainCTgood night23:58

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