
bratschekenvandine: ping01:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 332361 in notify-sharp "notify-sharp needs to check for "actions" capabilities" [Undecided,New]01:26
bratschekenvandine: I'm trying to push my branch to Launchpad but it won't let me.. I'm not sure what project name to push it under.  I tried notify-sharp but it won't let me use that.01:26
bratschekenvandine: So in the mean time, I have attached a patch to this bug#01:26
kenvandinebratsche: did you see my email?01:35
bratscheNo, let me check01:35
kenvandinei think01:36
kenvandinei have it built in my ppa :)01:36
kenvandinewith the patch01:36
kenvandineworks great :)01:36
bratschekenvandine: Great!01:36
kenvandinefunny... the code is identical to what is in banshee01:36
kenvandinea little copy and paste magic there01:36
bratscheSorry I had to run out in the middle of this earlier, I was still at the gtk hackfest in Dublin and everyone was trying to go out for dinner.01:37
kenvandinethat sounds like fun :)01:37
kenvandinethx for your help01:37
bratschekenvandine: Actually, I made a small change to the patch when I committed to banshee svn but never put it in Ubuntu packages.01:37
bratscheNot sure if it matters, but I added a null check to Notifications.Global.Capabilities01:37
kenvandinei have that01:37
bratscheOkay cool.01:37
kenvandinei got the patch from svn not from ubuntu01:38
* kenvandine tries to stick with upstream where possible01:38
kenvandinebratsche: i did nothing about trying to get the patch in notify-sharp upstream01:38
bratscheYeah, me too.  I'm really new to developing in Ubuntu still and I'm still more comfortable working upstream. :)01:38
kenvandinei don't even know who maintains that... did look01:38
bratschekenvandine: I'll do that.01:38
kenvandinebratsche: not as new to me :)01:38
kenvandinei am new to debian in general :)01:38
bratscheI've been using Ubuntu for a long time, but as far as the whole packaging and such goes I'm still new.01:39
kenvandinei have spent years packaging gnome stuff... but rpm and conary01:39
kenvandinemostly conary01:39
kenvandinebut lots of packaging back ground01:39
kenvandinedebian is very foreign to me still... but i will get it01:40
bratscheWell, then we're both kind of new to it together I guess. :)01:40
bratscheAnyway, I'm off to bed.  I need to fly to London tomorrow.01:40
kenvandineyup :)01:40
kenvandinegood night!01:40
kenvandinethx again01:40
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