
directhexhm. is it appropriate to mention DDs i've worked with in an ubuntu context in my reply to the NM front desk? e.g calc & slangasek?00:08
slangasekcalc: where do we stand at this point as far as getting all the OOo bits onto the CD that we think should be there?  We have a fair amount of wiggle room now thanks to some aggressive pruning campaigns; I've been shoving said wiggle room full of langpacks because if nothing else it makes a good early warning system, but if there are OOo bits that are missing then those should take precedence over trying to get a maximal langpack set00:09
slangasekdirecthex: off-topic?  but I don't think the front desk cares about that so much as about making sure you have a DD advocate prior to assigning you an AM00:10
directhexdamnit, i lost track of what i was planning to do tonight. i think i'll just go to bed00:15
=== slangasek changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: feature-frozen | alpha-4 released | Ubuntu 8.10 released! | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development on Ubuntu) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for dapper-intrepid | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | LP believed fixed - please report any further timeouts to #launchpad
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YokoZarWhere is the packages-arch-specific file we use?01:30
YokoZarAnd, more importantly, could someone remove the restriciton on zsnes building on amd64 from there?01:31
TheMusoYokoZar: afaik zsnes has i386 asm.01:37
YokoZarTheMuso: the amd64 package uses ia32 libs to build and is essentially 32 bit: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsnes/+bug/18425501:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 184255 in zsnes "[patch] build amd64 package of zsnes" [Wishlist,In progress]01:38
TheMusoah ok01:38
maxbYokoZar: P-a-s updates would be blocked on migrating away from the obsolete CVS repository, I'd guess01:43
* maxb hunts bugnumber01:43
maxbbug 31657901:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316579 in soyuz "Soyuz needs to switch to obtaining Packages-arch-specific from non-obsolete source" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31657901:44
YokoZarwhy don't we just get rid of PAS and use proper control files in packages01:45
maxbIIUC the problem is the relevant info doesn't get copied from debian/control --> .changes --> Sources01:45
maxbbut yeah, would be nice01:46
maxbYokoZar: anyway, as I understand it, Ubuntu just uses Debian sid's P-a-s unmodified, so approaching debian would be the way to get an alteration done01:47
YokoZarmaxb: problem is here I don't know if Debian carries the patch yet (we're working ahead of them here)02:16
ScottKIf there's a buildd admin in the house, would you please push the amd64 build of kdepimlibs in intrepid-backports to the front of the line?02:44
calcslangasek: enough room for java? :)02:47
calcslangasek: that would fix a lot issues if we could do that :)02:47
slangasekcalc: wasn't that 70MB last time we tried?02:48
calcslangasek: i think so, so not 70mb of wiggle room? :)02:48
slangaseknot that much, no02:48
slangasekmore like 20 total02:48
calcslangasek: ah ok02:53
calcslangasek: i'll take a look and see if anything should be added, but i think most of what OOo still needs is java related so wouldn't work anyway02:54
slangasekI couldn't remember if that was the case, or if there was other stuff we could still be adding back in02:55
calcslangasek: there might be but i can't remember what it was (if anything) atm03:02
calcthe search bits we removed were java related03:02
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calci think we disabled redland due to not fitting on the cd03:03
calciirc its not java, so i could turn that bit back on (i think)03:03
calcbut its not really something that is immediately needed, we may want to turn it back on for karmic, but it isn't a user visible change03:04
calcsecond but probably should be an and :)03:04
* calc loves his new smaller thinkpad x200, but it made it more obvious he needs new glasses (his current set are 6 years old)03:05
aroonithank you for ibex;  i like it much better than hardy03:05
arooniit is great+++!03:05
LaserJockwhat's the URL for the CVE tracker?05:02
LaserJocknvm, found it again05:03
highvolt1gehi. anyone know of alternative accomodation that will be near uds or are self-sponsored that wants to share a room at hrjs?08:02
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J-_I'm not sure if it's been fixed, but in Hardy. I've downloaded some packages from synaptic. Now the package manager is removing software that I've told it to. BUT, it states it's Installing and Removing, though, it's removing first. Has Jaunty changed issue? It's quite cosmetic, but, the action queue/ title doesn't make sense. It should be 'Removing and Installing Software'.10:49
Hobbseeis there a bug filed for this?10:50
* Hobbsee notes that means a whole lot of extra string changes, too10:51
J-_I'm not entirely sure. That's why I'm asking if it's the same in Jaunty.10:51
StevenKDownload a live CD and check?10:51
J-_I'm still using Hardy.10:52
StevenKHow is that related?10:52
cjwatsonJ-_: (I don't work on synaptic myself, but) my inclination would be to say that while your comment is pedantically correct, "Removing and Installing Software" would tend to give prominence to the "Removing" bit, which I think might be surprising to others10:53
directhexit can't change in hardy can it? the string changes would mean doom for all concerned10:53
cjwatsonif it were me, I'd probably say "Applying Changes" or some such, but maybe that was felt to be too vague ...10:53
StevenK"Frobbnicating package changes"10:53
cjwatsonit certainly can't change in hardy, no, but J-_ didn't ask for that10:53
cjwatsonit appears to still be "Installing and removing software"10:54
cjwatsonat least judging from the translation files10:54
cjwatsonJ-_: BTW, synaptic does not uniformly remove everything first10:55
cjwatsonJ-_: it may happen to in your case, but it's entirely possible for removals to be interspersed10:55
J-_Ah I see. It appeared to me it looked like it was removing everything first. Well, downloading, removing, installing/ configuring.10:56
cjwatsonJ-_: particularly if they interact with the packages to be installed in any non-trivial way (e.g. some installed package used to depend on a package that's to be removed, and needs to be upgraded first to a version that doesn't have the dependency)10:56
StevenKcjwatson: It's non-deterministic, right? Since the entire list is just fed to dpkg?10:56
cjwatsonStevenK: firstly, that wouldn't make it non-deterministic; secondly, apt does its own ordering typically invokes dpkg several times10:56
cjwatsons/ordering/ordering and/10:56
* StevenK grumbles at his tired brain10:57
cjwatsonalthough some of the ordering is done by dpkg: it'll feed a big pile of packages to unpack to dpkg when apt decides it doesn't need to care about the order, and dpkg will use whatever order suits it10:57
cjwatsonlikewise for configuration10:57
cjwatsonbut you can't really do "unpack lots of packages, then configure lots of [potentially different] packages" in a single pass with dpkg10:58
cjwatsonand Pre-Depends tend to partition the set10:58
cjwatsonJ-_: ... so basically, it's complicated and it's better to regard "Installing and Removing" as a simple conjunction rather than implying ordering :-)10:59
J-_But, I'll leave it at that, and since it's out there, it'll either be changed, or won't be. :) (Sorry if I created some sort of retarded argument) Just wanted to see what had to be said, and see if anyone else took notice.10:59
J-_It works though, quite well and, thanks.11:00
Unggnuhi all13:49
UnggnuAfaik acpi-support is deprecated in Jaunty13:50
Unggnuso the sonybright.sh script is removed from /etc/acpi13:50
UnggnuBut the brightness keys still works in Ubuntu but not in Kubuntu Jaunty. Does anyone know what could make the difference? Is there a special new program for that in Gnome Jaunty which Kubuntu doesn't have?13:51
muncan a bash script be blocked until a python program outputs something?14:35
maxbmun: kinda off-topic for this channel. Try #ubuntu for generic user help, or maybe there's a #bash ?14:48
maxbUnggnu: Could be gnome-power-manager? You could try killing that in Ubuntu and seeing if the keys then stop working.14:50
Unggnumaxb: thx, I am going to test it soon14:52
ScottKIf there's an archive admin in the house that can accept kdebase-workspace for intrepid-backports I'd appreciate it.14:52
ScottKThe LP U/I is, of course, broken.14:52
Unggnumaxb: yeah ,it it is the gnome-power-manager thanks15:00
ScottKNot sure if it got accepted due to my repeated stabbing at the LP U/I or if someone else accepted it.15:24
ScottKIf it was someone else, thanks.15:24
calcpitti: ping16:38
calcfor apport-collect what authorization level does it need?16:39
* calc is guessing "change non-private data"16:39
calcpitti: bug 33257816:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332578 in apport "apport-collect should submit initial data as well as hook data" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33257816:44
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hikenboothello all dont know if this is the right place to say this but I tried setting up raid 1 with lvm and encrypted volumes on my system using separate volumes for system snapshots home and swap using all three in the installer is poorly supported and things seem to get lost during needed reboots16:54
cjwatsonhikenboot: file a bug on the 'debian-installer' source package in Ubuntu with full details and log files (/var/log/installer/syslog and /var/log/installer/partman), please17:09
cjwatsonhikenboot: make sure to describe as precisely as you can what actions you took in the installer. Some punctuation would help too. :-)17:10
* ogra grumbles about partman loading partman modules for filesystems the kernel doesnt support17:10
cjwatsonpartman doesn't, anna does17:10
ograah, well17:10
ogratook me nearly17:11
ogra1h to find out ext3 was missing17:11
cjwatson(at which point it is rather difficult to tell whether the kernel supports them or not!)17:11
ograwell, it didnt spill any error and all i could find in syslog was that the device /dev/sda2 couldnt be found17:11
ograwithout ext2 and ext3 in kernel d-i gets to the point where it uses swap btw17:12
ogra(on nslu2)17:12
* ogra hopes that still works with tht kernel after adding the two filesystems17:12
ograwhopeeee ... i'm in base install for the first time ever on the slug17:15
* ogra dances17:15
ografinally a kernel config that works with the crappy 30MB17:15
* mok0 needs an u-a favour...17:17
mok0please reject jeuclid so we can upload a revised version; current copy in new queue has incomplete copyright & other problems17:18
cody-somervillemok0, You just need to upload a higher version17:21
cody-somervillemok0, No need to reject it.17:21
BUGabundodoes any one knows where to had apps that need patching, to the new notifications?17:36
BUGabundois it the wiki (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD/Comments) or LP?17:36
ScottKmok0: Rejected.17:38
ScottKcody-somerville: Since it's a different orig.tar.gz it does need to be rejected.17:39
cody-somervilleStupid upstream17:39
hikenbootcjwatson do i ftp or ssh the logs to somewhere where they can be reviewed. I mean during the install is when this happens17:43
ograhikenboot, go back to the menu and install the openssh-client udeb, then you can scp the log ...17:44
ograanother option is to manually mount a usb key and copy it over17:44
ogra(from a shell which you can exec from the main installer menu as well)17:45
mok0ScottK: thanks17:54
mok0ScottK: I will upload the corrected version then17:55
ScottKmok0: You're welcome.17:55
salty-horseis anyone noticing that apps which don't set an icon have a "black glossy page" as the window decoration icon, but a "blank app" icon in the window list?18:07
highvoltageLaserJock: awake? :)18:23
LaserJockhighvoltage: of course18:25
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salty-horsecan anyone confirm this on jaunty? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/metacity/+bug/33262418:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 332624 in metacity "Inconsistencies when windows change their icon" [Undecided,New]18:28
ScottKsalty-horse: Generally #ubuntu-bugs is a better place for such questions.18:30
salty-horseok. though it's usually filled with bot jabber :)18:30
BUGabundodoko: ping18:43
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asomethingDo packages in main with sync requests filed before FF need to go through the FFe process?19:05
ScottKIf they were ack'ed by a developer before FF, no.19:06
asomethingbut they do need FFe's  if they were in the sponsorship queue with no ACK, right?19:08
ScottKThat's my understanding anyway/19:11
sebnerScottK: +119:12
asomethingcool, just want to make sure I don't do a bunch of paper work that isn't actually needed. =)19:12
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slangasekTheMuso: powerpc seems to be the one arch failing to build out of linux-ports 2.6.28-2?20:34
slangasekTheMuso: failing because rtc modules aren't found20:35
ScottKThe sparc fix though should resolve most of our sparc specific FTBFS.20:36
* slangasek would like to have powerpc building, though, so he can clear out NBS :)20:37
ftadoko, wrt python2.6, can i add --install-layout=deb unconditionally in my package? i.e. will it work in hardy & intrepid too?20:41
ftait's for a package using cdbs (and pycentral), I used to have DEB_PYTHON_INSTALL_ARGS_ALL += --prefix=/usr but now, i have all the files both in /usr and in /usr/local20:44
ScottKslangasek: I've got a little problem I could use some assistance on ....  Our KDE4.2 backport is currently blocked on python-qt4, it needs binary New, but needs to go part into Universe and part into Main.20:59
slangasekScottK: ok - that's intrepid-backports NEW?21:00
ScottKslangasek: Would you please accept python-qt4 for the archs it's done on?  KDE with backports is broken until I get get it done building.21:00
ScottKslangasek: Yes.21:01
ScottKSorry, got kind of laggy there.21:01
slangasekScottK: so the universe bits are python-qt4-{gl,gl-dbg,phonon,phonon-dbg}?21:04
ScottKslangasek: The phonon-* ones are in Main in Jaunty.21:04
ScottKThey're just New, so they default to Universe.21:04
ScottKThe gl* ones stay in Universe.21:04
slangasekok - and the phonon ones are wanted in main for the KDE4.2 backport?21:05
ScottKIt doesn't actually matter, but I'd rather stay consistent.21:05
ScottKslangasek: Thanks21:06
ogradoko, are you still around ?21:06
ograFeb 21 21:01:57 in-target: mkinitramfs: missing disk/by-uuid/36bd4470-358f-4193-856d-8ba993ddb02 root /dev/disk/by-uuid/36bd4470-358f-4193-856d-8ba993ddb026 /sys entry21:12
ograFeb 21 21:01:57 in-target: mkinitramfs: workaround is MODULES=most21:12
ograFeb 21 21:01:57 in-target: mkinitramfs: Error please report the bug21:12
* ogra cries21:12
ograafter 3h installation :(21:13
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* ogra doesnt get where d-i got that uuid from21:16
ograweird ... all uuids in d-i are different from the ones in /target/etc/fstab21:24
ograhrm, a chrooted vol_id call shows the ids that are in /target/etc/fstab21:27
ograand vol_id in the d-i env too ?!?21:27
slangasekwhy are half the bugs with no package being reassigned to acpi-support today?21:28
ScottKDunno.  The one that was assigned to postfix complained about GUI problems.  That assignement didn't last long.21:28
ograaha ! an "udevadm trigger" corrects the uuids21:29
slangasekScottK: is there something going on today that explains all these mis-assignments?21:30
directhexcan never have too many "udevadm trigger"s21:30
ogradirecthex, no, thats the point, the udevadm trigger call in d-i was deliberately removed by cjwatson on request from Keybuk21:31
ograbut apparently it causes weird issues to not have it21:32
directhexogra, i know. my default position is "sarcasm" though21:32
* ogra wonders what to do with http://paste.ubuntu.com/121199/ now21:36
IntuitiveNippleogra: Had you noticed that the "missing" warning shows the first UUID with one character short ?21:40
IntuitiveNippleIs that coming from fstab or crypttab?21:40
ScottKslangasek: Yes.  Global bug jam21:42
slangasekis there IRC coordination for that?21:42
ograIntuitiveNipple, fstab21:43
ScottKslangasek: No idea, but maybe #ubuntu-bugs21:43
ograIntuitiveNipple, thats an NSLU2 ... 30MB ram ... no way to have crypto in d-i without hitting OOM :)21:44
TheMusoslangasek: hrm ok, I thought I had fixed that up, let me check the log and fix it properly.21:44
ograIntuitiveNipple, also note that the first uuid doesnt exist at all21:45
ograIntuitiveNipple, the funs stuff though is that the uuids in /target/etc/fstab dont match the actual ones, but the ones showing up after udevadm trigger21:46
ogra*fun even21:46
IntuitiveNippleyeah I got that ... maybe the original symlinks were somehow created before the device settled and then blkid was used later which got the real ones? *random theory time* :)21:47
ograwell, i guess i'll have to wait until monday when cjwatson and Keybuk are around at the same time the issue sits somewhere between d-i and udev21:48
IntuitiveNippleogra: which udev package version is that?21:48
IntuitiveNippleWhat you're seeing might be caused by a bug in the latest package update I dealt with earlier21:49
ograsome days old, from the last d-i build21:49
IntuitiveNippleoh... drat not likely to be that then21:49
ograd-i from monday actually21:49
ograon the nslu2 you can only use a rolled netboot firmware image thats built by d-i so i cant have anything newer21:50
* ogra saves the logs and notes down his findings, pops open a bottle of wine and calls it a day :)21:51
cjwatsonogra: I haven't actually removed the udevadm trigger yet, because it causes other problems22:10
cjwatsonogra: beware of inferring too much from overheard discussions :-)22:10
cjwatson(that doesn't mean I know what your problem is though)22:11
bluefoxicysometimes my system doesn't talk to the captive portal right, so I disconnect, reconnect, nothing22:15
bluefoxicyreboot, and it fixes it.22:15
bluefoxicyrebooting shouldn't fix anything.22:15
bluefoxicysomeone add me a button to reload networking (down interfaces, remove drivers) and all networking services, given sudo password.22:15
bluefoxicynipple o.o22:16
cjwatsonwhoever coined that quote never watched a baby try to learn to feed22:18
Spadscjwatson: heh, I actually had that convesation with IntuitiveNipple on OFTC once22:19
cjwatsonwhat did he say?22:20
Spadscjwatson: he seemed to think it was a uniquely human failing, and a sure sign of our inferiority.  I provided the counterexample from a nature show I'd seen about an orangutan adoption attempted by a wildlife preserve22:21
cjwatson*blink* what a curious bit of blinkeredness22:22
directhexi find the nipple intuitive. better than the touchpad.22:22
cjwatsonogra: I'll get you a new d-i upload tomorrow or so, and you can see whether that deals withit22:27
cjwatsonwith it22:27
cjwatsonoh, hmm, maybe better not if current udev is buggy?22:27
macois someone knowledgeable in ecryptfs-utils around?22:37
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hungerAny known problems wrt. jauty boot-up?23:19
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