
MyrttiI just wonder if there's a day that Grant-A isn't getting into trouble...00:03
MyrttiI wish today is the day00:03
Seeker`A day not ending in -y?00:03
MyrttiI'm off to sleepzorland00:04
Myrttitalk to you later00:04
Seeker`night night00:04
tritiumGood night, Myrtti.00:10
=== nikrud is now known as nickrud
bazhangGrant-A, hi01:19
Grant-AI noticed recently that I am not able to say wtf01:19
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.01:19
Grant-Abut I can say brain**** (filtered just incase)01:19
bazhangindeed it is not welcome01:20
FlannelGrant-A: You're missing the point.  Which has been explained to you a few times.01:20
Grant-AI do not see how saying a term used in exteme surprise is unfriendly01:20
nickrudbeen that way for a while, Grant-A . no one has noticed. And I find it annoying as well, but if used exclusively to refer to the package, it's unavoidable01:20
* nickrud goes off to install an look at that language01:21
Grant-Abut how is using a term used in exteme confusion or surprise not friendly? Especially when the word in question isn't displayed due to the acronym?01:21
nickrudGrant-A, everyone knows the acronym; we also ban jfgi and rtfm01:21
Grant-Ayes, but your intent is to keep the place friendly due to children and families01:21
* Flannel notes those are banned for other reasons.01:21
FlannelGrant-A: The intent is to keep everyone civilized and mature.  Not to shelter people from the world.01:22
Grant-Achildren would not know what the acronym mean01:22
bazhangnot the point01:22
Grant-ASo you're instituting censorship to not shelter people, but keep them mature?01:22
Grant-AI have never seen any scientific reviews or studies saying that cuss words lower civility or matureity01:23
bazhangGrant-A, you seem to be under the impression this is a freedom of speech issue01:23
Flannelbazhang: Why did that statement send visions of clippy into my head?01:23
bazhangFlannel, haha01:23
Grant-AWell, if maturity is your problem01:23
Grant-Athen ban toilet humor as well01:23
Grant-Aor innuendo01:23
bazhang  /clippy: were you trying to say 'u'?01:23
Grant-Abut why stop there?01:23
mc44oh no, I feel a slippery slope approaching!01:24
Grant-Alet's ban the term microsoft as well01:24
Grant-Aand anything else that the roman censors do not see fit01:24
Grant-Ado you see my point?01:24
bazhangGrant-A, the policy remains. your argumentation today will not change it.01:24
FlannelGrant-A: Those are discouraged as well, yes.01:24
Grant-AI can understand rtfm being banned, that's derogatory01:24
Grant-AFlannel: Microsoft is discouraged? Really? :P01:24
FlannelGrant-A: Toilet Humor and Innuendo.01:25
nickrudGrant-A, I've banned people for excessive use of the word, yes01:25
Grant-Abut still, even using a filter for 'civility' is a bad idea01:25
mc44Actually it works incredibly well01:26
Grant-Abecause I've seen posts on the forums thinking that, due to all the filters on TV and the media, that everything with a cuss word should be censored01:26
FlannelGrant-A: You're welcome to start your own channel with your own policies.  But these are ours.01:26
mc44but you know, who cares about practical results when your principles are at stake!01:26
nickrudGrant-A, it seems to be working well. I've been here for 4 years now, and very few leave for that reason01:26
Grant-AYou believe in the open exchange of ideas and software01:26
Grant-Abut discourage the free exchange of non-derogatory language?01:26
Grant-AI'll be leaving then01:27
* nickrud figures that someone that equates the two isn't thinking clearly01:27
FlannelGrant-A: Good luck in your future endeavours.01:27
mc44Do you feel it that hard to refrain from swearing?01:27
Grant-Amc44: It's the morality and hypocrisy of it all01:27
mc44or do you believe that swearing is so important to your ability to communicate?01:27
mc44There's no morality involved.01:27
mc44It's a community, and people want it to be civil.01:28
Grant-ABelieving in Freedom for software doesn't apply to ideas?01:28
Grant-AI suppose you'll be patenting parts of the Linux kernel, next01:28
nickrudGrant-A, what idea does wtf embody?01:28
mc44Should Linus allow crap code into the kernel?01:28
Grant-Anickrud: Nothing at all, and that is why it is silly to ban it01:28
nickrudGrant-A, but you were just equating it to an idea: <Grant-A> Believing in Freedom for software doesn't apply to ideas?01:29
Grant-AI'll brb01:29
bazhangfeel free to say it out loud01:29
bazhangno need to type it.01:29
Grant-AHold on, I'll continue this arguement in a few moments01:30
bazhangor do as I do and spend time in Taipei traffic, and get it out of your system altogether01:30
Grant-Athe dogs need to go to the restroom01:30
mc44I'm sure we all wait with muchos anticipation01:30
nickrudlol, I am so glad I drive / or walk often 1.5 miles to work01:30
tritiumnickrud: good thing.  Who knows what that koolaid might do to your driving skills ;)01:31
nickrudtritium, even when I was professionally testing chemicals, I had better sense than driving during an experiment :)01:32
mc44koolaid koala?01:32
ubottuIn ubottu, emma said: !there is a reference to Gutsy in the !awn factoid, should it be updated or is it okay?01:33
ubottuAvant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ Awn-Manager can be found the Gutsy !backports repository and in Universe in Hardy01:33
bazhangnerdshark and friends trolling01:34
nickrudHardy and later <--- suggestion for the factoid editors01:34
bazhang<SquareHimself> I can... potentially troll again if the urge overcomes the inhibition.01:34
bazhang<cedeel> trolling isn't working01:41
tritiumYeah, I'm watching it too.01:42
nickrudwhere you all seeing those lines?01:43
tritiumnickrud: I'll PM you01:43
Grant-Asorry, the dogs get angry when they need to pee01:46
Grant-AAnyways, the reason why I am angry is not because the word is simply disallowed01:46
Grant-Ait's because where I come from, we have a document01:46
Grant-Ait's known as the first amendment01:46
Grant-Ait's purpose is to protect the freedom of speech, among other inalienable rights01:47
mc44You do understand the first amendment merely protects you from government interference with your expression01:47
nickrudGrant-A, don't even try that. This is not a governmental body 01:47
Grant-Amany people think that the first amendment is simply to protect what we can say01:47
Grant-Anickrud: I'm not getting into a governmental thing01:47
Grant-Anickrud: just wait and see what this is tied into01:47
nickrudGrant-A, yes you are, that's the 1st amendment01:47
bazhangGrant-A, does not apply.01:47
Grant-Abazhang: I am aware of this01:48
bazhangGrant-A, so this is a waste of time.01:48
Grant-AThe first amendment is actually there because it protects the exchange of ideas01:48
nickrudGrant-A, anyone can tell you what you cannot say in a private space, and tell you to leave if you don't want to abide. Plenty of case law01:48
bazhangGrant-A, the policy remains.01:48
mc44I often swear in front of my grandmother while rubbing the bill of rights into her face.01:48
Grant-Ayou see, without free speech, one cannot truly exchange ideas01:48
mc44She loves it01:48
bazhangGrant-A, will NOT be changed.01:48
Grant-AFirst it was proprietary software, and now this01:48
bazhangGrant-A, this is not going anywhere.01:49
Grant-ATo believe in freedoms of software and not believe in the freedom of speech is total hypocrisy01:49
mc44No, it's not01:49
Grant-Ayes, yes it is01:49
bazhangGrant-A, please depart the channel so we can deal with more pressing issues.01:49
nickrudbzzzzt. Improper application of 1st amendment law. Sorry Grant-A you lose01:49
tritiumGrant-A: you misunderstand freedom of speech entirely01:49
Grant-AOr is it you who misunderstand it?01:49
bazhangdoes not matter.01:49
mc44You can't put whatever you want in the mainline linux kernel, you can't say whatever you want in the official ubuntu community locations. That's just the way it is01:49
Grant-AI utterly am ashamed of what Ubuntu has turned into01:50
Grant-Agood bye01:50
Grant-Ahumanity for all01:50
nickrudGrant-A, read it. See if it says anything but government 01:50
Grant-Amore like to punish and enslave01:50
bazhangthat seems a tad bit of a leap of logic01:50
nickrud++ doesn't even begin to encapsulate that01:50
bazhangthat slope is so steep 01:51
mc44I could formulate a brainfuck expression to represent it, but he's not here to appreciate the joke ;(01:51
nickrudrflol. I looked up the language. What a concept :)01:51
bazhangis he still banned in ubuntuforums?01:51
bazhangoh nice; a parting shot before he departs -ot01:52
tritiumHe's grumbling in #archlinux-offtopic now too01:53
mc44I wish I knew when this nostalgic period he's referring to was, because I must have missed it01:53
bazhangwhat a surprise01:53
nickrudI like the way it wasn't even a ripple in -ot01:53
bazhangwonder if that was calculated while nerdshark et al were trolling in main channel01:53
nickrudmc44, it was from about oct 04 - mar 05 I guess, before I got here01:54
mc44nickrud: I assume so.01:54
* Pici scrolls up, scrolls back down01:54
nickrudtritium, was it like grant-a said, back when?01:56
tritiumnickrud: you lost me.  What?01:56
nickrudtritium, the nostalgic period, when ubuntu was still 'ubuntu'01:57
tritiumOh, not exactly.01:57
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
bazhangNGL-Jabrroa, how may we help you03:17
NGL-Jabrroawell could you tell me how to set up samba for a printer? in ubuntu 8.1003:18
NGL-Jabrroai tried but it prints random characters03:18
tritiumNGL-Jabrroa: #ubuntu is the suppport channel03:18
NGL-Jabrroai know and im sorry03:18
NGL-Jabrroaikonia still has not lifted the ban from my name03:19
bazhangNGL-Jabrroa, this is not support.03:19
bazhangNGL-Jabrroa, considering your behaviour thats not surprising03:19
NGL-Jabrroai thought you may be able to help03:19
NGL-Jabrroawell ill check another channel03:19
NGL-Jabrroa:) Goodbye 03:19
bazhang^^making threats against i k o nia03:20
bazhangbruenig has been unbanned from #ubuntu ? thought there was a clear mark not to do so03:27
tritiumbazhang: yes, for several days, apparently03:27
bazhangtritium, could be he is ban dodging then03:28
tritiumbazhang: not sure.  I didn't look into it03:28
bazhangas I recall jri b said not to unban03:28
tritiumbazhang: careful, he just spammed #ubuntu-irc03:37
tritiumbazhang: jrib removed it himself on 2/1403:41
bazhangtritium, ok thanks03:42
bazhangadalhelm in -ot (daft_punk)03:57
tritiumbazhang: what about him??/03:57
bazhang@bansearch daft_punk03:57
ubottuMatch: *!*@S0106001320b09d92.ed.shawcable.net by topyli in #ubuntu-offtopic on Feb 03 2009 08:01:01 (ID: 9698)03:57
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:56
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)05:56
elkysomeoen remind me how to alias? we should probably alias !cn to !zh07:53
elkyjesus troll in aisle -ot08:08
elkyit seems to be a turing bot08:17
jpdsjussi01: Mez: Your request done? Sorry I'm on hols in London at the moment.10:18
jussi01elky: !foo is <alias> bar10:20
elkyah, right10:20
elky!cn is <alias> zh10:21
ubottuBut cn already means something else!10:21
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:21
jpds.!no, ch?10:21
elkythen why did it not work? hrm10:21
elkysomeone must have done it already10:21
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:21
elkybazhang, ah, thanks10:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hk10:23
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:23
elky!hk is <alias> zh10:23
ubottuI'll remember that, elky10:23
elkymight as well10:23
ubottuzh is <alias> cn - added by Seveas on 2006-06-18 00:49:0310:28
ubottucn aliases: zh, tw, chinese, china - added by ompaul on 2006-06-18 00:52:4510:29
jussi01careful of that, should try to not make alias chains10:29
elkyah, i thought zh was the orig. feel free to fix10:32
elkyand why was cn not working earlier then?10:32
ubottuIn #kubuntu, cumulus007 said: !blabla is qwertyuiop11:30
elkyreally now?11:31
elkyhrm, no topyli :(11:32
elkyi added examples to http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/11:32
elkys/examples/contextual examples/11:32
elkyi've updated !u11:42
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled english is hard for non-native english speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.11:42
elkyif you want to revert, the original text was: ubottu> Unless you're Dutch or Flemish, or a government officer, the letter 'U' is not a pronoun.  If you want to be taken more seriously, please bother to type out the extra letters in "you".  The same goes for "are", "why", "because", "anyone", and so on..11:42
Mezjpds: nope, can you put one in ? 11:52
jpdsMez: One what, where?11:56
Mezubottu in #ubuntu-uk-bugjam 11:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:57
=== mc44_ is now known as mc44
bazhangnice change to !u   :)13:15
=== topyli_ is now known as topyli
Myrttihow surprising that within less than two hours of me predicting Grant-A will get into trouble, he ends up here.13:54
ikoniaI suggest he's banned from offtopic13:55
ikoniahe's not happy with language censorship - fine13:55
ikoniahe's trolling any ubuntu channel13:55
ikoniaI see no value in anything he says13:56
bazhangodd that he would time it when arch was trolling, then immediately show up there when finished here13:57
bazhangjust a coincidence certainly13:57
ikoniahis "discssion" is obviously nothing more than an attempt to cause contoversy13:57
ikoniaeach time he's kicked/banned he just moves to the next ubuntu channel13:57
bazhangor draw eyes away from main channel13:57
Tm_Tkids <314:13
MyrttiI once again feel too old for this14:13
Tm_TMyrtti: and you are younger than me14:14
* Tm_T is the older twin (evil too?)14:14
MyrttiI'm ready to strangle someone14:49
bazhangnot workk1 I hope14:49
ikonia@bansearch homemadejam15:05
ubottuMatch: HOMEMADEJAM!*@*!#ubuntu-ops by ikonia in #ubuntu+1 on Dec 18 2008 19:16:45 (ID: 8094)15:05
ikoniaeyes on homemadejam please in #ubuntu (I'm on / off) spams his websites to people in channel and pm spams them too15:06
bazhangspamming his blog15:06
ikoniadoes it in channel15:06
ikoniabut then stops and pm's people15:06
Myrtti[17:06] ~~~workk1 [n=administ@] has quit [Excess Flood]15:07
bazhanghe's back :/15:08
ikonia7/whois workk115:10
ikoniawhois he?15:10
ikoniaI've not seen him before15:10
MyrttiI've seen him before15:10
Myrttihe just seems not to get it15:10
Tm_Twhat now?15:10
bazhangheh floodbot has a mark from today15:13
Myrttiyeah, right now15:13
bazhangreminiscent of pawan or gotu15:13
bazhangjewbacca trolling ?16:05
ikoniabazhang: I do wonder16:06
bazhangikonia, his story keeps changing16:07
bazhangfirst it was on desktop, now its on ftp?16:07
ikoniaside issue16:39
ikoniajewbacca has just spent time wasting peoples efforts trying to debug a rar file issue16:39
bazhangguess that would be a yes to trolling16:39
ikoniathe reason it was going no-where was beccause it was nothing to do with the file he was asking us to debug16:40
ikoniait was another rar file containing details of peoples accounts/modes/settings on quakenet16:40
ikoniahence why he was asking about text files - but there was not any in the file he was giving us an example16:40
ikoniawhich is backed up by the fact that he's on quakenet now messing with channel settings in #smexy and a few others16:40
ikoniaso he's told a pack of lies to the channel and wasted their time16:41
ikonia(which also explains his xchat issues)16:41
* Myrtti has an uneasy feeling17:23
tritiumWhat's wrong, Myrtti?17:24
MyrttiI'm feeling a bit paranoid17:25
* tritium comforts Myrtti17:26
MyrttiI guess my stalkdar is running a bit too high17:32
tritiumI must /away, but I hope you're doing ok, Myrtti.17:32
Myrttiyeah, I am17:33
Priceyhttp://flickr.com/photos/29781724@N07/3297719670/ - did the catchphrase thing change when I wasn't looking?17:46
Priceyhttp://flickr.com/photos/29781724@N07/3296896029/ - and those colours look familiar...17:47
MyrttiPricey: you haven't seen that before?17:49
PriceyNope :)18:01
PriceyAnd definitely not in person.18:01
nixternalhey, can someone place ubotu in #ubuntu-chicago ? we need to have the bug query option available18:07
Priceyubot4: join #ubuntu-chicago18:09
Priceyubot3: join #ubuntu-chicago18:09
ubot3Pricey: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:09
nixternalcome on you silly bots get in there....18:09
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:10
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:11
nixternalI don't have admin capability to do it :)18:12
nixternalI am not cool enough18:12
Priceynixternal: Seems so. I'd rather not put ubottu in, as its in lots of channels, hence 2,3,4. Hopefully someone else will be able to oblige, though I'm unsure if they're all set up for bugs.18:12
nixternalthanks for trying though, I appreciate that18:13
Pricey3 and 4 do, but default to different projects in query18:14
Priceynalioth: Are you around?18:14
ikoniaPricey: where did you see ubuntu cola in the Uk?18:31
Priceyikonia: york, random shop18:31
ikoniahow odd18:32
ikonianot seen it in the uk18:32
Priceysorry for not tagging the photos with coordinates or turning latitude on 8-)18:32
ikoniashame on you18:32
Seeker`Pricey: you should be even more ashamed for not buying me any18:33
* Myrtti smacks Pricey with http://www.nokia.com/betalabs/locationtagger/feedback18:33
ikoniaSeeker`: it's not nice18:33
PriceyMyrtti: i know, i have it!18:34
Seeker`ikonia: oh?18:34
ikoniaSeeker`: quite "tinny"18:34
Seeker`are you sure you drank the cola, not just ate the can?18:35
ikonianot %10018:35
rogermuddEvidently I was vulnerable to this exploit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit I updated my router's firmware and I'm still getting kicked from the #ubuntu channel. Told me to come here and get tested manually after trying and failing the automated test.19:02
Seeker`rogermudd: have you tried connecting on the recommended port?19:04
rogermuddUsing Colloquy on Mac OS X. Says there is no fix for that client. I was relying on the firmware upgrade. Perhaps that didn't do the trick.19:05
Myrttirogermudd: you can't connect to alternate port?19:08
Myrtti6667 is the only one you can use?19:09
MyrttiI find that hard to believe19:09
rogermuddMyrtti: Seems strange to me too. I've search the Colloquy preferences and I only see an option to change ports for file transfers. Perhaps that's why they suggest changing clients on OS X.19:10
rogermuddAlthough, I don't see a lot of IRC clients out there that match the feature set of Colloquy.19:10
Myrttihttp://colloquy.info/project/ticket/693 seems odd...19:11
Myrtti"Changed three years ago"19:11
rogermuddMyrtti: Thanks for checking on that. Let me see if I can figure this out.19:12
MyrttiI checked with a user, yes, it's possible to change the port19:14
Myrttihello mc4419:14
Myrttihe seems to fail some step19:15
Myrttirogermudd: hold on19:16
Myrttirogermudd: did you reconnect after changing the port?19:16
rogermuddYes. Changed port to 8001 for all servers. Still no dice.19:17
rogermuddMyrtti: I'm back up and running on #ubuntu. Thanks for all your help. 19:20
Myrtti[21:18] <+FloodBot1> rogermudd has requested an exploit test19:20
Myrtti[21:19] <+FloodBot1> rogermudd has been removed from the exploit quarantine19:20
Myrttiyeah, no probs19:20
rogermuddLooks like I need to do a "test me" in #ubuntu-read-topic *after* restarting Colloquy.19:21
rogermuddWonder how I would go about requesting/making a change to the community docs regarding the use of Colloquy.19:21
* Pricey takes a look19:22
Pricey"Remember that you will have to close and reopen your IRC client for the changes to take effect (or otherwise make sure that the new connection settings are applied on reconnection). "19:23
PriceySecond line of Fix: 219:23
Myrttirogermudd: yes, that's why I asked if you had reconnected after changing the port19:23
PriceyIf you can change the port, we should update the docs to remove the "change to a different client" thing19:24
Priceyunless the client is vulnerable to another similar exploit, which i can't comment on19:24
rogermuddPricey: It wasn't the reconnection that did it for me. I had to go back into #ubuntu-read-topic and enter "test me." Also, the change I was referring to was the just that -- the fact that Colloquy actually is a viable client. Thanks for all your help. Much appreciated!19:24
Pricey-!- Topic for #ubuntu-read-topic: Your router is buggy 1) Please follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit to FIX  it (yes, it can be fixed) 2) after carrying out those instructions please type « test me » and wait few minutes | if this fails, type « /join  #ubuntu-ops » to be tested manually19:25
PriceyStep 2)19:25
Myrttichanging the port on your client wont take effect before you've reconnected19:25
Myrttifor obvious reasons19:25
Myrttiyou're still connected to the old port!19:26
MezMyrtti: is there no bugjam out near you?19:26
Myrttiso you have to disconnect and reconnect for the change to take effect19:26
MyrttiMez: why do you ask?19:27
nixternalanyone around with bot admin rights yet?19:27
rogermuddUnderstood. That's not what I was looking to change in the docs. Just the statement that Colloquy isn't a viable client. No big deal, just wanted other Colloquy users to know that they're not being left out in the cold. 19:28
MezMyrtti: because I'd have assumed you'd attend, and want to know what other jams are like19:28
Priceyrogermudd: yep that could do with being changed! :)19:28
Priceyrogermudd: *if* it isn't vulnerable to another strain of the exploit, which I can't comment on.19:28
PriceyWouldn't think it is though.19:29
MyrttiMez: not that I know of, though I've been out of touch of the Finnish community lately. Might attend the UK one next time.19:29
Myrttione of them19:29
rogermuddAll right. Thanks again for the help folks. Have a great day!19:29
MezMyrtti: lol... yeah... dont know whats happening for the next one. but Daviey said in 6 months19:29
MyrttiPricey: should I find out how the port can be changed in colloquy?19:30
Myrttisince obviously19:32
Myrttithat https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit#Fix%203:%20Change%20Client part is faulty19:33
MyrttiMez: also been so tired and stressed out I'm just visiting my mum now and sleeping.19:35
* Mez gives Myrtti a huge hug19:36
Myrttibut nothing that bad that there isn't something good too - yesterday our project was finally given a proper end date19:36
Myrttiand for now it looks that it'll be done and over with just in time for 16th of March.19:36
Myrttiaspekt is going to get it soon19:47
ubottuIn ubottu, J-_ said: !gufw is <reply> Gnome frontend for ufw which is a host-based iptables firewall configuration tool.20:10
ubottuIn ubottu, J-_ said: !ufw is <reply> A tool for host-based iptables firewall configuration. The uncomplicated firewall supports package integration and dynamic-detection of open ports. See !gufw.20:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw20:10
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).20:10
=== robotgee1 is now known as robotgeek
ubottueth01 called the ops in #ubuntu ()20:52
prince_jammyspatco444, advertisement spammer at #ubuntu20:52
prince_jammysbambou, also spamming urls at #ubuntu20:55
MyrttiI feel so damned old handling these kids every day21:06
Seeker`why does that make you feel old?21:08
Jack_SparrowMyrtti You are young enough to be my daughter21:11
Seeker`Jack_Sparrow: how old are you?21:11
Jack_SparrowOld Pirate21:11
Seeker`you are technically old enough to be my grandfather (just) in the UK21:12
MyrttiJack_Sparrow: I know21:12
Jack_SparrowOuch, that hurts..  I hope it makes Myrtti feel better21:12
Seeker`and I really mean "just"21:12
Seeker`I'm 2221:12
MyrttiI've been on IRC for too long21:13
Seeker`Myrtti: how long is "too long"?21:13
Myrttiit breaks my heart to see these "kids" break the unwritten rules I've lived with for 13 years or so21:14
MyrttiI feel so old because I feel them engrained in my brain21:14
Myrttiengraved, even21:14
Seeker`I've been using IRC for 6 years21:15
MyrttiSeeker`: "oh that sunny spring of 1996 when I was so young and innocent..."21:16
Myrtti"to be that young again..."21:17
Myrttihow I learned to install mIRC on the school computers...21:17
Myrttiwhich still needed Trumpet Winsock to get a connection run21:18
Seeker`I hadnt used the internet in 199621:18
Seeker`first used it in '98 I thin21:18
MyrttiI had started in 1994 already with about the first version of Netscape there was21:18
Seeker`wow, early21:19
Seeker`I was only 8 then :(21:20
Myrttisomething like that it was21:20
Myrttibut yeah - seriously depressing to see kids spamming their new irc channels and asking how to become an op21:21
Myrttiwhen the correct answer has been, as long as I remember, "not by asking how to become an op, and not by asking to be an op"21:22
Seeker`yeah, sounds about right21:22
Myrttialso with the addition "since you asked, you probably will never be an op"21:24
Myrttioh btw21:26
Seeker`what did he actually say?21:35
Seeker`Myrtti: ?21:45
Myrtti"It's really wonderful to meet another Finn here"21:46
Myrtti@bansearch adaptr 22:28
ubottuNo matches found for adaptr!n=adaptr@unaffiliated/adaptr in any channel22:28
Myrtti@bansearch adaptr!*22:28
ubottuNo matches found for adaptr!*!*@* in any channel22:28
Seeker`@bansearch adaptr*22:29
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:29
Seeker`@bansearch adaptr*22:29
ubottuNo matches found for adaptr*!*@* in any channel22:29
Myrttithat sucks.22:30
Myrtti[00:27] <+FloodBot1> WARNING: adaptr!adaptr@unaffiliated/adaptr may be  evading the ban on adaptr!n=adaptr@unaffiliated/adaptr22:31
Myrttithere is no such ban though - not anymore22:31
Seeker`stupid bots22:31
Myrttibut there is two mentions of him in the tracker22:31
Seeker`anything serious?22:31
Myrttinot really22:32
Seeker`@bansearch adaptr!n=adaptr@unaffiliated/adaptr22:32
ubottuNo matches found for adaptr!n=adaptr@unaffiliated/adaptr in any channel22:32
Myrttithose bots need some serious love22:33
* jpds looks at Nytrix.22:50
* Myrtti looks too23:02
Myrttijpds: did you talk to Nytrix?23:02
jpdsMyrtti: No.23:02
MyrttiI wonder what stopped him then23:03
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2123:05

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