
LaserJockhi Nubae05:52
Nubaehi there06:17
LaserJockNubae: do you use moodle 0.9?06:24
Nubae1.9 u mean06:42
LaserJockNubae: yeah06:42
Nubaeyeah, though been using 2.0 for some clients...06:42
LaserJockNubae: but it's better than 1.806:42
NubaeI believe the version that debian is bundling is still old as can be06:42
Nubaewell, its about a good 2 and half years behind the times06:43
Nubaedoubt anyone will be installing it knowingly06:43
LaserJockwell, I was trying to figure out if I should merge 1.8 or wait for 1.9.406:45
LaserJockand I decided to go for 1.9.406:45
Nubaehmm, not that much is gonna change in the incrementals, but perhaps it will be better to wait06:45
LaserJockso I've spent the last couple days trying to figure it out06:46
LaserJockI've been through ~ 20 CVEs06:46
Nubaeyah moodle is a bit of a monster06:50
LaserJockit's especially fun since I don't know moodle or PHP06:51
LaserJockbut I pretty much got it all done06:51
berriopheyyy, anyone have ever tried the mustation thing or the ncomputing one????17:05
LaserJockmorning all17:53
LaserJockNubae: you get a chance to work on a Universe app list?17:58
=== calimer-- is now known as calimer
* LaserJock made it back from funeral22:09
LaserJockgood thing for SUVs22:09

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