
jjesseevening vorian00:34
vorianhow goes it jjesse?00:34
jjessedrinking wine and working on bugs for the bug jam, can it get any better?00:35
scott_evvorian: you here?00:35
vorianscott_ev: yes sir!00:35
scott_evgot time for a pm?00:36
vorianany time00:36
scott_evpwerhaps I didn't do that right...still learning irssi00:37
vorian/query nick or /msg nick work00:37
ScottKryanakca: I'm around too now and can also hit publish.01:04
ryanakcaslangasek: ^^01:05
ryanakcaScottK: Either or. If you want to take care of the story, I can take care of the masthead01:08
ScottKOK.  Just need to know when ...01:08
JontheEchidnanixternal: hi02:06
Riddellnixternal: kmix is incharge of volume keys02:10
JontheEchidnakmilo is dead02:12
* JontheEchidna dances over kmilo's dead body02:12
JontheEchidnagrr, LP is slooow02:12
ScottKRiddell: You owe me alcohol the next time I see you.02:12
ScottKTurns out kde4bindings needs python-qt4 backported which needs Sip4, and so umpteen retries and uploads later (plus to trips through New) the backport is back to building.02:13
JontheEchidnaoh yeah, it does02:14
RiddellScottK: oh I think I owed you alcohol long before today02:17
Riddellwere all those in kubuntu-experimental?02:17
JontheEchidnayes, those were02:18
ScottKThat's where I grabbed them from.02:18
ScottKThere was also a matter (not your fault) of some of the conflicts/replaces being <= 4.1.3 and now the we have 4.1.4 in -updates those didn't go well.02:19
ScottKI uploaded new revisions to backports and put the fixes on bzr for Jaunty.02:20
ScottKApparently we needed to backport libmsn too.02:26
RiddellI should have just copied the whole archive02:28
ScottKThat caused some real problems with persisten failure to upload on other archs last time we tried it.02:29
jjessealpha4 on my Dell Mini is not a very good experience, the touchpad doesn't respond, and network manager never starts02:29
* JontheEchidna screams at launchpad to go faster02:34
* ScottK hands JontheEchidna a throat lozenge.02:36
seeleLP or bugs.kde.org? both are often slow or broken :P02:37
JontheEchidnaLP is worse than usual tonight, most likely due to the bugjam02:38
JontheEchidnatonight LP is sucking slightly more the b.k.o02:38
jjesseits because of the amount of people doing the global bug jam02:40
jjesselp is been super slow all night02:40
* JontheEchidna breaks out his bug-busting guitar (read, keyboard) and shreds some bug02:42
jjesseif the network manager applet doesn't start on a live cd of alpha4 should i report a bug or try the current daily cd?02:43
JontheEchidnaThat was fixed post-alpha02:45
jjesseok i won't report it and will look at the daily that is download right now02:47
JontheEchidnaI think it was in the release notes too :P (Or at least the release wiki page)02:49
jjesseah forgot to read them :)02:50
JontheEchidnajjesse: btw, systemsettings for kde4 should go to the kdebase-workspace source package :)02:51
jjesseJontheEchidna: thanks for letting me know, trying to help out02:51
JontheEchidnayup, I appreciate it02:51
ScottKWell I mashed the accept button for libmsn New in intrepid-backports.  No idea if it took or not.02:52
* JontheEchidna hands ScottK rsibreak to prevent rsi02:53
* ScottK actually has that. Need to figure out why it stopped running.02:53
ScottKLooks like it worked.  It's building on 4 archs right now.02:54
JontheEchidnawe might consider backporting koffice2 as well03:01
* JontheEchidna notes that we're backporting half the archive03:01
ScottKJontheEchidna: Let's not.03:02
JontheEchidnayeah, it probably should just be updated in the ppa its in03:02
ScottKLooks like I got the libmsn binaries out of New just before the publisher run....03:03
jjesseits probablly a big pain to backport isn't it?03:03
ScottKComplex ones like this, yes, but it's also kind of an interesting puzzle.03:06
ScottKJontheEchidna: Any chance you feel like backporting the Universe plasma-widgets that also existed in Intrepid?03:14
JontheEchidnaTomorrow, most likely03:14
ScottKI'll do the Newing of them, but I'm not up to sorting through it.03:14
JontheEchidnaany process/procedure I need to know about?03:15
JontheEchidnaI know SRU's but I've never done a backport03:15
=== scott_ev is now known as scott_ev_
* JontheEchidna wiki's int03:16
ScottKJontheEchidna: There is, but we're skipping most of it for this evolution.  All you need to know is the upload target is intrepid-backports and you give it a ~intrepid1 revision.03:17
ScottKActually, now that Riddell's here, he can do proper backports with the script.03:17
=== scott_ev_ is now known as scott_ev
ryanakcaScottK: you going to be around fo a while?03:27
ryanakcaScottK: (well, until whenever slangasek wants you to hit the publish button?)03:27
ryanakcaIf so, I'll call it a night, if you don't mind :)03:28
ScottKProbably.  If not we can hit the button in the morning.03:28
ScottKNo problem.03:28
ryanakcaOkies, thanks, g'night :)03:28
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
ScottKRiddell: Once kdenetwork cycles out of depwait and builds we'll be done on the primary archs.03:30
rgreeningUFC UFC + beeeeeeeeeeeeer03:33
JontheEchidnaand yes, that's drunk with a "j" :P03:33
rgreeningping Quintasan03:34
rgreeningyou szemdy emaily03:34
rgreeningim pastyed03:35
JontheEchidnaoh, I checked that branch to be merged and I didn't see the patch added to the series file03:35
rgreeningme no get mail03:35
JontheEchidnaprobably not the best time to point that out though03:35
rgreeningJontheEchidna: buzzzzzzzzza03:35
rgreeninghmmm...26er vodka + 12 beer = mm fun03:36
JontheEchidnaWe need KDE Solid technology for the human body03:37
JontheEchidnaIt'd take away dput abilities when Solid detects body::isDrunk()03:37
* JontheEchidna hits the sack03:39
rgreeningwhile notPASSEDoUT() { depositMoreBeer(); last if !isDrunk(); }03:41
=== scott_ev is now known as scott_ev_
ScottKJontheEchidna: You'd need an exception for ballmer peak.03:53
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu Development | 8.04.2 released! - http://www.kubuntu.org/node/69 | Feature Freeze in effect - Fix bugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
ScottKvorian: Would you please make it so I can change the topic in #kubuntu.04:34
ScottKIf anyone is a moderator on kubuntu-users ML would you please unmoderate my announement message.04:35
ScottKNevermind.  Just subscribed.04:38
ScottKRiddell: Would you please add the 8.04.2 announcement to /topic in #kubuntu.04:47
ScottKryanakca: It's all announced and stuff, I leave masthead work to you (if any).  I'm not sure we don't want to leave 4.2 on the top.05:05
a|wencool, 8.04.2 finally released :)05:22
ScottKYep.  Thanks for all the help.05:23
ScottKThere were some hangups with getting the mirrors updated.05:23
a|wenahh, i see; nobody was expecting a release at that point, he05:23
macoi've got a problem with plasma. it doesn't start for my user, but i just created a new user and it works fine there.06:10
macowhen i try to run it from the command line it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/121324/06:11
maco(this is jaunty)06:11
Quintasanhmm, I'm pretty sure I've sent him this patch :<08:16
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ping09:18
=== hunger_t is now known as hunger
jussi01hehe, this is funny. anyone else experiencing that when a new dolphin window is opened it cant decide it its 3 columns or 2, so it flickers between them?10:43
jussi01thats with the icon size set to 32 pixels10:44
Quintasanjussi01: yeah :D11:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 289748 in kdeplasma-addons "Twitter plasma doesn't support Laconica" [Wishlist,Fix committed]11:23
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ^^^ I have a patch for this, intrested? :311:25
Tm_TQuintasan: that needs a patch?11:34
QuintasanTm_T: JontheEchidna said it could be backported11:52
Quintasanapachelogger: \o11:52
Tm_TQuintasan: I thought that is already done in ... oh, right, I'm living in trunk, sorry, ignore me (:11:58
QuintasanTm_T: :D12:01
Tm_TI always forget 4.2 was frozen so long time ago12:01
Quintasanbrb testing whether it works :312:03
Quintasangrr, what annoying bugs12:06
Quintasanor "features"12:06
QuintasanTm_T: It is working for you?12:08
Tm_TQuintasan: I don't use it so cannot tell12:09
QuintasanTm_T: Could you try it?12:09
Tm_Tsorry, not possible atm12:09
QuintasanHmm, I wonder why it doesnt works :/12:10
markeywill Ext4 be available in the next Kubuntu?13:06
* markey so wants the performance13:06
markey^ cool article about ext413:06
markeyoooh, and while we're at it, the Google Gold linker too, pretty please13:06
markeywith icing :)13:07
apacheloggeras I already told you once, gold is part of the binutils and officially unfitted for producition use, so it is not getting packaged, to get it anyway you might want to talk to the appropriate ubuntu dood13:10
apacheloggerext4 will be an option in the alternate installer ... dunno about the graphical installer13:11
apacheloggermarkey: in the ibm article is even a link to one talking about ubuntu 9.04 :P13:13
markeyoi cool13:15
* vorian waves to apachelogger 13:15
* markey hugs apachelogger 13:16
apacheloggerNightrose: ping13:25
Nightroseapachelogger: pong13:25
apacheloggerNightrose: I was thinking about adding lzma support to the release script. do you have any opinion on this?13:27
Nightrosenot really nope13:28
apacheloggermarkey: ^13:29
apacheloggerNightrose: maybe it should spit out a bzip2 tar and a lzma compressed one13:30
apacheloggerthen again would using tar with lzma make sense at all :S13:33
apacheloggeror maybe just go with 7z ;-)13:34
* markey has no idea what apachelogger is talking about 13:39
apachelogger~wp lzma13:40
kubotuResults for lzma: 1. Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain algorithm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LZMA | 2. LZMA - Wikipédia: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/LZMA | 3. LZMA: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/LZMA13:40
kubotu[1] The Lempel-Ziv-Markov chain-Algorithm (LZMA) is an algorithm used to perform data compression. It has been under development since 1998[1] and is used in the 7z format of the 7-Zip archiver. This algorithm uses a dictionary compression scheme somewhat similar to LZ77 and features a high compression ratio (generally higher than bzip2 [2][3]) and a variable compression-dictionary size (up to 4 GB).[4]13:40
apacheloggermarkey: ^13:40
apachelogger-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 4,8M 2009-02-22 14:39 amarok-
apachelogger-rw-r--r-- 1 me me 3,5M 2009-02-22 14:39 amarok-
apacheloggerif you want the precise values: 5012905 to 363897613:42
jussi01hrm, lancelot is missing all the icons/menu entries currently... who borked it?13:45
jussi01that was weird... I removed it and added again and alls well.... meh13:46
jussi01hrm, still borked though13:48
jussi01now the intial entries are there, but no response on clicking a menu, ie. clicking "Games" or "Office" etc13:49
* ScottK waves to apachelogger.13:50
=== nemphis_ is now known as nemphis
ScottKThe core KDE stuff is all built on the main archs in intrepid-backports.  Would someone please volunteer to audit and see if we are missing other stuff?13:59
ScottKI think we definitely ought to backport updates to the Universe plasma-widgets that existed in Intrepid since the existing ones won't work with libplasma3.14:00
ScottKAnything else?14:00
JontheEchidnajussi01: Qt 4.5 probably did. I think there's a patch somewhere in the pipeline14:13
jussi01JontheEchidna: ahh14:13
ryanakcaScottK: *nod*, was there any decision as for leaving or replacing 4.2?14:16
ScottKNot by me.14:16
ScottKI'm still looking for someone who can change /topic in #kubuntu to add it there.14:17
ScottKryanakca: As far as I'm concerned you're the webmaster, so whatever.14:17
ryanakcaScottK: What do you want me to append / add?14:18
ScottKryanakca: For /topic?14:18
* ryanakca nods14:18
ScottKI'd say something like I added to /topic here.  Up to you.14:18
ryanakcaThere :)14:20
ScottKryanakca: Thanks.14:22
JontheEchidnaScottK: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdebase-workspace/ubuntu/revision/33 should be of interest for backports15:42
mib_371v01xahii all15:45
mib_371v01xahow can i compile a qt program?15:46
JontheEchidnaAlso: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdeedu/ubuntu/revision/1615:56
nixternalkmail is a mess16:10
ScottKJontheEchidna: Does the python-dev thing apply to Intrepid too?16:24
ScottKJontheEchidna: Also, that's almost certainly a work around, not the correct fix.16:25
JontheEchidnaYeah, come to think of it16:25
JontheEchidnaI believe that a duplicate of this one was close that had a traceback.. I should find that16:25
JontheEchidnaOriginal exception was:16:26
JontheEchidna Traceback (most recent call last):16:26
JontheEchidna   File "/usr/share/kde4/apps/plasma_scriptengine_python/pyappletscript.py", line 19, in <module>16:26
JontheEchidna     from PyQt4.QtCore import *16:26
JontheEchidna ImportError: /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PyQt4/QtCore.so: undefined symbol: PyExc_ValueErro16:26
ScottKJontheEchidna: If you'd add intrepid-backports via also affects and upload to intrepid-backports, I can accept them.16:27
JontheEchidnaSo I can upload things to intrepid-backports even though I'm just an motu, but you have to accept them?16:27
JontheEchidnaOk, that clears things up16:28
ScottKBut we don't want to do a lot of it.16:28
* JontheEchidna will be back in a bit16:30
JontheEchidnaWhat to do about bug 332937?16:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332937 in digikam "digikam has a dependency problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33293716:53
JontheEchidnaDo we want to backport the kde 4.2 version of digikam to intrepid?16:54
ScottKLet's let the current 4.2 backport settle in a bit first.16:56
nhandlerWhat is the status of the arts removal? According to Bug #320915, it looks like all of the Dependencies have been rebuilt16:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320915 in cdbs "Remove aRts from the archive - rebuild all dependencies" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32091516:59
ScottKnhandler: What does apt-cache rdepends say?17:12
a|wenScottK: the only things left is some NBS packages17:20
ScottKOK, then the next trick would be getting those to be removable.17:20
ScottKIf they are NBS and have no rdepends, then you can go ahead and ask for removal.17:21
a|wensomebody told that it was no need, as they would be removed automatically17:21
ScottKI meant for arts.17:22
ScottKYes, the NBS ones will once they have no rdpends.17:22
ScottKFor example, kdelibs4-doc is NBS, but koffice still build-dep on it, so until that's fixed, kdelibs4-doc can't get removed.17:23
a|wenokay, i'll just check how the status is then17:23
a|wenseems libsdl1.2debian still depends on libsdl1.2debian-arts17:26
a|weni'll check that the rest is gone as soon as my jaunty chroot is updated17:27
a|wenScottK: libsdl1.2debian depends on libsdl1.2debian-arts for sparc, as it lacks behind in building a new version17:47
a|wenthat's the only thing we have left17:47
ScottKI just hit retry on that a few hours ago.17:47
ScottKIt should build as the kernel bug it FTBFS on last time has been fixed.17:47
a|wenokay, perfect ... so when that build is done we should be good to go17:48
ScottKIf someone wants to get kdelibs4-doc out of koffice build-dep I'd be glad to sponsor it.17:52
* a|wen wonders what a -doc is doing in a build-dep17:53
ScottKIt's for apidox I think18:01
ScottKI'm trying something out in that regard right now.18:04
jussi01hrm... is there a kde4 version of qtparted yet?18:18
ScottKIsn't qtparted dead?18:18
JontheEchidnaquite dead18:18
ScottKIIRC there was some discussion as it ought to be removed.18:18
jussi01ScottK: no idea, hence the queston..18:18
JontheEchidnaI hear that there's an unrelated replacement somewhere in playground18:18
ScottKWe have that.18:19
jussi01we do? /me looks18:19
ScottKJontheEchidna: How about a removal bug for qtparted.18:19
jussi01is it not gone already?18:19
jussi01!info qtparted jaunty18:19
ubottuPackage qtparted does not exist in jaunty18:19
ScottKSure enough.  rmadison agrees.18:20
ScottKEven better.18:20
* jussi01 couldnt find it, which was what prompted the question...18:21
jussi01hrm, curious, partition manager seems to not take on the kde4 theme I have... Bug?18:22
JontheEchidnais it run as root?18:23
* jussi01 headdesks... idiot18:23
jussi01JontheEchidna: any ideas on when that fix for lancelot is going to be sorted?18:24
JontheEchidnawhen kdeplasma-addons is next uploaded18:24
jussi01ok. and that is going to be approximately when? ;)18:25
* jussi01 hugs JontheEchidna18:25
* JontheEchidna shrugs18:25
=== jjesse_ is now known as jjesse
JontheEchidnawhenever a core-dev feels like uploading I guess18:28
JontheEchidnaurgh, I think we will have to backport koffice218:30
JontheEchidnaor maybe backport cmake to the kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa18:30
ScottKI think koffice2 doesn't need to be backported.18:30
JontheEchidnait has a file conflict with the oxygen icon theme18:31
JontheEchidnawhich was fixed in the latest beta18:31
ScottKSo if you use koffice2 from -release and KDE4.2 from backports you have a problem?18:31
JontheEchidnanot sure, though if you are using koffice2 from kubuntu-members-kde4 you definitely have a problem18:32
JontheEchidnayou still have intrepid, right?18:33
JontheEchidnaOh, koffice2 was never in -release18:33
JontheEchidnait's in -backports for intrepid18:33
ScottKIf it's in backports already and updating the backport fixes a conflict, I don't mind it being updated.18:40
JontheEchidnayup, it looks like that the one in backports has the conflict too18:41
JontheEchidnakde svn 93019720:20
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=930197&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 930197 | unbreak toolbox on zoomed out view20:20
NightroseJontheEchidna: bad bad bug21:08
NightroseJontheEchidna: plasma update just killed my notes applet including all info on it :/21:08
Nightroseluckily i got a backup from some time ago21:09
Nightroseso it is not so bad for me21:09
Nightrosebut that really shouldn't happen21:09
JontheEchidnasometimes kubuntu-default-settings updates go funky and mess with stuff like that. Was that updated recently?21:10
Nightroseeverything was updated i think with the copying to backports21:10
JontheEchidnaoh, intrepid. nvm about that theory21:10
Nightroseyea intrepid21:11
Quintasannight guys21:20
=== sebasje is now known as sebas
ScottKSo this is what KDE4.2 is like ....22:03
ScottKark can open .debs now.  That's worth the upgrade all by itself.22:30
ScottKsudo apt-get remove file-roller22:30
ScottKJontheEchidna: I see you have a kdebase-workspace building in your PPA.  I think we have enough to be worth an upload in bzr.  Will you have more shortly?22:39
JontheEchidnaThere is one more change that I was contemplating making: bug 33302522:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333025 in kdebase-workspace "Probable packaging error (conflict)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33302522:39
* ScottK looks22:40
JontheEchidnaIt's not likely to cause any runtime issues, but it's still technically wrong22:40
ScottKJontheEchidna: No.22:41
ScottKIf you leave the epoch off it won't be correct.22:41
rgreeningscottk: Im going to look at MOTU. any suggestions or recommendations of what I should do before I apply22:41
JontheEchidnadid desktop-base ever have an epoch?22:42
ScottKI guess that's the question.22:42
JontheEchidnaDoesn't look like it: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/desktop-base22:42
ScottKrgreening: Talk to the people who've sponsored you and make sure they are supportive (I am)22:42
ScottKJontheEchidna: I agree.22:43
ScottKJontheEchidna: How about if I just fix it?22:43
rgreeningscottK ty.22:43
JontheEchidnaThat's fine22:43
rgreeningRiddell: ping22:43
ScottKOK.  Will do22:43
Tonio_rgreening: I'm sorry to be a bit late concerning kpackagenit... I've been super busy recently... and that won't change until wednesday22:44
* Tonio_ notices there seem to be a bug with the printer applet.... multi copies printing won't work22:44
rgreeningok. when you get it ready...22:44
ScottKJontheEchidna: Actually since bindings are currently brokenish due to Python 2.6, I'm not sure this is a good time to upload.22:53
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
Riddellrgreening: kindae pong23:07
rgreeningim looking to apply 4 motu. got your support :)23:07
Riddellooh, excellent23:07
Riddellrgreening: what's your package upload history like? have you done much packaging from scratch?23:09
rgreeninghmm.. not sure.not 100% from scratch.23:10
rgreeningkvirt4, qtjambi,23:11
Riddellooh that reminds me, new qtjambi needs packaging (for the last time)23:11
Riddellrgreening: kde 4.2.1 out this week coming I seem to remember, will you help with that?  that's the sort of work they're probably looking for23:14
rgreeningRiddell: yes. Im all setup again to package/update for 4.2.123:15
rgreeningRiddell: and I can take care of qtjambi23:15
ScottKThe kvirc thing almost counts as from scratch IMO.23:16
Tonio_Riddell: system-config printer kcm applet seems to be broken, is that known issue ?23:16
Tonio_Riddell: I'm on a fresh install here23:17
RiddellTonio_: yes it got broken when s-c-p-common changed, I'll fix it tomorrow23:17
Tonio_Riddell: oki :)23:17
Riddellrgreening: lovely23:17
Tonio_Riddell: also, printing several copies of the same page doesn't work, whatever the printer is...23:17
ScottKWould someone please highlight me ....23:18
Tonio_Riddell: probably a little issue with the systray applet23:18
Riddellsystray applet has nothing to do with the printing, it just reports what's happening23:19
kwwiiRiddell: did you see the usplash pic?23:19
Riddellit's a cups (and/or Qt) issue if you can't print properly23:19
Riddellkwwii: oh yes, briefly, lots of bars?23:19
Riddellkwwii: what's the URL again?23:20
rgreeningkwwii: nice looking23:20
Tonio_Riddell: doesn't it pass the options ? then it's a cups issue :)23:22
RiddellTonio_: what gets printed is between the application and cups (and the cups driver)23:22
RiddellTonio_: the most printer-applet does it pause and restart and cancel23:22
kwwiithe many bars just show the different states23:22
kwwiithat is not how it will look in the end23:22
Riddellkwwii: presumably the ubuntu one also has many bars?23:22
kwwiionly one bar will be shown23:22
RiddellI see23:23
Tonio_Riddell: oki23:23
RiddellI'm being silly23:23
kwwiianyway, I gotta get to bed...let me know if you like it and want it and I will make the necessary changes (it also includes more resolutions, etc)23:23
Riddellkwwii: I think I like it23:24
RiddellTonio_, rgreening: do we like it?23:24
kwwiicool, we'll chat tmororw23:24
Tonio_Riddell: I like it ;)23:24
rgreeningI like it Riddell.23:24
Riddellkwwii: yep, we like it23:25
rgreeningits sleek and small :)23:25
Riddellah but ScottK-laptop is the real test, he's a man of opinion23:25
ScottK-laptopScottK: Ping23:25
ScottKI like sleek and small.23:26
ScottKrgreening: Was it you that was having double notifications problems?23:26
ScottKI have it now too on 4.223:26
ScottK-laptopScottK: Ping again23:27
rgreeningkopete was a big one23:29
ScottKThat's one we probably ought to figure out.23:29
ScottKSince it happens on Intrepid too with 4.2, we probably can't put the blame elsewhere.23:29
Riddellsee if you can use the dbus interface directory from qdbus command line23:30
Riddellthat'll tell you if the fault is on the client or the server23:30
ScottKThat's the sort of request I'd need some VERY specific directions on how to do.23:30
Riddellmm yes, it's probably a bit too late for me to work out the exact command needed23:32
ScottKTomorrow then.23:33
ScottKJontheEchidna: Your kubuntu_57_panel_notifications_conf.diff causes FTBFS here when I test build.23:33
JontheEchidnaUgh, that patch is a pain23:43
JontheEchidnaIt's what's causing the duplicate notifications23:44
ScottKThat's the one that gives us the control for notifications that we backported?23:45
ScottKI guess we ought to consider dropping it then.23:45
JontheEchidnawhen the config is changed it connects some signals twice23:46
JontheEchidnaand we get duplicate notifications23:46
JontheEchidnaI'm all for dropping it23:46
JontheEchidnadropped in bzr23:50
* JontheEchidna is pushing the rev23:50

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