mDemocritus | found the solution for my icon quandry... firefox's application icon is located at /usr/share/firefox/icons/default.xpm or /usr/share/firefox/chrome/icons/default/default.xpm, 48x48 xpm image. i changed both, and it works | 00:00 |
chris-rc1 | dragomir: have you found an input source? | 00:01 |
dragomir | yes | 00:02 |
dragomir | on the volum control | 00:02 |
dragomir | all they are checked | 00:02 |
NigelS | dragomir: you mean unchecked I hope | 00:03 |
NigelS | since the options along the top are "mute" | 00:04 |
dragomir | oh | 00:04 |
dragomir | they have to be unchecked? | 00:04 |
NigelS | well not unless you want them muted | 00:04 |
dragomir | :) | 00:04 |
wildbat | anyone knoehow do i use skim in Konversation? | 00:04 |
mefisto__ | dragomir: can you do: cat /proc/asound/modules | 00:04 |
wildbat | anyone know how do i use skim in Konversation? | 00:04 |
dragomir | sorry mefisto | 00:05 |
dragomir | I don't know how | 00:05 |
dragomir | is comand at the terminal | 00:05 |
dragomir | ? | 00:05 |
mDemocritus | dragomir: yes, run "cat /proc/asound/modules" in a terminal | 00:06 |
mefisto__ | dragomir: open konsole from the menu (or alt+F2 and type konsole) and copy/paste the command: cat /proc/asound/modules | 00:06 |
dragomir | ok | 00:06 |
NigelS | I really think you should try one thing at once...I'm now confused about whether the sounds channels are muted ;) | 00:07 |
helmi | hello! | 00:08 |
mDemocritus | !hi | helmi | 00:08 |
ubottu | helmi: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 00:08 |
dragomir | they are not muted | 00:09 |
helmi | please, i want to know how to accelerate download speed of update manager? | 00:09 |
ubuntu_ | hi | 00:09 |
mefisto__ | helmi: you could try changing download servers | 00:11 |
helmi | how can i do this, am newbie | 00:12 |
mefisto__ | helmi: alt-F2, then type: kdesudo software-properties-kde | 00:14 |
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mefisto__ | helmi: then look in the menu where it says "Download from:" | 00:14 |
lucas_ | Buenas | 00:15 |
helmi | thak u | 00:15 |
lucas_ | Hi | 00:15 |
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lucas_ | This is my first time whit Kubuntu | 00:16 |
mefisto__ | helmi: usually the closest server is faster, but try the others too maybe. especially "main server" | 00:16 |
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SJr | How can I assign the meta key as a shortcut by itself? | 00:29 |
SJr | How can I change the system tray / notification area to require double click to activate? | 00:29 |
SJr | I'm having some minor graphical bugs with the System tray as well. | 00:29 |
goosfancito | hola a todos | 00:34 |
bazhang | !ar | 00:34 |
ubottu | La comunidad local de Argentina se puede encontrar en #ubuntu-ar y en su canal de offtopic: #ubuntu-ar-cafe | 00:34 |
GWild | Hello - as a first Kubuntu installation would you recommend 8.10 or 8.04? | 00:36 |
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chris-rc1 | GWild: i don't even know which version we have now :-) hardy is 8.04, right? | 00:40 |
dsnaike | GWild 8.10 | 00:40 |
GWild | hmm | 00:40 |
GWild | decisions decisions.... | 00:41 |
GWild | one is kde 3.5 and one is 4.x right? | 00:41 |
mefisto__ | GWild: 8.04 and 8.10 are very different in kubuntu | 00:41 |
Dragnslicer | If you go with 8.10, make sure to install KDE 4.2 from the PPA repository | 00:41 |
mefisto__ | GWild: right, that's the main decision | 00:41 |
GWild | I've heard that 4.x is a bit buggy.... | 00:42 |
dsnaike | Gwild 4.2 | 00:42 |
mefisto__ | GWild: 4.2 is much improved, but you have to install from the experimental PPA repository | 00:42 |
GWild | dsnaike: 4.2 and 8.10 eh? | 00:42 |
GWild | mefisto__: ok | 00:43 |
GWild | hmm | 00:43 |
GWild | I'm brand new to Kub, so pardon the elementary questions | 00:43 |
GWild | I like it though - ran Gentoo for several years | 00:43 |
GWild | and it's tedious...... | 00:43 |
mefisto__ | GWild: there's also Jaunty 9.04 which you can install now, or wait for official release in april | 00:43 |
dsnaike | GWild google kde 4.2 and read | 00:43 |
GWild | will do | 00:43 |
GWild | I actually have 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) installed | 00:44 |
GWild | it's what I'm using now | 00:44 |
GWild | but several things are strange | 00:44 |
dsnaike | then get 4.2 | 00:44 |
dsnaike | like | 00:44 |
GWild | ok | 00:44 |
mefisto__ | GWild: much fewer things are strange in 4.2, but still far from perfect | 00:45 |
GWild | hmm, maybe I'll just install 8.04 w/ 3.5 and wait | 00:45 |
GWild | I'll have to decide | 00:45 |
dsnaike | GWild take ur time with application installs after the upgrade research first | 00:45 |
GWild | dsnaike: ok | 00:46 |
mefisto__ | GWild: another option is to partition your disk so you can install many and decide which you like | 00:46 |
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GWild | mefisto__: that's a good option too | 00:47 |
GWild | out of curiosity - I have two physical drives and Kub is installed on 1 | 00:47 |
GWild | what app would you recommend to rearrange the partitions/mountpoints? | 00:48 |
GWild | I want to use the other unused drive | 00:48 |
GWild | and integrate it into the system | 00:48 |
mefisto__ | GWild: gparted is nice and easy to use | 00:48 |
dsnaike | GWild i have 2 160 gig hd's parted 80gigs each distro on each | 00:48 |
dsnaike | no windows | 00:49 |
GWild | no windows | 00:49 |
GWild | I have a Win box since I must for work but I only 'use' Linux | 00:49 |
dsnaike | my lappy handles that | 00:50 |
GWild | gparted - I'm going to check that out - move the mountpoints around | 00:50 |
GWild | If I'm not here in one hour I'm reinstalling!! | 00:50 |
dsnaike | be carefull | 00:50 |
GWild | will do - I've never used gparted | 00:51 |
GWild | and I've never done this after the fact - always before.... | 00:51 |
mefisto__ | GWild: gparted lets you play around with things but won't make any changes till you apply | 00:52 |
GWild | understood | 00:52 |
GWild | ty | 00:52 |
mefisto__ | GWild: but if you make many changes, then change back, then change again, gparted will do all those steps if you apply, and it will take a long time | 00:53 |
GWild | mefisto__: I see - applies them in fifo sounds like | 00:53 |
maco | is konqueror incompatible with google reader? | 00:55 |
mefisto__ | maco: works for me | 00:58 |
maco | mefisto__: jaunty? | 00:58 |
DarkTan | i having a problem with my graphics card. I switched my laptop to dual screen with a projector and have been stuck with 640x480 ever since | 00:58 |
maco | i just get the header and "Loading..." in the little orange bar, and then the rest is blank. konq says "page loaded" | 00:58 |
Dragnslicer | maco- have Javascript disabled, maybe? | 01:00 |
maco | launchpad works, so i dont think so | 01:01 |
mefisto__ | maco: works in hardy and intrepid VM for me | 01:01 |
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maco | yeah js is enabled | 01:02 |
DarkTan | anyone know how to fix problem with an ATI card? | 01:10 |
mefisto__ | what problem, DarkTan? | 01:10 |
DarkTan | i having a problem with my graphics card. I switched my laptop to dual screen with a projector and have been stuck with 640x480 ever since | 01:10 |
family | What is the command to install nvidia drivers? | 01:11 |
Bugsbane | sudo jockey-kde | 01:11 |
Bugsbane | then choose the nvidia driver | 01:11 |
Bugsbane | and apply | 01:11 |
Bugsbane | oops kdesudo jockey-kde | 01:11 |
Bugsbane | (sudo on a gui is *bad*) | 01:11 |
mefisto__ | Bugsbane: also, oops ati driver :) | 01:12 |
family | Thanks a lot bugsbane | 01:12 |
Bugsbane | np | 01:12 |
mefisto__ | Bugsbane: oops, sorry, got that mixed up. thought you were talking to DarkTan | 01:12 |
Bugsbane | @ mephisto_ lol, I was scratching my head over that one... | 01:13 |
bbapti | where can i get help upgrading to kde4.2 from intrepid 4.1 | 01:13 |
DarkTan | i actually used that info, gonna reboot and see what happens | 01:13 |
bbapti | i'm starting from a fresh install from cd of 8.10 64bit version | 01:15 |
bbapti | then i added the reposatory and added the key | 01:15 |
bbapti | with the instructions on the cite | 01:16 |
Bugsbane | ok, then all you need to do is add deb intrepid main to your sources and do a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade and reboot | 01:16 |
bbapti | so i did that | 01:16 |
bbapti | and a ton of stuff was missing.... | 01:17 |
v4lentin | emm... somebody's french here?... | 01:17 |
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bbapti | it, from what i could tell, failed to comit some of the packages | 01:17 |
DarkTan | well i re-enabled the proprietary driver, and that didn't help any | 01:18 |
Bugsbane | hmmm... would be worth looking at dpkg.log in /var/log it should give you some hints as to what happened | 01:18 |
Bugsbane | (that was to @bbapti) | 01:19 |
mefisto__ | !fr | v4lentin | 01:19 |
ubottu | v4lentin: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 01:19 |
bbapti | so i went back and reinstalled from cd....because i am tied to using a wifi connection, and when i cam back in there were so many packages missiing that things like knetworkmanager were broken and i coulnt try and reinstall packages | 01:19 |
Bugsbane | @bbapti I would try doing sudo dpkg --configure -a then sudo apt-get install -f a couple of times and see if that helps | 01:20 |
bbapti | bugsbane.....step four on that there anything that i should do from a fresh install or is that only if you add things after | 01:20 |
bbapti | i actually had to do that to get it happy before i tried to restart and ot crippled | 01:20 |
Bugsbane | @bbapti sometimes it just needs somethings installed first and other things configured second. So if you do this a few times often it will work itself out. | 01:21 |
mefisto__ | !resolution | 01:21 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 01:21 |
Bugsbane | @bbapti Do you get a specific error in the console? | 01:21 |
trevor | hey | 01:21 |
bbapti | it told me that there were no packages needed upgrading or said one thing got helf back | 01:21 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: try that resolution link ^^ | 01:22 |
trevor | i just installed kubuntu and updated to kde 4.2 | 01:22 |
trevor | why does my laptop seem to be incredibly hot | 01:22 |
DarkTan | checking the link now mefisto__ | 01:22 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: or look in /etc/X11 and see if there are any xorg.conf backups | 01:22 |
Bugsbane | @bbapti So when you do sudo apt-get upgrade it should say what package is held back. Can you say which one? | 01:22 |
roccity_ | 4.2 is awesome has a slight different feel under the hood | 01:22 |
Bugsbane | 4.2 feels *much* faster. :) | 01:22 |
roccity_ | Bugsbane: yeah seems to be more together | 01:23 |
bbapti | well i have since had to start over.....i just wanted to make sure that i didnt "miss" anything obvious | 01:23 |
bbapti | i will attempt it again and give chime in if i see any errors or anything | 01:24 |
Bugsbane | @bbapti Usually it's either just what I typed above, or if you're using experimental ppa's, some bad packaging or conflicts (such as Amarok Neon had two packages trying to write one file). | 01:24 |
bbapti | thanks for the help guys i will let you know how i make out | 01:24 |
bardok | moin | 01:24 |
Bugsbane | @bbapti if it's the second, you can --force it but it's a bit dangerous if you don't know what youre doing | 01:24 |
Bugsbane | @bbapti no problem. Good luck! | 01:24 |
bardok | wie werde ich die vierer kde los?????? | 01:25 |
DarkTan | ok, xandr stats my max screen res id 640x480, which is way wrong | 01:25 |
bardok | wee can ai kill the 4. kde killin?? i'will the 3 kde | 01:25 |
bbapti | you know its funny i did this on my laptop that i am using now ...and all i had to do was sudo dpkg --configure -a then sudo apt-get install -f | 01:26 |
Bugsbane | @bardok If you are trying to kill an app in KDE4 press ctrl+Esc, choose it and click "Kill" | 01:27 |
bbapti | and it worked fine. | 01:27 |
bbapti | .......oh......i think i know what i screwd up | 01:27 |
Bugsbane | @bbapti Awesome. That's what we like to hear. :) | 01:27 |
bbapti | i dont think i ran the dpkg --configure -a | 01:27 |
bbapti | i just did the apt-get install-f | 01:27 |
Bugsbane | @bbapti Yes?? | 01:27 |
Bugsbane | @bbapti Ahhhhhh... | 01:28 |
Bugsbane | @bbapti We live and learn. :) | 01:28 |
DarkTan | mefisto__: xrandr doesn't seem to be doing anything for me | 01:28 |
bbapti | because apt said i just did the last one | 01:28 |
bbapti | hahahahah well take 2 | 01:28 |
bbapti | what does the dpkg comand do? | 01:28 |
roccity_ | bbapti: it installs packages | 01:29 |
bbapti | that the apt get command doesnt | 01:29 |
roccity_ | bbapti: so dpkg -i some package | 01:29 |
roccity_ | it's the command line version of gdebi | 01:30 |
bardok | thx for this tip | 01:30 |
bardok | ^^ | 01:30 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: try editing xorg.conf like the example on that page. the display subsection and the monitor section are the things to work on | 01:30 |
DarkTan | well i can't even figure out what i need to put in for modifying the display | 01:31 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: man xorg.conf gives detailed info if you need it | 01:31 |
bbapti | oh question before | 01:32 |
bbapti | i go fot it | 01:32 |
DarkTan | for example: the pages tells me to enter "xrandr --output LVDS --mode 1024x768" | 01:32 |
DarkTan | i know LVDS should be changed to what ever my output is | 01:33 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: try the display subsection first, putting in the highest resolution you need | 01:33 |
bbapti | should i do an upgrade with out the 4.2 reposatory in there first or does it go directly to 4.2 from the cd install | 01:33 |
DarkTan | well i doesn't tell me what the display is | 01:33 |
roccity_ | bbapti: what do you mean | 01:34 |
roccity_ | are you going to do a fresh install or apt-get upgrade? | 01:34 |
bbapti | right now from a fresh install from the cd there are a bunch of things that need updating | 01:34 |
bbapti | should i do that first then go to 4.2 | 01:34 |
bbapti | or just go for 4.2 right away | 01:34 |
roccity_ | bbapti: if its a apt-get one yes upgrade 4.1 one first | 01:35 |
bbapti | ok so make 4.1 fully up to date....then do the 4.2 upgrade procedure | 01:35 |
roccity_ | bbapti: it will cut down on problems later | 01:35 |
bbapti | ok good idea | 01:35 |
sensae | Hello | 01:36 |
roccity_ | bbapti: yeah you should do that with any major upgrade | 01:36 |
sensae | I'm having weird blue corruption on my notification tray icons | 01:36 |
bbapti | ok good idea | 01:36 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: in the "Screen" section, put in SubSection "Display", Modes "1024x768", EndSubSection (like in the example, each on its own line) | 01:37 |
bbapti | thanks agian guys | 01:38 |
anouar | hi every one | 01:40 |
mandy | hola | 01:41 |
anouar | u speak english ?? | 01:41 |
DarkTan | ok, where is the xorg.conf file at? | 01:44 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 01:44 |
DarkTan | 0_o I have 7 xorg.conf files | 01:45 |
DarkTan | is that supposed to be that way? | 01:45 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: they are probably backups. there should be just one being used, named xorg.conf | 01:46 |
roccity_ | DarkTan: are they back ups? | 01:46 |
DarkTan | one is xorg.conf, the rest are xorg.conf(1-6) | 01:46 |
roccity_ | DarkTan: if they have ~ after them they are back ups | 01:46 |
roccity_ | DarkTan: yeah they are back ups | 01:47 |
DarkTan | well they don;t have the ~ after them | 01:47 |
roccity_ | DarkTan: are they copies? | 01:48 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: xorg.conf.6 is probably the most recent. look at what's in that and compare it to your current xorg.conf | 01:48 |
DarkTan | meh, 6 is the same as current, 5 and 1 are missing almost everything, 2-4 are the same, each with two sections for 640x480 | 01:50 |
SuspectZero | whts a good application that can open virtual machines for me | 01:50 |
SuspectZero | i tried vbox but it doesnt seem to work properly | 01:51 |
mefisto__ | SuspectZero: virtualbox | 01:51 |
SuspectZero | i tried that but i get an error that i cant seem to fix | 01:51 |
tuxi | virtualbox works just fine for me | 01:51 |
SuspectZero | anything else? | 01:51 |
tuxi | some have used qemu (iirc) | 01:51 |
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mefisto__ | DarkTan: make a backup of xorg.conf, then try editing one of the backups with 640x480 adding the resolution you want, then save that as xorg.conf | 01:53 |
DarkTan | ok, i try that | 01:54 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: or pastebin one of them if you like so we can take a look at what you have | 01:55 |
DarkTan | i like that idea better | 01:55 |
DarkTan | | 01:56 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: what resolution do you want? | 02:00 |
DarkTan | 1280x768 i think | 02:00 |
DarkTan | is that a valid widescree res? i can't remember what it used to be | 02:00 |
maco | DarkTan: 1280x800 usually, i think | 02:06 |
DarkTan | i dunno, i'd have to reboot in to windows to find out | 02:06 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: use the gtf command to get a proper modeline for xorg.conf | 02:07 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: like this: gtf 1280 768 60 | 02:08 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: that would be for 1280x768 @ 60 Hz | 02:08 |
DarkTan | ok | 02:08 |
DarkTan | ""1280x768_60.00" 80.14 1280 1344 1480 1680 768 769 772 795 -HSync +Vsync" | 02:09 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: ok, try this one: | 02:13 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: keep a backup of your current one in case you can't login graphically | 02:13 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: so you can change it back | 02:13 |
DarkTan | i've already done so | 02:13 |
DarkTan | also backed up the back up ^^ | 02:13 |
racecar56 | hey my computers went insane when i ran that command that removed gnome | 02:15 |
racecar56 | agh at least it's done with | 02:15 |
DarkTan | yes, it will do that | 02:15 |
* DarkTan did that once, had to do a full reinstall | 02:15 | |
racecar56 | yeah | 02:16 |
racecar56 | i had to do it too | 02:16 |
racecar56 | because i always make my /home partition seprate i didnt lose my data :> | 02:16 |
mefisto__ | racecar56: so you did a full reinstall? | 02:17 |
racecar56 | yes | 02:17 |
* DarkTan keeps all his stuff on a ntfs partition so windoze can access it too | 02:17 | |
racecar56 | lol@windoze | 02:17 |
muxomor | how you make startus with * ? | 02:18 |
DarkTan | Microsuck Windoze XD | 02:18 |
muxomor | *z | 02:18 |
muxomor | meh | 02:18 |
mefisto__ | muxomor: you type /me and it's replaced with your name | 02:18 |
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* muxomor is curious | 02:18 | |
muxomor | thanks ! :-) | 02:18 |
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DarkTan | so, what do i do with that mode line? | 02:19 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: I put it in the one I gave you : | 02:19 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: just use that as your xorg.conf | 02:20 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: I added line 55, and changed lines 66 and 67 | 02:21 |
DarkTan | ok, now what do i do? | 02:21 |
racecar56 | microsuck windoze XDDDD | 02:21 |
racecar56 | lolz | 02:21 |
* racecar56 lol'z | 02:21 | |
DarkTan | reboot or just change the res? | 02:21 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: logout, restart X from the login menu and login again. or just alt-ctrl-backspace to restart X immediately (everything in kde will shutdown, so save anything you need to first) | 02:23 |
DarkTan | ok, will do so now | 02:23 |
mefisto__ | DarkTan: do you know how to do a console login ? | 02:23 |
racecar56 | hey darktan do you think that windows 7 wil fail? | 02:24 |
mefisto__ | hope he can restore that backup if it doesn't work | 02:24 |
racecar56 | doh | 02:24 |
muxomor | does anyone use psad? | 02:31 |
racecar56 | the clock is in military time O_o how do i fix that | 02:34 |
Dragnslicer | System Settings -> Date and Time, I think | 02:35 |
Dragnslicer | Sorry, Regional and Language | 02:36 |
mefisto__ | yeah, weird how it's in there | 02:36 |
mefisto__ | most people don't think of date and time as a language thing | 02:37 |
Walzmyn | since i've updated to interpid I cannot get my printer to work | 02:39 |
mefisto__ | Walzmyn: are your printer and settings still there? | 02:41 |
Walzmyn | mefisto__, yes, it still lists the printer | 02:41 |
Walzmyn | everything says it's printing - just nothing happens at the printer, mefisto__ | 02:41 |
mefisto__ | Walzmyn: try removing then reinstalling cups | 02:42 |
Walzmyn | mefisto__, though apt? | 02:42 |
mefisto__ | Walzmyn: have you tried setting up a second version of your printer? | 02:43 |
Walzmyn | mefisto__, i'm not sure how. the printer stuff is all different in 8.10 | 02:43 |
mefisto__ | try the browser interface: http://localhost:631 | 02:45 |
SJr | Plasma and Xorg are taking up 75% of my cpu on a my core 2 duo machine, even though composting is off suggestions? | 02:46 |
Walzmyn | mefisto__, i found a different printer interface (i'd already found 3) that allowed me to uninstall the printer and re-install it, we'll test it now | 02:47 |
Walzmyn | woohoo! she prints! | 02:48 |
mefisto__ | Walzmyn: what interface did you use? something in the menu? | 02:48 |
Walzmyn | mefisto__, I guess I should thank you. I was scrolling though the Kmenu looking for adept when I found that printer interface | 02:48 |
Walzmyn | Kmenu>application>sysetm>printing | 02:49 |
Walzmyn | I'd just not seen it there | 02:49 |
SJr | Where do I file bugs for KDE with Kubuntu? KDE or Kubuntu's bug reporting. | 02:50 |
Walzmyn | SJr, depends on the bug, if it's local to kubuntu or all of KDE | 02:51 |
Walzmyn | which may be hard to determine | 02:51 |
SJr | lol yes I know, but who will bitch at me less for posting on the wrong forum. | 02:51 |
Walzmyn | weal, based on the people on the chat channels, kubuntu will bitch less | 02:52 |
Walzmyn | but i think the bug people are all pretty ameaniable in both camps | 02:52 |
SJr | rofl | 02:52 |
SJr | Yeah I dunno what it is about freenode but there vicious | 02:52 |
Walzmyn | having never reported a bug (I always find them after they've been fixed) I cannot help ya there | 02:53 |
mefisto__ | but do a search first to see if someone else has filed the same bug. might even find a workaround or solution | 02:54 |
mefisto__ | SJr: kde programs have "report a bug" in the help menu | 02:56 |
SJr | Hmmmm I've already searched there bug database, but didn't find anything | 02:56 |
SJr | ubuntu's bug tracker seems down | 02:57 |
mefisto__ | that's the ubuntu one I gave you. here's kubuntu: | 02:59 |
SJr | Probably also down | 03:00 |
SJr | Ah no it's up | 03:01 |
racecar56 | restarting xorg i updated to 4.2 from 4.1.4 | 03:07 |
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flice | hi | 03:09 |
flice | after upgrading to KDE 4.2 on Ubuntu 8.10 from backports, the "end" key stopped working in text fields (both QT and GTK) | 03:10 |
mefisto__ | kde 4.2 is in backports now? | 03:17 |
JontheEchidna | yeah | 03:18 |
JontheEchidna | some packaging bugs are still being ironed out | 03:18 |
mefisto__ | so it's still better to upgrade through the experimental ppa? or is it the same? | 03:19 |
JontheEchidna | it's the same | 03:19 |
JontheEchidna | if you already have 4.2 you shouldn't have any problem going from ppa -> backports | 03:20 |
mefisto__ | I suppose there's other things in backports apart from 4.2 though that you might not want, right? | 03:20 |
JontheEchidna | right, I suppose | 03:24 |
stretch | how do i find more chats ? | 03:24 |
ibuffy | occasionally my keyboard quits responding... what's with this? | 03:25 |
ibuffy | typically it's just kde apps, but last time... even firefox didn't respond | 03:25 |
JontheEchidna | maybe sticky keys are somehow being activated | 03:26 |
JontheEchidna | you could try holding a key down for a while next time it happens | 03:26 |
stretch | yeah i have that too sometimes... | 03:26 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
trevor | hey, i am having problems activating my ati graphics card with the hardware drivers selection | 03:33 |
trevor | how can i do that? | 03:33 |
trevor | or is there a better way | 03:33 |
mefisto__ | is it listed in hardware drivers? | 03:38 |
trevor | yes? | 03:39 |
trevor | i click activate and it doesnt do anything | 03:40 |
trevor | just sits there | 03:40 |
mefisto__ | xorg-driver-fglrx is what it installs | 03:41 |
trevor | sooooo | 03:41 |
trevor | if | 03:41 |
trevor | i were to put in a terminal command what would it be do you know? | 03:41 |
mefisto__ | sudo apt-get install xorg-driver-fglrx | 03:41 |
trevor | thats what i thought | 03:42 |
trevor | thanks | 03:42 |
draik_ | I want to recover files from the HDD. What apps would you all recommend? I can access the XP drive and a LiveCD without touching the Kubuntu HDD. | 03:43 |
=== k is now known as Guest76542 | ||
srujan | have anyone used monodevelop | 03:44 |
trevor | ok so i put in the konsole command it everything went fine, but it still isnt activated | 03:45 |
trevor | and i cant do anything when i click activate | 03:46 |
mefisto__ | trevor: put in Driver "fglrx" in /etc/X11/xorg.conf in the "Device" section | 03:47 |
=== Guest76542 is now known as syroth | ||
mefisto__ | trevor: on its own line: Driver "fglrx" | 03:47 |
syroth | hey quick question anyone got a min? | 03:47 |
mefisto__ | trevor: then save it, and restart X. hopefully it will work with the right resolution | 03:48 |
InfernoLinux | Hey, I need help finding/installing a network driver on a gigabyte ex58-ud5 mainboard | 03:48 |
trevor | ok can i copy and paste what is in this file for me, and you can tell me where to put it | 03:49 |
trevor | ive never had a problem in ubuntu or mint or fedora, but for whatever reason this seems completely different to me | 03:50 |
mefisto__ | !paste | trevor | 03:51 |
ubottu | trevor: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 03:51 |
=== famante is now known as Totski | ||
Totski | hello | 03:52 |
trevor | | 03:53 |
InfernoLinux | can anyone help me get my onboard lan ports to work | 03:57 |
Slartibartfast | InfernoLinux, seems a Realtek RTL8111C chip | 03:57 |
InfernoLinux | so what do I do | 03:58 |
InfernoLinux | its a fresh install of 8.10 kde4 | 03:58 |
Slartibartfast | maybe you'll read in this thread ... ... but it seems to be for Hardy ... | 03:59 |
mefisto__ | trevor: lines 25-27 are options I needed to get video working properly. might be different for your particular card | 03:59 |
Slartibartfast | InfernoLinux, sory seems for gutsy, don't know if it is still not fixed | 04:01 |
syroth | this is directed towards anyone / everyone , in my last set of updates mysql was installed on its own ( just did a mark all upgrades in synaptic) | 04:02 |
syroth | and i want to know if anyone knows why or how i can figure out why | 04:02 |
InfernoLinux | gahhh that was a lot of reading for the bottom to say they "fixed" the bug | 04:02 |
trevor | thanks mefisto, i will give it a try later | 04:03 |
InfernoLinux | Slartibartfast I had to use the driver from the cd to get it to work in vista because windoze update is an rtard and tried to update it with faulty software. I think I just need to find the driver for this chip | 04:04 |
Slartibartfast | yes sorry, download the | 04:04 |
Slartibartfast | maybe that helps ... | 04:04 |
Slartibartfast | Follow the instructions in the Realtek readme | 04:05 |
InfernoLinux | seems silly but which one should i grab | 04:05 |
Slartibartfast | but wait ...... if you do modprobe r8168 ... you can not configure a network? | 04:06 |
InfernoLinux | let me try | 04:07 |
InfernoLinux | module not found | 04:07 |
Slartibartfast | and what if you do modprobe r8169 ? | 04:08 |
mefisto__ | does modprobe need sudo ? | 04:09 |
InfernoLinux | Error inserting r8169 (blahblah) Operation not permitted | 04:10 |
InfernoLinux | if i do it with sudo nothing echos | 04:10 |
Slartibartfast | then the module is probably loaded | 04:10 |
Slartibartfast | can test with lsmod |grep r8169 | 04:11 |
InfernoLinux | but when i click on knetworkmanager it doesnt see either of the ETH ports | 04:11 |
InfernoLinux | lsmod |grep r8169 returns <r8169 40196 0> | 04:12 |
Slartibartfast | so it is loaded .... | 04:12 |
Slartibartfast | "dmesg |grep eth0" gives output? | 04:13 |
InfernoLinux | negative | 04:14 |
Slartibartfast | mmm strange ... so the module loads perfectly for the hardware, but it does not see the hardware ... | 04:15 |
InfernoLinux | its bloody perplexing i tell you | 04:16 |
Slartibartfast | so another road you can take is try the driver from the realtek website ... there is a linux driver listed ... read the docs there howto do ... | 04:17 |
ETie | okay im back | 04:20 |
ETie | now on ubuntu | 04:20 |
ETie | man, there is 122 proc on this thing | 04:21 |
santiago | Hi! I have a question... | 04:27 |
ETie | go on | 04:28 |
santiago | is there anyway for konqueror to have plugins for "share this" and "Diigo"?? | 04:28 |
ETie | meh | 04:29 |
Slartibartfast | InfernoLinux, maybe this thread also is helpful for you: | 04:29 |
Slartibartfast | Seems a lot of people have problems with this chip | 04:29 |
mefisto__ | ETie: I have 222 processes. I win :) | 04:29 |
ETie | mefisto__: ive seen shells with 30 processes | 04:32 |
ETie | its not a contest im sure | 04:32 |
mefisto__ | just kidding around ETie | 04:33 |
imps | This is just a a quick question but, how hard is it to get wine installed and working? | 04:33 |
mefisto__ | imps: sudo apt-get install wine | 04:34 |
imps | Oh, so its relatively simple? | 04:34 |
mefisto__ | imps: how well it works depends largely on the program I think | 04:34 |
imps | Just need to get HL2 working. | 04:35 |
imps | Google is telling me its support. Thanks for the info, mesfisto | 04:36 |
=== silver is now known as Guest47978 | ||
=== Guest47978 is now known as silver | ||
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silver_swords | hi all | 04:44 |
=== najumudh is now known as peacesarah | ||
trevor | hey, mefisto, you still there | 04:47 |
trevor | when i try to edit my xorg.conf, it says i dont have the permission to edit it, how do i get write access | 04:47 |
gords | hi all! what are the free rtmp server which runs on ubuntu 8? | 04:49 |
mefisto__ | if you're using a graphical editor like kate, kdesudo kate /etc/X11/xorg.conf or in terminal sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:49 |
=== najumudh is now known as peacesarah` | ||
trevor | i was just using kate | 04:50 |
mefisto__ | trevor: but if for some reason it completely fails and X doesn't start, you'll need to do console login and do it with sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf to remove Driver "fglrx" | 04:50 |
trevor | i tried sudp gedit | 04:50 |
trevor | sudo i mean | 04:50 |
mefisto__ | trevor: sudo in console programs, kdesudo for graphical "gui" ones | 04:51 |
caustin_ | Anyone here tripple booting with Vista, XP and Kubuntu? | 04:51 |
trevor | when i open it up in terminal with both nano and kate /etc/.... it brings up blank documents | 04:54 |
mefisto__ | trevor: sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 04:54 |
trevor | thats what i used | 04:54 |
trevor | and it is blank | 04:54 |
trevor | when it comes up | 04:55 |
mefisto__ | trevor: capital X ? | 04:55 |
trevor | yes | 04:55 |
mefisto__ | X11 | 04:55 |
trevor | there we go | 04:55 |
trevor | i got it to come up | 04:56 |
mefisto__ | trevor: the commands at the bottom of the nano screen eg, ^X ^W means ctrl-X ctrl-W etc | 04:57 |
trevor | awesome, thanks so much mefisto | 04:59 |
scott_ev | anyone know the kubuntu development channel? | 04:59 |
trevor | it is working now | 04:59 |
mefisto__ | trevor: you exited and saved it? | 04:59 |
mefisto__ | trevor: you need to restart X to see if it works after saving it | 05:01 |
silver_swords | anybody got yahoo messenger 9 working in wine? | 05:03 |
=== peacesarah` is now known as peacesarah | ||
santiago | is there anyway for konqueror to have plugins for "share this" and "Diigo"?? | 05:19 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: The backup failed. I'm using hope and prayer to recover my files. | 05:25 |
DaSkreech | How much of the files came across? | 05:25 |
draik_ | Recover Data for Linux is still at 4% for the last 45 minutes. Nothing showing. | 05:26 |
draik_ | Stellar Phoenix Linux Data Recovery is coming up with a total of 2.08GB :) and counting | 05:26 |
draik_ | It just jumped from 2.04 to 2.20GB | 05:26 |
draik_ | *2.08 to 2.25GB now. | 05:27 |
* draik_ likes Stellar Phoenix for recovery | 05:27 | |
DaSkreech | :-D | 05:30 |
DaSkreech | Where did you find it? | 05:30 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: Do you mean the app? | 05:32 |
DaSkreech | Yes | 05:32 |
DaSkreech | hi peacesarah | 05:32 |
draik_ | 05:32 | |
draik_ | "linux disk recovery" | 05:32 |
DaSkreech | Of course | 05:32 |
draik_ | 3.22GB and counting right now | 05:33 |
draik_ | 50,000+ files | 05:33 |
DaSkreech | Nice | 05:33 |
draik_ | :) | 05:33 |
draik_ | What is a *.7z file? | 05:34 |
DaSkreech | A compressed file | 05:34 |
draik_ | OK. Never seen that extension. | 05:34 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: ARK won't open the *.7z file | 05:36 |
DaSkreech | Then why did you ask about it? | 05:36 |
DaSkreech | You don't have the unzip utility installed | 05:36 |
draik_ | How do I install it? | 05:37 |
draik_ | What is the package name? | 05:37 |
draik_ | What is phonon-backend-xine? | 05:39 |
bbapti | hey guys....anyone arround that could give some 4.2 upgrade advice | 05:43 |
lancerace | i need a had with a kde4.2 upgrade problem | 05:44 |
lancerace | <---same user as bbapti | 05:44 |
lancerace | i have followed the directions as in theis cite....... | 05:45 |
lancerace | did the sudo aptitude update and upgrade | 05:45 |
lancerace | it downloaded an and started to install. | 05:46 |
lancerace | i did the mysql passwd | 05:46 |
lancerace | it did some setting up | 05:46 |
lancerace | then died | 05:46 |
lancerace | i did a dpkg --configure -a | 05:46 |
lancerace | and an apt-get install -f | 05:47 |
lancerace | and it still says A package failed to install. Trying to recover: | 05:47 |
lancerace | " | 05:48 |
draik_ | !enter | lancerace | 05:48 |
ubottu | lancerace: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 05:48 |
lancerace | Errors were encountered while processing: | 05:48 |
lancerace | /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7_amd64.deb | 05:48 |
lancerace | sorry | 05:48 |
lancerace | any ideas?.......i am running 8.10 fully up to date version of kde 4.1.4 before attempting to do the switch to 4.2 | 05:50 |
lancerace | oh and its 64 bit version if that matters | 05:50 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: 4.05GB in 1 hour. Not bad, huh? It's only a bit over 1/3 done with the drive, too. | 05:50 |
DaSkreech | Sounds nice | 05:52 |
mefisto__ | lol. draik_ I read what you said and thought you meant you were *downloading* something that was 2.25GB | 05:52 |
draik_ | Whoa | 05:52 |
DaSkreech | draik_: phonon-backend-xine is the xine backend to phonon | 05:52 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: You don't say ;) | 05:52 |
DaSkreech | bbapti: 4.2 instructions are in the topic | 05:52 |
mefisto__ | lancerace: so what happens if you try to install kde-window-manager ? | 05:53 |
draik_ | I didn't pay attention to my 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade' and now I have installed 4.2 on this laptop. | 05:53 |
DaSkreech | lancerace: can you install that package by itself? | 05:53 |
lancerace | lets see | 05:53 |
DaSkreech | draik_: Whoops :) | 05:53 |
draik_ | Oh well. | 05:53 |
draik_ | I rarely, if ever, reboot this laptop. | 05:54 |
draik_ | What is the deal with 4.2? Is something wrong with it? | 05:54 |
mefisto__ | draik_: I found out just a while ago that 4.2 is in backports repo now | 05:54 |
lancerace | i get that same error | 05:54 |
lancerace | Errors were encountered while processing: | 05:54 |
lancerace | /var/cache/apt/archives/kde-window-manager_4%3a4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa7_amd64.deb | 05:54 |
DaSkreech | draik_: you don't need to reboot. Just logout press alt+E and log back in | 05:54 |
DaSkreech | lancerace: remove that file | 05:55 |
lancerace | ok......woking on it | 05:55 |
mefisto__ | DaSkreech: the file? or remove the package? | 05:55 |
DaSkreech | That file | 05:55 |
DaSkreech | sudo rm /var/cache/apt/archives etc etc | 05:56 |
lancerace | ok its now dling it agian | 05:56 |
lancerace | well i just killed that one file | 05:56 |
lancerace | but it errored again | 05:56 |
lancerace | slightly diffrent error this thime | 05:57 |
draik_ | Is there anything wrong with KDE4.2? | 05:57 |
mefisto__ | lancerace: try apt-get remove kde-window-manager then reinstall (the upgraded version) | 05:58 |
DaSkreech | draik_: as with all KDE 4 relelases so far. If you have a problem with it then something is wrong with it | 05:58 |
lancerace | can i just copy in the output of the aptitude that that i get.......or is that too offencive | 05:58 |
DaSkreech | !paste | 05:58 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 05:58 |
mefisto__ | lancerace: is it an error about overwriting something? | 05:59 |
lancerace | yep | 05:59 |
lancerace | i was about to try ur sugestion | 05:59 |
draik_ | I guess I will reboot and see what happens. I also want to use the new kernel | 06:00 |
mefisto__ | kde-window-decorator or something? | 06:00 |
draik_ | I hope to see you all soon. | 06:00 |
lancerace | by running the command that mefisto recomends it also wants to remove kubuntu-desktop.............should i do this? | 06:01 |
DaSkreech | lancerace: Yes | 06:01 |
lancerace | ok....? here goes | 06:02 |
lancerace | no i guess that i will try to install kde-window-manager | 06:02 |
lancerace | same error message ....i will try and use the paste bin so u can see my error message | 06:03 |
DaSkreech | ok | 06:04 |
lancerace | hmmmmm konquoror seems broken now..:( | 06:04 |
DaSkreech | lancerace: Of course it is | 06:05 |
lancerace | Cannot Initiate the http Protocol.........booo | 06:05 |
DaSkreech | lancerace: join #lance-paste | 06:05 |
mefisto__ | :) | 06:05 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
draik | DaSkreech: I cannot use the GUI. I have no borders on the windows and the keyboard does not respond. | 06:25 |
draik | I am in TTY1 on the laptop using IRSSI | 06:25 |
DaSkreech | draik: can you jump back to GUI andsee if alt+F2 works ? | 06:26 |
draik | Nothing works in regards to the keyboard. I can't type anything. It's like a keyboard doesn't exist. | 06:26 |
DaSkreech | draik: Works on tty2? | 06:27 |
ockonal | draik: after updating to kde 4.2? | 06:27 |
draik | DaSkreech: I'm on TTY1 right now with IRSSI | 06:27 |
draik | ockonal: Yes, after the upgrade to 4.2 | 06:27 |
DaSkreech | draik: ok tty2 try export DISPLAY=:0.0 | 06:27 |
DaSkreech | then kwin& | 06:27 |
ockonal | draik: heh =) Wait, please | 06:27 |
draik | ockonal: Ok | 06:28 |
michael | does anyone in here have any experience upgrading end of life versions | 06:28 |
=== michael is now known as huntz | ||
draik | DaSkreech: 'export DISPLAY=:0.0' | 06:28 |
ockonal | draik: befero all sace all your data (like bookmarks, contacts) rm -r ~/.kde then sudo aptitude purge kwin && sudo install kwin | 06:29 |
ockonal | draik: *save | 06:29 |
DaSkreech | huntz: Sure | 06:29 |
DaSkreech | !upgrade | 06:29 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at | 06:29 |
draik | How do I get to TTY2 since I'm using TTY1 right now for IRSII | 06:29 |
huntz | I am running edgy now and I would rather not throw away my setup just to upgrade | 06:29 |
draik | *IRSSI | 06:29 |
dr_Willis | I always install a 'backup' window manager like icewm - just in case KDE dies on me :) | 06:30 |
DaSkreech | draik: alt+ctrl+F2 use alt+ctrl+F1 to get back to TTY1 | 06:30 |
DaSkreech | dr_Willis: Still need to start it :) | 06:30 |
huntz | I have been through the upgrade notes | 06:30 |
draik | It doesn't do anything, DaSkreech. I'm stuck in IRSSI | 06:30 |
dr_Willis | DaSkreech, exit .xinitrc and 'startx' :) | 06:30 |
huntz | and I am having issues with the patch command | 06:30 |
draik | I guess I have to quit IRSSI first. | 06:31 |
draik | What are the commands again? | 06:31 |
DaSkreech | draik: alt+ctrl+F2 doesn't work ? | 06:31 |
DaSkreech | huntz: | 06:31 |
draik | DaSkreech: Nope. | 06:31 |
DaSkreech | Which patch command? | 06:31 |
DaSkreech | draik: alt+left arrow ? | 06:32 |
draik | DaSkreech: Nope. | 06:33 |
DaSkreech | weird | 06:33 |
draik | None of the arrows. | 06:33 |
huntz | the command in the guide say sudo patch < | 06:33 |
draik | What are the commands again? I'm going to quit IRSSI once I get the commands. | 06:33 |
huntz | its for patching the upgrade bug in edgy | 06:34 |
draik | ockonal: What was the command you told me to run earlier? | 06:35 |
DaSkreech | export DISPLAY=:0.0 | 06:35 |
DaSkreech | then kwin & | 06:36 |
ockonal | draik: rm -r ~/.kde | 06:36 |
ockonal | draik: sudo aptitude purge kwin && sudo aptitude install kwin | 06:36 |
DaSkreech | huntz: that's 6.10 ? | 06:36 |
huntz | DaSkreech: yes | 06:37 |
DaSkreech | ockonal: how about mv ~/.kde | 06:37 |
DaSkreech | draik: use mv ~/.kde ~/.kdebkup | 06:37 |
ockonal | mm. yeah, thanx | 06:37 |
DaSkreech | huntz: So you are reading the EOL upgrades page ? | 06:37 |
reboR | Sorry to break in, I just installed ubuntu 8.10 on my backup drive. After installation it loaded fine but i've tried to start it up few times afterward but it loads the background image but not the rest of the desktop or menus. | 06:38 |
draik | DaSkreech: ockonal: OK. I'm going to try now. | 06:38 |
DaSkreech | ockonal: Your mail is kept in ~/.kde not a nice thing to lose for most people | 06:38 |
draik | DaSkreech: Yeah, I know :( | 06:39 |
draik | I hope to get my mail back :) | 06:39 |
draik | Well, hopefully I'll TTY in a bit | 06:39 |
russlar | @reboR: kquitapp plasma; /usr/bin/plasma >& /dev/null from command line | 06:39 |
ockonal | DaSkreech: Yeah, thanx. I forgot it ;) | 06:39 |
huntz | Yes I have them printed up I started in safemode | 06:39 |
wildbat | !fuse | 06:40 |
ubottu | FUSE (Filesystem in Userspace) is a !kernel driver that allows non-root users to create their own filesystems. See for more on FUSE. Some examples of filesystems that use FUSE are !ntfs-3g, sshfs and isofs. A full list of Filesystems that use FUSE is here: | 06:40 |
russlar | !! | 06:40 |
DaSkreech | huntz: Ok I see it what's the issue? | 06:41 |
russlar | reboR: you may have to run that twice. Plasma likes to crash on me when using the proprietary Cisco VPN client | 06:42 |
huntz | DaSkreech: I do the 'sudo do-release-upgrade' | 06:44 |
huntz | it gives me the patch schtuff for fiesty | 06:44 |
huntz | then the command in the guide say sudo patch < | 06:45 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: ockonal: WOOHOO! I just needed to do 'sudo apt-get install kde-window-manager' | 06:45 |
cllaudyu | how can i stop kde from crashing so often? | 06:45 |
draik_ | FYI- I'm in GUI with borders and (obviously) my keyboard works | 06:45 |
russlar | cllaudyu: what part of kde is crashing? what version of kde? | 06:46 |
huntz | and it tells me that file or directory doesn't exist | 06:46 |
draik_ | cllaudyu: When you get your answer, let me know. My KDE4.1.4 desktop kept doing that. | 06:46 |
cllaudyu | kde4.2 plasma and everything is crashing | 06:46 |
ockonal | draik_: ;) | 06:46 |
russlar | cllaudyu: everything everything? | 06:46 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: ockonal: Thanks for your help. Very much appreciated. | 06:46 |
cllaudyu | every little thing | 06:46 |
russlar | the desktop crashes, but running windows don't? | 06:46 |
cllaudyu | no | 06:47 |
draik_ | I don't know what it is about 4.2, but it looks simplified, somehow. | 06:47 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: 7.00GB+ and just over 50% | 06:47 |
draik_ | I don't think I'm going to get it all back, but the little things (pix, music, torrents, emails, ~/.kde) are what matter the most. | 06:48 |
cllaudyu | i minimized konversation and got a blank screen | 06:48 |
russlar | ahhh... | 06:48 |
russlar | plasma crashed | 06:49 |
cllaudyu | how can i restore eveything? | 06:49 |
* dr_Willis does a transfusion | 06:49 | |
russlar | can you bring up a terminal window? | 06:49 |
cllaudyu | it's annoying | 06:49 |
cllaudyu | im trying that now | 06:49 |
cllaudyu | i opened a terminal | 06:50 |
russlar | ok | 06:50 |
russlar | do this: kquitapp plasma | 06:50 |
cllaudyu | what do now? | 06:51 |
russlar | cllaudyu: kquitapp plasma | 06:51 |
cllaudyu | i got a error | 06:51 |
russlar | cllaudyu: probably because it wasn't already runnint | 06:51 |
russlar | cllaudyu: now run this: plasma >& /dev/null | 06:51 |
cllaudyu | it worked | 06:52 |
russlar | cllaudyu: :) | 06:52 |
cllaudyu | ) | 06:52 |
cllaudyu | crashed again :(( | 06:52 |
russlar | it seems to happen to me a lot | 06:52 |
russlar | ? | 06:52 |
draik_ | russlar: I'm not familiar with that. What does '>&' do? | 06:52 |
russlar | draik_: sends all terminal putput to /dev/null | 06:52 |
draik_ | russlar: Wouldn't '>' alone have sufficed in that case? | 06:53 |
russlar | maybe | 06:53 |
russlar | but >& looks cooler | 06:53 |
cllaudyu | this has no way to be solved? | 06:53 |
draik_ | I don't mean to be an @$$, I am just wondering about the meaning to the command. I know that every character has it's meaning/purpose. | 06:54 |
=== michael is now known as Huntz | ||
russlar | draik_: it's all good | 06:54 |
russlar | I think the >& includes errors in the redirect | 06:54 |
cllaudyu | i runned that last command u toled me russlar but it's doing it over and over again... | 06:54 |
russlar | huh | 06:54 |
cllaudyu | crashing | 06:55 |
russlar | do ls -lrt in /var/log | 06:55 |
draik_ | russlar: Awesome. Good to know about that command entry. Thanks :) | 06:55 |
cllaudyu | thanks anway | 06:56 |
russlar | cllaudyu: something's up, causing plasma to crash instantly | 06:57 |
russlar | obviously | 06:57 |
cllaudyu | russlar yeah and nothing got this to stop | 06:57 |
russlar | is there anything in /var/log/messages ? | 06:57 |
cllaudyu | where is that? | 06:58 |
russlar | cllaudyu: /var/log/ | 06:59 |
cllaudyu | i runned it in the terminal but gave me permision denied | 06:59 |
russlar | then tail -50 messages | more | 06:59 |
Huntz | DaSkreech: did you give up on | 06:59 |
yoley | hey | 06:59 |
yoley | hola | 06:59 |
russlar | !/var/log/messages | 07:00 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:00 |
cllaudyu | i found it | 07:00 |
russlar | cllaudyu: outstanding | 07:01 |
cllaudyu | error in librdf | 07:01 |
draik_ | Did anyone else here get a PM from yoley? | 07:02 |
russlar | nope | 07:02 |
Huntz | negative | 07:02 |
draik_ | OK. I guess I was randomly selected for a "hello" PM | 07:02 |
cllaudyu | what is this nepomukservices | 07:03 |
russlar | cllaudyu: filesystem metadata | 07:03 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: Sorry got a call | 07:03 |
russlar | cllaudyu: it'll be really cool, once they get it right | 07:03 |
cllaudyu | that crashes my system | 07:03 |
Huntz | thats fine I was about to step out for a cig | 07:03 |
russlar | cllaudyu: you can turn it off in system settings | 07:04 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: Did you make the patch file? | 07:04 |
=== kabotage_ is now known as kabotage | ||
cllaudyu | i'm doing that right now | 07:04 |
Huntz | DaSkreech: well I asume it came in with the do-release-upgrade | 07:05 |
DaSkreech | cllaudyu: do this in the terminal kquitapp plasma | 07:05 |
Huntz | it doesnt say anything about making a patch | 07:05 |
draik_ | I just got a text and my phone won't stop vibrating. LOL. | 07:05 |
DaSkreech | cllaudyu: then mkdir plasmabkup && mv ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* plasmabkup && plasma | 07:06 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: No it's right above it in the page | 07:06 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: | 07:07 |
cllaudyu | DaSkreech it doenst work man | 07:07 |
cllaudyu | do not work | 07:07 |
DaSkreech | cllaudyu: Where does it fail ? | 07:08 |
russlar | DaSkreech: yeah. we've tried that already | 07:08 |
DaSkreech | cllaudyu: Oh doh sorry wrong fix :) | 07:08 |
russlar | plasma starts up, then crashes instantly | 07:08 |
cllaudyu | hmmm | 07:08 |
cllaudyu | how can i recover plasma to desktop again? | 07:09 |
russlar | cllaudyu: what video card are you using? | 07:09 |
DaSkreech | cllaudyu: are you afraid of the terminal ? | 07:09 |
draik_ | For anyone in KDE4.2 and using Kopete, any issues with connecting to MSN messenger? | 07:09 |
cllaudyu | only ma windows are open | 07:09 |
russlar | draik_: nope | 07:09 |
DaSkreech | russlar: ooh good question | 07:09 |
DaSkreech | draik_: try install libmsn | 07:09 |
draik_ | !libmsn | 07:10 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about libmsn | 07:10 |
draik_ | !info libmsn | 07:10 |
ubottu | Package libmsn does not exist in intrepid | 07:10 |
russlar | oops | 07:10 |
cllaudyu | i'l do a reboot | 07:10 |
draik_ | libmsn0.1 :) | 07:10 |
DaSkreech | !info libmsn0.1 | 07:11 |
ubottu | Package libmsn0.1 does not exist in intrepid | 07:11 |
DaSkreech | Umm yeah :) | 07:11 |
DaSkreech | that | 07:11 |
draik_ | LOL. It does exist because I just got it. | 07:12 |
Huntz | DaSkreech: so I need to transfer that patch file text to a file manually? | 07:12 |
mefisto__ | ubottu is getting behind the times | 07:12 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:12 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: | 07:12 |
russlar | <ubottu> Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:12 |
DaSkreech | Don't know | 07:12 |
draik_ | butterly lights up for a sec and fails. Oh well. | 07:12 |
DaSkreech | I just know that should work | 07:12 |
mefisto__ | oh I don't, ubottu | 07:12 |
draik_ | !botsnack | 07:13 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 07:13 |
Texas | im tryin to instal wine through my adept manager and it says it could not commit the changes any help | 07:13 |
russlar | Texas: try it from terminal | 07:13 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: copy that patch on the site to | 07:13 |
russlar | Texas: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude install wine | 07:13 |
DaSkreech | mefisto__: No it's not in intrepid | 07:14 |
draik_ | Texas: Is there a reason why it cannot commit? | 07:14 |
Texas | how exactly would i do that im very new | 07:14 |
russlar | Texas: open a termial, and paste the command I just typed out | 07:14 |
russlar | !aptitude | 07:14 |
Texas | thank you | 07:14 |
ubottu | aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See | 07:14 |
draik_ | Can the Calendar widget on the desktop be changed to have the weeks start on a Sunday and the date format be MM-DD-YYYY? | 07:17 |
mefisto__ | DaSkreech: so how am I getting it? backports? | 07:17 |
DaSkreech | You have KDE 4.2 ? | 07:17 |
mefisto__ | DaSkreech: yes | 07:17 |
DaSkreech | That's where yo uare getting it from | 07:18 |
Huntz | DaSkreech: so far it looks like its takin off | 07:18 |
DaSkreech | apt-cache policy libmsn0.1 | 07:18 |
Texas | it didnt work ima coppy and paste what it said | 07:18 |
DaSkreech | !paste | Texas | 07:18 |
ubottu | Texas: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 07:18 |
Texas | its not too large | 07:18 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: Was that for me? (libmsn0.1) | 07:18 |
mefisto__ | DaSkreech: kde4.2 is in backports now. I've removed the experimental ppa | 07:18 |
russlar | DaSkreech: good to know | 07:18 |
russlar | 4.2 is in backports now? | 07:18 |
Texas | its just the last couple opf lines | 07:19 |
DaSkreech | mefisto__: ah well I don't think that ubbotu indexes backports | 07:19 |
Huntz | Ik I am gonna see if fiesty takes, be back with updates | 07:19 |
DaSkreech | Texas: More than 2 ? | 07:19 |
Texas | ahh i see | 07:19 |
Texas | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable) | 07:20 |
Texas | E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it? | 07:20 |
Texas | E: Couldn't rebuild package cache | 07:20 |
russlar | Texas: quit adept first | 07:20 |
Texas | thats god im dumb | 07:20 |
Texas | thansk | 07:21 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: apt-cache policy libmsn0.1 results in this for candidate and installed: 4.0~beta4-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 | 07:21 |
cllaudyu | hey how can i stop this nepomukservices in terminal? | 07:21 |
russlar | cllaudyu: ps -ef | grep nepomukservices | 07:22 |
russlar | the sudo kill -9 that PID | 07:22 |
DaSkreech | draik_: That's fine | 07:22 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: OK | 07:22 |
cllaudyu | that kills it? | 07:22 |
draik_ | cllaudyu: Yup. You can also do 'sudo killall nepomukservices' | 07:23 |
russlar | should | 07:23 |
cllaudyu | i did that and got this: no proces whas terminated | 07:24 |
Texas | now is wine a program that i have to open or will windows files automaticly work | 07:24 |
draik_ | Remove the 's' at the end. The process name has to match | 07:24 |
russlar | they should work | 07:24 |
draik_ | Texas: Both. | 07:24 |
DaSkreech | Texas: Check for Linux equivalents first | 07:25 |
cllaudyu | "sudo kill all" worked | 07:25 |
draik_ | Texas: And "work" is too general of a term. You will want to consult the winehq per app. Some install and run, some install but won't run and others are pure garbage. | 07:26 |
russlar | !work | 07:26 |
ubottu | Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 07:26 |
draik_ | russlar: Cool. Didn't know that existed. | 07:27 |
cllaudyu | tell me that command to restore plasma back please | 07:27 |
Texas | thanks everyone | 07:27 |
draik_ | !works for me | 07:27 |
ubottu | Common Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. | 07:27 |
draik_ | That's the other one I was thinking about for a long time now. | 07:28 |
sensae | When I type into some programs, my entire screen flickers with black lines - anyone else have this problem? | 07:28 |
DaSkreech | cllaudyu: kquitapp plasma && mv ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* plasmabkup && plasma | 07:29 |
cllaudyu | kquitapp plasma && mv ~/.kde/share/config/plasma* plasmabkup && plasma | 07:29 |
cllaudyu | Application plasma could not be found using service org.kde.plasma and path /MainApplication." | 07:29 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: Just over 66% done and I've recovered 9.15GB and counting. | 07:29 |
cllaudyu | u saw that? | 07:30 |
DaSkreech | That's the error? | 07:30 |
cllaudyu | yea | 07:30 |
russlar | plasma's not running | 07:30 |
DaSkreech | ah | 07:30 |
russlar | so kquitapp can't quit it | 07:30 |
DaSkreech | cllaudyu: | 07:30 |
DaSkreech | Just run plasma | 07:30 |
cllaudyu | i need to boot again | 07:31 |
cllaudyu | F%#K | 07:31 |
draik_ | I have to be at work in 12 hours. Thanks everyone that helped me and I hope to get most, if not all, of my data restored soon. G'night everyone. | 07:37 |
russlar | draik_: that doesn't sound good..... | 07:37 |
russlar | !clonzilla | 07:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about clonzilla | 07:37 |
draik_ | russlar: What doesn't sound good? | 07:37 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
russlar | data loss | 07:37 |
draik_ | Oh | 07:37 |
russlar | check out clonzilla | 07:38 |
russlar | get a spare drive, and make backups | 07:38 |
draik_ | Yeah, DaSkreech has been really cool about helping me out. | 07:38 |
russlar | what happened? | 07:38 |
draik_ | russlar: I did a backup. The backup wasn't successful as it first appeared. Now, I'm trying to recover from a formatted drive. | 07:38 |
draik_ | Out of ~345GB, I appear to be recovering 10GB at this point. | 07:39 |
DaSkreech | !info clonzilla | 07:39 |
ubottu | Package clonzilla does not exist in intrepid | 07:39 |
DaSkreech | !info clonezilla | 07:39 |
ubottu | Package clonezilla does not exist in intrepid | 07:39 |
russlar | draik_: have fun with that. :-( | 07:39 |
draik_ | russlar: It's been fun for the past 3 days. | 07:39 |
russlar | DaSkreech: | 07:39 |
DaSkreech | Ok | 07:39 |
draik_ | Can help with restoration? | 07:40 |
russlar | not really | 07:41 |
draik_ | :( | 07:41 |
russlar | it's a specialized build of debian, built to do backups and resotres from those backups | 07:41 |
russlar | using a mix of partimage, and dd | 07:41 |
russlar | and gzip | 07:41 |
draik_ | I've had the scan going on for 3 hours now and it is just over 66% done. I'll leave the desktop active and see what results I have in the morning. | 07:42 |
draik_ | G'night all and thanks again for everything. | 07:42 |
russlar | good luck | 07:43 |
draik_ | Thanks | 07:43 |
mefisto__ | anyone else getting notes plasmoid with no background? I can type in the note, etc, but background is transparent | 08:06 |
DaSkreech | Yeha I have that | 08:07 |
rohan | i am using (k)ubuntu 8.04. somehow from a few days my splash on bootup ends prematurely, and i am presented with the init messages. when the messaged "Reading files needed to boot" appears, splash screen dies. how do i prevent that from happening? | 08:07 |
* DaSkreech shrugs | 08:08 | |
mefisto__ | DaSkreech: and it's always been like that in 4.2 | 08:08 |
DaSkreech | I actually prefer that :) | 08:08 |
DaSkreech | mefisto__: I had the background till a few days ago | 08:08 |
mefisto__ | DaSkreech: yeah it's not too bad if I make the text white | 08:09 |
DaSkreech | Well The background I have it's easy to read it on | 08:09 |
DaSkreech | guess thats why I haven't complained | 08:09 |
endboss | need help resurrecting my external 500GB - > is dmesg output. | 08:10 |
dr_Willis | endboss, that output says veyr littke other then 'usb device reset' | 08:13 |
endboss | what information should i output then? it shows in BIOS, doesn't load to the normal media directories. | 08:13 |
dr_Willis | did you just try to mount the thing? give some details. | 08:14 |
dr_Willis | when in doubt - try mounting it manually, what filesystems is it using? what does 'sudo fdisk -l' show about it.. .... :) | 08:15 |
endboss | doesn't show up in fdisk, or qtparted. it was using fat, was going to convert to ext3 | 08:16 |
dr_Willis | Its possible its having issues being seen. or for some reasion the drive 'reset' dmesg sort of imples that.. as if its having a hardware issue. | 08:16 |
dr_Willis | is this a laptop-sized external usb drive? or selfpowered? or what exactly? | 08:17 |
endboss | external USB drive. 500GB IDE. | 08:17 |
dr_Willis | 2.5 inch? or 3.5? own PowerSupply? | 08:17 |
endboss | seagate barracuta 7200.10, own powersupply 3.5 | 08:18 |
mefisto__ | rohan? | 08:18 |
mefisto__ | too late | 08:18 |
endboss | have attempted plugging into a computer as the only drive, installs dont see it, but it shows up in BIOS. | 08:18 |
dr_Willis | if bios shows it.. but 'sudo fdisk -l' dosent.. well theres somthing odd going on. | 08:19 |
endboss | suggestion to fixing it? besides liquid nitrogen'ing it. | 08:20 |
mefisto__ | tried on another machine? | 08:20 |
endboss | tried it on this Kubuntu 7.10, a win XP and a desktop. | 08:21 |
mefisto__ | endboss: sudo blkid ? probably the same as fdisk | 08:23 |
endboss | yup, just local hdd. | 08:23 |
endboss | lsusb doesn't list either | 08:24 |
dr_Willis | You may want to switch USB cables/ports also. | 08:24 |
dr_Willis | Somthing is very odd about it.. Hopefully the HD isent dead/semi-dead | 08:24 |
endboss | i hope not, 500GB is a lot to lose... =/ | 08:25 |
endboss | okay i ran lsusb without it plugged in, then plugged it back in, it added one, Bus 003 Device 005: ID 040d:6204 VIA Technologies, Inc. | 08:26 |
endboss | bad blocks maybe? | 08:27 |
DaddyLonglegs | Adept manager doesn't list anything when I search for a package. Any ideas? | 08:30 |
dr_Willis | rerun dmesg a few times as you plug it in.. you can watch it get seen/detected/scanned | 08:30 |
dr_Willis | I would be backing that thing up ASAP :) | 08:30 |
dr_Willis | I had a 500gb hd die on me the otehr day. with little warning | 08:31 |
endboss | check repos are installed? | 08:31 |
DaddyLonglegs | Yes. apt-get install works perfectly in shell. | 08:31 |
endboss | why would it after detecting it only list this as a line? [30150.828000] sda: with nothing else after it? | 08:32 |
DaddyLonglegs | Me endboss? | 08:33 |
endboss | nah. dr_willis. | 08:33 |
endboss | thinking im just gonna RMA it and get a new one. | 08:34 |
Kw4h | hmm. Since KDE 4.2 ark keeps starting up when I boot up my laptop | 08:34 |
Kw4h | and then it crashes :/ | 08:34 |
endboss | in warranty till 2012...when the world ends. | 08:35 |
mefisto__ | endboss: any jumpers on it? | 08:36 |
DaSkreech | DaddyLonglegs: sudo sudo update-apt-xapian-index | 08:36 |
DaddyLonglegs | DaSkreech: I did it, doesn't work though :( | 08:36 |
DaSkreech | :-( | 08:37 |
endboss | none. | 08:37 |
yaa_ | taki-taki o | 08:38 |
a | who know how 2 use qsopcast? it doesnt open the mplayer auto... | 08:38 |
yaa_ | hi daskreech | 08:38 |
a | thx | 08:38 |
yaa_ | god bless u | 08:38 |
DaSkreech | hi yaa_ | 08:38 |
DaSkreech | Thanks | 08:38 |
endboss | should i try adding a jumper/ | 08:39 |
dr_Willis | endboss, Yep - may be a good idea. mine always die after the warrentee. | 08:39 |
dr_Willis | i never keep the papers either. :() | 08:40 |
endboss | heh i have boxes and papers for everything... | 08:40 |
=== endboss is now known as packrat | ||
dr_Willis | I got a whole ROOM of box's and papers.. but i never know what is for what.. so i toss most of it lately | 08:40 |
dr_Willis | I got a 1.5 TB external USB HD for $120 on sale a few weeks ago | 08:40 |
packrat | saw a TB for 69$. | 08:41 |
packrat | internal, and poor. =/ | 08:41 |
DaSkreech | That's crazy | 08:41 |
packrat | That's Fry's for ya. | 08:41 |
=== darksmoke is now known as DarkSmoke | ||
DarkSmoke | anybody is getting this errror on wine | 08:53 |
DarkSmoke | err:process:__wine_kernel_init boot event wait timed out | 08:53 |
DarkSmoke | and when running winecfg somebody gets unable to comunicate with the mount manager | 08:54 |
kiran | i have a problem with web browsing.. I am using gprs service. i sucessfully connectrd my system to network using wvdial | 09:11 |
kiran | but cant browse through konquerer | 09:12 |
keymone | hi folks! i want to install vim-full but it for some reason wants me to install vim-gnome(why?!?!) and it for some reason depends on ruby 1.8.7(WHY?!?!?!) | 09:14 |
keymone | and i cant upgrade to ruby 1.8.7 because it messes up rails application | 09:15 |
keymone | any ideas how to install vim-full without vim-gnome? | 09:15 |
kiran | i have a problem with web browsing.. I am using gprs service. i sucessfully connectrd my system to network using wvdial but cant browse through konquerer | 09:17 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
keymone | kiran: what exactly is the problem? it does not resolve domain names nor it does not connect to web site? | 09:18 |
keymone | try ping in terminal | 09:18 |
kiran | i trie ping.. it works fine.. i can get the site using www-browser | 09:20 |
kiran | the error showing is | 09:21 |
kiran | An error occurred while loading | 09:21 |
kiran | Could not connect to host | 09:21 |
keymone | try tracepath | 09:21 |
kiran | i only have problem with Konqurer browser... | 09:23 |
keymone | does firefox work? | 09:23 |
keymone | maybe you have to use some proxy? | 09:23 |
kiran | i dont have firefox installed.. i am now installing it.. | 09:25 |
kiran | but i have problem with konquerer .. can anybody help me... | 09:25 |
=== DarkSmoke is now known as DS-Away | ||
* DS-Away is away: Not Here | 09:28 | |
=== DS-Away is now known as DarkSmoke | ||
* DarkSmoke is back. | 09:28 | |
noren | hi all | 09:33 |
DaddyLonglegs | Is there any ways to configure kopete notifications to pop up on the bottom corner of the screen, rather than the middle top? | 09:34 |
noren | everytime i log in different set of startup programs starts up how can i control them | 09:34 |
SandGorgon | quit | 09:35 |
rohdef | I just upgraded a lot of kde packages and now KDM can't find KDE4, what do I do? | 09:38 |
=== adam is now known as Guest57248 | ||
blueraven1 | I just don't know where to ask this..I have 3 partitions on one for ubuntu, one for vista, one for win 7..I can't seem to see anything on other partitions in any operating system..only in its own do I look across partitions? | 09:39 |
swedala | blueraven1: mount them? | 09:40 |
rohdef | blueraven1, in win you can install drivers, in Linux it depens on the ntfs used | 09:40 |
blueraven1 | oh, how do I mount a partition? | 09:40 |
blueraven1 | I mean in windows | 09:40 |
blueraven1 | I can I mount something that doesn't even show up? | 09:41 |
BlueEagle | blueraven1: You would have to ask in #windows for that I guess. | 09:41 |
rohdef | blueraven1, in windows you need the drivers, I used to use an ext2 package (ext3 is backward compatible) and use that, it had an component for the control panel | 09:41 |
BlueEagle | blueraven1: To mount ext*-partitions in windows you'll need a 3rd party driver. I've had some success previously with googling for: windows ext2 driver | 09:42 |
spitfire__ | ext2ifs | 09:42 |
spitfire__ | it is called | 09:42 |
BlueEagle | thankyou spitfire__. | 09:42 |
spitfire__ | as far as i recall | 09:42 |
BlueEagle | spitfire__: that looks quite familiar. | 09:42 |
heinkel_112 | does anyone have bright ideas how I can mount a memory card (XD) in an O2 Micro card reader on my computer? | 09:43 |
heinkel_112 | it does not seem to get mounted by kubuntu automagics | 09:43 |
spitfire__ | heinkel_111: does it appear in lspci? | 09:43 |
blueraven1 | blueeagle-once I install ext2 other partitions will just appear? | 09:44 |
spitfire__ | The card reader | 09:44 |
heinkel_112 | spitfire__: yes | 09:44 |
spitfire__ | heinkel_111: hmmm | 09:44 |
heinkel_112 | 0a:01.3 Mass storage controller: O2 Micro, Inc. Integrated MS/xD Controller (rev 01) | 09:44 |
spitfire__ | heinkel_111: dmesg shows something, after you plug it in? | 09:44 |
heinkel_112 | spitfire__: not that I can see | 09:45 |
heinkel_112 | the last 14 lines are related to the CPU cores firing up | 09:45 |
heinkel_112 | before tat it is related to the wlan firing up, a long time ago | 09:46 |
spitfire__ | So it's not mounting problem. | 09:46 |
spitfire__ | hmm | 09:46 |
spitfire__ | and fdisk -l ? | 09:46 |
spitfire__ | Any sdb or sdc? | 09:47 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
=== Riesh is now known as Slartibartfast | ||
* DaddyLonglegs looks at his watch | 09:48 | |
swedala | waste of time to look at your watch :P | 09:50 |
heinkel_112 | spitfire__: fdisk -l just give me "cannot open /dev/sda" I think this might be because my laptop hd is encrypted? | 09:50 |
spitfire__ | maybe | 09:50 |
heinkel_112 | sdb, sdc... how do I check for this? | 09:50 |
spitfire__ | heinkel_111: is this card readable anywhere else? | 09:50 |
spitfire__ | heinkel_111: sorry | 09:51 |
spitfire__ | sudo fdisk -l | 09:51 |
heinkel_112 | yes, it worked on my windows pc at work | 09:51 |
spitfire__ | if there is sdb or sdc it might be your card | 09:51 |
rohdef | how do I get kde4 back into kdm? | 09:51 |
heinkel_112 | spitfire__: I get only /dev/sda1, /dev/sda2, /dev/sda5 | 09:52 |
heinkel_112 | I have read cards with this reader previously but maybe a different kind of cards | 09:53 |
heinkel_112 | could be a problem with the driver? | 09:53 |
heinkel_112 | I will check the memory card from my other camera | 09:53 |
* dr_Willis wakes up | 09:53 | |
dr_Willis | sd cards on a laptop? | 09:53 |
rohdef | don't anyone know what package I have to reconfigure to get KDE4 into kdm? | 09:54 |
heinkel_112 | good morning dr_Willis! no, it is an XD card I am trying to read | 09:54 |
dr_Willis | in a laptop built in slot reader? | 09:55 |
spitfire__ | heinkel_111: how are other cards? | 09:55 |
heinkel_112 | dr_Willis: yes | 09:55 |
heinkel_112 | spitfire__: dr_Willis: I tried to insert the SD card from my other camera and it loaded right away, no problem | 09:56 |
dr_Willis | theres some cases where specific built-in reader-slots dont always work.. most do work with 'sd' cards - its with other type cards it can be an issue | 09:56 |
dr_Willis | If you got a xd -> sd adaptor id try that | 09:56 |
heinkel_112 | don't think I have any such device | 09:56 |
dr_Willis | the built in multicard readers are often non-standard in many ways. sadly | 09:57 |
spitfire__ | heinkel_111: you've got an answer. | 09:57 |
dr_Willis | too many variants on the things.. Mine do NOT show up as /dev/sd## theyare like /dev/mmc####### | 09:57 |
spitfire__ | Try to format it somewhere else. | 09:57 |
heinkel_112 | I have a pluggable usb card reader somwhere | 09:57 |
spitfire__ | heinkel_111: ^^ | 09:57 |
spitfire__ | try it | 09:57 |
spitfire__ | it might help | 09:57 |
dr_Willis | thats often the best to use. :) a usb reader should work | 09:57 |
spitfire__ | For example my external sd reader works far better than built-in | 09:58 |
heinkel_112 | spitfire__: thanks for helping but I wouldn't want to do the the formatting before I can get the pictures I took off the card :-) | 09:58 |
spitfire__ | heinkel_111: right;) | 09:58 |
* heinkel_112 goes searching for usb cardreader in box of miscellaneous technical gizmos | 09:59 | |
=== darksmoke__ is now known as DS-Away | ||
* DS-Away is away: Not Here | 10:08 | |
* heinkel_112 finds the external usb cardreader does not support xd type cards | 10:08 | |
* DS-Away is back. | 10:09 | |
=== ricky_ is now known as Guest83063 | ||
=== Guest83063 is now known as ricky1966 | ||
tron_71 | hi | 10:11 |
tron_71 | anyone using kubuntu 8.10 with an ATI graphic card? | 10:12 |
Tm_T | tron_71: many of us | 10:12 |
Tm_T | DS-Away: stop using public away | 10:12 |
tron_71 | and it works well for you? I mean, also 3d effects? | 10:12 |
Tm_T | tron_71: for some people it does (I don't use it myself currently) | 10:13 |
tron_71 | because, they seem to work, but not so performantly | 10:13 |
Tm_T | tron_71: which KDE version exactly? | 10:13 |
tron_71 | I read on many forums that ati cards do not work too well (not like nvidia) | 10:13 |
tron_71 | I'm using kde 4 that comes with kubuntu 8.10 | 10:14 |
heinkel_111 | oops | 10:15 |
* heinkel_111 just managed to push the usb port so it fell into the computer cabinet :( | 10:15 | |
Tm_T | heinkel_111: remember to power off before poking in | 10:16 |
Tm_T | tron_71: ah, I'd recommend to enable backports and update | 10:16 |
heinkel_111 | looks like I forgot to tighten the screw that should secure it the last time I was ehh srewing up something in there | 10:16 |
Tm_T | tron_71: might, or might not, to improve | 10:16 |
tron_71 | Tm_T: backports from the 9 version? | 10:17 |
Tm_T | tron_71: 8.10 repositories | 10:17 |
tron_71 | mhh... I'm missing something: since I'm using 8.10 why enabling 8.10 backports repositories? | 10:18 |
Tm_T | tron_71: so you get stuff that are backported TO 8.10 (: | 10:18 |
tron_71 | OK, so backported to 8,10 from 9, right? | 10:18 |
Tm_T | tron_71: something like that yes | 10:18 |
* DS-Away is away: Not Here | 10:19 | |
Tm_T | tron_71: just remember, backports are not supported by canonical | 10:19 |
tron_71 | OK, I'm about to try... but is it a safe choice? :) | 10:19 |
Tm_T | should be | 10:20 |
Cruster | hi, when i copy files to ntfs partitions, the files are copied, but dolphin reports: cannot change permissions for [filename]. is there any workaround? | 10:20 |
tron_71 | so it's just about adding | 10:22 |
tron_71 | deb intrepid-backports main universe multiverse restricted | 10:22 |
tron_71 | to sources.list | 10:22 |
Tm_T | yes | 10:22 |
tron_71 | OK, I see there's also a menu choice in synaptic | 10:25 |
tron_71 | but in that case, If I do it from synaptic, will sources.list be updated to? | 10:25 |
tron_71 | so that also adept will use them? | 10:25 |
Cruster | tron_71: sure | 10:26 |
=== tackat_ is now known as tackat | ||
blackflag | !snmp | 10:29 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about snmp | 10:29 |
tron_71 | ok, it looks there are lots of updates for kde4 but nothing about ati drivers though... | 10:29 |
yaa_ | i even do not know why do i hate all of you so much)) | 10:30 |
tron_71 | and what about -proposed instead? | 10:30 |
tron_71 | is it good to have also those repositories? | 10:30 |
=== sean is now known as Guest34980 | ||
=== michael_ is now known as Huntz | ||
yaa_ | hail aptitude | 10:41 |
yaa_ | death to yum | 10:41 |
Idzme | i have installed kubuntu and ubuntu desktop, but when i log into kde I get a wallpaper of grey squares and a fullscreen folderview | 10:45 |
Idzme | were can <I acces the desktop settings to change the wallpaper?? | 10:45 |
Idzme | in system-settings nothing can be changed | 10:46 |
cllaudyu | !swear | 10:48 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about swear | 10:48 |
cllaudyu | !irc | 10:48 |
ubottu | A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 10:48 |
cllaudyu | !guidelines | 10:49 |
ubottu | The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: | 10:49 |
Azazel_Pazuzu | hi | 10:55 |
Azazel_Pazuzu | windows is shit :) | 10:56 |
dr_Willis | 'windows is' - 'the zen of linux' | 10:56 |
dr_Willis | computers are, we be, :) | 10:56 |
dr_Willis | apt-get install peace of mind | 10:57 |
Azazel_Pazuzu | dr_Willias - windows is bug ang bug :) | 10:57 |
=== AlanasAnikoniss is now known as Guest8168 | ||
Tm_T | Azazel_Pazuzu: please no random bashing here | 11:02 |
Azazel_Pazuzu | I don"t understand, Tm_T | 11:02 |
Tm_T | Azazel_Pazuzu: this is channel for Kubuntu support, not ranting about Windows | 11:03 |
tron_71 | by the way, I found nice explainations about backports and proposed here: | 11:03 |
Azazel_Pazuzu | Tm_T - I Hate Windows and I like Kubuntu :) | 11:04 |
Tm_T | Azazel_Pazuzu: yes, but this is not the channel to tell that, sorry (: | 11:05 |
Azazel_Pazuzu | Tm_T - ok :) I stop speak about this :) | 11:06 |
Tm_T | thank you son | 11:06 |
Tm_T | and feel free to ask if you have any support related questions (: | 11:06 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as tazd | ||
sheebubu | Hello, has anybody an idea why for some programs I see two icons (one low-res, one high-res) when I use krunner? | 11:09 |
Tm_T | sheebubu: you have two versions of that application installed? | 11:10 |
sheebubu | I am not sure, its affects for example pidgin, amarok and others which have been installed using synaptic. | 11:11 |
sheebubu | I suspect it might be left-over configuration files. | 11:11 |
yaa_ | hei nachalnik | 11:12 |
Tm_T | sheebubu: leftover .desktop files | 11:12 |
sheebubu | only see one for pidgin in /usr/share/kde4 | 11:14 |
Azazel_Pazuzu | Tm_T - son? You are silly :P | 11:15 |
Tm_T | Azazel_Pazuzu: silly grand(grand)mother yes (: | 11:15 |
Azazel_Pazuzu | Tm_T - what country you are? | 11:16 |
Tm_T | !ot | Azazel_Pazuzu | 11:16 |
ubottu | Azazel_Pazuzu: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 11:16 |
Tm_T | meet you there (: | 11:17 |
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sena | hi everyone, how are called the linux kernel build and header files | 11:27 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
dr_Willis | Hmm | 11:30 |
dr_Willis | i forget. :) but ive seen that befor.. | 11:30 |
dr_Willis | !kernel-sources | 11:30 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about kernel-sources | 11:30 |
dr_Willis | kernel-headers I think | 11:31 |
sena | anybody? in the repositories are build essentials and linux header ot smth like that but i want to download them and install them manually | 11:31 |
dr_Willis | !find kernel-headers | 11:31 |
ubottu | Found: linux-libc-dev | 11:31 |
Tm_T | !info kernel-headers | 11:31 |
ubottu | Package kernel-headers does not exist in intrepid | 11:31 |
Tm_T | ah bah | 11:31 |
sena | Tm_T: : )) | 11:31 |
dr_Willis | !find headers | 11:32 |
ubottu | Found: libqt3-compat-headers, libqt3-headers, libxmu-headers, linux-headers-2.6.25-2-386, linux-headers-386 (and 33 others) | 11:32 |
dr_Willis | aha - 'linux-headers' seems close | 11:32 |
Tm_T | indeed | 11:32 |
jussi01 | !info linux-headers-2.6.25-2-386 | 11:32 |
ubottu | linux-headers-2.6.25-2-386 (source: linux-ports): Linux kernel headers for version 2.6.25 on i386. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.25-2.3 (intrepid), package size 545 kB, installed size 6684 kB | 11:32 |
sena | ubottu: 10x | 11:32 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about 10x | 11:32 |
sena | i will try that | 11:33 |
Tm_T | sena: what this 10x meant? | 11:33 |
dr_Willis | !bot | 11:33 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 11:33 |
sena | ubottu: it means tenx | 11:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about it means tenx | 11:33 |
sena | ubottu: thanks | 11:33 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 11:33 |
fireball_ | hey all. | 11:34 |
fireball_ | I want to know where kubuntu keeps its list of installed package files, can any one help me please | 11:36 |
fireball_ | ? | 11:36 |
dr_Willis | !clone | 11:36 |
ubottu | To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 11:36 |
dr_Willis | aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages | 11:36 |
dr_Willis | will make a list :) | 11:37 |
dr_Willis | or theres other ways to do it. | 11:37 |
fireball_ | i appreciate it, but there's the problem. . . | 11:37 |
fireball_ | the above command states zero intalled programs | 11:37 |
fireball_ | i've installed kde3.5 over intrepid | 11:38 |
dr_Willis | could be a typo.. or it may need a sudo. i | 11:38 |
dr_Willis | im not on a ubuntu system, at the moment to test | 11:38 |
fireball_ | now package managers are confused | 11:38 |
Tm_T | fireball_: from where? | 11:38 |
fireball_ | hang on | 11:38 |
fireball_ | | 11:39 |
Tm_T | fireball_: talk to the author then (: | 11:39 |
fireball_ | Any more imediate ideas? | 11:40 |
sena | fireball_: have you tried dpkg --get-selections or dpkg --get-selections > file to write the output to a file | 11:40 |
fireball_ | ie, where does kubuntu normally keeps it's list? | 11:41 |
Tm_T | fireball_: sources list? | 11:41 |
Tm_T | fireball_: anyway, all mess caused by third party packages are up to user and author | 11:42 |
fireball_ | that gave the list of installed packages, but not all | 11:42 |
fireball_ | ie, keep came with kde3.5, how do i remove it? | 11:43 |
fireball_ | if i can nut that out, i'm in buisness | 11:43 |
Tm_T | fireball_: remove kdelibs4 package(s) | 11:43 |
fireball_ | found them ok | 11:45 |
fireball_ | this will fix the problem? | 11:45 |
fireball_ | yeah ok, looks like it, lets see. | 11:46 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
fireball_ | E: kio-umountwrapper-kde3: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2 | 11:48 |
fireball_ | E: knetworkconf-kde3: subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 2 | 11:49 |
fireball_ | now synaptic is "trying to recover". . . . | 11:49 |
fireball_ | ok, it seems i can't get rid of the "un-mount wrapper". is this a problem before i reboot please? | 11:51 |
pidus | i just uploade to kde 4.2 but all of my widgets stopped working on now says unable to load widget for every widget that i try. Does anybody know a fix to it? | 11:52 |
pidus | *upgraded | 11:52 |
fireball_ | yep, kde3.5, then (thanks Tm_T - - [22:43] <Tm_T> fireball_: remove kdelibs4 package(s) | 11:53 |
fireball_ | imean, install kde3.5 | 11:54 |
dr_Willis | You may want to start with kde settings pidus (sucks i know) but i dont know of any other fix's to try | 11:54 |
fireball_ | thanks Tm_T, you guys are great | 11:54 |
fish__ | does anybody could help me? Im a beginner and I have a problem with envy | 11:54 |
pidus | dr_Willis: and i how do i do that? i mean how do i start with clean new kde settings?..take a backup of .kde and restart? | 11:55 |
dr_Willis | envy should only be used as a last resort. :) | 11:55 |
dr_Willis | pidus, move the .kde* dirs somewhere like a BackupDIr.. then log back in to kde | 11:55 |
pidus | dr_Willis: ok thanks..will try that | 11:55 |
dr_Willis | pidus, i had to do that last time i tried the upgrade stuff.. some settings were just messed up | 11:55 |
fireball_ | just a a thought, i use Simple Backup to backup to my (i hate to say it) NTFS drive, then if all else fails, I'm always sweet | 11:56 |
pidus | dr_Willis: as i think of it, the same thing happened with me when i moved from 3.5 to 4.1 | 11:56 |
pidus | dr_Willis: thanks..i'll try that | 11:56 |
dr_Willis | pidus, yep. had similer issues with gnome and other upgrades as well | 11:56 |
fireball_ | ciao all | 11:56 |
dr_Willis | plus its always nice to see what 'defaults' the devs decided we need | 11:56 |
pidus | dr_Willis: yeah that's true | 11:57 |
fish__ | I was trying to install drivers of my ge force 8600 gt, I have downloaded drivers from nvidia site but after installation I couldn't run X server I had an error like "no screens found" so I thought I can do it by envy | 11:59 |
tr_hawk | Howdy! | 11:59 |
fish__ | and I have installed envy-core and qt but it won't start | 11:59 |
Tm_T | !nvidia | fish__ | 11:59 |
ubottu | fish__: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 11:59 |
fish__ | ok thanks | 12:00 |
fish__ | Once I did install by Hardware Drivers and it crashed too >.< | 12:02 |
dr_Willis | for my Nvidia cards. I just let the jockey-kde app handle the drivers | 12:03 |
pidus | dr_Willis: it didn't help :-( | 12:03 |
dr_Willis | !find jockey | 12:03 |
ubottu | Found: jockey-common, jockey-gtk, jockey-kde | 12:03 |
pidus | having upgraded to 4.2, is there a way to revert back to 4.1? | 12:08 |
fish__ | ok I will try do it by jockey once again, if it crashed how may I return to the previous settings and run xserver again? | 12:09 |
fish__ | I was always reinstalling ubuntu ^^ | 12:09 |
dr_Willis | you could learn some linux basics. :) | 12:09 |
dr_Willis | remove the xorg.conf file.. and restart X and it should try to pick sane defaults | 12:09 |
devilsadvocate | pidus, any specific reason? | 12:09 |
dr_Willis | reinstalling is 'windows' thinking | 12:09 |
devilsadvocate | pidus, ah, widgets | 12:10 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: having moved to 4.2, widgets don't seem to work any more. | 12:10 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: yes. | 12:10 |
fish__ | ok ^^ I was using windows for many years so yeah im thinking in windows way ^^ | 12:10 |
fish__ | I need some time :P | 12:11 |
devilsadvocate | pidus, widgets as in plasma stuff? does the panel and menu atleast work? | 12:11 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: yes widgets as in plasma stuff..and yes panel and menu work | 12:12 |
Laeborg | how can i get my computer to disable the mic in my monitor (build-in mic in my laptop) and use the mic in my headphones insdead? | 12:12 |
devilsadvocate | pidus, then most probably its some stale lock/ setting/ some silly thing like that. perhaps there is a way to reset all the settings to initial ones... yu could try making a new user and seeing if things work there | 12:13 |
pidus | i tried doing that, taking a backup of settings of .kde and starting afresh | 12:13 |
pidus | but it didn't help | 12:13 |
devilsadvocate | i dont know if everything is in .kde. akonadi, for example has stuff in ~/.local | 12:14 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: i asked somebody at #kde and i was told "sounds like you plasmoids aren't compiled against your version of plasma" | 12:14 |
Laeborg | !alsa | 12:14 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 12:14 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: and when i was asked for a fix to it, i was told " either someone must provide you with working packages, or you must compile them yourself" | 12:15 |
devilsadvocate | pidus, strange. did your upgrade complete successfully | 12:15 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: now that's a tall order...for i have little time to do that for now | 12:15 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: yes | 12:15 |
devilsadvocate | pidus, kubuntu´s packages work. is the issue with some specific widget.. possibly one that was missed? | 12:15 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: i tried - minimise window/dashboard/comic/dictionary.....none of them worked | 12:16 |
devilsadvocate | hmm | 12:16 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: should i try doing the same thing with .local | 12:17 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: are you on 4.2? | 12:17 |
devilsadvocate | tbh, i dont know whats in universe and main. ive been using kde-experimental and have had the smoothest upgrades i´ve had on linux ever | 12:17 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
devilsadvocate | pidus, dont remove .local. i dont know what else it has. instead, add a new user (assuming its your computer) and see. if it works, then you can work backwards | 12:17 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: ok..i'll try doing it...but have you tried kde 4.2 on kubuntu? and if yes..did the widgets work for you? | 12:18 |
devilsadvocate | pidus, yes, and they work. but the repo i have been using is _not_ universe | 12:19 |
devilsadvocate | my kde packages come from the kubuntu ppa which has kde-experimental, the packages which should reach main/universe eventually. it worked fine in the early days of 4.2 as well | 12:20 |
Tm_T | devilsadvocate: not main/universe but backports, already there | 12:20 |
devilsadvocate | pidus, backports , it seems | 12:21 |
pidus | i have backports enabled for updates, though universe is also enabled | 12:21 |
devilsadvocate | pidus, it will get from backports if both are enabled. it basically gets the latest available | 12:22 |
devilsadvocate | thanks Tm_T | 12:22 |
Tm_T | np | 12:22 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: ok i'll try creating a new user and see what happens...thanks for the suggestion | 12:22 |
devilsadvocate | np | 12:23 |
pidus | devilsadvocate: i tried creating new user and doing it but the same prob | 12:34 |
pidus | so, is there a way to revert to 4.1? | 12:34 |
=== Guest8168 is now known as AlanasAnikonis | ||
santosh | hi | 12:44 |
max9 | hi guys | 12:45 |
=== igor_ is now known as igorce | ||
Shura | Hi ! I have a question : I tried to set my TV as a second monitor, worked fine but I don't really need it so I remove my TV. It has created a second activity corresponding to my second monitor, but now I don't have it anymore, but I can't delete the second activity. How can I delete this activity I don't need anymore ? | 12:53 |
dr_Willis | second activity? | 12:57 |
Shura | (Yeah I'm not very clear) | 12:59 |
Shura | | 12:59 |
Shura | I want to remove the the right one, but I can't | 13:00 |
mikkoc | hi, i've just installed jaunty with kde4. The problem is that the desktop won't load | 13:02 |
mikkoc | i tried removing the plasma configuration files, but no luck | 13:02 |
mikkoc | basically i can see the splash screen, and when it's finished only the background remains | 13:03 |
mikkoc | any help? | 13:05 |
=== kabotage is now known as kabotageisdead | ||
=== Bjoern_ is now known as ZooL-forum | ||
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StR|Sangreal | hi i have a flesh problem with my boot | 13:39 |
StR|Sangreal | kubuntu usually boots without seing tty | 13:39 |
StR|Sangreal | tty prompt | 13:39 |
StR|Sangreal | but my bootscreen interrupts and after having waited for a certain period | 13:39 |
StR|Sangreal | it claims that boot files are not the same as backup files and that it wont fix it by itself... thats all, after that it continues ordinarily | 13:40 |
=== knerd__ is now known as knerd_ | ||
bartskde2 | my phone won't show up in kdebluetooth, works in gnome any ideas? | 13:48 |
zgmf-x20a | hey all, having an issue in evolution, why do all my rss feeds no longer have a window underneath so i can see the material in the feed??? | 13:49 |
bartskde2 | never mind. saw that the developers are working on getting it fixed. just need to use gnome with my phone for now. | 13:53 |
=== vista is now known as mushan | ||
norenmmm | hi all | 14:16 |
norenmmm | is there a good data recovery which i ccan run in kubuntu to get back data from ext3 portion of my harddisk | 14:16 |
bazhang | !recover | norenmmm | 14:17 |
ubottu | norenmmm: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at and | 14:17 |
=== ryanakca changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | 8.04.2 released! - | FAQ: | Free 8.10 (KDE 4) CDs | Pastes: | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4.2 out | ||
bazhang | nice :) | 14:21 |
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 8.04.2 released! - | FAQ: | Free 8.10 (KDE 4) CDs | Pastes: | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | KDE 4.2 out | ||
ryanakca | There, much better :) | 14:21 |
bazhang | hehe much :) | 14:21 |
casimodo | hello | 14:25 |
=== Guest22060 is now known as Cupper | ||
Cupper | maybe this is better place to ask :) how do i enable opengl support with nvidia drivers? | 14:26 |
casimodo | c'est ma première fois d'utiliser cette application, pouvez vous me renseigner sur son utilité ? | 14:26 |
bazhang | !fr | 14:27 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 14:27 |
joerg | Hi | 14:32 |
raven244 | hi | 14:33 |
akventure | i've got a question | 14:33 |
tuxi | akventure, just ask | 14:33 |
akventure | there's a folder on my desktop that i can't seem to find... | 14:33 |
akventure | i want to delete it... it has 1.9gb of files in it | 14:34 |
tuxi | have you emptied the trash? | 14:34 |
akventure | when i go to save new downloads i can see the folder on the desktop and navigate into it and its subfolders.... | 14:34 |
akventure | but it's not visible in any of my workspaces | 14:34 |
akventure | i have emptied the trash | 14:35 |
tuxi | have you opened Dolphin and navigated to the Desktop folder? | 14:35 |
=== root is now known as Guest91368 | ||
akventure | i'm actually using ubuntu hardy heron... not kubuntu | 14:35 |
akventure | i'm nof familiar w/dolphin | 14:35 |
akventure | *not | 14:36 |
tuxi | OK, then open nautilus and navigate to ~/Desktop | 14:36 |
tuxi | or open a terminal and "cd ~/Desktop" | 14:36 |
sany | hi | 14:36 |
tuxi | check the path you're saving downloads to in firefox | 14:38 |
tuxi | akventure, can you post the screenshot somewhere? | 14:42 |
bazhang | !imagebin | 14:43 |
ubottu | Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to and link it from the channel. | 14:43 |
tuxi | bazhang, ty | 14:44 |
* tuxi is new to this channel | 14:44 | |
bazhang | thats a new factoid :) | 14:44 |
tuxi | 'tis indeed | 14:44 |
StR|Sangreal | pls i want to install spacer plasmoid from source code located in following directory /home/vladislav/Pracovná plocha/Actualities/SW/widgets/Panelspacer_from_svn_pour_kdelook-tmp | 14:45 |
StR|Sangreal | what are the commands pls? | 14:45 |
bazhang | StR|Sangreal, what plasmoid | 14:45 |
StR|Sangreal | spacer is a plasmoid to add separators to your panels andor docks | 14:45 |
StR|Sangreal | but its irrelevent, i cannot install from source, pls how is that done? | 14:46 |
tuxi | StR|Sangreal, I assume you're wanting the installation commands -- is there a README or INSTALL file in the tar? | 14:46 |
bazhang | StR|Sangreal, its not irrelevant if you want assistance | 14:46 |
StR|Sangreal | sorry... | 14:47 |
tuxi | akventure, Unix/Linux is case sensitive -- try "cd ~/Desktop" | 14:47 |
bazhang | 4.1 or 4.2 | 14:47 |
StR|Sangreal | i need the commands since my knowledge level is yet stuck on more or less mouse commands | 14:48 |
bazhang | more info such as version of kde4, link to plasmoid, etc would be helpful | 14:48 |
tuxi | akventure, then "ls" (for list) and look for the directory | 14:49 |
tuxi | that is the one you want to delete | 14:49 |
StR|Sangreal | aha | 14:49 |
StR|Sangreal | kde42, kernel.28.12, notebook centrino1 duo, amd64 kubuntu intrepid ibex | 14:49 |
SiPuli | Hello, how can i get opengl support for nvidia? | 14:50 |
StR|Sangreal | | 14:50 |
SiPuli | ? | 14:54 |
tuxi | SiPuli, what kind of support? Do you have the proprietary kernel module enabled? | 14:55 |
SiPuli | I mean, when i try to run one game, it says "No OpenGL enabled"" | 14:57 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
tuxi | SiPuli, you probably aren't running the proprietary kernel module | 14:58 |
SiPuli | means? | 14:58 |
SiPuli | err:wgl:has_opengl OpenGL support is disabled. | 14:59 |
SiPuli | this is error i get | 14:59 |
tuxi | on the traditional menu go to System/Hardware Drivers -- this should show you what proprietary drivers you can use | 14:59 |
SiPuli | now i get it, im running nvidia beta drivers cause they work better :/ | 15:00 |
SiPuli | so, in order to play i have to use those drivers? | 15:00 |
tuxi | maybe not, try "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf" and tell me if there is a Section "Module" which has Load "glx" in it | 15:00 |
SiPuli | Yes there is | 15:02 |
tuxi | OK | 15:03 |
tuxi | do you have nvidia-settings installed ? | 15:04 |
SiPuli | yes | 15:04 |
tuxi | see if there is an enable glx in that | 15:06 |
tuxi | I'm working at an ati machine atm but I can look at my nvidia machine when necessary | 15:07 |
SiPuli | cant find it | 15:08 |
draik_ | How do I use unrar on an archive? | 15:09 |
SiPuli | unrar e archive.rar | 15:10 |
tuxi | SiPuli, I've run out of ideas | 15:11 |
draik_ | Does it have to be rar? | 15:11 |
draik_ | The archive is *.7z | 15:11 |
SiPuli | tuxi, there is that OpenGL settings, but it has only Enable Flipping and Sync VBlank | 15:11 |
bazhang | !7zip | 15:11 |
ubottu | Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with ark - also see | 15:11 |
draik_ | Ark wouldn't open it :( Said nothing inside or nothing to extract. | 15:12 |
SiPuli | is it possible to add mode "opengl" to xorg.conf? | 15:12 |
el-perrillo | Has anybody been able to connect trough a VPN using Ubuntu? | 15:12 |
el-perrillo | or kubuntu | 15:12 |
draik_ | Thanks SiPuli. Got it :) | 15:14 |
tuxi | SiPuli, I've pasted my laptop's xorg.conf at | 15:16 |
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=== JackWinter_ is now known as JackWinter | ||
SiPuli | here's mine, i hope you can find something out of ordinary | 15:19 |
tuxi | el-perrillo, I haven't tried a VPN in a while (maybe a few versions back) | 15:21 |
tuxi | SiPuli, I find it interesting that I have no Module section in my xorg.conf but I still have OpenGL working on the laptop | 15:25 |
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=== ubuntu__ is now known as rhinux | ||
Assurbanipal | hi guys,how can i set file/folder/prinrter sharing in kde 4,2? i run kubuntu 8,10 | 15:31 |
SiPuli | tuxi: i found something from error log: err:wgl:has_opengl Failed to load libGL: jaettua objektitiedostoa ei voi avata: Tiedostoa tai hakemistoa ei ole | 15:43 |
SiPuli | basically it says that there is no such file. And there is | 15:43 |
SiPuli | and i just realized that this is wine problem, not kubuntu :) | 15:44 |
tuliohm | hello everybody, im with kubuntu 8.10 with kde 4.1.4 on my laptop | 15:47 |
tuliohm | and i want to know if the 4.2 release of kde is really stable | 15:48 |
tuliohm | someone is using it? | 15:48 |
fuzzy | guys i need help, i have just installed a kde and my desktop are in the window i want to make it default like on the gnome | 15:49 |
tuliohm | fuzzy, my desktop are in the window? | 15:49 |
mofux | tuliohm: i'm using it and 4.2 for me seems to be much more stable then 4.1.2 at least (never tried 4.1.4 though) | 15:49 |
BoomKING | Can anyone help me , if i install ubuntu The wireless and cabled network works , but then if i restart it stops working , but if i put in the live cd and boot with live mode it works ???? any ideas | 15:50 |
BoomKING | kubuntu* | 15:50 |
tuliohm | mofux, hmm, i ll try 4.2 | 15:50 |
fuzzy | tuliohm: yes, the desktop are in the widget called "Folder View" i want to make it normal | 15:50 |
mofux | yes, give it a try, it rockz | 15:50 |
StR|Sangreal | pls an urgent case... | 15:50 |
tuliohm | mofux, im having a problem with hotkeys on kde4 | 15:50 |
tuliohm | you have this problem? | 15:50 |
tuliohm | :X | 15:50 |
mofux | think some of these were fixed in 4.2 | 15:50 |
mofux | i can use "print" again to make a screenshot f.e. | 15:50 |
fuzzy | any help? | 15:51 |
StR|Sangreal | i have been changing themes and suddenly desktop effects, optacity, switch window... | 15:51 |
tuliohm | fuzzy, i dont think kde 4 have a normal desktop, but i cant affirm | 15:51 |
StR|Sangreal | they disappeared | 15:51 |
mofux | fuzzy, you can set a folderview as your background | 15:51 |
mofux | then point it to your desktop folder | 15:51 |
mofux | /home/fuzzy/Desktop or something | 15:51 |
tuliohm | ~/Desktop :) | 15:52 |
mofux | right ;) | 15:52 |
mofux | you can set the background as folderviwe (in 4.2. this is) in the appereance settings (right click menu on the desktop) | 15:52 |
mofux | there is a combobox "Type:" | 15:53 |
mofux | choose folderview there | 15:53 |
BoomKING | Can anyone help me , if i install ubuntu The wireless and cabled network works , but then if i restart it stops working , but if i put in the live cd and boot with live mode it works ???? any ide | 15:54 |
BoomKING | ides* | 15:54 |
fuzzy | mofux: in the type are only Image, Slideshow and color | 15:54 |
mofux | fuzzy: there are 2 comboxes | 15:54 |
mofux | both titled "type" | 15:55 |
mofux | in the upper one you should be able to set the folderview | 15:55 |
fuzzy | mofux: yes yes, ive found it | 15:55 |
mofux | what version of kde are you running? | 15:55 |
mofux | fuzzy, ok cool | 15:55 |
mofux | is it doing what you want? :P | 15:55 |
fuzzy | mofux: ty a bounch | 15:56 |
mofux | fuzzy: np | 15:56 |
fuzzy | mofux: yes ... thanks bro | 15:56 |
ReiKn | Hello! Just came to ask from kde 4.2 users about boot times... it takes me one minute from the login until the desktop is usable, wondering if it's just something wrong with my setup or something usual... | 15:57 |
* rhinux is away: Zur Zeit abwesend | 15:58 | |
Fonix | has any1 had a problem where, after a clean install of kubuntu 8.10, the wireless and lan works fine, then after first restart, doesnt work anymore? and know how to fix? | 15:58 |
tuxi | ReiKn, what do you have starting up? My startup times seem to be less although I haven't timed them | 15:59 |
Fonix | has any1 had a problem where, after a clean install of kubuntu 8.10, the wireless and lan works fine, then after first restart, doesnt work anymore? and know how to fix? worked fine in 7.10 with gnome. | 16:03 |
tuxi | Fonix, which network adapter(s) do you have? | 16:03 |
Fonix | wlan0 eth0 and pan0 | 16:03 |
Fonix | dunno what pan0 is | 16:03 |
Fonix | my ethernet is a broadcom BCM5787M | 16:05 |
Fonix | and wlan is intel PRO/wireless 3945ABG | 16:05 |
Fonix | on a extensa 5620G laptop | 16:05 |
tuxi | wlan should be no problem, that's what's on my laptop | 16:05 |
tuxi | nor should the wired ethernet adapter | 16:06 |
Fonix | ye i have no idea why it doesnt work | 16:06 |
Fonix | worked on 7.10 | 16:06 |
Fonix | and now it doesnt work on 8.10 :/ | 16:06 |
Fonix | it works also if im booted off the live cd | 16:07 |
tuxi | I'm at a loss -- is Network Manager running? | 16:07 |
Fonix | yes | 16:07 |
ReiKn | tuxi: your question made me check also for the plasmoids, and when i took the analog clock and the photo showing plasmoids away, it reduced the login to 25 secs. I think this is usable already. | 16:07 |
Fonix | its as if it cant find the wireless switch anymore | 16:07 |
Fonix | cuz i made the connection on the first boot after install, but now it cant find any wireless lans when i go look for networks | 16:08 |
Fonix | but i stil have the connection i made, its just not connected | 16:08 |
tuxi | there is no "Enable WIreless" when you right click on the nm-applet in the system tray? | 16:08 |
Fonix | no only disabled wireless | 16:09 |
rohan | hi.. could someone help me with this problem - | 16:09 |
tuxi | ReiKn, you'll just have to decide which plasmoids you really want | 16:09 |
Fonix | as in its already active | 16:09 |
rohan | basically on ubuntu 8.04.2 my splash screen stops too early | 16:09 |
tuxi | rohan, I prefer the behavior I think you're describing | 16:10 |
rohan | tuxi: to not have a splash screen? | 16:11 |
tuxi | you'll need to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst but I don't recall the commands to add to the kernel line | 16:12 |
tuxi | I hate hiding the actions which go on with a splash screen | 16:13 |
rohan | if so, you can just remove the word "splash" from your kernel line in menu.lst | 16:13 |
tuxi | is splash still present in your kernel list? There's also a quiet switch | 16:14 |
rohan | yes, both are present | 16:14 |
tuxi | hmm | 16:14 |
tuxi | and it's on the kernel you are booting? | 16:15 |
rohan | yes | 16:15 |
shadeslayer | yaay | 16:17 |
shadeslayer | i fixed my linux KDE | 16:17 |
shadeslayer | :P | 16:17 |
DaSkreech | \o/ | 16:18 |
shadeslayer | DaSkreech: i lost KDE due to adept grrrrr........... | 16:19 |
rohan | shadeslayer: what was the problem? | 16:19 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: You have irssi ? | 16:19 |
shadeslayer | had | 16:19 |
shadeslayer | rohan: i hate you please do not talk to me | 16:19 |
tuxi | rohan, I'm at a loss | 16:19 |
rohan | tuxi: me too :( | 16:19 |
=== bostjan is now known as bostii | ||
bostii | hi to all | 16:20 |
shadeslayer | DaSkreech: why?? | 16:20 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: If you lose the GUI again you can jump in here for help | 16:20 |
DaSkreech | Lots of people lose the GUI and freak out | 16:20 |
shadeslayer | right now i have 80 MB of updates :O | 16:20 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: Hello. I'm still working on that recovery. I hope to have it all back in the next 3 days. | 16:20 |
shadeslayer | DaSkreech: hehe,im one of them | 16:20 |
shadeslayer | DaSkreech: i had to install kubuntu-desktop | 16:21 |
shadeslayer | :P, stupid adept removed iot | 16:21 |
shadeslayer | *it | 16:21 |
DaSkreech | draik_: Where is it now? | 16:21 |
* tuxi can use irssi but prefers the gui | 16:21 | |
* shadeslayer agrees with tuxi | 16:21 | |
draik_ | shadeslayer: Ditto. I had to reinstall kde-window-manager | 16:22 |
Exilant | irssi is a gui | 16:22 |
shadeslayer | hahaha | 16:22 |
shadeslayer | what a joke | 16:22 |
shadeslayer | Exilant: irssi is certainly no GUI | 16:22 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: Stellar Phoenix crashed overnight so I started over and is currently going 4.52GB at a very small percentage (I'm doing raw recovery still) | 16:23 |
DaSkreech | irssi is a ui | 16:23 |
Exilant | it most certainly is. it has colours and stuff. | 16:23 |
shadeslayer | draik_: are you the guy who didnt have kde in the login manager?? | 16:23 |
DaSkreech | draik_: Please tell me it has a skip option | 16:23 |
shadeslayer | ah in that respect | 16:23 |
DaSkreech | Exilant: That's not what makes a GUI :) | 16:23 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: Recover Data for Linux is still going and is currently at 27%. It's about 25% per 12 hours. | 16:23 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: I've had many issues. Not with the login necessarily, just issues with the usage (no borders and keyboard was essential shot) | 16:24 |
shadeslayer | well,someone else had the same problem earlier | 16:24 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: No, I don't believe I saw one. | 16:24 |
shadeslayer | BTW can i install GNOME alongside KDE?? | 16:24 |
Exilant | ok, i stand corrected. apparently gui really has to be more than just formatted text | 16:24 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: Yes. You can install as many WM's as you wish. | 16:25 |
shadeslayer | oh good | 16:25 |
shadeslayer | so sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop?? | 16:25 |
DaSkreech | draik_: Awww so it found things which were backed up already with the same time stamp and still copied and overwrote them? | 16:25 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: I have KDE, Gnome and Openbox | 16:25 |
shadeslayer | cool | 16:25 |
shadeslayer | so that command will work right?? | 16:25 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: It never did the backup. This is just finding things still. I've very impressed with Stellar Phoenix Linux Data Recover v3.0 | 16:26 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: yes | 16:26 |
Exilant | should work. you'll get more than just gnome, thogh. | 16:26 |
shadeslayer | ok,GNOME here i come | 16:26 |
shadeslayer | Exilant: how come?? | 16:26 |
draik_ | The only issue I have on this laptop now is no audio :( | 16:26 |
DaSkreech | draik_: Oh.. I thought that it was backing up as it was going along. So it's still possible that the physical hard drive can have issues with the copy | 16:26 |
shadeslayer | draik_: its probably set on lo | 16:26 |
shadeslayer | *low | 16:27 |
Exilant | ubuntu-desktop will also get you several gnome apps | 16:27 |
shadeslayer | oh thats no problem | 16:27 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: Maybe. Time will tell, but I have to leave for work in less than 3 hours. | 16:27 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: Nope. Amarok won't play because no audio drivers are in place. | 16:27 |
shadeslayer | whats the name of volume manager in kubuntu?? | 16:27 |
shadeslayer | oh | 16:27 |
draik_ | kmix | 16:27 |
shadeslayer | hmm its not running through konsole | 16:28 |
shadeslayer | haha,im having the same problem with audio drivers now | 16:29 |
shadeslayer | amarok wont play files | 16:29 |
shadeslayer | any bright ideas draik_ | 16:30 |
shadeslayer | ?? | 16:30 |
draik_ | Make sure the audio isn't on low ;P | 16:30 |
shadeslayer | :) | 16:31 |
shadeslayer | well no drivers | 16:31 |
shadeslayer | kmix is crashing without a backtrace | 16:31 |
draik_ | ditto with kmix | 16:31 |
shadeslayer | :) | 16:31 |
shadeslayer | im never listening to adept again | 16:32 |
shadeslayer | never ever | 16:32 |
shadeslayer | !audio | 16:33 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 16:33 |
linex | hello | 16:34 |
shadeslayer | no sound system | 16:34 |
linex | I'm fairly new to ubuntu/kubuntu , been using gentoo for 7 years now. | 16:34 |
DaSkreech | linex: Welcome to Binary land! | 16:34 |
linex | So kubuntu has a release every april and and every October, is this right ? | 16:35 |
shadeslayer | :) | 16:35 |
shadeslayer | yes | 16:35 |
rohan | linex: normally, yes | 16:35 |
DaSkreech | Yes | 16:35 |
shadeslayer | development cycle is 6 months i believe | 16:35 |
rohan | linex: but for example, one release was delayed from april to june | 16:35 |
linex | DaSkreech: thank you. I will have one feet in source land and another in binary land for the time being. | 16:35 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 16:36 |
DaSkreech | Good way to expand your knowledge | 16:36 |
shadeslayer | none of the links above open :( | 16:36 |
shadeslayer | !drivers | 16:37 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about drivers | 16:37 |
shadeslayer | :| | 16:37 |
shadeslayer | DaSkreech: any idea if i can seprately install audio drivers | 16:37 |
DaSkreech | hmm ? | 16:38 |
heinkel_vista | shadeslayer: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart | 16:38 |
shadeslayer | right now i have no audio drivers | 16:38 |
heinkel_vista | oh did I get that right? DaSkreech? | 16:38 |
heinkel_vista | I am windows right now | 16:38 |
shadeslayer | :D | 16:38 |
heinkel_vista | the way to restart the audio drivers | 16:38 |
shadeslayer | please dont get my lappy screwed all over again | 16:38 |
DaSkreech | heinkel_vista: Yes that's right | 16:39 |
shadeslayer | heinkel_vista: i have no drivers :P | 16:39 |
rohan | and that doesn't "restart" your drivers, it just reinitializes some alsa stuff | 16:39 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: Don't be afraid of breaking your machine It's pretty hard to break Linux to the point where you can't fix it | 16:39 |
shadeslayer | :) | 16:39 |
rohan | to actually "Restart" the drivers, you'd need to rmmod and modprobe the modules | 16:39 |
shadeslayer | well no GUI to me is broke,;) | 16:40 |
DaSkreech | get comfortable with the system enough where you can fix stuff then set it up so you never have to | 16:40 |
heinkel_vista | ok I did the reboot thing yesterday...worked | 16:40 |
heinkel_vista | I got the same strange message that there were no drivers for audio on my laptoip | 16:40 |
shadeslayer | yeah,i got the same thing right now | 16:41 |
DaSkreech | heinkel_vista: Did you indeed have no audio ? | 16:41 |
heinkel_vista | yes, I have no idea why, it just sort of randomly happened yesterday | 16:41 |
shadeslayer | heinkel_vista: i just reinstalled kubuntu-desktop and i recieved the notification on login | 16:42 |
heinkel_vista | I was trying to do something in lmms but the application popped up with dummy 8no audio) driver | 16:42 |
heinkel_vista | I think there may be a problem on the startup sequence, maybe afecting laptops for some reason | 16:42 |
heinkel_vista | shadeslayer: what kind of laptop do you have? I have an intel-based toshiba | 16:43 |
ActionParsnip1 | yo yo yo | 16:43 |
shadeslayer | XPS M1530,with all the bells and whistles | 16:43 |
shadeslayer | Dell btw | 16:43 |
heinkel_vista | i know, never tried dell with linux unfortunately | 16:43 |
shadeslayer | works great | 16:44 |
tuxi | my laptop is a 1505N which came with Ubuntu (32-bit) preloaded | 16:44 |
shadeslayer | great,i wanted my XPS to have Kubuntu,had to install it myself | 16:45 |
tuxi | I repartitioned the disk and installed 64-bit Ubuntu within a couple of days and added KDE later | 16:45 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: I'm on a Dell too. Smartstep 250N. | 16:45 |
shadeslayer | draik_: never heard of it | 16:45 |
shadeslayer | Smartstep hmmmmmmmm | 16:46 |
tuxi | Dell did the M$ thing and had only one partition for the OS and /me *hugs* br3nome | 16:46 |
shadeslayer | :) | 16:46 |
shadeslayer | tuxi: they stopped building your lappy right | 16:46 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: very short-lived model. It was given to me when the original owner thought their windows stuff was all gone. | 16:47 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 16:47 |
tuxi | I think it's been superseded | 16:47 |
draik_ | 'I lost everything and bought a new laptop. You can have this one (Smartstep 250N) for your own use or strip it for parts. I don't care' | 16:48 |
shadeslayer | :) | 16:48 |
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shadeslayer | any idea about my problem | 16:50 |
shadeslayer | ?? | 16:50 |
shadeslayer | dont ask | 16:50 |
Tm_T | shadeslayer: try not to spread your sayings to multiple lines | 16:51 |
shadeslayer | huh?? | 16:51 |
shadeslayer | oh that | 16:51 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: If my calculations are correct, I am just above 1.5% completion and it has found 7.75GB | 16:55 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: what audio card? | 16:57 |
shadeslayer | ill check | 16:57 |
shadeslayer | HDA intel | 16:57 |
=== dan is now known as idle | ||
DaSkreech | !hda | 16:57 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about hda | 16:57 |
shadeslayer | HDA intel STAC92XX analog | 16:57 |
DaSkreech | !intelhda | 16:58 |
ubottu | For fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information | 16:58 |
shadeslayer | ooh | 16:58 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: I have an Intel 82801BA-ICH2 | 16:58 |
shadeslayer | does not open | 16:58 |
shadeslayer | :) | 16:58 |
JackWinter | how do i install the latest closed nvidia driver on kubuntu 8.04 ? | 16:59 |
shadeslayer | JackWinter: K>apps>settings>hardware drivers | 16:59 |
draik_ | My FF is still trying to load that page. Awkward | 16:59 |
shadeslayer | *system | 16:59 |
shadeslayer | draik_: hehe it wont open | 16:59 |
DaSkreech | grrr I think the wiki is down | 17:01 |
shadeslayer | :( | 17:01 |
jussi01 | DaSkreech: looks that way | 17:01 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: I went to and searched for 'intel audio' and it shows upin the results. Clicking on it, however, will tell you the page no longer exists. | 17:01 |
shadeslayer | wiki down :( | 17:01 |
draik_ | Oh | 17:01 |
draik_ | how conveniently inconvenient. | 17:02 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 17:02 |
shadeslayer | btw is utorrent available for linux?? | 17:02 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: no, but there are a million torrent clients | 17:03 |
tuxi | I find ktorrent to be a good client | 17:03 |
ActionParsnip1 | !torrents | 17:03 |
ubottu | Kubuntu Hardy Heron (8.04) torrents can be obtained at (KDE 3.5.9) or (KDE 4.0.3) | 17:03 |
ActionParsnip1 | !torrent | 17:03 |
ubottu | Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: - See also !P2P | 17:03 |
shadeslayer | na ive grown used to utorrent | 17:03 |
=== salalmi is now known as wurst | ||
hearts | utorrent rocks. | 17:03 |
shadeslayer | yeah | 17:03 |
shadeslayer | simple,light,speedy | 17:03 |
hearts | yup | 17:03 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: it runs via wine but its gonna be a memory bloat | 17:03 |
hearts | a lot of options also | 17:03 |
shadeslayer | :) | 17:03 |
hearts | you could even tab your dls | 17:04 |
hearts | =P | 17:04 |
shadeslayer | yup | 17:04 |
ActionParsnip1 | i use ktorrent as it has a web interface which is BADASS | 17:04 |
shadeslayer | ActionParsnip1: urgh,wine,ewww | 17:04 |
hearts | bittorrent gets messed up on vista x64 | 17:04 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: yep, exactly. try opening your mind to another client | 17:04 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: theres a lot to try | 17:04 |
hearts | so i got utorrent ;even though its the same thing | 17:04 |
hearts | utorrent doesnt give me any problems | 17:05 |
shadeslayer | ActionParsnip1: i use wine only for counter strike,that too only once | 17:05 |
shadeslayer | btw im starting a LUG in my college | 17:05 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: i use it for dukenukem :D | 17:06 |
draik_ | !akondai | 17:06 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about akondai | 17:06 |
draik_ | !akonadi | 17:06 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about akonadi | 17:06 |
shadeslayer | :O | 17:06 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: and my course needs it too | 17:06 |
draik_ | !info akonadi | 17:06 |
ubottu | Package akonadi does not exist in intrepid | 17:06 |
ActionParsnip1 | !find akon | 17:06 |
ubottu | Found: akonadi-dbg, akonadi-server, libakonadi-dev, libakonadiprivate1, diakonos (and 1 others) | 17:06 |
draik_ | What is akonadi? I have it in my System Settings under the Advanced tab | 17:06 |
ActionParsnip1 | !info akondi-server | 17:06 |
ubottu | Package akondi-server does not exist in intrepid | 17:06 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 17:07 |
giarca | akonadi-kde :) | 17:07 |
ActionParsnip1 | !info akonadi-server | 17:07 |
ubottu | akonadi-server (source: akonadi): Akonadi PIM storage service. In component main, is extra. Version 1.0.0-0ubuntu5 (intrepid), package size 3129 kB, installed size 7584 kB | 17:07 |
hearts | can anyone tell me | 17:07 |
giarca | abou akonadi anyone using mailody mail client? | 17:07 |
hearts | whats the point of running mac os x | 17:07 |
shadeslayer | 30 min for completing updates | 17:07 |
shadeslayer | hearts: gloss?? | 17:08 |
giarca | is it a good software compared to kamil? | 17:08 |
hearts | the ui? lol | 17:08 |
shadeslayer | :D | 17:08 |
ActionParsnip1 | hearts: no idea, its against the license to run mac OS on non mac hardware | 17:08 |
draik_ | hearts: Well, a co-worker told me that OS X has terminal, but in no form does Apple ever really want you using it as they try to simplify it all to one click on the GUI. | 17:08 |
shadeslayer | well i lcan easily say give kubuntu another 3 years and itll rival OS X in gloss | 17:08 |
hearts | no its not. | 17:09 |
hearts | LOL | 17:09 |
draik_ | ActionParsnip1: Is it really? | 17:09 |
ActionParsnip1 | draik_: yes, its not allowed | 17:09 |
shadeslayer | against EULA | 17:09 |
draik_ | That's just lovely | 17:09 |
hearts | its illegal to run it on a non-mac non-LABELED computer | 17:09 |
ActionParsnip1 | gloss == LAME | 17:09 |
hearts | so you get a mac sticker | 17:09 |
shadeslayer | i have a torrent for it | 17:09 |
hearts | and you're good. | 17:09 |
=== siegie is now known as siegie_ | ||
=== siegie_ is now known as siegie__ | ||
draik_ | shadeslayer: Torrent for what? | 17:09 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: thats illegal piracy then | 17:09 |
shadeslayer | for OS X | 17:09 |
hearts | i use | 17:10 |
shadeslayer | i didnt download it though | 17:10 |
hearts | pearpc | 17:10 |
hearts | LOL | 17:10 |
draik_ | So did I. They are not good. One didn't boot in Virtualbox, another wasn't even meant to be bootable, etc. | 17:10 |
hearts | mac has no laws against virtualization | 17:10 |
shadeslayer | as soon as i discovered it was against EULA i dropped the idea | 17:10 |
hearts | mac os x will not run on virtualbox. | 17:10 |
shadeslayer | really?? | 17:11 |
draik_ | Really? | 17:11 |
shadeslayer | lol | 17:11 |
giarca | If I want to test mailody I should installa mailody package or mailody-kde4? | 17:11 |
hearts | i use pearpc | 17:11 |
draik_ | That's really lame. Why not? | 17:11 |
shadeslayer | !mailody | 17:11 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about mailody | 17:11 |
hearts | some people have done it on vmware | 17:11 |
hearts | i myself use pearpc | 17:11 |
hearts | i have mac os x | 17:12 |
hearts | but | 17:12 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: You can run Darwin | 17:12 |
hearts | i dont know what i could do on it? lol | 17:12 |
shadeslayer | darwin?? whats that?? | 17:12 |
DaSkreech | hearts: parallels and Vmware can virtualize macOSX I think | 17:12 |
DaSkreech | !info mailody | 17:13 |
ubottu | mailody (source: mailody): fast IMAP mail user agent for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.0-4 (intrepid), package size 388 kB, installed size 1400 kB | 17:13 |
hearts | yeah | 17:13 |
hearts | i know vmware could | 17:13 |
hearts | but i doubt it about virtualbox | 17:13 |
hearts | im using virtualbox right now ;] | 17:13 |
giarca | DarkriftX: ok, but the difference about installing only mailody or maildoy and mailody-kde4? | 17:13 |
draik_ | If VMware can create the image, then it can be ported to VirtualBox, right? | 17:14 |
DaSkreech | giarca: Mailody is a IMAP only mail client made cause Kmail hadreally bad IMAP and the authour wanted a project. I would expect over the next year all the code from mailody will be merged into Kmail. But it's quite fast | 17:14 |
hearts | nope | 17:14 |
hearts | i dont think so | 17:14 |
DaSkreech | hearts: it can't you have to license the firmware DRM from apple | 17:14 |
giarca | DaSkreech: so I can install only mailody packages | 17:14 |
DaSkreech | which of course Vbox won't do | 17:14 |
giarca | because mailody-kde4 is aplha project in my repo | 17:14 |
DaSkreech | giarca: Sure it's a Qt app then | 17:14 |
hearts | ive seen screenshots of it on vmware | 17:14 |
hearts | and read that its not possible on virtualbox | 17:15 |
hearts | never seen a screenshot of mac on virtualbox | 17:15 |
hearts | :/ | 17:15 |
giarca | ok thanks | 17:15 |
draik_ | I was really looking forward to using OS X on VirtualBox | 17:15 |
trevor | Hey im having a couple problems with my new install, can anyone help | 17:15 |
hearts | you could use pearpc | 17:15 |
draik_ | !ask | trevor | 17:15 |
ubottu | trevor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 17:15 |
shadeslayer | trevor: sure thing | 17:16 |
draik_ | Wrong one. | 17:16 |
shadeslayer | :) | 17:16 |
shadeslayer | draik_: leave it,dont hassle him | 17:16 |
draik_ | trevor: Your request for help is vague. What is the issue? | 17:16 |
shadeslayer | :) | 17:16 |
jussi01 | Hrm, seems my swap is not recognised/activated. anyone tell me how to fix it? | 17:16 |
shadeslayer | :O | 17:16 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: I'm willing to help, if I can, but only once the issue is known. | 17:16 |
shadeslayer | jussi01: youre asking for help | 17:17 |
shadeslayer | draik_: you sound like a bot :P | 17:17 |
trevor | ok, i accidentally deleted my network applet off the task bar on the bottom right, and i cant figure out how to get it back, also, when i go to internet and then knetworkmanager it doesnt come uip when i click it | 17:17 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: LOL | 17:17 |
hearts | | 17:17 |
shadeslayer | trevor: thatll be in the widgets | 17:17 |
trevor | also, my new kubuntuinstall seems to be running incredibly hot on my laptop | 17:17 |
hearts | ^thats me runing mac windows and linux | 17:17 |
shadeslayer | trevor: which laptop?? | 17:18 |
trevor | when i click on the network widget it comes up as four boxes | 17:18 |
trevor | it is a toshiba sattelite | 17:18 |
jussi01 | hearts: wrong place. please use #kubuntu-offtopic | 17:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | jussi01 wapon /dev/<whatever> | 17:18 |
hearts | how is that offtopic. | 17:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | swapon /dev/<?> | 17:18 |
trevor | it has 4gb of ram, 2.0 dual core amd processor, 250gb hd | 17:18 |
kure | hi where can i get audio drivers for kubuntu?? | 17:18 |
trevor | 80gb is used for kubuntu | 17:18 |
draik_ | hearts: I hope you're not talking on there cuz I have no audio drivers :( | 17:19 |
shadeslayer | trevor: change the power managing policy dynamic | 17:19 |
hearts | no | 17:19 |
ActionParsnip1 | kure: run lspci and one line will identify your sound card, you can then websearch from that | 17:19 |
shadeslayer | kure: get in the line :P | 17:19 |
shadeslayer | draik_: see that?? | 17:19 |
kure | how? | 17:19 |
kure | im big noob :) | 17:19 |
shadeslayer | kure: konsole?/ | 17:19 |
kure | y | 17:19 |
shadeslayer | Alt+F2 | 17:19 |
kure | next step | 17:19 |
kure | i have kubuntu 1 hour | 17:19 |
draik_ | !enter | kure | 17:20 |
ubottu | kure: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 17:20 |
trevor | where is the policy management option | 17:20 |
ActionParsnip1 | kure: its a konsole command | 17:20 |
shadeslayer | type lspci | 17:20 |
DaSkreech | Welcome to Linux and Kubuntu kure | 17:20 |
kure | lspci?? | 17:20 |
vlt | Hello. I've installed Kubuntu 8.04 LTS. How can I import an old .wab address book (from Microsoft Outlook Express) into K-Mail? | 17:20 |
kure | only lspci? | 17:20 |
DaSkreech | trevor: Which policy ? | 17:20 |
shadeslayer | trevor: in the system taskbar widget | 17:20 |
shadeslayer | same place as windows | 17:20 |
DaSkreech | vlt: export it from Outlook as vcards or csv | 17:20 |
shadeslayer | :P | 17:20 |
=== dox is now known as Guest63595 | ||
draik_ | shadeslayer: Do you happen to have the same one? Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM AC'97 Audio Controller | 17:20 |
DaSkreech | csv is highly prefered since it makes life much less painful for you | 17:20 |
shadeslayer | nope | 17:21 |
trevor | ok, i have that working | 17:21 |
trevor | now, whenever i click on a link in irc itbrings it up in thunderbird | 17:21 |
kure | nothing hapen | 17:21 |
trevor | how can i change that | 17:21 |
shadeslayer | HDA intel STAC92XX analog | 17:21 |
kure | maybe it because i updating now | 17:21 |
vlt | DaSkreech: I don't have Outlook running on my kubuntu machine ;-) | 17:21 |
shadeslayer | trevor: how about changing the default browser to lonqueror | 17:21 |
shadeslayer | *konqueror | 17:22 |
draik_ | kure: Open a new tab in konsole or a new konsole window and type 'lspci' to find your audio driver. | 17:22 |
ActionParsnip1 | jussi01: did the command work? | 17:22 |
kure | ok i did it | 17:22 |
kure | but i dont see any audio drivers | 17:22 |
shadeslayer | 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) | 17:22 |
shadeslayer | like that ^^ | 17:22 |
draik_ | trevor: K menu > Computer > System Settings > Default Applications | 17:22 |
ActionParsnip1 | kure: running that command wont give you drivers | 17:23 |
kure | is some command like apt-get audio driver ?? | 17:23 |
draik_ | trevor: Make sure you have a browser for the default browser rather than Thunderbird. | 17:23 |
ActionParsnip1 | kure: it will identify the card for you so you can find out how to set it up | 17:23 |
Guest63595 | sup | 17:23 |
shadeslayer | :) | 17:23 |
hearts | sudo apt-get a life | 17:23 |
hearts | lol just kidding | 17:23 |
shadeslayer | hahaha | 17:23 |
draik_ | LOL | 17:23 |
shadeslayer | nice one | 17:23 |
ActionParsnip1 | kure: no because there are so MANY sound cards it would be unfeasible | 17:23 |
chris__ | anyone a dab hand with ATI graphic drivers? | 17:23 |
ActionParsnip1 | !ati | chris__ | 17:24 |
ubottu | chris__: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 17:24 |
shadeslayer | ubottu | 17:24 |
shadeslayer | :P | 17:24 |
hearts | i got an ati video card? | 17:24 |
hearts | :/ | 17:24 |
kure | ok i ty it | 17:24 |
hearts | i got the radeon 4800 series | 17:24 |
* rhinux is away: Zur Zeit abwesend | 17:24 | |
tuxi | chris__, are you wanting to try the radeonhd driver? | 17:24 |
ActionParsnip1 | kure: if you run konsole, and type lspci and press enter | 17:24 |
kure | ERROR | 17:24 |
kure | The requested URL could not be retrieved | 17:24 |
shadeslayer | ActionParsnip1: how do install the audio driver btw?? | 17:24 |
draik_ | ATi, aka the Bus - Big, Red and managed by bad drivers :p | 17:24 |
chris__ | not quite, more troubleshooting | 17:24 |
kure | i did it | 17:24 |
hearts | i dont need to install soundcard drivers because i use virtualbox | 17:24 |
Jarvellis | Is there some easy way to switch window managers without closing all my apps? | 17:24 |
hearts | lol. | 17:24 |
ActionParsnip1 | kure: a whole list of stuff will appear, this is your hardware, read the screen and one line will idetify the card | 17:24 |
tuxi | I haven't had the need to troubleshoot, sorry | 17:24 |
trevor | ok when i try to add the network widget, it is just 4 boxes, i want the one that lets me connect to a wireless network | 17:25 |
kure | ERROR | 17:25 |
kure | The requested URL could not be retrieved | 17:25 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: mine ALWAYS work out of the box because i shop smart | 17:25 |
kure | 00:07.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1) | 17:25 |
chris__ | computer won't boot graphics anymore and I want to reinstall everything related to xorg and fglrx | 17:25 |
trevor | like is there when i start it up out of the box | 17:25 |
kure | i find thix | 17:25 |
kure | 00:07.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP67 High Definition Audio (rev a1) | 17:25 |
shadeslayer | ok wait | 17:25 |
shadeslayer | i think im talking to 5 people | 17:25 |
shadeslayer | :P | 17:25 |
draik_ | LOL | 17:25 |
kure | i | 17:25 |
kure | waiting .) | 17:25 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: sometimes you need to compile alsa with options, or compile a module or a package may contain the nnecessary files | 17:25 |
* draik_ . | 17:25 | |
ActionParsnip1 | kure: awesome | 17:26 |
shadeslayer | first ActionParsnip1 | 17:26 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: and one draik_ bot | 17:26 |
kure | so how? | 17:26 |
draik_ | DaSkreech: What? How am I a bot? | 17:26 |
DaSkreech | chris__: how are you connected here? | 17:26 |
DaSkreech | draik_: You sound like one :) | 17:26 |
draik_ | !botsnack | 17:26 |
ubottu | Yum! Err, I mean, APT! | 17:26 |
chris__ | laptop | 17:26 |
shadeslayer | ActionParsnip1: ok, i reinstalled Kubuntu-desktop,stupid adept | 17:26 |
shadeslayer | they were working earlier | 17:26 |
hearts | hey whats that irc command to see all the rooms list | 17:26 |
ActionParsnip1 | kure: | 17:26 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: Did that fix the audio issue? | 17:26 |
shadeslayer | one sec draik_ | 17:27 |
kure | i try | 17:27 |
ActionParsnip1 | !channels | hearts | 17:27 |
ubottu | hearts: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at - For a general list of !freenode channels, see - See also !Guidelines | 17:27 |
draik_ | hearts '/list' | 17:27 |
shadeslayer | ActionParsnip1: so i have to install fresh drivers,any idea?? draik_has the same problem | 17:27 |
hearts | cool | 17:27 |
hearts | thanks | 17:27 |
draik_ | NP | 17:27 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: what sound card do you have? | 17:27 |
tuxi | chris__, you can still get to a command line? | 17:27 |
shadeslayer | 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02) | 17:28 |
kure | shit | 17:28 |
trevor | draik: in the widget i added, it onlyhas powersave, aggressive powersave, performance, and presentation | 17:28 |
trevor | where is dynamic | 17:28 |
trevor | or is that somethign else entirely | 17:28 |
draik_ | trevor: Huh? What widget did you add? | 17:28 |
chris__ | tuxi: I can get into recovery command line, but not failsafe | 17:28 |
=== Guest63595 is now known as dox | ||
kure | i try sudo modprobe snd- and it write sound module not found | 17:28 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: | 17:29 |
=== dox is now known as dox_ | ||
torero | !ru | 17:29 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 17:29 |
shadeslayer | boo to bugs | 17:29 |
trevor | power management | 17:29 |
ActionParsnip1 | kure: you need to install some stuff, read the post i gave you | 17:29 |
shadeslayer | specially to bug #1 | 17:29 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: i dont think bug #1 is a bug | 17:29 |
shadeslayer | counts as one for linux | 17:29 |
=== dox_ is now known as bishopz | ||
kure | some link for download it? | 17:30 |
tuxi | chris__, have you tried copying an old xorg.conf to /etc/X11/xorg.conf? | 17:30 |
ActionParsnip1 | kure: | 17:30 |
draik_ | ActionParsnip1: What about my audio card: Intel Corporation 82801BA/BAM AC'97 Audio Controller | 17:30 |
bishopz | ejenkjnekjne | 17:31 |
bishopz | lol, my bad apparently my daughhter wanted to type | 17:31 |
tuxi | I knew it wasn't a language I recognized | 17:31 |
bishopz | lol | 17:31 |
draik_ | bishopz: I thought you were just checking if the keyboard works | 17:32 |
bishopz | nah, i have a blockbuster to ensure that :x | 17:32 |
shadeslayer | ActionParsnip1: so many patches ,which one to apply?? | 17:32 |
chris__ | tuxi: many times. It's a bit of a complicated story which I've typed out at | 17:32 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: not sure, thats as much as i know | 17:33 |
shadeslayer | :) | 17:33 |
kure | i must wait for update download i cant do another process during it. | 17:33 |
chris__ | ubuntuforums I have personally found are very ineffective | 17:33 |
ActionParsnip1 | draik_: is it in a laptop? | 17:33 |
draik_ | ActionParsnip1: Yes. | 17:33 |
shadeslayer | well ubottu has some info,but the wiki is down | 17:33 |
bishopz | yea unbuntu forums are vague | 17:33 |
ActionParsnip1 | draik_: what make/model | 17:33 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: I say, use the one the works ;) | 17:33 |
draik_ | ActionParsnip1: Dell Smartstep 250N | 17:33 |
boboso | since we are talking bout sound does anyone know why all my music and movies the sound works but it is very low. volume is up in the program and on the volume contral in the system tray | 17:33 |
shadeslayer | hehe,not easy i tell you | 17:34 |
shadeslayer | boboso: hehe,i had that problem | 17:34 |
bishopz | do u have linux running as the default | 17:34 |
bishopz | in sounds | 17:34 |
shadeslayer | when i had sound | 17:34 |
draik_ | Did you remember to set the audio to 11? | 17:34 |
boboso | bishopz: how do i check | 17:34 |
bishopz | linux instals its own drivers, so ... if youre sounds low could be because its running that and not off your actual intended driver | 17:34 |
shadeslayer | boboso: go in kmix,enable every option in the settings and set everything to full | 17:35 |
bishopz | shit, hang on, i had the fix for it somewhere | 17:35 |
ActionParsnip1 | draik_: lsmod | grep soundcore | 17:35 |
bishopz | its a pain | 17:35 |
bishopz | u have to locate your sound drivers | 17:35 |
ActionParsnip1 | draik_: does it output? | 17:35 |
bishopz | disable all the ones that arent yours | 17:35 |
bishopz | lol hang on | 17:35 |
draik_ | Yup | 17:35 |
draik_ | soundcore 15328 1 snd | 17:35 |
ActionParsnip1 | cool | 17:35 |
shadeslayer | i have soundcore 16800 1 snd | 17:36 |
* draik_ loves yakuake :) | 17:36 | |
shadeslayer | :P | 17:36 |
=== pool is now known as Guest33295 | ||
tuxi | chris__, have you tried sudo aptitude install xorg-driver-fglrx? | 17:36 |
shadeslayer | brb | 17:37 |
hearts | hey | 17:37 |
ActionParsnip1 | draik_: are you fully updated? | 17:37 |
draik_ | Yup | 17:37 |
hearts | i heard bill gates lives on an island | 17:37 |
bishopz | its somewhere on unbuntuforums. | 17:37 |
ActionParsnip1 | draik_: + 1 yakuake | 17:37 |
bishopz | hang on im still looking i just reformatted too so shits all over | 17:37 |
hearts | and he has water speakers to listen to music while he's scuba diving | 17:37 |
hearts | lol | 17:37 |
boboso | when i open mplayer i get this msg would the be the reason why the sound is low? ao pulse failed to connect to server: connection refused. anyone know what is causing it. | 17:37 |
ActionParsnip1 | draik_: is it muted? | 17:37 |
bishopz | that could be partial | 17:37 |
draik_ | LOL. No. | 17:38 |
chris__ | tuxi: big problem there, only a wireless connection to the computer in question, no idea how to access wireless networks through command line | 17:38 |
draik_ | ActionParsnip1: I try to run amarok and it won't play because it says there aren't any drivers. | 17:38 |
DaSkreech | hearts: Seriously though if you don't have a question join #kubuntu-offtopic | 17:38 |
ActionParsnip1 | !sound | 17:38 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 17:38 |
draik_ | ActionParsnip1: xine was unable to initialize any audio drivers. | 17:39 |
chris__ | of note though, I tried dpkg-reconfigure xorg-driver and it said that it isn't installed, figured that wasn't default behaviour | 17:39 |
bishopz | i have a question maybe someone can answer :/ | 17:39 |
bishopz | i have a WD 300gb external HD, now.. its filled with music and movies, i plug it in , bang it says its mounted but wont read anything | 17:39 |
bishopz | any thoughts? | 17:39 |
shadeslayer | bishopz:locked maybe?? | 17:40 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: Won't read? | 17:40 |
tuxi | chris__, no wired option then? | 17:40 |
draik_ | bishopz: I've had bad times with WD. I use Seagate now. | 17:40 |
bishopz | not locked, just wont show ANY files inside | 17:40 |
bishopz | yea i think im going with seagate next | 17:40 |
shadeslayer | draik_: clicky seagates :P | 17:40 |
draik_ | shadeslayer: Clicky, but it works | 17:41 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 17:41 |
chris__ | tuxi: I've tried the long distance stretched ethernet cable to different floor method, but it doesn't want to recognise it | 17:41 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: who owns the directory it's mounted on? | 17:41 |
epimeth | guys... clicking on "add" in the "add widgets" dialog causes plasma to max out the cpu and stop working.... | 17:42 |
bishopz | hang on. | 17:42 |
epimeth | also, the widget doesn't get added | 17:42 |
shadeslayer | ActionParsnip1: btw i have a 64 bit compilation,so none of the patches will work lol | 17:42 |
epimeth | anything I can do to track down the bug and forward it along to the kde4 folks? | 17:42 |
bishopz | where would i find that | 17:42 |
ActionParsnip1 | draik_: this may help: | 17:42 |
draik_ | ActionParsnip1: !sounds needs to be updated. | 17:42 |
=== root is now known as Guest27806 | ||
ActionParsnip1 | another root logon, great :( | 17:43 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: It's mounted in ?media ? | 17:43 |
chris__ | that's not cool | 17:43 |
DaSkreech | Guest27806: Don't login to IRC as root | 17:43 |
hearts | anyone using konversation | 17:43 |
hearts | ? | 17:43 |
bishopz | it mounts to desktop | 17:43 |
epimeth | hearts: me! | 17:43 |
hearts | cool | 17:43 |
chris__ | right now | 17:43 |
tuxi | hearts, I am atm | 17:43 |
hearts | how do you close a channel | 17:43 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: Oh? Hmm Ok ls -l /media | 17:43 |
hearts | lol | 17:43 |
epimeth | hearts:yes, ARM | 17:43 |
epimeth | erm ATM | 17:43 |
epimeth | heh | 17:43 |
DaSkreech | hearts: ctrl+W | 17:43 |
bishopz | so unmount and remount in media? | 17:43 |
epimeth | or right click on the panel and click "close" | 17:44 |
epimeth | I prefer ctrl+w :-) | 17:44 |
hearts | i just had to leave the #windows room | 17:44 |
shadeslayer | hearts: how about /part | 17:44 |
shadeslayer | :) | 17:44 |
chris__ | how often does the root thing happen out of interest? | 17:44 |
hearts | some dork was asking about if there's some way of bypassing rebooting xp after updates | 17:44 |
DaSkreech | chris__: fairly often | 17:44 |
shadeslayer | :) | 17:44 |
hearts | i swear man, people dont know how to prioritize. | 17:44 |
draik_ | ActionParsnip1: Nothing much on there. | 17:44 |
shadeslayer | ActionParsnip1: any other ideas?? | 17:44 |
hearts | ctrl+w works fine | 17:45 |
hearts | thanks | 17:45 |
ActionParsnip1 | draik_: looks like its gonna be a pain, theres some module options in that link that may help | 17:45 |
tuxi | hearts, you can type /part, click on the x icon on the bottom right of the konversation window, or the ctrl-w as suggested above | 17:45 |
chris__ | figured, it's not the sort of name you choose willingly | 17:45 |
shadeslayer | did trevor leave?? | 17:45 |
epimeth | so anybody having problems with adding widgets? | 17:45 |
hearts | opps. | 17:46 |
* shadeslayer is excited,his update is about to complete | 17:46 | |
hearts | i just clicked that x and it made me leave | 17:46 |
hearts | lol | 17:46 |
shadeslayer | :P | 17:46 |
tuxi | epimeth, are you fully updated? When the 4.2 was moved to main/backports my widget issues decreased | 17:46 |
tuxi | I thought that was what you wanted, hearts | 17:47 |
hearts | no | 17:47 |
shadeslayer | LD | 17:47 |
shadeslayer | :D | 17:47 |
hearts | i wanted to leave the windows room | 17:47 |
hearts | not this one | 17:47 |
hearts | the #ubuntu one sucked too | 17:47 |
hearts | lol | 17:47 |
epimeth | tuxi: yea, I think it started after I updated *to* kde4.2 | 17:47 |
draik_ | hearts: '/close' works | 17:47 |
hearts | this chan is cool | 17:47 |
hearts | for what it is at least =P | 17:48 |
tuxi | sorry I don't know how to help, epimeth | 17:48 |
hearts | anyone here ever phreaked before | 17:48 |
epimeth | tuxi: no worries... It'll probably work itself out in a few days | 17:49 |
draik_ | I just realized I don't have kMix running and it won't run when I try to execute it through the run command | 17:49 |
DaSkreech | hearts: Yeah it is pretty neat :) but still we need to help people here. If you don't have a problem then join #kubuntu-offtopic and talk there you can stay in here and watch what's happening | 17:49 |
ivan_ | anyone use acer aspire 4520? | 17:49 |
hearts | oh ok thnx | 17:50 |
shadeslayer | yaay update complete | 17:50 |
shadeslayer | brb after reboot | 17:50 |
draik_ | Well, this audio issue is going to have to wait. Time to jump in the shower and start heading off to work. | 17:50 |
hearts | da are you an op | 17:50 |
ivan_ | im using acer aspire 4520, still dont have wireless driver on ubuntu 8.04 | 17:50 |
ivan_ | anyone can help me? | 17:50 |
shadeslayer | ooh netsplit | 17:50 |
draik_ | Pretty | 17:50 |
epimeth | ivan_: what wlan card do you have? | 17:51 |
shadeslayer | holy moly | 17:51 |
andypls1 | kubuntu suck :) | 17:51 |
shadeslayer | 973 MB for the Ubuntu desktop | 17:51 |
=== carlos is now known as Guest76169 | ||
shadeslayer | andypls1: no way | 17:51 |
shadeslayer | !suck | 17:51 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about suck | 17:51 |
shadeslayer | :P | 17:51 |
ivan_ | atheros | 17:51 |
shadeslayer | ! gnome | 17:52 |
ubottu | GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal. | 17:52 |
ivan_ | <epimeth> ivan_: what wlan card do you have? <<< im using atheros | 17:52 |
andypls1 | shadeslayer ubuntu are better | 17:52 |
shadeslayer | nope | 17:52 |
shadeslayer | kubuntu is better | 17:52 |
shadeslayer | !better | 17:52 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 17:52 |
epimeth | ivan_: does this help? | 17:52 |
ivan_ | ok epimeth | 17:52 |
ivan_ | ill try | 17:52 |
ivan_ | thx | 17:52 |
shadeslayer | ok any idea how to install GNOME | 17:52 |
shadeslayer | a very basic install | 17:53 |
andypls1 | shadeslayer the best thing it to get a Macbook | 17:53 |
shadeslayer | 973 MB is too much | 17:53 |
harjot_ | !ica | 17:53 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ica | 17:53 |
hearts | gnome on kubuntu? | 17:53 |
shadeslayer | andypls1: stop ranting | 17:53 |
harjot_ | !italc | 17:53 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about italc | 17:53 |
harjot_ | !italk | 17:53 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about italk | 17:53 |
andypls1 | shadeslayer how can i stop something i don't even know what it means? | 17:53 |
shadeslayer | ?? | 17:53 |
andypls1 | ranting | 17:54 |
shadeslayer | you dont know how to rant?? | 17:54 |
shadeslayer | :P | 17:54 |
shadeslayer | no wonder you support macs | 17:54 |
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bishopz | -curses at compiz- | 17:54 |
bishopz | grrrrrr | 17:54 |
shadeslayer | ok ive gtg | 17:54 |
=== Dragnslicer is now known as Dragnslcr | ||
bishopz | i give up | 17:54 |
shadeslayer | KDE is better | 17:54 |
shadeslayer | :P | 17:54 |
bishopz | sudo = | 17:54 |
andypls1 | KDE is slow | 17:54 |
ActionParsnip1 | bishopz: compiz is garbage imho | 17:55 |
andypls1 | the only good thing with KDE is CTRL+Alt+Esc | 17:55 |
chris__ | gnome doesn't have cursor kill?!? | 17:55 |
bishopz | whats good for customizing then | 17:55 |
bishopz | ? | 17:55 |
Led_Zeppelin | what is the Gnome tool to show Wireless settings? I am using KDE but I don't think a tool like that exists for kde | 17:55 |
tuxi | Led_Zeppelin, nm-applet may be what you're looking for | 17:56 |
andypls1 | no chris__ it doesnt | 17:56 |
ActionParsnip1 | Led_Zeppelin: dont ask i both channels, it makes you look silly | 17:56 |
epimeth | Led_Zeppelin: ummm... KNetworkManager does.... | 17:56 |
Led_Zeppelin | epimeth, what RPMs do I need? | 17:57 |
Led_Zeppelin | for KNetworkManager | 17:57 |
Dragnslcr | Led_Zeppelin- Ubuntu doesn't use RPM | 17:57 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
Led_Zeppelin | i mean dpkg | 17:58 |
Led_Zeppelin | :-) | 17:58 |
Led_Zeppelin | hehe | 17:58 |
epimeth | Led_Zeppelin: we use packages... its in basic | 17:58 |
* shadeslayer jumps due to his happiness | 17:58 | |
epimeth | it is installed by default with kubuntu-desktop | 17:58 |
jussi01 | Led_Zeppelin: sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome | 17:58 |
* shadeslayer was startled by sound from the speakers | 17:58 | |
shadeslayer | yayyyy | 17:58 |
shadeslayer | im at peace with the worls | 17:59 |
shadeslayer | *world | 17:59 |
shadeslayer | ActionParsnip1: everything is aok!! | 17:59 |
tuxi | no longer silent, shadeslayer? | 18:00 |
shadeslayer | ActionParsnip1: dont know what happened but the update seemed to have set everything to default | 18:00 |
=== darksmoke is now known as DS-Away | ||
* DS-Away is away: Not Here | 18:00 | |
shadeslayer | tuxi: nope,im shouting | 18:00 |
tuxi | lol | 18:00 |
shadeslayer | rather my laptop is | 18:00 |
jussi01 | !away > DS-Away | 18:00 |
ubottu | DS-Away, please see my private message | 18:00 |
jussi01 | shadeslayer: please attempt to keep ontopic - share your joy in #kubuntu-offtopic ;) | 18:01 |
shadeslayer | hehe well im kinda on topic | 18:01 |
shadeslayer | you see i was saying that my sound works in Kubuntu | 18:03 |
shadeslayer | btw can anybody guide me to a 20 MB gnome install?? | 18:03 |
shadeslayer | i just want gnome without the apps | 18:03 |
shadeslayer | !puregnome | 18:04 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » | 18:04 |
shadeslayer | hmm not quite | 18:04 |
bishopz | compiz deleted >:O | 18:04 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: apt-cache seach gnome | less | 18:05 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: it'll take a while to read but should give clues | 18:05 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 18:05 |
shadeslayer | so i pick every package,no ways | 18:06 |
tuxi | maybe sudo aptitude install gnome (it appears to be a metapackage) | 18:06 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: | 18:06 |
jussi01 | ActionParsnip1: that was an affirmative to your question before. (it worked) | 18:09 |
ActionParsnip1 | jussi01 genttoo handbook ;) | 18:10 |
trevor | ok, so what is the network manager widget called? | 18:10 |
trevor | since i dont seem to have it | 18:10 |
jussi01 | ActionParsnip1: thanks. I did kinda know it, just couldnt remember ;) | 18:10 |
jussi01 | trevor: nm-applet | 18:10 |
trevor | yeah | 18:11 |
trevor | i dont have that | 18:11 |
trevor | and when i type sudo apt-get install nm-applet | 18:11 |
trevor | it has an error | 18:12 |
jussi01 | trevor: wait, for gnome or kde's version? | 18:12 |
trevor | kde | 18:12 |
jussi01 | knetworkmanager for kdes version | 18:12 |
trevor | i have my ethernet plugged in, but i will need wireless at work later | 18:12 |
DaSkreech | For kde 4.2 \o/ | 18:12 |
trevor | argh | 18:12 |
trevor | yes | 18:12 |
trevor | kde4.3 | 18:12 |
trevor | 4.2 | 18:12 |
trevor | when i click on the one in internet menu, it doesnt open | 18:13 |
epimeth | jussi01_: kde its network-manager-kde | 18:13 |
tuxi | not knetworkmanager? | 18:14 |
trevor | argh | 18:14 |
trevor | it wont open | 18:14 |
trevor | this is so frusterating | 18:14 |
jussi01 | epimeth: package or command to open it ;) | 18:14 |
trevor | there is no widget, even though i somehow accidentally deleted it | 18:14 |
trevor | my laptop is running so hot it is uncomfortable to be on my lap, | 18:15 |
epimeth | jussi01_ that is the package... the command is KNetworkManager | 18:15 |
trevor | unbeleiveable | 18:15 |
trevor | im going back to mint | 18:15 |
trevor | lol | 18:15 |
jussi01 | trevor: you looked in the process list to see if its running? | 18:15 |
trevor | yes, it is running | 18:16 |
DaSkreech | trevor: Cooking eggs ? | 18:16 |
trevor | i cannot access it ever | 18:16 |
jussi01 | trevor: tried killing it and then starting it again? | 18:16 |
trevor | i cant click on it, i cant open it in the menu, i cant kill the process | 18:16 |
trevor | i cant even get into root | 18:16 |
trevor | maybe its because i am new to kde, but so far, this sucks | 18:17 |
ActionParsnip1 | trevor: root account is disabled | 18:17 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
Novalgina2Fast | how i can restart audio without restart x session?because if i type killall pulseaudio it doesn't work,i don' have pulseaudio installed | 18:17 |
Dr_Willis | pulseaudio is used by gnome - not kde. | 18:17 |
=== AlanasAnikoniss is now known as Guest28464 | ||
Dr_Willis | !alsa | 18:17 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 18:17 |
Dr_Willis | isent there an alsa service also? | 18:17 |
* DaSkreech rolls eyes | 18:17 | |
ActionParsnip1 | Novalgina2Fast: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa restart | 18:17 |
ActionParsnip1 | i think | 18:17 |
=== AlanasAnikoniss is now known as Guest49205 | ||
tuxi | Novalgina2Fast, sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart | 18:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | alsa-utils | 18:18 |
Dr_Willis | depending on how alsa crashes - you may hav to reboot | 18:18 |
Dr_Willis | bye all | 18:18 |
Novalgina2Fast | sudo /ect/init.d/alsa-utils restart didn't work(it restart alsa but if i try too use audio doesn't work) | 18:19 |
halfsane | hey all! | 18:19 |
halfsane | I am having a problem switching themes in KDE4.2 | 18:20 |
halfsane | I am in the theme details menu and when I pick one the apply button does not come un-greyed | 18:20 |
halfsane | any thoughts? | 18:20 |
ActionParsnip1 | halfsane: does it switch if youu log off and on | 18:21 |
tuxi | do you have themes that show up when you right-click on the desktop and select Appearance Settings, halfsane? | 18:21 |
trevor | is it the glass one halfsane | 18:21 |
halfsane | ActionParsnip1: no, i have tried this | 18:22 |
ActionParsnip1 | halfsane: just checking | 18:22 |
halfsane | tuxi: yes they appear there... that menu actually worked for me, is this a bug? | 18:22 |
halfsane | trevor: yes | 18:22 |
tuxi | no idea | 18:22 |
ActionParsnip1 | halfsane: try: sudo chown -R <your user name> /home/<your user name> | 18:22 |
trevor | i cant get it to work either | 18:23 |
ActionParsnip1 | halfsane: it might be a settings file permission | 18:23 |
ActionParsnip1 | halfsane: i'd also run: sudo chmod -R 755 /home/<your username> | 18:23 |
halfsane | chown: cannot access `/home/halfsane/.gvfs': Permission denied | 18:24 |
halfsane | same error here as well | 18:24 |
halfsane | chmod: cannot access `/home/halfsane/.gvfs': Permission denied | 18:24 |
halfsane | ActionParsnip1: both those produced the same results | 18:25 |
ActionParsnip1 | halfsane: just makes sure you are the owner of your files and that you have full access to them | 18:26 |
=== chris__ is now known as [TCK] | ||
ActionParsnip1 | halfsane: caan you set the settings now? | 18:26 |
halfsane | ActionParsnip1: negatory | 18:26 |
ActionParsnip1 | bah | 18:26 |
halfsane | ActionParsnip1: what do i need to do lol | 18:27 |
ActionParsnip1 | halfsane: is it the same for all users? | 18:27 |
halfsane | only one user | 18:27 |
ActionParsnip1 | halfsane: make a fresh one | 18:27 |
ActionParsnip1 | !adduser | 18:27 |
ubottu | To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo | 18:27 |
trevor | god this really sucks | 18:28 |
trevor | i like the way kde looks so good, but i cant seem to figure any of this out | 18:28 |
ActionParsnip1 | trevor: new systems will give you teething troubles | 18:28 |
trevor | if i could find a way to cool this thing off, i would just do a reinstall | 18:29 |
[TCK] | kde can be tricky, but mostly it's just a case of what you know | 18:29 |
trevor | lol, i have been using linux off and on since like 99 | 18:29 |
trevor | i am still a noob though | 18:29 |
trevor | but i have never used kde before, mainly xcfe and gnome | 18:29 |
ActionParsnip1 | trevor: every day is a school day | 18:29 |
ActionParsnip1 | trevor: fluxbox here | 18:29 |
trevor | my laptop is literally burning me | 18:29 |
trevor | i have used fluxbox on my fedora ppc on my imac g5 | 18:30 |
trevor | wasnt a fan | 18:30 |
[TCK] | how old's the laptop? might be worth giving it a clean | 18:30 |
trevor | i bought it the summer | 18:30 |
trevor | in the summer i man | 18:30 |
trevor | mean | 18:30 |
trevor | jeez i cant type | 18:31 |
trevor | its is a satellite | 18:31 |
halfsane | trevor: there is a bug in kubuntu jaunty where you need to restart if it's eating your cpu... | 18:31 |
[TCK] | probably not a dust issue | 18:31 |
trevor | i am on 8.10 | 18:31 |
halfsane | k | 18:31 |
[TCK] | I assume it's the cpu causing the heat | 18:31 |
trevor | i would assume so also | 18:31 |
trevor | its on powersave too | 18:32 |
[TCK] | what's it idling at? | 18:32 |
trevor | the temp? | 18:32 |
trevor | let me look | 18:32 |
[TCK] | cpu % | 18:32 |
[TCK] | and temp too, I guess | 18:32 |
trevor | it is idling at around 9 | 18:32 |
[TCK] | what's the big taker? xorg or plasma I'm guessing | 18:33 |
trevor | 404.3mib/3.6 | 18:33 |
trevor | kysysgaurd? | 18:33 |
trevor | xorg is below tha | 18:33 |
[TCK] | ksysguard is the program you're using | 18:33 |
trevor | t | 18:33 |
trevor | yeah i know | 18:34 |
trevor | wtf | 18:34 |
[TCK] | ie: system monitor | 18:34 |
[TCK] | I put my refresh to three seconds, stops that taking up so much cpu when it does run, though obviously it doesn't run all the time | 18:34 |
trevor | yeah | 18:35 |
trevor | i dont know | 18:35 |
[TCK] | as for xorg, I swear that takes up too much cpu | 18:35 |
ActionParsnip1 | trevor: ease up on the enter key duder | 18:35 |
trevor | sorry | 18:35 |
DaSkreech | [TCK]: I hate Xorg | 18:36 |
trevor | i mean, im probably just going to go back to gnome, since that doesnt burn my legs | 18:36 |
cyber | Hi all | 18:36 |
[TCK] | I've never gotten along with xorg, not sure if it's just my experience or a general consensus | 18:37 |
cyber | guys i have a graphic problem | 18:37 |
sztomi | Hi. I have some troubles with configuring Kopete 0.70 with Google Talk under KDE4.2. It says it was unable to connect to I used this walkthrough: Could someone help me? | 18:38 |
DaSkreech | cyber: Which is? | 18:38 |
DaSkreech | sztomi: can you ping ? | 18:39 |
badpc | Is there a need for virus protection on linux? | 18:39 |
cyber | i installed my video card but i noticed graphic issues like fuzzy pics and apps take long time to open | 18:40 |
DaSkreech | !virus | 18:40 |
ubottu | A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: | 18:40 |
=== AlanasAnikoniss is now known as AlanasAnikonis | ||
[TCK] | sztomi: if it's any help I can't seem to connect either | 18:41 |
halfsane | anyone know how to get ride of the borders on plasmoid in kde 4.2, thanks! | 18:42 |
halfsane | *plasmoids | 18:42 |
[TCK] | don't think you can short of choosing a different theme, could be wrong though | 18:46 |
halfsane | [TCK]: think your right :) | 18:46 |
tuxi | halfsane, I think they're fixed | 18:46 |
DaSkreech | halfsane: what window manager are you running? | 18:47 |
halfsane | im new to kde, whatever the default is... kwin maybe? | 18:47 |
DaddyLonglegs | Whenever I try to open a video file, my desktop completely freezes, my keyboard hangs, and nothing works anymore. I tried both Dragon Player, and VLC, but both showed the same behavior. Any ideas? | 18:47 |
Muzer | Hi. I'm using the NVIDIA TwinView thing to get multiple monitors (no idea if that is some NVIDIA-specific thing or if it's standard, I don't think it matters for this query), but most (not all) windows for some reason spawn on the left monitor, when I want stuff to by default spawn on the right. How do I go about setting this? | 18:47 |
Muzer | note that the left monitor is 1024x768, in case I need to input the resolution as a constant or something | 18:48 |
HighAndDry | hi! | 18:48 |
halfsane | DaddyLonglegs: i had a similar problem when using amarok 2 at the same time.. i switched to banshee and all is well now | 18:48 |
Muzer | HighAndDry: Hi | 18:48 |
HighAndDry | i've got some trouble installing pulseaudio in kubuntu | 18:48 |
[TCK] | DaddyLongLegs: try using a different video output in VLC perhaps? Try X11, or XVideo. | 18:49 |
HighAndDry | the server throws this two error messages when i run the command | 18:49 |
HighAndDry | W: ltdl-bind-now.c: Failed to find original dlopen loader. | 18:49 |
HighAndDry | ALSA lib control.c:909:(snd_ctl_open_noupdate) Invalid CTL front:0 | 18:49 |
HighAndDry | W: alsa-util.c: Cannot find fallback mixer control "PCM". | 18:49 |
DaddyLonglegs | halfsane: Let me give it a try. | 18:49 |
HighAndDry | then it starts anyway, and everything seems to be fine but i can't hear any sound | 18:50 |
HighAndDry | any ideas? | 18:51 |
DaddyLonglegs | halfsane: Banshee's gonna install one half of the Gnome libraries for me. :D | 18:52 |
DaddyLonglegs | [TCK]: How can I change video output in VLC? | 18:53 |
halfsane | DaddyLonglegs: yeah, it has a lot of dependencies... i didnt notice so much i guess because i have gnome installed as well | 18:53 |
kronicKoH | We have any designers in the room, GRAPHIC? | 18:53 |
halfsane | DaddyLonglegs: to test all you have to do is close amarok... that did it for me, then i had to choose a new player | 18:54 |
DaddyLonglegs | halfsane: My amarok was already closed when all this happened. I hate gnome, btw. | 18:55 |
halfsane | DaddyLonglegs: then you dont have the problem i had , i dont know what to tell ya... | 18:55 |
halfsane | DaddyLonglegs: make sure you have the restricted packages | 18:55 |
DaddyLonglegs | halfsane: I do. I just installed fglrx, the AMD/ATI proprietory driver for my graphics. Maybe the problems is that? | 18:57 |
halfsane | DaddyLonglegs: how fast is your cpu? | 18:58 |
DaddyLonglegs | halfsane: 2.4 GHz, core 2 duo | 18:58 |
halfsane | DaddyLonglegs: did the driver work for ya? | 18:59 |
DaddyLonglegs | halfsane: Yes. Everything was fine so far. I'd never played any video until today when this happened. | 19:00 |
SimonS | good evening | 19:01 |
[TCK] | DaddyLongLegs: video and ATI driver problems is what's causing me to reinstall Kubuntu :( | 19:06 |
trevor | has anyone here tried sabayon 4.0 | 19:07 |
DaddyLonglegs | [TCK]: You mean the problem is due to fglrx (ATI proprietory driver)? | 19:07 |
ActionParsnip1 | !ot | trevor | 19:07 |
ubottu | trevor: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 19:07 |
bishopz | who here is familiar with mounting and unmounting for external hard drives? | 19:12 |
Muzer | I'm using the NVIDIA TwinView thing to get multiple monitors (no idea if that is some NVIDIA-specific thing or if it's standard, I don't think it matters for this query), but most (not all) windows for some reason spawn on the left monitor, when I want stuff to by default spawn on the right. How do I go about setting this? | 19:12 |
Muzer | note that the left monitor is 1024x768, in case I need to input the resolution as a constant or something | 19:13 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: I am | 19:13 |
bishopz | ok, quick question.. | 19:13 |
bishopz | i have a WD external, it auto mounts to my desktop its filled with music and movies | 19:14 |
bishopz | it says mounted | 19:14 |
bishopz | but dont play anything | 19:14 |
bishopz | doesnt even read the filees | 19:14 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: what happens when you tpye mount on the terminal | 19:14 |
DaSkreech | Do you see the drive there? | 19:14 |
halfsane | Muzer: i think what your looking for is in settings -> window behavior -> advanced -> window specific | 19:14 |
bishopz | nope | 19:14 |
Muzer | halfsane: I found that, but it's a little confusing | 19:15 |
bishopz | i plug it in, it shows "my book" on desk top | 19:15 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: when you type sudo fdisk -l do you see it there ? | 19:15 |
bishopz | properties | 19:15 |
bishopz | says mounted | 19:15 |
bishopz | hang on let mne check | 19:15 |
Muzer | I can click Posititon, Apply Initially | 19:16 |
derdon | Hi guys! How can I set the background in Konsole transparent? | 19:16 |
Muzer | but then there's just one box | 19:16 |
Muzer | do I type 1024x0 in there or something? | 19:16 |
DaSkreech | as I recall it gets mounted when you click it or something | 19:16 |
bishopz | it does mount just to desk hang on checking terminal now | 19:17 |
DaSkreech | ok | 19:17 |
halfsane | Muzer: i never used the menu, but ya, it looks confusing ! haha | 19:18 |
=== solid_li` is now known as solid_liq | ||
bishopz | ok its not showing | 19:18 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: hrrm | 19:19 |
DaSkreech | USB drive I take it? | 19:19 |
DaSkreech | or firewire ? | 19:19 |
bishopz | yea | 19:19 |
bishopz | usb | 19:19 |
DaSkreech | sudo lsusb | 19:19 |
DaSkreech | see if it shows up there | 19:19 |
=== alberto is now known as Guest39115 | ||
bishopz | Bus 005 Device 007: ID 1058:0903 Western Digital Technologies, Inc. | 19:20 |
Muzer | I tried what I said, doesn't seem tow ork | 19:20 |
bishopz | shows there | 19:20 |
Muzer | ah well | 19:20 |
Muzer | I'll just move them manually :( | 19:20 |
halfsane | Muzer: i know it can work, I have just never needed it myself... someone should be able to help you | 19:20 |
Muzer | I suppose the other way is to physically move my monitor and then set the minor one to the right, don't want to do that though :p | 19:20 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: pastebin the output of mount and of ls /dev/sd* | 19:20 |
bishopz | ok imcompltely new to linux lol that justwent over my head | 19:21 |
Muzer | aha | 19:21 |
bishopz | :( | 19:21 |
Muzer | placement, force temporarily, under mouse | 19:21 |
Muzer | that helps | 19:21 |
Muzer | since the panel is on my major screen | 19:22 |
DaSkreech | !paste | bishopz | 19:23 |
ubottu | bishopz: pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 19:23 |
DaSkreech | run mount | 19:23 |
DaSkreech | then run ls /dev/sd* and paste the output from each in that site | 19:24 |
canosayan | hi | 19:24 |
bishopz | ok brb | 19:24 |
DaSkreech | when it's finished give us back the URL it produces here | 19:24 |
DaSkreech | !hi | 19:24 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! | 19:24 |
shadeslayer | ok, i just had a brainwave | 19:25 |
shadeslayer | can i install GNOME from a ubuntu CD | 19:25 |
DaSkreech | no | 19:25 |
DaSkreech | well yes | 19:25 |
ActionParsnip1 | shadeslayer: you can use the cd as a repo | 19:25 |
shadeslayer | :) | 19:25 |
casimodo | #Ubuntu - fr | 19:25 |
DaSkreech | but not a live CD | 19:25 |
DaSkreech | !fr | casimodo | 19:25 |
ubottu | casimodo: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 19:25 |
shadeslayer | then which one?? | 19:26 |
shadeslayer | like i just want GNOME along side KDE | 19:26 |
shadeslayer | should i ask this in #ubuntu?? | 19:27 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 19:27 |
DaSkreech | done | 19:27 |
shadeslayer | ill have to download then | 19:27 |
DaSkreech | Yeah | 19:27 |
shadeslayer | try downloading 200 MB on 128 kbps connection | 19:28 |
shadeslayer | :( | 19:28 |
DaSkreech | if you don't want to download then use the Ubuntu alternate CD or the ubuntu DVd | 19:28 |
shadeslayer | again download,since i have neither | 19:29 |
shadeslayer | :P | 19:29 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: If you have someone on the network with Gnome you can copy it over from them | 19:30 |
shadeslayer | like someone sharing a server,uh nope | 19:30 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: Download then. The good part is that you can resume | 19:31 |
shadeslayer | hm im asking in #ubuntu to see if someone might know | 19:31 |
shadeslayer | :) | 19:31 |
DaSkreech | So if you stop and shut off the computer and come back two days later it picks up from where it left off | 19:31 |
shadeslayer | i dont close the terminal right | 19:32 |
Laeborg-lap | a good program to stream mp3 to a shoutcast server? | 19:32 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: You can shut off the computer | 19:33 |
DaSkreech | !info icecast | 19:33 |
ubottu | Package icecast does not exist in intrepid | 19:33 |
ActionParsnip1 | Laeborg-lap: i think vlc does it | 19:33 |
DaSkreech | !find icecast | 19:33 |
ubottu | Found: icecast-server, icecast2 | 19:33 |
DaSkreech | !info icecast2 | 19:33 |
ubottu | icecast2 (source: icecast2): Ogg Vorbis and MP3 streaming media server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.2-2 (intrepid), package size 257 kB, installed size 744 kB | 19:33 |
Laeborg-lap | anything like SAM Broadcaster? | 19:34 |
shadeslayer | ok gtg,had this brain wave as i was getting into bed :P | 19:34 |
shadeslayer | bye all | 19:34 |
DaSkreech | Laeborg-lap: That's the Missile launch program? :) | 19:34 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: You can leave it downloading while you sleep :) | 19:34 |
Laeborg-lap | | 19:34 |
DaSkreech | In that case you don't close the terminal :) | 19:34 |
shadeslayer | DaSkreech: i have a torrent downloading in the background in windows :P | 19:35 |
shadeslayer | ill leave it tommorow | 19:35 |
shadeslayer | *nigh | 19:35 |
shadeslayer | pnight | 19:35 |
DaSkreech | Ha ha Well you sound like a professional downloader | 19:35 |
shadeslayer | god | 19:35 |
DaSkreech | I'll stop giving you advice :) | 19:35 |
shadeslayer | typing in the dark is not easy | 19:35 |
shadeslayer | :) | 19:36 |
shadeslayer | thanks for the help anyways | 19:36 |
shadeslayer | byeeee | 19:36 |
DaSkreech | byeeeee | 19:36 |
ActionParsnip1 | professional downloader? | 19:37 |
ActionParsnip1 | thats funny | 19:37 |
shadeslayer | back in windows | 19:43 |
=== liberfiasco is now known as libervisco | ||
ccherrett | what is th best way to install nvidia drivers? | 19:51 |
jussi01 | ccherrett: kmenu - system - hardware drivers | 19:52 |
ActionParsnip1 | !paste | 19:52 |
ubottu | pastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic) | 19:52 |
tuxi | ccherrett, go to System/Hardware Drivers | 19:52 |
ccherrett | jussi01: System Settings? | 19:52 |
ccherrett | jussi01: kde4 here | 19:53 |
jussi01 | ccherrett: no | 19:53 |
jussi01 | ccherrett: system, hardware drivers | 19:53 |
ccherrett | jussi01: ah got it | 19:53 |
ccherrett | thanks | 19:53 |
tuxi | I don't use the new menu | 19:53 |
StatuZ | Good evening. | 19:54 |
StatuZ | I just reinstalled kubuntu, but i cant get a networkconnection | 19:55 |
tuxi | StatuZ, wired or wireless | 19:56 |
StatuZ | both | 19:56 |
ccherrett | jussi01: it did not find any drivers | 19:56 |
tuxi | are you using knetworkmanager? | 19:56 |
tuxi | ccherrett, which card do you have? | 19:57 |
StatuZ | knetworkmanager is standard installed, so yes. | 19:57 |
tuxi | dynamic address? | 19:57 |
StatuZ | DHCP | 19:57 |
ccherrett | tuxi: spoke to soon | 19:57 |
ccherrett | thanks | 19:57 |
ccherrett | all better | 19:57 |
tuxi | you found it then, ccherrett? | 19:58 |
tuxi | StatuZ, I'm not thinking clearly hopefully someone else can help | 19:58 |
=== kira\ is now known as stealth_tty1 | ||
StatuZ | Anyone else then. Im trying to get a DHCP internetconnection, it works on other installations, but in kubuntu it wont start | 19:59 |
=== dox is now known as Guest20140 | ||
=== Guest20140 is now known as bishopz | ||
bishopz | ok | 20:00 |
bishopz | now its saying | 20:00 |
bishopz | that its a read only | 20:00 |
bishopz | its mounted to /media | 20:01 |
bishopz | it installed some windows components | 20:01 |
GWild | can someone here answer a question about the fstab file (Intrepid 8.10 and new Kub user)? | 20:01 |
bishopz | since i have no windows anything | 20:01 |
bishopz | now trying to change it around in properties to view files | 20:01 |
bishopz | says its a read only | 20:01 |
shadeslayer | !ask | GWild | 20:02 |
ubottu | GWild: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 20:02 |
bishopz | Sorry, could not change the permissions of "My Book": Error setting permissions: Read-only file system | 20:02 |
shadeslayer | !ask | GWild | 20:02 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: read only means you can read it | 20:03 |
shadeslayer | !ask | GWild | 20:03 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: sstop that | 20:03 |
bishopz | DaSkreech: i know, but how do i access the files | 20:03 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: you should be able to | 20:03 |
shadeslayer | what?? | 20:03 |
shadeslayer | i didnt do anything/ | 20:03 |
GWild | I have recently rearranged my system to include a new drive onto which I will move /home. I need to modify fstab to enter the new mountpoints and there are entries in the fstab I've never seen before - do I have to use those long UUID's or can I simply use the /dev/sdx format? | 20:03 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: you gave the message already stop spamming | 20:03 |
bishopz | so maybe its the drive its'self | 20:04 |
shadeslayer | oh | 20:04 |
DaSkreech | GWild: You can sue both | 20:04 |
DaSkreech | !uuid | 20:04 |
ubottu | To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see for the rationale behind the transition to UUID) | 20:04 |
shadeslayer | sue :O | 20:04 |
DaSkreech | GWild: UUIDs are used in Ubuntu since if the mount point changes it will still find the right drive and mount it at the right place | 20:04 |
shadeslayer | why are you gonna sue me and ubottu?? | 20:04 |
shadeslayer | :P | 20:04 |
DaSkreech | shadeslayer: Cause you slay in the shade! | 20:05 |
shadeslayer | hahaha | 20:05 |
GWild | DaSkreech: I see, thank you for the info | 20:05 |
shadeslayer | :) | 20:05 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: More likely it's that it has some protection thing on it | 20:05 |
bishopz | if i do sudo blkid, ... it brings up /dev/sdb1 | 20:06 |
bishopz | it shows it there | 20:07 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: That's probably your drive | 20:07 |
bishopz | SEC_TYPE="msdos" LABEL="My Book" UUID="96D8-AEA8" TYPE="vfat" | 20:07 |
DaSkreech | Lets try something | 20:07 |
bishopz | ok | 20:07 |
DaSkreech | mkdir drive | 20:07 |
DaSkreech | sudo mount /dev/sdb1 drive | 20:07 |
DaSkreech | ls drive | 20:07 |
DaSkreech | see what that does | 20:07 |
bishopz | mount: /dev/sdb1 already mounted or drive busy | 20:08 |
bishopz | mount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is mounted on /media/My Book | 20:08 |
SiVA__ | man... I keep getting booted from irc | 20:09 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: ls /media/My\ Book | 20:09 |
badpc | how can i see how much disk space i have? | 20:09 |
DaSkreech | du | 20:09 |
DaSkreech | wait | 20:09 |
DaSkreech | df | 20:09 |
bishopz | ls: cannot access /media/My Book/FOUND.000: Input/output error | 20:09 |
bishopz | FOUND.000 Recycled System Volume Information | 20:10 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: that's all? no listing of directories ? | 20:10 |
bishopz | important stuff to back up resycled | 20:10 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: That's all that's on the drive ? | 20:10 |
bishopz | $RECYCLE.BIN Rjays Music - Movies | 20:10 |
DaSkreech | Ah ok | 20:10 |
ActionParsnip1 | badpc: df -h | 20:10 |
bishopz | nope thats it | 20:10 |
ActionParsnip1 | DaSkreech: -h makes it humanly readable | 20:10 |
DaSkreech | ActionParsnip1: I know | 20:11 |
bishopz | but if i plug it in to a windows machine, it works perfectly fine | 20:11 |
DaSkreech | but much less accurate | 20:11 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: Yeah assumingit doesn't have a Program requirement it should work | 20:11 |
bishopz | yea, it runs fine on windows, problem is, i dont have windows | 20:11 |
DaSkreech | :-) | 20:11 |
StatuZ | Anyone knows why i cant get a DHCP connection with KNetworkManager? | 20:12 |
DaSkreech | ok does dolphin /media/My\ Book work ? | 20:12 |
Level15 | StatuZ: b/c the dhcp server might be down? :P | 20:12 |
bishopz | installing dolphin | 20:12 |
bishopz | hang on | 20:12 |
StatuZ | Level15, Its up and running | 20:12 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: you don't have it? | 20:12 |
badpc | ActionParsnip1: linux is crazy it doesnt use hardly any space | 20:12 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: This Gnome ? | 20:12 |
Level15 | StatuZ: try to get the address on the command line | 20:13 |
bishopz | Yes | 20:13 |
DaSkreech | badpc: considering | 20:13 |
StatuZ | hmm? | 20:13 |
Level15 | StatuZ: sudo dhclient | 20:13 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: the do nautilus /media/My\ Book | 20:13 |
=== skarn is now known as skarn86 | ||
DaSkreech | then | 20:13 |
badpc | DaSkreech: considering my vista takes up almost 30gig of hard drive space on a fresh install | 20:14 |
DaSkreech | badpc: I'm just saying hat 2.5 Gigs is still a decent amount of space to take up | 20:14 |
bishopz | it brought me to properties | 20:14 |
DaSkreech | but considering the competition and what comes in the default then yeah it's tiny | 20:15 |
alakhia | hi, doesn't anyone know how I can play "video/x-m4v" mime-type in firefox? | 20:15 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: o_O | 20:15 |
bishopz | yea lol | 20:15 |
badpc | DaSkreech: yeah i was just comparing to windows | 20:15 |
=== giando is now known as fnomeno | ||
DaSkreech | badpc: That's with MS office installed? | 20:15 |
bishopz | It opened to the proerties, i go to folder acess, and click acess files | 20:15 |
bishopz | it denies me | 20:15 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: open nautilus and see if you can browse to /media | 20:15 |
badpc | DaSkreech: no i dont have office | 20:15 |
DaSkreech | badpc: Hmm that's like 10Gb itself | 20:16 |
alakhia | anyone? | 20:16 |
StatuZ | Level15, Done. It is discovering a lot of things on eth0, pan0, wlan0 and wmaster0. "No DHCPOFFERS recieved." | 20:16 |
badpc | DaSkreech: yes it is | 20:16 |
bishopz | OMFG | 20:16 |
DaSkreech | alakhia: try mozilla-mplayer | 20:16 |
bishopz | I INSTALLED DOLPHIN | 20:16 |
bishopz | ran it | 20:16 |
bishopz | :O | 20:16 |
bishopz | IT WORKED... dude i love u | 20:16 |
DaSkreech | and it worked? | 20:16 |
bishopz | lolol | 20:17 |
DaSkreech | yeah I was trying to figure why it wouldn't work | 20:17 |
DaSkreech | that made no sense to me | 20:17 |
bishopz | U just saved me so much time and money | 20:17 |
alakhia | DaSkreech: I already have mozilla-mplayer installed | 20:17 |
ActionParsnip1 | alakhia: apt-cache seach vlc | grep plug | 20:17 |
DaSkreech | alakhia: Oh umm ok does mplayer play m4v ? | 20:17 |
ActionParsnip1 | alakhia: sudo apt-get install mozilla-plugin-vlc | 20:18 |
bishopz | DaSkreech: Now everytime i wanna open it do i have to run thru dolphin in terminal? | 20:18 |
alakhia | DaSkreech: i don't have a local file that I can try to play using mplayer | 20:18 |
ActionParsnip1 | alakhia: i think vlc can handle them, you may need codecs | 20:18 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: No just alt+f2 | 20:19 |
DaSkreech | dolphin | 20:19 |
StatuZ | Level15, Done. It is discovering a lot of things on eth0, pan0, wlan0 and wmaster0. "No DHCPOFFERS recieved." | 20:19 |
bishopz | ;) tyvm | 20:19 |
DaSkreech | Dolphin should have a places bar on the ... right I think | 20:19 |
DaSkreech | you can just click the device | 20:19 |
alakhia | ActionParsnip1: let me try ... looking for vlc plugin for mozilla | 20:19 |
alakhia | ActionParsnip1: ok, am installing 31mb's worth of stuff ... let's see what happens | 20:20 |
bishopz | lol now if u could teach me how to fully install compiz and get that working id almost be happy ;x | 20:22 |
alakhia | ActionParsnip1: installed, restarted firefox, still no dice | 20:23 |
ActionParsnip1 | alakhia: hmmm | 20:23 |
alakhia | ActionParsnip1: looked in the html file and figured out the url ... am downloading the file to see if mplayer plays it directly | 20:24 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: apt-get install compiz ccsm | 20:24 |
alakhia | ActionParsnip1: trailers on work fine. I think those are encoded using H.264 or something | 20:24 |
bishopz | is that complete? | 20:24 |
bishopz | nothing else needed | 20:25 |
ActionParsnip1 | bishopz: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager | 20:25 |
alakhia | ActionParsnip1: so, mplayer doesn't play the file either ... shows random noise | 20:25 |
ActionParsnip1 | alakhia: then you need codecs | 20:26 |
ActionParsnip1 | !codecs | alakhia | 20:26 |
ubottu | alakhia: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 20:26 |
DaSkreech | bishopz: Yeah | 20:27 |
pippo_ | hallo | 20:29 |
pippo_ | !list | 20:29 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 20:29 |
bishopz | damn playback on linux for avi is decent | 20:29 |
ActionParsnip1 | bishopz: its a well documented format so codecs can be decent | 20:31 |
alakhia | i see all kinds of variations for gstreamer plugins, good, bad, ugly, really-bad, multiverse variant | 20:31 |
bishopz | ive noticed. the external i have has 100 movies and over 100thousand mp3s | 20:32 |
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer | ||
bishopz | -running thru them all now | 20:32 |
alakhia | ActionParsnip1: i've downloaded several gstreamer plugin versions but it doesn't seem to help | 20:37 |
alakhia | ActionParsnip1: I also have w32codecs | 20:38 |
alakhia | here is the web page in question in case that helps: | 20:38 |
alakhia | when i got to this page, i just see a "Click here to download plugin" in the preview window | 20:39 |
ActionParsnip1 | alakhia: ok whats the plugin it wants to download? | 20:39 |
alakhia | I'm told: "Unknown plugin (video/x-m4v)" | 20:40 |
alakhia | ahh, it plays in mplayer | 20:40 |
alakhia | just can't get firefox to play | 20:40 |
alakhia | it is a big file and wouldn't play in mplayer all this time because it wasn't completely downloaded | 20:41 |
alakhia | so I think my problem is to just convince firefox that it can play this mime-type | 20:42 |
alakhia | using mplayer | 20:42 |
alakhia | if I do: "about:plugins" ... i don't see x-m4v anywhere | 20:42 |
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer|slee | ||
=== shadeslayer|slee is now known as shadeslayer|away | ||
=== michael__ is now known as SpikeSpeigel | ||
=== SpikeSpeigel is now known as Huntz | ||
bishopz | is there a volume booster of some sorts? | 20:50 |
shadeslayer|away | bishopz, low volume?? | 20:50 |
bishopz | extremely | 20:50 |
=== shadeslayer|away is now known as shadeslayer | ||
shadeslayer | bishopz, open the mixer | 20:51 |
bishopz | where is it | 20:51 |
shadeslayer | and then the settings and enable everything | 20:51 |
shadeslayer | uh bottom right | 20:51 |
shadeslayer | click on the sound icon | 20:51 |
bishopz | oh yea, lol everything is up. | 20:52 |
shadeslayer | everything set to max?? | 20:52 |
EnzoTaglia | hi | 20:52 |
bishopz | mhm | 20:52 |
shadeslayer | then get VLC | 20:52 |
bishopz | sudo get-apt vlc ? | 20:53 |
shadeslayer | yeah | 20:53 |
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer|nigh | ||
bishopz | grrr command not found | 20:54 |
=== shadeslayer|nigh is now known as shadeslayer|away | ||
shadeslayer|away | what!!!!!!!!!!! | 20:54 |
=== shadeslayer|away is now known as shadeslayer | ||
shadeslayer | apt-get loll | 20:54 |
shadeslayer | not get-apt | 20:54 |
Huntz | lol | 20:54 |
shadeslayer | hahaha | 20:54 |
bishopz | i did that | 20:55 |
shadeslayer | what?? | 20:55 |
shadeslayer | sudo apt-get install vlc | 20:55 |
bishopz | ah | 20:55 |
shadeslayer | XD | 20:55 |
bishopz | lol | 20:55 |
shadeslayer | :D | 20:55 |
Huntz | so I am struggling with command line and perl | 20:56 |
bishopz | ive been trying to get this system running smoothly all day | 20:56 |
bishopz | its amazing how a simple word such as instal | 20:56 |
bishopz | u lose so much translation | 20:56 |
shadeslayer | bishopz, it wont for a few days | 20:56 |
shadeslayer | :) | 20:56 |
bishopz | lol | 20:56 |
Huntz | while trying to get out of my end of life versions | 20:56 |
bishopz | ive noticed | 20:56 |
bishopz | lol, i fix one thing and find 8 more things that should run better | 20:56 |
shadeslayer | yeah,youll never be happy for the first week | 20:57 |
Huntz | I'll second that | 20:57 |
bishopz | lol | 20:58 |
Huntz | I'd be even happier if I would just break down and buy a linux friendly printer | 20:58 |
bishopz | lol | 20:59 |
dromer | hi all, with a couple of programs I'm having the following problem: NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied). | 20:59 |
bishopz | screw that one thing i learned quick was the bluetooth settings | 20:59 |
bishopz | lmfao | 20:59 |
dromer | I've seen various awnsers to this online, but I'm not sure what to do with my system | 20:59 |
shadeslayer | dromer, tried reinitializing the drivers | 21:00 |
olebohem | hello all, can anyone help me with this: I am currently trying to play commandos 2 trough wine. Everything seems to work very good, but when I try to play multiplayer, it says that tcp/ip is not available. | 21:00 |
dromer | shadeslayer: no, should I do that? | 21:00 |
olebohem | I have played warcraft 3 through wine and the network works fine | 21:00 |
shadeslayer | dromer, K>apps>system>hardware drivers | 21:00 |
shadeslayer | also | 21:00 |
shadeslayer | !nvidia | dromer | 21:01 |
ubottu | dromer: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 21:01 |
olebohem | can`t find any solution online:/ | 21:01 |
alakhia | ActionParsnip1: i hacked the plugin.dat file myself | 21:01 |
shadeslayer | hearts, welcome back | 21:01 |
alakhia | ActionParsnip1: i added: "28:video/x-m4v:MPEG 4 Video:m4v:$" and incremented the counter from 28 to 29 | 21:01 |
hearts | sup dude. | 21:01 |
hearts | i was letting my comp rest for a bit | 21:02 |
hearts | =P | 21:02 |
shadeslayer | im going to sleep for the 5th time | 21:02 |
shadeslayer | XD | 21:02 |
shadeslayer | byee | 21:02 |
hearts | lol | 21:02 |
hearts | peace | 21:02 |
bishopz | vlc is nice | 21:02 |
[TCK] | ever? | 21:02 |
shadeslayer | dromer, ask here again if the problem persists | 21:02 |
shadeslayer | bishopz, well known fact | 21:03 |
dromer | shadeslayer: kay, lemme check\ | 21:03 |
bishopz | thanks for the heads up | 21:03 |
shadeslayer | dromer, quickly,coz im sleeping in 2 min | 21:03 |
=== RoozbehOnline is now known as Roozbeh|Away | ||
shadeslayer | np | 21:03 |
shadeslayer | !away | Roozbeh|Away | 21:03 |
ubottu | Roozbeh|Away: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines» | 21:03 |
shadeslayer | oh my | 21:04 |
shadeslayer | that didnt go right | 21:04 |
Huntz | anyone familiar with the EOLupgrade procedure? | 21:04 |
shadeslayer | !eol | Huntz | 21:04 |
ubottu | Huntz: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See | 21:04 |
shadeslayer | oh | 21:04 |
=== Roozbeh|Away is now known as RoozbehOnline | ||
shadeslayer | you want to upgrade from eol?? | 21:04 |
Huntz | Yes I know, and I have already been from edgy to feisty | 21:04 |
Huntz | but I am have a problem with a command | 21:05 |
shadeslayer | Huntz, and now to Interpid? | 21:05 |
Huntz | no unfortunately fiesty is also EOL | 21:05 |
shadeslayer | :) | 21:05 |
Huntz | so I need to go to gutsy | 21:05 |
shadeslayer | well no idea | 21:05 |
hearts | i thought you were going to sleep | 21:05 |
shadeslayer | hehe | 21:05 |
Huntz | hes got one | 21:05 |
shadeslayer | see what i mean for the 5th tome | 21:06 |
shadeslayer | *time | 21:06 |
shadeslayer | dromer, you done yet?? | 21:06 |
dromer | shadeslayer: I just de-activate and re-activate the drivers? because it says I have the recomended drivers | 21:06 |
shadeslayer | yeah,there should be a green light next to them | 21:06 |
shadeslayer | :P | 21:06 |
dromer | there is | 21:06 |
shadeslayer | then the drivers are working fine | 21:07 |
Huntz | Shadeslayer: its a perl command for making changes in the repositories | 21:07 |
dromer | hmmm, it seems to be stuck | 21:07 |
dromer | shadeslayer: oh -_- | 21:07 |
shadeslayer | what happened? | 21:07 |
dromer | so, what do I do then? | 21:07 |
shadeslayer | hmm | 21:07 |
shadeslayer | hearts, any idea? | 21:08 |
dromer | nothing, I'm not logged in a a sudoer atm, so I ran the program as my other user over x-forwarding .. which borked I guess, but it's ok | 21:08 |
shadeslayer | im out in 10,9,8... | 21:08 |
hearts | whats the problem? | 21:08 |
hearts | trying to update? | 21:08 |
shadeslayer | nope | 21:08 |
shadeslayer | <dromer> hi all, with a couple of programs I'm having the following problem: NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied). | 21:08 |
shadeslayer | bye | 21:08 |
dromer | hearts: I'm getting NVIDIA: could not open the device file /dev/nvidiactl (Permission denied). with some programs, and it has something to do with permissions on /dev/nvidia | 21:08 |
hearts | driver issues? | 21:08 |
* shadeslayer goes | 21:08 | |
dromer | from what I found | 21:09 |
hearts | get on administrator | 21:09 |
dromer | what do you mean? | 21:09 |
hearts | did you try changing permissions on your reg account? | 21:10 |
dromer | I'm not sure what you mean | 21:10 |
hearts | all right | 21:10 |
hearts | are you trying to download something and it's telling you that | 21:10 |
dromer | if I change any permissions on /dev/nvidia they get reset on reboot | 21:10 |
dromer | no | 21:11 |
dromer | I'm trying to run various programs and i't telling me that (ie FretsOnFIre or GoogleEarth) | 21:11 |
hearts | ohh... | 21:11 |
hearts | and you got an nvidia card | 21:11 |
hearts | ? | 21:11 |
dromer | yes | 21:11 |
bishopz | any decent theme packages anyone knows of? | 21:11 |
hearts | ok | 21:11 |
dromer | why else would I get a nvidia-error? | 21:12 |
hearts | did you try reinstalling the drivers? | 21:12 |
shadeslayer | :) | 21:12 |
dromer | that's what shadeslayer said, but I don't remember how to do that | 21:12 |
hearts | shade | 21:12 |
shadeslayer | ?? | 21:12 |
dromer | and I checked in jockey-kde but the driver seems to be ok | 21:12 |
hearts | would it be one set of drivers for every nvidia card? | 21:12 |
dromer | shadeslayer: you where leaving :) | 21:13 |
shadeslayer | how about deactivating drivers and then following instructions here | 21:13 |
Huntz | nvidia drivers are uni | 21:13 |
shadeslayer | !nvidia | 21:13 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 21:13 |
shadeslayer | :D | 21:13 |
shadeslayer | you know me | 21:13 |
hearts | they're universal? | 21:13 |
Huntz | at least all the ones I used in debian | 21:13 |
Huntz | right from nvid | 21:14 |
hearts | yeah i would assume so too | 21:14 |
hearts | thats why i asked | 21:14 |
hearts | all right | 21:14 |
hearts | well, dromer you need to figure out how to install the drivers again | 21:14 |
hearts | then reinstall it | 21:14 |
hearts | and hopefully that would fix your issue | 21:14 |
* shadeslayer ducks under the pillow | 21:14 | |
hearts | this is why i virtualize =P | 21:14 |
dromer | -_- | 21:14 |
Huntz | if nvid is still on the linux wagon they have a fairly competent hot install | 21:15 |
Huntz | err, *how | 21:15 |
Huntz | *to | 21:15 |
hearts | yup | 21:15 |
hearts | just google dude. | 21:15 |
dromer | I'm looking at | 21:15 |
Huntz | does anyone know is flashplayer 10 only for 8.04 and above? | 21:16 |
hearts | flashplayer is the latest one right? | 21:17 |
Huntz | I tried to install it today and it barked at me that I am running an unsupported os | 21:17 |
Huntz | hearts: yes | 21:17 |
hearts | are you using an older ubuntu os | 21:17 |
Huntz | yes, actually the latesst and greatest End of LIfe Feisty | 21:17 |
hearts | lol | 21:18 |
hearts | thats your issue brah | 21:18 |
hearts | why you using it? | 21:18 |
Huntz | well I am in the proccess of getting back upto speed | 21:18 |
Huntz | I was using edgy | 21:18 |
Huntz | and lets jsut say that the EOLUpgrade page has just a few stickups that I cant figure out | 21:19 |
shadeslayer | [Global Notice] Hi all, I'm about to take services down for an upgrade, this means that for the duration of the downtime the network will be without our friends NickServ, ChanServ and so forth -- the upgrade shouldn't take long, but feel free to cross fingers and toes for luck regardless! I'm sorry for the inconvenience and hope you have a nice Sunday! | 21:20 |
Huntz | either someone will go hey, I know that, or I will have an ephany in a week and figure it out | 21:20 |
shadeslayer | thats from Christel | 21:20 |
hearts | i got that too | 21:20 |
shadeslayer | :) | 21:20 |
hearts | who is christel | 21:20 |
shadeslayer | operator | 21:21 |
shadeslayer | freenode op to be exact | 21:21 |
Huntz | I was hopin DaSkreech was on, but just as I popped in he left | 21:21 |
hrock | hola como estan | 21:22 |
Kerry_Ki810 | hi | 21:23 |
hearts | who ops this room | 21:23 |
hrock | alguien sabe como ponerle la barra de titulo a las ventanas despues de instalar compiz fusion | 21:23 |
Kerry_Ki810 | somebody help me please - in KDE 3.5 I used to be able to select a different wallpaper for each desktop - now I can't find the option in KDE4 | 21:24 |
hearts | =/ | 21:24 |
hrock | en ubuntu 8.4 | 21:24 |
hearts | =\ | 21:24 |
shadeslayer | Kerry_Ki810, no help,its designed that way | 21:25 |
shadeslayer | :( | 21:25 |
Huntz | arent you goin to bed yet? | 21:26 |
Kerry_Ki810 | oh dear..... so I can't do anything about it? | 21:26 |
shadeslayer | i dont think so | 21:26 |
Kerry_Ki810 | I'll just have to concentrate that little bit harder when I'm working between desktops | 21:26 |
shadeslayer | i thought i saw a link some days earlier,google might help | 21:26 |
shadeslayer | :P | 21:26 |
Huntz | did you google and see if anyone else has dicussed it | 21:26 |
Kerry_Ki810 | no but i looked on ubuntuforums - nothing | 21:27 |
hrock | someone knows how to put the title bar of windows after install compiz fusion | 21:27 |
hrock | ubuntu 8.4 | 21:27 |
Huntz | start a thread and see if anyone pipes up witha solution | 21:28 |
bishopz | i need better themessssss | 21:29 |
xgus | did some body have used vpn on a nortel contivity ? | 21:29 |
Kerry_Ki810 | I'll do that | 21:29 |
hrock | bye | 21:30 |
Huntz | it prolly get answered quicker than mine | 21:30 |
xgus | where can i get some docs of how to configure it? | 21:31 |
bishopz | if i download themes where do i move the folder to to instal | 21:31 |
Huntz | dunno, never nabbed new themes myself | 21:31 |
bishopz | :( | 21:31 |
Huntz | maybe I should surf, we can blow up KDE | 21:32 |
bishopz | rofl | 21:32 |
Huntz | wb | 21:33 |
Huntz | !wheather | 21:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about wheather | 21:33 |
Huntz | lol | 21:33 |
chaosr | hey, what's wrong with KDE, it doesnt really start after the last update | 21:33 |
shadeslayer | !weather | 21:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about weather | 21:33 |
shadeslayer | :O | 21:33 |
chaosr | now chatting using irssi _O- | 21:33 |
shadeslayer | !find weather | 21:33 |
ubottu | Found: libgweather-common, libgweather-dev, libgweather1, gkrellweather, libweather-com-perl (and 13 others) | 21:33 |
shadeslayer | XD | 21:34 |
Huntz | laf | 21:34 |
Huntz | gotto love bots | 21:34 |
shadeslayer | chaosr, youre too vague | 21:35 |
shadeslayer | did you updaate using adept?? | 21:35 |
chaosr | well, I assume more computers have this, kubuntu 8.10, after the last update you can log in, but does nothing more than show an empty screen | 21:35 |
shadeslayer | yeah | 21:35 |
shadeslayer | drop to a console login | 21:35 |
chaosr | updated using adept, and after that command line apt-get install -f | 21:35 |
Huntz | I ahve seen a bit of that in the forums | 21:35 |
shadeslayer | and do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 21:36 |
chaosr | k | 21:36 |
shadeslayer | adept removed your kde | 21:36 |
chaosr | that's odd | 21:36 |
shadeslayer | i had it till this evening and wham its gone | 21:36 |
chaosr | why would it do such a thing | 21:36 |
shadeslayer | conflicting packages,stupid adept | 21:37 |
tuxi | install synaptic and use it instead | 21:37 |
shadeslayer | chaosr, use konsole from now on,adept is stupid | 21:37 |
shadeslayer | :P | 21:37 |
chaosr | hehe | 21:37 |
chaosr | indeed | 21:37 |
shadeslayer | or packagekit | 21:37 |
chaosr | use the console most of the time, really oldskool xD | 21:38 |
Huntz | thats why I have been following the command lon only for EOL, I felt better going that way | 21:38 |
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shadeslayer | :) | 21:38 |
Huntz | now I need to figure out this perl line and I will a step closer to up to date | 21:38 |
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hrock | hola | 21:43 |
hrock | hi | 21:43 |
hrock | 21:44 | |
hrock | someone knows how to put the title bar of windows after install compiz fusion | 21:44 |
Huntz | hi | 21:44 |
hrock | in ubuntu 8.4 | 21:44 |
matisse | hi | 21:49 |
ghostcube | hrock, nvidia ? | 21:49 |
matisse | I just installed kde4, just for testing it... but I doesn't look very nice. Are there some ways to transfor some kde3 settings to kde4? | 21:50 |
Huntz | I have heard it looks simplistic | 21:52 |
matisse | F.e. the font size of some is TOOOOOO small | 21:52 |
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matisse | task line looks different, favourite programs in k menu are away | 21:53 |
matisse | And, is there a way to let apt* show me all the recommended packages again which where shown, when I installed kde4? | 21:54 |
Huntz | hmmmm, stumped | 21:54 |
matisse | It seems to be possible to let kde4 take all old config files, changing $kdehome | 21:56 |
goofey | hrock: I think you might want the ubuntu channel, not kubuntu | 21:56 |
Huntz | but if 4 doesnt support something that 3 does it could break it | 21:57 |
Huntz | or even vice versa | 21:57 |
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matisse | Huntz: right, so I make a backup of the old stuff | 21:59 |
Huntz | wb hearts | 21:59 |
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bishopz | lol im so bored im customizing my appearances | 22:00 |
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bishopz | if i could get compiz to run right | 22:00 |
bishopz | id be straight | 22:00 |
badpc | anyone know y my computer will not start up when i install my Hauppauge 1600 tuner card? | 22:00 |
Huntz | bad card? | 22:01 |
Huntz | does it POST? | 22:02 |
badpc | Huntz: no its brand new | 22:02 |
badpc | Huntz: it starts to boot and gets to a screen that says checking battery state then freezes | 22:03 |
Huntz | have you taken it out and it runs fine? | 22:04 |
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badpc | Huntz: yes it does | 22:05 |
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Huntz | sounds like the card is rasing heck for sure | 22:05 |
badpc | Huntz: yup not sure y or how to diognose whats going on | 22:06 |
badpc | Huntz: the same card works great on my vista machine | 22:06 |
Huntz | is the battery state part of the PC's normal post with out the card | 22:06 |
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badpc | Huntz: yes | 22:07 |
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Huntz | I know my BFG vid card has its own post so I ahd to ask | 22:07 |
matisse | ok, forcing 96 dpi seems to help | 22:08 |
badpc | Huntz: by having its own post you mean what? | 22:08 |
matisse | (with font size) | 22:08 |
hearts | lol | 22:08 |
Huntz | like my video card puts up its gpu specs and memspec before the PC does | 22:08 |
hearts | lsd is awesome | 22:08 |
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Huntz | WinTV-HVR-950Q is this the model? | 22:10 |
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badpc | Huntz: no its a 1600 | 22:10 |
matisse | now, I can read again :) | 22:10 |
Huntz | oops, thats a usb stick | 22:11 |
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Huntz | what are you system specs? | 22:13 |
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badpc | Huntz: p4 3.0ghz with hyperthread 320 gig hard drive 2gigs ram geforce 9500 GT 1gb ddr2 wmp54g wireless card and hauppauge 1600 pci card | 22:17 |
Huntz | laf, it definately can handle it | 22:18 |
badpc | Huntz: yeah its making me mad | 22:18 |
badpc | Huntz: couse i hate using vista | 22:19 |
Huntz | I know I had a nic card go out and the PC wouldnt even POST | 22:19 |
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Huntz | you at least get a little start on it | 22:20 |
badpc | Huntz: well the bootsplash comes up and does its thing but then nothing | 22:20 |
Huntz | did you get the card online? | 22:20 |
hansen | Huntz, badpc: a card that is not perfectly in place in it's socket can also cause this (I had that with an eth card once) | 22:21 |
badpc | hagabaka: hmmm duly noted | 22:21 |
Huntz | ya, new cards can go in crispy sometimes | 22:22 |
badpc | Huntz: no i got it from a store here in town | 22:22 |
hansen | esp. if it's an old computer with dirt/dust in the unused sockets | 22:22 |
Huntz | well if reseating it doesnt do he trick you might try returning it for a different one | 22:22 |
hansen | clean with contact spray and insert/remove card several times to give the connectors a good scratching | 22:23 |
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badpc | Huntz: no i know its not the card couse i have a duel boot system and it boots fine with my vista | 22:23 |
hansen | oh | 22:24 |
hansen | hardware issues out of question then I guess... | 22:24 |
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badpc | hansen: yup | 22:24 |
Huntz | eeeww | 22:24 |
Huntz | bummer | 22:25 |
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badpc | hansen: installed mythtv and the drivers but dont know what else it could be | 22:25 |
Huntz | what kernel do you have? | 22:27 |
Huntz | 2.6.26 I assume | 22:27 |
Huntz | just because that what that devices site says it supports | 22:28 |
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guest_ | hi everyone, my moniter begins to tremble/shiver after it's been on for a while, is there anything that can be done??? or is anything wrong??? | 22:34 |
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guest_ | moniter screen^ | 22:35 |
badpc_ | Huntz: weird my wireless quits working when i plug in my tuner card | 22:37 |
Huntz | that is bizaar, under vista it does? | 22:38 |
badpc_ | Huntz: no under kubuntu | 22:38 |
Huntz | I wonder if its having IRQ conflicts | 22:38 |
Huntz | so you got it to boot now? | 22:39 |
badpc_ | Huntz: kinda whati was thinking but not sure how to diagnose | 22:39 |
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badpc_ | Huntz: no i plugged it in wile in kubuntu lol | 22:39 |
dtchen | look at dmesg and /proc/interrupts | 22:40 |
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dtchen | lspci -v will also tell you resources attempted for claim and drivers active/available | 22:40 |
dtchen | badpc_: ^ | 22:40 |
Huntz | lol, goin for the hot swap | 22:41 |
Huntz | <badpc_>: how many free slots do you have | 22:42 |
badpc_ | none with the tuner plugged in | 22:42 |
Huntz | <badpc_>: I wonder if it would be worth swappin the cards aound | 22:43 |
Huntz | I am out of idears with that | 22:43 |
badpc_ | Huntz: im up for anything right about now | 22:43 |
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Huntz | thats about all I got left, with out being more familiar with myth and tuner cards | 22:45 |
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Tm_T | hi Daviey | 22:46 |
Huntz | bishopz: did you find some themes to d/l | 22:49 |
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Tm_T | _tor: I think you should find another nick for you | 22:50 |
heinkel_111 | what is nepomukservices and why does it consume 97% cpu on my compouter? | 22:54 |
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AndySpain | hi! | 22:55 |
goosfancito | hi | 22:55 |
AndySpain | i have just put a cd into cd tray | 22:55 |
AndySpain | where do i find it's content? | 22:55 |
AndySpain | in /media/cdrom there is nothing | 22:55 |
goosfancito | why i dont input to ubuntu_es? | 22:55 |
AndySpain | and /media/cdrom0 also empty | 22:57 |
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itsatrick | Woah...what just happened? I installed updates and now my kde is gone. :( | 22:58 |
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MegaMetals | Is there any word of when OpenOffice 3 will be avalable ? Or do I need to manual install it? | 23:00 |
Tm_T | !openoffice | 23:00 |
ubottu | a free and open source office suite, including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install". User help available in | 23:00 |
Tm_T | hmmmh | 23:00 |
Tm_T | not that | 23:00 |
Tm_T | MegaMetals: you have to install it from different source | 23:00 |
MegaMetals | But it's OK to do so ? | 23:01 |
Tm_T | MegaMetals: use openoffice ppa source | 23:01 |
MegaMetals | Where would I get that | 23:01 |
MegaMetals | Also, how would I make my links open in FireFox instead of Konqucrap | 23:02 |
AndySpain | why can't i find my audio cd on kubuntu? | 23:02 |
AndySpain | cd is in cd tray | 23:02 |
Tm_T | MegaMetals: add this to your sources.list : deb intrepid main | 23:02 |
MegaMetals | Tm_T: I'm using Hardy | 23:02 |
MegaMetals | Intrepid wouldn't work correctly | 23:02 |
Tm_T | MegaMetals: ah, then switch it accordingly | 23:03 |
MegaMetals | Also, what's something like Speedfan ? | 23:03 |
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Huntz | itsatrick: you need did you just install to 8.10 | 23:04 |
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itsatrick | I've had Intrepid for a while. | 23:05 |
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itsatrick | There were just 79 upgradable packages, so I installed them. | 23:05 |
itsatrick | Aptitutude must have gotten rid of my KDE packages. | 23:05 |
aps03pwb | I've just done a standard adept update and on reboot I no longer have window decorations - the whole thing has broken badly | 23:05 |
aps03pwb | the same happened on my dads machine | 23:05 |
Huntz | I ahve seen that its been taking out the kubuntu-desktop, and not putting it back with kde4 | 23:05 |
aps03pwb | has there been a major screw up with the repositories? Anyone else affected? | 23:06 |
Tm_T | itsatrick: did you look carefully that you didn't accept any removal | 23:06 |
itsatrick | Yes. All I saw were packages highlighted in blue. | 23:06 |
itsatrick | (and green) | 23:06 |
Huntz | you on console now? | 23:07 |
itsatrick | Yes. | 23:07 |
Huntz | sudo updatedb | 23:08 |
Huntz | then locate kde | 23:08 |
Tm_T | Huntz: that doesnt make much sense | 23:08 |
Huntz | it will tell him if kde is still on there | 23:08 |
Tm_T | Huntz: what parts of kde? (; | 23:09 |
Tm_T | there's no "kde" in that way, really | 23:09 |
Tm_T | that "locate kde" will find a lot | 23:09 |
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itsatrick | Well, the action is eating up a lot of swap space, it looks like. | 23:09 |
itsatrick | Okay. It's finished. No output. | 23:10 |
Huntz | its updating the database | 23:10 |
itsatrick | Ah. | 23:10 |
Huntz | it never has an output | 23:10 |
itsatrick | :) | 23:10 |
itsatrick | Still no packages to upgrade in aptitude. | 23:10 |
Huntz | you can try the locate jsut to see whats there | 23:10 |
Tm_T | it does when errors occur | 23:10 |
Huntz | its only for the distro to now where things are when you find or locate then | 23:11 |
Huntz | its not only, but that I what I know it to do | 23:11 |
Huntz | hmmm, I trying to think of something besides just kde for a locate | 23:12 |
itsatrick | So far looks like all kde packages are installed. | 23:12 |
Huntz | did you try startx to see if it loads | 23:12 |
itsatrick | A few minutes ago, yes. | 23:14 |
itsatrick | I can't right now.; | 23:14 |
Huntz | what did startx say? | 23:15 |
itsatrick | Well, normally, and right now, it says that I don't have permission to run startx. | 23:15 |
itsatrick | I'm sudouser in the teriminal. | 23:15 |
heinkel_111 | !nepomuk | 23:16 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nepomuk | 23:16 |
Exilant | and a simple X? | 23:16 |
itsatrick | No permission. | 23:16 |
Exilant | hm, sudo X? | 23:17 |
Exilant | or ...startx | 23:17 |
itsatrick | I'll have to log out. | 23:18 |
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* Huntz is away: Gone away for now. | 23:23 | |
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itsatrick | Alright, still no KDE. | 23:27 |
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itsatrick | That's okay. I kind of like gnome. | 23:32 |
Epicstri | uhm... Hello? | 23:34 |
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Epicstri | im looking for help with installing kubuntu | 23:35 |
Epicstri | on a fairly old laptop.... that has no internet... is that possible | 23:35 |
Epicstri | no one can help? | 23:36 |
matisse | can somebody do me a favor? I need a screen shot of "k system setting -> ... -> fonts" from a user who didn't change the standards there (and if possible using kde3) | 23:37 |
Epicstri | so many people on and yet no one willing to help a nub... | 23:38 |
Epicstri | :( | 23:38 |
matisse | to fast, he's gone... | 23:39 |
* huntz|away is back. | 23:39 | |
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Huntz | itsatrick: what happen | 23:39 |
Epicstri | anyone ther | 23:39 |
matisse | yes | 23:39 |
Epicstri | can you help me with my problem? | 23:40 |
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matisse | whats problem you have exactly? | 23:40 |
AndySpain | hi! the only difference between ubuntu and kubuntu is the use of gnome or kde? | 23:40 |
Epicstri | Im trying to install Kubuntu on my 7yr old laptop, but its rejecting | 23:40 |
Epicstri | and Im not sure why | 23:41 |
Epicstri | it just.... stops | 23:41 |
AndySpain | if i wanna try ubuntu as well I simply install gnome in my existing kubuntu? | 23:41 |
matisse | Epicstri: with a message? | 23:41 |
matisse | AndySpain: right | 23:41 |
AndySpain | sudo apt-get install gnome ? | 23:41 |
Epicstri | no, it freezes during the installation... once during "detecting harware" and once during something else I cant remember, but never with a message | 23:41 |
Epicstri | so now I have no op system on the comp | 23:42 |
Huntz | that, or maybe gnome-core? | 23:42 |
matisse | Epicstri: do you have a live cd? | 23:42 |
Epicstri | its kubuntu 6.06 LTS | 23:42 |
Epicstri | yes | 23:42 |
matisse | Huntz: gnome-core should be enough, so try it. | 23:42 |
Epicstri | im currently trying to write the latest one to a cd | 23:43 |
Epicstri | though | 23:43 |
Huntz | Daskreech: thanks for the help last night | 23:43 |
DaSkreech | Ack two seconds into the login process I get accolades | 23:43 |
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matisse | Epicstri: so, does your laptop work with the live cd? | 23:44 |
Epicstri | yes, with some lag | 23:44 |
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Huntz | DaSkreech: The upgrade went well, but now stuck on a perl command for feisty to gutsy | 23:44 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: Sure :) hope it works well for you | 23:45 |
matisse | 7 years old... | 23:45 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: same page? | 23:45 |
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matisse | Epicstri: what cpu? | 23:45 |
AndySpain | thanks, Huntz | 23:45 |
Epicstri | cpu? srry im total nub... | 23:45 |
AndySpain | good nite, folks | 23:46 |
Huntz | uhm, next page | 23:46 |
itsatrick | Still nothing for KDE. On top of that the audio comes out crackly. I think I may do a fresh install. | 23:47 |
matisse | Epicstri: Enough space on the disk? | 23:47 |
Epicstri | oh ya | 23:47 |
itsatrick | It didn't come out crackly just an hour ago. | 23:47 |
Epicstri | 40gb | 23:47 |
Huntz | itsatrick: what happen | 23:47 |
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matisse | Epicstri: how long did you wait til you conclude its frozen? | 23:47 |
Epicstri | over night | 23:48 |
matisse | well... ok :) | 23:48 |
matisse | thats long enough :D | 23:48 |
Epicstri | XD | 23:48 |
Reformer81 | I'm currently running Amarok 2.0.1 and would like to update it to But following the instructions on the Kubuntu website still only gives me 2.0.1. | 23:48 |
itsatrick | Huntz: I still don't see the KDE desktop. | 23:49 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: Which perl are you having problems with? | 23:49 |
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Huntz | DaSkreech: sudo perl -p -i.feisty -e 's/' /etc/apt/sources.list | 23:49 |
itsatrick | On top of the audio problem and the desktop environment problem, I also have a problem with plasmoids and | 23:49 |
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itsatrick | Thanks, though, guys. | 23:50 |
matisse | Epicstri: did you try pressing Alt + F1 to get to another display? | 23:50 |
Huntz | itsatrick: you install gnome or what? | 23:50 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: What's that say? | 23:50 |
Epicstri | ?? | 23:50 |
Epicstri | no, ill try | 23:50 |
Huntz | no output | 23:50 |
Epicstri | loading the live cd | 23:50 |
matisse | Epicstri: no, when its frozen | 23:50 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: then it worked | 23:51 |
Epicstri | the install freezes, not everything. | 23:51 |
Epicstri | It stops, but I can still, like, grab the window and move it around | 23:51 |
Epicstri | or w/e | 23:51 |
itsatrick | I think I may do a fresh install of Kubuntu | 23:51 |
Huntz | daskreech: how come when I open the sources.list I dont see anything | 23:52 |
itsatrick | Or, I'll just enjoy gnome. | 23:52 |
itsatrick | Get rid of KDE. :) | 23:52 |
Huntz | crap, I wonder if I typoed? | 23:52 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: !! | 23:52 |
DaSkreech | That's not good | 23:52 |
DaSkreech | !sourceomatic | 23:52 |
ubottu | source-o-matic is not available anymore, please use Software Sources (in your Applications / K menu) to configure your repositories. Do NOT enable "Proposed updates" unless you're willing to test possibly seriously flawed packages. | 23:52 |
Huntz | hold that though before we panic | 23:52 |
matisse | Epicstri: so you might get some error message if you switch to the shells with (Strg+) Alt + F1-9 | 23:52 |
dash84 | <hearts | 23:52 |
dash84 | 8) | 23:52 |
Huntz | itsatrick: try removing kde and reinstalling it | 23:53 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: No panic :) just it's not good :) | 23:53 |
matisse | Epicstri: without error messages it isn't easy to help | 23:53 |
itsatrick | Alright. | 23:53 |
itsatrick | If not, then I'll just be happy with gnome. | 23:53 |
itsatrick | Thanks. | 23:53 |
Epicstri | ok, Im going to try another install, I shall comback with results, Ty Matisse | 23:53 |
Huntz | itsatrick: I had to do that to fix my fontconfig file that was hangin up | 23:53 |
Huntz | itsatrick: where you using kde3 | 23:54 |
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Epicstri | how do I change my Nick? | 23:55 |
matisse | Epicstri: /nick newone | 23:55 |
Reformer81 | I'm currently running Amarok 2.0.1 and would like to update it to But following the instructions on the Kubuntu website still only gives me 2.0.1. | 23:55 |
Epicstri | ty | 23:55 |
=== Epicstri is now known as Silentstri | ||
Silentstri | ty | 23:56 |
Huntz | daskreech: argh its there but its empty | 23:56 |
DaSkreech | Huntz: Ok use the edit sources in synpatic or adept to remake it | 23:57 |
matisse | I need a screen shot of "k system setting -> appearance (or something like that) -> fonts" from a user who didn't change the standards there (and if possible using kde3) | 23:57 |
matisse | Can somebody upload a screen shot to or somewhere else ? | 23:58 |
=== _tor is now known as tor |
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