
slangasekUrsinha, joey`: hi, seeing that error intermittently again on LP00:00
wgrantslangasek: 'that error'? The 502?00:00
penguin42sounds like it cant take the load of a bugjam00:01
slangasekwgrant: well, I've only ever been seeing it in my browser; I think it was a 504 for the people hitting it from the APIs00:01
wgrantslangasek: 'Please try again'?00:02
wgrantRight, that's a 502.00:03
wgrantWhich is a bit odd, as it's happening on both edge and production.00:03
penguin42wgrant: I guess that means if they are sharing a database that it's the database server00:04
wgrantBut that would normally give a timeout OOPS, not no response from the appserver at all.00:04
penguin42I was getting please try agains eventually00:05
wgrantThose errors happen when the appservers don't respond.00:05
penguin42ah right00:05
wgrantAha, a kiko.00:06
Nafallohi kiko, sabdfl :-)00:10
kikoc'est moi00:11
* kiko sighs00:11
* penguin42 hands kiko the sticky tape and baseball bat00:12
* wgrant hands kiko some glue, too.00:12
kikois it only edge? launchpad.net itself seems okay00:12
wgrantBoth 502 intermittently.00:13
slangasekit's happened to me on the main site00:13
penguin42no, I'm seeing it on both00:13
penguin42malone bugs were doing it more for me than ubuntu bugs, but now it's been doing it for both00:13
kikook see it now00:13
kikowhere's my phone00:14
kikowhat a mess00:14
wgrantkiko: This is less messy than it has been...00:14
kikowgrant, why do you say that?00:16
wgrantkiko: It has been broken in at least three different ways in the past 24 hours.00:16
kikowgrant, well the symptoms may be misleading.00:16
penguin42wgrant: Variety is good00:17
penguin42kiko: What's actually up with it?00:17
kikoan exception happens and while handling it we issue an abort, which for some reason is hanging00:18
kikoand then we run out of threads00:18
kikotime to wake stub up00:18
penguin42so at least two problems; an exception and hang in the abort ?00:18
wgrantThanks kiko.00:19
TurlI can't access https://bugs.launchpad.net/notify-osd :/00:22
Turlit gives me the "please try again" launchpad error00:22
wgrantTurl: Try again a couple of times, and it should work.00:22
Turlit's been some tries before I actually came here :p00:23
wgrantIt's known and being worked on.00:23
Turlok wgrant :)00:23
Turlcool, works now :D00:23
Turlthanks guys!00:23
kikoso I'll be on call but right now I'm trying to get hold of somebody who can do something00:23
kikoit will require investigating00:24
bdrungcannot load page https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/29282200:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 292822 in gxmms2 "gxmms2 mutes playback on launch" [Undecided,Confirmed]00:45
avarAre people here aware of the current launchpad translation server slowness/timeout issues?00:46
decafbadyes, server(s) in trouble00:46
bdrungeven https://bugs.launchpad.net/ does not response00:47
bdrunghm, now it works again00:48
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: intermittent issues on both production and edge | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: intermittent issues on both production and edge - being worked on | https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
=== negonicrac is now known as Guest8771
yayks"Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server."02:04
wgrantyayks: Known, and being worked on. Trying again a couple of times should work.02:04
andresmujicajust for curiosity, how many servers handle launchpad? there's some paper about it's architecture?02:25
lifelesswgrant: who is working on it02:29
wgrantlifeless: kiko said he was waking stub up.02:36
wgrantBut then he pinged out, and all was quiet.02:39
lifelessshould be fixed soon02:48
lifelesswe've identified a concrete issue02:48
=== thumper_laptop is now known as thumper
MTecknologyHow do I have a team confirm it's participation in another team if none of them have a mailing list03:06
wgrantlifeless: Do we get to know what this most troublesome of issues is?03:08
wgrantMTecknology: Confirmation emails will likely be sent to the team's administrators.03:08
MTecknologyI am an admin03:09
wgrantMTecknology: Are you sure it wasn't automatically approved?03:10
MTecknologyi need to open a mail client to get the emails03:10
spmwgrant: cause? no. symptoms? yes. parts should be back atm. working to get rest, atm.03:15
andresmujicaboys i want to assign a package to gnome-network is at the combo list, but when i choose LP throughs and error u'Package gnome-network not published in Ubuntu'03:27
wgrantandresmujica: You probably don't want to assign it to gnome-network.03:28
andresmujicathe package in question is gnome-network-preferences03:29
andresmujicabut you'rre right i'm not sure if it's the right package... :(03:29
wgrantandresmujica: You want gnome-control-center.03:30
andresmujicaaghh.. i knew it was that.. :P03:33
andresmujicathks thks thks03:33
spmAll, looks like things are back to normal again03:51
andresmujicaohh yeap03:57
wgrantspm: Is this fix going to stick?03:58
spmwgrant: how long's a piece of string? :-) Dunno. I hope so. I'm not filled with joy and happiness at working at midnight, or sunday afternoon both ;-)04:00
wgrantspm: I mean, is this a more likely fix than the one last night?04:01
spmwell the problem was two servers (we lost a third, unrelated) went MIA. Why is unknown at this stage. they required a rather savage face stabbing to regain control.04:02
spmlast night appeared to be a separate problem with DB woes04:02
spmso last night's issue, shouldn't repeat due to the ... *cough* brutal nature of the fix. But todays? dunno....04:03
wgrantAt least LP has good sysadmins, I suppose.04:03
* spm bows in thanks, for and on behalf of the entire team04:04
duanedesignthank you for all thr hard work getting the servers going!!04:21
MTecknologyduanedesign: so everything is running again04:32
=== stub1 is now known as stub
wgrantI think I killed loggerhead :(07:40
wgrantApparently only temporarily.07:41
frederyk_hello everybody!07:54
frederyk_for whome should I write a message, if my account doesn't exists anymore?07:55
wgrantfrederyk_: What do you mean? What gives you the idea that it doesn't exist?07:56
frederyk_I just tried to login, but launchpad says that there is no account with my emailadress07:56
frederyk_I can't use the lost password function too07:56
MFenis launchpad closed source?07:57
wgrantYou could email feedback@launchpad.net, I suppose, but I suspect that you have forgotten which email address you used.07:57
wgrantMFen: Yes, but it will be open source on July 21st.07:57
=== wgrant changed the topic of #launchpad to: https://launchpad.net/ | Help contact: - | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
MFenoh. ok. why the delay?07:57
frederyk_no, i have quite a lot of emails from launchpad to this account!07:57
wgrantWho knows.07:57
MFeni will probably be ready to download it on july 2107:57
MFenour current bug tracker has a terrible email layer07:58
wgrantfrederyk_: See https://help.launchpad.net/Feedback.07:58
wgrantMFen: I've been ready to download it for 3 years now.07:58
wgrantLaunchpad Bugs does do email rather well.07:59
frederyk_wgrant: thanks, i will contact them ;)07:59
MFenwho's the launchpad release manager? i'd really like to talk to them about how well launchpad does bug search, categorization, and mass changes (sometime before july 21)08:00
wgrantjoey` is the release manager, but I'm not quite sure he's the right person for that.08:01
lifelessjoey makes sure it releases08:02
lifelessMFen: do you want to lavish praise on the team? or ask for scheduling some improvements?08:02
MFeni honestly haven't used it enough to know whether it's any good08:03
lifelesswell bug search is quite good these days08:03
MFenand i wouldn't get the chance to do that before july 21 since i'm not involved at that level in any projects08:03
lifelessignore the urls, they are terrible. the results are fine :)08:03
wgrantThe bug search UI and URLs ar awful.08:03
wgrantBut I hear they're being improved soon.08:03
wgrantResults aren't bad, as lifeless says.08:03
MFenso release manager doesn't deal with bug lifecycle? that's pretty unusual08:04
MFenusually that's the person who says "ok, i'm kicking all these bugs out of the release, you had your chance"08:04
lifelessMFen: so there is 'what will be worked on' and 'what is good enough to get into the release'08:04
lifelessMFen: I'm still not clear on whether you are evaluating LP for your project (and want to know how it does stuff), want LP to meet certain criteria for your project (need to chat to08:05
lifelesssomeone about 'what will be worked on'), or08:05
lifelessare just generally interested in those topics08:05
MFenthe first one08:05
lifelessor d) something else08:05
lifelessok, so for how it does stuff, lots of folk use it and can help you :)08:06
* wgrant uses it in a few different positions.08:06
MFenwell, i want to hear from someone who does it a LOT.  because that's my job, i do it for hours a day, and i wouldn't tolerate switching to anything worse :)08:06
lifelessMFen: sure; well I've used LP as RM for some projects (in bzr we rotate RM)08:07
MFeni do of course have my own projects hosted on lp but i haven't even seen a mass change UI anywhere. not that it doesn't exist, i haven't needed to look for it08:07
wgrantThere is no mass change UI at this point.08:08
wgrantBut there is a nice API for doing that sort of thing, which I find to be more useful.08:08
MFenso you .. wrote an application that does mass changes?08:09
wgrantLittle scripts that automate specific ones.08:10
wgrantBut if you want to do a whole lot of different manual editing, there's no good solution AFAICT.08:10
MFenwell i mostly pick a bunch of bugs to recategorize, or i pick a bunch of bugs to retarget08:11
MFensometimes i pick a bunch of bugs when i'm just making a list of bugs with certain criteria though08:11
MFeni could probably whip up an application (or even a script) that displayed bug metadata, let me check boxes and recategorize or retarget. but that seems like kind of a waste08:12
wgrantI hope the LP 3.0 AJAXification will enable mass-editing eventually.08:13
MFenooh. sexy.08:14
lifelessMFen: so the API08:14
MFenit really does need ajaxification. i keep getting that feeling of "click.. whoa.. there's a page refresh there? really?"08:14
lifelesslaunchpadlib, written in python, uses introspection08:14
lifelessthere is ajax stuff present and increasing08:15
lifelessI filed a bug thursday on the icons in an ajax field :P08:15
wgrantI noticed that those didn't look very nice, accessible, nor Launchpaddy.08:15
MFenlifeless: so it will automatically support whatever python classes implement the IAPI interface or something?08:16
wgrantMFen: launchpadlib is too awesome to describe.08:16
MFenwgrant: i hope not. one really needs a description to use it.08:17
MFencool. synchronous?  (i don't see any deferreds or callbacks)08:21
lifelessMFen: yeah its sync08:22
wgrantIt is.08:22
lifelessMFen: a twisted version would rock08:23
wgrant... now what are the chances of that?08:23
lifelesssadly it uses httplib2, and don't ask me what I think of *that*08:23
lifelesswgrant: pretty good if twisted start using lp08:23
wgrantlifeless: 'patches welcome'?08:23
wgrantlifeless: I mean us both replying 1:46 later.08:23
MFenlifeless: has twisted said they were going to start using lp?08:24
* wgrant wouldn't be surprised.08:24
lifelessMFen: no08:24
lifelessMFen: but I live in hope08:24
MFeni'm not sure that would be a good thing, ftr.  twisted has a history of hating on every bug tracker they've ever touched, and there have been many :)08:24
lifelesshate -> feedback -> improvements :)08:24
MFeni guess08:24
MFenactually, i think they mostly hate the *developers* of trac (for not listening to exarkun)08:25
MFenand, to be fair, people really should listen to exarkun.08:25
MFenok, well, i await future developments with anticipation :)08:30
lifelessMFen: So batch updates - commonly requested, I don't know where in the roadmap it is; BjornT is the right dude to chat to about what people do today08:32
lifelessMFen: what do you mean by categorisation?08:32
MFenlifeless: hmm. good question08:33
MFenbasically, the ability to give a bug a category that is obvious to the reporter and maps well to a person08:33
MFenand, if you're nice, a super-layer that maps well to a management layer08:34
MFeni don't see this at all, unless it's "project"08:34
MFeni realize launchpad is all hierarchical and cross-project and such, but there might be too much administrative overhead involved in creating a project solely for the purpose of categorizing bugs08:35
wgrantYou can tag bugs with arbitrary tags.08:36
lifelessMFen: yeh, 'tags'08:38
MFentags are a little too arbitrary. and i need something that causes a bug to automatically be assigned to the responsible developer08:39
wgrantMFen: There's nothing like that at the moment.08:41
MFenwell, putting aside the administrative concern, is "project" really what i want?  maybe all that's needed is to streamline projects a bit08:41
wgrantMost software projects have just one project.08:41
wgrantMaybe you could explain your use case more thoroughly.08:41
MFenwgrant: on the contrary: launchpad suite? ubuntu? :-)08:42
wgrantubuntu has lots of packages.08:42
wgrantLaunchpad is special, and that is widely considered a bug.08:42
wgrant(ie. it should be one project with things separated with tags)08:42
MFenthen maybe what is needed is a way to list known tags (unless that's already in there, i haven't used tags), and a way to associate tags with people08:43
wgrantYou can see a list of used tags, and there will be a way to mark them as official soon.08:44
wgrantHave you played around on staging.launchpad.net?08:44
MFenmy use case doesn't seem at all atypical, i've had to do it on every project i've ever worked on that involved more than two people.  software breaks down into areas, and each area has its specialist. maybe the mapping isn't quite 1:1, but that gets you started08:45
MFennot yet08:45
lifelessMFen: tags for a project are listed08:46
wgrantI guess it would be quite easy and not too inefficient to allow tag subscriptions.08:46
wgrantMuch easier than the full search subscriptions which have been floated previously.08:47
lifelessMFen: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/08:47
lifelesslook on the right side08:47
MFenah. "this tag hasn't been used before. define new tag?" that is great.08:47
MFenlifeless: got it.08:48
MFenah, but they aren't listed in *context*, which is important.  when i'm adding tags, i want to see what tags are out there. something like diigo's (and probably others') "suggested tags" would be ideal, but failing that, a simple list at the point where i need to type them in is indispensible08:50
wgrantMFen: Bug #9858508:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 98585 in malone "No tag list/ coordination on bug edit form" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9858508:52
MFeni hope it doesn't seem like i'm ripping on lp.  i think it's really great.. simplicity sells.  i'm actually just coming up with this stuff because i want to evaluate it for more serious purposes than i have previously been using it. :-)08:53
MFenwgrant: thanks, subscribed.08:54
maxbI suppose at this point there's little hope for bug 311952 being fixed in time for Jaunty11:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 311952 in soyuz "Packages-arch-specific blocking of a single binary blocks the entire source package" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31195211:44
=== kyselejsyrecek1 is now known as kyselejsyrecek
mok0Can I use storm with an already existing DB?14:39
geserI would be bad if you couldn't use an ORM with an existing DB14:44
cupuHi is this used as a support channel? or should all questions go to answers.launchpad.net ?15:04
andrea-bscupu: this is a support channel, but for administration questions you should use answers.lp.net15:06
cupuit's a question about account administration, but I'll use the web page, thank you very much for the answer15:07
andrea-bscupu: you're welcome :)15:07
boffireHi, Bonjour15:14
=== boffire is now known as ButterflyOfFire
ButterflyOfFireI have a question about translation, is this this right chan to ask ?15:15
andrea-bsButterflyOfFire: yes, this is the right channel15:16
ButterflyOfFirethanks andrea-bs15:18
ButterflyOfFireI have created a translation group for "Kabyle Language" and I want to know how to assign projects for translation for this group15:31
ButterflyOfFireWhen I click on "Translations" I have this message : "No translations recorded from Ubuntu Kabyle Translators."15:32
ButterflyOfFireCan you guide me please ? ;)15:32
andrea-bsButterflyOfFire: maybe this page contains the information you need: https://help.launchpad.net/Translations/Groups15:32
ButterflyOfFireThanks andrea-bs :)15:32
cumulus007I'm looking for the translation files of Ubiquity15:41
cumulus007I can't find them, where are they located?15:43
mptcumulus007, <https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/ubiquity/+pots/ubiquity/+export>15:47
cumulus007mpt: why is the translationn of Ubiquity not integrated into Launchpad, like all other projects?15:48
cumulus007never mind, it's just hidden15:48
cumulus007oh, that's not right15:49
mptcumulus007, can you give the URL of the page where you expected to find it?15:49
cumulus007mpt: the link you gave me contains just 2 strings15:49
mptcumulus007, this isn't a translations-specific problem15:51
mptCompare <https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubiquity/+bugs> vs. <https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bugs>15:51
mpt(Very nearly) all the bugs are being tracked in the Ubuntu package rather than in the project15:51
mptI guess the same goes for the translations15:51
mptbut that still doesn't explain why there are only two strings15:51
cumulus007I don't see the difference :P15:52
cumulus007So, can you tell me where I can find the complete translations of Ubiquity?15:52
cumulus007I really need to edit those, because the Dutch transltion is bad15:53
mptIt looks like most of the strings are in the debian-installer package15:54
mptSo, try <https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/debian-installer>15:55
cumulus007Genius link :P15:55
cumulus007I thought the package debian-installer contains the text-based setup15:55
cumulus007anyway, thanks a lot for your help15:58
mptyou're welcome15:58
mpt(BTW, the problem with Ubiquity's translations and bugs being under the source package but not the project is an example of a problem with Launchpad, bug 76416.)15:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 76416 in malone "Handle a distribution being its own upstream for a package" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7641615:59
BUGabundo1humm no help contact today16:56
BUGabundo1anyone here want to give me a few examples on how to setup and use the API?16:56
BUGabundo1https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib is to boring for a noob16:57
UrsinhaBUGabundo1, hi :)17:05
UrsinhaI can17:05
Ursinhait's really easy17:05
BUGabundo1ola Ursinha17:05
BUGabundo1I know it is17:05
UrsinhaBUGabundo1, oi :P17:05
UrsinhaBUGabundo1, o que tem de errado?17:05
Ursinhaeu achei que vc fosse brasileiro, mas vc é portugues :)17:06
BUGabundoUrsinha srry about that17:09
BUGabundopidgin got a memory leak, and my system froze17:09
BUGabundoas I was saying17:09
UrsinhaBUGabundo, you should try another irc client17:09
BUGabundofollowing the wiki page, I got a few road bump17:09
Ursinhapidgin definitely is not the best option17:10
UrsinhaBUGabundo, a gente pode falar em portugues17:10
BUGabundoUrsinha I rather see the mem leaks found and fixed17:10
BUGabundopor mim td bem17:10
BUGabundo'e so pra n aborrecer kem dps venha ler o log do #17:10
Ursinhanão aborrece17:10
Ursinhamanda ver17:10
Ursinhaqual o problema?17:10
BUGabundoatao diz la17:11
BUGabundokais os 1º passos pra usar a api?17:11
BUGabundoja sakei o branch e ja instalei17:11
Ursinhaeu segui um doc desses17:11
BUGabundomas na altura tive mt pouca sorte a me ligar ao stagging17:11
BUGabundoe hoje n deve ser melhor, com o LP com tt carga, devido ao GBJ17:11
BUGabundoeu segui este17:11
Ursinhatá fora do ar o help?17:11
BUGabundoRun this code in a Python session, substituting an appropriate directory on your computer:     cachedir = "/home/me/.launchpadlib/cache/"17:12
Ursinhatá certo17:12
Ursinhavc cria uma pasta onde vc quiser e seta o cachedir17:12
BUGabundoai tenho q criar a pasta?17:13
BUGabundoo instaler n o faz?17:13
BUGabundoora ai está o meu 1º erro17:13
Ursinhavc tb hein17:13
Ursinhatem né :)17:13
Ursinhao installer só coloca a lib no lugar17:13
Ursinhaesse ai eh o setup pra usar17:14
Ursinhaq eh ota coisa17:14
BUGabundo$ mkdir -p .launchpadlib/cache/17:14
BUGabundoaxo q isto devia tar na wiki17:14
Ursinhashould work :P17:14
Ursinhadeixa ver17:14
Ursinhase eu conseguisse acessar a pagina...17:14
BUGabundoeu consigo17:14
BUGabundoou ent ta em cache17:14
BUGabundon consigo 'e fazer login pra mudar17:15
BUGabundofica pra dps17:15
Ursinhaeu posso fazer isso17:16
Ursinhatá anotado aqui17:16
Ursinhapelo menos explicar melhor no texto que aquele diretorio pode ser qq um que vc queira17:16
Ursinha/home/bugabundo/bananinha serve17:16
BUGabundoja estou a tentar ligar me ao stagging17:17
BUGabundomas axo q escolhi o dia errado pra isso17:17
UrsinhaBUGabundo, eu acho que o staging tá fora17:19
Ursinhadeixa ver17:19
BUGabundon vejo nada17:19
BUGabundotava  a espera de17:19
BUGabundo" The authorization page"17:19
BUGabundoatao uso o real?17:19
Ursinhausa o staging mesmo17:19
Ursinhapra que vc quer?17:19
BUGabundolaunchpad = Launchpad.get_token_and_login('just testing', STAGING_SERVICE_ROOT, cachedir)17:19
BUGabundoo q uso aki em vez de stagging?17:19
BUGabundoeu so kero aprender17:19
BUGabundoso q n se liga17:20
BUGabundo>>> launchpad = Launchpad.get_token_and_login('just testing', STAGING_SERVICE_ROOT, cachedir)17:20
BUGabundois just there...17:20
BUGabundon se mexe17:20
Ursinhadeixa testar17:20
Ursinhaa min17:20
thekornI'm not sure what you are talking about, but it looks like the API service on staging is down17:24
BUGabundothanks thekorn17:25
BUGabundoit would seem so17:25
BUGabundoso, can I use the real server?17:25
BUGabundoeven if it is just for R/O?17:25
UrsinhaBUGabundo, depends on what you want to do17:25
BUGabundowell, for now I would be happy to be able to login17:26
BUGabundoand then list the bugs im subscribed17:26
BUGabundojust to learn how this works17:26
UrsinhaBUGabundo, you can try then17:26
BUGabundowhat is the server URI?17:26
BUGabundolaunchpad = Launchpad.get_token_and_login('just testing', SERVICE_ROOT, cachedir)  ??17:27
Ursinhawhat thekorn said17:27
BUGabundo>>> launchpad = Launchpad.get_token_and_login('just testing', EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT, cachedir)17:27
BUGabundoTraceback (most recent call last):17:27
BUGabundo  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>17:27
BUGabundoNameError: name 'EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT' is not defined17:27
BUGabundonow what?17:29
geserwhat import line did you use?17:29
thekornfrom launchpadlib.launchpad import EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT   is missing17:29
BUGabundofixed both17:30
BUGabundopage is opening17:30
BUGabundoset read anything17:30
BUGabundonow what?17:31
thekornBUGabundo, choose an access level and go to your python session and press enter17:32
BUGabundoread anything17:33
BUGabundogot the token17:33
BUGabundono Help there17:33
thekornok, then you can start using the API17:33
BUGabundoso I have no idea what commands to use17:33
thekornwell, it depends on what kind of information you would like to get17:34
thekorna list of API methods is here: https://edge.launchpad.net/+apidoc17:34
BUGabundothat's an huge list for a noob17:46
BUGabundogot lost17:46
UrsinhaBUGabundo, the basics17:48
Ursinhayou have the lp object17:48
Ursinhaafter log in17:48
Ursinhayou want to search on a project17:48
Ursinhachoose one17:48
BUGabundoif I want to see the list of bugs Im sub too17:49
BUGabundowho do I do that?17:49
Ursinhalet me see17:50
Ursinhait should be something like17:50
Ursinhabut I don17:51
UrsinhaI don't know if searchTasks has it implemented17:51
* Ursinha looks docs17:51
thekornAFAIK, It is currently impossible to search peoples bugs17:51
BUGabundo>>> lp.searchTasks(parameter=bugabundo)17:51
BUGabundoTraceback (most recent call last):17:51
BUGabundo  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>17:51
BUGabundoNameError: name 'lp' is not defined17:51
UrsinhaBUGabundo, lp is the name of the object you created17:52
Ursinhawhich name you gave to it?17:52
BUGabundono idea17:52
BUGabundolet me see if I even created one17:52
Ursinhaas you pasted above17:53
Ursinha>>> launchpad = Launchpad.get_token_and_login('just testing', EDGE_SERVICE_ROOT, cachedir)17:53
BUGabundo>>> from launchpadlib.credentials import Credentials17:54
BUGabundo>>> credentials = Credentials()17:54
BUGabundo>>> credentials.load(open("obj1"))17:54
BUGabundoTraceback (most recent call last):17:54
BUGabundo  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>17:54
BUGabundoIOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'obj1'17:54
BUGabundothe api SHOULD handle spaces from stuff copied from another place17:54
Ursinhawhat are you doing?17:54
BUGabundono idea!17:54
Ursinhawhat is obj1?17:54
BUGabundojust learning17:54
Ursinhaobj1 is a string17:54
BUGabundothe obj I tried to creat17:54
Ursinhado you know python?17:54
BUGabundowanna learn it17:54
BUGabundobut gonna take a few weeks17:55
Ursinhayou should learn some python before doing this :)17:55
Ursinhadiveintopython is awesome17:55
Ursinhahave you read that?17:55
Ursinhagive it a try :)17:56
UrsinhaBUGabundo, just clarifying17:56
* kiko winks at ursinha17:57
UrsinhaBUGabundo, you create the launchpad object, that is authenticated in the instance you set it up17:57
* Ursinha winks back to kiko 17:57
BUGabundook ok17:57
BUGabundobe back in a few weeks then17:58
BUGabundoafter I learn pythong17:58
Ursinhano man17:58
Ursinhalet me show you17:58
Ursinhathe little magic17:58
Ursinhafor you to see it works17:58
UrsinhaBUGabundo, you should try sudo apt-get install ipython17:58
Ursinhaipython rox17:58
* BUGabundo aptgetting17:58
kikoNafallo, yo17:59
Nafallokiko: hi hon' :-)17:59
Nafallooh hai Ursinha :-D18:00
* Ursinha hugs Nafallo 18:00
Ursinhahi hi18:00
kikoNafallo, how are our servers?18:00
* Nafallo smiles and cuddles Ursinha 18:00
Ursinhakiko, I wasn't able to reach help.lp.net a few mins ago18:00
Nafallokiko: okayisch :-)18:01
kikoursinha, will you call me if things blow up?18:03
Ursinhakiko, sure18:04
luisbghello kiko :)18:35
MTecknologyHow do I drop a project?18:49
MTecknologyor is that a rubber ducky thing?18:49
kikohey luisbg18:53
kikoMTecknology, I can do it for you18:53
dsampleHi, I can't login to the help.ubuntu.com wiki to edit a page18:55
dsampleI keep getting a 500 error on MoinMoin after doing the Launchpad login18:55
dsample__init__() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)18:55
onoxdo I need to do --author=USER or --author=lp:USER?18:56
MTecknologykiko: I'm not the current owner, the person I was working with was trying to do it - but we want to wipe things clean and talk to stu about setting it up first18:58
MTecknologykiko: Want me to file a question against it first?19:02
UrsinhaMTecknology, please19:04
MTecknologythere we go :)19:04
MTecknologynap time - I've been up for way too long on way too little sleep - I wannt get at least 3hr sleep before a long drive :)19:07
UrsinhaMTecknology, go for it :)19:07
MTecknologyor considering noise here, I'll just take off and try to manage19:07
MTecknologyUrsinha: thanks for taking care of that.19:08
UrsinhaMTecknology, a more empowered person will do :)19:08
dsampleDoes anyone know if it's a known bug or if I should report it?  If I need to report it, to who, Launchpad or MoinMoin?19:08
MTecknologyUrsinha: ?19:08
UrsinhaMTecknology, I'm not a ducky!19:09
MTecknologykiko: ?19:09
MTecknologynot really urgent though19:09
MTecknologyI need to go over things with stu first19:09
UrsinhaMTecknology, be cool, we'll take care of that, now that the request is recorded as a question someone will soon handle that19:10
iD_J!help all my bug reports are coming back with invalid stack traces, saying my packages are out of date19:17
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:17
UrsinhaiD_J, I don't understand what you're trying to do19:18
Ursinhabug reports where?19:18
ubottuError: This bug is private19:19
iD_Jthat's one of them19:19
UrsinhaiD_J, have you tried asking on #ubuntu?19:45
Myrttihello kids19:46
Ursinhahi Myrtti19:46
UrsinhaiD_J, what's your python-apt version?19:46
UrsinhaiD_J, it's saying you have a newer version of that package, and that won't possibly work... if I got that msg well19:47
iD_JUrsinha: version of python-apt is 0.7.9~exp2ubuntu819:50
Ursinhasorry, it's there19:50
SiDiDoes anyone know if theres a keyserver running on port 80 or 443 for PPA's OpenGPG keys ?19:52
Ursinhaso iD_J have you asked that on #ubuntu19:54
iD_JUrsinha: no, i figured it would be a launchpad problem19:54
geserSiDi: the keyserver is using port 1137120:05
SiDigeser: yeh and thats the problem20:06
SiDii'm constantly using profixied connections, and i cant get the GPG keys from the PPA20:06
SiDii tried taking those Release.GPG files in the PPA and importing them in software-properties but it somehow fails20:06
SiDiand thus, each time i do a "sudo apt-get update" i get errors, and i'm never sure wether or not the packages were all updated20:07
geserSiDi: simply use an other keyserver like pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de20:07
geserto fetch the key20:08
thumpermorning launchpadders20:09
nekro_I have a quick question about bug subscriptions that I can't seem to find the answer to.20:11
nekro_I subscribed someone to a bug. Turned out to be the wrong person (I didn't remember the id of one of our developers). Now I can't seem to unsubscribe that person.20:12
thumpernekro_: yeah that kinda sucks20:14
thumperthere is the same problem with branch subscriptions20:14
thumperthat has been on my todo list for a while20:14
gesernekro_: bug 63320:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 633 in malone "Malone doesn't let me unsubscribe a subscriber" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63320:14
thumpera three digit bug20:14
nekro_oh ok. cool, thanks.20:15
SiDigeser: thanks, gonna check it in a sec20:16
thumpernekro_: file a question against the launchpad project to get the person unsubscribed20:16
thumpernekro_: that way one of the admins will fix it up20:16
nekro_ok. will do.20:17
wgrantHow unified is the subscription infrastructure?20:19
wgrantNot very, from what I can see.20:19
gesernekro_: alternative you can ask the person/team you subscribed in error to unsubscribe themselves20:19
nekro_yep. will do. but not sure if that person is very active on lp.20:20
mwhudsonwgrant: it's become a little bit more unified over the last year, i think, but yeah20:21
SiDigeser: thanks for your help but the server you gave me also uses port 11713 :)20:28
geserSiDi: have you tried fetching the key using the web interface?20:30
SiDigeser: it also tries to open the page in the port 11713. i also tried to directly take the Release.GPG keys in the PPAs and add them manually but software-properties-gtk is pretty bugged and wont let me do20:32
AlexC_how can I give a team, or a person, access to upload new translation files and generally manage translations? Currently only I can, which is a pain20:32
UrsinhaAlexC_, maybe create a "translations admins" team?20:34
geserSiDi: http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x11CF28B3076E9280 looks plain port 80 to me (that's my PPA public key)20:34
AlexC_Ursinha: we've already got a translations team setup, however can't find any way of giving them access20:35
SiDigeser: thanks :D i thought you meant launchpad's web interface :)20:35
SiDigeser: you made my day :) thanks again20:37
wgrantSiDi: Release.gpg is the signed data, not the key.20:39
SiDiwgrant: thats why it wasnt working :) /me slaps himself20:39
SiDigood bye people, have a nice evening20:40
rickspencer3can anyone hazard a guess as to why my launchpadlib code started throwing this strange error:20:51
rickspencer3 bugs = lp.distributions["ubuntu"].searchTasks(assignee = assigned_to, omit_targeted  = False)20:51
rickspencer3 for bug in bugs:20:51
rickspencer3  print bug.milestone_link20:51
rickspencer3AttributeError: 'Entry' object has no attribute 'milestone_link'20:51
Ursinharickspencer3, guess because bug != bugtask20:56
Ursinhadid it work before?20:56
lfaraoneHi, how do I offer to *myself* as a mentor for a bug? The page only looks like it allows teams.21:08
intellectronicalfaraone: you are offering yourself. the team you select is the team which is normally responsible for development21:11
intellectronicalfaraone: to be absolutely honest, though, unless you have a particular use scenario in mind, note that the mentorship feature is not seeing much use21:11
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== mizipzor_ is now known as mizipzor
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
mrooneyDoes my orig.tar.gz have to have a different version each time I upload a new PPA, if it is different?23:23
jpdsmrooney: It won't accept it if the tar has a different checksum.23:24
mrooneyjpds: ahh okay, I am trying to fix a packaging bug, so it feels wrong to keep increasing the version number on every attempt23:24
mrooneybut I guess I must23:24
mrooneyhooray it was accepted this time, phew23:25
jpdsmrooney: Yeah, 'tis best to go ~ppaN everytime..23:25
mrooneyoh I see, I didn't think about putting that in there23:26
mrooneyI was doing that in the debian/changelog23:26
mrooneybut I hadn't though about putting that in the directory/tar name as well23:26
jpdsNo, changelog is fine.23:26
wgrantmrooney: Why are your packaging changes affecting the .orig.tar.gz?23:27
wgrantThey shouldn't be, as that violates the concept of a .orig.tar.gz.23:27
mrooneywgrant: because packaging is in VCS so I was trying to fix it there23:27
mrooneywgrant: hm well I am not sure, maybe I should be doing it differently?23:27
wgrantI do packaging in a VCS, but it's a separate branch from trunk.23:27
wgrantI build my .orig.tar.gz from trunk.23:28
wgrantAnd I have a branch of trunk with debian/* in it.23:28
mrooneyah okay, what is the point of that?23:28
wgrantKeeping stuff that is not upstream's concern out of the upstream VCS.23:28
wgrantAnd making it possible for Debian/Ubuntu to package it later.23:28
mrooneyokay but I am upstream and it is my concern, so I want it there23:28
wgrantI am upstream for this project too, but I know that one should not have packaging in the upstream VCS.23:29
mrooneyoh okay, why not exactly?23:29
wgrantBecause it has little to do with upstream, needs to be modified by distributions, and diffs cannot eliminate upstream packaging entirely.23:29
wgrantI think there's a page on it.23:29
mrooneyokay it would be great to read because it feels quite right to me to have the packaging in trunk23:30
mrooneybut I am open to better workflows!23:30
wgrantIt in general makes our (MOTU) lives difficult if you have it there.23:31
wgrantBecause we in the vast majority of cases have to completely rewrite it.23:31
mrooneyoh okay, it seems like it would be much easier, especially if the package is already in the ubuntu archives23:31
mrooneymaybe this is just some corner case or something, who knowks23:33
mrooneyWhat does a status of "pending" with a build status of just a green checkmark mean? Be more patient? :)23:40
mrooneyahh yes, apparently23:41
wgrantmrooney: 'Pending' as a publication status means that it's not yet in the archive, and you need to wait for the next */20.23:51
mrooneywgrant: ahh, that's just a job that pulls the completed every 20?23:52

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