
ST47Gosh. I just ran a dist upgrade and came back to see it finished, and I have 22 more upgradable packages.00:32
BUGabundoST47: you are better of running UM00:34
BUGabundoother wise I may end up with partial installs00:34
ST47Yeah, that's what I meant.00:35
BUGabundoah ok00:35
ST47I ran it, checked for and installed updates, then checked again and got more :)00:35
BUGabundodevel branchs are like that....00:36
BUGabundolots of packages on queue00:36
bruce89I'm surprised, as this is a weekend00:36
ST47Oh. Maybe it just missed one package download and skipped it and its dependencies, and then I ignored the error message and had it try again. Either way, lots of updates.00:37
BUGabundobruce89: Global Bug Jams helps00:40
Andre_Gondimis there any problem in this compilation http://paste.ubuntu.com/121257/ ?00:40
nilsonA lot of problems with the new X.org?00:45
nilsonMine is extremely slow with nvidia card00:45
pavsok notify-osd is installed.... wondering how to test it :) what will trigger a notification?00:51
nilsonWhy did my logout option disappear from the Gnome menu?00:52
nilsonIt used to be under System... now its gone00:52
pavsbecause its on the top right hand side under your username00:52
nilsonAh.. dumb me00:53
nilsonthanks :)00:53
nilsonI'm hoping the nvidia-180 drivers will fix my Xorg slowness00:53
nilsonI'm still with 173 for some reason00:53
pavsI am hoping I can find out how to trigger notify-osd to see it in action00:54
bruce89nilson: I don't like that either00:54
nilsonbruce89, have you tried upgrading drivers?00:54
bruce89no, I meant the logout thingy00:55
nilsonmy xorg is slow as hell, feels like im on a 200MHz box00:55
nilsonAh yeahm takse getting used to00:55
crdlbwow, removing log out from System was intentional?00:55
nilsonIll be back, need to restart X00:55
bruce89crdlb: yup00:55
bruce89I don't like the changes made to fusa at all00:55
crdlbmaybe some people don't have the screen real estate for that behemoth?00:56
BUGabundopavs: just change your volume!00:56
ian1anyone else seeing occasional graphics freezes (intel driver)?00:57
bruce89I presume there's supposed to be things in the black box when pressing the volume buttons00:57
ian1bruce89: that's been fixed00:58
crdlbubuntu's testing is second to none; they didn't test it with icon theme != human :P00:58
pavsBUGabundo hmm doesnt do the trick... I am on VM. It shouldnt matter though right?00:58
bruce89I evidently don't have the fix yet00:58
bruce89crdlb: ouch00:58
ian1bruce89: hm maybe not fixed for non human themes, not sure ;)00:58
bruce89not a major issue, my volume buttons don't work00:59
crdlbapparently whoever wrote that really needs to learn about fd.o icon themes00:59
bruce89the code in notify-osd is a bit odd anyway01:00
BUGabundopavs: no idea. try pidgin01:00
crdlbalso, is sytem -> prefs -> popup notifications supposed to let me put it in the bottom left?01:00
bruce89for instance, no namespace, not using normal constuctors01:00
BUGabundobruce89: wait until it stack a few hunders notices, and take 15 mins to show them all01:00
BUGabundojust stupid01:00
bruce89and that01:01
BUGabundocrdlb: I no longer have that menu option01:01
bruce89I'm writing a e-mail to post to ubuntu-devel about the notifications01:01
bruce89I'd be happy to voice anyone's concerns01:01
ian1BUGabundo: why would it accumulate hundreds?01:02
* crdlb definitely wants it in the bottom right01:02
BUGabundoian1: pidgin, and gwibber01:02
bruce89BUGabundo: are those dialogues?01:02
* BUGabundo kills notification-osd once again. 'cause the queue is to big01:02
BUGabundo$ pkill notify-osd01:03
pavsok BUGabundu got working with system -> pref -> popup -> preview  duh! :). I was expecting it to work a lot like "gowl" on OS X, but not quite there yet.01:03
BUGabundopavs: I don't have that menu entry either...01:03
BUGabundoI must be missing something01:03
pavsyeah I didnt notice that either till the latest update I did few minutes ago.01:04
* BUGabundo runs UM -d again01:05
* BUGabundo warns: there goes my 3G bw01:05
BUGabundodoes anyone else have ephifany on queue?01:06
bruce89in which sense?01:06
BUGabundoits been there waiting to install since morning01:06
BUGabundono idea what package is still waiting to be built01:07
BUGabundoI hate to have packages wait....some, take weeks to fix, when fail01:07
* bruce89 wonders why u-m wants to install python3.001:08
BUGabundoI already had it01:09
BUGabundobut got 2.6 this afternoon01:10
bruce89nothing depends on 3.0 though01:10
BUGabundoare you sure?01:11
BUGabundocheck for rdepends01:12
BUGabundoor it could be a policy thingy01:12
BUGabundobut that would be plain stupid01:12
BUGabundonow do rdepends on all of those01:14
* BUGabundo bets on LP api01:15
bruce89well, unless aptitude says to install it, I'm not going to01:15
Volkodavupdate-notifier does not work seems like ?01:18
bruce89likely it's being told to install stuff by big brother01:18
BUGabundoas I said, it may be a Ubuntu Policy01:19
BUGabundobut still it would be stupid to FORCE Py301:20
bruce89http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/121268/ is my draft message01:23
BUGabundobruce89: you sound to arrogant on that email01:24
BUGabundolight up a bit01:24
bruce89I don't really know how to do that01:24
BUGabundoyeah I know the feeling01:25
BUGabundobed time01:32
BUGabundosee you guys tommorow01:32
ian1hitting the Sound Up hardware button adds *two* bars to the popup :/01:38
ian1that just seems wrong01:38
bruce89ian1: bug time01:42
ian1ah no, it's brightness that jumps 2, volume is more like 1, but sometimes 0 per press01:45
dyfhello.. how do i know which "version" i currently have?03:03
dyfi've been doing lots of partial upgrades in the last few days03:03
bruce89there is no version for everything03:04
lesyou're between versions techinically :) Go by the last alpha release and you're in Alpha 4.03:04
dyfbrb.. restarting after this last partial upgrade :P03:05
* DanaG still dislikes the annoying glitchy popup notifications.03:06
DanaGTry holding the volume-down key so it repeats... and you'll see it go blinky twitchy spastic.03:06
DanaG.... and it eats CPU, too.03:06
DanaGAnd keeps going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going and going03:06
LinkinX64going going03:07
DanaGSame thing if you hit "previous song" hotkey a bunch of times while at the beginning of a playlist in quodlibet -- in one case, it kept popping up the same track-change notification multiple times for around 15 minutes!03:07
DanaG... even after it had gone on to other tracks.03:08
DanaGOh, and try rolling your mouse over it... the "disappearing" is rather jarring (not smooth).03:10
bruce89thanks, yet more for my e-mail03:11
DanaGOh yeah, and where's my update-notifier icon?03:11
DanaGAs far as I'm concerned, this force-opened window of update-manager fails -- it doesn't even update the package list before displaying itself.03:11
DanaGIt also manages to make itself look like malware.03:12
bruce89DanaG: I've been rallying against that for days03:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 331054 in update-notifier "Do not launch in background" [Undecided,Invalid]03:13
DanaGAnd I want my damned ICON back.03:13
DanaGIt doesn't even do its stated purpose of staying up to date...03:13
bruce89gconf-editor - /apps/update-notifier03:13
DanaG... it didn't update the package list.03:13
DanaGSo, it was showing 2-day old updates.03:13
dyftrust me.. you don't want the notifier on.. there are about 50 updates every single day03:14
bruce89hadn't thought of that03:14
bruce89the 2 day old thing that is03:14
DanaGI want the icon back, though -- the one that looked vaguely like a sun, as I'd describe it.03:15
DanaGOh yeah, and on an old laptop I have around here, the mere act of updating package lists... bogs everything down for a while.03:16
bruce89actually, that voids any "benefit" it would have, as the window is only supposed to appear when there are updates, but if you don't specificity check for them, it won't automatically thanks to mobile restrictions03:16
dyflol.. i like mike shuttleworth's reply to that bug03:16
DanaGIt's a P4-Celeron laptop, 1.6GHz.  Old 60-gig WD PATA 5400RPM drive.03:16
* crdlb went with a smaller HDD to get 7200RPM03:17
DanaGThat was an old system.03:17
bruce89feel free to comment, I'm drafting an e-mail about the whole dialogue notification thing03:18
DanaGOh yeah, and another thing about the notifications: the hardcoded black clashes violently with my whole desktop theme.03:18
crdlbthis thing is from 2004, it's not exactly new either03:19
DanaG"Someone is offering to send you a file over the local network. If you do not accept it within about 30 seconds, the offer will be withdrawn."03:21
DanaGThat's lame.. what if I'm AFK?03:21
bruce89currently, you'll get loads of dialogues piling up03:21
DanaGNote how black just plain doesn't fit in.03:22
DanaGOh, and if you think I can't see my desktop icons... you'd be right.03:22
dyfwell, i use fluxbox.. so i don't have any of these issues03:22
DanaGBut I only use them once every quite-a-long-time.03:22
dyfbut it's interesting to see03:22
bruce89there's no chance any of this notification stuff can stay now03:23
bruce89even if I wanted it to03:23
DBOaudio is really jumpy on jaunty...03:23
DBOanyone else experiencing this?03:23
dyfDBO: yes.. i've been experiencing *serious* problems with pulseaudio03:24
dyfit sometimes brings applications to a halt03:24
* DBO kills pulseaudio and tries again03:24
bruce89DanaG: gconftool-2 --set --type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false03:24
syockityou should check if the appropriate pulseaudio packages are installed or not03:24
syockitespecially, module-hal, for the pulse-rt support03:24
TuTUXGDBO, reload it every few hrs, that's my "solution"03:25
DBOTuTUXG, it does it right after reload03:25
dyfsometimes an applications is trying to play an event sound and it halts because of audio problmes03:25
ali1234it happens if pulse cannot open the audio because some other program already opened it03:26
TuTUXGi do get lots crash with skype03:26
dyfali1234: and would that be considered a bug?03:26
dyfi thought pulseaudio should mix sounds03:27
dyfit shouldn't halt if more than one app tries to play a sound03:27
ali1234example: i want to play some game that doesn't support pulse. i pulseaudio -k, play the game then quit. after i am finished i quit the game, but forget to restart pulse03:27
ali1234i look at a video on youtube. flash opens the sound device directly, because pulse is not available. later i notice that sound doesn't work in other programs and restart pulse03:27
ali1234now, programs that try to use pulse will lock up because flash is holding the sound device open03:28
DBOkilling pulseaudio made it play nice03:28
DBOat least I can code now...03:28
DBOit skipped...03:28
dyfi am able to listen to music while playing youtube videos, no problems03:28
DBOi cant even listen to music03:28
DBOit skips just sitting there03:28
DBOI have a friggin intel core 2 duo at 2.4GHZ03:29
ali1234dyf: kill pulse and then watch a youtube video, then restart pulse and attempt to play music03:29
DBOjaunty is shaping up to be a very VERY scary ubuntu release...03:30
dyfbottom line is gnu/linux systems still suck at software mixing03:30
syockitDBO: install pulseaudio-module-hal and pulseaudio-esound-compat, kill pulseaudio (pulseaudio -k) and restart the daemon (pulseaudio -D)03:30
ali1234dyf: it has nothing to do with software mixing03:30
DBOsyockit, I already have those installed03:30
ali1234dyf: pulse can mix all it wants, if there is no sound device available to play it on, it wont matter03:31
dyfali1234:  so the problem is between pulse and the actual sound device?03:32
ali1234dyf: the problem is that not all applications support pulse03:32
dyfi see03:32
dyfthat reminds me.. audacious was not able to play audio with pulse.. i changed it to alsa and it played nicely03:33
ali1234dyf: other programs will try to autodetect03:33
ali1234dyf: if any program manages to open the sound device when pulse is not running, then when pulse is restarted, any app that tries to play sound through it will freeze up or crash03:34
ali1234to rectify the situation you must stop whatever program is holding the alsa device open, and then restart pulse03:34
ali1234and then restart any program that uses pulse, if it crashed03:34
dyfali1234: that made a lot of things make sense.. thanks03:35
ali1234about 6 months ago this was happening to me all the time randomly... but as more programs start to support pulse it is happening less and less03:36
DanaGI get PulseAudio glitching when pidgin makes sounds.03:37
ali1234it now only seems to happen when i manually stop pulse to use some old app03:37
DanaGI also get PulseAudio dying on resume from suspend.03:37
ali1234(and then forge to restart it)03:37
ali1234the only time i get glitches from pulse is when i go to slashdot in firefox and it maxes out the cpu for 5 seconds - then the audio also stops03:38
DanaGone bug I have:03:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Incomplete]03:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 284319 in linux "mute, brightness buttons on new HP 6930p laptop" [Undecided,New]03:40
DanaGyay for /google plugin.03:40
* DBO sighs03:47
DBOso from what I read, jaunty is going to have screwed intel drivers, screwed sound because of that (they cause the sound to skip I am reading)...03:48
DanaGUgh, try hitting "previous track" and "next track" multiple times, rapidly, in a media player app that uses notifications -- you'll see it lag behind the track changes by an annoyingly long time.03:58
ali1234yes it queues them up03:58
ali1234i wonder what happens if the queue overflows03:59
DanaGSo far, I am quite not-impressed with this new feature.04:00
DanaGIs that black color just plain hardcoded?04:03
DanaG"6.12.0 will be soon to follow with accel support for r6xx/r7xx chips "04:05
ali1234it looks like if the notification queue gets full it just blocks :/04:08
ali1234either that or it's just really slow04:09
DanaGYeah, it sucks.04:17
Volkodavhow come update notifier does not pop up anymore ?04:19
macoVolkodav: because now if there are security updates, the update window itself will just pop up04:20
macoand if you havent installed any updates in a week (whether through there or apt) it'll pop up in that case too04:20
DanaGOh yeah, they said OS X automatically pops up the notification...04:23
DanaGI don't remember ever seeing that on my mom's iMac.04:23
Volkodavwell it popped up just once04:23
DanaGInstead, I think it just sat there in the dock, hopping for attention.04:24
Volkodavabout 3 days ago04:24
Volkodavand today I checked with synaptic - it had about 80 updates04:24
Volkodavwhich I did04:24
Volkodavso I doubth the auto part works right04:24
DanaGSame for me...04:25
DanaG... it doesn't update the package list.04:25
Volkodavjust like nothing happens04:26
DanaGLots of the new stuff sucks.04:27
DanaGNotifications are very glitchy -- and the volume and brightness ones started out completely BLANK.04:28
Volkodavuntill it is all sorted out04:28
DanaGJust a big, hideous black rounded-rectangle, that clashes with its background.04:28
TuTUXGDanaG, you have to use the human icons04:29
Volkodavas long as it works via synaptic or just dist-upgrade - who cares04:29
DanaGYeah, having to use one icon set is just stupid.04:29
DanaGI like my Tangerine icons.04:29
TuTUXGDanaG, or u can just link those icons to whatever you use04:30
DanaGI just copied them.04:30
DanaGyay, xargs.04:30
* crdlb would rather just wait for it to be fixed04:30
TuTUXGcrdlb, i doubt, ubuntu's icon themes are always acting wired except you just stick with human04:32
crdlbmeh, I like 'gnome'04:33
TuTUXGalways something missing...04:33
crdlbwell, if they wouldn't screw with gnome so much ... :)04:33
TuTUXGjust fallback fallback fallback then nothing04:33
macoTuTUXG: that's because human is a *very* complete theme. most themes only cover the essentials, and then someone goes and uses some weird icon that's rarely used, and then that one is missing04:34
crdlbthe fd.o spec is designed so that there will always be some icon if you follow the spec04:35
macoa lot of icons are symlinks to other icons in some themes04:35
DanaGThey should've put the special icons in highcolor, too.04:36
TuTUXGi have my own icon set anyway04:36
macoDanaG: yeah, i'm pretty sure osx tiger does just pop it up.04:36
TuTUXGonly complete icon theme is human, isn't that funny?04:36
macoVolkodav: its supposed to be security updates every 2 days, regular 1/wk, but during testing time they're setting everything to 2 days that way testers are hopefully not reporting already-fixed bugs04:37
DanaGWell, for me, it's launching and showing the updates that were available... 2 days ago.04:37
DanaGNot those available today.04:37
DanaGI have to manually refresh the package lists.04:37
macoyeah i see what you said about it not refreshing. i dont have a properly-working gui right now, and i update multiple times a day, so i have no way to confirm that04:38
=== dtchen changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Boot problems? See bug 332270 - do *not* use the ppa packages | Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (alpha) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED, it will most certainly break your system in bad ways. Jaunty Alpha 4 CD Images Available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/ | Join #ubuntu for Intrepid Ibex (8.10) and previous versions support | Please read Alpha 4 release notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaun
=== dtchen changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Boot problems? See bug 332270 - do *not* use the ppa packages | Welcome to the Ubuntu Jaunty Jackalope (alpha) discussion channel | Jaunty is NOT RELEASED and NOT SUPPORTED, it will most certainly break your system in bad ways. Jaunty Alpha 4 CD Images Available at cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/jaunty/ | Join #ubuntu for Intrepid Ibex (8.10) and previous versions support | Please read Alpha 4 release notes: www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha4
crdlbmeh, that's useful, notify-osd has builtin fade instead of just allowing compiz to do it? :/04:39
DanaG"the ppa packaes" -- which ones?04:39
* DanaG checks the bug...04:39
DanaGbug 33227004:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "[jaunty] doesn't boot anymore after udev upgrade" [Critical,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227004:39
dtchenDanaG: tj/intuitivenipple04:39
DanaGintuitive.... nipple?  That's an odd name.04:39
macoDanaG: the basis is that the nipple is the only intuitive interface. a new mother says even *that* isn't intuitive04:40
DanaGHandy thing I can do even if my system won't boot:04:40
DanaGSerial Over LAN.04:40
DanaGnetconsole?  Not sure what that is.  I'm using the AMT virtual serial port.04:41
DanaGIn fact, I've put a getty on it.04:41
pwnguinfun. checkbox blocked in embeddedVT04:42
pwnguingood thing we dont use packageKit!04:44
DanaGoh yeah, netbook-launcher + radeon == ouch.04:45
* DanaG doesn't use lvm.04:49
TuTUXGpwnguin, what's wrong with packagekit?04:50
pwnguinTuTUXG: if a package install requires stdin, packagekit won't give it04:50
TuTUXGi c04:51
DanaGThat does bug me about update-manager...04:51
DanaG... you can't even use "less" as a pager.04:52
pwnguini have a setting thats supposed to use gnome UI04:52
pwnguinfor questions and such04:52
pwnguini thought it had a etc config setting too04:52
dyfDanaG: by the way, i have a macbook and apple updates also pop up a window04:53
dyfjust saying04:53
DanaGIt doesn't set $DISPLAY, either.04:53
* DanaG likes having a software-usable hddprotect LED.05:02
DanaGI have it set so that it blinks blue (in hardware) on HDD activity, and orange (in software) on SD card activity.05:02
Stralyticwhat needs to be done to banshee to get its notifications to use the new framework?05:11
DanaGheh, Tracker is telling me to "right-click here"05:16
DanaGin the notification.05:16
DanaGAnd there's no icon.05:16
macois it showing a dialog instead of the new notification?05:16
macoits supposed to convert all notifications that ignore the fact that notifications cant have actions into dialogs automatically. but i guess right-click and dialog dont go together eithe...05:16
DanaGNOpe, just a balloon.05:17
DanaGTelling me to right-click "here"05:17
DanaGwhere there's no "here" to right-click on.05:17
wgrantNotifications that have custom actions turn into dialogs, and all others turn into notifications that don't point anywhere.05:19
wgrantI'm not sure I can call this progress, although it is shiny.05:19
DanaGUgh, that blinking on mouseover sucks.05:20
DanaGIt doesn't faaade nicely....05:20
DanaGit BLINKS.05:20
wgrantI think it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't fade so far.05:20
DanaGIt doesn't fade -- that's the thing.05:20
DanaGit goes like *ON* off *ON*05:20
DanaGnot a smooth transition.05:20
DanaGAnd the black color... is that hardcoded?05:21
DanaGIf so, I have a bone to pick with the developer.05:21
wgrantIt seems so :(05:21
DanaGIt clashes violently with my theme.05:21
ali1234how can black clash?05:21
DanaGNote the style... and think of how the black rectangle would fail to fit in.05:21
crdlbalso, I don't see why it doesn't respect struts to stay away from panels :/05:21
ali1234*anything* woudl clash with that :P05:22
wgrantDanaG: IMO that theme clashes with itself... :P05:22
DanaGYeah, it's harsh, but fun.05:22
DanaGOh, and try holding a volume or brightness key and let it go to the end of its range... and keep holding the key.05:22
* DanaG is going to go off for now.05:23
DanaGI think.05:23
DanaGBut it goes all spastic-glitchy.05:23
crdlbthe empty rectangle looks very clean here :P05:23
DanaGOh, and it eats CPU, too.05:23
DanaGooh, shiny.  www.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/screenshot-glassybleu.png05:52
DanaGodd .... cd drive just randomly reset.06:01
pavsIs this image of notify-osd a mockup or an actual demo? http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/265 because I have been using notify-osd and it looks nothing even close to this... I understand this is early development process but atleast I know I didnt screw up anything from my side.06:46
TuTUXGpavs, sudo aptitude install notify-osd06:47
DanaGFades?  It doesn't "fade" away -- it *BLINKS* to darker.06:48
pavsI installed it andit works but its doesnt look the image I gave you on the link by mark shuttleworth06:48
wgrantDanaG: It fades for me...06:49
wgrantpavs: How is it different?06:50
WT-UdevDanaG: what video card do you have, do you have composit support enabled, and etc?06:50
wgrantIt looks practically identical for me.06:50
DanaGMouse over the thing...06:50
DanaGit doesn't fade to dim.06:50
wgrantDanaG: For me it does.06:50
pavsoh I need composit enabled? :)06:51
wgrantAnd I'm even using UXA, which has horrible transparency bugs.06:51
wgrantpavs: How does it look without it?06:51
pavson my VM without composit it looks like this: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3374/3299722902_ebdc5c0ec0_o.png06:54
wgrantAh. Ew.06:55
DanaGThat's the old one.06:55
pavslol. thats the one that available with jaunty update06:55
WT-Udevwgrant: DanaG I'm unsure if you -need- composit but from what I understand 2d transparency and such is much better when used through it... maybe I should look that up on wikipedia or something.06:56
DanaGI do have Metacity compositing enabled.06:58
DanaGFor me, the notifications don't "fade" on hover.. .they just drop to lower opacity rather jarringly.06:58
WT-UdevDanaG: ok, that's the next question, what video-drivers are you using with what card?  It sounds like it might be trying to fade gradually but instead gets very jerky frames from the process06:59
* DanaG is using radeon on an r600 card.07:02
DanaGvery jerky frames... more like, one frame.07:07
DanaGAnd try holding volume-down or brightness-down, letting the key repeat.07:08
DanaGIt goes all glitchy-spastic.07:08
DanaGand blinky-twitchy.07:08
WT-UdevDanaG: you might try the radeonhd driver and/or the binary driver07:08
DanaGbinary driver is a no-go for me, even on Intrepid.07:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Incomplete]07:09
DanaGEven on Intrepid.07:09
WT-UdevDanaG: I suggest you complete the bug report then07:09
DanaGWhat's not complete?07:10
DanaGI even have a stacktrace.07:10
DanaGMy biggest gripe with radeon is the power draw -- when in Linux, my system draws 30 watts on battery with the 'radeon' driver.07:11
DanaGIn Windows, it's 16 to 19.07:11
WT-Udevhttp://www.x.org/wiki/RadeonFeature << ick, found the table I wanted.07:11
DanaGSame for Linux when fglrx was working.07:11
WT-Udev20090221-23:09:05 < ubottu> Ubuntu bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Incomplete]07:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 314600 in fglrx-installer "fglrx versions newer than 8.543 cause system hang and panic" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31460007:12
WT-UdevThe bug report is listed as 'incomplete'07:12
ian1I'd like to look for when this bug showed up http://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19879 -- how can I walk through the driver versions?07:19
ubottuFreedesktop bug 19879 in Drivers/DRI/i965 "rendering glitches in Google Earth" [Normal,New]07:19
ian1should I just boot various kernels?07:19
DanaGWT-Udev: duh, I know it's marked incomplete.07:31
DanaGIt just hasn't been UN-marked.07:31
DanaGand there's no statement of what's missing.07:31
WT-UdevDanaG: has it been confirmed by someone else?  If yes, change it to confirmed.07:36
WT-UdevThen let whoever think's it's not complete change it back with a reason07:36
* DanaG does that.07:38
DanaGGood advice.07:38
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WT-UdevMorning IntuitiveNipple.  How's the udev stuff going?08:38
IntuitiveNippleWT-Udev: morning. My machine got hit by it this morning when it was powered on. Had to boot to live-CD and install the modified package via a chroot08:39
* DanaG will have to see what his machine does on boot.08:40
DanaGLuckily, I'll be able to get a stacktrace even if it won't boot.08:40
IntuitiveNippleDanaG: Before you do, make sure you have an alternate install to boot into, or the live-CD to hand. You'll have to remove the udev "watch" rules08:41
IntuitiveNippleI'd like to reproduce it in a VM if possible08:41
DanaGI do have a LiveCD on hand.08:41
IntuitiveNippleI have a Hardy install to boot to, *but* the Jaunty file-systems are ext4, so couldn't create a mount to chroot to from their08:42
IntuitiveNippleI'm wondering if it's the dmsetup change - its had a udev rule for 'watch' added too08:42
* DanaG doesn't have dmsetup installed.08:43
IntuitiveNippleWT-Udev: Does your affected machine have the dmsetup package installed?08:47
WT-Udevii  dmsetup                                       2:1.02.27-4ubuntu4                            The Linux Kernel Device Mapper userspace library08:49
IntuitiveNippleokay, same here08:50
IntuitiveNippleI'll check whether the VM does08:50
IntuitiveNippleit ought to :)08:50
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: It may not occur in VM due to the fact that real devices have latency but memory has -much- less08:51
IntuitiveNipplethere should still be signs of the activity08:52
IntuitiveNipplewhen inserting host USB devices, for example08:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "[jaunty] doesn't boot anymore after udev upgrade" [Critical,Confirmed]08:52
IntuitiveNippleok... the reason the VM didn't do it was, I installed my package in there lol08:53
WT-UdevI should note, I still haven't gotten around to arranging for swap that's wiped out and encrypted on boot08:55
WT-UdevI wanted to get suspend/resume working first so I could ensure that doing that didn't blow away the suspend/resume.08:55
Fudged_that_uphello all, recomended I chat here - I have problem in gutsy that might be cured or at least party cured with jaunty. How do I upgrade to jaunty, and if I do can I expand my partition to fill my 1tb drive (at the moment ext3 not ext4)08:59
Fudged_that_upsort to gutsy but intrepid ibex09:00
Fudged_that_up*sorry to gutsy but intrepid ibex09:00
IntuitiveNippleJaunty is an alpha developer test right now09:00
WT-UdevFudged_that_up: at least wait a tiny bit until udev is fixed...  We have a workaround/solution but it hasn't made it in to the main packages yet.  I don't know what's holding it up.09:01
WT-Udevhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/332270  << Crippling09:01
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "[jaunty] doesn't boot anymore after udev upgrade" [Critical,Confirmed]09:01
Fudged_that_upok - i have a problem with intrepid proventing me from filling my drive and was told I should try it.ok back to the drawingboard!09:02
WT-UdevFudged_that_up: Upgrade cleanly to Intrepid, once you've done that... hum09:02
WT-UdevWhat kind of setup do you have right now?  Are you trying to grow your root partition, your home, or an extra partition?09:02
WT-UdevHome is painful but if you log in in console mode you can do it without anything extra (if you know how)09:03
WT-UdevOtherwise you might want to use something like the install CD/DVD to do it from within that (when none of your disk partitions are mounted) OR even with a dedicated partitioning tool like in systemrescuecd http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page09:04
WT-UdevIf you're trying to grow / (root) you probably have to boot off other media.  The last time I resized an ext filesystem it didn't support online resize09:04
Fudged_that_upI did a default install telling it to use the whole disk. it says there is no space left it says it's formated to 4.6gb!!!!!09:05
WT-Udevhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext3 << oh that does support online growth09:05
WT-Udevhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gparted << Fudged_that_up probably you want to install that and take a LOOK at your drive.  be -extrmely careful- you might accidently destroy your data.09:08
Fudged_that_upthanks guys will try trhat09:09
WT-Udevgparted (or qtparted if you have KDE) will show you where you're using your disk.09:09
IntuitiveNippleI may be a while... I've enabled udev debug logging and downgraded to udev 138-1 ... gonna restart and try to capture the log09:09
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: Gods... good luck09:10
rohdefhow do I upgrade from an terminal?09:59
WT-Udevhttp://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading << follow the server upgrade method10:00
WT-Udevrohdef: if you have an LTS version of ubuntu installed there's an extra step, but Ibex's notes contain it10:01
rohdefWT-Udev, I'm on Ibex, but the commands doesn't seem to work10:04
rohdefwhen I run do-release-upgrade it just says that there isn't a new version10:04
WT-Udevdo-release-upgrade -h10:05
WT-UdevTo upgrade to a dev release (like 9.04) use: do-release-upgrade -d  I think.10:06
rohdefI'll try10:06
rohdefseems to work10:06
WT-UdevUm, rohdef btw10:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "[jaunty] doesn't boot anymore after udev upgrade" [Critical,Confirmed]10:07
WT-Udevread that10:07
rohdefI'll read10:13
WT-UdevHow'd it go?10:14
IntuitiveNippleno luck unfortunately. The event storm meant it never got beyond the initial ramdisk read-only file-system so the udev log wasn't saved to disk. I gave it 15 minutes10:15
IntuitiveNippleI'm now trying to reproduce it on a PC with the console logged via serial cable10:15
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: Yeah, I was going to ask before you left if... Yeah10:15
WT-UdevIs there a way to netconsole log the udev results?10:15
WT-UdevMy laptop doesn't have serial10:15
WT-UdevIt -only- has USB and ethernet10:15
WT-Udev(well and wifi, but wifi in initrd?  no.)10:16
IntuitiveNippleThat's the issue with many laptops. I've got a  test-bed ATX mobo here that I'm just firing up10:16
WT-Udevhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/332270/comments/32 << Interesting10:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "[jaunty] doesn't boot anymore after udev upgrade" [Critical,Confirmed]10:26
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: Now... for an experiment.10:28
WT-UdevWell, actually first10:28
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: Does your ppa-2 version of udev still have watch support, just not watch in the file?10:28
Crusterhi, when i copy files to ntfs partitions, the files are copied, but dolphin reports: cannot change permissions for [filename]. is there any workaround?10:29
IntuitiveNippleWT-Udev: yes10:31
IntuitiveNippleWT-Udev: I used "for rule in /lib/udev/rules.d/*; do sed -i 's/watch//g' $rule; done" earlier to clear all the watches out10:32
WT-UdevCruster: I believe that depends on which NTFS driver you are using, however I'm unsure if there's anything to map ubuntu users on to NT users.10:32
WT-UdevYeah, I want to take your package and put -just- those back in.10:33
WT-UdevAlso, can I command the initrd to cache and auto-probe modules?10:33
WT-UdevLike netconsole10:33
IntuitiveNippleBy 'those' you mean the rules?10:33
IntuitiveNippleIf so, just re-install udev 138-110:33
WT-UdevSome genius decided they wanted to have a debugging utility as a module... /lib/modules/2.6.28-8-generic/kernel/drivers/net/netconsole.ko10:34
CrusterWT-Udev: I think it's about root permissions...10:37
dtchenWT-Udev: just add the module name to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and update-initramfs -u10:38
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IntuitiveNippleWT-Udev: add the module name to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules10:38
IntuitiveNippleGrrr. This thing is conspiring against me. hased together cross-over serial cable has pulled some wires out10:39
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: take a break from that for a moment and catch up on the bug page.10:44
geserI got hit by the udev bug too :( Luckily I had still the old version on disk so I could downgrade to get a working computer again10:48
idorock89just gave command to upgrade to jaunty as i coudnt resis t the temptation anymore10:52
idorock89it still says 8 hours remaining10:52
idorock89btw anyone with nvidia gph card on jaunty here?10:52
IntuitiveNipplethat's better... multimeter and a screwdriver and it's working now10:53
Ademani need newer versions of the xcb libraries in order to build awesomewm trunk, i realize this is somewhat offtopic, but is there any easy way to tell if i can get them through backports? (i'm on intrepid)  Oh and if i say intrepid-backports, that's jaunty packages backported to intrepid, right?10:54
rwwAdeman: http://packages.ubuntu.com/intrepid-backports/allpackages has a list of all the packages in intrepid-backports, which should help you with the first question.10:56
Ademanthanks rww10:56
WT-UdevI hate problems like this udev one...10:57
WT-UdevI can't tell for SURE if I've reproduced it for like... 20 min, when the first crap gets tossed on to the screen.10:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "[jaunty] doesn't boot anymore after udev upgrade" [Critical,Confirmed]10:58
Ademanrww: hrm it isn't there, that's unfortunate.  there's always upgrading to jaunty i suppose.  do you guys need any more testers? :-D10:59
WT-UdevAdeman: No... I was finally able to get a result.  Unless you want to deal with a mess of udev initrd level pain.10:59
idorock89btw anyone with nvidia gph card on jaunty here?11:00
AdemanWT-Udev: my knowledge of pre-X-being-started stuff is pretty limited, so i guess i don't.  is that a pretty common problem?11:00
IntuitiveNippleidorock89: Yes; GeForce Go 760011:00
Ademannot to say i'm lost when i get dropped into a stinking busybox shell though... heh11:01
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: yes, 8400m11:01
idorock89IntuitiveNipple: and do u have restriceted nvidia ghpx drivers in jaunty?11:02
WT-UdevAdeman: it seems to effect anyone with LVM or raid (or EVMS etc); is that correct IntuitiveNipple ?11:02
WT-Udevidorock89: I do11:02
WT-UdevYou have to add a line to the xorg.conf file11:02
idorock89any probs bcoz of nvidia gphx drivers as compared to intrepid?11:03
IntuitiveNippleidorock89: Yes, 180.2911:03
IntuitiveNippleidorock89: There's a few nasty issues with 180.29, depending on which chipset is used11:03
idorock89IntuitiveNipple: i have nvidia 6200. do u think i will have any probs11:04
IntuitiveNippleidorock89: Couldn't say; best to scan the Nvidia forums at nvnet11:04
IntuitiveNipplesorry, nvnews.net11:05
WT-Udevidorock89: dunno, I mostly use the xv interface, not gl11:05
idorock89WT-Udev: pls explain what the xv and gl interface are? and how to change them11:08
WT-Udevxv is x-video, it's used to make video playback faster (possible in some cases)11:09
rwwLP:332270 only affects systems using LVM, right?11:09
WT-Udevxvmc is even faster yet11:09
* maxb is amused. Ubuntu is inviting me to report the fact that my machine failed to resume from suspend so that the developers can fix the problem. Somehow I doubt they can fix "running out of battery" :-)11:09
WT-Udevrww: I think it might be any system using ANY device mapper items.11:09
WT-Udevmaxb: what I never got about suspend11:10
rwwWT-Udev: so LVM and EVMS?11:10
WT-UdevWhy can't the system hibernate, but keep the resume stuff in ram too.11:10
WT-Udevrww: "Is anyone that does -not- use LVM or RAID or other device-mapper items effected?"11:10
WT-UdevI've not yet seen a testcase involving dmraid, but I suspect they would have ones as well11:11
maxbWT-Udev: It can.11:13
IntuitiveNippleWT-Udev: hibernate and suspend are designed for different purposes. Hibernate is for a total power-off scenario11:13
maxbWT-Udev: That's called a hybrid suspend. It takes a lot longer to prepare than a pure suspend, though11:14
maxbYou can invoke that kind of suspend with pm-suspend-hybrid -- don't know if there's any GUI exposure of the functionality11:15
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: Yeah, but it does have an advantage.  If you're syspended and disk-backed then you can resume just fine even if you loose power.11:16
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: are you aware, off the top of your head, of udev syntax to print the types of information for a given device that udev rules would run on?11:17
WT-UdevMagicUdevThing /dev/sda1 -> would tell me the kernel, attrs, etc.11:17
WT-Udevinstalling udevinfo11:19
IntuitiveNippleudevadm info --query=all --name=11:20
IntuitiveNippleYou can also use udevadm monitor --environment to watch events11:21
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: Doesn't quite get me everything.  It's not listing any ATTRS11:27
WT-UdevKERNEL=="hd*[0-9]", ATTRS{removable}=="1", GOTO="persistent_storage_end" << I have no way of seeing if attrs removable == 111:28
WT-UdevOops, forgot to replace every instance of the data...11:28
WT-Udevoh well it's gone now11:28
idorock89which ff version is there currently?11:29
idorock89why not 3.1 its at beta 3 or something and if we are including 3.1 in jaunty then we should upgrade right?11:33
idorock89or is 3.1 not in jaunty?11:33
WT-Udevidorock89: dunno, why not check the bug reporting system for it and/or add a bug to that effect if it's in the proposed list11:34
IntuitiveNippleOh well, I give up! Daily live-CD x86, ubiquity fails to start because Dbus denies it permission to pass messages11:51
WT-UdevThis is somewhat annoying... I have the netconsole module in place, but it doesn't seem to be working.12:06
IntuitiveNippleHave you added the console= directives to the kernel command line?12:06
WT-Udevgunzip -dc initrd.img-2.6.28-8-generic | cpio -t | grep netcon12:08
WT-Udev[    0.000000] Command line: root=/dev/mapper/rootvolume ro no_console_suspend netconsole="6665@,6660@"  crashkernel=384M-2G:64M@16M,2G-:128M@16M12:08
WT-Udevthe mac address is correct and even tcpdumping for that port has no result12:09
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IntuitiveNipplehave you enabled syslogd on the target to accept TCP connections?12:18
WT-UdevThey're UDP and there's no firewall12:19
WT-Udevport 6666 (another system I've got configured to netconsole log) logs just fine12:19
WT-UdevI'll try a netcat simulation of logging on that port12:20
IntuitiveNipplehave you set console_loglevel?12:20
WT-UdevHum, no12:20
IntuitiveNippleI'm using debootstrap to install Jaunty on this test-bed PC, since the daily CD ubiquity fails12:21
WT-Udevcat something | nc -u -p 6665 666012:22
WT-Udevwhich worked12:22
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WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: I should note, the other system that's done netconsole logging is an 8.10 system, so I don't see why it would fail here when I used that system'12:26
WT-Udevs netconsole string as the basis12:26
WT-UdevI literally only changed the source IP and dest port, but I tested that in netcat12:27
WT-Udevhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jackalope_(disambiguation) << I just noticed... Jackalope?  Are we eventually going to get up to Unix Unicorn or Domesticated Dragon?12:29
IntuitiveNipplenetcat's -p option on Jaunty seems to have changed. I got caught out by that too. it now means the port to listen on, not port to listen for. So you need -p 666012:30
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple:        -p port      local port number (port numbers can be individual or ranges: lo-hi [inclusive])12:31
IntuitiveNippleIn Hardy/Intrepid, the command appeared to work differently.12:31
WT-Udevright from the manpage12:31
WT-UdevIN JJ12:31
WT-UdevThe local port will be the source when sending, or the listener port when recieving12:31
IntuitiveNippleAnd you did nc -u -p 6665 6660 ?12:32
IntuitiveNippleShould be nc -u -p 6660 6665 ?12:32
IntuitiveNippleOr  nc -l -u -p 6660 6665 ?12:32
WT-Udevnetconsole="6665@,6660@" << srcprt:srcip:srcif targetprt:targetip:targetmac12:32
WT-UdevSo send from port 6665 to ip and port12:33
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: do you have a craskhernel line?12:43
WT-UdevOdd, I wonder why that's there....12:45
WT-UdevMaybe if I remove it netconsole logging will work12:45
WT-UdevOdd... it's being tacked on automatically but isn't listed in any section of menu.lst I can see12:46
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: do you have kdump installed?12:49
WT-Udevkexec-tools: /etc/init.d/kdump12:52
IntuitiveNippleI leave all that VMs12:55
WT-Udev... kexec-tools is auto-installed... but how do I tell by what?12:56
WT-UdevAh found it12:57
WT-Udevremoving makedumpfile12:58
WT-Udevdoesn't seem to have fixed it13:04
WT-UdevArg, it's not even loaded now13:04
WT-UdevAnyone in here know a kernel paramater to pass it to tell the kernel to ask for a module?13:05
IntuitiveNippleI thought the fact netconsole was on the command-line caused it to be loaded if it was there as a module?13:09
IntuitiveNippleif not, you need to add it to the initramfs loaded modules list13:10
WT-UdevI edited that file from before13:11
WT-UdevThe module's in the image.  Is there something else I need to edit?13:11
IntuitiveNippleIt won't be loaded unless specifically asked for though, and no hardware is going to prompt that13:12
IntuitiveNippleactually, it should be if it is in the modules file13:14
IntuitiveNipplesee https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/initramfs-tools/+bug/1662213:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 16622 in initramfs-tools "WISHLIST: Add netconsole to initrd or compile into kernel" [Wishlist,Fix released]13:14
IntuitiveNippleYay! the new PC has hit the udev inotify storm immediately13:14
IntuitiveNippleAs soon as I added an LVM partition13:14
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: can test with adding a raid one first as well?13:15
IntuitiveNippleNot yet13:16
IntuitiveNippleI just want to capture the storm in a log file13:16
idorock89can someone tell me which version of empathy is in jaunty right now?13:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 33227013:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "[jaunty] doesn't boot anymore after udev upgrade" [Critical,Confirmed]13:28
idorock89WT-Udev thx13:28
WT-UdevYup... what the udev13:29
WT-Udevmore literally what the udev !?!???!??13:29
blueyedIs there a known problem with a raid+cryptsetup+lvm setup? I cannot boot my system anymore..13:30
WT-Udevblueyed: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/33227013:30
blueyedah.. looking at topic.13:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "[jaunty] doesn't boot anymore after udev upgrade" [Critical,Confirmed]13:30
WT-Udevread the whole thing first13:31
blueyedthanks, WT-Udev!13:31
ronnyanyone aware of a tool te find/remove broken gnome menu entries - i have collected a few hundred broken menu entries over the time13:32
IntuitiveNippleronny: user-profile stores them in ~/.local/share/applications13:33
ronnyaware of a tool that collects the broken ones (ie all entries that don't work any more)13:34
IntuitiveNippleYour brain :)13:34
WT-Udevmaybe it would be better to just regenerate them?  I have no idea since I loath the gnome interface (it is all nurfed... and you need to know voodoo to enable nice features that are fixed to a default...)13:35
WT-Udevronny: maybe they're text based, you could probably write or find a shell-script to audit that and remove any which point to bad locations13:35
ronnyIntuitiveNipple: these files are a bitch to parse, and there is enough of them there to waste days13:35
IntuitiveNippleronny: This will help you identify the executables: for app in  ~/.local/share/applications/*; do EXE="$(grep -o '^Exec=.*' "$app")"; echo $EXE; done13:41
IntuitiveNippleOr, you could do: for app in  ~/.local/share/applications/*; do EXE="$(grep -o '^Exec=.*' "$app")"; echo "$app = $EXE"; done13:42
ronnyIntuitiveNipple: it nests paths13:42
cumulus007Hi, I'm looking for the Launchpad translations of the Live CD installer13:43
WT-Udevif [ ! -f "$EXE" ] ; then rm $app ; fi     or something like that13:46
WT-Udevno idea13:52
cumulus007hm :(13:52
blueyedcumulus007: ubiquity?13:57
cumulus007i checked the Ubiquity project, but their translation is not maintained on Launchpad13:57
nblraceri thought gparted came with ubuntu :(14:00
nblraceri also remember in ubuntu 6 there was a nice GUI manger for mounting and formating and partion drives14:01
cumulus007it does14:01
WT-Udevnblracer: not with xubuntu by default anyway;  it might be on the livecd though.  pn  gparted                                       <none>                                        (no description available)14:01
nblracerdid not come with my install, ubuntu Jaunty14:02
WT-UdevOdd, maybe ubuntu-desktop depends on it but not xubuntu-desktop?14:02
nblraceri; not on Xfc14:03
nblracerinstalling it now though...14:03
nblracerbut does any one recall that manger that came with ubuntu 6.06 for formating and mount HDD14:04
blueyedWT-Udev: what's the preferred workaround for the bug? Commenting out the problematic "watch" line?14:05
WT-Udevblueyed: you have to regenerate the initrds as well14:06
blueyedyes. but that appears to be the best workaround, yes?14:06
WT-UdevYou can do both manually, or you can add IntuitiveNipple's ppa so you get the package with the rulsets like that, which then automatically does the initrd14:06
WT-UdevEither way, you can work around the problem like that14:07
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laputaIs here the channel #Ubuntu+1?14:09
WT-UdevYou can't tell?14:09
laputaI have some trouble...14:10
laputaI need help...14:10
WT-UdevYou use LVM and your system won't boot anymore?14:10
laputaprocessing was halted because there were too many errors.14:11
WT-Udevhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/332270 << If your system won't boot anymore and the hard drive light shows heavy activity...14:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "[jaunty] doesn't boot anymore after udev upgrade" [Critical,Confirmed]14:11
WT-Udevlaputa: during startup?14:12
laputawhen I do: sudo dpkg --configure -a14:12
WT-UdevHum... returns quite rapidly on mine.14:12
WT-Udevhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/108189 <??14:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 108189 in dpkg "files list file for package `*' is missing final newline" [High,Triaged]14:15
laputaWT-Udev:can you send me a file:/usr/share/gconf/schemas/metacity.schemas?14:16
laputaIt seems the file missing...14:16
WT-Udevlaputa: I have xubuntu... not ubuntu so...14:16
WT-Udevah but I do seem to have that file14:17
WT-Udevcan you take the file?14:18
laputaI don't have that file, you can send to:amoblin@gmail.com. Thank you so much!14:19
WT-Udevlaputa: nope... I don't feel like logging in to my mail right now14:19
WT-Udevcan you just take it via dcc?14:19
laputawhat's mean: via dcc?14:20
WT-Udevthe irc method of sending files14:21
laputahow to accpet it?14:21
WT-Udevthat's client specific14:21
WT-Udev/dcc get WT-Udev14:22
WT-Udevdo that14:22
WT-Udevthere you go14:22
laputaoh! I got it! It's funny!14:22
WT-Udevit should be in yoru home folder someplace14:22
WT-UdevHere I was about to toss it on to pastebin14:23
IntuitiveNippleWT-Udev: got an interesting situation here14:25
laputaI have done it! Thank you!14:25
laputaI give the error log to you, OK?14:26
IntuitiveNippleWith udev_log="debug" or "info" the system can reach a root prompt. When it is set to "err" it hits the event storm at 6.5 seconds and thrashes the hard disk and doesn't seem to recover.14:26
IntuitiveNippleThis looks like a timing-related issue - the log type affecting it. The actual storm didn't start until I installed lvm2 though14:26
WT-UdevEr no thank you... the error log won't be useful for me.14:26
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: That sounds amazingly like a race condition.  It also sounds like enabling the other logging events buffers it out enough to avoid it.14:27
laputaWT-Udev:Package metacity-common is not configured yet. so?14:28
WT-Udevlaputa: you try what you were doing all over again.  dpkg --configure -a should run to completion without error14:28
WT-UdevIf it has an error, you need to figure out what it is and fix it14:29
laputaI do dpkg --configure -a, and it show me much error.14:32
WT-Udevhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/108189 << read this yet?14:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 108189 in dpkg "files list file for package `*' is missing final newline" [High,Triaged]14:32
laputaw3m cann't load the url...14:34
laputahttps? not http?14:34
WT-UdevIt redirects14:34
laputasorry, it's my fault!14:35
WT-Udevlaputa: There are really two options at this point depending on the effort each might cost you.14:35
WT-Udev1) Backup anything you want to keep, re-install.14:35
WT-Udev2) Go through the process listed in that thread and try to fix it.14:35
WT-UdevThere are also an unknown number of unknown options.14:35
laputaI will choose 214:36
WT-UdevThen you'll -have- to view that thread14:36
SiDiHi people14:37
gnomefreakcan you pastebin the error14:38
WT-Udevlaputa: there seems to be a lot of 'It may be media corruption' or bad memory/etc.  Have you run a S.M.A.R.T. test on your hard drive?  Checked the CDs for defects?  Checked your memory with the memtest?  Maybe checked the cpu with a prime-stress tester or some other tool?14:38
WT-Udevlaputa: are you stuck in console?14:39
gnomefreakok lets try this again. WT-Udev Lunar_Lamp can you pastebin everything after the dpkg command. i would liket o see these14:40
WT-Udevgnomefreak: I don't have the problem14:40
gnomefreakdamnit not Lunar_Lamp but laputa14:40
gnomefreakwt`your helping him so maybe he pastebined it and i missed it14:40
gnomefreakWT-Udev: ^^14:41
WT-UdevNope, but I did mention pastebin, just not as pastebin.com14:41
gnomefreaki have no errors that is why i want to see them to see what paackages are failing and if able to be fixed14:42
WT-Udevgnomefreak: it sounds remotely like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dpkg/+bug/10818914:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 108189 in dpkg "files list file for package `*' is missing final newline" [High,Triaged]14:43
WT-Udev* being variable, but always showing up on a given install14:44
gnomefreakexact would be better the part where it sounds remotely like) is the problem there14:44
WT-UdevYeah, I know... laputa ?14:44
gnomefreakill be back need smoke just ping me when if you pastebin it.14:45
WT-UdevThere's the bug thread, laputa you can look at that, right?14:46
laputaWT-Udev:I searched some messages just now,sorry!14:47
laputaI only under console.14:47
laputaI can't got in gnome...14:47
laputaIt seems like the package libmetacity0 was not configured yet.14:48
gnomefreakthats what sudo dpkg --configure -a is for14:53
laputagnomefreak:for configure the installed package.14:54
gnomefreakall first than show me errors. why cant you boot into failsafe? did it not give you option?14:55
gnomefreakthe bug is too old nothing for jaunty in it that is why i need the exact message14:55
gnomefreaklaputa: is the error from a upgrade from 8.10 or have you upgraded already and this is just errors you get on normal package upgrade?14:57
SiDiHm, got a question about the new notification system15:02
SiDidid anyone manage to have it shown on another place than top right ?15:02
gnomefreakSiDi: never tried but since your apps are in upper right it only makes sense they are there15:03
SiDiwhat i mean is that there's a tool in the systems menu that allows you to put it on the other corners, but it doesnt work15:04
gnomefreakSiDi: you can try in gconf but i doubt you will find it15:04
SiDianyways i'm gonna reboot on jaunty and download the latest updates15:04
SiDibrb asap15:04
gnomefreakthan not sure15:04
nblraceris there a tool, to extract an iso15:04
scizzo-nblracer: you mount it15:05
scizzo-nblracer: gmountiso15:05
nblracerone more thing, is there a plan to have a tool like this is in the jaunty repos. http://flomertens.free.fr/disk-manager/index.html15:09
nblracerif there is what is it called15:09
laputa_I have started gnome!15:09
=== laputa_ is now known as amoblin
amoblina mobline linux, that the mean!15:10
amoblinthat's the meaning.15:10
FinnishI'm not able to install this daily build15:17
BUGabundo1Finnish: sintoms?15:17
FinnishSorry, I don't understand15:17
BUGabundo1what happened?15:17
WT-UdevFinnish: he typoed symptoms15:18
WT-UdevI think15:18
BUGabundo1lost in translation15:18
FinnishI'm trying to install this daily build from USB stick. First time when I tried to click install, it gave me an error^crash report15:18
BUGabundo1did you report it ?15:18
FinnishAfter that when I click install-button, nothing happens15:19
BUGabundo1seems like ubiquity is a bit lost there15:19
FinnishI was in a rush and a bit hangover, so I ignored it15:19
BUGabundo1try the next daily or previous15:20
FinnishSo what can I do to install15:20
BUGabundo1if it also fails15:20
BUGabundo1please report a bug15:20
BUGabundo1against ubiquity15:20
BUGabundo1so that colin (or is it cjwatson?) can take a look at it15:20
FinnishOk, I'll try. But is this usual15:21
cumulus007does anybody know where the translation of Ubiquity is located?15:22
BUGabundo1bugs happen15:22
BUGabundo1and lots of stuff have changed on the last few days, do to FF15:23
BUGabundo1plus kernel changes (ext4, speed boot up, etc)15:23
hey_joeanyone know the status of the intel 845g under 9.04? is compiz working? or must i still revert to 8.04 to get desktop effects?15:23
hey_joewhat is the newest available version of ubuntu to fully support the intel845g?15:24
amoblinhey_joe:if 8.04 can, 9.04 can,too.15:24
hey_joeamoblin, really?15:24
amoblinif 9.04 cannot, there is only one reason...15:25
hey_joewith the i810 driver or what?15:25
hey_joewhat reason would that be?15:25
amoblinin order to rapid the speed, it was removed from the kernel. but alpha is another factor.15:26
WT-UdevWell, EVENTUALLY older drivers will be dropped off the current releases... but yeah, not anything on this timescale15:26
SiDihey_joe: Jaunty uses Xorg server 1.6, it's possible the drivers of your GPU still cant manage it15:26
SiDithough if you're using a nvidia card it should be ok15:26
hey_joeit didn't work in 8.10...15:27
hey_joeworks great in 8.0415:27
hey_joei guess im just debating trying to install the beta..15:27
SiDii think there are backport packages for that15:27
WT-Udevhey_joe: try the beta off a livecd?15:27
hey_joeWT-Udev, if the liveCD works with desktop effects, then most certainly a full install would to correct?15:27
WT-UdevUsers of Intel i845 or i865 video chipsets are unable to load X, getting an error message of "Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer". Users on these systems are advised to wait for a resolution to this bug before upgrading. 30487115:28
hey_joeWT-Udev, i dont get that error..15:28
WT-Udevwww.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha4 -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/30487115:28
ubottuUbuntu bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [Unknown,Confirmed]15:28
WT-Udevhey_joe: Yeah, if the live CD works then it should.  I don't know if the livecd HAS those effects though15:29
* hey_joe cries in the corner15:29
hey_joeit seems i remember trying 9.04, and it not working.. but maybe that was 8.1015:29
hey_joeis this the best sources? >> http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/15:30
WT-UdevHum... as long as you aren't planning on using any LVM partitions for a bit15:31
BUGabundo1hey_joe: no15:31
BUGabundo1that's alternate cd15:31
BUGabundo1you want daily-live15:31
BUGabundo1 !daily15:31
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/15:31
hey_joeubottu. hah. thats rich.15:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:32
hey_joethanks guys15:32
hey_joeill give 9.04 a whirl15:32
WT-Udevhey_joe: so the second link15:32
WT-Udevif you want to run off the CD15:32
BUGabundo1amoblin_: hi15:44
amoblin_who use zhcon?15:46
thehookis there any jaunty minimal cd?15:47
siegiethehook: i think not, i used the intrepid mimimal cd and upgraded15:47
WT-Udevthehook: I'd consider the server one... but that's me.15:47
amoblin_alternate jaunty?15:48
WT-UdevThose are oversized, but you can usually get away with running that off of a DVD15:48
amoblin_you can use alternate jaunty cd to minimally installed ubuntu.15:49
WT-UdevI haven't tested that, but I think I've run cd images on dvds back when I was out of cds for a bit15:49
thehooksiegie: how was it that you upgraded to jaunty? minimal cd doesn't have either dist-upgrade or update-manager15:49
SiDisee you people15:49
siegiethehook: just a mimimal install and upgrade15:50
thehookamoblin_: is there a option for that?15:50
BUGabundo1siegie: thehook I think there's a minimal cd. let me check archive15:51
BUGabundo1siegie: thehook i386 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/15:52
LaibschI am just in the process of upgrading from hardy to Jaunty15:52
BUGabundo164 bits http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-amd64/current/images/15:52
BUGabundo1Laibsch: do you need a stable system?15:52
BUGabundo1ave you read the technical and release notes?15:53
LaibschI get lots of errors "$dir is not empty, some byte-compiled code may be left behind".  I think that is non-serious, but did anybody else see that?15:53
BUGabundo1prior to upgrade?15:53
thehookI already istalled intrepid ibex and upgraded to jaunty, but it seems a bit unstable, and this time I upgraded it wont boot.. the other computer is just displaying /sys/devices/virtual/block/dm-0 (some incremental number)15:53
thehookBUGabundo1: thanks :)15:53
WT-Udevthehook: Congradulations you have the udev bug... https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/33227015:53
BUGabundo1Laibsch: please comment any other repo on your Sources.list15:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "[jaunty] doesn't boot anymore after udev upgrade" [Critical,Triaged]15:53
BUGabundo1and use update-manager -d to upgrade15:53
LaibschBUGabundo1: While I do need a stable system, I think I am technically savvy enough to survive Jaunty at this point in time.  If not, I have a complete backup15:53
BUGabundo1bakcups are important15:54
BUGabundo1please read the release notes15:54
BUGabundo1so you can avoid common probs/questions15:54
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: Looks like it's been confirmed for raid users, but with a different file.15:54
thehookWT-Udev: thanks, I feel like a winner :P hahahah15:54
LaibschI always use aptitude only, because the 1G+ download won't fit on my 1G /var partition15:55
LaibschI update piecemeal15:55
Laibschstarting with the kernel and libc615:55
WT-UdevLaibsch: got a partition with more room?15:56
BUGabundo1Laibsch: UM currently checks for free space15:56
BUGabundo1and an apt-get clean && apt-get autoremove can help a bit15:57
LaibschBUGabundo1: Again, /var is 1G separate partition15:57
LaibschNormally fine, but not at dist-upgrade time15:57
BUGabundo1AFAIK you will need about 400MiBs of download plus about the double for install15:57
LaibschWT-Udev: I do have a partition with more room15:57
LaibschSo, I guess I should keep the old udev, he?15:58
WT-UdevLaibsch: try copying /var/cache/apt/ to another partition, then either mount -o bind new-area /var/cache/apt/  OR make apt a symlink to the new storage area.15:58
LaibschBUGabundo1: I had more than 1G coming from hardy15:58
WT-UdevLaibsch: read the bug, make up your own mind15:58
LaibschWell, if there is a chance for serious trouble, I'll stay with current udev until things are definitely fixed15:59
WT-UdevLaibsch: There's a full workaround, and even a PPA you can add to bypass most of the issues15:59
LaibschWT-Udev: Good idea. I wonder if just using plain aptitude is potentially problematic?  Worked nicely since etch16:00
LaibschWT-Udev: The topic specifically advised against the ppa16:00
WT-UdevLaibsch: The topic was set back when they wanted more info, and didn't realize the CRIPPLING COSTS of getting NOTHING from the average user16:01
Laibschwho is they?16:04
WT-UdevLaibsch: /topic to see who set it ( I don't know them) and read the bug thread16:05
LaibschMy client tells me the topic, but I don't get any history (I assume you do)16:06
WT-Udev20090222-08:08:06 -!- Topic set by dtchen [n=crimsun@pilot.trilug.org] [Sat Feb 21 20:39:03 2009]16:08
savvasbug 33227016:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "[jaunty] doesn't boot anymore after udev upgrade" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227016:08
LaibschBTW, I just booted the daily CD image fine about three hours ago.  I guess, that makes it unlikely, I will be affected?16:09
* bruce89 just sent my widely-anticipated post to ubuntu-devel16:09
BUGabundo1ehheh bruce8916:11
bruce89http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/121458/ , but it's too late to change it now mind16:11
BUGabundo1humm so is dtchen > crimsun !?!16:11
WT-UdevLaibsch: If you use raid, LVM, cryptosetup etc, then you are at risk16:13
LaibschI don't16:13
LaibschVery plain setup, single spin16:13
WT-UdevThen it is currently believed you are at no risk from that bug16:15
LaibschI shall always keep the USB bootable stick handy ;-)16:19
WT-UdevYa, I have sysresccd on a stick16:19
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NoelJBJust checking, since I haven't found a (current) bug report for it.  Is update-notifier working for anyone?  The icon in the notification area stopped working a few days ago (yes, I have rebooted) for me.16:26
WT-UdevNoelJB: can't really provide a yes/no answer.  I use aptitude too often16:26
NoelJBWT-Udev: but if you run aptitude update from the command line, and if there are available updates, you should get the icon in the notification area.  I no longer do under Jaunty.16:27
charlie-tcaOne of the updates uninstalled update-notifier on mine. I reinstalled it and it is working again16:27
NoelJBcharlie-tca: Hmmm ... no, I see it running, but I could try to force a reinstall.16:28
NoelJBOr is this not the right process?16:28
NoelJBnoel      5050  0.0  0.4 230080 18152 ?        S    11:17   0:00 update-notifier --startup-delay=6016:28
WT-UdevI wonder if that is in seconds, or min?16:29
charlie-tcaIt looks right, but mine did not have update-notifier installed. I did not check if it was running.16:29
BUGabundo1NoelJB: charlie-tca it was abandoned16:30
charlie-tcaWhat replaced it?16:30
BUGabundo1there is a thread on devel ML16:30
BUGabundo1now it just POPUP when it finds updates16:31
BUGabundo1with the new notifications, there was no way for a user to click on the bubble16:31
charlie-tcaWell, the POPUP failed for me16:31
WT-Udevmine still has the stuff16:31
WT-Udevnot forced either16:31
charlie-tcaAre you sure? I just did it16:31
BUGabundo1so the icon went way too16:31
BUGabundo1you said you reinstaled it16:31
BUGabundo1so sure, you have it16:31
BUGabundo1but UM should have removed it16:32
NoelJBBUGabundo1: interesting.  I never saw it uninstalled.16:32
charlie-tcaI see. That's why the thing pops up at boot, now16:32
NoelJBBUGabundo1: which package should uninstall it, and can you point me to the thread?  :-)16:32
* BUGabundo1 thinks beta tests should stop using aptitude and distupgrade so oftem16:32
* BUGabundo1 ubuntu != debian16:32
BUGabundo1NoelJB: let me search for it on the archive16:33
NoelJBThank you :-)16:33
NoelJBBUGabundo1: so what is the new idea for how you would look at your system and see that there are available upgrades, if there is not to be a notification icon?16:34
BUGabundo1starts here16:34
BUGabundo1and it's a bit long16:34
BUGabundo1reasoning should be here https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-February/027434.html16:35
NoelJBThat's the one I was just up to reading.16:35
BUGabundo1NoelJB: the down side: users are force to navigate into the menu to open UM16:35
BUGabundo1charlie-tca: I have no idea "what" replaced it, even if there is a subs prepared16:35
BUGabundo1we all learn from each others16:37
NoelJBI don't see *anything* when there are available updates.16:37
NoelJBNo OSD notification of any sort.  Surely that cannot be desirable.  In fact, it violates the reasoning in that message about a problem being how bubbles disappear.16:38
BUGabundo1I ve lost the auto launch of notifications too16:40
BUGabundo1anyone knows what packages has the orthographic corrector on kmail? mine is acting up (I guess since friday updates)16:41
NoelJBAh, I see the new plan: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-February/027445.html and I consider that sheer idiocy.16:45
NoelJBI wonder if there real reason is to distribute load across the distribution network.16:46
BUGabundo1and it still offers NO visual aid16:46
NoelJBWell, opening the APP will be a "visual aid"16:46
charlie-tcaYeah, "just like windows"16:47
NoelJBI was thinking that if this change came from Microsoft, we'd be shaking our heads about the idiots in Redmond.16:48
unixdawgnice just did a dist-upgrade and now my laptopis fully updated and man jaunty is a great os16:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 332940 in kdepim "orthographic corrector on kmail replaces previous word" [Undecided,New]16:51
BUGabundo1is any one having this?16:51
WT-UdevNoelJB: I think most users will gravitate towards either the default, in which case they'll all hit on the week after the last security update, OR for them to fall on a single day of the week16:51
BUGabundo1plus they won't reboot!16:54
BUGabundo1I just close that stupid box when I get it16:54
BUGabundo1and text is so unclear that many will lose work, by accepting to reboot without any more confirmations16:54
BUGabundo1hummm let me just get the next popup, and I'll test and file a bug stating that16:55
NoelJBBUGabundo1: I'm filing a bug report to fix (revert) the behavior.17:00
NoelJBWill post the # after I finish.17:00
BUGabundo1mpt is NOT going to like it17:00
BUGabundo1better make a blueprint first17:00
NoelJBMPT is in the wrong.17:01
NoelJBWas there a blueprint for breaking this in the first place?17:02
charlie-tcaIt is telling, when even some developers are saying it is wrong17:02
BUGabundo1I just said he won't like it17:04
BUGabundo1not that you are not right17:04
BUGabundo1I agree with you17:04
BUGabundo1and so will others on that thread17:04
=== siegie is now known as siegie_
=== siegie_ is now known as siegie__
ubottuUbuntu bug 332945 in update-notifier "[Jaunty] Removal of Update Notifier is WRONG" [Undecided,New]17:11
BUGabundosubing to it17:13
BUGabundo$ mkdir -p .launchpadlib/cache/17:14
Exilanti somehow must have missed that controversy17:17
BUGabundoExilant: its new17:17
Exilantwhat is that mysterious update-notifier?17:17
BUGabundoupdate-notifier is the "old" way to let you know about updates17:17
BUGabundoand even had a RED arrow for critical updates17:18
BUGabundobut most users would never click on it17:18
Exilanthm, no clue there, always used alias distup=... update dist-upgrade17:18
Exilanti dislike phone-home automatically apps, so i guess i'm happy it's removed17:19
BUGabundoExilant: you had an option on the updates to never check17:20
BUGabundoand then manually run it when you need it17:20
BUGabundobut its recommend for non-paroic users to do regular check on fixes and security updates17:21
charlie-tcaExilant: now you will get the update-manager popping up on the screen instead of the icon17:23
charlie-tcaconfirmed bug 33294517:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332945 in update-notifier "[Jaunty] Removal of Update Notifier is WRONG" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33294517:24
Exilanti guess you are right, it should be there for normal users17:25
joaopintoNoelJB, I agree with you17:27
* BUGabundo wishs LP add a Vote This Bug, or at least showed Me Too counts17:28
lfaraoneHi, my laptop (8.10 upgrade with LVM partitioning, NOT encrypted) is unable to boot right after upgrading. It seems to stop right after detecting my HID devices. (broadcom touchpad)17:28
lfaraoneI think it might not be finding my LVM partitions properly17:29
BUGabundolfaraone: see Topic17:29
WT-Udevbug 33227017:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227017:29
lfaraoneBUGabundo: ... so, what should I do to get my laptop booting again?17:31
WT-Udevlfaraone: read the thread17:31
BUGabundolfaraone: WT-Udev is the guy you need17:31
* WT-Udev is considering going to bed in the 'near' future...17:31
WT-Udevlfaraone: short answer, hope you have an older kernel.  BOOT THAT.  Then https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/332270/comments/31 << Do the PPA steps in this.17:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [Critical,Triaged]17:32
lfaraoneWT-Udev: doesn't the topic say NOT to use the PPA?17:33
WT-Udevlfaraone: to understand why you should, read the bug thread.17:33
WT-UdevTo understand how to manually do what the ppa does, login, get a root console follow https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udev/+bug/332270/comments/5317:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [Critical,Triaged]17:33
BUGabundoWT-Udev: humm should this new info be on Alpha5 wiki ?17:35
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WT-UdevBUGabundo: I don't know, hopefully this goes away before that17:36
BUGabundohope so17:37
IenorandHmm, if no upgrading is done on udev I should be able to stay clear of this bug yes?17:41
WT-UdevIenorand: udev 138-1 is broken IF you have LVM, raid, cryptosetup etc17:43
IenorandOkay, then I'm hoping ther'll be no worries.17:44
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skyjumperIenorand: the fix is simple17:51
skyjumperanyone know why networkmanager would decide to "not manage" a wired ethernet device?17:53
skyjumperit started happening after the upgrade from intrepid to jaunty17:53
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DanaGIntuitiveNipple: looks like I'm now also getting t hat udev issue, though I'm on 2.6.29 kernel.17:55
DanaGI don't have time to deal with it right now, but this evening some time, I'll grab a log of it.17:55
BUGabundoskyjumper: if you had checked the logs17:56
BUGabundoyou should have seen it echoing a bug id from LP17:56
BUGabundowith further details17:56
BUGabundofor the manage vs UNmanage use case17:56
BUGabundoprobably you used a manual setting17:56
skyjumperi don't recall that bug discussion being of any use... checking again17:57
BUGabundoskyjumper: maybe it was not17:58
BUGabundobut asac did it as he felt best17:58
salty-horsehi. from a default configuration of vlc, it doesn't seem to attach the video window to the controls window (though the option is set). anyone else having the same issue?17:58
ubuntistaswhat's new about ubunt 9.04?18:03
ubuntistasis it going to have good look?18:04
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.18:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about whatsnew18:04
scizzo-ubuntistas: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing18:04
NoelJBskyjumper: depends on what you have in your network configuration.  Jaunty actually tried to manage my vmware software NICs.  For eth0, I have:18:05
NoelJB  auto eth018:05
NoelJBbut for my vmware NICs I added: iface vmnet<x> inet manual18:05
NoelJBskyjumper: so what do you have for the wired network in /etc/networks/interfaces?18:06
skyjumperNoelJB: it's doing that for vmware interfaces here too18:06
ubuntistasis it good for testing?18:07
skyjumperi did have eth0 setup manually in /etc/networks/interfaces but removing that solved the networkmanager problelm for eth018:07
ubuntistasany new llok?18:07
NoelJBskyjumper: yeah, quite annoying.  So I added that line for vmnet1 and vmnet8 into /etc/networks/interfaces, and now it shows them as unmanaged, which is what I want.18:07
skyjumperanyone know of a way to restart networkmanager manually?18:07
charlie-tcaubuntistas: it is always good for testing18:07
scizzo-ubuntistas: did you even look at the site I gave you?18:07
skyjumperNoelJB: trying that now...18:07
scizzo-then you should know the answer...18:08
scizzo-ubuntistas: jaunty is still alpha18:08
scizzo-ubuntistas: if you have experience with ubuntu and can handle some broken stuff....then _maybe_....depends on where you test it and so on....18:08
=== ubuntu_ is now known as alex-weej
alex-weejdoes anyone know how i can make apt/dpkg operate on a filesystem mounted in /media/something18:10
alex-weeji want to try and fix my jaunty installation18:10
scizzo-alex-weej: why not mount it and then chroot?18:10
alex-weejscizzo-: because... http://rafb.net/p/qIFeEL70.html18:10
scizzo-alex-weej: if you chroot to it then it will become mounted as / if you are using a live-cd18:10
alex-weejthe system is so hosed. not even /bin/true runs inside it18:11
alex-weeji don't know what happened18:11
scizzo-alex-weej: ummmm18:11
alex-weeji guess it's a library problem. maybe libc or something18:11
alex-weejbut i figure i can just upgrade the packages (without running the hooks)18:11
alex-weejsomehow. with apt/dpkg18:12
alex-weejso then i can get the libraries on the filesystem at least, and run bash, and then dpkg configure18:12
scizzo-what happens if you only run: mount /dev/disk /mnt/ && cd /mnt/ && chroot18:12
scizzo-the first command there look ok18:13
alex-weejwell it'smounted in /media/Ubuntu\ Root right now18:13
scizzo-the other commands I don't really understand what you are doing with18:13
alex-weeji am just testing other executables18:13
scizzo-alex-weej: look....the first command looks right18:14
scizzo-alex-weej: if I would mount my disk it would be: sudo mount /dev/sda7 /mnt/ && sudo chroot /mnt/18:15
scizzo-alex-weej: thats it...then it would be mounted to /18:15
alex-weejubuntu@ubuntu:/mnt$ sudo chroot .18:15
alex-weejchroot: cannot run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory18:15
scizzo-alex-weej: and you can work with it there18:15
CrusterI have a weird bug in kubuntu, don't know how to describe it. look at this screenshot http://img294.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot4.png the white line below the plasmoids.18:15
alex-weejscizzo-: chroot works by executing something... the problem is that within the root i am choosing NOTHING runs18:15
scizzo-alex-weej: then check the / tree first18:16
scizzo-alex-weej: to see wether it has /bin /sbin and so on18:16
alex-weejit does18:16
alex-weeji can run bash from /mnt/bin/bash in my existing root18:16
alex-weejand i guess it loads the libs from /usr/lib18:17
alex-weejbut if it were to try loading the libs in /mnt/usr/lib i guess it would fail the same way18:18
scizzo-well the chroot /mnt/ should load it to /18:18
idorock89hey guys i am currently as we speak upgrading to jaunty from intrepid initially it told me a 1 gb download was reqd.18:18
scizzo-that is the disk /mnt/ should be mounted to /18:19
idorock89and i have a256kbps conenction18:19
Volkodavmplayer and xine can not get the sound initialized - only vlc18:19
Volkodavwhat might be the problem ?18:19
idorock89and i have fetched abt 1072 files of 1188 files. and the downloader is stuck at this file for the past 1.5 hrs18:19
scizzo-Volkodav: need more info...18:19
Volkodavif it does not work - won't work on all apps18:19
idorock89and it is downloading contiuously . can there be such a big file?18:19
idorock89one file that big ? should i cancel and start  over again?18:20
skyjumperNoelJB: did "iface vmnet<x> inet manual" stop networkmanager from messing with your vmware interfaces?18:20
alex-weejscizzo-: yes it IS but then once it is "mounted" it cannot run any executable so it just quits straight away. there is no shell i can run18:20
scizzo-idorock89: how are you trying to upgrade?18:20
alex-weejand even if i could run a shell, ic an't run apt-get to fix my system because apt-get requires many libraries that are broken18:21
Volkodavmore info is simple mplayer says couldnot open/initialize audio device > no sound18:21
idorock89by typing alt+f2 and then typing there taht apt get upgrade d thing18:21
idorock89scizzo-: ^^18:21
scizzo-alex-weej: what are you trying to fix exactly?18:21
Volkodavxine says it is being used by another program18:21
Volkodavand vlc just opens the same file with sound ?18:21
scizzo-Volkodav: does the soundcard really support duplex stuff?18:22
alex-weejscizzo-: it doesn't boot. /sbin/init fails to run18:22
alex-weejevery single executable fails to run18:22
scizzo-alex-weej: grub error?18:23
scizzo-alex-weej: or after grub?18:23
alex-weejnever mind18:23
Volkodavand I have no other audio programs open neither18:23
alex-weejscizzo-: thanks, but i think this is beyond you18:23
scizzo-alex-weej: haha! okie dokie18:23
idorock89so ppl anyone upgraded recently?and had the prob taht i had18:24
scizzo-idorock89: do you mean the update-manager -d upgrade?18:25
scizzo-Volkodav: no sound server either?18:25
idorock89scizzo-: yes18:25
VolkodavI have sound around the sustem OK18:25
Volkodavbut on players only vlc will work18:26
scizzo-Volkodav: can you try turn off the soundserver to see if any player can play the sound?18:26
scizzo-Volkodav: or check the configs for pulse and alsa18:26
scizzo-idorock89: I had a simular problem but this was for configuration of a package...18:29
scizzo-idorock89: I might be wrong but is there some information about details of what the manager is doing?18:29
Finnish_Is the latest daily build fixed? Previous was unable to install18:30
NoelJBskyjumper: sorry, didn't see the message.  Will post the contents in a direct message.18:31
idorock89scizzo-: well it jsut says fetching file 1072 of 1188 at 30 kbps18:31
idorock89and in the progress bar it is decresing the time .18:32
idorock89but still stuck at the same file for sSO long18:32
Finnish_Anyone know the status of the latest build?18:32
NoelJBskyjumper: done.  see the private chat.18:33
IntuitiveNippleFinnish_: I tried the i386 live-CD this morning and ubiquity crasheed18:34
Finnish_Yeah same thing for me18:34
Finnish_What is the latest working version?18:34
IntuitiveNippleI had to install using debootstrap in the end18:34
Finnish_And it worked?18:35
Finnish_Can you show it to me?18:35
charlie-tcaFinnish_: I can't get any installs off the livecd, but the alternate cd works18:36
FFForeveris this also the dev room for kubuntu (jaunty)18:37
NoelJBskyjumper: working now?  Glad to have helped.  :-)18:37
Finnish_Ah, so yesterday's version is not installing?18:37
skyjumperNoelJB: thanks18:37
skyjumperyeah, networkmanager is a pain in the ass18:37
FFForeverhow can i set dns servers in stone (as in not let network manager change them)18:38
IntuitiveNippleDefine a connection in NM with the DNS servers declared18:39
Finnish_charlie-tca: Did you try build from yesterday?18:39
charlie-tcaI did not try yesterdays18:40
Finnish_I'm downloading it right now18:40
pop79if i have ideas for jaunty, where should i put them?18:40
IntuitiveNipplepop79: Too late now, Feature Freeze is upon us... you should put them up for Karmic18:41
FFForeverIntuitiveNipple, i am on wifi i always change dns servers =P i wanted to just use opendns since its faster for me and less hops18:41
pop79oh... is Jaunty launching next mont?18:42
pop79What, Karmic Koala, or is it called Karmic Kiwi18:42
IntuitiveNippleConfigure the connection with those servers then18:42
charlie-tcapop79: it is due April 2318:42
FFForeverwould be funny if u guys launched jaunty on april 1st =D18:42
charlie-tcaThe next version is Karmic Koala18:43
FFForeverwho the heck names the ubuntu distro's and wow....18:43
idorock89mark shuttleworth18:43
pop79FFForever: it'd probably reck or system as a prank :)18:43
FFEMTcJI'm getting an error when trying to install alpha 4.. At first it had to do with GIMP, now its copying files to HDD.. is anyone else having similar problems?18:43
FFForeverpop79, nah it forces you to use xubuntu all day and xubuntu users would have to use gnome =P18:43
WT-UdevFFForever: I think I'd go with debian at that point.18:46
WT-UdevSpeaking of the names, Jackalope?  That's about as real as a dragon or a unicorn or other mythical creatures.18:47
IntuitiveNippleLanguid Llama ?18:48
WT-UdevIsn't a Llama a real animal though?18:50
WT-UdevLogical Leopard... no wait, that's too close to one of apple's codenames.18:51
SiDithe camels thatspit ?18:51
SiDiI want "Lobotomized Lemur" ! :O18:51
WT-UdevSiDi: I like that18:52
WT-UdevFFEMTcJ: what?18:52
WT-UdevOh, I don't think anyone that's installing saw that.18:52
SiDia faq ?18:52
ubottuA list of common questions and answers about Ubuntu: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions - Official documentation: http://help.ubuntu.com - IRC FAQ: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRCResourcePage18:52
SiDi!slap ubottu18:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about slap ubottu18:53
FFEMTcJhmm.. I cant get todays daily to burn either18:53
charlie-tcaI burned it, but installing is different18:53
FFEMTcJwont install charlie-tca ?18:53
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rdw200169gah!  ffforever left right after he asked his question!  and i had the answer when i saw it in #ubuntu-meta... gah!18:55
SiDihello charlie-tca18:55
ikoniapop79: what sort of "ideas" ?18:58
charlie-tcaFFEMTcJ: won't install18:58
charlie-tcaSiDi: Hello18:59
pop79ikonia: sorry, i was eating, what?19:01
ikoniapop79: what sort of "ideas" do you want to submit ?19:01
pop79ikonia: why do you ask?19:01
ikoniacurious, and the type of idea you want to submit determains the metods, eg: different processes19:02
pop79hmm, i don't think ill be telling anyone yet19:02
ikoniaerrr ????19:02
ikoniajaunty is open source - it's not "secrect219:02
pop79ikonia: are you trying to copy my idea or what?19:03
ikoniasecret even19:03
ikoniapop79: no, I'm curious to what you want to submit, but also I'm trying to offer the correct route to submit it19:03
ikoniaas the different types of content have different methods to submit19:03
pop79well, it's an idea... maybe ill just submit it in ubuntu brainstorm19:03
pop79ikonia: we haven't really been great friends anyway19:04
ikoniayes, if it's an idea thats "pie in the sky" at the moment, brainstorm is a good tool to use19:04
ikoniapop79: what has not being friends got to do with anything ?19:04
pop79umm, i dunno...19:04
ikoniapop79: be aware that nothing will get into jaunty now as it's on feature freeze19:04
pop79i mean, why would you be helping me?19:04
* SiDi tries to find a way to sneak into pop79 to steal his idea.19:05
ikoniapop79: why would I not help you ???19:05
* SiDi goes back home to take a drill.19:05
ikoniapop79: just because I don't know you - why would I not help you ?19:05
pop79ikonia: it is nothing to do with that...19:05
ikoniathen why did you just say it ?19:05
pop79i cant tell you, because you might get mad19:06
ikoniawhy would I get mad ?19:06
pop79at me19:06
ikoniaI don't run jaunty19:06
ikoniayou can submit what you want19:06
pop79a look, just forget i said anything19:06
ikoniaI am just trying to point out that nothing will get into jaunty due to being passed feature freeze (I think it's just passed)19:06
ikoniahence "trying to help"19:06
WT-Udevpop79: the short answer is, by helping anyone, there is a chance it will improve the community, in one way or another.  Thus we are helping our selfs as well.19:06
ikoniayes a good idea is a good idea, pop79 I don't know you, I don't like you or dislike you - but I'd help or dicuss the topic with anyone19:07
ikoniathat's the point of the channel19:07
pop79I know, but it was something between me and ikonia. Ani know ikonia, i respect it too...19:07
ikoniathere is nothing between me and you ???19:07
pop79bye now...19:08
ikoniawhat ?19:08
WT-UdevHowever, ikonia is pointing out that there are established conventions in this community.  Such as Jaunty being too close to done to add anything more to it.   There are also other conventions, which ikonia is trying to tell you about.  Those conventions determine the best place to start with an idea at a given stage so that it will be considered as a useful part of a future release.19:08
WT-Udev... O... Kayyy   Maybe pop will grow up a little and return someday.19:08
ikoniaI have no idea what he's on about19:09
ikoniahe sent me a message saying "we are great friends" - I said I don't know you, and he now seems to think I dislike him ????19:09
WT-Udevikonia: I've seen that reaction with others as well my self.19:09
WT-UdevA friend is someone I'd go out of my way to be around, to help, to seek help from in a time of need.19:10
ikoniaconsidering that was the first line of a conversation...........not sure how I could be a great friend, but anyone back to normality19:10
WT-UdevThere's not really anyone in here I'd consider a friend, but there are those I have respect for, and most others I see as peers involved in trying to move in the same general direction.19:10
SiDiWhat the hell did this guy take before joining the chan ? Oo19:10
WT-UdevSiDi: American Culture?19:11
WT-Udev(he?) sounds like a lot of the people around where I live19:11
SiDithat's not nice to the US citizen WT-Udev :)19:11
SiDiWell, i'm sure there are normal people in the US, too19:11
WT-UdevSiDi: I am one though, and it's true.  It's not defimation (sp) if it's true.19:12
NoelJBikonia: don't sweat it.  I just read the entire interaction, and he was just odd.19:12
WT-UdevWe have a serious problem in this country... well several.  Though it all boils down to a culture that someone became anti-intellectual.19:12
NoelJBWT-Udev: which country?  if you mean that usa, what do you expect after 8 years of the villiage idiot as a role model?19:13
WT-UdevNoelJB: Well, we had that even before texas lost it's idiot.  Though not quite as bad...19:13
WT-UdevThe war on terra (intentional spelling, slur it slightly) just greased the slope we were already on.19:14
NoelJBNo comment, considering that this is *UBUNTU+1*.19:15
WT-UdevRight, solutions.19:16
WT-UdevSearch engines, then google, started improving my life around the end of high-school and through college.  Wikipedia is even better, not always fully accurate, but if you take it with salt it's a great starting point.19:17
WT-UdevFundimentally I think our educational system is where things should start.  Memorising booring facts to select from multiple choice of fill in the blank questions no longer serves our species.  That menial labor is what databases and computers help us solve.  Instead we should run schools with the students on a self-paced path in loosely forming teams that are modeled after migrating from pre-history through history as we know ...19:20
WT-Udev... it, with various skills of the era taught to the children in those groups and problems of the time presented to them to solve.  As they get closer to the modern era they'd be tackeling problems of the cold war, the 80's etc, in what would be seen as high-school level.  College and higher levels would be directly working on current problems and research.19:20
WT-UdevWith a model like that I think education could actually be -fun- and hence people would enjoy it and respect it.19:21
WT-UdevActually, this is a fairly diverse group; is there any country using a system like that alraedy?19:25
FFEMTcJits not possible to upgrade from 8.10 to 9.04 alpha and switch to ext4 is it?19:26
WT-UdevFFEMTcJ: You have to be running a -very- recent kernel to do ext4, well or a patched one.19:27
FFEMTcJim running whatever the current one on the repos is19:27
WT-UdevIf you have ext3 you can mount it in such a way that it will convert to ext4, but your old files will still be laid out in the ext3 way.19:27
ikoniaWT-Udev: really ?19:28
FFEMTcJso better to wait till i can get a 9.04 to install19:28
ikoniaWT-Udev: have you got details on that ?19:28
ikoniaWT-Udev: a migration method ?19:28
WT-Udevhttp://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/ http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-ext4/ << top two results on google for: ext3 to ext419:28
ikoniaWT-Udev: mega, thank you19:29
ikoniaI'd not heard about that19:29
maxbHow are people finding the new notifications system (notify-osd)? Personally I'm feeling that it's inferior in all ways to what existed before, and am wondering whether to post to u-d-d@ suggesting that it shouldn't be the default in Jaunty.19:30
WT-Udevhttp://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto <<19:30
WT-Udevhttp://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#Converting_an_ext3_filesystem_to_ext4 << There you go, read very carefully, BUT you need to have a kernel and libraries that work with ext4...19:31
WT-UdevSo, looking at that, I remembered it correctly.  Also, as always, when altering the fundimentals of a partition, such as filesystem version, you must do it offline (unless an exception is noted).  Break out your recent copies of install/live cds or a recovery cd.19:33
duncan-nzWhere has directory searching and indexing gone?19:35
ikoniaduncan-nz: ahh did you not get any further with that19:35
ikoniaduncan-nz: I've not had chance to do a clean install to verify that19:35
SiDimaxb: its really nice but i cant get use to the fact that i cant click it19:36
WT-Udevduncan-nz: by 'searching' you mean slocate?  I never really used that often enough for it to be worth it.19:36
SiDimaxb: though its definately more beautiful than what we used to have with libnotify. now just waiting for the tools to customize it... and to ***in put it on the bottom right of my screen !19:36
Jordan_USiDi, You already can19:37
duncan-nzWT-Udev, I don't know what slocate is. But I know that the Tracker application was good for searching and indexing my directories. It was installed by default but now it's gone.19:37
Jordan_USiDi, Nvm, the preference is there but I guess it doesn't work yet19:37
SiDiJordan_U: no it doesnt :)19:38
SiDiBut  i must say i like how it renders, though19:38
SiDii just do hope exaile will use it instead of their ugly notification OSD19:38
maxbSiDi: I agree it's pretty, but pretty means nothing to me, when it disappears too quickly to read all the text, or truncates the text.19:38
Klanticushello guys, I'm getting this error when I try to run firefox: http://pastebin.com/d27005b5119:38
Jordan_USiDi, Make sure there is a bug filed against it, Canonical is planning to patch a lot of apps19:39
KlanticusI'm using kde4 64bits... Any idea about this?19:39
ikoniaKlanticus: how did you install firefox ?19:39
charlie-tcamaxb: I kinda hate it. It gets in the way, but I have no idea what it says since it does go away so fast.19:40
Klanticusikonia: it was installed via the package manager. It was working some time ago. I think some update broke it19:40
charlie-tcaJust seems to add to the misery of poor eyesight19:40
ikoniaKlanticus: I'm more interested because it's gdk erroring19:40
Klanticusikonia: also, looks like all gtk apps are having a similar problem. OOWriter also give me a similar error19:41
ikoniaKlanticus: ooh really, now that is interesting19:41
SiDiJordan_U: on launchpad i presume ?19:42
duncan-nzikonia, I'm not getting the gtk error these people are talking about19:42
duncan-nzrunning Jaunty as we speak.19:42
Klanticusikonia: this is the oow error: http://pastebin.com/d22b45d7019:42
ikoniaduncan-nz: me neither I wonder if it's because I'm not using kubuntu19:42
Jordan_USiDi, Yes19:42
SiDiJordan_U: there are a lot of reports :( i gotta check if it isnt there now :(19:43
WT-Udevhttp://www.google.com/search?q=X-Error%3A+badname+GTK << Seems like there's some company19:43
duncan-nzTracker! So now one knows what's happened to searching and indexing?19:44
WT-UdevKlanticus: What was your install path to get to 9.04?  Directly from 8.10 or from something earlier?19:48
WT-UdevOr fresh19:48
SiDiJordan_U: there already was on :)19:49
ronnyimm having a weird issue, when tracker is running vim sometimes hangs on io19:49
KlanticusWT-Udev: I made a fresh install of 9.04. I think I used the alpha 3 iso19:50
duncan-nzronny, I can't help with that problem, but did you have to install tracker? I don't seem to have it under jaunty.19:50
ronnyduncan-nz: i did have it before, just updated19:51
duncan-nzronny, so you didn't install Jaunty fresh?19:51
WT-UdevKlanticus: Sorry then, I was reading https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=430416 and that seemed like a possibility19:51
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 430416 in xorg-x11-xfs ""BadName" for "fixed" unless xfs is restarted" [Low,Closed: rawhide]19:52
ronnyduncan-nz: did a distupgrade19:52
duncan-nzronny, ok thanks.19:52
KlanticusWT-Udev: ff was working some days ago, but I can't tell exactly when the things got broken19:52
KlanticusWT-Udev: hmm.. may this be related to the video driver? I was using nv, then switched to nvidia these days19:53
WT-UdevI was using nvidia and ff and had no issues though19:53
WT-UdevThat was only 2 days ago though... when did it break for you?19:53
KlanticusI noticed this yesterday, but I wasn't using ubuntu for some days before19:54
ronnyanyone got an idea how to work around the io load issues?19:54
Klanticusand I did a somewhat big update the last time I used and ff was working19:54
WT-Udevhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/287601 << this your bug?19:55
ubottuUbuntu bug 287601 in ubuntu "gtk applications are crashing in kde" [Undecided,New]19:56
KlanticusWT-Udev: hmm.. looks like it is the same problem I'm having19:58
Klanticusbut the report is a bit old19:58
WT-UdevKlanticus: they've all been old... do you have XFS installed at the moment?  That is...19:58
WT-Udevxfs - X font server19:58
KlanticusWT-Udev: dunno.. how do I check this?19:59
WT-UdevOpen a console20:01
WT-Udevsudo -s20:02
WT-Udevdpkg -l xfs20:02
WT-Udevun  xfs << not installed20:02
WT-Udevii  xfs << installed20:02
Klanticusit's installed20:02
WT-Udevaptitude remove xfs20:03
WT-UdevDoes it want to remove anythign besides xfs?20:03
WT-UdevActually before you do that20:03
WT-UdevCan you file a bug report?20:03
WT-UdevSay, bug 287601 is still broken, you need to get on with your life, and could they please push the fix already?20:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 287601 in ubuntu "gtk applications are crashing in kde" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28760120:04
Klanticusit wanna remove the kernel headers20:04
WT-Udevanything else?20:05
KlanticusWT-Udev: no.. just these20:05
FinnishAargh, I'm trying daily build from yesterday, I'm stuck in Step 5 0f 8 in installer. It has been doing something at least 10 minutes, it seems its not going further20:05
FinnishShould I just wait?20:06
WT-UdevKlanticus: *shrugs* proceed if you want.  I can't think of any way that removing kernel headders would give you anything less functional of a system.20:06
WT-UdevBesides if something else needed them it'd be asking to remove that too20:06
KlanticusWT-Udev: i think i just need them to compile nvidia drivers20:07
WT-UdevFinnish: are you trying to use lvm, raid, or crypto20:07
WT-UdevKlanticus: then it'll ask for them again later20:07
WT-Udevremove xfs, and log out of x, then log back in.  Let us know if it worked or not.20:07
FinnishNo, I'm not trying anything special20:07
KlanticusWT-Udev: I'll do some tests here before removing xfs... brb20:07
FinnishWT-Udev: I'm just trying to install it to my laptop, nothing special20:08
WT-UdevFinnish: just directly to bare partitions, no lvm or anything?20:09
FinnishWhats lvm?20:09
WT-Udevyou're absolutely sure you aren't running any of the fancy stuff covered in bug 332270 ?20:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332270 in udev "udev repeatedly generates "change" events for the same block device(s)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33227020:09
KlanticusWT-Udev: ah.. found the problem20:11
KlanticusWT-Udev: nvidia-xconfig messed up my xorg.conf20:11
WT-UdevOh yeah, that's kind of a no-duh.  Nvidia's drivers aren't technically 'released' for xorg 1.6 yet20:12
WT-UdevWhy'd you run that instead of just letting the restricted driver manager do it for you?20:12
KlanticusWT-Udev: i coudn't find the package in the repositories20:13
WT-Udevii  nvidia-180-modaliases                         180.29-0ubuntu2                               Modaliases for the NVIDIA binary X.Org driver20:14
WT-Udevii  nvidia-glx-180                                180.29-0ubuntu2                               NVIDIA binary Xorg driver20:14
WT-UdevOr more to the point, the restricted driver manager should find and install it for you.20:15
WT-UdevThere's still a minor bug (or was anyway) where you have to add some stuff to your xorg.conf to tell nvidia's drivers you really do want to use them.20:15
KlanticusWT-Udev: I think there isn't such thing in kde 4 yet20:16
WT-UdevKlanticus: Oh yeah, you might have to run that manually20:16
KlanticusWT-Udev: the ignoreABI thing?20:16
WT-UdevThey actually have it in xubuntu...20:16
WT-UdevKlanticus: yup20:16
ronnyok, now x11 and sound started hanging, too20:17
ronnythat fail is pathethic20:18
WT-UdevShould I take that as Klanticus fixed it?20:26
SiDisee you people20:46
Jordan_UI can't create a system setting ( "Available to all users" ) in network-manager20:46
Jordan_UWhen I hit apply nothing happens20:46
Jordan_UThe window doesn't close, no authentication window pops up, it's just as if I hadn't pressed the button at all20:47
charlie-tcaFFEMTcJ: I got the desktop cd to install. You have to install 'python-numpy' and then it works.21:04
FFEMTcJcharlie-tca: pardon my not knowing, but how do you do that?21:05
charlie-tcaopen a terminal at the desktop and run 'sudo apt-get update'21:05
charlie-tcaThen run 'sudo apt-get install python-numpy'21:05
charlie-tcathen close the terminal and do the normal install21:06
FFEMTcJok, so boot the live cd then21:06
FFEMTcJi gotcha21:06
charlie-tcaIt probably won't get fixed until after tomorrow.21:06
FFEMTcJif i can install then im all good21:07
charlie-tcayeah, I'm working an on install now. But it is a really slow system21:09
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
WT-UdevThat makes me think of something.  Currently the 'cds' are 'oversized' What ever are we going to do to fix that?  Dynamically linked open office or something?21:12
charlie-tcaCurrent daily images have been resized already.21:13
BUGabundoWT-Udev: only release targets have special admin care21:18
BUGabundolike alphas, betas,rc and of course FINAL21:18
FFEMTcJcharlie-tca: im getting tons of buffer io errors when tryin to boot21:18
BUGabundothis images are meant for VM or usbdisks21:18
charlie-tcaI didn't get that21:18
charlie-tcaI seem to have two systems hung at the partitioner instead21:19
Sjimmieso what's the next theme color gonna be?21:20
* Sjimmie stops shouting boo and starts on working on a kick ass theme21:21
charlie-tcaI hear Mr. Shuttleworth want a change for Karmic Koala21:21
mkokotovichHello everyone, pulseaudio is broken for me in 8.10 - not sure if it is my fault or not.  I did an upgrade from 8.04, so maybe I have . Does anyone know if pulseaudio is going to be in tip-top condition in 9.04?21:22
BUGabundothat's in 6 months21:22
BUGabundowe can't wait anymore21:22
mkokotovich(sorry, jaunty)21:22
BUGabundomkokotovich: hope so21:22
charlie-tcahope is good21:22
BUGabundobut currently there are still many corners to edge out21:22
mkokotovichme too21:22
mkokotovichwhere is the most work needed?21:22
DanaGIntuitiveNipple: oddly enough, I seem to be getting the same udev issue on a c ompletely non-LVM system... without the LVM package even installed.21:22
Sjimmiecharlie-tca:  that's why I asked!21:23
Sjimmiebut i'm in the wrong channel, should go to +2 :)21:23
BUGabundoon my system, withc have endured PA 9.14, 9.15 test1 and test2, and is now back to 91.421:23
WT-UdevDanaG: Got any other device-mapper stuff?  Raid, cryptosetup etc?21:23
BUGabundomost stuff works21:23
BUGabundostill I have a few that fail!21:23
IntuitiveNippleDanaG: What is the disk arrangement?21:23
charlie-tcaSjimmie: yeah, we gotta get this one out first21:23
BUGabundoSjimmie: or artwork team21:24
charlie-tcaI just want the installer to work today21:24
IntuitiveNippleI'm getting close to the root of the problem now21:24
DanaGsda1: ntfs.  sda2: extended, I think.  sda3: fat32.  sda4: swap.  sda5: ext4 root.  sda5: ext4 home/21:24
WT-UdevIntuitiveNipple: did you see the other posts about the 65-dm-setup stuff too?21:25
DanaGOr something like that.21:25
IntuitiveNippleWT-Udev: yes.21:25
mkokotovichBUGabundo: is there anything that i could do to help get it rock-solid? Any specific bug reports to work on or something?21:25
WT-UdevHum... DanaG that's really interesting.  What do your spam messages talk about for devices?  Mine were all sdaX and dm-X things.21:25
DanaGHmm, I'll check.21:25
WT-UdevLets see... wouldn't be a cdrom... but it could be a usb hard disk?21:26
BUGabundo1mkokotovich: sure21:29
BUGabundo1just keep informed on the news21:29
Jordan_UI can't seem to change any system wide settings in network-manager. When I hit apply nothing happens, no authentication window pops up, the window doesn't close. It's just as if I hadn't clicked the button at all21:29
BUGabundo1try to get intel from upstream21:29
BUGabundo1and report all bugs you find on PA, via LP21:29
BUGabundo1so that the audio team can have ROCK STEDY PA for jaunty21:30
BUGabundo1my main bug right now, are random disconects, VLC no audio, and pidgin crashing 'cause of sound21:30
Jordan_UCan anyone else try to setup a connection in network-manager with the "available to all users" box checked and see if they get the same problem?21:31
BUGabundo1Jordan_U: NM from archive or PPA?21:32
Jordan_UBUGabundo, Archive21:33
BUGabundo1yeah archive has higher version right now21:33
DanaGIntuitiveNipple: looks like I don't have the udev issue, after all -- it booted fine.21:36
IntuitiveNippleyou just wished you did, huh?21:36
DanaGNo, but my previous boot did hang on heavy HDD activity, according to the LED.21:36
DanaGThis one worked fine.21:36
DanaGOh yeah, my biggest issue with PA 0.9.15 (from PPA): crashes on resume from suspend.21:37
DanaGAnd is very glitchy when playing login sound.21:37
BUGabundo1DanaG: I stopped using 9.1521:38
DanaGheh, my HDD LED is cool: It has the hardware activity-LED in blue, and a software hddprotect LED in orange.21:38
BUGabundo1to unstable21:38
BUGabundo1but at least if fixed my pidgin prob21:38
DanaGHmm, what did 0.9.15 bring, anyway?  I don't remember.  = þ21:38
BUGabundo19.14 makes pidgin crash more21:38
BUGabundo1DanaG: lots of changes21:38
BUGabundo1specially in the user space21:38
BUGabundo1so we are going to be again sound ginepigs for koala21:39
DanaGIt now detects my HDMI port.21:39
DanaGNot that I use it. =þ21:39
BUGabundo1but that proprietary stuff21:39
BUGabundo1I don't care!21:39
DanaGanyway, with the orange hddprotect LED... I have it set to blink on SD-card activity.21:40
dyfBUGabundothere is no 9.1421:40
DanaGWith my Firefox and Thunderbird profile on an SDHC card, it will blink blue and orange.   Trippy.21:40
BUGabundo1dyf: 9.14 is the one on jaunty21:41
BUGabundo1$ apt-cache policy pulseaudio  Installed: 0.9.14-0ubuntu721:42
dyfBUGabundo1: you mean 9.04?21:42
BUGabundo1I mean Pulse Audio 0.9.1421:42
BUGabundo1get your act strait!21:42
dyfoh ok21:42
BUGabundo1im talking to DanaG about PA21:42
FFEMTcJcharlie-tca: i installed that app, now im tryin the install21:43
charlie-tcaFFEMTcJ: like I said, I have two systems spinning at the partition editor. Appears to be another issue21:45
FFEMTcJmine was getting all the way to upper 90%'s of installing and then would have the issue.. right now im at 55% copying files21:47
charlie-tcaGreat. Glad to hear it is working for you.21:51
DanaGhmm, last boot was 35 seconds.21:58
FFEMTcJcharlie-tca: booting into it.. install worked.. lets see what happens now21:58
FFEMTcJbooted fine.. yay21:59
FFEMTcJthanks for tellin me how to do it!21:59
charlie-tcanp. I'm glad it worked22:00
thehookI think I have found a bug, but I cant seem to find anything in the logs.. I have made a minimal installation, installed xorg and xfce4, and when I "startx" it will load and hang, one time it loaded the desktop and i right-clicked and got the menu and while hovering the menu it got really distorted and the computer hang again..22:05
DanaGodd, this one was 45 seconds... and 10 seconds or so was a "sleep" in somewhere, perhaps bluetoothd.22:06
IntuitiveNippleDanaG: Boot without "quiet splash" and add "debug" and you'll see precisely what is happening when the 'sleep' happens22:06
thehookwhen i installed gdm and was typing my username the a and e was really funny like japanese signs or something..22:06
thehookany ideas?22:07
Jordan_UI can't seem to change any system wide settings in network-manager. When I hit apply nothing happens, no authentication window pops up, the window doesn't close. It's just as if I hadn't clicked the button at all22:07
DanaGThat boot was a UEFI boot, rather than the normal BIOS-based boot.22:07
BUGabundoJordan_U: you have to talk to asac22:07
BUGabundoyou can reach him on #ubuntu-dev and #ubuntu-mozillateam22:08
* DanaG wishes grub2 had a savedefault option.22:10
Jordan_UBUGabundo, Is it appropriate to mention this sort of thing in #ubuntu-dev ?22:10
BUGabundoDanaG: it *used* to have22:10
BUGabundogot broken around hardy22:10
BUGabundohumm if asac is online, sure22:11
BUGabundobut #u-mt is already used to it too22:11
DanaGgrub has savedefault, and it works.22:11
DanaGgrub2 doesn't offer the feature.22:12
DanaGI don't truly "need" grub2, though.22:12
BUGabundohumm what do we have?22:12
BUGabundo1.99? is grub2 right?22:12
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
DanaGnope.  grub2 is grub2.22:12
Jordan_UBUGabundo, Ubuntu-dev is invite only]22:12
* BUGabundo joins #u-dev22:13
Jordan_UDanaG, 1.99 is grub2, unless you are saying that grub2 does not exist yet22:13
DanaG!info grub-efi22:13
ubottugrub-efi (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (EFI version). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.96+20080724-12ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1063 kB, installed size 3216 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 powerpc ppc64)22:13
BUGabundoahh I thought I was right22:14
Jordan_UDanaG, But it's still at version 1.96, it hasn't reached 2.022:15
DanaGcheck the last two, for today.22:15
DanaGNow if only I could split out the two EFI binary types from the rEFIt tools.22:16
DanaGThey're all "fat binaries" -- so I can't run them.22:17
DanaGodd... my shutdown dialog is unthemed.22:17
BUGabundolol my 3G is so slow I can see my self timeing out on IRC22:18
nemosay, what's the easiest way in ubuntu to forcibly roll back libqt and all its dependancies from 4.5 to 4.4?22:40
nemogetting this 100% CPU consumption in Qt apps. due to something odd in QEventDispatcherGlib::processEvents22:41
bruce89I don't think you can22:41
dtchenthere is no easy way22:41
billybigriggergo back into your apt cache and dpkg -i install the 4.4 .debs you want????22:41
nemobit tedious.22:42
dtchenit's partly because new binaries immediately supercede existing ones on Launchpad, unlike with Debian22:42
dtchenwith sid, you can pass an explicit previous version to {apt-get,aptitude} install22:42
dtchen(and it will work, because the older ones aren't immediately pruned)22:43
dtchenthe only way i can see of doing it is to pull the superceded ones from launchpadlibrarian22:43
TheuntjeOké.. Can someone help me? I just can't seem to update the linux kernel22:43
dtchenTheuntje: what precisely is the issue?22:44
Theuntjewell when I update he gives me this22:44
TheuntjeE: /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_amd64.deb: kan geen reservekoppeling van `./boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-7-generic' maken voor de installatie van de nieuwe vers22:44
Theuntje(can't create reserve *something* for installation of new version)22:45
Theuntjethe strange thing is that I've got the problem with 8.10 and 9.04 alpha 422:45
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
WT-UdevTheuntje: might it be saying /boot is out of space?22:46
dtcheneither /boot or /tmp22:46
WT-Udev'df' to check your mounted filesystem space use22:46
dtchendpkg will unpack into /tmp22:46
TheuntjeNope there is lots of space22:47
dtchenare both /boot and /tmp writeable?22:47
Theuntjehow can I check? :$22:47
WT-UdevTheuntje: simple way?  touch /boot/test (tries to make a file) touch /tmp/test22:48
WT-Udevdon't forget to rm the files when you're done22:48
Theuntjewhen I'm in the 'boot' directory I can't make an new folder.. so I quess that's not right..22:48
Theuntjein the folder 'tmp' I can create22:49
WT-Udev/dev/sda4 on /boot type ext3 (rw,relatime)22:49
WT-UdevYou see ro, ?22:49
WT-Udevmount -o remount,rw /boot   << to fix it being read-only22:49
Theuntjeafter doing the mount -o it is still not writeble22:51
IntuitiveNipplepermissions? Are you using sudo?22:51
WT-UdevTheuntje: odd that should have worked.22:51
WT-Udevdmesg | tail22:52
WT-Udevdid it give you an error?22:52
Theuntjenope just moved to next line22:52
WT-UdevI mean, in the kernel messages22:52
Theuntjewhen I tried updating again?22:52
WT-Udevwhen you run dmesg | tail22:52
WT-Udevto see the messages that normally just get logged to a file22:52
Theuntjetheuntje@ubuntu:~$ dmesg | tail22:53
Theuntje[   35.525381] hda-intel: Invalid position buffer, using LPIB read method instead.22:53
Theuntje[   37.141396] NET: Registered protocol family 1022:53
Theuntje[   37.142671] lo: Disabled Privacy Extensions22:53
Theuntje[   47.232021] eth0: no IPv6 routers present22:53
Theuntje[13051.575415] usb 6-3.2: USB disconnect, address 722:53
Theuntje[13051.575428] usb 6-3.2.1: USB disconnect, address 822:53
Theuntje[13051.706167] usb 6-3.2.2: USB disconnect, address 922:53
Theuntje[13336.864754] zc3xx: probe 2wr ov vga 0x000022:53
Theuntje[13342.524752] zc3xx: probe 2wr ov vga 0x000022:53
Theuntje[15948.681973] npviewer.bin[10518]: segfault at ff9d0aa0 ip 00000000ff9d0aa0 sp 00000000ff88a45c error 1422:53
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)22:53
WT-UdevTheuntje: nothing interesting there.22:53
WT-UdevAh, however22:54
WT-Udevsudo -s22:54
WT-Udevjust do that to grab a root shell since you'll be running so many commands22:54
Theuntjeso I'm root now22:54
WT-UdevTry installing it again22:54
WT-Udevstill get the error?22:54
Theuntjeusing the installer yes22:56
Theuntjedo I need to do it tru the command line?22:56
WT-Udevtry the touch /boot/whatever again22:56
WT-UdevDoes it work now that you're # and not $?22:57
Theuntjewhen i do touc h It doesn give any message22:57
WT-Udevrm /boot/whatever you touched22:58
dtcheni need any army. people should take jaunty daily-live cds into their nearest retail computer stores and give me alsa-info.sh output so i can fix the HDA buffer issues.22:58
Theuntjewell that worked22:58
Theuntjebut now I've lost my memtest86+.bin22:59
macodtchen: i think i get why people call Network Manager "Network Mangler"22:59
Theuntjeis that memtest important? (A)22:59
macodtchen: don't you want them to include a list of things that seem broken on the machines that correspond to those alsa-info outputs?22:59
WT-UdevTheuntje: only if you want to test your computer's memory22:59
TheuntjeI think it's fine :p23:00
Theuntjewhatś the command to update thru command line23:00
WT-UdevTheuntje: BTW, I'll assume you're testing Jaunty.  Do you have any lvm, cryptsetup, or raid partitions?23:00
TheuntjeNo.. but I did install jaunty thru windows (blergh)23:01
WT-Udevdtchen: what is this alsa-info.sh23:01
WT-UdevAs long as you installed it on to bare partitions you own't have a problem.23:01
WT-UdevTheuntje: apt-get update23:02
WT-Udevapt-get upgrade23:02
WT-Udevin that order23:02
macoWT-Udev: http://alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh23:02
WT-Udevif you're not #, add sudo to the front23:02
macoWT-Udev: download and run it in bash, it spits out all the info about the sound devices23:02
macoWT-Udev: if you use --debug it'll put it in /tmp so you don't need to worry about being online23:02
TheuntjeFouten gevonden tijdens behandelen van:23:02
Theuntje /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-7-generic_2.6.27-7.16_amd64.deb23:02
TheuntjeE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)23:02
WT-Udevdtchen: maco I don't have that issue on my laptop but http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=696411d7532edfe9c9cb73faec83e25bbe12154423:05
WT-Udevdtchen: maco http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=f236149833d9209374ac9211de647b22e25cf5c1 << Desktop system, this one had working audio on the integrated sound card, and then... sort of fizzled and wouldn't work anymore at all.23:08
Theuntjewell thanks for the help but Gotta goo to sleep and stuff23:10
TheuntjeI'll come back tommorow to ask all of you questions again :D23:10
Theuntjeow yeah.. when does Ubuntu comes with her mobile phone platform?23:12
macoattention kontact: please stop crashing!23:12
macophone? i thought ubuntu mobile was for netbooks23:12
TheuntjeI know.. but a ubuntu for mobile phones would be nice ;)23:13
* bruce89 doesn't think that OO.o on a phone would be a good idea23:13
dtchenWT-Udev: please don't direct that url to me, because i get far too many to triage them effectively. instead, a wiki page along the lines of https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2009-February/007156.html would be more useful.23:14
WT-UdevTheuntje: not that I know of... and I'd rather see a netbook that happened to have a wan device to talk to a cell network23:15
WT-Udevdtchen: Oh, I thought you wanted more data, sorry.23:15
Theuntjewhy doesn chmodd works? :p23:15
dtchenWT-Udev: i do, but not directed *to me* :-)23:16
WT-Udevdtchen: being about... 5-6 hours past when I'd planned to go to bed, I'll try to remember the urls are in my logs somewhere.23:16
macoi'll move 'em23:17
ph03n1ksanyone here know anything about any problems with the install image for the jaunty netbook remix alpha 4?23:18
Theuntjewell I've updated jaunty to alpha 4 on my eee also but no problems there23:19
ph03n1ksi habe the remix 8.04,23:20
ph03n1kswas going to put an im23:20
ph03n1kswas going to install alpha 4 on a seperate partition on my aspire one but the gui is thr wrong resolution, cant access the buttons23:21
dudusph03n1ks: hold alt button to move the window up so you can access the buttons23:22
ph03n1ksargh, i spent hours at it the other nite trying to guess which button i was tabbing to!23:22
ph03n1kswill try alt.23:22
macodtchen: do you want a 4th column for listing any oddities that occur with that device in current jaunty?23:23
ph03n1ksis it a known issue? i searched and couldnt find a bug report23:23
crdlbph03n1ks: note that if compiz is enabled, you can't move a window beyond the panels (by default)23:23
dtchenmaco: that would explode the necessary columns (e.g., links to diffs against default - as shipped - conffiles)23:24
macodtchen: so you just want the alsa-info without any info as to whether the sound device works correctly or not?23:24
ph03n1kshmm, what is compiz (n00b here :) )  i dont there are panels on the netbook remix?23:25
dtchenmaco: i'm not attempting to fix jack sensing or init verbs. this procedure is solely for fixing the buffer issues23:25
macoph03n1ks: compiz is desktop effects. and if you're a "n00b" as you say...why use alpha? or are you just testing a live cd?23:26
macodtchen: well how will you know if the device has buffer issues or not then?23:26
WT-Udevdtchen: my laptop doesn't show a buffer issue, at least not on the current boot23:26
macodtchen: or is it "only list devices with buffer issues"?23:26
dtchenmaco: simple, they all do.23:26
dtchenthe current driver is *broken*23:27
dtcheni.e., there's not a single *working* hwptr case23:27
WT-Udev[   26.425566] hda_codec: Unknown model for ALC883, trying auto-probe from BIOS...23:27
WT-Udevthat's my desktop23:27
BUGabundoI really need to reboot this laptop and to properly test my sound23:27
ph03n1ksmaco: i have 8.04 and the boot time isnt grat, i read shuttleworths comments about how the target boot time for jaunty on a netbook was 25 seconds so i had to try it! plus he said they were looking for testers so i thought i might be able to report bugs or something23:28
BUGabundoI have to kill PA a few times a day to get it working23:28
BUGabundoph03n1ks: good luck! mine are of 60-85 secs23:28
dtchenBUGabundo: already known; takashi and i narrowed that down with lennart a few days before i made the autospawn change23:28
nemodtchen: yeah. normally I don't have a problem with this superceding thing, except that Qt 4.5 seems badly badly broken23:28
BUGabundodtchen: stuff like VLC are hard to make work23:29
ph03n1ksbugabundo: is that on jaunty?23:29
dtchenBUGabundo: i.e., bug 33081423:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 330814 in pulseaudio "pulseaudio[4255]: segfault " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33081423:29
BUGabundotoday took me 4 times to get it working23:29
macodtchen: all HDA or all-all?23:29
BUGabundoph03n1ks: many, since hardy up to a few days ago23:29
* BUGabundo looks at bug23:29
dtchenmaco: all.23:29
BUGabundodtchen: humm pidgin still crashs a lot with 9.1423:30
macoph03n1ks: ah ok. this is your *spare* machine, right?23:30
BUGabundo9.15 was much smoother23:30
BUGabundogot only on sound related pidgin crash on 9.1523:30
ph03n1ksmaco: no spare machine, just one netbook,  was gona partitionto test it.23:30
dtchenBUGabundo: same issue outlined in bug; newer versions of PA just take somewhat longer to trigger the broken hwptr23:30
* bruce89 is amazed that the powers that be voted to change the number of months this year to 2023:31
macoph03n1ks: ok. i just dont recommend having only-jaunty unless you know how to fix breakage23:31
macobruce89: those are pulseaudio version strings23:31
ph03n1ksmaco: ok, thanks, should be ok with partition id say. thx.23:31
macobruce89: ubuntu is shipping 9.14, but themuso has 9.15 in his PPA for esting23:31
BUGabundodtchen: my symptoms don't resemble that bug23:31
bruce89I never let facts get in the way of a bad joke23:32
dtchenBUGabundo: i can guarantee you're hitting the hwptr bug at the very least23:32
dtchenBUGabundo: so while your symptoms may not directly correspond, you *are* affected23:32
BUGabundoI'll sub to it23:33
dtchenpeople can complain about PA breaking stuff, but it has been immensely useful in exposing vast breakage in alsa-driver23:33
BUGabundodtchen: one more thing23:33
BUGabundomy padevchooser keeps getting disconnected from PA23:33
dtchenBUGabundo: yeah, a bt thread apply-all would show it not handling null events23:34
BUGabundo2nd Q: who can I keep an app LONG enough on the Applicantions list of pacontrol to set it with a lower volume?23:34
srid<srid> hello there - I upgraded to Jaunty (9.04) and everything works except wireless: Network Manager shows list of available network, but when I select my wifi network, the connection keeps happening.. after 3 mins or so.. it failes. any idea why?23:34
dtchenthere're two bugs at play there, but i'm not going to worry about it right this moment.23:34
BUGabundopidgin "pings" are so fast I don't have the time to move my mouse23:34
sridwifi signal strenth is good, etc.. I suspect some bug. my hardware is T61 intel wireless card23:34
BUGabundosrid: have you looked on LP?23:35
sridBUGabundo, I tried to searching for this in launchpad, but couldn't find any relevant bug.23:35
sridright now, i'm on windows23:35
BUGabundodtchen: can apps be made a few more secs persistent on that list?23:35
BUGabundoshould I file a wish bu for that, and link upstream?23:36
sridshould I send any log files?23:36
BUGabundosrid: you need to talk to asac (on #ubuntu-mozillateam)23:36
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim
BUGabundosrid: you will need https://wiki.kubuntu.org/DebuggingNetworkManager23:36
dtchenBUGabundo: sure, you could modify pavucontrol, or you could edit ~/.pulse/*:stream-volumes.*23:36
dtchenBUGabundo: the latter is trickier; you may want to use pacmd instead23:37
dtchenBUGabundo: or edit ~/.pulse/volume-restore.table and restart pa23:37
BUGabundodtchen: right now it refuses to connect to PA grrr23:37
BUGabundo60% of the times I restart ( or kill , start) PA pidgin crashs....23:38
BUGabundoso it makes it hard for me to mess with PA while online23:38
BUGabundodtchen: I don't have .pulse/volume-restore.table23:39
BUGabundoshould I create it?23:39
sridBUGabundo, looks like this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/knetworkmanager/+bug/33212423:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 332124 in knetworkmanager "[jaunty] knetworkmanager does not connect to wireless network" [Undecided,New]23:39
* bruce89 likes alleyoop which is frontend to valgrind23:40
bruce89especially it crashing on start23:40

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