
YasumotoHey guys, is there a decent font viewer for Linux?00:36
_MMA_Yasumoto: How comprehensive a one are you looking for?00:56
_MMA_Personally, I use Fontmatrix. Really killer. It's a manager also.00:57
Yasumoto_MMA_: sweet, thanks00:58
YasumotoWe also looked at gnome-specimen00:58
_MMA_Yasumoto: It had promise but was throughly trumped by Fontmatrix IMO. I usually don't like using QT apps but it's really that outstanding.01:00
_MMA_Correction: "I usually don't like using QT apps in a mostly GTK desktop..."01:01
Yasumoto_MMA_: yeah, true01:12
andreasnYasumoto, you only need something to view, or something to activate/deactivate fonts as well?01:26
Cimi_MMA_, I've added the focus theming in murrine. My goal was to make it good with dark and bright colorschemes. This focus theming maybe is not as cool as clearlooks's but works with much more colorschemes than clearlooks's, It is a good compromise between look (better than dotted ring) and compatibility http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/5132/schermata.png http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/3387/schermatam.png01:32
Cimilucazade, http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/5132/schermata.png http://img207.imageshack.us/img207/3387/schermatam.png01:32
Cimilucazade, squared is better imho01:33
lucazadei think the same cimi01:33
Cimilucazade, I have committed01:34
lucazadebetter squared (i'm squared as well atm)01:34
CimiI have some doubts with the treeview row01:34
Cimiit is really hard to find a good theming01:34
lucazadedepends a lot on selected_bg?01:34
lucazadei like this kind of focus, you made a good choice01:37
Cimiit's a rip of skulpture01:38
lucazadedon't care about ripping01:39
lucazadei dn't01:39
lucazadei don't care01:39
lucazadeif it was a good choice in skulpture, why don't take inspiration?!01:40
Cimilucazade, did you tested with dark colorschemes?01:43
lucazadenot yet01:43
lucazadejust come back from a carnival party, feel a little bit drunk :D01:43
lucazadeCimi http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/7479/84543255.png02:13
Cimiseems ok02:15
Cimiisn't it?02:15
_MMA_Not bad.02:15
lucazadeyes seems good02:16
lucazadeit's late.. going to bed02:20
lucazadebye all02:20
* _MMA_ has no clue the reply to the digest mailing list post meant.15:01
_MMA_thorwil: What did you see that I didn't?15:02
thorwil_MMA_: the attachment?15:03
* _MMA_ looks...15:03
_MMA_My eyes!!!15:03
thorwil_MMA_: it's already pretty awesome, but imagine that with an animated palette!15:04
_MMA_I'm sorry. I try *really*, *really* hard not to put down people's ideas but *so* often people just have *no* clue what constitutes something that can actually be considered quality enought ship. Or even what it takes to make a good wallpaper.15:07
_MMA_Is that swirly mess serious?15:07
_MMA_They wanna see that *in* Ubuntu?15:07
thorwil_MMA_: there are 2 options. mr. eigensatz is insane or he isn't serious. sad that i have to spell that out :)15:08
_MMA_thorwil: I just don't know anymore.15:08
thorwilinstead of a moderated list, i would prefer to just kick specific people (or subscriptions, to be exact15:09
thorwilthat would include mr. eigensatz and that shadow* guy15:10
_MMA_cozDS and ... There's a few.15:12
* thorwil stops tracing a 3d template for a background to go for a walk in a weather he imagines would be fitting for london15:18
=== tretle1 is now known as tretle
tretleHi, how do I edit .theme files for icon themes?18:05
_MMA_tretle: Text editor.18:07
tretleit wont let me open with a gedit18:07
_MMA_Drag and drop in18:07
tretlethere is no open with in the context menu18:07
_MMA_thorwil: The jump idea is cool.21:51

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