
thomasdelbekeok so i probably screwed it:00:00
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/332665/+text)00:00
thomasdelbekecan anyone tell me what this is (?): xml.sax._exceptions.SAXParseException: file:///usr/share/xml/gnustep/gsdoc-1_0_0.dtd:41:0: syntax error00:01
thomasdelbekeNautilus-Share-Message: Called "net usershare info" but it failed: 'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare: cannot open usershare directory /var/lib/samba/usershares. Error No such file or directory00:01
thomasdelbekePlease ask your system administrator to enable user sharing.00:01
jcastropaguilera: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52248300:04
jcastrorelated maybe?00:04
ubottuGnome bug 522483 in General "use gtk_show_uri() instead of calling firefox directly" [Minor,Reopened]00:04
Odd-rationalecharlie-tca: so, if a bug is linked to an upstream bug, then logically, the dups should be linked the the same upstream bug? or is that redundant?00:04
cprofitthey Rocket2DMn00:06
paguilerajcastro: That does look related, but that seems to be more of a discussion about browser preference.  What we were able to reproduce in the bug description seems to be more of a problem with the actual help files not being coded correctly to point to the proper page (potentially leading to the error messages that are raised in the bug description and in some of the comments of the Gnome bug).00:07
Rocket2DMnhey cprofitt did you rock the bugjam today?00:07
jcastropaguilera: I would do a search on the upstream bugzilla (I did that, that's the only bug it returned), and then file it in the upstream bugzilla and then link it00:07
paguilerajcastro: Actually, what you sent me for a link led me to the one we need.  It's found here: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=15886700:08
ubottuGnome bug 158867 in CSS Parser "missing support for "letter-spacing" causes warning" [Minor,New]00:08
Odd-rationalejcastro: should dups be linked upstream as well? or is that redundant?00:08
paguilerayeah, that's the one.00:08
jcastroit's redundant00:08
jcastropaguilera: ok, link it to the lp bug00:08
andresmujicaodd-rationale, jcastro: the bug #299188 should be marked as dupe from the odd-rationale bug00:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299188 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "Laptop hardware buttons for sound doesnt work when there is a drop down menu" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29918800:08
jcastropaguilera: "Also affects" or something like that and then paste the URL, I can't load any lp pages at the moment so I am useless. :-/00:09
andresmujicaread the description, is the same bug, and as the odd's one is already reported upstream it should be the master00:09
jcastroandresmujica: lp is down for me. :-/00:09
jcastrobut yeah you're correct00:09
paguileraAlready trying to do that.  LP is running very slow for us over here as well.00:10
paguileraRocket2DMn: cprofitt isn't trying to ignore you.  He's leading our bug jam here.00:10
jcastropaguilera: in the meantime add your team here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Events00:10
jcastroso you can get in on the stats00:10
Rocket2DMnpaguilera, i know, i just got back from my bugjam00:11
paguilerajcastro: I'm going to let cprofitt handle that since he's the one in charge over here.  He's just trying to walk us through a bug jam.  It's the first one for most of us here.00:11
Rocket2DMnpaguilera, i taught cprofitt everything he knows :)00:11
* cprofitt waves00:11
cprofittI was taking pictures..00:11
cprofittRocket2DMn, we are still going in the bug jam -- 4pm to 9pm GMT-500:12
robbmunsonAwesome, we got BT doing some bug jamming ;)00:12
Rocket2DMnah cprofitt , we did 12-6 EST00:12
cprofittwhat happened to the old page jcastro00:12
hollmanUbuntu-co on streaming on the UGBJ00:12
cprofittwe were listed on that one00:13
andresmujicaodd-rationale: mark bug #332597 as dupe from the bug #286050 first00:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332597 in xorg-server "Multimedia keyboard buttons don't work when the mouse is on the applications menu (dup-of: 299188)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33259700:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299188 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "Laptop hardware buttons for sound doesnt work when there is a drop down menu" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29918800:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 286050 in gnome-panel "Cannot change volume with keyboard volume dial while in drop down menu. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28605000:16
slick666can someone tell me or point me to a link to make a bug report to a feature request/wishlist00:16
andresmujicaslick66: wishlist are assigned by bug control members. so feel free to report your bug, and then let us know about the bug number and someone should mark it as wishlist00:20
WastePotatohollman: Who are the people in that stream?00:20
andresmujicawastepotato:  the Colombian LoCo team!  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ColombianTeam/GlobalBugJam00:21
cprofittthe people are on are on caffeine run00:22
cprofittthey will be back soon00:22
cprofitt_bug_jamthat is our stream00:22
cprofitt_bug_jampeople are on a caffeine run00:23
cprofittyeah... ustream is not great for quality00:23
cprofittare there any better ones?00:23
penguin42guys on #launchpad are lookng at timeouts/errors00:25
cprofittupdated that page with our information00:25
slick666Ok guys bug 332355 should probably be assigned a wishlist status. Could someone take a look?00:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332355 in empathy "Empathy doesn't alert to new email messages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33235500:26
chrisccoulsonslick666 - that bug would be better handled upstream. if you forward that to the Gnome bugzilla, I'll set it to wishlist for you:)00:26
hollmanWastePotato, Ubuntu Colombia :D in the GBJ :D00:27
WastePotatoI see...00:28
hollmanwe are playing with a guitar hero and drink some beers00:28
hollmanand triagering some bugs :P00:28
emmaguys something weird hapened in the 5-a-day stats00:30
jjessethat france passed michigan?00:31
slick666chrisccoulson - how would I forward that to the Gnome bugzilla00:31
jjesseor was that not the wired ing00:31
emmaThis was a half hour ago -- 1gbj-michigan-090221800:31
chrisccoulsonslick666 - you can report the bug here: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/ Once you've done that, you can link the upstream bug in launchpad00:32
jjessehrmm can't open launchpad00:32
emmaThis is now:00:32
wgrantjjesse: Just try again a few times. People are being awoken to fix it.00:32
emmaHow did it go from 218 to 436 in a half hour?00:33
jjessei feel bad for that, wonder what type of stats we will get from the team about load durning the jam :)00:33
d-bstats -> "team that ddosed the site the most" ?00:34
emmaIm concerned about the integrity of the stats.00:34
jjessed-b that would be ubuntu-us-mi :)00:34
WastePotatod-b: Lawl.00:34
macoit was *not* dc's jam. our jam was only 7 people.00:35
d-bdamn thos mi.00:35
emmaI don't think people understand what Im trying to say.00:36
duanedesignI kind of like the new stats we have now done 208 woohoo00:36
emmathere is something wrong with the stats, are they dependable?00:36
jjessejorge told me they were coming from the bug mail?00:36
duanedesignnot at the moment. we have only done about half that many00:37
emmaduanedesign: you are a one man team, did you actualy go from 104 to 208 ?00:37
emmaSo there is something wrong here.00:37
andresmujicaok, back to bugs00:38
d-bemma: the stats, who cares about00:38
emmaI do :)00:38
emmaOf course Im also happy we are all making a contribution.00:39
duanedesignemma: actually I counted mine, I have actually only done aprox. 55 give or take a few00:40
jjessemy bug mail folder shows 2661 unread messages from today so i know a lot of bugs are being touched00:41
emmaduanedesign: something is screwy here. I am happy thatit's all about Ubuntu but part of the fun is the competition aspect and if you change the score board in the middle of the game, that is demotivating.00:41
d-bgreat another one of these "random" crashes involving leaving the computer00:41
Odd-rationalei think dholbach just makes the stats up... :P00:42
emmaduanedesign: this morning when we woke up and saw your score we were impressed!00:42
jjessechceck with jcastro, he knows how dholbach does them00:42
jjessejcastro ping?00:42
slick666chrisccoulson - I got the bug ‎reported to Gnome, how can I link this to launchpad?00:42
d-bslick666: you add it ... slick666 whats the bug ?00:44
cprofittsome pics from our event (which is still going) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewYorkTeam/Events/2009022100:44
andresmujicaslilck666:  click on also affects project, and paste the url upstream report00:44
chrisccoulsonnormally, you would click on the "Also affects project" button, and then enter the upstream bug URL. But somebody already added an upstream task, just without the link. If you click on the little arrow to the left of the "Empathy" task (not "empathy (Ubuntu)", there is a box to paste in the URL00:44
slick666I pretty much copied the report from launchpad00:44
hollmanwe change the channel00:46
slick666do I change the status00:47
chrisccoulsonyou can set the status of the ubuntu task to confirmed00:47
andresmujicaslick666: at the upstream task? is not necessary... it will get automatically updated00:47
hollman:( lauchpad are :E00:48
duanedesigndoes overwhelming the launchpad server(s) mean the global bug jam was a success00:48
andresmujicaduanedesign: ooohhh yeeeaaaa!!!00:49
jjesseduanedesign: i think so00:49
slick666ok, could someone check 332355 to make sure I got the upstream stuff correct?00:49
jjesseit must be the database that is having problems00:49
jjessebug 33235500:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332355 in empathy "Empathy doesn't alert to new email messages" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33235500:49
jjesseedge is having the same problems00:49
jjesseslick666 looks  correct to me00:49
hollmannew chanel00:49
jjessehollman what are you talking about?00:50
slick666ty guys00:50
hollmanjjesse, http://giss.tv:8000/ubuntu-co.ogg00:50
emmaI cry foul. gbj-fr-0902 is now at 903 since the last time I mentioned it 15 minutes ago and they were at 45200:51
jjesseemma i agree the stats page is messed up00:51
jjesseping dholbach00:51
jjessethough he might be in bed?00:51
andresmujicaOdd-rationale:  did you mark the dupes we were talking about a while ago?00:51
emmajjesse: yeah not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, and at the end of the day it's all good for Ubuntu :)00:51
Nafalloduanedesign: I'd be surprised if that's the issue.00:51
andresmujicadholbach: about 4:0000:52
Nafalloemma: I'd say the stats page is wedged.00:52
jjesseemma i agree, i am just curious about how many bugs are actually delt with00:52
emmajjesse: I feel bad for those guys in michigan, UK, and club-ubuntu.org who might have been motivated by a friendly competition.00:52
jjessei know nixternal linked about 300 upstream bugs today or something close to it00:52
jjesseemma and some of us michigan guys are jamming remotley due to weather00:53
* d-b thinks that a more generic kernel should be included for people to test on -> re some of the random lock ups00:53
emmaive done a lot of bugs today im sort of burnt out. It might reveal an unattractive competitive streak in my nature, but I was only still fighting on to try to get our team on top. :)00:54
=== evergreen is now known as Guest34032
emmaSo I'm going to take a break now and eat dinner, see you all :)00:54
jjesseemma: i'm enjoying a nice glass of wine while i triage bugs00:54
jjessemakes things better00:54
andresmujicahmm nixternal 300 bugs?  well with that kind of help:  http://blog.nixternal.com/2009.02.21/ubuntu-chicago-gbj-5-hours-into-it/00:55
jjessesorry i lied it was 100 upstream bugs for nixternal00:55
jjessegot the number wrong00:55
d-bcan some one mark https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/321425 as a wishlist item ?00:55
nixternalstill have about 300 on my todo list, but the competition part is done for me00:56
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/321425/+text)00:56
jjessei'll do it if i can get to launchpad00:56
d-brofl at ubottu00:56
jjesseall my launchpad pages are sitting there just spinning00:56
d-bwhat's the ubuntu kernel package called ?00:56
charlie-tcad-b: depends on which version of Ubuntu00:57
d-b8.10 ?00:57
d-bjust 'linux' ?00:57
charlie-tcayes, just 'linux'00:58
WastePotatoI think it's just "linux"00:58
WastePotatochadwik: >_>00:58
WastePotatoEr. charlie-tca.00:58
d-bso there is no diff better generic / blah on launchpad ?00:58
charlie-tcakernel is kernel for bugs00:58
d-bshame as you might have been able to pick up dodgy makes if that could be a problem. wait so i mark it as kernel or linux ?00:58
jjessesorry whoever asked me to look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/321425 i can't get launchpad to load it00:58
andresmujicajjesse, nxiternal : i'll do it if i can have one of those caffeine + 7% alcohol cans ;)00:59
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/321425/+text)00:59
charlie-tcalinux is the kernel00:59
d-bcharlie-tca: i know00:59
d-byou just said "kernel is kernel for bugs"00:59
charlie-tcamark source as 'linux'00:59
* d-b is trying ... launchpad is failing00:59
charlie-tcajjesse: I have it up, what am I doing with it01:00
jjessemaring it as wishlist01:00
jjessesomeone in this channel suggested to do that01:00
charlie-tcaWish they had commented on it.01:01
jjessed-b is there a reason to mark that bug as wishlist?01:02
jjessed-b https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/32142501:02
ubottuUbuntu bug 321425 in ubuntu "Main and embedded Linux interaction in laptops" [Undecided,New]01:02
d-bjjesse: well is it anything else ?01:02
charlie-tcabug 321425 wishlist done01:02
jjessed-b see charlie-tca comment i cant get that bug opened in lp01:02
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/321425/+text)01:02
d-bor should be marked as invalid -> pending more information about these instant on oses / access to them01:02
charlie-tcaIt isn't easy getting through01:03
charlie-tcad-b: done01:03
d-bi personally am interested to know if you can use the arm and the intel processor at the same time ^^01:04
jjessebugs against the live cd would be against wahat package/01:10
jjessethanks andresmujica01:11
YasumotoHey guys, where's the five-a-day install link? (is it in the default repos?)\01:17
snap-lYasumoto: You don't need the 5-a-day anymore01:17
snap-lIt's been deprecated01:17
andresmujicayasumoto: just add yourself to the 5-a-day-participants team at LP01:18
snap-lYasumoto: Just join this group instead: https://launchpad.net/~5-a-day-participants01:18
Yasumotooh, no way? wow, I am so out of the loop01:20
Odd-rationaleandresmujica: yes i did... that was before is was told that it was redundant...01:20
andresmujicadon't worry if you've got the 5-a-day applet it would count...01:21
andresmujicaodd-rationale: ahh ok , but now they're marked fine!!01:21
hollmanhey all01:27
hollmanubuntu-co on GBJ http://picasaweb.google.com/noticias.ubuntu.colombia/UbuntuCoGlobalBugJam#01:27
duanedesigncan someone take a look at Bug #75028 it was reported 2 years ago and is still an issue for the user who posted it. Thank You!01:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 75028 in quagga "ospfd starts way too late in the boot process" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7502801:28
snap-lHas the user tried renaming the S20quagga file to S19quagga, and does that work for him / her?01:31
duanedesignI will suggest it. thank you01:32
snap-lLooks like the big issue is a good number of init scripts are labeled S20, so it's just a matter of who has alphabetic priority.01:34
snap-lIs launchpad taking a beating for anyone else?01:34
Nafallosnap-l: yes01:35
snap-lI'm getting "please try again errors"01:35
Odd-rationaleyep. too many bug jams...01:36
duanedesignyep, they are aware of it over on #launchpad and are trying to fix it01:36
andresmujicahmm pizza at least!!!!01:39
jjessei blame those guys from #ubuntu-us-mi01:42
snap-lYeah, they're bastards. :)01:42
jjessewow those stats are way messed up :)01:43
jjesseinterseting downloading cdimages is way slow as well, wonder if there is some relationship between lp and that server?01:44
duanedesignon # launchpad it says intermittent issues on both production and edge - being worked on. Not sure what production and edge are?01:48
jjesseedge is the testing serverr for launchpad01:50
jjesseproduction would be the production launchpad server01:50
andresmujicaedge uses the "beta" software version01:50
duanedesignahh. I knew someone in here would know:)01:55
jjesseduanedesign: if you want to beta test launchpad then you can be on edge01:58
snap-lshura: Bad command or filename02:06
jjessehrmm should i be reporting bugs or just fixing bugs :)02:06
snap-lGo with the flow, maaaan.02:06
jjessea bug with the touchpad is against synaptic?02:28
andresmujicajjese: xinput-xorg-touchpad something loike pada02:38
andresmujicalike that02:38
wgrantjjesse: xfree86-driver-synaptics.02:39
wgrantsynaptic is the package manager.02:39
wgrantActually, xserver-xorg-input-synaptics is probably better now.02:39
andresmujicaohh well that beer is affecting me :)02:39
hollmanjuaaaaaa jajajajaj02:41
jjesseok changing it02:41
jjesseif i can get back to lp02:42
andresmujica(21:48:43) lifeless:02:51
andresmujicashould be fixed soon02:51
andresmujica(21:48:56) lifeless:02:51
andresmujicawe've identified a concrete issue02:51
andresmujicaat #launchpad02:51
andresmujicaget ready.. we need to take it down again02:51
lifelessandresmujica: I don't know if lp will need to be taken down to fix this or not; was just reporting progress.02:53
darkholeSee you guys02:56
d-blifeless: "fsync on a file" ? (just kidding)03:02
emmaI can imagine sort of getting into this03:06
emmait would be cool if I understood ubuntu so well that it was really easy :)03:07
emmaworking with bugs, I think, would help a person learn Linux to a deeper level though.03:07
d-bcan some one take a look at https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-backends/+bug/312296 -> i don't know how to mark it the guy fixed it himself ...03:10
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/312296/+text)03:10
andresmujicaboys i want to assign a package to gnome-network is at the combo list, but when i choose LP throughs and error u'Package gnome-network not published in Ubuntu'03:26
cprofitthello all03:34
Ryan52andresmujica: there isn't a package called that..03:34
cprofittbug jam went well... I think we have five new people to do bug work now...03:34
cprofittand we want to plan more as a LoCo03:34
andresmujicaryan52.. yeap wgrant help me found the one!!03:35
cprofitthow is everyone else's bug jam going?03:37
snap-lWent well for Michigan03:37
greg-gyeah, check out the stories page and the blog posts/pictures from Michigan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GlobalBugJam/Stories03:38
cprofittgood night to everyone still going tonight... I will be back to do some bugs tomorrow03:39
hollmanbug #33272203:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332722 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] suvat" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33272203:40
greg-ghollman: done03:42
hollmangreg-g, ok03:42
_stink_bug that's still new/undecided/nobody, but in comments it's present in dapper but not feisty.  what are we doing for bugs that seem to be in dapper but have been fixed for a while in newer releases?03:52
_stink_bug #8638503:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 86385 in qtparted "qtparted and kubuntu (desktop CD) partitionner don't recognaze all my hard drives." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8638503:52
greg-g_stink_: if it is something really critical, you can do a backport request (if it doesn't break other things/isn't too complicated, like a lot of new dependencies). otherwise, mark as fix released03:52
_stink_greg-g: you type fast! :P03:52
andresmujicawhich package is responsible of update the fstab file with the hdd's uuid04:09
hollmanbug #32295704:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 322957 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] mythtv-theme-metallurgy-(red|green|purple)-wide" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32295704:13
hollmanbug #32295704:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 322957 in mythtv "[needs-packaging] mythtv-theme-metallurgy-(red|green|purple)-wide" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32295704:18
_stink_what's the package name i should use for a bug that generically applies to the ubuntu installer?04:23
macoandresmujica: figured out what's up. i think i mentioned plasma's not starting on my computer. i thought that would also mean i lack multiple desktops. apparently multiple desktops are still there, so firefox was in the other desktop and without plasma i couldn't see the switcher which would show where windows are open04:35
andresmujicaoggh i can't believe it...04:35
dtchen_stink_: / andresmujica: to clarify, the desktop/live installer -> ubiquity, the alternate installer -> debian-installer, the booting of the desktop/live environment -> casper04:36
andresmujicadtchen: thanks a lot for that i'm gonna post it!! i need it!04:36
andresmujicamaco: well, at least you've missed the lp laaaaaaaaaaggg .... ;)04:38
macoandresmujica: oh, no, i saw it04:38
macoi was just using konqueror instead of firefox04:38
andresmujicahehee yeap..04:39
hollmanbug #32339904:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 323399 in ubuntu "CTRL + C , CTRL + X , etc .. , Not working with the Arabic layout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32339904:43
hollmanwhat is this ?04:43
macoer...i didn't know arabic had the letter X...04:45
macohow *do* shortcuts like that get handled in non-latin charsets?04:45
dtchenhollman: triaged, thanks04:45
hollmandtchen, ok04:45
dtchenhollman: namely, it's not immediately clear where the reporter is experiencing the symptoms, so it's not really possible to assign a good affected source package. all we can do is ask for more information (and set the Status appropriately). the first comment in that bug report really should be ignored.04:46
darkholeandremujica: http://mail.google.com/mail/?zx=pzco6daalzsq&shva=1#search/Conifuraci%C3%B3n+m%C3%B3dem+usb+tigo04:58
jedijfwishlist https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/33237105:10
ubottuUbuntu bug 332371 in empathy "User friendly application description for Empathy" [Undecided,Invalid]05:10
jedijfwishlist https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/33236805:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 332368 in empathy "Make tooltip human understndable" [Undecided,Invalid]05:12
wgrantjedijf: There's little point doing that once they're Invalid.05:13
jedijfwgrant: i flipped it back so it could be considered for wishlist05:20
jedijfboth of them -05:20
wgrantjedijf: Also, that sort of thing should *not* be on Brainstorm.05:20
jedijfso invalid was right05:20
wgrantTriaged/Wishlist, I suspect.05:21
jedijfok then wishlist it05:21
wgrantI Lowed them, actually.05:26
hollmanbug #30421505:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304215 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] bootnext" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30421505:40
orblivion-laptopIs it appropriate to ask a long question about dealing with bug reports here, or do you try to keep to very short to-the-point business here?05:45
wgrantorblivion-laptop: It's quiet enough; go ahead.05:45
orblivion-laptopThere are multiple segfault bug reports for tilda, and there are sometimes multiple unrelated bugs within each bug report, described by people who chime in. And often these bugs are the same as some of the ones described in different reports.05:48
orblivion-laptopBottom line, if bugs A and B are described in report 1, and B and C in report 2, is it possible for someone (perhaps only ones with special privelages) to move the comments to appropriate bug reports?05:48
andresmujicabug #303522 can be marked as wishlist pls?05:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 303522 in ubuntu "there should be a way to install all debug libraries easily" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30352205:49
orblivion-laptopor else, what do you recommend? if people are chiming in on a "tilda segfault" bug report, but I believe it's an segfault unrelated to the initial posting, should I file a new report, and somehow reference the various comments in different reports that are in fact the same thing?05:50
andresmujicai'd love to have that kind of function.. not necessarily a dupe but related to, even the same fix could solve both or at least one fix is needed to solve the other one.05:51
andresmujicaprobably you can marked them as dupes, and grouping them according to the similiraties.05:52
andresmujicaalso you'll want to edit the description explained that this masterbug is related to this segfault etc etc, so the people can identify them easily05:52
* andresmujica thinks..05:52
orblivion-laptopMy wording might be confusing, but for example bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tilda/+bug/92264 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tilda/+bug/111571 both have people chiming in saying "hey yeah, me too! I get a segfault on amd64" when it seems to me that a) these are the same problem and b) they're both unrelated to the initial posted bug05:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 92264 in tilda "[apport] tilda crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed]05:53
andresmujicaahh now i've got it.05:57
andresmujicai'll take one of them as the a) problem, and the other one would state at the description which bug is it, and ask the reporters to open new bugs.  If you've got the time, maybe you can look for bugs related to the reported problems and redirect the people to them05:58
andresmujicaalso it seems that Aron was working on it but then lost the track of it..06:00
orblivion-laptophmm, that's a thought. so, I could post saying "This issue is unrelated" and then ask the people who commented on the unrelated issue to open new bugs?06:03
orblivion-laptop(sorry if I'm missing something you're saying, I'm VERY new to this)06:03
orblivion-laptop(at least on Launchpad)06:03
andresmujicathat should do it!06:04
orblivion-laptopcool, thanks a lot for your help, and sorry for the interruption of business as usual. carry on then...06:05
darkhole4771!!! from France?? ... how can they make this!! Any kind of script?06:08
darkholeor something?06:08
dantalizingthey're botting06:10
dantalizingkick 'em06:10
andresmujicawe're making beerbugs? is that valid?06:11
hollmanbye all06:14
darkholejeje, see you folks!!!06:15
darkholeGreat Jam, see you latter :)06:16
robbmunson1what happened to the 5-a-day-applet? does it still exist?07:14
robbmunson1nevermind, i found it :)07:18
Ryan52bug 31579108:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315791 in ltsp "LTSP and ssh tunnelling problem" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31579108:48
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penguin42how do you categorise a bug where he is trying to install 8.04 on a machine but has a device driver problem but works with intrepid?12:36
penguin42I guess he wants LTS to work12:36
xyllHi, I'm new here. I've been investigating a bug in vim (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vim/+bug/291373) and am wondering what's next - should I report this to debian?12:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 291373 in vim "vim: hang after ^Z / fg" [High,Confirmed]12:42
penguin42hmm that doesn't happen to me- hmm but I'm on plain vim rather than vim-gtk12:43
xyllyes, seems to happen only in vim-gnome and vim-gtk12:43
penguin42do the vim guys have their own bug tracker?12:44
ccmprobably a flat file in vim :)12:45
xyllI believe you're just suppost to send a mail with the report somewhere12:45
xyllbut as this affects debian as well, wouldn't the first step be to report it to debian?12:46
mangilimicpenguin42, I'd report that bug against linux. Anyway, let's wait for more suggestions, since I'm not so experienced at triaging bugs.12:47
penguin42mangilimic: Yeh, I've put the package to linux, I just wondered if there was anything special for LTS stuff12:48
mangilimicpenguin42, maybe you can add [Hardy] at the beginning of the title of the report. However I suspect that nobody will fix that soon...12:49
penguin42mangilimic: Well you'd hope the LTS means something12:49
mangilimicpenguin42, I hope so.12:52
* penguin42 is a bit surprised there aren't more categories than just 'linux' for driver problems - that must get a lot of stuff associated with it12:52
IntuitiveNipplepenguin42: We used assign to specific kernel version packages but it got too disjointed.13:00
penguin42IntuitiveNipple: I meant more categories - e.g. usb, video, random crashes, filesystems13:00
penguin42there seem to be an inifinite number of people with DVD drive quirks13:00
IntuitiveNippleWell, "linux" means "kernel"13:01
penguin42yeh, but the kernel is pretty big these days13:01
thekornyou can use tags to specify a category13:02
penguin42are there a set of standard tags associated with the kernel?13:03
thekornI'm not sure, best to ask in #ubuntu-kernel or check the wiki pages of the kernel team13:04
penguin42ok, will do13:04
mangilimicsome tags can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeamBugPolicies13:04
penguin42hmm time for breakfast13:08
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mcasif there is a problem with packages from ppas the bug is invalid, right?13:26
kirrushow do you find what package a config file comes from?13:31
james_w"dpkg -S /etc/foo"13:33
james_wthat will get most13:33
james_wor "grep <file> /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.conffiles"13:33
kirrusthanks :)13:35
Rafikhi all13:40
Rafiki think i did a mistake on bug 312734. can anyone check with me please ?13:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312734 in ubuntu "ppc-codecs on intrepid" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31273413:41
Rafiksince ppc-codecs is from medibuntu, i marked it as invalid for ubuntu.. but the issue is that libstdc++5 (universe) isn't available for ppc13:43
* thekorn checks13:49
thekornRafik, yes, it looks like a bug in gcc-3.313:50
thekornbut I think it will be marked as won't fix, with a similar argument as in bug 32696413:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326964 in gcc-3.3 "libstdc++5 needed in PPC for IBM JDK 1.x to work" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32696413:52
mcascan anyone help me with this one13:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 332832 in kdebase-workspace "package kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kconf_update_bin/krdb_clearlibrarypath', which is also in package kdebase-workspace-bin" [Undecided,New]13:52
mcasi think it is invalid because kde 4.2 is from ppa13:52
thekornmcas, will have a look at this bug in a minute13:53
mcask thanks13:53
Rafikthekorn: thanks13:55
cprofitthttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/286050 - what led people to think the bug in gnome-panel on this??13:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 286050 in gnome-panel "Cannot change volume with keyboard volume dial while in drop down menu. " [Undecided,New]13:57
cprofittxserver-xorg-input-evdev is where I thought the problem might be... so I am curious13:58
penguin42cprofitt: I think it was because it only happens when the drop down is there13:59
penguin42cprofitt: The fact that the events normally get through means it must be getting the events from the keyboard13:59
cprofittit also happens when you use the menu on Firefox or right click the desktop to get a menu14:00
cprofittIt does not happen with my T500 for 'mute' and while my 'mute' key works it does not get the OSD14:00
penguin42yeh I'm not sure why they say panel, I guess it comes down to what is supposed to receive the events14:00
cprofittwhich I reported https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/29918814:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 299188 in xserver-xorg-input-evdev "Laptop hardware buttons for sound doesnt work when there is a drop down menu (dup-of: 286050)" [Low,Confirmed]14:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 286050 in gnome-panel "Cannot change volume with keyboard volume dial while in drop down menu. " [Undecided,New]14:00
cprofittI also noted that xev gets no events while those menus are open14:01
penguin42isn't it that the menus do a 'grab' to get the events ?14:01
cprofittcould be, but like I said... on my T500 where my 'mute' button gets no OSD - the mute works even if menus have focus14:02
cprofittmute does not work on the T42 which does get OSD for 'mute'14:02
thekornmcas, what make you think that this package is from a PPA?14:02
cprofittpenguin42, that is what led me to 'guess' xserver-xorg-input-evdev14:03
thekornmcas, looking at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+publishinghistory it looks like a already superseeded version from backports14:03
cprofittsomething appears to be 'grabbing' the input... but only if the functions keys are recognized and get OSD14:03
penguin42cprofitt: I don't know enough about how that stuff works14:04
cprofittyeah me either penguin4214:04
cprofittthat is why I was curious...14:05
penguin42but I'd have been surprised if it was the Xserver if it actually got events but the difference was the state of other applications14:05
cprofittwhat package handles the OSD?14:06
penguin42not sure14:07
penguin42anyone know who to prod to minor changes to gnome themes? (the ubuntu added ones)14:21
penguin42wow - so many bugs that have a corrupted fileystem tar - I guess bad ram or full discs14:27
Odd-rationalesome one is making those stats up...14:32
penguin42yeh the French seem to have something 'odd' going on14:33
mcasthekorn: sorry my mistake14:38
jedijfwish list: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/28029815:50
ubottuUbuntu bug 280298 in update-manager "Missing "sort by" option in update list" [Undecided,New]15:50
iantoJust to check, regarding bugs.launchpad.net, are PPAs allowed to be reported as a bug?16:00
iantoapps in PPAs16:00
BUGabundo1ianto: depends16:04
BUGabundo1most of the times, if there is a LP bug team for it, then it should be filed on the PPA bug tracker16:04
BUGabundo1on other cases some devs that maintain both PPA and archive don't care, as long as I mention the versions16:04
BUGabundo1other refuse to have it on LP (like mozilla team, who rather have bugs for FF3.1 or 3.2 on ML or #)16:05
xhochyCould someone please set #327258 importance to 'whishlist'? (Feature request about update-manager's GUI)16:05
chrisccoulsonbug 32725816:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327258 in update-manager "Streamline interface" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32725816:07
chrisccoulsonxhochy - done16:08
emmaI'm not so sure about this --- http://daniel.holba.ch/five-a-day-stats/16:08
jedijfwish list: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/32513116:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 325131 in pidgin "Wishlist Item Related to Sending IM's" [Undecided,New]16:09
penguin42emma: Indeed there's something odd there16:09
chrisccoulsonsomeone has been busy ;)16:09
emmaThe French don't waste any time!16:09
chrisccoulsonit seems that way16:10
chrisccoulsoni think it must be wrong though;)16:11
chrisccoulsonare there even that many open bugs on lp?16:11
* penguin42 wishes there was a mechanism for commenting as you marked something as a dupe16:12
chrisccoulsonpenguin42 - open a bug report against launchpad. that would be a useful feature - much like being able to add comments when you convert a bug report to a question16:13
BUGabundo1penguin42: what happens when you mark it as dupe via email?16:15
BUGabundo1does it use 2 messages?16:15
penguin42BUGabundo1: Don't know - I very rarely use the mail interface16:15
BUGabundo1I use it a lot16:15
iantoemma: They did that between 1am & 1pm local time in France!16:15
BUGabundo1just never use it to mark as dupe16:15
emmaianto: The french team is a model of efficiency.16:16
iantoThey can't sleep16:16
penguin42hmm there is already a bug for it malone #17495116:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 174951 in malone "Can't comment on bug report while marking it as a duplicate" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/17495116:17
chrisccoulsonpenguin42 - good spot16:19
penguin42chrisccoulson: Well I thought I'd better check; having your bug about duping marked as a dupe would be embarrassing16:19
chrisccoulsonwell, not really. some older reports are difficult to find and it can be hard working out what to search for:)16:19
BUGabundo1if lp search fails, I use google16:23
BUGabundo1it doesn't care about state or dupe, so it finds more stuff16:23
BUGabundo1it helps a lot16:24
penguin42yeh; especially since lp can't search attachments which sucks16:24
BUGabundo1you guys are killing LP16:29
BUGabundo1 Generated Sun, 22 Feb 2009 16:28:58 GMT by yangmei.canonical.com (squid/2.6.STABLE18)16:29
penguin42BUGabundo1: It's better than it was last night - launchpad was really struggling16:33
BUGabundo1I can't open it right now16:36
BUGabundo1trying to get the release schedul of LP link :(16:36
BUGabundo1got it https://dev.launchpad.net/Releases/2009Calendar16:37
BUGabundo1anyone knows what packages has the orthographic corrector on kmail? mine is acting up (I guess since friday updates)16:41
penguin42so many errors assigned to individual packages that are obviously bad cdrom problems (failed in buffer_read Input/output error' during dpkg16:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 332940 in kdepim "orthographic corrector on kmail replaces previous word" [Undecided,New]16:51
BUGabundo1can some bug triager take a look ?16:51
BUGabundo1penguin42: a quick search for that and mass mark as dupe!16:52
penguin42BUGabundo1: Problem is you have to search the attachments16:55
BUGabundo1API then?16:55
* BUGabundo1 has to spend some time with some one experienced on the LP API to learn a bit more on how to use it16:55
penguin42BUGabundo1: I guess so, but I don't fancy frobbing with launchpad API, and I bet today is not the day to do heavy launchpad queries16:55
* BUGabundo1 heads to #LP16:56
ccmsio/win 217:06
penguin42ooh french numbers have been fixed17:26
andresmujicawhen is the oficially end time of the event?  00:00 UTC?17:32
penguin42the bugs in 'linux' are like 30% suspend/resume, 10% sound, 10% backlight keys17:33
BUGabundonice stats penguin4217:34
BUGabundothe kernel bugs are "fixed" asking user to (enable and) test backport kernel17:34
andresmujicapenguin42: are published those ones?17:34
penguin42those are finger in the air17:34
BUGabundosound are triage asking for alsa .sh info17:35
andresmujicathe best stat is this one: 695 bugs without a package assigned at this point.    The 19th those were about ~1500 !!!!17:37
BUGabundostill a long way to go17:41
BUGabundoI remember reading that EVEN IF LP stop accepting new bugs17:41
BUGabundoit would take 2 years to triage them all17:41
arvind_khadrii want to help with squishing bugs..17:41
BUGabundoI have to spend a few hours a go about my sub bugs and see how they are17:42
BUGabundomany are already fixed or invalid17:42
BUGabundoI'm on jaunty and some times still get requests for bugs I filed on edgy/feisty17:43
arvind_khadriBUGabundo, how do i get started?17:43
penguin42Yeh but they're hard to verify if they really got fixed sometimes17:43
BUGabundoI know17:45
BUGabundoarvind_khadri: humm wanna help (me) ?17:45
BUGabundojust browse my list of bugs from older to recente17:45
arvind_khadriBUGabundo, sure i would love to... but am a totall newbie in this... i have been reporting quite a few..17:46
* penguin42 closes a 'linux' package bug that has a 'gzip: stdout: no space left on device' in the dpkg log - anyone want to guess how many there are?17:46
penguin42BUGabundo: I find the problem is I tend to change machine every 2 or 3 years or reinstall - and I can't check some old bugs easily - but did they really get fixed?17:46
BUGabundoon those I set my own as INVALID17:47
jjessesometimes i use the fact they no longer exist in the newer version to mark them as fix released, and i state "I don't know which update fixed the bug but it no longer is a problem"17:47
BUGabundoI can no longer test or am affected by them17:47
BUGabundoor do it as jjesse.... lol17:47
BUGabundodepends ...17:48
arvind_khadriBUGabundo, can i help you out?17:50
arvind_khadriBUGabundo, am seriously searching for a mentor17:50
BUGabundono no... I have no experience on the QA or bug triage team17:50
BUGabundoI just file A LOT of bugs17:50
BUGabundo'cause  I use devel versions17:51
BUGabundobut if any of you want to close MANY more bugs.... just follow my trail17:51
robbmunsonBUGabunto is the reason i still volunteer here lol.18:24
emmaWhat time does the GBJ end, as far as the stats go?18:24
jjesse_emma: not sure but did you see that frances stats have been corrected?18:24
robbmunson00:00 GMT afaik18:24
emmajjesse_: yes, that's gotten me more motivated again18:25
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jgoguenshould https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/thunderbird/+bug/51492 be set to Fix Released, since upstream says it's fixed in Thunderbird and Ubuntu ships
ubottuUbuntu bug 51492 in thunderbird "movemail problem" [Medium,Confirmed]18:36
blueyedjgoguen: probably, yes. Would be nice if you could confirm it being fixed though.18:37
madmartianwhat package should bugs with the installer be attached to?18:42
blueyedarvind_khadri: the wiki pages (e.g. also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day) should help you get started.18:42
arvind_khadriblueyed, i went through the pages except that one... would you mentor me?18:43
blueyedarvind_khadri: I can help you out with questions etc, sure. Are you referring to QA/bug triage only, or are you interested in helping out with fixing/packaging?18:45
blueyedIn the latter case, you can always ask in #ubuntu-motu, too - and there's a mentoring program somewhere available.18:45
arvind_khadriblueyed, bug triaging... i have been doing the QA part for quiet a time and been helping out in #ubuntu too18:46
charlie-tcamadmartian: depends on the installer; ubiquity, debian-installer, casper18:46
blueyedGreat. Then I suggest you just start with it.. :)18:47
madmartiancharlie-tca: this is a jaunty alternate cd18:47
blueyedarvind_khadri: ^^18:47
arvind_khadriblueyed, sure... thanks... :) any pointers?18:48
charlie-tcamadmartian: debian-installer18:48
bcurtiswxhey bugcontrol, bug #332962 pleas set as wishlist.  Thank you :-)18:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332962 in grub "Ubuntu 8: all versions has no talking accessible bootloader" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33296218:48
madmartiancharlie-tca: thanks18:48
blueyedarvind_khadri: the 5-a-day page should have some.18:48
blueyedarvind_khadri: you may add yourself to the LP team then, too, since stats can be motivating.. :)18:49
arvind_khadriblueyed, hmmm :) the page for LP ... :D18:49
blueyedwhat do you mean? page for LP? - for the team? (it's mentioned in the wiki page I've given you)18:50
charlie-tcabcurtiswx: done18:52
arvind_khadriblueyed, oh ok... will take a look now18:52
bcurtiswxcharlie-tca: thanks18:52
bcurtiswxcharlie-tca: may i ask why you set as medium and not wishlist?18:52
blueyedcharlie-tca: sry, I've changed the same bug, but to wishlist. IMHO it's a feature and therefore "wishlist", not?18:53
bcurtiswxblueyed: i agree with you18:54
charlie-tcaIt ACCESSIBILITY for the visually impaired18:54
charlie-tcaIt is not a feature, but a need to be able to install18:54
charlie-tcaIf you can't see, you get to stay with windows?18:54
bcurtiswxcharlie-tca: my interpretation of the situation (not to start a flamewar), is that if the bug requests something that it not a feature of ubuntu, then it becomes wishlist.18:55
charlie-tcaOr you only should not use Ubuntu because you can't see?18:55
bcurtiswxcharlie-tca: my interpretation of bugs means problems with currently supported packages in ubuntu18:56
blueyedcharlie-tca: I understand you, but it's a new feature/functionality. It's the same as with adding some game/library: if you need that for something, it's a bug for you, but after all, just a missing feature.18:56
blueyedcharlie-tca: See also https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status18:57
charlie-tcaI believe accessibility should not be wishlist because it does tell people they are to wait however long it takes for someone to decide they can do things18:58
charlie-tcaObviously, you are not handi-capped18:58
blueyedcharlie-tca: that's no argument.. bug importance "wishlist" does not mean it won't get done.18:58
bcurtiswxcharlie-tca: i completely agree that this is a pretty high up topic.  but as triagers this is the best we can do for you18:58
charlie-tcaWe need to get that changed then. Even the governments agree that handicapped people should be equals19:00
blueyedTagged it as "a11y" at least.19:00
bcurtiswxblueyed: ty i was just about to suggest that19:02
blueyedNot much there yet: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=a11y - would make sense to go through all bugs and tag/mark as appropriate some more.19:02
bcurtiswxyeah i saw19:03
svendevandre__: hi19:13
YoBoYI don't know if the 332813 bug is assigned to the right package, i can reproduce it, but don't know if it's a compiz, applets or gtk problem, need advice :)19:13
andre__hmm, this wifi is flaky...19:13
blueyedcharlie-tca: btw, do you know how OpenSuse handles it.. are they using a patched grub for that?19:16
charlie-tcaI don't know.19:17
jgoguenbugs in Thunderbird which are fixed upstream in Thunderbird 3 but are not going to be fixed in Thunderbird 2, they should be left as Confirmed?19:44
kirrusjgoguen, I think they should be changed to "Won't Fix"19:53
jgoguenOK, I'll do that with a comment that they're fixed in the Thunderbird 3 betas19:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 286050 in gtk+2.0 "Cannot change volume with keyboard volume dial while in drop down menu. " [Low,Invalid]20:01
cprofittThis was marked as a non-bug... would this then be a feature request? Also, since the behavior was not consistent I think Sebastien may be incorrect20:02
bcurtiswxcprofitt: since the bug report is to discuss issues about that bug.  Your best bet is probably to discuss your thought about that bug in the launchpad page.20:08
cprofittthat is what I did...20:08
cprofittI updated it...20:08
cprofittjust not sure it is a good idea to tell a Canonical employee he is wrong... despite the fact that he is20:09
bcurtiswxno, i wouldn't say hes wrong20:09
bcurtiswxthats really harsh,20:09
bcurtiswxjust politely argue your point.. im sure Seb will discuss his thoughts20:09
cprofittThat is harsh... but I am a bit blunt...20:10
cprofittI did not say that in my changing of the bug, but... if the behavior is inconsistent I would not say it is a non-bug20:10
cprofittMy bug-jam team thought the same thing until we saw the inconsistent behavior20:11
bcurtiswxcprofitt: I can clearly see both sides of this discussion.  I think its best to comment like you have and wait for a response to continue the discussion.20:12
cprofittso I really vote for there is a bug -- being a wishlist or a bug...20:12
cprofittnot an issue bcurtiswx - I thought perhaps I could learn in here too20:12
bcurtiswxcproffit: awesome.  im learning too20:13
bcurtiswxcprofitt: btw how's things in ROC.. i grew up there in greece20:13
cprofittThings are good in ROC..20:14
cprofittit is the hub of Linux for NYS20:14
bcurtiswxawesome to hear, is your LoCo at a colllege?20:14
cprofittwe are growing Syracuse and Potsdam... but NYC is dead from all appearances20:14
cprofittbcurtiswx, our LoCo is spread all across the state...20:15
bcurtiswxah, where do you meet?20:15
cprofittbut at ROC when we do Ubuntu LoCo sponsored events it has been at a Barnes and Noble20:15
cprofittThe other groups we work with meet downtown and at RIT20:15
cprofittwe work with LUGOR and RCSI Linux SIG20:15
bcurtiswxah RIT20:16
cprofittyeah RIT20:16
cprofittthat is where we will hold our May install fest20:17
cprofittDo you know professor Anderson?20:18
cprofitthe is the Lugor sponsor20:18
nhandlerDoes 5-a-day use the Date column on the events page for the GBJ?20:20
cprofittis jorge here?20:22
robbmunsonnhandler: not sure...20:27
lfaraoneHi, how do I offer to *myself* as a mentor for a bug? The page only looks like it allows teams.21:08
zenlinuxNHWhat's the best way to search for bugs in Hardy?21:10
zenlinuxNHnm, I was having trouble finding the advanced search option21:13
zenlinuxNHfound it now21:13
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zenlinuxNHAm I correct to assume this bug should be marked as wishlist? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gthumb/+bug/33302921:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 333029 in gthumb "Gthumb should not default to actual image size in viewer" [Undecided,New]21:47
thehookI think I have found a bug, but I cant seem to find anything in the logs.. I have made a minimal installation, installed xorg and xfce4, and when I "startx" it will load and hang, one time it loaded the desktop and i right-clicked and got the menu and while hovering the menu it got really distorted and the computer hang again.. and when I install gdm and types in my username the e and a characters are really weird looking like japanese signs or s22:15
thehookomething.. any ideas?22:15
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chrisccoulsonzenlinuxNH - that gthumb bug should be low importance IMO. it's definately a bug that it opens at 1:1 zoom level each time you open it22:23
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hollmanbug #29233023:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 292330 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] Siag Office" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29233023:31
jgoguenCan someone on bug-control mark bug #225797 as Won't Fix?  It's fixed upstream for Thunderbird 3, but doesn't seem likely to make it to Thunderbird 2.23:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 225797 in thunderbird "thunderbird's "subject or sender" search searches "from" field rather than "sender"" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22579723:34

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