
macopgraner: hello?00:26
akgranermaco: he'll be right back...he is cooking dinner00:31
akgranermaco: it's his night...:)00:32
lagaakgraner: he converted you to ubuntu the other day, right? i seem to remember reading about that on planet ubuntu00:32
akgranerlaga: yep00:32
akgranerluvin' it00:32
macolaga: if you follow planet ubuntu women or ubuntu weblogs, you can see what she thinks about it00:32
akgranerlaga: correction he didn't the t-shirt did....00:33
lagaakgraner: good. took me a minute to figure out why you knew he was cooking dinner when i didn't see it in the chat logs. ;)00:33
macoseeing akgraner  and assuming #ubuntu-women was why i was all OT before00:35
akgranerlaga: :)00:35
lagaakgraner: matching last names was a bit of a giveaway, though. :)00:36
akgranerlaga: he claims me once in a while...00:40
akgranermaco: he's almost finished...sorry00:40
macohaha thats fine. i'm both eating and trying to find kirkland to get him to ok a patch00:41
akgranermaco: ok00:43
pgranermaco: bug no?00:50
macopgraner: bug 32794900:51
ubot3maco: Error: Could not parse data returned by Malone: The read operation timed out00:51
* pgraner looks00:52
macothis was marked as a dupe of the acpi_fakekey is broken bug, but then slangasek said fakekey's going away and the quirks should be in the kernel, stop relying on fakekey00:52
macoso i'd like to learn to fix these hotkey bugs. i believe mine belongs in drivers/misc/asus_laptop.c00:53
pgranermaco: your understanding is correct... we are quirking in the kernel now... apw is our hot key expert I need to check out the source and see if thats the right place (sounds like it tho)00:56
macopgraner: i do see ASUS_HANDLE(ls_switch, ASUS_HOTK_PREFIX "ALSC"); in the area under the /* display */ comment, so i *think* that's what i should look at00:59
pgranermaco: so when you hit the hot key you don't see a scan code? ie. if you run xev in a term and it the hotkey you don't see anything?01:01
macopgraner: ^01:03
maconothing from xev or input-events01:04
pgranermaco: what keys are borked?01:07
macovideo output switch and www key01:07
pgranermaco: looks like those keys are not defined in the source 01:10
pgraner#define ATKD_BR_UP       0x1001:10
pgraner#define ATKD_BR_DOWN     0x2001:10
pgraner#define ATKD_LCD_ON      0x3301:10
pgraner#define ATKD_LCD_OFF     0x3401:10
pgranermaco: it looks like the driver expects the DSDT table to provide those values, you'll have to disssasemble the DSDT to see what hex value its passing and then you can add it, and write the function to toggle it.01:11
macoum, how do i find the dsdt?01:12
pgranermaco: instructions are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BIOSandUbuntu01:12
* maco looks01:13
pgranermaco: I'll have apw or cking write a "hotkey" section to show you where to look in the dsdt for the hotkey info01:14
* pgraner has very little dsdt-fu01:15
macoO_O wow iasl rocks01:15
macoobjdump is the only way i've ever tried disassembling anything, and that results in assembly01:18
macoer, that's obvious i guess...seeing as it's disassembling....but i'm surprised to see stuff i can read easily instead of intel asm01:21
maco(by which i mean, there are english words involved)01:21
pgranermaco: lol, enjoy, I'll have my guys edit that page so I would suggest you subscribe to it. Does that give you enough to go on?01:25
macoi'm attempting to see if, aside from reading this, i can actually understand any of what's going on :P01:25
macothough i think i'll have to stop soon and wait for tomorrow since i actually have to write some assembly tonight for school01:25
macopgraner: thank you01:26
pgranermaco: no prob01:31
=== Tim-away is now known as TimStarling
penguin42do you guys use any particular tags on bugs associated with the linux package - it strikes me you must get tons of stuff that could often be grouped into different things (e.g. USB, optical drives etc)13:42
=== TimStarling is now known as Tim-away
=== iulian is now known as Guest46483
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey

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