
BrucevdkHi, question, I'm using a PPA and say if I want to distribute two types of the same program (e.g. a stable version and an alpha version) should I change the control file to have something like programname-alpha?00:09
directhexand really you want a different name for the source package more than anything else, so it can coexist00:11
directhexon the ppa00:11
Brucevdkdirecthex: alright, I'm trying some stuff out, let's see if it works00:13
Brucevdkdirecthex: the packages should have seperate changelogs?00:24
directhexBrucevdk, assuming they have different source tarballs, that's mostly up to you00:25
directhexBrucevdk, but the names in the changelogs need to match the names in control00:25
Brucevdkdirecthex: not sure how to best approach this. This is the current situation: http://tinyurl.com/aqwwqu (the build_package.sh in packages/ubuntu) creates a temporary directory for building in tmp.00:31
directhexjames_w, you're a very odd individual00:36
james_wdirecthex: thanks00:36
directhexnow, make me a sandwich00:36
james_wI was quite surprised I wasn't the only one to have thought of that00:36
Brucevdkwondering if I should just create three directories or so, one for each changelog and one for the common files then merge that using the build_package script at build-time.00:40
Brucevdkbut I must be doing this wrong, because that just seems stupid00:40
Andre_GondimI am trying to compile the amsn like https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/amsn/+bug/314805 but i recive this http://paste.ubuntu.com/121257/ what is wrong?00:42
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/314805/+text)00:42
directhexAndre_Gondim, there's a problem?00:43
BrucevdkAndre_Gondim: maybe it's just me, but that's just ./configure no? (launchpad is a little slow)00:43
weboideHi, I'm having an issue with package name conflict here (with Eina music player and lib-eina with eina as src name in debian). Anyone familiar with this kind of issue?00:45
Andre_GondimBrucevdk, when i do make deb i recive http://paste.ubuntu.com/121259/00:45
BrucevdkAndre_Gondim: sorry, compile errors aren't my game00:48
Andre_GondimBrucevdk, ok00:48
Andre_Gondimdoes anyone know how to solve this problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/121259/00:48
Brucevdk"Signer has no upload rights at all to this distribution." -- I'm an administrator... :-|00:49
weboideAndre_Gondim: this post shows on how to compile amsn 0.98b (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=712425)00:51
directhexBrucevdk, are you committing to your PPA?00:51
Brucevdkdirecthex: yes, verifying my key right now00:52
LaserJockBrucevdk: you sure you're uploading to your PPA?00:52
Andre_Gondimweboide, thanks00:52
* directhex high-fives LaserJock 00:52
BrucevdkLaserJock: well assuming committing is the same as uploading, yes :-)00:52
Brucevdkoh, you mean if I'm absolutely sure00:53
LaserJockBrucevdk: well, sometimes it's easy to miss the "where to upload to" part of dput00:53
Brucevdkhold on00:53
LaserJockBrucevdk: which means you end up uploading to Ubuntu instead of the PPA00:53
BrucevdkLaserJock: are you supposed to end incoming with /ubuntu/ ?00:54
Brucevdkthink I still managed to screw it up, it's missing ppa00:54
directhexfqdn = ppa.launchpad.net00:54
LaserJockBrucevdk: so you did put the location in your actual dput line though?00:54
directhexincoming = ~myusername/ubuntu00:55
Brucevdkit was incoming = ~nautilussvn/ubuntu/00:55
Brucevdkchanged to incoming = ~nautilussvn/ppa/ubuntu/00:55
Brucevdkalso the documentation said a unique signing key should have been generated, but afaik it hasn't (it's been at least more than week now)00:57
LaserJockgood grief, "i don't know" is not a very helpful bug description :(00:59
nixternalLaserJock: mark it as fix released :p00:59
LaserJockthe one before that is filed against edubuntu-addon-meta with the title "my ubuntu don't know what is docx format"01:00
Brucevdkjust letting you know, it still got rejected with incoming set to ~nautilussvn/ppa/ubuntu/01:00
weboideIs there anyone familiar with dealing with name conflict between a package already in repos and one that wish to enter?01:00
LaserJockBrucevdk: what was the command you ran?01:01
BrucevdkLaserJock: dput nautilussvn_0.12-1ubuntu1_source.changes01:01
LaserJockweboide: what's the package names?01:01
LaserJockBrucevdk: I'm guessing that's your problem01:01
weboideLaserJock: I have eina (a music player) and in debian repos there is eina (from enlightenment) as src name, libeina as bin name.01:02
LaserJockBrucevdk: you run dput as: dput <location to upload> <changes file>01:02
LaserJockBrucevdk: the default is to upload to the Ubuntu archives01:02
LaserJockweboide: so maybe eina-player01:03
weboideLaserJock: yeah, I talked with enlightenment and they clear said "we won't change our name because of debian"..01:03
BrucevdkLaserJock: oh I assumed that was what incoming in ~/.dput.conf meant, so wait, what is <location to upload>. The help page just says: my-ppa01:04
weboideLaserJock: but now I need to know how deep the changes need to be in eina-player.01:04
LaserJockweboide: I wouldn't expect them to. The general rule is that the first one to the archive gets to keep it01:04
weboideLaserJock: hm okay, well, we lost :(01:04
LaserJockBrucevdk: well, what's the name of the PPA in your .dput file?01:05
directhexBrucevdk, the [ppaname] in dput.cf01:05
LaserJockweboide: seems like eina-player or something similar may work01:05
weboideLaserJock: I'm not sure if I just need to change the packaging of the orig.tar.gz or does the configure.ac needs changing too?01:05
BrucevdkLaserJock, directhex: so just nautilussvn?01:06
LaserJockweboide: are the files named the same?01:06
Brucevdkright, looks like it01:06
weboideLaserJock: what files?01:06
directhexBrucevdk, if that's what the [heading] in dput.cf is called01:06
LaserJockweboide: the name of the actual programs?01:07
weboideLaserJock: well eina from enlightenment is a lib, so binary package is named libeina.01:07
LaserJockweboide: I'm not talking about packages01:08
LaserJockweboide: I mean the actual files that get shipped in the .deb01:08
LaserJockweboide: if there isn't a conflict you could just rename the package eina-player (in debian/changelog debian/control and rename the .orig.tar.gz)01:09
Brucevdkdirecthex, LaserJock: ok thanks guys, looks like that was it, I'm feeling a little bit stupid (but the docs really weren't that obvious, really ;-)01:09
james_wBrucevdk: try "dput ppa:~nautilussvn/ppa nautilussvn_0.12-1ubuntu1_source.changes"01:09
LaserJockBrucevdk: yeah01:09
weboideLaserJock: well, it's a quite simple package, usr/share/doc/eina, usr/lib/eina, usr/bin/eina. except there is also eina-dev which is /usr/include/eina or something.01:10
james_wBrucevdk: "dput ppa:nautilussvn/ppa nautilussvn_0.12-1ubuntu1_source.changes" sorry01:10
LaserJockBrucevdk: just be glad your not a developer and accidently upload something to the wrong place. it doesn't get rejected ;-)01:10
BrucevdkLaserJock: indeed :-)01:11
LaserJockweboide: your eina or enlightenment's eina?01:11
weboideLaserJock: mine01:11
weboideLaserJock: it does look like a real messy thing to check and make sure it's not confliction :(01:12
weboideLaserJock: conflicting*01:12
weboideLaserJock: I mean the process01:12
BrucevdkLaserJock: should I be worried that the general signing key hasn't shown up yet?01:12
LaserJockBrucevdk: I wouldn't think so01:12
LaserJockBrucevdk: I think it depends on when you uploaded last01:12
BrucevdkLaserJock: you need to have one upload for it to start generating one?01:13
LaserJockweboide: all you should need to see is if the enlightenment package ships a /usr/bin/eina01:13
LaserJockBrucevdk: yep01:13
weboideLaserJock: okay01:13
BrucevdkLaserJock: that explains it ;-)01:13
LaserJockBrucevdk: the signing is triggered off an upload01:13
BrucevdkLaserJock: doesn't that mean I need to re-upload? Or is it going to be signed twice?01:13
weboideLaserJock: i've got a conflict with /usr/lib/eina/01:13
BrucevdkLaserJock: oh wait, I didn't upload a binary01:13
LaserJockweboide: you'll rename that01:14
LaserJockBrucevdk: it'll just get signed01:14
BrucevdkLaserJock: so, you sign your source thingy with your own key, upload it, and then it signs the binary with the general key?01:14
LaserJockBrucevdk: you don't need to upload a binary01:14
LaserJockBrucevdk: right01:14
directhexBrucevdk, right01:14
Brucevdkright, alright, makes sense01:14
weboideLaserJock: would /usr/include/eina get renamed too then?01:15
LaserJockweboide: yep01:15
LaserJockweboide: the packaging should take care of all that basically01:16
weboideLaserJock: okay, so this looks good to me, I'll try to package it with the name change and see the changes.01:16
LaserJockweboide: you just want to retain /usr/bin/eina so users can find it01:16
weboideweboide: okay, should I do any link with /usr/bin/eina-player or no?01:17
LaserJockweboide: no, just ship it as /usr/bin/eina01:17
weboideokay, thanks a *lot* for your help :)01:17
weboideLaserJock: I do have to also rename the directory in the orig.tar.gz to eina-player-<version> right? (this will break any debian/watch updating though...)01:28
ScottKIt won't.  uscan is smart enough to be able to mangle it appropriatelyl.01:30
weboideHm, the annoying thing is to have to repackage the tar.gz from upstream everytime from now on, right?01:31
weboideNevermind that, if that works with uupdate01:32
LaserJockweboide: it should mostly work ok without a lot of changes01:33
weboideokay, well thanks, I think I'm finally done with the questions now!01:35
LaserJockanybody about who uses git/bzr for packaging?01:57
LaserJockI'm wondering what a good strategy for using branches for patches02:00
LaserJockI guess if you create a branch off of an upstream branch it would work02:00
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madmartianon the subject of bug 33272209:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332722 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] suvat" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33272209:34
madmartianI was sent here to discuss it (as it's my project)09:34
madmartiani was sent here to discuss bug 332722 as it's my package10:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332722 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] suvat" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33272210:35
jpdsmadmartian: Have you prepared a source package?10:44
madmartianit's in a ppa10:44
jpdsmadmartian: OK, we usually review new package at revu.ubuntuwire.com, would you like me to import it there?10:45
madmartianjpds: yes please10:45
jpdsmadmartian: OK; it appears that you have to login to revu to request to have a package imported, could you please do that?10:50
jpds...although I could just dget your source package from the PPA and put it in the processing queue.10:52
madmartianjpds: done, thanks for your help10:55
tdomhanhow do I name the orig src tarball if I want to package a piece of software that is only available through svn?(concerning the version)11:11
james_whey tdomhan11:11
james_wit's usually done as version+svn<revno>11:12
tdomhanhi james11:12
james_wif there are no releases at all that is a bit more difficult11:12
directhex0.0.0+svn ?11:12
tdomhanthere has been a release 1.2711:12
james_wand you can use the date instead of the revno11:12
jpdsI personally prefer: svnYYYYMMDD.11:12
tdomhanshould I name it 1.28svn<revno>?11:12
directhextdomhan, in that case, use 1.2.7+svn37521836785372111:12
directhextdomhan, no, for 2 reasons11:13
directhextdomhan, if it's BASED on 1.27 (e.g. from a 1.27 branch) then use 1.27+svn; if it's BASED on 1.28 (e.g. from trunk leading towards a 1.28 release) then use 1.28~svn11:14
directhextdomhan, using the ~ in the second example is very important11:14
tdomhankk, it's the latter one, what are the meanings of +/~?11:14
directhextdomhan, 1.28~svn100 is "older" than 1.2811:15
directhextdomhan, 1.27+svn100 is "newer" than 1.2711:15
tdomhankk thank you11:20
james_w"dpkg --compare-versions" can be used to check that two version numbers sort in the way that you think11:24
maxbooi, is there a clear documentation of the algorithm anywhere? I resorted to the source to learn it11:25
mok0maxb: there was a discussion on d-d some time ago on exactly that question11:25
geserI like 0~1 as a version. it's smaller than zero but positive :)11:26
maxbThere's no such thing as a negative version11:26
Yagisantdomhan, I use the naming system seen on the deng package here -> https://launchpad.net/~yagisan/+archive/ppa11:27
maxbThat naming system is, IMO, inadvisable11:28
maxbIt's overly verbose, and worse, it risks colliding with an official ubuntu package11:29
gesermaxb: but 0~1 < 011:29
mok0Yagisan's scheme is standard11:29
maxbmok0: for PPAs?11:29
Yagisanmaxb, consider my package is what will eventually be the offical ubuntu packe - I see no issues with it11:30
maxbIt's not frowned upon to publish packages to PPAs that have versions which could be used in the primary archive?11:30
mok0No on the contrary11:31
mok0You should not use version numbers that might appear in the archive11:31
mok0-0ubuntu1~ppa1 is overwritten by -0ubuntu1 which gives the effect you want11:32
maxbthe deng package in Yagisan's PPA ends -0ubuntu1, no ~ppa1, which is what I'm calling out as inadvisable11:32
mok0I've forgotten it too, occasionally11:33
Yagisanmaxb, it's also been pending inclusion for what 2 years now ? It still can't get in, so the ppa can be skipped until I can actually get in11:34
mok0Yagisan: pending, where?11:35
maxbYagisan: regardless, that doesn't mean you shouldn't practice good versioning hygiene11:35
mok0I agree11:36
Yagisanmok0, I've been sorting out license issues, and security issues ever since was it hoary or breezy - been such a long time now11:36
mok0Yagisan: what if it gets in with changes? Then your ppa version is not overwritten11:36
YagisanI guarantee you'll never have an official ubuntu version that will conflict with it11:36
mok0Yagisan: you can't give such a guarantee11:37
YagisanI sure can. as a former upstream, I can categorily state the is a remote eploitable security issue in it, and you can not include it under those grounds11:37
YagisanI can guarantee it11:38
maxbWell if that's the case, I'd say you should be deleting it from your PPA...11:38
mok0Yagisan: there are 330942 examples in Launchpad I can cite to disprove you :-)11:38
Yagisan(FYI - design issue - and getting that fixed has been more of a headache than the licensing issues were!)11:38
maxbRegardless of what you can say about any specific upstream version, that's no reason not to apply good versioning practices11:39
YagisanI have. there will never be an official intrepid version, and when it finally can go in (assuming I haven't given up) any older versions will upgrade11:40
mok0Yagisan: where are you trying to get it in?11:42
Yagisanmok0, one day, far far far into the future it appears, I would like to see it in universe as it is/was a fun little game. Right now it fails a DFSG test over some issue with wording in an otherwise free license11:44
mok0Yagisan: If you are upstream, just fix the license then11:45
Yagisanmok0, and when I started, some 33% of the code base was GPL incompatible non-free code, so I'm doing well11:45
Yagisanmok0, **former** upstream, and that code didn't come from us. adocating it's removeal didn't go down well either ...11:46
mok0Yagisan: How sad11:47
Yagisanmok0, joys of politics mate - they no longer have a linux dev. That and I got canned over security fixes, and was vocal in my disapproval of windows only features being planned11:48
mok0Yagisan: perhaps you should move on and use your skills for a better cause11:49
* Yagisan has. I have several other projects - but I do enjoy playing this one, and there is interest in an Ubuntu package, so I update it in my ppa11:50
* RainCT wonders why Totem fails to play a song on a memory limited system with BadAlloc but Rhyhtmbox doesn't12:13
maxbIs there any channel where dbus experts hang out? Specifically I'm wondering "Is there any way to override session-bus service configuration on a per-user basis?"12:18
fabrice_sp_Hi. I'd like to apply to U-C-D and already setup my wiki page? Should I send first the email to the mailing list or get the comments of the people that sponsored my uploads?13:09
geserfabrice_sp_: get your sponsors comment on your application in your wiki page and when you have enough comments apply "formally"13:11
fabrice_sp_thanks geser!13:15
fabrice_sp_so, mok0, james_w and any MOTU whot sponsored my uploads recently: could you please put a comment on my wiki application page? Thanks!13:17
RainCTjames_w: btw, http://jameswestby.net/weblog/bzr/03-sandwich.html gives a blank page here13:17
james_wRainCT: how, odd, it worked yesterday13:17
james_wRainCT: should be fixed now, thanks13:20
RainCTjames_w: no problem. funny post :)13:21
mok0fabrice_sp_: sure13:21
mok0geser: did you see my reply to your question?13:22
gesermok0: yes13:23
gesermok0: so the PPA would only be used between FF and the next archive opening?13:23
mok0geser: Yes13:23
mok0geser: perhaps we come up with other uses, but that's the idea13:24
gesermok0: who should be able to upload there? only ~ubuntu-dev?13:25
mok0geser: yes13:25
mok0geser: when the package passes review, and if the main archive is closed13:26
mok0geser: or.... perhaps if some rigorous testing is required???13:27
james_wfabrice_sp_: do you have a list of uploads of yours that I sponsored?13:38
james_woh, this is a U-C-D application, no need13:39
ScottKmok0: I also like the idea of an 'official' PPA to build against for libs so New doesn't add to latency for doing a sequence of packages.13:53
* RainCT pokes asac 14:30
mok0ScottK: yes, it helps for packages that have a serial dependency14:37
asacRainCT: ?15:22
RainCTasac: Yesterday I asked whether we still want new extensions for Jaunty (now that FF has started, that is), like last cycle?15:35
asacRainCT: depends on the extension.15:35
asaci wont grant a general exception if thats what you ask15:36
asacthere are a few that missed FF because i was too overloaded to sponsor. those will certainly get in15:36
asacon top i need to look at the specific extension15:36
RainCTasac: Ah OK. I was thinking that if there was to be a general exception again I could take a look at packaging google gears15:51
asacRainCT: is that free?15:53
RainCTasac: Yes, New BSD15:54
asacRainCT: go ahead and package it ... we can then look ;)15:54
asacif its an important addition to the ubuntu-extension eco system it might be worth looking into an exception15:54
RainCTAlright. The main advantage of having it packaged is that there's a patch to let it work with 64-bit systems, but Google hasn't accepted it so far. That's quite annoying as there are custom .xpi builds with it but when there comes a new version Firefox is all the time asking to update it (which it can't as it then tries with the 32 bit version)15:55
asacRainCT: yes, amd64 support is an important use case16:00
asacRainCT: is there a branch alreawdy16:00
asaci just have kind of dejavu now that i think about it16:00
asaclike i already reviewed a package at some point16:00
RainCTasac: Afaik no16:10
goshawkcan i create a watch file to look to a svn repo in which there are the release file and not a tar archive?16:12
goshawkif yes can someone point me an example?16:12
asacRainCT: then go for it ;) ... quick!16:18
__ironwhat it is to do to get moto status ?16:21
siretart__iron: follow the links in the channel topic16:22
goshawknevermind, solved in another way :)16:29
RainCTgoshawk: you can write a get-orig-source rule16:30
goshawkRainCT: i solved using an http page in which there is a link to the tarbal16:32
goshawkso in a complete different way16:32
RainCTgoshawk: ah, that's better :)16:33
goshawkthe problem right now is this one: Newest version on remote site is, local version is 0.99.716:33
goshawkit gets the version two times16:33
goshawkthis is the watch16:33
goshawk http://www.dsource.org/projects/tango/wiki/SourceDownloads http://downloads.dsource.org/projects/tango/([\d\.]+)/tango-([\d\.]+)-src.tar.gz16:33
RainCTadd ?: after the first (16:33
goshawkfirst one is the html page16:33
goshawkit works16:35
goshawkcan you please tell me what that ?:16:35
RainCTgoshawk: parenthesis mark a group the content of which is selected; the ?: mean that you don't want that group16:36
goshawkok perfect, understood :) thx as everytime...16:38
RainCTNo problem. In case you have more difficulties with the watch file in the future, http://www.regular-expressions.info/ is a quite good resource.16:39
RainCTAlthough the rules in debian/watch are usually quite simple16:39
goshawki've uploaded libtango to REVU16:42
RainCTnhandler: do you have some text for the FF warning?16:42
goshawkif someone have spare time, please review :) thx all16:42
nhandlerRainCT: Not right now. I can write something up if you want16:43
RainCTnhandler: There's a warning now. Does it look good to you?17:00
RainCTnhandler: (it can be disabled once Koala is open changing "feature_freeze = 1" to 0 in /srv/revu-production/config/revu.cfg)17:01
nhandlerRainCT: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121479/. I made a few wording changes. I also removed the word "Jaunty" so that we don't need to update it for each release17:04
RainCTnhandler: the distribution name is also taken from the config file ;)17:04
nhandlerOk, I didn't know that. Then you can add Jaunty back in ;)17:04
RainCTnhandler: I'm also pondering changing the header (the "A Review Tool for MOTUs" - it's not only for MOTU :)). What do you think about "Collaborative Ubuntu packages reviewing"?17:07
RainCT(that's an open question to anyone who wants to answer :))17:12
nhandlerRainCT: I have no objections. But we will also need to update a lot of the links that go to REVU17:13
RainCTnhandler: Erm.. Why?17:13
nhandlerRainCT: Because a lot of links use the text "A Review Tool for MOTUs"17:14
ScottKIt is a tool for MOTUs.17:15
RainCTScottK: and for non-MOTUs who want to get a package into Ubuntu :)17:15
ScottKIt's a tool to help us do reviews.17:16
RainCTand afaik MOTU is going away with archive reorg17:16
ScottKYes, so eventually it will have to be changed.17:16
RainCTScottK: So are you OK with changing the header?17:18
ScottKI think you should ask a broader section of MOTU than "is on IRC right now".17:19
RainCTnhandler: well, that REVU itself shows a different title doesn't mean that the links pointing to it must have the same name17:19
ScottKI'd prefer not, but it's not a big deal.17:19
ScottKSo I don't object, other than please mail the MOTU ML first so others have a chance to object.17:19
RainCTI'll leave it for later then. Don't feel like sending a mail just to change a string :P17:20
RainCTnhandler: (the changes you've proposed will be up once LP processes my commit)17:21
nhandlerscottk: I also don't agree that the entire MOTU community needs a chance to decide. It isn't as if we are changing the name of REVU, just the description17:21
nhandlerOk RainCT17:21
ScottKnhandler: It's been call that for years.  I do think people ought to at least get a chance to object.17:22
* RainCT wonders why REVU is in Softpedia o_O17:24
nhandlerscottk: I still disagree. We do not ask for input when we change a package's description. We don't ask for input when we change a team's description on LP, and we don't ask for input when we change a wiki pages description. I really do not think changing REVU description is a huge deal.17:27
ScottKnhandler: If you change the description of a team I'm a member of without getting input from the team, I would not appreciate that.  It's not very Ubuntu.17:29
RainCTScottK: you didn't complain when the ~revu-uploaders description was updated17:31
ScottKDid I know?17:31
ScottKI don't see the harm in a quick mail to the ML saying, "I'm planning on doing X unless anyone objects".17:32
hyperairi'm curious, how many people here like update-manager to spawn whenever there's an update as opposed to just having update-notifier show an icon in the notification area?17:32
hyperairand how many don't notice the addition of a new icon in the notification area?17:33
hyperairespecially one so bright and orange as the update-notifier icon17:33
ScottKI don't use Ubuntu, so I don't have the experience, but I can imagine from the descriptions I wouldn't like the change.17:33
RainCThyperair: I guess I won't like it neither, but haven't seen it yet.17:34
ScottKI'd think a tooltip would be sufficient.17:34
RainCTAlthough it may actually be better than the tooltip in some use cases17:34
hyperairlet's all tell that to ubuntu-devel!17:34
RainCTThat damn tooltip once popped up once while I was playing a game and took ages to go away -.-17:34
hyperairi'm incredibly annoyed at this change17:34
RainCTAlthough that may already be fixed with the new notification system17:35
RainCTBut yes, having to dismiss a dialogue asking to update each time there are updates is probably quite annoying, especially as I always upgrade from the terminal (but the icon remembers me to do it)17:35
james_wRainCT: the new notification system listens for screensaver inhibits and holds messages while they are active17:36
james_wRainCT: so as long as the game inhibits the screensaver it will work fine17:36
RainCTjames_w: Ah. So I guess the game doesn't :(. Is there some CLI command to add an inhibit?17:37
james_wgnome-screensaver-inhibit or something17:37
james_wgnome-screensaver-command -i17:38
james_wthere's "xdg-screensaver suspend", but that's trickier to use17:38
RainCTjames_w: thanks17:38
james_wpass "-n" and "-r" to the gnome one as well17:39
RainCTjames_w: and how do I delete the inhibit afterwards?17:39
james_wRainCT: the inhibit is active for as long as the command runs17:40
james_wI would have thought it was possible to have a command that took another command as argument and inhibited the screensaver for as long as the child was active17:40
asacanyone has a system that was installed before intrepid?17:41
asacif so, please paste dpkg --query fontconfig-config | grep obsolete17:41
hyperairasac: me17:41
RainCTasac: I have 2 upgraded from Hardy17:41
asachyperair: ^^ ;)17:41
asacRainCT: hardy would be good to see too17:41
hyperairasac: hardy -> intrepid17:41
asachyperair: yes. please run the command and paste it17:42
asacif there is any output at all ;)17:42
RainCTjames_w: yeah, something like that would rock17:42
hyperairasac dpkg: unknown option --query17:42
asachyperair: RainCT: sorry ... its --status ;)17:42
RainCTuhm.. how can I put on the network cable without having irssi reconnecting? :P17:42
* asac dump ... made the same mistake twice in 2 minutes ;)17:42
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hyperairRainCT: i think a shell script could do that =\17:42
hyperairasac:  /etc/fonts/conf.avail/README 296384642206e0c9952d5c73a5451eec obsolete17:43
asachyperair: ok. just that?17:43
hyperairasac: yes just that17:43
james_wasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121504/17:43
__ironasac: ive got more17:43
asacjames_w: thanks. when installed? hardy? gutsy?17:43
james_wumm, feisty?17:44
hyperairwow that's long17:44
asacjames_w: thats less than i expected. i had a bunch more on my since-edgy system17:44
hyperairi'll probably reinstall for jaunty =\17:44
hyperairi want to switch to amd6417:44
asac__iron: please paste17:44
asacjames_w: can you run a md5sum on a few and see if they were changed?17:45
asacor maybe you __iron  ;)17:46
__ironasac: ?17:46
james_wasac: all match dpkg's values17:46
asacjames_w: great. thanks a lot17:46
RainCTam I still alive?17:47
james_wRainCT: it's not clear17:47
asac__iron: nevermind. you can run md5sum on the file and see whether it matches the md5sum in the output17:47
asac__iron: but james already answered17:47
RainCTasac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/121510/plain/ (on one PC, the other one is offline right now)17:48
asacRainCT: also feisty install?17:49
__ironasac: one of them http://paste.ubuntu.com/121512/17:49
RainCTasac: nope, I use to make clean installs when I upgrade17:50
asac__iron: right. that matches.17:50
asacRainCT: so you installed when? intrepid?17:50
asacor even jaunty?17:50
RainCTasac: Ah. That one is an Intrepid upgraded from Hardy17:50
asacRainCT: see ;)17:50
asacso meaning the cruft is from hardy or intrepid17:51
asacfeisty had the same17:51
asacmy edgy had a bunch more ;)17:51
tdomhanwhat are menu-files for? to create a node under "applications" I have to provide a .desktop-file, haven't I?17:52
RainCTtdomhan: menu files are for Debian's menu, .desktop for all others17:52
RainCTtdomhan: although sometimes menu files are also used in Ubuntu (for example, the default menu in Openbox uses them)17:53
tdomhanthey are not needed at all under ubuntu?17:53
tdomhanmh ok, just created one, then I will leave it17:54
RainCTtdomhan: they are encouraged, and not that difficult to create after all17:57
tdomhanRainCT, kk thanks for the information, I will just create a .desktop file aditionally17:57
RainCTtdomhan: Okay. Don't forget to run desktop-file-validate on it afterwards17:58
mok0RainCT: have you ever taken a look at storm?18:08
RainCTmok0: nope18:09
mok0RainCT: Looks really cool18:09
mok0RainCT: I think it's used for LP18:10
ScottKIt is.18:10
RainCTmok0: what can it do?18:10
mok0RainCT: it wraps a database in python objects18:11
RainCTmok0: as in, removing the need for SQL?18:11
mok0RainCT: yes18:11
mok0RainCT: SQL is behind the scenes of course18:12
RainCTI guess persia likes it then :P18:12
mok0ScottK, have you used it?18:12
ScottKI have not.18:12
ScottKIIRC I sponsored you for an upload of it.18:12
mok0ScottK: yes, that's right!18:13
mok0ScottK: Good memory!18:13
ScottKNot usually.  I'm not sure why that one stuck in my head.18:13
mok0I didn't really take a look at it before, but I think I might use it for my next project18:13
mok0RainCT: How about rewriting revu using storm :-P18:14
ScottKI did just upload my first new style python extension.18:14
mok0ScottK: "new style"?18:14
mok0Didn't know it was supported already18:15
RainCTUhm. There is SQL in the tutorial18:15
* POX detected "python" and "orm" so he has to mention SQLAlchemy (great module!) :-P18:16
mok0RainCT: yes, but I don't think you really need to use it18:16
* ScottK waves to pox.18:16
mok0POX: is that the same idea?18:16
* POX waves back18:16
POXbut Mike (SQLAlchemy and Mako author) is my hero18:17
mok0POX: can you tell a bit about the difference/similarity with storm?18:17
POXjust check what SA can do18:17
RainCTmok0: Looks nice but I see no use for it. Perhaps for a bigger project it's interesting, but here I see it basically as an additional layer which just makes stuff slower :P18:19
* POX is going thru python-sqlalchemy rdependencies again, if all will be 0.5-compatible this time (he contacted maintainers to ping upstream), 0.5.2 will be moved from experimental to unstable today18:19
mok0RainCT: what can be slower than developing those monster queries?18:20
RainCTmok0: I can use an object instead of a dictionary with it.. Well.. nice.. and? :P18:20
mok0RainCT: It abstracts the complexity of the SQL queries18:21
RainCTand the queries would be the same anyway, I just would have to learn how to write them in a different way first18:21
mok0RainCT: and how would you handle talking to several databases?18:21
RainCTwe only have one18:22
mok0RainCT: yes, but you're dissing the module18:22
RainCTmok0: ?18:22
mok0RainCT: you're saying it's not useful18:23
RainCTmok0: I'm saying I don't see how it would be useful particularly for REVU.18:23
mok0RainCT: but sql quickly gets so complicated that you don't understand what's going on18:23
mok0RainCT: Yeah, ok18:24
mok0But looking at sqlalchemy I can't tell what it does that storm doesn't... looks quite the same from a first glance18:25
RainCTmako rocks, btw :)18:26
mok0It does!18:26
mok0sqlalchemy has much more documentation18:28
RainCTuhm.. how can I concatenate strings inline with C18:49
RainCT* with C++ (like in Python "a" + var + "b")?18:50
mok0RainCT: you need the function strcat18:51
RainCTthat's the first I tried, but it fails to compile :/18:51
mok0RainCT: What?18:52
mok0pastebin your expression18:52
RainCTAh. I need two of them18:53
RainCTstrcat(strcat("[", (char *) sizeof(voices_list)), "]")   *ugly*18:53
mok0RainCT: you might also use sprintf18:54
RainCTand it segfaults :(18:54
mok0RainCT: I'd code that in 2 strcat statements18:55
RainCTI don't want any variable for that18:55
geserRainCT: it won't work that way as "[" isn't writable18:58
RainCTright, just seen that18:58
RainCTC/C++ is evil :(18:58
geserthe easiest way is to use s(n)printf18:59
RainCTgeser: how would that look like?19:00
RainCTI don't want to print anything, just pass that as an argument to another function19:01
geserchar buf[100]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "[%d]", sizeof(voices_list);19:02
geserRainCT: what is voices_list?19:03
gesersizeof(voices_list) might don't return what you expect19:04
RainCTan arra19:04
geseron the stack?19:04
geserof what data types?19:04
RainCTAn espeak_VOICE structure19:04
RainCTso, a struct19:05
geseris the array malloc()ed?19:05
RainCTI don't know.. :P19:05
RainCTIf what you're thinking about is that I may need to divide that with sizeof(espeak_VOICE), the value of that is 20 and sizeof(voices_list) is only 8 :P19:06
geserif it's malloc()ed than sizeof(voices_list) will return the size of the pointer to that array (4 byte on 32bit and 8 byte on 64bit)19:06
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gesera pointer doesn't know how large the memory chunk it points to is, you need a separate variable to pass on the actual array size19:09
RainCTI don't have it :/19:09
RainCTbut nevermind, I think I'm doing this wrong and actually don't need to know the length19:09
RainCTthanks anyway19:09
mrooneyI copied my Jaunty PPA package to Intrepid and now it doesn't work because it requires python-central >= 0.6.9, but I am not sure why19:15
ScottKBecause that's what it was compiled with.19:15
ScottKYou have to upload source and build it in Intrepid.19:16
mrooneyScottK: ahh okay, I tried to do that but launchpad kept rejecting it19:16
ScottKYou have to use a different revision number.19:17
RainCTgeser: arr.. after all I do need it :(. Is there some other way to get the size other than incrementing a counter variable in a loop, then?19:17
mrooneyScottK: just doing like a ~ppa2 won't work?19:17
ScottKYes  Should.19:17
ScottKI usually do ~releaseX~ppaY19:18
geserRainCT: no19:18
mrooneyScottK: do you know if I can delete the Intrepid package that was copied so the old one is installable?19:18
geserRainCT: in C the memory management is your task19:18
* RainCT decides he hates c/C++ and whoever invented it :P19:19
ScottKNow you're getting into questions about how PPA's work, not general packaging, so I'd ask in #launchpad.19:19
mrooneyScottK: okay, thanks19:20
mrooneyScottK: does the changelog version stuff matter? ie it is Jaunty so all the versions there have Jaunty, do I have to change any of that to Intrepid for it to work there?19:21
mrooneyor is that not relevant19:21
ScottKYes.  You need to change the upload target to intrepid.19:21
mrooneyScottK: can I just change the most recent one, or do they all have to be Intrepid?19:22
ScottKMost recent is all that matters.19:22
mrooneyScottK: excellent! okay now hopefully one last question, can I leave the .orig.tar.gz as it is, and just change the extracted debian/ ?19:24
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jcfpDoes having a hard dependency on something in multiverse put a package also in multiverse as a result?20:38
ScottKRecommends too.20:38
jcfpScottK: must such a move be requested separately or can it be done at the same time as a minor bugfix update (by simply mentioning it should be done)20:41
ScottKIt should be a separate bug.20:42
geserjcfp: file a bug requesting the move to multiverse20:42
jcfpDoes it take long, should I subscribe somebody special?20:42
geserthe usual sponsoring rules apply (if needed) or ubuntu-archive (else)20:46
jcfpgeser: Just the separate bug for moving to multiverse, so I'll subscribe ubuntu-archive then. thanks20:47
ScottKjcfp: It should still be reviewed by a MOTU first.20:50
jcfpScottK: the move?20:50
jcfppackage is sabnzbdplus, recommends unrar (= multiverse)20:51
ScottKjcfp: Better to change it to unrar-free | unrar and then it's fine.20:51
jcfpdoesn't work with that program20:52
geseror move unrar to Suggests20:52
ScottKThat was my next suggestion.20:52
jcfpgeser: already got complaints coz it's only recommended20:52
geserdoes it work without unrar? if yes, the suggest it only and keep it in universe than move it because of this into multiverse20:53
ScottKjcfp: Can you adapt sabnzbdplus to work with unrar-free?20:53
jcfpgeser: "work" as in start-up, yes. With a non-fatal warning. But the functionality is something the vast majority of users would want20:54
geserScottK: unrar-free doesn't work with .rar in current use20:54
jcfpScottK: don't think so, at least not without alot of work20:55
ScottKI would drop it to suggests and don't worry about complaints.20:56
jcfpWhat so bad about being in multiverse that one would go that far to prevent that?20:58
geserputting a FLOSS software into the "non-free" archive21:00
ScottKFor one, it's the non-free section so stuff in there tends to get lower priority for work from MOTU.21:00
ScottKThe 'proper' solution to this problem is to convince the unrar licensor to use a free license.21:00
ScottKMoving things that might use it to mulitiverse is just a bandaid on the real problem.21:01
jcfpI realise that, but the other option, making unrar to a mere suggest isn't looking too good either in that respect.21:03
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ScottKThe response to complaints from users I think is go ask the unrar people to fix their license.21:18
jcfpSo it ends up between having a package where it doesn belong, or users ending up installing a package that misses important functionality :/21:21
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lifelessjcfp: important functionality that depends on unfree code; hmmm -> I'm not sure that that isn't an oxymoron for a free software distribution21:28
jcfplifeless: that's not a choice of even the upstream devs: things on usenet tend to get distributed as rar files, and the only way to support that seems to be a non-free app21:30
lifelessor don't access those files, and tell the poster to use free software. There is always a choice, even if its not simple or convenient21:30
lifelessanyhow, its too early for this :P21:31
jcfplifeless: good luck contacting posters on usenet ;)21:33
jcfpScottK: if that bug needs a motu ack, please be so kind. When choosing between two evils, I'd at least want the package to work for end users - anything else kind of defeats the purpose of packaging in the first place..21:36
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anakronHi all23:03
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anakronping Laney, hi, how are you?23:11
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anakronping persia, hi, how are you?23:24
anakronthere is a  motu here that can answer a question?23:32
RAOF!ask | anakron23:34
ubottuanakron: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:34
anakronhow i can apply quilt patches without errors?23:34
RAOFThe answer is "probably, but they'll be waiting for you to ask your question first :)23:34
RAOFanakron: Well, that will depend on what the errors are.23:35
anakronbecause im trying to apply them and i got one right applied23:35
anakronand the second one says that i must refrsh the first one23:35
anakronbut even if i refresh the first one i can get to apply the second patch23:35
RAOFYou probably want to pastebin a full terminal session of what you're trying to do; I may be able to spot the problem there.23:36
anakronfor ex23:36
anakroni get source of qtpfsgui23:36
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anakronthen i go to debian/patches23:36
RAOFYou know about pastebin?23:36
anakronpastebin is to show the things that terminal says23:37
anakronlike a webpage?23:37
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:37
RAOFIt's a _really_ good idea to just copy the text that's in the terminal there; that gives me exactly what you've done, and what error messages have come up.23:37
anakronok im doing it23:38
anakronit says that there is an error into a patch23:41
anakronhow you can edit a patch?23:43
RAOFRight.  So, what you want to do is copy all the text in that terminal session to a pastebin.23:43
RAOFThen I can see what's happening, and can hopefully help you.23:43
anakronnono i understand it23:43
anakronbut i need to modify the patch23:43
anakronthat the reason of why it not added properly23:44
RAOFWell, at worst, you can just edit the patch in a text editor.23:44
anakronups, my error23:45
RAOFBut you should be able to push the patch, then fix it up so it applies cleanly.23:45
anakronim paste it in pastebin23:45
anakronlook it23:47
RAOFWhy are you in debian/patches?23:48
anakronwhere i must apply it?23:48
RAOFIf you run "QUILT_PATCHES=debian/patches quilt push -a" in the root of the package directory, does that work?23:48
anakroni get confused because i try to do it in source folder but i can't23:48
RAOFYeah, quilt is a little bit wierd.23:49
anakronit runs23:49
mrooneyOkay, I have a package in jaunty/universe, I can still get bugfix only / translation sync updates in right?23:55
anakronone other: if when i try to do debuild -S, i got "Latest changelog entry has no Ubuntu version number" what can i do?23:58
directhexmrooney, yes23:59
directhexanakron, is this for a PPA?23:59
anakronping RA0F, i got with debuild "Patch 10_remove_encoding_from_desktop_file does not remove cleanly (refresh it or enforce with -f)23:59
mrooneydirecthex: are there any examples of an appropriate bug report that I could use as a template for a sync?23:59

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